Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC...

v' v . fi nflriinimwrarl LA 4j f- - -- cr''r-n-i; i n tf i fi u u ci u n a n n i h h y mi Ks34 w M; i fi i a a h i ft W Katablfab4 Jul , 1853. VOL. XVIII. NO. 3173. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEU 2. 1S93. PRICE 5 CENTS. 2vtiu Hufltrtuscnuntb. Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times In quality, styloa and prices. CO G3 aC o o J. M. DAVIDSON, Attcmsy and Goansellor-st-La- w. Office 36 Merchant Street, LEWER8 & COOKE, yj O o O " W E E LU o O to "5 C3 o ay o Plantation Supplies, a'full assortment to suit tho various demand . Steel Plows, TAade expressly for Island work with extra jart3. Cultivator's Cane Knives. Agricultural Implements, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc. , etc Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools ' Sr Dates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills, Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals. SEW1KG MACHINES, Wilcox & Gihbs, and Remington. Lubricating Oils In iyea General Merchandise, ynXc there is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will be politely treated. No trouble to show goods. 3278-tf-- d 14C2 tf-- w H. E. McINTYTlE & BRO., IMrOJITKKS AND DBALKR8 ly Groceries, Provisions and Feed EAST CORNER FORT New Goods received by every packet Irom the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92. 1843. SEMI-CENTENNIA- L, 5 Per Cent Debenture Policy I hCELISHBD Every Morning Except Sundays, BT THM HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, At Mo. 6 Merchant 6. SUIWCKIITION UATK8I I) JULY PACITIO CoMMKRCIAL ADTBTI8KB (6 PAosa) Pet year, with "Guide, premium-- ? 6 00 Per month....... 50 Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00 Per year, postpaid to United States of America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00 W2KKLT (12 faobs) Hawaiian Gazbtte Per year, with "Guide" premium. ? 5 00 Per year, postpaid Foreign 6 00 Payable Invariably lu Advanoo. gj7 All transient Advertisements tnust be prepaid. II. M. Wiutnbt, Manager. Akthch Johnstone, Editor. SPECIAL NOTICE. All transient advertisements and sub scriptions mast be prepaid. XVOarriers are not allowed to sell papers, nor to receive payments from subscribers. Single copies of tbe Dailt Adveb- - Ti9ca or YV cxklt uazxtts can al- ways be purchased from the News Dealers or at the office of publica- tion, 40 Merchant street. RATES Daily Adybbtiseb, 60 eta. per month, or $6.00 a year, in advance. Weekly Gazette, 5.00 a year in advance. Papers not promptly paid for on presentation of the bill, will be stopped without further notice. Subscriptions for the Dailt Adybb tiseb and W EE ELY UAZKTTI may uc paid at the publication office, 46 Mer- chant street, or to the collector, E. Swan, who is authorized to receipt for the same. Any subscriber who pays to the un dersigned loreitner paper one year, strictly in advance, will receive one copy of the " Toubists Ucidb " as a premium. llnll.m raaririi will t Tift id tOT acu i u 11 i -- t k - - information that will lead to the conviction oi any one stealing me Dailvor Weekly left at the office or Iresidenceof subscribers. Lengthy advertisements should be banded in during the day, to insure publication the next morning. Short notices received up to 10 p. m. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CC, H. 51. Whitnet. Manager. THE SAMOAN WAR. The President Grati&sd at the Suppression of the Revo-Intiona- ry Movement. The president and Secretary Gresli-a- m are very much gratified at the sup- pression of the revolutionary move- ment In Samoa, and the surrender or its leading SDirit, Mataafa, although, In the absence of an American war ship, the United States was unable to render any military aid towards the accomplishment of that end. The cruiser Philadelphia, now neann?: Valparaiso, was to have been ordered to proceed to Samoa as soon as she reached there, but now that the war is over there is not the same necessity for haste, and the Philadelphia may not go there at all. It is settled, how- ever, that a vessel will go to Samoa, and the duty will devolve on either the Alliance, the Yorklown, the Charleston, or the Philadelphia, with the probabilities in the order named. Notwithstanding the fact that the rev- olution inSamoa ended just as the three treaty powers, Great Britain, Ger- many and the United States, desired It should, in the complete triumph of Maleitoi, the sovereign with whom thetrei7of protection was conclud- ed, there are still unsettled many other questions of great, importance to the countries nameu. xuvv icuic almost exclusively to the ;oucy oi each with respect to the other in the future government of the islands. Some qv stions of importance, requir- ing immediate consideratioi relate to the care and treatment of Mataafa and other prisoners o? war, now in the custody of the representatives of tho three treaty powers. According to last advices they were on the British warship Koloomba. There is nothing in the treaty relating to such a contingency, but there is no doubt whatever that the representatives of the three governments, including the commanders of the German and British warships, will speedily reach a satisfactory agreement for the pro- tection and subsistence of the revolu- tionary prisoners. It is probable that they will be isolated, for a short time at least, as it is believed their surren- der to the victorious party in their present savage temper would be vir- tually leading them to slaughter. Secretary Gresham said today that he had as yet sent no instructions to United States Consul Blacklock bear- ing on the existing state of affairs, and that he really had not decided for himself what was best to be done. Wftjh. Star. Abstract ami Title Co. rvo. U IMKUCll.VNT kVI'. HONOLULU, H . I. F. M. liatcli freer tout Cecil Brown Vice-Preside- W. K. 08tl hcu'tary J. F. Brown, Trji)urer A Iklnutgor W. F. Frear Auditor This Company ta prepare! to search records and furnish attracts of title to all real property in tLe Kingdoni. Parties placing lonrn otj. or contr-nipia- t iug tho purchase of real ".'iatc ill tind it to their advantjin to consult tl company In regard to title. CA11 orders nttc:ic!od tu with prompt nees. Mutual Telephone 13.S; Hell Tt-- h phone 152. P. O. Box 325. C. BREWER & CO., Qcksk Rtbekt, Honolulu H. I. AOKNTri FOll Hawaiian Agricultural Co. Onomea Sugar Co. llonoma Sugar Co. Wailnku Sugar Co. Waihee Sugar Co. Makee Sugar Co. Haleakala Ranch Co. Kapapala Ranch. Plantcra' Lino San Francipco Packets. Chas. Brewer &. Co.'s Lino of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Hoard of Underw riters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwri- ters. List r.? Optickrs: Hon. J. O. Carter, resident A Managei George II. Robertson Trc?.purcr E. F. Bishop Secretary Col. W. F. Allen - Auditor Chan II. Cooke . ) 11. WaterhoiiHO I'r tj. Directors. 8. C. Allen Kpi. ) Boston Jiiincli Parlors F-OII- STItKICT. MRS. NICHOLL - Proprietress. Homo - mad o launches I AT AM- - IIOL'HP OK Till: DAY. XOpen Sundays from 0:30 to 10 A. m. Boston-bake- d Beans and Brown Bread. Leave your orders on or Inifore Friday, at 4 p. m. each week, for Beans and Brown Bread, to insure a prompt delivery. 3423 "FOR SALE. E OFFKR FOR HALK AT THK w following prices : Poha Jam in 21b. cans ut M.fio per doz. Polia Jam in 1 lb. cans at 2.60 jer dot. Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.1 er doz. Gnava Jeily in 1 lb. canB at 2.r0 per dos. China Orango end Paoaia Jaio, (this is a very superior article), in 2 1b. cans at f4.50 per dozen. CST'Tkkms Carh. KONA CANNING CO., Kealakekr.a, Kona, 3140-3- m Hawaii, II. I. . r. r.' Pioneer Stoum FACTORY and BAKERY. HORN Practical comeciioi Pastrv Cook and linker No. 71 Hotel et. rifi C. B. ItlPLEY, ARCHITECT 1 Office New Fafe I)ejosit Building, Honolulu, H. I. Plans, BpecificatlonH, and Kuprrintead ence given for every dencription ot Build lug. Old Buildings successfully remodelled and enlarged. Designs for Interior Docorat'oni. Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, and Blueprinting. XFDrawings for Book or Newspaper Illnatratlon. H1W1IIAH Glims CO., Law - and - General - Bookbinders ACCOUNT-EOOK- S MANUFACTURED to any Pattern, including the Supply of Paper, Ruling, Printing, Paging Perforating, Binding, Gilding, Letter ing, etc. MTJSIO AND MAOAZINEB BOUND to any Pattern. -- ISSUED BY- - A, lot NEW GOODS ! Iteceived by late Steamers. COTTON CRAPE! Of New Patterns ; also, GENT'S READY-MAD- K Crape Shirts and Suits! Of First-clas- s etyie. Silk Handkerchiefs and Neckties, Handsome Vases of Japanese Art, etc. EXTRA CHOICE Pan FiredJapiiu Tea FOR FAMILY USE. Sold at very reasonable prices for the trade as well as retail. ITOHAN, Importer of Japanese Goods 206 Fort St., near Custom House. Yamatoya, Yokohama, Japan, Cotton Crape Manufacturer and Shirt Maker. Sole ajrent, ITOHAN, 206 Fort Street, Honolulu. 3395-t- f CHAS. T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahu. Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labo Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, Hono- lulu, Oahu. Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands of Pitt Sl Scott's Freight and Parcels F.xpress. Agent for the Burlington Route. Real Estate roker & General Agent, Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415. OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT St., Honolulu, Oahu, H. 1. ATLAS Assurance Company FOUNDKU 1808. LOBIDON. Capital. 9 6,000,000 Assets. $ 9,000.000 Having been appointed Agenta of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. H. W. SCHMIDT A 8QN8. DB. B. I. MOOBE DENTIST, Office: Arlington Hoasa, Hotel SL, P&rlor2. DG?"Gai Administered. Oi'fick Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to 4. 3271-l- m DRS. ANDERSON k LUNDY, JD353STTISTS, Hotel St., opp. Dr.J. S. McOrcvr rO-- O AH ADMINI3TEKKD. M. E. Grossman, D.D.S. DENTIST, 98 HOTEL 8TRKIT, jBeyOrnca Hocas 9 a. m. to 4 r. u. HUSTACE & CO., D.EALKR8 IK WOOD AND COAL Also White and Black Sand which w will sell at the very lowest market rates. CT'Bkll Txlephomc No. 414. fXMuTUAi. Tblkphoh No. 414. 3033-l- y Massage. PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCE MRS. she will attend a 1 nited nnm ber of patients. Address at H. M. Whitney's, King st. ; Bell Telephone 75. 3228-t- f Australian Mail Service. t For Stiu Francisco: The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship i C 99 Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, from Sydney and Auckland, on or about SEPTEMBER 21st, And will leave for the above port with Mails and Passengers on or about that date. For Sydney & Auckland The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will bo due at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or about SEPTEMBER 28tli, And will have prompt despatch with Mails and Passengers for the above ports. The undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL FOISTS IN THE UNITED STATES. CCHFor further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd., GENERAL AGENTS. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Time Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for S. F. July 12 July 19 Aug. 9 Aug. 16 Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 THROUGH LINE. Frm San Fran. From Sydney for for Sydney. San Francisco. Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. ALAMEDA Jun 29 MARIPOSA Jun 29 MARIPOSA Jul 27 MONOWAI Jul 27 MONOVAIAug24 AL AMEDA Aug 24 ALAMEDA Sep 2S MARIPOSA Sep 21 MARIPOSA Oct 26 MONOWAI Oct 19 MONOVAlNov23 ALAMEDA Nov 16 3.314-- 3 m NEW GOODS. Just arrived ex Palmas a fine assort- ment of Matting, Camphor Trunks, Rattan Chairs and Tables, Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs, White Chinese Linen, White and Colored Silk in Rolls. Fine Teas, Fine Manila Cigsjs, Chinese and Japanese ProYisions! And a general assortment of Groceries, which we will sell at the very lowest price. 3fir,Fresh Goods by every steamer from California and China. WING MOW CHAN, No. 64 Kixo Street, 3124-- q Near Maunakea. j PALACE ICE CREAM PARLORf j HOTEL STREET. ! Ice Cream, Sherbets, Sodas, Caudles, Cakes, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Etc. M3. AT WOOD, Proprietress. 339S-t- f SUN NAM SING, 2S"o. lOO Nuuanu Street, P. O. Box 175, Bees to call the attention of the publie their large and well selected Stock of Jcipanese Goods 8nitable for this market, which will h nhl t Lowest Pricea. Pianos For Rent. PfAwnSINGOOD ORDEB it TI MUSIC DEPAR MENTOF THK HAWAllAfi COMPANY. (saacesssrj 10 sewers vi vr Importers nc1 Jeara In JLuuir And All Klndi of Building 24Ufll. No.SJ kORT 8TBEST, Honolulu. W. H. STONE, ACCOUNTANT. gyP. O. Pox No. 17. 3230-lm- tf B. W. M'CHESSK, J. M, A T. W. M'CHKBKXT. 124 Clay St., 8. F. 40 Queen St, Hono. m. w. mcCHEsney & sons, Wholesale Groocrs, Commission Mer chants and Importers. 40 Queen Bt., Honolulu F. M. WAKEFIELD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Temporary Office with C. W. Ashford, Merchant Street, Honolulu. 339 My HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Boilers. Hngnr 51111. Cooler, BrM and lal Casting. And machinery of every description made Ta . rtirM-i- l r attention naid to iu - ships' blacksmithing. Job work excuted on the shortest notic. LEWIS & CO., . Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 111 FOliT bTREET. BEAVER SALOON, rorl M(ret, Opposite Wilder Co.1 H. 3. KOLTK, PBOPB1ETOB. flrtt-c- l Lunctost Served with To. CoSee Sod Wfttei, Ginger Ala or mil. Open From 3 a.m. till lO p.m. g"8moer'BeqnlBltei a Specialty. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer to GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 25-3- 1 Queen Street. Honolaln. WjVT. wagener Contractor and Builder. nrnmntlv attend ed to. Will make a specialty of Office and Store Fitting; second floor Honolulu l'ianins; Mill, rort Mreet. K? M utuat leieptione vso . iv-a- w H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents Cor. Fort fcQaeen SU., Honolulu. WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW -A- SD Agent to Utile Acknowledgment.. Orric No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono lulu, a. l. PIANO TUNING! W. fl. BENSON. r2T-L.eav- e orders with T. E. Kroase at Arlington Hotel, Hotel at 3040-lm- tf W. A. KINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office No. G6 Fort Street, (W. O. Smith's Lk Office) . 3360-- tf JOHN H. THOMPSON, NOTARY PUB'LIC Agent tc 'ake Acknowledgments to LABOR CONTRACTS. fgOffice at Gulick's Agency, No. 38 Merchant Street, Honolulu. Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1S92. S181-3- m Big O Is acknowledged tho leading remedy for Ooaorrbcea & ilrt. 5:lTo5DAYS. The only saio remedy for S,fJ iiiTaci not to 3 lencorrhpa or Whites. cicm fitr ttcr. I prescribe it and feci Mf4on:y6 f e in recomcindiEg it to all eunerenk A. J. STONER, M. Decattr. Iu. So! A r Drnert?:s-i'a:c- fixa Hobron, Newman & Co., Agents. Hollister & Co., Wholesale Agents. Benson, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agent . Tlae Mutual Life Ins. Co. OF NEW YORK. Richard A. McCurdy, - - - - President. Assets .... '$175,084,156.01. Information regarding this form of policy, or any particulars concerning the various other forms of policies Issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Company may be0btatoedo1 S. 13. KOSE. General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. Royal Insurance Co., OF LIVERPOOL. "THE LARGEST AND KING STItEKTP. 1893. IN THE WORLD, 99 WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. O 2V KS BELJL 498. Advertiser PER MONTH Assets January 1st, 1892, - 42,432,17400 ire ri3ks on all kinds of insurable property taten at Current rates by J. S. 3140-l-m ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL PETER HIGH, - - Proprietor. OFFICE ,cV:N"D X IL--i- : On Alakea and Richards 5oar Que. en Street, Honolulu, H. I. MOU LDINGS, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc. TURNED AND SAWED WORK. o 'Prompt attention to all orders. T K L K I II tygr mutual 55. Trie Daily 50 CENTS

Transcript of Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC...

Page 1: Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times In quality, styloa

v'v . fi

nflriinimwrarl LA4j

f- - -- cr''r-n-i; in tf i fi u u ci u n a n n i h h y mi Ks34w M; i fi i a a h i ft W

Katablfab4 Jul , 1853.


2vtiu Hufltrtuscnuntb.Pacific Commercial Advertiser


(Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz.


STEAMSHIP COHardware, Builders and General,

always up to the times In quality, styloa and prices.





Attcmsy and Goansellor-st-La- w.

Office 36 Merchant Street,



O oO "



to "5C3o ay


Plantation Supplies,a'full assortment to suit tho various demand .

Steel Plows,TAade expressly for Island work with extra jart3.

Cultivator's Cane Knives.

Agricultural Implements,Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, etc. , etc

Carpenters', Blacksmiths'and Machinists' Tools

'Sr Dates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills,

Paints and Oils, Brushes, Glass,Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture.

Blake's Steam Pumps,Weston's Centrifugals.

SEW1KG MACHINES, Wilcox & Gihbs, and Remington.

Lubricating Oils In iyeaGeneral Merchandise, ynXcthere is anything you want, come and ask for it, you will bepolitely treated. No trouble to show goods.

3278-tf-- d 14C2 tf--w



Groceries, Provisions and Feed


New Goods received by every packet Irom the Eastern States and Europe.Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, andGoods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited.Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92.


5 Per Cent Debenture Policy


Every Morning Except Sundays,



At Mo. 6 Merchant 6.



Pet year, with "Guide, premium--? 6 00

Per month....... 50

Per year, postpaid Foreign 12 00Per year, postpaid to United States

of America, Canada, or Mexico. 10 00

W2KKLT (12 faobs) Hawaiian GazbttePer year, with "Guide" premium. ? 5 00Per year, postpaid Foreign 6 00

Payable Invariably lu Advanoo.

gj7 All transient Advertisementstnust be prepaid.

II. M. Wiutnbt, Manager.Akthch Johnstone, Editor.


All transient advertisements and subscriptions mast be prepaid.

XVOarriers are not allowed to sellpapers, nor to receive payments fromsubscribers.

Single copies of tbe Dailt Adveb- -

Ti9ca or YV cxklt uazxtts can al-ways be purchased from the NewsDealers or at the office of publica-tion, 40 Merchant street.

RATES Daily Adybbtiseb, 60 eta.per month, or $6.00 a year,in advance. Weekly Gazette, 5.00a year in advance. Papers notpromptly paid for on presentationof the bill, will be stopped withoutfurther notice.

Subscriptions for the Dailt Adybbtiseb and W EE ELY UAZKTTI may ucpaid at the publication office, 46 Mer-chant street, or to the collector,E. Swan, who is authorized toreceipt for the same.

Any subscriber who pays to the undersigned loreitner paper one year,strictly in advance, will receive onecopy of the " Toubists Ucidb " asa premium.

llnll.m raaririi will t Tift id tOTacu i u 1 1 i -- t k - -

information that will lead to theconviction oi any one stealing meDailvor Weekly left at the office orIresidenceof subscribers.

Lengthy advertisements should bebanded in during the day, to insurepublication the next morning. Shortnotices received up to 10 p. m.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CC,H. 51. Whitnet. Manager.


The President Grati&sd at theSuppression of the Revo-Intiona- ry

Movement.The president and Secretary Gresli-a- m

are very much gratified at the sup-pression of the revolutionary move-ment In Samoa, and the surrender or

its leading SDirit, Mataafa, although,In the absence of an American warship, the United States was unable torender any military aid towards theaccomplishment of that end. Thecruiser Philadelphia, now neann?:Valparaiso, was to have been orderedto proceed to Samoa as soon as shereached there, but now that the waris over there is not the same necessityfor haste, and the Philadelphia maynot go there at all. It is settled, how-ever, that a vessel will go to Samoa,and the duty will devolve on eitherthe Alliance, the Yorklown, theCharleston, or the Philadelphia, withthe probabilities in the order named.Notwithstanding the fact that the rev-

olution inSamoa ended just as the threetreaty powers, Great Britain, Ger-many and the United States, desiredIt should, in the complete triumph ofMaleitoi, the sovereign with whomthetrei7of protection was conclud-ed, there are still unsettled manyother questions of great, importanceto the countries nameu. xuvv icuicalmost exclusively to the ;oucy oieach with respect to the other in thefuture government of the islands.Some qv stions of importance, requir-ing immediate consideratioi relate tothe care and treatment of Mataafaand other prisoners o? war, now inthe custody of the representatives oftho three treaty powers. Accordingto last advices they were on theBritish warship Koloomba. There isnothing in the treaty relating to sucha contingency, but there is no doubtwhatever that the representatives ofthe three governments, including thecommanders of the German andBritish warships, will speedily reacha satisfactory agreement for the pro-

tection and subsistence of the revolu-tionary prisoners. It is probable thatthey will be isolated, for a short timeat least, as it is believed their surren-der to the victorious party in theirpresent savage temper would be vir-tually leading them to slaughter.Secretary Gresham said today that hehad as yet sent no instructions toUnited States Consul Blacklock bear-ing on the existing state of affairs,and that he really had not decided forhimself what was best to be done.Wftjh. Star.

Abstract ami Title Co.

rvo. U IMKUCll.VNT kVI'.


F. M. liatcli freer toutCecil Brown Vice-Preside-

W. K. 08tl hcu'taryJ. F. Brown, Trji)urer A IklnutgorW. F. Frear Auditor

This Company ta prepare! to searchrecords and furnish attracts of title toall real property in tLe Kingdoni.

Parties placing lonrn otj. or contr-nipia- t

iug tho purchase of real ".'iatc ill tind itto their advantjin to consult tl companyIn regard to title.

CA11 orders nttc:ic!od tu with promptnees.

Mutual Telephone 13.S; Hell Tt-- h phone152. P. O. Box 325.

C. BREWER & CO.,Qcksk Rtbekt, Honolulu H. I.

AOKNTri FOllHawaiian Agricultural Co.

Onomea Sugar Co.llonoma Sugar Co.

Wailnku Sugar Co.Waihee Sugar Co.

Makee Sugar Co.Haleakala Ranch Co.

Kapapala Ranch.Plantcra' Lino San Francipco Packets.Chas. Brewer &. Co.'s Lino of Boston

Packets.Agents Boston Hoard of Underw riters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwri-


List r.? Optickrs:Hon. J. O. Carter, resident A ManageiGeorge II. Robertson Trc?.purcrE. F. Bishop SecretaryCol. W. F. Allen - AuditorChan II. Cooke . )

11. WaterhoiiHO I'r tj. Directors.8. C. Allen Kpi. )

Boston Jiiincli ParlorsF-OII- STItKICT.

MRS. NICHOLL - Proprietress.

Homo - mad o launches I


XOpen Sundays from 0:30 to 10 A.m. Boston-bake- d Beans and BrownBread.

Leave your orders on or Inifore Friday,at 4 p. m. each week, for Beans andBrown Bread, to insure a promptdelivery. 3423


E OFFKR FOR HALK AT THKw following prices :

Poha Jam in 21b. cans ut M.fio per doz.Polia Jam in 1 lb. cans at 2.60 jer dot.Poha Jelly in 1 lb. cans at 3.1 er doz.Gnava Jeily in 1 lb. canB at 2.r0 per dos.

China Orango end Paoaia Jaio, (thisis a very superior article), in 2 1b. cansat f4.50 per dozen.


Kealakekr.a, Kona,3140-3-m Hawaii, II. I.

.r. r.'

Pioneer StoumFACTORY and BAKERY.

HORN Practical comeciioiPastrv Cook and linker

No. 71 Hotel et. rifi

C. B. ItlPLEY,


Office New Fafe I)ejosit Building,Honolulu, H. I.

Plans, BpecificatlonH, and Kuprrinteadence given for every dencription ot Buildlug.

Old Buildings successfully remodelledand enlarged.

Designs for Interior Docorat'oni.Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing,

and Blueprinting.XFDrawings for Book or Newspaper


H1W1IIAH Glims CO.,

Law - and - General - Bookbinders

ACCOUNT-EOOK- S MANUFACTUREDto any Pattern, including the Supplyof Paper, Ruling, Printing, PagingPerforating, Binding, Gilding, Lettering, etc.



A, lot


Iteceived by late Steamers.

COTTON CRAPE!Of New Patterns ; also,


Crape Shirts and Suits!Of First-clas- s etyie.

Silk Handkerchiefs and Neckties,Handsome Vases of Japanese Art, etc.


Pan FiredJapiiu TeaFOR FAMILY USE.

Sold at very reasonable prices for thetrade as well as retail.

ITOHAN,Importer of Japanese Goods

206 Fort St., near Custom House.Yamatoya, Yokohama, Japan, Cotton

Crape Manufacturer and Shirt Maker.Sole ajrent, ITOHAN, 206 Fort Street,Honolulu.

3395-t- f


For the Island of Oahu.Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labo

Contracts.Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-

lulu, Oahu.Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands of Pitt Sl

Scott's Freight and Parcels F.xpress.Agent for the Burlington Route.

Real Estate roker & General Agent,Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P.O. Box 415.

OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT St.,Honolulu, Oahu, H. 1.

ATLASAssurance Company


Capital. 9 6,000,000Assets. $ 9,000.000

Having been appointed Agenta of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.




Office: Arlington Hoasa, Hotel SL, P&rlor2.

DG?"Gai Administered.

Oi'fick Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to 4.3271-l- m



Hotel St., opp. Dr.J. S. McOrcvr


M. E. Grossman, D.D.S.


jBeyOrnca Hocas 9 a. m. to 4 r. u.



WOOD AND COALAlso White and Black Sand which w

will sell at the very lowest market rates.

CT'Bkll Txlephomc No. 414.

fXMuTUAi. Tblkphoh No. 414.3033-l- y


PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCEMRS. she will attend a 1 nited nnmber of patients. Address at H. M.Whitney's, King st. ; Bell Telephone 75.

3228-t- f

Australian Mail Service.


For Stiu Francisco:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

i C 99

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from Sydney andAuckland, on or about

SEPTEMBER 21st,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney & AucklandThe New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

SEPTEMBER 28tli,And will have prompt despatch withMails and Passengers for the above ports.

The undersigned are now preparedto issue



CCHFor further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Time Table.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.July 12 July 19Aug. 9 Aug. 16Sept. 6 Sept. 13Oct. 7 Oct. 14Nov. 4 Nov. 11

THROUGH LINE.Frm San Fran. From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.ALAMEDA Jun 29 MARIPOSA Jun 29MARIPOSA Jul 27 MONOWAI Jul 27MONOVAIAug24 AL AMEDA Aug 24ALAMEDA Sep 2S MARIPOSA Sep 21MARIPOSA Oct 26 MONOWAI Oct 19MONOVAlNov23 ALAMEDA Nov 16

3.314-- 3 m


Just arrived ex Palmas a fine assort-ment of

Matting, Camphor Trunks,Rattan Chairs and Tables,Silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs,White Chinese Linen,White and Colored Silk in Rolls.Fine Teas, Fine Manila Cigsjs,

Chinese and Japanese ProYisions!

And a general assortment of Groceries,which we will sell at the very lowestprice.

3fir,Fresh Goods by every steamerfrom California and China.

WING MOW CHAN,No. 64 Kixo Street,

3124-- q Near Maunakea.

j PALACE ICE CREAM PARLORfj HOTEL STREET.! Ice Cream, Sherbets, Sodas,

Caudles, Cakes, Coffee,Chocolate, Tea, Etc.

M3. AT WOOD, Proprietress.339S-t- f


2S"o. lOO Nuuanu Street,P. O. Box 175,

Bees to call the attention of the publietheir large and well selected

Stock of Jcipanese Goods8nitable for this market, which will

h nhl t Lowest Pricea.

Pianos For Rent.




(saacesssrj 10 sewers vi vrImporters nc1 Jeara In JLuuir

And All Klndi of Building 24Ufll.No.SJ kORT 8TBEST, Honolulu.



gyP. O. Pox No. 17. 3230-lm- tf

B. W. M'CHESSK, J. M, A T. W. M'CHKBKXT.124 Clay St., 8. F. 40 Queen St, Hono.

m. w. mcCHEsney & sons,Wholesale Groocrs, Commission Mer

chants and Importers.

40 Queen Bt., Honolulu

F. M. WAKEFIELD,Attorney and Counsellor at Law

Temporary Office with C. W. Ashford,

Merchant Street, Honolulu.339 My


Steam Engines,Boilers. Hngnr 51111. Cooler, BrM

and lal Casting.And machinery of every description made

Ta.rtirM-i- l r attention naid toiu -

ships' blacksmithing. Job work excutedon the shortest notic.

LEWIS & CO., .

Wholesale and Retail Grocers,

111 FOliT bTREET.


rorl M(ret, Opposite Wilder Co.1


flrtt-c- l Lunctost Served with To. CoSeeSod Wfttei, Ginger Ala or mil.

Open From 3 a.m. till lO p.m.g"8moer'BeqnlBltei a Specialty.


Importer and Dealer to


No. 25-3-1 Queen Street. Honolaln.

WjVT. wagenerContractor and Builder.

nrnmntlv attended to. Will make a specialty of Officeand Store Fitting; second floor Honolulul'ianins; Mill, rort Mreet.

K? M utuat leieptione vso . iv-a- w


General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort fcQaeen SU., Honolulu.



Agent to Utile Acknowledgment..Orric No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono

lulu, a. l.


r2T-L.eav- e orders with T. E. Kroase atArlington Hotel, Hotel at 3040-lm- tf



Office No. G6 Fort Street, (W. O.

Smith's Lk Office) . 3360-- tf


NOTARY PUB'LICAgent tc 'ake Acknowledgments to

LABOR CONTRACTS.fgOffice at Gulick's Agency, No. 38

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1S92. S181-3- m

Big O Is acknowledgedtho leading remedy forOoaorrbcea & ilrt.5:lTo5DAYS. The only saio remedy forS,fJ iiiTaci not to 3 lencorrhpa or Whites.

cicm fitr ttcr. I prescribe it and feciMf4on:y6 f e in recomcindiEg it

to all eunerenkA. J. STONER, M.

Decattr. Iu.So! A r Drnert?:s-i'a:c-

fixaHobron, Newman & Co., Agents.Hollister & Co., Wholesale Agents.Benson, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agent .

Tlae Mutual Life Ins. Co.OF NEW YORK.

Richard A. McCurdy, - - - - President.

Assets .... '$175,084,156.01.Information regarding this form of policy, or any particulars concerning the

various other forms of policies Issued by The Mutual Life Insurance Company maybe0btatoedo1

S. 13. KOSE.General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.

Royal Insurance Co.,OF LIVERPOOL.





WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

O 2V K SBELJL 498.

AdvertiserPER MONTH

Assets January 1st, 1892, - 42,432,17400

ire ri3ks on all kinds of insurable property taten at Current ratesby

J. S.3140-l-m


OFFICE ,cV:N"D X IL--i- :

On Alakea and Richards 5oar Que. en Street, Honolulu, H. I.

MOU LDINGS,Doors, Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc.


'Prompt attention to all orders.T K L K I II

tygr mutual 55.

Trie Daily50 CENTS

Page 2: Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times In quality, styloa



September, 183.

farewell, taken in connectionwith the political developmentssince laet January, ehow howstrongly the popular govern-ment he represents has be-

come established with the citizensof the Hawaiian Islands, except

307 Pacific Hardware Co., L'd.Si. Tn.w. Jrn. rr. .!s.ZZZOZZ 1t 8 I 7 8 9

To" TT Ta TT 77 is i17 IS 19 2 i 21 Tl 7

i S3 26 I 37 I W 21 SO

402 and 401 Fort Street Honolulu.

Elephants and a few otherthings we do not sell, but whenyou want


as the small boy says "we'reright in it."

We've got the most completestock in the islands, and ifyou'll come in for a fewminutes and look over ourstock, wo will soon convince

NEW GOODSiYi urn k -

CJ X uf.t.s ...'QfTp;


Just to I n nd exAlden Beiie directfrom the manufacturers.

ltuhhcr Hose, SprinklersHose Boelsi, Carinters' Rule ,

Munibs aud Lcre!i, Bevels, Glauea,

BAILEY'S PATENT PLANES,Plua.b Bob--- , Lamp Burners and Wick,

Bradley & Hubbard Lamps and Ch.v.drU.M s, Japan and Bra- - Bird Cae,i'.:rrot Caos, Brecdm Ca.jo with t'atrnt removable mats,

A ti- - e assortment of Vjr Locks and Knobs,A general lin? of hetf Hardware, Hedo Shears, Shet Shears,

Trimmers, Ladies Scissors, Barbers' Shears !

Clipper, Mechanics' Tk1i, Nnts, Washers,Carriage and Machine Bolts, Ualvaniied Wire Cloth and Netting,Br.bber Pack in?, Square FIa Packing,

Picture ITrvuxies, jSlouldiritx, etc.

MAM LAD1KSIlavo ruined a beautiful and faultless comploxion by .tho

uso of powders and washes composed largely of lead, arsenicand other poisonous metallic substauces, which not onlyroughen, irritato and discolor tho skin, but by absorption intotho system, produce headaches and nervous disorders of adistressing and dangerous character.


yN'X) iutJ"SF:rrv'A.'rior okSoothes tho skin irritated by injurious applications and

imparts a natural and healthful tone and appearance. En-

dorsed by the highest medical authority as absolutely freefrom 'objectionable substances.


jsr roil balk by jsC3

HOL LISTER & CO., DRUGGISTSFort Street, Honolulu.




v ii


, n.t 2 to






nin J


Mor f

' 7


l 1


1 I.

:n :roperIn evtng for' 341



Mortu&rj Iteport for tb-- s . Month of

Aujait, 103.

The total number of deaths re,-)rt- Kl forthe month of August was 40, distributedas follows :

Under 1 3ear 12 From 30 to 40. 4From 1 to 5 1 From 40 to 50. SFrom 5 to 10 1 From so to oo. 5From 10 to 20 4 From GO to 70 1

From 20 to 30 7 over :o 3

Males 3i i Females isHawaiian JChinese .10Portuguese . 3 Other nationalities 1

Japanese. .. . 5

Total. .46

KStr"-""-""---- 1?- - ............ ..............


Aug 40 Aug. 1S92. 50Aug. ivjo.... C9 Aug. 1S93. 4GAug. 1891.... 01


Aceurbm 2 Hemor.haee iBronchitis 2 influenza 4Consumption 9 Inanition .2dancer 1 Inflam'tion bowth 1

Corgest'n of bruin 1 Leprosy 1

Uropsy 3 Lune troubleExhaustion 1 Opium 1Fever 7 Old aire 4Fever malarial 1Gun-sho- t wound . . 1 unknown i


Wards 1 2 3 4 side.Deaths 0 S 12 15 0

Annual death rate per 1000 per month24.00

Ilawaiians 2S.36Asiatics .. 30.00AU other nationalities 07.57

C. B. Reynolds,Agent Board of Health.




Italian Paste, Boullion Angla:se.REISSUES.

Olives, Tomatoes, Cucumbeis,Anchovies, Chow Chov .

FISH.Fond Mallet a la Tartar,

Dutchess rota'oes,ENTREES.

Ovster Patties a la To! use,Salmis of Dock with Q-iee- O.ives,

Koman Punch.BOAST.

Dressed Roast Turkey, Cramberry Sauce,rpring Ubicken a la Uouvernure,

Lettuce Salad with Mayonaiso,VEGETABLES.

String Beans, Cora, Ttoatoes,Peas, bweet Potaoes.


Rice Costard Pudding, Maraschiuo Jelly.DZ5SERT.

Tutti Fruttl Ice Cream, Assorted Cake,Fiuus, Muts, Kaisens,

Cheese, Water Crackers, Cafe Royal.3473-l- t


A marvel of strength anddurability

As Light as Paper,

As strong as vteel

As Cheap as Wood

Does not tarnish, is thereforemore practical than silver,even though the cost is sboutone tenth of the latter.

We are displaying a window full of useful articlesmade up in the above metal:IIair an(1 Clothes Brushes,,r. v.nCigarette Cases, Cigar Cutters,Match Boxes, Pen Holders,T k Stands Blotting Pads,Calendars. Travs. etc.

The CQsfc ig g0 maM, it is11,

an article out of mere curiosiity: we can afford to throwthe usef ulness in.

Another new line of thosehandsome


has just come to hand, amongwhich are some new andstriking designs not beforeshown. Ladies make a noteof it.


517 Fort Street.


Lut Qu'rt'r.

V StwSloon.--ft Sept. 197

2 full Moon.



Six Pages.

B Jaat and fear notjLet all the end thou alm'it at b

Thy Country', thy God's, and Troth'.


We are authorized to state thatthe account of the debate in Thurs-day's council meeting, as given inlast evening's Star, was largelyimaginative, and especially thatMessrs. Allen and Emmeluth didnot make use of the language attributed to them. No threats ofresignation were made by anyone.


President Dole left yesterdayauernoon dv me ivmau lor aflhort vacation on the islandof Hawaii. He was met at thewharf by a large concourse ofpeople, tho majority of whom wereamong the best citizens of Hono- -

juiu ana vicinuy. me aiona extended him was the most markedpublic demonstration that hastaken place since the arrival ofMinister Blount in the harbor lastApril.

The demonstration which tookplace yesterday had more than alocal significance. It representedthe popular political feeling ofthe islands of Hawaii. It repre--

. , .sentea tne popular hacking whichthe annexation idea receives fromthose taxpayers representing themoinrifir nf n.r f

. - ,; i j Ti iin lianas xt enaonea tne manand the political principle at thesame time.

When the steamer pulled out,'the President of the Provisionalgovernment of the Hawaiian Islnds was officially saluted by

twenty-on- e guns hred from theUnited States cruiser Boston followed by tho same number fromtne snore uaiiery. nags weredipped on tne vessels in theharbor, and among the plaudits ofthe assembled multitude PresidentDole departed, leaving the cares ofoffice on the shoulders of his ablesuccessor, Hon. Francis M. Hatch.

The booming of the cannon on.4 "W V " T"kooara tne u. o. o. Boston was

pleasant music to the ears ofAmericans in Hawaii. It carriedwith it the formal endorsement bythe United States naval forces inHawaiian waters of the Provisionalgovernment. The order for theburning of American powder cameunsolicited from Admiral Skerrett,and emphasized the previousacknowledgment by ' the UnitedStates authorities of the Provisional government as the sovereign power in Hawaii. As theflames leaped from the Bostonseaward, if seemed to the crowdsupon the wharves an open welcometo the future State of Hawaii asthe latest and brightest star in theblue field of American honor andprotection.

The broad stand long since takenby the United States in protectingAmerican interests in the Pacific,and the part more lately taken atthe hands of that government bythe officers of the cruiser Boston,gave a peculiar significance to yes-

terday demonstration. To thefriends of annexation .every gunthat broke the silence from theBoston was an endorsement ofthe past actions of that vessel inprotecting the lives, interests andproperty of America op, and goodgovernment in Hawaii.

Aa the representative of the Pro-

visional government t.nd the Amer-

ican colony herp, President Dole

was received in tho most befittingmanner; and his reception and

ugtts: 23,The Helvetia Belting used

on -- plantations is as carefully selected as any part ofthe machinery in the mill. For. . . . ,tne past year we nave nanuieathi3 belting and we havebought only of the best made.Hr n ;trinf nffpntinn tn thfiwants of plantation managersin this rpect we have established a reputation for havingthe best of supplies. If thereis an article that we deal in ashade better than the best, it1S Helvetia Belting, and wecan fill orders for anyquantity.

With our customary desireto keep what people want andwhat they ask for nearly everyday in the week, we have embarked in a new line: "ReadyMixed'' Paints, put up in vaiious sized tins and suited tothe wants of people who wishto do a little painting themselves or who prefer buyingtheir paints and employing aman to do the work. Wehave the "Hendry Ready Mixed" in twenty-seve- n differentshades for inside and outsidework. Ten gallons of it willpaint 3000 square feet ofboards. We have the latestcolors and can supply cardsshowing how the body of thehouse may be minted oneshade and trimmed with an-

other at a slight cost.The Stroud Self-bastin- g Pan

for roasting beef in withoutthe bother of watching it whileit cooks is an article thatshould be used in every kitch-en. Three sizes in plain sheetiron or white enamel. A laborand time saving device thatno family can afford to bewithout.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co.,

307Fort Street. Honolulu.

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WRIT OFexecution, issued out of the tirst

Circuit Court, on the 29th day of Augast,A.D. 1893, asainst Sam. Tarker, defendant, in favor of E. C. Rowe, Lewers &Cooke and b. uilhelra, plaintiff, for thesums of JJ429.G2, $03.65 and $1167.36 respectively, I have levied upon and shallexpose for sale at the Police Station, inthe District ot Honolulu island ot Uauu,at 12 o'clock of FRIDAY, tho 29th dayot September, A. D. 1893, to the highestbidder, all the right, title and interest ofsaid Sam. Parker, defendant, in p.nd tothe following property, unless said judgment, interest, costs and my expenses bepreviously paid :

List of property for sale :

1st All those pieces or parcels of landdescribed in a certain mortgage deed ofSamuel Parker to Chas. R. Bishop, datedMarch 10th, 1887, and recorded in Liber106, on pages 25, 26, 27, 23, 29 and 30,which said description is contained inSchedules A and B thereto attached.

2d All those pieces or parcels of landdescribed in a certain mortgage deed ofSamuel Parker and Harriet P. Parker,his wife, to William G. Irwin andSamuel M. Damon, more particularly inSchedules A and B attached thereto, saiddeed being dated November 12th, 1890,and recorded in Liber 129, on pages 327to 330,

To be sold subject to the abovemortgages.

E. (. IHTUMUUUK,Marshal.

Honolulu, August 29th, 1S93. 3470-t- d

Marshal's Sale.

Y V1HTUE OF A WlilT OFB Execution, issued out ot the FirstCircuit Court, on the 7th day of August,A. I. 1S93, against Helen anu v .Roland, defendant, in favor of Lewi3 &Co., plaintiff, for the sum of ?164.16, 1

have levied upon and shall expose forsale at the Police Station, in the Districtof Honolulu, Island of Oahu, at 12o'clock of TUUKSDAY, the 28th day ofSeptember, A. D. 1S93, to tho highestbidder, all the right, title and interest ofsaid Helen and W. Roland, defendant,in and to the following property, unlesssaid judgement, interest, costs and myexpenses be previously paid.

List of property for sale :All that lot of land situated at the corn-

er of Beretania and Alapai Streets,belonging to said Helen Roland, havinga frontage of feet on sai 1 BeretaniaStreet and 400 feet on paid Alapai Street,more particularly described in a certainmortgage, deed of Wm. Roland and wifeto W. O. Smith, (Trustee) for $200. datedJanuary 5, 1S91, and recorded in book129, page 161, together with all the ap-purtenances thereon,

IterTo be sold subject to the abovemortgage.


Honolulu, August 2S, 1893. 3469-t- d

Send a copy of this week's Ha-

waiian Gazette with your foreignletter.

ing only the small following of themonarchy, which is chiefly repre- -

8ented in Honolulu by irresponsible politicians and disappointed


oince lioiuers anu ex-roy- al retainers.

The events which occurred yes-

terday in connection with the departure of President Dole willoccupy an important place in thelater history of the annexation of

. . i

these islands to the United Statesor nil present si?n3 will fail in



A Correspondent Points OutSome Pertinent Facta

Relating Thereto.Mr. Editor : How can this


world possibly produce grapesenough to furnish the quantity ofwine and liquor consumed inEurope and America? I cannotrecall to mind who the enthusiastic statistician was who made thecalculation that the entire surfaceof the globe could only producethe one quarter of the grapesnecessary for the total productionof tho wine used.

The districts of Champagne,Burgundy and Bordeaux might besubmerged by the wines that arenamed after them.

Wnen we see wine spread sogenerously in all directions wenaturally ask. Whence come thefine brands of cocnac which fillthe store-hous- es of our liquor- -

dealers?Go into any saloon and ask the

barkeeper for a glass of the finestcognac, ne win nana it to youwithout the slightest hesitationI well knew a merchant, holding aconsular appointment, who soldcognac (wholesale) at a ridiculously low figure I never wishedto doubt the veracity of a consulardealer, but I must say that, considering the high duties imposedupon alcohol, the age and goodqualities of this cognac must havebeen very badly estimated.

But science steps in and aids theinsufficiency of nature. Mostliquors are the product of the distillation of grain, beets, etc. ; andthe trade of these products is noweo extensive that it would not betoo rash to . say that liquor madefrom wine is now a simple illusion.

Chemists are well aware thatthere are different kinds of alcohol,differing very essentially one fromthe other, and chemists were the

I very first to call the attention ofwd to the diveraity of lhe

effects produced by substanceswhose composition, density, chemi--cal character and boiling point ares essentially umerent.

Thus, while ethylic, or wine alcohoi. possesses a density of 0.79 andboils at a temperature of 78butylic alcohol, produced by thedistillation of molasses and beets,boils at 109 c, and amylic alcoholboils at 132 c. The list of the dif--ferent kinds of alcohol is very longTt i'a ikspIpss tn pnnmeratfl tbpm.The kinds just mentioned are aboutthe only ones which enter into alniost daily consumption.

A French scientist, M. Rabuteau,has made a series of interesting experiments on the properties andeffects of different kinds of alcohol.He found that a liquid containing1-3- 00 of butylic alcohol killed, in avery short time, irogs immersed mii. ana mat ueam was causea oyheart failure dunne an extraordin- -ary state of insensibility and mus- -

cular rigidity. These peacefulfrogs, whose lives are passed

jectg which many peopl'e wouldi not consider sufficiently proper to

thought struck M. Rabuteau, andhe therefore performed on himselfand some of his friends experi- -

ooa 0nn0M.fflHe says: "I took myself and

induced a few other3 to take wineof good quality, to every half litreof which I added twenty-fiv- e centigrammes of amylic alcohol. Wesoon felt the commencement of apainful intoxication, accompaniedby a contraction of the templesand a decided weakness in thelower limbs. All this was due toan insignificant quantity of thatalcohol, which constitutes the basisof the product of beets which com-merce sends to all parts of theworld."

Pehea? How about the liquorsold in the grog-shop- s of Honolulu? Citizen.

Honolulu, August 31, 1893.

J Mr. Boyd Resigns.X f T TT T 1 inAnA Viia' iUI, if. 11, JJUJ U MJ.O.O ICUUtllU uto

resignation as a member of theboard of fire commissioners to theminister of the interior. It is un-derstood that the resignation willbe accepted. The choice of a suc-cessor to Mr. Boyd lies probablybetween Messrs. Hugh Gunn andFrank Hustace.



you of the fact.We've call your attention for

the past few weeks to severallines of handsome undergar-ments, but we have'rit com-menced to tell or show jou onethird of the lines wo carry.We would like to have youcome and see for yourselves.

Nine tenths of the marriedladies of Honolulu shop fortheir husbands. To these wewould say we can give youbigger variety, better andmore serviceable goods intho meivs lino general-ly, than can be obtainedelsewhere and at the sameprices that 3011 pay for vastlyinferior goods.

Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Wool-en Goods is a theme we'veharped on before, but wo be-

lieve it's a subject that willbear repetition.

'We are firm believers in thesanitary value of these goodsand the public are rapidlycoming to the same conclusion.The last four months we havemore than doubled our outputof these goods, notwithstand-ing tho determined efforts ofinterested parties to discreditthem.

We have recently addedthe "Gauze Grade" of thesegoods to our stock. They arethe nicest thing imaginable,as soft and light as silk; youcan blow almost through them,and yei every thread is wool,pure wool guaranteed.

The "If Grade we keep con-stantly on hand in all sizes, andwe have also added a few linesfor ladies.

Anyone doubting the au-

thority under which we sellthese goods can have alldoubts dispelled by reading theauthority conferred by Dr.Jaeser on the parties withwhom we deal, a copy ofwhich we have inserted in ourwindow


Enterprise Beer


o 3CD

Enterprise Beer

National Iron Works

QTJEIOT STREET,Eel ween Alakea and Richard Streets.


pared to maka all kinds of Iron,Brass, Bronze, Zir.c and Lead Castings;also a general Repair Shop for SteamEngines, Kiee Mills, Uorn Mitu, water

ueeH, w ind Mills, etc. ; Machines lorthe cleTnnrr-tfiUtfrWMtw- Hfc

Ramie, Sissal, Pineapple Leaves andother fibrous plants ; al.-o-, Machines forPaper Keck, Machines for extractingStarch from Maniock, Arrow Root, etc.

g3?All orders promptly attended to.

White, Eitman & Co.342tf


Of having a new Bath Tub, PatentCloset, Kitchen Sink, Hot Water Boi'er,Gutters, Conductors, Stove Pipe, WaterPipe or anything in the Tinsmith orPlumbing Line, either in new work orgeneral repairing, we would be pleasedto receive a call from voa, either per-sonally or by telephone. Estimatesfurnished. All work guaranteed andpromptly attended to. We respectfullysolicit your trade. hhop: Beretaniastreet, second dxr east of Armory.Please riDg up Mutual Telephone 244.

TH0S. XOTT,Per Jas, Nott, Jr. 3453-- q

Summer Neckwear!

- : -



1 j SALE !

- Hands at 25 Cents


Hands al 35 Cents75 CENTS KACIL

of Goods ! 55 Q! C3

V't. '

yomeeU, t):c bargains rc are lr?t mm

Fort Street.

gfeijoiu! iuioruiatiuti, apjlv tu

iTheo. II. Davies & Co.Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

8PEC1A100' Dozen Four - in


100 Dozen Four - in -


I Great Clearance Salei!COMMENCING

MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1893.We will offer anything in our?

U Large. Stock125 At Greatly

fl5SrCall and gee fornfVitri rr in fill ripmrtmpnto


Reduced Prices!

Egan & Gunn,

Canadian - Australian Steamship Linwi?gSfNTH- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.

The Famous Tourist Route of the World.

Tiolcets per Canadian I?aciflc Hallway urn5 Second Class and $10 First Class,


CT"IIIROUGII TICKETS issued from Honolulu to Canada, Umtkd Statuand Europe; also, to Bhisbase and Sydnuy.

FOR BRISBANE AND SYDNEY Steamers Faili23rd eac'.i tnontli . VUll VIC i

RIA AND VANCOUVER, B. C Steamers sail Aur. 1st, Aug.31st, Oct. 2d, Nov. 1st, Dec. 2d and Jan. 1st, 1893.


D. McNicoll, Montreal Canada ;

Robt. Kerr, Winnipeg, Canada.M. M. Stern, San Francisco, Cal. ;G. McL, Brown, Vancouver, B. C.


Page 3: Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times In quality, styloa


LOCAL AND GENJGKAL. WHARF AND WAVE. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEUS. ciirral itrtujniLntla.(nural totrttsrmrnta.Special SCottrrs.




B B A DA.M. p.. r.K. T.U

Leave Honolulu. . .8:43 1:45 4:35 5:10Leave Pearl City. .9:30 2:30 5:10 5:56Arrive Ewa Mill. . .9 :57 2:57 6:22


C B B AA.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Ewa Mill. .6:21 10:43 3:43 5:42Leave Pearl City..6:5o 11:15 4:15 6:10Arrive Honolulu. .7:i0 11:55 4:55 6:45

A Saturdays only.B Daily.C Sundays excepted.D Saturdays excepted.


" A f

' Steamships will leave for and arrive fromau Francisco, oa the following datei, till

the close of 1593.

Lkavk Hosolclc Dcx AT HoSOLCLtf

roa 8as Fbakcisco. Fa. BAS IIA5CISCO.

Warrioioo, for Van-couver....

Australia.... Sept. 6Auj?. 31 China Sei-t- . 18

Australia... Kept. 13 Warriraoo.fromVan- -

Maripoaa... Kept. 21 - couver Sept. 23

Oceanic fcept. 25 Alameda Bept. 28

Miowera, for Van-couver

Australia Oct. 7

Oct. 2 0:eanic Oct. 17

Aa3tralia Oct. 11 Miowera, from Van-couverMonowal Oct. 19 Oct. 23

Warrimoo, for Van-couver

Mariposa.... Oct. 2H

Nov. 1 Australia Nov. 4

China Nov. 6 Mnnnwai Nov. 2 J

Australia Nov. 11 Warnmoo.from V an- -

Alameda Nov. 16 couver Nov. 23

Miowera, for Van-couver

Uhi- -, - Nov. 27Dec. 2 Arr V Dec 2

Oceanic lec. 4 .Dec. 21

Australia Dec. 9 'from Van- -' Ucc. 23Mariposa.. ..l'ec. 14

Warrimoo, for Van-couver

nic Dec 20Jan. 1 jstralia Den. 30

City Peking. ..Jan. 2 Warrimoo.frotn Van-couverAustral a Jn. U . . . .Jan. 23

Meteorological Keeerd.

bttbvkt. PUBLISHEDt aovtasiiajrrKVXBT KOITOAT.



First-clAs- s Market in every rj'ot; ben-lr- s carrying a full Imf t-- l Mi-at- ,

we make a specialty of

llreuktuat Saunusea,lleail Cheoio,

I'reNwoil Co" Ileef.


3437-- 1 m tl Paorp.UTOR.


Nuaanu Avenue,

Olt TO Tl HZ


BATtHTable liojr.l 1 djBoard and Lodin: f. " 'Board and Ixxtgintr 1- - pvr wl.

25"Special monthly pricT. K. KKOUHK. pKorsitrTi





Life Insurance Co.OF DOSTOM,

.A.lliiaiico AysurancoCOMPANY OF LONDON,

iEtnu Fire Insmawf Co.



Has removed her

DRESSMAKING ROOMSTo Hotol si, Opp. lhe Y. li. C. A. DilJ

Where she is prepared to do DrePsmohlnRin all the latest styles. The new methodof form-fittin- g employed (ihp methodnow used by all tl.- - Ir.i.iing urepsnittkorin Han Francisco i .

TX!TA11 work neatly and promptlyfinished. Prices a reasonabio as any inthe city. 3234-t- f


Physician and SurgeonOffice: 31 Alakea Street.Ofkic Ilouns: 10 to 12 a.m., 12 to 4

p. m., 7 to S r. m ; Sundays 9 :30 to 10 :30A. V.

TLeiuonl8 : Mutual 421, Bll 110.Residence: No. 10 Pniori F tret t. MutualTelephone 400, Honolulu, H I.

Many PeopleThink they're pet

ting a reliable Safe, because it Iihs a fineappearance, correct bIijjk?, and is apparently lire proof.

The difference in cost of material in afirst-cla- ss Safe is one-o- f the differencebetween the best and one not to good.

g o A

c " a. a. rt7t

?s61 6 b-- n 4f5 8-- 3 M 5C7 HE 567 3 KE fi

69 3-- 8 BE 56U 2 ene 456 6-- NNI 4

Diamond Head, Aug. 31, 10 p.m. :

Weather, clear ; wind, light north.The bark Ceylon and barkentine

Planter mav arrive about the endof next week.

The steamer Claudine is expected to arrive thi3 morning fromMaui and Hawaii.

The barkentine S. G. Wilder,Capt. McNeill, Is expected to arrivethe beginning of next week frcmSan Francisco.

lhe brijranunc, L.urnne is expected to arrive at Hilo, Hawaii,from San Francisco either todayor tomorrow.

The steamer Kaala was at Waianae yesterdav afternoon, and she13 expected to arrive this morningwith a cargo of paddy.

A number of the U. S. S. Boston's men are daily engaged cleaning the barnacles from thecruiser's sides and bottom.

'rru ii yuiu, cAcua tw leave luuaj,with a cargo of Eucar for SanFrancisco. The Claudine willbring some sugar for her.

Several sea captains claimedyesterday that the tug Eleu shouldhave blown her whistle when thesteamer Kinau passed her yester-day with President Dole on board.

The barkentine Irmgard, Capt.Schmidt, is about due from LaysanIsland, whither she went severalweeks ago to bring a cargo ofguano for the Hawaiian FertilizerCo.

The dredger will finish worknear Brewer's wharf next Mondayand will move out into the streamoff the O. S. S. Co.'s wharf. Brew-er's wharf has now reached a uniform depth of twenty-fiv- e feet, excepting the coral bed near themakai end, where there is only adepth of about fifteen feet.

The British ship Parthenopesailed at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon in ballast for Astoria, Oregon.A few minutes before her departure two policemen escorted onboard the three deserters whocaused Capt. Heal so muchtrouble and annoyance. While offthe lighthouse the Parthenopedipped her ensign and the salutewas responded by the U. S. S.Boston lowering her ensign.

The four-maste- d schooner AliceCooke, Capt. De B. P. Penhallow,is 34 days out today from PugetSound with a big cargo of lumberconsigned to Lewers & Cooke.Her delay in coming 13 probablycaused by prevailing contrarywinds. She ought to arrive eitheroday or tomorrow. The Hawaiian

Electric Light Co. are anxious forthe vessel to arrive, as they have500 posts on board of her.


The Japanese Policeman of thePlantation Stabbed to Death.A telephone message to the po-ic- e

station at 11 o'clock last nightrom Ewa plantation conveyed thenformation that a Japanese named

Yomoto had been murdered there.Deputy Marshal Brown leftfor the scene of the murder immediately after receiving the message.

The murdered Jap was the Ewaplantation policeman, and is sup-posed to have 'been waylaid andstabbed to death by some of theJapanese laborers on the planta- -lon.

No further particulars could beascertained regarding the affair upo the time of going to press.

The Steamer Waimanalo.A telephone message late yester

day afternoon from Mr. McDowell,at Keawanui, Waialua, stated hatle would attempt to bring4 thesteamer Waimanalo into this portunder sail, as satisfactory arrange-ments for towing her could not bemade. Mr. McDowell will receive$600 of insurance money if he canbring the wrecked steamer here.

Boston Lunch Rooms Seized.An execution issued in favor of

George W. Lincoln in the sum ofI145.S5 against Mrs. Frances Nicholwas placed in the hands of MarshalHitchcock yesterday for service.The amount of the claim not beingsatisfied a police officer was placedin charge of the business. Theexecution was obtained for workdone by Mr. Lincoln on the interiorof the building.

Sans Soncl Resort.The Sans Souci is fast becoming

known as the delight of seasidepatrons, and to add to the satisfac-tion of the guests, the managementwill provide, tomorrow, a lunchwhich they promise will meet appe-tite more than half wav.

Postponed Meeting.Owing to counter attractions the

regular monthly meeting of theHonolulu Typographical Union hasbeen postponed until Saturday ev-

ening, September 9th.

The Daily Advertiser is deliver-ed by carriers for 50 cents a month.Ring up Telephones 88. Now Isthe time to subscribe.

Company IK G. H.. firilledlast night.

A gentle and sound carnagehorse is wanted.

Races at Kapiolani park thisafternoon at 1 :30 o'clock.

The government schools willopen on September 11th.

Hotel street, from Fort tois receiving a heavy layer of

macadam.Miss Atkinson reiurned from

Waialua by the steamer C. R. Bisho) last evening.

Three pa?senger3 left for thevolcano by the steamer Kinau ye3terday afternoon.

The trustees of the Anglicanchurch in Hawaii will hold theirannual meeting on September 21st

The Sunday dinner menu at thePortland hotel appeara elsewhereiuthia morning's issue.

A steam launch in first-clas- s

coidition is advertised in anotherlor sale uy ur. trousseau.7lu

special meeting of the executive and advisory councils willbeheld at 11 o'clock thi3 morning.

Mr. John Winter who left by thesteamer Warrimoo Thursday night,was not Mr. Jack Winter, of Spreck- -els & Co.

Mr. W. T. Coon, of the composing staff of the Star, left. by theKinau yesterday for a visit to thevolcano.

Mr. J. W. Jones, official steno-grapher, left by the Kinau yester-day afternoon for a visit to friendsin Hilo.

The Hawaiian band, under theable leadership of Prof. Berger, willplay at Emma Square this after-noon at 4 :30.

Owing to the races this afternoonthe match game between the mar-ried and single team of the clubhas been postponed indefinitely.

The Chinese bureau, yesterday,cancelled 22 bonds of Chinese mer-chants, or travelers, who left bythe barkentine Velocitv.

The walls of the new electriclight building are rapidly rising.Mr. A. Sinclair is among the brick-layers working on the new build-ing.

Workmen are engaged in mak-ing improvements to the roomadjoining the Pantheon saloon thatwas formerly used as a billiardhall.

The Anglican Church Chroniclefor September is out today. Itcontains the usual amount ofchurch news, local items and inter-esting editorial comment.

The ladies who have the furnish-ing of the new masonic temple inhand selected yesterday the largecentre rug presented by the firm ofTheo. H. Davies & Co.

The regular monthly meeting ofthe Pioneer Building and LoanAssociation will be held at thechamber ' of commerce on nextMonday evening at 7 :S0.

The paper read lately by Dr.N.B.Emerson before the Hawaiian His-torical Society on "The Long Voy-ages of the Ancient Hawaiians,"has been printed in neat pamphletform and will be published today.

The new Masonic hall on thecorner of Hotel and Alakea streetsis ieceiving interior finishings, andwill soon be ready for occupancy.It is understood that a grand ballwill be given in the hall duringthe current month.

An unsuccessful attempt wasmade night before last to burglar-ize the premises of Mr. Chas. Wil-son. Mr. Wilson was absent fromhome on a shooting trip, and Mrs.Wilson, though considerably fright-ened, managed to scare the burglaraway.

Quite a number of persons wentout duck hunting night before lastto different points near the city,but failed to bag many birds. Thosewho went to Round Top shot aconsiderable number, while thosewho went to the Diamond Headlake were but slightly rewarded.

Chief-Justic- e Judd and familyarrived in town on Thursday after-noon from their vacation at theJudd ranch at Kualoa. The partvVconsisting of fifteen, made the tripHfrom Judge Kaluhi s place, at Ka-huk- u,

to town in one day.

The Safe Deposit,All the rooms in the new safe de-

posit building have been rented.Messrs. Carter & Carter, lawyers,occupy the first two front roomsand one back room upstairs, andMr. C. B. Ripley, architect, will oc-

cupy the two back offices on thesame floor. The ground floor willbe occupied by the safe depositvaults and Judge Widemann willoccupy the office on the makai sidethereof. Messrs. Lewers & Cookehave rented the cellar room underthe entire building.

All kinds of artistic printing atthe Gazette Office.

rty Lunch at Sans Souci tomorrow. Delicacies of the season willtempt the iuot fastidious. Sunday,September3. It.

SXjf Jast Received a new line ofChildren s white and colored LeghornHats, flue and cheap, at the PopularMllinery Store, N. S. Sachs, proprietor. 34SS-t- f.

p3 New Salmon I New pack(1S93?, Salmon, in barrels, for sale byM. W. McChesney A Sons. It,

Per S. S. Alameda Limesfrom Samoa, and Lemons from XewZealand.

California Fruit Market.Mutual Telephone 37S. S4G7St

t&" Per S. S. Miowera, a choice lotof fresh Columbia River Salmon.

Californa Fruit Market.340(3-- 1 1

EJ Per S. S. Monowal, Camarinos' Refrigerator, containing IceHouse Fruits, Plums, Apricots,Pears, reaches, Apples, Lemons,Oranges, Mexican Limes, FrozeuOysters, Crabs, Salmon, Celery, Cali- -

flower.California Fkuit Market.

Mutual Tel. 378. 343S-3- L

gjCF" Just Received, a new stockof Storm Serge, in black, blue audcream, ea water will not Injure orfade these good.

Eg an & Gvss.

M. W. McCuesney's Sons,Agents Honolulu Soap Works Co.

3410-t- f.

SuEf American Enameled Ration-Ho- le Buttons for Sale at theI X L

JCC?" For Bargains in New andSecond hand Furniture, Lawu Mowers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the I. X. Lu, corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

7 If you want to sell outyour Furniture in its eutirety, callat the I. X. L.

0" Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes,Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Rugs, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges,Sofas, -- Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the I. X. corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

g&-- The Musical Library of thelate G. L. Babcocb is now on sale atthe Golden Rule Bazaar.

3264--1 tf

CSST" The Bon Ton Dressmaking Parlors are now at corner of

Fort and Beretania streets, open tothose of Honolulu and vicinity wishing stylish suits and costumes, as wellalso as comfortable and ueat gowns.

The public are now enabled to havetheir warJiobes fitted out as well andwith the same style as can be ob-

tained in San Francisco. 3267

Prompf returns made onGoods sold on commission at theI. X. L.


Aikoku Maru- j. Fine Japanese

SteamerDue here the first week of next month

d; recti v from Japan, will bedespatched for the above

port on or about

September 13th, 1893(Instead of Culara as formerly


gjSSFor Freight and Passage, pleaseapply to

K. OGURA & CO.,3453-t- d AG' 'TS.

Dividend INotice.


AT of the Hawaiian Sugar Co. heldAugust 18th, a dividend of 2 per cent,was declared on the capital stock of theCompany, payable at the office of theA?ents,VTm. G. Irwin & Co.. Limited, onand after September Ut, 3.

WM. G. IRWIN.Treasarer II. S. Co.

Honolulu, Aug. 13. 1893. 34B1-1-

Real Estate for Sale.7 VALUABLE PIECES

of improved Property, locat-ed in different parts of thethe city of Honolulu ; all bar-gains. Apply for full parti

culars toBRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIG1IT.

3392-t- f

For Lease or Sale.

RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by E.Ml W. II olds worth, containing doubleparlors, bedrooms, dressing an

bath rooms, dining room, piatry anakitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laidout: servants' rooms, stable and chickenhouse in rear of main building.

R. 1. LILLIE,2322-t-f with Theo. H. Davies A Co.

Choice Carrier Birds.

A FLOCK. OF SIXTEENhoming Pigeons for sale. Six ofthem are imported birds, the

balance were bred hpre. Inquire atGAZETTE OFFICE.

3463-- 6t 1494--2 1

THE ELITEIce Cream Parlors

Are well known for their excel-lent qnal.ty of

JEino Ico Croam,Cakei, Candle. Xl.Fancy Tatrie,

Ic Cream Scuta, Sherbets,Hot Cofte, Tea and Chocolate, Etc.

The most attractive colllectlcn of

Island. Curios!NATIVE FANS a epccialty.


85 Hotel Street.


Vocal Teacher.

Wice builiintf by the old Italian schoolmethod a specialty.

jtSrNo. 4 Emma street, Honolulu.34oO-J-

For Sale..Si

1 House and Lot on Liliha (Street.2 Lot on Kuakini Street, between

Nuuanu Avenue and Lihba Street.3 House and Lot on the Pftlama


To Let.1 House and Lot on Emma Street.2 House and Lot on Liliha Street.EST'Fot further particulars, apply to

J. M. MONSAKKAT,CartWright's Block, Merchant Street.

3429-- tf


Wines, Spirits aud Beers

HOTEL STREET,Between Fort and Nuuanu.

3457 tf

SING WO & COMPANY,H"o. 43 Nuuanu Street.


DRY GOODS,Ladies' and Gent's Fine Goods !



C?"YVe solicit your patronage.

SiriLr Wo & CompanyNo. 43 Nuuanu Street.

34G0-3.- ti


ON THE 2D OF AUGUSTa Small Bay Mare from my resi-dence, Dr. Hyde's place, on

Beretania Street; has full blatk points,Ion z tail, light foretop, mane partlychaffed off, white spots back of eachshoulder; was shod all round at time ofrunning away. A suitable reward willbe paid for her return to the undersigned.

3451-- tf WALTER C. WEEDON.


A FEW SHEETS 2c.WANTED and 12c. mauve Stamps:plain or surcharged Provisional Government: Please state price for eachvariety; also 4c. stamped Envelopes.Any Hawaiian Stamps, old and newissues, both cancelled and unused boughtfor cash. Write particulars as to priceand quantity to A. IIROMADA,

222 Battery Street,3454 tf San Francisco, Cal.

For Lease.


opposite the L. i re-serve, recently occupied ty Mr.

Charles Creighton. The grounds arespacious, and well shaded with Ornamen-tal and Fruit Trees ; only a minute's walkto Tramways. The Buildings will be'pntin thorough repair to suit the wishes of agood tenant. For further particulars,apply to BRUCE CARTWRIGUT,

Trustee lor Mrs. Alary e. levey.3358-- tf

For Sale.

COTTAGE TO RENT ANDFurniture for sale oa NuuanuStreet. Enquire at this office.

34G0-3- 1


Cottage, furnished or unfurnishedat Palam a, near King titreet and

close to the tramcari. Apply toC. F. PETERSON,

Over Bishop & Co.'s Bank.344 1-- tf


TO RENT OR LEASE, Aneat Cottag9 of not less than fourrooms within the boundaries of

Beretania, Punchbowl and Fort Streets.Rent must be moderate. Address "J.J.," this office, stating rent. 3439-t- f

For Sale.

SMALL NAPTHA LAUNCH. FORparticulars, enquire

J. B. CASTLE,34(M-l- m Collector-Genera- l.


A GENTLE AND SOUNDCirria.'e Horso. Adlres3"X,"S3l this odice "taring piice.

47d-- U

PIONEERiliiiy and Loia Assrciition.

THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEET- -a inz wm ue uriu at, me v. namoer OI

Commerce, MONDAY EVENING, Sept.4, at 7:30 o'clock.

The Secretary will bo at the rooms ofthe Association THIS (Saturday) AF-TERNOON, from 2 to 5 k sr. or the col-lection of dues, etc.

S7Payments are required in Gold.J. G. ROniWtLL.

3473-2- t Secretary.

For Sale for Want of Use.


clas, or,ier well-know- n as havinsrbeen used by Dr. G. Troosseau as PortPhysician. The several Pilots, and Cus-toms Officers can give information aboutthe boat: speed seven knots. Severalother Boats, Spars, Sails, etc., etc. TheBoats can be seen at .Mrs. Keist's boathouse, neat to the Marine Railway. Forprices, etc., apply to

DU. G. TKOUSSEAU,From 9 (o 11 a. sr. or 7 to 8 p. m.

3473-- 1 m

NOtlCO tO SnnvtcmnnSHOOTING ORHUNTING, the Ahupuaa of

Waipio. on the lands of Waikakalaua.Auiole, Hoomaikaia and Miki or theIsland of Moknumemne, in the Districtof Ewa, Island of Oahu, is hereby forbidden. Anyone disregarding this noticewill be prosecuted to the fullest extent ofthu law.

3472-- 1 w C. A. BROWN.

DeutseUer Gottesdienst.

PASTOR I3ENBEUG WIRDHERE Sonntas. den 3 September.Vormittasis 11 Uhr, in der Y. 41. C. A.Hall predigen. 3472 -- 3t

Notice to Shippers.

4 NEW FORM OF SHIPPINGIx. Receipt will take effect October 1st.This is to give notice that on andafter October 1st, 1893, no goods will bereceived except on the new form.Bound books can be obtained at ouroffice at cost price.


W. C. Wildes.Honolulu, Aug. 16, 1893 3 172-l- m

Notice.MY TEMPORARY AB- -D1 sence from the Hawaiian Islands

Mr. C. E. WiJliams will act for me underpower of attorney.

II. II. WILLIAMS.Honolulu. Aug. 31, 1893. 3472-2t- t


Pin, Spider Design with Opal,Ruby and two small Diamonds, on Fort,Hotel streets, Palace Welk, Punchbowl,Beretania or Alakea streets. Finderplease return to W. E. Foster's, Fortstreet and receive reward.

3471-3- t


GOLD SCARF PIN WITH SMALLA diamond. Suitable reward will bepai 1 for its return t this office.

To Let.

COTTAGE NOW OCCUPIEDby Phil. Brann, six rooms andbath. 189 Nuuar.u street. Address

B," Postoffice box No. 9.- 3471-4- t

Special Meeting.;

rpHE MEETING OF THE HA WAI-J- Lian Fruit &Taro Company has been

postponed until MONDAY, September4, at 9 a. m. at the office of W. O. Smith.(Signed) KLWAKU 11. UALL.&X,

3470-")- t President.


BERRY'S SELECT SCHOOLM1 willopan on MONDAY, September4, 1S93. 3l 70--1 w




"Applications for admission shouldbe made immediately to




Oaliu College.

FULL TERM OF OAHUTHE and Puuahon PreparatorySchool will open oa WEDNESDAY,September 6, at 9 a. m. The steamshipAustralia will arrive at this port on thatmorning, the change in time not goinginto effect till the next trip.

3469-t- d

For Kent.

A ROOMY COTTAGE ONaiii Niuuana Avenue, adjoining the

Afong homestead. The Cottageis built of stone and is hard finishedthroughout. Possession given August 1st.Apply to MRS. AFONG,

3441-t- f WaikikL

Nothing, but the truth is the befit''.policy for us; nothing, but a 1 1 all' datiiis the hest policy lor yon.

It's a luxury for a business man topossess a Hall's. A business manwants something besides looks back ofthe veneering.

All Safe work in the buildings of theWorld's Fair wai put in by our Com-pany. Does this not rpeak volumes ?




Boston Line oi PacktH.

. I.MPORTKi:!; WILL I'l.ttAUXSK ulte not'' that tb flui


Newell, Mu3tt-r-,

Will positively sail on OCTOBER 15th.

For fnrther particulars apply iv

For Kent.

5 B

8JQ 30.16 30.09 74 84"0.02Moo 30.14 C 73 8:'00lTae 30.1J30 0S 71 MO.OfiWe-- ) li 3U It) 30 0 , 71 81 0 06

Thu H;:.0J 30.06 7 eto.iorrl. J 30.15 A) 07 72 81 'U48a t. i630. 11 30.05i 71 81' 0.00

Tides, Ban and Mooo.

B ri r 00 Kao Sa aatr . 2.3

B3 c

a 9

p.m. p.m. a.m4.5j 4.30 11.31 10,30 8.42 6.19 7. SO

Tnea... 5.20 5.10,11.5 11. ao 5.43 6.18 8.10

Wed ... 5 60 5.30; 11.60 6.43 6.17 8.44a.m. p.m

Thur... ft 40 6.10 0.20 1.10 5.43 6.16 9.247.45! 7. 0 0.4'i 1.30 5.44 6.16 10.10

iat 9. o; 8 4 i 1 20 1.60 6.41 6.13'li. 0

Sun... 10.2a 10. 0. 2.20 2.10 6.41 6.1l!U.68

Lt quarter of the moon on the 2J, At 11 h.10 m. p. m.

Tline WbUtle blows at lh. 2Sm. 8l. p.m. ofHonolulu time, which U the same as 12U. 0m. Ca.

of Greenwich time.


AKKIVALS.Friday. Sept. 1.

Stmr C R Bishop. Le Claire, from Waia-na- n.

Wa'alua and Pnnaluu.Schr Mahimahi from V aianac.

IlKFAKTCItES.Fbiday, Sept. 1.

Stmr Kinau. Clarke, for Maui and Ha- -

British sh Parthenope. Heal, for Astoria.Schr Ka Moi for Hamakua.


Am bk Alex McNeill, Sorman, for Puget

SAm'bk8.C Allen, Thompson, for fanFrancisco. .

VESSELS IN POUT.iTMa list does not Inclade coaters.


U 6 S Boston, Hav. cruise.fj as Adams, Nelson, from Laaalus.


Br sch Norma, Yokohama.Br in Parthenope. Heal, Newcastle.am Ktr Alhert. Uriffiths. Ban Francisco.Am htc Alden Besse. Frin, San Francisco.Am bkt Discovery, Christiansen. San Fran.

ffOREION VESSELS EH'ECTED.vala. Where from. Dae.

Ger bk J C Pfluper Bremen Sept 5-- 15

Am bk Martha Davis Boston Dec 5-- 15

Am schr Alice Cooke. Puget S Min i . Aug SO

Am bk Amelia Puget Hound. Aug SO

Am bk Detroit.. ..Nanaimo Auz3lAm sch Robert Lcwersb t Aug --o

Am bkt Hilo SIAm bkt S O Wilder. ..S F fcept 5

Am bgtJ DSDreckels.S F (kah). . . Aug 2tHaw bk Leahi S F ibe?tf5PMSS Chiia 8 F &eptO&OSSOceanic SF Oct 1

Am bk Harvester S F ( Hilo) . . Aug 21

Am bkt Irmeard Lavsan lid. ..Kept 8

Amb?t Lurlme 8 F (Hilo)... Aug 30Am bfe Cevlon S F bept 9Am bkt V H Dimond.S F bept 2Am bkt Planter SF Sept5OSS Australia 8 F bept bBrhCo.of Merioneth. N S V....Sept 14-2- 0

R M S S Alameda 8 F Sept 22Ger bk Nautilus Liverpool. Dec 20-3- 0

Jap S S Aikoku Maru. . Yok nama ..Sept 4

RMSS Mariposa Colonies Sept 22



From Waianac. per stmr C R Bishop,Sept 1 Miss Atkinson, and 2 on deck.


For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau.yept 1 Volcano: V J Coon. W J Ccesar, J

V Jones. Hilo and wav ports: His Excel-lency President S B Dole, Miss MargaretDr Porter, E Flohr, Miss Barnes, Mrs LPowers, A Fernandez, Miss Annie Rose,Misa Bella Wright, A Herbert, Dr Asano,Spence and child. Miss Dunn, Mrs Sadlerand child. J Kanikau, Mrs Parish, R SYee, Rtv R S Timoteo. Miss II HitchcockMrs G K. Wilder, and 40 on deck.


Per stmr C R Bishop 710 bags sugar, 065bag paddy, and 37 pkgs sundries.

A DESIRABLE DWELLINGwith commodious Grounds : H

c I t 1 r ... -nnruoDery, etc., on iinau MriTt1nptt tn rornf-- r of Ppn.KJW. nnu lilruit. . j v. A

from Tramcars. E. R. II KNDUY, 13377-t- f Hawaiian Hard vs are Co

For Salo J-

AT A BARGAIN. A COLUMBIASolid Tire Bicycle in gooj condition.

Aaaress " mis omcc.3443-t- f


4 GOLD PIN. OWNER MAYXV have same by leaving proper des-cription at this effice and in event ofproof of property: and paying for thisadvertisement. 3448 tf


'pHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBYJ certifies that owing to the pressure in

other branches of business, have this dayentrusted the entir management ofliquor trade to Mr. S. Kirauraof this city,who has full power of attorney to act forme In the same trade. K.0UURA.

Honolulu, August 15, 1893. 346T-3- m

Page 4: Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times In quality, styloa





Merchant. St., Honolulu.


-- o-

Ijaw Books and Klauks, Pamphlet of any kind.Lawyers' Briefs, Freight and Plantation Ilool;,

Statistical Work, Colored Poster Work,Lithograph Colored Cunts nusincs and Visiting Cards

Ball and Wedding Cards, Programme, Billheads,Letterheads printed in Copying Ink, Etc., Ktc.f Etc., EUj.

OOKXxi all its

Cordially Endorses Hood'sThe nest Blood Purifier.

Hon. William 8. WarnerFond flu Lac. VTls.

The following la fromWarner, a gentleman highly esteemed byall who know Lim:

" I caa truly say that I consider ilood's Sarsa- -

parflla the Lest medicine for rurlfyins the blood.It did me good when physicians and other rneil"clnes failed. It has Increased my appetite and


eeaied to renew my youth. This is absolutelytrue." W. S. "Wabxtb. Fond Du Lac, 13.

Hood's Pills cur Constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canaL

HOBRON, NEWMAN CO.,8336 Wholesale Aqeitts.

HLA.W.A.II-&-IS- r

(J m -:- - GLOB !



September 2ndCOMMENCING AT

1:30 O'Clock Sharp.


Running Race ; mile dash for Haw-

aiian-bred horses.


Trotting and Pacing; mile heats;best 2 in 3 to harness. Hawaiianbied horses.


Running Race; 1 mile dash be-tween Duke Spencer and Lord Brock.


Trotting and Pacing; mile heats; best 3in 5, to harness. Free for all.


added.Running Race; mile dash for Haw-

aiian-bred horses owned by themembers of the Club. Cup to be-

come the property of the one win-ning it twice.


Trotting and Pacing; mile heats;3 minute class ; best 2 in 3 to har-ness. Free for all.


Running Race ; mile dash. Freefor all.

All entries to close on WEDNESDAY,August 30th, at 2 o'clock p. m., at theoffice of the Secretary, and all Entry Fees10 per cent, of the Purse ; all Cups $10.

All Races to be Run or Trotted underthe Rules of the Hawaiian Jockey Club.

All Horses not withdrawn by Friday,September 1st, at 2 o'clock r. m., areexpected to start.

All Horses are expected to appear onthe Track at the tap of the bell from theJudge's Stand, otherwise they will belined.

Admission 50 CentsGrand Stand (extra) 50 Cents and $1Carriage (inside of course) $-.-


Qnarterstretch Badges $5

C. O. BERGER,Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club.

3441-t- d

For Sale.

i HAND ORGAN, CYLINDER AND1 1 Cart. Apply at the IX L CarriageUo., corner runann ana King careers.



2 against Robert William Holt per-sonally, are requested to present thesame without delay at the office ofBRUCE & ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT.

3567-- tf


Olil Frames Itepairetl andGilded in Go I a






$6.00 a Year

8" SlRH

Provisional Government of theHawaiian Islands.

Execctitk Council,B. Dole, President of the Provisional

Government of the Hawaiian Isl-

ands, and Minister of Foreign Af-

fairs.J. A. King, Minister of the Interior.3. M. Damon, Minister cf Finance.W O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l.

Advisory CcrxcruF. M. Hatch. Vi.r-Presiden- t of the Pro-

visional GoNrrnniri.i of the HawaiianIslands.

C. Bolte, John Erameluth,Cecil lircvwi, E. D. Teoney,John Nott, V. F. AllenJohn Era. Henry Waterhouse,James F. Merlin, A Young,Ed. Suhr F M. Hjtch.Jo3. P. Mn J.uca.

Chas. T. RoJgers, Secretary Ex. andAdv. Councils.


Hun. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.Hon. R. F. Bicker ton, First Associate

Justice.lion. W. F. Frear, Second Associate

Justice.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk.Fred Wundenberg, Deputy Clerk .

Geo. Lucia, Second Deputy Clerk.J. V"tiker Jones. Stenographer.


FtatCbcuit: $; Calm.--

Second Circuit: (Maui) A.N. Kepoikal.Third and Fourth Circuit: (Hawaii) S.L. Austin.Fifth Circuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy.

Offices and Court-roo- m in Court House,King street. Sitting in HonoluluThe first Monday in February, May,August and November.

Department of Fouuign Affairs.Office in Capitol Buildiug, King street.His Excellency Sanford B. Dole, Minis-

ter of Foreign AlTavs.Geo. C. Potter, Secretary.W. Horace Wright, F.d. Stile?.. Lionel

Hart, Clerks.Depaiitment ok tub Interior.

OQjco in Capitol Building, Kingstreet,

His Excellency J. A. King, Minister oithe Interior.

Chief Clerk, John A. Hassinger.Assistant Clerks: James H. Bovd, M. K.

Keohokalolc, James Aholo, StephenMahauln, Georga C. Robs, Edward8. Boyd.


President: His Excellency the Ministerof Interior. Wm. G. Irwin, AllanHerbert, John Ena. Joseph Mars-de- n,

Commissioner and Secretary.Chiefs cf Bureaus, Interior Depart-

ment.Surveyor-Genera- l, W.D. Alexander.Supt. Public Works, W. E. Rowell.Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.Inspector, Electric Lights, John Cassidy.Registrar of Conveyances, T. G. ThrumRoad Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H. Cum-

min ga.Chief Engineer Fire Dept.,Rapt. Insane Asjdum, Dr. A. McWayre

Department of Finance.Office, Capital Building, King

street.Minister of Finance, His Excellency 8.

M. Damon.Auditor-Genera- l, Goorge J. Bass.R?iistrar of Accounts, Geo. E. Smithies.CI;:!5 to Finance Office. Carl Widemann.Coll. cor-Gener- of Customs, Jas. B.

Tax Aftvs - r. rv.hu, Jona. Shaw.Deputy Tax -- ibuoior, V. C. Weedon.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat .

Customs Bureau.Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort

Etr3Ct.Collector-Genera- l, Jas. U. Cat!e.Deputy-Collecto- r, F. B. McStockcr.Harbormaster, Captain A. Fuller.Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, George C. Stratemeycr.

Department of Attorney-Genera- l.

Office in Capitol Building, Kingstreet.

Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Srr.ith.Deputy Attorney-Genr-- K , G. K. Wilder.Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal, E. G. HiichccckClerk to Marshal, II. M. Bow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oahu Prison, J. A. Low.Prison Physician, Dr. C. B. Cooper.

Board of Immigration.President, His Excellency J. A. King.Members of the Board of Immigration:

Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle,Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, James G.Spencer, Mark P. Roh:n--o- n.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board 07 Health.Office in grounds of Court House Build-

ing, corner of Mililani and Queenstreets.

Members Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr.Andrews, J.T.Waterhouse, Jr., JohnEna, Theo. F. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- al

Smith,President Hon. W. O. Smith.Secretary Chas. Wilcox.Executive Officer C. B. Reynolds.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Ser-

vice L. L. La Pierre.Inspector G. W. C. Jones.Port Physician, Dr. G. Trousr.eau.Dispensary, Dr. H. McGrew.Leper Settlement, Dr. R. K. Oliver.

Board of Education".Court House Building, King street.

President, Hon. C. R. Bishop.Secretary, W. James Smith.Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

District Couri.Police Station Building, Merchant street,William Foster, Magistrate.James Thompson, Clerk.

act no.

in Act to Appropriate an AdditionalSum of Monrjr for Awiittnt

Ovards, Ilonolula, Under thIt ares a of Custom la

th Departmentof Finance.

Ek it Exacted by the Executive andAdvisory Councils of the ProvisionalGovernment of the HawaiianIslands:

' Fectiox 1 The sum of Tiro ThousandEight Hundred Dollar is hereby appro-priated from the Pablic Treasury, Inaddition to the sums heretofore appro-priated ior Assistant Guards, Honolulu,under the department of Finance.

Section 2 This Act shall taketllVctfrom the date of its publication.

Approved this Cist day of August,A. D. 1S93.

Signed. FitlXCIS M. HATCH,Vice-Preside- nt of the Provisional Gov-

ernment of the Hawaiian Islands.Signed. 1

J. A. Kino,Minister of the Interior.

3473 139lt


Honolulu, August 13, 1893.)From and after date, all bills against

the Eoatd of Health must be made induplicate. CHAS. WILCOX,

Secretary Board of Health.3472 1495-3- 1

Hale oi Tenancy at Will of theStore on King Street nnd

ncl j oininc the ChineseTheatre.

On SATURDAY, September 30, 1893,at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof the Executive Building, will be soldat public auction, the Tenancy at Will ofthe Premises occupied as a Store on Kingstreet, on the Waikikisidoof and adjoin-ing the Chinese Theatre, Honolulu.Oahu.

Term Tenancy from month to monthuntil such time as the Minister of theInterior may with to terminate the sameby giving SO days notice.

Uptet price $10 per month, payablemonthly in advance.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, August Slat, 1893.3472-- 3t

Irrigation Notice.Owing to the drought and scarcity of

water, tho irrigation hours are herebysuspended until further notice.

All persons disregarding tho abovenotice are liable to have their privilegesrut off without further notice.

ANDREW BROWN,Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, H. I., Aug. 30, 1893.3171-- tf

Kale of Gfovermnecl Xaixl, al-jolnl- ng

I7ohalcuha7u, Iln-maku- a,

Hawaii.On THURSDAY, September 28, 1&93,

at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof the Executive Bnilding, will be soldat public auction, the lease of a piece ofGovernment Land adjoining Pohakuha- -ku. Hamakua, Hawaii, containing anarea of 80 acres, moro or less." --Terra Leas a for 10 years.

Upset price f 50 per annum, payablecemi-annua- lly in advance.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior,

luterior Office, August I9th, 1S93.3 1 70--4 S 1495-S- t

"Water Notioe.Owing to the drought and scarcity of

water, the residents above Judd Streetare requested to collect what water theymay require for housohold purposes before 8 o'clock a. m.

ANDREW BROWN,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

3443-t- f

Marshal's Sale

T Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXEJL cution issued out of the First CircuitCSurt, on the 4th day of August, A. D.7,393, azainst William Davies, defendant,in favor of 11. Jay Greene, plaintiff,for the sum of $161.72, 1 have levied uponand shall expose for sale at the PoliceStation, in the District of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, at 12 o'clock of MONDAY.the 4tb day of September, A. D. 1S93, tothe highest bidder, all the right, title andinterest of the said William Davies, de

fendant, in and to the fallowing property,unless paid judgement, interest, costs andmy expenses be previously paid.

List of property for sale:Two House Lots situated in Punahou,

Honolulu, on Bingham and Metcalf Sts.The first having an area of 75-10- 0 of anacre, more particularly described in deedof Paty to Graham, recorded in Liber 76,page 394.

Also Lot containing 30,600 square feetand described -- hi deed of Dillingham toGrMMtm, recorded in Liber So, page 426,both being portions of the pasture lotbelonging to the Oahu College and dulyconvevf d to said William Davies by deedcf W.'H. Cornwell, dated August 5, 18S9,recorded in Liber 118, p3ge 406, togetherwith the buildings and appurtenancesthereon. Said property being subject toa mortgage, however, of $3,500 to theestate of T. H. Hobron and to a secondmortgage of $300 to W. R. Castle, datedJuly 22, 1892, and recorded in Liber 133,page 171.

Alo, 45 Shares of the Pioneer Build-ing and Lean Association Company, saidshares being represented by certificateNo. 489 for 5 and by certificateNo. 284 for 43 shares. Ea:d shares ofstock, however, being subject togetherwith the aforementioned real estate tothe said mortgage to W. R. Castle.

A. M. BROWN,Deputy Marshal.

Honolulu, August 5th, 1893.3450-t- d

A Sneak Thief Enters His Apart-meat- s

at the Hawaiian HotelOn Thursday JViZif.



Tbe Matter Placed Id the riand of De-

tective LarteD by the Marshal.

About G :30 o'clock last Thurs-day evening the two youngdaughters of Rear AdmiralSkerrett, who occupy adjoiningapartments to their parents on theupper floor of the Hawaiian hotel,completed their toilets for theevening and descended the stairsto listen to the band concert whichwas given at the hotel a little later.One of the young ladies had occa-

sion to return to their apartmentsshortly after 7 o'clock, and whenpassing through the upper hallsaw a tall, dark, well-dresse- d whiteman coming from the direction oftheir room.

This occurrence did not exciteany suspicion on the part of theyoung lady, and she proceeded toher room, where she remained ashort time and went down stairsagain. When the young ladie3 andtheir parents repaired to theirapartments for the evening, one ofthe girls noticed a silver braceletbelonging to her sister lyingon the iioor beside me bureau. She immediately calledthe matter to the attention of hermother. The young lady notedfurther that some lace pins weremissing from the bureau, and aninvestigation was made by Ad-miral and Mrs. Skerrett, whichshowed that the following articleshad been taken from the bureau :

One lady's silver watch andchatelaine, one diamond ring setwith five diamonds in a cluster,which had been given one of theyoung ladies and which cost $150,one marquise ring set with tor-quoi- se

and pearls, one moonstonering with three stones, one moon-stone ring with one stone, one ringwith three pink stones, one sterlingsilver boot hook, one alligator cardcase with silver corners, one blueenamel lace pin, one silver swordlace pin, one gold lace pin set withthree emeralds, one gold bow knotlace pin, one sterling silver shoehorn, one silver-plate- d salts bottle,and one gold breast pin of leavesand coral roses, which was givenAdmiral and Mrs. Skerrett on theoccasion of their wedding.

Admiral Skerrett reported theloss of these articles to the marshalyesterday morning, and the matterwas placed oy mat genueman inthe hands of that capable detectiveoflicer, Captain Larsen, who willfind the robber and stolen goods ifsuch a thing is possible. Up to thepresent time, however, no clue hasbeen obtained.

The admiral inclines to the belief that his daughter must haveleft the door of her room open, andthe electric light shining from thehall directly upon the bureau at-

tracted the attention of the personwho committed the theft. Thevalue of the articles stolen does notamount to over $300, but they werevery highly prized, most of thembeing presents to the admiral'sdaughters from relatives andfriends.

Mr. Macfarlane, of the hotel,deeply regrets the occurrence ofthe robbery, and is doing all hecan to aid in the detection of thethief.

The apartments of AdmiralSkerrett, adjoining that of hisdaughters, were not entered, itbeing surmised that the thief wasfrightened away before havingtime to do so.

Our Dear Chicago Friends.How dear to our hearts are our friends

in Chicago I

Our love for them never was clearerthan now:

All vainly we try to express our devotion.

But drop pens, admitting we do notknow now :

Expressions of true love are quite beyond mailing,

We'll pack up our grips, and in person we'll bear

The smiles and the longings andmarks or atiection,

And while we're about it we'll takein the Fair.

We'll stay long enough to convincethem we mean it,

That distance is nothing where loveis concerned;

And we'll shower the favor of ourpresence upon them

Till the lesson we know is by themalso learned.

We'll linger a mouth if the caseseems to need it.

For this anguish of heart we can nomore atrord:

We'll offer our love, which is sure asthe heavens

And take of their excellent beddingand board. Ex.

At the bicycle meet the ridersmake the motion and the time-keeper seconds it. Westfield




Who Were Present and Whit Of

orred "When the Klnau Left


The announcement that the Hon.8. B. Dole would leave by thesteamer Kinau yesterday afternoonat 2 o'clock drew a large concourseof people to the wharf. For a fullhour before the announced time forthe vessel to sail the Hawaiianband, under the leadership of Prof.Berger, was at the wharf and discoursed a number of stirring anddelightful airs, which aided inkeeping the big crowd from becom-

ing impatient.About 1 :30 o'clock (wenty-si- x

well-drille- d members of the policeforce, under command of CaptainRobert Parker and Lieutenant Ke--

alakai, with two additional officersas guides, marched from the mar-

shal's office to the wharf and drewup in line fronting the steamer.These men presented a very neatar.d soldier-lik- e appearance andattracted considerable attentionfrom those present.

A few minutes Deiore z o ciockHon. Mr. Dole arrived in a carri-age, accompanied by his aide-decam- p,

Major G. C. Potter, who wasin uniform. As Mr. Dole decendedfrom the carriage he was salutedby the police olhcers and the Ha-waiian band played the "Pro-visional Government March." Heimmediately went upon the deckof the steamer, where an informalreception was held.

Among the large number ofneonle who eaeerlv crowded aroundto bid good-by- e and God-spee- d tothe worthy president were all theministers, members of the execu- -

tive and advisory councils, Mar-shal Hitchcock, Col. Soper, ChiefJustice Judd, Acting - PresidentHatch, Majors J. 11. Wisher anaGeo. McLeod. Besides these werenoticed U. S. Consul-Gener-al

Severance, British Vice-Uons- ui

Walker. Bishon Willis and manyother well known and importantpersonages.

Promptly at u ociock mesteamer backed out from thewharf, and while she was makingthe turn a large number ofmarines aboard the U. S. S.Boston and Adams presentedarms and a salute of 21 guns wasfired from the Boston, as orderedby Admiral Skerrett, in honor ofPresident Dole. The admiral'sflag and the Hawaiian ensign weredipped from the Boston and theBritish flag from the ship Par-thenop- e.

A shore battery of 21guns was also fined.

As the ship departed from thewharf loud and continued cheer3were given the departing president.A brand new American flag wasflying from the mainmast of theKinau, the Hawaiian flag floatingat the bow and on the mizzenmast.

Taken as a whole, the occasionwas one of the most pleasing everwitnessed in this country, and carried with it a significance not to bemisunderstood.

President Dole goes to Kohala toenjoy a much-neede- d recreation,andit is to be hoped that he will returnin renewed health, and continue tosteer the ship of state to a Becureanchorage.

rnblic Concert.The Hawaiian band, conducted

by Professor Berger, will give apublic concert at Emma Squarethis (Saturday) afternoon, com-mencing at "4 :30 o'clock. Followingis the programme :

1. March "Defilir".. Faust2. Overture "Tancredi" Rossini3. "Reminiscences of Bellini"

Godfrey4. Waltz "Soecial Reports"

...Czibulka5. Mazurka "Nana".- - ...Coraggio6. Galop Vivacity" Coraggio

Hawaii Ponoi.

Chinese Theater Lease.The sale of tenancy at will of

the Chinese theater was sold yesterday noon by Minister King. Itbrought $260 per month. Theamount realized from this buildingformerly was only $30. Upon anotice of 30 days by the govern-ment the present lease can be ter-

minated. The adjoining store,which was included in the oldlease, will be sold at auctionseparately. A Chinaman by thename of Wong Chong securedthe lease of the theater.

44 Why do you go on those sprees?""Because I always feel religious

when I'm getting over one. I tellyou, it's a good thing to think ofyour hereafter now and then."New York Press.

Magazines, Law Books, Music Books,Blank Books oi any description, Account arid Time Hooka,

Day Books and Cash Book:, Journals and Ledgera,Map and Photograph Mounting, Portfolios 8crai-hook- s

Alhums, Old Books Re-boun- d, Letter Copying BooksEdge Gilding, Lettering in Gold,









f1 you Wish to be Abreast of the Timen this




Page 5: Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times In quality, styloa


iXcru aitcrttscmntta.CriUilCJ .SERVICES.SIAMESE liOYALTY

75 Special Bargains for This Week-- AT-


city. The city wall is a turretedbattlement, fifteen feet high andtwelve lVt bro id. Il many beuu-til- ul

gtes are guarded, day andnight, by policemen. Most of thstreets are narrow, but they arekept in goud order, being frequent-ly watered and swept by China-nien- .

The shoj3 and houses arepeculiarly interesting, and thereare many palact B of great beautyand highly artistic architecture.

It is becoming generally under-stood now that Bangkok is not atiger-hunte- d jungle, but a healthy,thriving city with a population of300,000 inhabitants, about one-four- th

of the whole Siamese popu-lation. ;

Slam, with its large forest3, richmines, productive soil, largely in-

tersected and irrigated by canals,ehould be recognised among themost prominent of oriental coun-tries. The country owes much tothe American missionaries whohave materially aided in establish-ing a feeling of friendship and con-fidence in foreign powers, andAmericans have been instrumentalin introducing many inventionsand improvements. The first steamrice-mil- l, telegraph, electric cars,hospitals, dispensaries, type-writers in the Siamese language.andmedical classes were establishedby Americans, and they are hopingto do still more for thi3 industriousand appreciative people. In theking's own words : " The Ameri-cans have brought peace and goodwill."

IN- -


5 520 Fort St.,Honolulu.



Bevt ijurility Siitteet, plain and rigureJ, o yards for SI.

Fine quality iiowered and striped Mull (i yards for SI.

Fancy dress Ginghams, stripes and plaids, S yards for SI.

Cotton Pongee, light and dark grounds, latest designs,the entire line. C yards for SI.

ISpThe above prices are positively for this week only.



Invoice of OliaAi's !Including BAMBOO CHAIRS in all the latest patterns.




IT"We have also received a new lot of the FINEST TEAS.

liOO KIM. Nuuaiiu Street,

--Fcrs vii?or7r tztzj kingAND CITY OF IiAXGKOK.

Ac I'uMlihel la tb Callfcrulan for


Siam is an Asiatic kingdom, in-

habited by a quiet, peace-lovin- g

people, of unique manners andcu9tornp, which are peculiarly in-cresti- ng

and often picturesque.ffihe people are Buddhists, andgnarcftheir religious beliefs jeal-ously. ' Many believe the Siameseto be cf Malay origin. Europeansregard them as Mongolian, butthey are lighter-complexione- d thanthe Chinese, and have neither thealmond eyes nor flat noses of thosepeople. They trace their owngenealogy up to the first disciplesof Buddha, and are probably abranch of the great Indo-Europea-n

stock.The king of Siam resides in

Bangkok. He is popular with hissubjects, for he always seemsanxious for the be3t welfare of hispeople. Ho is a great admirer of

Abraham Lincoln, and long beforehe came to the throne he vowed hiscountry should be muang thithat is, a free country. Allchildren born in the year in whichhia majesty was crowned shall befree at the age of twenty-one--3- 0

says this gracious king. He wearsa crown of solid gold, weighingmany pound?, and carries the titleof Para Bard Somdech Phra Para-mend- ar

Maha Mongkut Phra ChamKlau Chauyu Hua, with a fewadditions which we have forgotten.

The royal family is a large one.The custom of polygamy has always been practised, and in con-

sequence of this custom the royalconcubines of the King of Siamhave ever been numerous, num-bering upwards of hundredseven thousands. It is a cus-tom when a princo ascends histhrone and becomes establishedin his reign, that each of his noblesand lords present his most beauti-ful daughter or niece to the king,to serve as a nang ham literally alady forbidden ; that is, forbiddento "go out of the palace. In formerreigns persons of this class havebeen rigorously confined in theroyal palace, but in this ieign theyare allowed much more freedom.Their royal husband is their lordindeed, and they may not go awayfrom home without a permit. Thisfavor must not be sought veryoften, and then only on extraor-dinary occasions.

These ladies are not allowed tobe idle; they all have re cha kan,or royal business, assigned them,some of them being appointed tosunerintend others, some performing tlie services of servants

""'iYftifcr mistresses, and all hav

eiimant SaleTieof

Ribbons, Laees, Embroidery,Ginghams, Swisses, Lawns,

Wool Dress Goods,

Plain and Figured SilkCOMMENCES ON

More Bicycles Arrived!

This Time for

Boys and Girls

10 Dall Roy's1 1) Bearing Dkycles



S10, $50, SOU, $70


y"Dont wait aniget left." Thoeoare bargains.

GEO. IL PARIS.3451-- 5t A IK NT.

Honolulu Cvc erv !



Woottcn & Bromley, - Proprietors


Cushion Tire Safeties and Tandems

FOR RENTBy tlie tlay or 1 . ur. Hiding Iwisona

Riven day cr evening.


American liaiilcr Safeties

Fitted with Ellevlic sprockets ami (j. AJ. corrugated air tube tires. Thew tireacan bo fitted to any pneuinutit safety,they are practically puncture proof, donot slip on wet roads, and are very fat.Any desired uear can be lurninhed withthese wheels from No. 5(i to 80.

While on my Rambler wheel I'm Heated,And up the street. 1 swiftly elide,

They say discussion, grown quite heatedTo know whatwlieei tnatniauuoiu nun;

Ant when my wheel 1 let them try,They exclaim with look intent

This h th wheel we'll surely buyIt we uon t lay up a cent.

All Kind3 of Bicycle Repairing Done

at short notice and at reaaorrahleprices. All work guaranteed. Worh fromtheother ielanda r.ttende l to and return-o- d


- -- A MILL LINK Ol'

Columbia Bicyclo PartsON HANI) !

Also. LanipH. Bells, Whistles. UundloCarriers, Lubricating Oil, UluminatiagOil, Bicycle Knarnel, IroiiHerti'iaruaamlrubber cement for mending leaky tires,

Bicycles EnameledAnd bruall parts Nickle plated.

Bargains in New .nd Kecond baudKafeties for Ladies, Gentlemen andBoys.

JOT C&1 and examine them.3375-- tf

Criterion SaloonI Kit VXJSXnA.LIA.

Another Invoice of the celebrated


Lager BeerAlso, a frefcli Invoice of



L. II. DEE, - Proprietor.3406

Wanted.COPY EACH OF TIIKUM'HONE for the following yearp, for

which the publisher's price will bo paid:1881.


st. Andrew's cathedral.The services of St. Andrew's

cathedral for tomorrow will be asfollows : holy communion at 0 :30 a.m. Matin.-"-, with special music andsermon, at the 11 o'clock service.Evensong In Hawaiian at 3 :30 p.m.Evensong with sermon at 7 :30 p.m.

The services of the Second Con-gregation cf St. Andrew's Cathe-dral tomorrow (Sunday) will be asfollows : 9 :45 a.m., holy communionwith sermon ; Kyrie, Mendelssohnin G ; Sanctus, Bridgewater in G ;

hymns 321 and 323 ; Nunc Dimit-tis-,Chard in A. 6 :30 p.m., even-

song with sermon ; Magnificat,Selby in A ; Nunc Dimittis, Ayl-war- d

in D ; hymns 414,196 and537. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, pas-tor. All are cordially invited.

central union cnuKcir.Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. ;

Public Worship at 11 a.m. and at7 : 30 p.m.

Rev. S. E. Bishop will preach onat the Sunday morning and even-ing services. In the morning thesubject will be "Higher Criticism,"and in the evening "Christ's SecondAdvent."

All are cordially invited to theseservices.


Sunday, 11 a.m., at Oahu Jail;1 :15 p.m., at the Barracks ; 3 :30 P.m., Bible study at Y. M. C. A. ; G :30p.m., Gospel praise service at Y. M.C. A.

Tuesday, 7:30 r.M., prayer meet-ing at Y. M. C. A.


Reorganized Church of JesusChrist of Latter Day Saints ; Mili-Ia- ni

Hall, rear of Opera House.Services will be held on Sunday asfollows: 10 A. m., Bible class;11 :15 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m., preach-ing by Elder J. C. Clapp.

The V. S. S. Philadelphia.The U. S. S. Philadelphia, which

has been ordered here to relievethe Boston, is expected to arrive inport on or about the 10th inst. Thevessel probably sailed from Callao,Peru, on July 20th, and shouldcomplete the voyage from thatplace to Honolulu in about twentydays. Admiral Skerrett expectsdefinite advices by the next mailfrom the coast regarding the sail-ing and probable arrival of thePhiladelphia here.

Engineer Hunt in Charge.Mr. Andrew Brown, chairman of

the board of fire commissioners,turned over the fire departments toMr. J. H. Hunt, the new chief en-

gineer on Thursday night. Noappointment has as yet been madeto the position of senior foremanmade vacant by the promotion ofMr. Hunt.


Tno Skin needs foo .. If the Com-plexion 13 sallow, rough, sealy, pimply,it is because it is not fed with

LOLA MOXTEZ CKEMEThe Skin Food and Tissue Builder,

positively the only safs and reliable ar-

ticle for tha Coaip'exion. Absolutelyharmless, opens the pores, increases thenatural and necessary secretions of theskin. Kestcres Iho flesh to firm healthystate, of youth. Prevents m inkles.Good for burn3, chapped lips an 1 hands.

,2y"Tot lasts three months.PRICE 75 CENTS.25""Ask vour druggist for it.

HOW CAN YOU TOLERATEFreckles, Pirn--pies, Blackheads,yellow or mud-d- y

Skin, mouthWrinkles or anyform of facial dis-figurement whenMrs Nettie Har-bison guaranteesto cure yon. Don't

,consider your

V 1 - "v 1

case a hopelessf one.

Mrs. Harrison treats ladis for all de-fects of face and figure. The perma-nent removal of superfluous hairguara meed.JMIiS. NETTIE HARRISON

.A.merioa.s Beauty Doctor.2G Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal.

SSFor sale by IIOLLISTER & CO.,Druggists, 109 Fort St., Honolulu.

3406-t- f


A new and pretty line of Goods isnow being displayed at "Ka Maile,"all having been personally selected.


There are India and Surrah Silks,Pongee and Crape Silks, PersianLawns, Mulls, Swiss Muslins, Organ-dies and many others.



Has not been neglected.


Is as complete as ever.It will be impossible to describe or

enumerate all that wehave.bntrequesvou to step in and see for yourself.

"Ka Maile" bezs to announce thatthe Dry Goods Department will beunder the management cf Mr. W. RNichols, late of New York. 3471-- tf

owerMrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca,

Mo., during the past two years hasbeen affected with Neuralgia of theHead, Stomach and Womb, andwrites: "My food did not seem tostrengthen rne at all and my appe-tite was very variable. My facewas yellow, my head dull, and I hadsuch pains in my left side. In themorning when I got up I wouldhave a rlow of mucus in the mouth,and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimesmy breath became short, and I hadsuch queer, tumbling, palpitatingsensations around the heart. I achedall day under the shoulder blades,in the left side, and down the backof my limbs. It seemed to be worsein the wet. cold weather of Winterand Spring; and whenever the spellscame on, my feet and hands wouldturn cold, and I could get no sleepat all. I tried everywhere, and gotno relief before using August FlowerThen the change came. It has doneme a wonderful deal of good duringthe time I have taken it and is work-ing a complete cure."G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr, Woodbury, N.J.

IN THESWIM!We have just received


Hay and GrainFer Hawaiian Bark Mauna Ala

consisting of

100 Bales Large and Wheat Hay,2000 Bags Surprise, Ho. 1, White and

Black Oats.2000 Bags Whole Barley,1000 Bags Rolled Barley,3500 Bags Coarse and Fine Bran,600 Bags Middling?,300 Bag Mixed Feed,200 Bags Choice Wheat,200 Bags Cracked Corn,100 Bas Small Yellow Corn,100 Bags Kolh-- d Oats and70 Bags Oil Calie Meal.

vVe Srlectcd these Goods duringour last trip to the Coast; they are fiist-cla'- s,

and cost no more than poorerqualities now on the market.

Give Us a Trial !

Bedrock Prices!S3POrder3 promptly attended.yTelephones No. 121.

California Peed Co.,KING A WRIGHT,

3448 1 491-- 1 m Proprietors,


Real Estate AgencyNO. 519 FORT STREET.

To Let.

2 Houses on Beietania Street.2 Houses on Fort Street.1 House, Alakea Street, next Pacific

Club ; rent $25 per month.1 House, Beretania Street, near Piikoi ;

6 rooms, bath, etc. ; $- -0 per month.1 IIou3e, hmma square.1 Store, Nuuanu Street.

For Sale.

Several d33irable Residences in first- -

class locations.IIoiisH and T.ot on Beretania 8treet.

near Pensacola ; Lot 200 ft. frontage and140 feet deep.

Also, a Valuable Block ot I5nck isuua- -

ings in the hea-- t of the City.G. K. BOAtfUMAW,

3382 tf Agent.



The Finest Line of Shirtsin the city.

Silk, Crape, Flannel and LinenShirts made to oraer.

Pajamas, Night Shirts.ni Cotton Underwear

jgPTailoring in all its branches.

503 FORT STREET.3443,ly

Copartnership Notice

XTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THATIN Ho Leonp, C. Kara Seu, Ah Tong,C. Kim Sing, G. Kim Hee and Yee Sing,all of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, do here-by form a copartnership under thefirm name of Sing Wo & Company. Thebusiness of said copartnership is sellinggoods, merchandise, etc., at retail at No.43 Nuuanu St., Honolulu aforesaid. Andit is further announced that Ho Leongalone is authorized to sign the firm nameof the Company. SING WO & CO.

3430- -l w

DR. BRODIEHas Resumed Practice


2STo. -- to Beretania Street.OFFICE HOURS: S to 9 a. m., 1 to 3

and 7 to 8 p. m.Both Telephones No. 336.

3451-l- m

AUGUST 5th0- -





T5--F0R- T STREET-- T5


B. F. EHLERS & CO-- ,

uiwuaiiu 11.



Text of the Kesolutlon Touching the

I! lollop' Letter.

A well attended and representative meeting of male members ofthe second congregation of St. Andrew's cathedral was held on Thursday evening, Mr. Geo. S. Harris,chairman, and Mr. T. R. Walker,secretary of previous meetings, be

ing in their respective places.Mr. von Holt asked leave to with

draw the majority and minority recommendations, appended to thecommittee's report, in regard totheir interview with the Bishop, asno action had been taken on them,and also asked leave to withdrawthe resolution moved and secondedat the previous meeting, as contained in his minority report, giving as hi3 reasons, that his resolu-

tion had had the desired effect ofhaving the position of the secondcongregation toward the Bishop welldiscussed and clearly defined, andthat Mr. Walker would bring in anew resolution embodying his reso--

lution with auditions whicn wouldrover the whole eround. meet allobjections and express the wishesof every member ot the second congregation as near as could be discovered.

Mr. Walker, in moving the following resolution, wished to givethe credit for its prepartion to Mr.von Holt, by whom it was seconueu.It was unanimously carried :

Resolve!: That the church wardens!. niitlmrizetl to reolv to the bishon'sletter of August 17th as follows:

We appreciate the conciliatory spiritnow shown hv the bishop, and sincerely hope that the commissionwhich lie nas aireauy asiteu ior winhe conducive to that peace in the"Anglican church iu Hawaii" whichhe now seeks, and we hereby acquiescein his request for a commission, has-in- r

the game upon the conditions thatsuch acquiescence

1st. Does not oinu us ro any nnan-ci- al

responsibility incurred, and whichwe understand the bishop has alreadyagreed to in his replies to our com-mittee:

2d. Not having a copy of his requestwith us, we cannot bind ourselves tothe terms or statements which mightbe therein contained; and.

Finally, That the functions of suchcommission or commissioner are to bein no way judicial, legislative or ex-ecutive as far as this second congrega-tion is concerned.

Moved by Thos. Rain Walker ;

seconded by II. M. von Holt.A resolution of thanks to Cap-

tain Mist, the senior churchwarden, and those who had assistedhim in managing the correspond-ence connected with the notices ofrevocations and terminating in theresolution and reply to the bishopjust carried, was unanimouslypassed, as was also a motion to havethe correspondence, together withall matters appertaining to thesame, printed and a copy sent tothfi .irehbishoD of Canterbury. Thechairman also received a note ofthanks, after acknowledging whichthe meeting adjourned.

Baseball To-da- y.

The third game of the amateurbaseball league series will beplayed at the league grounds thismorning at 10 o'clock between theUnknowns and Planets.

509 and 5114' ' ' 1

Ladies' and Children's Jackets and Caps.Irish Point, Antique and Madras Curtains.Chenille Fortieres with fringes from SG.50a pair upwards.Smyrna Rugs in all sizes from $2 upwards.Knotted Swiss, Silkaline and Dimity in great variety.HflCiliTnprA Rnhlimaa at 20 cents a vard: one of the hand- -

- 7 .somest wash material this season, entirely new and for theprice has no equal.

White Lawn in plain, stnpeu ana cnecKeu.Dressmaking Under the Management of Mrtf. Keniier

FACTORYHaving Placed Our



ing some daily duties. Prepar-ing beetle-nut- s in soft, roundball3, the size of a marble, for hismajesty to eat, is one of the occu-tiont- f;

rolling the spicy clove-lea- f,

which is plastered over with lime,to be eaten with this nut, is another.They also prepare wax and put itinto little gold boxes for lip-salve- ,

to say nothing of the making oftea and dainty sweetmeats for theroval palate.

There are two queens the righthand and the left hand. Theseladies do not appear on state occa-

sions, and seldom participate infestivities. Now and then one ofthe queens will visit a temple withher children, in a closely coveredcarriage and with a body-guar- d.

The first queen fs closely related byblood to the king. As there is nomore honorable family, he must

, ' seek a wife from a family of equal-ly honorable parentage. The kingdoes not woo his own wives. If hesees a pretty girl of noble stockwhom he desires, she is conductedto the royal palace, and trainedand schooled as a Nang ham. Itis also quite common for the rela-

tions of a girl to make an offeringof their handsomest daughter,grandchild, or niece, thinking itwould be a great good to have theking for a family prop.

The crowning act of choosing aqueen is the bathing of her whomthe king delighteth to honor. Therripsts nut in the water the leaves

Lines Goods Shortly to Arrive, weMust Make Room for Same.


Fort Street.

PRICES.Orders for Large

in Staple

Ribbons, etc., for all makes of Machines.same mailed to their address by leaving

will be found very useful to Type-writ- ers

Co., LU, Honolulu.

-- o-

We Offer Some Startling BargainsStationery as follows:

oGOOD QUALITY TENCILS rubber tipped, at 15 cents a dozen ; note size, V

LINEN Tablets, 15 cents, 2 for 25 cents ; Letter Tablets, good quality,15 cents, former prica 25 cents ; PHOTO FRAMES, cabinet sizes, new, 50 cents,3 for $1 ; Composition Books, size 7xS, frood quality, 50 cents a dozen ; OTEPAPER, ream packages, epecial line, 25 cents ; ENVELOPES, white, goodquality, per box 500, only 75 cants; FES HOLDER3, suitable for school use,15 cents sl dozen

NOTICE In consequence of cutting prices, we cannot allow any discount to thetrade on above lines.

We are just in receipt of a full line MARCUS W ARDS fir.e linen Papers, ruled andunruled ; Envelopes to match.

ALUMINIUM NOVELTIESJust the thing for Whist and Euchre Prizes ; guaran-teed not to tarnish ; a large variety of these goods in Playing Card Cases ; pricesreasonable.

mxTSIC DEPARTMENT.Everything to be found in a first-clas- s Music Store; over 25,000 pieces sheet Music

to select from. Our prices will be found the lowest and goods the best.SPECIAL DISCOUNT allowed to Teachers, Schools and Clergymen. Send or

write for catalogues and discounts.PUBLISHERS of Prof. Berber's "MELE HAWAII," 20 numbers, the only choice

selection of Hawaiian Music in print.GENERAL AGENTS.

j. & C. Fischer, Everitt 6c Schiller PIANOS ; Story and Clark and Chicago CottageORGANS; YOST TYPE-WRITE- R, DENSMORE TYPE-WRITE- R, the twobest writing Machines in the world.


of a certain tree which are thoughtto have a healthful and purifyinginfluence. A platform is erected,

bv three cradations to aheight of six feet. On the top oftniS IS piaccu u iuiuiib un "he woman is to sit while bathing,

- and directly over the throne is awhite canopy through wnicn mewafpr is to be showered. The consecrated water is so arranged abovethat, by turning the stop, it shallneatly and delicately sprinkle thechosen queen. '

Bangkok is a strange and unique

W will soon isne a catalozue of Papers,Parties desirinz a conv. can havename at our office. Thi3 cataloguegenerally.

The Hawaiian News

V."WW- -

Page 6: Hardware, STEAMSHIP CO · Pacific Commercial Advertiser HAWAIIAN (Central Q'tovmiBttzrtz. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO Hardware, Builders and General, always up to the times In quality, styloa


SEX RELATIONSHIP. iXetu uucrtisemcnta. vDnirral SUirrrtiscniriitii. Ocncral SUifltrtiscmcmo.General Dccrtiscnicnts.


Steel and Iron Ranges, Stoves and Fixtures,HOUSEKEEPING S0CD3 AKD EITCHEN UTENSILS.


White, Gray and SUvcr-p!ate- d,


Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil 1'ipus.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,


A Chineee paper describes theseven wonders which Corea, likeunto other Oriental countries, pos-sesses, and which played a conspi-cuous role in antiquity. TheCorean "wonders" consist, first, ofa hot mineral spring near KinShantao. which is capable of cur-ing sickness and disease of allEorts. The second wonder is thetwo wells, one at each end of thepeninsula, which have the peculiarcharacteristic that when one is fullthe other is empty. Tho water ofthe one is intensely bitter, thatof the other has a pleasant andsweet taste. The third wonder isa cold cave from which there is-

sues constantly an ice-col- d wind,with such force that a strong manis unable to stand up against it.A pine forest which cannot beeradicated constitutes the fourthwonder. No matter what injurymay be done to the roots, the3roung trees spring up again likethe phoenix from its ashes. Themost remarkable, however, is thefifth wonder the famous hoveringstone which stands, or rather ap-pears to stand, in front of a palaceerected to its honor. Thi3 is amassive rectangular block, free onall sides. Two men standing, oneat each end, can draw a cordunderneath the stone, from side toside, without encountering anyobstacle. The sixth wonder is a hotstone which has been lying fromtime immemorial on the summit ofa hill and evolving a glowing heat.The seventh Corean wonder is asweating Buddha. This is guardedin a great temple,in whose court,forthirty yards on all sides, not a sin-gle blade of grass grows. Xo tree,no flower, will flourish on the sa-

cred spot, and even wild creaturesare careful not to profane it. DerStein der Weisen, Vienna, July 15.

Timely Ioss of Temper.There is no art in the world so

important and so diflicult to ac-

quire as the one of losing temperat the proper time. In fact, itmight almost be said that withthis gift in perfection and no otherstock in trade whatever such aswealth, good looks, business ability,etc. a man could hardly fail towin success in the world, whilewithout it all the other things willprofit him nothing. The man whonever loses his temper at all is themost miserable of wretches. His in-

feriors presume upon his good-

nature and fail in their duty to-

ward him ; his equals impose uponhim from dawn to dark, and hissuperiors never omit to give himthe snubbings which his mentalattitude seems to invite. He isalmost as uncomfortable as theperson of almost opposite characterwho cannot ask his neighbor in theomnibus to pass a fare without lay-ing the foundation of a long-lif- e

antagonism. Of course, the kindof lost temper I refer to is not theanger so perfectly at home in thebosom of fools, but the righteouswrath which is in reality a finesense of justice carried out in ac-

tion. Kate Field's Washington.

"It must have been a love match,for sho knew he was poor."

"No, he told her he had only aremnant of his fortune left, andshe, of course, thought she'd get abargain." Inter Ocean.

"I never pass that house that Ido not see that pretty little womanon the lawn. She must spendmost of her time there."

"Yes," replied Brown, "she does ;

she's a grass widow." Texas


OBDWAYRobinson Block, Hotel Street,


COALAt McKinU-- y I'iUth


STOV3S CO A LAt tfl-- J

it tun !

JC22r"lv' live red to nny t of Hono-lulu FRKK.

HUSTACK & l.UCSyiUu up No. 414 on !olh lle-phone- s.

317'J-t- f


1S92. 1092,


1 1 U-- 1 .a ttTUATK.1)

fVi kll I I i'Pw." mil itp

Through k Hawaiian Islands

H. M. WHITNEY, KDi-rot- .

Price In Honolulu, 60 Cents per Copy

The Hook lies 17 rape of ten, with

20 Fall Page lllufitriticES tf Island fc'cetm

and a description of tLe IVarl HarborRailway enterprise, and surroundingcountry.

It bas also FOUHMAl'H of thr lurrtBlamts, prepared exprensly for it.

The GUIUK ive.-- a full descriptioneach of the principal Islands and bettlements in tlii.s Oroun, ami will prove aninvaluable hnnd-boo- k for tourieta, and forresidents to send to their friend abroad.

Home of the illuEtrations in the newbook are very tine specimens of the i'hofo-tin- t

process of engraving, and accuratelyrepresent the scenes portrayed.

tTFur Hale at JfttUAiiHii XSewsCoii;and at T. U. Thrum's Hp-tow- n

Stationery store. dAd

The Guide will be mailed to any part--the islands for M Cents per Copy.

Or, to any foreign country for 70 I'eui

yPublished by the


40 Mnrohunt Ml.,


Fertilizing- - CompanyWhile thankful to the 1'lanterB for

t heir penerouH Bupport duringthe pafct year, do now

ofler a few tons of

Various Grades of Fertilizersfctill remaining on hand, and ready for

immediate delivery :

Complete UIkIi Grade Fertilize,

pish GraxAJsro,Hotted Stable Manure and Land Plaster,

Sulphate Potaeh and Muriate Potash,Nitrate of Hoda and Dried Wood,

Dissolved Laysen iBland Guano,

Pure Raw Bono MealGround Cora! Limn Stone,Ktc, Etc., Ktc.

Ha. in,: diepoaedof Large Qnantitien olManures and High Gradeduring the year lbfJ2, we are now pre-pared to receive orders lor 18J3, de-livery in quantities to fcuit.

SWe will give tenders for anyQuantity and of any Grades desired.

Fertilizers made to order, and anyanalysis g;uarantec-d- .

CCSP'While making your orders for1893, give us a call, or send yourorders to

A. F. COOKE,Manager Hawaiian Fertilizting Co.

1 1 W W y 1 1 yv ?v

Pork Packing Co,

The alz-jv- e Company is preparedto buy


In any quantity at Highest MarketPrice.

7"Pigs for Koasting, Dreeaed or .itFoot.

Manufacturer of

Extra Leaf lnxd.Guaranteed reus:, and nrnde under th

inspection of the Hoard of Health.tjGYo?. Office Hox 314 ; Mutual Tel .

66.firSlaughter Yards and Pens, Iwilel.S70flce, West cor. Maunakea and

King Sts.


Th Future of a Nation' Prosperity De-pends In Oreat Tart on the Marriage Ke--

. lat Ion Iesons Drawn Tromthe Historyf Ancient Greece and Home.

Tho rights and. wrongs of women arenow debated with a vigor and virulencewhich increase every day. Those whoi!f-man- for women not only all the priv-ileges which men possess, but also con-finne- d

exemption from their responsi-bilities, would carry the principle of fe-male emancipation to a point which hasaroused opposition on the part of manywho in every great question of the daynro admittedly leaders of the party ofprogress. While tho contest rages as towhether women are to know, say and doeverything that the coarsest of mr--n can,or, on the other hand, be kept compkt'd vin the backgronnJ, ieople are apt to f.r-;.-- ot

what Li really the crucial point fthe wholo question.

They forget that tho position of wom-en, and of men, too, for that matter,

i inseparably bound up with the rela-tionships between the sexes known a- -

marriage; aro apt to forget the imjtor-tanc- e

of that relationship not only to in-

dividuals, bxit to tho state; are-- apt toforget that too rigorous a subjection ofwomen may bi ng us near to barbarism,too great an emancipation may lead tothat corruption which has so often intho world's history been tho outcome ofa civilization which has not placed duorestraint on tho passions and impulses.

Tho prosperity of a country dependson tho proper maintenance of tho rela-tions between husband and wife quitoas much as on its outer strength, andhowever great and powerful a countrymay seem to tie, if thoso domestic rela-tions aro unhealthy, if the wife has nother place in tho social polity, that coun-try is rotten to tho core, and its completodecay and demoralization aro inevitable.Speaking generally, there aro four as-pects or ideaU of the status of the wife

four ways in which her position is re-garded by men.

Thero is tho method of the barbarian,that of the oriental, that of western civ-ilization, that of corrupt civilization,which last is practically tho degradedform of tho third. Tho barbarian re-gards his wife as a mere slave a squawto cook his food, carry his burdens, sub-mit to hi3 ill usage. Tho oriental sees inhis wifo a plaything to gratify his pas-sions, to bo kept in tho strictest seclu-hio- n,

and to bo treated altogether as abrainless being; regarded by him, infact, so far as any respect is concerned,much as tho squaw is regarded by thoravage.

From tho third point of view the wife'sposition is very different. True, sho istho mother of her husband's children;true, she has duties to perform whichher husband would disdain; true, herhusband is tho head of tho family, andsho bears his name. But with all thissho is looked uiou as her husband'sequal, is tho sharer of his counsels, liisintelligent partner and has a right to ex-

pect from him tho fidelity which in thocaso of tho savago or tho oriental is soone sided.

Tho credit of placing this view of mar-ried lifo before mankind has beenclaimed by Christian writers for theirreligion. But although we must admitthat Christianity has dono much to im-pro- vo

tho position of woman, yet thohigh ideal which we havo termed that ofwestern civilization existed in a verystrong degreo in ancient Greece, stillmoro strongly among tho Romans andtho nations of western Europe, whomthey conquered and civilized long beforoChristianity was preached, and tho nobloqualities which wo admire in thoso racesmay often bo directly traced to tho in-

fluence of wives and mothers.But high as is this ideal, history shows

that thero aro dangers which threatenthoso societies whero it prevails; dan-ger tho outcomo of that very civilizationwhich it has dono so much to perfect.Luxury, prosperity, too great liberty,want of mutual respect and continualstriving after new sensations aro too aptto destroy that wholesome state of thingswhich has been tho palladium of everygreat nation, and wo too often have ex-

amples of the fourth ideal, which, thoughspringing from tho third, is so distinctfrom it that it deserves to be classed byitself. Where a wifo is no longer con-

tent with taking her sharo in the battloof life, no longer content to recognizetho fact that thero aro things which itbetter becomes tho woman to do thantho man, and vice versa; when sho insistson aping and sharing tho follies andvices of tho man, on casting from herthat modesty and reserve which arowoman's greatest charms; when shospurns maternity and domestic duties astrivial or monotonous, then indeed thomarriago stato must fall into disrepute;then tho fatherland must surely suffer.

It was this which led to tho unspeak-able horrors of .imperial Rome; it wastho unscxed women, their profligacy onlyequaled by their audacity, who wero

as much a3 Nero and Donii-tia- n

themselves for the downfall of Ro-

man civilization. Otho and Silius wouldhave been impossible but for Poppceaand Messalina. In latter times, too, andeven in Christian countries, whero thomarriage tie was in theory held so sa-

cred that if duly celebrated it could onlybo dissolved by death, wo have seen atate of things as bad. Westminster


Mustaches anil Heard.Englishmen only a generation ago had

nch a detestation of mustaches andbeards that the practice of shaving allhair off their face down to their mutton-cho-p

whiskers was all but universal.From one extreme our clean shaven fa-

thers plunged into the other, and beardsand mustaches rapidly became tho fash-ion. Th3 fashion has of lato years againheen modified. Beard3 are less common,but the mustache is cultivated in Eng-land as widely as on the continent.London Standard.

The Illustrated Tourists' GuideThat popular work, "Thb Torcusxs

Uctub Thbocgh t'hs Hawaiian levanes," is meeting with a steady Bale

both at home and abroad. Tourists andothers visiting these islands should beIn possession of a copy of it. It is a per-

fect mine of information relating to thescenes and attractions to be met withhero. Copies in wrappers can be had atthe publication office, 46 Merchantstreet, and at the News Dealers. Price60 cents.

NT jiJW GOODS& Fine Assortment.

TILES FOR FLOURAnd for Decorating Purposes;

Matting or aix Kisi,Manila Cioabs.

Chinese Fire Crackers, Rocktts &ujbombs, Japanese Provision and cy.

fi&nd-psiEt- ed Porcelain Dinner Set,

A tfj o those tin hand-embroider-


Aborted colors and patterns of Cretetjiifc Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cups&ad Haucera. A fine lot of

BOATS ANI) ACCESSORIESA few ol those handy Atosquito Urns.

Also, an assortment of new styles of

Ratta.il Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESEvox n y, EH.


Mi 22 N'uuanu Street.

Hawaiian StampsWANTED.

TWILL PAY CASH, FOR EITHER-- L large or email quantities of used Ha-waii- an

Postage Stamps, as follows :(These offers are per hundred and any

quantity will be accepted, no matter howsmall, at the same rates.)1 cent, violet $ 751 cent, blue 751 cent, green 402 cent, vermilion 1 502 cent, brown 752 cent, rose 302 cent, violet, 1891 issue 505 cent, dark blue ... 1 505 cent, ultramarine blue 1 006 cent, green . 2 5010 cent, black, 4 0010 cent, vermilion 5 0010 cent, brown 2 5012 cent, black ... 6 0012 cent, mauve 6 0015 ceut, brown 5 0018 cent, red 10 0025 cent, purple 10 0050 cent, red 25 00$1, carmine 25 001 cent envelope 502 cent envelope 754 cent envelope 2 CO5 cent envelope... 2 0010 cent envelope 5 00

SNo torn stamps wanted at anyprice. Address :

GEO. E. WASHBURN,P. O. Box 2068. San Francisco, Cal.

3021 1418-t- f

The Hawaiian Newspapers


KUOKOAWith a combined Circulation of

4,SOO OOJPI32SFurnish the best medium foradvertising in the Hawaiianlanguage, and are the onlyrecognized leading Journals.

Sir Advertisements anasubscriptions received at theoffice of the

Hawauau Gazette Co.,

46 Merchant Street,Honolulu.

The Planters' MonthlyV

Table of Contents for August.

Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank.Agricultural Experiment Stations.Domestic Exports of the Hawaiian

Is'andF.Electricitv in Agriculture.About Coffee Plantations near Mount

Orizaba Mexico.The Cultivation of the OraDge.The Silver Question.Instruction in the Cultivation of the

Grape Vine.Nitrogen in Relation to Agriculture.Cocoa Curing in Ceylon.Shun U'orry and Excitement.Kemarkable Operation on a Horse.

Trepaning the Skull with Success.Beautify the Home.Cocoa r ri Trees.Thousand Dollars an Acre.An Awful Waste.A Perfumery Farm.Metecrogical Summary.


j DressmakingJRooziisO HOTEL STREET.

Prices lower than elsewhere in Hono-lulu. Latest styles as worn in Londonand Paris. A specialty of Washing Dress-es. All work neatly and promptlyfinished. 334C



of the


re you going to keep upwith the times and have yourHouse lit up by Electricity,or are you going to keeprijjht on in the same old rutand burn oil simply because

you have grown use to the un-

comfortable heat, the strongodor, to say nothing of thedanger from explosions, andbother of cleaning and fillingyour lamps, ordering your oil,etc.? Which is the easiest, tohave a switch at the head of

your bed and turn on a 16c.p.lamp when the baby begins totalk politics at 1 a. m., or toget up, fall over three chairsand pull off half the wall or-

naments feeling for the matchsafe and then be told, just as

the lamp is well lighted, to" please put out the light,baby is alright now V

In a few short months the




will be able to furnish all theLight and Power the City ofHonolulu wili require, and, as

we now have some six largewiring contracts to begin on,as soon as the Australia getsin with a big lot of assortedwire, we would call the atten-

tion of those wanting ElectricLights in their Houses at anearly date to the advisabiltyofhaving the wiring done soon.

e only a limited number ofgood house wire men are tobe had, contracts for wiringwill have to be taken up inturn in the order received.

fter the Australia gets inwe will have a complete lineof everything needed to wireany buildinc, including Elec-

troliers, Brackets, etc., and alarge assortment of plain andfancy Shades.

l3Leave your order ear-

ly and have the satisfaction ofhaving your House ready for

the lights when the current is

turned on from the New Sta-

tion now under way.

1 0. HILL & Si

Cor. Fort and Ring Sts.




OUTER,between Fort and Nuuanu.


o- -


-- o-




toy Carrier





ISPMatting laying a specialty. All orders attended to.



One Hundred Founds Worth Two Hundred of Any Other;

M. W. McCliesney & Sons3301 -- ly


CARPETS, RUGS, and MATS in tho latest patterns," Household 99 Sewing Machiii.es

Hand Sewing Machines, all with the latest improvements.Also on hand

Westermayer's Celebrated Cottage Pianos !

Parlor Organs, Guitars and other Musical Instruments.iSgPFor sale by

ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO.,Kiner Street, opposite Castle & Cooke.

Mortgagee's Notice of Intention to

Foreclose ani of Sale

X OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT1 pursuant to a power of sale contain-ed in a certain mortgage made on the18th day of August, A. D. 18S3, by S.Kaina Keaweolu and M. Kapolei Keawe-ol- a,

his wife, of Kapualei, Island ofMolokai, to Waiheo Sugar Company, acorporation under the laws of this Gov-ernment, of record in the Register Office,Honolulu, in Liber 113, on pages 217, 218and 219, and for breach of conditionsin said mortgage deed contained, towit : the non-payme- nt of interest whendue, the mortgagee intends to foreclosethe said mortgage. Notice is also here-by given that the property described inthe said mortgage wili be sold at publicauction at the court house at Wailuku,Island of Maui, on the 23d day of Sep-tember, A. D. 1893, at 12 o'clock noon ofthat day.

The property to be sold is thusdescribed

1st All that land situated on the Isl-and of Molokai, known as the Ahupuaaof Fuaahala, the same being conveyed byA. J. Cartwright under date of January4, 1SS(5, recorded in Liber 96, folios 469,470 and 471.

2d All of those pieces or parcels ofland situated at Kaamola, Island of Mo-

lokai, granted to Mauoha, Royal PatentNo. 6032, L. C. A. 240v, contaimng 9acres, 728 square fathoms and being con-veyed bv the said Mauoha under date ofMarch 12, 1S61, recorded in Liber 49,folios 15 and 16.

3d All of those pieces or parcels ofland situated at Kaamola, Island of Molo-

kai granted to Pupuka, Royal Patent No.6C63, L. C. A. 240x, and conveyed byKalawaia Kapenaki, the grand son ofPupuka, recorded in Liber .

jZy Parchase price payable in U. S.Gold Coin. Conveyances at purchaser'sexpense.

WAIHEE SUGAR CO.,By John "vY. Kalua,

Attorney.gXF Further particulars can be had

at John W. Kalua's Law Office at Wai-

luku, Maui. G461-t-d

The Daily

