Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Please copy down the rules: Rules for Semicolons: 1) A semicolon can replace a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) EX: Using a semicolon is no big deal; I use them all the time! 2) A semicolon is used when sentences are closely related EX: Using a semicolon is no big deal; they are similar to a comma. 3) A semicolon can be used with a conjunctive adverb EX: The semicolon is misunderstood; consequently , it is used incorrectly. Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper


Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper. Please copy down the rules: Rules for Semicolons: A semicolon can replace a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) EX: Using a semicolon is no big deal; I use them all the time! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Page 1: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Please copy down the rules:Rules for Semicolons:

1) A semicolon can replace a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) EX: Using a semicolon is no big deal; I use them all the time!

2) A semicolon is used when sentences are closely relatedEX: Using a semicolon is no big deal; they are similar to a comma.

3) A semicolon can be used with a conjunctive adverb EX: The semicolon is misunderstood; consequently, it is used


Happy Monday…please complete on your BW Paper

Page 2: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Copy Change!

“His forehead was whiter where his bangs had been; it would have been funny if we hadn’t been so scared” (73).

“His_________ was ________ where his ________ had been; it would have been ________if we hadn’t been __________________.”

“His_________ was ________ where his ________ had been; it would have been ________if we hadn’t been __________________.”

Page 3: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper


Examples: Preternatural

Class Examples:



Visual/Memory Clue

Prefix Meaning

Preter Past, beyond

Pro Forward

Re Again, back

Retro Backward, behind, back

Se Apart

30-15-10 List

Page 4: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper


Examples: Proceed Promote

Class Examples:



Visual/Memory Clue




Examples: Recall Recede

Class Examples:

Visual/Memory Clue

Page 5: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper


Examples: Retroactive

Class Examples:



Visual/Memory Clue




Examples: Secede

Class Examples:

Visual/Memory Clue

Page 6: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

T.O. Review: Put in order according to the plot






Page 7: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

The Outsiders Chapter 7On the back of the 4 square paper, create the following chart

& fill it out as you read chapter seven on your own:

Important ideas, quotes or passages from chapter 7:

1. 100-103

2. 104-107

3. 108 - 111

4. 111 - 114

5. 114 -118

Why I chose this passage, quote or idea:






Page 8: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Dual Entry Notes: ExampleLady Gaga has taken a lot of heat lately for “borrowing” Madonna’s express-yourself-like-a-virgin shtick. But maybe the person who really should be crying “plagiarism” is Oprah Winfrey. “Be yourself and love who you are and be proud, because you were born this way,” Oprah told fans during her swan song last week. Oh, wait, Oprah didn’t say that. It was Lady Gaga on The View, confessing how she’d been bullied in high school for her big nose and buck teeth. “Getting picked on in school, it sticks with you for life,” she said. (Anderson, Christopher. “Gaga’s Oprah Moment”, Newsweek, 5/29/11)

Important quotes, ideas, passages, etc. Why I chose it…______

“Getting picked on in school, it sticks with you for life.” • 6th grade Bully ….can relate

• Connects to PB & identity

Page 9: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

The Outsiders Chapter 7On the back of the 4 square paper, create the following chart

& fill it out as you read chapter seven on your own:

Important ideas, quotes or passages from chapter 7:

1. 100-103

2. 104-107

3. 108 - 111

4. 111 - 114

5. 114 -118

Why I chose this passage, quote or idea:






Page 10: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Happy Tuesday…please complete on your BW Paper

Dashes: •Indicate sudden changes in tone or thought within a sentence•Connect ideas strongly to each other•Emphasize the contradiction between ideas •Set off some sentence elements

Example 1:To feed, clothe, and find shelter for the needy-these are real achievements.

Example 2: The exuberant-I should say lunatic-quality of his ravings electrified the crowd.

Write down the


Page 11: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

The Outsiders Chapter 7On the back of the 4 square paper, create the following chart

& fill it out as you read chapter seven on your own:

Important ideas, quotes or passages from chapter 7:

1. 100-103

2. 104-107

3. 108 - 111

4. 111 - 114

5. 114 -118

Why I chose this passage, quote or idea:






Page 12: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

The Outsiders: Scene Swap

Page 13: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

The Outsiders: Scene SwapA. Serial Comma: EX: For lunch I had yogurt, a sandwich, a diet coke, and fries.

B. Dashes: EX: My lunch was great-except for the heart burn afterwards!

C. Semi-colon: EX: I would have liked to go to McDonalds; however, I didn’t have any money.

D. Vocab word: EX: My brother and I are antipodes of each other.

E. Figurative Language: EX: The rain was coming down in buckets.

Page 14: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Happy Wednesday…please complete on your BW Paper

Predict the meaning of the following words using your knowledge of PREFIXES!

1) Retroactive

2) Preternatural

3) Recidivism

Page 15: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Happy Wednesday…please complete on your BW Paper

Predict the meaning of the following words using your knowledge of PREFIXES!

1) Retroactive : referring to a period prior to…

2) Preternatural: super natural

3) Recidivism: repeating, going back to something bad

Page 16: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

The Outsiders: Chapter 8Directions:

Read chapter 8 on your own & take margin notes following the instructions on your packet. (10 points)

When you finish reading & annotating, please do the following on a separate sheet of paper (10 points):

1) Create 4 “test questions” * Questions can deal with any part of the novel from chapters 1-8. * Be sure to include answer choices and the correct answer!

2) Attach your questions to the annotated chapter 8 & turn-in.

Page 17: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Happy Thursday…please complete on your BW Paper

“We rarely fought among ourselves – Darry was the unofficial leader, since he kept his head best…”(89).

“He never talked about his past or being in jail that way – if he talked about it at all, it was to brag”(90).

1) What effect does the use of dashes have on the reader?

2) Copy Change ONE of the examples!

Page 18: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Quick Quiz!

Page 19: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Think-Pair-Share Discussion Q’s1. Turn to page 107 (95) in chapter 7 & reread the page. Q1: What did the Newspaper Headline say? Q2: What is the gang’s reaction to the verb “turn”? Q3: What did the article & editorial say?

2. Turn to page 111 (98) in chapter 7 & reread the page. Q4: Why did the gang go silent when Pony asked about Sandy? Q5: Why would she have to move to Florida? Q6: What does this say about society? Is that same attitude had today?

3. Turn to page 114-116 (102…) in chapter 7 & skim read the pages. Q7: Why does Randy want to talk to Ponyboy alone and what does he

reveal? Q8: When Ponyboy states, ”It’s the individual,” what does he mean? Q9: What did Bob really want from his parents and why wouldn’t they

do it? Q10: What does this say about the Soc life style?

Page 20: Happy Monday… please complete on your BW Paper

Think-Pair-Share Discussion Q’s1. Turn to page 123 (108) in chapter 8 & reread the page. Q: How are Johnny’s mom and Ponyboy’s mom (personality) FOILS? * Remember that “foil” refers to characters that are opposite of one

another2. Turn to page 126 (111) in chapter 8 & reread the page. Q: What comment does Two-bit make about Darry and why? Q: What is Ponyboy’s response to this comment?

3. Turn to page 129 (113) in chapter 8 & reread the page. Q: Earlier in the novel, Cherry mentioned that she could “fall in love

with Dally.” What did she mean by this and how was he similar to Bob? Q: Why does Ponyboy ask Cherry if she can see the sunset from the

West side? Why does he not ask her if she can see the sun rise?

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Happy Friday…take 3 minutes to look over the prefixes!

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Scene Analysis

Scene 1: @ the movies Scene 2: The SlapNovel:




Scene 5: @ hospitalScene 3: Fire!