Resource Management Act 1991 Christchurch City Council Christchurch City Plan Proposed Private Plan Change 73 NOTE: This privately requested Plan Change will have no legal effect until the Council gives public notice of its decision on the plan change and matters raised in submissions. REZONING OF LAND AT 245 WOOLDRIDGE ROAD AND 6 – 62 STANLEYS ROAD, HAREWOOD, FROM RURAL 5 TO BUSINESS 4 AND 4T ZONES Explanation The purpose of this private plan change, initiated by Tait L imited and the Tait Foundation, is to rezone approxim ately 10.3295ha of land from Rural 5 to Business 4 and 4T Zones. The site comprises 8.3710 hectares of land located at 245 Wooldridge Road and 32 – 62 Stanleys Road, which is proposed to be rezoned to Bu siness 4T (B4T), as well as 1.9585 hectares of land located at 6 Stanleys Road, which is proposed to be rezoned to Business 4 (B4). The land su bject to the plan chang e adjo ins a large area of B4 zone to the south and is contiguous to the existing Tait Communications factory/offices at 558 Wairakei Road. The proposed rezoning will facilitate consolidation of all Tait Ltd operations, currently scattered over several sites, and allow for future growth. T he rezoning of the site at 6 Stanleys Road to B4 will create a continuous zoning pattern. The applica nt wishes to develop th e B4T par t of land for a m odern, sustainable and high amenity business and technology ca mpus within a park-like setting and in a m anner which will in tegrate it with the imm ediate environm ent. To ens ure the d esired env ironmental outcomes the development will n eed to p roceed in accord ance with the proposed Outlin e Development Plan which is supported by a package of site specific B4T rules. The Outline Development Plan iden tifies the location of key f eatures for the develop ment of the proposed B4T zoned site including: Provision for a low density built campus environment and general building location; Integrated open space, walkway and cycleway links between Nunweek Park, W ooldridge Road and Stanleys Road; Provision for on-site stormwater management and amenity waterway; Retention of established trees and landscaped buffers; Integrated access and off-street parking. The supporting rules for the B4T (Tait Campus) Zone include controls on building design and appearance, building height, setb acks, landscaping, increased ope n space and site coverage, a limit on the total floo r space and the type o f office activity perm itted on the s ite. The proposed area of B4 zone will be subject to the current Business 4 Zone rules. Continued Date Publicly Notified: 14/15 Dec 2012 Date Operative: Plan Details: Vol. 3, Pts 3, 13, 14, Maps 23A-24A, File No: PL/CPO/3/73 TRIM: FOLDER 12/490


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Resource Management Act 1991

Christchurch City Council Christchurch City Plan

Proposed Private Plan Change73

NOTE: This privately requested Plan Change will have no legal effect until the Council gives public notice of its decision on the plan change and matters raised in submissions.




The purpose of this private plan change, initiated by Tait L imited and the Tait Foundation, is to rezone approxim ately 10.3295ha of land from Rural 5 to Business 4 and 4T Zones. The site comprises 8.3710 hectares of land located at 245 Wooldridge Road and 32 – 62 Stanleys Road, which is proposed to be rezoned to Bu siness 4T (B4T), as well as 1.9585 hectares of land located at 6 Stanleys Road, which is proposed to be rezoned to Business 4 (B4).

The land su bject to the plan chang e adjo ins a large area of B4 zone to the south and is contiguous to the existing Tait Communications factory/offices at 558 Wairakei Road. The proposed rezoning will facilitate consolidation of all Tait Ltd operations, currently scattered over several sites, and allow for future growth. T he rezoning of the site at 6 Stanleys Road to B4 will create a continuous zoning pattern.

The applica nt wishes to develop th e B4T par t of land for a m odern, sustainable and high amenity business and technology ca mpus within a park-like setting and in a m anner which will in tegrate it with the imm ediate environm ent. To ens ure the d esired env ironmental outcomes the development will n eed to p roceed in accord ance with the proposed Outlin e Development Plan which is supported by a package of site specific B4T rules.

The Outline Development Plan identifies the location of key features for the development of the proposed B4T zoned site including:

Provision for a low density built campus environment and general building location; Integrated open space, walkway and cycleway links between Nunweek Park, W ooldridge

Road and Stanleys Road; Provision for on-site stormwater management and amenity waterway; Retention of established trees and landscaped buffers; Integrated access and off-street parking.

The supporting rules for the B4T (Tait Campus) Zone include controls on building design and appearance, building height, setbacks, landscaping, increased open space and site coverage, a limit on the total floo r space and the type o f office activity perm itted on the s ite. The proposed area of B4 zone will be subject to the current Business 4 Zone rules.


Date Publicly Notified: 14/15 Dec 2012 Date Operative: Plan Details: Vol. 3, Pts 3, 13, 14, Maps 23A-24A, File No: PL/CPO/3/73 TRIM: FOLDER 12/490

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The Plan Change seeks the following amendments: Amend Volume 3, Part 3 (Business Zones), Sections 1.0 and 5.0, Clauses relevant to

the Business 4T zone by adding site specific B usiness 4T (Tait Cam pus) zone rules relating to building design and appearance , building height, se tbacks, landscap ing, increased open space and site coverage, gross floor area of buildings, the type of office activities permitted, noise sensitive activities and road improvements;

Amend Volume 3, Part 3, Sections 6.0 and 7.0 by adding relevant assessm ent matters and reasons for rules for Business 4T (Tait Campus) zone;

Insert an Outline Development Plan for Business 4T (Tait Campus) zone as Appendix 23 in Volume 3, Part 3;

Amend Volume 3, Part 13 (Transport), Clauses 2.2.1, 3.2.1 and 4.1 relating to on-site car parking provision;

Amend Volume 3, Part 14 (Subdivision), by adding new Clauses 5.3.8, 30.1 – 30.3 and 31.37;

Amend Pla nning Map 23A and 24A to identify the zoning of the subject site as Business 4 and Business 4T.

The details of the amendments are shown in the attached ‘Proposed Amendments to the City Plan’.

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Note: for the purposes of this plan change, any text amended as a result of

other decisions is shown as “normal text”. Any text proposed to be added

by the plan change is shown as bold underlined and text to be deleted as

bold strikethrough.

2.1 Volume 3 - Part 3 : Business Zones

2.1.1 Amend Zone Description Clause 1.10, Part 3, Volume 3 as follows:

Add the following new provisions to the Zone description and purpose and the

Environmental results anticipated, Clause 1.10 Business 4T (Suburban Industrial –

Technology Park) Zone as follows:

This zone relates to land in the Russley area in the north-west of the City (adjacent

to Sir William Pickering Drive) which is being has been developed as a “technology

park”. This industrial park was established under the previous Waimairi Plan with

performance standards requiring development to be low density with a significant

emphasis on open space and landscape treatments. There is already a higher

standard of amenity than in other business Zones and there is an expectation that

this locality will continue to be developed in this way. It is therefore appropriate for

the Plan to ensure that these amenity values are not adversely affected or

undermined by any future development. The zone has been extended to include

an area of land between Wooldridge Road and Stanleys Road covered by the

Tait Campus Outline Development Plan, (refer Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3).

This area will expand the opportunity for consolidation of the information,

technology and research business community of the city while maintaining

and promoting a higher standard of site and building design, landscaping and

open space. The emphasis of the zone is therefore to maintain the higher levels of

landscape treatment and amenity. Within that part of the zone covered by the

Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus), the office activities are confined to

the management, manufacture, research, development, data processing and

storage for the high technology, information communication and computing

industry and where a high level of energy efficient and sustainable building

design will be encouraged.

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Environmental results anticipated

(a) A zone environment where the density and scale of building development is

low with a “park-like” industrial character.

(b) High standards of landscaping and visual amenity.

(c) A street scene characterized by large setbacks.

(d) Within the area of the zone covered by the Outline Development Plan

(Tait Campus), shown in Appendix (23), Part 3, Volume 3:

business activity limited to the management, design, research,

manufacture and data storage for the information, computing,

communications and high technology industry;

an integrated site layout, with increased controls on building

design to ensure an attractive and energy efficient built form and

work environment.

2.1.2 Amend Development Standards – Business 3, 3B, 4, 4P, 4T, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Zones

as follows:

(i) Rule 5.2.2 Open Space:

Add the following new provision:

The maximum percentage of the site area covered by buildings shall be:

Business 4T Zone 25%

Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone,

shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3 35%

Except that within the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone the maximum

total area of building floor space (Gross Floor Area) shall be 50,000m².

Business 4P Zone 50%


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(ii) Rule 5.2.3 Street Scene:

Add the following new exception:

(a) The minimum building setback from road boundaries shall be:


Business 4T Zone 15m

Business 6 zone 15m

Except that

(i) The minimum (…)

(iv) In the Business 4 zoned sites fronting Blakes Road (...)

(v) In that part of the Business 4T (Tait

Campus) Zone shown in Appendix (23),

Part 3, Volume 3 the setback shall be 20m

(vi)(v) In the Business 7 Zone the setback from Halswell Junction (…)

(iii) Rule 5.2.4 Separation from Neighbours:

Add the following new amendment and exception:

(a) The minimum building setback from the boundary with a living zone

shall be


Business 4T (Sir William Pickering Drive) Zone

on the western boundary of the zone 5m



(b) The minimum building setback from internal boundaries shall be:

Business 4T (Sir William Pickering Drive) Zone 5m

Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone

shown in Appendix (23), Part 3, Volume 3 15m

Business 4 Zone on the land known (…) 3m

(iv) Rule 5.2.7 Landscape areas:

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Amend subclause (a), add a new subclause (vii) and renumber subsequent

clauses as follows:

(a) Area and location of landscaping

The minimum percentage of the site to be set aside as a landscaped

area shall be as follows:


Business 4T (Sir William Pickering Drive) and 4P Zones 20%

Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone

shown in Appendix (23), Part 3, Volume 3 30%


on sites, other than rear sites and (…)

(vi) In the Business 4 zone on the land known as Musgroves


(vii) In the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, shown in Appendix (23),

Part 3, Volume 3:

All of the setback from road boundaries and the landscape

buffer areas along internal boundaries shall be landscaped

excluding road or pedestrian crossings;

Provision of landscape areas and tree planting shall be in

accordance with sub-clause (b) Trees below, the Green

Network provisions of the Outline Development Plan (Tait

Campus) shown in Appendix (23), Part 3, Volume 3, and the

tree schedule, Volume 3, Part 3, Appendix 3.

(viii) (vii) In the Business 4 Zone (…)

(v) Rule 5.2.8 Outline Development Plans:

Add the following new subclause (f) to Clause 5.2.8 Outline Development Plans as

follows and renumber subsequent clauses accordingly


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(e) Within the Business 4 Zone at Wrights Road (…)

(f) Within the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, as shown on the

Outline Development Plan in Appendix (23), Part 3, Volume 3,

the development of land in shall be in accordance with the site

layout, general building location, setbacks, buffer and

landscape areas, planting requirements, access points, location

of internal circulation routes, stormwater management areas

and any other requirements shown on the Outline Development

Plan layer diagrams. Any development not in accordance with

the Outline Development Plan will be a restricted discretionary

activity with the Council’s discretion limited to the relevant

matters with which the development does not comply.

(f) (g) In the Business 7 Zone (...)

(vi) Rule 5.2.9 Height:

Add the following new provision for the Business 4T (Wooldridge Road Campus)

Zone, Appendix (23), Part 3, Volume 3:

(a) The maximum height of any building shall be:


Business 4 Zone at Ferrymead 11m

Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone

shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3 15m

except that

(i) no building shall exceed 11m in height within 50m of

the road boundary of the site with Stanleys Road and

Wooldridge Road

Business 8 Zone (within 50m of a living zone 15m

boundary or Pound Road) (…)

(b) In the Business 4 zoned land at (…)

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(vii) Rule 5.2.14 Design and amenity for development in the Business 7 and 8


Amend Clause 5.2.14 by including the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone as follows:

5.2.14 Design and amenity for development in the Business 4T (Tait

Campus), 7 and 8 Zones.

The erection of new buildings and additions to existing buildings shall be a

controlled activity, with the exercise of the Council’s control limited to the

design and amenity of the site and development thereon in the Business 4T

(Tait Campus) Zone, shown in Part 3, Appendix 23, all of the Business 7

Zone, and on sites which have frontage to Pound Road in the Business 8


(viii) Rule 5.2.15 Waterbodies and Birdstrike Risk

Amend clause 5.2.15 as follows:

In the Business 5 Zone at Sir James Wattie Drive, Business 4T (Tait

Campus) Zone shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3, and Business 8

Zones, because of the bird strike risk for Christchurch International Airport


2.1.3 Amend Community Standards – Business 3, 3B, 4, 4P, 4T, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Zones as


(i) Rule 5.3.3 Offices

Amend Clause 5.3.3 Offices as follows:

In any zone other than other than the Business 3B, 4, 4T, and 8 zone, (….)

bank ATM facilities. ;

except that

In the Business 4T Zone (Tait Campus) any office use shall be for the

purposes of the management, manufacture, research, development,

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data storage and processing in association with the high technology

communication, computing and information industry.

(ii) Rule 5.3.6 Site Contamination and Landfill Gas

Amend Clause 5.3.6 Site Contamination and Landfill Gas as follows:

The construction of any building involving human occupancy in the

Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume

3, and Business 7 Zones shall be a restricted discretionary activity (…)

2.1.4 Amend Critical Standards – Business by adding Business 4T to the heading of the

critical standards and amending rules 5.4.5 and 5.4.7 as follows:

(i) 5.4 Critical standards - Business 4, 4T, 5, 7 and 8 Zones

(ii) Rule 5.4.5 Kennaway Park – Road Improvements

Amend as follows:

5.4.5 Business 4 (Kennaway Park) and Business 4 and 4T (Tait Campus)

Zones – Road Improvements

(i) Business 4 (Kennaway Park)

Not more than 10 hectares (…)

(…) of general traffic and cyclists

(ii) Business 4T (Tait Campus) shown in Appendix 23, Part 3,

Volume 3

(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan that may

separately make an activity permitted, controlled, restricted

discretionary or fully discretionary, any development

resulting in more than 10,000m2 of gross floor area within

the area covered by the Outline Development Plan shall be a

non-complying activity until the Wairakei/Wooldridge Roads

intersection improvements (as agreed with the Council)

have been carried out; and

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(b) The extent of the developer’s contribution to the costs of

Wairakei/Wooldridge Roads intersection upgrading has

been agreed with the Council.

In addition:

(c) There shall be only one main vehicle access point to the

Business 4T zoned part of the site. This access point shall

be located on Wooldridge Road as indicated in Appendix 23.

A secondary, limited access point can be provided from

Wooldridge Road and shall be limited to serving a maximum

of 30 car parking spaces;

(d) Upon the creation of vehicle access from the site to

Stanleys Road, new give-way markings on the Stanleys

Road approach to its intersection with Harewood Road shall

be provided;

(e) Three secondary access points, designed as ‘low volume

service access’, may be provided to the Business 4T zoned

part of the site in the general locations indicated on the

Outline Development Plan and shall be accompanied by a

capacity improvement scheme to the Stanleys/Harewood

Roads intersection, that shall be carried out (as agreed with

the Council) at the cost of the developer or their successor/s

in title;

(f) Footpaths along the Business 4T Zone frontage to

Wooldridge and Stanleys Roads linking the site with

Wairakei Road, and along the eastern side of Wooldridge

Road with the bus stop shall be provided when the vehicle

access points are formed; and

(g) All vehicle access point intersection works, internal roading

and footpath improvements shall be carried out at the cost

of the developer or their successor/s in title.

(iii) In the Business 4 zone shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3

the only main access point to the site shall be located on Stanleys

Road. All vehicle access point intersection works, internal

roading and footpath improvements shall be carried out at the

cost of the developer or their successor/s in title.

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(iii) Rule 5.4.7 Noise Sensitive Activities

Amend as follows:

In the Business 4 and 4T (Tait Campus) Zones as shown in Part 3,

Appendix 23 and the Business 8 Zone, no noise sensitive activities (….) 


2.1.5 Volume 3, Part 3 Business Zones, 6.0 Assessment matters for resource consents,

Clause 6.7 Business 3, 3B, 4, 4P, 4T, 5 (including the Business 5 zone at Sir James

Wattie Drive), 6, 7 and 8 Zones

(i) Clause 6.5.7 Outline Development Plans – Business 4, 5 and 8 Zones

Amend the clause heading, and add a new clause E. after sub-clause D. as

follows, and renumber subsequent sub-clauses accordingly:

6.5.7 Outline Development Plans – Business 4, 4T, 5 and 8 Zones

D. In relation to the Business 4 Zone at Wrights Road (…)

E. In the area covered by the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone as

shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3.

(a) Open Space and Character

(i) The extent to which the design, layout and

landscaping contributes to an open space

environment compatible with the Nunweek Park

recreation area and surrounding rural zones.

(ii) The extent to which the site design, layout and

landscaping provide for separation from and

screening of buildings from Stanleys Road and the

Nunweek Park recreation area and adjacent rural


(iii) The extent to which the design, layout and

landscaping proposed provides for view shafts

across the area.

(iv) The extent to which the design, layout and

landscaping creates a green corridor that will

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incorporate and enhance landscape and water

features including provision for the retention of

existing trees.

(v) The extent to which building form, colour and

location, allocation on the site mitigates the visual

dominance of buildings when viewed from the

rural-urban and open space boundaries.

(b) Landscaping

(i) The extent to which provision is made for a

transition between business activities and the

surrounding rural zones through the use of

attractive green edge landscaped buffers providing

effective visual screening of business activities

along the rural edge and which are in keeping with

the rural character of the area.

(ii) The quality and effectiveness of landscaping

proposed along the Wooldridge Road and Stanleys

Road frontages in creating an attractive green edge

to the urban area.

(iii) The extent to which stormwater basins open space

and landscaped areas are co-located so as to

maximize recreational and amenity opportunities.

(iv) The effectiveness of any landscaping proposed to

screen parking areas, service buildings and yards.

(v) The effectiveness and quality of landscaping in

providing screening around buildings.

(vi) The degree to which any visual or outlook reverse

sensitivity issues relating to the lawfully

established nearby rural activities are avoided or


(vii) The suitability of planting along the water feature’s

edge to the local conditions and its effectiveness in

discouraging bird species which may pose a bird

strike risk from congregating on or around the

water feature.

(c) Connectivity

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(i) The extent to which the connectivity of pedestrian

and cycle movement across the site from

Wooldridge Road to Stanleys Road and then to the

wider transport network and Nunweek Park is

incorporated within the design.

(ii) The extent to which the principles of Crime

Prevention through Environmental Design have

been incorporated into the design of pedestrian and

cycle ways.

(iii) The extent to which the connectivity of pedestrian,

cycle and vehicular access is incorporated within

the landscape and planting design.

(iv) The provision for vehicle and pedestrian linkages

between buildings within the site.

(d) Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

(i) The extent to which passive solar energy and

access to daylight can be achieved through

building orientation and design.

(ii) The use of timber technology for carbon


(iii) The extent of which ground water coupling and

heat exchangers can be incorporated to provide

both heating and cooling.

(iv) The ability to provide for ventilation through a

combination of natural and mechanical means.

(e) Parking

(i) The visual effect of car parking areas both from

within the site and as seen from outside the site, in

particular from Nunweek Park and Stanleys Road,

and the effectiveness of any mitigation on the

amenity of those places through landscaping and


(f) Access

(i) The integration of the entrances to the site from

Wooldridge Road and Stanleys Road as part of the

landscape and planting design and amenity for

those frontages.

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(ii) The design and effectiveness of the external vehicle

access points to Stanleys and Wooldridge Roads

and their effect on the character, safety and

efficiency of the adjoining road network.

(iii) The effectiveness and safety of pedestrian access

to and from the site, including access to the public

transport network.

(g) Stormwater

(i) The extent to which stormwater basins and open

space are integrated to maximise recreational

opportunities and amenities and to minimise the

development of habitat that would increase the risk

of bird strike at the Christchurch International


(ii) Clause 6.5.10 Offices

Amend Clause 6.5.10 by adding the following new sub-clause (b) and numbering

the existing paragraph as (a)

(a) The impact of (….) reverse sensitivity effects.

(b) The impact of any new office development on the redevelopment

of the Central City.

(iii) Clause 6.5.16 Design and Amenity for development in the Business 7 Zone

and for sites fronting Pound Road in the Business 8 Zone.

Amend Clause 6.5.16 heading and add the following new sub-clause at the

beginning of the clause:

6.5.16 Design and Amenity for development in the Business 4T (Tait

Campus), Business 7 Zones, and for sites fronting Pound Road in the

Business 8 Zone.

Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone as shown in Appendix 23, Part 3,

Volume 3:

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(a) Any adverse effects of new buildings in terms of their scale and

appearance on the adjoining rural area and Nunweek Park.

(b) The visual intrusion of buildings as seen from the nearby

adjoining rural properties and open space.

(c) The relationship between the external appearance of the

building and the character of the surrounding area including

(i) the degree of variation in form, profile and height of the

building and

(ii) the avoidance of large expanses of wall or repetitious

building forms

(d) The extent of landscape buffer treatment to mitigate the overall

bulk and appearance of the buildings.

(e) The quality of the architectural treatment of the building

elevations including the design, architectural features and

details, use of colour and building materials.

(f) The extent to which the location of security fencing detracts

from the visual amenity and landscape planting along the street


(g) The extent to which any signage on buildings is integrated with

a buildings architectural detail.

(h) The extent to which the location of outdoor storage, loading and

parking areas are sited away from public areas.

Business 7: (a) The quality of architectural treatment of main elevations including

building design, architectural features and details, use of colour and building materials.

(b) (…)

2.1.6 Volume 3, Part 3 Business Zones, 7.0 Reasons for rules, Clause 7.3 Business 3,

3B, 4, 4P, 4T, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Zones.

(i) 7.3.1 Site density and open space

Add the following to paragraph three of the clause

(…) buffered from residential areas.

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In the less intensively built up industrial zones, a site coverage technique is

utilised. Both the Business 4P and 4T Zones are marketed as “park-like”

business environments which need to be reflected in rules which distinguish

them from industrial zones generally. In the Business 4T (Tait Campus)

Zone the site coverage is increased by five percent in order to provide

greater flexibility in developing a low rise building campus

environment. This is balanced against a compensating increase in the

landscaped area and a limit on building height and floor space within

the zone to ensure that development remains low density, does not

visually dominate the adjoining rural and open space amenities and

limits the anticipated level of traffic generation to and from the site.

(ii) 7.3.2 Street Scene:

Add the following at the end of paragraph two


Large setbacks have been specified in the Business 4T, 4P and 6 zones,

because these areas are located in or adjacent to environmentally sensitive

areas, and in the case of the Business 4T and 4P Zones, have been

established to provide an attractive environment. In particular, larger

setbacks are provided for in the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone,

shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3, to allow greater opportunity

for landscaping along the boundaries with the Rural 5 zone and

opposite Nunweek Park, and to reflect the open space and low density

campus character sought for the land.

Similarly, generous setbacks (…)

(iii) 7.3.3 Separation from neighbours:

Add a new paragraph following paragraph one;

(…) A larger setback is also required where the Business 4T Zone has

boundaries with existing residential areas to reflect the special amenity

characteristics of the zone. The setback is decreased on the western

boundary of the zone as the developer of the living zone on this boundary

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has imposed an increased setback and future development of the residential

area is expected to take account of the presence of the Business 4T Zone.

In addition, greater setbacks are required in the Business 4T (Tait

Campus) Zone, shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3, along the

internal rural zone boundaries to provide for substantial planted

buffers to reduce the visual impact of buildings and maintain the rural

and open space character of the area.

A greater setback is also required for that area of the Business 4 Zone (…..)

(iv) 7.3.6 Landscaped areas:

Amend paragraph two as follows:


The extent of landscaping required is a reflection of the location and

environmental sensitivity of zones. The Business 4P Zone was originally

established to promote a “clean green” rural produce image, and the

Business 4T Zone a range of high technology uses in a park like

environment. In particular, an increased central area of open space and

landscaping is provided for within the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone

Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3 to ensure a low density open space

campus environment with attractive public pedestrian and cycle links

across the site integrated within an extensively planted and

landscaped setting to protect and enhance the rural and open space

zone boundaries and on site amenity. Accordingly, both zones require a

high proportion of landscaping to maintain (……)

(v) 7.3.7 Outline Development Plan:

Add the following new sub-clause after the second to last paragraph referring to

Business 4 Zone at Wrights Road:


In relation to the Business 4 Zone at Wrights Road (being the land shown on

the Outline Development Plan in Part 3, Appendix 20) the development plan

is intended to:

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Achieve safe and efficient movement of traffic to and from the site and

on Wrights Road through limiting the number of access points;

Ensure the amenity values of the surrounding environment are

enhanced through specific landscaping standards..

In relation to the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, shown in

Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3, the Outline Development Plan is

intended to achieve the following objectives:

(i) A low building density within an extensively landscaped

campus environment;

(ii) Identify important locations for open space and waterway-

stormwater links and enhancement;

(iii) Enhance the general relationship of buildings and planting with

the surrounding area;

(iv) Ensure safe and efficient movement of traffic to and from the

site, and within the site;

(v) Ensure an attractive pedestrian-cycle link to and through the


(vi) Provide for a development form that reflects the landscape and

open space public amenity of Nunweek Park and the adjacent

rural zone;

(vii) Provide the opportunity for shared parking for Nunweek Park

users in the weekends

(viii) Ensure any reverse sensitivity effects in terms of adjoining or

nearby rural activities are mitigated by way of increased

building setbacks, landscaping and a limit on building height.

(vi) 7.3.10 Offices

Add the following new paragraph at the end of the clause

Standalone office (….) in other parts of the City.

In the Business 4T Zone (Tait Campus) office activities are limited to

those associated with the high technology, data storage,

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communication, computing and information industry in order to protect

the recovery of the Central City Zone.

(vii) 7.3.19 Road Improvement Rule – Kennaway Park Only

Amend the title of the clause and add a new paragraph referring to B4T (Tait

Campus) as follows:

7.3.19 Road improvement rules – Kennaway Park only and Business 4T

(Tait Campus) Zone

The particular location of the Business 4 zoned land known as Kennaway

Park (…) with the cooperation of the Council and the road controlling


The development of the land within the Business 4T (Tait Campus)

Zone, shown in Appendix 23, will potentially give rise to traffic effects

particularly at the intersections of Wairakei/Wooldridge Roads and

Stanleys/Harewood Roads, that will require road improvements. For the

Wairakei/Wooldridge Roads intersection, a limited amount of

development is provided for before the extent of road improvements is

determined and carried out. The rule is designed to ensure that these

improvements to the Wairakei/Wooldridge Roads intersection are

implemented before the development on the land beyond the first

10,000m² of floor space takes place. The owner of the land or

development at the time will need to agree the mechanism for the cost

sharing of any road works, with the cooperation of the Council, as the

road controlling authority.

(viii) 7.3.20 Height

Amend by including the following at the end of paragraph one

(…) downdraft effects and buildings that would compete with the central city


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A height limit of 15m has been set for all of the Business 4T (Tait

Campus) Zone, as shown in Part 3, Appendix 23. This is reduced to

11m within 50m of the road frontage with Stanleys Road and

Wooldridge Road to ensure that buildings remain low level and in

context with the visual amenity and outlook of the adjoining rural and

open space zones.

A lower standard has been set for the (….)

(ix) 7.3.21 Design and amenity for development in Business 7 and 8 Zones:

Amend the title of the clause by adding B4T and add the following additional

paragraph to the reasons:

7.3.21 Design and Amenity for Development in the Business 4T (Tait

Campus), 7, and 8 Zones.

(…) This provision includes assessment matters to act as guidance for

developers and for those assessing applications as to the appropriate level

of amenity anticipated for developments in these areas.

In the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, shown in Part 3, Appendix 23,

controls have been applied to the design and appearance of buildings,

and site layout to ensure development occurs in a manner which

recognies both the on-site amenity sought for the zone and the lower

density open landscape setting adjoining the rural zone and Nunweek


(x) 7.2.22 Waterbodies and Birdstrike risk:

Add to the existing clause as follows:

The Business 8 Zone is located in proximity to the Christchurch International

Airport Limited aircraft approach slopes. As such, it is important that the risk

of birdstrike on Airport operations is minimised. Water features are therefore

not anticipated within the Business 8 Zone, apart from any basins necessary

for the management and disposal of stormwater. The Business 4T (Tait

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Campus) Zone, shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, is also located in

proximity of the Christchurch International Airport Limited aircraft

approach slopes. Apart from basins necessary to manage and

disperse stormwater, development in this zone may include small scale

water features. Such basins and water features are to be designed to

minimise their attractiveness for bird species that potentially create a

birdstrike risk. Proposals that do not comply with this rule are to be limited

notified to Christchurch International Airport Limited so that CIAL can have

the opportunity to respond to potential risk posed by such proposals.

2.1.7 Part 3, Business Zones – Appendices

Add the new Appendix 23 - Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus) (refer to

Attachment 1) being:

Appendix 23 - Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus):

(i) Land Use and Development

(ii) Green Network

(iii) Blue Network

(iv) Movement Network

2.2 Volume 3, Part 13, Transport

2.2.1 (2.2) Development Standards – Parking and loading

(i) Rule 2.2.1 Parking Space Numbers

Add the following new provision to Rule 2.2.1, Table 1, Minimum parking required in

the all other zones.

Table 1 Minimum parking required in all other zones Activity Car parking spaces Cycle

parking Spaces

Loading/ unloading

Residents/visitors Staff Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5

Offices Generally: (except Business 4T

5% of staff requirement (1 space minimum)

2.5 spaces/100m² GFA

1 space/200m² GFA

1 99% car bay/8000m² GFA or part thereof + 1

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Zone) HGV bay/8000m² GFA (up to 16000m² GFA), 1 HGV bay/20000m² GFA after 16000m² GFA

Business 4T Zone except that:

5% of staff requirement (1 space minimum)

4 spaces/100m² GFA

1 space/200m² GFA

As per general requirement

For any development resulting in more than 10,000m² of GFA in the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, Appendix (23) Part 3, Volume 3

5% of staff requirement (1 space minimum)

2.5 spaces/100m² GFA. Any such reduction is subject to resource consent as a discretionary activity

1.5 space/200m² GFA

As per general requirement

2.2.2 (3.0) Assessment Matters for Resource Consents

Add the following new assessment matter (d)(xiv) to Clause 3.2.1 Parking Space

Numbers; Availability of parking spaces; Parking area location; Staff car parking;

Parking space for people with disabilities:

(xiv) In the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, shown in Appendix 23, Part 3,

Volume 3, whether the provision of a monitored Transport

Management Plan(1) for the site, prepared in association with the

Christchurch City Council and Environment Canterbury has

demonstrated a reduced demand for on-site car parking spaces; and

has not resulted in an increased demand for on-street parking in the

vicinity; and

whether an ongoing comprehensive monitoring programme supports

such the reduced on-site car parking provision over time. (1) Transport Management Plan may include an incentives programme

to encourage an increased use of other transport modes alternative to

the private car.

2.2.3 Reasons for Rules – Clause 4.0

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Add the following new section at the end of Clause 4.1

4.1 Parking space numbers; availability of parking spaces, parking area location,

staff car parking, parking spaces for people with disabilities.

(…) any expansion of Jade Stadium that increases its capacity over 39,000 seats

will therefore need to demonstrate measures that will mitigate any additional

potential adverse parking related effects on surrounding residential and commercial


Within the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, shown in Appendix 23, Part 3,

Volume 3, provision is made by way of resource consent for a reduction in

on-site car parking for any development resulting in more than 10,000m² of

GFA in the zone. The Tait campus management is committed to implementing

a Transport Management Plan which will encourage a greater use of

alternative modes of transport and provide incentives for the use of public

transport, walking and cycling. Any reduction in the on-site car parking

provision is required to be supported by a comprehensive monitoring

programme which demonstrates a sufficiently reduced demand for car

parking that can be sustained over time.


2.3 Volume 3, Part 14, Subdivision

2.3.1 Following Critical standards, Clause 5.3.7 Special roading and access requirements

- Musgroves site add the following new clause:

Add the following new Clause 5.3.8:

5.3.8 Special roading and access requirements – Business 4 and 4T (Tait

Campus) Zones as shown in Part 3, Appendix 23

In the Business 4T (Tait Campus) zone as shown in Part 3, Appendix 23, Part

3, Volume 3 the development shall be in accordance with the provisions of the

Outline Development Plan and specific roading and access requirements as


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(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan that may separately

make an activity permitted, controlled, restricted discretionary or fully

discretionary, any development resulting in more than 10,000m2 within

the area covered by the Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus) – Part

3, Appendix 23, shall be a non-complying activity until the upgrading of

the intersection of Wairakei/Wooldridge Roads (including traffic

signals) has been carried out; and

(b) The extent of the contribution to the costs of upgrading

Wairakei/Wooldridge Roads intersection from the development have

been agreed with the Council.

In addition:

(c) There shall be only one main vehicle access point to the Business 4T

zoned part of the site. This access point shall be located on

Wooldridge Road as indicated in Part 3, Appendix 23. A secondary,

limited access point can be provided from Wooldridge Road and shall

be limited to serving a maximum of 30 car parking spaces;

(d) Upon the creation of vehicle access from the site to Stanleys Road,

new give-way markings on the Stanleys Road approach to its

intersection with Harewood Road shall be provided;

(e) Three secondary access points, designed as ‘low volume service

access’, may be provided to the Business 4T zoned part of the site in

the general locations indicated on the Outline Development Plan, and

shall be accompanied by a capacity improvement scheme to the

Stanleys/Harewood Roads intersection that shall be carried out (as

agreed with the Council) at the cost of the developer or their

successor/s in title;

(f) Footpaths along the business 4T Zone of Wooldridge and Stanleys

Roads linking the site with Wairakei Road, and along the eastern side

of Wooldridge Road with the bus stop shall be provided when the

vehicle access points are formed;

(g) All vehicle access point intersection works, internal roading and

footpath improvements shall be carried out at the cost of the developer

or their successor/s in title;

In the Business 4 zone shown in Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3 the only main

access point to the site shall be located on Stanleys Road. All vehicle access

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point intersection works, internal roading and footpath improvements shall be

carried out at the cost of the developer or their successor/s in title.

2.3.2 Following Clause 29.4, Subdivision in the Living G (North West Belfast) Zone add

new clauses as follows and renumber subsequent clauses accordingly.

Add the following new Clause 30.0 and re-number subsequent clauses 30.0 –

30.36 to 31.0 – 31.36 accordingly.

30.0 Subdivision in the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone.

30.1 Development Standards

The Business 4T Zone subdivision standards shall apply to subdivision within

the area of the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone, as shown in Appendix 23,

Part 3, Volume 3, except as required by Part 14, Critical Standards – Property

Access, Clause 5.3.8 and Clause 30.2 Community Standards below.

30.2 Community Standards

30.2.1 Conformity with Outline Development Plan

(a) Any proposed subdivision shall be in accordance with the following

parts of the Outline Development Plan – Business 4T (Tait Campus)

Zone, Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume 3:

(i) Land Use and Development, Appendix 23(i);

(ii) Green Network, Appendix 23(ii);

(iii) Blue Network, Appendix 23(iii); and

(iv) Movement Network, Appendix 23(iv)

and be designed to enable the achievement of the following:

- A low density, open campus environment designed around a

series of individual buildings linked by walkways and


- Integration of all modes of transport across the Outline

Development Plan area having regard to Part 14, Clause 5.3.8 -

Special roading and access requirements;

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- Provision for substantial planting and landscaping along road

frontages and site boundaries; and

- Integration of stormwater management with open space across

the Outline Development Plan area.

30.3 Assessment matters for subdivision in the Business 4T (Tait Campus)

Zone, as shown in the Outline Development Plan, Appendix 23, Part 3, Volume

3 shall include the following considerations:

(a) Quality

The extent to which the subdivision will be in accordance with and

support the provisions of the Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus);

(b) Connectivity

The extent to which the proposal will be in general accordance with the

Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus) provisions in terms of land

use and the movement network;

(c) Access to outdoor space

The extent to which the proposal will be in general accordance with the

Green Network diagram of the Outline Development Plan (Tait


(d) Trees

(i) The extent to which the retention and / or provision of trees

provides a high level of visual amenity or buffer planting.

(ii) The extent to which the provision of trees recognises the

context and scale of the area in which they are located, the

significance of the road frontages and the character of adjoining


(iii) Protection of the two Notable trees identified in Part 10,

Appendix 4, 64 Stanleys Road (Lot 1, DP 25641).

(e) Stormwater

(i) That the stormwater measures adopted ensure the protection of

ground water quality including treatment of discharges from

roads and sealed car parking areas.

(ii) The extent to which the proposal will be in general accordance

with the Blue Network diagram of the Outline Development Plan.

(f) Energy Efficiency

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(i) The extent to which any subdivision ensures the opportunity for

buildings and development to be located and designed to

maximise an energy efficient built form.

(g) Street Scene

(i) The extent to which lot design and orientation will allow

buildings to address but not dominate the street including areas

of open space and planting.

(ii) The extent to which consideration has been given to the

potential use of slow lanes for vehicle access within the Outline

Development Plan area.

2.3.3 (30.0) Subdivision of Land – Reason for Rules

Following the re-numbered Clause 310.36, add the following new Clause 31.37

31.37 Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone

A comprehensive Outline Development Plan has been included for

development within the Business 4T (Tait Campus) Zone Appendix 23, Part 3,

Volume 3. The purpose of the Outline Development Plan is to assist the

Council in managing the effects of the use and development of the site, while

also ensuring the development of a low density open campus environment

through the implementation of the Outline Development Plan and the

associated Business 4T Zone provisions, including an assessment of building

design and appearance. The provisions of the Outline Development Plan

require a substantial area of the site to be landscaped in excess of the

provision for any other business zone. It also identifies the general location

of buildings, accessways, planting and stormwater management areas. This

approach to the whole site was promoted by the landowner at the time the

land was rezoned Business 4T and is an essential part of providing for a

highly attractive environment for both employees and the wider community.

2.4 Amend City Planning Maps No. 23A and 24A as per the attached maps.

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Appendix 23(i) – (iv) - Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus)

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green corridorindicative size and location

existing buildings

indicative location of new buildings within a campus style arrangement

building setbacks





20 m



g se



20 m



g se






g se





B4 B4T





15m building setback

15 m building setback11m max. height2 storey limit

11m max. height2 storey limit




Business Zone 4T - Tait campus general descriptionThe size and distribution of buildings is to be carefully considered to ensure the built environment and the landscape are designed with a high degree of integration. The built environment and the soft landscape elements should blend seamlessly to create a visually connected parklike setting across the campus which allows integration of large scale building footprints into the open space character. Ancillary uses such as small scale food outlets or cafes should be included to cater for the needs of staff and visitors, to add vitality to the area and to minimise the need to travel off site.

Building Typology Within the context of the ODP area a cluster of commercial buildings is to be proposed. These will be 2-3 storey and feature large floor plates. The buildings will be of a high standard with regard to urban design, sustainability and design and appearance. Typical functions envisaged are for general open-plan office based work - including large meeting and training room facilities, research and design, and specialised manufacturing and logistics functions.

Building height• maximum height of 3 storeys 15m except that• maximum height limit of 2 storey (11m) within a 50m distance from the road boundary to limit the impact on the

existing character of Stanleys Road and Wooldridge Road

Minimum building setbacks• 20m building setback from the road boundary along Wooldridge Road to strengthen the visual links between the

open space and the site • 20 m building setback from the road boundary along Stanleys Road to protect the existing character of the

streetscape• 15 m building setback from the rural boundaries on Stanleys Road Block and Wooldridge Road Block to protect the

outlook for rural neighbours

Design and appearanceThe design and appearance of individual buildings should reflect the landscape setting of the site and set high environmental standards. Buildings should integrate with the park-like character through their bulk, built form, location, orientation and facade treatment. The choice of materials and colours/reflectivity of facades should help to reduce the prominence of buildings in the landscape. To ensure this is achieved design and appearance criteria apply to all buildings within the development - refer to Part 3, rule 5.2.14 and related assessment matters

Relationship between buildings and the public realm Building entrances will face the green corridor to create an active edge/frontage towards the public accessible space. Rear service areas are to be screened from public view. Each building phase of the development requires the provision of an associated detailed landscaping proposal - refer to Part 3, rule 5.2.14 and related assessment matters

Areas / coveragemaximum site coverage 35% maximum total GFA within ODP 50.000m2 minimum landscaped area / open space 30%


Appendix 23 (i) - Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus) - Landuse and Development

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existing Lime trees on site to be retained

rural shelter belts

area of protected trees

stormwater ponds indicative size and location

integration through landscape treatment

10m landscape buffer

20m landscape buffer



green corridorindicative size and location

Wooldridge Road trees

off site specimen trees indicative location



protected trees 62 Stanleys Road(English Oak and Common Lime)



Appendix 23 (ii) - Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus) - Green Network

GREEN NETWORKin addition to the provisions for landscaped areas in Part 3, rule 5.2.7 the following will also apply:

General description and intention of campusThe landscape design will be characterized by a distinct ‘park like’ aesthetic. This design cue has been provided by neighbouring Nunweek Park. The landscape treatment will provide visual interaction with the campus to passing traffic and pedestrians from Wooldridge and Stanleys Road by offering view lines into and through the site. Internally the campus will be visually connected by the stormwater basins as a common element and focal point which will be experienced from within the campus buildings, outdoor spaces and circulation links.

Green Corridor and soft landscapingA green corridor stretches from Wooldridge Road across the site to Stanleys Road extending the open space character of Nunweek Park into the site. A soft boundary along both roads consists of open lawn spaces, tree plantings and mixed underplanting shrubs to allow views into the site.

Landscaped buffer to roads (20m)A 20m (minimum) landscaped setback is to be provided along the Wooldridge and Stanleys Road edge to safeguard the open space character of the adjacent Nunweek Park and the rural street scape of both roads. This setback is to be landscaped in a manner sympathetic to the open space and vegetation character of Nunweek Park with regard to arrangement of trees and species selection.

Buffer planting to rural neighbours (10m )A 10m landscaped buffer along the boundaries towards the rural lifestyle blocks is to be provided to create a gradual transition into the rural zone and protect the amenity and outlook of adjacent properties.

Plants • the planting palette for the site consists of compatible species trees, shrubs and ground cover plants that ensure a sustainable

vegetative cover • all buffer planting along boundaries is to be on average 10m wide and no less than 6m at any one point, it is to consist of

evergreen and deciduous vegetation of which at lest 50% will be able to reach a minimum height of 1.5m Trees at street frontage• the cluster of specimen trees around two protected trees at the NW corner of the site is to be integrated into the green corridor • 2 specimen trees (lime trees) at the south east corner of the site are to be retained and integrated into the green corridor planting• other specimen trees that are in good condition and suitable in type and size should be retained if possible• tree species shall be able to reach a minimum height of 10m at maturity and be not less than 3m high at the time of planting with

a calliper of no less than 40mm diameter• trees species shall have an evenly formed canopy and clear stem limbed up to 2.4m at maturity• trees shall be deciduous and planted in groups of no less than 5 at a minimum of 5m spacingsMounding • ground shaping to create undulating mounds is kept to a maximum height of 1.2m where visibility for safety and CPTED reasons

is required• all mound shall have a minimum gradient of 1:3 and support evergreen and deciduous vegetation, when used as noise attenuation

and visual screening 50% of these should reach a minimum height of 1.5 meters.Shelter belts• the northern and southern section of the mid block shelter belt are to be retained for 3 years, on removal of these sections they

are to be replaced with suitable planting to provide a visual buffer to the northern rural residential neighbour• where shelter belts are retained they are to be kept to a height of 4-5m to avoid shading of buildings as they will be designed to

maximise passive solar gain

Connection to existing Tait premises (south)A specific landscape treatment should be considered to visually and physically connect the ODP area with the existing Tait premises - such as coordinated surface treatment and complementary planting schemes. Viewshafts between the ODP area and the existing Tait premises are to be identified and enhanced through the landscape treatment.

Future connection of the B4 area (south)The existing boundary treatment between the B4 and the B4T area is to be retained to assist with integration into the overall landscape treatment whilst allowing selected openings for future vehicular and pedestrian connections. The aim is to strengthen the already established native vegetation and mitigate the effect of access roads and buildings on the Stanleys Road character.


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green corridorindicative size and location

node / focal pointindicative size and location

on site stormwater treatment and attenuation

existing open stormwater drain

drainage / fall

open naturalised stormwater conveyance / swales

piped connection


off site specimen trees





Appendix 23 (iii) - Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus) - Blue Network


General description and intention Stormwater treatment may be achieved via a combination of retention, re-use and infiltration elements within the development. These elements can aid in maintaining the quality of stormwater discharged from, or reused within the site. Implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) will provide positive water quality outcomes to meet statutory requirements whilst complementing the aesthetic and environmental values of the site. The stormwater treatment facilities shall be designed in general accordance with the outline development plan.

Swales and pondsSwales and ponds relate closely to the position of the public nodes and future building courtyards to reflect their dual role as stormwater management features and amenity ecological assets.

Stormwater management objective for the site • First flush treatment (25mm) from hardstand areas using vegetated dry sedimentation basins• Attenuation of flows in excess of the first flush and including the 50 year return events (9 hour duration) in

the central water feature area. There may be two or more storage basins connected by weirs and shallow waterways in the water feature area.

Discharge into CCC networkIt is feasible to discharge stormwater runoff from this block to the existing CCC stormwater network provided it is attenuated to pre-development levels (for up to 50 year storm events) and is treated as per CCC requirements. The connection to the council network will be in Wooldridge Road (either by upgrading the existing 375mm diameter pipe network or by installing a direct connection to the existing 1050mm diameter culvert - inside the site of 558 Wairakei Road).


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green corridorindicative size and location

existing trees not to be affected by road layout

indicative location of new buildings within a campus style arrangement

central node / public spaceindicative size and location

pedestrian connection between buildings

public shared walk and cycle con-nection

secondary circulation to access pocket carparks

main access

secondary access

slow lanes - shared pedestrian and vehicular environment

potential for future vehicular connections

main circulation to access larger car parking area

‘pocket’ car parks at grade associated with buildings

existing bus stop














existing main carpark




Road Typology and Hierarchy - general descriptionThe internal streets will be designed to strengthen the proposed road hierarchy. Vehicular movement will be pushed onto the perimeter of the site to enable access to buildings and leave the green corridor as a predominantly pedestrian and cycling environment. The design and landscape treatment to internal roading will give clear priority to pedestrians and create a slow road environment within the site for vehicles. This will be achieved by :• overlaying shared surfaces for vehicle, pedestrian and cycle to allow equal access to and around all campus buildings• using paving patterns, kerb design, road narrowing, limiting carriageway widths and providing bollards in the streetscape to

help reduce vehicle speed and create a safe and legible environment for pedestrians• using curved road alignments to follow landscape patterns and restrict sight lines

Internal linkThe proposed internal link will cross the green corridor in a north-south direction and is shared by pedestrians, cyclists and cars. This link forms an integral part of the pedestrian network and a strong connection between the Stanleys and Wooldridge Blocks. The meandering nature of the link will provide a slow vehicular connection and focus on the pedestrian use with regard to design and surface treatment. Vehicular use of this link will be secondary and controllable through access narrowing and clear design indicators to reinforce the primary pedestrian and cycling function.

AccessMain access to the site will be off Wooldridge Road (south) using the existing carpark entry and off Wairakei Road through the existing Tait premises. There will be one secondary entry point off Wooldridge Road and two off Stanleys Road. The design and width of these access points shall be in keeping with the rural character of the adjacent roads and reflect their low traffic volumes. The northern access off Stanleys Road is to be set back sufficiently from the protected trees to ensure roots will not be damaged. Access to the north of the site off Wooldridge Road is to be a “limited access” point (left in and out turning only). Refer also to part 3, rule 5.4.5 provisions.

Pedestrian / Cycle connection The campus will be connected by a series of public walkways and paths through the green corridor that will offer a range of experiences from purely functional to recreational. A shared min. 2.5m wide cycle and footpath connects through the ODP area from Wooldridge Road across to Stanleys Road. Smaller internal pathways provide direct north-south connections between the future building locations. Pathways shall be created along Wooldridge Road connecting to Nunweek Park, and along new connections to the existing Tait building to the south. The internal pedestrian and cycle network should connect directly with the external pedestrian and cycle network. Extensions to the external network shall be agreed with the Christchurch City Council.

NodesTwo public nodes provide focal points adjacent to concentrated areas of circulation and create an active area associated with major buildings.

Public transportRelocate existing Wooldridge Road bus stop further north to align better with the new pedestrian network Bus stops located along Wairakei Road are within walking distance

ParkingThe ODP shows indicative areas of surface car parking. The balance of car parking provision should be located under or within buildings. At grade ‘pocket car parks’ should be for disabled car parks, visitor car parks and a small number of staff car parks totalling no more then 30 spaces per pocket car park. All car parking will need to be screened and landscaped to ensure it is not visible from Nunweek Park, Wooldridge Road or Stanleys Road.

Crime prevention through environmental designCPTED principles have to be applied to all public areas with a particular focus on lighting along pathways, roads, building entrances/forecourts, car parking areas and outdoor spaces. Any pedestrian and cycle way through or within the site shall be illuminated to a level between 2 and 10 lux to ensure safety and convenience, subject to the provisions of Part 11, clause 2.3.1.


Appendix 23 (iv) - Outline Development Plan (Tait Campus) - Movement Network