Happenings in June - too many to fit in this month but all · 2. Happenings in June - too many to...


Transcript of Happenings in June - too many to fit in this month but all · 2. Happenings in June - too many to...


Happenings in June - too many to fit in this month but all

events appear after the respective group report …. So here is a photo instead: Without prompting, Harriet Sermon picked up The Bulletin to read. Clare said she insisted on taking it to bed .. Photo: Clare Sermon

Contents: 3 Editorial Eyewash

Adrian M-L’s Conrod / Mag re-magnetised

5 Goggles and Gauntlets 6 Opening Run8 Book Launch

10 Competition report / 12 VSCC Curborough 13 Training Day

14 Letters and Emails 15 Imprinting 18 Red … The First Supercharged Morgan

22 New Wings for Old 23 24 26 Norfolk W/end Advert

30 Group Reports 39 Registry /New Forest Group 42 Homer’s Odessey 44 Floggery Page 48 Salome and Salote July more of the same stuff

COVER: Tracy Cameron - Hale Morgan now owned by Kurt Engelhorn … Kurt and Tracy were sharing the car which is prepared by Ewan Cameron.

Vol. 71 June 2016 No. 6




CLUB WEBSITE: www.mtwc.co.uk


One of the downsides of being an editor is

looking at the layout, the typeface, colours … and the inevitable errors - whether typographical or factual. In a similar vein, after looking at The Bulletin on screen for hours on end, lining up and arranging the content, making sure that the appearance is satisfactory (to me), it gets to a point where

errors can escape notice. is …. that in last month’s

praise to Dennis Rushton ….only to credit his

before - all errors are entirely the responsibility of … cont/… p49. An interesting point was raised by a member (name withheld to protect the guilty)concerning tyre date marking. A tyre was purchased from a well known supplier .. and found to be already 4 years old. What is the position should said member decide to sell his car in 7 years time when the date will be over the 10-year limit but only purchased 7 years previously? Answers please. I have said this before but I have always found the DVLA very helpful … I have always been very polite - as I would hope to be treated my self. I have said this before -

but I have always found the DVLA very helpful … I have always been very polite - as I would hope to be treated myself. We are fortunate in having, through the Registrar, who is a consummate diplomat) a good working relationship with the DVLA – much to the benefit of members. That relationship is significantly enhance by the Club having a copy of the Morgan Factory production

records and a Registry containing ownership information back to the 1930s. With the AGM approaching and the subject of Associate membership to be considered, it’s worth noting that to date there has not been any satisfactory resolution to the question “what exactly comprises a Morgan Three Wheeler. Two or three years ago the Committee spent several hours debating

the subject, but drew no conclusion. There is plenty more that I would like to mention and also highlight items in The Bulletin, but as late news, I have to report the death of Roger Edmonds FM 2096 on May 9th.. Roger joined the Club in the 1950s

and was a stalwart and true servant of the club as Registrar for a long period. He was a real gentleman and a one-time competitive racer in his JAP Super Aero. (In the late 60s, I had the privilege of passengering with Roger at the Silverstone High-Speed Trials several times .. and winning .. Ed). Full tribute next month. Meanwhile … enjoy your Morganing Fun to the full Nick

“Ehh … That’s BANG out of order!!”


Connecting Rod Adrian Murray-Leslie


Up until new cobalt based steels were around 1930, the magnets on earlier magnetos were prone to losing magnetism and requiring periodic re-magnetising. This can be particularly necessary if the instrument has been left without an armature to act as a “keeper”. The job can be done by a specialist or very simply using a diy process with what amounts to a large pair of electro magnets. I know of at least two people in the Club who own such a device and I recently borrowed Jake Alderson’s. The way it works is this: First establish the polarity of the magneto and the re-magnetiser using a compass. Then clamp the magneto between the pole plates and switch on current from the appropriate source (in my case a 12v car battery) for a few seconds. Job done. I tested the strength if the magnets before and after and it went up by a factor of 3.

Magneto Re-magnetizing Adrian Murray-Leslie


We shall be based in the Shaftesbury area, famous for

Golden Hill, setting for the Hovis ads. It is a most

interesting town with of course some steep hills. Zig Zag hill is the most notorious and it will feature in

a scenic run that will take place. Once again the formula is that you book your own

accommodation according to your needs. Campers/Caravans and Motorhomes the best choice is

Blackmore Vale Camping SP7 9PX just outside

Shaftesbury. Plenty of room and a choice of glamping

buildings if you wish. Campsite contact 01747 851 523 or 07436 791800

Mention MTWC. Hotels: The Royal Chase Hotel in Shaftesbury on 01747 853355 or : The Grosvenor Arms, Shaftesbury on 01747 858580 Searching on a site like Booking .com will come up

with lots of other smaller B&Bs etc. However as the

area is popular in the summer do not leave it till the

last minute. They WILL all be full. Please tell us you are coming so you can be included in

the runs/ evening meals and entertainment. Contact Ian

or Maria Parkinson for further info or help with any

queries 01823 277852 or use e-mail

[email protected]



to SUNDAY 7th



Eric Eadon

I got there vey early (it’s surprising how little traffic there is at 7.30am on a Sunday morning) and by 9.30 our ‘team’ were all present, attired in their hi vis MTWC vests, briefed and ready for the 10.00am start. At this point let me make an apology to those who had to wait until about 10.30 to get their cars into ‘the village’. This was caused by the voluntary tramway staff being a little at sea (Derbyshire is land locked dad! – H), a temperamental tram and the ‘Duty Inspector’ being very concerned about keeping Morgans and Trams apart. It didn’t seem to bother anyone in Sheffield in the 1950s/60s, I used to clock in at work before 7.00am and the commute was quite nice in the Morgan – along a road with a lovely ‘S’ bend in a sharp dip, a ¾ mile straightish blast and ending with a 900 right immediately after going under a railway bridge/tunnel all with bi-lateral tramlines. I spun it once coming out of the bridge on black ice – too much too soon – but didn’t hit anything including the looming tram! (you are wittering dad – Hx) I was cold, very cold when I set off at 7.30am but by 9.30am at my post, stood in the sun and dressed for mid April I was warming quite reasonably. It was

like waiting for the ‘cavalry’ to appear over the horizon – and then they did, first 1, then 3, another 1, 5, and a couple of 4 wheelers and we were off. Eventually we amassed 67 ‘3 Wheelers’, 13 ‘5 Speeders’, 15 or so ‘4 Wheelers’ plus others – an aluminium bodied single seater with Fraser Nash Suspension and Reliant engine and gearbox, ‘Salote’, John Clews’ Riley ( a forerunner of ERA via the Raymond may’s ‘White Riley’, the beautiful ‘Oily Rag’ G N with its central head lamp, a TR6, a couple of Lotus 7 type specials , an immaculate Post Office van, a 'Sprout' (sorry Sprite) and one or 2 others taking part in the ‘National Driving Day’. As they drove past me the procession seemed endless, but when I abandoned my post at noon assuming all were there and


descended towards ‘The Village’ the full enormity of the turnout hit me with the view of cars parked amongst period settings t all

points of the compass. We had been a little concerned the venue may have been too far up the country for the ‘Southerners’ but there you were and with the support from ‘Up North’ as well you gave us an event to be proud of. I was particularly pleased to see ‘5 Speeder’ owners becoming involved and 3 of them had also competed in the ‘Not the Night Trial’ the evening before. I expect there will be a report elsewhere – I wasn’t there. (Don’t worry dad, I maintained the family honour!!! – Hx). Cars were parked all over the place, on the cobbled tram lined street (very authentic for the ‘2 & 3 Speeders’ and the ‘F types’, outside the fully functional ‘Red Lion Inn’ (no doubt also authentic! – Hx), in the square, by the original main entrance, in front of the tram sheds and over spilling along the tram route to the bandstand area. Most were minus there owners who were no doubt enjoying banter with friends old and new, taking in the village displays (and ale – Hx), and riding on trams. I didn’t get a ride

on a tram (aaaah, you have had many in your time! – Hx) but Hannah my youngest granddaughter got a few up on the top decks

and pronounced it as ‘Great’, her father stated it was ‘a lot better than the current Sheffield trams and the dog found the stairs a bit steep! I had a couple of conversations about the pros and cons of ‘5-Speeder’ owners (typed as written! – Hxx), very interesting and informative. I couldn’t remember where I had met one of them before and eventually asked him, he couldn’t remember either but we narrowed it down to

Donington Historic Festival 2015 when the MTWC were allotted piece of grass inside the circuit, but what finally clinched it was when I lifted my hat and he saw my bald

Opening Run 2016 Concours Results - to be presented at the 2016 AGM

2 Speeder: 1928, LTOW JAP, Super Aero Richard Simmonite

3 Speeder: 1933, MX4 Matchless, Super Sports Bob Angell

F Type: 1952, E93A Ford, F Super John Mark

5 Speeder 2012 Model Ian Brett

Visitors’ Choice 5 Speeder Andrew Warren


head. I still can’t remember his name but I consider him a good Morgan friend! The concours events were judged by Sue and Laurie Weeks, a very detailed effort, thank you and the Crich visitors (Hannah liked a yellow one!) The organising team, led by Adrian M-L, his wife Trish, Brian Bellamy, John Rowland and passenger, my next door neighbour Kev (I forced him into it! ...[you have a habit of that! – Hxx]) and all those whose names I cannot remember - please forgive me I am useless at names (why do you think I only use an initial? – H xx) deserve a loud round of applause (hear, hear – Hx). Agreed .. Ed

told me that the Regalia tent did okay. the 2016 Opening Run a resounding success and also thanks to those who contacted me saying that they could not make it, most of

I hope our illustrious editor will acquire

to accompany this report – I didn’t take any! Once again thanks to everyone, keep up the good work, your support will be needed by next year’s organisers.

Thanks for all the Hard Work to Eric and all those who assisted with the Not the Night Trial and the Opening Run to make it such a Resounding Success. …. Editor - on behalf of the Club. Well Done!

Our intention is to launch at MTWC Curborough and also at Thrill on the Hill. Dad’s intention was - and mine is, not to make profit, but any money made (at least from the initial batch) goes to the club. Alistair Rew I’ve seen the work by Robin - a Must-Have Book ...Ed.


MTWC Trophies – Brooklands and the Leavens Trophy.

We recently renewed the arrangement

were originally awarded for Morgan compet-ition successes in the 1920’s and 1930’s and came to the Club from several sources:

As well as several important trophies awarded for racing successes at Brooklands and Donnington, they include:

The sterling silver signpost Triple Trophy awarded to H.E.M Kingdon in 1931 for gaining Golds (cleared all sections) in all three MMC Trials that year. H.F.S Morgan’s silver bowl trophies for the Scottish Trials in 1923 and 1924

When you next visit Brooklands, take a

look at them – they are in a glass cabinet in the Campbell ERA shed.

As most of you will know, when Club members John and Barbara Leavens passed away in 1997, they made a significant bequest to the MTWC. In recognition of their spirit of generosity and enthusiasm for all things Morgan, each year we present the Esprit De Corps trophy to the person we feel most typifies their values.

The recipient also receives, and retains, a special gilded pin badge version of the emblem that appears on the trophy.

see photo below

I was concerned that our stock of these

pin badges was running low, but

discovered that Ross Herbert had a dozen

un-enamelled blank versions in

the Regalia stock. Midlands Group member Jim

Baker then came to the rescue.

He arranged for the blanks to

be gilded and enamelled – not

a simple task as there are six

separate colours. This work was carried out

by Toye, Kenning and Spencer

in Birmingham and each badge

has been placed in an elegant

display box. Jim covered the

cost of this work saying that it

was a way of giving something back for all

the years of pleasure he has had from the

Club. Thanks Jim. Regalia sells these pin badges. Not the

special gilt one, but an equally nice nickel

version. Given the amount of work

involved in producing them they are very

reasonably priced – contact Ross.

MTWC Trophies Steve Lister


Competition Report Pete Clews

The competition scene began to ‘warm up’ metaphorically if not meteorologically in April as a prelude to a very busy May. It was pleasing to see a few new faces but getting together enough entries for our events is still proving difficult. Loton Park 16th/17th April Round 1 of the MTWC Challenge saw 16 competitors assemble at this beautiful spot in deepest Shropshire, to tackle this very technical hillclimb. The weather threatened everything including snow, rain and wind but fortunately it all came on Friday night and as Saturday dawned the sun came out and the frost and snow disappeared. Yes, it was cold but the track dried by the time the Morgans practiced and despite a few red flags, not for the Morgans, practice was uneventful. Saturday’s timed runs finished with Bill and Maggie Tuer fastest (64.91), with Hamish snapping at their heels. Chas Reynolds/Steve Ash were 3rd (68.23), Iain Stewart 4th (68.65), followed by Greg Bibby, Tom Cowley and the the F-Tpes of Pete Clews and Danny Hodgson. TM class was the preserve of Tony and Lily Quinn (77.71) followed by Steve Lister (79.92), Cathy Quinn, Tony Pearson, Ruth Ross and Rob Pike who had burned almost all his and Petra Rarko’s midnight oil getting the Super Aero to the event! The only 5 Speeder was Austin Smith /Julia Perry who celebrated Julia’s?? birthday with a time of 71.05 and a birthday party. Sunday earned it’s name, beginning with a cloudless sky. The results for Sunday were aggregated with Saturday’s to give the overall results for Round 1. The Scruton team arrived early to reinforce the 5 Speeder contingent and managed 75.08. Austin Smith was in a racy mood after the previous night’s party and by the end of the day achieved 70.25. TM Class was led by Tony Quinn now in Cathy’s F-Type after ignition problems with his MX2, achieved 78.83 while Steve Lister slipped back to 80.17 possibly because of his preoccup-ation with the ignition on Ruth’s car “Orange”. Cathy was driving well with 81.42 followed by Tony Pearson whose times were

all very close despite making continuous changes to gearing. Ruth Ross managed 87.52 as a reward for all Steve’s work with various condensers and Rob

Loton Results No Driver Aggregate time Position TM Class 5 Steve Lister 80.045 (2) 18 Cathy Quinn 81.93 (3) 36 Ruth Ross 88.03 (5) 52 Rob Pike 93.22 (6) 60 Tony Pearson 84.225 (4) 81 Tony Quinn 78.45 (1) Racing Class 16 74.00 (7) 21 Iain Stewart 68.745 (4) 30 Chas Reynolds 68.43 (3) 34 Bill Tuer 64.75 (2) 38 Pete Clews 74.13 (8) 46 Greg Bibby 69.075 (5) 134 Hamish Bibby 64.745 (1) 811 Tom Cowley 71.39 (6) 5 Speeder Standard 2 John Scruton 75.195 5 Speeder TM 45 Austin Smith 70.65

Silverstone has not proved a happy hunting ground for Morgan Three Wheelers in recent years and the jinx struck again this year. Sue Darbyshire and Simon Edwards were the only Morgan entrants, Sue in the GP Itala & Lanchester Trophy for vintage racing cars and Simon a newcomer to Morgan Three cont/...


Wheeler Racing in the race for standard and

3rd lap. Simon, whose car is prepared by George Darbyshire qualified on the 8th row in a very large grid and was going very well until a coming together with an Aston Martin left his front wing dangling perilously close to the front wheel and he had to retire.

I attended the ACU NTB meeting on behalf of the club. It was an enjoyable meeting and I always leave feeling optimistic about our affiliation. Morgan three wheelers are viewed as an important and long standing part of the ACU being one of the early marques to take part in ACU events. There is always a willingness to help us as there was with the 5 Speeders which allowed them to join us in competitive events. Changes to ACU insurance now mean that if we organise an event with ACU Permit which involves several locations such as a trial or series of tests then all participants and officials will have automatic Third Party RTA insurance when they “sign on” which will alleviate the concern that participants own insurance does not cover them. The rationale behind the scrapping of One Event Licences for 70 year olds was explained and centres around the concern that some competitors with medical problems, which would preclude them from obtaining a full licence (ACU require a medical report for 70 year olds), would not divulge these problems and liability could fall on the club/officals running the event and the ACU. Manx Classic 29/30th April & 1st May The Manx Classic is an unusual event consisting of three separate venues whose individual times are added together to find class winners. Morgan Three Wheelers were represented by Sue Darbyshire, Tracy Cameron, (see front cover … Ed,) Nancy Thomas and Kurt Engelhorn. Kurt and Tracy were sharing the Hale Morgan which is owned by Kurt and prepared by Ewan Cameron. Their results were very close with Kurt taking 2nd place (278.36) and Tracy 3rd (285.63) while a superb effort by Nancy in her F-Type (289.26) gave her 4th. Sue

Darbyshire was flying with a total time of 220.50 in 1st place breaking Ewan Cameron’s record by 3 hundredths of a second and was 4

News There are 2 major events in June, the first of these being The Robin Rew Memorial Sprint at Curborough on June 5th. We do want to make this a special occasion in memory of Robin and I’m sure he will be sitting somewhere aloft giving his own idiosyncratic commentary to an assembled audience and be explaining the intricacies of the JTOR. Hopefully many of you who knew Robin will come along, preferably in your Morgans, either to compete or just to be there. You can compete on a One Event Licence, as long as you are under 70 years old, and you can enter on the day. Robin’s book entitled ‘A Morgan-J.A.P. Anthology’ will be released at the event. Robin did so much for the MTWC as Mogspares Co-ordinator and with his Rewminations in The Bulletin. He was always involved in motorsport and gave enormously of his time and energy to the sporting activities of the club publishing “Chain” at the start of the email revolution offering anecdotes, advice and discussion about the competition scene. He commentated at Curborough until he began to struggle with his hearing and encouraged and supported Alistair in his competition success. Let’s make it a Club Sprint to remember. BHR 50th Anniversary Meeting Cadwell 24/25/26th June A milestone in VMCC history this is another event that we should be proud to take part in. BHR always make us very welcome at their meetings and without some of their officials we would not be able to run the events we do at Curborough, Loton, Prescott and Oulton Park this season. They have offered us 2 Morgan only races on Saturday 25th both of which are part of the MTWC Challenge and are open to all three wheeler Morgans so if you can take part in them do and if not come along to lend your support. Cadwell Park Circuit (LN11 9SE) is on the right hand side of the A153 Horncastle to Louth road about 8 miles before you get to Louth.



Producers of the press-fit flywheel assemblies with con-rods for 25 years

Machinists of all castings for Morgan V-Twin Engines

Available NOW Matchless MX2/4 Crankcases

Pete Clews

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND ! (Did it ever go away?)

STIFFKEY CAMPING WEEKEND 2016 is ON 8th, 9th, & 10th July

For Camping details contact : HOWARD ANDERMAHR

Tel. 01494 862762 or email [email protected]

Local good B+B's are available.


Iain Stewart

Photo: Dennis Rushton


Buckingham Road, Bicester OX26 5HA


Letters, emails, postcards -cooled twin! and furthermore, my daily drive is an exquisite Ami 6 Break … estate to the less informed … Ed.) * As sung by Charlie Bucket in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Any connection, however tenuous or mildly febrile, between the Committee and the Oompa Loompas is purely intentional. .

4 into 3 does go by email On Friday I received an email from an MTWC member:: please, can you give me the details to register my +4 in your register. Of course I did! Saturday morning The Bulletin was dropped in the mailbox. On page 8 I found the info about the Morgan Historic Register. Nick, THANKS for the kind words and your help. We hope to see as many as possible three wheeler racers at Zandvoort in the first weekend of October (British Race Festival) Sue Darbyshire told me that she and George are coming to Zandvoort to take part in the Historic Grand Prix. Machiel Kalf Holland From Mrs Trellis In Taglio Dear Mr DVLA Headman. Thank you for your recent reply to my enquiry about MoT testing our cars principally that we don’t need to submit our threewheelers built before 1952. I can recall that when the MoT Test was first introduced that it applied to vehicles over 10 years old and around that time, HP Baked Beans had and advert running “They’re 10 o’clock Tested and that’s what we called the MoT . I have a very nice local MOT station and the lovely sweet man there sends me an annual reminder which always gives me great peace of mind. It's very comforting to feel the MOT tester calls at annual intervals and he is very cont/..p49

From Sue Rew by email

Euro Leak by email

John Bevin France

I’ve Got a Golden Ticket …* by email Sir, I have recently been given Membership of your Club, by my brother who is a current. Although not owning a Morgan, they have been in the family since the 1920s as our father was passionate about Mogs even at that time. I was even more interested in the Group Reports. There I found that Mike Goldring, my dentist from yonks ago, and fellow conspirator in many projects, has an arcane interest in the Male Escort business. What with this and a preoccupation with rare(ish) Devonian vegetables, made me wonder about Group Activities...... All the best. Actually I was a Citroen 2CV fanatic, which makes matter worse. Bob French (It certainly does NOT Bob … it is a OHV air




4 Osmaston Lane End, Yeldersley, Ashbourne,

Derbyshire DE6 1LS, UK

[email protected] 01335 348718



It was first observed by Douglas Spalding (1841-1877), then rediscovered by Oskar Heinroth (1871-1945) and studied and popularised by Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989). Imprinting. It usually happens at an early age. With me, it happened when I was eight. We were coming home in the car, when dad pointed out a Morgan on the other side of the

the engine was out at the front ... exposed. I had the vision of banks of cylinders going back under the bonnet. I had been imprinted. Years later, dad decided I should take over the annuity he’d been building up for me. I forgot the first payment and found myself with enough money to buy a Morgan LTOW 3-speeder. Dad was furious. I was ecstatic.

but I ran the Morgan quite a lot. Liz liked the bike but never liked the Morgan - bits kept falling off and she’d have a lap-full of spares by the time we got home. My friends said they felt quite sorry for her. The worst was when the near-side mudguard fell off, which it did quite often. But this time it was raining as well . . . Regretfully, I sold the Morgan. Then a new-found friend, a blacksmith whose main transport was an F-type, showed me the remains of a 1926 Family Morgan hanging up in his workshop (it was hanging there because there were so many other cars and bits on the floor). He said he’d found it in a ditch several years before and was going to rebuild it some day. I said how interesting it looked. It had last been on the road in 1953 when a couple of blokes from East Ilsley had driven it to Florence and back. Unfortunately, in Brussels they were run into by a fire engine and the Morgan was bent - rather seriously.

recovered from

it - certainly the Morgan didn’t, for nearly 20 years. It was an unusual car since it had two doors, one on the driver’s side. Judging by the quality this was a factory modification. One evening, a year after my first sighting of this Morgan, my friend turned up at the back door to say I could have the Morgan for £50 cash (this was 1972), which he needed to buy the only White and Poppe engine that had raced (in a Rover) at Brooklands. I collected the remains in the Jowett (another story . . . ) and started on the rebuild. The car I received had a wide rear wheel, possibly for taking extra loads but the extra grip had caused the cross-shaft to twist badly.

only one mudguard, and the woodwork of the rear seat was split. The rest of the woodwork was excellent. The sides had rusted away where they were nailed on to the woodwork, there was no external brake lever. The doors had the names of the main towns the two blokes had driven through - the last town on the return side was Liege.


The paintwork (probably original - a rather muddy mauve) had rusted away in patches and many of the names were unreadable. The chassis was corroded beyond redemption; the engine was quite good but 5 or 6 years younger than the chassis. It came with some spares including a set of new spiral-cut bevels, a new cross shaft, and a few other bits. I stripped everything down to assess the total damage and restoration needed, locked up the garage and went to Canada for a year. The chassis went away for retubing. Unfortunately the bevel box was mounted out of line, so I had to take it off, make up some new lugs, and remount it in line. I should have asked for a refund. Chassis painted, exhaust holes drilled in the lower front tubes, new rear springs and hangers, rebuilt rear forks, rebuilt rear wheel using a narrower rim, revised and renewed all the linkages from gear change and foot controls. I made up two new sides, one with a door, wiring in the edges the traditional way with a little home-made tool. Wonderful experience.

out some of the worst bends in the tail and the bonnet. The wooden body frame was remarkably tight and sound - wood is a wonderful material. The engine, a KT JAP, needed some work. New bearings, new valves and guides. I also didn’t like the ‘splash-and-hope’ system for the big end, so plugged up the original hole through the flywheel from the oil-capturing annulus on the front of the flywheel and drilled a new one to another hole drilled through the big end bearing so that the oil is delivered straight to the bearing surfaces. The magneto went away for a rebuild, and I spent long hours in the kitchen with polish and emery paper, shining up the crankcases. I resolved to use the best bearings throughout; shielded bearings in the bevel box (don’t know yet whether they’ll stop the grease coming out) but the front wheels were a problem. I got a couple of vintage BSA front wheels from Doug Ellis, and Richard Brown (who used to own a Brooklands racing 2-speeder) turned up a couple of stub axles for me from EN15 stock. I fitted taper roller bearings to each wheel. All the bright work was replated (nickel) and the reflectors

in a couple of old headlamps were rechromed. Made up the control cables. Then I started painting . . . Black for the woodwork was fine but I also wanted to be seen. So the metal work changed from dull mauve to canary yellow. Not overnight, though. I was badly advised and used brushing cellulose. Difficult to put on smooth, however thinned, almost impossible to rub down, brittle when dry. At about this time I thought I should register the Morgan. No documents had survived, the factory records were missing, Middlesex had no record of the registration number so I applied to the DVLA. Luckily I had photos of the car before and after its last epic journey, and these, plus an inspection by the police, confirmed the appropriateness of the registration. The DVLA promised to ‘record my interest’ Sadly, they didn’t. I’d now spent 7 years on the rebuild and found myself starting up music again. I became a semi-professional musician and the Morgan started gathering dust. Then home computing claimed me as well, and through it all I was doing a day job. By 1990 when the music faded, I was running a successful research group so still no time for the Morgan. Then I got headhunted and moved house with all the junk that accumulates when you live in one house for 30 years. And the Morgan came too . . . The new job occupied more time, so it wasn’t until 2013, when I had been retired for 5 years that I found the time and energy to think seriously about the Morgan. It needed restoration. Re-restoration. I started thinking about getting the few extras I needed, but fell flat when it came to electrics. Pete Loveless showed me his alternator setup and I went to one or two South West Group meetings. Somehow I came to a contractual arrangement with Nev Lear that he would go over everything properly (e.g. proper enamelling of the wheels, refurbish and repaint where required, do the electrics, new nuts and bolts throughout - all the things that I’d done 40 years ago, and more). It took over a year. Finally I got delivery a few days before my birthday in January 2016. Meanwhile I had been in touch with Steve Lister. Gently and carefully he explained all


the things that had changed with the DVLA since my last communication with Swansea. Forms to fill in. Strange definitions. Any Morgan without a hard top, like a Family Morgan, is classified as ‘Sports’, because only sports cars go around without protection from the weather (gauntlets and vintage flying helmets excepted). The Morgan was classified as ‘Historic’ despite the fact that the description didn’t appear on the list of approved terms. That’s what happens when you program a system to cope with the ‘average’. A cousin of mine working in family insurance says that there’s no such thing as an ‘average’ family (discounting the 0.45 child buried in the garden. We haven’t told the twins). The crunch day. An Inspector Calls. Will the stories be convincing? Convicting?? Here’s what I wrote to Steve after the Inspector left: ‘He pronounced the car as original as they come, with sympathetic and practical restoration. Loved the motor. Saw the rusty nails holding some of the trim on, saw some of the original wadding where the trim had torn away. Said you wouldn’t do it like that these days, wasn’t it lovely, and that was the sort of detail that he looked for. Looked at the letter the DVLA sent in ‘85 and asked whether MK was still available. I said it wasn’t on the DVLA website and he looked pleased. He asked whether it had an odometer and I said it didn’t need a speedo but I’d be quite happy if the car could reach the speed limit.“Was it the original chassis?” I said retubed to spec. “Not wider?” I said that the body work wouldn’t fit otherwise. I asked him what the likelihood was of retaining the reg and he said that “his company was regarded as the Gold Standard”. We shook hands when he left and he said ... “Good Luck!”. Three weeks later the V5C arrived in the post. Yippee! Arrange the insurance. Learn how to start the engine. It’s on the road again after more than 60 years! That’s the way to

keep a car original - don’t restore it or use it and it can’t wear out. There are still a few more things to do to the Morgan - a new hood, for instance - but then, there always will be, won’t there? It took over a year, and Nev did a lovely job, for which much thanks.


2016 marks 80 years since a 1930 Morgan Super Aero, called Red, returned to the Morgan Motor Company for modifications. While there, its cowl was reshaped so a Zoller compressor could be mounted directly behind its big twin J.A.P. JTOR motor. The cowl acquired a sloping streamlined look, and was the only treatment of its type ever adapted to a three wheeler by the Morgan Factory. Prior to this new location, the Zoller was mounted down low on the chassis near the left wheel. In this position, the carburetor was subject to road hazards and freezing during low temperatures. Its new position behind the motor eliminated both of these problems with the carburetors receiving warmth from the motor. In its new location, the Zoller on Red was driven by a chain and sprockets that ran off the flywheel providing a 12 PSI boost. At 40-45 MPH, the trike averaged 30-35 MPG. According to historic reports and photos, the Zoller was first used on Red in 1935 before the cowl was reshaped in 1936. By the way, in this era of auto racing, Red was the only road racing Morgan of its type incorporating a supercharger, with good results as well. This MG Type Zoller was swapped back and forth between both of Henry Laird’s Morgans: Yellow for trials, and Red for racing, both initially using the low mounting position near the left wheel. Henry was motivated to use the supercharger because he worked for the firm of M.A. McEvoy in Derby, manufacturer of compressors, also known as superchargers. He saw good evidence that using a Zoller would increase horsepower. Henry raced Red only on the track while Yellow was confined to trials work. Both

machines were very specialized and period-modified for their respective purposes, and achieved many successes. Henry’s wife, Barbara, was his dedicated passenger in Yellow for the majority of trials, and in Red during record-breaking attempts. Women were banned from being passengers for racing in England at the time, so Henry’s

brother, Richard, assumed that duty. Barbara, however, yearned to sit in Red during races, and even tried to sneak into Red’s passenger seat at Brooklands on one occasion, disguised in men’s clothing. It didn’t work, thanks to an alert track clerk. When she and Henry were engaged, she was

given the choice of a wedding ring or a new Morgan and chose the Morgan. Her dedication to Morgans obviously knew no bounds. Using the Zoller compressor gave the Morgan a terrific boost and it was able to accelerate smoothly and overcome even the solo motorcycle outfits in many speed events. One of Red’s most glorious achievements occurred on a cold dry day at Brooklands on 22 October 1935 when World’s Records were taken for piston-driven three wheelers in the standing start mile at 81.568 MPH, and the SS kilometer at 72.288 MPH! This new mile record eclipsed Gwenda Stewart’s previous record by one mph. Henry and Barbara toasted with champagne! On 10 October 1936, Henry entered Red in the Hutchinson 100 at Brooklands and during this 37 lap race averaged over 100 MPH for 3 laps thereby earning the coveted Brooklands Gold Star. Only three other Morgans have won the Gold Star at Brooklands; H.C. Lones and R.R. Jackson in

Larry Ayres


1930, and T.A. Rhodes in 1934. When I acquired Red in 1977, in a swap for two B.S.A. three wheelers, Richard Laird was still living and I visited him in England. He related a few stories about his exploits in Red, but had forgotten most of the details. Fortunately, during Red’s racing career, Barbara Laird kept most of the track lap sheets and recorded details and results. Those, along with many black and white photos taken during the 1930s provided enough history to encourage me to write a book about this Brooklands’ racing trike. Throughout the next twenty years, journeys to England, meeting Titch Allen, Jake Alderson, and others, and after taking tons of notes, I was inspired to outline chapters for the book, “A Morgan Called Red, Brooklands to Laguna Seca”. Richard Laird graciously consented to write the foreword. I was fortunate to find a publisher in 1999 during a chance meeting at Laguna Seca.

Henry Laird campaigned Red during the 1930s at 33 track outings, not only at Brooklands but also at Donington Park, taking several records there.

Since 1996, I’ve competed with Red in over 50 racing events at Buttonwillow, Sonoma, Laguna Seca, Thunderhill, Willow Springs, Lime Rock, Watkins Glen, Elkhart Lake, and the Circuit of the Americas. Red no longer competes with the Zoller compressor, but now runs with twin Amal carburetors as it did back in 1935 on several occasions. I enjoy celebrating milestones, especially with a racing Morgan that earned its keep some 80 years ago this year, and continues to do so by competing in pre-war racing groups.

…. The fate of the Zoller? It sits on a shelf requiring some repairs to the case and vanes, and represents an era in the history of Morgan supercharged racing.

Cross-shaft Starting Handle Pin Uncle John Lindop

Above: Red with Zoller

Below: Yellow with Zoller


Friday 16th

am - Visit to Morgan Motor Co to see the latest developments. pm – Visit to a local micro brewery for nibbles, a talk and of course … tastings.

Saturday 17th

am - The Annual Spares Fair in the Elgar Suite at The Abbey.

pm – Lunch/ a short run out in the Morgan. pm – Club Motion Picture Library film show in The Worcester Suite at the Abbey

Sunday 18th

Booking Forms will be in the May Bulletin and for download on the website.

Maria Parkinson. Organiser.

If you can’t fix it with a hammer ... ... you have an electrical problem


Gearbox Lids - A Puzzle Tony Birks

Something to talk about at the next Group meeting. I recently had a technical enquiry from a Club member regarding the three speed gearbox. I had to get down on my hands and knees to get under the work bench to get the gearbox out. I am finding getting down is not a problem, the problem is getting back up, is this the same for other senor Club members?

Sorry, I have digressed. …. When I was putting the gearbox bit back into the wooden box, I noticed after all these years the three lids I have were different. They had casting numbers inside. MR-7, MR -7 M/ and MR-7M/2. The question, what are the differences? (No.4 .. Far left is another belonging to the Editor) Answers next month.

[email protected].


Regarding my previous article on Morgan Threewheeler wings, before going to companies for quotes I carried out a lot of research to ensure the requirements for the quotations were correct. It has been an interesting exercise and I would like to thank all the Club members who helped with information, photographs, wings for patterns which have been moved around the country, it shows the true ethos of the Club. The findings: Late 2-speeders have a ‘diagonal’ shaped valance starting at a point at the front of the wing and broadening out at the base, with a central ridge in the dome. I have also found it may be a plain dome but with the sweeping valance as per early three speeders. Three speeders: Super Spor ts, Familys etc plus F-Supers (Sports) all had the same dome with a central ridge and the same shaped valance. I have made a number of paper patterns. F2 and F4 pre 1938, I had at the back of my mind the full sweeping wings were identical taking they both used the same chassis. Both wings have a central ridge in the dome, it is the length of the valance where it is screwed the wooden inner wing which suddenly became a worry, after talking to a number of F Type owners,

lengths have varied from 35 ½ inches, which is the most common, up to 36 ½ inches. Post war F Supers and F4 with the full sweeping wings, have plain domes. The length of the F Super valance where is screwed to the wooden inner wing is 33 inches and the F4 is 35 ½ inches, the length of the dome is 54 inches As a matter of interest I have a factory photograph of a 1936 F4 fitted with cycle type wings and know of a F4 which was fitted with cycle type wings now converted to full flow. The 1946 factory brochure is of a F-Super (Sports) with cycle type wings. The original chassis on my 1948 F Super had three holes drilled either side for the fittings for cycle type wings. I would like to thank the following members for their help in no particular order: Mike Crees, John Wandless, Dave Bishop, Dave Hodgson, Nick Taylor, Chris Booth, Steve Lister, Adrian Murray-Leslie, Richard Bowerman, Richard Mathews, Terry Gosling, Jerry Rae, Mark Harley, Barry James and Graham Phillips. If any member can definitely prove anything different to the above, please contact me so it may be added to the list. [email protected]

The weekend promised to be sunny and warm but as usual with the English weather the opposite happened with thunderstorms on Friday night and a damp track on Saturday leaving only the last run of the day anything like dry. Tony and Lily Quinn entered the 500 Owners Association event on Saturday along with Sue Darbyshire. Sue’s time of 50.20 gave her fourth place in the VSCC class and Tony managed a creditable 58.60 in his TM car. The Sunday VSCC event was a dryer affair and Iain Stewart with engine running well made the climb in 51.14 on his first run but was pipped by Sue Darbyshire with a time of 50.20, exactly the same as the

previous day. Neither bettered this on the last run but overall a very good weekend for the three Morgans.

Pete Clews

Sue Darbyshire at Wis Corner


Resume of Minutes of The Club Committee Meeting

held on 3rd

April 2016 at Tadmarton Village Hall.

A minutes silence was held in memory of Robin Rew before the start of the meeting.


For many years I have been on a wing and a prayer as regards my Best & Lloyd drip feed whilst driving at night. The unavoidable truth is that without special illumination, it simply isn’t possible to see what it is delivering to the KMC Blackburne. My solution has been to install a tiny LED bulb 15mm long by 5.5mm dia with wires soldered to it.* This is stuck with mastic into an angled 6mm hole through the dashboard so that it shines through the opaque white back of the glass. The result is even better than in daylight and you can’t tell that the bulb is there when unilluminated and even when illuminated, it is very discreet. The bulbs were listed on Ebay as “LES 280 Lilliput Warm White Instrument Dash Panel Light Bulbs

*Polarity has to be right otherwise it won’t work, and although I’m using 12v and it is rated at that, it does

seem to work on 6v.


Having received an e-mail invite several months ago, Maria and I and Pete and Ron Clements entered. It was a book your own passage / hotel event which we duly did once we had established contact with the organiser Rich Duisberg. Rich writes for several motoring magazines and although not a M3W owner he blagged the loan of the latest model for the trip from Morgan Motor Co. As the event date got closer and Rich published the entry list on the internet we could see we would be the only vintage entries as the rest were new M3W owners. Two were from Germany, one from France and the rest all UK. We set off on Thursday 5th, had a leisurely run across country calling in to Chris and Marion Booth’s Morgan Museum mid- afternoon. Always an interesting place to visit and I am always keen to tap into the wealth of knowledge that Chris is always happy to share. Extremely interesting to me was the sectioned MX4 cylinder heads showing how little metal there is near the valve seats which will stop having hardened seats put in my old heads. ( Anyone got a spare good pair they could sell me) After much chatting we left and arrived at The Premier Inn, Dover our regular stopping

point when travelling into Europe. After a good meal a few beers and a good sleep we caught the Dover - Dunkirk ferry at mid-day Friday. A short but brisk drive to St Omer, with Pete and Ron Clements in hot pursuit ( pushing us really) saw us arrive at Hotel le Grande Bretagne in St Omer town centre. After getting refreshed we ate in a nearby restaurant and hit the town and had a great night. Saturday morning and we all had to meet at St Omer Airfield at Mid-Day so Ron suggested we visit nearby La Coupole. This was the site of a WW2 V2 Rocket building facility all still intact. It was a fascinating visit I suggest you see www lacoupole-france.co.uk for an idea of how interesting it was. We left there and drove the three miles to meet for the first time the other entrants. As we drove around the country lanes looking for non existent “ airfield signs” we met a convoy of 12 M3W owners driving the opposite way doing the same. Then the penny dropped we were almost at the unmarked entrance so we all drove in and parked up. An impressive line up of Morgan Three wheelers and we all introduced

Albert Ball Memorial Run 2016 Ian Parkinson


ourselves. Drinks and snacks were laid on in the Aerodrome bar whilst Rich and his team interviewed and filmed us all individually in the hanger. Mid-afternoon we set off in convoy for the 45 mile drive south to Annouelin to visit the crash site where Albert Ball met his end. Marked perfectly with a commemorative stone we laid a wreath and paid our respects. We then went to the nearby cemetery where Alberts remains were buried in the German part and a fitting gravestone marks his passing at the age of 20. Here we laid another wreath. After a poignant silence we then got into the Morgans and gave them a good fast run back to St Omer. Quickly refreshed we had two large tables booked in the Hotel restaurant, enjoyed a great meal, even the steak was cooked !! Then hit the town for some extra beer and had a great night, some

till 02.30 Sunday morning. After a good break-fast the next morning we all said our goodbyes. Maria and I enjoyed the company of a great bunch of enthusiasts, some we had met before like Roger and Chris. Others we had never met but look forward to doing so again. We also signed up some to do Goggles & Gauntletts Dorset later in the year. Footnote, Our Morgan throttle cable broke in St Omer, the choke cable came in handy as a repair, but she behaved faultlessly, returned over 50 mpg and took us on yet another great adventure.



Mack Cottage, Broad Road, Worstead North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9RU

JUNE 17th to 20th

Friday 17th

Pub Supper The Crown, Banningham NR11 7DY for 6.30pm

Meals will need to be pre-booked. Please let us have your order. Menu at:www.banninghamcrown.co.uk

Saturday 18th

Rail journey from Aylsham to Wroxham joining a 2 hour boat trip and returning by rail to Aylsham

Train leaves at 12.40 pm www.bvrw.co.uk

Evening BBQ at Mack Cottage.

Sunday 19th

A trundle through the lanes of North Norfolk to Great Walsingham and Wells-next-the-Sea.

Hope you can join us for the weekend or just come for a day. We need to make various bookings and let people know numbers in

good time so please let us know as soon as possible if you are coming or need more details:

Phone 01692 536790 Email [email protected]

Tim & Sue Hodgekiss


Chairman Adrian Murray-Leslie, Woodside House, New Road 01246 819021 Barlborough, Sheffield S43 4HY [email protected] Secretary Maria Parkinson 26 Hamilton Road, Taunton Somerset , 01823 277852 TA1 2ER [email protected] Treasurer Gerald Lawford, 10 Honeylight View, Abbey Meads. [email protected] Swindon, Wiltshire SN25 4XS 01793 702107 Membership Secretary Eric Bayley ) Bulletin Editor Nick Taylor ) See page 28 for details. Website Officer Steve Uprichard )

Joint Eligibility Jonathan Garside, 174 Victoria St, Newton, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 4AS Scrutineers [email protected] mob: 07979541223 0161 366 5015

Dave Hodgson, 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford 01274 674381 BD12 0DF [email protected]

Competition Sec Pete Clews, 141 Stallington Road, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent 01782 396762 Staffs ST11 9PB mob: 07759 983993 [email protected]

Registrar Steve Lister, West End Farm, West End, Elton, Matlock, 01629 650 933 Derbys. DE4 2BZ [email protected] Librarian Peter Thompson, Snapdragons, Gold Hill North, Chalfont St Peter, 01895 270422 Bucks SL9 9DS mob: 07711717741 [email protected]

Regalia Secretary Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, 01886 884362

and F4 Custodian Whitbourne Worcs. WR6 5RF [email protected]

Archivist Jake Alderson, 36 Stone Delf, Fulwood, Sheffield S10 3QX 0114 230 7197

Mogspares Charles Smith, 10 Elizabeth Way, Kenilworth. Warks. CV8 1QP 01926 852228 Coordinator [email protected]

Mogspares Financial Dave Harman, Rufus Oak, The Vauld, Marden, 01568 797041 Administrator Herefordshire, HR1 3HA [email protected] JAP sales Andrew Morison, Tursiops Cottage, Durford Wood, Petersfield, Hants. GU31 5AW Phone: 01730 890199 Fax: 01730 890189 [email protected] Matchless sales Roger Orford, Nethergreen Farm, Ridgeway Cross, Tel/fax 01886 880 387 Malvern, Worcs WR13 5JS mob: 07969 950015) [email protected]

Transmission sales Bob Derricott, The Laurels, Langley Road, Lower Penn, 01902 762 017 South Staffordshire WV4 4XX [email protected]

Ford sales Dave Young, The Garden Cottage, West Cross, 01580 766637 Tenterden, Kent TN30 6JL [email protected]

Used Parts David Browne, Gorse Farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, 01507 534 315 Exchange Lincolnshire LN9 6LA

Technical Adviser Chris Booth , 65 High Street, Rolvenden, Cranbrook, 01580 241 234 2-speeders Kent TN17 4LP [email protected]

Technical Adviser Bob Angell, Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, 01244 532 714 3-speeders Flintshire CH5 3BZ

Technical Adviser Colin Harris 375 Amersham Road, Hazlemere, 01494 716 463 F-types Bucks HP15 7HR [email protected]

Greg Bibby, The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, 0116 279 2129 (eves) Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics, LE8 0HJ Overseas Liason Bruce Campbell, 7 Bishops Close, Seaford, E Sussex, 01323 895512 BN25 2NW. [email protected]

Event Liaison Ian Parkinson, 26 Hamilton Road, Taunton Somerset , 01823 277852 (non-committee post) TA1 2ER [email protected]

President: Vacant Vice-Presidents: Rose Hoar, Laurie Weeks, Gary Caroline Directors of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club Ltd.

Adrian Murray-Leslie, Steve Lister, Mike Guess

Officers of the Club


Editorial Material Material submitted for publication

MUST reach the Editor before the 10th day of the month preceding the date of issue, except when earlier delivery has

been agreed or by contacting:

Nick Taylor Harts House Gloucester Road Almondsbury BS32 4JB 01454 617002 °°NEW [email protected] NEW°°

Bulletin distribution

The Bulletin is distributed for the Club by the printers: Lavenham Press. For queries regarding non-arrival of your copy of the magazine, please contact:

Membership Secretary Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way,

Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 3AH.

Tel: 01637 872618 E-mail: [email protected]

Subscriptions and membership records

New membership forms, subscription renewals, and notification of changes of address and non-arrival of your Bulletin should be sent to the Membership Secretary

Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 3AH. Tel: 01637 872618 E-mail: [email protected]


Back issues and the Index

Back issues of the Bulletin up to the year 2010 can be read on the CDs advertised in


Nev Lear‘s Index of Bulletin articles

is also included .

Website Officer

Steve Uprichard 5 Hall Drive

Mottram-in-Longdendale, Hyde,Cheshire, SK14 6LH

+44 (0)1457 762682 [email protected]

Group Reports Group officers should submit their reports and dates of events and meetings, BEFORE the 10th day of the month preceding the date of issue, to the Assistant Editor

with a copy to the Editor

Doug Forbes 2 Woods Batch Street SOMERSET BA16 OBH 01458 841418

[email protected]


One-off Morgan-related small advertisements in The Floggery are free for members.

Details should be received by the 5th of the previous month. Continuous free ads at the

discretion of the editor. To submit an advert please contact:

Doug Forbes 2 Woods Batch Street Somerset BA16 OBH 01458 841418 [email protected]

Requests for commercial advertisements or Bulletin enclosures should be discussed with

the Editor.

Articles and advertisements in The Bulletin are the copyright of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club, and must not be reproduced either whole or in part without the written permission of the Editor.

Views or opinions expressed in The Bulletin are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Club Committee. Reference to products or services does not imply the endorsement of the Club or Mogspares.


Group Organisers/Contacts

Australia Terry Doyle, 94 Disraeli St, Kew 3101, Victoria, Australia 03 9853 1908

Brooklands Trevor Seymour, 1 Chequer Tree Close, Knaphill, 01483 480 388 Woking, Surrey GU21 2PB email: [email protected]

East Anglia Pete Jones, Spring Cottage, Tucks Yard, Manea, 01354 680430 Cambs, PE15 0JE email, [email protected]

East Anglia Mike Pilgrim, Little Orchard, Bredfield, Woodbridge 01394 382773 (Woolpit) Suffolk IP13 6AW

E Midlands Malcolm Bull, 53 Macdonald Road, Wyken, 02476 444 282 Coventry CV2 5FE email: [email protected] Far SW Mike Goldring, Rohan Coombeshead Rd, Newton Abbot, 01626 353717 Devon, TQ121PY 0777 3884256 email: [email protected] Far Far SW Eric Bayley,8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Tel. 01637 872618 Cornwall.TR7 3AH email; [email protected]

Herts, Beds Angus Tozer, 57 Beechcroft Way, Dunstable, Tel. 01582 606812 and Bucks Beds. LU6 1EE email; [email protected]

Lancs Steve Hughes, 5 Chelmsford Walk, Leyland, Tel. 01772 453054 and Lakes Lancs. PR26 7AA email; [email protected] North West Mike Guess, 189 Chester Road, Grappenhall, 01925 262 264 Warrington, Cheshire WA4 2QB email: [email protected]

Oxford Bob Cragg, 1 Manor Farm, Culham, Abingdon, 01235 532 565 Oxon OX14 4NP email: [email protected]

Scandinavia Lennart Nilsson, Skogsvillan, Grytetorpsvägen 6, SE-647 51 Åkers Styckebruk, Sweden mob +46 (0)708 937603 email: [email protected]

Scotland Dan Smith, 26a Quality Street, Edinburgh, 0131 312 8330 EH4 5BS 07713099010

South Coast Stephen Clark, Lower Sandhill House, Bodle St, 01435 830161 Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4QU. e-mail: [email protected]

South East Dennis Plater, 5 Wakelin Chase, Ingatestone, 01277 352 867 Essex CM4 9HH

South West Dick and Sue Fripp, Medway Cottage, Kent Street 01934 743378 Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3LG e-mail:[email protected]

North America Duncan Charlton. 1121 Lower Elgin Rd, Elgin, Texas. 512 965 7583 USA 78621 e-mail: [email protected] W Midlands Dave Anscombe, 80 High Park Avenue, Wollaston, 01384 372 307 Stourbridge DY8 3NA email: [email protected]

YND Dave Hodgson 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford 01274 674381 BD12 0DF [email protected] CONTACT ONLY Germany Ulrich Middelanis. Westenzaeune 38, Kamen D-59174 Germany email [email protected]

Italy Alessandro Natali. Via Prov. Lucchese, Pescia 003 905 724446 Pl 5107 Italy email [email protected] Space is reserved (hopefully) for additional volunteer organisers/contacts Maybe from Spain/Portugal or Japan

In accordance with the Club principles, no officer of the Club, nor the Club itself will enter into any mediation between any member and a commercial organisation over any dispute or complaint, even if the said organisation advertises in The Bulletin.


Group Reports BROOKLANDS A number of the Group joined MTWC club members and representatives of the Reliant Scimitar and Sabre Club at the celebration of Robin Rew’s life on the 14th of April. I think all will agree Robin made quite an impact on both car clubs. When we arrived at the New Inn for the Group meeting in the JAP Sports Family with improved rear wheel suspension we found another new member had arrived in his new 5 speeder before us. Keith came to see what the meetings were all about. He asked “are 5 speeders welcome” most defiantly (sic). The number of members with the new cars is increasing. Keith’s car has the chassis stiffeners, a rather nice air-filter to replacing the rather bland original shape. It also has extra rear lights and a pair of front daylight running lights. George Dobson arranged a “special tools quiz” the first event in our separate room at the New Inn. If you own a Morgan it is quite probable that you have made a special tool or devices to maintain the car. People came from near and far with strange objects to test our imagination, In total, 40 tools and devices were exhibited. Some were easy to identify such as the multi-purpose spanner with “Amal” embossed on the side. Strangely not many people recognised this as a carburettor tool! Other items were enigmatic, such as the two piece kit that we were later told was for checking front wheel alignment, but a template/jig for a radiator submitted by Geoff Skilton was the most widely recognised. It would seem that a majority of members have recently and a “panel screw recess cutter” featured strongly among the correct answers. The wood batton, tyre lever, G clamp and green hairy string baffled everyone. The quiz was won by Robert Carter with Pete Thompson and David Wright in joint second position. It is no disgrace to be beaten 15 to 12 by Robert Carter our engineering graduate from Imperial College! Many thanks to George of organising things and everyone who brought their special tools.

Gary Caroline has his left hand in a sling but it did not stop him driving the Morgan. The simple solution is to let Barbara change gear. “OK Barbara – third gear now! ... Third gear now!!” “No !!. .. I’m window shopping!” Trevor Seymour Next meeting 7th June at the New Inn, Send, Surrey GU23 7EN July meeting Mid-Summer Car Park Concourse August Bank Holiday Sunday – Picnic on the lawn at New Barn

EAST ANGLIA Our thanks again to David and Margaret Williamson, for again coming up trumps with this years 'cauliflower run'. We assembled at their house, proceded to park amongst the tomb-stones at the magnificent Gosberton church, inspected the outstanding floral displays and brought vegetables from local stalls. Then a quick trundle across the Linconshire flatlands for the traditional pub lunch, before dispersing Christine and I spent an enjoyable weekend in Derbyshire. (Opening Run weekend)with my old racing adversary & night trial partner, Mr Ben Wildsmith. We fired up his Super Aero and GN bicyclecar, had a great time taking on the local hills and dales. Although no longer a member, along with Jane, young Henry and Sally, (Henry taking the GN) we all enjoyed the day at the opening run. (can't believe its 20 years since H used to accompany me on early morning 'pains au chocolat' runs on holls in France.) Great to see many old acquaintances, even a couple of Yanks! The 'BIG' event for June, Tim n Sue's week-end.(see p 45 May Bully) please inform them of your intentions. Just as 'BIG'- VMCC Cadwell Park W/e 25th June. Please come along & support the Racers. Mr Josnes Monthly Meetings-3rd Tues month-Hare Arms Stow Bardolph,Norfolk. 8pm.

EAST ANGLIA – WOOLPIT joined the May lunch gathering, sporting the plate N1RCW. What does that tell us? He was pleased with over 38mpg on his morning drive down from Hull, limited to 3500rpm on the tight new engine. Resplendent in dark olive green, it shone spotlessly in the spring sunshine (“looked immaculate” as they say). Frank was (olive) green with envy, as he has found a Mk.2 a much enhanced driving experience



compared with his “Old No.7”, so thinks to “change his old love for the new”, as the folksong has it. They don’t last like the vintage ones do they! With some 1500 5-Speeders on the road, we hear production is now only about four per week. Our car park display included the familiar yellow Super-Aero and blue F4, along with Old No.7 and Jeremy’s Lotus Elan. His 1929 Aero is nearly ready to roll, awaiting only exhausts and repairs to a fragile headlamp shell, so we hope to see it next month. Frank told us that Firepower, the Royal Artillery Museum at Woolwich Arsenal, closes permanently on 8th July, so hurry if you’ve not yet visited. That led to an intriguing description of the disconcerting thumps and bangs when a 5-Speeder overheats and goes into “skip-fire mode”, missing alternate firing strokes, to cool off, quite foreign to JAP, Matchless, and F-Type owners. Do join us next month. Raedwald”

EAST MIDLANDS First, I must welcome two new members. Andy Warren, who has been a member for a short while, but I have only just made contact via e-mail and he was at the Opening Run, we hope to soon, see him, and his 5 speeder. The second new member, is a daughter, born to Vicky and Tom Morley, plus grand-daughter to Julie and Bob - will we see our youngest attendee at a group meeting? Best wishes to all the Morley family. Saturday 9th April, was the VMCC Coventry to Brighton run, Sheila and Chris Dickson, joined me in a lay-by, at the side of the Southam Road, to watch the riders go by, it was a cold start to the day, but I enjoyed the drive, back home, Chris was in his Super Sports, while I exercised one of my other three wheelers. Next, on Sunday 17th, we joined the MSCC with a display of Morgans, outside Coventry Transport Museum, I took the van, while both Bob and Charles Smith, took Super Sports, Steve Thompson took his green 4 wheeler. The 3 wheelers go a lot of interest. I am glad to report, I got the van back in the garage OK, as getting it out was a problem, ploughing a grove along the

overgrown wet grass in the back drive. All day I had been having comments about all the mud under the back of the van! The 20th was the group meeting, a good turn out, with Chuck Berry looking good - it is great to hear that he is back at work, even thought it is part time and light duties. As I had the start of a bad cold, I tried to keep away from passing it on! Next was the Opening Run, which I missed, as I was still not feeling that good but I have had many reports back. Charles, Bob and

members got there in modern cars. Special mention must be made of Julia and Charles Smith, as they did the club evening trial - Charles having to fit a charging system for it, adding all that extra weight. Not only did Julia do the navigating, they both camped overnight in a tent, having snow fall in the night and sliding down the sides of the tent! Real hardy spirits but roll on the summer and warmer weather. While they did not win the trial, they were nowhere near being last, so very well done. (I still fondly remember doing 2 club night trials, navigating for Ian Rattray) If you are not on my e-mailing list, and want to be included, please let me know, as I am making more use of this method of keeping more up to date. Please remember on the 12th June, we will be having a picnic at the GWR classic vehicle day, please come and join in, pre booking via the web site, will get you discounted travel, on steam trains, for the day. Malcolm D Bull Next meeting Wed 15 June 6 till late. 4-5 June Coventry Motofest 5 June Club sprint 12 June GWR picnic 18-19 June Ashby Magna steam rally 15-26 June Banbury steam rally Saturday 16th July Group BBQ, at Jenny and Mike Harris's, near Wolvey Leics. 28th - 31st July, Silverstone Classic, I will be there with my facilities, come and join me there.

FAR, FAR SOUTH WEST Pleased to report a really good April group turn out by our small band of members at our usual Fox & Hounds meeting place, the landlady has always made us very welcome, but, due to circumstances beyond



Eric Bayley. 3rd June: Black & White breakfast meet 10.00am Fox & Hounds, Scorrier 5th Jun VMCC Lands End run, 10.00am, Bodmin Railway station. 16th Jun MTWC Group meeting, 7.30pm, Fox & hounds, Scorrier. 19th Jun VMCC, North Cornwall run, 10.30am, Tesco, Wadebridge. Vintage steam events etc in Cornwall, see www.northmead.co.uk


day meeting, the Saturday being "500 day" and during lunch various Coopers and the like turned in opposite. Brian Galbraith reports that on the following day, Sunday 8th, the group had



Mike Goldring. Next meeting: The Westward Inn, Lee Mill,


Angus Tozer. Next Meeting – Wednesday 15th June. Sunday 12th June – Luton Festival of Transport. Friday 8th to Sunday10th - Stiffkey Camping.

LANCS AND LAKES STOP PRESS: Wonderful start to 2016 M3W driving season!! The Derbyshire weekend (Night Trial and Opening run) was really good and well supported by L&L members. Pete and Bryan drove ATM (F4) to Matlock for the weekend and over twenty of us met up for a lively dinner on the Friday evening, arranged by Trevor Gill. A bit of fettling at Elton on Saturday enabled us to get the four 2-speeders (Salote, Clockwork Orange, Blackburne Aero and David Browne’s Super Aero ready for Sunday. In the trial Ian had his first go at navigating with chairman Adrian. Chris and I were pleased to come equal second with the young Carters as we were “running-in” after a rush to get Cadbury’s engine installation completed. It was nice to see the Derbyshire countryside in daylight with no-one else on the roads. Ann and Val organised the catering at the start and at Edale which was much appreciated by all! Thanks to the organisers and marshalls for putting on a splendid event. On Sunday the convoy of 2-speeders (2 JAP and 2 Blackburne) had a pleasant drive down from Elton to Crich, thanks to Steve for the loan of the KMB Aero for the day. The turnout of nearly 70 Morgans at the tramway museum was terrific and everyone seemed to enjoy the day. We are just back from our 2-day run to the Dales which was a great event. We had 15 Morgans (one 2-speeder, six 3-speeders, five F-types, one 5-speeder and two 4-wheelers) which is our best ever turnout. It would have been 16 but when Alan Turner found a crack in the rear crankcase when reinstalling his JAP engine after clutch repairs. He joined us on Saturday on his AJS 500 instead. Val’s F4 wasn’t quite finished partly due to helping others get cars sorted out so Chris and Ann loaned us their F4 (Stan) for the weekend, thank you again for that. It was great to have the Dumbletons with us for the weekend and to meet Tony Green at the start in his MX2 Super Sports. We had lovely weather but too hot on Sunday (28oC) causing boiling and vapour-locking on the F-types on the climbs up Buttertubs



and Garsdale. The pub at Fearby was very good and thirty of us dined together on Saturday evening. On Sunday we had a photo shoot in front of the privately owned Jervaulx abbey. The route through the wonderful Dales vistas was enjoyed by all. Bill Smith took lots of photos and these will be shared with you all. There were a few mechanical mishaps but nothing too serious. Deryck’s JAP was misfiring badly and they had to return home from the Saturday lunch stop to swop cars and catch us up later at Kettlewell in their 4/4. Steve Finch had borrowed “Gerald” for the weekend and all went well until they had to be recovered on Sunday afternoon with a major radiator top tank leak. All in all it was declared to be a great success and much enjoyed by everyone and no doubt we will do something similar again next year! Steve Hughes Sunday 12th June – Garstang autojumble Thursday 16th June – Group meeting (AGM) at the Royal Oak (eating from 6.30pm) Friday 17th to Sunday 19th June – NW section camping weekend at Buttermere Friday 8th to Sunday 10th July – second NW section camping weekend at Seathwaite 23rd and 24th July – Leisure lakes steam and vintage fair at Tarleton (south of Preston)


really done. Down to the body and upholstery, and will start back up on

Duncan Charlton

Chris Towner ..your once fastest GO in the east.”




Mike Guess 5th June - Sunday, Club Sprint at Curborough 8th June - Wednesday lunch, 12.30. The Crown Inn, Goostrey 17th/19th June - Buttermere Camping Weekend 24th June - Friday meeting at The Whipping Stocks, A 50, Lower Peover.


Bob Cragg Next Meeting: Thursday 30th June, The Abingdon Arms, Beckley, 7.30pm

SCANDINAVIAN Yesterday I was to a board meeting in MHRF, the Swedish equivalent to FBHVC. The legislation issues are a real worry for us now. There are apparently people in the green parties who want to restrict ownership of cars to one per person and restricted zones are already a reality in some cities. Probably they fly to the south themselves. Is that better for the environment? We must be thankful for the enormous effort the people in our national organisations put in to get a reasonable legislation in the end. On the way back I visited one of the now so popular harbour meetings for old car enthusiasts. There I met Erling Carlsson in his barrel-backed Super Sports 1939. It was restored in the 80’s but still looks like new in spite of many long runs in the rally Skåne Runt. In later years Erling has spent most of his time with real oldies including steam and electric cars, so I was very pleased to see him out in his Morgan. The weather is fantastic for driving Morgans and Ingvor and I were even bathing in the sea the 7th of May. So hopefully we’ll all have quite a lot of fun in our Morgans even before we meet in Denmark in August. We look forward to that. Best wishes to you all for a good summer, Lennart Nilsson



SCOTLAND and NORTH EAST Our Drive-it-day weekend to Loch Katrine went off very well, with three couples driving up to Callander on Saturday to stay overnight. We were joined on Sunday by another six in four cars, so we had an eclectic mix of three 3-wheelers, one vintage Lagonda, one Austin Clifton tourer, one Plus 4 and one…erm…beema. We started off with a navigation and treasure hunt run of about 30 miles and met up at Loch Katrine for a cruise on the Sir Walter Scott steam launch. Excellent weather, clear and crisp, and boat travel beautifully smooth and quiet, compared with you know what! My thanks to all for attending and making it a successful day – some people only got a little bit lost… Robin Spearing was hoping to join us from St. Fillans, but suffered a broken centre pin only a few miles short of the Loch. Fortunately no injury as the undercarriage collapsed, but now some work to get the Mog fit again. My Mog continues to entertain…driving back from visiting Paul for a jaunt in his Jowett Long Four (no sudden movements there!) the back end displayed remarkable independence, clearly not wishing to remain with the rest. Got home, just, to discover wheel nuts making a bid for freedom – I was sure I had tightened them after rear end reassembly, but clearly not. Hopefully no permanent damage, but a close call. Engine continues to vibrate beyond the call of duty. Tony Casswell down in Galloway called me to say he has discovered a cache of period spark plugs that he wished to pass on to Tim Green, so more choice may be available shortly. He has been making a few independent runs but is currently re-lining the rear brake – seems to want it to stop for some reason... That's All Folks! May see some of you at the Thirlestane Rally on 5th June Dan The Re-stabilised SOUTH COAST We Morganistes are a resourceful lot who like to think we can turn our hands to most jobs. On 20th April at the Six Bells, Mrs. C extended our range of skills still further by introducing us to the beguiling world of needle and thread. A respectable company of

twenty-eight sought enlightenment from the accomplished seamstress. Her presentation was aimed mainly at the chaps and focussed on replacing a button. Some came with cherished garments in the hope of having them rejuvenated. Andrew Morison brought not only a pair of crimson silk, “lounge-lizard”, out-at-heel socks but also the sewing-kit to darn them with. Sam Savage wore his second-best (or was it his best?) fisherman’s sweater with a gaping hole in the chest through which a decent-sized haddock could comfortably have passed. It might have been easier to ask a fond old aunt to unravel and re-knit it in toto. Each delegate was provided with sufficient materials and expert tuition to master the unexpectedly complex task. Concentration was intense as we struggled even to see and grasp needles, let alone thread and use them. Competition was fierce and, amusingly, even at our stage of life the instinct to be “teacher’s favourite” appeared to survive intact; we went to outrageous, schoolboyish lengths to outdo our fellows and curry favour. Notwithstanding, “Miss” marked our work kindly but fairly such that no child, of whatever age, could have grounds to feel ill-done-by. We now have no excuse for stepping out improperly “dressed” - in any sense of the word. Chris Booth brought quantities of old Bulletins – ex libris Alan Crouch – for free distribution to new homes. I took the ’77 and ’95 volumes with some reluctance but then found them surprisingly interesting and entertaining reading. Much has changed, much remains the same but the club seems to be in far better heart now than at either of those earlier points in its history. The following weekend Not The Night Trial and the Opening Run were a great success. Sam Savage trailered his recently acquired late-20s Family to Crich Tramway Village. After all his great efforts this Morgan is a handsome and very usable car. Well done Sam for breathing life back into one of the less familiar models. Don’t forget the Primrose Run starting at Brede, East Sussex on Saturday 4th June. The palatial pumping-station buildings house “The Giants of Brede” – a collection of


working steam pumping-engines from the Edwardian age. A tour will be followed by a westward run and lunch. You will have received full details by email. The Come in a Morgan and Concours meeting in June is a great opportunity for new or prospective members to get an idea of what the club and the cars are all about. Bring as many friends, relatives and other interested parties and Morgans – as you can! Stephen Clark Saturday, 4th June. Primrose Run – gather at Brede from 10.00 am. Wednesday, 15th June, 8.00 pm. Come in a Morgan and Concours. Six Bells, Chiddingly. Sunday, 3rd July. Flying Day at Slinfold Airstrip near Horsham. Full details to follow. SOUTH EAST Bob and Muriel Towell came across Colin and Pat Harris at a car show recently and then bumped into them again at another car show only a few weeks later! Will it be third time lucky/unlucky or will Bob say “we must stop meeting like this”. Plans are afoot to celebrate the Group’s 70th anniversary by gathering at Whitewebbs Museum of Transport near Enfield and Junc. 25 on the M 25, hopefully on Sunday 31st July this year. The aim is to get at least as many Morgan three-wheelers there as appeared at the Group event to celebrate the Centenary of the Morgan marque in 2009 The GO has notified all Group members that he is aware of, but if he has missed anyone out, or if anyone from outside the South East Group would like details he/she should contact the GO whose details are to be found around page 29 of the Bulletin. Martin Brown finally moved into his new home on Wednesday 27th April, having waited at least 6 years to sell his former house. There will be plenty of room to display his Morgans and Morgan memorabilia in the brand-new showroom at his new home. The only downside to the move is that it took place on the day of a meeting of the Wednesday Irregulars which Martin had to miss. At the Group meeting at Horndon-on-the-Hill on Saturday 7th May, members from south of the river Thames outnumbered those from north of the river. Discussion was

wide-ranging from home-machining to the proposed Group 70th anniversary event on 31st July. It was good to see Chris and Marion Booth and Roy Williams again, making the lengthy drive up from deepest Kent to attend. The Group camping weekend will again be held at Stiffkey, Norfolk from 8-10th July. Anyone who is interested in joining the happy throng and has not already registered that interest should contact Howard Andermahr on 01494 862762 or Bob Wood on 0208 462 6466 without delay. Duoika Saturday 4th June - Group meeting at The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill Wednesdays 8thand 22nd June - meetings of the Wednesday Irregulars Sunday 26th June – charity classic car show at Corringham, Essex Saturday 2nd July - Group meeting at The Swan, Horndon-on-the-Hill Friday 8th July on - SE Group Camping Weekend, Stiffkey, Norfolk

SOUTH WEST We believe the continuing low turnouts at mid-month meetings are a reflection of the many other commitments we all have at this time of year and have decided to suspend them until October. It was a shame that only two Morgans, Pete Loveless’ and Dave Harland’s, attended the much publicised Steam Party at Bob and Jill Lock’s on 23rd April. Pete reports a fascinating event. Jill Lock says that they plan to have some more steam days later in the year, so look out for future notices. Our meeting at Sidbury on Saturday 7th May attracted a merry group of 8 people, including the Hon. Far Southwest GO, Mike Goldring, who entertained us all with a description of basket weaving! Other subsidiary items discussed were; how to improve the performance of an E93A engine; JAP valve springs and Ted French’s double rebuild Morgan projects. Hopefully you will receive the June Bulletin in time to note that the meeting at The Park Hotel on Saturday 4th June will be followed by a short run to Nick Taylor’s house for afternoon tea in the garden. Hopefully, Nick will be able to show us his fascinating collection of cars.



Nothing is planned for mid June but those of you who fancy a good day out on Saturday 18th June are welcome to join Pete and Marie Loveless and Sue and me at the Weston-super-Mare Air Day. In previous years, our Morgans have been included in a vintage and classic display just behind the sea front while a spectacular show of aircraft, including vintage planes, takes place overhead. There will be further details in the Round Robin or ring us if you are interested. Dick and Sue Sat 4th Jun 12:00 hrs, The Park Hotel, GL12 8DR, lunch and filmshow - followed by visit to Nick Taylor’s for tea Sat 18th Jun 10:30 - 16:30 hrs Weston-super- Mare Air Day - contact me or Pete Loveless (01934 414660) for more details or see Round Robin

WEST MIDLANDS Despite a dry and bright morning, the Long Mountain run in April attracted less bikes than usual, although the numbers were swelled by a half-dozen Mogs. A novelty this year was that a few of our number stayed overnight at pub where the event is based and enjoyed more of their hospitality (and ale) on the preceding evening. I was told that the route included some spectacular scenery, although I missed this due to an hour and a half spent by the roadside on the way to the start robbing bolts from the suspension to re-attach the gearbox sprocket after it made a bid for freedom. At least we arrived in time to greet the participants on their return and to share in the chat over lunch. A number of WM members also took part in the “Not the Night Trial” which preceded the Opening Run and reported that some of the scenery on this route was also very fine. The Opening Run itself saw the Crich tram museum seemingly filled with trikes and their owners/passengers. Tram travel was fun although, as usual with these gatherings, the inevitable meeting and greeting left insufficient time for a comprehensive exploration of the site. Our thanks are due to all involved in organising the event, particularly the indefatigable Parkinsons, whose usual enthusiasm and strenuous efforts to organise events on our behalf were very much in evidence.

Don’t forget our HFS Run at the Stoke Lacy village fair on Saturday 9th July (details next month). Dave Anscombe Wednesday,8th June: Mid-monthMeeting. Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 Wednesday 29th June: Monthly Meeting. The Clent Club 20:00 Saturday, 9th July, Stoke Lacy Village Fair. The Rectory, Stoke Lacy. YORKS., NOTTS. & DERBYS. Time for me to relax slightly (Oii!, I still need budget priced granddaughter sitting! - Hx) after our effort getting the opening run to go smoothly. It was all worthwhile, 15 YND cars present – I would be happy with a third of that on club nights (I can tell you where there is a 1934 Family Sports that loiters in a garage every club night! – Hxx). The ‘Not the Night Trial’ was also a success thanks particularly to Danny (hear,hear – Hx) and Dave Hodgson, even those who knew the area said they toured places they had not been to before (but they could name the pubs just by plotting the route!!!! – Hx). YND was not only prominent in organisation but also in the results with Steve Lister, ‘F Type’ winning overall, Adrian Murray-Lesley taking the ‘2 Speeder’ class and Chris Nickless from High Wycombe becoming the inaugural ‘5 Speeder’ victor – that isn’t YND I hear you cry – Heather was his navigator (a genuine thank you Chris Adrian – Hx). The team award went to Steve Lister, John Southern – 1936 ‘MX4 Sports’ and Cathy Quinn, ‘F Type’. I presume there will be reports elsewhere (I hope so I have typed enough! – Hxx). Our April meeting went well – could have done with more ladies to keep Diane and Pauline company. Steve and Diane came in their ‘5 Speeder and of course Terry Green kept the oldies end up with his ‘F4’. All in all 12 members but the venue can cater easily for more – hint, hint. Now to concentrate on forthcoming YND events. As you know I am trying to spread them around the vast area of the group and the midweek idea appears to work, so to appeal to the boy, girl, dad, mum, granddad etc. racer element and those who prefer the quiet life I am working on a morning run to


‘Amen Corner’ – no, nothing to do with religion or golf, in this case it is an open air carting track followed by a ½ mile shift up the road to Rufford Abbey & Country Park which has beautiful grounds, gardens, areas for picnics/sandwiches, café dining and ‘posh nosh’ restaurant. There are indoor exhibitions, abbey ruins, gift/craft shops, art exhibitions, woodland walks – the only place where I have seen Nuthatches, a large lake (ex mill pond) with many varieties of water fowl and free entertainment cheering on the cars splashing through the ford on the outlet

(we do not need to go through this!!!!) . I am thinking of Tuesday 28th June arriving 10:00 for carting and/or 12:30 at Rufford Park where I will try and organise ‘special’ parking arrangements for Morgans or anything else of interest (who determines ‘interest’? – Hxx). Firm details next month. That’s it for now, other runs are dependent on your suggestions stated preferences – there has been nothing so far! Eric Eadon (and Heather) 14th June : The Bay Horse, Scholes. M1, J35, A629, 3rd left . (Sat Nav S61 2RQ).

Registry News Steve (mine’s a Blackburne KMB) Lister

Is your car insurance due? Get a quote from the motor-insurance specialists. It will cost you nothing; it could save you a lot. SPECIAL SCHEME RATES FOR MORGANS

Morgan Insurance Consultants William Curtis House, Lenton Street, Alton, Hants. GU34 1HH. 01420 594242.

Lancs and Lakes line-up at Jervaulx Abbey, May 8th

40 37 40

Morgan Motor Company Recognised Three Wheeler Specialist








The World’s most comprehensive in-house facility for

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Contact the specialists

Situated only half a mile from the Morgan Factory, why not visit us.

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Morgan Motor Company Recognised Three Wheeler Specialist








The World’s most comprehensive

in-house facility for The Morgan Three Wheeler

Contact the specialists

Situated only half a mile from the Morgan Factory, why not visit us.


Ground Floor Warehouse Unit 8 Spring lane north

Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1BU

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01684 899084 Mob: 07815 119 447

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42 41


Cooper Stewart Replica speedometers for late M chassis and early three speeders

0-85 mph dial

Cooper Stewart Rebuilt speedometers for Sports and Family

models 0-70 mph dial

Cooper Stewart Rebuilt speedometers

for Super Sports models

0-90 mph dial

Cooper Stewart Rebuilt speedometers

for our Continental members models

0-130 kph dial

New Speedometer Cables for three speeder Sports and Super Sports Models driven by the front off side wheel

NEW Replica wiper motor controls. £60.00 plus shipping at cost from the UK,

Cables are shipped from the USA at cost.

Contact Brian Pollock at [email protected]

Phone +1-206-228-1814 (8 hours behind GMT)

Speedometers are shipped postage paid within the UK, rest of world at cost.



8th, 9th, 10thJuly at Turner Hall Farm

Seathwaite, Cumbria

OS Map 96 Ref 234 96 Contact Trevor Gill 0161 9621383




17th, 18th19thJune.

Normal field next to the Bridge Hotel. OS Map 89 Ref 174 170

Contact Bob Barlow 01565 634116, evenings.

2017 50th Anniversary Celebrations

Be there.

Homer Makes a Discovery, it breaks .. and is sold to Jay Leno


JAP magneto bevel-drive gear sets, £80.00 pr; twin mag set, £115.00 Plus postage £2 UK, £2 Europe, £3 overseas.

Square ML magneto pick-up and brush; £10. each incl p&p anywhere. JAP D shaped bevel-gear covers £25. incl p&p anywhere

JAP half-round bevel-gear covers for late KT series engines with mechanical oil pumps:

£25. incl p&p anywhere. (must be finish-bored in timing cover ) 50°/60° JAP engine plate sets £40. plus pandp £8. UK, £32 Europe.

If you are not entirely satisfied with goods supplied, please do not hesitate to return them for a refund.

David Browne, Gorse farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6LA Tel: 01507 534315

MORGAN 3 WHEELERS 1909 - 1952 .

A reference book for both newcomer and expert alike. £8.50 + pp ( £1.00 UK, £4.00 EU, £6.00 RoW )

(Cheque or PayPal accepted) Contact e-mail: [email protected]

or Eric Eadon, 8 Ridgeway Rd, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 5HL phone: +44(0)1709 379037


WANTED: A pair of F-Type forks in good condition and not subject to repair. David Poplar 01275855143 [email protected] FOR SALE: 1925 MAG OHV Engine in good condition No 2c/13/4M006. £7,000 or 10, 000 Euros. (see picture below) 1927 Anzani OHV Ex Fire Pump. Appears little used No. LM3 1881 £7000 or 10,000 Euros I can deliver engines to Le Puy included in Euro price. (See picture below). Brian Woods, Leeds 0113 2854135.

WANTED: 500 JAP OHV Air Cooled or parts for motor cycle. Brian Woods, Leeds 0113 2854135

FOR SALE: Morgan three wheeler 1933/34 Sports/Super Sports kit without documentation /log book etc. which I have been collecting over several years. The kit comprises of: Rolling chassis, (with 3 x Colin Wilson new Magna centres not full wheels) Complete gearbox with trunnions, rear forks and slipper set, rear wheel assembly, change speed assembly, dynamo bracket. 4 front hubs (2 new and two original units). Brakeplates front and rear. Steering arms, track rod, drag link. Full clutch, rear external flywheel, operating fork, pedals etc. Family steering box complete with some Supersports steering box parts. Fuel tank, pair of ribbed or round topped wings, non original 3 spoke steering wheel, 2 piece prosphaft. Starter motor. Most of a dismantled LTWZ engine, with cams, oil pump, flywheels, barrels, etc. (no heads). Beetleback body in need of some repairs (metal and woodwork). Funds are required to progress my other Morgan Supersports kit and I do not have the time or sufficient funds to progress two builds at the same time. Lots more to discuss with anybody who might be interested. Open to offers around £7000. (see pics below) I want to give club members first chance to acquire the kit and would prefer it to go to a club member rather be sent for auction. Please call me after 5.0p.m. weekdays to discuss the plot in further detail. Any visitors would be most welcome to come and view the parts/kit in the flesh so to speak. The car is located in Preston, Lancashire. Steve Finch Membership No: F10888 Home: 01772 611912 (after 5.0pm weekdays). Mobile: 07971 663219 (after 5.0pm weekdays).



FOR SALE: 1949 F4 Dismantled - A refurbish and reassembly project. Lots of original and some new bits. Offered with a choice of either original 10Hp E93a or more powerful 100e engine. Price £6250 Contact for a full listing and photographs. [email protected] 01204 385199 FOR SALE: (Owing to house move) 1937 F4 Morgan Project. Rolling Chassis, loosely screwed together with rebuilt engine (10hp E93A) and gearbox. Powder coated wheels with three new Avon tyres. Richard Williams woodwork but no skin. Original radiator, steering column, gear change. Hydraulic front brakes. Many other hard to find bits. Known to MTWC and V5 in my name. I have recently moved house and no longer have the space to store or time to complete. Located in Petersfield, Hampshire. £8000.00 Ring John Wandless 01730 233877 Mem No F6263 to discuss.

WANTED: Dished alloy steer ing wheel, any condition. 01462 459998 John Urwin Mem No 9741 [email protected]

WANTED: Driver's side Dog Ear cylinder barrel. The current barrel has cracked it's waterjacket, and I'd really like to see us still running on our 50th, anniversary together, later this year. Dave Smith Member 10004. Ontario, Canada. Phone.Area 905-934-4491 (5 hours behind England) [email protected]

FOR SALE: I want to sell my well known rallycar, and have now reduced the price to EUR 55.000,00 fixed price (from April 2016 Floggery), together with the trailer and a lot of parts including an engine, wheels and tires a.s.o It comes with the complete rally equipment as Tripmaster and Twinmaster together with a (nearly) endless number of spare parts and the trailer. (see pictures below) The car and the trailer has a German registration and new VAT. For more details mail to [email protected]

WANTED: Oil pump drive for late 60° sv JAP with integral oil pump in

. see photo right Nick Taylor, Editor 01454 617002 [email protected]


Floggery cont/… For Sale: 1934 Super Sports Barrel Back. Completely rebuilt 10 years ago with body slightly wider than standard. Foot throttle, geared steering box, repainted, re-upholstered. All new tyres and battery recently fitted. LTOWZ engine rebuilt including new barrels and lead-free head, new big end and pistons. Good, well sorted and reliable car. £35,000 Hugh Winterbottom. 484 Ripponden Road, Moorside, Oldham. OL4 2LL ‘Phone +44 (0)161 678 0446

The Gerald Carr F4: now available for borrowing by members

The car has had extensive restoration to woodwork, bodywork and rear suspension, and the insurance has been re-negotiated.

Note that there is still an age limit of 25 years minimum.

To borrow the car for a long weekend, we suggest a donation of £45, to cover insurance and maintenance. To keep the operation going successfully, more bookings are required. . . . so get planning!

Contact; Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, Whitbourne, Worcestershire. WR6 5RF Tel: 01886 884362 email: [email protected]

WHEEL BUILDING All types - Heavy-duty spokes. Well-proven. 2 and 3 speeder rims in stock.

Other wheels: price on application. Wheels can be collected and delivered to race meetings. Quick service.

Also Morgan paintwork undertaken by long-term enthusiast. Phone Greg Bibby on 0116 279 3048 (day) or 0116 279 2120 (evenings).

Mobile 07860 237 945. E-mail: [email protected]

The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire, LE8 0HJ


The Bulletin is printed by Lavenham Press Limited, Water Street, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9RN. Tel: 01787 247436

Super stainless parts to complement your Morgan in 2016. New: Front hub protection plates, laser-cut for accuracy and flatness.

£15.00 per pair. Beetleback catches. As or iginal but with internal spacers to prevent

crushing; polished stainless steel. Drawings showing fitting details and clip positions available if required. £110.00 per set of four.

Morgan heat shields. ‘Morgan’ in script with or without the wording ‘Super Sports’ in small print underneath, or just a set of holes like a cheese-

grater. Polished stainless ready to clamp to your exhaust pipes - no more burnt elbows. £100.00 per pair.

Front spring covers, in polished stainless; £100.00 per car set.

Hi and low level exhaust systems for all twins in stainless steel, p.o.a. All prices plus post and packing.

Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 3BZ Tel. 01244 532 714 [email protected]

Page 48 … Fourwheeled Three Wheeler Morgans

P h o t o s : D e n n i s R u s h t o n

VSCC Curborough 1st May Above: Phil Dobbin in ‘Salome’ constructed by Jan Breyer aided by Tommy Sulman using a 1928 Aero. “Despite the addition of the various GN parts "Salome" remains three-quarter Morgan, still retaining the Aero chains, clutch, front wheels, steering linkage, front suspension, bevel box and two-speed transmission, and as

such surely qualifies as a Morgan special or, if you must, Morgan GN?” ….. Quote: Jake Alderson Below: Steve Lister in “Salote” …. Like Salome but heavier - named after the scopious and expansile Queen of Tonga. Another well-known Morgan special with a supplementary revolvulary appendage, this Salote was constructed by Roger Richmond, one-time MTWC Secretary who used it extensively. Recently repatriated by Steve, who has fitted a Blackburne (of course) as originally fitted by Roger.