Harvest Moon

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Transcript of Harvest Moon

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Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Walkthrough/guide

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Hero of Leaf Valley PSP General Guide/Walkthrough

By Freyashawk

Contact: To contact me with any game questions, please visit my site at:http://harvestmoonforever.blogspot.com

I am a Super Moderator on Natsume's Official Community Forum. You can askquestions about any Harvest Moon game there as well.

For details on how to search for specific information in any of my Guides usingthe most popular web browsers, please visit:http://harvestmoonforever.blogspot.com/2010/02/internet-shortcuts-to-find-information.html

Note from Freyashawk: All of my guides are based on authorised, genuinecartridges, discs or UMDS produced by Natsume. If you are using a bootleg orillegal download, expect all sorts of issues. I would urge players, even ifsome personal sacrifice is required, to support Natsume by using ONLY anauthorised version of the game.

Created on 29 April 2010

Last updated on 15 June with detailed instructions for solving all Miningpuzzles for Chambers 1 - 7.

Table of Contents

Introduction How to Save Leaf Valley 30 Winter in the 2nd Year The Fate of the Harvest Goddess Marina's Confession Advanced Goals Total Income RequirementsSaving your GameInitial Walkthrough Making your First Choices The Harvest Goddess Quiz Effects of your Quiz Choices Meeting all Possible Characters Game Controls Exploring your Farmhouse Your Homestead

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Your Farm's Initial Resources The Map of Leaf Valley Navigational Resources Avoiding Illness Your Chances of Catching a Cold Watching your Energy Gauges Restoring your Energy Levels Items Found in the Wilds List of all Items found in the Wilds How to Find Items in the WildsWanted Items Wanted Items Strategies Wanted Items Lists in Spring Wanted Items Lists in Summer Wanted Items Lists in Autumn Initial Investments Saving Money to Make Money Investing in Medals at the RacesBasic Farming and the Weather Effects of Rain Changing the Weather Early Farming Strategies The Effect of Festivals on EventsEarly Benefits of Part-Time WorkSchedules of Shops and Local Businesses All Shop Schedules and Menus Part-Time Work Leaf Valley Tutorials Part-Time Working Caring for Chickens Part-Time Work Caring for Livestock Part-Time Forestry Work Part-Time Mining Work Part-Time Kitchen Work Dining Out Sunny Garden Cafe Menu Moonlight Pub Menu Energy Resources from RonaldFarming Caring for your Crops All Crop Values Spring Crops Summer Crops Autumn Crops Winter Crops Multiple Season Crops Cultivated Flowers Mineral Crops Using Mineral Crystals Values of Mineral Crops Hybrid Crops The Sacred Land Golden Potatoes Farming in Winter Advanced Farm Options Marriage A Greenhouse Sprinkler System

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Zann's AccessoriesAnimal Care A Small Poultry Business Animal Friendship Levels Friendship with your Dog Ocarina Commands A Dog's Special Abilities Using the Bell Poultry Raising Livestock Cows Caring for your Horse Riding your Horse Unlocking the Training Option Training for the Races Animal FP Bonus Animal Random Negative BonusTool UpgradesFishing Fishing Tutorial Fishing Aids Knowing Where and When to Cast your Rod Complete Fish List Unlocking new Fishing Locations Unlocking the Goddess Spring Unlocking the Underground LakeMining Mining Tutorial Finding the Explosion Pattern Mining Puzzles Chamber I Chambers II and III Chambers IV and V Items for the Storeroom List of all Items from the Mine Ores Coal and Crystals Artifacts Fossils Gems Mining in the First Year Unlocking New Chambers The Underground Lake Mining Puzzle Solutions Chamber I, Configurations I and II 1 Summer, 1st Year Chamber II, Configurations, I and II 1 Autumn, 1st Year Chamber III, Configurations I and II 1 Winter: 2nd Tunnel Chamber IV, Configurations I and II Chamber V, Configurations I and II 20 Winter, Robot Mole Chamber VI, Configurations I and II Chamber VII, Configurations I and IIForestry Work Unlocking the Forest

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Expanding your House Kitchen, Bath and ToiletCooking Easy Recipes Martha's Assignments Fish Recipes from Ponta Birdman's Cooking Show Trial and Error Cooking in a Basic Kitchen Small Pot Recipes Small Frying Pan Recipes Selling your Cooked DishesThe Horse Races List of Exchange Prizes Strategies in Choosing PrizesMaking a WishSocial Interactions Raising Friendship Levels Birthday Gifts Harvest Goddess Festival Gifts Suggestions for Easy Gifts Delivery Requests and Friendship Point Totals and Heart LevelsRomantic Festivals Harvest Festival DancePerpetual Calendar Spring Summer Autumn WinterCharacters List and Profiles Your Character All Eligible Girls All Magical Characters All Other CharactersItems List


Many Harvest Moon games allow your Character to take his/her time in restoringa Farm and bringing prosperity to the neighbouring village and Land. Hero ofLeaf Valley, as the name implies, is NOT one of those games. Similar in itsgoal to 'Save the Homeland', your Character has two years to save the Landfrom the ambitions of a corporation with the ambition of transforming the areainto an enormous Funpark.

To do this, you can save 50,000G and purchase the land from the FunlandCompany, transform it into a Nature Preserve in order to protect rare,endangered species or transform the area into a desirable Tourist destination.

The game begins with a letter from your father and your father, althoughabsent, will influence your destiny even after you 'save the land' fromdevelopment. He will give you an advanced goal in the 3rd and 4th years inthe form of a directive to make 100,000G. You therefore do have specificguidelines both in the first two years and in the two years after that, in

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terms of income totals.

In 'Hero of Leaf Valley', unlike 'Save the Homeland', you can complete morethan one Story Quest. One of the factors that will determine how you 'savethe land' is whether or not you have 50,000G on 30 Winter in the 2nd Year.

In fact, the first Story Quest or Main Story Quest will branch into threeseparate paths in the second year. Your actions as well as your intentionswill determine which Path your game will follow.

If you wish to be able to persuade Alice to stay in Leaf Valley and have theability to court and marry her, you need to complete 'Path A' in the Shoot forthe Stars!' Story Quest. In order to do so, you must defeat every Robot thatFunland sends into the Valley at various points in the story. Although youneed to have a total income of 50,000G on 30 Winter for this result, Aliceultimately will allow you to keep the money. This therefore is considered bymany to be the 'best' result for the Quest to save the Valley.

When you have the opportunity to try to save Alice and the Funpark employeesfrom drowning, you must choose to do so. If you do not care at all aboutAlice's future in the Valley, you can refuse to help and this will set you onPath C. Experiencing all the Robot confrontations but failing to defeat evenone, if you still try to save Alice from drowning will set you on Path B.

Although there are 16 different Story Quests, many of them are linked. Bob'sQuest for a Champion Race Horse in fact intersects with the Main Story Quest. Most of Tim's Events actually are hints about Story Quests connected to otherCharacters. Many Events have requirements in terms of Friendship Levelseither with Individuals or with your Animals, Farming totals, Mining Totals orFishing Totals.

As in any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game, you will achieve the greatestsuccess if you attempt to explore every path, speak to every Characterfrequently and experience all possible Events. As indicated, the varioustraditional Harvest Moon activities in HoLV such as farming, ranching, miningand fishing are connected to many of the Story Quests and you may findyourself unable to continue if you have not been fairly diligent in growingcrops, raising animals, mining and fishing.

Most of the main Events in the 'Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Farm in theWorld!' will be experienced automatically by your Character, whether or notyou have any intention of trying to earn sufficient income to buy the landfrom the Funpark Corporation. The threat of development of the land by theFunpark Corporation is the main Story of 'Hero of Leaf Valley' after all.

If you do not have 50,000G at the end of the 2nd Year or you prefer to save theLand by creating a Nature Preserve or Tourist Destination, you need tocomplete at least three Story Quests connected to that goal. In fact, you cancomplete as many Quests as you wish in both categories. The Event thatdetermines the way the land is saved will be determined by the greatest numberof completed Story Quests connected to either goal.

After saving the land, you will have a choice either to move forward into thethird Year, where you can pursue advanced goals of courtship and farming, oryou can choose to start the game again. If you save your game in more thanone slot, you can do both!

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A player who did not experience all Events in every Story Quest may wish tostart again in order to experience the Events he/she missed. When you choosethis option, you will keep all of your assets in your 'new' game.

Note that if you fail to have 50,000G on 30 Winter and have failed either tocomplete three Nature Preserve Story Quests or three Tourist Attraction StoryQuests, the game will end and you will be forced to begin a new game. Evenwhen you fail, however, you will be able to keep some of your assets in yournew game.

If you choose to move forward to the third year, you can continue your life inLeaf Valley without any strict requirements to meet further specific goals,apart from a directive from your father to make 100,000G in the next twoyears. In this respect as in the ability to court an Eligible Girl and pursueother activities, Hero of Leaf Valley differs from 'Save the Homeland'.

Note that the basic requirement to make 50,000G to achieve the Main Story Questgoal at the end of the 2nd Year as well as the advanced goal to have 100,000Gat the end of the 4th Year to meet your father's requirements are easily met.

One example of an easy way to make money is by having three Cows in youroriginal Barn. If you care for them properly, each Cow will give you oneLarge Milk daily. That Milk can be processed into Cheese in a Large Pot andsold for 500G. If you process all your Milk into Cheese, at the end of asingle season, you will have 45,000G from the sale of Cheese alone. Fourseasons of Cheese sales at this level will give you 180,000G. You have twoyears to meet the Funland requirement of 50,000G and another two years tomeasure up to your father's standard of what a successful farmer should earn.

Although true Courtship leading to marriage cannot occur until you have 'savedthe land' at the end of the 2nd Year, you can experience a Courtship Eventimmediately afterwards in the form of a 'Confession' by the Eligible Girl whohas the highest Heart Level. Her Confession, similar to the declarations inAnimal Parade, is an indication of her desire to marry you one day. Hearing aGirl's Confession does not obligate you to marry the Girl, nor is it the solerequirement for marriage. You still must meet the usual requiremends.

There is one special Confession Event that can change a Charactersignificantly. If the Harvest Goddess' Heart Level is higher than that of anyother Girl, you will experience 'Marina's Confession', wherein she actuallybecomes human. Although she still will be at the Spring and will accept yourOfferings, she no longer will be a true Goddess with wings. If you wish tomarry her, she has to become human.

List of Story Quests

There are 16 different 'Story Quests', divided into three main storylines inHero of Leaf Valley. The 16 Quests with the Characters most closelyassociated with each are:

Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Farm in the World! Alice

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Tale of the Golden Potato Seed (Nature Preserve) Dia

Tale of the Blue Mist and the Azure Swallowtails (Nature Preserve) Lyla

Tale of the Silver Fish (Nature Preserve) Joe

Tale of the Blue Bird (Nature Preserve) Aurelia

Tale of the Endangered Weasel (Nature Preserve) Gwen

The Hundred-Year-Old Cherry Tree (Nature Preserve) Parsley and Tim

The Secret Fossil (Nature Preserve) Rudolph

Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress (Tourist Destination) Gina

Tale of the Cake Contest (Tourist Destination) Katie

Tale of the Horse Race Champion (Tourist Destination) Bob

The Harvest Goddess Temple (Tourist Destination) Harvest Goddess

Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival! (Tourist Destination) Woody

The Holy Masterpiece (Tourist Destination) Chester

The Legendary Baker (Tourist Destination) Ronald

Louis, the Inventor King (Tourist Destination) Louis

Although there is a primary link between a single individual and each StoryQuest, many Characters often are associated with a Story Quest and indeed, theEvents of the Main Story Quest are connected to other Quests and everyCharacter. The Characters Guide gives the actual text of all Events in thesections devoted to the individual most closely associated with the StoryQuest but you will find that, although Alice is the protagonist of the MainStory Quest, she actually is not involved at all in many of the Events thatare linked to the Quest.

It is not particularly difficult to save the sum of 50,000G by 30 Winter in the2nd Year. The two 'lesser' solutions for 'Shoot for the Stars!', designated

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as 'Path B' and 'Path C' therefore are not very difficult to achieve. It isthe 'Path A' solution for the Main Story Quest,'Shoot for the Stars: TheGreatest Farm in the World!', that constitutes the most difficult andchallenging 'ending'.

The other 15 Story Quests are variations on the same two fundamental solutions,which are either to transform Leaf Valley into a Nature Preserve or a TouristDestination.

If you wish to pursue the path to transform Leaf Valley into a Nature Preserve,you must complete THREE of the Story Quests that fall into this Category. Likewise, if you wish to transform Leaf Valley into a desirable TouristDestination, you must complete THREE of the Story Quests in this Category.

Unlike 'Save the Homeland', where the game essentially would end upon thesuccessful completion of ANY Story Quest, 'Hero of Leaf Valley' will continueuntil 30 Winter of the 2nd Year, irrespective of how many Story Quests youhave brought to a successful completion. Furthermore, a successful completionfor any Story Quest may not mark the end of that Story. Often, there are'Optional' Events that will occur after you have achieved the goal in aparticular Story Quest. Some of these are linked to the plot of the StoryQuest, but others are no more than Friendship Events with the main protagonistin the Quest.

In the Character or Profile section of this Guide, I have included the title ofthe Story Quest to which each Character is the Protagonist or mostinstrumental in the Profile information.

My HoLV Characters Guide includes the actual text of all Events in HoLV as wellas any strategies that are needed to complete the Quests. You will find theEvents for any Story Quest included in the section of the guide devoted to theCharacter who is the Protagonist in each Story Quest. In the case of the MainStory Quest, 'Shoot for the Stars!', all Events are given in the sectiondevoted to Alice.

You will find my HoLV Characters Guide at:

Hero of Leaf Valley Characters Guide:http://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1087400p1.html

Please see my 1st Year Events Calendar Guide and my 2nd Year Events CalendarGuide for a schedule of all the Events connected with all 16 of theStorylines.

You will find my HoLV 1st Year Events Calendar Guide at:


You will find my HoLV 2nd Year Events Calendar Guide at:

Hero of Leaf Valley 2nd Year Events Calendar Guidehttp://faqs.ign.com/articles/109/1090010p1.html

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Although success in farming and ranching as well as mining and fishing can beinstrumental in achieving any of the 'Story Quests' at the end of the 2ndYear, Friendship as always in Harvest Moon is the true key to success. Yourrelationships with the Characters who are involved in the Story you choose tocomplete are pivotal.

The other key to success is being 'in the right place at the right time'. A popular Greeting in Sunshine Islands at the start of certain Events was: 'Perfect timing!' You will need to have 'perfect timing' in 'Hero of LeafValley' if you wish to be able to trigger the Events that are vital to aspecific Storyline. Fortunately, in many cases, the time frame for specificEvents is not restricted to a single day but can be experienced within a timeperiod that may extend to a few days or even span more than one season.

The plot of 'Shoot for the Stars: The Best Farm in the World!' really is theMAIN plot in 'Hero of Leaf Valley' and many of the Events connected to theStory will occur automatically when you exit your Farmhouse on specific dates.

Note that, even if you have your heart set on completing one specific Story inorder to save the land, experiencing Events for other Storylines often is thekey to unlocking new items or options.

When you consider that you need to complete a total of THREE Story Questseither for the Nature Preserve goal or the Tourist Destination goal, knowingwhere and how all Mandatory Events are triggered is essential.

My Events Calendar Guides for 'Hero of Leaf Valley' include the schedules ofall Events, whether they are Key Events, Heart Events, Rival Heart Events orsimply Events that provide depth and colour to the game. Very often, theOptional Events in any given path are linked only generally to a Story Questand would be considered Friendship Events in other Harvest Moon games.

Tip: Although specific Friendship Levels are required in order to experiencemost of the Events that are not linked to the Main Story Quest, it is notdifficult to attain those Levels if you speak to all Characters regularly andgive acceptable Gifts at least twice each week. 20 FP is the Requirement formany of the initial Friendship Events. When you consider that 'meeting andgreeting' a Character is valued at +1 FP and a good gift (not a MostFavourite) is valued at +2 FP, you can earn +3 FP in one day with mostCharacters. If you make certain that you perform these actions even everyother day in the first fortnight of the game, you will have reached +20 FPwith every one in the Valley by the start of the third week of Spring. Remember that your answers to the Quiz given by the Harvest Goddess at thestart of the game will give +15 FP to approximately one-third of theCharacters in Leaf Valley. The last day to experience the first 'optional' orFriendship Event with an FP Requirement in the first Spring is 17 Spring. Youtherefore should be in a good position to experience ALL Events if you haveinteracted with all Characters on a fairly regular basis.

Basic information about all aspects of the game are included in thisWalkthrough, but I have created specific reference Guides for Characters,Events, Cooking and Shops and Businesses.

It is important to remember always that 'Hero of Leaf Valley' really has twoseparate components in terms of gameplay. The first is Part I, which MUST becompleted by the end of the second Year. The second is Part II, where yourCharacter, having saved the Land, will be able to pursue his own private

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ambitions in terms of family life, farming, ranching, mining and fishing. Inthis respect, 'Hero of Leaf Valley' is very similar to 'An Innocent Life',another Harvest Moon PSP title.

The Fate of the Harvest Goddess

Although you can complete as many of the 16 Story Quests as you wish and needto complete only three of the Nature Preserve or Tourist Destination Quests inorder to save the Valley if you do not possess 50,000G on 30 Winter of the 2ndYear, there is one Story Quest that has the power to affect the destiny andfuture of the Harvest Goddess. The Tale of the Harvest Goddess Temple ifcompleted can pave the way for the Harvest Goddess to become eligible formarriage. There is one other requirement in that the Harvest Goddess musthave a higher FP total at the end of the 2nd Year than any of the mortalEligible Girls. If the Harvest Goddess does have the highest FP and if youhave completed the Tale of the Harvest Goddess Temple, you will experienceMarina's Confession Event. In this Event, the Harvest Goddess will become amortal woman and basically indicate her desire to live happily ever after withyou.

Other Eligible Girls have Confession Events that will occur when the Girl inquestion has the highest FP of any of the Eligible Girls in Leaf Valley at theend of the 2nd Year. Their Confessions, however, do not alter their essentialbeing and you have no obligation to marry the Girl who makes the Confession.

Advanced Goals after Saving the Land

Although the first two years are the most critical in terms of experiencingStory Quest Events, there are advanced goals if you choose to move forward tothe third year.

Your father will not allow you to rest on your laurels but will assess yourprogress periodically by the total income that you possess at specificintervals in the 3rd and 4th years.

You basically need to have 100,000G by the end of the fourth year in order tomeet his requirements!

In the introductory section, an illustration of how easy it is to achieve theseincome goals was given in the form of Milk processed into Cheese. There aremany other ways to make these sums, of course, but even if you do not expandyour Barn, you can own three Cows and a Horse. Each Cow should give 1 LargeMilk per day which can be processed into Cheese worth 500G. Cheese is anexcellent Stamina Recovery item but as one of the most profitable'single-ingredient Cooked Dishes' if made with Large Milk, you may prefer tosell it to a local merchant.

Saving Your Game

The PSP is a marvelous platform for players who like to pursue more than one

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path and experience more than one ending as there are multiple save slots forany PSP title. With a Memory Card inserted in your PSP, you can choose tocreate more than one Save from the same game. Although you can save your gameonly at the end of the day in combination with a decision to go to bedinstantly, if you have utilised the ability to save the game at differentpoints in more than one save slot, you always can load an earlier save andreplay the day if you have missed a vital Event in the Story you have chosen.

Careful players therefore are advised always to keep a save slot for theprevious day, as well as one in the previous Week or even Season. If you dothis, you can avoid disappointment.

Weather incidentally, is set only two days in advance. You therefore can'change' the Weather if you reload from a Save point two days prior to thedate with the weather you need to change.

Usually, you will be able to create at least nine different save points on thePSP memory card for a single game.

Note that you need to use the L or R Buttons at your bedside table in order tochoose a different slot. If you fail to do this, the game automatically willsave in the current slot.

If you wish to load a different file, you have to Quit the game completely. You then can load the game from the main PSP UMD file and, when taken to theSave screen, choose the file you wish to play.

You only will be able to save the game before you go to bed at night. Reloading therefore means that you need to replay an entire day at least.

Initial Walkthrough

Making your First Choices

Even at the very start of the game, the choices you make will affect yourFriendship Levels with Characters in Leaf Valley, although you have not metany of them yet.

When you first exit your Farmhouse, the three Harvest Sprites who inhabit LeafValley will be at your door. They will be quite agitated as the FunparkCorporation intends to destroy the natural beauties of the Valley to constructan enormous Funpark.

Nac: Please! Can you help us stop it from being built here?

Flak: Yeah! Maybe you can help us save this land! Will you hear us out?

You now have to make your first choice. Your options:


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You actually can choose either. The game will not end if you reject theSprites now.If you choose 'No':

Nac: What?! Don't say that! We just want you to listen!

You then will have no further option to reject the proposal but will be forcedto listen.If, however, you choose 'Yes', you will receive a little compliment from theHarvest Goddess when she first appears, which will occur now.

Harvest Goddess: Excellent! What a promising young man!

The Harvest Goddess now will appear in all of her splendour and beauty. Irrespective of your initial response, her dialogue now will be:

Harvest Goddess: Hello. As they said, I am the Harvest Goddess. I watch overthis land. And what is your name? Glad to meet you, Freyr. I wonder ifyou're the one who can help us... I have a few questions for you.

The Harvest Goddess Quiz

She will ask three questions. The responses you choose will boost thefriendship of a selected group of Characters in Leaf Valley. There areobvious 'positive' or 'good' responses, but as in other Harvest Moon games,often a bad or negative action or response will be attractive to one or moreCharacters. Littering, for example, in some Harvest Moon games, although itwill decrease the Friendship Levels of most individuals, sometimes increasesthat of the Witch Princess who is forever at odds with her greatest rival, theHarvest Goddess.

(Note that this is not always the case. The Witch Princess' Friendship Levelsusually will decrease if you litter inside HER home!)

The three questions asked by the Harvest Goddess now are as follows:

A puppy is abandoned in the rain. What do you do?

Your options:Take it home.Ignore it.

There's trash on the ground. What do you do?

Pick it up.Leave it.

There's money on the ground. What do you do?

Take it to the police.Keep it.

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After you have given your responses to all three questions, the Harvest Goddesswill appeal to the Sprites for their opinion.

Harvest Goddess: What do you think?

The dialogue will vary now according to the responses that you chose.

If you chose all the 'good' or 'first' responses for each question:

Nac: Hmmm, it's hard to say. Is he good? Or bad?

Harvest Goddess: Well, you might say that he's the most human.

Flak: I'm a little worried, but we have no other choice.

Nic: Yeah, ask him!

If you chose all the 'negative' or 'second' responses:

Nic: W-W-What are we going to do? He's a bad person! Terrible!

H.G. Calm down. He might just be the first honest person I've met. And Iknow there's a good heart beneath that rough exterior.

Nic: Well, he can see us.

Flak: Yeah. He's probably the only person we can ask anyway.

Irrespective of your responses now:

Harvest Goddess: Freyr, we need your help. Fate has delivered you to thistown because it is your destiny to save it. If you don't help, it will perish.

Nic: Whoa, Harvest Goddess!

Nac: That's a lot to lay on a guy who just moved here!

Flac: Well, there's no sense sugarcoating it. The town needs his help!

Harvest Goddess: This farm is now yours, Freyr. Please choose a new name forit.

Asgard Farm? That's a good name. Your grandfather left you enough tools toget you started. Any time you need to talk to me, you can find me at theGoddess Spring deep in the Forest. But the first thing you should do isintroduce yourself to the people in this town. I know they'll all be happy tomeet you.

The Harvest Goddess now will take her leave. In time-honoured Harvest Moontradition, if you wish to speak to her again, you need to visit the GoddessSpring and make an Offering. Note that she only will appear in fine weatherto grant Wishes from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

If you throw an Offering to her on a rainy day, she will appear but will berather cross with you and will not grant any Wishes.

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The three Harvest Sprites, on the other hand, are your immediate neighbours:

Nic: We live in this cave right here. Come by and visit anytime!

Effects of your Quiz Choices

The responses that you give to the three Questions posed by the Harvest Goddesswill affect Friendship Levels as follows:

If you give the 'positive' response or first response to each of the threequestions of the Harvest Goddess, you will earn +15 FP with the followingindividuals: the Harvest Goddess herself, Dia, Louis, Bob, Joe, Wallace,Chester and Nak.

If you give the 'negative' or second response to each of her three questions,you will gain +15 FP with Katie, Gina, Kurt, Ronald, Charlie, Renton, Rudolphand Nik.

If you give a combination of positive and negative responses, you earn +15 FPwith Gwen, Lyla, Aurelia, Alice, Parsley, Tim, Woody, Martha and Flak.

Meeting all Possible Characters

You will regain control of your Character after your Introduction to theHarvest Goddess. Your primary goal at this point must be to meet everypossible Character, exploring the map and learning how to reach everydestination without becoming hopelessly lost.

Warning: Events, apart from Introduction Events that occur at 6.00 a.m. atyour Homestead, often include a requirement that you have met all Charactersinvolved previously.

First and foremost, you need to learn the basic Controls. Then you need tobecome familiar with all the paths and areas on the Map of Leaf Valley.

Game Controls

L Button: Opens Whistle Menu Left: Whistle for Dog Right: Whistle for Horse

R Button: Opens Item Menu

Directional buttons: Scrolls through Menus and changes camera perspectives

Analogue Button: Moves your Character and scrolls through Menu Choices

Action Buttons:

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X Button: uses an equipped tool or interacts with an object in front of yourCharacter

O or Circle Button: Cancels an action or exits from the Current MenuTriangle Button: Allows your Character to return 'Home' from the Map Screen orcentres the Camera perspective

Square Button: Uses equipped Tool

SELECT Button: Opens Map Screen

START Button: Opens Rucksack Menu

As far as the four Action Buttons are concerned, a Player who is not familiarwith the PSP should learn that the X Button is on the bottom, the TriangleButton is on the Top, Square is to the Left and Circle or O is to the Right.

The START and SELECT Buttons are on the right side of the bottom of the PSP. On the left side, you will find three more Buttons. The two closest to thecentre are plus and minus Buttons to control the Volume. The one at the farleft is the HOME Button. The HOME Button, when pressed will open a Menu thatgives you the option to quit your Game. This is the option to choose if youwish to reload your game either from the same slot or from a different saveslot.

If your Character makes an error that is unacceptable to you, simply press theHOME Button, Quit the game and then choose UMD from the PSP Main Menu. 'Heroof Leaf Valley' then will reload from the beginning. You then will have anoption either to Start a New Game or to Continue.When you choose Continue, you then can use the L and R Buttons to cycle throughall your Save Slots.

Situations when this option may be desirable include Race Days and any Daywhere your Character has awakened to find himself Sick. Reloading rather thansaving at that point will give you the option to relive the Day, providedalways that you saved your game on the previous morning.Whenever you think you may wish to relive a Day, it still may be a good idea tosave your 'unsatisfactory' game in a different slot, giving you the optionlater to choose between that result and the result from your reloaded game. Once in awhile, a relived Day will not be any improvement on the Day you foundunsatisfactory initially. I always believe that it is best to give yourselfas many choices as possible in Harvest Moon.

Exploring your Farmhouse

Before you venture forth, you really ought to explore your Farmhouse tofamiliarise yourself with all the Resources at your command.

As is often the case in Harvest Moon and Rune Factory, you have a bedside tablewhere your Journal is kept. It is here that you can obtain access to Saveyour game or to explore your Farm Menu.

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Against the northern wall, to the right of the little table is a Chest whereyou can store Tools and other inedible items. To the right of the Chest isyour Television.

The Television has four channels, accessed through the Directional Buttons. Some of the Channels always broadcast the same programme but others changefrom day to day. At the start of the game, Channel 4 will not be airing anyprogramme. You must upgrade your Television before you will have access tothe special 'cable' Channel 4.

On the first day, the Television will broadcast as follows:

Channel 1: Good morning, good evening, and good night. It's time for 'HelloToday.' Next week, many regions will hold festivals for the Harvest goddess. Do you have a present ready to give? Have a great day!

Channel 2: We live with weather every day. Weather Together! Here istomorrow's forecast. Tomorrow will be cloudy. It shouldn't be too hot or toocold, so it will be a comfortable day.

Channel 3: Kage is a wandering ninja. He is a warrior with no home, noloyalties and no cause. Where will his travels take him today? Kage wasdrinking some tea at a teahouse. 'Hey, it's a ninja drinking tea!' Thetownsfolk began to notice him.During the day, his dark clothing tends to stand out. Kage learns that he mustwork on blending in. Suddenly, a girl runs at him! A ninja never tells! Wait for next week!As previously indicated, Channel 4 has no broadcast.

Note that the programme on Channel 3 will change on a daily basis and willinclude Serial Stories, Cooking Advice, Fishing Advice and Farming AdviceShows, among other things.

The bookshelf contains two books:

Your CookbookYour Fish Print Album

In the Fish Print Album, there are 54 possible Fish entries.

A marvelous magical Character in the form of a Tanuki has been added to the'magical' cast of Characters in 'Hero of Leaf Valley'. His name is Ponta andhe is an avid fisherman who will aid you in completing your Fish Print Album. Give him a new variety of Fish to have it added to the Album. You can meetPonta at the very strart of the game, by the way.

There is a Calendar on the Wall as well. Before you have met any otherCharacters, it will display only the following special Events in Spring:

Spring:11 Spring: Harvest Goddess Festival22 Spring: Race Day

Whenever you meet a new Character, his/her Birthday will be added to theCalendar. A basic Calendar of Birthdays for all Seasons can be found in

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another section of this Guide.

Harvest Moon veteran players will be aware of the special significance ofBirthdays. A 'favourite' or 'preferred' item given as a Birthday Gift alwayshas a great value in terms of boosting Friendship Levels than the same itemgiven on any ordinary day. As your quest of saving the Land is inextricablybound to the Friendship Levels of specific Characters in each Story, knowingwhen a Birthday occurs can be extremely useful. This is particularly true ina game where you have a time limit of two years to complete your primary goal.

Your Homestead

A path bisects your Farm from North to South and another from East to West. The western border of your Farm encloses the Pasture area. The two pathwaysform a cross, dividing your Farmland into four sectors.

In the southwest quarter, to the right of the Pasture is the Chicken Coop. Onthe other side of the pathway, in the southeast quarter is your littleFarmhouse. To the right of the Farmhouse is the Cave where the HarvestSprites dwell. Behind the Cave but still in the southeast quarter is aStorage area.

The northern half of your farmland contains the Barn and a Field. The Barn isin the northwest sector, to the right of the Pasture. On the other side ofthe pathway, in the northeast corner is the Field where your Crops will begrown.

Your Farm's Initial Resources

When the initial Introduction to the Harvest Goddess ends, you will hear a dogbarking. This dog is a stray and, although you can whistle for it by pressingL and then the Left Directional Button, he will not respond to this until hisFriendship Level has increased substantially.

You cannot interact with the Dog directly at this point except by feeding him. You will see a food bowl to the right of your Farmhouse entrance. This can befilled with almost ANY edible item in order to be transformed into Pet Food. Feeding the stray dog daily is the only way to persuade him to allow you to'adopt' him.

Tip: Any edible item will be transformed into Dog Food when placed in the Bow. When you can afford to do so, place Milk or Fish in the bowl to earn moreFriendship Points with him.

The Dog is the key to the discovery of important special items such as PowerBerries. Like the Pig who finds Truffles in other Harvest Moon games, yourFriendship Level with your Dog will determine his willingness to search forthese items. As in 'Save the Homeland', a special musical instrument willallow you to play melodies that correspond with commands to perform specifictricks. In 'Hero of Leaf Valley', it is an Ocarina that can be purchased atLouis' Item Shop.

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There are a total of five Power Berries to be found. Each one will raise yourmaximum Stamina by 20 points and your maximum Fatigue Resistance by 10 points.

The Dog therefore is a potential resource rather than an actual one at thestart of the first Spring. Feed him daily in order to gain his trust and begiven the option ultimately to adopt him. When his Friendship Level reaches31 FP, you will be able to pick him up. You therefore will be given a choiceto adopt one of the two stray dogs that wander through the valley and eat fromthe bowl. Note that it does not matter which one of the two strays appears onyour farm at any given time to eat from the bowl. You will be able to chooseto adopt the one who appeals to you the most.

Actual resources include a full set of basic Tools, 4 Potato Seeds and 120G. How you choose to spend this meagre sum is your business, but as an aspiringfarmer, you may wish to use it to purchase additional seeds from Lyla.

Other initial resources include a basic Chicken Coop, a Barn, a Field forfarming and a Meadow filled with ripened grass that can be cut with a Sickleto create Fodder. You will not have any ranch animals at the start of thefirst Spring, but the Chicken Coop contains an incubator where ANY Egg can beplaced to hatch.

Eggs are sold by Ronald at the local market for 70G, but if you agree toperform part-time work for him, he will give you 230G AND a fresh Egg. Mostof the local merchants offer part-time labour opportunities but you must applyat the proper time in order to be given the job! The old adage of 'the earlybird catches the worm' applies.

The reward for performing the simple tasks of collecting 6 eggs and filling 6feeders is a good incentive to apply to him for part-time work as soon aspossible. Any part-time work takes a set amount of time. The clock willchange automatically when you choose to end the job and you will receive yourpayment then. The Part-Time Work takes about two hours and the clock willreflect that.

Part-time Work in general is an excellent way to make money at the start of thegame. Part-Time Jobs tend to be the keys that unlock important activitiessuch as Mining and Chopping Lumber. You actually can persuade Bob to give youa Horse rather than being forced to pay 5000G for one if you work for himregularly at the Ranch. Another section gives the locations and times forevery Part-Time Job.

The Map of Leaf Valley

Your Farm is situated in the southeast corner of Leaf Valley. You need tospend a few days exploring the Valley in order to meet every resident, becomeaccustomed to the locations of Shops and private residences as well asimportant destinations such as the Goddess Spring. Exploring the Valley willallow you to discover all the locations where you can find items in the wilds.

The southern half of Leaf Valley contains your Farm, Ronald's Grocery Store,Lyla's Flower Shop, Louis' Item Shop, the Plaza (possible location of Zann's Abandoned Shop) and Starling Ranch, where Bob's Ranch Supply Shop is situated.

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The northern half of the Valley is where you can find Crystal Bay, Clove Villa,the Horse Racing Track, Woody's Carpentry Shop, the Sunny Garden Cafe andMoonlight Pub, the Church, the Harvest Goddess Spring, Mallard Lake, theSacred Land, Pike Mountain and the Mine.

Navigational Resources

You can open a Map of Leaf Valley at any point in time by pressing the Selectbutton. Every significant location in Leaf Valley will be marked and an iconof your Character will appear, showing his current location. In addition, amini-map ALWAYS is displayed in the lower left corner of your screen. This isuseful mainly to show the direction in which your Character currently ismoving and his immediate surroundings.

If you become lost, and this is very likely in the first couple of days,pressing the Triangle Button will take you home immediately Unfortunately, itwill put you to bed as well! As in any Harvest Moon game, time is as valuableas money and it is better to return home to begin a new journey the nextmorning than to become hopelessly immersed in the complexities of anunfamiliar landscape. The ability to be transported home instantly is ofparticular value at the end of the day. Sleep restores both Stamina andFatigue resistance but you do need to obtain sufficient sleep if you wish torestore both completely.

Avoiding Illness

In 'Hero of Leaf Valley', you can become ill if you go to sleep with a highFatigue Level. When you become ill, you catch a Cold and with a Cold, youwill be unable to perform for a full day.

Your Chances of Catching a Cold

The following are the percentage levels that determine your Character'sprobability of catching a Cold when he goes to Bed at night:

0 - 50% Fatigue: No Chance of Catching a Cold51% - 75% Fatigue: 25% Chance of Catching a Cold76% - 99% Fatigue: 35% Chance of Catching a Cold100% Fatigue: Dead Certainty of Catching a Cold!

To reduce or eliminate the risk of awakening with a Cold, restore your FatigueResistance Levels before you go to bed at night. In the early days of thegame, even a 99% chance of catching a Cold is better than a certainty. Certain items found in the Wilds will reduce Fatigue Levels. Among these areRed Herb, Green Herb and Pontata Root. You will find the Energy Values of allItems found in the Wilds in another section of this Guide.

Woody will give you a hint as to the benefit of restoring your Energy BEFOREyou go to Sleep at night when he tells you:

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Woody: Oh, hey, Freyr. You sleep better if you get a drink right before bed.

When you speak to other Characters at night, they often will advise you to gohome in order to conserve your strength:

Kurt: What do you need all the way out here? Good night. Get to sleep so itdoesn't affect your work.

As a matter of fact, when your Character reaches dangerously low Energy Levels,every Character he meets will comment on the fact.

Dia's remark is one of the more entertaining, demonstrating her ratherself-centred attitude:

Dia: Oh, it's you again. What have you come to do in such a tired state? Please get yourself home right away. It really would be a nuisance if youdecide to collapse here.

Of all the items that you can purchase from the start of the game, it is the APMedicine sold by Louis at the Items Shop that restores the most Energy andwill act both on your Stamina Recovery and your Fatigue Resistance giving +100points to each. The price, at 1000G, however, is quite high and it is betterto use lesser items to advantage whenever possible.

Super AP Medicine, which you can 'buy' at the Races with your Medals, is theone item that will restore both your Stamina and your Fatigue gaugescompletely.

Watching your Energy Gauges

The horizontal Energy Bar in the top left corner of the screen represents yourStamina level. If you look closely, you will see a green circle surroundingthe icon of your Character to the left of the Stamina Bar. This green circlerepresents your Fatigue Resistance. Whenever you suffer any Fatigue, thegreen will be replaced by red, signifying a loss of Fatigue Resistance.

In bad weather, Energy loss both of Stamina and Fatigue occurs twice asquickly. Katie will warn you about this.

Katie: I can't believe you're out in this rain. You know working in the rainburns twice as much energy. So you be careful.

Some Characters refer to Fatigue as 'weariness' and others as 'stress'.

Ronald: You can regain some of your stamina by eating something, but it won'trelieve stress. That's why you need good sleep.

Other Characters, include Aurelia, will tell you that the effects of going tosleep with high Fatigue are cumulative and that it will 'catch up with you.'

Restoring your Energy Levels

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Your greatest enemy in the early stages of the game will be the frailty of yourown body and your limited Stamina and Fatigue Resistance. Knowing how torestore both is critical to your success.

Food purchased at local restaurants is a good source of energy but you musthave a decent amount of income in order to be able to afford it. CookedDishes as always are far more effective than raw items or ingredients but inorder to purchase a Kitchen, you first must expand your Farmhouse. This willnot be possible until you have saved both sufficient money and lumber.

The expansion of your House will give you a Kitchen with Refrigerator and twobasic Utensils in the form of a small Pot and small Frying Pan, a Bath and aToilet.

A Bath will restore half of your total Stamina and reduce your Fatigue byone-quarter. Using the Toilet simply restores one-tenth of your Stamina.

Unlike most Harvest Moon games, no time whatsoever will elapse while you areinside the Bath or Toilet. Although you can hop in and out of either as oftenas you wish, neither will have ANY effect after the first time on any givenday. In other words, only one Bath and one use of the Toilet per day willhave any effect on Energy Levels.

A small side-effect of using the Bath is that your Character will emergewearing a different outfit. Obviously, cleanliness includes clean clothing!

Warning: There is no prompt at the door to the Bath or Toilet and it is veryeasy to stray too close to the door. If this occurs, your Character will slipinto the Bath or Toilet, using his daily allotment even if his Energy barsremain full. Be careful not to waste a Bath or use of the Toilet in thisfashion. Steer clear of the doors unless you intend to use the resourceswithin.

In the early days, it will be through foraging that you will obtain items torestore your Stamina and reduce your Fatigue.

Another possibility that exists whenever the weather is fine is the power ofHarvest Goddess to restore either all your Stamina or all your FatigueResistance. Toss an acceptable Offering into the Spring and she may grantyour 'Wish'. Unfortunately, her power is inconsistant and sometimes herspells fail completely. Even when the Wish fails, her Friendship willincrease, making it a valuable opportunity that should not be neglected,irrespective of the result.

Items found in the Wilds

As you explore the landscape, you need to be alert for items that can begathered both from the ground and from Trees. Whenever you see an icon of aHammer over a Tree, you can equip your Hammer and strike it once to bringitems to the ground. These items include both Fruits and Insects of differentvarieties.

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Insects may be detested by most Characters and have little monetary value evento the Insect Collector, Tim, but they are the key to one Story Quest. Timwill pay 10G for Insects and in the first week, your Character will begrateful for any additional earnings.

In Rune Factory Frontier, your Hammer could be used to bring down Fruits fromthe Trees in the two Orchards but the Trees were magical, dispensing differentFruits each Season. In Hero of Leaf Valley, although you can use your Hammerin the same way to bring down items from the Trees, all Trees have their ownidentity and will produce fruit only in their own season. You therefore willfind that a Tree that produces Cranberries in certain seasons will yield onlyinsects in the other seasons.

A list of items that can be found in the Wilds with their ordinary sellingprice, Energy Values (if any), locations and seasons follows. Energy Valuesare given in terms of SR (Stamina Recovery) and FR (Fatigue Resistance). Insome seasons, items can be worth more to specific merchants.

Where items are limited to specific Seasons, that information will be included. You can assume that, where no seasonal information is given, the item can befound in every Season.


Orange: 30G Energy Value: +8 SR +0 FR Found in Spring and Winter near the Cafe/Bar and Pike Mountain Forest


Grass: 0G Energy Value: Nil Found near Plaza and Pike Mountain Forest

N.B. Save your Grass as you will be able to transform it into a more valuableitem using a machine later.


Cranberry: 30G Energy Value: +6 SR +0 FR Can find in all Seasons' Found in the areas of the Goddess Spring, Cafe/Pub,Carpentry Shop and Clove Villa

N.B. The tree to the left of the Blue Mist Plot delivers two Cranberries;most of the other Cranberry Trees yield only one Cranberry


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Chestnut: 20G Energy Value: +6 SR +0 FR Found in Summer and Autumn in the Plaza area; found in Winter near Woody'sCarpentry Shop


Walnut: 20G Energy Values: +8 SR +0 SR Found in Summer and Autumn in the areas of Pike Mountain and Woody'sCarpentry Shop

Black Truffle

Black Truffle: 60G Energy Value: +6 SR +0 FR Found in Walnut Forest


Coral: 350G Energy Value: Nil Found on the beach near Crystal Bay

Description: Coral. Rather large and impressive.

White Truffle

White Truffle: 60G Energy Value: +6 SR +0 FR Found in Walnut Forest area

Star Truffle

Star Truffle: 80G Energy Value: +8 SR +0 FR Found exclusively by your Dog

Wonderful Seashell

Wonderful Seashell: 40G Energy Value: Nil Found on the Beach at Crystal Bay.

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Green Herb

Green Herb: 10G Energy Value: +0 SR +8 FR Found in all Seasons except Autumn near Ronald's Grocery Shop, Pike Mountainand other areas


Clam: 30G Energy Value: +10 SR +0 FR Found only in Spring and Autumn on the Beach at Crystal Bay

Pink Cat Mint

Pink Cat Mint: 20G Energy Value: Nil Found in Summer and Autumn near Pike Mountain


Grapes: 40G Energy Value: +8 SR + 0FR Found near Ronald's Grocery and near Woody's Carpentry Shop in Summer andsolely near Ronald's Grocery in Autumn N.B. It is the tree next to the sign that points to the Plaza in Woody'sCarpentry Shop area that yields Grapes. The tree closest to his Shop yieldsWalnuts.


Blueberry: 20G Energy Value: +6 SR + 0 FR Found in Spring and Summer near Ronald's Grocery

Baby Truffle

Baby Truffle: 40G Energy Value: +4 SR +0 FR Found in Walnut Forest

Very Berry

Very Berry: 10G

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Energy Value: +6 SR +0 FR Found in Spring and Summer near the Plaza and the Cafe/Bar areas

Pontata Root

Pontata Root: 80G Energy Value: +0 SR +20 FR Found exclusively by your Dog when trained

Full Moon Berry

Full Moon Berry: 40G Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR Found in Summer and Autumn near the Cafe/Pub

Moondrop Flower

Moondrop Flower: 10G Energy Value: Nil Found in Spring in the Clove Villa area and others (where clusters of flowersgrow wild) and in Summer in the Pike Mountain area

Red Herb

Red Herb: 20G Energy Value: +0 SR +10 FR Found in all Seasons except Autumn near Florist/Item Shops and near the Plaza

Common Seashell

Common Seashell: 10G Energy Value: Nil Found on the Beach at Crystal Bay


Apple: 30G Energy Value: Found in all Seasons except Summer near the Goddess Spring and near PikeMountain


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Mushrooms, Gold Mushrooms, Super Mushrooms and Big Mushrooms can be found inWalnut Forest as well.

Of all the items found in the Wilds in the first Spring, Red Herb and GreenHerb are the two that act to diminish your Fatigue.

Woody will hint of this if you give him a Red Herb.

Woody for Red Herb: Oh, thanks. This is good for when you're tired.

Energy Tips from Dialogue

You may be surprised at first when Characters tell you to go home to bed at7.00 p.m. but in HoLV, 7.00 p.m. is the time when all the Animals fall asleepand it is possible that Stamina and Fatigue levels are affected more afterthat hour. Your Energy levels definitely are depleted faster if you continueto work late at night.

Woody: It's not good to work a lot when it rains...I told Gus that a lottoo...But he'd usually say that you couldn't tell that to the plants andanimals.

When he builds your Dog House, Woody will advise you of the link between badweather and sickness in animals when he says:

Woody: Well, we're ready to build you that dog house. Dogs are smart animals. They'll take cover in their dog house if it rains, so they won't catch acold.

Bob: When you're working on a farm, you've got to be careful when it rains. Something to think about. Business gets so slow when it rains.

Then: When it rains, the customers don't show and the animals get stressed. There's just nothing good about it.

His attitude is that of a man whose livelihood entirely depends on Animal Carerather than Crops.

It is Katie who will give you the most precise information about the effects ofrain on your Energy Levels.

Katie: I can't believe you're out in this rain. You know working in the rainburns twice as much energy. So you be careful.

How to Find Items in the Wilds

Hero of Leaf Valley includes an option to allow you to find 'hidden' items that

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existed in Rune Factory Frontier. If you equip your Hammer while you areexploring the paths in the Valley, you will see the icon of a Hammer in frontof many of the Trees. Hit the Tree once with any Hammer and a variety ofdifferent items may fall to the ground.

Every Tree has its own identity, unlike those in RFF, which means that thosethat produce Fruit are seasonal in Nature. The same tree that produces Applesin Spring will not produce Oranges in Summer. You need to learn to locate theTrees that will drop Fruit in each Season.

Apart from Fruit, Trees hit with your Hammer can yield rare and interestinginsects as well. Give any insects to Tim and he will pay you 10G. Insects,like Fruits can be seasonal in Nature. Delivery Lists often include aspecific number of Insects of a certain variety. You can store insects inyour Toolbox in order to collect the required total to complete a DeliveryRequest.

Insects knocked to the ground with your Hammer can be caught with your barehands and placed in your Rucksack but if you wish to collect flying insectssuch as Butterflies and Dragonflies, you need to purchase a 'Bug Net' fromLouis. Insects tend to be location-specific as well as season-specific.

Locations of Fruit Trees

Some of the Fruit Trees that are found on the Map are as follows:

One of the Trees near Ronald's Grocery yields Grapes.

The Tree outside the door that leads to Katie's Room at the Cafe/Pub yieldsOranges. The Tree that is near the place where you can find a Full Moon Berryis a Cranberry Tree.

There are two Trees in the Forest area that yield Fruits. The one closest tothe path that leads to the Carpentry Area yields 3 Oranges. The one closestto the path that leads to the Mine leads one Apple.

The Trees to either side of the plot in the Goddess Spring area where the BlueMist is planted yield Apple and Cranberry. The one on the left yields 2Cranberries and the one on the right yields a single Apple.

There are three Fruit Trees in the Sacred Land. One yields an Apple andanother yields an Orange.

Cranberries are found on the Tree closest to the path to the Plaza on the Villascreen.

How to Use your Items

Whenever you acquire an Item, you will find that it can be used in a variety ofways. In many cases, items are edible and can be used to restore Energy evenwhen raw. Using these items as ingredients in Cooked Dishes, however, will be

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far more efficacious in terms of restoring Energy Levels. Until you haveexpanded your House and purchased a Kitchen, however, you will be unable toCook. Where an Item is available only in specific Seasons, you may wish tostore it for future use in a Cooked Dish.

Items often can be sold to more than one merchant or given to satisfy amerchant's Request. Whenever you open a Shop Menu, you will see a number ofdifferent options that include:

Buy SellDelivery requrestsDeliverWanted Items

'Buy' and 'Sell' are self-explanatory for the most part, although each Merchanthas his/her own requirements in terms of the items for which payment will begiven. Whenever you access the 'Sell' Menu, every item in your Rucksack thatis eligible for purchase will be displayed with the quantity. Ordinary 'Sell'prices do NOT vary from shop to shop.

The 'Wanted Items' List is a list of special items that the Merchant needs. Some of these can command fairly high prices. See the section on 'WantedItems' for lists of specific items and comparisons of the prices that variousmerchants will pay. Both the 'Wanted Items' and the 'Delivery Requests' Listschange each Season.

'Delivery Requests' requires a little explanation. Again, each Merchant hashis/her own requirements but the Requests often involve multiple quantities ofa single item. Every 'Delivery Request' is time-limited with an expirationdate. If you fail to make the Delivery in time, the Request will be void.

'Delivery Requests' are year-specific as well as season-specific, unlike'Wanted Items' Lists which are merely seasonal. For example, you will findthe same 'Wanted Items' List at any Merchant's shop each Spring, but the'Delivery Requests' in the second Spring will be different from the Requestsin the first Spring. Furthermore, 'Delivery Requests' posted at a local Shopmay have been made by some one other than the owner or proprietor. You willnot be aware of the identity of the person who posted the request until youcomplete it. You then will receive a note of thanks from the person whoactually needed the items.

In the first Spring season, Wallace has the following Delivery Requests on hisMenu:

Delivery Requests:

15 Red Herbs: 350G By the 30th of Spring

10 Green Herbs: 120G By the 30th of Spring

5 Eggs: 300G By the 30th of Spring

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Note that there is no penalty if you cannot deliver the items you promisedwithin the appointed period. You therefore should accept as many DeliveryRequests as you can.

Delivery Requests apparently are akin to the notices or cards that members ofthe general public often are allowed to place on bulletin boards in localShops. As indicated previously, you will not know who made the Request untilyou have delivered the Items to the Merchant. You then will receive a thankyou letter from the individual who actually made the Request.

In terms of raising Friendship Levels, therefore, you will not know whoseFriendship will be affected by the completion of any Delivery Request untilyou receive a Thank You Letter the next day from the actual person who madethe Request.

You will find lists of all Delivery Requests for each Season and Year includedin my HoLV Shops and Businesses Guide.

Wanted Items

Whenever you access the Menu at the counter of a local Shop or Business, youwill have two different options where selling items is concerned. One is toopen the 'Sell' Menu. Any items in YOUR Rucksack that the Shop is willing tobuy then will appear with the prices that the Merchant is willing to pay foreach. As previously noted, these prices are fixed and will not vary from shopto shop or season to season.

The other option is to choose the 'Wanted Items' Menu. Each Merchant or Shopusually has a few items on his/her Wanted List. In some cases, the same Itemwill appear at the same price in the 'Sell' Menu, but usually the price quotedfor the Items in the 'Wanted List' are higher than the regular selling price. When you access the 'Wanted Items List', moreover, the list that appears willrepresent all the items that the Merchant particularly needs, irrespective ofwhether or not you have these items in your Rucksack.

The 'Wanted Items' List for each Merchant will change each Season. Youtherefore need to be aware of the various Items that Shops place on theirspecial Wanted Items Lists and try to sell those items when the price ishighest if possible.

'Wanted Items' Strategies

In the first couple of seasons of the first year, you probably will try to makeas much monsy as you can in order to be able to buy larger Rucksacks, betterTools and ultimately to expand your house to include a Kitchen, Bath andToilet. There are some strategies you may wish to employ, however, in termsof storing items in order to sell them when they command higher prices. Bystudying the 'Wanted Items' and 'Delivery Requests' Lists, you can makesignificant profits in some cases.

Valuable items probably should be sold in the first Spring and Summer, even ifthey do not appear on any Wanted Items or Delivery Requests Lists for those

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seasons. It is where items of negligible value are concerned that you may beable to store them temporarily in order to make a larger profit later.

Scrap Metal is one of the best examples of an Item of little value that can bestored to sell at a profit. In Autumn, Louis will pay 30G rather than 10G foreach piece of Scrap Iron you sell to him. Unfortunately, you are allowed tostore no more than 99 of ANY item in your Toolbox. Each slot will hold 99items, but you cannot use more than one slot for any item type. If you havethe largest Rucksack that holds 30 items, you may wish to keep 99 Scrap Metalin your Rucksack as well until Autumn. 99 Scrap Metal as a Wanted Item willgive you 2970G rather than 990G.

Wanted Items Lists in Spring

Ronald's Grocery Shop:

Boiled Egg: 100GMilk M: 270GFried Clam: 50G

Louis' Item Shop:

Iron Ore: 80GCopper Ore: 60GMineral Crystal: 30G

Lyla's Florist Shop:

Fairy Dress Herb: 50GPink Cat Mint: 20GMoondrop Herb: 20GCoal: 40G

Sunny Garden Cafe:

Very Berry: 20GStrawberry: 70GYogurt: 450G

Moonlight Pub

Cheese: 550GBlack Truffle: 80GGreen Herb: 20G

Bob's Animal Supplies:

Alfalfa Sprouts: 50GMineral Crystals: 40G

Woody's Carpentry Shop:

Blue Rock: 110GSilver: 90GCopper Ore: 50G

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Clove Villa Kitchen:

Rainbow Trout: 60GMilk M: 270GCarrot: 100G

Note how the prices of the same Item when it is on different 'Wanted Items'Lists can vary. For example, both Woody and Louis include Copper Ore on theirWanted Lists in Spring but Woody is willing to pay 10G more for this Item thanLouis.

Although Mineral Crystals appear on Louis' Wanted Items List, he pays no morethan the regular price for them, where Bob will give you 10G more for the sameItem. Medium Milk is 'Wanted' both by Martha and by Ronald. It is Ronald,however, who will give you an extra 10G for the item.

Where Coal is concerned, the best price is offered by Lyla, who will pay 40Gfor Coal as a 'Wanted Item', as opposed to the regular price of 20G.

In the first Spring, the size of your Rucksack as well as the general state ofyour finances may dictate where you sell your items. If your Rucksack is fulland you wish to empty some of the slots, you may sell your items to the firstMerchant willing to take them off your hands. If you have upgraded yourRucksack or have a Refrigerator and have enough money to meet your dailyneeds, you can afford to wait if necessary in order to claim a higher pricefor your Items.

Wanted Items Lists in Summer

Ronald's Grocery

Black Watermelon: 250GStrawberry Jam: 180GBroiled Loach: 90GFried Corn: 100G

Lyla's Florist Shop

Frost Pansy: 60GFairy Dress Herb: 50GSilverbell Herb: 50G

Louis' Item Shop

Red Herb: 40GPontata Root: 100GCommon Seashell: 30G

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Bob's Animal Supplies

Alfalfa Sprouts: 50GMineral Crystals: 40G

Woody's Carpentry

Gold Ore: 160GSilver Ore: 100GCoal: 40G

Clove Villa

Garden Eel: 100GTomato: 50GCorn: 60GFull Moon Berry: 80G


Green Herb: 30GGrapes: 50GChestnut: 30G


Porgy:P 110GBlotched Snakehead: 120GBroiled Eel: 150GGazpacho: 220G

Wanted Items Lists in Autumn

Ronald's Grocery

Cranberry Jam: 120GStewed Apples: 80GBaked Golden Potato: 230G

Lyla's Florist Shop

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Mineral Crystal: 50GWild Mint: 50GFairy Dress Herb: 50GStardust: 60G

Louis' Item Shop

Moonlight Stone: 120GScrap Metal: 30GRed Herb: 40GSuper Mushroom: 50G

Bob's Animal Supplies

Alfalfa Sprouts: 50GMineral Crystals: 40G

Woody's Carpentry

Sapphire: 200GRuby: 200GOpal: 160G

Clove Villa

Onion: 90GApple: 50GOrange: 50G


Cranberry: 50GPumpkin: 70GChestnut: 40GFull Moon Berry: 80G


Big Mushroom: 40GClam: 60GPike: 90G

Wanted Items Lists in Winter

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Ronald's Grocery

Boiled Egg: 100GOnion Soup: 120GDoria: 440GClam Chowder: 300G

Lyla's Florist Shop

Alfalfa Sprouts: 60GRed Herb: 40GFairy Dress Herb: 60GMistbloom: 50G

Louis' Item Shop

Pontata Root: 100GMineral Crystal: 60GCoal; 50G

Bob's Animal Supplies

Alfalfa Sprouts: 50GMineral Crystals: 40G

Woody's Carpentry

Lumber: 50GScrap Metal: 20G

Clove Villa

Amberjack: 110GSmelt: 50GCarrot: 110GPotato: 70G


Strawberry: 80GGrapes: 60GWatermelon: 180G

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Green Herb: 30G


Porgy: 110GCheese: 550GMilk M: 270G

Note that only Bob's List of Wanted Items remains the same throughout the Year. As the Wanted Items List is valid year after year, I have included the Listsfor every season here.

Where 'Delivery Requests' are concerned, as they not only change each Seasonbut will be different every year, they are listed only in my HoLV Shops andBusinesses Guide.

Initial Investments

As you are a Farmer, you should make certain that you purchase a variety ofSeeds and plant them as early as possible in the first Spring. MultipleHarvest Crops should be planted as close to the start of any season aspossible in order to yield the greatest number of Harvests. The number ofdays that each Crop requires is provided in another section of this Guide. Although many of the Crops are not season-specific and can be planted in anySeason, all Crops WILL wither at the end of the Season. You therefore shouldnot plant slow-growing Crops in the last week of any Season.

Flowers tend to mature faster than Vegetable Crops. Flower seeds tend to bevery inexpensive, costing only 10G each. In the last week of any Season, itis best to plant only Flower Seeds to avoid wasting any Crop.

Farming will not provide all the income you need initially to survive. AFishing Rod is one of the most useful purchases. As soon as you have 600G,you should buy a Fishing Rod from Louis' Item Shop. Another tool that you mayfind useful is the Bug Net, which costs only 200G. WIth it, you will be ableto catch Flying Insects to give to Tim. Although he pays only 10G for anyinsect, 20 Insects will pay for the Net. The Bug Net is not nearly asimportant as the Fishing Rod, however, and should not be considered a realpriority in the first fortnight of Spring.

You do need to be very diligent about foraging for every item that can be foundon the Map. As Energy Recovery Items, as Gifts and as items that can be soldto local Merchants, the Items found in the Wilds will prove invaluable in thefirst season.

Your Farm will have a basic Barn and Chicken Coop with an Incubator, but do notbe seduced into purchasing a Chicken, Cow, Horse or even an Egg in the firstSpring. Accept Part-Time Work from Ronald and he will give you an Egg as a'Bonus'. Accept Part-Time Work fairly regularly from Bob during Spring and hewill give you a Horse at the beginning of Summer.

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What you will need in order to function efficiently is a bigger Rucksack. TheMedium and Large Rucksacks can be purchased from Louis at the Items Shop. They will appear in the 'Upgrades' Menu rather than the 'Buy' Menu. You mustpurchase the Medium Rucksack that with 20 Item Slots before you will be ableto purchase the Large Rucksack with 30 Item Slots. The Medium Rucksack is anecessity in the first Season. The Large Rucksack is a luxury at this point,only because there are so many other priorities. You may wish to wait untilyou have ordered your first building project and even until you have expandedyour House before you purchase the Large Rucksack.

The Item Slots in your Rucksack will hold only Items. There is a separatesection in your Rucksack that holds Tools. Tools in this respect includeChicken Feed and Seeds. The Medium Rucksack therefore has 20 Item Slots and20 Tool Slots.

Each Item Slot can hold a total of 99 items. This is true both of the Rucksackand of the Tool Box. The Tool Box in your house can be used to store far morethan Tools. It will hold any non-edible items, including Flowers, Ores,Shells, Seeds and Tools.

Saving Money to Make Money

In Harvest Moon and Rune Factory, it is a basic axiom that you must spend moneyin order to make money. Saving your money usually is counter-productive. Itis only by investing in upgraded Tools and building projects as well as buyingSeeds and Ranch supplies that you will improve your ability to make money.

There is one major exception to this rule, however. Gambling often is possiblein Harvest Moon, whether at the Races or in a Casino. Players of FoMT andMFoMT will recall how it was possible to earn enough money at the Spring HorseRaces to pay for your first House Expansion as well as many other usefulupgrades.

Hero of Leaf Valley likewise offers an opportunity to make money at the Racesin Spring. The Spring Race Day is held on 22 Spring. As in other HarvestMoon games with a special currency for Wagers, the Medals used to wager on theraces cost 50G each.

Your first priority at the Races in Spring should be to win sufficient Medalsto purchase the Lumber you need to order a Doghouse and then to expand yourHouse. The Dog House is necessary at this point as it unlocks the option toexpand your House and only requires 10 Lumber. You could choose to expandyour Coop or Barn instead, but those projects require 25 Lumber each. Theprice of your House Expansion is 10,000G plus 50 Lumber.

Many interesting and useful Items can be 'purchased' at the Races using Medals. For the purpose of making a profit, the Diamond Earrings are the bestinvestment. Each pair of Diamond Earrings costs 50 Medals but can be sold for1500G. 50 Medals is the equivalent of 2500G. You therefore would not make aprofit if you purchased Medals in order to buy Diamond Earrings with them.

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The profit is made only if you WIN the Medals by wagering successfully on ahorse in one or more of the three Races at any Meet.

Prizes for Winning a Race

Although there are 16 different Story Quests in Hero of Leaf Valley, all ofthese are interwoven into your life to some extent. Louis is the mainCharacter in the 'Louis the Inventor King' Story Quest, but in fact, hisinventions and experiments influence many aspects of your Life, even if you donot complete that specific Story Quest.

From the start of the game, Louis will refer to his experiments with the'Transformer' machines, both in conversations and in Events. His primarypreoccupation when you arrive in Leaf Valley is the creation of a machine thatallows more efficient Crop production, but although he speaks of his priorexperiments as failures, they definitely are NOT failures and are the prizesthat you will take home if you win any of the Races.

Transformer 1 is the prize for winning the Sprint, the first Race in anyseason.

Transformer 2 is the prize for winning the Long Distance Race, which is the 2ndRace in any Season.

Transformer 3 is the prize for winning the Steeplechase or Turf Race, which isthe 3rd and final Race in any Season.

Transformer 1 transforms Grass into Mineral Crystals.

Transformer 2 transforms Lumber into Special Fishing Bait.

Transformer 3 allows you to transform two ordinary Crops into a seed that, whengrown, produces both Crops on a single plant.

Basic Farming and the Weather

As in any Harvest Moon game, Weather is a critical aspect where farming isconcerned. There are a number of different resources to use in determiningthe weather in the future.

The television airs a Weather Programme on Channel 2. These weatherpredictions, unlike those made by Taro in Island of Happiness and SunshineIslands are NOT 100% accurate. The Calendar on your Wall is colour-coded toshow weather trends. Blue indicates damp weather, while weeks with sunnytrends are displayed in yellow. A trend never lasts longer than seven days. Again, a 'trend' does not guarantee a specific weather condition on a specificday.

Gina: I think it would be best to check tomorrow's weather on the television. Of course, they are not 100% accurate.

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Incidentally, this is an example of valuable information that can be discoveredwhen you meet and greet your neighbours on a regular basis.

When playing any Harvest Moon game, your attention to detail.is the key togreater success, unlocking secrets and learning more about the community inwhich you live. Sooner or later, a Character or a resource within the gameiteself will tell you everything you need to know.

Weather Trends

Each Season will include a Dry Period, a Hot Period and a Rainy Period. Notrend will last more than seven days or a full week. A Dry Period may lastfor seven days, but a Rainy Period never lasts more than five. Remember thatthese are trends rather than certain conditions but there are general rulesthat apply to each.

During a Dry Period, you cannot experience ANY rainy/snowy days. Crops MUSTbe watered daily or they will wilt. Weather conditions during a Dry Periodhave the following probability of occurring on any given day:

Clear: 85%Cloudy: 15%Rain/Snow: 0%Downpour: 0%Thunderstorm: 0%

During a Hot Period, Rain has a small chance of occurring. The probabilitiesare:

Clear: 55%Cloudy: 25%Rain/Snow: 15%Downpour: 5%Thunderstorm: 0%

During a Rainy Period, you will not experience any Clear Days but you mayexperience Cloudy Days without any actual Rain. The probabilities are:

Clear: 0%Cloudy: 5%Rain/Snow: 65%Downpour: 15%Thunderstorm: 15%

Dry Periods are marked in Yellow on your Calendar. Rainy Days are marked inBlue, while Hot Days are marked in Pink.

The television programme, 'Fun Ranch Living' will advise you on the best way totake advantage of Weather trends.

Today we sdiscuss how to use the seasons.The dry season gives you lots ofsunshine, and the rainy season gives you lots of rain. That's what it says inthe calendar! Yep. Sowing seeds before the rainy season lets you skip

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watering, and the dry season means you can let your livestock roam free. Check the calendar to confirm the dates, and use these two seasons wisely toimprove your efficiency.

Effects of Rain

The effects of rain can be either positive or negative, depending on thesituation. On a rainy day, you will not need to water any of your Crops. Onthe other hand, in Leaf Valley, you run the risk of losing a Crop if youplant the seeds on a rainy day. Rain can cause seeds that have not sproutedto be washed away.

Lyla: Freyr, even if you bought seeds today, you shouldn't plant them rightaway. There's a chance that the rain will wash them away. Just be careful ofthat.

The chance of a Seed being lost on a rainy/snowy Day is 50% unless the soil hasbeen fortified with a Mineral Crystal. The risk then decreases to 25%.

Animals who are taken outside or left outside in the rain are unhappy and maybecome ill. Your own Character is more susceptible to illness if he works inthe rain. Stamina loss and increase in Fatigue both are greater when toolsare used on a rainy day.

Note that you cannot visit the Forest on a rainy day nor can you acceptPart-Time Work from Bob to care for his Livestock.

Chester makes an interesting comment on the Weather:

Chester: Rainy seasons, dry seasons...People tend to focus on negative aspects,but it's all about perspective. If it's dry, you know that you always can letyour animals outside. If it's rainy, you know that your plants will notrequire watering. It's all up to how you approach things. That's why I'dlike to tell you a wonderful story about the Harvest Goddess. It should onlytake about 60 hours, so just let me know when you want to hear it.

Another very important effect of bad weather is the depletion of your Energy. As Katie will warn you:

Katie: I can't believe you're out in this rain. You know working in the rainburns twice as much energy. So you be careful.

Finally, fine Weather is a Requirement for many Events in HoLV. The Weather isset only two Days in advance, however. You therefore can change the Weatherwithin the rules that pertain to the current Weather 'Trend' as displayed onyour Calendar. Even during a Wet/Rainy Trend, however, chances of Rain orSnow, however great, are not guaranteed, and if you are patient, you canobtain a Cloudy Day that will allow you to experience any Events that cannotbe triggered in foul Weather.

Changing the Weather

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As the Weather is set only two days in advance, it is not that difficult tochange the results, within the rules set by the current Weather Trend.

The best incentive for changing the Weather is in order to meet therequirements to experience a specific Event. It therefore is more likely thatyou will need to change a rainy or snowy day to a clear or cloudy day than tochange good weather to bad.

The easiest way to do this is to keep one save file always at a point two daysprior to the current date. If the Weather for the next day does not suit you,load the earlier save file and first perform a test by going forward andsleeping WITHOUT SAVING. If the Weather proves good on the day when fineweather is needed, you can reload and the play from that file properly.

Farming Strategies

As there are Weather Trends in HoLV and you can refer to your Calendar to studythem, you should be able to use the information to advantage. Plant ALL yourCrops when the weather is fine and then reap the harvests when the Weather ispoor. In particular, it is best to plant Multiple Harvest Crops as early inthe Season as possible to be able to obtain the maximum harvest for each.

Many of the Multiple Harvest Crops in HoLV can grow through season changes. Aspecific plant may not last forever, however, and you may be forced to replantthe Crop when it withers.

When selling your Crops, always try to be aware of the 'Wanted' Items List inevery Shop, so that you can take the Crops to the Merchants who will pay thehighest price at any point in time.

In the Spring season in the first Year, for example, Martha at the Villa hasCarrots on her Wanted List. Choose the 'Wanted Items' Menu rather than the'Sell' Menu when you sell your Carrots.

Early Benefits of Part-Time Work

You will find the actual schedule of all Part-Time Jobs in another section ofthis Guide, but it is useful to know which items do not need to be purchased,as your funds will be limited in the early stages.

Do not purchase an Egg at Ronald's Shop or a Chicken from Bob. Working oncefor him will give you both cash and a fresh Egg as a Bonus. You can incubatethe Egg to obtain your first Ranch Animal. Note that at least one Story Questrequires a specific FP total among your Ranch Animals. Obtaining a Chicken asquickly as possible will aid you in this Quest.

As soon as your first Chick hatches, pop another Egg into your Incubator. Youcan keep a total of three Chickens in your initial Chicken Coop.

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An egg takes three days to hatch and a Chick takes a week to mature into anAdult Chicken who will lay eggs. The quality of Ranch products in HoLV alwaysdepends on the Animal's current 'Mood'. Taking an Animal outside in fineweather improves your Chances of obtaining a Gold Product.

When a Chick matures into an adult Chicken, she will not lay an Egg the firstday. It is only on the second day that she will begin to lay Eggs.

Note that you must purchase Chicken Feed from Bob's Animal Shop for use whenthe weather is foul. It is extremely inexpensive so stock up on a good supplyfor use when needed.

You can purchase a Horse at Bob's Animal Supplies but working for him Part-Timecan result in the gift of a Horse. Although Milk is your regular Bonus whenyou work for him, accepting his job regularly can result in a far morevaluable 'bonus'. Take care of his Livestock and raise his FP additionally bytalking to him and giving him Gifts. (He likes Fodder, by the way, which youcan cut from the Meadow on your Homestead.) You then will experience an Eventin the first Summer wherein he will offer you a Horse from his own Stable. Ifyou prefer one colour over another, boost that Horse's affection a little morewhen you perform your tasks for him. You will be given the Horse with thehighest FP.

An advantage to this approach, apart from saving you 5000G, is that your Horseshould be at almost 1 Heart Level when he arrives at your Ranch. If you wereto purchase a Horse outright, he would have zero Friendship Points with you.

There are hidden benefits to Part-Time Work as well. It is only by acceptingRudolph's Part-Time Job at the Dig Site that you will unlock the freedom tomine for yourself and by accepting Woody's Part-Time Job in the Forest thatyou ultimately will be given the right to chop Trees for Lumber for yourself. You only need to work for a few days in each of these to unlock Mining andLogging respectively.

For example, after working for Rudolph for a few days, he will tell you:

Rudolph: Well, I don't have any more work for you. You're free to mine onyour own and keep whatever you find, though.

Part-Time Jobs take a specific amount of time to complete, even though theclock will not run while you are performing your tasks if the labour isconducted inside a building. For example, when you take care of Ronald'sChickens, you will need at least two hours to complete all the tasks, althoughthe clock will not change until you confront Ronald for your wages.

You can accept Part-Time Work at the last possible moment but it will endautomatically at a specific time. You can accept Bob's Job at 4.59 p.m. butif you have not completed all the tasks before 6.00 p.m., you will be forcedto end the work and to accept partial compensation for the tasks that you wereable to perform.

Money is not the only consideration when working Part-Time. When you work forRudolph in the Dig Site or for Woody in Praline Forest, your Energy Levelswill be depleted quickly. It is better to quit before you have lost too muchenergy and to accept a smaller sum in consequence than to run yourself intothe ground.

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When working with the Livestock, the main priority is to raise the FriendshipLevels of the Animals and to increase Bob's FP as well if you wish to be givena Horse in the early Summer. If you do not have sufficient time to care forall the Livestock, focus on the Horse that appeals to you most.

Schedules of Shops and Local Businesses

Local businesses and shops all have their own schedules, although all shops areshut on Festival Days and Holidays. It is important to know the schedules ofeach business in the Valley so that you do not make a fruitless trip to a shopthat is shut for the day.

Furthermore, much of your early income will be derived from part-time labour atlocal shops and businesses. The hours when an application for part-timelabour on any given day can be made are fixed and are not the same as thehours of business. Part-time jobs only last a single day. If you wish to behired for the same job again, you must re-apply on the next day at the propertime.

Leaf Valley Shop Schedule are as follows:

Ronald's Grocery Store

Ronald's Grocery Store:8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.Closed on Sundays

Buy:Egg: 70G You can use it to restore your strength or as a cooking ingredient.Rice Ball: 120G This'll restore some strength.Fluffy Bread: 150G This'll restore a decent amount of strength.Milk S: 150G You can use it to restore your strength or as a cooking ingredient.Honey: 200G You can use it to restore your strength or as a cooking ingredient.Olive Oil: 200G Cooking oil made from olives. You need it for any dish that is fried in oil.Miso: 200G It's seasoning made from soy beans. Add it for a different taste.Sandwich: 400G This'll restore a fairly good amount of strength.Cheese: 500G Eating it will restore a great amount of strength.Butter: 500G Can be used as a cooking ingredient.

 You can purchase multiples of any item.

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The best items to buy to restore energy as well as their Energy Recovery Valuesare found in another section of this guide.

Lyla's Flower Shop

Lyla's Flower Shop:Hours of Business:9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.Closed on Sundays

The following Seeds can be purchased at Lyla's Shop from the start of the firstSpring:

Fairy Dress Seeds: 10G Fairy Dresses can be grown in the spring. They will bloom after a shortwhile. Can only be harvested once.

Silverbell Seeds: 10G Silverbells can be grown in the spring. They will bloom after a short while. Can only be harvested once.

Alfalfa Seeds: 20G Alfafla sprouts are fodder that are gorwn in the fields. Takes a while togrow, but can be fed to cows, horses and chickens.

Carrot Seeds: 30G Carrots can be grown in the spring, and in a fairly short amount of time. They can only be harvested once.

Potato Seeds: 30G Potatoes can be grown in a short amount of time. Can only be harvested once.

Tomato Seeds: 30G Tomatoes take only a few days to grow, but can be harvest many times. Itwill wilt after awhile.

Strawberry Seeds: 40G Strawberries can only grow in the spring. Can be harvested many times, butdon't fetch a high price. Will wilt after a while.

Corn Seeds: 40G Corn takes a few days to grow, but can be harvest many times and fetch a highprice. It will wilt after a while.

Breadfruit Seeds: 50G Breadfruit takes a few days to grow. They can be harvested many times andfetch a high price, but are quite fragile.

Rice Seeds: 60G It takes a few days to grow rice. Can be harvested many times and fetch a

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high price, but only grows from spring to fall.

In Summer, you will find:


The seeds available for purchase in Summer are:

Wild Mint Seeds: 10G

Wild Mint can be grown in the summer. Its flower will bloom after awhile. Can only be harvested once.

Alfalfa Seeds: 20G

Alfalfa sprouts are fodder that are gorwn in the fields. Takes a while togrow, but can be fed to cows, horses and chickens.

Potato Seeds: 30G

Potatoes can be grown in a short amount of time. Can only be harvested once.

Tomato Seeds: 30G

Tomatoes take only a few days to grow, but can be harvest many times. Itwill wilt after awhile.

Corn Seeds: 40G Corn takes a few days to grow, but can be harvest many times and fetch a highprice. It will wilt after a while.

Watermelon Seeds: 50G

Watermelons can be grown in the summer. Can be harvested many times, butdon't fetch a high price. Will wilt after a while.

Breadfruit Seeds: 50G

Breadfruit takes a few days to grow. They can be harvested many times andfetch a high price, but are quite fragile.

Rice Seeds: 60G

It takes a few days to grow rice. Can be harvested many times and fetch ahigh price, but only grows from spring to fall.

If you have experienced Lyla's first two Friendship Events to begin the StoryQuest of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail, you should unlock Blue MistSeeds in the first Summer as well:

Blue Mist Seeds: 200G

Blue Mist seeds can only be planted in the forest near the Goddess Spring.

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Don't forget to water them.

Autumn Seeds


In Autumn, the following Seeds will be added:

Frost Pansy Seeds: 10G Frosst Pansies can be grown in the fall. They will bloom after a shortwhile. Can only be harvested once.

Mistbloom: 10G Mistblooms can be grown in the fall. They will bloom after a short while. Can only be harvested once.

Pumpkin Seeds: 40G Pumpkins can only be grown in the fall. Can be harvested many times, butdon't fetch a high price. Will wilt after a while.

Onion Seeds: 30G Onions can be grown in the fall, and in a fairly short amount of time. Theyonly can be harvested once.

Winter Season


In Winter, the following Seeds will be added:

Stardust Seeds: 10G Single Harvest Flower

Spinach Seeds: 30G Single Harvest Crop

Louis' Item Shop

Louis' Item ShopHours of Business: 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Closed on Wednesday and Saturday

Louis' Shop Menu

Louis' Menu is unique in that the items that can be purchased are dividedbetween the 'Buy' and the 'Upgrade' Menus. Any larger size of item, such as a

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Medium or Large Rucksack or Kitchen Utensil is defined as an Upgrade ratherthan being considered as the purchase of another item.

Items for Sale:

Bug Net: 200GBrush: 300GBell: 300GOcarina: 450GMilker: 500GFishing Rod: 600GAP Medicine: 1000G

After you have a Kitchen:

Mixer: 1500GOven: 2000G

When any Eligible Girl reaches 350 FP and you have experienced either the 'InOrder to Marry' or 'Marriage Recommendation' Event, the Blue Feather will beadded to the Menu:

Blue Feather: 2000G

Upgrades Available:

Upgrade Tools:

Light Hoe: 1000G Requires 1 Blue Rock to upgradeLight Axe: 1000G Requires 1 Blue Rock to upgradeLight Hammer: 1000G Requires 1 Blue Rock to upgradeLight Sickle: 1000G Requires 1 Blue Rock to upgrade.

Rucksack (Med): 1500G

You’ll be able to carry 20 items.

Next Level of Upgrades:

Super Fishing Rod: 1800G Upgraded Fishing Rod to increase the number of fish you can catch. Requires 1 Silver Ore to ugprade.

When you buy the Medium Rucksack, the Large Rucksack will appear in the UpgradeMenu:Rucksack (Large): 5000G You’ll be able to carry 30 items.

The next level of Tool Upgrades:

When you buy any Light Tool:

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Super Tool: 2500G This tool requires less energy and is even less tiring to use. Requires 1 Orichalcum to upgrade.

When you buy the Super Fishing Rod:

Hyper DX Fishing Rod: 5400G Upgraded super fishing rod to increase the number of fish you can catch. Requires 1 Gold Ore to upgrade.

Once you have a Kitchen, you will have the option to upgrade your CookingUtensils as follows:

Pot (Medium): 1500G + 1 piece of Silver Ore

Frying Pan (Medium): 1500G + 1 piece of Silver Ore

When you have made the upgrade to Medium Pot/Frying Pan, the next Level ofupgrade will appear:

Pot (Large): 3000G + 1 piece of Gold Ore

Frying Pan (Large): 3000G + 1 piece of Gold Ore

For ordinary Farm Tools, the final level of Upgrade is:

Ultra Tool: 4000G + 1 piece of Rare Metal

Starling Ranch/Bob's Ranch Supplies

Starling Ranch/Bob's Ranch SuppliesHours of Business: 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.Closed on Thursday


Chicken Feed: 10GFodder: 20GAnimal Medicine: 500GChicken: 500GCow Miracle Potion: 1500GCow: 2500GHorse: 5000G*

*Resist the impulse to buy a Horse and work Part-Time regularly for Bobinstead. You will receive a Horse at the beginning of Summer if you raise hisFriendship to 20 FP and work for him a few times to raise the FP of hisLivestock. An added advantage of waiting for the Horse to be given to you,apart from the monetary savings, is the fact that it will come to your farmwith almost a full Heart Level. If you purchase the Horse, it will come toyou with 0 FP.

In the third year, if you completed the Story Quest of the Horse RacingChampion, the following items will be added to Bob's Menu:

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Cookie: 250GCake: 300G

Training at the Ranch

Once you have a Horse, you can go to the Pasture area on Tuesdays and/orThursdays to train for the Races. Practice Races are run against Bob onThursdays or Gwen on Tuesdays. Even if you lose the Practice Race, yourHorse's Endurance and Speed will improve.

9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. on Tuesday or Thursday Gwen is available on Tuesday and Bob is available on Thursday.

Note that Thursday is Bob's Day Off, but you can find him in a corner of thePasture and speak to him to obtain the Training option.

N.B. In the first week of Winter in the first year, neither Bob nor Gwen willgive you an option to Train with them, even though they stand in their usualpositions on Training Days.

Woody's Carpentry

Woody's CarpentryHours of Business:6.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.Closed on Tuesday and Thursday


Dog House: 3000G + 10 LumberExpand Chicken Coop: 3000G + 25 lumberExpand Barn: 5000G + 25 Lumber

When you have ordered one of these building projects, the House Expansionoption will be unlocked as follows:

Kitchen, Bath and Toilet: 10,000G + 50 Lumber Kitchen set with a refrigerator. Even comes with a toilet and a bath. Requires 50 lumber on top of the cost.

Note that the House Expansion comes with a Kitchen, a Bath and a Toilet as wellas two Small Utensils in the form of a Frying Pan and a Pot.

Woody's Advanced Options

Once you have saved Leaf Valley from the threat of development, you will beable to consider marriage. In the second stage of the game, you can purchasea second bed, a television that can receive another Channel and a Greenhouse.

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Advanced Options available only after you have succeeded in saving the landare:

Add Bed: 6000G + 25 Lumber

Once you have added another Bed, new options will appear:

Television Exchange: 20,000G

Greenhouse: 45,000G +40 Lumber

Sprinklers: 75,000G + 50 Lumber

New Interior Design options will become available only after you complete theTelevision Exchange:

Bed Cover/Mat 1: 2000G

Bed Cover/Mat 2: 2000G

Bed Cover/Mat 3: 2000G

Sunny Garden Cafe and Moonlight Pub

The Sunny Garden Cafe and Moonlight Pub share the same location but havedifferent hours of operation.

You will find the Menus for both in the section that deals with Energy Recoveryand the option of 'Dining Out'.

Sunny Garden Cafe

Sunny Garden Cafe Hours of Business: 12.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.Closed on Monday

Moonlight Pub

Moonlight PubHours of Business:5.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. (midnight)Closed on Monday

Part-Time Labour

Part-Time Labour is a wonderful way to augment your income at the start of thefirst Spring. Many businesses offer the option if you visit at the proper

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time and speak directly to the owner or manager. Examine all of the posters onthe walls of any Shop or signs posted in any area to discover if and whenpart-time jobs are being offered. When part-time labour is available, you willsee the following choices when you confront the owner/manager:

TalkPart-Time Work

When you choose the part-time work option, you will be given instructions andthen transported, if necessary, to the site where you are expected to work. When you are finished with all the tasks you were asked to perform, eitherspeak to your employer or attempt to leave the site. You then will be askedif you have finished work for the day. If you respond that you have, you willbe paid. Each part-time job offers a sum of money and a bonus in the form ofa useful item or items that are connected with the job.

When you work for Ronald caring for his Chickens, he will give you an Egg as abonus. Bob will give you Small Milk. Rudolph at the Dig Site will give youany Mineral Crystals you find in the rocks. You can work in the Kitchen atClove Villa. When working for Woody, you will be able to keep any Mushroomsthat you find, but will not be allowed to keep the Lumber.

In terms of the wages you receive, each employer has different rules by whichto calculate the total. Bob pays by the hour. You therefore can arrive asclose to 8.00 a.m. as possible and hang about until 6.00 p.m., even after thework is done, to obtain about 1000G from him in wages as well as the bonus ofthe Milk from the Cow if you milked her.

Martha pays according to your success in making the required number of Dishes. The 'bonus' in terms of all the leftover ingredients is entirely random.

In some case, the amount of money you will receive as your wage will depend onthe amount of work that you complete. If you quit while tasks remain undone,you will be paid but the amount will be less than it would be otherwise.

Furthermore, as previously indicated, this is the only way to unlock the Mineand the Forest. Once you unlock the Mine, Part-Time Work no longer will beavailable from Rudolph. Part-Time Work will not be available from Woody onceyou have unlocked the Forest, but you still will need to apply to him wheneveryou wish to go to the Forest to chop lumber for yourself.

Bob's Part-Time Work will be an option even after you receive your Horse fromhim, by the way.

Leaf Valley Tutorials

Apart from being a good source of income, Part-Time Jobs consist of Tutorialsin the various activities in Harvest Moon. Bob's Part-Time Job at theStarling Ranch offers instructions in how to care for Livestock and Ronald'sPart-Time Job at the Grocery gives you instructions on caring for yourChickens. Martha's Part-Time work in the Kitchen at Clove Villa is a CookingTutorial, while Woody teaches you how to create and harvest Lumber. AcceptRudolph's offer of work to learn the strategies required to maximise yourresults in the Mine.

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Martha's Job in the Kitchen at Clove Villa is one method of obtaining newRecipes for your own Cookbook. When you give fish to Ponta, you can receiveFish Recipes from him. Watching the Cooking programme on the television isanother means of expanding your Cookbook.

Part-Time Work Caring for Chickens

Now hiring! Seeking lovers of chickens!Daily Wage: 180G + BonusesMonday - Saturday, 8.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.See Ronald for details.

Pays 230G + Bonus of 1 Egg

Note that Ronald's Part-Time Work is one of the few jobs that you can acceptwhen the weather is bad.

Part-Time Work Caring for Livestock

On the wall of Bob's Animal Supplies Shop, you will find a notice:Now hiring! Interact with animals! Hourly wage: 50G + Bonuses8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Thursdays and rainy days. See Bob for details.

Bob pays 50G per hour with the bonus of 1 Small Milk if you Milk the Cow. Apart from the Milk, payment depends not on the amount of work done but on thenumber of hours that you spend in the Pasture. You can earn about 1000G ifyou arrive early in the morning and stay until 6.00 p.m.

This job is not available when the weather is bad.

Note that, although Part-Time Work is not available on Thursdays, when you havea Horse, Bob's Race Training will be available only on Thursday in the Pasturearea. Speak to him there to race.

Part-Time Forestry Work

Sign on the wall of Woody's Carpentry Shop:Now hiring! Apply now to work among the trees! Daily Wage: 200G + Bonuses.See Woody from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The key to unlocking the use of the Forest is to work for Woody Part-Time. After you have worked for him 5 times, he will tell you that he has all thesupplies he needs and will inform you that, in future, you can keep all theLumber you collect for yourself. You still must apply to him in order to begiven access to the Forest where the Trees that can be chopped down aresituated.

You will not be able to work in the Forest when the Weather is bad even foryourself.

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Part-Time Mining Work

Now hiring! Seeking strong, young applicants! Daily Wage: 300G plus bonuses.Monday-Friday9 a.m. - 1.p.m.See Rudolph for details.

Rudolph pays from 450G - 500G usually, but his Part-Time Work offer will endafter you have done it five times. You must work for him five times in orderto unlock the Mine and gain the ability to mine for yourself there but oncethis occurs, his Part-Time Work no longer will be available although you stillwill find him standing near the Entrance during the same hours as before.

Note that, although you need to work 5 times for Woody to unlock the Forest,and both the opportunities for Forest and Mining Part-Time Work endafterwards, the Forest is different from the Mine in that you always mustspeak to Woody in order to be taken to the Forest area where you can cut downtrees and forage for Mushrooms.

Part-Time Kitchen Help

Now hiring!Part-Time Chef needed!Daily Wage: 250G + Bonuses.Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.See Martha for details.

Martha pays 250G if you complete her Cooking Assignment and will give you anyand all leftover ingredients. Her Cooking Assignments are chosen from a shortlist of Cooked Dishes. Whether or not you will have any leftover ingredientsafterwards is totally random.

Her assignments are: Strawberry Jam, Very Berry Jam, Boiled Egg, Cheese,Sandwich and Fish Meal

She will assume that you know the Recipe for each Assignment. The Recipes forher Assignments are given in another section of this Guide. All Recipes areincluded in my HoLV Cookbook Recipes Guide

Dining Out

As in many Harvest Moon games, you will find that the local Restaurants providea fairly decent sources of Energy Recovery Items until you can afford to buyyour own Kitchen.

In Hero, the two local Restaurants are to be found in a single location. TheCafe is open from noon to 5.00 p.m. and the Pub opens at 6.00 p.m. and staysopen until Midnight.

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Each has its own Menu but all items sold must be consumed immediately on thepremises.

Sunny Garden Cafe Menu

Tea: 150G This delicious tea will really relax you. Energy Value: +12 SR +0 FR

Herb Tea: 200G It's a soothing herbal tea. It will relieve a little weariness you might befeeling. Energy Value: +10 SR +5 FR

Milk Tea: 200G This milk tea full of fresh milk. Energy Value: +12 SR +0 FR

Cookie: 250G A yummy, crunchy, homemade cookie. Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

Muffin: 250G This is a mildly sweet muffin. Comes with Very Berry Jam! Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

Cake: 300G It's a sweet shortcake that uses pelnty of cream! Energy Value: +32 SR +0 FR

Pancake: 300G Hot and fluffy pancakes. Comes with sweet and yummy honey. Energy Value: +30 SR +0 FR

Cheesecake: 350G Every one loves cheesecake! Energy Value: +36 SR +0 FR

Moonlight Pub Menu

Water: 50G Energy Value: +6 SR +0 FR

Milk: 150G Very nutritional milk. Energy Value: +10 SR +0 FR

Nut Wine: 200G A sweet wine made from nuts. Energy Value: +18 SR +0 FR

Wheat Wine: 250G Wine made from wheat. Quite refreshing.

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Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

Herb Wine: 350G Can even relieve some of your weariness. Energy Value: +12 SR +10 FR

Sauteed Mushrooms: 400G Mushrooms sauteed in butter. Enjoy its simple flavours. Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

Tomato Salad: 400G Salad made from fresh tomatoes. I recommend it to any one who doesn't getenough vegetables. Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

French Fries: 400G They're potatoes fried up in oil. They're great when they're hot. Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

Assorted Cheese: 500G A platter of assorted cheeses. Goes well with wine. Energy Value: +32 SR +0 FR

Fish Meal: 500G A dish made from lake fish. Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

Traditionally, drinks that operate to restore Fatigue Resistance are sold atnight and items rich in Stamina Recovery are sold during the Day. TheCheesecake has the highest values for Stamina Recovery of the Items soldbetween 12.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. in the Cafe. If you need to recover FatigueResistance during the day, buy the Herb Tea. Although less potent at +5 FRthan the Herb Wine sold at 6.00 p.m. with +10 FR, it can be useful if you arein danger of passing out and have no supplies of Green Herb or Red Herb inyour Rucksack. If you find yourself in a position where you need lots ofStamina Recovery after 6.00 p.m. when only the Pub is open, your best choicewould be the Assorted Cheese which will give you +32 SR.

As you can see, the other Drinks sold at the Pub, apart from the Herb Wine,give only a small amount of Stamina and no Fatigue Resistance.

If you find yourself truly desperate for energy at night but very poor, you canpay 50G for a glass of water at the Pub until midnight. It will restore +6Stamina points.

Energy Resources from Ronald

Some of the items sold at Ronald's Grocery have fairly good Energy RecoveryValues and, unlike the items sold at the local Restaurants, you will be ableto take them off the premises to use when needed.

Egg: 70G Energy Value: +10 SR +0 FR

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Rice Ball: 120G Energy Value: +12 SR + 0 FR

Fluffy Bread: 150G Energy Value: +10 SR +0 FR

Milk S: 150G Energy Value: +10 SR +0 FR

Honey: 200G Energy Value: +22 SR +0 FR

Miso: 200G Energy Value: +20 SR +0 FR

Sandwich: 400G Energy Value: +27 SR +0 FR

Cheese: 500G Energy Value: +30 SR +0 FR

As you can see, the most cost-effective Energy Recovery Item sold by Ronald isHoney, which restores more Stamina than most of the items sold at the localRestaurants as well as being less expensive. Although a Sandwich or Cheeseactually will restores +5 to +8 points more Stamina than the Honey, a Sandwichis twice the price and Cheese is even more expensive. For 400G, you can buytwo portions of Honey, each worth +22 SR. That gives you a total of +44 SRfor 400G as opposed to +27 SR for a Sandwich at 400G or +30 SR for Cheese at500G. Note that you will find Ronald's complete Menu in another section.

Other items that he sells have no Energy Value but are strictly for use inCooking.

Olive Oil: 200G Energy Value: Nil

Butter: 500G Energy Value: Nil


At the start of the game, you will be able to plant and grow Crops only in theField on your own Homestead. Other areas can be unlocked later.

Some Crop Seeds will be available from the beginning at Lyla's Shop. Othersmust be unlocked. Some rare Seeds are unlocked when you experience Events ina specific Storyline.

Seasonal requirements for Crops can vary from one Harvest Moon game to another. Tomatoes and Corn, for example, ordinarily are Summer Crops in most HarvestMoon games but in Leaf Valley, they grow in every Season.

Woody will warn you that some Crops are Season-specific when he tells you:

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Woody: How quick the seasons change. Bet you notice it more growing crops. Like not being able to grow something because the season's changed. Butseasons are meant to change. You'll get another chance if you hang on to theseed. No need to rush things.

When you purchase Seeds in 'Hero of Leaf Valley', they will occupy only asingle square of tilled soil. Till the Soil with your Hoe, then throw theSeeds on the square. Seeds are considered 'Tools' rather than 'Items' forthe purposes of Rucksack Storage. They therefore occupy no space whatsoeverin your Rucksack. Animal Care products such as Feed are designated as Toolsas well.

You will find a Well to the left of your Farmhouse. Fill your Watering Can,then use it to water any Crops that have been planted. Press the START Buttonto see how many portions of Water remain in the Watering Can at any givenmoment. Remember not to plant any Seeds on rainy days or you will risk thechance that they may be washed away in the rain.

In 'A Wonderful Life' and 'Another Wonderful Life', you could combine seedsfrom ordinary Crops to create unique hybrid Crops. In HoLV, you can createSynthesised Seeds from two different Crops to produce a Plant from which youcan harvest BOTH Crops. To do this, you must win the Transform 3 Machine inthe Steeplechase Horse Race. The benefits, therefore, mainly are in terms ofusing your Farmland and Energy more effectively. 'New' Crops are created whenyou add Mineral Crystals to the Soil.

If you explore the area behind your Farmhouse, your Character will remark:Freyr: It's dark and damp here...If you left lumber here, they would probablyget covered with mushrooms...

Place a piece of Lumber on the plank there and make certain that you water itregularly. A Mushroom will appear after a few days. Once the Mushroom isharvested, the Lumber will disappear. You therefore need 1 Piece of Lumberfor every Mushroom you grow on your Farm.

Weather plays a role as always in Crop growth. In Leaf Valley, Weather'trends' are marked on your Calendar. A rainy or wet Trend will allow you topursue activities other than farming, as Crops will not need to be watered onrainy days. Make certain that you do not sow Seeds on a rainy day, as theymay be washed away and thus wasted. Note, however, that snow is differentfrom rain in that it does not water any of your Crops. A Dry Trend on theother hand, can be dangerous to your Crops. If not watered daily during a dryperiod, they will wither.

Another aspect of Crops, even when they are not season-specific, is that theywill wither when the season changes. It is not a question of how long theCrop has been planted in the ground, although the official description ofthese seeds at Lyla's Shop are merely that they will 'wilt after awhile'. Tomatoes, Corn, Rice and Alfalfa, even when planted near the end of the SpringSeason, will wither when Summer arrives.

It therefore is important to know how long any Crop takes to mature. Thisinformation as well as the number of days each Crop can be neglected duringany Weather trend is included in another section of this Guide.

Caring for your Crops

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As discussed previously, when you plant seeds in bad weather, you run the riskof losing them as they can be washed away in the rain or snow. The chancesare 50%-50% for any ordinary Crop. For Crops planted with Mineral Crystals,the risk of loss is lower, occurring only one quarter of the time. The riskof Loss for the fabled Golden Potato Seeds likewise is only one quarter of thetime.

In HoLV, Crop growth rates do not vary according to the amount of Sunlight theyreceive but they must be watered a specific number of days in order to reachthe stage where they can be harvested. The number of days when any Crop canbe neglected will vary according to the weather and sometimes the season aswell, as hot dry days will kill an unwatered plant faster than a cloudy day. The number of days any Crop can be neglected is specific to that Crop buttends to follow one set of rules for any Single Harvest Crop and another setof rules for Multiple Harvest Crops.

Crop Values

The following is a list of the Crops that you can grow and harvest with theirordinary Selling Values, their Energy Values and the number of Days it mustgrow and be watered before it can be harvested. Where the Crop is a MultipleHarvest Crop, the number of days between subsequent Harvests is included aswell. Remember that Items may have a higher Selling Value temporarily whenthey appear on a Merchant's Wanted Items List. All Most Wanted Lists can befound in my HoLV Shops and Businesses Guide.

Spring Crops


Strawberry: 50G Multiple Harvest Crop Energy Value: +4 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 11 Days to 1st Harvest Subsequent Harvests every 3 Days

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse


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Carrot: 80G Single Harvest Crop Energy Values: +8 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 6 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

Summer Crops


Watermelon: 150G Multiple Harvest Crop Energy Value: +4 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 17 Days to Harvest Subsequent Harvests every 5 Days

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

Autumn Crops


Onion: 70G Single Harvest Crop Energy Value: +8 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 6 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

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Pumpkin: 40G Multiple Harvest Crop Energy Value: +10 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate; 9 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 3 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendSame rules apply if grown in a Greenhouse

Winter Crops


Spinach: 60G Single Harvest Crop Energy Value: +10 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 6 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

Multiple Season Crops


Potato: 60G Single Harvest Crop Energy Value: +8 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 5 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

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Tomato: 30G Multiple Harvest Crop Energy Value: +8 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 7 Days to Harvest Subsequent Harvests every 2 Days

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendSubject to the same rules if grown in a Greenhouse


Corn: 40G Multiple Harvest Crop Energy Value: +8 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 11 Days to Harvest Subsequent Harvests every 3 Days

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 3 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendSubject to the same rules if grown in a Greenhouse


Rice: 50G Multiple Harvest Crop Energy Value: 8 SR +0 FR

N.B. Can be grown in every Season apart from Winter.

Growth Rate: 9 Days to Harvest Subsequent Harvests every 3 Days

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 3 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendSubject to the same rules if grown in a Greenhouse

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Breadfruit: 40G Multiple Harvest Crop Energy Value: +8 SR +0 FR

Growth Rate: 10 Days to Harvest Subsequent Harvests every 4 Days

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 3 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendSubject to the same rules if grown in a Greenhouse


Alfalfa Sprouts: 40G Single Harvest Crop Energy Value: None to Humans

Growth Rate: 8 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 2 Days in a Greenhouse

Cultivated Flowers

Any Cultivated Flower always is a Single Harvest Crop and as they cannot beeaten in HoLV, they have no Energy Values. Information therefore includesonly the Season in which the Flower can be grown, its Selling Price and thenumber of Days it must grow and be watered before it can be harvested.

Fairy Dress Herbs

Fairy Dress Herb: 40G Spring Season

Growth Rate: 9 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm Trend

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After 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

Silverbell Herb

Silverbell Herb: 40G Spring Season

Growth Rate: 6 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

Blue Mist

Blue Mist: N/A Summer Season

No Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 3 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 5 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 7 Days during a Wet TrendCannot be grown in a Greenhouse

Wild Mint

Wild Mint: 40G Summer Season

Growth Rate: 5 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse


Mistbloom:40G Autumn Season

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Growth Rate: 5 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

Frost Pansy

Frost Pansy: 40G Autumn Season

Growth Rate: 6 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse


Stardust:40G Winter Season

Will Wither if neglected:

After 1 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 2 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 3 Days during a Wet TrendAfter 3 Days in a Greenhouse

Mineral Crops

The Mineral Crystals that you find at the Mine can be planted with an ordinaryCrop to produce a special Mineral Crop. When Crops are fortified with MineralCrystals, the Crop will have a higher value than it otherwise would have, butwill produce only a single special Crop, even when from a Multiple HarvestCrop.

Where any Multiple Harvest Crop fortified with Mineral Crystal is concerned,once you harvest the special 'Mineral' Crop, the Crop will revert to anordinary one. In other words, the plant does not die and may produce anotherharvest, but the harvest will be an ordinary one.

Another effect of fertilisation with Mineral Crystals is that the viability and

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strength of the Crop will improve, even when first planted. An ordinary Crop,for example, has a 50% chance of being washed away if planted on a rainy/snowyday. The same Crop, when planted in soil that has been fortified with aMineral Crystal has only a 25% chance of being washed away. A Mineral Crystalincreases the number of Days that the Crop can be neglected. If unwatered, anordinary Crop that will die after a single Day will last without water for 2Days if Mineral Crystal has been added to the soil.

Note that a Mineral Crystal's effect will last only for the duration of asingle growing period. Once the Crop has been harvested or the Seasonchanges, the soil will revert to ordinary soil.

Using Mineral Crystals

Mineral Crystals are found in the Mine by breaking Rocks with a Hammer. Evenwhen you still have access to the Mine only by working Part-Time for Rudolph,he will allow you to keep all the Mineral Crystals that you find.

There is another method of obtaining Mineral Crystals if you win theTransformer 1 Machine by winning 1st Place in the Sprint or Short DistanceRace. With the Transformer 1 Machine, you can transform any piece of Grassinto a Mineral Crystal.

Although you can sell them to a merchant, it is more profitable to use MineralCrystals to transform your Crops. Special Crops will result whenever MineralCrystal is used to fortify the soil.

To use a Mineral Crystal, you first need to till the soil. Once a square hasbeen tilled, take a Mineral Crystal from your Rucksack. With the MineralCrystal in your hands, you will see an option to press X to activate theCrystal.

When you press X, the Crystal will be sown, creating a different colour ofsoil. Any Crop now planted in the fertilised soil will become a Mineral Crop.

Values of Mineral Crops

Note that ALL Mineral Crops yield only a single Special harvest, even if theordinary version of the Crop would yield Multiple Harvests. Once the plantyields a special Crop, it will revert to an ordinary Crop if it is a MultipleHarvest Crop.

Mineral Potato

Mineral Potato: 90G Energy Value: +12 SR +2 FR

Mineral Tomato: 50G Energy Value: +12 SR +2 FR

Mineral Corn: 60G

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Energy Value: +12 SR +2 FR

Golden Breadfruit: 60G Energy Value: +12 SR +2 FR

Platinum Rice: 70G Energy Value: +12 SR +2 FR

Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts: 60G Energy Value: N/A

Golden Strawberry: 70GEnergy Value: +6 SR +6 FR

Mineral Carrot: 120G Energy Value: +14 SR +4 FR

Mineral Onion: 110G Energy Value: +12 SR +2 FR

Black Watermelon: 220G Energy Value: +6 SR +4 FR

Red Pumpkin: 60G Energy Value: +14 SR +4 FR

Mineral Spinach: 90G Energy Value: +18 SR +2 FR

Hybrid Crops

By combining two types of ordinary Seeds in the Transformer 3 Machine, you cancreate Synthetic or Hybrid Crop Seeds that will produce special combinationsof Crops.

Essentially, these do not create new varieties of Crops but simply new types ofSeeds that allow two different Crops to be harvested from a single plant. Thebenefits of this are twofold: if you can harvest two Crops from a singleplant, you can grow twice as many Crops in your Field. Furthermore, ratherthan being forced to water two separate Crops, you can water the single plantthat will produce both.

The Sacred Land

Even at the start of the game, you will find the entrance to the Sacred Land inthe form of two shallow steps formed of turf to the left of the Villa. Youwill not be able to ascend the steps, however.

The earliest that access to the Sacred Land can occur is on 3 Winter in thefirst year when you can experience the 'Discovery of the Sacred Land' eventwith Dia at your Homestead at 6.00 a.m. You will be directed to plant Crops

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in the secret field there. You need to till the soil and, although you canplant whatever Crops you please, Potatoes are the fastest growing Crop. TheSeeds that Dia will give you are Potato Seeds, which take 5 days to grow. Itis only when the Crops are ready to harvest that the next Event in thesequence can occur.

The Sacred Land has more resources than the 9 square field. There is aWaterfall that creates a water source as well as two trees that you can hitwith a Hammer to obtain fruit. The tree on the left produces Oranges and theone on the right produces Apples. Both fruits can be obtained in Winter.

Golden Potato Seeds

Golden Potato Seeds: 200G

Energy Value: +16 SR +0 FRCan be grown in any Season

Growth Rate: 6 Days to Harvest

Will Wither if neglected:

After 3 Day during a Dry TrendAfter 5 Days during a Warm TrendAfter 7 Days during a Wet Trend Same rules apply when grown in a Greenhouse

Risk of Seed loss if planted in rain/snow: 1/4

Note that Golden Potato Seeds will be 'unlocked' at Lyla's Florist Shop only ifyou complete Dia's Story Quest of the Golden Potato Seed.

Advanced Farming Options

At the end of the 2nd Year, if you are successful in saving Leaf Valley fromdevelopment, you will have a choice either to continue the game into the thirdyear or to restart the game with your current assets. The only advantage ofrestarting the game would be to experience Events that you missed. If,however, you planned your game carefully to include all possible Events and tocomplete all possible Story Quests, there really is no reason to start a newgame.

When you choose to move forward into the third year, you will be able toexplore many advanced options that are not available in the first two years.

One of these is the ability to buy another Bed, similar to the Big Bed, inanticipation of Marriage. A superior television that can air Channel 4 aswell as the other three Channels is available only in the third year.

In terms of Farming, it is only in the 3rd Year that you can build a Greenhouseand order a Sprinkler system that will water your Crops automatically.

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A new Character in the person of Zann will appear in the Valley only in thethird year. He is an expert jeweler who can create beautiful Accessories.

These are only a few of the options that are available only if you choose tocontinue your game after 'saving the homeland'.

Farming in Winter

In HoLV, the soil can be tilled and Crops can be grown during the Winter Seasonas in any other Season. There are Winter-specific Crops, in fact, in the formof Spinach and Stardust flowers.

Although Characters may comment on the 'rain' on a snowy day, the effects ofsnow are very different from rain. The most significant of these is the needto water all Crops on a snowy day, when obviously rain will water the Cropsfor you. A Crop, therefore, has a chance of withering if you fail to water itduring a snowy period.

Even the Harvest Goddess will treat snow as rain, scolding you if you throw heran Offering with:

Harvest Goddess: How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like the rain. Come back when it's sunny.

In a sense, therefore, snow is the worst of all situations, as Characters andAnimals will treat it as rain but no Crops will be watered.

Winter Weather can include rainy days as well as snowy ones, as it could in the'real' world.

Animal Care

In Hero of leaf Valley, your Farm will be equipped with the basic structuresthat allow you to keep both Poultry and Livestock. Moreover, your Coop willbe equipped with an Incubator. The local Grocery sells Eggs for 70G. If youagree to perform part-time labour for Ronald, however, he will reward you withan Egg as well as your monetary pay of 230G when the job is completed.

You can pop the Egg into your Incubator and have your first Ranch animal in theform of a Chick in three days. A Chick will become an adult Chicken after aweek. Your initial Chicken Coop can house a maximum of 3 Chickens. An Egg inthe Incubator counts as one Chicken in this respect.

Your Chicken Coop actually is situated on a different screen from yourFarmhouse. When the Chick has been born, you will see a prompt to the effectwhen you first awaken in the morning.

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Prompt at 6.00 a.m.: The baby chicks should be hatching soon.

It is when you enter the Chicken Coop screen that you will be prompted to namethe new arrival. As in most Harvest Moon games, Chickens can be carriedoutside in fine weather to find their own food. In many games, a baby Chickwill not be able to leave the Coop, but in Hero of Leaf Valley, even a newbornChick can be carried outside.

There is no threat to Animals left outside overnight apart from any possibilityof bad weather the next Day. Animals who are kept outside in good weatherhave a chance of producing Gold Ranch Products.

Adult Chickens, Cows and a Horse can be purchased even at the start of the gamefrom Bob at Bob's Animal Supply. The items for sale there at the start of thefirst Spring are:

Bob's Ranch Suppllies:

Chicken Feed: 10GFodder: 20GAnimal Medicine: 500GChicken: 500GCow Miracle Potion: 1500GCow: 2500GHorse: 5000G

Note that you can work Part-Time for Bob by caring for the Livestock and, ifFriendship Levels both with the Livestock and with Bob are sufficiently highwhen Summer begins, he will offer to 'lend' you the money to purchase a Horse. This is a clever little fiction employed to allow him to give you the Horsewith the highest FP at his Ranch. You are not required to pay 5000G at anypoint for the Horse but you must care for it properly!

Tip: Purchase a few portions of Chicken Feed as soon as you obtain your firstChicken and store them for use on days when the Weather is bad.

Fodder for Livestock is created by using your Sickle on the fully-grown Grassin the Meadow on your Homestead. You therefore never need to purchase Fodderfor your Livestock. Fodder actually is an acceptable gift for a couple ofCharacters as well, including Bob, although most individuals will view it withdisfavour. You will find a section below that deals with 'Easy Gifts' for allCharacters in Leaf Valley.

Animal Care Tutorials are available to your Character in the form of Part-TimeJobs at the Grocery Store and Bob's Animal Supplies. If you accept Ronald'sjob, you will learn how to care for Chickens. When you accept a part-time jobfrom Bob, you learn how to Feed, Brush and Milk his Cow, as well as caring forhis Horses. As previously indicated, this is the only way to 'earn' a Horseby the beginning of Summer without being forced to pay 5000G for it.

A Small Poultry Business

You actually can make some income early in the game if you incubate Eggs and

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then sell the Chickens once they reach adulthood. If you work Part-Time forRonald to obtain your first Egg or Eggs, you need not invest any money in thebusiness apart from the Chicken Feed you will need when the weather is foul.

Bob will pay 300G for any adult Chicken. A Chick takes a week to mature intoan Adult Chicken. Even if this occurs during a rainy season and you must feedthe Chick daily, Feed costs only 10G. You still will make a profit of 230G ifyou sell the Chicken as soon as she becomes an adult.

Animal Friendship Levels

As with the Characters you meet in Leaf Valley, Animals have Friendship Levelsof their own, and raising these Levels can be critical to your success inlife.

The system that awards Friendship Points to Animals is a little different fromthat which applies to other Characters. In fact, you can lose Hearts withAnimals as well as gain them.

Animal Friendship Levels are as follows:

0-29 FP = 0 Hearts30-79 FP = 1 Heart80-129 FP = 2 Hearts130-179 FP = 3 Hearts180 - 219 FP = 4 Hearts220 - 255 FP = 5 Hearts

These values apply to all Animals, whether they are Pets, Poultry or Livestock. The difference between each Animal type in terms of Friendship is that youinteract with each differently and earn FP through different actions.

Friendship with your Dog

Even when you do not own a Dog, your actions with respect to the two stray dogsin the Valley will determine your future ability to adopt one.

You will find a food dish next to your Farmhouse even at the start of the game. Although you do not own a pet Dog, you should leave food in the dish daily inorder to be able to court the stray dogs of the Valley. When your FriendshipLevel with the Dogs reaches 31 FP, you will have the option to pick up eitherDog. The first time you pick up either one of the two Dogs, you will be giventhe option to adopt.

At that point, you will be able to choose which of the two dogs you wish toadopt, irrespective of the Dog with whom you currently are interacting. Toadopt the Dog you are NOT holding, choose 'No' when you are asked if you wishto adopt it. You then will need to find the Dog you want to adopt, pick it upand then choose the option to adopt.

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After adoption, your duties and responsibilities with respect to the Dog youhave chosen will increase.

If you wish to delay the adoption of a Dog by ignoring the invitation to pickhim up when his FP reaches the required level, you can do so and his FP willnot decrease. You will be able to continue to raise his Friendship Levelslowly by filling the Food Dish daily but until you have adopted him, you willbe unable to gain any FP from other actions.

Alternately, you can pick up any Dog you see on a daily basis, then choose notto adopt it until you are ready to do so. The option always will exist oncethe Dog reaches +31 FP or 1 Heart. It is not entirely certain, however,whether you will gain +1 FP for hugging the Dog if you have not adopted it.

Various actions will raise his Friendship on a daily basis once you haveadopted him, but other actions will cause his FP to decrease.

To increase FP each day:

+2 FP: Pick up your Dog+2 FP: Whistle for your Dog (use the L Button, then Choose the 'Dog')+2 FP: Play the Ocarina to train the Dog+1 FP: Place any food item other than Milk or Fish in the Food Dish+2 FP: Place any ordinary Milk or Fish in the Food Dish+6 FP: Place Gold Milk in the Food Dish

To decrease FP:

-20 FP: Forget to feed your Dog-20 FP: Hit the Dog with a sharp Farm Tool-20 FP: If your Dog is Sick for an entire Day without Treatment-5 FP: Awaken your Dog when it is sleeping

Other actions result in an FP decrease by the hour:

-2 FP per hour: Taking or keeping the Dog outside in bad Weather if you do nothave a Dog House-1 FP: Leaving your Dog in any area other than the Homestead-1 FP: Keeping your Dog inside the House when the Weather is good

Animals supposedly go to sleep at 7.00 p.m., although I have seen them movingabout quite late at night. Certainly, you should not meddle with them after10.00 p.m. It appears, however, that if the Animal is 'out and about' withyou outside of the Homestead or Pasture area, there is no problem. The Horsedefinitely will not lose FP if you continue to ride him even after midnight aslong as you take him home with you. In other words, do not use the TriangleButton to send yourself home if you have your Horse or Dog with you.

If the Weather prediction for the following day is rain or snow and you do nothave a Dog House on your Homestead, you either should carry him into the houseat 6.59 p.m. or immediately at 6.00 a.m. the next morning. If you do have aDog House, he will seek shelter in bad weather by himself.

Note that, once good weather returns, you will lose FP with your Dog if youkeep him in the House. A Dog House really is the best solution once you canafford it. Building a Dog House will allow you to unlock the option to expandyour House as well.

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As you can see, the act of adopting a Dog in Hero of Leaf Valley forces you toassume a fairly serious amount of responsibility each day. The rewards,however, can be very great. It is your Dog who will find the Power Berriesthat are hidden in the Valley and these can increase your total Energycapacity.

The Dog can find other useful items as well.

The items your Dog can find, with the probability of finding them is asfollows:

80% chance of finding a Power Berry until he has found all four of them.

There is a 5% chance of finding Pontata Root, Black Truffle, White Truffle,Star Truffle or Baby Truffle while the Power Berries remain undiscovered.

Until your Dog has found all 4 Power Berries for you, the chance of finding anyother item remains at 5%. Once you have obtained all the Power Berries, thechances of finding the other items changes to:

50% chance of finding Pontata Root.20% chance of finding a Star Truffle.10% chance of finding Black Truffle, White Truffle or Baby Truffle.

Note that you will not be able to direct your Dog to search for items until hehas been trained to listen. The 'Search' Command is one of seven commands youcan teach him by playing your Ocarina.

Power Berry Locations

When your Dog performs a 'Search' for you anywhere on the Map, he will finditems randomly. There are specific 'Drop' locations, however, and it is atthese spots that items will appear when you play the 'Search' Command on theOcarina.

Some of the Drop Locations in Leaf Valley are:

In the area of Lyla's Florist Shop/Louis' Item Shop: To the left of Lyla'sFlower Bed

In the area of Ronald Grocery Store, between the two trees in front of theshop.

In the area of the Cafe/Pub, on the left side of the path.

In the area of the Harvest Goddess Spring, to the left of the spot where theBlue Mist was planted.

In the area of Woody's Carpentry Shop, beneath the tree to the right of thestairs if you are facing the Shop.

In the area of Clove Villa, between the Fountain and the Villa

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In the area of Clove Villa, beneath the Cranberry Tree

In the area of Pike Mountain Forest, in the Pit.

In the Plaza, to the left of the signpost for Lyla's Florist.

Note that, once an item has been found in ANY of these locations, your Dog willnot be able to find another item there until two days have passed. Like theFruit on the Trees that can be brought down with your Hammer, the cycleappears to be every three days. In the case of the Dog, you will be able tofind items at OTHER Drop locations and basically can rotate his Search dailythroughout the Map to find items in at least two Drop Locations daily.

If you study the probabilities, you will see that, once he has found the PowerBerries, the item that he is most likely to find afterwards is the most usefulitem in the form of Pontata Root.

An odd anomaly with respect to the Dog and his Search action is that often hewill bark in response to the Ocarina command and act as though he has found anitem but you will see NOTHING. An item may appear a day later on the samescreen, so always be alert for Mushrooms of various types, Pontata Root andTruffles on the ground even when your dog is not with you.

Ocarina Commands

To play the Ocarina, you first must equip it. Even when you own one, you willnot be able to play it until you have adopted one of the two stray dogs in theValley.

Playing a Melody on the Ocarina is effected by the use of the Square Button inconjunction with the Directional Buttons.

The commands with the FP Levels and melodies that are linked to each are:

Sit Command: Requires +31 FP Press Up, Left, Down

Stay Command: Requires +31 FP Press Up, Down, Down

Come Command: Requires +51 FP Press Left, Right, Right

Search Command: Requires +71 FP Press Down, Left, Up

Pursue Command: Requires +71 FP Press Right, Left, Right

Jump Command: Requires +96 FP Press Left, Up, Right

Beg Command: Requires +126 FP Press Down, Up, Up

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Note that, unlike ordinary Tools, you must hold down the Square Button whileyou input the Directional Commands, rather like 'charging' a tool in otherHarvest Moon games.

A Dog's Special Abilities

Unlike the Poultry and Livestock you can own in HoLV, your Dog has specialabilities that will increase when you perform specific actions on a dailybasis. These special abilities or traits are Intelligence, Speed,Perseverance and Wildness. Your Horse has his own Special Abilities, butthese will be discussed in another section.

To increase these abilities, perform the following actions:

When you call your Dog by whistling to him, it will increase his Intelligence. His Intelligence Level will determine his success in obeying your Commands.

When you train your Dog using the Ocarina, his Speed will increase.

When you Feed your Dog each day, it increases his Perseverance, the trait thatwill strengthen his immunity to Sickness.

Barking is the sign of Wildness and picking up your Dog on a daily basis willdecrease his tendency to bark.

Using the Bell

The Bell, which can be purchased at Louis' Item Shop for 500G, is an invaluableRanch Tool in HoLV. When you ring the Bell once, ALL Animals in the pastureas well as Poultry outside the Coop will return to the Barn/Coop.

Animals will lose FP and possibly become Sick when left outside in bad weatherbut it is not necessary to take them inside on the night before a storm orother foul weather conditions. If you go to the pasture area immediately at6.00 a.m., you can ring the Bell to send them indoors without losing ANY FP orgiving the Animals sufficient time to nurse a potential Bad Mood.

Ironically, bringing them inside on the night prior to bad weather conditionsactually can LOWER their FP if the Bell awakens them. Unless you send theminto the Barn/Coop by 7.00 p.m., therefore, it is better to race to thepasture at 6.00 a.m. in the rain or snow to ring the Bell to send every one toshelter on the day of the storm.


You can buy your first Egg from Ronald, incubate the Bonus Egg he gives whenyou work for him Part-Time or buy an Adult Chicken from Bob's Animal Supply. Once you have an Adult Chicken, she will begin to lay eggs on the second day. A Chicken in a Good Mood will lay an Egg each day. A Chicken in a Bad Mood

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will not lay an Egg.

Your actions towards your Chickens will affect both their Friendship Levels andtheir Moods in a positive or negative fashion.

Positive Actions that result in a gain in Friendship and foster a Good Moodare:

+1 FP: Pick up your Chicken once each day+1 FP: Place Chicken Feed in the Feed Box in bad weather or put them outsidefor at least 5 hours in good weather+3 FP: Place Alfalfa Sprouts in the Feed Box instead of Chicken Feed+1 FP per hour: Having the Chicken outside between 10.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. infine weather

The following negative actions will decrease Friendship Levels and resulteither in a Bad Mood or actual Sickness:

-20 FP: Hitting a Chicken with a sharp Farm Tool-10 FP: Neglecting to Feed a Chicken on any day when it cannot go outside-10 FP whenever a Chicken becomes Sick-5 FP: Disturbing a Chicken when she is asleep between 7.00 p.m. - 5.00 a.m.-2 FP per hour: Allowing your Chickens to be outside in bad weather-1 FP per hour: Failing to take your Chickens outside from 10.00 a.m.- 3.00p.m. in good weather.

When your Chickens are outside in good weather, they will be in a Good Mood. The value of any positive FP actions when a Chicken is in a Good Mood may bedoubled randomly. Higher Friendship levels improve your chance of obtainingthe Friendship Bonus points. Higher Friendship Levels will decrease yourChance of a Chicken being in a Bad Mood or becoming Sick if you forget to feedit or otherwise commit a 'negative' action.

When any Chicken reaches 210 FP, it has a 1 in 8 chance of producing a GoldenEgg when it is in a Good Mood.

You may find your Chicken in a Bad Mood if you forget to feed it or if you takeit or leave it outside when the weather is bad. A Bad Mood is guaranteed ifyou hit your Chicken with a sharp Farm Tool. Any Bad Mood will last a fullday and prevent the Chicken from producing an Egg. The same negative actionscan cause your Chicken to become Sick.

There is another cause of Sickness in Chickens which is akin to 'cabin fever'. If you do not take your Chickens outside for five consecutive days, they maybecome Sick. Sickness will result in -10 FP per day and Sick Chickens neitherwill eat nor produce any Eggs. The only cure for Sickness is Animal Medicinewhich can be purchased from Bob.

The chance that a Chicken will become Sick through neglect will decrease as itsFriendship Levels increase.

Raising Livestock

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The only way to obtain a Cow is by purchasing one from Bob's Animal Supplies. The Cow you purchase will not produce Milk until she becomes an Adult. AnAdult Cow can be milked or given Cow Miracle Potion to impregnate it.

It only takes a week for a Cow purchased from Bob to become an Adult capable ofproducing Milk. Unlike other Harvest Moon games, where a Cow first usuallyproduces only Small Milk, the size of Milk that you obtain from your Cow evenon the first day depends wholly on her Mood. If your Cow is very healthy andvery happy, she can yield Large Milk on the first day she becomes an adult andGold Milk on the second day after she becomes an Adult.

To achieve this happy state of affairs, you must talk to your Cow every dayafter you purchase her, make certain she is allowed to stay outside in thePasture whenever the weather is fine and brush her daily.

Cows do not have a long gestation period in HoLV. A Cow who is pregnant willdeliver her Calf after 10 Days. The baby will remain a Calf only for 5 Daysand then will be in the transition stage for another week. A mere 12 daysafter birth, a Cow born on your Farm can begin to produce Milk.

The advantages of breeding your own Livestock are significant in terms ofFriendship Levels.

If the Mother has 0-50 FP, the Calf will be born with +20 FP. If the Motherhas 51-100 FP, the Calf will be born with +30 FP. A Cow with 101-150 FP willdeliver a Calf with +40 FP and a Cow with 151-255 FP will produce a Calf thatis born with +50 FP.

As with other Animals, your actions towards your Cows will affect both theirFriendship Levels and their Moods in a positive or negative fashion.

Positive Actions that result in a gain in Friendship and foster a Good Moodare:

+1 FP: Talk to your Cow once each day+2 FP: Place Fodder in the Feed Box in bad weather or put them outside for atleast 5 hours in good weather+2 FP: Milk your Cow once each day+3 FP: Brush your Cow once each day+6 FP: Place Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts in the Feed Box instead of Fodder+1 FP per hour: Having the Cow outside between 10.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. in fineweather

The following negative actions will decrease Friendship Levels and resulteither in a Bad Mood or actual Sickness with respect to your Cow:

-20 FP: Hitting a Cow with a sharp Farm Tool-10 FP: Neglecting to Feed a Cow on any day when it cannot go outside-10 FP whenever a Cow becomes Sick-5 FP: Disturbing a Cow when she is asleep between 7.00 p.m. - 5.00 a.m.-2 FP per hour: Allowing your Cow to be outside in bad weather-1 FP per hour: Failing to take your Cow outside from 10.00 a.m.- 3.00 p.m. ingood weather.

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When your Cow are outside in good weather, they will be in a Good Mood, muchlike your Chickens. A Good Mood lasts three days and during this period, a +1bonus will be added to the value of any action that raises FP. HigherFriendship Levels will decrease your Chance of a Cow being in a Bad Mood orbecoming Sick if you forget to feed it or otherwise commit a 'negative'action.

When any Cow reaches 220 FP and is fed Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts, it WILL produceGold Milk when it is in a Good Mood. In other words, Mineral Alfalfa Sproutsset in a Chicken's or Cow's feeder the previous night will guarantee theappearance of Gold Egg/Milk the next day unless the Animal is in a Bad Mood orSick.

When you have not fed a Cow Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts, Gold Milk is a randomoccurrence for any Cow with at least 220 FP. The Gold Milk is loaded into thegame at the moment when you use the Milker, so if you are trying to obtainGold Milk and do not have Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts to guarantee its appearance,simply reload your game at 6.00 a.m. and try again.

You may find your Cow in a Bad Mood if you forget to feed it or if you take itor leave it outside when the weather is bad. A Bad Mood is guaranteed if youhit your Cow with a sharp Farm Tool. Any Bad Mood will last a full day andprevent the Cow from producing Milk. The same negative actions that can causeyour Chicken to become Sick can cause Sickness in your Cow.

Sickness will result in -10 FP per day and Sick Cows will not produce any Milk. Friendship will decrease by 10 points per day while they remain Sick. As withChickens, the only cure for Sickness is Animal Medicine which can be purchasedfrom Bob.

The chance that a Cow will become Sick through neglect will decrease as itsFriendship Levels increase.

Gold Product

When your Chicken or Cow attains 220 FP, it will be able to produce GoldProduct. Gold Product is a random occurrence UNLESS you have placed MineralAlfalfa Sprouts in the Animal's Feeder on the previous night. Mineral AlfalfaSprouts will guarantee the appearance of Gold Product the next morning unlessthe Animal is in a Bad Mood or Sick.

Note that you can place Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts in the Feeder even if you keepyour Animals outside. Somehow, the Animal, even if she never goes into theCoop/Barn will be able to access the special treat and will reward you withGold Product the next morning.

Caring for your Horse

You will find Chickens, Cows and a Horse for sale at Bob's Animal Supply in thefirst Spring, but there is a way to obtain a Horse without paying the purchase

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Agree to perform Part-Time Work for Bob on a regular basis during the SpringSeason and raise his Friendship Level with conversation and gifts. 1 Summeris Bob's Birthday, giving you a wonderful opportunity to boost his FP if youhave neglected him a little. On the 2nd day of Summer, after Earth Day, ifthe weather is fine, he should appear at your Homestead with an offer to'lend' you the money to buy a Horse from him. In effect, he simply gives youthe Horse if you agree to the proposal. If you paid more attention to oneHorse than the others when you cared for his Livestock at Starling Ranch, itis that Horse that he will offer to you.

If you have befriended Bob and worked for him regularly, you should buy a Brushand a Bell before 2 Summer in anticipation of the arrival of your new Horse.

Horses produce no Ranch products but they can be entered in Horse Races in LeafValley. Prizes for racing can be significant both in terms of advancing theStory and in practical monetary terms.

As with other Animals, your actions towards your Horse will affect both hisFriendship Level and his Moods in a positive or negative fashion.

Positive Actions that result in a gain in Friendship and foster a Good Moodare:

+1 FP: Talk to your Horse once each day+1 FP: Whistle for your Horse once each day by pressing L then choosing theoption that appears+2 FP: Place Fodder in the Feed Box in bad weather or put him outside for atleast 5 hours in good weather+2 FP: Ride your Horse once per day +3 FP: Brush your Horse once each day+6 FP: Place Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts in the Feed Box instead of Fodder+1 FP per hour: Having the Cow outside between 10.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. in fineweather

The following negative actions will decrease Friendship Levels and resulteither in a Bad Mood or actual Sickness with respect to your Horse:

-20 FP: Hitting your Horse with a sharp Farm Tool-10 FP: Neglecting to Feed your Horse on any day when he cannot go outside-10 FP whenever your Horse becomes Sick-5 FP: Disturbing your Horse when he is asleep between 7.00 p.m. - 5.00 a.m.-2 FP per hour: Allowing your Horse to be outside in bad weather-1 FP per hour: Failing to take your Horse outside from 10.00 a.m.- 3.00 p.m.in good weather.

When your Horse is outside in good weather, he will be in a Good Mood. As withyour other Livestock, a Good Mood lasts three days and during this period, a+1 bonus will be added to the value of any action that raises FP. HigherFriendship Levels will decrease your Chance of your Horse being in a Bad Moodor becoming Sick if you forget to feed him or otherwise commit a 'negative'action.

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You may find your Horse in a Bad Mood if you forget to feed it or if you takeit or leave it outside when the weather is bad. A Bad Mood is guaranteed ifyou hit your Horse with a sharp Farm Tool. The same negative actions that cancause other Animals to become Sick can cause Sickness in your Horse.

Sickness will result in a Friendship decrease of 10 points per day while heremaisn Sick. As with other Animals, the only cure for Sickness is AnimalMedicine which can be purchased from Bob.

The chance that your Horse will become Sick through neglect will decrease asits Friendship Levels increase.

Riding your Horse

If you purchase your Horse from Bob's Animal Supply, its Friendship Level willbe 0 FP. If, however, you have worked Part-Time regularly for Bob, you willhave gained specific Friendship Levels with each of the Animals you havetended.

As discussed earlier, Bob will be willing to 'lend' you a Horse if, in thefirst couple of days of Summer, his Friendship Level has reached 30 FP and thecombined total Friendship Level of his Livestock is at least 20 FP.

Until the Horse attains at least 1 Heart, you will not be able to mount it. Whenever you press the X Button next to it in order to Mount, the Horse willrear in protest. Once the Horse reaches 1 Heart, you will be able to Mountand ride it throughout most of the Map, although the small wooden bridgesacross the river, including the one that links your Homestead to the area ofRonald's Grocery, will not be accessible when riding until your Horse's HeartLevel increases. The Sacred Land, even when your Horse is at maximum HeartLevel cannot be entered on horseback.

The horse will be extremely slow, however, until its Friendship Level improves. Until then, you will find that you can move faster on foot.

Even if you do not choose to plod slowly through the Valley on your Horse, youshould Mount daily at least for a moment in the Barn or Pasture to raise hisFP. Doing this will result in a gain of +2 FP. Whistling for it at leastonce per day will earn another Friendship Point.

Horses, like other Livestock and Poultry can be left outside indefinitely whenthe weather is fine. If rain or snow is predicted for the next day, youshould use the Bell by 7.00 p.m. on the previous night to send ALL the Animalsback into the Barn and Coop. All animals go to sleep at 7.00 p.m. whether ornot they appear to be sleeping. Awakening an Animal, including your Dog, willmake it grumpy, costing you 5FP and creating the risk of an official 'BadMood'.

The same rules that apply to other Animals in terms of their Moods apply toyour Horse.

Where the Dog is concerned, training is effected by means of the Ocarina. Where the Horse is concerned, you can train him on the course at StarlingRanch. Both Bob and Gwen are more than willing to race against you in

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Practice races but you must train once at least with Bob before Gwen will bewilling to work with you.

Like your Dog, your Horse has its own special abilities, measured in his NormalSpeed, his Maximum Speed and his Endurance. Winning Practice Races canimprove your Horse's statistics but it is your Friendship Level with yourHorse that primarily determines its ability to race successfully.

The relationship of FP to your Horse's stats are as follows:

30-50 FP: Normal Speed = 10Maximum Speed = 15Endurance = 55

51-70 FP:Normal Speed = 11Maximum Speed = 16Endurance = 60

71-95 FP:Normal Speed = 12Maximum Speed = 17Endurance = 65

96-125 FP:Normal Speed = 13Maximum Speed = 18Endurance = 70

126-200 FP:Normal Speed = 14Maximum Speed = 19Endurance = 75

201-255 FP:Normal Speed = 15Maximum Speed = 20Endurance = 80

Unlocking the Horse Training Option

The actual Event that includes a formal invitation from Bob to visit StarlingRanch for Training will not occur before 15 Autumn. As soon as you experiencethe earlier Event in Summer wherein Bob confides his ambitions to create aChampion racehorse, you should be able to visit Starling Ranch and beginTraining sessions, provided always that your Horse has attained FriendshipLevels that allow him to compete.

Winning Practice Races can increase your Horse's abilities as well. When youwin a Practice Race against Bob, your Horse will gain +1 point to both hisNormal Speed and Maximum Speed and +4 Points of Endurance. Winning a PracticeRace against Gwen will result in a gain of +2 Points to both his Normal Speedand his Maximum Speed and give a boost of +5 Points to his Endurance. Even if

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you lose a Practice Race against Gwen, this will result in a gain of +2 Pointsof Endurance. When you lose a Practice Race against Bob, your Horse will gainin his Stats as well.

Training Schedules are as follows:

9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. on Tuesday or Thursday Gwen is available on Tuesday and Bob is available on Thursday.

Look for Bob in the corner of the Pasture between the Practice Course and theBarn.

Note that no option to Train will exist in the first Week of Winter in thefirst Year. As the Races against Bob and Gwen are set to occur in the secondWeek of Winter, you should try to train as often as possible in the Summer andAutum seasons in order to prepare for these contests.



Bob: So you want to train your horse? Alright, I'll help you out. By the way,do you know how to ride one?*

*What he is asking in essence is not if you know how to Mount and ride but ifyou know how to use the specific Racing Controls and Items.

Bob: Well, first I need to explain a little about horse racing.There are three types of races: there's a short race, a long race, and asteeplechase where you'll have to jump obstacles. Well, let's get startedwith the basics! First is speeding up. Encourage your horse by pressing theO button and your horse will speed up. But every time your horse speeds up,he'll lose stamina. So you've got to be careful. Why don't you give it atry?

You will be asked to use the O Button on the Track briefly.

Bob: Not bad, Freyr. Next is slowing down. This is important when you'rerounding the turn. It's simple. Pull the reigns** with the Square button andthe horse will slow down. Why don't you give it a shot?

**text error: should be 'reins'

Again, you will be asked to use the Square Button briefly.

Bob: That was good. Next, I'll teach you how to jump over hurdles in thesteelplechase. You'll be set after you learn this. To clear the hurdles,wait until your horse reaches the line in front of the hurdle, and then jump. Oh, I guess I need to teach you how to jump. You can do that with the Xbutton. It's important to get the timing right, because if you hit a singlehurdle, you'll be disqualified from the race. Alright, are you ready? Giveyour best shot!

You now will be asked to jump a single hurdle.

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Bob: You can submit items when you're signing up for a race. And during therace, you can use those items with the Triangle Button. There are 7 items youcan use: Mineral Carrots, Carrots, Pontata Roots, Green Herb, Fodder ,Mineral Alfalfa Sprouts and Alfalfa Sprouts. Using a carrot item will speedyour horse up temporarily! The other items will recover stamina. Alright,well, why don't you give it a try? Here you can use these items Ibrought...Just this once, though.

The two items he gives are displayed in the upper left corner. Press Triangleto use one and then press Triangle again to use the other.

Bob: That looked pretty good. Well, there are a few more tips you should knowbefore racing. First, the horse's stamina... It'll gradually decline duringthe race. The faster it runs, the more stamina it uses. If your horse runsout of stamina, it'll slow way down. Next, don't run into other horses or thefence! You'll lose speed every time you do. And finally, you've got tomanage your speed and stamina carefully for the race. Take special care ifyou're in the long race!

Now that's all I have to teach you. You just need to keep practicing and comeup with your own strategy.

After he has taught you all the rules, speak to him again to obtain the twooptions once more:


Now, when you choose 'Train', answer that you know how to race.

Bob: Alright, let's do this! I'll show you what a real horse rider can do!!

You now will be able to choose which type of race you wish to practice:

Short DistanceLong DistanceSteeplechase

You will then be given the chance to choose three items from your Rucksack forthe Practice Race. Place one in each of three slots in the Race Items Menu ifyou wish to do so. Note that any items you place in the Race Items Tray willNOT be returned to your Inventory if you fail to use them during the PracticeRace.

When you greet Gwen in the Pasture on Tuesday after taking Bob's Tutorial, youwill have a new option:


If you choose Train:

Gwen: You want to train your horse with me? That's fine, I guess. So thatmeans you're ready then?

You now will have the options:

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Short DistanceLong DIstanceSteeplechase

It does not matter which race you choose and even if you lose, you should heara little fanfare that produces a prompt:

I feel like Shadowfax has really grown today. I wonder how much fasterShadowfax can get...

Your Horse's Training Rivals

When you train at Bob's Ranch and ride any Practice Race, you will be racingagainst your Trainer's Horse. On Tuesdays, your Horse's opponent will beMillie, Gwen's Horse. On Thursdays, his Rival on the track will beButterscotch, Bob's Horse.

Their statistics are as follows:


Normal Speed: 15Maximum Speed: 19Endurance: 60


Normal Speed: 14Maximum Speed: 18Endurance: 75

Millie is a Horse known as a 'closer', with the power to run long distanceswithout losing her Stamina. She may be slower but she will be able toincrease her Speed long after weaker horses have tired. Bob's Horse is morepowerful in the Sprint or short distance races.

In the first week in Winter, if you have a Horse, you should receive a visitfrom Bob at the farmhouse. He will challenge you to a race, which will occurimmediately. If your horse beats Butterscotch, you will experience a similarchallenge from Gwen a few days later. Winning both of these races willincrease your horse's stats and make it easier for you to defeat the RobotHorse in Spring of the 2nd Year.

Racing Aids

You are allowed to use three items during a Race either to increase your Speedor restore your Stamina.

The items that qualify, with their effects are:

Fodder: Restores 5% of maximum Stamina

Alfalfa Sprout: Restores 10% of maximum Stamina

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Mineral Alfalfa Sprout: Restores 15% of maximum Stamina

Green Herb: Restores 20% of maximum Stamina

Pontata Root: Restores 30% of maximum Stamina

Carrot: Increases Speed 1.1x for 4 seconds

Mineral Carrot: Increases Speed 1.2x for 5 seconds

As you can see, apart from Pontata Root, it is the lowly Green Herb, ratherthan any special Crop that has the most potent effect on your Horse whereStamina is concerned. Carrots, a Spring Crop, are the item to use if you needto increase your Speed. A Carrot or Mineral Carrot should be used near thefinish line in a final burst of strength.

Use of the Whip will deplete Stamina quickly. If you bump another Horse, youwill deplete your Stamina as well.

If you wish to win a Race, you MUST use your Whip, which means that you shouldhave the most powerful Recovery Items as your Racing Aids. Pontata Root isthe best.

Freyr's Horse was able to win the Long Distance Race at the Summer Races in thefirst year, but was unable to win the Sprint in Autumn. In Winter, however,when challenged by Bob and then by Gwen to race against them, his horse wasable to beat both Butterscotch and Millie. The race against Gwen's horseMillie was a little more difficult to win. He used 2 Pontata Roots and 1Green Herb.

Animal Sickness

Negative actions or simple neglect can create a Bad Mood in an Animal that maylead to Sickness. Leaving an Animal outside in Bad Weather can cause it tobecome Sick almost immediately.

When an Animal becomes Sick, it must be treated with Animal Medicine. Thefirst time an Animal falls ill, you may receive a visit at 6.00 a.m. eitherfrom Gwen or from Bob. Your visitor will scold you but will treat the Animalimmediately with Animal Medicine, which will result in an instant recovery. If you neglected your Animal somehow, you may receive some physical punishmentfrom Gwen!

6:AM.  Bob:  Hey, you!  Can’t you see that you cow isn’t feeling well?!  …Iknew it.  She’s sick.  Hold on…  I’ve given her some medicine.  She should getbetter soon. You gotta feed her every day.  And make sure you keep her out ofthe rain.  You gotta take better care of her.  You know what’ll happen if thishappens again, right?  Just be more careful from now on.

A few days later, the same player had another visit from Bob:

Bob:  Hey didn’t you notice that your chicken is sick again?

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Bob:  This wouldn’t happen if you were actually taking care of her.  I reallythought you’d take better care of your animals.  Listen, Freyr.  This is thelast time I’ll do this for you.  If you really care about these animals, yougotta start taking better care of them.  Even when they get sick, you have togive them medicine right away.  You can buy some from the ranching suppliesstore.  If people in town learn you mistreat your animals, you won’t be verypopular around here…Got it?

Animal Friendship Bonus

You can obtain a random Animal Friendship Bonus whenever you perform a positiveaction towards an Animal. When Freyr had owned his Horse only for a few days,its FP shot from 1 Heart to 5 Hearts in a single day due to the Bonus.

This Bonus is a sword that can cut two ways, however. On a rainy day, Freyraccidentally pushed his Horse out of the barn for a moment. Although he usedthe Bell instantly, when he saved his game, he discovered that his Horse,which had the maximum 5 Hearts AND had won races both against Bob and Gwenprior to this to maximise its speed, had lost 4 Hearts through that singleaccidental action! Its speed greatly reduced by the heart loss, he had norecourse but to reload to an earlier point in the game when his Horse had notlost the FP.

Tool Upgrades

It is at Louis' Item Shop that you can upgrade your Rucksack and your Tools. Choose the Upgrade Tools Option rather than the 'Buy' Option to see the Menu.

At the start of Spring, you will have the following options:

Upgrade Tools

Light Hoe: 1000G This hoe requires less energy and is less tiring to use. Requires 1 BlueRock to upgrade.

Light Axe: 1000G This axe requires less energy and is less tiring to use. Requires 1 BlueRock to upgrade.

Light Hammer: 1000G This hammer requires less energy and is less tiring to use. Requires 1 BlueRock to upgrade.

Light Sickle: 1000G This sickle requires less energy and is less tiring to use. Requires 1 BlueRock to upgrade.

Super Fishing Rod: 1800G Upgraded Fishing Rod to increase the number of fish you can catch. Requires1 Silver Ore to upgrade.

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Medium Rucksack:

When you have purchased the medium Rucksack:

Large Rucksack; 5000G You'll be able to carry 30 items.

When you have purchased any 'Light' Tool, the next Upgrade will appear:

Super Hammer: 2500G This hammer requires less energy and is even less tiring to use. Requires 1Orichalcum to upgrade.

Other Items:

Items that Louis sells in the 'Buy Menu' include AP Medicine for 1000G.

AP Medicine: 1000G Medicine that relieves your weariness. Using it will restore your strengthand stamina. Just don't rely on it too much.

AP Medicine is the most potent Energy Recovery item that you can purchase atthe start of the game.

Louis sells Animal Care Tools as well in his 'Buy' Menu:

Brush: 300G Use this to brush your cows and horses. They'll love you for it.

Bell: 300G Use the bell, and your cows, horses and chickens can go in and out of thebarn or coop on their own.

Milker: 500G This is a tool used to milk cows. Use by first equipping it , then press theSquare Button in front of an adult Cow.

Tip: If you have been diligent in accepting Part-Time Work from Bob throughoutthe first Spring, purchase the Bell and the Brush BEFORE 2 Summer, so that youwill have them both the moment Bob gives you a Horse.


In order to be able to Fish, you must purchase a basic Fishing Rod at Louis'Item Shop for 600G.

The Character who is linked to Fishing in a fundamental manner is the Tanuki,Ponta. You will find him at the best fishing locations in the Valley atdifferent times of the day.

In your first meeting with him, he will tell you:

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Ponta: I'm pretty sure you can buy a fishing rod at the Item Shop here. Youshould buy one. Hey! If you bring me any fish you cuaght, I'll make a fishprint for you! Just becuase you're my friend. It'll be a nice souvenir. AndI even know of some secret fishing spots around here. But it wouldn't be anyfun if I just told you where they all are now. How about I tell you when youcollect enough fish prints?

If you give Ponta a new variety of Fish, you will have the following options:

Make into fish print.Get recipe.

A 'Fish Print' is a gorgeous detailed drawing of the Fish you caught withPonta's paw print as his signature. These Prints automatically are stored inyour Fish Print Album in your Bookshelf.

After giving him the first fish for a Fish Print, you can give him another ofthe same variety to learn a new Recipe that features the Fish as aningredient. Although you will not be able to cook until you have expandedyour house and purchased a Kitchen, it always is a good idea to collect asmany Recipes as possible whenever you have the opportunity.

As far as Friendship with Ponta is concerned, it is only the first Fish thatyou give to him on any given day that will boost his FP by +3 Points. Afterthat, you gain only Prints for your Album and Recipes for your Cookbook.

There are 54 varieties of Fish. All true Fish are eligible for their own FishPrints.

Incidentally, Shellfish and Crustaceans are not considered to be 'Fish' for thepurpose of inclusion in the Fish Prints Album. If you give Shrimp or Squid toPonta, he will teach you Recipes but never make a Print of them.

Do not be discouraged when you first cast your Rod as you probably will notcatch anything or if you do catch an item, it is more likely to be rubbishthan a Fish.

In fact, if you speak to Joe near the Lake, he will make a jest about theamount of Rubbish that can be caught with a Fishing Rod at this location.

Joe: I have a theory that there's a boot and can factory at the bottom of thislake.

This will change quickly, however. By my Character's third fishing expedition, he was able to catch a fair number of Fish both at the Lake and at theseaside.

Fishing is quite interactive in Leaf Valley. You equip your Fishing Rod as youwould any Tool, then press 'Square' to use it. You will see a circle with anX inside it on the water at the point where your Rod will be cast. At thispoint, however, you can move the target to any location you choose on thewaters. Once you have fixed the location, you will see a gauge on the right

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side of the screen, showing the water at different depths. Fish at this spotwill be indicated by icons at the depths they currently occupy. Stop thegauge if possible at one of the fish icons.

When a fish or item is hooked, you will see an exclamation point icon. Now youwill see a prompt to press the X Button when the interlocking circles meet. You will see a large fixed circle on the water now. Another small circle willappear, widening gradually. When it meets the large circle, you should pressthe X Button.

At the top of the screen, you will see a line graph that shows the fish at oneend and your Character at the other. A battle has begun. If you press Xproperly, the cursor on the graph will move towards your Character, signifyingpotential success. If you 'miss', the cursor will move in the otherdirection, signifying a greater likelihood that the fish will escape you.

Usually, you need to press the X Button two or three times properly to catchthe Fish or item on the line.

In Hero, rubbish items such as Boots and Empty Bottles are thrown back into thewater automatically. (No wonder the lake is filled with them!) If you catcha Fish, it can be stored in your Rucksack. Fish of the same variety willstack, but a fish of a new variety will require a different slot. Youtherefore should clear your Rucksack of any unnecessary items before youventure forth on a fishing expedition.

When you cast your line, you actually can see the shadows or faint outlines ofthe fish that are in the water on the current screen. Once you have exhaustedall fish on the screen, you simply can exit and re-enter to replenish thesupply!

Fishing Aids

Fishing always gives random results to some extent, but you can improve theodds of catching Fish instead of Rubbish and bigger and more uncommon Fish byobtaining better Fishing Gear and Special Fishing Bait.

Upgraded Fishing Rods are sold at Louis' Item Shop. As with any Tool Upgrade,you need to provide the Ore as well as pay a specific sum for the UpgradedTool.

The first upgraded Fishing Rod is the Super Fishing Rod:The second upgraded Fishing Rod is the Super DX Fishing Rod.

Super Fishing Rod: 1800G Upgraded Fishing Rod to increase the number of fish you can catch. Requires 1 Silver Ore to ugprade.

The second upgraded Fishing Rod is the Super DX Fishing Rod.

Hyper DX Fishing Rod: 5400G Upgraded super fishing rod to increase the number of fish you can catch. Requires 1 Gold Ore to upgrade.

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Even with a btter Fishing Rod, you can spend hours fishing and catch nothingbut Rubbish. Results always are somewhat random as previously stated.

To increase the chances of making valuable catches, however, you can useSpecial Fishing Bait whenever you reach any fishing destination.

To do so, equip the Special Fishing Bait, then press the X Button to 'ScatterFeed'. If you do not see the prompt, you are not standing in the right spot.

Special Fishing Bait can be obtained as a Gift from the Harvest Sprites afteryou have given one of them Mushrooms a couple of times. It appears on theExchange Menu at the Races and can be purchased with 2 Medals. Finally, ifyou win the Long Distance Race, your Prize will be the Transformer 2 Machinethat transforms Lumber into Special Fishing Bait.

Knowing When and Where to Cast your Rod

When you cast your Rod in any body of water that allows you to Fish, you willsee the shadows of the Fish that currently are present. If you see no shadowsor no small white wave crests that designate movement by a fish, you will findno fish icons in the vertical gauge that indicates Fish in the target areawhen you cast your Fishing Rod.

Whenever you do see the shadow of a fish or a wave crest, move the targetcircle onto it. You then will see a gauge that displays Shallow, Medium andDeep Depths. Any Fish currently at that location will be displayed by iconswithin the area of the gauge that they occupy.

Try to press the X Button when the cursor is directly on one of the fish iconsin the vertical gauge. When you miss the icon of the Fish, you will be lesslikely to catch it.

Note that fish continue to move after you have cast your Rod. If you lookcarefully, you may be able to see the movement of the fish in the water. Ifthe fish is moving AWAY from the target area, pull up the Rod and cast again. If, however, you see movement TOWARDS the target area, wait for a few moments.

Players have asked how long they should wait after casting their Rods. Usually, you will waste less time if you pull up and cast again if you do nothook a fish almost at once or visually see movement in the direction of thetarget area. The greatest amount of Stamina is used not when you cast the Rodbut when you are fighting with a Fish who has been hooked.

If your Fishing Rod remains in the water without attracting any attention, yourCharacter at length will become bored and display a 'black cloud'. This is anindication that you really ought to cast again.

If all evidence of Fish in the form of shadows or wave crests vanish from yourcurrent location, you can exit the screen and then re-enter to replenish thewater with Fish.

Remember that a Fishing Rod is a Tool and that you will use twice as muchenergy when you fish in bad weather.

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The following is a List of all Items that can be caught with a Fishing Rod,excluding Rubbish, which cannot be kept or sold in HoLV. For each entry onthe List, details are included as to the Largest size, Seasons, Locations, thedepth at which the item most easily can be caught, and whether a Fish Printcan be added to your Album. In terms of Depth, a Fish that is 'fairly easy'to catch at a specific Depth is more difficult to catch than one that can becaught 'easiest' at a certain Depth. Depth information is not definitive andin many cases, you can catch the Fish in question at other Depths, although itwill be more difficult to do so.

Complete Fish List

Note that the following List includes all Fish in your Fish Print Album but isnot limited to Fish that qualify. It includes all Crustaceans as well astreasure items, neither of which item types qualify for Fish Prints.


Greenling: 60G Size: Medium All Seasons except Spring

Depth: Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Red Rockfish

Red Rockfish: 40G Size: Small All Seasons Goddess Spring Depth: Easiest in the Shallows Fish Print

Horse Mackerel

Horse Mackerel: 40G Size: Small Spring, Summer, Autumn Crystal Bay Depth: Easiest at Medium Depth Fish Print

Garden Eel

Garden Eel: 80G

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Size: Medium Spring and Summer Crystal Bay Depth: Easiest at Medium Depth Fish Print

Sweet Shrimp

Sweet Shrimp: 20G Size: Small Summer and Autumn Crystal Bay Depth: Easiest in the Deeps

White-Spotted Char

White-Spotted Char: 50G Size: Small Summer Goddess Spring Fairly Easy in Deeps Fish Print


Sweetfish: 40G Size: Small Summer Goddess Spring Easiest in Shallows Fish Print


Monkfish: 120G Requires Super Fishing Rod Size: Large Spring and Winter Underground Lake, Crystal Bay Easiest in Deeps Fish Print


Anchovy: 30G Size: Small Seasons: Summer and Autumn

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Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Ocellated Octopus

Ocellated Octopus: 50G Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn and Winter Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps


Squid: 60G Size: Medium Seasons: Summer Crystal Bay Fairly Easy in Medium Depth

Chicken Grunt

Chicken Grunt: 70G Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn and Winter Mallard Lake and Goddess Spring Easiest in Deeps Fish Print


Huchen: 110G Requires Super Fishing Rod Size: Large Seasons: Spring Underground Lake Fairly Easy at Medium Depth Fish Print


Sardine: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Summer and Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

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Char: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Winter Goddess Spring Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print


Dace: 50G Size: Medium Seasons: Spring Goddess Spring Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print


Eel: 60G Size: Medium Seasons: Summer and Autumn Mallard Lake, Goddess Spring, Underground Lake Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Black Scraper Fish

Black Scraper Fish: 80G Size: Small Seasons: Autumn and Winter Crystal Bay Easiest in the Shallows Fish Print


Shrimp: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps

Pale Chub

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Pale Chub: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Spring Goddess Spring Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print

Pirate Treasure

Pirate Treasure: 1200G Size: N/A All Seasons Crystal Bay Easy in the Deeps


Swordfish: 150G Requires Hyper DX Fishing Rod Size: Large Seasons: Spring and Summer Crystal Bay Fish Print

Raven Globefish

Raven Globefish: 100G Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn and Winter Crystal Bay, Underground Lake Fairly Easy in Medium Depths Fish Print

Right-Eye Flounder

Right-Eye Flounder: 70G Size: Medium Seasons: Winter Crystal Bay Easiest in Shallows Fish Print


Leatherfish: 60G

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Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest in Shallows Fish Print

Dark Chub

Dark Chub: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Spring Goddess Spring Fairly Easy in Deeps Fish Print

Longtooth Grouper

Longtooth Grouper: 80G Size: Large Seasons: Summer Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Black Porgy

Black Porgy: 90G Size: Medium Seasons: All except Summer Underground Lake Fairly Easy in Shallows or Deep Fish Print

Black Rockfish

Black Rockfish: 20G Size: Small Seasons: Spring Crystal Bay Easiest in the Shallows Fish Print

Cobalt Rainbow Trout

Cobalt Rainbow Trout: 60G Size: Small Seasons: Spring

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Underground Lake Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print

Blue Mackerel

Blue Mackerel: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Summer and Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest in Medium Depths Fish Print

Sakura Salmon

Sakura Salmon: 60G Size: Large Seasons: Autumn and Winter Underground Lake Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print


Salmon: 80G Size: Large Seasons: Autumn Crystal Bay, Goddess Spring Fairly Easy at Medium Depth Fish Print


Mackerel: 30G Size: Small Seasons: Summer and Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest at Medium Depths Fish Print

Spanish Mackerel

Spanish Mackerel: 90G Size: Large Seasons: Spring Crystal Bay Fairly easy at Shallow and Medium Depths

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Fish Print


Pike: 60G Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest in the Shallows Fish Print


Dolphinfish: 140G Requires Super Fishing Rod Size: Large Seasons: Summer Underground Lake Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

White Trevally

White Trevally: 50G Size: Small Seasons: Summer Underground Lake Easiest at Medium Depths Fish Print

Mountain Grunt

Mountain Grunt: 60G Size: Medium Seasons: All Seasons except Summer Goddess Spring Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Alaska Pollock

Alaska Pollock: 70G

Requires Super Fishing Rod Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn and Winter Crystal Bay, Underground Lake

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Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Pacific Flying Squid

Pacific Flying Squid: 40G Size: Medium Seasons: All Seasons Crystal Bay Fairly Easy at Medium Depth


Porgy: 80G Size: Medium Seasons: Spring, Summer Crystal Bay Fairly Easy in Shallows and the Deeps Fish Print


Octopus: 40G Size: Medium Seasons: All Seasons Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps


Cod: 80G Requires Super Fishing Rod Size: Medium Seasons: Winter Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print


Surfsmelt: 20G Size: Large Seasons: Spring, Winter Mallard Lake Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print

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Sunken Treasure

Sunken Treasure: 1000G Size: N/A Seasons: All Seasons Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps


Loach: 30G Size: Small Seasons: Spring, Summer Goddess Spring Easiest in the Shallows Fish Print

Tiger Globefish

Tiger Globefish: 80G Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn, Winter Underground Lake Fairly Easy in Medium Depths Fish Print

Dark Sleeper

Dark Sleeper: 60G Size: Medium Seasons: Autumn, Winter Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print


Nagi: 90G Size: Large Seasons: Spring Crystal Bay Fairly Easy in Shallows and Medium Depths Fish Print


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Catfish: 60G Size: Medium Seasons: Summer Mallard Lake, Goddess Spring, Underground Lake Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Spring Mallard Lake, Goddess Spring Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print

Pacific Herring

Pacific Herring: 70G Size: Medium Seasons: Winter Crystal Bay Fairly Easy in Shallows and Medium Depth Fish Print

Young Amberjack

Young Amberjack: 80G Size: Medium Seasons: Winter Crystal Bay Fairly Easy in Medium Depths Fish Print


Flounder: 80G Size: Medium Seasons: Summer Crystal Bay, Underground Lake Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print


Albacore: 90G

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Size: Large Seasons: Spring, Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest: 500G Size: N/A Seasons: All Seasons Underground Lake Easiest in the Deeps

Black Bass

Black Bass: 70G Size: Medium Seasons: All Seasons Underground Lake Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print


Amberjack: 80G Size: Medium Seasons: Winter Crystal Bay, Underground Lake Fairly Easy at Medium Depths Fish Print

Blue Hornard

Blue Hornard: 100G Size: Medium Seasons: Summer, Autumn Underground Lake Easiest in the Deeps


Tuna: 160G Requires Hyper DX Fishing Rod Size: Large Seasons: Autumn Crystal Bay, Underground Lake

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Easiest in the Deeps Fish Print

Masu Salmon

Masu Salmon: 40G Size: Small Seasons: Winter Goddess Spring Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print

Blotched Snakehead

Blotched Snakehead: 90G Size: Medium Seasons: All Seasons Underground Lake Fairly Easy in the Shallows Fish Print


Lobster: 70G Size: Medium Seasons: Summer, Autumn Crystal Bay Easiest in the Deeps


Smelt: 20G Size: Small Seasons: Autumn, Winter Crystal Bay Fairly Easy in the Deeps Fish Print


Earthenware: 750G All Seasons Underground Lake, Goddess Spring, Mallard Lake Can be found by breaking Rocks in the Mine as well even in the first Chamber

Unusual Pot

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All Seasons Underground Lake Can be found by breaking Rocks in the Mine as well

King Fish

The fisherman whose show airs on Thursdays will give you many diverse tips. Hewill give you a Cooking Tip related to Clams one week. In the middle ofAutumn, he suddenly will rant about the Funland Corporation and its plan todestroy the village. On 28 Autumn, his broadcast will be interesting for tworeasons:

Yee-haw! I bet you were suprirsed by that weird programme last week, huh? Iactually got fired, but your angry phone calls got me back on the air! Thanks, guys! As a way to show my appreciation, I'm gonna bring out the juicytips! Every fishing point has a fish known as the 'King Fish' of that area! They're crazy special! See ya!

Unlocking new Fishing Locations

It is through the acquisition of Fish Prints for your Fish Print Album thatyour Character can unlock new Fishing Locations in Leaf Valley.

Whenever you catch a new variety of Fish, make certain to give it to Ponta andrequest a Fish Print.

The Harvest Goddess Spring is unlocked as a Fishing Location when you offer the11th Fish to Ponta, requesting a Fish Print. The Underground Lake is unlockedwhen you offer the 21st Fish to Ponta and request a Fish Print.

When Freyr had caught a total of 59 Fish and had added 10 Fish Prints to hisAlbum, he experienced the following Event by giving a new variety of Fish toPonta and requesting another Fish Print:

Unlocking the Goddess Spring

Ponta: Gosh, Freyr, you have a really nice collection of fish prints. You'rea hard worker. You know what? I'll tell you about a new fishing spot Ifound! If you go around behind the Goddess Spring, there's a place where youcan fish! Try it out!

When Freyr next visited the Goddess Spring, the enormous boulder to the left ofthe Spring now no longer was an obstacle. He could walk to a small area tothe left of the boulder to cast his Fishing Rod.

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Unlocking the Underground Lake

When Freyr caught his first Alaska Pollock and gave it to Ponta to request his21st Fish Print, Ponta declared:

Ponta: Gosh Freyr, you have a really nice collection of fish prints. You're ahard worker. You know what? I'll tell you about a new fishing spot I found! If you go to the mines, there’s a new path that used to be blocked by rocks! If you go there ... there's an underground lake! I'm sure there are lots ofcool fish there!

From the first Chamber, you will see a tunnel that branches off in twodifferent directions. The tunnel to the right leads to the Underground Lake. The tunnel to the left leads to more Chambers filled with Rocks that can besmashed.

Unlocking New Chambers in the Mine

In HoLV, you must unlock the Underground Lake by catching 21 different types ofFish and requesting a Fish Print of each from Ponta. New Chambers in theMine should be unlocked automatically at the start of any new Season. It ispossible, however, that you may be unable to unlock any new Chambers if youhave not worked 5 times for Rudolph and unlocked the Mine in a generalfashion. Provided all requirements have been met, on 1 Summer, you will finda new Chamber has been unlocked in the left branch of the Tunnel and, on the1st of Autumn, that you now can explore a total of three Chambers.

On 1 Winter, the second tunnel north of Chamber 3 should be clear of rubble andyou should have access to a new Chamber at the end of each branch of theTunnel. This paves the way for important Story Quest Events that occur laterin Winter in the first year.


Mining in Hero of Leaf Valley is a colourful and rather entertaining puzzlemini-game. Rocks of different colours, when hit with a Hammer will explode,creating a 'wave' of explosions that can affect any other Rocks of the samecolour. You can determine the direction of any explosion wave beforehand byExamining Rocks.

Yellow Rocks cannot be hit with your Hammer but can be pushed towards otherRocks of different colours and they can be affected by the explosion waves ofRocks of all other colours.

The Part-Time Job offered by Rudolph at the Dig Site will teach you how toMine.

Rudolph: You'll need to use this hammer...I'm going to teach you how to digfor ore. First, equip the hammer, then press the Square Button in front of a

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rock to smash it. Try breaking that blue rock with your hammer.

That's right. You'll find ore inside the rock. I want you to collect thatore.

Next, go over to that red rock. Don't break it yet, though. Press the Xbttuon once you're near it. By pressing the X Button (Examine) in front ofthe rock, you can see the direction of the rock's explosion.

As you can see, breaking a rock creates a wave. If that wave hits another rockof the same colour, that rock will break too. Each rock has its own type ofwave. Try experimenting.

The yellow rocks can't be broken with your hammer. However, they will break ifthey are hit by a wave from another rock.

Also, you can move yellow rocks by standing next to one and pressing the OButton. Once you're against the rock, use the analogue stick to select thedireciton you want to push the rock, then press the X button. Try pushingthat rock over there.

As you can see, waves from yellow rocks can break other rocks. Use that tobreak many rocks at once. You understand everything? Now try it outyourself.

You can earn up to 500G when you work for Rudolph at the Dig Site and he willallow you to keep all the Mineral Crystals that you collect.

When you have worked Part-Time for Rudolph a few times, the site will beunlocked and you will be able to begin to mine for yourself.

Incidentally, if your Energy bar is depleted when you enter the Mine to acceptPart-Time Work from Rudolph, tell him you do not know how to Mine in order toregain a full Energy Bar. You will be obliged to go through the MiningTutorial again, but that may be a small price to pay for a full Energy Bar. Once you have unlocked the Mine for your own use, this option no longer willexist.

Finding the Explosion Pattern

If you study the configuration of all the rocks properly, you may be able toidentify the rock that, when struck, will set off a series of explosions thatwill cause every rock in the Chamber to explode. If you succeed in smashingall rocks with a single blow, you will receive a prompt as follows: Welldone!

Remember always that Yellow Rocks cannot be hit directly and will explode onlyif they are placed in the path of another explosion wave. The secret tosuccess is to push any Yellow Rocks into positions where they not only will bein the path of an explosion wave but will continue the explosion, bridging anygaps to other isolated Rocks or groups of Rocks.

In each Chamber where rocks can be smashed, there are two different possible

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configurations. In Chamber 1, one 'puzzle' has a single Yellow Rock and theother has four Yellow Rocks. Chamber I.I is the first puzzle. Chamber I.IIdesignates the second puzzle.

I have created a webpage for screenshots of all possible Configurations in theMine at:


Here is a Mining video tutorial I made for YouTube on Mining in HoLV:


In Chamber I.I, there is only a single Yellow Teardrop Rock. Push it 2 spacesto the right, then up 1 space.

Hit the Round Blue Rock at the top left corner of the screen.

For Chamber I.II, there are two long Yellow Rocks in the shape of Coffins andtwo small Round Yellow Rocks.

Push each of the Coffin Yellow Rocks 1 space to the right.Go to the small Round Yellow on the left and push it 1 space to the right, then3 spaces up.

From the left side of the screen, go to the first horizontal long Red Rock, aRed Coffin Rock and hit it with your Hammer to create an explosion that willsmash all the rocks.

Chamber 2 and Chamber 3 of the Mine

By asking for a 21st Fish Print from Ponta, Freyr unlocked the UndergroundLake. When he explored the tunnels that initially were blocked with fallenmasonry, he found that the one on the right led to the Underground Lake, wherethere were no Rocks to be smashed. The tunnel on the left led to Chamber 2 ofthe Mine. This Chamber was unlocked on the first day of Summer. BeyondChamber 2 was Chamber 3, where yet another configuration of Rocks wassituated.

At the start of a new Season, a new Chamber should be unlocked automatically,provided always that you have unlocked Mining from Rudolph and have sold someitems from the mines to local merchants.

As with Chamber I, there are two possible configurations each for Chamber IIand Chamber III

The actual items that can be found are no different from those in Chamber I.

Chamber II.I:

There is one Yellow Coffin Rock and one Yellow Round Rock. Push the CoffinRock down 1 space, then left 1 space.

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Push the small Round Rock 2 spaces to the left, then 1 space down.

From the left, find the first horizontal Red Coffin Rock and hit it.

Chamber II.II:

Two long Yellow Coffin Rocks and 1 Round Yellow Rock.Starting on the left side of the screen, push the first long Yellow Coffin Rock1 space to the right, then 3 spaces up.Push the small round Yellow Rock 1 space to the right, then 2 spaces down.Push the second long Yellow Coffin Rock 1 space to the right, then 2 spaces up.Go to the small Round Blue Rock that is closest to the bottom of the screen andhit it.

Chamber III.I

Three yellow Rocks. Two are Teardrops and the third is Round

First move the Yellow Teardrop on the left 2 spaces to the right and 1 space upNow move the Round Rock 3 spaces downMove the second Yellow Teardrop 2 spaces to the left, then 2 down so that itrests on top of the second Round Blue Rock on the right

Smash the Round Blue Rock above it.

Chamber III.II

Two long Yellow Coffin Rocks, two Star Yellow Rocks

This is a very symmetrical puzzle and you need to make both sides the same

First, the left side:

Move the long Yellow Coffin Rock 2 spaces to the left, then move it up 1 spacetemporarilyNext, grab the Star Yellow Rock that is on the bottom and move it left 2spaces, then up 1 space, then left 2 spaces, then up 1 space, then right 1spaceNow go back to the long Yellow Coffin Rock that you moved up 1 space previouslyand move it down 1 space

Now the right side:Move the long Yellow Coffin Rock 2 spaces to the right, then move it down 1space temporarilyGrab the Yellow Star Rock at the top of the screen and move it 2 spaces to theright, then down 1 space, then 2 spaces to the right, 1 space down, then 1space to the leftNow grab the long Yellow Coffin Rock on the far right and move it up 1 space

Go now to the cluster of four Blue Stars in the very centre of the screen. Hitthe Blue Star that is the lowest one on the right.

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Chambers 4 and 5

Chambers 4 and 5 should be unlocked at the start of the first Winter season. At the northern end of Chamber III, you will find a Tunnel entrance blocked byrubble. On 1 Winter, you should be able to access that second Tunnel in theMine. The second Tunnel in the Mine branches off immediately in twodirections. On the left, you will find Chamber IV. On the right, you willfind Chamber V. Chamber V has beautiful blue glittering walls, but the Rocksthat you smash contain the same items as all other preceding Chambers.

Chamber IV.ITwo Star yellows, 1 Teardrop Yellow

Move the Yellow Teardrop first, 3 down, then 6 to the left, then 3 up, and 1 tothe rightGo to the Star Yellow on the far left. Move it 2 down and 2 to the rightLeave the second Star in placeSmash the Blue Star that is furthest to the right

Chamber V.II

Two long Yellow Coffin Rocks, 1 Round Yellow RockThe top Yellow Coffin Rock is horizontal and the other is at a tilt initially.

First, move the Round Yellow Rock 4 spaces to the right, then 1 down

Go to the Lower Long Yellow Coffin Rock that is positioned at a tilt and moveit 3 spaces to the right

Finally, grab the upper horizontal Long Yellow Coffin Rock and move it 1 spacedown and 2 spaces to the right

Hit the small Purple Teardrop Rock in the far upper left corner

Rudolph's Warning

Rudolph will come to your Farm in the middle of Winter to warn you that theMine has become too dangerous for Part-Time Work. Although your Charactershould have unlocked the Mine in the first Season of the game, if you did notdo so, you will not be able to work for Rudolph again until 24 Winter.

If you have unlocked the Mine, you will be able to continue mining as usual. When you go to Chamber V now, however, you will find that the rubble thatformerly blocked the entrance in the north is gone. If you go forward intothe next Chamber, you will find it entirely empty.

It is the tunnel beyond Chamber IV on the left side of the second Tunnel thatwill be the venue of your combat with the next robotic creature.

On the morning of 20 Winter, Tim will come to your farmhouse to announce thearrival of an enormous Mole in the Mine. He will urge you to go to the Mine

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to see it. When you arrive, Rudolph will enlist your aid, as the robotthreatens to destroy the entire foundation of the Mine.

when you have defeated the Robotic Mole, you can re-enter the Mine and gothrough Chamber IV to the next chamber, still ravaged with holes in the groundfrom the Mole's work. Beyond this ruined Chamber, however, is Chamber VI,where you can find Gems for the first time.

By going through another new entrance, you can find a second new Chamber in theform of Chamber VII.

Even if you fail to defeat the Robot Mole, you will be able to access the twonew Chambers.

Note that, should you fail to defeat the Mole, you will experience an Eventwith Rudolph the next morning at 6.00 a.m. wherein he will tell you that hehas complained to the company about the Mole and that Part-Time Work will beavailable again 'tomorrow'. As this Event occurs on a long weekend, however,Part-Time Work actually will become available only on 24 Winter if you havenot unlocked the Mine yet for yourself.As you need work for Rudolph only 5 times to unlock mining, however, therereally is no excuse if you have failed to do this by the third week in Winter.

Chamber VI.I

You will find 1 Coffin Yellow Rock and two Round Yellow Rocks in thisconfiguration.

Move the Yellow Coffin Rock 1 space to the right.

The small Round Yellow Rock surrounded by four Blue Stars obviously cannot bemoved, so move the final Round Yellow Rock.

Go to the far left and move the third Round Yellow Rock down 1 space, then 1space ot the right.

You will see two purple Teardrop Rocks at the bottom of the screen. One isvertical and the other, on the right, is horizontal. Smash the horizontalPurple Teardrop Rock.

Chamber VI.II

The second configuration in Chamber 6 has 1 Star Yellow Rock and 2 Round YellowRocks.

Begin with the small Round Rock on the left, pushing it 4 spaces up, then 5spaces to the right

Move second small Yellow Round Rock 1 space down temporarily

Star Yellow Rock, 3 spaces down, then three spaces to the left, then two spacesup

Now go back to the second Round Yellow Rock, moving it one space to the left,

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then one space up

Hit the Purple Teardrop Rock that is at the farthest right of the screen

Chamber VII.I

You will find a Star Yellow and two Round Yellow Rocks here.

First, move the Star Yellow 1 space ot the left, 1 space up, then 2 spaces tothe left, 1 space up and finally 1 space to the right

Go to the first Round Yellow Rock and move it one space to the right, then 3spaces down.

The final round Yellow Rock is in the upper right corner. Move it one space tothe left, 3 spaces down, then 1 space to the left.

There are two Blue Stars. Go to the one on the left and hit it.

Chamber VII.II

There are four Yellow Rocks in this configuration. Two of them are CoffinYellow Rocks and two are Yellow Stars.

Starting on the left side, move the first Yellow Star 1 space to the left, 1space up, 1 space to the left and 1 space up Go to the first Yellow Coffin Rock and move it 2 spaces down, 2 spaces to theright, 1 space up, then one space to the left

Go to the second Yellow Star and simply move it one space to the right

Go to the second Coffin Yellow and move it 3 spaces to the right, 2 spaces downand 1 space to the left

Go to the small Round green-blue Rock that is sandwiched between the lower BlueStar and the first Yellow Coffin Rock and hit it.

Items for the Storeroom:

When you break Rocks in the Mine, you can find Scrap Metal, other Ores, Coal,Mineral Crystals, Gemstones and strange artifacts. Like the Coral that yousometimes find on the shore at Crystal Bay, your Character immediately willrecognise the intrinsic 'collectible' value of such items and they will besent at once to the Storeroom on your Homestead. You can catch special itemsfrom the sea such as Pirate Treasure and Artifacts from the Underground Lakesuch as Pots that will be displayed in the Storeroom as well.

It is when you find a duplicate item that it will remain in your Rucksack andyou will be free to dispose of it by selling it to a local Merchant.

Other Items that will be sent to your Storeroom and displayed there areTrophies in the form of parts of the mechanical enemies that you need todefeat if possible. The first of these is the head of the Robot Crow and the

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second is the Robot Mole.

Most of the Artifacts you find have a high selling price with the exception ofthe Unknown Object, valued at no more than 10G.

Items from the Mine

The items that you can obtain from the Mine are as follows:


Scrap Metal: 10G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond.

Copper Ore: 40G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond.

Iron Ore: 60G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond.

Silver Ore: 80G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond. Used to upgrade initial Fishing Rod.

Blue Rock: 90G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond. Used to upgrade all Basic Tools apart from Fishing Rod.

Gold Ore: 140G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond. Used to upgrade Super Fishing Rod

Orichalcum: 160G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond. Required Ore for Light Tool upgrades.

Rare Metal: 180G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond. Required for Super Tool upgrades.

Coal and Crystals

Coal: 20G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond.

Mineral Crystals: 30G Obtain from initial Chamber of Mine and all Chambers beyond. Used to fertilise Soil to create Mineral Crops.


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Earthenware: 750G Obtain from initial Chamber and all Chambers beyond. You can find it whenfishing in Mallard Lake, the Goddess Spring and the Underground Lake as well.

Description: Earthenware. Used by people a long time ago.

Mysterious Clay Doll: 750G Obtain from initial Chamber and all Chambers beyond.

Unusual Pot: 750G Obtain from initial Chamber and all Chambers beyond. You can find it whenfishing in the Underground Lake as well.

Unknown Object: 10G Obtain from initial Chamber and all Chambers beyond.

Description: Unknown Object. A dark, floating object.

Note that, although these items are found when you smash Rocks in the Mine, youmay find a couple of the Artifacts when you fish in the Underground Lake.


Ammonite Fossil: 500G Obtain from Chamber 6 and all Chambers beyond.

Ancient Fish Fossil: 500G Obtain from Chamber 6 and all Chambers beyond.

Trilobite Fossil: 500G Obtain from Chamber 6 and all Chambers beyond.

Plant Fossil: 500G obtain from Chamber 6 and all Chambers beyond.


Moonlight Stone: 100G Obtain from initial Chamber and all Chambers beyond.

Amethyst: 120G Obtain from Chamber 6.

Ruby: 180G Obtain from Chamber 6.

Aquamarine: 160G Obtain in Chamber 8 after Summer of second Year

Sapphire: 180G

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Obtain from Chamber 8 after Summer of second Year.

Garnet: 160G Obtain from Chamber 9 after Autumn of second Year.

Emerald: 170G Obtain from Chamber 9 after Autumn of second Year.

Opal: 140G Obtain from Chamber 10 after Winter of second Year.

Diamond: 200G Obtain from Chamber 10 after Winter of second Year.

Mining in the First Year

It is not until the Winter Season in the first year that you will gain accessto new areas in the Mine when you participate in specific Story Events inHoLV.

The initial area where you will be able to mine for items therefore will berestricted to the first Chamber at the Mine Entrance. Here you will be able to find all Ores, Coal, Mineral Crystal, Artifacts and one type of Gem in theform of Moonlight Stone.

The item you have the greatest chance of obtaining when you break Rocks isScrap Iron, not surprisingly. You have a 60% chance of finding Scrap Ironeach time you break a rock and a 40% chance of finding Mineral Crystal.

Apart from these two items, the chances of finding any other Items arerelatively slim. The best chance is a 4% chance that you will find Iron Oreor Coal. There is a 3% chance of finding Copper Ore and a 2% chance offinding Silver or Gold Ores.

Rarest of all in this initial Chamber are the Artifacts, Blue Rock, Orichalcum,Rare Metal and Moonlight Stone. Your chance of obtaining any of these is nogreater than 1%.

Forestry Work

When you begin HoLV, you will be able to work in the Forest only if you acceptPart-Time Work from Woody.

Woody: Ah, looking for some work? Well, we need some one to cut down trees andgather some lumber… You up for it?

He then will teach you how to chop Lumber:

Woody: Well, let me tell you what you need to do.  First we've got to head onover to the woods where we get our lumber.  Let's go! 

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He will take you into the Forest.

Woody: This is the spot.  ...By the way, do you know how to use an axe?It's really easy.  You just equip the axe and walk up to a tree, and press thesquare button to start chopping.  It'll take a few chops to cut a tree down. Press the O button if you decide you don't want to cut the tree down.  Prettyeasy, right?  ...Now, let me explain what you'll need to do.

As I said before, you'll cut the trees down here with an axe and gather thelumber.   Use the axe that we give you.  We've hired you to do this job, andwe don't expect you to use your own axe.  You'll get paid for the amount oflumber you actually collect. So, good luck.

The amount of Lumber that is generated when you chop down a Tree is somewhat amatter of luck. You may obtain only 1 piece of Lumber or you may obtain more.

Search for Mushrooms while you are working in the Forest for Woody as these arethe only items he will allow you to keep as a 'Bonus'.

When you have worked Part-Time for Woody a few times, the Forest will beunlocked and you will be able to collect Lumber for yourself.

Unlike the Mine, however, which will be open to you at any hour or on any day,the Forest still will be supervised by Woody after it is unlocked.

You must apply to him personally if you wish to enter the Forest area. Whenyou have worked for him five times and approach him next during his workinghours, you will see a new set of options:

TalkCut down trees for lumber

Choose the latter and he will tell you:

Woody: Hey, Freyr. Thanks for all your help collecting lumber. We've got allwe need now. Tell you what, though. This time I'll let you keep whateverlumber you collect. Sound good?

Agree to it and he will announce:

Woody: Right this way!

You will be taken to the same 'Forest' area where you will find trees invarious stages of growth. When you wish to leave, speak to him again.

Woody: Just come talk to me whenever you want to go again... Bye then!

In practical terms, then, you are restricted to the same hours and conditionsthat applied to Woody's Part-Time Forestry Work. You will not have access tothe Forest Lumber area in bad weather or on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Expanding your House

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If you wish to be able to expand your House, you first must order one of theBuilding Projects from Woody's initial Menu. These are as follows:

Build Dog House: 3000G + 10 Lumber

Expand Chicken Coop: 3000G + 25 Lumber

Expand Barn: 5000G + 25 Lumber

Lumber is more difficult to collect than money early in the game. You will notbe able to chop wood in the Forest except for Woody until you have obtainedsufficient experience through your Part-Time Work for him. The Forest thenwill be unlocked to you.

On the 22nd of Spring, even if you have not completed your 'apprenticeship'with Woody, you will be able to obtain Lumber if you collect Medals at theRaces. You can do this either by exchanging your Money for Medals and thenwagering successfully with the Medals on one or more of the three Races or yousimply can buy Medals, not bet on any of the Races, but then exchange yourMedals at the end of the third Race for Lumber. It depends on yourwillingness to take risks.

The first Race often is won by the Horse who is the 'favourite' at 2 to 1 odds. This gives you an early opportunity to double your Medals.

The building project you choose to order depends on how quickly you wish tomake an expansion to your house in the form of a Kitchen, a Bathroom and aToilet.

The price of this House Expansion is:

Kitchen, Bath, Toilet: 10,000G Kitchen set with a refrigerator. Comes with a toilet and bath. Requires 50Lumber.

If you save sufficient money before 22 Spring in order to invest in a goodquantity of Medals and double them in the first Race, you should havesufficient Lumber for BOTH a Dog House and your House Expansion. If you areparticularly thrifty or fortunate, you may have 75 Lumber, sufficient both fora Chicken Coop or Barn Expansion and House Expansion. Otherwise, you probablyshould order the item that requires the least Lumber, which is the Dog House.


In Hero of Leaf Valley, you must expand your House and buy a Kitchen before youwill be able to Cook. You can obtain new Recipes for your Cookbook from avariety of sources, including Part-Time Jobs at the Villa's Kitchen, CookingProgrammes on the Television and by giving Fish to Ponta.

Trial and Error can produce good results as well, although your ExperienceLevel partly will determine your success or failure even when you do notdeviate from an established Recipe.

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Whenever your work Part-Time for Martha at the Villa, she will request aspecific Dish without giving you the Recipe for it. You will be required tomake a specific number of the requested Cooked Dish. After you complete yourassignment successfully, she will pay you your wage and allow you to keep anyleftover ingredients.

You can exploit the opportunity to obtain ingredients by choosing the leastvaluable, most common ingredients for the requested Dish and saving the mostvaluable, uncommon ingredients for your 'Bonus'.

Easy Recipes

Martha's Assignments

When you work Part-Time for Martha at the Villa, she will direct you to makespecific Cooked Dishes, but often will not give you any hint as to how to makethe requested Dish.

You will find a complete Cookbook containing all Recipes in Hero of Leaf Valleyin my HoLV Cookbook Recipes Guide at:

Hero of Leaf Valley Cookbook Recipes Guidehttp://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1087975p1.html

Whenever your work Part-Time for Martha at the Villa, she will request aspecific Dish without giving you the Recipe for it. You will be required tomake a specific number of the requested Cooked Dish. After you complete yourassignment successfully, she will pay you your wage and allow you to keep anyleftover ingredients.

You can exploit the opportunity to obtain ingredients by choosing the leastvaluable, most common ingredients for the requested Dish and saving the mostvaluable, uncommon ingredients for your 'Bonus'.Cooking Assignments from Martha are:

Boiled Eggs

Martha will ask you to make 10 Boiled Eggs. The only ingredient is an Egg andyou must cook it in a Pot.

Mixed Berry Jam or Strawberry Jam.

Martha will ask you either to make five portions of Strawberry Jam or fiveportions of Mixed Berry Jam.

The ingredients for Mixed Berry Jam are 1 Blueberry, 1 Very Berry and 1Cranberry. The ingredients for Strawberry Jam are 3 Strawberries. Jams aremade in a Large Pot.


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She will tell you to make 5 Blocks of Cheese, giving you 14 Medium Milk. Asyou need only Medium Milk x 2 to make 1 Cheese in a Pot, you may receive 3-4Medium Milk as your Bonus.

Fish Meal:

She will tell you to make 3 Fish Meal.

Fish Meal: 300G

Ingredients: Any Type of Fish + Green Herb/RedHerb/Potato/Tomato/Corn/Breadfruit/Mushroom/Full Moon Berry cooked in a FryingPan.

Description: 1 fish and any year-round vegetable, mushroom, nut or green herb.

It appears that the Items she gives chance from assignment to assignment forthis, but you can receive as many as 3 Mushrooms, 3 Walnuts, 2 Tomatoes and 1Breadfruit as your Bonus. This is one of the Cooked Dishes that can be madewith an assortment of ingredients. If you use the least valuable in the Dishand save the rest, your Bonus will be worth more.


Martha will ask you to make 5 Sandwiches. The ingredients for a Sandwich areFluffy Bread with Tomato or Boiled Egg or Cheese, made in a Frying Pan. TheEggs will be boiled when she gives them to you. You can choose which of theingredients you wish to use, provided there are more than you actually willneed.

The actual Assignment that you will be given is determined randomly from theset Assigments listed above. Whether or not ANY ingredients will be leftafter you complete your Assignment properly is utterly random as well.

If you make the Dish improperly, resulting in a Failed Dish or you do not makethe required number of Dishes she requested, you will be paid less and willnot be given ANY leftover ingredients as a bonus. Your wages should be 250Girrespective of the actual Assignment.

Fish Recipes from Ponta

The Character who is linked to Fishing in a fundamental manner is the Tanuki,Ponta. You will find him at the best fishing locations in the Valley atdifferent times of the day.

In your first meeting with him, he will tell you:

Ponta: I'm pretty sure you can buy a fishing rod at the Item Shop here. Youshould buy one. Hey! If you bring me any fish you cuaght, I'll make a fishprint for you! Just becuase you're my friend. It'll be a nice souvenir. AndI even know of some secret fishing spots around here. But it wouldn't be anyfun if I just told you where they all are now. How about I tell you when youcollect enough fish prints?

If you give Ponta a new variety of Fish, you will have the following options:

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Make into fish print.Get recipe.

A 'Fish Print' is a gorgeous detailed drawing of the Fish you caught withPonta's paw print as his signature. These Prints automatically are stored inyour Fish Print Album in your Bookshelf.

After giving him the first fish for a Fish Print, you can give him another ofthe same variety to learn a new Recipe that features the Fish as aningredient. Although you will not be able to cook until you have expandedyour house and purchased a Kitchen, it always is a good idea to collect asmany Recipes as possible whenever you have the opportunity.

Note that ANY type of Fish for which you have obtained a Fish Print previouslycan be given to Ponta in order to learn new Recipes in many cases where therequired ingredient is any type of fish. In other words, you can save yourleast valuable Fish as gifts for Ponta in order to elicit new Recipes and sellthe most valuable types to Merchants once you obtain Fish Prints for each newvariety.

There are Cooked Fish Dishes that are based on a specific type of Fish, such asBroiled Eel or Broiled Squid. To learn these Recipes from Ponta, you mustgive him the specific type of Fish that is used to create the Dish.

As far as Friendship with Ponta is concerned, it is only the first Fish thatyou give to him on any given day that will boost his FP by +3 Points. Afterthat, you gain only Prints for your Album and Recipes for your Cookbook.

There are 54 varieties of Fish. All true Fish are eligible for their own FishPrints.

Incidentally, Shellfish and Crustaceans are not considered to be 'Fish' for thepurpose of inclusion in the Fish Prints Album. If you give Shrimp or Squid toPonta, he will teach you Recipes but never make a Print of them. If you givea Clam to Ponta, he will accept it, but it will not elicit even a Recipe.

Ponta is the key to unlocking new Fishing locations as well.

Birdman's Cooking Show

As is often the case in Harvest Moon, the television is a source both ofinformation and casual entertainment. Channel 1 is a local News station,Channel 2 is the Weather Channel and Channel 3 offers a variety of programmesthat change daily. On Friday, you will find a Cooking programme on Channel 3. Your host for the show is named 'Birdman'.

Recipes imparted by Birdman will not be added to your Cookbook the way they arewhen given by an actual Character like Ponta or 'learned' in Martha's Kitchen. The show is strictly informational.

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Trial and Error

If you look at all the Recipes in HoLV, you will see that there are specificcombinations that almost always produce the same results.

For example, if you add Milk to almost any Crop and cook it in a Pot, theresult usually will be a type of Soup. Other items such as Clams, whencombined with Milk in a Pot produce Soup as well.

Whenever Olive Oil is added to a Fish and cooked in a Pot, the result usuallyis Marinated Fish of one specific type.

Risottos are made with Rice and Olive Oil and one other ingredient.

If you simply combine Rice with one other ingredient, you often can produce asuccessful dish.

Cooking in a Basic Kitchen

When you have your own Kitchen, a Small Pot and a Small Frying Pan will beincluded. Larger Pots and Frying Pans can be purchased. An Oven and Mixerare Utensils that can be purchased as well.

The simplest Recipes use a single Ingredient and require only a Small Pot orFrying Pan. Here are some of the easiest Recipes for Pot or Frying Pan:

Small Pot Recipes

Onion Soup

Onion Soup: 100G

Ingredients: Onion

Energy Values: +12 SR

Stewed Fish

Stewed Fish: 120G

Ingredients: Any Type/Size of Fish

Energy Values: +18 SR


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Cheese: 500G

Ingredients: 1 Large Milk*

Energy Values: +30 SR

*N.B. Cheese can be made using 2 Medium Milk or 3 Small Milk as well, but ifmade with more than one Ingredient, require a larger size of Pot.

Fine Cheese

Fine Cheese: 600G

Ingredients: 1 Gold Milk

Energy Values: +32 SR

Baked Golden Potato

Baked Golden Potato: 210G

Ingredients: 1 Golden Potato

Energy Values: +32 SR

Hot Milk

Hot Milk: 180G

Ingredients: Small Milk

Energy Values: +10 SR

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes: 90G

Ingredients: Potato

Energy Values: +16 SR

Boiled Octopus

Boiled Octopus: 90G

Ingredients: Octopus

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Energy Values: +14 SR

Boiled Egg

Boiled Egg: 80G

Ingredients: Egg

Energy Values: +12 SR

Boiled Corn

Boiled Corn: 80G

Ingredients: Corn

Energy Values: +12 SR

Boiled Lobster

Boiled Lobster: 140G

Ingredients: Lobster

Energy Values: +16 SR


Yogurt: 350G

Ingredients: 1 Medium Milk

Energy Values: +22 SR

Small Frying Pan Recipes

Broiled Squid

Broiled Squid: 90G

Ingredients: Squid

Energy Values: +18 SR

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Broiled Eel

Broiled Eel: 130G

Ingredients: Eel

Energy Values: +24 SR

Broiled Chub

Broiled Chub: 60G

Ingredients: Chub

Energy Values: +16 SR

Fried Mushroom

Fried Mushroom: 80G

Ingredients: Any Type of Mushroom

Energy Values: +18 SR

Broiled Fish

Broiled Fish: 120G

Ingredients: Any Type of Fish

Energy Values: +18 SR

Broiled Loach

Broiled Loach: 70G

Ingredients: Loach

Energy Values: +18 SR

Broiled Catfish

Broiled Catfish: 110G

Ingredients: Catfish

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Energy Values: +20 SR

Teriyaki Amberjack

Teriyaki Amberjack: 120G

Ingredients: Amberjack

Energy Values: +20 SR

Tuna Steak

Broiled Eel: 200G

Ingredients: Tuna

Energy Values: +22 SR

Fried Egg

Fried Egg: 80G

Ingredients: Egg

Energy Values: +12 SR

Fried Corn

Fried Corn: 80G

Ingredients: Corn

Energy Values: +12 SR

Stewed Apples

Stewed Apples: 60G

Ingredients: Apple

Energy Values: +12 SR

Selling Cooked Dishes

Oddly enough, although Martha, Wallace and Ronald will buy Cooked Dishes from

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you, they discriminate between one sort of dish and another. You thereforecannot assume that ANY of these Characters will buy EVERY Cooked Dish you havein your Rucksack.

For example, Wallace will not buy a Sandwich although he will buy most FishDishes.

The only way to be certain that some one will buy your items is by choosing the'Sell' option at the counter. Every item that the individual is willing tobuy will be listed with their values.

If the item is a Most Wanted Item, you cannot expect to discover this bychoosing the 'Sell' option. It always is best to choose the 'Most Wanted'Menu first to see if any of your items will command a higher pricetemporarily.

The Horse Races

Players familiar with Friends and More Friends of Mineral Town will recognisethe Horse Races in HoLV as very similar. If you have a Horse, you can enterhim in one of three Races and bet on the Races as well. If you do not have aHorse, you can bet on any or all three Races.

There are four entries in each of the three Races. The first race is ShortDistance or Sprint. The second Race is a Long Distance Race and the third isthe Steeplechase.

You must buy Medals if you wish to bet and it is important to do thisimmediately when you first gain access to the wager screen. Press theTriangle Button to be taken to a Transaction screen where you can buy Medalsfor 50G each.

Once you have purchased Medals, you can make a specific bet on one of the fourhorses. In HoLV, you can bet only on a single horse per race.

At the end of the Race, if you won your wager, the Medals you won will be addedto your Medal total and be available for wagering in the next race.

At the end of the third and final race, return to the betting counter toexchange your Medals for prizes.

As in other Harvest Moon games with a similar system of Medals for wagers,there are some items in the Prize list that cannot be obtained by any othermethod.

List of Exchange Prizes

Diamond Earrings: 50MSuper AP Medicine: 20MGold Mushroom: 10M

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Fine Cheese: 10MGold Milk: 8MButter: 6MPontata Root: 4MWatermelon Seeds: 3MSpecial Fishing Bait: 2MLumber: 2MMineral Crystal: 1MEgg: 1M

Remember always that 1 Medal is the equivalent of 50G. You therefore do notmake a profit if you PURCHASE Medals in order to obtain any of the items soldat the Races. Profits are made when you WIN Medals and then invest in itemsthat can be sold for a high price.

Strategies for Choosing Prizes

The most useful Prize for a player in the first Spring probably is the Lumber.

Its description:

Lumber: Needed to expand your house. Usually cannot be sold.

If you are able to buy all the Lumber you need for your expansions and stillhave more Medals to invest, you should buy the Diamond Earrings if you wish tomake money at the Races. Diamond Earrings can be sold for 1500G. Asindicated in another section of this Guide, buying Medals for 50G in order toobtain the Earrings would not be profitable as the equivalent of the price of50 Medals is 2500G.

Of the other items sold at the Races, you may wish to invest in some Gold Milkif you do not have your own Cow yet as that will be needed in one of the StoryQuests. Special Fishing Bait always is useful, even though you can obtain itfrom the Harvest Sprites. You have to give them a couple of Mushrooms beforethey will give you one Special Fishing Bait. Buying three or four at theRaces therefore is not a foolish purchase. Winning the Transformer 2 Machineby winning the Long Distance Race would be better, however, as it transformsLumber into Special Fishing Bait.

Super AP Medicine will restore ALL Stamina and Fatigue but it is rather costly. 20 Medals is the equivalent of 1000G. When you consider that Louis sells theless potent regular AP Medicine for 1000G, however, the Super AP Medicine isshown to be a far better investment!

Your Dog can find Pontata Root if you have trained him to 'Search' but, likethe Special Fishing Bait, it is a time-consuming and slightly onerous process. If you have Medals to spare, Pontata Root is a good Energy Recovery Item,restoring 20 points of Fatigue Resistance.

The most foolish purchase would be Mineral Crystal, which can be found in largequantities in the Mine. Watermelon Seeds are sold by Lyla in Summer and GoldMushroom, like any Mushroom can be grown behind your Storage Shed using a

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piece of Lumber. Fine Cheese is made with Gold Milk. If you have a Kitchenbut do not own a Cow, you could buy the Gold Milk instead and make your ownFine Cheese.

A number of individuals attend the Races in the Spring and one of these isLouis. He will advise you:

Louis: It's best to use logic to pick a winning horse. Don't gamble on alongshot and expect to win.

His advice definitely is sound where the first Race is concerned. The firstrace is a 'Short Race' or Sprint and the Horse that goes off at 2 to 1 oddsusually will win. The other two races which are a Long Distance Race and aSteeplechase are a little more difficult to predict. Often, more than onehorse in those races will share the same odds.

Strategies for Wagering

If you intend to enter your own Horse in a Race, the easiest one to win in theearly stages probably would be the Long Distance Race. There are many itemsthat restore Stamina during a Race, but only Carrots and Mineral Carrots boostspeed. The humble Green Herb is the most potent item to restore Stamina andyou can carry three of them into the Race.

The odds are set randomly, believe it or not. Your Horse, the first time yourace him, could go off at 2 to 1 as the Favourite! If you reload, however, hemight go off in the same race at 6 to 1 or even 10 to 1.

If you think your Horse can win the race, reload until you obtain good odds,then bet the proverbial house on him. If he has no chance of winning therace, bet against him.

Making a Wish

Harvest Goddess Wishing Schedule:

When the Weather is fine, you can toss an Offering into the Goddess Spring from10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. to summon the Harvest Goddess to grant a Wish. Shewill appear and ask:

Harv. Goddess: Hi there. What's your wish? Choose from the following:

Get along with girls.

Get along with horses.

Get along with dogs.

Restore strength.

Alleviate weariness.

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Note that, where any of these wishes are concerned, the results are uncertain. She sometimes will be successful in granting your Wish but as often will fail.

One of the most useful Wishes in the first season is that of Restoring Strengthor Stamina.

Harvest Goddess: You want me to recover your strength? Here we go!!...Alright, you should be good to go. Just don't push yourself.See ya later. If you want to make a wish, come here in the afternoon. Don'tcome too early. And definitely not on rainy days.

Note that a Wish to 'get along' with Horse or Dog will be inoperative if you donot own your own Dog or Horse. It evidently does not work to boost theFriendship of an Animal you have not adopted yet.

Before Freyr had adopted one of the two stray Dogs:

Harvest Goddess: You want to get along with your dog? This might not work, butdon't let it get you down. Sure...wait, you don't even have a dog, do you? Unless you're the dog? See ya later. If you want to make a wish, come herein the afternoon. Don't come too early. And definitely not on rainy days.

Note that the Harvest Goddess is a Character who will accept more than one Gifton any day in the form of an Offering. If you use the first Offering to makea Wish, you can toss another acceptable Gift into the Spring in order to raiseher Friendship afterwards.

It always is best to visit the Harvest Goddess by 6.00 p.m. Wishes are grantedonly until 4.00 p.m., but if you make an acceptable Offering between 4.00 p.m.and 6.00 p.m., she will respond kindly to it. Vegetables or Crops are her'Most Favourite' Gift in Hero of Leaf Valley.

Social Interactions

As in any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game, social interactions are as much akey to your success as farming or any other activity that you pursue.

Friendship Levels often are one of the Requirements for being able toexperience specific Events. Most of the Events in the first two years in HoLVare linked to Story Quests. If you do not complete the required Events in theStory Quests you have chosen to experience in order to save Leaf Valley fromdevelopment, you will not be able to continue your life in the Valley afterthe end of the second year.

Friendship Levels, moreover, allow you to obtain special items and unlock newoptions. If you make friends with Bob and work for him Part-Time regularly,as discussed elsewhere, you can obtain a Horse without paying 5000G for one.

In order to experience many of the Events in HoLV, you need to increase yourFriendship Levels with the Characters who live in the Valley and explore all

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areas of the Map on a regular basis.

Raising Friendship Levels

In 'Hero of Leaf Valley', there are three values that any Gift can have. Atrue Most Favourite Gift is worth +3 FP. An ordinary Favourite is worth +2 FPand an acceptable Gift is worth +1 FP. If a Character does not like the itemthat you are offering as a Gift, he/she simply will refuse to accept it. Unlike other Harvest Moon games, you will not lose any Friendship Points byoffering an item to a Character if he/she dislikes or even detests it.

Birthday Gifts

As in other Harvest Moon games, giving a Character an item as a Birthday Giftenhances its value. A Gift worth +3 FP on an ordinary day is valued at +10 FPwhen given as a Birthday Gift. Knowing each Character's Birthday therefore isextremely useful where social interactions in Leaf Valley are concerned.

Harvest Goddess Festival Gifts

The Harvest Goddess Festival is another occasion when Gifts have added valuesto Characters. In the first week of Spring, the television programme onChannel 1, 'Hello Today' will announce: 'Next week, many regions will holdfestivals for the Harvest Goddess. Do you have a present ready to give? Havea great day!'

On the actual day of the Festival, you will receive an official announcement inthe form of a letter.

Harvest Goddess Festival (star)

Today is the Harvest Goddess Festival! Is there some one you'd like to thanks? Is there some one you have a crush on? Take this opportunity to give a giftto that special some one, and become even better friends!

Although the description of the Festival includes a suggestion to give a Giftto 'that special some one', it includes simple gratitude as well as courtshipas good reasons to give Gifts. If you have not been doing so regularly priorto this, you really ought to give EVERY Character an acceptable Gift on 11Spring.

Even when you cannot give a Character a Gift, the simple act of 'meeting andgreeting' an individual is worth +1 FP. You therefore should speak to as manyCharacters as possible each day. Raising Friendship Levels for specificCharacters is critical to the 'Story Quests' that allow you to complete themain Quest of saving the Land.

Suggestions for Easy Gifts

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'Hero of Leaf Village' follows basic Harvest Moon rules where Friendship isconcerned. Your Friendship Levels with specific Characters will determineyour success or failure in any specific Story Quest to save the Land. Beyondthat, marriage is a possibility once you have saved the Land from destructionand therefore, your Friendship Levels with the Eligible Girl of your choicewill determine your prospects for marriage.

As previously indicated, Gifts are worth from +1 FP to +3 FP on ordinary Days. Simply 'meeting and greeting' any Individual raises Friendship by +1 FP.

Unlike many other Harvest Moon games, unacceptable or disliked items simplywill be refused. You therefore cannot 'waste' an item by giving it to someone who will not appreciate it.

You are allowed to give one Gift per day to any Character. There is one addedtwist to this in that an item that has been refused counts as the gift for theday even though it was not accepted. You therefore can waste your opportunityto give a desired Gift, although you cannot waste an actual item.

Gift-giving is fairly easy in Hero. There are a number of inexpensive itemsthat can be found in the Wilds that are acceptable to almost every Characterin the game. These include Fruits and Berries, Red Herb, Flowers and any sizeof Fish. Crops and Eggs are acceptable as well to most Characters. There areonly a few exceptions. Chester does not care for Crops, while Joe does notlike Red Herb. Ponta likes ONLY Fish.Although most Characters will not appreciate the Gift of Fodder, there are anumber who do. Bob, Chester, Joe, Parsley, Ronald and Rudolph all will acceptFodder happily. As the Meadow on your Homestead is filled with fully ripenedGrass that needs only the use of a Sickle to be transformed into Fodder, thisitem makes a perfect gift for the individuals who appreciate it.

Another item of little general value but which is appreciated by a few is aFailed Dish. Aurelia, Chester, Rudolph and Zann all will accept Failed Disheswith pleasure.

Insects, on the other hand, will be acceptable solely to Tim, who collects themand actually will pay for them. Scrap Metal can be given to Zann in asequence of transactions that ultimately can allow you to obtain Accessories.

Delivery Requests and Friendship

All Merchants have a 'Wanted Items List' but only a few post Delivery Requestseach Season. 'Wanted Items' will vary from season to season but the sameitems will be listed each year in the same seasons. Delivery Requests, on theother hand, are very time-specific. Like cards posted on the bulletin boardsor windows in local shops, they are urgent requirements that must be metwithin a few weeks. Once the time period expires, the Request no longer willexist and you will not be able to make Delivery any longer.

These Request often are for multiple quantities of a specific item. To performa Delivery Request, you first must 'Accept' the Request formally. You then

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need to collect the required total of items in the Request. Return to theShop and choose the 'Deliver' option. You will have the opportunity todeliver the required number of items to the Merchant and will be rewarded withthe promised sum immediately.

Performing Delivery Requests raises Friendship Levels. The day after anyRequest is completed, you will receive a thank you letter as well. Often theDelivery Request will benefit some one other than the merchant who posted it.

For example, delivering 15 Red Herbs to Wallace at the Pub in the first Springresulted in a letter from Kurt.

Letter: I received my order at the shop yesterday. Thank you for deliveringit. -Kurt

Point Totals and Heart Levels

In HoLV, no distinction is made between Affection Points and Friendship Pointsas in some Harvest Moon games. Characters who are eligible for marriage havethe same Friendship Levels as all other Characters and Heart Levels aredefined as follows:

0 FP - 39 FP = 0 Hearts and is Black Heart Level40 FP - 79 FP = 1 Heart and is Purple Heart Level80 FP - 129 FP = 2 Hearts and is Blue Heart Level130 FP - 179 FP = 3 Hearts and is Green Heart Level180 FP - 259 FP = 4 Hearts and is Yellow Heart Level260 FP - 349 FP = 5 Hearts and is Orange Heart Level350 FP = 6 Hearts and is maximum Red Heart Level

You will notice that the number of points that are needed to advance to a newHeart Level increase as you achieve higher Levels. It only requires 40 FP toreach Purple Heart Level, but if the Individual is at Green Heart Level, youwill need to earn 80 FP to advance to Yellow Heart Level. From Orange HeartLevel, you will need to earn 90 FP to attain the ultimate Red Heart Level.

Although Friendship Point values are the same for all Characters, EligibleGirls display a coloured Heart Icon on their Portraits when you speak to them,alerting you instantly to changes in their Heart Levels. In order to accessthe Friendship Levels of any other Characters, you must stand at your BedsideTable and access the Profiles Page in your Farm Menu. When you access theProfile for any Character, you will see the number of Hearts you have earnedbelow his/her Portrait.

Note that you cannot lose Friendship Points with Characters even if you neglectthem, making HoLV different from many Harvest Moon games, where neglect willlead to a decrease in Friendship.

As unacceptable Gifts simply are refused, you cannot decrease Heart Levels bygiving a detested item to an Individual. No matter how upset a Character mayappear by your actions or behaviour, evidently no Affection/Friendship ever islost.

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For example, if you force the Harvest Goddess to appear on a rainy day or lateat night, she will scold you, but you will not lose any Affection you haveearned previously. It is not clear whether or not such offerings have noeffect in terms of raising her Friendship.

Animals have their own Heart Level system that differ from the system appliedto Characters. Animal Friendship Levels are discussed in detail in thesections that deal with Ranching.

Harvest Festival Dance

Even in the first two years, when serious Courtship is not an option, there areopportunities to interact in a romantic manner with one or more Eligible Girl.

The Harvest Festival occurs on 10 Autumn. At 6.00 a.m., after receiving theOfficial Letter Announcement of the Event, you may receive a visit from theEligible Girl with the highest Heart Level. She will invite you to theFestival but will not stay to accompany you to the Plaza.

To attend the Festival, simply enter the Plaza before 4.00 p.m. You shouldfind at least five of the Eligible Girls there awaiting an invitation todance. You need not dance with the Eligible Girl who visited you at 6.00a.m. but she will be one of the Girls there.

When you ask any Girl to dance, the Harvest Festival Dance will begin. All theGirls you did not ask will dance as couples. The Festival Event ends at 4.00p.m. and you will find yourself at home alone in front of your Farmhouse.

Heart Events and Friendship Events

Heart Events and Friendship Events in Hero of Leaf Valley often are linked to aStory Quest to the extent that a requirement for being able to experience aspecific Heart Event or Friendship Event may be one of the Events in the StoryQuest sequence or even the actual successful conclusion to the Story Quest. In other words, seldom is Heart Level or FP total the sole requirement for aFriendship or Heart Event in HoLV. That is why they often are listed as'Optional' Events in a specific Story Quest sequence, rather than standingalone as it were.

As indicated elsewhere, the Story Quest associated with a specific Characterhas been included in that Character's Profile in this Guide and the actualtext of the Story Quest Events is included in the HoLV Characters Guide, foundat:

Hero of Leaf Valley Characters Guide:


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Perpetual Calendar

In this Perpetual Calendar, you will find all Birthdays listed with a 'MostFavourite' Gift valued at +3 FP first followed by other suggested Gifts thatare less expensive but worth at least +2 FP. Beneath the heading of eachSeason, you will find Seasonal Crops that can be grown only in that Seasonfollowed by 'Other Crops' that can be grown in other Seasons as well. Fishthat are specific to the Season likewise are listed first followed by the Fishthat can be caught in other Seasons as well. Insects are listed in the samefashion. Items found in the Wilds as well as Wild Fruits, Nuts, Berries andFlowers have been included. Most Wanted Items for each Season are given herealthough they can be found in the HoLV Shops and Businesses Guide. I have notincluded Delivery Requests as they change on an annual basis. The informationincluded in the Perpetual Calendar is valid for every year.


Spring Crops: Strawberry, Carrot Other Crops: Potato, Tomato, Corn, Breadfruit, Alfalfa, Rice

Items Found in the Wilds: Red Herb, Green Herb, Grass, Common Seashell,Wonderful Seashell, Coral, Clam

Spring Wild Fruits, Berries, Nuts and Flowers: Apple, Cranberry, Orange, VeryBerry, Blueberry, Moondrop Herb

Spring Fish: Huchen, Dace, Pale Chub, Dark Chub, Black Rockfish, Cobalt RainbowTrout, Spanish Mackerel, Nagi, Rainbow Trout Other Fish: Red Rockfish, Garden Eel, Sweetfish, Monkfish, Shrimp, Swordfish,Black Porgy, Mountain Grunt, Pacific Flying Squid, Porgy, Octopus, Surfsmelt,Loach, Albacore, Black Bass, Blotched Snakehead

All Seasons: Pirate Treasure, Sunken Treasure, Treasure Chest, Earthenware,Unusual Pot

Spring Insects: None limited to Spring Other Insects: Swallowtail Butterfly, Drone Beetle, Monarch Butterfly, GrassYellow, Caterpillar, Green Japonicus, Small White

Wanted Items Lists:Grocery: Boiled Egg, Milk M, Fried ClamItem Shop: Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Mineral CrystalFlorist: Fairy Dress Herb, Pink Cat Mint, Moondrop Herb, CoalCafe: Very Berry, Strawberry, YogurtPub: Cheese, Black Truffle, Green HerbBob: Alfalfa Sprouts, Mineral CrystalsCarpentry: Blue Rock, Silver, Copper OreVilla: Rainbow Trout, Milk M, Carrot

1 Spring: Renton's Birthday (Grass, Any Nut or Berry)

5 Spring: Alice's Birthday (Rare Metal, Mineral Crystal, any Nut or Berry)

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11 Spring: Harvest Goddess Festival Ronald's Birthday (Boiled Egg, Any Nut or Berry)

6.00 a.m. Letter Announcement of Festival:

Harvest Goddess Festival (star) Today is the Harvest Goddess Festival! Is there some one you'd like tothank? Is there some one you have a crush on? Take this opportunity to givea gift to that special some one, and become even better friends!

Tip: Gifts given to any Character today have a higher FP value than theywould on any ordinary day.

16 Spring: Parsley's Birthday (Cranberry, any Nut or Berry)

22 Spring: Race Day

Entries must be made before noon; Races run and Medals exchanged between 2.00p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

27 Spring: Lyla's Birthday (Pinkcat Herb, any flower, berry, nut)


Summer Crops: Watermelon, Wild Mint Other Crops: Potato, Tomato, Corn, Breadfruit, Alfalfa, Rice

Items Found in the Wilds: Red Herb, Green Herb, Grass, Common Seashell,Wonderful Seashell, Coral

Summer Wild Fruits, Berries, Nuts and Flowers: Grape, Cranberry, Chestnut,Walnut, Very Berry, Blueberry, Full Moon Berry, Moondrop Herb, Pinkcat Herb

Summer Fish: White-Spotted Char, Sweetfish, Squid, Longtooth Grouper,Dolphinfish, White Trevally, Catfish, Flounder Other Fish: Greenling, Red Rockfish, Horse Mackerel, Garden Eel, SweetShrimp, Shrimp, Anchovy, Sardine, Eel, Swordfish, Blue Mackerel, Mackerel,Alaska Pollock, Pacific Flying Squid, Porgy, Octopus, Loach, Black Bass, BlueHornard, Blotched Snakehead, Lobster

All Seasons: Pirate Treasure, Sunken Treasure, Treasure Chest, Earthenware,Unusual Pot

Summer Insects: Rhinoceros Beetle, Pincer Beetle Other Insects: Red Dragonfly, Golden-Ringed Dragonfly, Lesser EmperorDragonfly, Swallowtail Butterfly, Drone Beetle, Monarch Butterfly, GrassYellow, Caterpillar, Common Skimmer, Green Japonicus, Small White

Most Wanted Lists:Grocery: Black Watermelon, Strawberry Jam, Broiled Loach, Fried CornItem Shop: Red Herb, Pontata Root, Common SeashellFlorist: Frost Pansy, Fairy Dress Herb, Silverbell HerbCafe: Green Herb, Grapes, ChestnutPub: Porgy, Blotched Snakehead, Broiled Eel, Gazpacho

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Bob: N/ACarpentry: Gold Ore, Silver Ore, CoalVilla: Garden Eel, Tomato, Corn, Full Moon Berry

1 Summer: Earth Day Bob's Birthday (Honey, Fodder, Egg)

8 Summer: Gwen's Birthday (Full Moon Berry, any Berry/Nut)

10 Summer: Joe's Birthday (Any Fish)

14 Summer: Rudolph's Birthday (Rare Metal, Mineral Crystal, Red Herb)

15 Summer: Zann's Birthday

20 Summer: Fireworks Day

21 Summer: Wallace's Birthday (Boiled Egg, Any Berry/Nut)

24 Summer: Chester's Birthday (Rare Metal, Any Berry/Nut)

27 Summer: Race Day Entries must be made before noon; Races run and Medals exchanged between 2.00p.m. - 4.00 p.m.


Autumn Crops: Pumpkin, Onion, Frost Pansy, Mistbloom Other Crops: Potato, Tomato, Corn, Breadfruit, Alfalfa, Rice

Items Found in the Wilds: Red Herb, Green Herb, Grass, Common Seashell,Wonderful Seashell, Coral, Clam

Autumn Wild Fruits, Berries, Nuts and Flowers: Grapes, Cranberry, Chestnut,Walnut, Full Moon Berry, Pinkcat Herb

Autumn Fish: Leatherfish, Salmon, Pike, Tuna Other Fish: Greenling, Red Rockfish, Horse Mackerel, Sweet Shrimp, Shrimp,Anchovy, Sardine, Eel, Chicken Grunt, Mountain Grunt, Black Scraper Fish,Raven Globefish, Tiger Globefish, Blue Mackerel, Mackerel, Alaska Pollock,Pacific Flying Squid, Black Porgy, Octopus, Ocellated Octopus, Sakura Salmon,Black Bass, Dark Sleeper, Albacore, Blue Hornard, Blotched Snakehead, Lobster,Smelt

All Seasons: Pirate Treasure, Sunken Treasure, Treasure Chest, Earthenware,Unusual Pot

Autumn Insects: Blue Damselfly Other Insects: Red Dragonfly, Golden-Ringed Dragonfly, Lesser EmperorDragonfly, Swallowtail Butterfly, Drone Beetle, Monarch Butterfly, GrassYellow, Caterpillar, Common Skimmer, Green Japonicus, Small White

Most Wanted Lists:Grocery: Cranberry Jam, Stewed Apple, Baked Golden Potato

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Item Shop: Moonlight Stone, Scrap Metal, Red Herb, Super MushroomFlorist: Mineral Crystal, Wild Mint,Fairy Dress Herb, StardustCafe: Cranberry, Pumpkin, Chestnut, Full Moon BerryPub: Big Mushroom, Clam, PikeBob: N/ACarpentry: Sapphire, Ruby, OpalVilla: Onion, Apple, Orange

2 Autumn: Louis' Birthday (Egg, any Berry or Nut)

5 Autumn: Aurelia's Birthday (Lumber, any Berry or Nut)

10 Autumn: Harvest Festival

6.00 a.m. Announcement Letter in Postbox You may receive a visit from the Eligible Girl with the highest Heart Levelinviting you to the Dance; Dance held until 4.00 p.m. at Plaza

Go to the Plaza before 4.00 p.m. to experience the Festival Dance.

12 Autumn: Tim's Birthday (any Insect or Egg)

20 Autumn: Gina's Birthday (Large Fish, any Berry/Nut or Egg)

25 Autumn: Race Day

Entries must be made before noon; Races run and Medals exchanged between 2.00p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

29 Autumn: Katie's Birthday (Full Moon Berry, Egg, any Berry/Nut)


Winter Crops: Spinach, Stardust Other Crops: Potato, Tomato, Corn, Breadfruit, Alfalfa

Items Found in the Wilds: Red Herb, Green Herb, Grass, Common Seashell,Wonderful Seashell, Coral

Winter Wild Fruits, Berries, Nuts and Flowers: Cranberry, Chestnut, Apple,Orange

Winter Fish: Char, Right-Eyed Flounder, Cod, Pacific Herring, Young Amberjack,Amberjack, Masu Salmon Other Fish: Greenling, Red Rockfish, Monkfish, Chicken Grunt, Mountain Grunt,Black Scraper Fish, Raven Globefish, Tiger Globefish, Alaska Pollock, PacificFlying Squid, Black Porgy, Octopus, Ocellated Octopus, Sakura Salmon, BlackBass, Dark Sleeper, Blotched Snakehead, Smelt, Surfsmelt

All Seasons: Pirate Treasure, Sunken Treasure, Treasure Chest, Earthenware,Unusual Pot

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Winter Insects: None Other Insects: Caterpillar

Most Wanted Lists:Grocery: Boiled Egg, Onion Soup, Doria, Clam ChowderItem Shop: Pontata Root, Mineral Crystal, CoalFlorist: Alfalfa Sprouts, Red Herb, Fairy Dress Herb, MistbloomCafe: Strawberry, Grape, Watermelon, Green HerbPub: Porgy, Cheese, Milk MBob: N/ACarpentry: Lumber, Scrap MetalVilla: Amberjack, Smelt, Carrot, Potato

2 Winter: Woody's Birthday (Lumber, Golden Egg, Any Nut/Berry or Egg)

9 Winter: Dia's Birthday (Blueberry, Any Berry/Nut)

10 Winter: Kurt's Birthday (Tomato, Nut/Berry)

23 Winter: Liar's Day

Charles' Birthday (Fluffy Bread, Mineral Crystal/any Ore, Red Herb)

25 Winter: Martha's Birthday (Boiled Egg/Fine Cheese, any Nut/Berry, Egg)

30 Winter: New Year's Day Festival

Characters List and Profiles

When you access your Farm Menu on the Table next to your Bed, you will find apage that is devoted to Character Profiles. As in any Harvest Moon game,people are more important than anything and you will have little chance ofcreating a decent life or saving the land if you do not befriend yourneighbours.

Whenever you meet a new Character, his/her Profile will be added to yourProfile Page.The following section provides some basic details about each individual inHoLV. You will find more detailed information, including the actual schedulesand text of all Events in my Characters Guide at:

Hero of Leaf Valley Characters Guide:http://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1087400p1.html

Your Character


Birthday: 4 Autumn

Height: 5'5"; Weight: 138 lb.

Likes: Cats Dislikes: Fish

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Came to take care of grandfather's farm. Decided to save the town afterhearing about the danger it's in.

Eligible Girls



Story Quest: Tale of the Cake Contest

Birthday: 29 Autumn

Favourites: Blue Mist Flowers, Full Moon Berries, CheeseLikes: Egg, Milk, Golden Milk, Golden EggDislikes: Insects, Grasses

Official Profile: Height 5' Weight: 105 lb.Likes: Candy Making, Cheese; Dislikes: Grass

Very cheery and motivated. Katie works at the Sunny Garden Cafe. She likes tomake treats and wants to travel the world.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Full Moon Berry

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Flowers, Mushrooms, Egg, Golden Egg,Milk, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Dairy Products, VegetableDishes, Seasonings, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Red Herb, Lumber, Any Size of Fish, Shellfish, Portable Dishes

Actual Responses:

For Full Moon Berry: What?! Full Moon Berries?! Thanks. These are reallygood, they taste just like ice cream!

For Tomato: Thanks. Did you grow this?

For Egg or Milk: Thanks. I really wanted this. This makes me so happy.(star)

For Very Berry or Red Herb: Oh, I can keep this? Thanks.

At Purple Heart:

For Wonderful Seashell or Very Berry: Oh, thanks.

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For Fairy Dress Herb or Moondrop: Wow, you're pretty considerate. Thanks.

At Blue Heart:

For Very Berry or Walnut: Heh, heh, thanks. This makes me happy.

For Tomato: Wow, thanks. The vegetables you grow really taste fresh anddelicious.

For Egg or Golden Egg: Huh? I can have this? Yes! Now I can practice makingcakes. Thanks. (with music)

At Green Heart:

On her birthday for Egg: Huh, what? A birthday present?! Thanks, Freyr.

Actual Dialogue:

Katie: Hmm ...What are some new items we could put on the menu? Ah! I've gotit! How about 'Very Berry Good Stupendous Strawberry Shortcake'? What? Isit too long ...?*

*This is a hint as to the future Story Quest involving Katie's special Cake.

Katie's Schedule:

Monday in good weather:

7.30 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. at Mallard Lake 11.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. outside Clove Villa 2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. on the Beach at Crystal Bay 6.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. in her bedroom at Wallace's House

Monday in bad weather:

11.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside her Home

Tuesday - Sunday in good weather:

7.30 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. at Mallard Lake 9.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. outside the Cafe/Pub 12.00 p.m. (noon) - 5.00 p.m. inside the Cafe 5.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. in her bedroom

Tuesday - Sunday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. at her Home 12.00 p.m. (noon) - 5.00 p.m. inside the Cafe 5.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. in her bedroom


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Story Quest: Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress

Birthday: 20 Autumn

Most Favourites: Golden Milk, Gold Egg, Stardust Flowers, Full Moon BerryLikes: Egg, Milk, Fish DishesDislikes: Insects, Ores, Grasses

Official Profile:

Height: 5'2"; Weight: 112 lb.Likes: Cleaning, Seafood, EggDislikes: Grass

The maid at Clove Villa, she takes care of Dia. She is very polite, but alittle withdrawn. She's a very good seamstress.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Large Fish

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Egg, Milk, Small Fish,Medium Fish, Jeweled Accessories, Dairy Products, Dairy Dishes, Egg Dishes

+1 FP: Mushroom, Red Herb, Lumber, Shellfish, Seasonings, Portable Dishes,Vegetable Dishes, Seafood, Desserts, Juice, Honey

Actual Responses:

For Green Herb or Moondrop Herb: What? Oh...Are you sure you didn't mean togive this to some one else? ...Th-Thank you very much.

For Apple: Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you very much. (on 11 Spring)

For Very Berry:...Oh, thank you very much.

For Very Berry: Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you very much. (on 12 Spring)

For Small Fish: Oh, did you catch this? Thank you very much.

For Tomato: Oh, thank you very much. We can always use more vegetables in ourmeals.

For Common Seashell: Thank you very much. I can use this in my cooking.

At Purple Heart:

For Egg: Oh, I'm so happy. Milk and eggs are something we need every day.

At Blue Heart:

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For Very Berry: Oh, these look good. Thank you very much.Actual Dialogue:

For Egg: Oh, thank you very much. Everything we receive from you is always sofresh and wonderful.

On her birthday for an Egg: Huh? A birthday present for me? Oh... Thank youso much!

At Yellow Heart:

For Alaska Pollock, a Large Fish: Oh, how amazing. I love fish. I actuallymake some nice seafood. This fish looks very delicious. Thank you very much.

For Golden Egg: Oh! These are the Golden Eggs I’ve heard so much about,aren’t they? Thank you so much for offering such a fine item! I understandthat you lose nutrients when you cook them. Perhaps they’re best to eat raw.

Actual Dialogue:

Gina: Praline Forest may not have as many wildlife as Walnut Forest, but thereare wild animals that live here. You can sometimes find animals wander by thevilla's entrance. I bet they smelled our cooking, hee hee.

Gina's Schedule:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. (noon) outside Clove Villa 12.00 p.m. (noon) - 10.00 p.m. inside Clove Villa

Monday - Sunday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside Clove Villa

Wednesday and Saturday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 8.00 a.m. outside Clove Villa 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. inside Ronald's Grocery Store 2.15 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. on the Beach of Crystal Bay 5.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. outside Clove Villa 6.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside Clove Villa


Story Quest: Tale of the Endangered Weasel

Birthday: 8 Summer

Favourites: Wild Mint Flowers, Golden Milk, Cranberry, Full Moon BerryLikes: Lumber, Berries, VegetablesDislikes: Insects, Ores, Fodder and Pink Cat Flowers

Official Profile: Height: 5'6"; Weight: 130 lb.

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Likes: Riding, Pets; FruitDislikes: Grass, Fodder

Some one every one counts on. She cares deeply for nature and animals. Shespends her free time caring for horses at Bob's.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Full Moon Berries

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Mushrooms, Eggs, Milk, anysize of Fish, Jeweled Accessories, Dairy Products, Vegetable Dishes, DairyDishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Red Herb, Lumber, Shellfish, Seasonings, Portable Dishes, Egg Dishes

Actual Responses:

For Very Berry, Orange, Walnut, Red Herb: Thanks. You shouldn't have.(+2 FP)

At Purple Heart:

For Full Moon Berry; Hey, these are Full Moon Berries. Are you sure I canhave them? Thanks! (+3 FP)

For Very Berry: What? Is this for me? Thanks. (On 11 Spring)(+2 FP xFestival Bonus)

For Egg: Thanks. This is from one of your animals? I'll be sure it doesn'tgo to waste. (+2 FP)

For Lumber: Thanks....There's something that I like about the smell of wood.(+1 FP)

At Blue Heart:

For Walnut or Very Berry: What? Are you sure? Well, I'll take it then. Thanks.

For Full Moon Berries: Full Moon Berries! I really love these. Thanks,they're great.

Actual Dialogue:

At Carpentry Shop:

Gwen: Not only do we take home improvement contracts, we also buy up ore. Comebring some if you have any.

Gwen: You know, we don't get much business. That's why Joe is always fishingwhen he has the time. And I think Kurt might be into gardening? ...I wonderwhat he usually does?

Gwen: We're closed Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's not like we get a lot ofcommissions, anyway.

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Hint about Nature Preserve Story Quest:

Gwen: A long time ago, I saw a really unusual animal here. But it's notsomething you'd see very often. What about you? Have you seen an unusualwild animal?

Gwen's Schedule:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Sunday in any weather:

6.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Sunday in good weather:

6.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. in Pike Mountain area 9.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Sunday in bad weather:

5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. outside Woody's Carpentry Shop

Tuesday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop 8.15 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. in the Barn 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. in the Pasture 4.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. at the Beach of Crystal Bay 7.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop

Thursday in good weather:

9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop 4.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. outside the Apprentice Cabin 8.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop

Tuesday and Thursday in bad weather:

6.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. at the Apprentice Cabin 4.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. in Woody's Carpentry Shop


Story Quest: Tale of the Golden Potato Seed

Birthday: 9 Winter

Favourites: Blueberries, Full Moon Berries, Frost PansyLikes: Very Berry, Cooked DishesDislikes: Ores, Insects, Grasses, Failed Dishes, OctopusOfficial Profile:Height: 5'2"; Weight: 110Likes: Reading, BlueberriesDislikes: Storms, Grass, Bad Cooking

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Young lady who lives at the villa. She spends her days reading. She is veryshy and spends most of her time at home.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Blueberry, Frost Pansy

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Egg, Milk, Medium Fish,Large Fish, Shellfish, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Vegetable Dishes, EggDishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Mushrooms, Red Herb, Lumber, Small Fish, Dairy Products, Portable Dishes

Actual Responses:

For Very Berry: ...Th-Thank you.

For Fish (S?) or Common Seashell: Oh, no, it smells so foul.

At Purple Heart:

For Blueberry: ...This is a little different from what I saw in theencyclopedia....Is it real?

For Orange, Very Berry: Can you...Eat this? It won't make you sick?

For Moondrop Herb or Fairy Dress Herb: ...It's a fairly common flower.

For Tomato: It's...So dirty, covered in mud...

For Egg: Thank you.

At Blue Heart:

For Very Berry: This is fairly sweet.

For Blueberry: I'm not sure how good these taste, but...I think I like thetaste.

For Egg: Thank you. Gina and Grandma love how fresh your milk and eggs are.

For Moondrop: Thank you, it smells nice.

At Green Heart:

For Walnut or Verry Berry: This is fairly sweet.

At Yellow Heart:

For Walnut: My, thank you. This is a gift from Nature, isn't it?

For Frost Pansy: My, thank you. They smell very nice. Whenever I smell theseflowers, I'm reminded of when I was a little girl, being together with mymother and father... ...They're lovely.

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On her Birthday for Frost Pansy: A birthday present...? My, how wonderful? W-What should I do? Really, thank you very much.

Actual Dialogue:

Dia's Schedule:

Monday-Sunday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. inside Clove Villa 1.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. outside Clove Villa 4.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside Clove Villa

Sacred Land Story Quest Schedule:

Monday - Sunday in good weather once Sacred Land is unlocked

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. outside Clove Villa 11.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. in the Sacred Land 7.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside Clove Villa

Monday - Sunday in good weather after 'Fruit of Fortune' Event in Sacred Landor after 2 Spring of the 2nd Year

8.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. inside Clove Villa 12.00 p.m. noon - 2.00 p.m. outside Woody's Carpentry Shop 4.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside the Sunny Garden Cafe 7.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside the Clove Villa

Monday - Sunday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside Clove Villa



Story Quest: Tale of the Blue Mist and the Azure Swallowtails

Birthday: 27 Spring

Most Favourites: Pink Cat Flowers, Full Moon BerriesLikes: Nuts, Berries, FlowersDislikes: Ores, Insects, Grasses, Failed DishesOfficial Profile:Height: 5'4"; Weight: 115Likes: Dogs, Flowers, BlueberriesDislikes: Grass, Bad CookingThe town's florist. Pleasant and cheerful, she always has a smile. Herhobbies include growing flowers and baking cakes.

FP Value of Gifts:

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+3 FP: Pink Cat Herb, Full Moon Berry

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Eggs,Milk, Any Size of Fish, Shellfish, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Egg Dishes,Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Desserts, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Lumber, Dairy Products, Seasonings, Portable Dishes, Vegetable Dishes

Actual Responses:

For Pink Cat Herb: My, I...Love this flower. How wonderful...

For Very Berry: My, I'm so happy. Thank you, Freyr.

For Very Berry: My, thank you.

For Red Herb: Oh, I would have bought this from you...You shouldn't have.

Lyla for Moondrop Herb: I would've bought flowers from you...Well, thank you.

For Egg: Oh, thank you so much. I feel a little guilty taking it.

For Egg on her Birthday: Oh...Is this...? Hee hee, never mind. Thank you.

For Surfsmelt: Is it fish? Thank you. It looks very good.

For Tomato: My, thank you very much.

At Blue Heart:

For Pink Cat Herb: My, I...Love this flower. How wonderful...

For Tomato: My, thank you very much. Hee hee, was this grown from a seed youbought from me?

For Very Berry: My, how nice. Thank you. I love these very much.

At Green Heart:

For Full Moon Berry: My, aren't these Full Moon Berries? They're very sweetberries that are good for your health. Thank you very much.

For Mistbloom: Oh, you don't want to sell this? Hee hee. I'm so happy, thankyou.

For Walnut, Very Berry: My, how nice. Thank you. I love these very much.Actual Dialogue:

On a day of heavy rain or downpour:

Lyla: Freyr, even if you bought seeds today, you shouldn't plant them rightaway. There's a chance that the rain will wash them away. Just be careful ofthat.

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Lyla's Schedule:

As Lyla is the owner of the local Florist Shop, her Schedule is linked to theshop schedule.

Lyla's Florist Shop

Lyla's Florist Shop:Hours of Business:9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.Closed on Sundays

Monday - Saturday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. outside the Florist Shop 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside her Florist Shop 5.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside her home

Monday - Saturday in bad weather:

9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside her Florist Shop 5.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside her home

Sunday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. outside the Florist Shop 12.00 p.m. noon - 3.00 p.m. inside the Cafe 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. at Mallard Lake 8.15 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside her home

Sunday alternate schedule in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. outside the Florist Shop 12.00 p.m. noon - 4.00 p.m. outside Woody's Carpentry Shop 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. in area of Pike Mountain 8.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside her home

Sunday in bad weather:

9.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside her own home



Story Quest: Tale of the Blue Bird

Birthday: 5 Autumn

Favourites: Lumber

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Likes: Seashells, Egg Dishes, Very BerryDislikes: Grass, Scrap Metal

Official Profile:Height: 5'2"; Weight: 122 lb.Likes: LumberDislikes: Grass, Scrap Metal

Came to Leaf Valley along with Chester. She lived a wild life before meetingChester and settling down.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Lumber

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Eggs,Milk, Fish of any Size, Shellfish, Ore, Rare Metal, Gemstones, JeweledAccessories, Dairy Products, Seasonings, Poratable Dishes, Vegetable Dishes,Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juices, Honey, Failed Dishes

Actual Responses:

For Lumber: Wow, I can have this? I can use it to fix up the church. (+3 FP)

On her Birthday for Walnut: Oh yeah... it's my birthday. I always get shy ondays like this. Thanks for the gift.

For Very Berry: I can have this? Thanks, I appreciate it.

For Very Berry, Walnut: Well, thank you. I like how this tastes.

For Mushroom: Why thank you. This tastes best cooked.

For Red Herb or Mineral Crystal: Hey, thanks. I'll use it for something.

At Purple Heart:

For Egg: Hey, thanks. I use eggs all the time.

At Blue Heart:

For Walnut: Well thank you. I like how this tastes.

For Fried Egg: Thanks. Eggs are the backbone of all cooking. You're prettysavvy, Freyr.

Actual Dialogue:

Aurelia: It's nice to not have to clean up outside, but then again, I'd liketo be outside.

Aurelia: i don't like rainy days because my hair gets really frizzy.

Aurelia: When it keeps raining like this, it just seems harder to breathe.

Aurelia: if you don't get enough sleep, you'll be tired the next day. Thisapplies to every one.

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Aurelia: What did I do before this? It's a pretty boring story, actually. You probably don't want to hear it.

Out and About:

At Purple Heart:

Aurelia: You're from the farm, right? I remember you.

(I mean, she should, from all the gifts I have given!)

Large weapo...items like a hammer will drain your stamina away if you swing itaround wildly. You need to concentrate and swiing it efficiently in order todo a good job.

At Mallard Lake:

Aurelia: The Goddess Spring's a lifesaver when we enter a drought. Of course,I'm always grateful for the Goddess Sproing. At least, that's what you tellChester if he asks...OK?

Aurelia's Schedule:

Monday and Wednesday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. inside the Church 1.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. at Pike Mountain area 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. at Mallard Lake 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside the Church

Monday - Sunday in bad weather:

6.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside the Church

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 8.00 a.m. inside the Church 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. at Mallard Lake 5.15 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. inside the Grocery Store 7.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside the Church

Saturday and Sunday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. inside the Church 1.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. at the Plaza 6.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside the Church


Story Quest: Shoot for the Stars: The Greatest Farm in the World!

Birthday: 5 Spring

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Favourites: Rare Ores, Special Accessories, JewelryLikes: OresDislikes: Failed Dishes

Official Profile: Height: 5'5"; Weight: 119 lb.Likes: Jewels, AccessoriesDislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking

CEO of Funland Company. She may be young, but she is quite capable. Her onlyflaw is her quick temper.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Rare Metals, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories

+2 FP: Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Ores, Vegetable Dishes, Dairy Dishes,Seafood, Dessert

+1 FP: Vegetables, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Lumber, Egg, Milk, Any Size of Fish,Shellfish, Dairy Products, Seasonings, Portable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Juice,Honey

Actual Responses:

For Rare Metal: Wait... Isn't this...? Do you know what this is...? Oh,well, I'll take it for you. ( +3 FP)

For Mineral Crystal, Iron Ore Copper Ore or Gold Ore:...Is this for me? Youreally think this is the best idea? Oh, well. I'll take it for you. (+2 FP)

For Very Berry, Apple, Orange, Blueberry or Moondrop Flower or Walnut: ....Isthis for me? I see...I suppose I'll take it. (+2 FP)

For Fish: A present for me...? Are you serious? I don't know what you're upto, but I suppose I'll take it. (+1 FP)

At Purple Heart:

For Mineral Crystal: Are you sure you want to give this to me? This ore mightgo towards the next robot we build against you. Oh, well... I suppose I'lltake it for you.

Actual Dialogues:

At Purple Heart:

Alice: Freyr... What do you need at this hour...? D-Did you come to see...Me...?! N-No, of course not... Don't worry about it....


Alice: Freyr...!? What time do you think it is?! ... Oh, well.

Alice's Schedule:

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At the start of her stay in Leaf Valley, Alice's appearances will be few andfar between. You can find her inside the Company Lodge from noon to 12.59p.m. from Monday-Friday and every night from 10.00 p.m. - 10.59 p.m., she willstand in the flowerbed outside the Company Lodge. In foul weather, you willnot find her at all during the Weekend. In good weather, however, you canfind her on Saturday and Sunday from 8.00 a.m. - 9.59 a.m. outside the CompanyLodge. In the middle of the Summer of the 2nd Year, her Schedule will changeas new Events occur.

Monday - Friday in good weather: 12.00 p.m. (noon) - 2.00 p.m. inside Company Lodge 10.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. outside the Company Lodge

Saturday - Sunday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. outside the Company Lodge 10.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. outside the Company Lodge

Monday - Sunday from the 'Robot Fish' Event to 'Alice's Decision' Event:

6.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside the Church


Marina is the human personification of the Harvest Goddess. The HarvestGoddess will not be transformed into Marina unless you complete the Tale ofthe Harvest Goddess Temple and she must have the highest FP of all EligibleGirls on 30 Winter of the 2nd Year. You then will experience 'Marina'sConfession'.

All Other Characters

Magical Characters

The Harvest Sprites

The FP Value of Gifts is the same for all three Harvest Sprites:+3 FP: Mushrooms+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Egg, Milk, any Size of Fish,Shellfish, Seasonings, Dairy Products, all Cooked Dishes apart from FailedDishes, Dessert, Juice, Honey+1 FP: Flowers, Red Herb

All three Sprites detest Truffles!

You will obtain rewards from the Harvest Sprites when you give them theirbeloved Mushrooms as Gifts.

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After a couple of Mushroom Gifts, one of the Sprites will return the favour bygiving you 'Special Fishing Bait'. This is an item that only can be purchasedotherwise with Medals at the Races. When used, it will allow you to catchmore and better fish.


Birthday: UnknownMost Favourite Gift: MushroomsLikes: Egg, Milk, Cooked DishesDislikes: Truffles

Official Profile: Height: 1'1"; Weight: 41 lb.Likes: Mushrooms, Cooking.Dislikes: Dangerous Animals

Harvest Sprite Leader. Motivated and often curious. Loves playing outdoors.

Actual Responses:

I love mushrooms! Freyr, You always give me stuff, so here's something from meto you!

N.B. He will give you Special Fish Bait in return for the Mushrooms.

For Fish: It looks delicious! Thank you!


Birthday: UnknownMost Favourite Gift: MushroomsLikes: Egg, Milk, Cooked DishesDisllikes: TrufflesOfficial Profile:Height: 1'1"; Weight: 41 lb.Likes: Mushrooms, CookingDislikes: Dangerous FoodA Harvest Sprite. He acts childish and is a little spoiled.

Actual Responses:

For Mushroom: We LOVE Mushrooms!

After a couple of gifts of Mushrooms:

Nac: We LOVE Mushrooms! Freyr, you're always so nice to us. So I decided todo something nice for you. Here you go, just for you!

N.B. He will give you Special Fish Bait.

For Fish: It looks so yummy! Thanks.

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For Red Herb: Bitter is bad!


Birthday: UnknownMost Favourite Gift: MushroomsLikes: Egg, Milk, Cooked DishesDisllikes: Truffles

Official Profile:Height: 1'; Weight: Likes: Mushrooms, Napping.Dislikes: Waking Up Being HungryA Harvest Sprite. Lazy and loves to eat. Is a big fan of sleeping in andnapping.

Actual Responses:

For Mushroom: We LOVE mushrooms. Thanks! You always give me yummy things,Freyr, so today I wanted to give something back to you....Here you go!

N.B. He will give you Special Fish Bait.

For Egg: Wow, looks yummy! Thanks!

For Red Herb: Thanks!

The Harvest Goddess

Story Quest: The Harvest Goddess Temple

Birthday: Unknown*

Favourites: High-Quality CropsLikes: Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Flowers, BerriesDislikes: Insects, Ores, Grasses

Official Profile:Height: 5'7"; Weight: ???Likes: Vegetables, FruitDislikes: Rainy Days

Goddess who lived in the Spring long before Leaf Valley was founded. She'scheery and a little bit strange.

*In most other Harvest Moon games, the Birthday of the Harvest Goddesstraditionally falls on the 8th day of Spring.

FP Value of Gifts/Offerings:

+3 FP: Vegetables

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+2 FP: Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Flowers, Mushrooms, Honey

+1 FP: Red Herb, Egg, Milk, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish,Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Dairy Products, Seasonings, Portable Dishes,Vegetable Dishes, Dariy Dishes, Egg Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice

Actual Responses:

For Egg or Very Berry as a 2nd Offering: Mmm, thank you. (with music)

For Very Berry on a rainy afternoon: Harvest Goddess: Come on, let me be whenit rains at least. Honestly...You know that selfish boys never get the girls?

If you throw a Caterpillar into the Spring as an offering, she will throw itback at you!

Actual Dialogue:

See her Events both for the Wish Dialogue, her 'chats' and her actual Events.

If you give her an Offering at 9.00 p.m.

Harv. Goddess: I'm going to bed. ... So don't call me!

If you give her an Offering at night:

Harvest Goddess: Why did you come so late? It's sleepy time. I'm off to bed. Come back tomorrow if you need something.

If you give her an Offering when it is raining:

Harvest Goddess: Will you cut it out? THis rain is bad for the skin. Sodon't call me in the rain.

Harvest Goddess Wishing Schedule:

When the weather is good:

10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Harvest Goddess Wish Menu:

Harv. Goddess: Hi there. What's your wish? Choose from the following:

Get along with girls.

Get along with horses.

Get along with dogs.

Restore strength.

Alleviate weariness.

If you choose 'Get along with Dogs' before you have adopted one of the twostray dogs:

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You want to get along with your dog? This might not work, but don't let it getyou down. Sure...wait, you don't even have a dog, do you? Unless you're thedog? See ya later. If you want to make a wish, come here in the afternoon. Don't come too early. And definitely not on rainy days.

If you ask her to restore your Stamina:

Harvest Goddess: You want me to recover your strength? Here we go!!...Alright, you should be good to go. Just don't push yourself.See ya later. If you want to make a wish, come here in the afternoon. Don'tcome too early. And definitely not on rainy days.

Even if you do not make your Offering in time to make a Wish, the HarvestGoddess still will be happy to see you as long as you do not bother her toolate in the evening.


Story Quest: None

Birthday: Unknown

Ponta is a Tanuki. An accomplished fisherman who came to Leaf Valley to searchfor good fishing locations, he is lonely and welcomes your company. He willteach your Recipes and make a Fish Print for your Album when you give him aFish.

Found at Mallard Lake and Crystal Bay

Favourites: Any Fish DishesLikes: FishDislikes: Grass and Scrap Metal

Official Profile: Height: ???; Weight: ???Likes: Fish, Seafood.Dislikes: Grass, Scrap Metal

Magical creature who loves fishing. Only our hero can see him for some reason. Loves fish and will teach you recipes.

Actual Responses:

For Common Seashell: Gosh, thank you but I only accept fish. It's my policy. (does not accept gift)

When you offer him a second Gift: Gosh, that's OK. I'm still too excited fromthe first present you gave me. (does not accept item)

FP Value of Gifts:

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+3 FP: Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish

+2 FP: N/A

+1 FP: N/A

Whenever you give Ponta a Fish, you will have two choices:

Actual Dialogue:

Ponta's Menu:

Whenever you give Ponta any Fish:

Ponta: It's a fish. (with music) You're giving this to me?

You now have a choice:

Make into fish print.Get recipe.

If you choose 'Fish Print':

Ponta: You want a fish print? No problem (music)

The Fish Print automatically will be entered in your Album.

If you give him a Fish that has been made previously into a Fish Print:

Ponta: Thanks! You know what? I'll teach you one of my special fish recipes!

This is the Fried Smelt Recipe!

Ponta's Schedule:

Monday - Sunday in good weather:

3.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. at the Beach of Crystal Bay 7.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. at Mallard Lake

In bad weather, you will be unable to find Ponta.

All Other Villagers


Story Quest: Louis, the Inventor King

Birthday: 2 Autumn

Most Favourites: Golden Egg, Egg Dishes, Rare Metals

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Loves: Eggs, OresDislikes: Failed Dishes, Scrap Metal

Official Profile: Height: 5'9"; Weight: 131 lb.Likes: Experiments, OmeletsDislikes: Exercise, Grass, Bad Cooking

The town's friendly and kind shop owner. An amateur inventor, he is alwaysworking on some dubious contraption.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Rare Metal, Egg Dishes, Egg

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Milk, Ore,Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Dairy Products, Vegetable Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Flowers, Lumber, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Portable Dishes

Actual Responses:

I found Louis at the Beach at noon on his Birthday and gave him Fried Egg:

Louis: What?! Is it a birthday present? ...Th-Thank you very much.

For an Egg or any Cooked Egg Dish: Are those eggs? Wow, thank you very much! I love eggs. Especially meals that use eggs. Although I'm not really much ofa cook. Heh heh...

For Mineral Crystal: Oh! An ore! Wow, thank you so much, Freyr! I reallyappreciate it! Heh heh... I have a hard time getting any on my own... But Istill want them for my inventions. This will be a great help!

For Very Berry: Is this for me? Thank you very much!

For Red Herb: Thank you very much. This is an ingredient for medicine.

For Orange: Oh, you didn't have to. Thank you very much.

For Tomato: Wow, thank you very much. Are you sure I can have it?

Actual Dialogue:

Louis' Schedule:

As Louis is the owner of the local Items Shop, his own Schedule is linked tothe shop schedule:

Louis' Item Shop

Louis' Item Shop

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Hours of Business: 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Closed on Wednesday and Saturday

Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. inside his home 7.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. outside his Shop 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. inside his Items Shop 6.00 p.m. - Midnight inside his home

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday in bad weather:

10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. inside his Items Shop 6.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside his Home

Wednesday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. outside Woody's Carpentry Shop 10.15 a.m. - 11.45 a.m. outside the Mine entrance 1.15 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside the Cafe 6.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. outside the Items Shop 9.00 p.m. - Midnight inside his own Home

Wednesday and Saturday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. inside his own Home 1.00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. at the Goddess Spring 3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside the Cafe 7.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside his own home

Thursday in good weather:

10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. inside the Items Shop

Saturday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. outside the Items Shop 8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. outside the Grocery Store 12.00 p.m. noon - 2.00 p.m. at the Beach of Crystal Bay 4.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. at Mallard Lake 9.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. outside the Items Shop


Story Quest: The Hundred-Year-Old Cherry Tree

Birthday: 16 Spring

Most Favourites: Herbs, Vegetable DishesLikes: Red Herb, Pontata RootDislikes: Insects, Grass, Ores, Failed Dishes

Official Profile:Height: 5'9"; Weight: 152 lb.

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Likes: Plants, Herb TeaDislikes: Winter, Cold, Bad Cooking

A globetrotting plant hunter. He comes to Leaf Valley to document its uniqueflora.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Cranberry

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Egg,Milk, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Dairy Products,Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Fodder, Lumber, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, PortableDishes

Actual Responses:

At Black Heart:

For Red Herb: Hmm. Is this a present for me? Thanks.

For Red Herb on his Birthday: A birthday present? Wow...This is so great. Thanks!

For Red Herb: It looks like a very effective medical herb. Thank you!

For Blueberry or Very Berry: The blessings of the mountain. The plant musthave worked very hard to bear such delicious fruit.

For Egg: What fresh looking eggs. It looks so good! Thanks.

For Fairy Dress Herb, other Flowers or Green Herb: Yes, quite pretty. Icouldn't ask for anything better to enjoy or to research. Thanks!

For Fodder: Oh, this is good fodder. Very impressive, Freyr. You'd reallylike the animal to eat something this good.Actual Dialogue:

Parsley: Have you heard of cranberries? They're vibrantly red beries that area little sour and tasty.Parsley's Schedule:

Monday - Sunday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. at Clove Villa 11.30 a.m. - 1.59 p.m. at Crystal Bay 3.00 p.m. - 5.59 p.m. in Florist Shop/Items Shop area

Tuesday and Thursday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. outside Grocery 8.30 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. near Goddess Spring 11.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. in Mallard Lake area 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside Cafe

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5.00 pm. - 9.00 p.m. in Cafe and Mallard Lake area 10.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. outside Grocery

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. outside Grocery 7.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. in Plaza area 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. in Woody's Carpentry area 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. in Pike Mountain area 6.30 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. inside Pub

Monday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - noon at Grocery Store 1.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. at Florist Shop/Items Shop area

Tuesday - Saturday in bad weather:

8.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. at Pike Mountain area 12.15 p.m. - 1.00 p.m. at Mallard Lake 2.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside the Cafe 5.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. in Cafe/Pub area

Sunday in bad weather:

10.00 a.m. - noon: Outside Cafe/Pub 12.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Inside Cafe 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. Outside Cafe/Pub


Story Quest: Tale of the Horse Race Champion

Birthday: 1 Summer

Most Favourites: Cake, Golden Milk, HoneyLikes: Milk, EggsDisllikes: Grass, Insects, Failed Dishes

Official Profile:Height: 6'5"; Weight: 231 lb.Likes: Riding, SweetsDisllikes: Grass, Bad Cooking

Owner of Starling Ranch. He may look tough, but he's very earnest andkind-hearted. Knows a lot about animals.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Sweets, Honey

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Fodder, Red Herb, Egg, Milk, Small Fish, MediumFish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Portable Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, Dairy Dishes,Seafood, Juice

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+1 FP: Flowers, Mushrooms, Lumber, Ore, Rare Metal, Gemstones, JeweledAccessories, Seasonings, Dairy Products, Egg Dishes

Actual Responses:

For Fodder: Oh, this is a big help. I'll be able to use it right away. Thanks. (+2 FP)

For Red Grass: This for me? Thanks! (+2 FP)

For Tomato: The vegetables you grow always look so good. Thanks for sharingthem with me. (+2 FP)

For Egg: Oh! Eggs are good for the body. Thanks. (+2 FP)

Actual Dialogue:

Bob: When it rains, the customers don't show and the animals get stressed. There's just nothing good about it!

Bob: if you're free, why don't you play with Tim? You never know what Timmight get into if you leave him alone too long. Just the other day, he dug abig hole in the ranch...

Outside his Shop:

Bob: If you've poured your love into your cow, she will thank you by givingyou the best milk in the world. It's called Gold Milk. Gold Milk just tastesso much better, and it's my more nutritional than regular milk.

Bob's Schedule

As Bob is owner of the Ranch Supply Shop, his own schedule is linked to theShop:

Bob's Ranch Supplies

Starling Ranch/Bob's Ranch SuppliesHours of Business: 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.Closed on Thursday

Bob's Schedule for Part-Time Work

Now hiring! Interact with animals! Hourly wage: 50G + Bonuses8 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Thursdays and rainy days. See Bob for details.

Monday - Wednesday, Friday - Sunday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. in the Pasture area8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. at Ranch Supply Shop6.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. in the Pasture area

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9.15 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside his Home

Monday - Wednesday, Friday - Sunday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. at Ranch Supply Shop7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m. in the Barn

Thursday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 7.00 a.m. at Home8.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. in the Barn9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. in the Pasture area3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. at the Plaza6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. at the Pub

Thursday in bad weather:

9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. outside the Barn2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. at Lyla's Florist Shop3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. at Louis' Item Shop6.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. at Home


Story Quest: The Hundred-Year-Old Cherry Tree

Birthday: 12 Autumn

Most Favourites: Insects, Eggs, Golden EggsLikes: Cooked DishesDislikes: Grass

Official Profile:Height: 4'8"; Weight: 86 lb.Likes: Journey, Egg, Insects, CakeDislikes: Spicy Food, Grass

Friendly younger brother of Bob. He wants to be a treasure hunter and discoverlost ruins and riches.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Eggs, Insects+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish,Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Flowers, Lumber, Milk, Shellfish, Ore, Rare Metal, Gemstones,,Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Dairy Products, Portable Dishes, Dairy Dishes

Tim is a collector of insects of every shape and size. If you give him anInsect on any given day, you will earn +3 FP with him and he will give you 10Gin payment. He is one of the exceptions to the 'one gift per day' rule as youcan give him as many Insects as you wish in a single day. You will earn FPonly for the first Gift but will be paid 10G for each Insect that is given to

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Actual Responses:

For Insect on his Birthday: What? Is this... My birthday present? Awesome! Are you sure? Thanks, bro! I really wanted this! Awesome... So awesome!

For ANY insect: Wow. This bug is rare. I can really have it? Thanks! Well,i'll give you 10G. It's a treasure hunter's policy to pay for something hewants!

For an Egg: Yay. Thanks, bro! I love eggs!

Tim's Schedule:

Monday - Wednesday, Friday - Sunday in good weather:

7.00 a.m. - 7.50 a.m. outside the Starling Ranch 8.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. outside Ronald's Grocery Store 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. outside the entrance to the Mine 7.10 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. at home inside Bob's House

Monday - Wednesday, Friday - Sunday alternative schedule in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. at the Beach of Crystal Bay 10.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. outside Clove Villa 2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. at the Plaza 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. in the Florist/Items Shop area 6.15 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. outside the Starling Ranch 7.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. at home inside Bob's House

Monday - Sunday in bad weather:

7.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. at home inside Bob's House

Thursday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. in the Pasture 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. in the Barn 1.30 p.m. - 2.45 p.m. at the Plaza 3.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. outside Clove Villa 4.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. at the Beach of Crystal Bay 7.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. outside Starling Ranch 8.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. at home inside Bob's House


Story Quest: Tale of the Silver Fish

Birthday: 10 Summer

Most Favourites: Fish DishesLikes: Vegetables, LumberDislikes: Grass, Herbs, Insects, Yogurt

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Official Profile:Height: 5'10"; Weight: 159 lb.Likes: Fishing, Seafood.Dislikes: Yogurt, Grass

Woody's apprentice. Friendly and outgoing. Loves fishing, and often fishes atthe lake after work, but he's not very good at it.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Lumber, Seafood

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Egg, Milk, Medium Fish, Shellfish,Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes

+1 FP: Fodder, Flowers, Small Fish, Large Fish, Dairy Products, Seasonings,Portable Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Dessert, Juice, Honey

Actual Responses:

On his birthday for Horse Mackerel: Is this for me...? Birthdays are great.

For Very Berry: It reminds me of when I was a kid when I eat stuff like this.

For Surfsmelt: Oh, how considerate of you. Thanks a lot! (music)

For Rockfish: It's so small......Thanks. I'll pay you back when I catch a bigone.

For Fodder: Oh, how considerate of you. Thanks a lot. (with music)

For Lumber: Oh, this is a life-saver! I can make a lot of things with it! This is way better than some weird gift. Thanks.

Actual Dialogue:

Joe: I have a theory that there's a boot and can factory at the bottom of thislake.

Joe: Every day, we cut down trees and chop them into lumber...Well, we do alot. It's a hard work to make lumber!

Joe: I don't like sweets, but I'll eat whatever Katie makes.

At the Carpentry Shop on a rainy day:

Joe: This rain is getting annoying...By the way, what kind of girls are yourtype, Freyr? Huh? My type? Basically, I like all girls. But it's reallybetter when every one has their own type. I'm especially glad that Kurt and Ihave different tastes. He apparently likes Dia. ...Hey, this is a secret,alright?

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We could use a lot more things around here. I mean, just until recently, we'vebeen cooking rice on the stove.

Joe's Schedule:

Monday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. outside Woody's Carpentry Shop 6.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. inside the Apprentice Cabin

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday in bad weather:

6.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside Woody's Carpentry Shop 11.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside Louis' Item Shop (gazing soulfully at theFishing Rods on display) 6.30 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. inside the Apprentice Cabine

Tuesday and Thursday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. at Mallard Lake 9.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. inside the Apprentice Cabin

Wednesday, Friday and Sunday in good weather;

6.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. outside Woody's Carpentry Shop 8.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside the Pub

Wednesday and Saturday in bad weather:

6.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. inside Woody's Carpentry Shop 12.00 p.m. (noon) - 5.00 p.m. inside the Cafe 7.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. inside the Apprentice Cabin

Thursday in good Weather after the Tale of the Silver Fish Quest is complete:

8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. at the Beach of Crystal Bay 7.30 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. inside the Apprentice Cabin


Story Quest: Tale of the Silver Fish

Birthday: 10 Winter

Most Favourites: Tomato RisottoLikes: Lumber, Red HerbDislikes: Insects, Failed Dishes

Official Profile:

Height: 5'10"; Weight: 153 lb.Likes: Gardening, TomatoesDislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking/Failed Dishes

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An apprentice at Woody's Carpentry, Joe's younger brother. In contrst to Joe,he's quiet, calm and reserved.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Tomato Risotto, Tomato

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Lumber, Egg, Milk, Ore, RareMetal, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Dairy Products, Portable Dishes,Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood

+1 FP: Flowers, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Seasonings, Dessert, Juice, Honey

Actual Responses:

For Tomato: That looks really good. ...Well, I like tomatoes. Thanks. (+3 FP)

For Tomato on his Birthday: ...Oh, today's my birthday, isn't it? I forgot. TYou sure? You didn't have to.

For Tomato Risotto: What's this? You make this? I see, thanks.

For Very Berry: Thanks. (+2 FP)

For Red Herb: This will be helpful. It relieves stress....Thanks.

For Fish: Hmmm. Did you catch this yourself? Thanks.

For Milk:...? Is this for me? Why...? Oh, well...Thanks.

For Egg: Hey, thanks.

For Lumber: Oh, you didn't have to. My brother and I are so busyapprenticing, we can never have enough. Thanks.

Actual Dialogue:

Kurt: Growing crops can be pretty hard. Don't give up, even if at first youdon't succeed.

Outside the Villa on Tuesday afternoon:

Kurt: ...This villa was the first house I helped the boss build. So I'm alittle attached to it.

Kurt: ...At first, I thought Dia was really cold, full of herself, but shereally isn't. ...I think Dia's a nice girl. She pretends she's okay whenshe's really lonely. She's trying not to worry anyone.

Kurt: What brings you all the way here...? ...I'm here to deliver fire wood.


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Story Quest: Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival!

Birthday: 2 Winter

Most Favourites: Gold EggsLikes: Olive Oil, Red HerbDislikes: Grass, Insects

Official Profile:Height: 5'5"; Weight: 165 lb.Likes: Wine, OreDislikes: Potato/Grass, Bad Cooking

The town's carpenter and Gwen's grandfather. Recently, he's been ratherforgetful. It could be his age.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Lumber, Rare Metal, Golden Egg

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Egg, Milk, Ore, Rare Metal,Dairy Products, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood

+1 FP: Flowers, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Gemstones,Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Portable Dishes, Dessert, Juice, Honey

Actual Responses:

At 1 Heart:

For Red Herb: Oh, thanks. This is good for when you're tired.

For Very Berry: Looks good. I bet my Joe and Kurt will llike it, too. Thanks.

For Milk: Oh, thanks. I'll use this in a dessert.

At 2 Hearts:

For Red Herb: Is this for me? Thanks.

For Rice: Oh, you shouldn't have. I love the vegetables you grow. Thanks.

For Iron on his Birthday: I never thought I'd be getting a birthday present atthis age. I don't mind getting old at all now. Thanks!

For Golden Egg on his Birthday: I never thought I'd be getting a birthdaypresent at this age. But this... Is something I actually want. Thanks forthe gift.

For Golden Egg: Well! If this isn't a Golden Egg! Hmm, that's prettyimpressive... I'm grateful. I should really thank you with something... Iknow. I've got a special spot I can take you to. We could go there now ifyou're up for it?


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Woody: Alright, this way!

He will take you to the Forest, but you will not be able to chop down trees. You can find special mushrooms, however. I found two Gold Mushrooms and 1Super Mushroom.

Actual Dialogue:

In the Carpentry Shop on the day after a thunderstorm:

Woody: How quick the seasons change. Bet you notice it more growing crops. Like not being able to grow something because the season's changed. Butseasons are meant to change. You'll get another chance if you hang on to theseed. No need to rush things.

Woody: Oh, looks like you're in good spirits even in the rain. Good, good.

Woody: Gwen's cooking is pretty good. Although it's more quantity thanquality. But she's come a long way. It's really something! Gwen may seemstrong-minded, but those that understand her really get it. Take the guy atStarling Ranch. He's always taken a liking to Gwen. Well, I'm not sure howhe feels now, though. Gwen actually likes the nature and her life here morethan the town itself. That's why she's always looking out for outsiders thatare trying to rebuild the town or out to destroy the nature. Has Gwen alreadysuspected your motives or something? ...Don't hold it against her, would you?

Woody's Schedule

As the owner of the local Carpentry Shop, Woody's Schedule is linked to hisbusiness. Woody is the key to unlocking the Forest. You need to workPart-Time for him a few times chopping wood before you will be allowed to chopLumber for yourself whenever you wish.

Woody's Carpentry

Woody's CarpentryHours of Business:6.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.Closed on Tuesday and Thursday

Part-Time Forestry Work

Now hiring! Apply now to work among the trees! Daily Wage: 200G + Bonuses.See Woody from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Every Day in any Weather:

6.00 a.m. - 8.00 a.m. inside Carpentry Shop

Monday in good weather:

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8.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. outside Carpentry Shop2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. in the Pike Mountain area4.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside Carpentry Shop

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. outside Carpentry Shop11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside Carpentry Shop5.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside Apprentice Cabine9.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside Carpentry Shop

Tuesday and Thursday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. outside Carpentry Shop10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. inside Carpentry Shop1.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. in Pike Mountain area6.15 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. in the Pub

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in good weather:

6.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. inside the Carpentry Shop9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. outside Carpentry Shop8.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside the Pub

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in bad weather:

8.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. outside the Carpentry Shop11.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. inside the Carpentry Shop8.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. inside the Pub


Story Quest: Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival!

Birthday: 21 Summer

Most Favourites: any Cooked DishLikes: Olive Oil, Red Herb, WalnutsDislikes: Grass, Insects

Official Profile:Height: 5'4"; Weight: 117 lb.Likes: Talking; Tea; SeafoodDislikes: Grass

The owner of the Sunny Garden Cafe. Kind, friendly and easy to talk to. Helives with his granddaughter Katie.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Dairy Products, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large

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+1 FP: Flowers, Lumber, Egg, Milk, Shellfish, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories,Seasonings, Portable Dishes, Dessert, Juice, Honey

Actual Responses:

For Walnut on his Birthday: No matter how old you get, it's still nice to geta birthday present. Thanks.

For Chestnut: Is this for me? Thanks.

For Corn: Well, this looks delicious. I'll have it later.

For Clam: Oh, fish. Thanks, Freyr. I serve all of the fish I buy tocustomers at the cafe here. I love fish, and it'll be nice to be able to cookfor Katie as well.

Actual Dialogue:

Wallace: That was some rain we got. Never underestimate mother nature.

Wallace: During the dry season, we have a problem with water shortages. Katiedoes a lot around the cafe. How old was she when she started helping out? It's surprising, but she must have still been a child.

Wallace's Schedule:

Sunny Garden Cafe and Moonlight Pub

The Sunny Garden Cafe and Moonlight Pub share the same location but havedifferent hours of operation. Wallace's personal Schedule is very much linkedto the hours of operation of his restaurants.

Sunny Garden Cafe

Sunny Garden Cafe Hours of Business: 12.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.Closed on Monday

Moonlight Pub

Moonlight PubHours of Business:5.00 p.m. to 12.00 a.m. (midnight)Closed on Monday

There is no Part-Time Work at either the Cafe or Pub but you can sell

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ingredients to Wallace at the Counter.


Story Quest: The Legendary Bread Artisan

Birthday: 11 Spring

Most Favourites: PuddingLikes: Walnuts, Chestnut Cake, Cooked DishesDislikes: Grass, Insects

Official Profile:Height: 6'2"; Weight: 176 lb.Likes: Lacework, Wine, CakeDislikes: Diets, Grass

Owner of the town grocery store. New to Sugar Town himself. His bread is abit hit in town.

Actual Responses:

For Tomato: We actually carry these here. You sure I can just have it? You'dmake some money if you sold it.

For Very Berry; Oh, thanks. There's a lot of uses for berries.

For Very Berry on his Birthday: Oh...That's right. It's my birthday. Ha haha...I didn't expect to get anything from you. But thanks. I appreciate it. I'll be sure to put it to good use.

Actual Dialogue:

At the Grocery:Ronald: There aren't a lot of customers who brave the rain to come shop.

Ronald: You can regain some of your Stamina by eating something, but it won'trelieve stress. That's why you need good sleep.

In fine weather inside the Shop:

Ronald: Hey, Freyr. Our food will give you the energy you need to get in ahard day's work. (star)

FP Value of Gifts:+3 FP: Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood

+2 FP: Vegetables, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Egg, Milk, Small Fish,Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Seasonings, Dairy Products, Dessert,Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Flowers, Fodder, Lumber, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, PortableDishes

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Whenever you work part-time for Ronald, he will allow you to keep one of thefresh eggs that you gather as well as paying you a wage. These Eggs can beincubated in your Coop.

Ronald's Schedule

As Leaf Valley's Greengrocer, Ronald's personal schedule is linked to that ofhis Market.

Ronald's Grocery Store

Ronald's Grocery Store:8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.Closed on Sundays

Ronald's Part-Time Work

Now hiring! Seeking lovers of chickens!Daily Wage: 180G + BonusesMonday - Saturday, 8.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.See Ronald for details.

Monday - Saturday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. inside his Grocery Store

Sunday in good weather:

8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. outside the Grocery Store 10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. inside the Coop 2.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. at the Plaza 6.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside the Pub

Sunday in bad weather:

10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. inside the Coop 3.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside Woody's Carpentry Shop 6.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m. inside the Pub


Story Quest: Rebirth of the True Harvest Festival!

Birthday: 25 Winter

Most Favourites: Jam, Special Cheeses, Special CheesecakesLikes: Egg, Milk and Cooked DishesDislikes: Grass, Insects

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Official Profile: Height: 5'3"; Weight 150 lb.Likes: Children, Fine CheeseDislikes: Frogs/Insects, Grass

Both kind and forgiving, Martha looks after the villa. She is Gina'sgrandmother, but even Dia calls her 'Grandma'.

FP Values of Gifts:

+3 FP: Fine Cheese

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Egg, Milk, Medium Fish, LargeFish, Seasonings, Dairy Products, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes,Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

+1 FP: Red Herb, Lumber, Small Fish, Shellfish, Jeweled Accessories, PortableDishes

Actual Responses:

For Very Berry: Oh, what a yummy looking fruit. Maybe I'll use it for dinner. Thank you.

For an Egg: Oh, how very nutritious! And you can never have enough. Thismakes me so happy, Freyr. Thank you.

Martha's Schedule

Part-Time Kitchen Help

Now hiring!Part-Time Chef needed!Daily Wage: 250G + Bonuses.Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.See Martha for details.


Story Quest: The Holy Masterpiece

Birthday: 24 Summer

Most Favourites: Rare Metal, Diamond EarringsLikes: Ores, Minerals, HoneyDislikes: Insects, Grass, Scrap Metal, Failed Dishes

Official Profile:

Height: 5'8"; Weight: 150 lb.

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Likes: Accessories, Rare MetalDislikes: Scrap Metal

Priest who moved to Leaf Valley. Strongly believes in the Harvest Goddess. Knowledgeable, but a little weird.

Actual Responses:

Actual Dialogue:Chester: Hello Freyr...Is there something I can do?Can I help you, young sir?All you need to lead a wonderful life is courage, imagination and a little bitof money. Therefore, in your case, all you jeed is a little bit of money andyour life will be complete!

Upstairs in his room:

Chester: ...It looks like it's raining. ...Is there something you need todiscuss on a rainy day like this? It's really coming down today. I thinkdays like this are needed once in a while.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Rare Metal, Jeweled Accessories

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Egg, Milk, Small Fish,Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Lumber, Egg, Milk, Ore, Dairy Products,,Gemstones, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Dessert

+1 FP: Fodder, Lumber, Gemstones, Seasonings, Portable Dishes, Juice, Honey,Failed Dishes

Actual Responses:

For Moondrop on his Birthday:...Oh goodness! A birthday present for me? Inever thought I'd see the day...

For Tomato: Thank you, Freyr...The vegetables you give me are always so freshand tasty.

For Red Herb: Is this for me? Well...thank you. I'll gladly accept it.

For Very Berry or Walnut: It looks so fresh and juicy...Are you sure I canhave this?...Thank you.

For Mineral Crystal: Oh my! Thank you very much. I think I can use itfor...something.

For Egg: Are these eggs from your farm, Freyr? Thank you very much.

Actual Dialogue:

Chester: What do I do here? That is a very good question. Here I offer myprayers to the Harvest Goddess both day and night....Yes, I primarily do it bymyself. I do need to discuss that matter with Aurelia...

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Story Quest: None

Birthday: 23 Winter

Most Favourites: Rare Metal, SweetsLikes: Ores, HoneyDislikes: Insects, Grass, Scrap Metal, Failed Dishes

Official Profile:

Height: 5'11"; Weight: 143 lb.

Likes: Fluffy Bread, Rare MetalDislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking

Funland Company worker. Builds robots and plans sabotage attacks, but alwaysfails. Narcissist who never admits to his flaws.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Fluffy Bread, Rare Metal

+2 FP: Flowers, Red Herb, Ore, Rare Metal, Gemstones

+1 FP: Fruit, Mushrooms, Lumber, Egg, Milk, Small Fish, Medium Fish, LargeFish, Shellfish, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Dairy Products, PortableDishes, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Dessert, Juice,Honey

Actual Responses:

For Fluffy Bread: Well, this wasn't necessary. I already eat three squaremeals a day. ... But you did go through the trouble. I suppose it would berude not to take it. (+3 FP)

For Very Berry or Moondrop Flower:...Well, if you want to give it to me, Iwon't stop you. But I'd rather not have to touch things like this. (+1 FP)

For Red Herb:...You have a lot to learn if you think this would change my mind.(+2 FP)

For Fish: What...You want me to eat this? Why would you give it to me raw...? Well, i suppose I'll take it....I'll just give it to Renton.

For Mineral Crystal: How are you supposed to use this...? But I'll take it. Thanks.

At Purple Heart:

For Red Herb: Can't you buy medicine from a drug store? Why bother with anherb...Well, I'll just give this to Renton.

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For Scrap Metal: What kind of manners do they teach here? Why are you handingme garbage?

Charles' Schedule:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday in all weather:

12.00 p.m. (noon) - 2.00 p.m. inside Company Lodge 6.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. at the entrance to the Mine

Wednesday in good weather:

9.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. at the entrance to the Mine

10.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m. out and about throughout Leaf Valley*

*Charles takes the following path in his rambles: From the Mine to PikeMountain to Woody's Carpentry to the Plaza, then to Clove Villa and to theBeach. Fron the Beach to the Plaza to Starling Ranch, then to the Florist andItem Shop and from there to the Plaza again. He then walks to the GroceryStore and from there to the Cafe/Pub. From there, he goes to Mallard Lake,then north to the Goddess Spring, circling back to the Mine and finally endinghis day at the Company Lodge.

Wednesday in bad weather:

12.00 p.m. noon to 2.00 p.m. inside the Company Lodge

Saturday and Sunday:

9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. inside the Company Lodge 11.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. outside the Mine 2.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. inside the Company Lodge


Story Quest: None

Birthday: 1 Spring

Most Favourites: Golden Milk, Golden EggLikes: Egg, Milk, Red HerbDislikes: Insects, Grass, Scrap Metal, Bad Cooking

Official Profile:

Height: 5'3"; Weight: 165 lb.Likes: Milk G, Golden Egg.Dislikes: Scrap Metal

Funland Company worker. Renton is caring and understanding, but he's alwaysblamed by Charles for his failures.

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FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Grass, Golden Egg

+2 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herb, Green Herb, Egg,Milk, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish

+1 FP: Lumber, Ore, Rare Metal, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings,Dairy Products, Portable Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes,Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey

For Very Berry: Is this for me? ...Okay, I'll take it.

For Grass: This reminds me of my childhood....Thank you. I appreciate it.

For Mineral Crystal: I think I can find a use for this. Thank you. Iappreciate it.

For Walnut: I can really have this? Thank you. I appreciate it.

for Fried Egg: Did you make this yourself? ... It looks very good. Thank you. I appreciate it.

For Dragonfly: We used to catch these a lot back in the day. But I don't haveanywhere to put them now. Sorry, but I can't take it. (Refused)

Actual Dialogue:

An Animal almost crushed me the other day...I wish they would make sure thattheir animals were secured.

Renton: Thanks to the thunder yesterday, we had a little blackout at ouroffice. The boss just screamed and Charles began to cry about hisrobots...What a day..

You really seem weak. Like the type of person who will pass out if they don'tget their proper sleep.

Renton: When you're out too late... No, never mind.


Story Quest: The Secret Fossil

Birthday: 14 Summer

Most Favourites: Rare MetalLikes: Red Herb, Ores, Cooked DishesDislikes: Insects, Grass, Scrap Metal

Official Profile:

Height: 5'10"; Weight: 150 lb.

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Likes; Fossils, Rare Metal Dislikes: Grass, Scrap Metal

Hired by the Funland Company, Rudolph works at the Leaf Valley mine. He's aman of few words, unless he has a few drinks.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Rare Metal

+2 FP: Red Herb, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Dairy Products,Portable Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Dishes, Dairy Dishes, Seafood, Juice,Honey, Failed Dishes

+1 FP: Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Fodder, Lumber, Egg, Milk,Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Shellfish, Ore

Actual Responses:

For Red Herb: ...Hm? For me? Thanks, you shouldn't have.

Actual Dialogue:

Unlocking the Mine

When you have worked for Rudolph Part-Time a few times, he will tell you:

Rudolph: Well, I don't have any more work for you. You're free to mine onyour own and keep whatever you find, though.

Rudolph's Schedule

Until you have unlocked the Mine for yourself by working Part-Time for Rudolpha few times, his schedule will be linked to the Job he offers at the Dig Site.

Part-Time Mining Work

Now hiring! Seeking strong, young applicants! Daily Wage: 300G plus bonuses.Monday-Friday9 a.m. - 1.p.m.See Rudolph for details.


Story Quest: None

Birthday: 15 Summer

Most Favourites: Scrap MetalLikes: Grass, Failed Dishes, Fodder, Green HerbDislikes:

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Give Zann 11 Scrap Metal and he will ask for a Gemstone. When you give him anyGem, he will create an Accessory for you. Repeat the process, but in thefuture, you will be obliged to give him only 10 Scrap Metal before he willrequest another Gem.

FP Value of Gifts:

+3 FP: Fodder, Green Herb, Scrap Metal, Failed Dishes

+2 FP: N/A

+1 FP: N/A

Item Values

Unless designated as a Most Wanted Item, your Goods will have the followingvalues when you sell them to a local Shop:


Spring:Strawberry; 50GCarrot: 80G

Summer:Watermelon: 150G

Autumn:Onion: 70GPumpkin: 40G

Winter:Spinach: 60G

Multiple Seasons:

Potato: 60GTomato: 30GCorn: 40GBreadfruit: 40GRice: 50GAlfalfa: 40G

Golden Potato: 160G

Mineral Crops:

Mineral Carrot: 120GGolden Strawberry: 70G

Black Watermelon: 220G

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Mineral Onion: 110GRed Pumpkin: 60G

Mineral Spinach: 90G

Platinum Rice: 70GMineral Potato: 90GMineral Tomato: 50GMineral Corn: 60GGolden Breadfruit: 60GMineral Alfalfa Sprouts: 60G


Lyla buys both wildflowers and cultivated flowers:


Moondrop: 10GPink Herb: 20G


Fairy Dress Herb: 40GSilverbell Herb: 40GWild Mint: 40GMistbloom: 40GFrost Pansy: 40GStardust: 40G

Items from the Wilds

Grass: N/A

Apple: 30GOrange: 30GCranberry: 30GChestnut: 20GWalnut: 20GFull Moon Berry: 40GGrapes: 40GBlueberry: 20GVery Berry: 10G

Mushroom: 20GBig Mushroom: 20GSuper Mushroom: 30GGold Mushroom: 50G

Baby Truffle: 40GBlack Truffle: 60GWhite Truffle: 60G

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Star Truffle: 80G

Pontata Root:80G

Green Herb: 10GRed Herb: 20G

Clam: 30G

Common Seashell: 10GWonderful Seashell: 40GCoral: 350G

Ranch Products

Ranch Products can be sold to Ronald, Wallace and Martha:

Egg: 50GGold Egg: 150G

Milk S: 130GMilk M: 200GMilk L: 300GGold Milk: 400G

Ranch Animals

Your Poultry and Livestock can be sold only to Bob:

Chicken: 300GCow: 3000G


Can be sold to Ronald, Wallace or Martha, with the exception of the artifacts,which can be sold to Louis or Woody.

Greenling: 60GRed Rockfish: 40GHorse Mackerel: 40GGarden Eel: 80GSweet Shrimp: 20GWhite-Spotted Char: 50GSweetfish: 40GMonkfish: 120GAnchovy: 30GOcellated Octopus: 50GSquid: 60GChicken Grunt: 70GHuchen: 110GSardine: 40G

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Char: 40GDace: 50GEel: 60GBlack Scraper Fish: 80GShrimp: 40GPale Chub: 40GPirate Treasure: 1200GSwordfish: 150GRaven Globefish: 100GRight-Eye Flounder: 70GLeatherfish: 60GDark Chub: 40GLongtooth Grouper: 80GBlack Porgy: 90GBlack Rockfish: 20GCobalt Rainbow Trout: 60GBlue Mackerel: 40GSakura Salmon: 60GSalmon: 80GMackerel: 30GSpanish Mackerel: 90GPike: 60GDolphinfish: 140GWhite Trevally: 50GMountain Grunt: 60GAlaska Pollock: 70GPacific Flying Squid: 40GPorgy: 80GOctopus: 40GCod: 80GSurfsmelt: 20GSunken Treasure: 1000GLoach: 30GTiger Globefish: 80GDark Sleeper: 60GNagi: 90GCatfish: 60GRainbow Trout: 40GPacific Herring: 70GYoung Amberjack: 80GFlounder: 80GAlbacore: 90GTreasure Chest: 500GBlack Bass: 70GAmberjack: 80GBlue Hornard: 100GTuna: 160GMasu Salmon: 40GBlotched Snakehead: 90GLobster: 70GSmelt: 20GEarthenware: 750GPot: 750GUnusual Pot: 750G

Items from Mine

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Most items from the Mine can be sold to Woody and Louis:

Scrap Metal: 10GCopper Ore: 40GIron Ore: 60GSilver Ore: 80GGold Ore: 140GBlue Rock: 90GMoonlight Stone: 100GOrichalcum: 160GRare Metal: 180GCoal: 20GMineral Crystals: 30G

Aquamarine: 160GAmethyst: 120GDiamond: 200GEmerald: 170GGarnet: 160GOpal: 140GRuby: 180GSapphire: 180G

Ammonite Fossil: 500GAncient Fish Fossil: 500GPlant Fossil: 500GTrilobite Fossil: 500G

Earthenware: 750GMysterious Clay Doll: 750GUnusual Pot: 750G

Unknown Object: 10G

Cooked Dishes

Most Cooked Dishes can be sold to Ronald, Wallace and Martha:

Pot Dishes:

Onion Soup: 100GStewed Fish: 120GCheese: 500GFine Cheese: 600GBaked Golden Potato: 210GHot Milk: 180GMashed Potatoes: 90GBoiled Octopus: 90GBoiled Egg: 80GBoiled Lobster: 140GYogurt: 350G

Monkfish Stew: 310G

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Fried Squid: 180GSquid Rice: 220GMarinated Sardines: 290GPickled Char: 200GFried Leatherfish: 200GCream of Mushroom Soup: 250GMushroom and Rice: 250GCarrot Soup: 230GGrouper Stew: 340GClam Chowder: 280GChestnut and Rice: 220GCream of Corn Soup: 190GMarinated Salmon: 280GMiso Mackerel: 280GTriangle Soup: 240GPike Rice: 220GStew: 300GButtered Potato: 260GPorgy and Rice: 270GMarinated Octopus: 240GTomato Cream Soup: 180GMarinated Herring: 270GPumpkin Soup: 240GTiger Globefish Stew: 340GPorridge: 210GFrench Fries: 360GMinestrone: 200GLoach Stew: 260GStewed Masu Salmon: 240GFried Smelt: 230GBouillabaisse: 240G

Chicken Grunt Vinegar: 330GFried Huchen: 350GStrawberry Jam: 180GFried Shrimp: 330GOrange Marmalade: 130GCanh Chua: 280GMushroom Risotto: 330GCranberry Jam: 100GCroquette: 250GSalmon Cream Stew: 330GSpanish Mackerel Stew: 350GSeafood Stew: 350GSeafood Risotto: 360GCod Soup: 340GCheese Risotto: 600GEgg Custard: 290GTomato Risotto: 280GDark Sleeper Stew: 320GBlueberry Jam: 100GVery Berry Jam: 140GSpinach Risotto: 310GMixed Berry Jam: 110GApple Jam: 120G

Frying Pan Recipes:

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Broiled Squid: 90GBroiled Eel: 130GBroiled Chub: 60GFried Mushrooms: 80GBroiled Fish: 120GBroiled Loach: 70GBroiled Catfish: 110GTeriyaki Amberjack: 120GTuna Steak: 200GFried Egg: 80GFried Corn: 80GStewed Apples: 60G

Sauteed Mushrooms: 350GLoaded Omelet: 300GFish Meal: 300GButter-Fried Salmon: 280GSandwich: 350GJam Sandwich: 300GPorgy Carpaccio: 280GCheese Omelet: 400GFried Rice: 250GRainbow Trout Kebab: 290GButter Corn: 220GSauteed Clam: 240GFruit Omelet: 290GPlain Omelet: 250GSauteed Spinach: 280GPopcorn: 240GTuna Carpaccio: 260G

Shrimp Pilaf: 390GOmelet Rice: 280GFish Cream Saute: 550GFish Meuniere: 350GSeafood Pilaf: 410GGourmet Mushroom Saute: 400GAssorted Cheeses: 480GTomato Salad: 340GFlounder Meuniere: 370GFrench Toast: 350GPancake: 240G

Oven Recipes:

Fish and Mushrooms: 320GHerb Bread: 120GHerb Cookies: 200G

Onion Bread: 260GOrange Cake: 270GMushroom Gratin: 440GMushroom Doria: 440GCarrot Cake: 370GCookie: 220GWalnut Bread: 210G

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Cake: 240GCornflakes: 190GCornbread: 180GFried Clams: 60GFish and Tomatoes: 350GFish and Herbs: 280GFried Fish: 300GBaked Fish: 130GSeafood Gratin: 450GShortcake: 340GCheesecake: 340GCheese Potato: 410GFine Cheesecake: 400GDoria: 400GButter Roll: 170GHoney Cake: 400GPumpkin Cake: 330GPumpkin Pudding: 240GPizza: 540GPudding: 250GFruitcake: 320GFruit Pudding: 280GPotato Gratin: 460GMuffin: 180GChestnut Cake: 350GLobster Roast: 480G

Mixer Dishes:

Miso Greenling: 210GStrawberry Milk: 200GDace Dumplings: 210GOrange Juice: 140GGrape Juice: 170GFried Dolphinfish: 250GTomato Juice: 120GButter: 450GMixed Juice: 130GVegetable Juice: 180GApple Juice: 120G


I would like to thank IluvHM for agreeing to keep a detailed journal of hergame for me and for agreeing to help as needed in any and every manner. Between the two of us, we should be able to copy the text of all Events andResponses.

Hero of Leaf Valley Guides by Freyashawk

Hero of Leaf Valley Walkthrough/General Guide:http://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1086817p1.html

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Hero of Leaf Valley 1st Year Events Calendar Guide:http://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1087187p1.html

N.B. The 1st Year Events Calendar Guide contains ALL Events that can occurin the 1st Year.

Hero of Leaf Valley 2nd Year Events Calendar Guidehttp://faqs.ign.com/articles/109/1090010p1.html

N.B. The 2nd Year Events Calendar Guide contains all Events that can occurin the 2nd Year.

Hero of Leaf Valley Perpetual Calendar Guide:http://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1086818p1.html

N.B. The Perpetual Calendar contains ALL Seasonal information, includingBirthdays, Festivals, Crops, Fish, Insects, Items found in the Wilds and MostWanted Lists

Hero of Leaf Valley Characters Guide:http://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1087400p1.html

Hero of Leaf Valley Cookbook Recipes Guidehttp://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1087975p1.html

Hero of Leaf Valley Shops and Businesses Guide:http://faqs.ign.com/articles/108/1088663p1.html

Submitted by Freyashawk - Created 4/29/10 (Last Modified 6/15/10)See All Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Walkthroughs and FAQs Share |