Happy Birthday by Spirits of Juliette

S S p p i i r r i i t t s s o o f f J J u u l l i i e e t t t t e e H H a a p p p p y y B B i i r r t t h h d d a a y y b b y y


Menu and description

Transcript of Happy Birthday by Spirits of Juliette

SSppiirriittss ooff JJuulliieettttee

HHaappppyy BBiirrtthhddaayy


Baby Nadal, a Rare Gem Like the Black Opal, Celebrates His Blessed First Year

Hors D’Oeuvres

South of the Border Down Mexico Way

and My Favorite Treat is a Black Bean


Fresco Chunky Style Plum Tomatoes, Jalapeno peppers, showered gingerly

with cilantro served with a rainbow of tortilla chips

A tad hot

Jumbo Prawns Sautéed until bubbly brown served with

Miss Aioli-Wasabi Dipping Sauce Intrigues Your Palate

Chicken Breasts

Sliced plump, lightly battered fried Chicken in the company of Red and Yellow Sweet Pepper Coulis.

Tomato Couscous With half moon shaped Zucchini, Garlic -Roasted

Chick Peas, chopped Red Onions and Dates, Golden Raisins all fenced in with an array of Roasted Root

Vegetables, Sweet Young Turnips, Parsnips and Carrots, Green, and White Asparagus.

A autumn Feast


Seared Wild Salmon Napping on a bed of Black Fettuccini perfumed with

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, shaved Parmesan Cheese garnished with Fresh Thyme and Edible Flowers

Ruah Just for You A Very Warm Fall Salad

Lacy, lacy Frisée, Watercress, Red Curly Leaf, Snow Peas, Young Spinach, Baby Arugula and Dried

Cherries carousing in a Lemon-Basil Vinaigrette adorned with Edible Flowers

Loaded with Love

Le Pain

Sliced Garlic French and Italian Baguettes, Assorted Stuffed Naam, Rustic Rosemary, Walnut and Three

Different Types of Cheese Breads

A Cornucopia of Fall Fruits

Crisp Gala, Fuji and Jonathan Apples, a trio of sweet pop in your mouth

goodness Ruby Red .Green and Purple Grapes


Red and White Wines Pellegrino Water served with Lemon Wheels

Sweet Birthday Treats

Experience the Food

Feel the love

Spirits of Juliette