Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood,...

Celebraon of Life For Harrie A. Kei Sunrise Sunset October 27, 1946 November 4, 2013 Funeral Service November 11, 2013 Calvary Episcopal Church 5020 Pulaski Avenue Philadelphia, PA Viewing 9-11 am Service 11 am

Transcript of Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood,...

Page 1: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

Celebration of LifeFor

Harriett A. Keith

Sunrise SunsetOctober 27, 1946 November 4, 2013

Funeral Service November 11, 2013

Calvary Episcopal Church 5020 Pulaski Avenue

Philadelphia, PA

Viewing 9-11 am Service 11 am

Page 2: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

Celebration of LifeFor

Ruth Leona Pinkett

Sunrise SunsetOctober 12, 1927 April 14, 2014

Funeral Service Saturday, April 19, 2014

Buttonwood UM Church 22 Buttonwood Avenue

New Castle, DE

Viewing 8-9:45 am Service 10 am

Page 3: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,





F .







Jamal ButlerEl l iott Smith

T>Tone Dangerfield

Edward WardTom Wi l l iams

James Robinson

- c/ -

o v e


emembering with a grateful heart the start in life you provided. A feeling of' security, a steady, growing confidence; the knowledge of what is good and

right.. .They all began with you. — Love, The Twins; Irvin and Ivan


/T Q e would like to say thank you for being such a wonderful Mother. We will truly/ La miss you . . . We have had many wonderful years together and you will alwaysbe in our hearts. Thanks for being there for each and every one of us.

We love you and we'll miss you tremendously; your granddaughter will miss youtremendously as you have given her a beautiful and loving part of your life. Thank God foryou, and the many years we have shared together...Mom you will always be in ourhea r t s . . .

Thanks for being there for all of us,Your Loving Sons, Irvin and Ivan

Q c €4t/e<€m.entThe family of the late MARY BARNES would like to take this opportunity to extend

their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness extended to them during their timeof bereavement .

Frtmi/y and Friends are invited to join the family for the Repast atThe Home of Mary and Ray Barnes

5724 W^Tinefield Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131

WOOD FUNERAL HOME. INC.Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders

Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131

2 1 5 - 8 7 8 - 5 4 1 6 w w w . c w o o d f h . c o mCelebnuiiif Over 50 Yeors o/ Service

Heriuige Keepsofce by DuBose Prinihig 6? Btrsiness Services • 215'877-9071

May 13, 1930 I October 12, 2014


Saturday, October 18, 2014Viewing: 9:00 a.m. — Service: 11 ;00 a.tn.

1500 Lombard St reet

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19146Reverend Mic/iael King, Pastor/Officiating

Page 4: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

Celebration of LifeFor

Marie K. Bogle

Sunrise SunsetJuly 25, 1936 February 20, 2015

Memorial Service March 6, 2015

First African Baptist Church 901 Clifton Avenue

Sharon Hill, PA

Visitation 11 am Service 12 noon

Page 5: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

When, I am gone just release me,

let me go-so I can move into my afterglow.

You mustn't tie me down with your tears;

let s be happy that tve had so many years.

I gave you my love; you can only guess

how much you gave me in happiness.

I thank you for the love you have shown,

but now it's time I travel on alone.

So grieve for me awhile, if grieve you must,

then let your grief be comforted with trust.

It's only for a while that we must part,

so bless the memories within your heart.

And when you must come this way alone,

I'll greet you with a smile and "Welcome Home.

. t . i> ffe;


Cla rence Rober t son

John W. Rober tson I I IEdwai-d Speare

E d d i e R o b i n s o n

R o n a l d Wa l s o n

Roger Joyner

When I must leave you for a little while —Please do not grieve and shed wild tears

And hug your sorrotv to you through the years,But start out bravely with a gallant smile;

And for my sake and in my nameLive on and do all things the same.

Feed not your loneliness on empty days.But Jill each waking hour in usefiil ways,

Reach out your hands in comfort and in cheerAnd I in turn will comfort you and hold you near

And never, never be afraid to die.For I am waiting for you in the sky!

The floweis you sent tbat day, the caitls you mailed along theway, the service you stopped by to render, the gift you brought willithought so tender, the prayere you prayed winch played a part ineasing the pain that's in our heart, each helped us to find strength tobear the loss of one we hold so dear. So from the hearts you tried tohelp mend, we thank you again and again.

"The /f«c# Thai litriirl Aiitt Hiuul Ctin Cire"'"

(j/Srry^■^ F i u i c r n l I n c .T - X 1 9 3 8

n A E I 1 4 L A M ) a t E H AT I O N S E R M C E S

420.') iin^orronl Avciiim'. * I'hihiilidphia, l*A 19104P h o n e : 2 1 5 - 2 2 2 - 2 8 2 8 • F a x : 2 1 5 - 2 2 2 - 1 0 6 7

i v H ' w . t r r n i T i i i i c r a l h o i i M ^ e o i i i

G n g o r y T. B t p r t U , P r t i d s t t t / C E OTn»Aa A. Niak, Si^^rraor

Thursday, March 19, 2015 •—-11:00 a.m,Viewing: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

fisgal; ffl/'*"'428 North 41st Street ^

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Reverend Jay B. Broadnax, PastorReverend Donna M. Minor, Officiating

Page 6: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

As bvniitiful ns n rose to see,Was her life she lived so jjrncefnlly.

She made things precious by her touch,Her selfless love lives on in each of us.Tljc petals of her life fell one by one,

Each a^ift of her heartt i l l there were none.

Tct her radiance blooms once ajjainIn fields ofjjlory with no end.

TJjc family of Elizabeth Hyde Thompsonacknowledges withjjratefiil appreciation

yottr kind e,Kprcssion of syinpatlsy.

DeBaptiste Funeral Homes, Inc.*Uplifting life through ietvlce

Lillian L. DeBapliste, FO. Supervisor25 S. Worlhinglon St.

West Chester. PA 19382{6I0) 696-4812 • fax (610] 429-1422

Dr. Clifford E. DeBaptiste, PD, Supervisor60-62 Prospect Ave.Bryn Mawr. PA 19010

(610) 525-4536 • fax (610) 429-1422

vvww.DftBapliste.com02015 Ik-rxt.Manin"" | 877-.169 UFK | *ww'.bcr)lnufun.«;oni

(9do6ci /, /9^0 - ^ccandci^, ^0/5

Episcopal Church of the Trinity323 East Lincoln Highway

Coatcsvillc, PATuesday,iDcccinbcr 29, 2015 11:00 AM

\newin^?:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Page 7: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

Celebration of LifeFor

Mary Helen Mannings

Sunrise SunsetDate January 3, 2016

Memorial Service Private

Page 8: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

o n e

"For noiy I am ready to he offered, and the time of my departure is at /wnd. I havefought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith..."

' II TIMOTHY 4:6-7

^u-n'yi6eMarch 10, 1936

i1 ' J

September 14, 2016

• < — r ~ » -


Thursday, September 22, 2016Vt€u;ing; 9:00 a.m. — Service: 11:00 a.m.

^Jvu/ycA25 West Johnson Street

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144Reverend Dr. Quintin L. Robertson, Interim Pastor, Officiating

Reverend Arnold Storr, Associate Minister, Co-Officiating

e a / y e / m

Family and Friends

Don't think of her as gone away .. .Her journey's Just begunLife holds so many facetsThis earth is 07ily one.

Just think of her as restingFrom the sorrou's ai\d the tears,

hi a place of loarmth and comfortWhere there are no days and years.

Think /imv she must he wishingThat we could know today

How nothing but our sadnessCan really pass away

And think of her as livingIn the hearts of those she touched.

For tiothing loved is ever lost,And SHE was loved so much.

The Family is grateful beyond measure for the generous outpouring of lovingthoughts, good deeds, caring and concem during her life andbereavement. May God's love and abundant blessings be yours.

o u r

W O O D F U N E R A L H O M E , I N C .Geraldine B. Wood and Clarence M. Wood, Fowukrs

Cynthia E. Wood, President Wanda A. Wood, SuJ'ervisor5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131

2 1 5 - 8 7 8 - 5 4 1 6 w w w . c w o o d f h . c o m

Cekhratiiig Over 55 Years of ServiceHeritage Keepsake by DuBose Printitig & Business Services, Inc. • 215-877-9071

Page 9: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,
Page 10: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,
Page 11: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

P a l l b e a r e r s

Evangelist Elwood BarrettR e v e r e n d T h e o d o r e P a r k e rR e v e r e n d R i c h a r d L a n c a s t e r

Exhorter James GaddyMiss iona ry R i cha rd Ba rne t tM r . C a l v i n H a m m o n d

F l o r a l A t t e n d a n t s

Phi Delta KappaWilmington Silhouettes

M a y I G o N o w ?May I go now?

Do you think the time is right?May I say goodbye to pain filled days

and endless lonely nights?

To give you time to care for meand share your love and fears.

I know you're sad and are afraid,because I see your tears.

I lived my hfe and done my best,an example I've tried to be.

So can I take that step beyond the lightand set my spirit free?

I didn't want to go at first,I fought with all my might.

But something seems to draw me nowto that warm and loving light.

I want to go, I really do,it's difficult to stay.

But I will try as best I canto hve just one more day.

I'll not be far, I promise that,and I hope you'll always know.

That my spirit will be close to youWhere ever you may go.

Thank you so for loving meand know that I love you too.

That's why it's hard to say goodbyeand end this life with you.

So hold me now just one more timeand let me hear you say,

"Because you care so much for me,you'll let me go today.

S o u t h C a r o l i n a F u n e r a l & I n t e r m e n tB e u l a h A . M . E . C h u r c h

Hwy 527Kingstree, South CarolinaFriday, December 30, 2016

1 1 : 0 0 A M

Henryhand Funeral Home1951 Thurgood Marshall Highway

Kingstree, South Carolina8 4 3 - 3 5 4 - 2 2 9 2

C O N G O F U N E R A L H O M E. . . B E C A U S E W E C A R E

Homegoing Celebrat ion o fR e v .

Cor lna M. Redden Montgomery

T h e S e r v i c e o f R e m e m b r a n c eTuesday, December 27, 2016

1 1 : 0 0 a m

Mt. Zion, the Mother African Union MethodistP r o t e s t a n t C h u r c h

28*^^ & Jessup StreetWilmington, DE 19802

T h e M o s t R e v e r e n d D r . D e l b e r t L . J a c k s o n

P r e s i d i n g P r e l a t e

Page 12: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,
Page 13: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,
Page 14: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,
Page 15: Harrie A. Kei - NATIONAL SILHOUETTES...Geraldine Wood Si Clarence M. Wood. Founders Cynthia E. Wood, PresideJit Wanda A. Wood, Supervisor 5537-39 West Girard Avenue • Philadelphia,

fidek QiSefwiceORGAN PRELUDE .....Brother Keith Keys

PROCESSIONAL Sfc Clergy & FamilyH Y M N O F T R I U M P H A s s u r a n c e "

PRAYER OF COMFORT ....Bishop Michael BrokenboroughHousehold of Failfl Deliverance Worship Center

S C R I P T U R A L S E N T E N C E S R e v e r e n d D d n n a M i n o rOld Testament - Psalm 8New Testament -1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


EXPRESSIONS OF COMFORT(2 Minute Limit please Respecifijlly) Family & FricndsACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sis. Shirley A. Harris& R E S O L U T I O N S

M U S I C A L S E L E C T I O N S t r i n g Q u a r t e r :Ta i a r l a r l o sAndreia TorainB e t h D z w i land Ronald Lipscomb


S O L O S E L E C T I O N S i s t e r R i t a M c K i n l e y - P r i d e

E U L O G Y R e v . J a y B . B r o a d n a xP a s t o r

R E C E S S I O N A L " S o o n a n d V e r y S o o n "

Family «fe Friends

7 ^ L


1008 W. Chester PikeWestchester, PA 19282

RjepodImmediately Following

the In termentMt Pisgah A.M.E. Church

Dining Room428 N. 41st Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free,I'm following the path God laid for me,I took His hand when I heard His call,

I turned my back and lefi it all

I could not stay another day.To laugh, to love, to work, to play.Tasks Ifft undone must stay that way,

I've found that peace at the close of the day.

If my parting has left a void.Then nil it wiin remembered ioy.

A friendship shared, aAh yes, these things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow,I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.My Life's been full, I savored much,Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.Lift up your heart and share with me,^ Goa wanted me now, He set me free^

SjchjiQwled twihThe Family of DANNIE MAE LIPSCOMB gratefully and

with profound appreciation acknowledges all acts of kindness,services performed and sources of comfort, thoughtfulness

and respect shown to us during our hours of bereavement. Wehave calm assurance that she is with her Savior and all is well.

May God richly bless each one of you foryour outpouring of love and support.


F U N E R A L H O M E701 S. 60'^ Street

Philadelphia, PA 19143

Keepsake By: CAPPEL DIVINE DESIGNSP h o a e : 2 I S - S 0 0 - 6 3 2 4

Email: keiskal aippeldivmetlesigns.coincappeUiviitetlestgas. com

3)am6SUNRISE: February 14,1920-SUNSET: February 11,2018

Qde6ha&/M (Se ice:WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2018

Viewing; 9:00-10:00AMIvy Beyond the Wall Ceremony(Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.)

1 0 : 0 0 A M

M T. P I S G A H A . M . E . C H U R C H428 North 41st Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104Reverend Phyllis A. Harris, Officiating

Reverend Jay B. Broadnax, Pastor & Eulogist