Hard Candy Lyrics

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Transcript of Hard Candy Lyrics

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    Songs on this album:

    1. Candy Shop2. 4 Minutes3. Give It 2 Me4. Heartbeat

    . Miles !"ay#. She$s %ot Me&. In'redible(. )eat Goes *n+. ,an'e 2%ight1-. Spanish esson11. ,evil /ouldn$t 0e'ogni e ou12. oi'es

    13. 0ing My )ell bonus tra'56

    Candy Shop

    written by P. Williams, MadonnaTrack 1, Time: 4:16 7777777777777777777777777Say "hi'h 8lavor you li5e and I$ll have it 8or you

    Come on into my store9 I$ve got 'andy galore,on$t pretend you$re not hungry9 I$ve seen it be8oreI$ve got tur5ish delight9 baby9 and so mu'h more


    Get up out o8 your seat our seat6Come on up to the dan'e 8loor I$ve got something so s"eet So s"eet6Come on up to the 8ront door I need plenty o8 heat Heat6

    orm a spe'ial 'on8e'tion;ust start moving your 8eet our 8eet6Move on over to me

    Chor s:

    I$ll be your one stop *ne stop6Candy shop Candy shop6

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    I$ll be your one stop *ne stop6Candy store Candy store6

    ollipop ollipop6Have some more Have some more6

    !ll day su'5ers are not "hat "e sell in the storeCho'olate 5isses so good9 you$ll be beggin$ 8or more,on$t pretend you$re not hungry9 there$s plenty to eatCome on into my store $'ause my sugar is s"eet

    !bridge"!chor s"


    Sti'59 sti'59 sti'5 ,an'e9 dan'e6Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"Sti'5 ,an'e9 dan'e6Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"Sti'5y and s"eetMy sugar is ra"

    Sti'5y and s"eet ,an'e9 dan'e6

    Say "hi'h 8lavor you li5e and I$ll have it 8or youCome on into my store9 I$ve got 'andy galore,on$t pretend you$re not hungry9 I$ve seen it be8oreI$ve got tur5ish delight9 baby9 and so mu'h more

    !bridge"!chor s"!intermediate"


  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    /ell9 don$t "aste timeGive me the sign=ell me ho" you "anna rollMmm

    !Madonna:"I "ant somebody to speed it up 8or me=hen ta5e it do"n slo"=here$s enough room 8or both

    !& stin:"/ell9 I 'an handle that

    ou Aust gotta sho" me "here it$s at!re you ready to go

    !re you ready to go


    !Madonna and & stin:"I8 you "ant it

    ou already got itI8 you thought itIt better be "hat you "antI8 you 8eel itIt must real AustSay the "ord and I "ill give you "hat you "ant

    Chor s:

    !Madonna:" =ime is "aiting!& stin:" /e only got 4 minutes to save the "orld!Madonna:" %o hesitating!Madonna:" Grab a boy

    !& stin:" =hen grab a girl!Madonna:" =ime is "aiting!& stin:" /e only got 4 minutes to save the "orld!Madonna:" %o hesitating!& stin:" /e only got 4 minutes9 huh9 4 minutes


    !& stin:"So 5eep it up9 5eep it up,on$t be a pri7 hey67madonna!Madonna and & stin:" ou gotta get $em a hop

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    !Madonna:" =i'5 to'59 ti'5 to'59 ti'5 to'5 !& stin:"=hat$s right@eep it up9 5eep it up,on$t be a pri7 hey67madonna!Madonna and & stin:" ou gotta get $em a hop!Madonna:" =i'5 to'59 ti'5 to'59 ti'5 to'5

    !Madonna:"Sometimes I thin5 "hat I need is a you intervention9 yeah

    !& stin:"!nd you 5no" I 'an tell that you li5e it!nd that it$s good

    )y the "ay that you move*h9 hey

    !Madonna:"=he road to hell is paved "ith good intentions9 yeah

    !& stin:")ut i8 I die tonight9 at least I 'an say I did "hat I "anted to do=ell me ho" $bout you

    !bridge"!chor s"!intermediate"

    !Timbaland:" )rea5do"n9 yeah!Madonna:" =i'5 to'59 ti'5 to'59 ti'5 to'5 !Timbaland:" eah9 uh!Madonna:" =i'5 to'59 ti'5 to'59 ti'5 to'5 !Timbaland:" I only got 4 minutes to save the "orld

    Give It 2 Me

    written by P. Williams, MadonnaTrack , Time: 4:4-7777777777777777777777777/hat are you "aiting 8or

    %obody$s gonna sho" you ho"/hy "ait 8or someone else to do "hat you 'an do right no"

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    Got no boundaries and no limitsI8 there$s eB'itement put me in itI8 it$s against the la"9 arrest meI8 you 'an handle it9 undress me


    ,on$t stop me no",on$t need to 'at'h my breathI 'an go on and on and on/hen the lights go do"n!nd there$s no one le8tI 'an go on and on and on

    Chor s:

    Give it to me9 yeah %o one$s gonna sho" me ho"Give it to me9 yeah

    %o one$s gonna stop me no"

    =hey say that a good thing never lasts!nd then it has to 8all=hose are the people that did not amount to mu'h at all

    Give me the baseline9 and I$ll sha5e itGive me a re'ord and I$ll brea5 it=here$s no beginning and no endingGive me a 'han'e to go and I$ll ta5e it

    !bridge"!chor s"

    /at'h this

    Get stupid9 get stupidGet stupid9 don$t stop it /hat6Get stupid9 get stupidGet stupid9 don$t stop it /hat6Get stupid9 get stupidGet stupid9 don$t stop it /hat6Get stupid9 get stupidGet stupid9 don$t stop itGet stupid =o the le8t69 get stupid =o the right6

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    Get stupid =o the le8t69 don$t stop it =o the right6Get stupid =o the le8t69 get stupid =o the right6Get stupid =o the le8t69 don$t stop it =o the right6Get stupid =o le8t le8t69 get stupid 0ight right6Get stupid e8t le8t69 don$t stop it 0ight right6Get stupid9 stupid e8t le8t69 stupid9 stupid 0ight right6Stupid9 stupid e8t le8t69 stupid9 stupid 0ight right6

    !bridge"!chor s"

    ou$re only here to "inGet "hat they say

    ou$re only here to "in

    Get "hat they do=hey$d do it tooI8 they "ere you

    ou$ve done it all be8ore=his ain$t nothing ne"!re%eat"

    !chor s, re%eat"

    Give it to me


    written by P. Williams, MadonnaTrack 4, Time: 4:*47777777777777777777777777*n any given nightCat'h me on the 8loor /or5ing up a s"eat=hat$s "hat musi'$s 8or I$d rather not eBplain

    or me it$s Aust usual

    ou 'an 'at'h me poppin$ out6*n'e I get going ,roppin$ out6 I am gone

    !in$t no stopping no"6

    !re you "at'hing out6ou 'an 'at'h me poppin$ li5e6

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    I$ll 5eep it going ,roppin$ li5e6 all night long!in$t no stopping no"6!re you "at'hing out6

    Chor s:

    ou 5no" I 8eel it in my heartbeatIt may 8eel old to you but to me it 8eels ne"

    ou 5no" I 8eel it in my heartbeat,on$t you 5no"9 'an$t you see/hen I dan'e I 8eel 8ree/hi'h ma5es me 8eel li5e the only one

    =he only one6=hat the light shines on


    =his 'ompli'ated li8eI try to do my bestI al"ays tell mysel8 It$s all Aust a test

    or me it$s an es'ape$Cause dan'in ma5es you 8eel beauti8ul

    !nd I 'an$t pretend6*n'e I am moving It should never end6 I$m all right

    et the musi' play6!re you "at'hing out6

    ou 'an 'at'h me poppin$ out6I$ll 5eep on dan'ing It should never end6 through the night

    et the musi' play6$Cause I$m here to stay6

    !chor s"


    See my booty get do"n li5eSee my booty get do"n li5eSee my booty get do"n li5eSee my booty get do"n li5e

    Get do"nGet do"n

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    See my booty get do"n li5e

    ou probably thin5 I$m 'ra yI don$t "ant you to save me,on$t mean to disappoint youI$ve never 8elt so 8reeI8 you 'ould stand in my shoes=hen you "ould 8eel my heartbeat too

    ou 'an 'at'h me poppin$ out6*n'e I am moving ,roppin$ out6 I$m alright

    !in$t no stopping no"6!re you "at'hing out6

    ou 'an 'at'h me poppin$ out6

    I 'an 5eep on going ,roppin$ out6 through the night!in$t no stopping no"6!re you "at'hing out6

    Chor s):

    ou 5no" I 8eel it in my heartbeatIt may 8eel old to you but to me it 8eels ne"

    ou 5no" I 8eel it in my heartbeat,on$t you 5no"9 'an$t you see/hen I dan'e I 8eel 8ree/hi'h ma5es me 8eel it in my heartbeatIt may 8eel old to you but to me it 8eels ne"

    ou 5no" I 8eel it in my heartbeat,on$t you 5no"9 'an$t you see/hen I dan'e I 8eel 8ree/hi'h ma5es me 8eel li5e the only one

    =he only one6=hat the light shines on


    Miles Away

    written by Madonna, T. Mosley, &. Timberlake, '. (illsTrack , Time: 4:4/

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    7777777777777777777777777I Aust "o5e up 8rom a 8u y dream

    ou never "ould believe the things that I have seenI loo5ed in the mirror and I sa" your 8a'e

    ou loo5ed right through me9 you "ere miles a"ay

    !ll my dreams9 they 8ade a"ayI$ll never be the sameI8 you 'ould see me the "ay you see yoursel8 I 'an$t pretend to be someone else

    Chor s:

    ou al"ays love me more9 miles a"ay

    I hear it in your voi'e9 "hen you$re miles a"ayou$re not a8raid to tell me9 miles a"ay

    I guess "e$re at our best "hen "e$re miles a"ay

    So 8ar a"ay!re%eat + times"

    /hen no one$s around and I have you hereI begin to see the pi'ture9 it be'omes so 'lear

    ou al"ays have the biggest heart/hen "e$re siB thousand miles apart

    =oo mu'h o8 no sound?n'om8ortable silen'e 'an be so loud=hose three "ords are never enough/hen it$s long distan'e love

    !chor s"

    So 8ar a"ay!re%eat + times"

    I$m all right,on$t be sorry9 but it$s true/hen I$m gone

    ou$ll reali e=hat I$m the best thing that happened to you

    !chor s, re%eat"

    So 8ar a"ay

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    !re%eat )* times"

    She's Not Me

    written by P. Williams, MadonnaTrack 6, Time: 6:*7777777777777777777777777I should have seen the signs "ay ba'5 then/hen she told me that you "ere her best 8riend!nd no" she$s rollin$ rollin$ rollin$!nd you "ere stolen stolen stolen

    She started dressing li5e me and tal5ing li5e meIt 8rea5ed me outShe started 'alling you up in the middle o8 the night/hat$s that about

    I Aust "ant to be there "hen you dis'over ou "a5e up in the morning neBt to your ne" lover

    She might 'oo5 you brea58ast and love you in the sho"er =he 8lavor o8 the moment9 $'ause she don$t have "hat$s ours

    Chor s:

    She$s not meShe doesn$t have my nameShe$ll never have "hat I haveIt "on$t be the sameIt "on$t be the same

    I should have seen the sign "hen you "ere here?nder a di88erent light it$s all so 'lear She "as stealin$ stealin$ stealin$!nd no" you$re 8eelin$ 8eelin$ 8eelin$

    She started dying her hair and "earing the same>er8ume as meShe started reading my boo5s and stealin$ my loo5s!nd lingerie

    I Aust "ant to be there "hen you dis'over ou "a5e up in the morning neBt to your ne" lover

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    She might ma5e you brea58ast and love you in the sho"er =he thrill is momentary9 $'ause she don$t have "hat$s ours

    !chor s"

    She is li'5ing her lips!nd she$s batting her eyesShe$s not meShe$s got legs up to there!nd su'h beauti8ul hair She$s not me*h devoted 8or li8eMa5e a beauti8ul "i8eShe$s not me

    I8 you spend some more timeI guarantee you "ill 8indShe$s not me

    I 5no" I 'an do it better

    I8 someone "ants to pimp your style!nd hang "ith you a little "hile!nd ma5e up all the things you li5e

    ou$re gonna have to "at'h

    !chor s"

    %ever let you 8orgetShe$s not meShe$s not me!nd she never "ill be!re%eat"

    Gotta 8ind your "ay to sho" your 8eelingsI guess it "as some bullshit saying you love me9 love meGuess my eBpe'tation hit the 'eiling/hen you 'ome ba'5 it 'ould 'ost us trust9 trust me

    She$s not meShe$s not meShe$s not me!nd she never "ill be!re%eat"

    She never "ill be

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    %ever "ill be!re%eat 1* times"

    She$s not me!nd she never "ill be

    %ever "ill be!re%eat twice"

    She$s not me %ever "ill be %ever "ill be

    She$s not me!nd she never "ill beShe never "ill be


    written by P. Williams, Madonna

    Track +, Time: 6:)*7777777777777777777777777Chor s:

    ;ust one o8 those things/hen everything goes in'redible!nd all is beauti8ulCan$t get my head around itI need to thin5 about itCan$t get my head around itI need to thin5 about it!nd all o8 those things that used to get you do"n

    %o" have no e88e't at all$Cause li8e is beauti8ulCan$t get my head around itI need to thin5 about itCan$t get my head around itI need to thin5 about it

    0emembering the very 8irst timeou 'aught that someone spe'ial$s eye

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    !nd all o8 your 'are dropped!nd all o8 the "orld Aust stoppedI hope

    I "ant to go ba'5 to thenGotta 8igure out ho"9 gotta remember "henI 8elt itIt thrilled meI "ant it to 8ill me

    !chor s"

    ou don$t 5no" "hat you got til it$s gone!nd everything in li8e Aust goes on

    eels li5e nobody$s listening)ut something is missingI hope

    I "ant to go ba'5 to thenGotta 8igure out ho"9 gotta remember "henI 8elt itIt thrilled meI "ant it to 8ill me

    !chor s"

    I remember "henou "ere the one9 you "ere my 8riendou gave me li8e9 you "ere the sunou taught me things9 I didn$t run

    I 8ell to my 5nees9 I didn$t 5no" "hyI started to breathe9 I "anted to 'ryI need a reminder so I 'an relate

    I need to go ba'5 there be8ore it$s too late

    It$s time to get your hands upIt$s time to get your body moving!re%eat times"

    !chor s"

    In'redibleet$s 8inish "hat "e started

    In'redibleou$re "el'ome to my party

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    I don$t "ant this to endI am missing my best 8riendIt "as in'redible=here is no reason

    SeB "ith you is in'redible hey girl6et$s 8inish "hat "e started

    et$s 8inish "hat "e started girl6In'redible hey girl6

    ou$re "el'ome to my partyI$m 'oming to your party girl6

    ,on$t "ant this thing to end

    I am missing my best 8riendes it "as in'redible

    =here$s no reason to pretend


    It$s time to get your hands up6It$s time to get your body moving6It$s time to get your hands up6It$s time to get your body moving6

    !re%eat times in backgro nd" It$s in'redible9 unbelievableIt$s in'redible9 una'hievableIt$s in'redible9 metaphysi'alIt$s in'redible

    SeB "ith you is in'redibleet$s 8inish "hat "e started


    ou$re "el'ome to my partyI$m 'oming to your party girl6

    In'redibleet$s 8inish "hat "e started

    In'redibleou$re "el'ome to my partyI$m 'oming to your party girl6

    In'redible hey girl6et$s 8inish "hat "e started

    et$s 8inish "hat "e started girl6

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    In'redible hey girl6ou$re "el'ome to my party I$m 'oming to your party girl6

    Hey girl6et$s 8inish "hat "e started girl6

    Hey girl6I$m 'oming to your party girl6

    Beat Goes n

    written by P. Williams, Madonna, 0. West Track -, Time: 4:)+ 7777777777777777777777777

    et$s dan'e again

    ,on$t sit there li5e some silly girlI8 you "ait too long it$ll be too lateI$m not telling you something ne"=here ain$t no time to lose

    %o time to lose6It$s time 8or you to 'elebrate

    So get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6Get up9 little girl

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6It$s time9 your "orld

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6our li8e9 your 'hoi'eGet do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6

    It$s time9 live it up

    Chor s:

    *n and on9 on the beat goes*n and on9 on the beat goes*n and on9 on the beat goes*n and on9 on the beat goes*n and on9 on the beat goes*n and on9 on the beat goes*n and on9 on the beat goes

    *n and on9 on the beat goes

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    ou don$t have the luBury o8 timeou have got to say "hat$s on your mindour head lost in the starsou$ll never go 8ar %o time to lose6

    It$s time 8or you to read the signs

    So get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6Here 'omes my hand

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6=a5e it9 you 'an

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6=he time is no"

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6

    I$ll sho" you ho"

    !chor s"

    Say "hat you li5e,o "hat you 8eel

    ou 5no" eBa'tly "ho you are=he time is right no"

    ou got to de'ideStand in the ba'5 or be the star

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6Here 'omes my hand

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6=a5e it9 you 'an

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6=he time is no"

    Get do"n9 beep beep9 gotta get up outta your seat6I$ll sho" you ho"

    *n and on6

    I 'an$t 5eep "aiting 8or you 8or you6!nti'ipating that you$ve

    %o time to lose 8or you6I 'an$t 5eep "aiting 8or you

    !$%oken:"?hHere$s an impromptu9 I "ant you!nd I$m going to tell you "hat I "ant to do to you

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    our girl8riend she "ants to9 beauti8ul;ust 8le" in 8rom >aris9 voule 7vous!nd the 'ity that don$t snoo eSmoo e amongst the "ho$s "ho$s!nd I use my 'eleb to get this one home/hy everything that 8eel good gotta be so a"""Give me room no"I$m li5e a vampire on the 8ull moon no"!nd I don$t 5no" about you no")ut I thin5 I "anna try something ne" no"See "hat it do no"!nd "hen you sat do"n9 uh$Cause you "as losing your breath no"9 uh$Cause you be doing it to death no"

    She be doing

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    *n and on*n and on

    !ance 2Ni"ht

    written by Madonna, T. Mosley, &. Timberlake, (. aneTrack /, Time: :*7777777777777777777777777!$%oken:"Hey MadonnaI$m ta5ing it to the 'lubGo

    Move your bodyCat'h 8rom a'ross the 8loor

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    I$m Aust a boy9 and you$re Aust a girlI "anna dan'e tonight9 dan'e tonight,on$t need no diamonds and pearlsSo ta5e a 'han'e tonight9 'han'e tonight

    et$s prove ourselves to the "orld


    ,o it9 do itet me turn you onet the musi' pull you through it

    =il the brea5 o8 da"n,o it9 do it/hile the night is young

    et the musi' pull you through it=il the lights go on

    %o" "e$re in our one,o you "anna ta5e it 8urther $Cause be8ore too longI$m gonna start to "onder !re you a one tri'5 pony*r do you "anna 5eep running this ra'e

    I$m so into youI$ve heard it all be8oreSo "hat should I doI told you9 'at'h me on the 8loor ,on$t spoil this moment$Cause tal5 is 'heapI don$t have time to "aste


    !chor s"!intermediate"

    %o" dan'e,an'e,an'e,o you "anna ta5e it 8urther ;ust dan'eCat'h me on the 8loor Cat'h me on the 8loor

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    Spanish #esson

    written by P. Williams, MadonnaTrack 1*, Time: : -7777777777777777777777777/or5 !re%eat + times"

    o te uiero means I love youMu'ho gusto means I$m "el'ome to youSenoritaI Aust "ant to 8all in love

    Callate means 'lose your mouth)esame means give me loveSenoritaShe Aust "ants to 8all in love


    )aby hurry up$Cause I 'an$t get enoughI8 you li5e my styleI 'an love you 8or a "hile

    Chor s1:

    Can you hear me 'all your name)aby I$m onto your game

    ,igame means tell me babyo soy lo'o means you drive me 'ra y

    SenoritaI Aust "ant to 8all in love

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    Can you hear me 'all your nameHear me 'alling your name6

    )aby I$m onto your gameI$m onto your game6

    I Aust "ant to 8all in loveHear me 'alling your name6

    )aby I 'an$t get enough

    Come get it6


    I8 you do your home"or5 "or56

    )aby I "ill give you more "or56/hen you do your home"or5 "or56Get up on the dan'e 8loor "or56I8 you do your home"or5 "or56)aby I "ill give you more "or56/hen you do your home"or5 "or56Get up on the dan'e 8loor

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    our eyes are 8ull o8 surprises=hey 'annot predi't my 8ate

    /aiting underneath the stars=here$s something you should 5no"=he angels9 they surround my heart=elling me to let you go


    I bet he 'ouldn$tI bet he 'ouldn$t re'ogni e!2irst time:" )ut I played right into it!$econd time:" I still played right into it

    /ho am I to 'riti'i eSomeho" I$ll get through it!nd you "on$t even reali e

    alling through your o"n disguise

    Chor s:

    It$s li5e over and over ou$re pushing me right do"n to the 8loor

    I should Aust "al5 a"ay*ver and over I 5eep on 'oming ba'5 8or moreI play into your 8antasy

    %o" that it$s over ou 'an lie to me right through your smile

    I see behind your eyes %o" I$m sober %o more intoBi'ating my mind!2irst two times:"

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    =he steps that edge along the ledgeIt$s mu'h higher than it seems)ut I$ve been on that ledge be8ore

    ou 'an$t hide yoursel8 8rom me

    !bridge"!chor s"


    !chor s"

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    !re you "al5ing the dog$Cause that dog isn$t ne"!re you out o8 'ontrolIs that dog "al5ing youHaven$t you had enough

    %o" your time is up)aby sho" me your hand

    Chor s:

    oi'es start to ring in your head=ell me "hat do they say,istant e'hoes 8rom another timeStart to 'reep in your brain

    So you 'laim madness li5e it$s 'onvenientou do it so o8ten that you start to believe itou have demons so nobody 'an blame you

    )ut "ho is the master and "ho is the slave

    irst you say you love me=hen you "ant to leave me=hen you say you$re sorry

    ou play the game so "ell

    I bought your illusionou$re the greatest salesman

    Ho" 'ould I re8use you/hen you sold it to yoursel8

    !bridge"!chor s"

    %in" My Bell

    !bon s track"written by MadonnaTrack 1 , Time: : 47777777777777777777777777!$%oken:"I8 you "ant to tal5 to me

    =hat$s eBa'tly "hat you$re going to have to do=al5 to me

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    /hen "e 8irst met you had a lot to giveI said i8 I "as in your shoes I 'ould not lose)ut no" baby I Aust don$t 5no"I$m so 'on8used9 all this abuse is strange$Cause you don$t a't li5e my 8riend!nd I 'an$t pretend9 I don$t "ant this to end

    Bridge !3irst time witho t ra% ocal":

    My daddy said "hat6My momma said huh6My sisters say "hat$d they say6My li8e says

    Chor s:

    ose your attitude ring my bell6Say you$re sorry ring my bell6Got something 8or me ring my bell6=hen you 'an ring my bell6Sho" some gratitude ring my bell6Something ni'e to say ring my bell6

    ou appre'iate ring my bell6=hen you 'an ring my bell6

    ou9 you really have some nerve get it6>laying stupid games9 'alling me names!nd no" you "ant to eat those "ords*n'e you atta'5 you 'an$t ta5e it ba'59 it$s strangeI guess o88 your high horse you$re 8alling

    ou$re 'alling and 'alling9 I don$t understand at all 'ome on6

    !bridge"!chor s"

    0ing my9 ring my bell you 'an$t60ing my9 ring my bell you 'an$t60ing my9 ring my bell my bell60ing my bell!re%eat"

    /hen you loo5 in the mirror don$t 5no" "hat you seei8e$s not the same until you$re in pain

    I 5no" it$s Aust no good to hate

  • 8/9/2019 Hard Candy Lyrics


    I don$t "ant to say it might be too late 8or youI$m not ans"ering your phone 'all)abe i8 you "ant more9 you 'ome to my 8ront door

    !bridge"!chor s"

    0ing my9 ring my bell you 'an$t60ing my9 ring my bell you 'an$t60ing my9 ring my bell my bell60ing my bell!re%eat"

    0ing my bell

    !re%eat + times"