HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen...

May 2013 In this Issue… God Moments My Story - Gloria Flores On Tinkers and Tea Ladies - Janee Phelan Hope Reins - Maddy’s Story HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

Transcript of HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen...

Page 1: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

May 2013

In this Issue…

God Moments

My Story - Gloria Flores

On Tinkers and Tea Ladies - Janette Phelan

Hope Reins - Maddy’s Story


Page 2: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

2 conXion - May 2013

Women’s Ministry Network

Coordinator / Editor

Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: [email protected]

Registrar Camp / Girls’ Getaway

Elaine Hales 37 Burralong Street, Deagon 4017 P: 3314 0297 M: 0400 798 241 E: [email protected]

Prayer / Missions / Visitation

Evelyn Colbran 4 Jalinda Court, Currimbin Valley 4223 P: 5598 6934 M: 0418 199 010

Camp Coordinator / Music Coolum Heights - Coolum

Carolyn Gee M: 0429 782 051 E: [email protected]

Camp Coordinator / Leader

Darling Downs - Highfields

Pam Hine

M: 0432 240 027

E: [email protected]



3 From the Editor’s Desk

4 God Moments

5 My Story - Gloria Flores

6 But They Don’t…

7 The Value of Friends

8 On Tinkers & Tea Ladies

12 Prayerful Reflections

13 Prayer Page

14 Hope Reins - Maddy’s Story

16 Her Stories

20 Girls’ Getaway Garden Party

22 10,000 Hour Rule

23 Walking with Farmers

24 Cling to the Vine

27 Time for a Change


18 Spinach and Three-Cheese Focaccia

19 Red Velvet Cupcake

Photo Credits

Cover: Donna Savill with her daughter Hannaha and mother Lee Gagg

Contents: Chlandr4U

Editor’s Desk: Zsuzsanna Kilian

P4: God Moments Robert Proksa


I will not forget you…

I have carved you

on the palm of my hand.

Isaiah 49:15

Page 3: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

conXion - May 2013 3

Welcome to May’s edition of conXion and it has

grown again. Each month on about the 20th I wait

to see what stories will land on my desk, sometimes

I become very negative and think I have so little

here to use BUT our great and awesome God has

never let me or you down, stories and articles flow

in, hence this month I have had to add more pages.

Please I welcome anything you have to share be it

personal or something your church is doing, even

though you might think it not worthy do not

underestimate those who read conXion.


Girls’ Getaway Garden Party happened in April and

it was a resounding success. Forty eight ladies

attended we were fed in song, word and a delicious

lunch. I have shared a little more about this day

with some great photos, which I am sure you will



Our feature article this month is Maddy’s story.

Maddy is a young girl who loves horses, she is like

many young girls today, suffering. Maddy goes to

Hope Reins where she is able to learn trust and love

in a special way through the horses there.

Hope Reins is the vision of two women Ruth Polley

and Kylie Read. Both bought a property which they

called Chelem (Kay’lem) which means a dream of

healing and restoration. In 2007 they heard of the

Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch and the work they did

with rescuing horses and working with youth. The

idea of what was being achieved in Oregon, clicked

with them for an Australian experience. The sharing

of the idea with friends resulted in a trip to the

United States to attend the Crystal Peaks clinic. This

occurred in 2009. It was here that the name Hope

Reins occurred to them as a name for the

programme. Incorporation occurred at the

beginning of 2010 and the first participants arrived

in April of that year. The mission of Hope reins is:

Rescue the equine

Rescue relationships, trust and hope

Re-create and transform the whole person

To learn more about Hope Reins visit their website www.hopereins.org.au or like them on facebook. Email: [email protected] Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.


An initiative of Women’s Ministry, once collated and put together will give the history of the work of the women of Churches of Christ in Queensland. Evelyn Colbran is coordinating this project so please turn to Page 16 and consider sending Evelyn anything such as; stories, pictures or anecdotes. I hope you enjoy reading this months conXion as much as I have enjoyed receiving, reading and putting it all together.



The heart of conXion is about

ordinary women writing for

ordinary women, serving an

extraordinary God


Page 4: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

4 conXion - May 2013

I wish now that I am older that I would have know how you felt at different times. Times when you were concerned about your old, flabby arms. When you were worried about your hair turning grey. When you thought the wave would fall out of your hair, when I rubbed it too hard. When I thought you were too fussy over some things.

Now that I am a Mum and a Grandma of (10), I often think of all the things that you had taught me over the years, and how I realise that a lot the same things are very real. I often think of how many important lessons of life you instilled in your children, ones that I will always remember. The most important thing and so very special is that we always went to a Sunday school and learnt about Jesus, and how He gave His Son to die for our sins. There were many memories going through my mind as I watched you slowly advance into Alzheimer’s disease. Then as I sat beside your bed, day by day, as you battled bowel cancer, I would thank God for you and pray for Him to take you home to heaven to stop the suffering.

A very vivid memory is holding your hand as I played your favourite hymns, and I wondered if you could hear them , then a tear rolled down your cheek. How God's words were set in your mind from your childhood days. In a way I had a peace as I sat holding your age crinkled hand – the mother

God had given me. Thanks God – Thanks Mum.

As we come to Mother's Day help us to remember our mums – to listen to them and hear what is important to them – to our loved one. Our mums play a very big part in shaping our lives, how we act and react. We learn a lot of things along the way – some we wish we didn't have to learn and others we treasure and that we need to thank God for the fact that He gave us a mum who nurtured us until we could leave the nest.

A mother holds her child's hand for a little while – their hearts forever, a mother's first gift is life, the

second one is love – and the third one is understanding.

As this Mother's Day comes around I wish all the Mums a very happy and special day, and pray that you will make some precious memories on that day.

Remember God has chosen you to fulfil a special job for Him in caring for His gift to you – your children. Jesus said suffer the little children to come unto me.

Being a mum, is a sacred partnership with God.



His story

Your story


Page 5: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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I was born in El Salvador in 1956. My parents were Catholic and I studied the Catholic teachings as a child. I was married in 1976 in a Catholic Church and the Catholic influences were predominant in my husband’s and my life. In 1983 after 7 years without children I finally had my first baby boy and I presented him to the Catholic Church for Baptism.

In 1985 we decided to accept the visa from the Australian Government. My husband’s parents and his sister and family were going, and urged us to come with them. In September we arrived and were reunited with other mem-bers of family in Melbourne, Victoria, where we lived for 2 years. The cold, wet weather caused a lot of sickness and my husband’s parents and sister and family moved to Rockhampton and we decided to join them there.

At the age of 32 years (1988) after my third child was born, my body and heart caused me serious illness. I asked God to spare me for the sake of my little children. My husband’s family, who had become Chritians told me that Jesus had helped them in their times of need. When I was alone I said “Lord I heard you heal people. Please have mercy on me!” That night I had a dream. I saw Jesus put in one of my hands two pills and in the other a glass of wa-ter. He said, “Take this.” When I awoke I had no pain at all! Because of this wonderful miracle I received Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord and for many years I attended a Spanish service in my in-laws’ home. Over time all of the others left Rockhampton for various reasons, I alone was left. I realised I had to find a church. I was out walking and I passed the Church of Christ and read the sign. I went the following Sunday in fear and trembling. I was met at the door by a friendly lady who took me to a seat. The warmth and love in the church soon made me feel completely ‘at home’.

For more than 20 years I had prayed for my husband and children to come and repent and receive my Lord’s gra-cious gift of salvation. My daughter received the Lord in the Spanish house church and she started coming to the Church of Christ with me. When the Olympics were on in 2008 there was and outreach evening at the church. It was to see a DVD of Christian athletes giving their testimonies. We had Christian friends from Brisbane staying with us and they were coming with me to this film night so my husband Maurice felt he should go to. And that’s how the Lord finally won him! Next week he came to church with me and soon after I had the joy, together with the church family of witnessing his baptism. What a joy it is to have him worshipping our wonderful Lord in the services. We are praying still for our two sons. We cannot thank and praise our Lord for all His goodness to us. He is our LIFE!



Page 6: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

6 conXion - May 2013

Everyone encourages you to see the warning signs in your friends, but what about the warning signs in yourself. I’m writing this on a very sombre and serious note. I’ve come home from a funeral. He was the seventeen year old son of a friend of mine.

He committed suicide.

His is not the first suicide in my life. My grandfather, my aunt, my husband’s army buddy and my sister-in-law’s brother.

Today’s eulogy spoke many times of his happy nature, his hugs, his encouragement to others and time and time again, his smile. He wasn’t a ‘typical’ suicide. You know the one with the classic warning signs. He was popular, friendly, played sports, was involved…and a Christian.

As I listened to the words from others the one thought kept going through my mind.

“What were you hiding behind your smile?”

That’s a question I want to ask you. “What are you hiding behind your smile?”

I have a friend who once said to me, “I go to church, smile, hug everyone, and pretend everything is fine…then go home and cry.”

That breaks my heart.

You are not alone. No one is alone. Your thoughts, your words, your actions…affect the people in your life.

One of the lies Satan whispers in the lonely night is that you are alone. You are the only one who is going through this, the only one that has ever gone through this. If you tell anyone, they will judge you and you will look foolish.

There is no one who has it all together. We all struggle – to various degrees – with loneliness, finances, employment, marriages, relationships, kids, medical news, death…whatever you can name; someone else has gone through it.


I urge you to recognise the night time whispers as the lies that they are. I urge you to be diligent in recognising the thoughts that take you away from the knowledge that you are not alone. Please reach out, when you need help. Lifeline, Careline, your family, your pastor, your friends…someone.

Please…I beg you - Don’t leave others sitting at your eulogy thinking… “What were you hiding behind your smile?”


They disappear, they disappoint, they die…but they don’t.

– Stephen Sondheim. Into The Woods


Page 7: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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What is the value of a true friend? I would put it in the category of “priceless”

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts.

For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one that falls without another to lift him up. Also, if

two lie down together, they can keep warm, and if some-body overpowers one person, two can resist him

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

The word “reward” in Ecclesiastes 4:9 can also be translated “return” as in “return of investment.” The best investments you can make in life are not financial; but are relational.

Why should we invest in friends? Friends help you when you are down… The ones that are still around and helping you walk through the difficult times are your true friends.

A Cord of Three Strands… A Person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back to back and Conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken.

Ecclesiastes 4;12

Why did Colonial people use braided rugs? There are several reasons, firstly three strands of fabric braided together become very strong and durable. Secondly, they could not afford to throw anything away. Fabrics were too hard to acquire and had to be reused when they were no longer serviceable for clothing. Thirdly, the non insulated floors of their homes were cold; a woollen rug provided much needed warmth.

A braided rug can be a visual lesson about the strength of three cords twined together as one.

We need each other as all of us will face crisis in our lives, whether it be the closeness and warmth, the un-derstanding and compassion, that only those who follow Christ can provide.

Two believers bound together in Christ is a cord of three strands that cannot be broken.

There is strength in numbers and in the binding of hearts, and confiding our faults, our fears, our concerns with one another.

Are you making a wise investment? You will have a good return if you invest in friends.

True authentic friendships are a gift from God and are a rare treasure!

Father, thank you for the friends you have put in our lives. Help us see ways we can invest in these relation-ships. In Jesus name, Amen


Page 8: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

8 conXion - May 2013

Dr. Laura Schlessinger, American radio host, caused

a storm when she declared that homosexuality is

an abomination, as stated clearly in Leviticus 18:22.

Amongst the protests, her comments sparked the

following humorous response:

“Dear Dr Laura, Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s Law.

“... I need some advice from you regarding some other specific laws and how to follow them:

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. What would be a fair price for her?

I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness – Lev. 15:19-24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

Lev 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, provided that they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend claims that this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?

I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?”1

A light-hearted letter, but with an important point.

We cannot simply lift a verse from the Bible and

assume it translates directly into our culture and

context. And because we still quote the 10

commandments, we can’t say that Old Testament

Law is no longer relevant. So how do we determine

how to live as Christians?

As a young teacher of English, I very quickly learned

the importance of culture and context in

understanding and appreciating literature. When I

taught Shakespeare or Chaucer, we would often

spend several weeks learning about the life, culture

and language of those times. Once students

understood a little of the language and culture, their

initial frustrations would give way to excitement as

they uncovered the richness and the nuances of

meaning in the text. It was always obvious if

someone had missed the background study: they

risked totally misunderstanding the message.

Language and culture change so much over time

that even information from 50 years ago can be

misinterpreted. If you doubt this, think about words

such as mouse, bookmark, desktop. What about

gay, cool, surf, text? And which teenager today

understands the role of a tinker or the importance

of the office tea lady?

I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. But

we need to understand that God’s inspiration, as

seen in the Bible, has passed through the filter of

many different writers in many different contexts,

cultures and languages, over a period of 1300+

years – 26 times the 50 year gap separating those

who remember tinkers and tea ladies! Add to this

the effect of translating the Bible from Aramaic and

Ancient Greek, through Latin into English. Think

what happens in a game of “Chinese Whispers,”

where a message is passed down a chain of people.

Or try translating a sentence, using Google

translator, into Japanese and back into English. The

end result can be hilarious.


Page 9: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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Like many people, on occasions I have been given a

Bible verse which has spoken directly to me. I know

that this is God inspired. I have verses that I will

always treasure because of their personal

significance. But if we take a Bible verse at random,

look only at its literal meaning and use this as the

basis for an iron-clad rule, we can run into trouble.

I am often challenged and confronted by the

diversity of views about the role of women amongst

Christian groups. Some men and women, often with

the best of intentions, skew the debate, obscuring

or missing the real issues. Danielle Strickland, in The

Liberating Truth: How Jesus Empowers Women

points out that the Bible contains far more

instructions on how men should treat their wives

than vice versa. Yet Christians often focus on one or

two New Testament verses about the role of a wife,

without regard to context.

Remember “Sally,” the domestic violence victim?

She focused on Bible “rules” but could not see the

forest for the trees. Her minister instructed her to

forgive her husband. But Jesus tells us: “If he sins

against you seven times in a day, and seven times

comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."

As a condition of forgiveness, a sinner must truly

repent his actions. And Jesus never says that

forgiveness means forgetting the wrong done to us.

A woman who stays in a dangerous relationship

where there is not genuine repentance cannot fulfill

her spiritual obligation to reach her God-given


Like Zaccheus and Matthew, if someone is truly

repentant, they will go out of their way to repair the

damage caused by their sin and to change their

ways. With domestic violence, this never means

giving flowers, apologising, and then repeating the

abuse. It means enlisting help to change behaviour.

It means demonstrating that his behaviour and his

attitude towards her has changed, not just until his

next outburst, but for the long term. The same

principal applies when the positions are reversed and

the husband is the victim.

In Lynne Baker’s study of Christian women who have

experienced domestic abuse, only one out of twenty

men significantly changed their behaviour.

Unfortunately, the "battered wife" syndrome leaves

women so powerless that most women feel

incapable of leaving their husbands. They would

rather believe the myth that, this time, his remorse is

sincere. If she accepts her situation by forgiving him

yet again, she gives him no reason to change.

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over

again, but expecting different results, “according to

Narcotics Anonymous. Most women in this situation

have tried everything to change themselves, proving

that it is not their fault, but that it is his behaviour

which needs to change.

When an abused woman can summon up the

courage to leave, who is responsible for breaking the

marriage vows? Can anyone say Sally’s husband is

keeping his vow of loving and honouring his wife

while he is beating her? Jesus says that “… anyone

who divorces his wife, makes her a victim of

adultery.” This is a direct parallel. The perpetrator of

the abuse is the one guilty of breaking the marriage


Page 10: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

10 conXion - May 2013

Note that “Sally” is not a real person but she represents the experiences of a number of my real-life clients. I would welcome your thoughts, comments and reactions to the questions I am raising.

Please email me at [email protected]

I believe strongly in the sanctity of marriage. I have

been blessed to have been married to the same

wonderful man for 37 years and I am looking

forward to many more happy years together. In

99% of cases, I encourage couples to overcome

hurts and find a way forward together. But for

people like Sally who have been manipulated and

abused, their spouse has already broken the

marriage vows. Leaving may be the only way to find

safety and to regain dignity for themselves, their

spouses and their children. It confronts the issues,

and reminds Sally’s husband of his responsibility to

make reparation and to salvage his commitment to

his marriage vows.

What can we learn from Sally? Basing an

unbreakable rule on a couple of out-of-context Bible

verses makes as much as sense as playing football

with gloves on.


w hen I stopped seeing

my mother with the

eyes of a child,

I saw a woman who

helped me

give birth to myself

Nancy Friday

Page 11: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

conXion - May 2013 11



celebrates their

51st Birthday Luncheon


Tuesday 4 June 2013

Guest speaker: Hope Brock

who will be sharing the work of

Hospital Chaplaincy

all are invited

the day begins @ 11am

lunch will be served @ 12 noon

there will be a stall selling

all home-made delights

Page 12: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

12 conXion - May 2013

‘Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.”’ John 19:28

In 1948 whilst travelling on a train to a retreat centre north of Calcutta, Mother Theresa, a young Catholic nun had a vivid, unforgettable vision. Jesus stood before her. He hung on a cross and cried desperately, “I thirst”. Mother Theresa was so impacted by these agonising words; she was never the same again.

Here hung her Saviour, not thirsting for the wine vinegar offered to Him, but she saw Jesus thirsting for souls. His insatiable thirst for the souls of men and women held Him to the cross that hour and here on that train, Mother Theresa felt a commitment to dedicate her life to bringing souls to Christ. She lived her remaining years in order to satiate the thirst of Christ.

Ironically, after this most intimate encounter and continued conversations with Jesus for the next nine months, Mother Theresa spent much of her latter life experiencing distance and spiritual emptiness from her Saviour – for 46 years she lived out a ‘dark night of the soul’. This apparent sense of abandonment was the very thing that reminded her of what it is like for the lost who experience separation from God. This sense of loss and suffering was the catalyst that kept her faithfully ministering to the poorest of poor on the streets of Calcutta.

God allowed Mother Theresa’s pain to help her identify with those she ministered to. She became one with them, so they could identify with her and this allowed Christ, through her work, to redeem many, many souls. The greatest ministry happens when we feel what others feel. We have to stand in their place and hurt also. She knew from experience that when one part suffers, every part suffers (1 Cor. 12:26).

Mother Theresa shared in the sufferings of Christ (Romans 8:17). She felt His pain and deep compassion for lost souls. His anguish was hers. She became thirsty for others to experience His love. She understood that the call of God is a call to suffering (Philippians 1:29) and chose to accept this with joy!

Let us ask ourselves in what way are we sharing in His sufferings?

Where have we been able to put ourselves in a position whereby we are identifying with the sufferings of others?

Christ is still thirsting for the souls of men, women and children – are we?


Prayerful reflections provides an opportunity to step into the gospel stories and encounter Jesus and the people He converses with. Here we make a space within ourselves to notice our own reaction to the story being shared. How are you responding? What emotions are stirred and what might God be asking you to address in the con-

text of your own life as a result of immersing yourself in this dialogue with Jesus?


Page 13: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

conXion - May 2013 13

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. But Moses called to them; so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them. Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai.

When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. But whenever he entered the Lord’s presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord.

Exodus 34:29-35 NIV

It always amazes me how God works in our lives, especially at Christian camps when you can see the difference made in people after spending the weekend together and studying God’s Word. On Friday evening I noticed a first-time camper rushing about doing so many jobs (as though she was driven) but not a smile on her face. I wondered why she was rushing about so much and only found out later she was the daughter of a lady on the committee who was not very well, and that this lass had only come to help out her mother. What a blessing this lady turned out to be. She came to the prayer meetings and shared her problems and as the weekend went on she really blossomed.

Being Prayer Coordinator for camp I get my devotions ready weeks beforehand, by firstly praying and asking God to lead me, and invariably the devotion I give is exactly the right one.

On Saturday morning we had a record 18 women at prayer time and on the Sunday morning 17 (one slept in!) and as I looked around at the group this lass looked so spiritually alive I had to remark how God had chosen the devo-tion with her in mind.

Those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5 NIV was the verse chosen and the devotion was entitled ‘You’re Glowing’. Everyone in that prayer room had to agree this was for this lady.

I spoke on Moses who returned from meeting God on Mount Sinai, his face shone so brightly that it astonished the Israelites.

Every time you meet with God, it will affect you in a positive way you might not see the difference but others will see the glow of His likeness in your spirit and character.


Thank Him for the freedom we have in this land.

Pray that we will continue to have religious freedom here and that religious instruction can continue in our schools

and for those who teach RE.

Pray for our Chaplains as they serve in our schools

Pray for the following Churches & Care facilities within our movement

Acacia Ridge - Ann Street - Annerley - Arana Hills - Bethel - Bongeen - Boonah


Page 14: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

14 conXion - May 2013

It was finally Thursday. Maddy had been looking forward to this day for weeks. It was going to be her first day at Hope Reins. She had looked at the website and knew that Hope Reins was a faith-based pro-gramme in Gympie developed by Kylie Read and Ruth Polley. She liked that they had horses who had sto-ries of rescue and recovery. They all looked so beautiful. And some had such sad eyes. Maddy wondered if they would be her friend. She didn’t have any friends. Maddy was looking forward to working with the volunteers at Hope Reins because she had been told that she would be doing work with one of them, like picking up horse poo or doing something that cared for the horses and the place where they lived. Work-ing with just one person couldn’t be too hard. She was so wanting to meet the horses and learn, over the 8 weeks she would be going to Hope Reins, how to love and care for them. She couldn’t wait to groom a horse, but was excited and a little scared about riding one. Maddy arrived at the gates and looked at the sign rising above the fence. She was finally here. As she

was driven up the driveway she could see some of the horses, green grass, a dam that was sparkling in

the sunlight and lots of space. It felt peaceful and the horses looked happy. Maddy could feel a little of

that peace creep into her bones and a little bit of her anxiety melt away.

She met Ruth and Kylie and lots of the volunteers. They all looked amazing in their blue shirts and every-

one smiled at her. They really seemed pleased to meet her. She just knew the next 2 hours were going to

be amazing. And they were!

Over the next 8 weeks, Maddy talked to people and to the horses. They both listened. She learnt how to

care for the horses, how they communicated with each other and how people could communicate with

them; it took consistency. She learnt about the commitment it took everyone to work with a horse and to

have a horse. Most of all, it took courage from her to be able to work and groom and ride the horses.


Page 15: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

conXion - May 2013 15

Amazingly, the horses liked her. They wanted to be with her. She had done so many things and had

learnt that to have a friend she needed to be a friend and what that meant. She had even painted a

horse! When she had been asked to think of a significant word – she had straight away thought of

“friendship” – because that is what the horses had taught her.

Maddy wished that she could stay all day when she came to Hope Reins. But she knew that they had 2

other sessions for people to come to and a session on a Saturday. She had heard Kylie say that they had

30 volunteers help them look after the horses and run the programme. They were all so nice. Maddy did-

n’t understand how coming to Hope Reins didn’t cost anything. She wondered who the people were who

donated money so that these beautiful horses and people could let her, and others like her, come out and

be a part of all this. Maddy also wondered why the volunteers would come out. Was it part of how they

loved God?

Maddy couldn’t wait to see if her family would want to come to a Pot Hope dinner that was held once a

month on a Tuesday. She just knew they would be all welcome. And maybe she could let others know

about the Kids Roundup in the school holidays – where primary school- aged kids could have fun and

learn more about God.

There was so much happening here – how could it always feel so peaceful and calm? Maddy had seen on

the facebook page that Kylie regularly updated, a photo of a rainbow spanning above the property where

Hope Reins was run. Maybe, she thought, this is where rainbows are born, and that is why it is a place

that makes you happy.

Editors note: To learn more about Hope Reins visit their website www.hopereins.org.au or like them on facebook. Email: [email protected] Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.

Page 16: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

16 conXion - May 2013




I have been given the honour and awesome task of, researching and collating a book. A book to tell the story of the

work and mission of the women of Churches of Christ in Queensland. I started this at the end of last year, I wrote

and sent 120 letters asking the women of our Churches to give me their story be that from the work of their wom-

en’s group or personal anecdotes. I take this opportunity to thank those who have responded BUT I need more so

for those of you who are still considering but have been caught up with the business of life, to put their part of the

amazing history of the women of our churches together and forward to me.

Many hours have already been put into this book but to bring to a place of completion I need your help. The history

spans 115 years and will cover the work of Women’s State Conference, which started 100 years ago, Camps, Rally

Days, work of individual groups, a roll of honour plus so much more.

You can contact me by email @ [email protected] - call me on hm: 07 5598 6934 / mob: 0418 199 010 - by

post to 4 Jalinda Court, Currumbin Valley 4223

As I trust solely on God to give me the strength and guidance for this incredible task, I seek you prayers for myself

and those who are helping.


Page 17: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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Page 18: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

18 conXion - May 2013

This Focaccia is made in a similar style to the Italian Tortano, the bread that is rolled into a ring. It is great to serve at parties as it is very easy to pick up and eat with your fingers. The flavours inside can be changed to your liking, there are so many options with this simple bread recipe.

DOUGH: 200g bread flour 6g dry yeast ¼ tsp salt Approx. 150ml warm water

METHOD BY HAND: Spread the flour on a large chopping board or pastry sheet in the shape of a large round doughnut, with the flour piled high leaving a whole in the middle. In the middle put the dry yeast and salt. Gradually add the warm water mixing it with your fin-gers from the inside out until the mixture becomes a manageable dough. Knead well for about 5 minutes. Form into a ball and place in a bowl. Cut a cross into the top of the yeast with scissors to help it rise. Cover with a damp cloth, and then wrap the whole bowl in a dry towel or cloth. Rest for 1 hour. Once risen, gently punch your fist into the dough to release the gases. Knead lightly one more time. Roll out into a 40cm round.

METHOD BY BREAD MAKER: Place the water into the bread maker first. (The water may be cold). Put in the flour, then dry yeast and salt in that order. Set the break maker to ‘dough’. Wait approximately one hour for the bread maker to finish. Roll the dough out on a board into a 40cm round.

FILLING: 1 cup fresh baby spinach leaves ½ cup crumbled feta cheese 1 cup grated cheddar cheese 2 tbsp parmesan cheese 2-3 fresh basil leaves 1/4 tsp celery salt 2-3 tbsp rock salt

Break up the spinach and basil leaves with your fingers and sprinkle evenly over the dough. Do the same with the feta, parme-san and cheddar cheese. Season lightly with the celery salt (the cheeses will make the flavour salty). Roll the dough starting with the closest edge into a tight log. Take each end and make into a ring, snail or coil shape so that there are no gaps. Join the ends to the dough by pressing down with your palm. Press lightly over the dough to flatten, then roll out the dough again into a large circle. The filling should be hiding nicely inside. Cover with a damp cloth and rest for 15-20 minutes. Heat the oven to 230°C. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Sprinkle rock salt over the top while it is warm. Cut into triangles and serve.

We are searching for your favourite recipes. conXion Editor, Andi and I will test and prove the recipes and decide

which ones will be included in the magazine if they pass the test :)

Please send an email to the address below including the history of the recipe, why you love the recipe, the recipe

itself and a photo of the dish.

Send to: [email protected] We look forward to trying your yummy creations!



Read more of Renee’s recipes at www.reneeshibuyarecipes.blogspot.com


(our resident master chef)

Page 19: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

conXion - May 2013 19


60g unsalted butter, at room temperature 150g castor sugar

1 egg 10g cocoa powder

½tsp vanilla extract 120ml buttermilk

150g plain flour ½tsp salt

½tsp bicarbonate of soda 1½tsp white wine vinegar

20ml red food colouring

Cream cheese frosting

300g icing sugar, sifted

50g unsalted butter, at room temperature

125g cream cheese, cold

You'll also need

12-hole cupcake tray, lined with large cupcake cases


Preheat the oven to 170°C/325°F/gas mark 3.

Put the butter and the sugar in a freestanding electric mixer with a paddle attachment (or use a handheld electric whisk) and

beat on medium speed until light and fluffy and well mixed. Turn the mixer up to high speed, slowly add the egg and beat until

everything is well incorporated.

In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, red food colouring and vanilla extract to make a thick, dark paste. Add to

the butter mixture and mix thoroughly until evenly combined and coloured (scrape any unmixed ingredients from the side of

the bowl with a rubber spatula). Turn the mixer down to slow speed and slowly pour in half the buttermilk. Beat until well

mixed, then add half the flour, and beat until everything is well incorporated. Repeat this process until all the buttermilk and

flour have been added. Scrape down the side of the bowl again. Turn the mixer up to high speed and beat until you have a

smooth, even mixture. Turn the mixer down to low speed and add the salt, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Beat until well

mixed, then turn up the speed again and beat for a couple more minutes.

Spoon the mixture into the paper cases until two-thirds full and bake in the preheated oven for 20–25 mins, or until the sponge

bounces back when touched. A skewer inserted in the centre should come out clean. Leave the cupcakes to cool slightly in the

tray before turning out onto a wire cooling rack to cool completely.

Meanwhile for the cream cheese frosting: Beat the icing sugar and butter together in a freestanding electric mixer with a pad-

dle attachment (or use a handheld electric whisk) on medium-slow speed until the mixture comes together and is well mixed.

Add the cream cheese in one go and beat until it is completely incorporated. Turn the mixer up to medium-high speed. Contin-

ue beating until the frosting is light and fluffy, at least 5 mins. Do not overbeat, as it can quickly become runny.

When the cupcakes are cold, spoon over the cream cheese frosting on top



Page 20: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

20 conXion - May 2013

On Saturday 20 April 43 ladies drove to Elimbah,

to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company.

As we drove up to Carolyn’s home we were

greeted by two parking attendants who showed

us where to park. We walked through a small

garden at the front of the house and then

through a covered area we saw garden settings

set amongst a rambling garden of flowers and

shrubs it was such a pretty sight.

An awesome welcome to what was to be a

lovely day.

While we mingled we were serenaded by

Ludeen singing and playing the guitar. Renee

lead singer of Krysalus welcomed us and

Krysalus opened with ’Garden Party’ a fitting

way to begin the day.

We had a delicious lunch followed by fresh fruit

and butterfly cup cakes; there was an item by a

sweet young girl, Jasmine. Donna Savill in her

gentle way encouraged us from God’s word,

reminding us that to be like the well watered

garden we need to be in His word. Donna also

wove into her talk some stories from the

happenings during the floods that hit Bundaberg

how so many worked together and tirelessly to

help those who were devastated by the flood.

One of my favourite memories from this day was

hearing Renee and Ron (Carolyn’s father) sing

‘One Day at a Time’, great harmony between


This was a brilliant day and there will be many

more to come. Thank you Carolyn & Renee for

putting together a perfect day.

Girl’s Getaway

Garden Party

Page 21: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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Page 22: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

22 conXion - May 2013

Lately it feels like Monday is here. I celebrate because I've a whole week ahead to accomplish tasks I've set out for myself. Then it feels like I've just blinked twice and it’s already Friday!

Where did the week go? I ask. What do I have to show for it? I wonder.

I used to think that there were not enough hours in a day. But now it feels like there aren’t enough days in a week!

Working hard towards accomplishing the many things of my hearts desires it not an easy task … I wish it was. I wish I could wave a magic wand and voila, all the work would be magically accomplished.

Is it meant to be like this when you are onto something great; working tirelessly without ceasing?

I came across a blog by Joe Konrath where he mentioned Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000-Hour Rule. I could easily relate to what he mentions:

‘10,000 Hour Rule: No one becomes an expert at something without having invested 10,000 hours in it.’

In order to reach any point or goal where you understand the opportunities presented … and be able to capitalize on that opportunity, you need to have put in at least 10,000 hours learning how, for example. He urges, keep at it. I may not have put in enough time yet!



Author of Perception: Every young woman's battle to overcome her past.



10,000 HOUR RULE

Page 23: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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We have been blessed to be able to travel to Canberra to visit our children and grandchildren. How precious to spend quality time with family. Family picnics, other outings and watching the children play, learn and grow. These times are so wonderful and we thank God for each one of them. As we travelled through God's beautiful countryside we often marvelled at the awesome beauty which is there for us to enjoy. I often thank God for eyes to see. Meanwhile on the home front John was doing both runs for me (east & west). I thank God that he is confident and understanding and willing to step up to walk with me, as we provide emotional, physical and financial (if available) to folk who would otherwise be forgotten. We praise God for each donation, which always arrives in time. The Easter chocolates brought smiles and thanks, what a treat. We also include Christian cards, notes; special words of encouragement as we feel led.

There are many farmers who are waiting for rain and starting to de-stock before winter. Other folk are still trying to recover from flood damage. Blaze-aid and others are doing a wonderful job in some areas. There are still a couple of farmers still getting chemo treatment and others with medical issues.

The next run will be for Mothers' day gifts and other practical goods and some winter things. It was soo exciting to be given (4 ) very large bags of special winter jackets , coats and other clothes, all in perfect condition , from a shop in Canberra. During a conversation with the man who was serving me, he showered me with these precious pieces, to help those folk who would otherwise go without. My heart was singing for joy!! We thank God for the churches and private folks who support the work. It is a real comfort to know that God knows our needs before we do. We need to tell him our needs though, no matter how small, because He loves to hear His children. Make all your requests known to God, as he says in the bible. God shall supply your need according to his riches in Christ Jesus.

In everything give thanks. I pray that this month you will all look for God's provisions each day and give


1 Thessalonians 5:18

Thought – Embracing God's love for us is the key to loving others



Page 24: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

24 conXion - May 2013

Pam Hine, Leader opened the weekend with these thoughts; ‘Here we are in autumn already. There is a nip in the air. Grass is lush and green after all the rain and the leaves are beginning to change colour. A new season is opening up to us. I wonder what season of life you are facing. Maybe you are coming to terms with the loss of a loved one. Maybe you are in the process of a marriage problem or breakdown. Are your children causing you deep concern? Are you facing ongoing health issues or losing your independence? Maybe you are busily planning for a wedding, birthday, anniversary or family reunion. Or possibly you are facing the issue of ageing parents. Whatever season you find yourself in you can be assured that as you ‘Cling to Jesus, the Vine’ you will be nurtured and nourished to prepare you for the next season. I pray that this weekend you will be very aware of the presence of the gracious Gardener, leave all your worries and concerns with Him and allow Him to dig, prune and feed you, so you will experience growth and be ready to bear fruit.’ ‘How Great Thou Art’ was the first praise song on the Saturday and it set the tone for an excellent weekend of hearing God’s word and sharing with many like-minded women who just wanted to set a weekend apart and drench themselves in God. Donna Savill was the guest speaker; Donna took each of us through three sessions, to know, to grow, to follow. Donna through the Vine, reminded us to cling and not to pin our hopes on myths. To be prepared to be pruned and bear fruit. And finally to take up the great commission, understanding that Jesus chose us, so we continue to follow Him, allow His word to dwell in us drawing strength and be overflowing with thankfulness, these being the essence of


fruit so go and share with others. Donna has a gentle manner and shared God with each of us she has a gentle and firm way of presenting His word, a great sense of humour and love for those she speaks to. It was a weekend packed with praise and worship led by Carolyn, Renee and Ludeen, ‘Krysalus’, from Caboolture Church of Christ. Table devotions shared by Gloria Flett and Pam Hine and prayer times with Evelyn Colbran who was thrilled by the numbers of ladies who attended them. On the Saturday night, we celebrated 30 years of camps in Toowoomba, the Woodland Brothers Gospel Band were not only the entertainment but also waited on us. We were truly spoilt with a three course dinner and music and song. On Sunday morning a communion service was held in the outside chapel, which is one of the most awesome places people can gather and remember what Christ did for us. What also rounded off the weekend, were the meals yet again Howard & Wendy Jiggins with the capable help of Georgie fed us superbly.

Page 25: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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During a sunny weekend in March, Camp Koojarewon at Highfields in Toowoomba became a noisy, colourful, uplifting and loving place to be for women from all over South-East Queensland. It was the 30th Ladies’ Retreat. The camp was lead by the vivacious Pam Hine who brought life and fun to the camp the entire weekend. The theme for the weekend was Cling to the Vine and the camp was therefore bedecked with pictures and ornaments of vines and their branches. Donna Savill from Bundaberg was the speaker and her input was very thought provoking, funny and encouraging - with lots of ideas on how we can share Jesus with those we come across every day.

This was my first time to Ladies’ Retreat and it was such a lovely weekend of getting to know some dear ladies better, meeting some new lovely women of God and deepening my own relationship with our loving Father. When we arrived at camp we were given a little goodie bag including beautiful hand crafted treats and some ear-plugs - who knew they would be very useful in the dorms!

As women coming from all ages and stages of life, we are all busy and often find it hard for one reason or another to get away for time on our own but at camp there was time. There was time to worship in song - the camp theme song this year was ‘You Are the Vine’ and we sang

that throughout the camp. There were also new songs to learn and some old favourites. There was time to have fun - like the ice breaker games we played on Friday night - part of the activity involved a bag of goodies such as tape, tissue paper and wire, so that we constructed a vine - complete with balloon grapes. There was time for advice on how to Know, Grow and Follow. There was time for food - oh so much delicious food. There was time to dress-up, and be entertained by the fabulous Woodland Brothers Gospel Group. There was time for sharing - a time to encourage our sisters in Christ and know that we were at the camp of love. There was time for corporate prayer - a beautiful outpouring from the heart of Godly women. And there was time for Communion - a very simple but moving, sharing of the bread and wine in the idyllic open air chapel - a special way to end the camp.

Next year ladies if you think you may not have time to go to camp - make the time. You will be blessed beyond measure as you spend a weekend at the Ladies’ Retreat.



Page 26: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

26 conXion - May 2013

Thanks to Pam Hine (a special friend) our camp leaders and her bubbly nature and her dedicat-ed team of ladies for all you did from the ladies who attended the retreat.

You provided us with love and spiritual feeding from our Guest Speaker Donna Savill who spoke on ‘clinging to the vine’, physical feeding from our camp cooks and our delicious three course dinner to celebrate 30 years. It was also lovely to have Joy Scholl from the Withcott church cut the anniversary cake, the great music and a fun Friday night where we turned a lady into a grape vine.

Our morning in the open air Chapel for com-munion was special and there were tears of healing shed and shared.

I would recommend mothers and daughters go on this retreat. It was special for me. I loved catching up with a lady I hadn’t seen for 40 years and sharing with ladies I knew and only just met.

For Mum and I it was a very refreshing time and a time of some healing after the tragic loss of a family member last year.

We came away feeling, loved, pampered, truly spoilt and covered with Gods’ wonderful love and peace.



One last letter

Dear Andi

I went to the ladies weekend camp in Toowoomba. I originally went to please my Mum, I had such a fan-tastic time. I loved spending time with so many love-ly people. It was so well organised. I had a few prob-lems of my own and after talking about them I feel at peace. I actually got up at the end of the weekend and spoke about how I felt. So I just wanted to say thanks to Pam and the team and I will definitely be going next year.

Kind regards


Page 27: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au

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As I sit here and stare out of the window at the pouring rain, I wonder when I will see the sunshine again. It feels like a metaphor for my life at the moment actually. I don’t know if it’s the dreary weather that prompts these thoughts, or the lack of fresh air and sunlight. But being confined inside for a few days certainly sends the kids stir crazy, so I guess it stands to reason that it affects us too. The more I wish for a change in the weather, the more I realise it’s a much greater change that I am seeking. It’s time to take a leap of faith (despite the weather!) and do something different. The question is, “What?”

I don’t deal well with emotional upheaval in my life, and I’ve certainly had my fair share of it in the last year! I recently read a quote that said “You will keep repeating the same lessons in life until you learn them”. Is that what I’ve been doing? I can’t help but wonder. Because lately I feel so disheartened, like everything I’ve been working towards has been turned upside down. I’m not sure I’m on the right path anymore, and I have no idea what to do about it. Is this God’s way of getting my attention and moving me in a different direction? Or is it His way of telling me to stop making excuses and start standing up for myself?

I wish I knew.


Donation $5.00

Page 28: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY · 2 conXion - May 2013 Women’s Ministry Network Coordinator / Editor Andi Owen 24 Groves Road, Gympie 4570 P: 5482 9566 M: 0458 029 566 E: andio@spiderweb.com.au



12 Mother’s Day

25 Morning Tea - Burleigh Heads

17-18 Centrifuge


4 Rosevale Birthday Luncheon


13 Inspire Conference - Bundaberg


3 Shine Conference - Gympie

We would love to hear from you, your stories,

happenings from your church, answered prayers,

news or photos of interest. Please send by email or

post to the Editor by the 20th of each month. Thank





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Churches of Christ in Queensland is a group of mainstream Christian churches which has been an active part

of the Queensland community for 130 years. We are a significant presence within Queensland and Victoria with

over 200 services in more than 100 communities, touching tens of thousands of lives each year.