Hard or Fans Washington Last Games - Chronicling...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY AUGUST 30 1910 g Fans tG Realize Washington Has Won Nineteen Out of Last Thirtyfour Games Hard or BIG WINNING STREAK AROUSES SUSPICIONS Maybe National Cotamssiafi Will5 Throw Oaf Games Be- cause Washington Is Using Regular AriiBin h on the Job s B9GB Pro 1 Coat rrues J xsn rs Game vrltki 5C Itesin leduv 4 m Sftsmf oot until Herut Bterrte- Be has sot been te the Is thte piracy i ton cnibto get the publics are not pesos any cbarpea but taking both ends ef a senate btnstar- nm ItetreK Sutarnay tot ing iJ 9t yesterday msMUB suspect something hi wrong Why not the string oC nmetcrn of the lust thBrtyfouc tussles be nIT irasfcmston bad en- cattonat LiniiiiilMihin throw o c aH game we in the sciuak n atar professional playenr understood for the peat en was against the rata w have lineup ad tOw that the been broken w fear worst Lake gndoMbtooly co nmirted s cM when be ten hi tie winning nm in the ninth inning of the game by gives thr e Manager McAleer repeated tills morning the was going to continue j as bin regular catcher tor tne e- siftiader of the season depatte die return of Charley Street AM been said before this is no reflection on Street merely a wise move ot the managers part to crowd all the ajor league f ib t late AiDsmiths career in order to lave him ready to take his tarn early every year now for four years imllined to a large extent the almost Invariable return te term of the team as the schedule neared nnsaplrtinn Having two stax catchers an at do with ehecktetar this tearrut with which be committed addle Although McAleer would like to tabs Cunningham his yeah second Dane man from the New England League and Ralston bs o tneleWr from Akron Onio on the next trip of tbe team through the West they will not worked in emergtacKS The flftbpbee lever is upon Ute mananrer a strsogJy as 1e fciaoe 4f i hojye a baseball that Is ending them Rt a dellrhjxn 2o do look at titc two town clocks which never agree sad decide to crept the slower while they spend a piece of the time the registering of tbe say they hasten to tbe park brtght sad early and the late comer nowadays has hustle for a seat We eamestl be up sad teTda and Aint It tbey rjfht up and dose M The C Ixwriw Dmwns are not oinc to Win any medals this year for base rail rin r Tbey nta4e more foolish plays yp terdar than any one ball team we hive seen h tev ha a long time and those mental tenses are a strong ytirrulus to our gloat Truegdaie after in tile Brs and ttdrd inntngs of the first xaT e was both times caught flatfooted oft ih base by Dolly kay Griccs madiv to wcond hi the first game when Hartaen amashed to Schaef- er and ran vinarerv lute the bay hi Scharfer3 heads givnuc the 5erman- plcntv of time to throw to first and 1 double im HarBwett Had be nped- Schasfer would have had te ctaaoBe his stride and throw to set where Grigtts weoW have bees forced but Hartzell would reached first la- the second game Xewnam wa m tee to Schaefer The very sound of the indicated it was a than fiy tat JCewnam continued to third sad was naturally doubled ui at second do say Kewnam had forgotten there only one ovc bat that dose tot listen Food in nwtior league hall Partsen was on second hi the fifth with ene ont wtwn 5chweter rove to Hartzrtl wen aught between second an f third Schaefer maktmc the out Then the German the baN U first base and Schweitzers Urnt went oat oa plain why the Brown a e so fiur in the cellar although ban team is not as bad a one bv lIT means as its percent see would indicate After the work be did yesterday Gray teats gas the i ills Gourt all IK waste to Germany catch off New nam in the eJgWh kmmg of the second game which saved the day was in the opinion of many oeservers the most difficult catch that baa been Next week will be a briar one for the Anakwtan Gun Club both lien and away On Monday Ute dab wjn bold its amsoal LADOT Dsjy liiunsiisnu shoot which b open to members enly This shooOs drrMesV three rUnns B and C according to the masks mans average for the year Tlamlssinu prizes win be awarded to the nianeis of the class which they Tue Ciy air crack rnots of club will for Atl ts Ity to par- ticipate In the annual Welts Hogan shoot This tournament is the largest of its kind ever held In the country and is largely attended The Westy Hogaa tourney will lat three days commencing WeAneBdJiy and finishing up on Satarday As the martaWBen tae in tine condition and have done excellent shooting thr Summer it 18 expected that they will bring home some of the priws with thorn Among these who will attend the tournament WnctwnHjton art Sec- retary MBer y Jr eilWt Bufeur A B SCine J A Browa W D Monroe and H B Wilson P dill Washington IMIIIIk tile fit We t I cheap trIdt m tile vein tee by tile teaa te- tilth tine wrtrer tIe first eII tile WII 6- f 50 tal k to Slaw For alter r 11- 1selC in JIfda planer 111M tM Ue nMfIIII tin city tar to IIa hula die that experieaoe 1text seaaoa wltllut t time getting him ready The lugton baa been strikiag In ue on job shooid t tea deny oL the past Anybody right be 1111 R th bet two tiJlteptece IIIl ODe to 11 to wttb BL Leda sir 1f bees OM with hut blow was Quidt sIt e WilL HOLD SHOOT UN DAY Into A 1 L- On tile Wash- Ington darn We put prow geriNltT list town tolls trstts got riv a a b rli eate pt 13 Wtttrbbrf non lS a Lend sway victories at taArs teas fans seemingly raiaBtg placeatewtd but pattt tint fa impasefitia ant it aimacc Mtaeee ia wty eatid am have Woe tita i M uerfas rss e tba it Waldes- toa haw regale bs s in bee aeei ett tiaesIIs aeserU a eking havia6 Wash dab alss sueceeeloa sod slanps its sad the bate sosrethlag f hakes ex- cept tent eartatte i dok s sae sped sty one oat at Grit far la Sic r Ia wed Lnlanws thiae the s- et LA9R ease j ea has waste ice ateltes yes t opp g > > > < > ± ¬ < ¬ + + + + + + + > + > i I CLub StaoadikigsA3- CE23GAJT Waehtagton St XxMd- sWasbmgton 5 St toute Detroit Pni d lphhi Chicago at Stat ims ef tae Chi 3 W L set Win Lssa 71 9W 4K New York f 53 Kf Js Detroit i 563 JM Jsft Chicago 9t Louis ITATZOSTAZ rEAKSE Xew Tork 2 Plttnbnrg L New York S Ptttsaurg X Brooklyn 4- Tvaay i Guaes New Toni at Phtaburg at ewe Sta 4w e tit Claw Chlcuue W L Pet WnuLr 7 37- CilKiiinati 9 9- 3t Leute a Brooklyn 44 71 JRZ JW Boston made te WasMngteu tais year He to a and got ball in his glov on a line with his waist while running straight Set tfce eetrter field r bsftuncfc t mystery hat why he did net lose bte balance and stumble is an even greater mystery Instead of tuning be Bride up Tmesdale who had been Ut by the pitcher sad had ad- vauref on a sacrifice down a line drive with the glove by ordinary reaching processes is spectacular a chaefera pixy was entirely dlflTercnt from that stunt and wfll live m the of aH who saw it se sosnetBhur alt uataue m baseball Me bitting the ban at all tesomettates Just as good a way of a pinch hitter a slogging it oar tbe val wile waited X out with the teases ferced fat the sing ran of the net end gates Wills there wee glory enough for all let us sot overlook the work of Kid Elberf M first man up m the ninth inning of the second game Lake was pitching for the Kid with all his nigh but tbe battle te sot always to the strong The pitchers idea was to get the ball te to ElberfeJd lid bandi cap his swinging While trying this Lake bowed remarkable control Five or six he got the ball exactly berfeld smashed a line foul past tsrira Etberfeld wasted to knock e hell fair pound but Lakes control was too this four Duns were sanuv- wiphed in and Elberfeid wanted Lukes control was gone from that moment std be lost the game by his wild the fad Washington wasted the game Lake deserved a better fate the next batters There wue ne eccujrieu oc so much yeBitMr egntaut Harry ColMflowr cbrions on the bases He bed a number of doer plays that as far as could sees from the press stead bas work was certatrJy not rotten even If be was wron ee some of them We are hoidtngJ- M brief for Collifiower he cannot make good but think he te as competent as the average umpire sad he is entitled to some constrienUioR in his home town when be has tine moral to can a decision against Washington Why sot treat the umpire a Itttfc consldera poured add m her eyes to an bit life FROM THE DETROIT AUSA 3f J jhnay tete tine Uetrett nager at the dose of the Soutb Ui Ktg League seasen te about ua medesr a I youngster as ever broke bee the big show He plays down close to the ttea and has a wonderful wt little fellow Diac afiing hte future he says out of his job because I know enough baseball to do But Im awful glad t at Ive been bought by the Timers I cope to get a chance to work in the Americas League once or twice thte season and then sot the experience to be picked up en the tram ing trip Then my only hope is that petrolt will send me to a class A Uaprue where 1 can learn a lot Im sure Ill make good when Ive gotten Moro experience Qrit modest Ard consider tireaJiiBK io who U liiii to hand uut JkAne of taBt about chaate all the big ones to the woods In few Slays t J M t and J 1 RMtits t L- It CId J l cs eJot JIwf1 j at lhtr Tedt I ToiIty PIta I Q c- I nil I u b A a AIi ta i Or- t 5I- I P 4 J LeIIIIIII I a a- ta8IIi II I at 3L Left i Sol u 4Ii New Tent m sR 1 at iIIr lit C I D- w z M stein fibs IIW t and relayed to Jk PtdI not aan it For MUtk ate Iaek LeU will times where he planned and tIlDe BI and the brier DOt Srl FIaaJIy In the UJSp c- all It a swat aside froM wit K never murcJiled Ills or STAR FOR DETROIT MINORS the third bougM Di Dc and wile He Is oaJy U Ijf JD size and action lie Is very like OAale Bu8b gIOIIIId had OM fast either 4Uree for a baseball I dott expect to beat it t I what ahly ti ouDgat r a Pos b es EAGl- Yfaeteia s w IMLab ag 4 net dpri iRtia xsw Ye- eTd1us iSmei tu- etQadaad Pieta 8l Zoahk at Waahhg4anth R R Hohaan R fti W J R 4Q 49i wR t IS alt sl1 Y laeett tL C dewsa i- PiWilll P Cig1 Cireitai Bodes ice is hta dmrkaac Pbds4itb BAtea Cledaoatl firntya a itaga ci- f A A R a PIMndelpYt 11 w 4x iN 41 lR It sill 41 s lsl snag Dolt raewefita1111etseMlysd periPetly the ball eaoagb bet as as sceat y tail yesterday sad every good Id Draper awing sa- I was duhsT and tfonT 13e nh otbte Walt base saa will jl ear s in gay u diferent from P s sal s ea u late the inert > > > > = + + > + > > j j j i J i i DEFEAT ST LOUIS IN Gray Pitches Fine Ball Opener Second Is Won In Ninth Dolly Onqr pitcJinI great ban in the ftrsi canKvlccpt bits well scattered Washington did not so re snug tie third Uaglawb hit to was forced at second by AmtrmHb Gray sh led to toft and MBaa farced AhaaaUth at thmL athaefer walked sad Gray scored- a moment later when Conroy hit One nm- I In the next another run was With MeBride down Klberfdd drew a base mtJt stole second Ungtenbsr- ciaBB got ham to third and be came In e AfammtnV ete ie to left One rwn- Sefcaefer tripled to the clubhouse m tile fifth sat scond on flee ty One ran The final score was made ta the sev- enth trips Atnamsth w 0 safe on- r grounder Mean doubled to right and the speedy little catcher came te with the teat run of the rnmr One tom FlMt GuM t AS 1 HPaA X MOan ct 4 1 t v Schaefer 2y S 1 Conroy If S- EBrhfe s liril 4 Ib I UnssnfS c t Gray p i 2 a- A K IL PO- ef a KIBifer c S S t 1 1 1 1 t X i- C t t St Louis 1 of 2 Struck out By Gray i by l S Threeba e htt chneftr Twabase httMcBride SaerUee Conroy Sacrifice bit Stolen base Truesdate Double Selwerer to MeBride to Sehnefer to nngiaab EfberfeM to Mc Bride to Scca fer to 1 niiitl te Newnam ntt illnsmnli Empires Messrs Evans sad CoiMnewai Time of game 1 hour and t tmrrn- Seesad Game tar tested acres I after the score had bees tied by 8t I Leute by S te 4 9 ILeuftv stored ftrst i o0 ner tates uu JUngJea sad welt sBdur iliK- Wallace steeled Wallace went te vacv and lid wee caught run down by f McBride Scbaefer toad Ungtenb Hart sell came home during th prororrtliujn i One run The score was tted te the fourth i Schaefer singled was sacrificed by Cow left alter Geasler JaM fanned One The filth was productive of three run singled and was both players adding an extra base on the wild lava JEteteihur singled te left scoring Ungteub Mflaa dumped ta who booted the i ball Mortour J r scretcbteg bte stogie Into a but Hfteu was soured who wMh Schaefer out Coaroy doubled to left Tree runs Louis got a run two singles to the I Bfttt and three in the seventh utrnteg J th trick- I In the fret half of the ninth i uU tied ihe score WIth Griggs down sari With Wallace on fist on a base on baas awl HarteeK on HoAtman hit and the bases were filled Stephens Tanned batted for Ray and drove one to Ztetsttas who the ball long Ugh to let HftrtaeJl Truosdalo popped to Unglanb One run In the ninth dberfeld walked after Endings off half a dozen balls Unglaab batting for Beekendorf attempted to sacrifice hart tot four flttmjr tile run over and The Score Mfian cf 4 Sehnefer 2t X Conroy If S Gassier rf 4 ss 4 taberfeM Jb S lb 4 Beekendorf c 2 Retsllng p 2 Ainsaitth LeJiveHt 0 Totals M Batted for Beekendort la aintii Inning tBatted fw Ratenwg JH nbuh H am- 9C I ute AB R- 2b 4 If S XewmuB 4 Griggs rf 4 f f Sb 4 s 1 1 WsHseons S a 1 i Hoffman cf 4 Stephens c z Ray p S i 1SI B a Batted fur te wteth No one out WIt wig run was ff x 3 ttf f i- i ti 1 i Len on fusses 7 Leu First base on errors Wash ingles 3 St Louis 1 First bee OK balb Off Relating 1 off Lake X In- ntasr Hay 6 by Lathe Tbnes bet by opponents Agalnet War against Lake 1 Hits made Off Ray 9 off Lake Struck out By 3 3 Twobase last rtfice hits Schaefer Beckcn dorf and Stone Stolen base Hoffman Double to McBride f2 Hit by pitcher By Truesdale Messrs Evans and Colliflower Time of hnnr and 40 minutes D 0 U B LEHEAUER tile wee dews Itr 4 to left Hart aserl t I u 1 I I I m d 1 t 1 Ii EaerfeII m J 1 un 1 Y i 1 1 I n 1 n t x 1L 3 4 z 1 I li m 4 1 I Q New ffi I- 0riIrP0 rt 1 t J 1 1 VaDace I J I I 1 l I i- iat for Halt tINt JIIxtIa iIIItIDg w u W 4 at Plait on I l t U Passed The second was wee is tine raalestlt L Del scored oa McBride doable t4 I rust ort f sale I P keDdort m tit mth MId Isategs et St was bOoted second I Cut I anal him with kI AiD8BtIUt batted for sad the coup the Wt uKNeg of Ute We l4Mer M two clays One nna- I tDa AB R 1L PO B uu 1 1 1 1 1 Z S I 1 1 e I 21 I 1 J i Unglaub 1 1 I 8 If t m i A 17 It PO A E Tru r J 1 I 7 1 a 1 4 a I 1 1 I 1 1 f 1 Lake h- u Uh 4 lids J St I L- at L McBride sacrifice flyStephens sc playsSchaefer R rm game1 4- t saes bads b berries sea fonb oar 1sag Sxab le s beet labs Waailhl lee 1 1 1 Z 1 R 1- BL A 3 IYaesdaie litttoe 1 S 1 1 1 1 1 S- llattadLA 3 as 1 1- 3chwsrlser 1 1 Hasp 1 1- at l s 55 I- TDta1 R 1 1 1 3 In hlagln ant Iea- Lttafa base haWOd Nail i game Der bating the being rep tnglasb sacrtlloe wag cables seventh self s grounder Schaefer e Score a fog velt Rek fng s oed A 1 1 i7 1 1 i Y 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 tl Z1 Stores 1 1 3 1 A 1 I 1 1 i 1- Ttalia 1f 1 scot lfa 1 aK I I teisitt > fiT V j n 0 I t J 1 i i < ¬ ± < > > = > > > > < Made a Most Remarkable Catch I l GERMANY SCHAEFER CHANGES CUBS PLAY TO MEET ATHLETICSCh- ance Preparing for Worlds Series By Developing Slugging Connie Macks Resource- fulness Stars Taking Needed Rest TacticsFears ¬ CHICAGO Aug ML Front sow until tile end of the sfairmn Manager Chance wn the hrlnutten of getting as much 1eparatteu as ssHiU for the wotWc championship neatest wICk the Athlet- ics Chanee has jaowed himeeif to be a rent general In other campaigns and he te showing bin wisdom right now by starting on a preparation for Ute hard- est series battle bte team has ever faced TIM best critics claim the Athletic team will give the Cuba a much harder argument than the Tigers Connie Stack U tile game tfcw Jennings and so it will require an different1 plait of little for the Cubs to successfully over- come the Phnaaelphte that adopted against the Tigers While Chance te not telNa what bis plan of battle will be against the Ath of the National League pennant there te no doubt but that he nae his Mess aK worked out and is putting some of them into practice Close fol lowers of tile game have noticed that the Cubs smasbte the haM harder sad not trying to beat out bustle sad to the year Some of the taBS claim that Chance believes the best way te beat far as possible to get it from the faatneidfes tonekl- IR recent games it has bees noticeable there lave been few bunts laid down by dently waa to drive tile ball as far oat into the field as possible Whether the change in the tactics of the team te due te a desire to practice up for the big tag that famous Inside game being out of commission at present is hard te say but the lonedistance clouting is quite effective anyway TIle fact that Connie Mack is bond teg kill energies to fathoming a cheek the ply of Ute Cubs may be reason enough for Chance to adopt the ell style of hitting em out but it te also judgment for a team to be able to use both styles of play and that te what the peerless leader te trying to do with his get them accustomed to the that win answer the best for the conditions that exist Stars Resting Tbte te the proper time for Chance to give his good rest before start oat om the final dash for the Sag Tinker was rested up the last time the team was at home by staying oft his sore ankle for several days and laid enjoyed several vacations during the season because of suspensions handed him by the umpires This is the first time StelnfekK has been able to get a breathing spell and the manager evidently believes in letting full time as long as team Is doing wen enough without them Then Hot man enjoyed a reaction If Sbeekard and Schulte could grueling finish the team would be ready I any kind of a light to win flag PEBPSCT Wilhelmina Treatment Vbich has so saccesofal ve are positive we can cure every toot trouble Appoint- ments may be made by phone shad or personal y call The National Inipresaon Co 720 Eleventh will the of the em worMs have ever there a rdor in the fine points ol ell 1rY meaN BalL ktlca provided tOe Culls are Ute ACriftee as mMCh they were eArly M tlM AthTetles will be to tiM belt as tM Cams but tile of GUM ri or becasee the teats is so rip pied swat of the veterans used to play way to mento team tee I in a days or respite before the for TRzS FOOT MADE TIn st x w- Yashlngton hone 7639 ooedset campaign hives Ntre feeder Cabs Smaabis Rin- ses ire a smasht tilt away game the pals good Ilk a flit get few 18 r L P b f G taia ors ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + ° The pitching stall te to utt for the The ef and hide trrc in the games have pttcfaed since returning home has gives the man- ager all of the fans much cheer there te Itttfcs cnanee that Over an win be able to pitck again thte year ae his elbow refuees to welL With ever will not need the CaM foratea although it would be if he were in fighting condition at that HILL Contest for Prizes In Test of Automobile Club of Washington from their mufflers the oars entered te the first bttt climb of the A iHnnlBii club ef- Hftl this afternoon in the sculls events Final arrangements fur the cmfe were f automobile enthwsiasta Itees the course at aylors RBI Handle High- lands this afterroon A large detail of mounted police acting under orders by Major Sylvester dosed the road to traf ne at 1 oclock of the contestaats wercv pcactie on the hill Iat TBK J owar fut searchligfatg to wade them over the bad Past time was made and it te believed many of the Ws cars this afternoon will negotiate the seventenths of a mile climb well under ft minute Rivalry among the loiters h keen and rare short is to prorpect machines will compete hi the seven events OB tie T Browning Spence te chairman of the elimb B former prest dent of tbe club and a pioneer motorist Is the referee and acting as th official resentative of the contest board of the American Automobile Association under whose sanction the climb Is held S A- Lattreif will be the starter and Elliott P Hough clerk of the course The con- test committee consists of Lester D Moore Jr John Larcombe Jr Arthur r Marks John Thomas C and Charles W Bender The contest began at 2 oclock Each car is given a flying start Del this served to increase the speed of the machine As there are several turns te the hill including an S turn careful driving will be necessary The program prepared by S J Saffle and Fred Harveycutter was distributed 8 the pre snots twfrters how MOTORISTS SPEED- UP NAYLORS Of are KaJr1ors They tuned to NellIe and tM trIals t tiphe made lid croP Many night Robert w roeaiM t his how while get big of anks be- tter 1ldltirg edenda aMae Washington speeatleg ter have been each Indicated this morning a eFge isag spots e veriy Lon > ¬ ¬ > > Thinks It the Greatest Ever Banks Upon Cub Catchers Umpfcta Johnston of tits Natteual Cubs to conquer tile AtMettee two Is my choice says Jobll stone chance bag two of the greatest catchers the In Jebray KHg and Jimmy Archer Archer has a bet- ter arm than Xling Dot Johnny fe a wise aid owl hat and his rIB is plenty good enough to the best besernnners in Ute game Living stone Thomas and Lapp will be compared with Kling and Archer by the most rabid League root era Kline Asher rank with Bin Dolt McLean and the other On the other baud they tell me that Street of Sweeney of Kan League Cant Step Those Hitters It win take good throwing to keep the Cubs from running bases aad scor- ing runs Americas League fans eeem to thick that Ptenk Bender and Coomte win prevent Ute Cobs from getting on Of course If the Athletic pitchers can keep Chances men from getting to fiat the Philadelphia back i stops will have a comparatively easy I teak But I dent think there te a pitching Chance Tinker Scuulte and are all going good the stick Moore Mattern and Suggs have pitching great ban Cubs from the pilL I the pitchers will tare any better against than the tidal League twirling stars Will Run Wild If the CUM get to test it takes a great throwing catcher te prevent then from moving around Chances mea win rum the sacks wild on a poorthrowing catcher TIle Athletic pitchers are near ly alt experienced men who know how to wib the bases and chain runners to the sacks but the catcher must also be there with his part of Ute good arm and ability to the away fast Thats the only way you can prevent Chances men Iron making rums after they get on At that I think Philadelphia will give Chicago a argument tan Detroit 4d in VK IMC Chicago has a won- derful baseball machine There isnt a weak spot In the whole works Sbeekard and Schulte are great m the eutneld and the infield is a regular stone well Greatest IfiekL Tve beard a Jot about the tam old stonewall infields of twenty years auto Up m Detroit they wilt toil you that the Detroit bunch to Mr Breath- ers Dunlap Rowe and Wbite was the king of aH tafteWe Veteran fane in ChJ cage still swear by the old White Stock lug infield AHSOB WesTer WBttamson Burns Down hi New York the old are still talking about the Kew hifleid of 1S68 Roger Connor Dan Johnny Ward and Arthur Whitney Now I have seen them all work and value to a MIl dub the Chicago National infield of ttS7S greatest that seer came down the pike Baseball Briefs By heavy won the Phaadcipnte te floe style Plank was knocked out of box in tile third inning yesterday by five hits which resulted runs Pour stolen bases helped Detroit win from Philadelphia Coob and stole two apiece drives beiaed Boston to win from Chicago yeeteruuQr Out of three times at bat he got three hits a borne ran a triple a All of his hits became runs New York Nationals captures both rods of a double header from Fisburg yesterday the first same with Out of four times at bat be got a triple and a single He also stole three oases game with the New York Nationals yes- terday when he batted for Maddox in Ute ninth inning He tore off three base which ended te a run MOORE LOOKS GOOD Jimmy t e Forrest who took Sold of Pal Mbore when the tatter was and coffee boxer aDd made him the best card in the East In a years time says that Pal will trim Murphy Just as easy as be did Dris coil etc De Forrest Is Moore In shape at his bungalow In Allen and the feller will hop through the ropes in the best condi tion of his career E S SUITS Take your pick of the stock of E B Summer Suits now at a fraction usual prices 7th and 35 Streets JOHNSTONE BACKS I CHICAGO INFIELD SeenAlso League Is sweet en tile chasm of tile IR behind Ute K I star receivers of the J NeW York and Carrlgaa ol Boston 1 are Ute premier catchers of tie Antes I I I I I that can op Cub i I with I Curtis bat they couldnt the I prepo a land I can take It from me that for gen- eral Is the I yester- day Doyle was New YOlks bitter In Pi Campbell made good ita tile a bit roll REDUCED I- EISEMAN EROS S game Natloeat League WashIe on 1 Ian seball e Ev oren present rind er ea hits Dot Ott taw Motia r Wag n heavy seven g Ln era vita k ball ocean ry d i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ + + Every womans heart thrills at the cooing and prattling of a baby and motherhood is her highest and purest joy Yet the suffering incident to this great ccnsummation of her desire the some Friend prepares the expectant mothers system for the com ing event and its use makes her comfortable during all the term assists nature in gradually expanding all tissues muscles and tendons it strengthens the ligaments keeps the breasts in good con dition and brings the woman to the crisis in healthful physical condition It lessens the pain when baby 77 Z N comes and assures a quick K and natural recovery for the mother For sale at drug J J Ivv stores Write for free book for expectant mothers THE BEATJFIEU CO Atlanta Ga I I lifes robs anticipa- tion of of its sweetness Mothers Mothers Friend ThJ Jf IF ill Q rn 0 p 1 j CAPITAL BOXERS Sullivan and Lowe Have Bouts for Next Friday Night BAL b Washington buxtor nuw are taints trtereet In the mmhsju series of sbLros d bouts to be given by tfce EwAa Athtetfc Club oa next Friday night at Oriole Park Bal The same preparations as last week wffl be made so that ram will te no way interfere Two of the Capital Clips Tommy Lowe will parOctaate to tbe evenings sport Sullivan has a decidedly big Job on hands in tackling Joe Seteer the welt known Denver lightweight The West- ern lad gained a verdict over hits in ten toands and the Kid is highly anxious to get ev n In the encounter in which Seiger gained the verdict Sullv more than held his own during the earlY seasons and he training diligmy for a pace with the Denver ta Lowe te considered r th fastest sixround boxers tn this section asm Stone whom he will face wi toc ian Lowe and Sullivan are working together and will cotes over prhned to take back a pair of victories to the Capital The match te which Young Britt wilt face Jimmy Moran creating more than the ordinary amount of interest Moran will be tIM toughest proposition Britt has tackled since his bout wit Johnny Daly who is fighting In old time form Is for m go with Jack Hanlons unknown ar hi contemplating nothing soft Too Many Unnecessary Post- ponements Going on In the Major Leagues xrtv YORK nag aiowuuc bell games ta several of the major dots tits season te onier th i the iKanagement might rear toe benen jef resnttfatc there is likely te a demand fer leictetetion in this matter when the basehan rowers The soealteS eve has been emohasi i twice i this city fe the last four day FrWays game at the Axserieaa Park between the White Sox had High- landers was carried over until Saturda a double bUt a open Mir with Cleveland wax postpone under the sunniest sties to thf fasts to a doubleheader tcdaj It charged On Friday the weather liens were not of the best but the sa r could hare been played while veyterdy a slight rain in the was the ex- cuse seized upon To Treat a Burn there is nothing better than Conti nental Ointment It bas a cooling soothing healing effect that quickly relieves cuts bites bruises sunburn gums etc The Marvelous Salve and Perfect Poultice Good for Horaca too Large box25c 40c 75c S3 and 550 AsK at any Drug Harness or General Store Continental Specialty Co Dayton O 7 Save i 943 Pa Ave v on Summer suits Tailored To Measure Alt oc our Fine Suitings cut SS rent Coat and trousers fancy twilled German serge 32500 f7 value Oil Striped Flannel Trousers 5TS 4 nfj 1002 F St N Merchant Tailors Open Saturday J5v oJBC THE FAMOUS HOOMAKER TENNESSEE RYE Ten Tears Old na Order by phono The Shoomaker Co E St M W ARE WORKING HARD AIlS 1 t poriiar bcrMn Std SUllIvan and hit it one 1Ian y Lave iA the enL HOLDOVER GAMES CAUSING TROUBLE to i doable he den be over tile Lea n I for con I morn I I eczema es wi I 1 t T- hfRe ent b a Dollar t Shoe I Big reductions r NEWCORN GREEN W Established ln Phone Im- portant much throe easy Wa F hilly naaerow uweeeesrary paatpseaeAts n league rakes ietetdnt s I sore y Y e t J Y raise alai sw3I ¬ ¬ < < = + =

Transcript of Hard or Fans Washington Last Games - Chronicling...

Page 1: Hard or Fans Washington Last Games - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-08-30/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · Hard or Fans tG Realize Washington Has Won Nineteen


Fans tG Realize Washington Has Won Nineteen Out of Last Thirtyfour GamesHard orBIG WINNING STREAK


Maybe National Cotamssiafi Will5 Throw Oaf Games Be-

cause Washington Is Using RegularAriiBin h on the Job

s B9GB

Pro 1Coat rrues

J xsn rsGame vrltki 5C Itesin leduv 4 m

Sftsmf oot until Herut Bterrte-Be has sot been te the

Is thtepiracy i

ton cnibto get the publicsare not pesos any cbarpea buttaking both ends ef a senate btnstar-n m ItetreK Sutarnay tot

ing iJ 9t yesterday msMUB

suspect something hi wrong Whynot the string oC nmetcrnof the lust thBrtyfouc tussles be nIT

irasfcmston bad en-

cattonat LiniiiiilMihin throw o c aHgame we in the sciuak n

atar professional playenrunderstood for the peat en

was against the rataw have

lineup ad tOw that thebeen broken w fear worst

Lake gndoMbtooly co nmirted s cMwhen be ten hi tie winning nmin the ninth inning of thegame by gives thr e

Manager McAleer repeated tillsmorning thewas going to continue jas bin regular catcher tor tne e-siftiader of the season depatte diereturn of Charley Street AMbeen said before this is no reflectionon Street merely a wise move otthe managers part to crowd all theajor league f ib t lateAiDsmiths career in order to lavehim ready to take his tarn

early every year now for four yearsimllined to a large extent the almostInvariable return te term of the teamas the schedule neared nnsaplrtinnHaving two stax catchers an atdo with ehecktetar this tearrut

with which be committed addleAlthough McAleer would like to tabsCunningham his yeah second Daneman from the New England League andRalston bs o tneleWr from Akron Onio

on the next trip of tbe team throughthe West they will not worked

in emergtacKS The flftbpbeelever is upon Ute mananrer a strsogJyas 1e fciaoe 4f i hojye abaseball that Is endingthem Rt a dellrhjxn 2o do

look at titc two town clockswhich never agree sad decide to creptthe slower while they spend a piece ofthe time the registering of tbesay they hasten to tbe park brtght sadearly and the late comer nowadays has

hustle for a seatWe eamestlbe up sad

teTda andAint It

tbey rjfht up and dose M

The C Ixwriw Dmwns are not oinc toWin any medals this year for base railrin r Tbey nta4e more foolish playsyp terdar than any one ball team wehive seen h tev ha a long timeand those mental tenses are a strongytirrulus to our gloat Truegdaie after

in tile Brs and ttdrd inntngs ofthe first xaT e was both times caughtflatfooted oft ih base by Dolly kayGriccs madiv to wcond hi the firstgame when Hartaen amashed to Schaef-er and ran vinarerv lute the bay hiScharfer3 heads givnuc the 5erman-plcntv of time to throw to first and1 double im HarBwett Had be nped-Schasfer would have had te ctaaoBe hisstride and throw to set whereGrigtts weoW have bees forced butHartzell would reached first la-the second game Xewnam wa m teeto Schaefer The very sound of the

indicated it was a than fiy tatJCewnam continued to third sad wasnaturally doubled ui at seconddo say Kewnam had forgotten thereonly one ovc bat that dose tot listenFood in nwtior league hall Partsen wason second hi the fifth with eneont wtwn 5chweter rove toHartzrtl wen aught between second an fthird Schaefer maktmc the out Thenthe German the baN U firstbase and Schweitzers Urnt went oat oaplain why the Brown a e so fiur in thecellar although ban team is not asbad a one bv lIT means as its percentsee would indicate

After the work be did yesterdayGray teats gas the i illsGourt all IK waste toGermany catch off New

nam in the eJgWh kmmg of the secondgame which saved the day was inthe opinion of many oeservers themost difficult catch that baa been

Next week will be a briar one for theAnakwtan Gun Club both lien andaway On Monday Ute dab wjn boldits amsoal LADOT Dsjy liiunsiisnushoot which b open to members enly

This shooOs drrMesV three rUnnsB and C according to the masks

mans average for the year Tlamlssinuprizes win be awarded to the nianeisof the class which they

Tue Ciy air crack rnots ofclub will for Atl ts Ity to par-ticipate In the annual Welts Hoganshoot This tournament is the largestof its kind ever held In the countryand is largely attended

The Westy Hogaa tourney will latthree days commencing WeAneBdJiy andfinishing up on Satarday As the

martaWBen tae in tine conditionand have done excellent shootingthr Summer it 18 expected that theywill bring home some of the priws withthorn Among these who will attend thetournament WnctwnHjton art Sec-retary MBer y Jr eilWt Bufeur

A B SCine J A Browa W DMonroe and H B Wilson




IMIIIIktile fit



I cheap trIdt m tile vein teeby tile teaa te-

tilth tine wrtrertIe first eII tile WII 6-

f 50 tal kto Slaw For

alter r 11-

1selC in JIfda planer 111M


Ue nMfIIII tin city

tarto IIa




1text seaaoa wltllut ttime getting him ready Thelugton baa been strikiagIn ueon job shooid tteadeny oL the past

Anybody right


1111 R


bettwo tiJlteptece IIIl ODe


to wttb BL Leda

sir 1f

beesOM with hutblow


Quidt sIt e




1 L-

On tile



We put prow geriNltT listtown tolls

trstts got riv a

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swayvictories at

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CLub StaoadikigsA3-


Waehtagton St XxMd-sWasbmgton 5 St toute

Detroit Pni d lphhi

Chicago at

Stat ims ef tae Chi 3

W L set Win Lssa71 9W 4K

New York f 53 Kf JsDetroit i 563 JM Jsft

Chicago9t Louis


Xew Tork 2 Plttnbnrg LNew York S Ptttsaurg X

Brooklyn 4-

Tvaay i GuaesNew Toni at Phtaburg

at ewe

Sta 4w e tit Claw

ChlcuueW L Pet WnuLr7 37-

CilKiiinati 9 9-

3t Leute aBrooklyn 44 71 JRZ JWBoston

made te WasMngteu tais year He toa and got ballin his glov on a line with his waistwhile running straight Set tfce eetrterfield r bsftuncfc tmystery hat why he did net lose btebalance and stumble is an even greatermystery Instead of tuning beBride up Tmesdale who hadbeen Ut by the pitcher sad had ad-vauref on a sacrifice down aline drive with the glove by ordinaryreaching processes is spectacular

achaefera pixy was entirely

dlflTercnt from that stunt and wfll livem the of aH who saw it sesosnetBhur alt uataue m baseball

Me bitting the ban at all tesomettatesJust as good a way of a pinchhitter a slogging it oar tbeval wile waited X out with the teases

ferced fat thesing ran of the net end gatesWills there wee glory enough for alllet us sot overlook the work of KidElberf M first man up m the ninthinning of the second game Lake waspitching for the Kid with all his nighbut tbe battle te sot always to thestrong The pitchers idea was to get

the ball te to ElberfeJd lid bandicap his swinging While trying thisLake bowed remarkable control Fiveor six he got the ball exactlyberfeld smashed a line foul past tsriraEtberfeld wasted to knock e hellfair pound but Lakes control was too

this four Duns were sanuv-wiphed in and Elberfeid wanted Lukescontrol was gone from that momentstd be lost the game by his wild

the fad Washington wasted the gameLake deserved a better fate thenext batters

There wue ne eccujrieu oc so muchyeBitMr egntaut Harry ColMflowrcbrions on the bases He bed a numberof doer plays that as far as couldsees from the press stead bas work wascertatrJy not rotten even If be waswron ee some of them We are hoidtngJ-M brief for Collifiower he cannotmake good but think he te as competentas the average umpire sad he is entitledto some constrienUioR in his home townwhen be has tine moral to can adecision against Washington Why sottreat the umpire a Itttfc conslderapoured add m her eyes to an bit life



tete tine Uetrett nagerat the dose of the Soutb Ui KtgLeague seasen te about ua medesr a

I youngster as ever broke bee the bigshow

He plays down close to thettea and has a wonderful wtlittle fellow Diac afiing htefuture he says

out of his job because Iknow enough baseball to do ButIm awful glad t at Ive been boughtby the Timers I cope to get a chanceto work in the Americas League onceor twice thte season and then sot theexperience to be picked up en the traming trip Then my only hope is thatpetrolt will send me to a class AUaprue where 1 can learn a lot Imsure Ill make good when Ive gottenMoro experience

Qrit modest Ard consider

tireaJiiBK io who U liiii to hand uutJkAne of taBt about chaate all the bigones to the woods In few Slays








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at lhtr Tedt

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ta8IIi III at

3L Lefti

Solu 4Ii

New Tent m sR1at iIIr litCID-w z M

stein fibs


tand relayed to Jk


not aan it

For MUtk ate Iaek LeUwill

timeswhere he planned and tIlDe BI

and the brier DOt SrlFIaaJIy In the UJSp c-all

It a swat aside froM



never murcJiled Ills or



the third bougM Di Dcand wile

He Is oaJy U Ijf JDsize and action lie Is very like OAaleBu8bgIOIIIId had OM fast either 4Uree

for abaseball

I dott expect to beat




whatahly ti ouDgat r


Pos b es


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periPetly the ball

eaoagb bet as assceaty

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good IdDraper awing


Iwas duhsT and

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Waltbase saawill

jl ears


gay u

diferent from P s sal

























Gray Pitches Fine BallOpener Second Is Won

In Ninth

Dolly Onqr pitcJinI great ban in theftrsi canKvlccpt bits well scattered

Washington did not so re snug tiethird Uaglawb hit to was forced atsecond by AmtrmHb Gray sh led totoft and MBaa farced AhaaaUth atthmL athaefer walked sad Gray scored-a moment later when Conroy hit

One nm-I In the next another run was

With MeBride down Klberfdddrew a base mtJt stole second Ungtenbsr-

ciaBB got ham to third and be cameIn e AfammtnV ete ie to left One rwn-

Sefcaefer tripled to the clubhouse mtile fifth sat scond onflee ty One ran

The final score was made ta the sev-enth trips Atnamsth w 0 safe on-

r grounder Meandoubled to right and the speedy littlecatcher came te with the teat run of thernmr One tom

FlMt GuMt AS 1 HPaA X

MOan ct 4 1 t vSchaefer 2 y S 1Conroy If S-

EBrhfe s liril 4

IbI UnssnfS c tGray p i2 a-


ef aKIBifer c S


t 1 1 1 1 t X i-

C t tSt Louis

1 of 2 Struck out By Gray iby l S Threeba e htt chneftrTwabase httMcBride SaerUeeConroy Sacrifice bit Stolenbase Truesdate DoubleSelwerer to MeBride toSehnefer to nngiaab EfberfeM to McBride to Scca fer to 1 niiitlte Newnam ntt illnsmnliEmpires Messrs Evans sad CoiMnewaiTime of game 1 hour and t tmrrn-

Seesad Game

tar tested acresI after the score had bees tied by 8tI Leute by S te 4

9 ILeuftv stored ftrst i o0 nertates uu JUngJea sad welt sBdur iliK-Wallace steeled Wallace went te vacvand lid wee caught run down by

f McBride Scbaefer toad Ungtenb Hartsell came home during th prororrtliujn

i One runThe score was tted te the fourth

i Schaefer singled was sacrificed by Cow

left alter Geasler JaM fanned OneThe filth was productive of three run

singledand was both players adding anextra base on the wild lava JEteteihursingled te left scoring Ungteub Mflaadumped ta who booted the

i ball MortourJ r scretcbteg bte stogie Into abut Hfteu was soured who wMhSchaefer out Coaroy doubled to leftTree runs

Louis got a run two singles to theI Bfttt and three in the seventh utrntegJ th trick-I In the fret half of the ninth i uUtied ihe score WIth Griggs down sariWith Wallace on fist on a base on baasawl HarteeK on HoAtman hit andthe bases were filled Stephens Tannedbatted for Ray and drove one toZtetsttas who the ball longUgh to let HftrtaeJl Truosdalopopped to Unglanb One runIn the ninth dberfeld walked afterEndings off half a dozen balls Unglaabbatting for Beekendorf attempted tosacrifice hart tot four flttmjr tile

run over and

The Score

Mfian cf 4Sehnefer 2t X

Conroy If SGassier rf 4

ss 4taberfeM Jb S

lb 4Beekendorf c 2Retsllng p 2AinsaitthLeJiveHt 0

Totals MBatted for Beekendort la aintii InningtBatted fw Ratenwg JH nbuh H am-9C I ute AB R-

2b 4If S

XewmuB 4Griggs rf 4 f f

Sb 4 s 1 1WsHseons S a 1 iHoffman cf 4Stephens c zRay p S i

1SI B aBatted fur te wtethNo one out WIt wig run was

f f x 3 ttf f i-

i t i 1 iLen on fusses 7

Leu First base on errors Washingles 3 St Louis 1 First bee OKbalb Off Relating 1 off Lake X In-ntasr Hay 6 by LatheTbnes bet by opponents AgalnetWar against Lake 1 Hits made OffRay 9 off Lake Struck outBy 3 3 Twobase last

rtfice hits Schaefer Beckcndorf and Stone Stolen base HoffmanDouble to McBride f2Hit by pitcher By TruesdaleMessrs Evans and ColliflowerTime of hnnr and 40 minutes


tilewee dews Itr 4 to






u 1 I I Imd 1

t 1 IiEaerfeII m J 1un 1 Y i1 1 In 1

n tx 1L3 4 z 1 Ili m 4 1 I Q

New ffi I-

0riIrP0 rt 1 tJ 1 1

VaDace IJI I1

l Ii-iat for Halt tINt JIIxtIa iIIItIDg


W 4 atPlait on


lt U


The second was wee is tine raalestltL

Del scored oa McBride doable t4I




P keDdort

m tit mth MId Isategs et

Stwas bOoted



Ianal him with kI AiD8BtIUt

batted for sadthecoup the Wt uKNeg of UteWe l4Mer M two clays One nna-

I tDa AB R 1L PO Buu 1 1 11 1 Z S I1 1 e

I 21I1 J

i Unglaub 11 I 8If t

mi A 17

It PO A ETru r J 1

I 7 1a1 4a

I 11 I 1 1

f 1Lake h-u

Uh 4




McBride sacrifice flyStephens scplaysSchaefer




saes bads b


seafonb oar


Sxab le s beet labs

Waailhl lee

1 1 1

Z 1

R 1-

BL A3IYaesdaie

litttoe 1 S1 1 1 11 S-

llattadLA 3as 1 1-

3chwsrlser 11Hasp 1 1-

at l s 55 I-

TDta1 R 1 1 1 3In


Iea-Lttafa base haWOdNail


gameDer bating




tnglasb sacrtlloe



self s grounder Schaefer




fogvelt Rek fngs oed


1i7 11 iY 3

1 1 11 1 1


1 tl Z1Stores 11


A 1 I1 1 i 1-

Ttalia 1f 1

scotlfa 1aK I I




V j n 0 I t

















Made a Most Remarkable CatchIl



ance Preparing for Worlds Series By DevelopingSlugging Connie Macks Resource-

fulness Stars Taking Needed RestTacticsFears ¬

CHICAGO Aug ML Front sow untiltile end of the sfairmn Manager Chance

wn the hrlnutten of getting as much1eparatteu as ssHiU for the wotWcchampionship neatest wICk the Athlet-ics

Chanee has jaowed himeeif to be arent general In other campaigns andhe te showing bin wisdom right now bystarting on a preparation for Ute hard-est series battle bte team hasever faced TIM best critics claim theAthletic team will give the Cuba amuch harder argument than the Tigers

Connie Stack U

tile game tfcw Jennings and so it willrequire an different1 plait oflittle for the Cubs to successfully over-come the Phnaaelphte thatadopted against the Tigers

While Chance te not telNa what bisplan of battle will be against the Ath

of the National League pennantthere te no doubt but that he nae hisMess aK worked out and is puttingsome of them into practice Close followers of tile game have noticed thatthe Cubs smasbte the haM hardersad not trying to beat out bustle sad to

the year Some of the taBS claim thatChance believes the best way te beat

far as possible to get itfrom the faatneidfes tonekl-

IR recent games it has bees noticeablethere lave been few bunts laid down by

dently waa to drive tile ball as far oatinto the field as possible Whether thechange in the tactics of the team te duete a desire to practice up for the big

tag that famous Inside game being outof commission at present is hard te saybut the lonedistance clouting is quiteeffective anyway

TIle fact that Connie Mack is bondteg kill energies to fathoming acheek the ply of Ute Cubs maybe reason enough for Chance to adoptthe ell style of hitting em out butit te also judgment for a team tobe able to use both styles of play andthat te what the peerless leaderte trying to do with his getthem accustomed to the that winanswer the best for the conditions thatexist

Stars RestingTbte te the proper time for Chance to

give his good rest before startoat om the final dash for the Sag

Tinker was rested up the last time theteam was at home by staying oft hissore ankle for several days andlaid enjoyed several vacations duringthe season because of suspensionshanded him by the umpires This is thefirst time StelnfekK has been able toget a breathing spell and the managerevidently believes in lettingfull time as long as team Is doingwen enough without them Then Hotman enjoyed a reaction

If Sbeekard and Schulte couldgrueling finish the team would be ready I

any kind of a light to win flag


TreatmentVbich has so saccesofalve are positive we can cureevery toot trouble Appoint-ments may be made byphone shad or personaly call

The National

Inipresaon Co

720 Eleventh

will the of the em


have ever therea rdor in the fine points ol

ell 1rY


ktlca provided tOe Culls are Ute

ACriftee as mMCh they were eArly M

tlM AthTetles will be to tiM beltas

tM Cams but tile of GUM ri

or becasee the teats is so rippied swat of the veterans used to play

way to




in a days or respite before thefor


st x w-Yashlngton


ooedset campaign

hivesNtre feeder

Cabs Smaabis



smashttilt away

game the






get few





f Gtaia









The pitching stall te to uttfor theThe ef and hidetrrc in the games have pttcfaed

since returning home has gives the man-ager all of the fans much cheerthere te Itttfcs cnanee that Overan win be able to pitck again thte yearae his elbow refuees to welL Withever will not need the CaMforatea although it would be ifhe were in fighting condition at that


Contest for Prizes In Test ofAutomobile Club of


from theirmufflers the oars entered te the firstbttt climb of the A iHnnlBii club ef-

Hftl this afternoon

in the sculls eventsFinal arrangements fur the cmfe were

f automobile enthwsiasta Itees thecourse at aylors RBI Handle High-lands this afterroon A large detail ofmounted police acting under orders byMajor Sylvester dosed the road to trafne at 1 oclock

of the contestaats wercv pcactieon the hill Iat TBK J owarfut searchligfatg to wade them over thebad Past time was made and itte believed many of the Ws cars thisafternoon will negotiate the sevententhsof a mile climb well under ft minuteRivalry among the loiters h keen andrare short is to prorpect

machines will compete hi the sevenevents OB tieT Browning Spence te chairman of theelimb B former prestdent of tbe club and a pioneer motoristIs the referee and acting as th officialresentative of the contest board of theAmerican Automobile Association underwhose sanction the climb Is held S A-Lattreif will be the starter and ElliottP Hough clerk of the course The con-test committee consists of Lester DMoore Jr John Larcombe Jr Arthurr Marks John Thomas Cand Charles W Bender

The contest began at 2 oclock Eachcar is given a flying start Del this servedto increase the speed of the machineAs there are several turns te the hillincluding an S turn careful driving willbe necessary

The program prepared by S J Saffleand Fred Harveycutter was distributed


the pre snots twfrters how




are KaJr1ors

They tuned to NellIeand tM trIals t tiphe

made lid croP




roeaiM thishow


getbig of

anks be-tter

1ldltirg edenda aMae

Washington speeatleg terhave been

each Indicated

this morning a eFge



e veriy


> ¬




Thinks It the Greatest EverBanks Upon

Cub Catchers

Umpfcta Johnston of tits Natteual

Cubs to conquer tile AtMetteetwo Is my choice says Jobllstone

chance bag two of the greatestcatchers the In Jebray KHgand Jimmy Archer Archer has a bet-ter arm than Xling Dot Johnny fe awise aid owl hat and hisrIB is plenty good enough to thebest besernnners in Ute game Livingstone Thomas and Lapp willbe compared with Kling and Archer bythe most rabid League rootera Kline Asher rank with BinDolt McLean and the other

On the other baud they tell me thatStreet of Sweeney of

Kan LeagueCant Step Those Hitters

It win take good throwing to keepthe Cubs from running bases aad scor-ing runs Americas League fans eeemto thick that Ptenk Bender andCoomte win prevent Ute Cobs fromgetting on Of course If the Athleticpitchers can keep Chances men fromgetting to fiat the Philadelphia back

i stops will have a comparatively easyI teak

But I dent think there te a pitchingChance TinkerScuulte and are all going good

the stickMoore Mattern andSuggs have pitching great banCubs from the pilL Ithe pitchers will tare anybetter against than thetidal League twirling stars

Will Run WildIf the CUM get to test it takes a

great throwing catcher te prevent thenfrom moving around Chances mea winrum the sacks wild on a poorthrowingcatcher TIle Athletic pitchers are nearly alt experienced men who know how towib the bases and chain runners tothe sacks but the catcher must also bethere with his part of Ute

good arm and ability to theaway fast Thats the only way youcan prevent Chances men Iron makingrums after they get on

At that I think Philadelphia will giveChicago a argument tan Detroit4d in VK IMC Chicago has a won-derful baseball machine There isnt aweak spot In the whole worksSbeekard and Schulte are great m theeutneld and the infield is a regularstone well

Greatest IfiekLTve beard a Jot about the tam

old stonewall infields of twenty yearsauto Up m Detroit they wilt toil youthat the Detroit bunch to Mr Breath-ers Dunlap Rowe and Wbite was theking of aH tafteWe Veteran fane in ChJcage still swear by the old White Stocklug infield AHSOB WesTer WBttamson

Burns Down hi New York the oldare still talking about the Kew

hifleid of 1S68 Roger Connor DanJohnny Ward and Arthur

WhitneyNow I have seen them all work and

value to a MIl dub the ChicagoNational infield of ttS7Sgreatest that seer came down the pike

Baseball BriefsBy heavy won thePhaadcipnte

te floe stylePlank was knocked out of box in

tile third inning yesterday by five hitswhich resulted runs

Pour stolen bases helped Detroit winfrom Philadelphia Coob andstole two apiece

drives beiaed Bostonto win from Chicago yeeteruuQr Out ofthree times at bat he got three hits aborne ran a triple a All ofhis hits became runs

New York Nationals captures bothrods of a double header from Fisburgyesterday

the first same with Out offour times at bat be got a triple and asingle He also stole three oases

game with the New York Nationals yes-terday when he batted for Maddox inUte ninth inning He tore off threebase which ended te a run

MOORE LOOKS GOODJimmy t e Forrest who took Sold

of Pal Mbore when the tatter wasand coffee boxer aDd made him

the best card in the East In a yearstime says that Pal will trim MurphyJust as easy as be did Driscoil etc De Forrest Is MooreIn shape at his bungalow In Allen

and the feller will hopthrough the ropes in the best condition of his career


Take your pick of the stockof E B Summer Suits now at afraction usual prices

7th and 35 Streets





League Is sweet en tile chasm of tile


behind Ute

KI star receivers of the

J NeW York and Carrlgaa ol Boston1 are Ute premier catchers of tie Antes






that can op Cubi

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can take It from me that for gen-eral

Is the



Doyle was New YOlks bitter InPi

Campbell made good ita tile







Natloeat League

WashIe on

1 Ian seball eEv





hits Dot Ott



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Every womans heart thrillsat the cooing and prattling ofa baby and motherhood is herhighest and purest joy Yetthe suffering incident to thisgreat ccnsummation of her

desire thesome

Friend prepares the expectant mothers system for the coming event and its use makes her comfortable during all the termassists nature in gradually expanding all tissues musclesand tendons it strengthens the ligaments keeps the breasts in good condition and brings the woman to the crisis in healthful physical conditionIt lessens the pain when baby 7 7 Z Ncomes and assures a quick K

and natural recovery for themother For sale at drug J J Ivvstores Write for free bookfor expectant mothers




lifes robs anticipa-tion of of its sweetnessMothers

Mothers Friend

ThJ JfIF ill






Sullivan and Lowe HaveBouts for Next

Friday Night

BAL b Washingtonbuxtor nuw are taints trtereet Inthe mmhsju series of sbLros d bouts tobe given by tfce EwAa Athtetfc Club oanext Friday night at Oriole Park Bal

The same preparations as last weekwffl be made so that ram will te no wayinterfere Two of the Capital Clips

Tommy Lowe will parOctaate to tbeevenings sport

Sullivan has a decidedly big Job onhands in tackling Joe Seteer the weltknown Denver lightweight The West-ern lad gained a verdict over hits in tentoands and the Kid is highly anxiousto get ev n In the encounter in whichSeiger gained the verdict Sullv morethan held his own during the earlYseasons and he training diligmyfor a pace with the Denver ta

Lowe te considered r th fastestsixround boxers tn this section asmStone whom he will face witoc

ian Lowe and Sullivan are workingtogether and will cotes over prhned totake back a pair of victories to theCapital

The match te which Young Britt wiltface Jimmy Moran creating morethan the ordinary amount of interestMoran will be tIM toughest propositionBritt has tackled since his bout wit

Johnny Daly who is fighting In oldtime form Is for mgo with Jack Hanlons unknown arhi contemplating nothing soft

Too Many Unnecessary Post-ponements Going on In

the Major Leagues

xrtv YORK nag aiowuucbell games ta several of the major

dots tits season te onier th ithe iKanagement might rear toe benen

jef resnttfatc there islikely te a demand fer leictetetion inthis matter when the basehan rowers

The soealteS eve has been emohasi i

twice i this city fe the last four dayFrWays game at the AxserieaaPark between the White Sox had High-landers was carried over until Saturdaa double bUt a openMir with Cleveland wax postponeunder the sunniest sties to thffasts to a doubleheader tcdaj Itcharged On Friday the weatherliens were not of the best but the sa rcould hare been played while veyterdya slight rain in the was the ex-cuse seized upon

To Treat a Burnthere is nothing better than Continental Ointment It bas a coolingsoothing healing effect that quicklyrelieves cuts bites bruisessunburn gums etc

The Marvelous Salve and PerfectPoultice Good for Horaca too

Large box25c40c 75c S3 and 550

AsK at any Drug Harness orGeneral Store

Continental Specialty Co Dayton O

7 Save

i943 Pa Ave v

on Summer suitsTailored To Measure

Alt oc our Fine Suitings cut SSrent Coat and trousers fancy twilledGerman serge 32500 f7value Oil

Striped Flannel Trousers 5TS 4 nfj

1002 F St NMerchant Tailors

Open Saturday J5v oJBC



Ten Tears Old naOrder by phono

The Shoomaker Co

E St M W




t poriiar bcrMn Std SUllIvan and



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Dollart Shoe


Big reductions



Established lnPhone




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