Harrison Memorial Chronicle...Things Moms Would Never Say Of Mothers & Daughters 10 Markings of a...

In this issue >>> Meanest Mother in the World Announcements-Prayer List Crossword Let It Go Mother’s Day Greetings The Evolution of Motherhood What Famous Mother Might Have Said Things Moms Would Never Say Of Mothers & Daughters 10 Markings of a Godly Woman 31 Biblical Virtues A Mom= that someone special who gives up so much of her life to make sure another life has a chance at something better. Happy Mother’s Day to ALL MOM’S Harrison Memorial Chronicle A Monthly Insight to keep you informed & encouraged Harrison Memorial 810 Mercer St, Windsor ON. (519)419-3819 SERVICE TIMES Sunday -Prayer 10am Sunday School 10:30am Morning Worship 11:30am Tuesday Bible Study 7pm Saturday Prayer 9:00am

Transcript of Harrison Memorial Chronicle...Things Moms Would Never Say Of Mothers & Daughters 10 Markings of a...

Page 1: Harrison Memorial Chronicle...Things Moms Would Never Say Of Mothers & Daughters 10 Markings of a Godly Woman 31 Biblical Virtues A Mom= that someone special who gives up so much of


Finding An Agent That’s Right For You

In this issue >>>

Meanest Mother in the World

Announcements-Prayer List


Let It Go

Mother’s Day Greetings

The Evolution of Motherhood

What Famous Mother Might Have Said

Things Moms Would Never Say

Of Mothers & Daughters

10 Markings of a Godly Woman

31 Biblical Virtues


A Mom= that someone special who gives up so much of her life to make sure another life has a chance at something better. Happy Mother’s Day to ALL


Harrison Memorial Chronicle

A Monthly Insight to keep you informed & encouraged

Harrison Memorial 810 Mercer St,

Windsor ON.



Sunday -Prayer 10am

Sunday School 10:30am

Morning Worship


Tuesday Bible Study 7pm

Saturday Prayer 9:00am

Page 2: Harrison Memorial Chronicle...Things Moms Would Never Say Of Mothers & Daughters 10 Markings of a Godly Woman 31 Biblical Virtues A Mom= that someone special who gives up so much of




What is a soul tie? In the Bible it doesn't use the word soul tie but it speaks to them when it

talks about souls being knit together, being one flesh, etc. A soul can serve many functions but in its simplest form it ties 2 Souls together in the spiritual realm. A soul tie doesn't always refer to sexual contact, so we are going to study a few of them. They say that there are 3 different types of soul ties, and we aim to cover all 3. Sometimes the 3 can be separate that you need to let go of or sometimes it's a combination of all three together that you need to let go. I will outline the 3 and we will start with one and try throughout the year to cover all 3, so you will have a lot of to be continued until the next month. If you have any questions that you think need to be covered, by all means my email address is [email protected] or you can call me on my cell, its 226-246-8210 please feel free to text or call With your questions and we will be sure to cover them. Also if you want to be anonymous you can leave a note in the box at the back of the church. The 3 types of soul ties are as follows: Sexual relationships Close relationships Vows, commitments and agreements We always hear about Samson and Delilah but people usually talk 99.9% about Samson. So let us see who Delilah is, after all it does take 2 to tango. According to the bible study that I have read about Delilah here is what I found: Delilah means “delicate” or “dainty one.” Because of the foul deed of which Delilah was guilty, no other female in Scripture appears with such a tarnished name. In fact, it is rare indeed to find a woman bearing this name. Delilah was a woman who used her personal charm to lure a man to his spiritual and physical destruction, and she stands out as one of the lowest, meanest women of the Bible—the female Judas of the Old Testament. Wow, are you a "Delilah"? Are you a delicate or dainty one by name but in your spirit and in your heart you are mean and spiteful? I'll let you think about that for a bit... Judges 13:5For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. 13:24 And the woman bare a son, and called his name Samson: and the child grew, and the Lord blessed him. Samson word meaning “like the sun.” So before he was even born God gave them instructions on how to raise him. Samson knew from the first day that he could comprehend that he was not to cut his hair no matter what. God is always and continuously giving us instructions on how to live. So as time goes Samson goes to Timnah and sees a woman and fell in love with her. His parents didn't agree with it, they would have rather him stay within his own. At the wedding reception Samson had a prize as to who could answer the riddle that he was about to ask. See what had happened was when Samson was on his way home to tell his parents about the woman that he met and wanted to marry, a lion jumped out at him and ripped that thing apart like it was nothing. Imagine a lion being ripped up like a piece of paper, what strength. So a few days later when he was off to his wedding he saw that lion carcass and it had honey in it, so he ate it and took some to his parents and shared it. So the riddle was..“Out of the eater came something to eat. Out of the strong came something sweet.” To be continued next month Lord I thank you in advance for peace, I thank you for joy, and I thank you for your love...I rebuke any Delilah spirit that would deceive the people of God. I pray for boldness to be able to stand up to that Delilah... I thank you for my brother, my sister and I rejoice with them as we have overcome and we are overcomers. I speak favor into their lives and we know that you are turning it around. In Jesus name amen.

What Famous Mothers Might Have Said

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary's Mother: "I don't mind you having a garden, Mary,

but does it have to be growing under your bed?"

Mona Lisa's Mother: "After all that money your father and I spent on braces, Mona,

that's the biggest smile you can give us?"

Humpty Dumpty's Mother: "Humpty, If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred

times not to sit on that wall. But would you listen to me? Noooo!"

Columbus' Mother: "I don't care what you've discovered, Christopher. You still

could have written!"

Babe Ruth's Mother: "Babe, how many times have I told you -- quit playing ball in

the house! That's the third broken window this week!"

Michelangelo's Mother: "Mike, can't you paint on walls like other children? Do you

have any idea how hard it is to get that stuff off the ceiling?"

Napoleon's Mother: "All right, Napoleon. If you aren't hiding your report card

inside your jacket, then take your hand out of there and prove it!"

Custer's Mother: "Now, George, remember what I told you -- don't go biting off

more than you can chew!"

Abraham Lincoln's Mother: "Again with the stovepipe hat, Abe? Can't you just

wear a baseball cap like the other kids?"

Barney's Mother: "I realize strained plums are your favorite, Barney, but you're

starting to look a little purple."

Mary's Mother: "I'm not upset that your lamb followed you to school, Mary, but I

would like to know how he got a better grade than you."

Batman's Mother: "It's a nice car, Bruce, but do you realize how much the insurance

is going to be?"

Goldilocks' Mother: "I've got a bill here for a busted chair from the Bear family.

You know anything about this, Goldie?"

Little Miss Muffet's Mother: "Well, all I've got to say is if you don't get off your

tuffet and start cleaning your room, there'll be a lot more spiders around here!"

Albert Einstein's Mother: "But, Albert, it's your senior picture. Can't you do

something about your hair? Styling gel, mousse, something...?"

George Washington's Mother: "The next time I catch you throwing money across

the Potomac, you can kiss your allowance good-bye!"

Jonah's Mother: "That's a nice story, but now tell me where you've really been for

the last three days.

Superman's Mother: "Clark, your father and I have discussed it, and we've decided

you can have your own telephone line. Now will you quit spending so much time in

all those phone booths?

Thomas Edison's Mother: "Of course I'm proud that you invented the electric light

bulb, Thomas. Now turn off that light and get to bed!"

Things Moms Would

Never Say

"How on earth can you see the TV sitting so

far back?"

"Yeah, I used to skip school a lot, too"

"Just leave all the lights on...it makes the

house look more cheery"

"Let me smell that shirt -- Yeah, it's good for

another week"

"Go ahead and keep that stray dog, honey. I'll

be glad to feed and walk him every day"

"Well, if Timmy's mom says it's OK, that's

good enough for me."

"The curfew is just a general time to shoot

for. It's not like I'm running a prison around


"I don't have a tissue with me... just use your


"Don't bother wearing a jacket - the wind-

chill is bound to improve"

Of Mothers and


One day, a little girl is sitting and watching

her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink.

She suddenly notices that her mother has

several strands of white hair sticking out in

contrast to her brunette hair. She looks at her

mother and inquisitively asks, "Why are

some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother

replied "Well, every time that you do

something wrong and make me cry or

unhappy, one of my hairs turns white." The

little girl thought about this revelation for a

while and then asked, "Momma, how come

all of grandma's hairs are white?"