Happy Detox Masterclass · 2019-10-18 · That’s why you first and foremost need to detox your...

WELCOME GUIDE Happy Detox Masterclass

Transcript of Happy Detox Masterclass · 2019-10-18 · That’s why you first and foremost need to detox your...

Page 1: Happy Detox Masterclass · 2019-10-18 · That’s why you first and foremost need to detox your mental body. You need to go through your deepest beliefs and thought patterns and


Happy Detox Masterclass

Page 2: Happy Detox Masterclass · 2019-10-18 · That’s why you first and foremost need to detox your mental body. You need to go through your deepest beliefs and thought patterns and

Product Disclosure

The Happy Detox Masterclass, with the opinions, suggestions and references provided is based on the author’s personal long term experience and personal perspective. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding to a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this program. If you chose to use the material in this book on yourself, the author takes no responsibility for your actions or consequences thereof.

Furthermore, all products are subject to copyright protection. Therefore, the Happy Detox Masterclass, with all the content (videos, transcripts, workbooks, emails, webinars etc.) is licensed to a single user only and may not be resold to a third party, used or distributed without the author’s permission.

The purpose of this Masterclass is to promote broad and easy understanding of everything that is related to detoxification within the ascension process. Take responsibility for your own health and think logically with an open heart and mind about the suggestions made in this book. Test and integrate the best methods for yourself to get the most out of this program and become your own detox expert.

Every human being is different and therefore reacts differently to the suggested strategies. Therefore, watch your body closely and reflect upon your experience with each new action that you start to implement. All methods are 100% safe and painless. I am here with you every step of the way.

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Welcome Beautiful Soul!

I’m glad you have found your way to this Detox Masterclass. My intention with this class is to inspire you to start taking your mental, emotional and physical health into your own hands and start leading a sovereign, happy and fulfilled life.

This welcome guide serves as an overview and practical workbook for all the information you will get during the Detox Masterclass. Knowledge is useless if not applied. Therefore, I encourage you to implement the strategies provided immediately and connect with like-minded souls in this group to support each other.

I hope my teachings inspire you to start shedding everything that is not serving you and start living your best life! I’m with you all the way and we are in this together!

Imagine you are a hot air balloon. This balloon wants to rise up high into the air, however, if this balloon has lots of bags left inside, it cannot fly, right? What are these bags made of?

Those are all the lower vibrations and negative energies in form of thoughts that are not aligned with your souls mission, unity consciousness and unconditional love.

Those are all suppressed emotions that you´ve been carrying around since childhood that are still stuck in your system.

Lastly, those are all the physical baggage in form of toxins, fat, cellulite that we are carrying around for years and trying to get rid of through dieting, exercising or medical procedures.

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Once you understand that fat and toxins are only present in your system because of previous, non-physical negative energy, you finally get clarity on how to get rid of this baggage in a healthy and sustainable way. Once you throw these bags out, you can fly as high as you want. My mission with Happy Detox is to guide you through this process and to help you get rid of all of your bags.

From my personal perspective, there is basically only one disease: Chaos within the cell. Chaos is created through incoherent, non-symmetrical energy which is negative energy. Toxins consist of negative energy. Negative thoughts and emotions consist of negative energy.

So if you have negative emotions inside of you and live in a toxic world thinking toxic, low vibrational thoughts, surrounding yourself with toxic people that drain your energy and eat toxic foods, your cells start to divide and reproduce themselves in a low vibrational, less symmetrical and incoherent energy structure and as a result become chaotic, incoherent and asymmetrical.

In order to get rid of any disease or ailment, you have to create coherence, symmetrical structure and positive energy within all of your energy bodies. It is really that simple.

You know how the saying goes, the simplest things are often the truest and the most obvious things are hidden in plain sight. Once you decide to step out of the victim mentality and see that everything in your life is a mirror of your overall energy, you take the most important step to start leading a sovereign and empowered life. So what do we need to do in order to create health?

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Mental Detox

First, we need to throw out all mental bags. Thoughts are subtle energy forms and the foundation for all manifestations in this reality. They are basically the blueprint for your life. Everything in this reality is manifested through thought.

Before you build a house you have to think about this house and visualize it right? The same process applies to your body and everything you create in your life. You first have to think about it. This creates a subtle, energetic structure and certain geometry and then this energy and specific geometry manifests into your physical reality.

So if you don’t like the current manifestation of your body, you have everything you need NOW to change the programming within your mental body and therefore manifest a different physical body.

Isn’t it amazing that we go to the bathroom every day but we never flush out all the mental junk that is accumulating in our mental body? Especially after reaching age 35, most people think the same thoughts day in and out, which creates the same emotions, which then creates the same reality for years and years to come. They don’t realize that they create by default instead of by their free will.

Your thoughts are the foundation of your new house. So it is your job to make sure your thoughts about your NEW self are build in a coherent, symmetrical structure with positive energy and soon you will start manifesting a different reality and a new you.

Did you ever ask yourself which thoughts are serving you and which ones are parasitic? All negative and parasitic thoughts are mostly planted into our consciousness from birth through society, our parents, peers and life experiences and once these seeds are planted, they breed fruits.

We plant the seeds and then wonder why we don’t like the taste of the fruits. Additionally, we might plant good seeds, but maybe the fruits cannot grow because there is too much weeds in our garden that we first need to get rid off in order for our fruits to grow.

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That’s why you first and foremost need to detox your mental body. You need to go through your deepest beliefs and thought patterns and consciously change them. Only then, you exchange your bad seeds for good ones and only then you can breed yummy, juicy fruits that you will love.

In the end, we all want the same. We all want to be loved, valued, appreciated and satisfied with our life. We all want peace and be the creators of our own life. So we are all in this together. No one is excluded in this masterclass, we are one team, one soul family.

I can promise you that this masterclass will ignite you to start living your life from a higher perspective, on your own terms if you are willing to face the truth and do the work. All that is required from you is to take the first step NOW:

TASK: DETOX YOUR MINDBefore you can start reprogramming your mental body, you first have to get rid of everything that is not serving you (most of it is subconscious!) Go inside, be brutally honest and write down in the columns below 1. What thoughts constantly drag you down and where they are coming from and 2. Which people/situations you need to detox from because they drain your energy and program you negatively?

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Now reread your thoughts out loud and know that these thoughts cause you the most trouble in your life. You have to let them go - DETOX - them gently, with love and acceptance, because what you resist, persists. What you accept, transform and integrate, you heal forever.

No matter what you want to let go of, it has to be with acceptance, love and surrender. Just setting the intention is enough for you to kickstart this process. How can you fully accept what you have now? Allow yourself to fully feel whatever these thought want to teach you. Write down all your insights here:

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Detox Your Senses of Old Programming

1) Hearing: What am I listening to on a regular basis? What are the hidden codes and messages in this content? What do I want to listen instead and be programmed with?

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2) Seeing: What am I watching on a regular basis and why? What are the hidden codes and messages in this content? What can I watch to increase my vibration?

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3) Smelling: Which smells uplift me the most and which smell gives me a great feeling? How can I integrate more of these smells into my life? (candles, incense, oils etc.)

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4) Tasting: What am I eating that is high vibe? What am I eating that is low vibe and why? Why do I have a resonance with this food? What pleasure can I give myself instead that is not food related?

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5) Touching: What materials do I love? What can I detox from my environment that does not give me a good feeling? What is my favourite kind of touch? How can I integrate more of that in my life? (Massage, hugs etc)

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Next write down the new programming you´re choosing for your future. It might feel like “fake it until you make it” in the beginning, but it does work if you DO the work and stick with this new program every single day. So let’s dive deep into the work! Write down your new, positive programs here:

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Reprogram Your NewMental Body

Now that you have done your mental detox, you might be surprised how much was hidden underneath the surface. This is how the whole process goes. You uncover layer after layer what is holding you down and once you become aware of this, you have the power to reprogram your negative beliefs into positive ones. You need to repeat your new program until it becomes a habit.

Start with: I manifest now that….(for example: I manifest now that everything that is not serving me anymore falls off organically, or I manifest now that I take full responsibility for my body and I chose to become the best version of myself) Really put intention and emotion behind every single sentence and soon you will see that your life starts to change! You are the creator, you have all the power. Write down your new programs here:

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Emotional Detox

The next bags in the ballon are your suppressed emotions. Every emotion carries information. Simply because every memory you have had in your life is associated with an emotion. Experience and emotion is always wired in our brain. The moment you feel that emotion, the body is basically thrown back into the past of that memory. The more often you feel a certain emotion, the more hardwired your brain gets for the corresponding memory and thought. The emotion then is being automatically played out once you get a similar trigger.

So if you have been going through a lot of trauma in your life (and most of the souls here on this planet earth have been through a lot of trauma) you carry a lot of traumatic, suppressed and negative emotions. These emotions basically create energetic “blocks” or dark holes or mist within your emotional body. You will start to see those negative energies the more you increase your energy potential.

Since everything in nature oscillates towards healing and coherence, your emotional body wants to heal itself too and thinks of ways on how to get rid of this negative energy of those past, suppressed emotions.

What happens next is that you subconsciously attract people, situations and energies that help you uncover these energy blocks. That is the reason, we we tend to always date the same “wrong” person or feel stuck in the same old situation.

Every time we find ourselves in a similar past situation or with the same negative person, it is actually a hidden healing opportunity for your emotional body. Everytime you resonate with something negative or toxic it has to do with you and is your job to resolve it. Otherwise, it would have not been manifested into your reality.

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You see, there are two options here. First option, run away from these uncomfortable feelings and suppress these emotions through stuffing your face with low vibrational foods, alcohol, cigarettes or drugs and so on and by doing this you simply but a plaster on a wound. However, this does not make the wound go away. Sooner or later, you will find yourself in the same situation with the same opportunity to finally face your suppressed emotions.

The second option is, you face whatever comes up from your emotional body, transform, heal and integrate it and as a result increase your energy potential. You have to see that healing repressed emotions is one of the most critical factors for ascension. You cannot move up your energy or develop psychic abilities and step into your full multidimensional self if you have not resolved all the lower vibrational emotions that are stuck in your field.

How to resolve those emotions? There are many different ways that I teach in my Happy Detox Program but basically you always go through the same steps.

1) Firstly, you acknowledge whatever wants to come up and you don’t fight it or run away or distract yourself from that emotion. You have to feel it fully in order to heal it. Only then, you can ask yourself: why do I feel this way? Where is this emotion coming from? And if you wait for the answer to arise, you will find out that most often it is past stuff that you thought you overcame already but apparently you did not, otherwise, this emotion would not have come up. So if you feel it, it is yours, always.

2) So the next step in this process is to ask yourself: what is this emotion teaching me? If you wait for the answer to arise and be completely honest with yourself, you will find very valuable information that will help your soul to progress.

3) Only if you accept and integrate the teaching of the emotion, the emotion fulfilled its job and now can “leave” you. If you then keep on integrating this process into your daily life with whatever emotion comes up, you finally heal all repressed emotions and transform the dark clouds or mist from your emotional body.

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You see emotions are living energies same like thoughts. They have a purpose and if you pretend as if they are not there, they will come back again and again, knocking on your door, sometimes torturing you until you start listening to what they have to say. The quicker and the better you get at listening to your emotional body, the quicker you heal your body and increase your energy potential.

I have made the experience, that most souls on this planet walk around with heavily clogged up emotional bodies and instead of softening and really feeling their emotions, they do the exact opposite and “harden up” which creates even more suffering in the long run.

50% of the population are emotional eaters simply because 50% of the population have emotional authority and they are wired to listen to their feelings once they have to make a decision. But instead of listening to their feelings, they let their ego mind decide and they rather numb out their emotions than really feeling them fully.

Food then becomes the substitute for love, affection and consolation and the more often they feed this pattern, the stronger the brain becomes hardwired for this pattern.

So in order to break this cycle you have to start fully feeling and listening to what your emotional body wants to say. Believe me, it is so worth it to do the work. In my personal perspective, I have made the experience that healing your emotional body has the single most powerful leverage effect on your physical body.

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Detox Your Emotions

Before you can start programming your mental body, you first have to get rid of everything that is not serving you anymore (most of it is subconscious!) Go inside, be brutally honest and write down in the columns below 1. What thoughts constantly drag you down and where they are coming from and 2. Which people/situations you need to detox from because they drain your energy and program you negatively?

1) From which emotions am I running away from? What do I don´t want to face?

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2) What are my “distraction tactics” in order to not feel these emotions? Why am I afraid to feel those emotions?

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3) What is this emotion trying to teach me? What is the hidden learning lesson?

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4) What do I want to feel instead and what do I need to do in order to change this? What is standing between my current emotions and my desired emotions?

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Detox Your Body

Lastly, we need to throw out the physical bags from our hot air balloon. Good news is that if you throw out all your mental and emotional baggage, you will be surprised how easily it will be to throw out the physical baggage.

Here comes a spiritual secret: the physically toxic baggage in form of fat, cellulite, body odour, aging and so on is only there, because you didn’t throw out the mental and emotional balloons in the first place. You were too afraid to let them go and you kept on pilling them in your hot air balloon because you couldn’t forgive and make peace with whatever happened or happens to you.

Energetically it’s a cascade, there is a hierarchy and structure to what you need to tackle first. Most people workout hard, eat super healthy, or restrict themselves in order to get rid of few physical balloons. They would have a lot more success and reach their goals a lot quicker, if they would start throwing out the most important bags first!

Again, your thoughts and your feelings are the blueprint for whatever will manifest physically. If you really get this, you can reverse engineer everything in your life and that includes your physical body.

So if you first throw out your mental bags, you will start thinking different thoughts which will create different emotions which as a result will create a different body. Once you get rid of all the weeds and negative programming in your system, you will be surprised how easy you will lose weight and keep it off forever.

Only once you have thrown out all bags entirely, your hot air balloon can fly as high as you want it to fly. This is the freedom and sovereignty all souls seek.

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Detox Elimination Channels

When it comes to detoxing your body, you need to make sure your elimination channels are unblocked and wide open. Your most important elimination channels are:

1) Colon: What are you holding on to unnecessarily. How can you “unblock” your colon (constipation) in order to free up this channel? (colonics, eating more water- and fiber rich foods, massages, probiotics etc). What can you do now?

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2) Kidneys: If your kidneys are not filtering, what will you do now in order to “unblock” your kidneys? (e.g. drink minimum 2 liters of water, my signature detox drink, fresh juices, herbal tinctures, work on releasing fear and anxiety as this is stored in your kidneys etc.) What can you do now?

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3) Liver: In which areas of my life am I still holding onto anger, worry and hate? How can I integrate more liver healing foods like beetroot, grapefruit, blueberries, grapes, cruciferous vegetables and rosehip tea?) What can I do now?

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4) Lymphatic System: How can I stimulate my lymphatic system to start detoxing more efficiently? (e.g. lymphatic massage, drainage, drinking hot water in small sips every morning, rebounder training etc.) What can I do now?

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5) Skin: How can I open up my pores and start detoxing more efficiently through my skin? (e.g. stop using conventional body lotion, sweat through exercise and sauna, steamroom and ice bath, dry brushing etc). What can I do now?

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Morning Detox Drink Recipe

This signature detox drink will alkalize your body, dissolve mucus, kickstart your digestive juices in the morning and help detox your liver. Drink every day before each meal for best results.

Combine all of the ingredients in a high speed blender

Add 0,5l of boiled water to it

Mix for 30-60 seconds

Let the pulp sink to the ground

Pour into a cup through a strainer

Say your prayer

Enjoy in small sips


1-2 big piece of organic ginger

1-2 organic lemons

Handful of organic red grapes

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Your Happy Detox Journey

With this Detox Masterclass, you have just started your Happy Detox Journey. There is so much to discover about yourself and the art of detoxification if you are ready to finally claim your power and jump in.

Feel free to share your experiences and insights in the comment section of the videos and I will answer every single question. If you want to reach out personally, feel free to do so via [email protected]. We are in this together and I am here for you all the way.

If you chose to go deeper and learn all of my methods and detox secrets, I would love to welcome you in my Happy Detox Program.

Lastly, if you found this welcome guide helpful, I would be very grateful if you could tell your friends and family about this Masterclass. I want everyone to get a chance to get access to this knowledge so they can join and get the chance to detox themselves from all the mental, emotional and physical baggage that is holding their hot air balloon down to earth. It is time for us to fly soul family! There has never been a better time and this time is now.