Hardware SORE Influorua, and and GeneralYachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc HANKA., FOOT STKEET....

'0 . ' i IffHj MWHIMOOH VOL. 111. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WKDNHSUAY EVENING, JULY 10, 1K95 NO. ;af Oarrl Oram XIn7 Save the Children Sir By Purifying Their Blood Hood's Sarea.pa.rWa Make Pur Blood, Cures Scrofula, Etc. "My es(rlenee with Hood's Sarsaparllla haa twen very sOectlve. Mr UtUa girt, art years oU.aed for fourveari a esdilln disease.' Her srms snd limbs would' bruit out liiatoiiiof sores, dlschartfrir yellow natter. .8hs. would, quis scratch the- as though It save relief, and tew open the sons. Two Bottles of Hood's lartapailua earned ihe eruptions to heal and and the scabs pealed off. after which the akla became lott and smooth. Ai a family medlclo. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES of we believe Ilood't Barsaparllla haa no equal aad 1 recommend It" vr. L. Kmo.Tlluff Palsylei. four Hood's Pills arelhebeitnmnyeanunM, MtleaodeffecUv.. TryaboL aseats. Uobron Drug Company "Wholesale Aeents. WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY. Having resumed business and taken advantage of the past two weeks to renovate our studio we are better pre- pared than ever to All orders for views of ancient Hawaii and, of the stirring eventa of the late troubles. Portrait of the leadinz characters a specialty. Our portrait department is open for engagements, and our wort, as in the past will be up to all of the modern aa vancements in our line. Hawiian the Electric Company. Tbe cleanest, brightest tafest and really, the lone run, the cheapest and beet light for use In tne family residence, la the inean- descent electric light. Bate; nothing could rut safer, a Tew aava as-- a prominent cen- - tleman of Honolulu came rushing down to the office of to JSlsctrro uompany ana saia: to. "Give me flgnrea for, wiring my house, and I want it done at once ; no more lamps forme. lm ntgns a lamp uppea over ana it came so near setting fire to the house and burning v children and I take no more risks." This is the sentiment of auite a number in the past few weeks, who have ordered their bouses fitted with the perfect light. Jiut think it over and make uti vour mtnd that you want the bast and safest Iignt;send for the Hawaiian Klactrlo Company and tell thorn what ton want. We have a complete stock of everything in this line and have Just received a lot o tbe very latest designs in chandeliers. ""BISHOP Sc, CO., Established in 1858. BANKERS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. DRAW EXCHANGE ON "HE UK OF 'CALIFQRH1A,- SAN 'FRANCISCO AMD TBXIB AGISTS Ilf 'New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris, "MESSRS, K.'M. R0THCH1L0 & SOUS, LONDON FRANKFOKT-QN.THE-MAI- The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, The Bank of New Zealand,. Auckland, and its branches In Christchurch, Duaodln TheBank'o'f "ifrttlsh Columbia, .Victoria, and its branches, Vancouver, Nanalmo, West minister, D. VAj ana roniana, urvgvn. The Axoree and Madeira Islands. ISttnAtrhAlm'. Rvnlan.. .The Chartered Bank ot India, Australia and. ' ' China. The ngkong and.8hanghai..Chliia; and Yokohama! BrortnJWagaaaiapan. And transact a General Banking Buslneas. ATLAS ASSURANCE tOttPfrNY IfOUJVDISp JJSOS. i? Capital, - - $0ftOb.,OflO Assets, - - $9,000,000 Having "Jwsn appointed awntapf .tkeinbsvs t Uompany--we-ar- iow readr to nect'insar. ' aoees at the lowest rales ot premium. D. W. BGBM1DT SONS. lasiie a uuuKc! Liu. LIFE 'AND 'FIRS Insurance Agents. aoihts roa WE IF SNOLAXD UVTU4L Life InsiiTance Coi or boston. iETNA FIRE INSURANCE: CO. OP BABTTOKD,. .CONS C, BREWER -- C0.f W Queen St., Honolulu, H.I., AOSNTS for Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea Sugar Co., ,Honomu. Sugar Co., Wal InVn Hnirar Co.. Walhea Bucar Co.. Makes Sugar .Co., Haleakala Ranch. Co.", Kapapala Uanch. iPlantera'.LlnB Ban Francisco Packets, - . Chaa. Brewer ft Co.'s Lino of Boston (rAecaU Boston Boardof Underwritera- - Agenu rnuaaeiprua oura 171 vnaor, WTiters. List or Omens 1 H. WATaaaocsa.. V. .... Directors A. w. CAraa.,-.- . I ',' MKff oaiiinkt roitiir.it. TttiMS Who Trill Hired the Affaire of the flrlllsh Rmplre, London, June 28. The Mar- quis of Salisbury bus completed tbe work of forming the new Cab- inet. The new Ministry Is as fol- lows! Premier and Secretary of State for foreign Affairs, Marquis of Salisbury. President of the Council, Duke of Devonshire. Lord High Chancellor, Baron Ilalsbury. Lord of the Privy Seal, Viscount Cross. Chancellor of tbe Exchequer, Michael Hlcks-ilcac- Secretary of State for Home Affairs, Sir Matthey White Ridley. Urst Lord ot tne Treasury, A. J. Balfour. Secretary of State for tbe Col onies, Joseph Chamberlain. Secretary ot State lor War, Mar of Latisdowne. First Lord ol tue Admiralty, George J. Goschen. Secretary of State lor India, Lord George Hamilton. President .or the Board ot Trade, T. Ritchie. President of the Local Govern ment Board, Henry Chaplin. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Earl Gaddogan. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Baron Ashbourne. Secretary of Scotland, Baron Bal of Burleigh. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan caster, Sir Henry James. Other appointments are as fol lows: Financial Secretary of the Treasury, Robert William Han- - bury; Under Secretary lor Foreign Affairs, George N. Curzon. Bight Years for nowgate. Washington, July 2. Judge McComas today sentenced. Captain Henry W. Ho wgate to eight ears the Albany Penitentiary, four years on each charge of forgery and embezzlement. A motion of appeal was filed. Howgate was accompanied in court by his daughter. Both took sentence very unconcernedly. Howeate was remanded to jail to await the result of appeal. MUItDKR OF LCXZ. The Latest Information Iteeelved From W. L. Sachtleben. Alton, July 2. W. I,. Sachtle ben, who is conducting an expe dition in search ot intormation as the fate ot Frank F. Lenz, the lost American bicyclist, has written another letter to his sister in this city that throws some light on the matter. The letter bears date of June 16th, and was mailed at Erze- - roum. He knows who tne mur- derers are, but dare not make a move, because to do so would be to spoil the final object of his mission. tte;is quite sure mat tne motive for 'the.Inz "murder was entirely mercenary. HKS. I.EA-- R ON A WIIKEL. 8h Dresses In an klaburate and Onady Syrian Costnme. Wichita (Kas.) June 3o.-S0- thing of a sensation was caused in this city today by Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease swinging into the main thoroughfare of tbe city riding a bicycle and elaborately dressed in a flashy Syrian costume, including large trousers buckled. She rode in fine style. In an interview she said that she abominated bloomers and thought the Syrian costume tne proper thing. "Bicycle riding,' sne says, is tne next thing to having wings." All. the Lease family, including the husband and four children are now riding bicy cles. BEST QUALITY RUIIER STAMPS Made at short notice Dy tbe :HAWAI1NA JHEWS IBB LTD. COMPANY WHY FAY r RENT Wheniyou can apply the rent money to pur- chase a bouse? We will sell you a house to be by paying month- ly installments. Pnll nnil examine our nlat) and satisfy yourself that our proposij tlnn is one which will be fullv sat' isfactory to you. ' he vmm mi deposit hho imves- t- EHT COMPANY, (08 Fobt'Stbeet, Honolulu, THIS SEATTLE SOAP COMPANY Beir to Inform the nubile of Honolulu and the other Islands that a complete line of their famous and de- - rerveaij popular TOILET SOAPS, WASHING COMPOUNDS, ANIMAL SOAPS, ETC., have. been Introduced loto. this market- afld aja ppn to oe lounu on saie at.' ma aroSMrv stores of U . E. MctsmuE Cno., t$JAC and HEagyAyisACo.; where their elegant display cabinets can be aeen. The Valuo given for prioes (,)Maad haa, never been equaled In this market by any other Boap (jompaoy, THE HAWAIIAl STAR. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL rnn Til liArm ci iik or Colds, Coughs, Influorua, and SORE THROAT. It will relief tllQ IliOSt dlt the tresslng cough, soothe Hie I ra il am ed mem-- 1 brant, loosen I (cherry) tha t hie urn. fiuitl tnduco re freshing sleep. For the eure of Croup, Whoop-- I n(t Cmigh, Bore Throat, ami all the pulmonary troubles to which tho young nre fin liable, thprc Is no other remedy so effective as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE World's Great Expositions. Made by Dr. J.OAyr A Co , Lowell.MMsutf .8. A, Kirllewiire of ctieap ImlUtlon. The nm Arer'ti therrr P?ctorl promttirnt on the wrapper, and la blown tu tlie gUit ot cacti t our bottle. HOLLISTER KUfi CO., WHOLESALE AtlENTP. BDTTERICK BDTTERICK BDTTIRICK PATTERNS I have just receive ill line of these celebrated PATTEItNS and can accommo- date my patrons with the latest styles. Also a full line of Millinery Good-s- June 11th Races Derby Hats. Yachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc HANK A., FOOT STKEET. BICYCLES A new consignment of the famous FALCON ROADSTERS just arrived'. Also a J7 lb. Track 'Racer, the only track wheel made with large ball bearings and large sprockets. These machines nre manufactured by the Tost Manu facturirg Company of Toledo, Ohio, who give a guarantee for one year with every machine sold. For terms etc. apply to G. WEST. Sole Auent. MASONIC,TEMPLE. O PATRONIZE HOME INDDSTRY Askiyour Grocer for Hawaiian Honey tut UP BY Tie Honolulu Apiary Company. Gloves for 25c. Bring mo your Soiled Gloves and I will make thciu Hew and Clean for the small sum of 25 cents. Also prepared to tako Orders for Trousseaus ndsof Underwear AT VERY LOW PRICES. vr M POULAIN. Masonic Tbmple. Dress Silks, Silks, Silks. 25c, 25c, 25c, , 25c 1F1CW YAHD, IWAKAMI, UOllIXSON UL0CK, HOTEL HTIIEET For Rent. The premises on Judd Street, beyond Llllha, lately occupied by Joaquin Miller. House of four Rooms and Kit chen! Stable aud i acres of land more or less. For Sale. One All Brass Double Acting Force I'ump, 3 inch suction and discharge with 250 feet SH Inch Hose. At a bargain one English dog car- t- Imported. One revolving baker's oven. Apply to J. EMMELUTii, 633 tf. No, 6 Nuuanu street, A VAI.IWIII.H m KN1 III. The Flake linn,. Mnclrr Snl.Jrrl.,1 In a Irarllca1 Te.l. Nhw Yokk, June jo. Another very Important step In iiiotlcrnl.itii tlie defense of New York wns take) today, when tlie board of Arm officers completed at I'ort Hamltto a series of tcsls of the position find cr, recently Invented by I.letitenan Ilfadley A. I'iskc, United Statt Navy. It va found to be a very valua ble adjunct to the disappearing gun recently placed in position there l Government. The accuracy r the finder was made on various ob iccts. In every case the I'iskc posi tion finder showed an error of mncl less than l per cent, for cacl thousand vards of ranee, which is the standard required by both the United States and Knglish Govern- ments. The Hoard said the I'iske posi tion finder will solve satisfactorily of what has been a very difficult prob- lem in completing the utility of the disappearing gun, As the gunner cannot see the enemy, it is necessary that the ranee and direction be taken at some other point, and, in case of a moving object, such as a ship, accurately and instantaneously conveyed to the gunner at the mo ment of firing. This was done satisfactorily for the first time to- day. fllney Will Take a Vacation. Washington, June 28. Secre tary of State Olney expects to leave Washington tomorrow, to be absent the greater part of the sum- mer. State Department officials expect a quiet time in foreign re- lations. A NATIONAL CUE Patented under the late of the Ha-- tcaiian Republic. One ol these Shredrjcrs has recently been installed at the mill of the Paahau .Plantation Company, Hamakua, Hawaii, and Mr, Andrew Moore, the manager, writes conccrninc it Taaohav Plantation Co., ' Hauakua, Jara. 10, 18HS. Wv.,0. Ibwi& 00., Ltd., Honoldici INTLIH1CN Tbe rulU has been running dur- ing the past two weeks, wth the National Cane Shredder lately installed, giving the most satisfactory results.. Our mill' consists of three seta of two rol lers,1 32 hui dla. Itf in. 'lqng, .the Bbreduer discs being '5 ft. 7 In; long, Klrlven liy an iogint It In. diajpyljfl(tor I ny 11 Iautohtalto , I if inlUed is as hard itlsTMMalbldforcane to be. having leen subjected to' severe drougkt during the tt bole period of iu growth, and erowinir on Unu'witb trado wind iposure. Our ex Vrtene witb tno Shredder. pqttlvnlwr.rwML: auovecane, vrovm n tu. ue juai wna Olu mills reuuired, the shredded enne being bettei prapareu u uayo its juice exirftctea man lor- meny aiwi passing tnrough tbe flrrt mill The first mill in now allowed to open tt in instead otKl foruiarly, tto that the trash now leaves the first null, better ground, thai ic lormerij ma me second, ana mis witnoui the old tiiued groanini:, choking, and rtrain- ig of the machinery. Behind the first and second mills we arml hot water, the quantity for the past 2 days as perntatement attached, has averaged &' per cent, on the total juice from thenaue. The trash from the hut mill is cut up mud finer than before the (Shredder was applied mi.ch of it resembling sawdiut.lt contain, as per statement iS) per cent, of moisture and makes grod fuel, ihe Juice from the lost mill stands 5 degree Brik., so that the moisture in the trash is of fi per oent. ,ugar solution. i ne Doners mate steam mucn easier tban before, now care has to be taken to keep them from blowing off, whereas before great care was necetwarr to keep the steam from goinf too low when the Pan was on. liy the use of the .Shredder we have dis )nsed with six men. formerlr neceMrv t. listrlbuta the caiia on ihn fArHr fnM the first mill, and throw back the long pieces. ine nnreauer uaenmery is. a gooa suu stantlal Jod, and should cause little or no trouble, as it is subjected to but light strains You will see that by applying the tihred-de- our work In all departments has been very materially Improved obtaining a better extraction at less expense than former- ly. The great Improvement in our steam, causes much satisfaction to those engaged in tbe Mill. Yours Respectfully. A. MOORE. Plans, specifications and prices ot these Shredders may be had on application to W.G. IRWIN ft Go. Ltd. Bole Agents for the Hawaiian Betilllilic Everybody says that m I- - FERMENTINE IS the best Preservative known. Benson, Smith & Co A RENTS. Wkjucly Btab, $t.00 per jear, Yale's Skin Food removes wrinklisn mill nil tnu'OK nao. It fuwlr) tlifoltcrli (lio pores anil Wilds tip tlio fatty membranes and wasted tissues, nourishes the sliriveiled and shrunken skin, tones mid in- -i vigorntes tlio nerves and mus- cles, enriches tlio impoverish-- 1 ed blood-vessel- s, and supplies j youth mid elasticity to tho action of the skin. Its perfect, i Tales Skin FokI. otice St.sn find 3i, it ftll riruir storci. MM Vtt Ai. Y AUK. llcalllt end Ileauly Specialist, 146 state St., micaito. THE HOBRON DRUG CO.. Sole A cents. PLANTERS' SPECIAL! Good Fertilizer, To Suit the Times At 630 Pfr ton of 2000 lbs. ' Analr.eti as follows: 10 l'er cent. Phosnhoric Acid. ? Boluble and available. ' 0 per cent, l'u ush (actual.) 3 per cent. Ammtinla. 10 percent. Lime (Carbonate). FLORIDA MOSPflATE, HONE MEAL, SULPHATE AND MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SODA and SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, Double Super Phosphate, 40 per cent, to 45 per cent, soluble In water, in (lUantitics to suit. Any Special Formula Made to Order A. F. COOKE, HAWAIIAN FERTILIZING CO, Try ' 'Tltf Star" tor "Fine ,Mt Printitta ' We beg to draw attention tne following advaniHges; TUB CUUStlEU will oU the cane t ran bvu reel j In pieces about 3 inched lung and extract about 50 jter cent, of the julcti aDdkleHver the crushed cane in a uniform layer to the 3 roller mill, thereby causing a perfect feed and in- creased extraction of Juice. THE CRUSHER wi II leave the "akin" on the cane, thereby giving the juice a better chance to be expelled than if tlie, cane was ripped open subjecting the tome nam packing on ine returner Euip of the 8 roller mill. THE CRUBIIEH will nave labor In handling of the cane, as an Irregular distribution of cane on the carrier will not materially effect the regular and even feed tn the S roller mill. THE CRUSHER will not require ad- - dttlonal steam or boiler power, as it has Pepkekeo Msrch IS), 1H05. ( Biusi Wehave used the Crusher since the beBinniDK or tue season ana nate rnta no trouble or hitch whatever wltb It or the enicine. The Crustier is extract ntr 4Q iwrcent. to N) per cent, ot tlie Juice ttile cutllotc the canei In tlerflBiol tnclics ion and itlvlnn a Irfect, evtn anil t'eatiy feed t the three roller mill. We are doing i to 34 twr cent. more nrk per dar snd could do much more tf our boiling house cspacliy.uouldprrmit. We are sat ing ihe labor ot six men un the cane carrier every day. smooth and easy, and the amount of steam coasumed is trifling, as you may Judge, for we are running two engines for the three mills and hat est earn tooimre for the U illlnif IIoum) troinn e 6lW foot biiler. Of couise with this even feed of crushed cane from he crusher we are enabled inclose auwn our mill m eh more than ever before, and from esierlmnis of dr)lnirthe irattt. tins re wo only 4J to i3 ir cent, of moisture left in It. uur run or grinding orainarjiy itiromw lowest, tol2 liighest, 4) gallou clariliers In fourteen hours. , i remain, yours Manager f'epeekeoMugarCo. I'll! 1'i.ai.tatiok, March 90, If85. Ilnnnlnln linn Wnrk. I III. Ilr.tt.iu., m Had tin. Kralewskl Crusher adrantaa-eou- la the uDderno'ed Items: stttuly aad evtn jeea or las tares roller tnitt, thus rauslng-- great ct al less strain on the mill anil at tl...aaiB time arlvlnii u. f mm ft tn s juice. We are at t raaklntc a Crusher Sole Agents AT GOLDEN I', fre HAWAIIAN UKULELES TARO PATCH GUITARS. l No Imitations made Abroad, Newsdealer & ..ea.Stationer. - to thla machine tor which we claim been demonstrated In auctunl prnctico, that the extraction of juice hoe improved tha tratdi as fuel bo aa to fully make up ior the. additional use of team to drive it. THE (JHUSUKR Is Btrongly built, the rullern are. made of Bteet rings on the shafts. The pinion are alt of steel and the epurwheel U provided with rim. Its Bpeed is about the same aa the mill rollers. ihereb Lttvinit comfort and safety in running, it is w constructed, that should iron part, such aa bolts, car coupling links and pins. cane knives, etc., go through, it wil not jure any of tue parts. The following are testimonials from plantatfons where thecrUHher at present 16 at work: Incrtatt amount of datiu trrrf. Owing to tave to drive tin Cruaher slow, but it ncu.. sarr coma uo 19 10 mi per cenu more wars 1111 11. 'talmr Saving, We save three meu at the alii. ilte troth it veru dru andcanalwaissunDly us with plenty ol kteain without the use ol elthea wood, or coal. ral hu ly tours, J. W. COLVILLrVMansjer. Kekaha J'laAMATiOP. farch 22, IMS. Mesrs. Hunolulti Iron Works ft), Petit Hi inn We have ben Morkln the Krajewskl Cr sher slm-- the btglnnlng ot Oclnb-- r tVl, without delay and with the ium sat sfaotory suits from the start. tur dally work has K civased froinOUclarfllerstoiiii clarlnersO'VOU gallons) wlllt tbe saute number of Uborrrs as we Ukted DBfoiia. HIupm mo art iisilnir thm I'mthfr the e traction has jurrtjaml cuiiclderably and the trash lesves the 2 roller mill d ler tban formerly and make eicellent fuel, liy adding thet'rusher weanpreheiidod that our steam- - that the Cruaher and the three roller mill to- gether ronaume le ,Kwtr than dbl then roll- er mill before alone. The eitraction of the Cruaiier amounts to SO per cent, of thejulre and the B roller mill receUes a steady aud regular feed, thereby decreasing the rfik of breaking the roller shafts. We can recommend the Krejewakl Cane Crusher as 4 valuable addition to a mill w hlrh 4 til (tay for itself lu a short time. We remain. For Kekaha Buyar Co.. F. W, GUOE, In our sbons and shall be Dleased to show IRON WORKS CO., for Hawaiian Islands. and King Streets. KE.AJEWSKI 'riStftTIMOsVIALOl "PMJY1A0ON( percnt.bettervstractiunot ann explain lus cuuetruciiua to any party imerueieu, HONOLULU GENUINE H. E. MctNTYRE $c BRO., . IMPORTERS AND OBAI.KKS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed. East Corner Fort increased segment Nsw Goods NcelTwi by every Packet from the Eastern Htatea and Europe Frsh California Produu. by v.ry steamer. AU orders fsithfully attended t and (cods delivered to any part of the city free of charge ItUnd orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No Fcf OIBos Boi No lit, ' ' ' f - IW. M. C. SUJMANN, n illlllKTANIA HT Oprxrtllf Cct.lrnl Union Church. IKHTIIH ft to II a.m.,2 lo4i.m., 7 Ir s p. ni. N. H. Tuevl ) anl Friilays from 8 to in. Hie trratm nt fr I'llnK I'Hl lI'i.K I. I JireM f cir tlie nirvlU lac. J. M. MONSARRAT. lint often ATTOIINKY AT LAW AND NOTARY runi.ic very 11 CartnrlKht lllo.-lc- , lien l.snt 1st.. Honolulu and G. M. SMITJI1 KS, Accountant. Collector and Copyist, nut the Olllc. with 0. 1). Chose, gor. Hale ilull.Uuf. Is Ti'letilmnR 18). Hie collection of Dot ernmentblllsast-eclal- 13. AI. NA1CUINA, Commissioner of Private Ways and Water Rights. Agent tn f limit Licenses Mutual Telephone 2&. WILLIAM WAliKSUK, CONTKACTOit AND llOILUEIt, Second Floor Honolulu Flaulti Mill, Ml Kinds of Jobbing l'rimiptly A tetiiloil to. CHAS. SEYDON bOKNE AND CHINAMEN PAL PAINTEIl, bltlN wniTEIt PAPER HAN CER and DECORATOR, No. 15 Ultiici. tfr. C. J. WHITiNIiY, Teacher of Klocution and Ura matic Art, AnLlNUTON H0TEI 547 O. Cnx 'V7. lelepnonei- LEWIS & CO. IMl'UlllEIt. Naval Supplies. Wholesale and 1 total Dealers in Oroceriea, Pro Isiona, etc. ill Fort tit.. Honolulu, II. 1. tfUll M. PHILLIPS & CO. of Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS Corner Fort and Quten St., Honolulu. 7tf U. W. SCHMIDT & SONS IMPOKTE15S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu, M. S. GUlKBAUM & CO. U ml led. U HONOLULU H. I Commission Merchants and Importer of Gentral Merchnndire. Is 8sn Franclra OtTlri. 215 Front fit. & CO., of No. 2o3 FORT ST.. Usw,anadk Stop on your way to the wharf and buy a cigar nr get an Iced cold drink. American LiTery Mi Boarding; statlu Cor. Merchant aait Itl hsrd Sm-nt- Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all nuurs. JAMES CAIITV, Proprietor, Telkhiosk No. 49(1. CONBOI.IDi.TEl) SODA WATER AVOUKS COMl-AN- LTD. Esplanade, come" Allen and Fort streets. HOLLISTER A CO.. Anertts PACIFIC' TRADING- - CO., SUCCESSORS TO "1TOIIAN." IMPORTKRS AND DKALURS In Japanese Pnivisioua and Dry (Joods, etc., etc. 7 . ,. 204 aud 201 Foht Ht Honolulu, II. 1 HOKOLULUJIRON WORKS. Hit am Ekoineb, Buoar Mii.l, Boirvna uooiaKKs, inon, unAsa and IsKad CAbTIKGB. Machinery of Every Description Hade Order. Particular attention nald to Hhlix Blaoksml thins: Job work xwutsM at Hhnn CRITERION SALDOM TORT, MIAlt 110TKI. BTKECT. CHAS. J. MoCAflTHY. Manaaer Popular Brands of SlraiEtl Mi ALWAYS ON ItAMll. Try th Oreat Appetizer, "THE BROWNIE' Siee laity with this resort. DiroT or THE FAMODS WIELAND LAGER BEER. Reduced From $30 to $SO. We liavo reduced our Dark cork, screw. French and Clerman plquo suits from 130 tn (20. Now is your chanre If you want to get dressed In fine style for little money. MUDERIOS & CO., Arlinoton IIlock, Hotel Stukct. B. DECKER, Mob. J. 'V. r,HND, Bicycles lteiatlml. (lull and IM'k Smith, No. U UKTilKl. HTIIEET, Nest to Castle & Cooke. THIS MPJB.Wafcf Vrana safi 1 "!. tsrhttrai Mtntaia ln. tWcroaobmtltorlt, ' CHANGES OF STYLE. IhA Old rtilnnel ft bt. birr It nr nf I sMlilnn. n hliftM nn ltitisw tlk nut slioiiltlrr. Tim fullr fall itovrnnard towanMheiliows, ami this niapgerntlon, tlMwigh lmrtlttr. Is turf nonrly mi innrh nn that nllli whkh vto wem but to famil- iar whim niiftiths IVuin tlrftWlx)ns ti tho wrl-- nil In tlht and rhw.1 fitting for iiitirnliisr .riir, n Natisthln thapn 1li.it Lii-p- tlidplftnnn wvil nut nf the way of the lint id, for dna4iw of nwnony t Im uliwn am npen and fy vldo nt the wrUts, shaviituf iMvtutlfuI lliiliijrfl ntid hincli trim- ming, with Inner thnfllevoifur the pro teeth"! nf Ihe arms. ThU Is rotertlng to n old fashion, but there l nmliltirf iiew tier the sun in dreM AH Is ftnurrertlon revival. Wltliutit anertlngiHMltUL'ly tliatfAtlilon logins tn show srinptontit of a diihled change It U tvifetn my that the present mode, wlioeo geiMfid fiattirei Iwne loeu Himo for n ooinpnrntl.ely lung ttino, Is UKciy to lost tinjutcixHi ery much ion Thustmngmtliullcat Ion of new things mn In ulem i, which am mom and mom uiounted on a lining shoulder u - C mm mm) i mm hack costume. pke, the ltlloin portion no longer begin- - nlug at tlio Junction of Ihotli'OToaiiil cor- - sago, but nn Inch or mi below tlio jwlnt of thu slioulder. Tills gives tlio old fashioned sloping effect, but U extremely lnconven- - lent, as It Is 1iuhseiiiIo to uo tlio arm freely In such n slecMi. This Innovation Is not yet universally ailnpti-,1- furwlitllclsni lsthaonler of tlio Ouy, nnd women may wear ery much what they ULo without l fear or appearing conspicuous. j AU Illustration H given of a raco toilet f changeable In geranium nnd inmn tints. The round skirt Is cut with godcts and opens on each tldo of tho tabller to shown luinoluf cream liberty satin cmered with liico. Tlio full blotiM) IkmIIco Is of cream sat In and hn a largo butterfly of lace upon the bosom, 'ihu UrntH.'xl belt is glace geranium silk. Tho draped satin collar has a rtmi on each side. Tho gtrnnl- - urns are of elbow leugthanunrn wt low on tho shoulder. Tho bonnet Is entirely of rosea and foliage, with n low of ribbon. JL'IHG CIIOLLET. GOWNS AND HATS. Fancy Mraw Ilralds Itoa nf Lace soul Ituilled C'liltTon. , For n glrl'a theater' orimrty blouse uuth Ing could Ihi In nicer taste or inoro becom-li- limn onoof miifclln chllTon, a fabric tllky as giiuzo and suft ai tlillToij, Dinner and e cuing gowns am nearly all cut square acroa, with a 6hort slemn fall ing oil tho shoulder. A groat tlml of lace employ ctl on tlio Immiicos, wnun is high- ly desirable, as lace is the most universally becoming bort of trimming. Whom tho decoHi'tagQ Is formal rattier than actual it 1 filled with tulle, cretm or moussellno do wile, gutliered at the neck under a ribbon collar upon which a flower U placed. i uree ana four uiuerenthorw ana colors flowers aru mvh on the same hut or bon net this feofrou, whicu-ls- a com para tl to o unvelty. Ivingctips shaded tuui&lcuj and kvl lilies of thu valley were grouped upon one toque. btraw 14 employed not only ior hats, but fur the trimming, forming frllU aud that aru 14 ti durable and effective. Tho stniw brnlds aru woven in every shado of color, rowe, gold, green. mau vo in fact, all tones wen m urcss ll6U6E costume. good but perhaps the prettiest are the rough snovrwhlto kind ami tluitof arml trrocn color The white inny bo trlrumotl with Oowers th6 color of tho gown, while Ihe green has a charmingly njmphllko, rustic cfXoct and also lends Itself well to luust color comhluatlous. lions of loco and rufllctl chiffon are for sale for sumntcr wtvir and are as frogtlo as they Aro pretty. Chiffon and crupo niching, ,Tery full, aro alo for salo by tho yard and mako an oxmnllngly pretty dop-- oration foe their enpfw. Yoki tuid collars or nmt organdie. muoh ruffled, embroidered and tuoLod, aro now fashhuiahlo again after tholoug Inter val In which wash goods for oocessorloH, even handkerchiefs, havo been out of fa vor. Tho illustration shows a dainty house toilet of rMd bengallue. The fltjed liuck lias n wntteau plait, whllu thu straight front has a pulling of crenm mousselina do lulo on tvwh bide, A wido imvooiiar covers the shoulders, and tho balloon stoovoex- - jnd8 only to tho cIUjw, JL'IUC CIIOLLET. French Slonument at Waterloo. Waterloo Is nt loot to huvo a monument to tho memory of thu French who fell thfiro. Tho Cumllu du Souvenir Francois bas tho matter lu hand. The huitd Ture I'ur lyirla. A new reiu"dy for dyn pla and stomach troubio litis inado ua npixuinuiou in toutu cm Oreguit. U U nothing lees thuu iv inoonful ot common, cMnday river hot- torn Mind, taken wet Jiut after ineuls. WilUum llylkco, u well knuwu cltlicn and proprietor ot isyue'a springs, li auppostxl to ho too originutor of this queer reuiLHir. but qulto u ttumU'r of gentlo-tnc- ii testify to lUcunitivoproTtlert, which aro uppOMd o tako thu fonn of mechan ical action oy earn ing on impurities from tho mucous lining ot the walls of tho stomach. "Taku kind'1 U qulto a popular ploou of mh led around Ashland when any ouo compluliu of ijiroiuu stoiuacu trouble. Am theru U mi isidt-u- l on tho sand, tluit rommudlty UlnKwlthlii rejuhof thu iKHir t'ktof us, this urllclo can not bo colled tt patent i mil kino mhertlaement. Grant's Pas Courier. Wonirii 111 JttptiU. A Japum-u- o huly's vUlting drei oftsu coxts oo. not including her hairpins. nhkh aro always a most important item. At tho fiu.li Ion newr thaugus, both dress and pins uro hundl dtiMi from mother to daughter, In wveh city tho women wear a volur to Uiciuisehes. In Tokyo it is tiiuo in hioto siato pmy, ana mi on Jaiuineso womtii havo strangi Ideas of aiidinir tu tnvir beauty. They sluivo on their eyebrows aud m penciled ones with an exuggcrnu'd arch. They paint their Una u hld crimson, with n iatoU of gold In tho center, aud thilr faces u chalky will to. Tho peasant girl ot rourM eunaot onoru ail ihu ueeorution and mint li con tent with her own roey cheeks and tanned SK1U. s l OkVH 4.TIsf CASTLE & COOKE v I.lMtTlU). Importers, Hardware and General Merchandise. ,. 1 ,M? 11 c " rt' ir" brought a Mliljnncnt of (loods, aim ng which will m fnund a (.entra! and tmilfte Line of ... , . Agricultural. Implements and Tools, Miscellaneous Hardware, Including LWVN MOWERS, HAY CUTTKRjj, COW IHiL-- FAMILY GRIND STOKES, VICES, ROPE, (Manila and Sisal) CHURNS, CAR I AXLES, HLaCKSM ITU'S BELLOWS. 'I'OVI? TUTTftrc 'UrvO, , STAPLES, Itl.TTIVr . . i:AM?n.VL'c cnu r?c l "LUO' WO'DEN WASHUOARDS ts ... l l r- t; i Tfi. .......vi. ( .MliAl tJUlTIlKa, CRE M FREEZERS, Etc., Etc. AOrCJ?. HIAUl, OIK dcliveredl to any partf the Citj at $2: f o t Dise, C. O. I) Castle & Cooke, Ltd IMPORTERS. hardware anil General Mercaaniise. Eojiipie Life Assurance Society or the United States. ha Ihelr new Toutlne Intt&Iment Poller. meai.sof ibe lnittmn O'Uicy a mm Is umblfd td leav- - hi funil y suni of tn mer 'hh cu ueithtr bilo-.to- r sinnndrred: ami noid iL nnum .!, and rlk ln- - fd lu I lie atpimlnlifu nt ot a truttw. Tim Iisialmeitt iHjlloy not mily gives he ainlly of such a mm nnnciJ iriilou m he v.t-n- r h'ss preiDtmre dtntb. but may be srtjL'sUii mm i continue tor ing Mieftrt' mm titcr his d alh. Kail purtlcula s I ihU and all bih?rt1sns f Instirut re loiiud b this Xselety ch rfally uruUhtrd uu hp'statlou to IJItUOK CARTll HI011T, Hem-ra- Ms'iager for the Hawaiian Ultnda. Kqultable Ufa, Assurance rucl ty of the Untied Mattrs, NotaryJPublic. I'artlcular attention Riven, and .e.itUfuction guaratitcHl, to all who desire Acruiinla AilJitsU-- or Collvctol RECORDS SEARCHED -- By an experienced person. OFF1CK wmi Tlie Hawaiian Investment Co., ItKAl, ESTATE AND IOANS, 13 and is KAAHU.MANU ST. TTXnPHONK 39. , WHAT ? Haven't got a llicycle Tag YET! What are you thinking off Want your wheel stolen ? GET ONE AT ONCE. H. F. WIGHMAN, SELLS THEM, AND THEY ARE CHEAP. Where did you get that suit f Why, at JOHNSTON & STOREY'S, 413 FOHT ST., There you get the latest New York fashions ia Clothing and Geut's Pur nishing Remember f JOHNSTON & STOREY.,. 43 Fort Strbkt, UoNOLTrtn.

Transcript of Hardware SORE Influorua, and and GeneralYachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc HANKA., FOOT STKEET....

Page 1: Hardware SORE Influorua, and and GeneralYachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc HANKA., FOOT STKEET. BICYCLES A new consignment of the famous FALCON ROADSTERS just arrived'. Also aJ7

'0 .





Oarrl Oram XIn7

Save the Children SirBy Purifying Their Blood

Hood's Sarea.pa.rWa Make PurBlood, Cures Scrofula, Etc.

"My es(rlenee with Hood's Sarsaparllla haatwen very sOectlve. Mr UtUa girt, art yearsoU.aed for fourveari a esdilln disease.' Hersrms snd limbs would' bruit out liiatoiiiofsores, dlschartfrir yellow natter. .8hs. would, quisscratch the- as though It save relief,and tew open the sons.

Two Bottles of Hood'slartapailua earned ihe eruptions to heal andand the scabs pealed off. after which the aklabecame lott and smooth. Ai a family medlclo.



we believe Ilood't Barsaparllla haa no equal aad1 recommend It" vr. L. Kmo.Tlluff Palsylei.

fourHood's Pills arelhebeitnmnyeanunM,

MtleaodeffecUv.. TryaboL aseats.Uobron Drug Company

"Wholesale Aeents.


Having resumed business and takenadvantage of the past two weeks torenovate our studio we are better pre-

pared than ever to All orders for viewsof ancient Hawaii and, of the stirringeventa of the late troubles. Portraitof the leadinz characters a specialty.

Our portrait department is open forengagements, and our wort, as in thepast will be up to all of the modern aavancements in our line.

Hawiian the


Tbe cleanest, brightest tafest and really,the lone run, the cheapest and beet light

for use In tne family residence, la the inean-descent electric light. Bate; nothing couldrut safer, a Tew aava as-- a prominent cen- -tleman of Honolulu came rushing down tothe office of to JSlsctrro uompany ana saia: to."Give me flgnrea for, wiring my house, and Iwant it done at once ; no more lamps forme.lm ntgns a lamp uppea over ana it cameso near setting fire to the house and burning

v children and I take no more risks."This is the sentiment of auite a number in

the past few weeks, who have ordered theirbouses fitted with the perfect light.

Jiut think it over and make uti vour mtndthat you want the bast and safest Iignt;sendfor the Hawaiian Klactrlo Company and tellthorn what ton want.

We have a complete stock of everything inthis line and have Just received a lot o tbevery latest designs in chandeliers.

""BISHOP Sc, CO.,Established in 1858.

BANKERS.Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.




'New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris,



The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney,

The Bank of New Zealand,. Auckland, andits branches In Christchurch, Duaodln

TheBank'o'f "ifrttlsh Columbia, .Victoria, andits branches, Vancouver, Nanalmo, Westminister, D. VAj ana roniana, urvgvn.

The Axoree and Madeira Islands.ISttnAtrhAlm'. Rvnlan...The Chartered Bank ot India, Australia and.

' ' China.The ngkong and.8hanghai..Chliia; and

Yokohama! BrortnJWagaaaiapan.And transact a General Banking Buslneas.


IfOUJVDISp JJSOS.i? Capital, - - $0ftOb.,OflOAssets, - - $9,000,000

Having "Jwsn appointed awntapf .tkeinbsvst Uompany--we-ar- iow readr to nect'insar.

' aoees at the lowest rales ot premium.


lasiie a uuuKc! Liu.


Insurance Agents.

aoihts roa


Life InsiiTance Coior boston.




C, BREWER -- C0.f WQueen St., Honolulu, H.I.,

AOSNTS forHawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea

Sugar Co., ,Honomu. Sugar Co., WalInVn Hnirar Co.. Walhea Bucar Co..Makes Sugar .Co., Haleakala Ranch.Co.", Kapapala Uanch.

iPlantera'.LlnB Ban Francisco Packets,- . Chaa. Brewer ft Co.'s Lino of Boston

(rAecaU Boston Boardof Underwritera--

Agenu rnuaaeiprua oura 171 vnaor,WTiters.

List or Omens 1

H. WATaaaocsa.. V. .... DirectorsA. w. CAraa.,-.- . I ','

MKff oaiiinkt roitiir.it.TttiMS Who Trill Hired the Affaire of the

flrlllsh Rmplre,

London, June 28. The Mar-

quis of Salisbury bus completedtbe work of forming the new Cab-

inet. The new Ministry Is as fol-

lows!Premier and Secretary of State

for foreign Affairs, Marquis ofSalisbury.

President of the Council, Dukeof Devonshire.

Lord High Chancellor, BaronIlalsbury.

Lord of the Privy Seal, ViscountCross.

Chancellor of tbe Exchequer,Michael Hlcks-ilcac-

Secretary of State for HomeAffairs, Sir Matthey White Ridley.

Urst Lord ot tne Treasury, A. J.Balfour.

Secretary of State for tbe Colonies, Joseph Chamberlain.

Secretary ot State lor War, Marof Latisdowne.

First Lord ol tue Admiralty,George J. Goschen.

Secretary of State lor India,Lord George Hamilton.

President .or the Board ot Trade,T. Ritchie.President of the Local Govern

ment Board, Henry Chaplin.Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, EarlGaddogan.Lord Chancellor of Ireland,

Baron Ashbourne.Secretary of Scotland, Baron Bal

of Burleigh.Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan

caster, Sir Henry James.Other appointments are as fol

lows: Financial Secretary of theTreasury, Robert William Han- -

bury; Under Secretary lor ForeignAffairs, George N. Curzon.

Bight Years for nowgate.

Washington, July 2. JudgeMcComas today sentenced. CaptainHenry W. Ho wgate to eight ears

the Albany Penitentiary, fouryears on each charge of forgery andembezzlement. A motion of appealwas filed.

Howgate was accompanied incourt by his daughter. Both took

sentence very unconcernedly.Howeate was remanded to jail to

await the result of appeal.MUItDKR OF LCXZ.

The Latest Information Iteeelved FromW. L. Sachtleben.

Alton, July 2. W. I,. Sachtleben, who is conducting an expedition in search ot intormation as

the fate ot Frank F. Lenz, thelost American bicyclist, has writtenanother letter to his sister in thiscity that throws some light on thematter. The letter bears date ofJune 16th, and was mailed at Erze- -

roum. He knows who tne mur-derers are, but dare not make amove, because to do so would be tospoil the final object of his mission.tte;is quite sure mat tne motivefor 'the.Inz "murder was entirelymercenary.


8h Dresses In an klaburate and OnadySyrian Costnme.

Wichita (Kas.) June 3o.-S0-

thing of a sensation was caused inthis city today by Mrs. Mary EllenLease swinging into the mainthoroughfare of tbe city riding abicycle and elaborately dressed in aflashy Syrian costume, includinglarge trousers buckled. She rodein fine style. In an interview shesaid that she abominated bloomersand thought the Syrian costumetne proper thing. "Bicycle riding,'sne says, is tne next thing tohaving wings." All. the Leasefamily, including the husband andfour children are now riding bicycles.




Made at shortnotice Dy tbe






r RENTWheniyou can applythe rent money to pur-

chase a bouse?We will sell you a house to be

by paying month-

ly installments.

Pnll nnil examine our nlat) andsatisfy yourself that our proposijtlnn is one which will be fullv sat'isfactory to you. '

he vmm mi deposit hho imves- t-


(08 Fobt'Stbeet, Honolulu,


COMPANYBeir to Inform the nubile of

Honolulu and the other Islands that acomplete line of their famous and de- -

rerveaij popular


have. been Introduced loto. this market-afld aja ppn to oe lounu on saie at.' maaroSMrv stores of U . E. MctsmuE Cno.,t$JAC and HEagyAyisACo.;where their elegant display cabinets canbe aeen. The Valuo given for prioes(,)Maad haa, never been equaled In thismarket by any other Boap (jompaoy,


AYER'SCherry Pectoral

HAS NO EQUALrnn Til liArm ci iik or

Colds, Coughs,Influorua, and

SORE THROAT.It will relief

tllQ IliOSt dlt thetresslng cough,soothe Hie I ra

il am ed mem-- 1

brant, loosenI (cherry) tha t hie urn.

fiuitl tnduco refreshing sleep.For the eure ofCroup, Whoop-- In(t Cmigh, Bore

Throat, ami allthe pulmonary troubles to which tho youngnre fin liable, thprc Is no other remedy soeffective as

Ayer's Cherry PectoralHIGHEST AWARDS AT THE

World's Great Expositions.

Made by Dr. J.OAyr A Co , Lowell.MMsutf .8. A,

Kirllewiire of ctieap ImlUtlon. The nmArer'ti therrr P?ctorl promttirnt onthe wrapper, and la blown tu tlie gUit ot cactit our bottle.






I have just receive ill line of thesecelebrated PATTEItNS and can accommo-date my patrons with the latest styles.

Also a full line of Millinery Good-s-June 11th Races Derby Hats.

Yachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc



A new consignment of the famousFALCON ROADSTERS just arrived'.Also a J7 lb. Track 'Racer, the only trackwheel made with large ball bearingsand large sprockets. These machinesnre manufactured by the Tost Manufacturirg Company of Toledo, Ohio,who give a guarantee for one year withevery machine sold.

For terms etc. apply to




Askiyour Grocer for

Hawaiian Honey

tut UP BY

Tie Honolulu Apiary Company.

Gloves for 25c.

Bring mo your Soiled Glovesand I will make thciu

Hew and Cleanfor the small sum of 25 cents.

Also prepared to tako

Orders for Trousseaus

ndsof UnderwearAT VERY LOW PRICES.

vr M POULAIN.Masonic Tbmple.




25c, ,

25c1F1CW YAHD,



For Rent.The premises on Judd Street, beyond

Llllha, lately occupied by JoaquinMiller. House of four Rooms and Kitchen! Stable aud i acres of land moreor less.

For Sale.One All Brass Double Acting Force

I'ump, 3 inch suction and dischargewith 250 feet SH Inch Hose.

At a bargain one English dog car-t-Imported.

One revolving baker's oven.Apply to

J. EMMELUTii,633 tf. No, 6 Nuuanu street,

A VAI.IWIII.H m KN1 III.The Flake linn,. Mnclrr Snl.Jrrl.,1 In a

Irarllca1 Te.l.Nhw Yokk, June jo. Another

very Important step In iiiotlcrnl.itii

tlie defense of New York wns take)

today, when tlie board of Armofficers completed at I'ort Hamlttoa series of tcsls of the position findcr, recently Invented by I.letitenanIlfadley A. I'iskc, United StattNavy.

It va found to be a very valuable adjunct to the disappearing gunrecently placed in position there l

Government. The accuracy rthe finder was made on various obiccts. In every case the I'iskc position finder showed an error of mnclless than l per cent, for caclthousand vards of ranee, which isthe standard required by both theUnited States and Knglish Govern-ments.

The Hoard said the I'iske position finder will solve satisfactorily ofwhat has been a very difficult prob-lem in completing the utility of thedisappearing gun, As the gunnercannot see the enemy, it is necessarythat the ranee and direction betaken at some other point, and, incase of a moving object, such as aship, accurately and instantaneouslyconveyed to the gunner at the moment of firing. This was donesatisfactorily for the first time to-

day.fllney Will Take a Vacation.

Washington, June 28. Secretary of State Olney expects toleave Washington tomorrow, to be

absent the greater part of the sum-

mer. State Department officialsexpect a quiet time in foreign re-



Patented under the late of the Ha--

tcaiian Republic.

One ol these Shredrjcrs hasrecently been installed at themill of the Paahau .PlantationCompany, Hamakua, Hawaii,and Mr, Andrew Moore, themanager, writes conccrninc it

Taaohav Plantation Co.,' Hauakua, Jara. 10, 18HS.

Wv.,0. Ibwi& 00., Ltd., HonoldiciINTLIH1CN Tbe rulU has been running dur-

ing the past two weeks, wth the NationalCane Shredder lately installed, giving themost satisfactory results..

Our mill' consists of three seta of two rollers,1 32 hui dla. Itf in. 'lqng, .the Bbreduerdiscs being '5 ft. 7 In; long, Klrlven liy an

iogint It In. diajpyljfl(tor Iny 11Iautohtalto , I if

inlUed is as harditlsTMMalbldforcane to be. having leen

subjected to' severe drougkt during thettbole period of iu growth, and erowinir onUnu'witb trado wind iposure. Our exVrtene witb tno Shredder. pqttlvnlwr.rwML:auovecane, vrovm n tu. ue juai wna Olumills reuuired, the shredded enne being betteiprapareu u uayo its juice exirftctea man lor-meny aiwi passing tnrough tbe flrrt millThe first mill in now allowed to open tt ininstead otKl foruiarly, tto that the trashnow leaves the first null, better ground, thaiic lormerij ma me second, ana mis witnouithe old tiiued groanini:, choking, and rtrain-

ig of the machinery.Behind the first and second mills we arml

hot water, the quantity for the past 2 daysas perntatement attached, has averaged &'per cent, on the total juice from thenaue.

The trash from the hut mill is cut up mudfiner than before the (Shredder was appliedmi.ch of it resembling sawdiut.lt contain,as per statement iS) per cent, of moisture andmakes grod fuel, ihe Juice from the lost millstands 5 degree Brik., so that the moisturein the trash is of fi per oent. ,ugar solution.

i ne Doners mate steam mucn easier tbanbefore, now care has to be taken to keep themfrom blowing off, whereas before great carewas necetwarr to keep the steam from goinftoo low when the Pan was on.

liy the use of the .Shredder we have dis)nsed with six men. formerlr neceMrv t.

listrlbuta the caiia on ihn fArHr fnM thefirst mill, and throw back the long pieces.

ine nnreauer uaenmery is. a gooa suustantlal Jod, and should cause little or notrouble, as it is subjected to but light strains

You will see that by applying the tihred-de-

our work In all departments has beenvery materially Improved obtaining abetter extraction at less expense than former-ly. The great Improvement in our steam,causes much satisfaction to those engaged intbe Mill.

Yours Respectfully.A. MOORE.

Plans, specifications and pricesot these Shredders may be hadon application to

W.G. IRWIN ft Go. Ltd.Bole Agents for the

Hawaiian Betilllilic






Benson, Smith & Co


Wkjucly Btab, $t.00 per jear,


Foodremoves wrinklisn mill nil tnu'OK

nao. It fuwlr) tlifoltcrli (liopores anil Wilds tip tlio fattymembranes and wasted tissues,nourishes the sliriveiled andshrunken skin, tones mid in- -i

vigorntes tlio nerves and mus-cles, enriches tlio impoverish-- 1

ed blood-vessel- s, and supplies j

youth mid elasticity to thoaction of the skin. Its perfect, i

Tales Skin FokI. otice St.sn find 3i, it ftllriruir storci. MM Vtt Ai. Y AUK. llcalllt endIleauly Specialist, 146 state St., micaito.



Good Fertilizer,To Suit the TimesAt 630 Pfr ton of 2000 lbs.

' Analr.eti as follows:10 l'er cent. Phosnhoric Acid. ?

Boluble and available. '0 per cent, l'u ush (actual.)3 per cent. Ammtinla.10 percent. Lime (Carbonate).




Double Super Phosphate,40 per cent, to 45 per cent, solubleIn water, in (lUantitics to suit.

Any Special Formula Made to Order


Try ' 'Tltf Star" tor "Fine ,Mt Printitta '

We beg to draw attentiontne following advaniHges;

TUB CUUStlEU will oU the canet ran bvu reel j In pieces about 3 inchedlung and extract about 50 jter cent, ofthe julcti aDdkleHver the crushed cane ina uniform layer to the 3 roller mill,thereby causing a perfect feed and in-creased extraction of Juice.

THE CRUSHER wi II leave the "akin"on the cane, thereby giving the juice abetter chance to be expelled than if tlie,cane was ripped open subjecting the

tome nam packing on ine returnerEuipof the 8 roller mill.THE CRUBIIEH will nave labor In

handling of the cane, as an Irregulardistribution of cane on the carrier willnot materially effect the regular andeven feed tn the S roller mill.

THE CRUSHER will not require ad- -

dttlonal steam or boiler power, as it has

Pepkekeo Msrch IS), 1H05. (

Biusi Wehave used the Crusher since thebeBinniDK or tue season ana nate rnta notrouble or hitch whatever wltb It or theenicine.

The Crustier is extract ntr 4Q iwrcent. to N)per cent, ot tlie Juice ttile cutllotc the caneiIn tlerflBiol tnclics ion and itlvlnn aIrfect, evtn anil t'eatiy feed t the threeroller mill. We are doing i to 34 twr cent.more nrk per dar snd could do much more tfour boiling house cspacliy.uouldprrmit. Weare sat ing ihe labor ot six men un the canecarrier every day.

smooth and easy, and the amount of steamcoasumed is trifling, as you may Judge, for weare running two engines for the three millsand hat est earn tooimre for the U illlnif IIoum)troinn e 6lW foot biiler. Of couise with thiseven feed of crushed cane from he crusherwe are enabled inclose auwn our mill m ehmore than ever before, and from esierlmnisof dr)lnirthe irattt. tins re wo only 4J to i3 ircent, of moisture left in It.

uur run or grinding orainarjiy itiromwlowest, tol2 liighest, 4) gallou clariliers Infourteen hours. ,

i remain, yours

Manager f'epeekeoMugarCo.

I'll! 1'i.ai.tatiok, March 90, If85.Ilnnnlnln linn Wnrk. I III. Ilr.tt.iu., m

Had tin. Kralewskl Crusher adrantaa-eou- lathe uDderno'ed Items:

stttuly aad evtn jeea or las tares roller tnitt,thus rauslng-- great ct al less strain on themill anil at tl...aaiB time arlvlnii u. f mm ft tns juice.

We are at t raaklntc a Crusher

Sole Agents






No Imitations made Abroad,

Newsdealer &



to thla machine tor which we claim

been demonstrated In auctunl prnctico,that the extraction of juicehoe improved tha tratdi as fuel bo aa tofully make up ior the. additional use ofteam to drive it.THE (JHUSUKR Is Btrongly built,

the rullern are. made of Bteet ringson the shafts. The pinion are alt ofsteel and the epurwheel U provided with

rim. Its Bpeed is about thesame aa the mill rollers. ihereb Lttvinitcomfort and safety in running, it is wconstructed, that should iron part, suchaa bolts, car coupling links and pins.cane knives, etc., go through, it wil not

jure any of tue parts.The following are testimonials from

plantatfons where thecrUHher at present16 at work:

Incrtatt amount of datiu trrrf. Owing to

tave to drive tin Cruaher slow, but it ncu..sarr coma uo 19 10 mi per cenu more wars

1111 11.'talmr Saving, We save three meu at the

alii.ilte troth it veru dru andcanalwaissunDly

us with plenty ol kteain without the use olelthea wood, or coal. ral hu ly tours,

J. W. COLVILLrVMansjer.

Kekaha J'laAMATiOP. farch 22, IMS.Mesrs. Hunolulti Iron Works ft), Petit

Hi inn We have ben Morkln the KrajewsklCr sher slm-- the btglnnlng ot Oclnb-- r tVl,without delay and with the ium sat sfaotory

suits from the start. tur dally work hasK civased froinOUclarfllerstoiiii clarlnersO'VOUgallons) wlllt tbe saute number of Uborrrs aswe Ukted DBfoiia. HIupm mo art iisilnir thm I'mthfrthe e traction has jurrtjaml cuiiclderably andthe trash lesves the 2 roller mill d ler tbanformerly and make eicellent fuel, liy addingthet'rusher weanpreheiidod that our steam- -

that the Cruaher and the three roller mill to-gether ronaume le ,Kwtr than dbl then roll-er mill before alone. The eitraction of theCruaiier amounts to SO per cent, of thejulreand the B roller mill receUes a steady audregular feed, thereby decreasing the rfik ofbreaking the roller shafts.

We can recommend the Krejewakl CaneCrusher as 4 valuable addition to a mill w hlrh4 til (tay for itself lu a short time. We remain.

For Kekaha Buyar Co..F. W, GUOE,

In our sbons and shall be Dleased to show

IRON WORKS CO.,for Hawaiian Islands.

and King Streets.





ann explain lus cuuetruciiua to any party imerueieu,



H. E. MctNTYRE $c BRO., .


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

East Corner Fort



Nsw Goods NcelTwi by every Packet from the Eastern Htatea and EuropeFrsh California Produu. by v.ry steamer. AU orders fsithfully attended tand (cods delivered to any part of the city free of charge

ItUnd orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone NoFcf OIBos Boi No lit,

' ' 'f -


Oprxrtllf Cct.lrnl Union Church.IKHTIIH ft to II a.m.,2 lo4i.m.,

7 Ir s p. ni.N. H. Tuevl ) anl Friilays from 8 to

in. Hie trratm nt fr I'llnK I'Hl lI'i.K I.I JireM fcir tlie nirvlU lac.

J. M. MONSARRAT. lintoften


runi.ic very11

CartnrlKht lllo.-lc- , lien l.snt 1st.. Honolulu and

G. M. SMITJI1 KS,Accountant. Collector and Copyist,


Olllc. with 0. 1). Chose, gor.Hale ilull.Uuf. Is

Ti'letilmnR 18).Hie collection of Dot ernmentblllsast-eclal-

13. AI. NA1CUINA,Commissioner of Private Ways and

Water Rights.

Agent tn f limit Licenses

Mutual Telephone 2&.


Second Floor HonoluluFlaulti Mill,

Ml Kinds of Jobbing l'rimiptly Atetiiloil to.


PAPER HAN CER and DECORATOR,No. 15 Ultiici. tfr.


Teacher of Klocution and Uramatic Art,


O. Cnx 'V7. lelepnonei-


IMl'UlllEIt.Naval Supplies. Wholesale and 1 total

Dealers in Oroceriea, Pro Isiona, etc.ill Fort tit.. Honolulu, II. 1.


M. PHILLIPS & CO.ofWholesale Importers and Jobbers of


Corner Fort and Quten St., Honolulu.7tf




Fort Street, Honolulu,

M. S. GUlKBAUM & CO.U ml led. U

HONOLULU H. ICommission Merchants and Importer

of Gentral Merchnndire. Is

8sn Franclra OtTlri. 215 Front fit.

& CO., of

No. 2o3 FORT ST.. Usw,anadkStop on your way to the wharf andbuy a cigar nr get an Iced cold drink.

American LiTery Mi Boarding; statluCor. Merchant aait Itl hsrd Sm-nt-

Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allnuurs.

JAMES CAIITV, Proprietor,Telkhiosk No. 49(1.




Esplanade, come" Allen and Fort streets.




IMPORTKRS AND DKALURSIn Japanese Pnivisioua andDry (Joods, etc., etc. 7 . , .

204 aud 201 Foht Ht Honolulu, II. 1


Hit am Ekoineb, Buoar Mii.l, BoirvnauooiaKKs, inon, unAsa and IsKad


Machinery of Every Description HadeOrder. Particular attention nald to HhlixBlaoksml thins: Job work xwutsM at Hhnn


CHAS. J. MoCAflTHY. Manaaer

Popular Brands of SlraiEtl MiALWAYS ON ItAMll.

Try th Oreat Appetizer, "THEBROWNIE' Siee laitywith this resort.

DiroT or THE


Reduced From$30 to $SO.

We liavo reduced our Dark cork,screw. French and Clerman plquo suitsfrom 130 tn (20. Now is your chanre Ifyou want to get dressed In fine style forlittle money.

MUDERIOS & CO.,Arlinoton IIlock, Hotel Stukct.


J. 'V. r,HND,

Bicycles lteiatlml. (lull and IM'k Smith,No. U UKTilKl. HTIIEET,

Nest to Castle & Cooke.

THIS MPJB.WafcfVrana safi 1 "!. tsrhttrai Mtntaia ln.tWcroaobmtltorlt, '

CHANGES OF STYLE.IhA Old rtilnnel ft bt. birr

It nr nf I sMlilnn. nhliftM nn ltitisw tlk nutslioiiltlrr. Tim fullr fall itovrnnardtowanMheiliows, ami this niapgerntlon,tlMwigh lmrtlttr. Is turf nonrly mi innrhnn that nllli whkh vto wem but to famil-iar whim niiftiths IVuin tlrftWlx)ns titho wrl-- nil In tlht and rhw.1 fitting foriiitirnliisr .riir, n Natisthln thapn 1li.it Lii-p-

tlidplftnnn wvil nut nf the way of the lintid,for dna4iw of nwnony t Im uliwn amnpen and fy vldo nt the wrUts,

shaviituf iMvtutlfuI lliiliijrfl ntid hincli trim-ming, with Inner thnfllevoifur the proteeth"! nf Ihe arms. ThU Is rotertlng to n

old fashion, but there l nmliltirf iiewtier the sun in dreM AH Is ftnurrertlon

revival.Wltliutit anertlngiHMltUL'ly tliatfAtlilon

logins tn show srinptontit of a diihledchange It U tvifetn my that the presentmode, wlioeo geiMfid fiattirei Iwne loeu

Himo for n ooinpnrntl.ely lung ttino, IsUKciy to lost tinjutcixHi ery much ionThustmngmtliullcat Ion of new things

mn In ulem i, which am mom and momuiounted on a lining shoulder u -


mm mm) i

mmhack costume.

pke, the ltlloin portion no longer begin- -

nlug at tlio Junction of Ihotli'OToaiiil cor- -sago, but nn Inch or mi below tlio jwlnt ofthu slioulder. Tills gives tlio old fashionedsloping effect, but U extremely lnconven- -

lent, as It Is 1iuhseiiiIo to uo tlio armfreely In such n slecMi. This Innovation Isnot yet universally ailnpti-,1- furwlitllclsnilsthaonler of tlio Ouy, nnd women maywear ery much what they ULo without l

fear or appearing conspicuous. j

AU Illustration H given of a raco toiletf changeable In geranium nnd inmn

tints. The round skirt Is cut with godctsand opens on each tldo of tho tabller toshown luinoluf cream liberty satin cmeredwith liico. Tlio full blotiM) IkmIIco Is ofcream sat In and hn a largo butterfly oflace upon the bosom, 'ihu UrntH.'xl belt is

glace geranium silk. Tho draped satincollar has a rtmi on each side. Tho gtrnnl- -

urns are of elbow leugthanunrn wt low ontho shoulder. Tho bonnet Is entirely ofrosea and foliage, with n low of ribbon.



Fancy Mraw Ilralds Itoa nf Lace soulItuilled C'liltTon. ,

For n glrl'a theater' orimrty blouse uuthIng could Ihi In nicer taste or inoro becom-li-

limn onoof miifclln chllTon, a fabrictllky as giiuzo and suft ai tlillToij,

Dinner and e cuing gowns am nearly allcut square acroa, with a 6hort slemn falling oil tho shoulder. A groat tlml of lace

employ ctl on tlio Immiicos, wnun is high-ly desirable, as lace is the most universallybecoming bort of trimming. Whom thodecoHi'tagQ Is formal rattier than actual it 1filled with tulle, cretm or moussellno dowile, gutliered at the neck under a ribboncollar upon which a flower U placed.

i uree ana four uiuerenthorw ana colorsflowers aru mvh on the same hut or bon

net this feofrou, whicu-ls- a com para tl to ounvelty. Ivingctips shaded tuui&lcuj and kvl

lilies of thu valley were grouped upon onetoque.

btraw 14 employed not only ior hats, butfur the trimming, forming frllU aud

that aru 14 ti durable and effective.Tho stniw brnlds aru woven inevery shado of color, rowe, gold, green.mau vo in fact, all tones wen m urcss

ll6U6E costume.good but perhaps the prettiest are therough snovrwhlto kind ami tluitof armltrrocn color The white inny bo trlrumotlwith Oowers th6 color of tho gown, whileIhe green has a charmingly njmphllko,rustic cfXoct and also lends Itself well toluust color comhluatlous.

lions of loco and rufllctl chiffon are forsale for sumntcr wtvir and are as frogtloas they Aro pretty. Chiffon and cruponiching, ,Tery full, aro alo for salo by thoyard and mako an oxmnllngly pretty dop--

oration foe their enpfw.Yoki tuid collars or nmt organdie.

muoh ruffled, embroidered and tuoLod, aronow fashhuiahlo again after tholoug Interval In which wash goods for oocessorloH,even handkerchiefs, havo been out of favor.

Tho illustration shows a dainty housetoilet of rMd bengallue. The fltjed liucklias n wntteau plait, whllu thu straightfront has a pulling of crenm mousselina dolulo on tvwh bide, A wido imvooiiar coversthe shoulders, and tho balloon stoovoex- -

jnd8 only to tho cIUjw,JL'IUC CIIOLLET.

French Slonument at Waterloo.Waterloo Is nt loot to huvo a monument

to tho memory of thu French who fellthfiro. Tho Cumllu du Souvenir Francoisbas tho matter lu hand.

The huitd Ture I'ur lyirla.A new reiu"dy for dyn pla and stomach

troubio litis inado ua npixuinuiou in toutucm Oreguit. U U nothing lees thuu iv

inoonful ot common, cMnday river hot-torn Mind, taken wet Jiut after ineuls.WilUum llylkco, u well knuwu cltlicn andproprietor ot isyue'a springs, li auppostxlto ho too originutor of this queer reuiLHir.but qulto u ttumU'r of gentlo-tnc- ii

testify to lUcunitivoproTtlert, whicharo uppOMd o tako thu fonn of mechanical action oy earn ing on impurities fromtho mucous lining ot the walls of thostomach. "Taku kind'1 U qulto a popularploou of mh led around Ashland when anyouo compluliu of ijiroiuu stoiuacu trouble.

Am theru U mi isidt-u- l on tho sand, tluitrommudlty UlnKwlthlii rejuhof thu iKHirt'ktof us, this urllclo can not bo colled ttpatent i mil kino mhertlaement. Grant'sPas Courier.

Wonirii 111 JttptiU.A Japum-u- o huly's vUlting drei oftsu

coxts oo. not including her hairpins.nhkh aro always a most important item.At tho fiu.li Ion newr thaugus, both dressand pins uro hundl dtiMi from mother todaughter, In wveh city tho women weara volur to Uiciuisehes. In Tokyoit is tiiuo in hioto siato pmy, ana mi onJaiuineso womtii havo strangi Ideas ofaiidinir tu tnvir beauty. They sluivo ontheir eyebrows aud m penciled oneswith an exuggcrnu'd arch. They painttheir Una u hld crimson, with n iatoU ofgold In tho center, aud thilr faces u chalkywill to. Tho peasant girl ot rourM eunaotonoru ail ihu ueeorution and mint li content with her own roey cheeks and tannedSK1U. s l OkVH 4.TIsf




,.1 ,M? 1 1 c " rt' ir" broughta Mliljnncnt of (loods, aim ng

which will m fnund a (.entra! andtmilfte Line of ... , .


Implements and Tools,Miscellaneous Hardware,




VICES,ROPE, (Manila and Sisal)




. .

i:AM?n.VL'c cnu r?cl "LUO'

WO'DEN WASHUOARDSts ...l l r- t; i Tfi........vi. (


Etc., Etc.

AOrCJ?. HIAUl, OIK dcliveredlto any partf the Citj at $2: f o

t Dise, C. O. I)

Castle & Cooke, Ltd

IMPORTERS.hardware anil General Mercaaniise.

Eojiipie Life Assurance Societyor the United States.

ha Ihelr new Toutlne Intt&Iment Poller.meai.sof ibe lnittmn O'Uicy a mm Is

umblfd td leav- - hi funil y suni of tn mer'hh cu ueithtr bilo-.to- r sinnndrred: ami

noid iL nnum .!, and rlk ln- -fd lu I lie atpimlnlifu nt ot a truttw.

Tim Iisialmeitt iHjlloy not mily gives heainlly of such a mm nnnciJ iriilou mhe v.t-n- r h'ss preiDtmre dtntb. but may be

srtjL'sUii mm i continue toring Mieftrt' mm titcr his d alh.

Kail purtlcula s I ihU and all bih?rt1snsf Instirut re loiiud b this Xselety ch rfallyuruUhtrd uu hp'statlou to

IJItUOK CARTll HI011T,Hem-ra- Ms'iager for the Hawaiian

Ultnda. Kqultable Ufa, Assurancerucl ty of the Untied Mattrs,

NotaryJPublic.I'artlcular attention Riven, and

.e.itUfuction guaratitcHl, to allwho desire

Acruiinla AilJitsU-- or Collvctol

RECORDS SEARCHED - -By an experienced person.

OFF1CK wmi

Tlie Hawaiian Investment Co.,


13 and is KAAHU.MANU ST.TTXnPHONK 39. ,

WHAT ?Haven't got a

llicycle Tag

YET!What are you thinking offWant your wheel stolen ?





Where did you get that suit fWhy, at



There you get the latestNew York fashions iaClothing and Geut's Purnishing

Remember f


43 Fort Strbkt,UoNOLTrtn.

Page 2: Hardware SORE Influorua, and and GeneralYachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc HANKA., FOOT STKEET. BICYCLES A new consignment of the famous FALCON ROADSTERS just arrived'. Also aJ7



Tme Hawaiian Star'P Uoy.c.romiaiir.n .vhht n,muuM





uiuKnirnoF nTt.Per Tear In Adrauce, ...far llontb In Advance, --

Foreign, rr Year In Advance. -

ADVKRTlKIKn KATn:Kiiw lor tran.ient an1 rrmilaradverti.lna

n l nblalnrd al Ihe offlreInrnnrr prompt lmertloti nil adTwtliln.nl. muM l delivered nt UieBulni"dir. 10 a. m

WEDNESDAY, . JULY 10, 1895.

Is IT absolutely certain that theUnited States is not in this chain

of islands?

CAM. HltX I3AVIK9 he is

not coming back to Hawaii u an in-

vader. Circumstances lord Cap..Hill to tell the irulh this lime.

C W. AraroKD tleuie posilive-l- y

that he uttertd a single word in

discourRemmt of the California

Knight Tempt ir excursion to

It is more than likely that theJulv crop of filibuster arns will lie

broucht bv the Australia, tieCoptic having lei befbrethi: month-

ly harvest was cor pitted.

IT is said that the Prussian armjcontains but one officer raised from

the ranks. This is Colonel Lai'.

matin, who was promoted for, nci

of bravery in the Schleswig-Hol-stei- n

campainu of 1K64.

A NBW local publication has theimposing title The Hawaiian

Journal and Maritime Krfost.

It announces that it will be "de-

voted to the agricultural, commer-

cial financial, industrial and ship-

ping interests of Hawaii."

The name ol Professor ThomasHenry Huxley, deceased at Londonon June 29, was connected witheducational questions, aud he was

specially interested in scientific andmedical education. He was a

strong advocate of Darwin's theoryand the evolutionist doctrine gen-- .


There is nothing magnanimousin attaching a political condition to a

settlement upon Kaiulani. Don'tgive-t- he transaction the color of abareain. Let the recognition ofthe young lady by the Republic beconsummated in the noble and justspirit in which it was proposed bithe Cabinet. Don't make a gallery

w r i ni.i:.rn.;n., t.it'k policy aside for once.

It is too bad that Chie, tli2 San; Franci.sco fortnightly journal ol

'art and literature has f.dltd. A

.great many people in Honoluluwill sadly miss Naukivel's sketchesnud the splendid .work of Alice

Rix. Chic's owners intimate thatthe coast will support only

business propositions. All sub-

scription balances will be refunded." Arthur Jlfc. n's Letter has closed

down again.

Dispatches per Coptic had onlja moderate ammmt of space andspeculation on '96 presidential pos-

sibilities. Depew, who, by tinway, is soon to wed an $8,000,000

heiress, says that Mr. Hairi-o- u is

the logical candidate of the Republican oartv. Mr. Depew hiiiiicli is

"mentioned" and the fiiellds ol

Governor Morton i.l New Ycrkenter him as a man of destiny. TheDemocrats talk of a Southern man

and ar" industriously figuring how

the anti-thir- d term idea may beovercome ou behalf of Mr. Cleve-


Japan governs just like shefights. Dispatches tell that opium-smokin-

is being suppressed atYokohama. A commission is vis-

iting every den in the city, andthose found smoking are being im-

prisoned, without opium, for sixyears. It is hoped, by terriblysevere measures, to frighten theopium fiends into submission. TheGovernment of Japan is givingmarked attention to its school systern. One hundred schools losttheir masters last month, who wereforced to resign because theytaueht the youths in attendancethe art of war by holding a seriesof sham battles, one side represent-

ing China and the other Japan.The Japanese Government is

for the building of fournew ironclads and twenty ordinarywar ships, at a cost of 100,000,000yen,

Op his career as premier, Rose

bury has declared that "He had.never tasted the sweets of place

with power, but his experience ofplace without power was a purgatory, if not a hell." The greatfeature of the .situation, he said,was the final disappearance of so

called Liberal who opposed Lib-

eral measurts. The Cotutrvutivcparty has absorbed the Liberal-Unionist-

Henceforth there would

be only two great parties, theTories aud the Liberals. Thelesson to be learned was the neces-

sity for concentration. If they onlyobtained a small majority they

. must be content with Miiall things.The subject upon which they mustconcentrate is the House of Lords.Personally he would fight the elec-

tion on that. That did not mean

the abandontrent of other reformf ,

but they must deal with one thing,at a time.

WUXLT STAg, HQO per year.


July 8, 1S95,

This is so much the njjo of U

tho specialist that otitsiilo ofsuitesiiiansliip, wo liml verylew iien accomplished in morethan one field. In some of thevocation tho jirossitro requiredto roach pruliency is so groatand constant that tin machineis noml for only 0110 thing. We(iiui fni instnnco men like cdu- -

( ti t stfuv'trrntihei's and Ire- -

qui'iulv lilivsicinns andattorneys who are entirely lostwhen called ujkm to act out-side their particular grooves.In former yearn the specialistwan considered a weak vcttucl,

rather n partial failure. Nowhe- is looked up to as a properlyoquipjHjd man. One practicalreasjii for tins is tntit thereare so manv oratorft, as it Werethat it is deemed necossnry to.

"divide the question" in orderthat all may livo nn opportunity of heiin heard. Tho

tpc-inlis- t is an institution in mi 'lit iilnc.es. But in

Honolulu we hae an nthlrticelement, endowed wiih mixedtalent. The same names occurfor base ball, foot ball, fieldaamcs and rowini;. e almostlave the sturdy, old fashioned

d athlete. In politicswe have him sure enough.He can deal out an ollice, settlean international dispute orloterinine a Constitutional

question with equal tacilityand speed. lie knows justhow every act should read andis lavish with his advice audinformation. The ceinetarycould to spare thesewise men, but somehow theyaro not greatly missed whenthoy disappear.

The Monarch is what wo

aro harping about all the timeand you will see by this columnof ours that wo aro still at it.

Last week we sold two, oneto deliver when a wheel ar-

rives, and the other gentlemaninsisted that we take tho dis-

play bicycle running in ourshow window, and if you lookin there now you will see onlyhis ltoynl Highness, monarchof all he surveys. The nextAustralia will bring him anyamount of friends to keep himcompany, and until then hemust Mgii alone.

As the only wheels wo havenow aro two ladies bicjcles,wo will describe them to you.Is it not a tiitle selfish forgentlemen to ride around onfast wheels and not ask yourwives, daughters and sweet-

hearts to go with you in thetoutings 1 Would they notenjoy it as much as any man ?

Did "you over see a younglady speeding down the streeton a bicycle and not envy thohealthful vigor

ilake one of your dearestlady fi lends a present of what

I w will miannteo she will saymore than "thank you" for.

Model No. 11.Weight 22 pounds.Frame and Fork Finest

quality bf Mannesman!! steeltube.

Head 9 inches.Sprocket Wheels Front and

rear sprockets detaehablo bypatented device, accuratelymilled to fit chain: easily re-

moved and never worU'loose.Chain Finest quality of

inch llumber pattern, nickloplated and adjustable by

'device.Crank Detachable round

steel, 0 inch throw.Thread 5? inches.Hearings All ball of the

finest quality, fitted with Binnspatent hall holder anddust protector, used exclusivoly 6n Monarchs. By thisdovico tho halls and ball racearo kept freo from dust and retain tho oil, permitting tho removal of tho cones withoutdisturbing tho balls a veryconvenient feature.

Wheels 20 inches, frontand rear, geared to (12 inches.

Wheel iiaso 42 inch.Spokes Swnred tangent,

butted ends, tied and full nickelplated. 28 to front and 32 torear.

Kims Finest quality ofwood.

Tires Option, Morgan &

Wright. Now York, Dunloror G & J, inch.

Pedals Brandenburg, liub-bor- .

13 oz.Saddle Garford or similar

high grade.Finish Jot black enamel,

highly finished, with nil brightparts heavily uicklu plnted oncopper.

Dross Guard, light andnoisoleii.s, afJfirding perfect pro-tection to tho dross from con-tu- ct

with tho wheel, chain orsprockers.


J07 fprv street.


Will Ix. rc"rlrr.l At tlir Oerrl IV"!

ortl.vHi.lll KUIUAY, July Iflli. IM,'I 'J 'clock tinoti, fur ItiniMiinn mull

1.1K" f"f tin' forrlitn mall amlcc.hnniiliu( .bnirs can ho arm at llie

Pimt nice.TIih 1'iwiiiiaiifr Orni-ra-l itm not Mini

hlmm'tr to l tlm Inwrtt nrai'jr bid,HW. M. OAT, i

3t I'natnuiMer Uentral,


llonolu u, JunoaO,In nrronlnnce till Brlnii I of Chapr XXVt of the lai of lt)sOt

Alliicmont l llni? water ltl"wor those pajh K walir ratea, art) hcrthjnotlflfil tlmt the watrr ratea for thelerni eiullnR Pecemlior 81, lf5, will !

lue anil payable nt the ollice of theHon. lulu Vater Worka, on tliu tat duiof July 1S93

All inch ratea remaining impal.l for

nftei ll di) after they a'c due will-- iil'j rt to au iiildltioi nl 10 per relit,

Ultra nro pajnlile at Oio i.fllcc of thewnier worka In the Knpuilwa llulldlim.

ANtlU' W UltOWN,Supt. Honolulu Wnter Worka.


o ihv.irailio art 'oik that an1 n("inly i rnniiti'iilnl. hut useful.

Have oil Weil to the NKW ItKl'Ull- -MO UUILDINU to we the new stock

f I'.UK'l, lU'i'iirntituiiilil Xoti'lly Cmiila. P i not ma hia upiaqtunily as It tniy not occur nil ihi.


Your FatherWas a Good Mart,Hut you no longer do the thiiiK"

.is he did. Vh ? Btciuse all

is improved. So don't buy a dic-

tionary forty years old, when


DICTIONARY?was compiled this year. It Is

better than others for manyAsk

"W. G. lylXCOLXTo explain these reasons



Ilirds and flowers the

raising and caring tor these are

tiioof the most pleasant pas-

times. The care of birds is

what we wish to speak nhout.

A bird in prison is not like

one at liberty, and you oughtto make its home as pleasantas you can. We have thehomes all sorts for all kindsof birds. We have almost every

con.eiiable style, and you can

pay for your cage all the way

from 75c. to $8.00.

Joiiiiii:t'tl, 21 aljlfs.Itrnaa 20 "I'.irrol "llrci'dinc !i "

Make your bird happy and hrwill sing for you all day long

(If he is that kind of bird)

E. 0. HALL & SON.







la prepared tu do all kir.oe of

artiatlo Hook, Job and Uewt'canor printlnsr at fair nnr


MammothPoatora,a '





How llo Khrmrit Ilia Ulitlko r llnno.nan Who lto,l at Trol-lln- slli lilt

flplrlt Wm Coofiormt Uf MIM Hon.nrrnl ftoMIrr Willi a Wlnthaattr,

Jj'ow nml thru n "bail man" trim toetilllviitv anmrthliiK which lin nilntnkaifor 1i Timor- Oim of HirKiilorolixwof lnv-- ,

ly uanl to linmit I lie ml I lo rniiKn (ifwi'MiTii Kmisna, nml rvrry full nmlpriiiR lie nnprarnl In Doiliso City nt tho

Kt'iirrul "ronniliin, " livery tlmo haemuo to ttmu ho left somo proof nffnfwl(ona nilntl. nml wna rrvaurn nf lio.ins talked ntmut Iit every lilln iiinu andmoat uf tho hnay iniea who renmlnedwhen tho mali wn orer.

III. -a limM ,1..1.u,x1bo CUT will lictt rememlrr him hythellllo"l)onblo-LlIck,- " tho duplicatedcapital belnR Looimrd & LoiiRhraln'ahrntid, mid ho lieinjf ono of their beatrhlera. In fact, Turner might liovo beenforeman if hohad cnreilfor tho position,'"r 'l0 ccra' r'd well, nml thoro werofew nioro exjiert with tho ropo and prob- -

nhlr nouo who could fatifrno andlintdship nioro patiently than ha

Put thetrrmhlowas hownntcd rccom- -

laiiMi for llio dull llfo of n cowboy. Hoihdn't care formouey. Auy wajtea goingwero neccptablo to him. But when thocattlo Rot rounded upiuid thcrowai halfn day' epcapo from tho tedium of laborEck Turner wanted hiafllux. And ho al- -wnya went Into town nnn had It.

Now, a foreman cannot do thesothlnRa. Ho mnat stay by tho hcnl all thetime, preiervo a clear head and firmplaco in the aaddlo. Ho ia tho represent-ntlv- o

of tho owner tho rnatodian ofmuch wrnlth and diaiiiation is Dot tobo thought of.

Ono of lick Turner's pet bits of lm- -'

mor wna lo nleli out neonlft wlioe an- -

ptarnnco difpleaseil hi in nml shoot jnstnear eucusli to them lo express hia soil'timeiita. lio particnlnrly disliked tohorsemen go by on tho trot. It was in ncowboy country, and cowboys galloped,whether or not they wero in a hurry.

And If tho rider had n habit of "ris-ing" in tho atlrrnpa, as conventionaltrotters often do, I2ck Turner hated himviolently So tbnt vdieu ho eamo downMain street ono day nud saw a ratherwell dieted man go by trotting aud"riiliiS" w.tli tho motion of his horsotx'k culled OTiernl attention to tho snec- -

taclarteallylho trcttcr was not a very good

horfciuau. It wa passible, as Kckto "ccodaylfght under him" ev-

ery tlmo ho roi-- in tho saddle. And thoKlluipscs of that recurring "daylight"provoked Lck to n bit of pistol practice

"1 bet," said lie. watching tho ridernud reaching for n largo revolver, prettywell back on his belt, "I bet I can shootbetween hhn raid tho saddle aud nevertouch a feather."

Ho had been drinking in so decorousa maimer ns to bo daugerons, and so no0110 interfered. Tho rider was half ablock nwny when Eck flrod, and thebnllet muit Imvo gone true, for the riderpaased on unconscious, whilo a sign di-

agonally ncross tho street was shatteredby the shot.

Elo tried it again later in tho day andfortunately miraculously escaped thoinfliction of injury. Djdgo City talkedabout " Doublc-- Eck" aud his new jokeall summer, nud hi tho autumn ho cameiu anil tried it ugaiu.

Tho flist shot lio mado he hit a manin tho leg nud was very indignant bo- -causo they would not givo hiiu auotherchance, assuring tho crippled victim itwas nn necident, aud urging him tomount nud trot past just ono timo more,risiug no higher than ho had done, nudguaranteeing to put threo shots out offlvo between him and tho saddlo or buytho drinks for tho crowd.

Hut it was thu uncertainty about thoother two shots that Interfered with ne-

gotiations that nud tho trotting man'spersistent endeavor to eujoy tho'Irredomof his own pistol arm whilo Eck

in his presence.Eck thought it was funny, aud that

hallucination grow on htm till ho gotinto troublo. When the vavo,of "Texasfever" swept oicr KnnSas in 1SS0, kill-ing off so many of tho Kansas cattle, aetato.law stopped thoso "drives" whichhad bVcntho llfo of western Kansas, andEck Turner lost his occupation. Ho wentfarther wet nud south aud tried to shoottho top off a man's plug hat in ColoradoSprings liccauso ho iusisted tho fashionwas two inches shorter than tho manwas wearing.

At La Veta ho took exception to thesputtering sound occasionally mado byan electric lamp nud went about snooting tho carbons iu two till tho, citymarshal cugaged in repartee and shotoff tho cud of Eck's thumb, alleging asa sufficient reason tho fact that no manwith two good thumbs could be a real-ly "bad man. " Eck replied In kind, nudthero wero uo applicants for the positiontho marshal's deiniso left vocantuntil itwas known that Eck hud loft that regionand gouo tn Arizona.

At Fort Wingute ho had tho misfor-tune to shoot into au ambulanco drivenby a very mild mauneicd private sol-

dier, who pulled up a Winchester andcrippled Eck for life, destroyiug the

of both shouldorsimd incidental-ly puttiug out his right eye.

After that Eck Turner went to Flag-staff aud developed n remarkable habitof wiuuing at faro uud taking rare ofhis money. Ho confesnod to a record offive lufu slain, but ho was given creditfor twlco as many ou account of hiswell known modesty, aud when lio dual-ly opeued a boardiug house fur seamenin Ban Franc-.sc- ho permitted all thoturbulent habits of his cowboy lifo todrift away to forgolfuhiess. New YorkHerald.

A DUtlnetlon Without a Difference.Jlnklcts I waut my wifo to be n

woman who thinks before sho speaks.Pluukett Wiry don't you say you are

a confirmed bachelor? Detroit FreePress.

A rut l'r Job."Girls," he said dejectedly as be sat

with his head resting on his hand, "girlsmako me weary,"

"What's the matter nowf" Inquired hlimother.

"Well," he went on spasmodically, "went to seo that Linwood girl lastnightshe's been holding mood for a month jwanted me to pop, I'm surej kept hint-ing every night I went there that I wasstaying too late, but I never took thehint! girls have a way of shslns at achap in that stylej they read about itin the papers; last night I mado upmy mind to nail her to the mast;talked right along for I don't knowhow long; girl yawntd two or threetimes, but I never let up; finally I gotwhere I thought was the place to makothe break, and was just on tho pointof asking her when the clock began tostrike; I counted up to 13 and had noIdea it was so late; clock kept on strik-ing, and I kind of gagged and had tostop for it; it didn't stop, though; girlbegan to snigger; clock kept right on;then I began to get warm; when tho oldclock had struck 67, It laid down andquit; then befuro I hud u chance to getmy second wind the old man sung outfrom the head of the stairs, 'Say, Lizzie,if that lellow is goiug to remain muchlonger after the clock has struck 07 hewon't get home till some time next week,'wjll heir' uud I got tip and left Now,what do yon thiuk of that, motherr andthe mother got the camphor bottle andgave it to her boy. Detroit Free Press.

Jndlaus Slake GooU llerdgmenThe experiment of muklug farmers of tht

Indiana baa long bceu tiled, aud except larare Inktancea haa proed a failure. Thlbutkhleuve the tare, of their farms tothis;uan. while they tbruiaelrea eryaga lothe tnoie coueulal occupatlona of liuDtlasaud lulling. Uut uive tbein a herd of caltUou a range and they will ipeeully becomifamiliar with every auima). ita dtspoaitlooaud iu hauuta. 'Ihej require tittle lustiucilou far auperi l.iou. for nature baa

tliim vr.tb all ihu knowledge thait l.icw.ury rortbecoreot Gocks aailbenla I

bt. Paul Globe, . I

ktm rtlona, a fi a&4 trlrta. law. aa ,ia.lil la O.a final

AoDiiiiljadtva anrtaaof ariaaa,or !ia la airuvi aa llil, of mlna.

lowall, 'Ikok'akThe neanil piroich to th ptet't

l.lral nllble In IhU little l'ara.lfw (oflli I'nclllc) la tlm I hi- - Kalcun lllojrlf.It atmiila tiHlay without it prrr In them olhl of cuIm, nml haa Inkru flnl planwhvrerpr liitriMlucisI. It la iimnufacin rn J hy the Y118T Jll raCTURlNUUiMI'AltV, a llrm which haa luiiaf allieniciiulred n rrputalion foriIih leiicu of thlr iiumeroua prn.luctloiia, notnlily the famoui Vimt tjH)

ritliiR iimchlm-a- . The reputation ofiIih iiiaiiuracturera nf mi arilclo ahouldrn.ilv the moat cnrelul coiiaiJerathin1)1 mi lllteliilllli? nurchaaer. If their repillHUOll la uuote auapiciun liu con iihtvnu heallntioii ill purulinaliiK their goiala,even thiiUKh he may not tie alloiietherlainlH ir with the particular article Ihcynriy olfer for sale, and which lio ileaireaki niiojluae. AllhnUKli tin Kalcunllic-jth- have only recently been lntro- -iluced in tho Honolulu market they areknown all over the rontlnetit of Ameri-ca ua a wheel of the htjrheat grade. Notmil) thla, tut EVKKY Wllr.KL is d

bv Tins Yost MANuraciuBisoCOMPASY'g UUAHANTKK FOR ONS TRAILIII addition to ita bl'h atate of median!val perlectlon the Falcon la by far the(Mieat runninrf rniiclihin In the market,We make this aaaertion fearle-aly- .

knowinu whereof we atute. Thla fea- -

ure In tho Falcon haa been broughtabout by a reduction of friction U thelowest possible inlnt. In other ma-chines the beatings are constructedwith fifteen bulls, while in theFalcon there ale only nine. In theFalcon the bearings are so constructedthat tho tialU bale only two poiuts ofcontact in their track, while In mostother machines there are foul. In aUmachines each ball will touch at fivepoints in one revolution of Itself,

A whed with 111 teen balls In eachoeuritnr has therefore 75 points of friotlon in tierruriuing one rev luttou on itsaxle. The talcon bearing being conatructed with unly nine balls has conse-quently but 45 pointa of friction, or 80coinls It) in each beariug than oiliermaehtu.-s- . Summed up briefly, in nilmac hi nea there are six axle bearings.

Take h wheel nf- another make, sixhffttfni'B each contaliiinir 15 balls, and75 mints of contact each bearing... 150

lltu Falcon, six bearinics and 45point? of contact each bearing..... 2.0

I'liu making a saving ot... 180ioiiitrt oi friction iu favor uf the Falconver other machines.

Mils U not all, but then we cannot telltnu erer) thing in an article uf thiskind. We ac k jmi tu call and examinet lie Falcon for your&elf, when we canieiuuiiBirate the detail of Itt construc-tion to our Hatibfaction, Uut beforecli8ing we would remind jou briefly:

Ut. That the Falcon U boy mid ques-tion tho bent wheel on tht market.

2nd. It sells for a lower price thanany other high grade wheel.

iird. It runs easier than any otheriiel, having 180 points of friction lew.Ul i. If )- -u ure not tn a ponitton lo

p i cmdi for a wheel do not go with- utone nn tli a; accouut, we will givf youmy reasonable Uriim you may desire.

G. WEST,Sole Agent for Falcon B'eyclea. H

wiilun IsIiiiiHr.MrtBnnio Building, Honolulu

Putnam syHE modern stan

dard FamilyCough Medicine:

CURES thecoughs a"nd colds

that harass hu-



One DoaeCherryRelieves;




tits and CJO oonts.

;TheValue of

i Experiencej is plainly shown in ourtreat- -) ment of ourselves in health1 nml bickness. When we arej ell, feeling splendid, wej igiiore the possibility of sick- -

tiess. But overwork, highd living, inherited poor blood,

irregular courses, etc., de-velop symptoms of weakness,of dyspepsia, liver complaint,and the general health fails.You should know by expe-rience, as thousands do, thatby taking


Jron Bitters.whilst in health the systemwould never run down anddoctors' bills would nothave to be paid.- This is afact worth rememberingand of vital importanceto you. BROWN'S IRONHITTERS is an old andreliable remedy, your grand- -motner knew it well, andin no other form can ironthe great strengthener betaken so easily, bmalldose and nleasant to take.

won't stain youftltth.Ut Jr.teiiii mil The SI enII Wit I j a, earn. Ill



Try tht

"Star" Electric Worh


Fiiu Printing.


STILL. ON DECKand Winning Uaces

aj Usual

On June Iitli the Knmblcrcrossed the line first In the5 mile race. On June tjtliat the II. A. A. C. licit! claysports the Rambler won 4 olthe 6 events on the program.

The Rambler Bicy-cle holds the worldsrecord (or a mile in1.34

Don't experiment with newbrands, buy one that liasbeen tried and found true,Rambler Dicyclcs and O &

J tires lias stood the test olyears.

Wheels sold on the installment plan.

Call at Rambler agency lorcatalogues and information.





Ie now prepared to sell

Coffee and Fruit LandsIN

liCAAV, Island of IlnuiillIn Lots to suit Purchasers.

Parties de Irlng to buy land con do m


paying for same in monthly Installments.

Call and examine the map of thelan.1 In, aalu '

For prospectors and Information applyat the ollice of the Onipany, Edwin A.Jones Secretary, in the ,


408 Fort Street. HonoIXUI.

Caught in



II oil Haul tu lluj, Hrll or'lUnt

Residence Property,Building Lots,

Acreage Property;If you ant to , . ,


Call on Inc. If I haven't what Jimwant I "III try nud nud It. I now haveseveral dearahlo lloiines and IjOte, etc.,fur Salu and Itent.


C. D.Safe Deposit Building,

Tel 184. 408 FORT BTIIEE1

JOHNlias removed Ills PlumbingIMahthdnncnt to

HOTELnext to Horn's Ilnkery,

v,here he will lie pleased tosee his old pntronB and thepublic generally.

080-- tf

Why.Do You Pay

ho to 40 per cent,more for vour Groceries when you cansave that much hy paying cash atVoeller Co.'s ? Eery thing freehandnulhihg but stnndard hrunds kept.

GtXhU DcJivcml

VOELLER & CO.,Cimlt Grooerw,

AniNO fllOCK. Tki OO

feelsbetter fromBrown's IronBitters.


Fine Printing

Try the ''star"'"""i- -

thearc resorting to

WHITE COTTON GOODS,Iti'duct'd from STio. to 15c. a yard.


Tho temptation was too great. Peopleextremes to obtain

RECEIVEDPer S. S. Australia,A New Line of- -

Furniture Coverings,With Gimps and Cords to Match.
















Agate V ure (White, Gray and Nickel-plate- PumpsWater and Soil Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tub's w Steel Sinks.O, S. Guttetb and Leaders, Shec Iron Copper, Zincand Lead, Leaa Pipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet IroiWork.


Scientific SuspendersA HUGH


Popular for full dress wear because they cannot crease theshirt bosom, nml Ihc straps arc never seen.

No dragging on the shoulders.

The trousers keep their shape because they arc never pullediiptroiii the shoe and there is no strain on the bands. No sewedjoints to come apart


To Wear Them is to Lika Them.

Tvl. McINERNY3VIotoltit nncl













Havana,Manilla, , . , .

and Vera Cruz, l: '

Mexico, also fromHenry Clay and .

Bock & Co., Limited.Tobacco Everything



We Impart Cigars fromall known Flrat-Cla-

Factories . . . :

you can wish for.

Pipes and Smokers' Articles from;t 4ji



France and Vienna.




EOPLEHave an enormous sale in Canada- - andthe United States, and we predict the samefor them here They contain just theStrengthening Qualities needed to counter-act the enervating influence of this climate.For sale, wholesale and retail, by tfre"


JXIST RECEIVEDLadies' Outing Suits,

AU ready made in Dock end Flannel, Light and Dark Colon,at Very Low Trices.

Ladies', New Equestrian. Hats,IN DIFFEItfcNr SHADES. '


In All Riies. ,1

LADIES' and CHILDREN'S TAN STOCKINGSA Full Assortment of Size.

Don't Fail to Try Our

NEW S5o. BLACK STOCKING,They Beat Everything on Record.





Styles of FurnitureAre Constantly Changing.

As we have only a New Stock we have a.I NewStyles. We are very fortunate in having- such largeShow Windows, .enabling us to display completeSets. But all our Goods arc not in the Windowsas you will find out if you come inside. . . . , .


Unaertateura ciiicl





Page 3: Hardware SORE Influorua, and and GeneralYachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc HANKA., FOOT STKEET. BICYCLES A new consignment of the famous FALCON ROADSTERS just arrived'. Also aJ7





MS Port Stmt, nsar King BItmL

rionvr.ll LOT UN KINAU AND I'llKUI.


7 ItOOM II01J8R WITH I.AUflK OHOUMHKI on I'auoa road. n.ar N.nanu Av.a.,for 11,730.

WINK PHOPKRTV ON NUUANU RTnKKTJP . with Hr.nl rottuM. This will be9Ma at ft ntr NMnibn ugnr.


mtuci on Walklkl

ruin nrwTS mintl e UN NtTlt.JF anu Htrwt. batmen Vlncrant andHchool HtrMts.


ACRtM AT KALI II I, RUITATI1.E FORBirdaoutf , 100.


O LOTS ON WAIKIKI ROAD. VKIIY, rwMona.le md nn eaar payment!

FEW MORK LOTH ON KINfl HTRKET.A gallul. 1IS0 each, can b. paid for Inmonlhlr Installments.

A LOT WITH t T.ARQE HOUSES ONI'anoa I load, 12M0.

HOUSE LOT WITH COTTAGE ANDPatch, oontalnlni 1 acre at

Kallhl, KtS.


1?INE OPPORTUNITY FOR GOOD HOTELat Waianae th termlavs of Oaba

Ilsltirar. Sreelal Inducement, are offered.

FINE RESIDENCE ON THE JUNCTIONA of Thurston Arson., Oreen and NewHtreeta. House very latve and oom'crtable,containing all the latest aanltarr Improre.menu, nn v.ranaaa, aim aTenae, beantlfnllf I Id ont ground, etc will oe soul lorlet than lu actnal vatae.

LOT ON NUUANU STREET,SMALL Beretanta, eaitablo for store. Goodcottage In rear. Prlee, $3,531.

ACRE WITH NEW COTTAGE ANDother bnlldlnis In Kalllil. Price

IDA X 1M FEET ON ASYLUM KOAD,1HJ new beautlfol modern 9 room houseand nicely laid ont grounds. Prloe, $1,300.

X ISO FEET WITH NEW COTTAOE50 on yqa street, near KsanmnaoHtreet nleelr lmnroved lot Fruit Iroes, etc.rnc sisco.

Ha .iKr fnf tnt1tlnr naJ. MorlmirtU--.eto. In tn rferinfr property.

V. It. ProMrtlM placed In our hinds forMie wiu receive speci. attention.


AM PREPARED TO MAKEI of Title In most thorough andcomplete manner, on short notice, and accu-rate in ererr detail

F. W. MAKINNKY,818 Fort Street

W. O. Smith1 office.


LYONS. BUSINESS AGENT ANDDAN General Collector of Aocoanti, noil-ri-

the patronage of the budneai & mmu-nit-

He la well acquainted in Honoluluand will faithfully attend to all foulness

' matters Intrusted to him. Clerical work ofany kind. Includinjr Bookkeeping.CortT.ne. ic

Omc 21 Alakea Street, between Merchantand King streets.


H. Morrison of Makaweli, re,.i mrA K, ,1. filrafia .rtri4-,- f

Mr. P. Klamp, who is in Germany, was quite ill for a week aftercrossing tne Atlantic.

James Thompson, clerk in theDistrict Court, is absent from hispost today through illness.

A. A. Knudsen returned to hisisland home by the S. S. CopticMr. Knudsen has been studyinglaw abroad.

Mr. Win. Wolters, of Hackfeld'swho recently returned from abroad,

"Says the heat in New York' wassomething frightful

Dr. R. I. Moore, the populardentist, dropped in from Maui bythe W. G. Hall. His r,

Chester, is nn Maul still.Orme Wall will be an up pas

senger by the Dimond. Alf. Wallleaves by the next Australia. Thebrothers go abroad to completetheir studies in dentistty.

James Flood, Mrs, Flood, andH. Flood are on their way toKobe, Japan, where James Floodintends entering the family business house in Japan. He was onlyrecently married in San Francisco,where he is well known.

:Miss Hu King Eng, a Chinese

lady is a through passenger by theS. S. Coptic. Miss Eng, whospeaks the English languagefluently returns to do mission work.She dresses her hair in the Euro-pean fashion and wears Americanshoes.

A. P. Hopper Jr., and Mrs. A.P. Hopper passengers by the S. S.Coptic for Yokohama and S. Mar-cus- e

who is on his way to Shang-hai, have decided to stay over amonth in the islands. Thejawwillresume passage to the Orient bythe S. S. City of Peking.

The A rle.There are a number of men in

Honolulu who know well theyacht Aggie, mentioned as a filibus-ter vehicle. Capt. Griffiths, of thebark Albert, sailed her once in arace against the flyer Lurline andwon. He had thirty-fiv- e men onboard. At that 'time there was

f TT ...... 1

turn between the Aggie, Lurlinelid others, but it fell through,

A place to spend a lew quiet hours isthe lUnlwal Baths, Walklkl can pan.the door.

Tbat Tired reelingIs a dangerous condition directly doe to dapleted or Impure blood. It should not beallowed to continue, as In Its debility the sytern la especially liable to serious attack ofIllness. BoodVBanapariUi la the remedyfor such a condition, and also for that weak- -

men preTaus at tne cnang oz season,climate or Ilia.

Hood Pills are purely vegetable, care-fully prepared from the ben Ingredient13c. - S


Beat your guees In

A of sold


Iocal new onjvvRC t.

Love1 bakery l eillIUhlng a

Walklkl route.

if. T. attention, coramandetymeeting nt 7 till evening.

Storage to let, apply Drown &

Kubey, Arlington uiock.

Mr. II. l'oclce lias received his

exequatur as Helgliin Consul.

liavlil Keltlnlo has been made r-- a.. II .111.

member oftlie Hoard 01 ncaiiu.

Highest cash price paid for Hawallan stamps. C. V. Stukdkvant.

Ijst A copy o Anilcrson'Digest. 1'lcasc return to Staroffice.

A notice to those having moneyclaims against the House is pub-


About eighteen recruits of Company II were drilled ycsieruayevening.

Lambert, the Oakland fugitive.who was here, gets 5 years in'SanQuentin.

Prompt presentation of claimsagainst the Fourth of July com-

mittee is requested.

A baseball match is being arranged between teams from Com-pany B and Company D.

Immense bargains in lace curtains, just think, lace curtains for$ 1.50 a pair at N. S. Sachs.

Highest erode sewing machinesfor rent and sale. C. V. Sturdevaut.

All who had jewelry with YaitSang for repair may get their

at Hyman Bros.

Al. Chisholm is turning outsome elegant sets of hand-mad- e

harness from his. shop corner Fortand King.

Should the services of the bandbe secured for the baseball game onSaturday an increased patronageis expected.

The members of the Myrtle BoatClub are reminded of the meetingat the boat-hous- e this evening forthe election of officers.

It was deemed best to keep PilotMacauley within reach and Capt.Berry left as master of the Lehuaon the annexation trip.

If you want to buv, sell or exchange stamps, go to JolmT. Brown,Arlington Block, Hotel street.Note change of address.

Big lot of white shirts just re-

ceived at L. D. Timmons', WaringBlock. White, laundried, 85cents; unlaundried, cents.

Fine pleasure boats for ladiesand gentlemen at the new Hawa-iian Boat House, foot of Richardstreet. Moonlight boating parties,etc.

Mrs. R. L. Ogilvie will receivea limited number of pupils for in-

struction in drawing and out-doo- r

sketching. Apply Kilohana ArtLeague.

Brown & Kubey the wholesaleand retail dealers in watches,clocks, jewelry and plated goodshave moved into the ArlingtonBlock, Hotel street.

When you want fine watch re-

pairing done or jewelry made, go toH. G. Biart, Fort street at Gertz'.Mr. Biart's long experience is aguarantee of good workmanship.

The concert by the Governmentband at the hotel yesterday even-ing was much appreciated by visit-ing tourists. The concert thisevening will be at Thomas Square.

Charles Bartow was convicted ofassault with a deadly weapon, towit, a pistol, in the District Courttoday and was sentenced to twenty-fou- r

hours imprisonment at hardlabor and pay a fine of $50.

Causes or Fires In Dwellings.

The following ia a list of causes of!.. .1 11 : mm , 1.

'"Chronicle Fire Tables." It is apparentthat the uanjrer from using Kaaollno la

very small in comparison with othercause of fire. The New Process Stoveusee gasoline and ofiTera $100to any one who will explode one ofthese stoves. The following is the list:

Electrio wires and lihts. 81: mischlevoue children. 83: txinUree, 37: childrenDlsvinir with Are. 59: auiullnc. 73:explosion (iras), 82; defective beatingapparatus, bo. Ignition (grease and oil).Hi; spontaneous combustion, 166; oilstove .accident. 214; ashes, 379; stovepipes, 29J; firecracker, 816; candles, 379;open fireplaces and grates, 39S; carelessnets (not otherwise reported), 401; light-ning, 487: oil slot c, 647; lamp ac-cident, 763; stored, 1 S17;spa-k'- , 1,705;explosion (lamps), 2.108; matches, 2,33.1;Incendiarism, 3,124; defective' flueB,6,34S.

Embesslement,Mak Kok Leong Is the name ofchinaman who is said to have

betrayed a trust. A fellow couutry-ma- u

handed Leong a package con-

taining $14.50 to keep until such atime as he would need it. Yester-day the saving man called andfound that Leong had spent thesame. He had him arrested forembezzlement.

'TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEMEffectually yet gently, when costive orbilious, or when the blood is impute orsluggish, to permanently habitualconstipation, to awaken the kidneysand lfver to a healthy activity, withoutirritating or weaaing mem, 10 aispeiheadaches, colds or fevers use Syrup ofFig.


place your name and addrea on the In.

will be bung up before the opening of

No lotlery, raffle or Km of chanoe, but b tr 1'ght business proposition. EveryPerton who purchase one of our New Pn ea ,ioves between TuchSDAY Mohn-TO-

J nine 27, and One o'clock Wednk8da , Vtoost 7, will be entitled to onemxen aa to bow many of these store will t so I up to that time, it being thenjust five months ,ince the first stove was pncu4rd.

The penon guessing correctly, or coming nearest to the correct number, willreceive at once a present iu cash of the full amount paid for bis stove; in case of twoor more person guessing Ihe winning number, eacn shall make a further guesson the sale of the following week, one person thus finally receiving the prlte.

A the' stoves wilt be sol I at the regular price, no one risk anything, only ifyou guess nearest to the right number your stove costs you nothing, The prliebelnit almplr an ad, for New Process Stoves,

an envelope and



aiae, ana eome private mara on tne outaiae. ine envelope win do careiuilykept and no one but the Kuesser will know what Is Inside eaoh until the data ofOpening, correct list stoves



w.i nyse, sunh - imw vur wura iu mo vvb.iuk muva, run sou orrtaste M 1 p. cu, od AufXt 7. in the preaenoe of stove purchasers and the public.

fomiHr Stout Soli oh Oil JnftaUmtnt Plan.

O. V. TUHDSJVAKT, WARINO BLOCK Solo Ant.M. N4. r. O,aez,'. (Oor i"urt &4 Ssr.U-- 1 Wa.)



I'nr rorelflt ImhA mr Mand t eMMShlrallea-Wh- at the

Mar Do.

tlltrr I lln. lct i.l Hit. act to t'eclll- -

laitf Hit ctinstrurlliin anil iiialnirtiAiict- -

01 trlrfirahli rsl.lrs In Hie racillr," mis111 ute rwiinit.j

Section i. The President, withthe consent of the Cabinet, is here-

by authorized and empowered tonegotiate and conclude a contractor contracts with any person orpersons, corporation or corpora- -

Ions, government or governments.for the construction, maintenanceand operation of a telegraphic cable-o-

cables connecting the severalIslands of the Republic, or connecting the Republic of Hawaiiwith the countries lying in orbordering upon the Pacific Ocean.

aeciion 3. I Here may be Incorporated in any such contract orcontracts provisions to allow thetree use ol .any government landsnecessary for the construction,maintenance or operation ol suchcable or cables:

To admit free of dtttv all material to be used exclusively in theonstruction, maintenance or oper

ation of any such cable or cables;To allow the condemnation and

appropriation according to law ofsuch land, property or rights ofway as may be necessary for theconstruction, maintenance or oper-ation of such cable or cables andthe land connections thereof;

To remit for a term of yearstherein to be stated, all taxes uponthe property located within the Re-

public belonging to or connectedwith such cable or cables and neces-sary or properly appurtenant to theconstruction, maintenance or oper-ation of such cable or cables;

To remit all harbor and port duesand charges upon any vessel orvessels engaged in laying or main-taining any such cable or cables,or which may be stationed in thewaters of the Republic for suchpurposes; and,

To render to such enterprise orenterprises such financial assistanceas may seem just and advantageousto the interests of the Republic.

Section 3. Such financial assist-ance may consist of:

(1) A fixed l cshpayment or subsidy for a statedperiod; or,

(a) A guarantee by ihe Repub-lic of a payment of the principal oriuterest or both, of a stated amountol the bonds of any person or com-pany constructing or operatingsucli cable or cables; or,

(3) A subsidy by issuing tothe party or parties indicated insuch contract a stated amount ofthe bonds of the Republic bearinginterest at the rate and payable althe time or times therein stated; or,

(4) A subscription to the stockof any corporation or corporationsformed for the purpose of con-structing and. operating any suchcable or cables; or,

(5) A' guarantee of a certainamount of income per annum; or,

(6) The participation by thisgovernment with other govern-ments in the joint construction andownership ol any such cable

(7) A combination of any twoor more of the methods herein be- -tore mentioned, or other propermethod not herein enumerated.

Section 4. Such contract or contracts shall also contain such pro-visions as to the President andCabinet shall teem necessary orproper tor the protection of theinterests of the Republic in andconcerning the use and mamttnance of such cable.

Section 5. Any contract or contracts concluded under or byauthority of this Act, involving thepayment ol any money, shall besubject to the ratification and ap-

proval of the Legislature.bection 6. The .resident is

hereby authorized and empoweredto employ an agent or agents to assist either within the Republic orin any toreign countiy in obtainingfull information concerning thesize, weight, composition and char-acter of the cable or cables requiredlor tne purposes stated in this Act,an,d. .f ,ne ca!,Ie rePair shiP or hiP?which may be necessary, and allother information properly incideutal to the subject matter of thisAct; and in negotiating any suchcontract or contracts,

Section 7. For the purpose ofdelraying the expenses which maybe incurred by virtue of this Act,the sum of ten thousand dollars ishereby appropriated out of anymoneys in the Treasury, otherwiseunappropriated, which, or so muchthereof as may become necessary.shall be expended in such manneras may be directed by the President.

Section 8. This Act shall takeeffect and become a law from andafter the date of its approval.

Lel I lima.The Lei Ilima Club will meet "at

7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening atthe Hawaiian hotel for election ofofficers. A farewell social will begiven by the club at IndependencePark on Friday evenintrtoj. Hum- -burg, a departing member, wholeaves for Germany on July 20.

Iter. Or. UaeArthnr.An audience of eoodly size en

joyed very much at the Y. M, C.A. last evening. Rev. Dr, Mac- -Arthur's lecture "Chips from ManyShops," The talk was bright, in-

teresting and instructive frombeginning to end. Dr. MacArthurwell sustained bis reputatiou as athinker and speaker.

Eleanor Tarty.The Slater patty In the yacht

Eleanor will be back here inNovember next to visit San Souciagain. They expect to be in SanFrancisco but one day, then toAlaska, then to Samoa and Hawaiifor the winter. ,

Farewell 1'arlf,A very pleasant surprise farewell

party was given to Mrs. Marnhardtand her sister Miss May Giles, MissLancaster and Miss Williams atIndependence Park yesterday even-ing. A goodly number of theladies' friends were present to re-

ceive them. Dancing interspersedwith social intercourse helped inpassing a very enjoyable evening.

midnight ,od thegue-t- t w.relollowed with wishesvi vujf huu oais rciuruto the Islands.


Highest ofatl In Uirenlng

Absolutely pureMAY TO (!() TO N'EW YOllh'.


HlCtKMIXI. Tlll'lt.

Their TratUln Various CalirornlaTowns CrowrisltlvlMg-Ha- il

No Ntirf.

In a private letter to his wifehere, a member of the HawaiianNational band, writing from LosAngeles says that the band was toleave that place for New York 011

July 1st. They expected an ordtrto reach them on that date. Incase they did not start they were tojoin the I'ourlh ot Julyprocession at Los Angles. Theband left San Francisco onJune 22, passing through Modesto and reaching Fresnothe same evening. A concert wasgiven at rresno and at 3:20 o clockthe following morning the bandreturned to the train and startedforVisalia. A concert was civenthere. A start was then made forLos Angeles,

The bandsman gives the follow-in-

description of the road by railway: you go zigzag up a veryhigh mountain, passing throughgroves ana brushes. When thetop is reached a man is no biggerthan an ant Trom one lookingup from below. The sceneryis very pretty, but there is a scarcity of fruit. In our mountainsone could travel and live 011 euavas.bananas, apples and other fruits, buthere it is quite the opposite.

Concerts were given iu Los Angles, un juuc 10 a concert wasgiven at' Rodoudo, the attendancebeing m the neighborhood of sixthousand people.

John Inca and Sam Kaaua cavean exhibition of divine. The borsjumped a distance of eighty feet,the leat beincr applauded. Thebandsmen were only sorry theycould uot do some surf-ridin- g therebeing no suri. .Should the nationals go to New York they will gounder engagement lor lour months.

A Walklkl llottte.Love's bakery, which leads in

goods and enterprise, proposes toestablish a Waikiki route. Thereare so many people in that part ofthe city who insist upon regularcalls from the Love wagons withtheir light bread, fine cakes anddelicious pastry, that the trial is tobe made. Leave orders or hail tehdriver.


The llallroad Is Llkel-N- o Signs of PIrates.

Deputy Sheriff Will Sheldon ofWaianae came up from Waianaeyesterday. He reports havingsighted a number of sharks, someseventeen feet iu length, off theWaianae coast, but not a sign ofa iilibustering three-maste- d schoon-er. Everything is lively at Wai-anae aud the.people .are in highspirits over the Waianae extension.Now they can come up without ex-periencing discomfort. Businesswill increase so at Waianae thatthe deputy Sheriff believes he willsoon have an insufficient force.


Shaw tne gold Artist has just re-

turned from a very-- successfull tripto the leading Islands and willopen again at tneTempleof Fashionfor ten day's before sailing for Fiji.Be sure to see the new line of cat-ey- e

jewelry also Rolled Gold wirework. All work made to orderwhile you wait.


Ilefeat an Araerleati Team AnotherMatch.

In the long distance shoot betweeuthe Sharpshooters of this city andCo E,8th Regiment, Massachusetts,the Honolulu ten men made 421,possible 500, 200 yards. TheAmerican team made:

42. 43, 36. 40, 38, 37. 33.40, 42. Total, 386. The Sharpshooters had 35 points to the good

Lieutenant Dodge received avery cordial letter from CaptainWm. Stopford of the Massachusettsteam. That commander acknowledge receipt of the score aud theactual target used for the match.Captain Stopford says it was a littleeany in tne season tor nis men anaasks for a return match on LaborDay, the first Monday in Septem-ber. This match will be a go.

Vou can Dut ud the most delicatefruits, uncooked, by using Antllermen-tine- ,

and in aix months they will be asnatural In appearance and taste aa whenfirst picked.

An Aeianlf Case,

Kauli, the native who was assaulted by Tom Forrest, and whohas been laid up in the hospital, isable to be out. Forrest is chargedwith assault with a deadly weaponand languishes In jail. He haslodged a counter charge againstKami, charging him with assaultwith intent to malm. The nativeis released on.Uis

Awarded V.

Highest Honors World's Fair,Oold Medal-Midwi- nter Fair.


rotriujuriy-- lBAKINGP0WDIR


5.!a , Dr. Price's CrciinBakMg Powder bold lt supremacy.

40 Ymts the Standard.

Tower .Lateit U.S. Gov't Report


.'01,0 AM) aSII.V Hit XOTKS.

'lir.tl'HV ri.lNTin: MiNtTK AKtf:ii iii:hati;.

In 111 ll'M,t. I'all llnait In thelllUlaM Hair Ih) . l the

Hut 1,tay.



All present.Senator Watcrlinusc presented

.1 joint resolution for a committeeof three to investigate the freshmeat supply of Hawaii, lo learn ifa monopoly exists and to report lothe next regular session of thelegislature. On motion of SenatorRice the resolution was adopted.

oenaior iiorner introduced aresolution that members of theSenate introduce no bills after the15th Inst. Adopted. The execu-tive may prrcsent Acts.

The Acl prohibiting foot bindingby cnalor Wilcox, vm read. Itprovides a penalty for the practice

Minister Smith introduced andread an act for the promotion ofcable and telegraphic communication.

Minister Smith gave notice of anact to grant to canagerie and fibreplants the same import tax exemn.tions allowed coffee by the act of1893.

Sen. Brown introduced an actproviding that one satisfactorybond shall be sufficient iu appealcases. Passed on first reading.

On motion of Sen. Brown, thePeuatc adopted the House jointresolution for a commission to pre-pare a laud transfer act to submitto the legislature.

Sen. Waterhouse reported forhis committee recommending acommission to prepare an act for anew system ot auditing publicaccounts. Adopted.

On motion of Senator Water- -house the Currency Act was takenup. ints provides for renewingthe present silver certificate issue,with $s notes, so that a cotunleteand perfect record may be had.Gold certificates may be Issued indenominations of f$, 10, .50and if too. The certificates repre-sent money on special deposit.

Senator McCaudlcss iuquiredabout the cost of printing plates,saying lie had been told they wereworm .T500 each. Minister Damonresponded that there would becorrespondence and the regularsession would be asked for expensemoney.

M.ntster Smith sutrirested lliatthe deposits should be for eoA amisilver retfttivtfy.

Minister Damon said that attimes of the year silver was veryscarce and he desired to be able ifnecessary to replace silver depositwith gold.

In answer td President Wilder.Minister' Damon' said theof the gold certificate was merelyto accommodate tlhe nublir?President Wilder said this wasan expene with no nrnfit"No profit," said MinisterUamon. "Some lost," remarkedMinister Smith, Minister Dasaid certificates were verv rarclvlost and cited some experiences.I'resident Wilder sooke of thchance o. ncruies of theGovcnimentto talk ol more paper money. Minisiti iuun still tne com wnsalways in the treasury vaults. Mr.uaiuwin mvorea Ihe gold notes andthought they would have a tendcu.cy to hold the coin in the country.Senator Brown asked if certificatescould be issued aeaiust current aecount balance. No.

Senator Brown believed in n hnnland fast practice.

the amendment to denosit mMand silver rtsfectixtly for certificateswas carried. The act passed sec-ond reading.

Minister proposed a ulan tn lessenthe cost of engrossment. Referredto committee on joint rules.

Adjourned to 10 a. m. tomorrow.


Minister Damon replied to aquestion propounded by Represen-sentativ- e

H:muna yesterday. TheMinister slated that after due in-vestigation it was found that Mrs.Kauhane was not married and thesettlement would be continued.

Representative Rycroft reportedfrom committee to whom was re-ferred the joint resolution relatingto the appointing of three civilengineers regarding the Pali road.The committee recommend the ap-pointment-jiAet 1 1 relating to Circuit Courtswas read a third time, and on theayes and noes being taken passed.

Order of the Hay. Third read-ing of Bill No.' 4, to prevent thewanton destruction of game.

On motion of "Robertson the billwas referred to the Committee onCommerce.

The joint resolution lo appoint acommission to inquire into thefeasibility of making a new roadover Nuuanu Pall then came beforethe House

Representative Rycroft made amotion that the House adopt theresolution. Large sum's of moneyhad been appropriated during for-mer years for the construction ofthe Pali road. There was consid-erable traffic over this road.

Representative Richards thoughtthe Pali was for tourists to visit.He understood there was only onesmall plantation on the other side.

Representative Rycroft thoughtthtt the honorable member wasmistaken. There was a vast areaof fertile land on the other side ofNuuanu. Even now, rough andsteep as the Pall road .Is, packmules carrying paddy may be seendaily coming into town,

Representative Robertson be-lieved the House could not fix onthe amount of appropriation. Allthat they could do now was toadopt the resolution,'

On motion of Representativethe ayes and noes weie

called and the resolution unani-mously adopted.

The House adjourned till 10 a.a. tomorrow,

JULY 1 Jj.AM. AIMfl tin: ducks.

'11 111 .MIA 1H.,M., IHMCIIIIMI .NIIII.UIMI til 1: Intel

N..ln li, I, .(, . (I., u , ..he,,,,.er Stall l,. ot II,

j Italetlrn.l.

The schooner Volant sailed fromPort Gamble for Hilo June auih.

Cimalu Cameron of the Clailine is recovering from his lllue' .

T ic old Custom House what I islaid over with asplialtuiu and blacks.i ml,' The W. O. Hall arrived from

.ii.ud purls jl.iIiiUm) uiuiMin.

incsctiooncr lorma sailed yes-rda-

afternoon for the SouilSeas.

There is talk of putting tl eMjntercy out of commission for a.!...nine. eTjThe schooner O. M. Kellogg rr l imr In tlm water n couple of weeka

lef. Port Gamble with lumber, on n"'l found Moating up against thoJu.ic 29th for this port. -,- ip ceiling. When they haro Ihew lepi

der a table, they sometime it richtThe schooner Bertie Minor ar- - whero rfiey arc until their lilies decayived at Port Townsend on the nway, because I hey are held down by thest inst. from this port. ( table, which la usually arrowed to tho

"u Eulls1' dl"r I taw had aiuy here from new York, having pretty nasty experience with sharks, liejft that port on June 30th. was ditintt In a wreck which had been

has had her final Jded with Hto caltlo. When she hadrial made twenty knots natural tAWfilraftand behaved beautifully. m,t and floated up npilns? tl, lXl.!

The' schooner Gtendalc arrived wnJ- - A ""n 1,0 started the aftert San Ftancisco on June lolh , ca'tle k"" to Ho,lt ont "nl

. .i...t..i ,lulu iviiuuiui uupr 11 nrm.iirp ni t1 o -Jays.

Several emntv opium tins Withsmokine outfit were fnnml nu a'1,1 ler tester, t jv near thr.rr market.

The Australia, from San Franc S. s due here on the tcth nst .

and the City of Peking, from theOrient, on the 17th.

The S F. Daily Commercial 'A'ttesand Shifting List 01 lulv ist contains a complete review of marinemishaps during the past year.

The bark S. C. Allen was toleave San Francisco for this portyesterday, the oth inst., with fullcargo consigned to C. Brewer &Company.

The W. H. Dimond shippedsome 33oo bags of sugar from theHall tins moriuntr, which comnlet-- ,ed her load. . She sails for SanFrancisco at 12 noon tomorrow.

George kailaa, a boatman, diedon Monday morning, July 1. Hewas one o the oldest boatmen onthe waterfront, and was familiarlyknown by the name of "KeokiPuaa," j


The R. P. Rithet unloaded allof her cargo yesterday at Brewer'swharf, and moved to Sorenson'suock, wuere sue wtit oe

Caoi'at MHn?expects

far..mence loading with sugar on orabout the 25th inst.

T he Dimond will take tomorrow9036 bags of sugar consigned toj.D Spreckels & Bros. Co., and 600bags of rice for Hyman Bros. Thevalue ot the exports is $34,773.sirs. Wi u. liarnliardt and child,...t s:. rn.. ...inuku i,,,s uiica win go as passeugers.

Thess. Coptic sailed at 12 noontrwlat' fnr IIih ririAnf ..,.!, I; -- !,:..


... .0 r. u.Hongkong one cabin passeneerand 03 Chinese males, one femaleand 0 children in steerace. Shetook no cargo from here. Theband played the Coptic off,


F.,r Mm. and Hawaii, . ....waving

ll fairyland.

Teinp.ky,iMt;P'';, A

.... . ., rvaiiauieilii,Ah Chee. All JIikiii 00 deck.

rnr Kuiiaj, pfr slmr tlikahala, July0 II Morrinn, O Von llainui,Kitchen (i). Mr. Kitclier, U Macfarlane,

lUrtwell. Otto Isenberg andruniily, Allen Herbert, Misa Johnson,W. lleiloufir,

Fur Mini, per slmr Mkelikc. Julr 0Misa lira Kshookiiuo aud child,Mra Iiwepa, Patty, Miss Horenson,llisa Fleming, J V L Marshal, II CiCarler, L A Dickey, Prof. Maxwell,Mrs. Austin, Mrs (g.

Fur Yokohama, tier a. rTnntte .Till.10 K Okitots, Mr Dr Mura-ur-

wife und child, J A Wilder, ItU It Falk, and 161 Japa

nese, 88 remales and 8 ForHongkong: Miss Helen Ayer, S3 Chinese,1 female' and u children.


TuKsoav, JulySttnr W O Hall. 8imersnn. fr,.,,,

Maui and Hawaii,

Tuesday, June 0Revenue cutter Lehua. fur Fre,...!.

Frigate shoals.Mchr Norma, Rosdilll, for Marcu.

Island.July 10

O & O S 8 Houtio. I.ill,lav. fnr v,,i,.ma Hung Kong.

8chr Kuulllua, Uouk, for Fanning'aIsland.


W Diuiond. Nllin fnrFrauclsou at li noon.



Ex Vf Q Hall, from Hawaii and Hf.nlJune lags .ugar, V Q Irwin a

30 head cattle, 2 calves, 1 horse, 13hides, 14 bags culfev, 63 bags bone.,

Mi bags awa, 23(1 pkgs sundries


O ss Australia, Houdlette, S F July 15Bchr U W WaUon, July 1&Bk Ambaasador, Jacksonville AugUer lik alartha lloekbahn. Uvcrnool AUv 1

Ilk Velocitj, Martin, Uougkoug, July SJu.y a

11k Auiv Turner. N.w rV.tliHLln Marie llackfeld, Llveriool Oct JBr Aldan Urove Liverpool Oct JUer bk 1' O Ffluger, Oct 0

llaud Concert,

The Hawaiian Band, under thedirection of Acting Bandmaster H.Heitmann, will give a public concert this evening Thomas Square,

at 7:30 o'clock.program will be rendered!

pabt tMarch "Itebeccaery"... pet(eeOverture "1 8erment" Auber

"Dounua irum the Vleuna Forest"... ...HtraussSelection Martini", Donizetti

r.BT 11.

"Mnri.lng, Noonand Night in Vienna" Hupp- -"Coooanut Dance"

"Fun at the Fair"., Aigretteire" Uohta

"Uawalt Ponot"





A LU. II,. I .t I.MIr Jollf -- A tel.eran 1.11. or l:i,l.i,re II. and lllherKUere Hat. II..I -- A Cl ahat.-ral- rr.

land on the Oeean'e ttettom.

"I nlilo you sntiiriltni- - emfearful sights In vm'.," ml.l a rolairlrr to n teternti deep sea illver

"Yen, hut you get umsI lo 'em heityim hnvti Issmi in tlio hu.im-- long.When I first started diving. 1 ,entdown lo n wri-- k. Nobody wnimpjeil lo lintn been drowned whentho trwl went down, but when I wentinto tho cabin thn first I saw its,the body of n ninii sented nt the table.Tho water was verv elenr ntid m,-i- ini

mm nmu no imkcti I'Zl'Zinn nniurni SM. 11 Handshoulder n little lniy, who was sittingim his knee. It was my first ciwrlencnwith dead Isnlles, and It Ravo me n.lurk. owI don't mind Ym at all.Most of tho tnl. you hear nlsmt irmui.., .M i,. i ..jiu, Kimurntiiiii quite naturalill n enhlti nw, 1I..H A l..1 ...i,t .1 .

'..10 1110 snriacn. . M "w wnter. Tho lo- -cttiitr was lure, oil with ,i.ri--. .tthey soon to Rather round"cnwny, RrnuuiUR tno cattlo as they

out nnd followlm? them up tosnriaco, HRlitlnir amoua tlicmselvea.Some of tho cattle had been tied, and,l.n tMnA .... .' '. "' ,a.r 08 ."' roIwould TJiOnlmrlm

" ixTiim to ur mem to pieces.

7.el,,y,Ti"! ht,ylTf " to "Rht. and poorwas name was

to Roup for fear bo might be attackedmA afraid to stay down because onosunn nf n difirL--, I

tcvered his air Iwo in n twinkling. liogave tho signal to bo hauled np iu ahurry and went biff among tho schoolof sharks and through them. In goingthrough n 6hark snapped at hfm andtook oiT his right hand, ko that ho hadto giro up business."

"What's tho narrowest escapo youover had?"

"Well, about tho closest shave that Ir un nuu i wo

copper on o steamer', bottom 1ZS1w-- i, ,m i .t, i.. .1

with mo and did some, work m, one i,iof the hull, after which I wanted to pntsomo plates on tho other side. Tlio ves- -'

sol was ahont tl.reo feet nir u,n iv,I crawled nuderueuth, draggiuR somoplates nfter me, Wheu Ihad been .lnK for 601110 time, I noticed my air wnsH"muK soon, so 1 went to try to getunner 1110 Keel again to bo hauled up. Ifound tho steamer nearly on tho bottomand squeezing my air hoso between herkeel aud tho ground. Tho tido was giv- -1"K ot, and sho Ii.k1 gradually sunk un- -'

"' -- . x ,ur- -

it noTl ZjtLlbudge an Inch. 1 can tell you scarclno word for how I felt,

"If tho bottom had been soft, itwould, ....... 1 1.

nvt n,,d ti, i ...... -., mvice. There waa nothing to do but waitIf fell any lower, the air boentirely shut off, aujl I would simplyuavoiouie. ou can net 1 shall ac r

1 wasvaltlng to soo whether sho roso or fell.l.i ., ... : r,j iivui tun. iu, .inuugii it waa uursting

miA m ntt. i,,, ,rt 1.1

Presently I felt the air getting a littlotw""' I took heart, and soon sho

Ran to nsewiui tne turn or tho tide.

y nervo rjacic nerore sho wn, i,fenonnh off thn hottnm fnr m m miI didn't RCt it bock, however.but Jnst stood thero trembling until Ieonldsquceze nnder herbottomthe signal to bo hauled np. For week-aft- er

that I waa a sick man, and nvhearing has never been right since.

"Sometimes,ospecialIy In tropical wa-ters, the bottom of tho sea is a lovelysight 1 havo seen a forest of keln and

amnnnt in mneh hnt it - .- -.

'lar forest of it growing it looks very dif--ferent

"If you stand still for a minute,fish will swim all aronnd yon and ex-

amine you Jns t as a lot of hutuau beingslook at some strange animal. At

the slightest movement they whisk tholrtails and not a living thing is to bo seen.

"It takea tho lifo out of a man some-how, diving does, and I never knew adiver who did much smiling. They areall rather grave, sober faced men. "New York Tribune.

Constituent larU of a Cord of Wood.A fairly seasoned wood weighs

about 4,000 pounds. If subjected to aheat of between 700 and 800 degrees itresolves threo distinct productscharcoal, pyroligucous acid and gases.

order to properly bring this changeabout it is necessary to the woodIn a kiln and apply tho beat graduallyfor four or live days. At tlio cud of thattlmo the residue, will be 1,000 pounds otcharcoal, 2,000 pounds of pyroligneousacid and 1,000 pounds of uncondeiisedgases. Tho aggregate weight of theseproducts Is exactly equal to the originalweight of wood. St Louis Repub-lic.

Coffee nUllittct-m- t.

The followliigparanipli contnlnno ncnInformation, hut It It per not withoutInterest frooi the tact that HwRipubllNlmlinoretliana liuiulre.1 jcjhh oru in u vorfcby n well known rhiinUtof that da niulItfthowa t.imfure tlmt tho .lUlnlYctlnprorertIii)f cutTn hau-- in loti; nc)jqIzmI mhn (He peoplt.

KumcroiiH nlth ruuted foffee proru that It U the tutnxtCleans not uiilj- for tviulerliiK Hiilnml amivecctablvcniuviatiimiciiouit. but of actuallytlfRtroyliiK A room In which meatla an AilvancM of Ummiimitlonhal lufn kept fur Home lime was Instant I jdtrpiirrtl of all ctiielt on uu un-- t coITkixutstcr carrUtl through U conUlnlnsapouutl of cntTin newly rcwtstl. In anothriroom tipwwl to th vflluvlum ocuwlom--by the cleaninic out of the dung pit, mj thattulphureted hydrogen and ammonia Idgreat quant It lt could be chemically de-tected, the htench wan completely r?motlIn half a ml nutt on the employment olthree ounct of fn'tli coffra, whilethe other jiartaof the houw were prema-turely of the smell by being ulraplrtrareneil with the coffee roaster, althoughthe cleaning of the dung pit continued foreveral hour after.

The best mode of utlng the coffee aa adisinfectant U to dry the raw bean, poundtn a mortar and then roust the powder on amoderately heatett Iron pUU until It

brown tint, when It U flt touna. Then Bprink lo It tn idnki oror lay It on n plate in the room which youwish to have purified. Coffee acid or coffeeoil acta more readily In minute quantities

-- MerchanU Uevtew. .

Her Cliuio Id,Bet.sU (aged 4 Mamma, doe folks mar

17 lu heaven fMamma Tho good book says they do

not, lkasle,'Do they marry In-- In the othu place tn'I presume not, my dear,"Then I'm going u uy right herel'-Chlc- ago


A X'otlbl Chauca."And are you sure tbat rem will always

lore me the aame aa now. dear)" murmured Birdie McXabb.

"Yea, or just aa well aoinc other weigh,"responded George V. Blnipwju aa hu shiftedher 165 Dounds onto hla othrp VnM n,idraw long breath. Waahiogton Star.

W (I Hall, July 9- -J IC Nannie and son. seaweed gently with tho tidesht i iiii., hii.I wife, M p .Sentt, Drltiwn,ch looked liko Tho dimI Jlnnre, Win. Cnupliell. Mr Brenham. light and tho bright colored fUhdartlngDr Luter, O Vi,.j A W Juild, J about make it look all tho moro beauti-1- .

,r .."'! nr,', 5!?'! 'Y'!?'- - fnL bit of seaweed on land does not..








ha and

Oktne II H,,.,





atbeginning Follow-ing

Command- -















sho would






cord of










Jf you want your horseslo lie winners the


Is the place to buy.W c have just received some ChoiceOA 1 ,,A a" '. SUUPUlSIi.OATS, selected (or Race Horses.C.ilcli tin.

' I ') ll 111!

lYotice.All parties indebted lo the


m .u.tiiiii ist, ley.,, who Ihivh nitD",-- prlllHi itieir neenuiu. nre iciuested to call, and make a .....I-,.,- .. .....

'hll accounts a. nl.,v .1 i... ., ..

1 "r uum, , winplaced In the hands of a collector, t,.uo ,or 'eco.er at once.

By orjer

Hawaiian WillO ColTlnanV

The AlleiitUin of Hie Cuhhc Isspecially Invited to the Larueand Varied Slock of KEvVHOODS just united jierS.H.Australia and other lateairiiuls

Iiiiia Llcens. Nainsooh. Victoria

Lawns, Groams.Th Uircest Stock nf Wlilli;l)rc 4,'i,il eier iniiorted.

m IRrV. R Wim? l im P ntrereFMlhurc Voilnn Holtiimui-io- . uumi unu.


Airent fur the renowned' I'enri" Homln Machine.



it prepared Irom the nutritiveportion of carefully selected cramconiliined with I'rgeaie Phosphateami jrfsin. u is a pcrlect ioodlor





It is the only infant food in themarket containing vitalising andbrain producing material combinedwitU pure nutriment thoroughlydigestible.

It is endorsed by the medicalfaculty in the United States havingbeen prescribed by them for manyyears with the best of success.

Gllmm Brothers, Props,, Boston.

iloihion mm CO.,Sole Hawaiian Agents.

Honolulu,' II, I May, 181)3,

Deah Madam: Have ) on a desireto stve in your kitchen? Milk, allkinds of fruit, and many otherkin Is of food can be kept s eet andfresh without Ice for a longtimeby uslug Anilfernier.tlno tablets.Thhlpresertstlto is entirely luirm-Icu- a

and makes Hie calming of fruitone of theeasiest things imiglnable,Vou don't need to cook it at all; justdissolve a tablet in water, makearold water syrup and .pour oerthe fruit and put it away, and it will

keep as sweet aud friher thanh hen cooked,

Trusting jou will appreciate themerits of Aiitirerinentlue,

We are very resjwctfullyIIenson Bmitii it Co.,


L. 0. ADLES. 'mis


uincc, fving street, bet. FortTelephone 80.

CornmnJ.ry Mooting.

ITl.Me nt 8pKial..ll.ru w I I, V "M XDr.RT N.I at IheM.-.t- ile Temple TlllflBV II I.VII at 1 ..d. clr sharp.tV.itk in IIm- - lle.rra.

AH ."lolirtlltl. and vtwflititr IvnlulilaTemplar cordially Invitrd lo lm irreenl.

T. i; WA1.IWW! Itwnrdrr.

Xoticc. "

All pe'snn acpiirine- money rlalmsKlnt Ihe II.M ..I

are nq iwied In j i.e. 1 III. fr .am.on nr lr.-i- ho. i.f THURSDAY ofearh k. Apui.l lain s will bepaid on f'rida;.. Hin t X p. m,

WAI.lF.lt jlcIIItYIlK.Chairman Uiiiimtti-- nn Accounts,

;ni III


All chatties of tho demised, YaltSang. Chin..' watchmaker on NjimniiHllert, w, Ih. 11)1, next WEKNCSDAVu r loin, hi the nine nl lltiu.i, llr...,,

heu nil (uirllra can i.lenilfy theirjewelry or watches left for recurs.

C. KAlSElt,'01-- lt Adiuinl.traior.

Insurance Co. of North America


Cash Capital : : $3,000,000.00

Assets. Jan. 1st, 1695. 59 562,539.92

Ol lest Pirn Insuraiiro Company Inthe United fct itee.

Plllici.-- l.lleil nfllnt In l firm nt.all clawea of de!raUe proi ertr.

H. UJ-lE- ,

Agent for the lliwaiitn irlan-N-o

For San Francisco.

Tho A I Qarkcntlne

w. H. DIMOND.Kilsox. Mamek,

Will Bill for PAS IHANCISCO on

Thursday, July n, 1895,At V2 o'chiek, noon.

The Dimond will nIT.ird Intending pas- -sengers llrst-claa- i accnmuiotlatliin,ty For freight or piag apply to



rprt T? t?CT-rT?Mm- :


Waikiki and

I.OVIJ'S UAKISWVwill deliver bread to customers atWaikiki and the Park com-


On Wednesday, July 10th

Order by Telephone

No. 282.;o3- -ct

On account of Roing into OtherBusiness

The Celebrated HACK


iv. 11. reIs for sale on reasonable terms.

Hawaiian Baseball Association.

On .Saturday, July 13th,At 3:30 p. m.,



AtlmUnlon US CentsNotice.

tne omen 01 the Hawaiian V.Im,,.,Cointiany. Honolulu, II. I until 10 a.in., July 13, 1S91, for the Constructionof a Cold Miorage Uuihliiig.

Plans and Siecillcatlon. can be seeiiat the otllco or the said coniiaiiy.The Hawaiian Electric Compan.

reserrea the right to reject any or all

TI1EO. riflFUfAWWtd Man.-e- r.

For Rent.

The bulldlnir on Mn-1mn- t ,foimerly used by the Dally IhilletlnPutdishlng Co, The lower inrtlon canbe suitably divided intoottlces, etc.

"rf.J ui inn iiiueo 01WM. u. mwiN m i n

8T-- tf


Unon tha arrival nf ll. ,Wilder'. Bteamship Company, Ltd., noperton will liealiOH ed tn go a board, untilthe paaaengers are ashore, without apermit from the office: unless permtsslonto do so be granted by Ihe officersof the vwwl, a L. WIGHT,

President W. s. H IV, r ,.l


nnd. Bethel, . Honolulu, H I.P. WALTON, Manager. -

Peerless Preserving Paint CoMANUfACTUUEIUJ AUD BEA3 IN

FIRE, RUST, DECAY AND WATERPROOF PAINT,Varrantwi not to Scale, Crack orKun, caused by Heat,

Roofs Hade As Good MB' HAWAII Itoofs (Tin, Metal or Bhlugle). Guaranteed against Rust or Leaksje.

Our Peerles, Prturvlng Paint it Especially Made for Old and NewShingle, Metal and Felt Koojs, Mridges, Posts, Iron, Steel, Etc.Examination, and Estimate, on all Work Clv.n Free of Charge.

Page 4: Hardware SORE Influorua, and and GeneralYachting and l'icnlq Hals, etc., etc HANKA., FOOT STKEET. BICYCLES A new consignment of the famous FALCON ROADSTERS just arrived'. Also aJ7


0l AM MtHI.

ha TMr for iMMnrv rrm (I, N Coail

Pm. am n.rn. ft.mMftn.... I w ai IM 8.44 4A --37I OP 9 ftJf7 A IV 10. n It. U ftJti 0 4rt! ft. JWM .... liH S (Mtt lUJtt tH e.M! Mlrhor-- .. Ill 7. ll.-t- l 5Jt5 A

M ... it 7 . 0 Mol'u'lti V35 MWIUilBat ..... 13MLSJ mAft Pi l.is 6.2ft 0.11 11. A

Bn U .BWi it S.ai wn (UMUin

Fulll moon on th nth. t Oh 1.7m 11. m...Tlma WMitia Hlownt ill,, mm., Ms. p.m. ofut.Domm iimB, which tbe iim m Ub, om.,0s. nf UfMnwlch tltn.

for every louu feet of dliUnce of the obrver (from the Uuatom llouoe) allow on

second for transmission ol Bound or A wcmidt14 Hiiuie mim,


II y th GoTemment BurTy, I'ublUhedKTery Momtity.


sua. 7i 0.01Alon .10. IP KM I 71Tue. a

w.,. JO. 1 v.nTliu 0.10!

iJj.ii 70 Ml

Bat 64

Utttomeier corrected for temperature andeievniiou duv Doi tor iniuuuB.


Steamship, will leave tor and arrlTe fromSan Francuico on tbe following dates, till theclose ot 1SV5 t


raou SAN Frisco BAtFRAKCISCOOHOB ViaOOUVKB. Vancouvxm.

18US. 18113.'On or .About On or About

AmwK jutv 4 Alameda June 27

. Coptic ..July 10 MioAra........July.Juna 2A

itAustralia..-..-mi- it. I'ttinu- Jim 17

low era -- Inly ii Australia ....July !rt)A IttUltHia . -A UKAustralia. Aug .uariiHjsa ...... Juiy aI'ekiun Au 10 " ""mw"

, : . .. Austraila ...Au 14

AiiHtralla 'I Arawa rtuCoptic l 1U ....AUtf

Chin ..oeplArawajnuwera...--Hsy- i fevpt 2ti Atutralta .....ept 7

Australia tpt m Klo u. Janelro.it 16

Auatralia uct il Alameda. -- svpt ID

AlauieUa.-Oc- t ii Warrlnioo...Warrltuuo Octal Australia... ...Oct tChina Octi UarliMiMiw .Oct 17

Australia Nov V Mlowra.... ...Not 1

Marlixsa Nov 21 Colitlc...... ...Nov 6

Mloea .Nov 24 A.atta-.- .. Nov HCoptic .Nov & Australia Nov IV

Arawa Deo 1 Warriuioo.. ,...Uco 'I

Marrlinoo.....lec 24 1'eklutf ..... ...Dim a

a Alamed.. . lies 121'eiLln .Lwc Mloera....Jan 1, 1WC


tinie table:After Jane lstfTUAINK


ti' w5 Ss3 W.Z.

A.K. A.M. P.M.Ijave Honolulu. ..n 0 V IS 1:15

ve Pearl Cltj..7.4" M l2SIca e Mil ...;10 Ml' " 1.Arrive Walanae lu:.M C..V

hi aSi

A.M. P.M. P.M.Leave Valasae....o.44 1:3 JL ,.(; IVVkte Jllti..' '19 9."l"l S:1P f'iiu.uve I'earl Clty...7 0 9 .8 2.38.rrive Honolulu. ..8 2i 10. Ml S:ll I h

On Satonlar and Sunday nights Ewa MillPasseiiKcr Uraln will rne lu Honolulu at&: ln.iead f 11 m

Freiat Tialns uill curry Hecoud.Classaccommodations

U 1, IJemsos, F. C Kmitii.Huptirlulend nt. Gen. L'ass. iblkUAKt.


One Ite.pect In Wlilcli Uklalioma notelKeeper. Are Up to Uate.

Tho hotels of Oklahoma up to last fallwero few and far between. Ilaving triedseveral with little satisfaction, n partyof hungry "tenderfeet" was directed bya commercial traveler to a little placeon a corner. The commercial man saidit did not look inviting, but it was clean.That was an inducement tho party hadnot beard of in that section, and itturned in for supper. Tlio dining roomwas ono in which the family lived. A

folding bed stood in ono corner. An oldtime bureau was opposite. A box stovewas in the way, and about it wereseveral old fashioned rockers. A fewfamily pictures hung from the wall.with the old, old motto, invoking theblessing of the powers celestial on thehousehold. The party asked for supperand wua told to lie seated until the mealwas prepared. Two girls, delicate andwith much weariness in their faces,spread the table. When the meal wasbrought on, they simply said, "Supper isready and disanneared.

The party gathered about tho meal.aud it was agreeably disappointing.While it was beingdevoured that is thebest word to use, even at this distancefrom the table the two girls came intotho room, accompanied by their mother.a woman whoso hair was white andwhose faco was a study. There musthave been a time when sho was beauti-ful. They came in as if they had beenbilled for the occasion. They went toone corner of the room, and then theparty discovered that there was one ofthose oldtimomelodeonsin an out of theway place. The mother took her placeat the keys, and as the mournful melodies responded to tier toncn the daughters sang, "Nearer My God to Thee,""JellloUray, and then "borena.

Think of "Lorena" on a melodeon inOklahomal Tho party having finishedsupper, one of them paid the bill, andthen the music ceuscd. it was a question which no ono of that party was everable to agree uiion, or theyhad not up

' to last accounts. Was tbe innsio of thatnight for the puriose of entertainmentor to forestall the possibility of durill-eating any of the orders? ChicagoTribune.

friendships of Snakes.There is a certain coolness almost to

bo called a positive want of cordialitybetween snakes and human beings.More, tho snake is never a social favorite among the animals called lower. Nobody makes an intimate friend of asnake. Popular natural history booksare nlled and running over with anecdotes of varying elegance and mendacity, setting forth extraordinary auec-tion and between a cat anda mouse, a horse and a hen, a pig and acockroach, a camel and a lobster, a cow

-- aud a wheelbarrow and so on, but thereis never a snake in one of these quaintalliances. Snakes do not do that sort ofthing, and the anecdote designer's imagination has not yet risen to the feat ofcompelling them, although tho stimulusof competition may soon cause it.

The case most nearly approaching oneof friendship between man and snakeknown to me is the case of Tyrrell, thexoo snakekeeper, and his "laidly worms."But then the friendship is mostly onTyrrell's side, nnd, moreover, Tyrrell Israther more than human, as any onewin admit wno sees him hung boa constridors around his nock. Of courseone often hears of boys making pets ofcommon English snakes, but a boy isnot a human creaturo at all. Ho is akind of harpy. Arthur Morrison inStrand Magazine.

O. E. Dallln'aadmtrahlyexecuted statusof "The Sigiml of Peace," which was ex-

hibited iu the retuuda of the Art palaceat the Columbian exposition, has been pre-sented to Chicago' Lincoln park by Lambert Tree.

As Aroostook (Me.) fanner travels In1 great comfort during the entire winter,' however seveie, Iu n one horse sleigh, hood-:e-

over like a prairie schooner and wllh a9k stoye iaelde, tun funnel atlckinK through

, tu tot.

I31VJOYDotli tho method nnd results whenfyrup of ! igs la taken i it Is rleasantinu rcircsuing to 1110 lasic, uuu acispenny yet promptly on tlio Kuincys,Liver and Bowels, demises tho sys-

tem effectually, dispels colds, head,iclits and fevers nud cures habitualcnnstinntlon. Svrun of Fics is thoonly remedy ot its kind ever pro--

duced, plcnsing to tho tnsto nnd nc- -

ceptatilo to tno Btonmcii, pronitu inits action and truly ncncnciai in useiW prepared only from itlie mn.1

healthy and ngrecab o Bubsttnccs, itsmany excellent qualities commend itto all and have made it i.ha mas'popular remeilv known.

Syrup of Figs is for sale in fif

cent bottles hf all leading tlmagists. Any rtliablo druggist vth

may not h vo it on band will procure it pr jiptly for any ono whtwishes to try it. l)o not accept an.substitute.



tlOBRON DRUQ COVlioIral4i Alt nt 4.

II V AllAiN S T A Ut



A. MAIITIS,Star Azent. Ullo.

150. HONS.Htar Agem. v ailuku and Iinnlna


il'LEY & REYNOLDS,410 Fort Bt.



Fort lit., opposite Ulub btables


t'el. .0. Cor, Alakea and Hotol Streets


Telephone Id. l'aciflc Hardware Co.


Hotel St.I. HOPP & CO.

74 King St.


Aetna, Alliance, ew England Mutua


EMMELUTI1 & CO.,6 Nuuonu St.

MERCHANTSS. I. 8b.avr, Proprietor


H. Hackfeld & Go.

HA- just received, per"II. I". liitlv'and

per other late arrivals, themost complete Btock of .


Hardware,Rails and Railway

Material,Crockery and Glassware,Bags and Bagging,




A new supply of thecelebrated


, . Also on hand . .


All of which they offer to thetrade on the on the mostliberal terms.






is prepared to do all kir.us ol

artistic Book, Job and Newspaner printing at fair prle- -




The Wh.tfln Me llirrrle.1 ftninnil. r. rt in. I'.lllm.

Ilium "Mm Ihfi l'rotrtlut llmt HiproUiVr'n clillilirn nro nlj worlln!.

11m tfnlntitniit m.in pri limnn (orillimrr, mid tlio tmrtciKler l i lotiil

Tlio dniRRltt limy patrontra tlio fnlllitin mid tlio rnllwnj- mini knows of nc

1 hi t luxury limn n rlilo In n Imituy.(ic Utixt cur ri'iidnctor H to (n't n

vi . ,1T. m he r.111 tnl. n Ioiik w nlk.iiifm lpinntknlilo i'ni limn nny ol

lii.t! in Hint of tlio lifHil usher nt theiluali-r- , niul ono tlicnlrr In mrllcular.t'rolmlly every jilnygocr In Chloiftcknuw Mm. Tlio tltloof "limit nslicr'

t i . if - i m. .lltRn llllll III! IliJUM ivl uu isuninitmmimt ut H, dt, t)f a tmvimi mmlt.tn,

Tlioro ntu lioiul UMicru who imnnrctiiKin yoii, urnli tlio cotillons, thnit themliaek Into yonr fumbled liatidii nud shout,"First iilulu to tho light I"

Thcro (iro other head nhcri who tellyon 10 nnrry uu or nrp uviuj. im--K'vo loud wurnliiK that nil cotillons must

They shout, "Hey, therol" nnd nroconstantly detracted hccauo of tho 1m- -

ity .id, they Imagine, nMa'a lcnl.

Vs soou ns n fniiptiy yonnc man getsinto.!, box ofilco nr 1 cngngoil na nnuhcr, ho bt'glus to imnluo that lioowns tlio hou-e- , tlio company nml a goodp.rt of tho fruntogo In tho block.

But tho exceptional IvcwX usher iscalm, polito, attcut'Voaud solicltons.

Iso matter how rapidly thocrnwil nwypour lu.it Fcems that every ono whocom10s receives some courtesy nt his .

hail- ds.Ho doesn't tbout or crab nnd tho

small children nro not afraid of him.Tho most remarkablo thing about this

model master of eeremonlus, however,is tint ho knows very littlo about actorsor plays.

Tho other evening, when tho honsown crowded and tho perfonnaneo washi'ng received with noisy approval, n

mail wno camu inio iuw nyv. i;,,,.-,,- .

acts remarked to hiui, "Well, it's afunny show."

"I daro Bay," ho replied; "the houoseemi to liko it."

"Didn't youeo it!""No! I was out hero all tho time.""Is that so? Don't you step inside to

sco the performances?""Oh, uo. My duties keep me hero. In

tho 13 years that 1 have been in this po-

sition 1 hinonever seen a performance. "At first tho man wouldn't believe it,

but it was a fact 'just tho same. Chi-

cago Record.


African N'atlres Take Advantage or liltIndu.tr lit is Heartless Manner.

In Africa thero exists n certain mem-

ber of the crab genus commonly knownas tho great tree crab. This peculiarshellfish has an olTensivo trick ofcrawling up tho encoanut trees, bitingoff tho cocoannts and then creepingdown again backward.

Tlio theory is that the nuts are shat-

tered by tho fall, nnd tho gi eat tree crabis thus enabled to enjoy a hearty meal.Now, tho natives who inhabit regionsinfested by this ill conditioned crab nrowell aware that tho lower portion of thocrab's anatomy is soft and sensitive, andthey believo that the "bivalve" wasthus constructed in order that he mightknow when bo had reached tho ground,and when, consequently, he might withsafety release his grasp of tho trunk.

So what they do in order to stop bisdepredations, which often ruin tho

crops, is this: While tho crab isengaged in nipping off tho cocoanutsthey climb half way up the trees andthere drive a row of long nails rightaround the tree, allowing an inch or scof tho nails to project.

Tho crab has no knowledge of disas-ter, nor yet.the0tness of things. As hedescends tho sensitive part of his bodysuddenly touches tho nails. Thinking bohas reached tho ground, he naturallylets go. Instantly ho falls backward and

I cracks his own shell on the ground.Pittsburg Dispatch.

"l; riurlbus I'som."Tho circumstances attending tho

adoption of tho legend "E PlnribusUuum" as tho motto of tho UnitedStates havo never been fully explainedby tho historians. It was probably usedon coins and sonio say upon earlycolonial flags long before it was regu-larly recognized by the leading officialsof tho now republic. Tho oldot coinbearing the motto in full is a colonialcent coined by Now Jersey in tho year1780. Tho same year it appeared on asmall medal recognized among tho col-

lectors of coins as "the coufederatio. "Tills medal was a national token, I be-

lieve, nud was coined by authority oftho general government. It bore on onosido 13 stars and a blazing sun, tho lat-

ter snrrouuded by the word "Coufeder-atio," which gives it the mime by whichit is known to the numismatists.

The words in tho headline aro un-

doubtedly from Virgil's "Morotns," apoem devoted to a description of a cer-

tain salad I In the rhyming recipo hogives instructions for mixing tho properherbs aud pounding tho stuno in a mor-

tar until the various colors blend as one.Somo one has ery appropriately saidthat "the colonies wcro mixed in themortar of tho Revolution and camo outus oue huuioguioons nation." St.Louis Republic.

hhort Weight.Tbe Salesman (holding up a vellum

bound brochure) The price of this bookis if 10.

Mrs. Nnrich Nonsense I Yon can'timpose upon mo .in that way. Why, aminute ago yon offered me a book twicetho size for 1, 60. Chicago Record.

Mrs. Gannet, New England's poet,who wrote, " 'Tis Lovo That Makes theWorld Go Round," is dead, but tho lovesho wrote nbont is turning the oldBphere.

Treated the rrlnce.Prince Henry of Prussia, the brother of

the emperor of Gernmuy, while hunting afew days ago in the neighborhood of Kiel,started tocrosa a field, v, hen he was stoppedby a peasant. As he was unable to per-suade the peasaut to allow him to trespass,he invited him Into a neigtiboriug res-taurant and tieated him to several glassesof beer. Filially the peasant asked his

who he wus, and on getting theummer said, "Then I must treat 3'outobeer ulso." It Is needless to udd that theprince continued his hunt without furtherinterruption. Berlin Letter,

Unmarried Girls Kept In Cages.The Inhabitants of New Britain have a pe

culiarcustoui of couflnlug theirgirls in cagesuntil they are old enough to be married.The cages are made of tho palm tree, and thegirls are put Into them when 2 or 3 years ofage. These cages are built inside of thehouses, and the girls are never allowed toleave the house under any circumstauces.Tbe houses are closely fenced in with a sortof wicker work mude of reeds. Ventilationunder the circumstances is rendered diffi-cult. The girls are said to grow up strongand healthful in spite ot these disadvan-tages.

Exasperating Da) a.

Aren't there some times in your lifewhen everything seems to go wrong uomatter how hard you try to have themgo right? Those are tho trying dayswhen you want to blame all the troubleon the way yon got out of bed in themorning or on other people instead oflooking the matter squarely in tbe facoand saying, "It's one of my exasperatingdays, and if I can only keep my temperuntil night comes tomorrow will be dif-ferent."

The trouble is when we feel ruffledourselves we somehow impart the feeling to others, and nine times out of teawe either get into a quarrel or do somengly, horrid little thing that we wouldn'tthink of on other occasions. II you can,on these hateful days, manage to thinktwice before yon speak onco it will savea lot or worry on tbe morrow. In fact,that is a good rule to go by ut all times,tor of all the unruly, mischief makingmembers the tongue is the most prom-inent. Philadelphia Times.


fvsry Woman Livingiiwt a

MvtN hmlt litln hl rlnkl(wi (her r, dr iacinr of (tie thinand I'arlal ItlmUht, Ihe original

kln 1'itod TimuHulldenLULA MOHThl

CRhMKIk Ktlll thO iMHlt.

nu will t nurlrlMHl and dtllrlit.

MAIAAA ul when nu try1.. . if. i th luxurypu. wmv 1 butiry in evry re- -

t exvri tpnra. A 7A vni kiI lanU Ihroemouths hi you inn or uurni

Mrs. HsrrUen'sFACh HLHACH

mm uie wnrn rum i r iwri. riiu'ihIiiiwikwh. Alutlif, llmiU'S and nililnml'ho. lThf fl.iu. linrmles andunlive,

JVir ntwlnl advice nnd lunik mi lwuiym. nliillftm Mil, ma ituir'vjiiiniuty lirtnr 2tt()rnryst Han trniiclKCo.

For mtluhy HoI.MhTKU DWVAi CO..t ft., Ilnttnhllil. M1AI i

i:.Mjr in.i,M,i(ir.Uncle ijll Johiifoii, who was tho old

est colored resident of n New Englandtown, possessed what he himself called

lwer5ol.e.Troundln." Thesewere exercised on nil occasions and innviny diftercnt ways and had broughttheir owner 110 small degree of local ce--lebrlty.

"Wat does folks mean when deyspeaks ob Mookin a glT boss in do raouf,'Unclo Elir" asked Pomjiey Leone oneday as ho stopped at the old man fl woodshed for a little chat,

"Wat does dey mean? queried UncleEll. who usually "temnorized' a littlebefore making his wise replies,

"Yassuh," returned Fonipey, "I oftenheard folks' sav as if it wa'n't safe to looka gif lioss in do monf." I

"Well, ob course it oin', chile: obcourse It nin'," said Uncle" Eli, whoseml,,, was in a condition to work rapidlyafter the short ri'spite afforded by Pom--ney'a reiteration. "Yo' fee. Pomp, dat"gif" is jess n condaction, so tospeak.ob'gifted, an when folks speaks ob a 'gifted' boss w'at does yo' interlocate dey'sreferrin to?"

Pompey shook his head, overpoweredeither by tbe question or tho remarkablelanguage in which it was coached.

'Sho, now, chile, am ft possible yodon't prejicate dat simple notion?" exclaimed tho wise ono, lifting his handsIn apparent amazement. "W y, it s jesslike dis. A 'gifted' boss is one dat's gotpowers, powerB ob r'arin, powers ob kick-i-

powers ob conduclin hisse'f gen'lly.An don' yo' Bee, chile, dat when folks stepsup to dat kind ob a hoss an makes as ifdey per8mnpted to look in his mouf w'y.dat hoss he jess nachelly ex cises ob hispowers, an itnln'safe ob course it ain'."

"Yo' sutt'nly is a mons'ous easy ex-

pounder," said Poinpey, with gratifyingastonishment freely displayed in his ebo-

ny countenance."Oh, jess mlddlin," Bald Unclo Eli,

waving oil further commendation withhis right hand, in which he had graspedtbe eaw preparatory to beginning workagain, "jeBS mlddlin easy, dat's all. Anysimple qnes'ion like dat ob course I candeclarify right off, but dey is ques'ionsdat would take me a conserble time toabjudicatecomplete." Youth's Compan-ion.

I'o, tponetl."Robbie, did you ask God to make

you a better boy?"Robbie I will next mouth."Vhy not now?""What's tho nse when tho water's

Just right for swinimln?" Chicago In-

ter Ocean.

JIaklnelt All Illght.Clerk I would liko to have my sal-

ary raised. Boggs gets $0 more thanme, nud ho doesn't do any moro work.It's unjust.

Employer Ycb, it is unjust. I'll re-

duce Boggs' salary $G. PhiladelphiaSecouL

Anxlons to lilile N'ow.

Clara I ara going to usk papa to getni n ldnvclo.

I Mother Have you consulted tno doe.lor?

Clara No, but I have consulted aflrcssmaker. Good News.

To my Patronsand ihe Public.

I have just opened at myOthCe, 113 iiiiTHEl ST.,Honouji,U, H. I., an

- AltT --

- EXlllliniONof tho Intent and novelties InKm broidery Vurk, Drawn Work, U--

Si k, ICtMisiiiKLon Work and Etching.I would r (lecttully invite you and

your friends to call and inspect theeIf nod a.

Tho Sing r received first awardfor Sewing Miichines and Embroider)Work at the World's Fair. Chicaco. 111..being the largest number of awards obtained by any exhibitor, and more thandouble the number given to all otherSewing Machines, for hale uy


BEAVER SALOON.-- ort St.ee t. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

H. J. NOLTH, Prop'r.Lunches served with" Tea, ColTee

Mona v atei Ulnger Ale or uiu.


A Cool, Keat and Clean Place With theVery Bent Fare.

At the Sailors Home.Meals will be served as follows;

Breakfast from 5 to 10 o'clock.Lunch - - from 11:30 to 2 o clock,Supper - - from 6 to 7:30 o'clock.


King St. Restaurant!

Corner King nnd Alakea Btreeta will giveyou the best meal for 25c25 Cents in the city.We are now in ournew rooms, everything fresh andslean, si

Remember the Place, corner King andAtaJcea streets. 508 1 mo


All Chock's Restaurant

Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArrangements rnn here be made for serving

reasonable dlitauce.


No. 48 Nuuaiiu Avenue.

Fine Cloths. Perfect Fits. Styles upto Date. Prices that will satisfy

you. Give roe a trial Istrive to please, .

Stoclit of TWud, XHagtmah, FlanneU c IuAinf


P, O, Doe 1M.


3 ALLMA.KUM - - - -

A PERFECT LAWN SPIllNKLEn,IteiinHluelnv mi April Shower

A DIIEAM OF A rOUNTAIN.I'i lliislnnl ir I'M tulle,

A TREE HtRIOAlOK,.... li,iMI Me lhl li'Biuu tnelnlhAN Allt DISTHlliUU It.

Lheaji, bimple.




Executive Cocaciu

ll. Dole, President ol ILe Hfliu'jllc olHan all.

' vl. Match. Minister of Forelzn Affairs.V. Klnir, Minister of the Interiortl. llamon, Mlotsterof Finance,

ii Smith, L


.. F. Allen, Chairman e Advisoryiitmcll of the Republic of Hawaii.J.li Nott, C. iloltc,

olin Ena. E. D. Tenner,lameeF, Moritan. A, Younjr,I.P.Mendonca, D. B. Smith,

ilio hintnetutli. James A. Kenn'jdf,Or. C. D. Wood. George 1. Castle.I'rol. F. A. husuier.

T. Kodgers, ecretary Executive and Ad.rlsorr Councils.


ion. A. F, JuclJ, Chief Ju.tloe.ion. It. F. Hickerton, First Associate Justice

ilon. W, K. Frear, Second Associate JusticeHenry -- irih. Chief Clerk.Ueorge Lucas, First Deputy Clerk.C. F. Peterson, Mecond Deputv Clerk,J. Walter Jones, Htenoirrapher.

Circuit Judocs..

first Circuit ! II. E. Cooper, W. A. WhitingOahu.

Second Circuit : Maul, J W. Kalna.t'lilrd and FourlhClrcults: Har, all S.L.Aust n.Fifth Circuit! Kauai, J. Hardy.

Unices and Court-roo- In JudiciaryHulldlng, Klnn Street. Sltllnir In Honolulu I

First Monday In February, May, August andNovember

Department or Foreign ArrAlRS.

umce In Executive Building. King StreetFrancis M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign AffairsUeo. C Totter. Hecretary.A. Ml. M. Mackintosh, Clerk.J. W. Glrvln, Hecretary Chinese Bureau,

Department or tub interior.Offlce In Executive Building, King Utreei

J, A. King, Minister of the Interior.Chief Clerk. Jonn A. llasslnger.Assistant Clerks, James II. Boyd, II. c.

Meyers. Gus Rose, Stephen Mahaulu, George C. Ross, Edward S. Boyd.

rmsrs or Bureaus. Depabtmxnt

Irierior.tfurve, W. 1). Aleiander.Supt. Pnbllo Works, W. E. ItoweU.

Sopt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.Inspector Electrlo Linlits, John Cassidy.Iteetstrar of Conveyance, T. O. Thrum.Deputy Iteglstrar of Conveyances, R. W,

Amliews 'ttoad Supervisor, Honolulu. W. H. Cum- -

mlngs.Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. IL Hunt.Hupt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo. Herbert.

Bureau or aoriculxube.

President J. A. King, Ministerof the interior.

Members: W. (I. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Herbert and John Ena.

OoniratseioDerof Agriculture and ex officio

Secretary of the Board: Joseph Marsden.


Minister of Finance, s. M." Damon.A l, U. Law 8.

Iteglstrar of Accounts, W. CI. Ashley.Collet of Customs, J. B. Castle,Tax Asse.sor, Oahu, Jonathan Shaw.Deputy Assessor, W. ., Weedon.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. M. Oat.


Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fort Ht,

Collector-Genera- l, J. B. Castle.F. B. McStocker,

Uarb.if Master, Captain A. Fuller.Port Survejor, M. N.Sanders.Storekeeper, Geo. C. titratemeyer.

bEFAHTMEurr or Attohsev-gekera- l.

Office In Executive Building, King Bt.Attorney-Genera- l, W, O. Smith.Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, A, 0. M. Robert-- ,

son.Clerk, J, M. Kea.Marshal. E. G. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, II. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oahu Prison, James A. Low.Prison Physician, Dr. N, B. Emerson.

Board or Uealtb.

Office In grounds of Judiciary Buildingcorner of Militant and Queen Streets.

Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews,J, T. Waterhouae, Jr., John Ena, TheodoreF, Lansing and Attorney-Gener- omltb,President, Bon. W. O. Smith.Secretary. Chat. Wilcox.

Executive Officer, C.B. Reynolds.Agent Board ot Health, J, D. McVeUh.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Service,

L. L. La Pierre.Inspector, Dr. W'". Monsarrat.Port Physician, Dr. F, It. Day,

Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard.Leper Hettlement. Dr. It. K. Oliver.

Board or Immiqratiok. 'Office, Department of Interior', Judiciary

Building, King Btreet.President. J, A. King.Members of the Board ot Immigration

J, B. Atherton, Jas. A. Kennedy, JosephMarsden, James O. Spencer, J. Carden.

secretary, Wray Taylor.

Boabd or Edcoatioh.Office, Judiciary Building, King Btre

President, W. R. Cattle.Clerk. J. F. Scott,Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

Board jo Ci,o Laud Ccvuiffitntf,J. .. King. Minister of. the Interior! W.

Smith, d O. P. IankeaOffice in Judiciary Building.

Ladoii Commission,

W, N. rmstrong Chairman.. Emineluth, T. B. Murray,

J. M. Vivas, II. W. Severance,

Dr. T. Kodgers. Secretary.

District Couar.Police Station Building, Merchant Street.Antonio Perry, Magistrate,James Thompson, Clerk, ,':

PosTorncx Bureau,t,

Postmaster-Oenera- l, i. Mort Oat.Hecretary, W. O.Atwater,snp't Postal Savings Bank, E. H. WodehouM.Money Order Department; T, B. Oat.General Delivery, L.T, Kanaka.Registry Department, O. L, Desha,Clerks: J. D.Uolt, R.A; Dexter, B.L. Ktkn.

maao, T, B. Angus, J. Uwet, Henry' KalaJ, N, K.Keola, NartU J. T. FlawedUlMlf. Uf,


Tbft I'linll nf th A(t.Ihe f nalt nf tt avic I a mud endenvur

To leftp to ti 'hi n t tint ere tnndo In climb.Br a burst ('ft 'Kth, of a llimmlil mont clever

We plan ti reft all titid outwit Tlmt.

We worn to v 't for tin thin worth having.We want hi noon nt list tlny'stilm dawn.

We flml no ul mm In tnllliur and salt.i?.Aenur rorein.tierfj uki in uteoui ume iron.

We crave the oiln. but the wit lnar:

We w nut its rrwnra, but flower

f nn the fctrenitlh l!iutl aniwl In tuselens fret--

urnWould fell a forest or build a tower.

licort the rriso, ret to shrink from the winning;

To thirst for ctnrr. irt to flch- t-Why n hat run It hud to at Inst but sinning,

To incmM lansninr niKi nmrai uuKiiir

IMtertheohl flow wny f Mtrlvtng,

rd counting frmall kaiii n uen me is.Innn.

An to ue oar Tone nnd our Atrenulh rontrh Inir.

ld to cr"p for jilmstiro have not won.-- Klla Whwler Wilcox.

31o.A.ftf) C'nU lca I'lle."l Uncle Ephralm w as a man who did not live

In vntn.And yet w hy he mieceeded eo I never could ex

liiain;Br nature he wan not endowed with wit to a

decree.But folks allowed here nowhero lived a better

man than he:He started or, bill soon got rich; be went to

conirress then.Aad heul t tint ot honor lone against much

brainier men.tie never made a famous speech nordlda thing

of note.And )eltho praise of Uncle Eph welled up

trom every mroau

Now father was a smarter man, and yet henever won

Socb wealth and fame as Uncle Eph, "thedeeair k's fatorlte win."

tie had "con let Ions," and he was not loath tosinE tils mind

lie went his way and said his say as he mightbe Inclined.

Yes, he was bro'nyi yet his life was hardly asucces-s-

lie was too hone and too smart for this vainworld. I cut'i-s- .

At any rate 1 .'tiiiJt'iel he was unsacceHefulwhen

My Uncle Eph, a ditllt-- man, waasoretcrvdof men

When Uncle Eph w at djlng, Im called mo tokin boo.

And In a tone of confidence lolate he Hald:"Dear Wlllytim, ere I nook repays lu louder

uliiBiu i so here.I fain would breathe a secret in your adoles

cent ear.Strive not to hew your way through life It

real r uoesn't par.Be sure the salve of flattery soaps all you So

and sav.Herein the only rojal road to fame and for- -

tune lierv.

Put notyourtrutln vinegar molasses catches'flies."

Eugene Field.

Despair.Oh, I am sick at heart. The eje of day.The Insldteni summvr sun, eeenis pitiless.Shining In all the luii ren crevicesOf weary life, leaving no shade, no dark.Where I may dream that maucu w aters lie.As pitiless as to noma ship recked man,wno, gazing irom nis narrow suoai ot samiOn the wide, unspecknl round of blue and blue.Seea mat run ugnt is errorless despair.The Insects ham that slurs the sllentdarkStartle and seems to cheat mo, as the treadOf coming footsteps cheats the midnight

watcherWho holds her heart and waits to hear them

pause,And bean tbem nc er pause, but pasn unit die,Moslo sweeps by me as a meswiigerCarrying a meshagtj that is not for me.Tho very samet.efcs of the hills and tky

d n racy, and the Uiitftiring hours't round me dumbly, like superfluous slaves,

horn I w&it naught but the secret news4 uey are forbid to telL

George Eliot- -

A Ttigan's !ra)er.O Mother, I have loved thee without fear,

'And tookfd upon the mystery of change.Since flml HchiM, upon Ihe cloblug year,

I saw the hnow (takes fall and uhLpcred,Btrange."

Because In these pale borderlands of fateGrief hath companioned me, I have not

quailed.And when lore pasned Into the outer btralt

I have not faltered, and thou bast not failed.

For I have lifted up my heart to tl.ee.And Ihou hast ever hearkened aud drawn

near.And boned thy shining face down over me

Till 1 could bear thee as the hill (loners hear

And 1 hae cried to thee In lonely need.Being but a child of thine bereft and rutin.

Till all the river in the hills hind.Aid the great hill winds In thy holy tongue

That ancient Incommtuilcnhle speechThe April stars and autumn sunsets know

Soothed me and calmed with aolaco bejondreach

Of human ken, mysterious and low.

Then In that day when the last snow shall comeAnd chill tbe fair round world w It bin its u.d.

Leave me not friendless In the gathering'gloom.

But gird Ine arms about me as of old.

With sleep once more In thy compassionatehands.

Croon me a murmur as of many rillsWhen 1 would rove the crimson valley lands.

With all my vanished comrades of the hills.

When that great storm out of the dark ehaTdrive

And blur the sun and bugle my release.Let not thy weary earthllng faint nor strive.

Faring beyond tbe tumult to thy peace.Bll&s Carman.

fIter Pay,

He was a mighty, rolling river,She was a little, rippling rill;

He was a mountain naught could shiver,She was a tiny, shifting hllL

He was a lion, loudly roaring;She was a lambkin, bora to love;

He was an eagle, proudly soaring;She was a gentle, cooing dove.

He was a sturdy oak, defiant;She was n itlender, clinging vine;

He was a brave and brawny giant;She was it wee thing feminine.

All, but tbe day when they went shoppingone wan ine one wuo iook ine ieaa;

She wm iho earth, so far o'ertoppfngIIla) that be seemed a mustard seed!

-- Washington foul

A Snnset.'A single sunset hath mon MnessThan all the boasted pa kings possess.Take the rare moment ,t large sun sinksBehind far bills and tin fcterlou brinks.Then Nature revels lu glorious moodAnd shows her powers a- it to ahome our brood,

-- Clarence A. Busklrk.

The Uunaway Moy,

Wunst I aassed my pa, an heWon't stand 'at, au he punished me,Nen when he was gone that dayI slipped ou an runned away,1 took all my copper centsAn climbed over our back fenceIn the JlmtsoB weeds 'at growedEver where all down the road.Nea I got oat there, an nenI runned some au runted again.When I met a man at ledA big cow 'at shocked her head.I went down a long, long lane.Where wus little pigsAn a great big pig went "Uoohi"An Jumped up an skeered me too,Nen I scampered past, an theyWus somebody ho) lured "lleyl"An just looked ever' where.An they wus nobody there.I want to, but Vta 'frald to tryTo go back An by an bySome pin hurts my th'oat InsideAn I want my ma an cried.Nen a grea' big girl come throughWhere's a gate, an telled me whoAm I, an ef I tell whereMy home's at she'll show me there,but I couldn't '1st but tellWhat's my name, an she says, "WeU,"An '1st looked me up an says,"She know where I live, she guess."Nen she telled me hug wlte closeRound her neck an on she goes

' Sllppln tip the street! An nenPurty soon I'm home ageo

" An my ma, when she kissed me,' ' "Kissed the big girl, too, an she

Kissed me ef I p'omise shoreI won't run away no morel

Jams Whitooma KU!

- -- "a...l--JiuL.,...J-.grS--- '



Office at cor, of Kingand Alakea stttrts,,.,,

am prepared to bid on all kindsof Contract!) for Tainting

and Repairing,

All Work aiiAKSNTtt o

W. F. D'HA..l ORAM,

CONTItACTOII & mmiDEli.Bill of quantity tot anykind nf Itudillug andrepalri . , , . .

junniNa promptly attexded 10

506 KING STREET,F U. ItUAVAWi'fl Old Stand,

Oh, I Say!ho VP ou heard nf Iht nrvr firm nt thi romOf Kfilff nnd A In If n nirerta. n Iipi-- vnil i t

uy or sell anthhiK troiu a cambric new Ito a Raw mill.

New and Sccond-han- ii FurnitnrtAll klndn of MTond-han- hAi

(fought and wild. All kind of ocntract,taken for

PdiiitiflE and Upholsterin t

v are fully tretared to contract InIned Job ol painting and rtairitjg,CilAHI.r.s ESAU KINS.



M Factory. take Bakeij.



ISLAND CURIOS.Our Establishment Is the Finest Kesort 111 the

Cltl. C.11 pdeeu Open till II p. rr

OHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, King Strkkt,

Between Fort ami Alakea Sts.DEALER IN

Groceries and Provisions.Fresh California Roll Butter and Island

Butter always on hand.

Fresh Goods received by every Sieametfrom San i'tancisco.




Oommfssien isrshanis1 I Piiclllc .Hall S. S. Co.nllGOlS 0ccl,,t"", OHin

O mi s. s. Co.


H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

3CERS08 Fort Street.

loth Telephones 22. P O. Box . 7.

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Quccu Strefit,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Special attention given to theliaudliug of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds.

California ni Hawaiian


Orp. It. E. I)i:roT.



FJtOZJSK OYSTERS, &e.By every Steamer from -- an ranc-lcc- and

Vancouver. blilpplng upltlletl.




STEAM COCKS, and all other Httinutfor pipe on hand.

Honolulu Steam Dice Mill.

resh milled Klce or sale In quantities to sul

J. A. HOPPER. Prop'r.utiwi, Honolnln


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumbek, Builders' Hardwari

doors, sasii, blinds,paints, oils, glass,

wall paper, matting"ItRUGATED IRON,



HUSTACE & COhave moved to

'organ's Auciion Rootr?for a short time. We are still selling

Departure, Bay Coa


KINDLING WOOlIn any quantity.

nrl. ToImdIiasm 4H n4l'

Castle & Cooke, Ltd,

1a1 r oivrr13 1 ,


General Merchandise,


WeMakeAll Kindsof Silverware.

uo you wearono of our

War EmMoms?

Jacobson & Pfeiffer.Fori Slid. I Jrwclli-rs- ,

Nwir enm.r Kino-- ,

Metropolitan Meat Go.8i KINt? STREET,

Wholesale & Retail Butcher;


Navy Contractors,n J WALt.TfR MRnnct-r- ,

WILDER & COtKttablifchcd la 1871.)

Estate S, G, WILDER - W. C WILDER.

tkfroitTBai AND DlALtKt W

Lumber and Coal

Building- - Materials


Builders' Hardware,Taints, Oils, Glass


Cor. Fort and Queen Streets


Removed to Store next GoldenRule Dnznar.

YOURWATCHwill be made to keep excellent

time il left


. with

FARRER & CO.,the well known and reliable

Watch Makers.

If satisfaction is not given, you,money will be returned in full.Island orders will receiveprnniif nltrntinn r,i7 fm



Importers und dealers in all kinds ofProvisions, Merchundis , Cigars, Etc.


Near King Street.Clotliinot, Matting, CamphorTrunks, Valises, Hats and GentsFurnishing Goods

HIP CI10NG,Dealer in


Pork, Rice, Bran andGeneral Merchandise.

Cor, Hotel and Nuuami Sts. Honolulu, H. I.

CHINESE PROVISION STOREBrick Building . , . ,Cor. Hotel and Smith Sts,

Kl CHONQ, Proprietor.Rice, Tea and General Merchandise.


PETER HIGH &. CO.Office and Mill on

Prompt attention in all nrdera

P, O. Box, 4B0



W. W. iIIA.lVa,333 Nuuanti St. - Teltphoneeee.

Fine suiting Scotch aid

American Goods.


GOO KIM,,4il KuulNU Bt'rrrt,

Importer and Daaler In Drrgoodsand Fancy Cooda.

Merchant Tailoring,FIT OtMtlANTKKD.miOKS MODF.ItATK.

TKLFrnoNE S13, : .

: ! GOO iciivr.


GvnL a Farnishlnr Goods.ChlueM "Ilk. Mattlmr

jampaor Trunks.No. 43 NUUANU BTREET,

P.O. Dox HI.

Yee On Co.Watchmakers and

JBWBLLGKK,Itrpairttig of irntcftM and Jtmlry Chtap.

Importers of Watches ami Clocka,317 NUUANU STREET. P. O. Box 143

Orient Planing Mill,ihm rnr a, CO.,

CONTRACTORS &-- BUILDERSFarn'tnre of all kindsmade add repaired. . .

P. O, Boi HI. Cor. KINO and BETHEL Sis.

WOO SING & CO.,Qenerot .Merot-acacactaaio-


Groceries, China and Japan Teas,Matting;, China Silk, Etc.

Telephone No. 457. : i 417 HOTEL St.

WiNB HOW CHAN,Importers. and Commission Merchants.

China and Japan Teas.Manila Cigars, Silks,alatUng, Groceries anarrovjsiona.

04 King Street. Telephone 78.



GENERAL MERCHANDISE,Fine Manila Cigars, Crockeryware,Majting, Dress Silks, Chlneee andJapanese Teas. - - ... -- ;.

. . . Telephone 366

TAI 0 HE KEE CO..- No, 809 Nooajto Sr.


Boott and Shots Made to Order.P. O. Box 267. . . ,We Use the Best Material and Warrant it to

Wear Weu.

BOO YINC LUNG,Importer ot

Silk Goods, Fine Teas, Manila Cigart,Matting, Nut Oil and General

Merchandise.No. 204 Maunakea Street, Honolulu, H. I.

P. O. Box ICO.



Importers and. dealers In GeneralMerchandise,

Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants- -

Con. Kino and Maunaksa Streets.


Wholesale Dealers In -Liquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.t03 Hotel Street .... TlDhnn 147.

L. AHLO,Dry Goods; Boots, Shoes Etc,

General Rice Agent for the follo ing' plan-tations on Osim-Wal- Walawa,tValroalu,Kaneobe, Walalaa.

Kaneohe Itlce Mill best rice (or sale.Mark A. L.

No. 46J Nuuanu St, Cor. Chaptaln St.P. O. Bpx 11L


Croclery, Hardware; Ciears "Etc.,

331 NuoANtJ'ST.,

P. O. Box'lSS

HO YEN ' IEE. & CO.,T X N8M IT H let,


Water Pipes, laid and .Repaired,ami plumbing neatly executed ...

No. 41 Ncoasic STREET.

X'fttfeci Nutriment"roadriowiNoCriitbrifii.


aMIUip.A,l,aadIn Aeta Illaesa aalall WaaUasr Mttaaia.


Best Footl

Give the Baby

for Hand-fi- d lafantt.

BENSON, SMITH fie CO.,sole Au.mt. for tlio Hawaiian IHandi,


INVALIDS,lKi,,DPtt BOOK P th. Instroctksl

otmoth.rt.'Th. Care aaa F.eal. riafluttY"wlll fa. mallearalto an address, upoa reqoest.


PLANING MILLProprietors.

Alakea and T!!.r,l.

Telephones: Mutual, W) Bell, 408.

Mutual Tel. 84B

To bethe lowest

near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. , . ,




Fnced Store on the islands to buy NKW and

First - Class - Second - Hand --' Furniture

' Good ami Clean, at Prices to suit "the'nard.times 5 and Bold Cheap tor Cash. . ,

. - - -s- -

.. . jAwJMBMIfclStjiMMfcmM 1 I 4r X rsia"' "TLmW wVTJ'mr WP III Hill I IIP" MM iingnyi-f'-rT- "il "1 r W IIMTT I LfMMWMllffTTM.WMMWMim.WI



