HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til...

Vol.- XII. A SBU RY PA R K , N E W JER SEY , JU N E 18, 1887. No. 257 ^ofr^icrttal ®ar<U. j a : w .inrrnicK, m . d . , ' ” *ER>mceopattato Physician and Bprgeon. Cor. Cookman A Bangs ara., Asbury Fark,:N. J. Hours: until 10 a. m., and after 4 p. m. U a, kin Montp , m . p .; - -v-Corner Grand tin d Asbnry Avenues, Offloe HooTa—7 t o 9 a . m ., I t o ? p . m ., 6 to 8 p.m . nomoeopathlo Physician and Surgeon.' Graduate of both Bohools. Cor. Asbury avenuo and Bergh street' Hours—Until 9 a. m., 7 to 9 p. ml. Telophono connections. > . TATM. GRISWOLD, M. D .. ........ r~ * v HomtBopaffiio Phystolan and Surgeon. . 612 Cookman avenue, noar Grand avenue, ------------ ' Anbury Park.-N. J. Office Htiurs—Until 10 a. in. From 6 to 8 p. ro- X ~ F . PAWLEY, * ___ XlEMZCXgag—«— —- 615 Dangs ave* Asbury Park. N. J. J )R : 8. T. 8LOCUM, BBNTI8T, Office—2M Mala St., opposite Railroad Station, Gas administered. Asbury Park^ N. J., : TRENTOK-STEAM DYEING-WORKS,- A. H. BUKTON, D. ft. B. I Q. BURTON, D. ft. 8: - gURTON BROTHERS, V4 ^ v Sesldeat Dentlito, , 627 Mattlson avenuet corner Bond streeL Anbury Park, N. J. Offloe Honrs: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Gaa administered. Appointments made by tele- phone or by jhall - L .W. BBTMOPn. I). -D.-B. - ? "~-t DBlTTlflT, Offloe 45 Qookman avenue, a ear Bmory Btreet Mechanical work a specialty. Difficult operations solicited. E L. M. BRISTOL. M .B., Physician and^urgeori Corner of ^ond street and Fifth avenue. W inter office—119 Bv 40th St.. New Y orl^_ ,. j..T . bawkins : . * mm nmuifn. ' ; JJA.WKIN9 A DURAND, Attorneya-at-Law, Solicitors A Masters in Chan- cery, Mikado Building, Cookman AvM Asbury Park, N. J. - jsaao c. \ '■■■ ' Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor, Master in'. Chancery and Notary Publlo. Special attention given to examination of Titles, - Ao.- ' f- Offloe in Cook’s Bntldlng, Asbnry Park, New Jersey. A LFRED D. BAILEY, - Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor and Master In Chancery and Notaiy Publlo.- Special attention' given to collection of claims. Office In Mikado Building, Asbury Park. .-CHILION ROURIN8. ACTON C. UARTftHORN*. ■DOBBINS- A HARTSHORNK, Attorneys and CounselOrs-hLLaw, Offices between the Post Offloe and First Nation- al Bank, Main St.. Freehold, N. J, . Law bhklncss transacted 1 tr‘all it$ branches. J)A VID 11 BY,* J r .; Attornoy-at-Law, Soltottor, Master and Examiner In Chancery, Notary Ihibllc. ;— .............. ’■■■ - -Asbnry TartrrWnfr*” Q.BORQE V. BYHAM, . Attornoyat-Law and-Solid tor In Chdncery, • Address'P. O. Bor 1004, Asbury Park, N<:J. • W. H. VnETtBNBtinnH. - FBXIJKRICK PARKER. ''IT'RKDKNBURGI! A PARKER, v • • Counselors and Attornoyaat-Law, .___ Freehold. N. J, pUANKV.BODINB, *• ARCHITECT, . . MIKADO ^BUILDING, P. O. Box 991, •' ’ ‘ ASBURY PARK. N. .1. H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker, Dealer In Fine Watcbes/jewelrr^Rpectadoa Ao. ! Watches and; Jewelryrepaired; atcU y lMces. Main street, near Oookmpn avenue, AABUKY-PARK, N .-Jr W . E . D E N ISE , Dealer In PURE AL0ERNIY MILK AND CREAM, ______jwTTjsjtAxnjioas. -------- -SttSlntjMi (Cards. ROBERT T ■v' a dealer' qt Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, TINW ARE, Ac. • ' $ . * . Cookman av., near Bond St., ; - ASBURY PARK, N. J. . .TIS ROOriNIJlA O iM , IITTEM , *C. Wflt, T|N AUD IHtSiT 1101 WORN Bf All .• . . 1 1 1 0 1 .' _ . 4 VF 1 r:]t olaaa work atlow rates ** 1 i LIPPINCOTT, X j O K - 727 Cookman Ave. . *" Gtents’ B8TABJJ8HKD 1W9. Agent for Asbury Park. , .. HENRY DOREN,, . (SudccHsor to G. W. Read,) SGRGHANT TAILOR, 7J 8 COOKMAN AVENUE. Suits made to order guaranteed to^flt. Cleaning - and Repairing. SAMUEL W. KIRKBRIDE, . CONTKACTQJR, Carpenter & Builder. Plans and speolflcatlons furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of reference given. <*ResId8ftOtfi *Fir8t ave., bet Bond and Emory fits. Shop and Offloe—First aye. and Main at. r.O.Boxm^ . ASBURY JfARK. Pianos. . Organs,. Organettes, —AND— \ ; OTHER MUBIOAL" INSTUUMENIB, For Salo and To Boot. t’ash nald as re n ball owed If purchasod. PIANOS AN1) ORGANH TUNUD AND REPAIRED. Cincinnati Hro and Burglar Proof Safes for sale *. for cash on monthly payments. ......... Window Sbados, Cornlnosy Wall Decorations Au; Cor. Mattison av. and Bond St., Asbury Park; 335 Sea View ay„ Ocea/i Grove, N. J .. — ~WM. P . t*OT7QIiA?>,~AUKWT." * jglas A Kuhn, Newark. N. J. Of the firm of Douglas A Kuhn, 801 ftroail street., Ne‘ ' ” * FERGUSON’S COAL, WOOD & CHARCOAL ught to suit you. Q|T IM TT.--1 keep both lln n l V^hlgb'and F r ^ b n r n l n g C oah. all sizes, and of the best quality obtalnablu._My Wood is — extra good and Is al&aVs. perf ctty — . . _ urx. MyVJi»rfP«Ll ngyoniade.. ------ especially for my own trade. PRK 1KM—The (owent poanlble. F«i«ltilleft uneqitaliMl In this town. Full weight and measure guaranteed. - - YARD: Main-st.-ropp. Ocean Grove. School House. B ranob Ofllcei*: Lemkau’s Grocery. Asbury Park ; Waturlght A Errickson, Ocean Grovo, Onlor at offices, of drived, by telophoho or by mall, ad dress ed. Sewall'Ave. bet. Bond and Emory Sts, Prompt aervlce and prime goodsr COOK HOWLAND. Architect & Builder. Building plans executed and all work promptly done. - Office In Cook’s Bulhrfng. Main street and Cookman avenne, Asbury Park JO H N >V SU TPH EN , 'Blacksmith and Horseshoer. Carriage work In All its branohes,« CARBIAOE PAIHTIN6 AND TRlMMINR -. • ^ —• * - - / - - ■ In the finest style of decorative art. Main street and - First avenue, / ABBURY PARK. GROCERIES. WILLIAM BEAMF.S, Successor to J. Henry Applegate, FullLineofChoiae Gnles, FLOUR AND FEED. -♦v _ V Mattison 4ienu9. s83T. B d Streat, A S B U R Y PARK. ~ MR8.,8.vWr ETQHELL8, Fashionable Dressmaker, HAMPTON COTTAGE, Bond fit. near Mattlson Ave., "ABBVRY~PARK7 Plain and fancy stitching on ali kinds or work. The patcpnago ofthe ladles of Park and Grove so- CHARLES PITCHER, Successor to Wm. Miller, H A R N E S S M A K E R , 20G~&Tainat,,opp. U.R. Depot, Atftury l*rirk. A full Bupply of Robes. Whips, DtiHlera, Blank- etii. Trunks, Bags,' Bag HtrppB, Trunk Straps, * -raps. Re • * ...................... KdloJled. . v COMFECTIONERYi Mnta ofmll Ultnln, FloridaOrniijfCN, 4’it taw kaaud Nnlngn UrspeM, . and lururlea of many descriptions, can bo foutld a t the new store of WA8HINQTON WHITE, 221 MAJN.STREET; ASIHIRY PARK N O TICE I AsaunvP ark, J a n . 27,1885. !"T hereby authorize James H. Sexton to take charge of all .bodies, where ooroiiers’ services are nbeded, In my absence. - , v WILL.T. VAN WOKRT. Cbroner GRAIN ORILLS.W the must pfirfect Force Feed PcrtU! letenoe. 8endfJ4flf and arist ;S 7 LVAHIA is llzor Drill In ox- 1for catalogue. brrthlng NM hinwhl orn " 1 standard Agrioul- Send for Illustrated MIHAB, m " N hfilera and Standard Agrioul; turaT implements generally. Be catalogue. A* B. FARO,. . . Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa u WOOLLEY" & REED, Cookman Avenne and Bond Street, ASBURY PARK. iJtu! (Sitau Sswdfs. A r Lots Nos. 20 ' and 21 at North Spring Lake,.. ; FrouHnk on BBIOUTON A VENDE, tart . Within 300f|. of the Surf, WILL BE SOLD AT A BAB0AIN. The lota are each 55 feet froni and over 200 feet deep. They are situated In tbe finest part of the town, almost directly on tho ocean front, aurrounded by handsomo residences and on the block adjacent to the largo HbteTWllburton. This la a chancel’br’Shb of the surest InveSt- menta on the coast, the only reason for Bolling la (hat the owner, requires the money In his busU ness.- Address . ___ ' __ _ E. WIUOHT, or o: H. bbown , Spring Lake Monmouth Co.. N. J, F. C. BRAEUTIGAM; Real Estate and Insurance, Established In 1882. notels, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Let, for Bale and Exchange. Office on Cookman ave. OPP. KINMONTH A CO'.’8 DRUG STORE, P. O. Box 17. Near Main at. , AabUTy P a t k , N. J. H. B. Beegle & Son, REAL ESTATE anil INSURANCE AGENTS, 13 Vais hmu, ta 3 rste, K. J. Loans Negotiatetl and Legal Papers Drawn W, II.BEEGLE,'Notary Public. II. D. BEEGLE, Notary Pnbllo ami Comrolmloner of Deeds for Now Jersey, Pennsylvania an li- the Jllstrlp.tof Colombia. Bargains in Real Estate LOTS AND IMPROVED PROP- ' ERTY; AT NORTH RP1UNC> LAKE. i Improveil Property ami Lots at Point Pleasant cheapfor cash. • , Luts at Manhasset for Sale or Exchange. 2UU feet of Hay front, suitable for a whnTf, Tlio only Bay front In thy markcL ..... **'"* vicinity;.- wui be'soia ijmap. L.fur Bulu .ln ihati .Lot 25x125 feet on Sixth avenue, near tho ocean, Asbury Park. If you want to bny or rent any property any- where along the coast • ................. "* Cor. Suwail^avTaod Emory St . ABburj-I*ark. Or W. T. 28Tahrr, Point Pleasant, N. J. W. II. Pottxr, Spring IAke, N. J. iionl Estate, Insurance and General Agent. Property Sold, Rented cr’[ Iiv -sured in Ocean Grove, Asbury. Park, Ixicb Arbour, Ocean. Park, Key East,- Ocean Beacb and' Sprjng I«,ke. Policies written at lowest rates in strongest companies. Money ioaned on ‘ Mortgage . security. , ■ Conveyancing,Contractsmade, .-'.Etc --- - —*;• — ' --- *- ...... G. W.MAKTIN, 47 PilgrimPathway, Opp. rosi Office, Ocean Grove, N. J. J . A . B O R D E N S -i- 4 WAJM 6 HT ElSlCI Sil FURNITURE -AND- II GOODS; " 7 Asbury Parkr - New Jersey. •We would retnpcctfujly Inform the public that we aro now inrrecelpt of aoveral car-loads of Furniture direct from the Western Manufac- turers, which was made, especially for the Sea- side Trade. - Feeling confident that from 21 years’ experi- ence In the business that wo can furulBh to our patrons this season Goods that for style, dura- bility and price cannot fail to please, as they have been bought with tho greatest of cafe and for'cash- The following quotation-will show how thev will be sold : W h ite W ood S u ite low “ *lorr'' A sh Suite, 6.pieces, *"">*?'• A ntique O ak Suite, Springs and M attresses, as low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS - o r l Til K— c N EW JE R S E Y C O A ST , and prices tho lowest- ; ------------ TT1— — ■ /-T SjKviInl httcnttnn given to llw. -— ‘ ' ; ■■ Making.and Putting Up bf ' Experienced-Man. Wo guaruntco entire sutIsfa«-l!on In , te . Stoves and Tinware, English and American Crockery, Fancy and Domestic Glassware, Ilfble Cutlery, Sil-' . "verware -1 Ami everything lit a lloHSivIurh^hlng llne.,,^ ■; ; - j ' (‘ontraots sojlrltoil for. furiilKhlng*llolols and tUtUagiBi- mm»p1uti)4--PlotU4e-tiaD-uml -get -esti - mates licfore placing voiininlers: I DJOURNED SHERIFFS SALE. lo sale Of tho property of Mary Louisa Apple4; g ite and John II. Applcgato, horlittfibaud, et at.. a the suit of John ili„Tniftx. stands adjourned te Taepdny the 12th -ilay of July, 1H87. a t l ’ark Dftfi, In tno Borough of Asbury Pack, In tho tov^alrtp of Ncjjtunc.at 2 o’clock Dated Juno 14,1837. __ _____ .p. m; HEODORK AUM A C ^ h o r i f r . L Pro. fiio, $1 BO.J J S CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. . ,Te Sarah J. Tookcr. * t f iTvlrtuo of an order of tho Court of Chancery Bow Joraoy, hmdo oh .the day of the date 4of, hi a cause wherein Samuel Ludlow la eo&Mahumt and yon arc'defendant,-you ate •romuted to npiWttr, plead, answer or demur to Uie.vMIl of raid romplalnant on or boloro' tho elgHfeenth day of July next, or tin ................... beSakcn osconteMCd'flTralnstyou. Tqc said hill 1» filed to forcoloao a mortgage ' i by John F.‘ Hawkins and Bruno S-.Keafor elgHteenth day of July next, or tho said bill will ~ hen os confcpsmrr ‘ said bill Is fi given by John F. IL. ...................... fho complainant, dated tho rourtli day of April, clghtecu hmidrcd-and..olgbty-two, on lands lii the tdwnsh n of Wall, Monmouth coun- ty.? $nd you, Sarah <1. Tookcr, aro biado dcrend- iccauBe you ure tho owner ot said landB. HAWKINS* DUJtAND, Hollcltora of ComplalnaijtT' 1 May 16lh, 1887. Ashury Farg, N. J. ' * I Pm. foo, I4.20.J rOH^NOERY OF NESV JERSEY. .... nna-Ar M-Clark;and HarrtBonGrCl«rk“ herfltuband. By vhtuo of an order of tho Court of Chancery of Hew Jersey, mado on tho day or,tho dato h6fwbf, In a cause wherein BobbI o Itemsen Hutu- phrtfr'ta comp tain aut, and you are detendants, you itfe rcifulrcd to appear, and plead, demur, or ansvrertu tho comnlulnant’s bill op, or before tbe Jflcvcnth day of July noxt, or the said bill will Be taken aa confessed agalnsl you. Th^sald bill Is filod to furccloso two certain morfcages, given bv (you) Anna A. M. Clark and Uari^qn (1. Clark, her husband, to John Itemsen, thojmb da ted. Ibo-Fifteenth day of February, A. EH Eighteen hundred and eighty three, tbo otheijdatod tho Twenty-second day of Novem- ber, PL I). Klghtecn hundtbd and eighty-three.on landKin tho Borough of Asbury Park In tlio county of Momnnuth and State of New Jersey, which said mortgages were duly assigned to tho complainant by John s, Applcguto, Administra- tor, «se. of said John Itemsen, deceased, by an Asstennont hi writing, hearing ditto tho flrst day of.M4y, A. D. jblxhteun hundred and eighty-five. And ton, Anna A. 311. Chirk, are made a ilefcn dantPecaiiso you own the said lands: And you, Harrtrfnn O . Clark, are. nmdo a defendant be- cause you are the hutdiaml of the eald Anna .A. M. Chirk, and have or claim to havo some mari- tal rkht or Interest In tho said lands.' ■7, ISAACC. KENNEDY. . ■» * Solicitor of Cotnplatnaht. ... P. O . Address. Asbury Park, 1 • Monmouth Countv, Now Jersey. Dated May 9..18H7. (Pr’s fee, $8 4i)l -Free Felwery by-our own wagon every day to Red' hank,; Fair Haven, Oceanic, .Sea BrigKt, Mon- mouth Bei»clt7 North Long Branch. Fast i.ong Branch, Branchport, Long. JJrarich, Long Branch/Village, West End.: Elberon, Asbury i’ark, Ocean .Grove. . - Orders by'mail or .handed to the driver .will .receive prompt attention. •v~ . Lord &. Tay lo t, UPfTOWN STORK: BroSUway and Twentieth Street: Oowtr-Towti Storf.: '• ...Giandr Chryiitieand-EersythStfeetf^ pp: ; new york ; • ' M ASTER’S BALE IW PARTITION, By virtue of atlecreo of the Court of Chancery of Nu'tf- Jerseyrtlv.tcd May 2»th, twr, lu a cause .whortl n Justus K. Itslph ami otlotrs aro com plalnsiitH ami Joseph C. Fisher and others aro dofctHlmits.! will cxir' so f«»r sale by public ven- due, t»>the highest bidder, on BComhvy, July 18tb, A. D. 1887, atthft^oui1of 2 o'clock p. in.. yl Parkilall, In Asbu& Piirk,- In Ihe trtwiishljAif Neptune, In tho or Monmouth.,$t«\v Jersey, •* ,Uaao pftroelu of luutl nnd prerainott n tho township uT'formorly-Oi:ean (fyr- Jircwphnrj-»,.[ji the conntv^tif'Mnnmmilh uiuThCCooT s Nuw Jersey, ami m IIgwii on a map o r said lafdn as follows: i. Lot so. J of said iirembos Is shown on xalil map a-JLot No. ti und eoutalns eight acres'ami fifty*ftfcJinndrodtlis ofnu qcre, und Is tKiunded HamueU Morrell’s lot, now Joseph <!. Fisher’s, and onuho smith by Mary Howland's lot, Hald to iel on g bow lo tffiarlea O. Bond. - 1 Lot No. I0«f said premises b ropresented on said rolp as Lot No. 10 and contuhm twenty aere-fl ahd flfty^bundredthif of un noro, and Is bounded on tbo oast hy formerly Gordon Drum- mond'sjlund. on tbo west hy formerly, t .‘harles Morrclfs, now Joseph c. Fisher’s land, oujho wmth hy tho lands of tho Jacob Corlies Katmte formerly, ifaff J. K. Ikmlen and Fay; Ineludlng tho estate hi dower of Hussn II. Coleman add the Inchoate right of dower of Virgin!o Kalpli, Ellza.- Ikitli Fisher und Lucy 11, Coletmrn. »*• • Terpis and conditions made known on day of. il&f' * H M. DICK INHON, Hpeelal Masterrr- UOIIKUT ALLKN. Jn., .Solicitor. IPrs./ee, 97.20J JERSEY, OAUKY THE Larpstiid Finest Stock OF MERCHANDISE In Asbury Park, BIRD’S EMPORIUM, Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park, H. J. Would call attention to tho fact that hla place 1ft alwayft clofied on tne Sabbath,^aud»therefqye ho has a right to expect patronuge from thoao who be lie vo In Bundarobaervaucu. OFFICE OF JOHN A. BORDEN, Justice of ih Feace-and Notary Fablic. ASBURY PARK, OCEAN BEACH, SPRiNO LAKE AHC NORTH SPRING LAKE. PersoriB wishing to Rent, Purchaso or 8el! at fhe above plaimfl, ny n\yru!rn.hnvIfi#'cfFtegi>ft t6 rimt Tor season of 1880, and doifiFtncrto place them hi rqy hands, will receive special attention. YdrTuVtTier particulars or maps, address— E. WHIGIIT, Box 108, Asbury Park ^Cor.Cookman aud Sewall Avfl., A. Park. *r i 1 oril. BrMTnlystore, North aprlngluike: N. B.—1 have some cottages und lots for sale cheap, edsy-teons ; also a number of cottages for rent.,' '- . 4 . .. .* • ... • . M . M O R O S B IE . 1 • _ Successor to David Cartwright,— - lii, ail t a i f M i . Tar Paper, flheathlng PoporrtTwp and Three-ply Roofing Papfer. P. ©. Box 802. ■ ,Asbnry Park, N. J. SANITARY_PLUIVIBING B. CBOWELL & CO. - Now occupy the. new brick hull ding O fJ. Honry > .Applcgaterd^#. . Tf* Mattison Avenue, near Boiirt Street, where they artj |ircpare»l In estimate on all binds OF PiUMSiNt m AitS STSAM FITFIKS . Tlrey do none jithor than first-class j^brk, and. all dlumhJng will 1*0 domvaflprtlie raow-appmved nanltaryi.methodH.‘ * j’.- . Kfpidrliix 'proni|idy nttemle^ to. 'j 1 TV/TIS^ M.^E: COLEMAN,. DRESS^MAKER. cuttino anjj yrrriNo iTsPtcutTT, ,, The art of outlIng ana.fitting, t aught.« r. COR. BO^D HTREKT^Np, DANG8 AVENUE, C; -w*-- Afl|>ury-Park, NrJr-' NEW YORK BOOK Stationery Store, 72!) COOKMAN AVENUE, Asbnry Fnr}t$jN. J. - " -—■ -J- ' . A COMPLETE STOCK OF llldnk Books, Stationery. Fehobl Padft, Plush tjoods. ArtlstH’. Materlalw, -* . Tissue Pailer und Novelties. 1 *"■“ • Alb)itnH»Ulock».umlTlrlc-n-hrant MARKET, (UUbllahMl lu New York 1861.) 629 Cfloimas Ave., Asbory Park,N. J; ONLY THK POPULAR PUUIJOATION8. Ilnrd’s Wrlllng Paper,,ln llu ts; Folov’a Gold Petrs; 8e» Hide LUirary. Ait.#. H . C . M A R R Y O T 7, Gontractor.and Builde'r; Estimates furnished for.every deftcriptlqn qf . wofk. Jobbing attended to pporopfly. - - Residency— - Cor.-Sewall-Aie. and-Eiaoty St., Lbck B t i ««.• fMMWY M l% , N. J. II. Ya hodine , THE GROCER, 6>\8 Gpoicrnan Ave.', ASBURY PARK. 1 V- A R E BOLD. Finest Poultry. Smoked Meats. Superior Corwed" Beef From Seleoted stock, Artealaa Water and Pure Pickling Materiala. Vegetables and Fruits * »Fresh*Dajly from Monmouth County Farms. BA N N ED _%R O ET A BLE*. _7..;— ’J ” DEH8EKT FBIllTfi, PLUM PUDDING, Ao. A satisfactory place to deal, where everything pold la guaranteed to be tbo best the^narkot. Telephone connections with Park^nd Grove. JAMB6 H. BIRD. Oarpdt Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning) HOTELS,: COTTAGES, - Or PRIVATE HOUSES wishing Uarj^eLs pleamuT, cari liavo EXPERIENCED"MEN to attend fo itt 10 yearn oxperlenco In tho hnsl- , H icus. <!IIARt.r.« MITCIIF.LL, Carpet Cleaning Office, ir,2Q N.113th BT.^PHLLA S e a s id e H o m e Bosriiicg Bollool /or Young l<ulio« natl Children, •« AMIIIBYPARK. -' jiKAV JSISNKY. ‘Elgblh year ojiens Tuosdoy, Sept. 81, ’ 88. ■AiWfmk .JULIA ROSSj-rlricliwi;, . » • - ‘ (Jot Asbury ^vo.,AWBbryTark,Nx,J' Hlutlk L iCD .HPH , . ■" ‘■ ; ' \ A late and Unproved'edltlon, atTHR^ruRNAL office, Malllfton ave.--Adv. d :S .r ' '. Oliver H..Brown’s housI efurnishing •-Wt- EMPORIUM ——— ------- :— d ' SPRlNii LAKE,N.J. (jREATLY’EHLARGED, .. mm STOCKED, ENTIRELYRE-ARRANGED. The Finest Stock of HousefurnishiDg Goods to be found on the New Jereey Coast. Newest. Designsin^urniture. ANTIQUJS^OAK In Bedroom Suits, Sid? Boards.^Chairs, Tables. Etc. Carp®t8,Jttattlng 8, Reed and' Rattan Goodn, B E D D I N G , Silvervvare, Liunps, Stoye«. Freneh, Boliemiaii and Do- > 1 me.Htie Glana. Foreign j : Dnincstlrf Uliina —and table Wsire.- Gomla dollvored in AKhurv Park nn<l Ocean • " ■ . Grovo. Sl3fE.ta,Spring kk3,IJ. S £ i2 B T 7 '^ .a ^ r ,3 ? 3 . EMPLOYMENT AGENOY, CO Spritigiyootl Aye., W jvit Anbury Fark. Mpjbclufti-htilp.of -overy.dcueHptlon can 1 ) 0 . seleoted ut any time. o<kikh. waiters, chambor- )naids,, laundresses, general .servants, nurses, eo-Achmen, lanltreftwiR, ote. AIhO Ih>uho tdean - Ing. kalsouilnlng, ote., promptly attended to. M IL * MKH, WM. IflLTCHBlt. B . L>. O B A M BE, THE BOAT BUILDER, has a supoly of new hnd Bocond-hund Routs for sale or hire. Cedar Routs it specialty. Oars and jowteokfton baud. IhvatK thnWcred to any lake •la tho vicinity of Asbury l'ftrk. P. o Box 180, Ocean Grove. IL D. CRAMIfTf- reedmdor etaOdard paper targote, 50 yards pActlco range, printed and for ’sjjijle Jit- tho AlJ.nryTftrf Printing HmiRe.—Adir.7 Xloal GpuiVeyAitces. j- ^ List of poriveyancea, Monmoufh Connty Clerk^-offlco,. for- thb -jwook'endliiK-June-11 , 1887: . -. . .d ASIl'uitT J’A n K . Aon Janette Hqugh to Lydia A Wittenberg et at.—lot 1081, Asbury Park, w.fiot). Charle« Uraeotlgam to Frederick 0. BrarmH-' g a m - l o t 777- 13,000. , IL Harry Appleby el at. to The UnltodBtatea—1 ioso for post office. $500 per year. •* > , Henry Harblnson to Lillie llarblnflon Flfihdera —lot In Anbury Park. 11.' i Wm. II. Rrown to Jano R. Row laud-46 east - erly part lot 883. WOO. * ** . oo^ an onovB, The Ocean Grove tam p Meeting Association to Carol! no 8 to w art—lot 923. 9850. ------ Caroline Stewart , to A. L, Urban—lot 02S. |IAOO. - T * .' . --V: ' : ------ .’■Tile Ocean Grove Cam p Meeting Association to, James Black- lot 496. $&0, ^ • Harao to same—lot 497. |50. , Thomas Jackson to Joshua Peacock—lots at Ocean Grove. 81,400. . % ^ Jr^huq peacock to Win. IL Rocglo—let 108.. NEI-fUNB TOWN8UIP.' Gcorgo M. Bounctt'to,Charles C. Haven—lot ■2, Kqy East. $760. , Frank Dennis to Wm. II. Dennls~15 acres In Neptune township, tl. Gordon Drummond to John Bohnko—lot near Asbury Park. $250. Edward Uatchelor to Aar'on'll. Nelson—lot 170 at Koy EasL $1,000. * ' ; ■./; utBCELLirnsocB. . Winfield 8. B. Parker J —lotkUEougTlranch. Ii._ Fame to samo—lo? at Long Branch. $200.—— Bauie lo same—lot at Long Brahclf. $ 200; . Green Grove Cemetery Conipaily to 'Frederick' D, Woodruff-lot 467 In cemetery. $30. Char lea J. Ixrveiaud to James Crajg—lot at 8ea Plain. - $50. Wm. G. Hall, ef of, to Dclljia Brltlon—lot near Loug Branch. $205. ; Robert Emory to Thomas J. Emery—2 lota at Atlantic High lands. $150. Charles Coildeit to Joseph D. Thomas—lot Mid- ‘ * ...................... Lib. i J osestoGarrtt-H ' Beach, .$5,000. L E A D I N G HANTS -B. Davison—lot Manalapau township. . Austin A. Wright to Daniel J. Wright—180 22- -OF : 8TEINBACH BROS., Near the Lake. Green Grove-Cerofetery Coronany tb Wm, H; Cdthart—Tot No. 420 in cemetery, feo. Hamuel W. Morford to Michael Giblln—lot at Red Bank. $350. - John S. Applegate to Heitry. H. Yard—3 lots Yard’s addition to Ocean Beach. $1. . Charles Al!cnt late Sheriff, to Thomas 8. Field— title ahd Interest in furm Ocean township. $2,000. Phoebe A. Vandervcer et at. to John P.-Merleet —lot at Long Branch/$176. - Wm. McMahon to Win. J. 'Bution-deod of as- znment. Red Bank. $1; Jacob L. Brown to Henry B. Rollinson—2 lotaat North Brighton. $1,010. Mary D, Poole to Frank Goodman—062-100acres Kah^unvn township. $3U0. Jos. W. Johnston to Catharine A, Stevena—2 lota at Eatontown. 8140.. Tho AUuuUc. Highlands Association to Solomon O'. Brown—7 Jots Atlantic Highlands. $1,160. . Bafne to samc^-3 lote Atlantic HlKhlandHTT/50. Thomas T. Rogere to Solomon G. Browff—loi at Atlanilc.Hlghlands.--$300. Sarah V. Fountain to Elbert II. uoddard—lot Ml Istono'township. $100.' i . • - Saruh V. Fountain to Melvin C. Go<ldard—lot MiUstmio township. $100. (paries J. Jehl to Frauds A. Jchl—20 86-100 acres Ocean tow nab Ip. 8100. JoKejOi K. Hinlth te-Oweo-J,- Kelly—lota 1810, THlTand 1818 Ocean Beach. 83,100,- JamCs W. Robinson et at,, to Win Thompson— IT) nait of 2 lots land Ocean townshlp.'ll. Wm. Thompson to George W. DcLauo-r7 7-100 acres, 0<;cau towusbip. $1.; - . Matilda Thompson and husband to George W. Deljrno—1-6 part of 2 lots land, Oecau township. :p.a.:r,is Human Hair Store, 811 Cookman and 812 MaUison 4»s., ASBURY l*AKk. My Circassian Tonique for the growth of the hair nnd for removing dandruff and nil comtdfilnta of tho scalp and hnlr, has bepn hlghiy'rccoti^tnondml by the best resldonts of ABbury Park and Ocean Grovo. Its success haa. bean matvolpus, - Toallmmdale may be seen at my office. { ^ “Success Iq all cases. T .adtes and gentlemen conanltatlon free. Large assoritnent of Homan llalr Works. Natural Wat or Curia guaranteed. Ladles’ Hair Cutting, Bhomiroolng, Hair Dressing and Curling by prorcsslonal Frency arliels. My Vcloiuino for tho face needsonly a trial to 1 h> iir«‘f)Tr»'«j in- n|| others Iu Dio-murk?1 Free trial to all, ... PROr.MME.E. ORISON . Artistic 'Printing. Material—ihe+«t. Workmanship— D elivery— prompi. Charges— ASBURY PARK PRINTING HOUSE. MATTRESSES. T32. 3 - . !ames, Until lately connected with KameH & Rons, ''B oat Builders, hasjipened a Maim- "* tacUuauunl.Balearooin for . Mattresses’ & Bedding DO\VN BTAIttS AT No. 1 Main St., Asbury Paft, N. J. He cordially Invites tho Publlo to Inspect, his ■Rtock,—Ifohovulhig Matlrosaes a Hpeclalty. YOST’S EXPRESS Removes and delivers Baggage, Freight, Furni- ture^-Pianos, ami all kinds' of. miiyablo Goods tp.jtnj’ ./part’of Asbury Park, Oceau GroVe ;; or Vicinity . 1 '. muderflU) nitftfl IS year.’ experience In hft/ni ling ofi»alj klmhi of mnvabla gooda. All ordera •by mall orothorwbw will receive prompt atten tion. P. O. Adressa,; - . B6A 913, AHBIIBY PARK, N. J. OFF1GKS—616 'Bowall avo.; ALimn 8 Express Office: It. It.Depot, Asbnry Park. Asbury Park Printing Hqu.s&. Newest designs tot type ; latest lraprovt& mm qhloery; skilled Workmentteviry deacrlptlop or prinlliig^eallmateagivoa; Speclalptemluuiafrohi the County Fair for flno printing, * , / dletown township. $ 10f.._. John J osea to GarrR S. Glen—2 lots Spring I^ke each, .$5,000. . " John A. Buhler, adm'r,’ to Charles O. Hndnut— tot No. 302, Oceaadleacb. $1,600. Mary E. Mount;and httaband to Henrietta E. Conover—5 acty» Middletown township. 91. The F lat National Bank of Jarneahur^te John ............. aht to Daolol J. Wrk 100 acres.: $8,000. A FUI.I, noAHI\OUT—FIXING UR MAIN 8THEET —UNSAFE - OUIMNEYS AWlL BUlf,I»lN09—TUB OAIIDAOE CONTRACT AWARDED—A PETITION FROM ANEty*A$ROOIATldN—^TARDY ELECTION RETURNS— REfiAINTlNd TBLEORAPU POLES— A WARM TIME OVER THB, STREET RAILROAD FHANODlftB, . . Fmstbe first tlmo. this flpca^ year all inom- bdrepf'tbo Board of Commissioners wore .(n tbelr placo on Monday evening. .Tho railroad . mon wofo fill there and a largo delegation of citizens listened tp the proceedings.'' Com. Hnulley stated that npon-more-rhifo- fnl-survey-of tbcrworlrneeded to bo done on' Main street uoar the hoad of Wesley Lake, It had been, found that tbo oxponso wonld ex- ceod tbo original estimate of $50. As this la a township road bo thought tiie Township Com-'- Vnifteo wonld consent to bear a part of the expense. Tbo matter would bo laid before tha CoiOtnittco at an early day. »-Tho Finance Committee reported that a note for $4,000, for three months, bad been d I aeon n ted? to nleet tho note dne on. Jane 10. Tbo action waa (approved. Tho' Committee also submitted the.report of tbe Chief of Po- llcQt^^bbwIiig-tho^oblleotloa-oH^-for-flnee— •and.street opening permits. - — --— —- - - Com. Bailoy repbrted that complaints bail reaphed hlm-of^fWo chimneys that were In a dabgerous condition, A now building, near The Keacb and hot yet completed, had alsp been reported as dangerous, the frame belbg exceedingly flimsy and the Ton negation Inee- onrerf Com. Bradley said that he knew the building,, anjl that while It was very frail In oonstraotlq^,'yet lirhls judgment there was no dAngef- "of. Its -falling. The Fire Marshal was Instructed to have the budding Inspected by a competent carpenter. T / Bids for removing garbage from the Bor- ough were then, opened. There jrere two, as fpllo\Y%t Goo.- B. Jam es, f^om $BiT); Abel Coleman (tho present contrac- tor) from Jtinq 15-to-Oct. 15, $1,000. k On mo - tion of Com. Smith tho contract.was awarded to Abel Coleman. | ' ~ : . Ab application was received -from thp^, Asliury Park Stago Lino Association,’? ask- ing to be permitted to namo the starter for the 5 c6 nt Tine, and that ho be clothed with police authority and bo instructed to enforce , such inles regarding the n\ntilng of Btagea-aa - thovAssociation should make. Accompany- fng this were two other petitions, one asking for tho appointment of EdwartTIHorrla aa starter, and the other favoring Theo. Hiiltck for that ppBitlon. Each petition bore the sig- natures of about the same persons, Various members of the Board informally expressed ‘themselves as against allowing tho -slago dri - vers.to make thclr„own. rules,, hutihojsrbolo— matter was referred to the Street Committee. Wm.' Harris* petitioned t 6 bo allowed to erect a borbeij pole la-fronbof his shop oh the . corner of Mattlson dVenue and Bond atroot. Referred to the Street CommUteo. DelAuo— lot of land, Oecau township. . . Geonjo W. belrfpiu to William Thom peon—lot oUanu, Ocean VowtuJilp. $1. George W. DcLaito-' to Matilda Thomjieon—7 too^acres, Oceau township. $1. George W. I>cI.ano to. William Thompaon—mi- divided Interest In 2 lota land, Ocean township. $1. Andrew P. Pearce to George Htillwell—lot Wall township. 880. AVai. (1. Hull eltU., lo Michael Markwatcr et of. lot at Long Branch. 8350. Wm. G. Hall rt at., to Kllzabcth Markwftter—lot at Umg llruueh. $#*). » (.'liurles Ualght to Klla A. Harris— part lot at Long Branch. $500; Charles II.-Kills ft at., Ex’rs. to Klla A. Harris ■y. part lot at Long Branch. $500. Matilda a. Thompson to Jennie Brewer—lot land Eatontown township..81. Adeline Auguste Morris and husband. to Jhcob C. Wynkoop—lot at Ixjiig Ilniueli. $1 and ex- change. - * „ Kliza Brown to Chrlatlait Brehm—lot.at Jx>ng Branch, $700, ---------------- *v : - -----pheho 11. Allen to “Alary JJ. O’Brien—lot a t Long Branch. 8850. Mary E. O'Brien to Emcat Neycr—lot at Long Branch.. 81,100. PhebolL Allen to’Palrick J. Casey—lot at Long Branch. $f,2fi0/ James Bampson to Kate E. AUtiouao—% part of lot at Long Branch, $1 afid other consideration. John F. R. Brown to Kale E. Allhauser-i^ part lot at Long Branch. $1 and other consideration. Thclnhabltanla of O ^ u tow iiabip to Thom as . Pltebo li- Allen rt at., to llcnry O I/mg Branch. $700. Phebo B. Allen ct at., to Michael Quirk— lot at Loug Branch. $1,400. ’ John Blaney to George‘VanBruut—lot at Long Branch. $250. * •- Abigail F. Hance to Sarah Warner—lot at Red Bank. $60. > . ■* .. BrUtor) Chamber lain to. IIatinaii-(.*rnnincrT-Jot In Hnrneretown. $6T*). Mary E. Hurkcr etui., to Hannah Craumer—lot In Horneretown. $200. Haiiuab Craumer et hi , to Anna B. HammoU— lot in Uoruuretewn. HuO.,. , Kllhu Browu ^O-Mary G. 8trykcr—lot — -. Expollfn^ the Carpet Workers. Ten thousand carpet’workers liavo been ox- pelted fronxtho Knjghta of I^bor by the Pen oruT Ex'Ccdtlvo BoaRl] *‘ ’foFdTsohqd16nco and Inaubbrdlnatlon,” and tho qbartera of their District Assembly, l^ aqd tbpjo^fafiaem- blles attached, have been revolted. This ac- tion of tho Board a'ffects tho weavers in New York,jYonkoro/Aniaterdam and Philadelphia. Tho officers and meifibers bf tbe expelled assembly feel' very Indignant at tbls action and denounce It as unwarranted and oppres- sive. Borne who claim a knowledge of the laws of tho organization, deny the jlght of tbo Exec a Live Board to qnnul a chatter and to expel the members of a district or local as-' sopibly, and d^ouncQ. It aa_ an outrage, If tho Board possesses 8 uch BbmmaryT>dwer, tho Knights say they have not understood it, and such power should bo taken away. Master Workman Morrison, of Assembly 126,i says that It will^not affect tho.woVk o t Knights. They will gp quietly forward as usual, and appeal their caso to' tho General ARsembly. lie claims that tlio Executive 'Board may suspend, but has no powcrto re- voke charters; that is iho provonctrolHho (jenoru.l Assembly ltsolf. FJ(lVfttO^, Youth (Inquiringly)—%% Suite six- teen,‘Miss ?” St. Lotite Miss (bldpWng)—“No bnly’flfteon last January.’/ . Soqio old dinner customs still.prevail. TI<o Romans used It) r e ^ g u ^ t tholr banquets, and the lmblt of lying nt iVublic dinners still prevails. j ‘An art critic, describing alrecont coiloction of brio a-brao, nays: “ Thp visitor’s eyo wilt be slt^ok on entering tho room with a porce- lain umbrella.” In t?io bright lexlcon-of youth there Is po such word os fait, but lutejL.011 , . when the youth gets Into buBlness for himself, then tho woid shffwa up In gootl shape hiq’t It queer that when a man addresses •ypff by saying Bay,” he wains you not to {lay anything, but to.keep still so that ho cqh aay,BomothlDg himself? An old preachpt\ after exhansting himself on an atlompfc to d^crlbe boavcn, wound up thns I toll you, my brethren, it. la-a very Kentucky of a place 1” ’ * Tetfoher—“ Who was Alexander Selkirk ?’* .Tomttiy—‘‘He wasA’cly.il ^hglBoer.” -Toach- or-*‘'ClVll Angrn’eTr?” T'ommy*5r.‘,Ye^‘ in^’fim; Tovvii Councit. .J une 10,188£_^ summer force; sevoral men were Waiting to know before aocoptlng other positions. The Qomraltteo said the names would bo presented ▼cry soon. The Clerk presented tho official returns of tho special water eloctlon h’cld April 10, and ' tho Borough election held May 1U, stating that tho olectlon officers had just aont them in. Tho Ronrd having previously taken ac- tion on tho issuing of the additional water bonds sonic members of tbedloard questioned tho leg'allty of such actiou when taken before tbo receipt of \ho official rolurns. The mau ter waa referred to tho Kinonco C'ommlttco to co^BUlt counsel ahd report at tho noxt meet- i n g . —- * 4 - .............. »-- Clerk Bailey called the attenUog. of the Board to the fact thai tho telegraph arid tele- phone poles In tbo Borough needod repaint- ing. Ho was Instructed to notify the com pa- nics to attend to thlB^ part of tho agreement. Tbo Railroad Committee reported that tho (ti,()00 had not been dopoeitod by the Seashore • Railway Company, os required by the ordinance. T(»o Committee staled that !nfor: Z ^ mation had been received that tho Seashore Co. had been trying to^oll Its franchise, and It lookod to theiD as though the delays bad been, Intentional and tho company was'not' ac$lng in good foUh. Counselor Mltebell; of tlio Seashore Co;, obtained permission testate tho fdpts'of .tho caso. Ho said that wlibout * tho knfywfoago of other members of-the com - pany lie bad offered to eelltho franchjse to__ Mr." John J . O’NelU, of Yorkvllle, tho price named being $ 10,000 In cosh and 20 por cent, of the capital stock, O’Neill to build and op- erate the road In tho mannei prescrlbod by 4ko-prdInanea*-^lehbad-glvena memorandum agreement to hlr/O’NoIU and after the matter' had fallen through ho (0’Ndlll) hod refused to surrender the document. Mr. 0 ’NellHr>nd his counsel^ M l Tubbs, were ptesont, and the latter was alloqrcd Co make a statement; llo read tbo meinorandum agreement antfz starled to read a statement received by blrii from Mr. MUchcll In'regard to* the apte&l co®1 of conatrnotlug and maintaining tl )0 road, bnt ' he was stopped tn this as It was outsldo the cojicerqs of tbo Btiard. ; Mr. Mitchell was severely questioned by-various members of tiie Boards but bo stated that if tho company -sold the franchise thetown would be as thor-- ougbly protected os before. Ho had entirely Withdrawn tbo proposition to Mr. O’NslUaml his company waa prepared to; go ahoad with the work. .Contracts.forroad bed pud equip- ments jvoulO. bo signed on. Tuesday.Qr_Wed;_; besday, aud the necessary doJ>oaIt wonld be mado, '* • '• * ' Having taken testimony In tho caso, as It wero, tho Boatel llieu'wont Into executive ses- sion to consfdor what should bo done, aud tLe reporters agd spectators retired to tbe front' porch of ;Pack Hall to^dlscuas thtiBltuation and await the Verdtet.^^While the Commla- slonera wcfti dellberatjng there Was war of words between the rival railrodd meri outside that was hot circumscribed by uny ptirHri=^ mcntary' “ blue laws.” It vented itself main- ly In nn lnterchunga, of sarcostlo reffiarks of more “or less brilllanby, and sooroed to bo, greotly enjoyed by tho auditors. Finally, at 10.35, tho bars were again thrown dowtijand the eager/ hltizehp were porinltleJV to listen onco more to the deliberations of the. Council. An ameudmerfbto ibo railroad or- dinance had been prepared, extending the •tlmftof.acgeptance to dune lfe; this was thetf reah-tbreo Umoa am)[ pasaed by p unanimous* vote, vlt will be foundUn full In our adver tlaing Columns. Coni. Bradley, expreasod hla desire for sornd Tnoraexeoutivo.sesslon on an- other maUor, but as- tho boiir was lain It.was decided to ad jouni. ^ ' monarch of all luLftUx^yed.’V: V First Western desperado—“ There conlefi a tondorfoot; let’^havo some fun with him.” - Second We^temTleaperado—“ Don’t touoh ’lrn. He’s dpre. devil,” ^ ‘Oh ?” TF|ct. He balljimplre tn Cte- crtmati foMwqaea8 ons.v . * ' \ W ; - :

Transcript of HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til...

Page 1: HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til K— c N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T , and prices tho lowest- • ;-----TT1— — /-T

Vol.- XII. A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W J E R S E Y , J U N E 1 8 , 1 8 8 7 . No. 257

^ofr^icrttal ®ar<U.j a : w . i n r r n ic K , m . d . , '

” *ER>mceopattato Physician and Bprgeon.Cor. Cookman A Bangs ara., Asbury Fark,:N. J.

H ours: until 10 a . m ., and a fte r 4 p. m.

U a, k in Mo n t p , m . p .; - -v-Corner Grand tin d Asbnry Avenues,

Offloe HooTa—7 to 9 a . m ., I to ? p . m ., 6 to 8 p.m.

nomoeopathlo Physician and Surgeon.' Graduate of both Bohools.

Cor. Asbury avenuo and Bergh s tree t' Hours—U ntil 9 a. m., 7 to 9 p. ml.Telophono connections. >.

TATM. GRISWOLD, M. D . . ........ r~* v HomtBopaffiio Phystolan and Surgeon. .

612 Cookman avenue, noar Grand avenue,------------ ' Anbury Park.-N. J .

Office Htiurs—Until 10 a. in. From 6 to 8 p. ro-

X ~ F . PAWLEY, *’ ___ XlEM ZCXgag— «— — -

615 Dangs ave* Asbury Park. N. J .

J ) R : 8. T. 8LOCUM, “

BBNTI8T,Office—2M M ala St., opposite Railroad Station,

Gas administered. Asbury Park^ N. J.,: TRENTOK-STEAM DYEING-WORKS,-A. H. BUKTON, D. ft. B. I Q. BURTON, D. ft. 8: -


S e s ld e a t D en tlito , ,627 M attlson avenuet corner Bond streeL Anbury

Park, N. J . Offloe H o n rs: 9 a . m. to 5 p. m.Gaa administered. Appointments made by tele­

phone o r by jhall - ‘

L .W. BBTMOPn. I). -D.-B. - ?"~-t D B l T T l f l T ,

Offloe 45 Qookman avenue, a ear Bmory Btreet M echanical work a specialty.

Difficult operations solicited.

E L. M. BRISTOL. M .B .,Physician and^urgeori

Corner of ^ond s tree t and F ifth avenue. W inter office—119 Bv 40th St.. New Y o rl^_

, . j..T. bawkins: . * mm nmuifn. '; JJA .W K IN 9 A DURAND,

Attorneya-at-Law, Solicitors A M asters in Chan­cery, Mikado Building, Cookman AvM

Asbury P ark , N. J . -

j s a a o c . \ '■■■'

Attornoy-at-Law, Solicitor, Master in'. Chancery and Notary Publlo.Special a ttention given to examination of Titles,

• - • Ao.- ' f-Offloe in Cook’s Bntldlng,

Asbnry Park, New Jersey.

A LFRED D. BAILEY, -Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor and Master In

Chancery and N otaiy Publlo.- Special attention ' given to collection of claims.

Office In Mikado Building, Asbury Park.


Attorneys and CounselOrs-hLLaw, Offices between the Post Offloe and First Nation­

al Bank, Main St.. Freehold, N. J,. Law bhklncss transacted 1 tr ‘all it$ branches.

J ) A VID 11 BY,* Jr.;

Attornoy-at-Law, Soltottor, Master and Examiner In Chancery, Notary Ihibllc.

;— —..............— ’■■■ - -Asbnry TartrrWnfr*”Q.BORQE V. BYHAM,

. A ttornoyat-Law and-Solid tor In Chdncery, • Address'P. O. Bor 1004, Asbury Park, N< :J.

• W. H. VnETtBNBtinnH. - FBXIJKRICK PARKER.''IT'RKDKNBURGI! A PARKER, v • • Counselors and A ttornoyaat-Law,

.___ Freehold. N. J ,

pU A N K V .B O D IN B , ■ *•


P. O. Box 991, •' ’ ‘ ASBURY PARK. N. .1.

H. B. JOHNSON, Practical Watchmaker,

Dealer In Fine W atcbes/jew elrr^Rpectadoa Ao. ! W atches and; Jewelryrepaired; a tc U y lMces.

Main street, near Oookmpn avenue, AABUKY-PARK, N .-Jr

W . E . D E N I S E ,— Dealer In

PURE A L0 ER N IY M ILK AND CREAM ,______jwTTjsjtAxnjio as.--------

-SttSlntjMi (Cards.

ROBERT T■v ' a • dealer' qt

Stoves, Heaters, Ranges,T I N W A R E , A c .• ' $ . * .

Cookman av., near Bond St., ; - ASBURY PARK, N. J . .

.T IS ROOriNI J lA O i M , IIT T E M , *C .

W f l t , T|N AUD IHtSiT 1101 WORN B f A ll • .• . .1 1 1 0 1 .' _ .

4V F 1r:]t olaaa work atlow rates ** 1 i


- 727 Cookman Ave. . *" G te n ts ’


Agent for Asbury Park. ,

.. HENRY DOREN,, .(SudccHsor to G. W. Read,)


Suits m ade to order guaranteed to^flt. Cleaning - and Repairing.


Carpenter & Builder.Plans and speolflcatlons furnished. Jobbing

promptly attended to. Best of reference given. < *ResId8ftOtfi *Fir8t ave., be t Bond and Emory fits.

Shop and Offloe—F irs t aye. and Main at. r .O .B o x m ^ . ASBURY JfARK.

Pianos. . Organs,. O rganettes,— AND— \ ;


For Salo and To Boot.t’ash nald as re n ball owed If purchasod. PIANOS


Cincinnati Hro and Burglar Proof Safes for sale *. for cash on m onthly payments. .........

Window Sbados, Cornlnosy Wall Decorations Au;

Cor. M attison av. and Bond St., Asbury P a rk ; 335 Sea View ay„ O cea /i Grove, N. J . .

— ~WM. P . t*OT7QIiA?>,~AUKWT." *jglas A Kuhn,Newark. N. J.

Of the firm of Douglas A Kuhn, 801 ftroail street., N e ‘ ' ” *


C O A L , W OOD & C H A R C O A Lught to su it you.

Q|T I M T T .- - 1 keep both l l n n l V ^ h lg b 'a n d F r ^ b n r n l n g C o a h . all sizes, and of the

best quality obtalnablu._M y Wood is — ex tra good and Is al&aVs. perf ctty — .

. _ urx. M y V Ji» rfP « L l ngyoniade.. ------especially fo r my own trade.

P R K 1KM—T h e (o w e n t p o a n lb le .F « i« ltille f t uneqitaliMl In this town. Full

weight and measure guaranteed. - ■ -Y A R D : M ain-st.-ropp. Ocean Grove. School

House.B r a n o b Ofllcei*: Lemkau’s Grocery. Asbury

Park ; W aturlght A Errickson, Ocean Grovo, Onlor a t offices, of drived , by telophoho or by

mall, ad dress ed.

Sewall'Ave. bet. Bond and Emory Sts,Prom pt aervlce and prime goodsr

COOK HOWLAND. Architect & Builder.

Building plans executed and all work promptly done.- Office In Cook’s Bulhrfng. Main street and Cookman avenne, Asbury Park

J O H N > V S U T P H E N ,

'B la c k s m ith and H orseshoer.Carriage work In All its b ranohes,«

CARBIAOE PAIHTIN6 AND TRlMMINR- . • ^ — • * - - / - - ■

In the finest style of decorative art.

Main street and - First avenue,/ ABBURY PARK.


Successor to J . Henry Applegate,

Full LineofChoiae Gnles,FLOUR AND FEED.-♦v “ • _ VMattison 4ienu9. s83T. B d Streat,

A S B U R Y P A R K .

~ M R 8 . ,8 .v W r E T Q H E L L 8 ,

Fashionable Dressmaker,HAMPTON COTTAGE,

Bond fit. near Mattlson Ave., "ABBVRY~PARK7 Plain and fancy stitching on ali kinds or work.

The patcpnago o fth e ladles o f Park and Grove so-

C H A R LES P IT C H E R ,Successor to Wm. Miller,

H A R N E S S M A K E R ,

20G~&Tainat,,opp. U.R. Depot, Atftury l*rirk.A full Bupply of Robes. Whips, DtiHlera, Blank-

etii. Trunks, Bags,' Bag HtrppB, Trunk Straps,* -raps. Re • * ......................


. v C O M F E C T I O N E R Y iM n ta o fm ll U ltn ln , F lo rid a O rn ii jfC N , 4’it

t a w k a a u d N n ln g n U rsp eM , .and lururlea of many descriptions, c an bo foutld

a t the new store ofW A 8 H IN Q T O N W H IT E ,



A sau n v P ark, Jan. 27,1885. !" T hereby authorize Jam es H. Sexton to take charge of all .bodies, where ooroiiers’ services a re nbeded, In my absence. - , v


GRAIN O R IL L S .Wthe m ust pfirfect Force Feed PcrtU! letenoe. 8endfJ4flf and a ris t

;S7LVAHIA isllzor Drill In ox-

1 for catalogue.b r r t h l n g N M h i n w h l o r n‘ " 1 standard Agrioul-

Send for Illustrated M IH A B ,

m " N h f i le r a and Standard Agrioul; turaT im plem ents generally. Be catalogue. A* B . F A R O ,. . .

Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Pa


Cookman Avenne and Bond Street,


iJtu! (Sitau S sw dfs.

A r

Lots Nos. 20' and 21 a t North Spring L ake,.. ;

FrouHnk on BBIOUTON A VENDE, ta r t .

Within 300f|. of the Surf, W IL L B E SO LD A T A BAB0AIN.

The lota are each 55 feet froni and over 200 feet deep. They a re situated In tbe finest part of the town, almost directly on tho ocean front, aurrounded by handsomo residences and on the block adjacent to the largo HbteTWllburton.

This la a ch a n ce l’b r’Shb of the surest InveSt- menta on the coast, the only reason for Bolling la (hat th e owner, requires the money In his busU ness.- Address . ‘___ ' ___

E . W IU O H T, or• o : H . b b o w n ,

Spring Lake Monmouth Co.. N. J ,

F . C. BRAEUTIGAM;R eal E sta te and In su ra n ce ,

Established In 1882.notels, Boarding Houses and Cottages to Let,

for Bale and Exchange. Office on Cookman ave.


P. O . Box 17. N ear Main a t. , AabUTy P atk , N. J .

H. B. Beegle & Son,REAL ESTATE anil

INSURANCE AGENTS,13 Vais hmu, t a 3rste, K. J.

Loans N eg o tia te tl and L e g a l P a p e rs D raw n

W, II.BEEGLE,'Notary Public.

II. D. BEEGLE, Notary Pnbllo ami Comrolmloner of Deeds for Now Jersey, Pennsylvania an li­the Jllstrlp .tof Colombia.


i Improveil Property ami Lots at Point Pleasant cheapfo r cash. • ,

Luts a t Manhasset for Sale o r Exchange. 2UUfeet of Hay front, suitable for a whnTf, Tlio only Bay front In thy m arkcL ..... **'"*vicinity;.- w u i be'soia ijmap.

L.fur Bulu .ln ihati

.Lot 25x125 feet on Sixth avenue, near tho ocean, Asbury Park. ■ •

If you w an t to bny o r ren t any property any­where along the coast • .................

"* Cor. Suwail^avTaod Emory St . ABburj-I*ark. Or W. T. 28Tahrr, Point Pleasant, N. J .

W. II. Pottxr, Spring IAke, N. J .

iionl Estate, Insurance and General Agent.

Property Sold, Rented cr’[ Iiv -sured in Ocean Grove, Asbury. Park, Ixicb Arbour, Ocean. Park, Key East,- Ocean Beacb and' Sprjng I«,ke.

Policies written at lowest rates in strongest companies. ’

Money ioaned on ‘ Mortgage . security. , ■

Conveyancing,Contracts made,. -'.Etc --- - —*;• —'--- *-......

G. W.MAKTIN,47 Pilgrim Pathway, Opp. rosi Office,

Ocean Grove, N. J.

J . A . B O R D E N S -i- ■ 4



- A N D -


A sbury P ark r - New Je rs e y .•We would retnpcctfujly Inform the public th at

we aro now inrrecelpt of aoveral car-loads of Furniture direct from the Western M anufac­turers, which was made, especially for th e Sea­side Trade. ■ -

Feeling confident th a t from 21 years’ experi­ence In the business th a t wo can furulBh to ourpatrons this season Goods th at for style, d ura­bility and price cannot fail to please, as they have been bought with tho greatest of cafe andfor'cash- The following quotation-w ill show how thev will be sold :

W h i t e W o o d S u i t e “ low “ * lorr''

A s h S u i t e , 6 . p i e c e s , * " " > * ? '•

A n t i q u e O a k S u i t e ,

S p r i n g s a n d M a t t r e s s e s ,as low as the lowest m arket price.


CARPETS AND RUGS- o r l Til K— c

N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T ,

and prices tho lowest-

• ;------------ TT1— — ■ / - TSjKviInl httcnttnn given to llw . -—

‘ ' ; ■ ■ ■ Making.and Putting Up bf

' Experienced-Man.

Wo guaruntco entire sutIsfa«-l!on In , te .

Stoves and Tinware, English and American Crockery,

Fancy and Domestic Glassware, Ilfble

Cutlery, Sil-'. "verware - 1

Ami everything lit a lloHSivIurh^hlng lln e .,,^■; ; - j ■' (‘ontraots sojlrltoil for. furiilKhlng*llolols and

tUtUagiBi- mm»p1uti)4--PlotU4e-tiaD-uml -get -esti­mates licfore placing voiininlers:

I D J O U R N E D S H E R I F F S S A L E .

lo sale Of tho property of Mary Louisa Apple4; g ite and John II. Applcgato, horlittfibaud, et at.. a the suit o f John ili„Tniftx. stands adjourned te Taepdny the 12th -ilay of July, 1H87. a t l ’ark Dftfi, In tno Borough of Asbury Pack, In tho tov^alrtp o f N cjjtunc.at 2 o’clock

Dated Juno 14,1837.

__ _____ .p. m;HEODORK AUM A C ^ h o r i f r .

L Pro. fiio, $1 BO.J

J S CHANCERY O F NEW JERSEY .. ,Te Sarah J . Tookcr. ‘ * tf iT vlrtuo o f an o rder o f tho C ourt of Chancery

Bow Joraoy, hmdo oh .the day of the date 4of, hi a cause wherein Samuel Ludlow la

eo&Mahumt and yon a rc 'defendan t,-you a te •romuted to npiWttr, plead, answ er or dem ur to Uie.vMIl of raid rom plalnant on o r boloro' thoelgHfeenth day of Ju ly next, o r tin ...................beSakcn osconteMCd'flTralnstyou.

Tqc said hill 1» filed to forcoloao a mortgage ' i by John F.‘ Hawkins and Bruno S-.Keafor

elgHteenth day of Ju ly next, o r tho said bill will’ ~ hen os con fcp sm rr ‘ ’

said bill Is figiven by John F. IL. —......................

fho complainant, dated tho rourtli day of April, clghtecu hm idrcd-and..olgbty-tw o, on lands lii the tdwnsh n o f Wall, Monmouth coun­ty.? $nd you, Sarah <1. Tookcr, aro biado dcrend-

iccauBe you ure tho owner o t said landB.HAW KINS* DUJtAND,

Hollcltora of ComplalnaijtT' 1 May 16lh, 1887. Ashury Farg, N. J .' * I Pm. foo, I4.20.J

rO H ^N O ER Y O F NESV JER SEY .. . . . nna-A r M -C lark ;an d HarrtBonGrCl«rk“

herfltuband.By vhtuo of an order of tho Court of Chancery

of Hew Jersey, mado on tho day o r,th o dato h6fwbf, In a cause wherein BobbIo Itemsen Hutu- phrtfr'ta comp tain au t, and you a re detendants, you itfe rcifulrcd to appear, and plead, demur, or ansvrertu tho comnlulnant’s bill op, or before tbe Jflcvcnth day of Ju ly noxt, o r the said bill will Be taken aa confessed agalnsl you.

Th^sald bill Is filod to furccloso two certain morfcages, given bv (you) Anna A. M. Clark and U ari^qn (1. Clark, her husband, to John Itemsen, th o jm b da ted . Ibo-Fifteenth day of February, A. EH Eighteen hundred and eighty three, tbo o theijdatod tho Twenty-second day of Novem­ber, PL I). Klghtecn hundtbd and eighty-three.on landK in tho Borough o f Asbury Park In tlio county of Momnnuth and S tate o f New Jersey, which said m ortgages were duly assigned to tho complainant by John s , Applcguto, Administra­tor, «se. of said John Itemsen, deceased, by an Asstennont hi writing, hearing ditto tho flrst day of.M4y, A. D. jblxhteun hundred and eighty-five. And ton, Anna A. 311. Chirk, are made a ilefcn dantPecaiiso you own the said lan d s : And you, Harrtrfnn O. Clark, are. nmdo a defendant be­cause you are the hutdiaml of the eald Anna .A. M. Chirk, and have o r claim to havo some m ari­ta l rk h t o r Interest In tho said lands.'

■7, ISAACC. KENNEDY.. ■» * S o lic ito r o f Cotnplatnaht.... P. O. Address. Asbury Park,

1 • Monmouth Countv, Now Jersey.Dated May 9..18H7. (Pr’s fee, $8 4i)l

-F r e e F e lw e r yby-our own wagon every day to Red' hank,; Fair Haven, Oceanic, .Sea BrigKt, Mon­mouth Bei»clt7 N orth Long Branch. F ast i.ong Branch, Branchport, Long. JJrarich, Long B ranch/V illage, W est E nd.: Elberon, A sbu ry i’ark, Ocean .Grove. . -

O rders by 'm ail or .handed to the driver .will .receive prom pt attention. •v~.

L o r d & . T a y lo t ,UPfTOW N STO RK :

BroSUway and Twentieth S tree t: Oowtr-Towti S t o r f . : '•

...Giandr Chryiitieand-EersythStfeetf^

p p : ; n e w y o r k ; • '


By virtue of atlecreo of the C ourt of Chancery o f Nu'tf- Jerseyrtlv.tcd May 2»th, tw r, lu a cause .whortl n Justus K. Itslph ami otlotrs aro com plalnsiitH am i Joseph C. Fisher and others aro dofctHlmits.! will cxir' so f«»r sale by public ven­due, t»>the highest bidder, on

BComhvy, J u ly 1 8 tb , A . D . 1887,a tth ft^ o u i1 o f 2 o'clock p. in.. y l P a rk ila ll , In Asbu& Piirk,- In Ihe trtwiishljAif Neptune, In tho

or Monmouth.,$t«\v Jersey, •*,Uaao pftroelu o f lu u tl n n d prerainott n tho township uT'formorly-Oi:ean (fyr-

Jircwphnrj-»,.[ji the conntv^tif'Mnnmmilh uiuThCCooTsNuw Jersey, ami mIIgwii on a map o r said lafdn as follows:i. Lot so . J of said iirembos Is shown on xalil m ap a-JLot No. ti und eoutalns e ight acres'am i fifty*ftfcJinndrodtlis o fn u qcre, und Is tKiunded

HamueU Morrell’s lot, now Joseph <!. Fisher’s, and onuho smith by Mary Howland's lot, Hald to iel on g bow lo tffiarlea O. Bond. - 1

Lot No. I0 « f said premises b ropresented on said ro lp as Lot No. 10 and contuhm tw enty aere-fl ahd flfty^bundredthif of un noro, and Is bounded on tbo oast hy formerly Gordon Drum- m ond'sjlund. on tbo west hy formerly, t.‘harles M orrclfs, now Joseph c . Fisher’s land, o u jh o wmth hy tho lands of tho Jacob Corlies Katmte formerly, ifaff J . K. Ikmlen and F ay ; Ineludlng tho estate hi dow er of Hussn II. Coleman add the Inchoate right of dow er o f Virgin!o Kalpli, Ellza.- Ikitli Fisher und Lucy 11, Coletmrn. »*• •

Terpis and conditions m ade known on day of. il&f' * H M. DICK INHON, Hpeelal M asterrr-

UOIIKUT ALLKN. Jn ., .Solicitor. IP rs./ee , 97.20J


L a r p s t i i d Finest Stock


In Asbury Park,


EMPORIUM, Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park, H. J.Would call attention to tho fact th at hla place 1ft alwayft clofied on tne Sabbath,^aud»therefqye ho has a right to expect patronuge from thoao who be lie vo In Bundarobaervaucu.


Justice of ih Feace-and Notary Fablic.


PersoriB wishing to Rent, Purchaso o r 8el! a t fhe above plaimfl, ny n\yru!rn.hnvIfi#'cfFtegi>ft t6 rimt Tor season of 1880, and doifiFtncrto place them hi rqy hands, will receive special attention. YdrTuVtTier particulars or maps, address— —

E. WHIGIIT, Box 108, Asbury Park^Cor.Cookman aud Sewall Avfl., A. Park.

* r i 1 o r il . BrMTnlystore, North aprlngluike: N. B.—1 have some cottages und lots for sale

cheap, edsy-teons ; also a num ber of cottages for ren t.,' '- . 4 . .. .* • . . . • .

M . M O R O S B I E .1 • _ Successor to David Cartwright,— -

lii, ail t a i f M i .T ar Paper, flheathlng PoporrtTwp and

Three-ply Roofing Papfer.P. ©. Box 802. ■ ,A sbn ry P a rk , N . J.


Now occupy the. new brick hull ding O fJ . Honry > .Applcgaterd#. . Tf*Mattison Avenue, near Boiirt Street,

where they artj |ircpare»l In estimate on all binds

OF PiUMSiNt m AitS STSAM FITFIKS.Tlrey do none jith o r than first-class j^brk, and.

all dlumhJng will 1*0 domvaflprtlie raow-appmved nanltaryi.methodH.‘ * j’.- • .

K f p id r l i ix 'proni| idy nttem le^ to. 'j 1


D R E S S ^ M A K E R .cuttino anjj yrrriNo iTsPtcutTT, ,,

The a r t o f outlIng ana.fitting, t a u g h t . « r . COR. BO^D HTREK T^N p, DANG8 AVENUE,

’ C; -w *-- Afl|>ury-Park, N rJr-'


S ta t io n e r y Store,72!) CO O K M A N A V E N U E ,

Asbnry Fnr}t$jN. J .- "-—■ - J- ' .

’ A C O M P LE T E S TOC K OFllldnk Books, Stationery. Fehobl Padft,

Plush tjoods. ArtlstH’. Materlalw,-* . Tissue Pailer und Novelties.

1 *"■“ • Alb)itnH»Ulock».umlTlrlc-n-hrant

M ARKET,(U U b ll a h M l l u N ew Y o r k 1861.)

629 Cfloimas Ave., Asbory Park,N. J;ONLY THK


Iln rd ’s W rlllng P aper,,ln l l u t s ; Folov’a Gold Petrs; 8e» Hide LUirary. Ait.#.

H . C . M A R R Y O T 7 ,

Gontractor.and Builde'r;Estimates furnished fo r.ev ery deftcriptlqn qf

. wofk. Jobbing attended to pporopfly. - - Residency— -

Cor.- Sewall-Aie. and- Eiaoty St.,Lbck B ti ««.• fM M W Y M l % , N. J .

II. Ya h o d i n e ,

T H E G R O C E R ,

6>\8 Gpoicrnan Ave.',ASBURY PARK. 1


“ A R E B O L D .

Finest Poultry.Smoked Meats.

Superior Corwed" BeefFrom Seleoted stock, Artealaa W ater and Pure

Pickling Materiala.

Vegetables and Fruits* »Fresh*Dajly from Monmouth County

Farms.B A N N E D _% R O E T A B L E * . _ 7 . . ;—

’ J ” DEH8EKT FB IllT fi,PLU M PUD D IN G , Ao.

A satisfactory place to deal, where everything pold la guaranteed to be tbo best the^narkot.

Telephone connections with P a rk ^n d Grove.


Oarpdt Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning)


wishing Uarj^eLs pleamuT, cari liavo

E X P E R I E N C E D " M E Nto attend fo itt 10 yearn oxperlenco In tho hnsl-

, Hicus.<!IIARt.r.« MITCIIF.LL,

Carpet Cleaning Office, ir,2Q N.113th BT.^PHLLA

S e a s i d e H o m eB osriiicg Bollool /o r Young l<ulio« natl

Children, •«A M I I I B Y P A R K . - ' jiKAV JSISNKY.

‘Elgblh year ojiens Tuosdoy, Sept. 81, ’88. ■AiWfmk .JULIA RO SSj-rlricliw i;,

. » • - ‘ (Jot Asbury ^vo.,AW BbryTark,Nx,J'

Hlutlk LiCD.HPH, .■" ‘ ■ ; ' \A late and Unproved'edltlon, atTHR^ruRNAL office, Malllfton ave.--Adv.

d : S . r ' '.

Oliver H..Brown’shousIefurnishing

•-Wt-EMPORIUM———-------:—d '




The Finest Stock of

HousefurnishiDg Goodsto be found on th e New Jereey Coast.

Newest. Designsin^urniture.A N T I Q U J S ^ O A K

In Bedroom Suits, Sid? Boards. Chairs, Tables. Etc.

Carp®t8,Jttattlng8, — Reed and' Rattan Goodn,

B E D D I N G ,

Silvervvare, Liunps, Stoye«.

F r e n e h , B o l i e m i a i i a n d D o - >1 m e .H t ie G l a n a .F o r e i g n j : D n i n c s t l r f U l i i n a

—a n d t a b l e W s ir e .-Gomla dollvored in AKhurv Park nn<l Ocean •

" ■ . Grovo.

S l 3 f E . t a , S p r i n g k k 3 , I J .S £ i 2 B T 7 ' ^ . a ^ r ,3 ? 3 .

EM PLOYM ENT AGENOY,CO S p r it ig iy o o t l A y e . , W jv it A n b u ry F a rk .

M pjbclufti-htilp.of -overy.dcueHptlon can 1)0 . seleoted ut any time. o<kikh. waiters, chambor- )naids,, laundresses, general .servants, nurses, eo-Achmen, lanltreftwiR, ote. AIhO Ih>uho tdean - Ing. kalsouilnlng, ote., promptly attended to.



has a supoly o f new h nd Bocond-hund Routs for sale or hire. Cedar Routs it specialty. Oars and jowteokfton baud. IhvatK thnWcred to any lake •la tho vicinity o f Asbury l'ftrk.P. o Box 180, Ocean Grove. IL D. CRAMIfTf-

reedm dor etaOdard p ap er targote, 50 yards pA ctlco range, prin ted and fo r ’sjjijle Jit- tho A lJ .n ry T ftr f P rin tin g HmiRe.—Adir.7

X loal G puiV eyAitces. j- ^List of poriveyancea, M onm oufh Connty

C lerk^-offlco,. for- thb -jwook'endliiK-June-1 1 , 1887: . -. . . d

ASIl'uitT J’A nK .Aon Jan ette Hqugh to Lydia A W ittenberg et

at.—lo t 1081, Asbury Park, w.fiot).Charle« Uraeotlgam to Frederick 0. BrarmH-'

g a m - lo t 777- 13,000. ,IL Harry Appleby el at. to The UnltodBtatea—1

ioso for post office. $500 per year. •* >, Henry Harblnson to Lillie llarblnflon Flfihdera

—lot In Anbury Park. 11.' iWm. II. Rrown to Jano R. Row laud-4 6 east­

erly p a rt lot 883. WOO. *** . oo^ an onovB ,

The Ocean Grove tam p Meeting Association toCarol! no 8 to wart—lot 923. 9850. — ------

Caroline Stew art , to A. L, Urban—lot 02S.|IAOO. - T * . ' . --V : ' :------.’■Tile Ocean Grove Cam p Meeting Association to ,

Jam es B lack- lo t 496. $&0, ^ •Harao to same—lot 497. |50. ,Thom as Jackson to Joshua Peacock—lots a t

Ocean Grove. 81,400. • . %^ Jr^huq peacock to Win. IL Rocglo—let 108..

NEI-fUNB TOWN8UIP.'Gcorgo M. B ounctt'to ,C harles C. Haven—lot ■2, Kqy East. $760. ,Frank Dennis to Wm. II. Dennls~15 acres In

Neptune township, t l .Gordon Drummond to John Bohnko—lot near

Asbury Park. $250.Edward Uatchelor to Aar'on'll. Nelson—lot 170

at Koy EasL $1,000. *■ ' ; ■./; utBCELLirnsocB. .

Winfield 8. B. Parker J—lotkUEougTlranch. Ii._

Fame to samo—lo? at Long Branch. $200.—— Bauie lo same—lot a t Long Brahclf. $200; .Green Grove Cemetery Conipaily to 'Frederick'

D, W oodruff-lot 467 In cemetery. $30.Char lea J. Ixrveiaud to James Crajg—lot at

8ea Plain. - $50.Wm. G. Hall, ef of, to Dclljia Brltlon—lot near

Loug Branch. $205. ;Robert Emory to Thomas J . Emery—2 lota at

Atlantic High lands. $150.Charles Coildeit to Joseph D. Thomas—lo t Mid-‘ * ...................... Lib. i J osestoGarrtt-H '

Beach, .$5,000.


HANTS -B. Davison—lot Manalapau township. .Austin A. Wright to Daniel J. Wright—180 22-

-O F :

8TEINBACH BROS.,Near the Lake.

Green Grove-Cerofetery Coronany tb Wm, H; Cdthart—Tot No. 420 in cemetery, feo.

Hamuel W. Morford to Michael Giblln—lot at Red Bank. $350. -

John S. Applegate to Heitry. H. Yard—3 lots Yard’s addition to Ocean Beach. $1. .

Charles Al!cnt late Sheriff, to Thomas 8. Field— title ahd Interest in furm Ocean township. $2,000.

Phoebe A. Vandervcer et at. to John P.-Merleet —lot a t Long B ranch /$176. -

Wm. McMahon to Win. J. 'Bution-deod of as- znment. Red Bank. $1;Jacob L. Brown to Henry B. Rollinson—2 lotaat

North Brighton. $1,010.Mary D, Poole to Frank Goodman—062-100acres

Kah^unvn township. $3U0.Jos. W. Johnston to Catharine A, Stevena—2 lota

a t Eatontown. 8140..Tho AUuuUc. Highlands Association to Solomon

O'. Brown—7 Jots Atlantic Highlands. $1,160. . Bafne to samc^-3 lote Atlantic HlKhlandHTT/50. Thomas T. Rogere to Solomon G. Browff—loi at

Atlanilc.Hlghlands.--$300.Sarah V. Fountain to Elbert II. uoddard—lot

Ml Istono'township. $100.' i . • -Saruh V. Fountain to Melvin C. Go<ldard—lot

MiUstmio township. $100.(paries J. Jeh l to F rauds A. Jchl—20 86-100

acres Ocean tow nab I p. 8100.JoKejOi K. Hinlth te-Oweo-J,- Kelly—lota 1810,

THlTand 1818 Ocean Beach. 83,100, -JamCs W. Robinson et at,, to Win Thompson—

IT) nait o f 2 lots land Ocean tow nshlp .'ll.Wm. Thompson to George W. DcLauo-r7 7-100

acres, 0<;cau towusbip. $1.; - ■ .Matilda Thompson and husband to George W.

Deljrno—1-6 part o f 2 lots land, Oecau township.

: p .a . : r , i s Human Hair Store,

811 Cookman and 812 MaUison 4»s., ASBURY l*AKk.

My Circassian Tonique for the growth of the hair nnd for removing dandruff and nil comtdfilnta of tho scalp and hnlr, has bepn hlghiy'rccoti^tnondml by the best resldonts of ABbury Park and Ocean Grovo. Its success haa. bean matvolpus, - Toallmmdale may be seen at my office.

{^ “Success Iq all cases. T.adtes and gentlemen conanltatlon free.

Large assoritnent of Homan llalr Works. Natural Wat or Curia guaranteed.

Ladles’ Hair Cutting, Bhomiroolng, Hair Dressing and Curling by prorcsslonal Frency arliels.

My Vcloiuino for tho face needsonly a trial to 1h> iir«‘f)Tr»'«j in- n|| others Iu Dio-murk?1 Free trial to all,


Artistic 'Printing.

M aterial— ihe+«t.






MATTRESSES.T 3 2 . 3 - . ! a m e s ,

Until lately connected w ith KameH & Rons, ' 'B o a t Builders, hasjipened a Maim-

"* • tacUuauunl.Balearooin for .

Mattresses’ & BeddingDO\VN BTAIttS AT

No. 1 Main S t., Asbury P a ft, N. J.He cordially Invites tho Publlo to Inspect, his

■Rtock,—Ifohovulhig Matlrosaes a Hpeclalty.

YOST’S EXPRESSRemoves and delivers

Baggage, Freight, Furni­ture^-Pianos,

ami all kinds' of. miiyablo Goods tp .jtnj’./part’ofAsbury P a rk , Oceau GroVe

;; o r Vicinity.1 '. muderflU) nitftfl IS year.’ experience In hft/ni ling ofi»alj klmhi o f mnvabla gooda. All ordera •by mall orothorwbw will receive prompt atten tion. P. O. Adressa, ; -

. B6A 913, AH BIIBY P A R K , N . J .OFF1GKS—616 'Bowall avo.; A Limn 8 Express

Office: It. It.D epot, Asbnry Park.

Asbury Park Printing Hqu.s&.Newest designs tot type ; latest lraprovt& mm

qh loery ; skilled W orkm entteviry deacrlptlop or prinlliig^eallmateagivoa; Speclalptemluuiafrohi the County Fair for flno printing, • * , /

dletown township. $10f.._.John J osea to GarrR S. Glen—2 lots Spring I^ke each, .$5,000. . "John A. Buhler, adm'r,’ to Charles O. Hndnut—

tot No. 302, Oceaadleacb. $1,600.Mary E. M ount;and httaband to Henrietta E.

Conover—5 acty» Middletown township. 91.The F l a t National Bank of Jarneahur^te John

.............a h t to Daolol J . W rk100 acres.: $8,000.


Fm stbe first tlm o. th is flpca^ year all inom- b d rep f'tb o Board of Com missioners wore .(n tbelr placo on M onday evening. .Tho railroad . mon wofo fill there and a largo delegation of citizens listened tp th e proceedings.''

Com. Hnulley s ta ted th a t npon-more-rhifo- fn l-su rvey-o f tbcrw orlrneeded to bo done o n ' Main s tre e t uoar the hoad o f Wesley Lake, It h ad been, found th a t tbo oxponso w onld ex- ceod tbo original estim ate of $50. As th is la a tow nship road bo th ough t tiie Tow nship Com-'- Vnifteo w onld consen t to b ea r a p a rt o f the expense. Tbo m atte r w ould bo laid before tha CoiOtnittco a t a n early day.

»-Tho F inance Com m ittee reported th a t a note for $4,000, fo r three m onths, bad been ’ d I aeon n ted ? to n leet tho note dne on. J a n e 10. Tbo action waa (approved. Tho' Com mittee also subm itted th e .rep o rt of tb e Chief of Po- llcQ t^^bbw Iiig-tho^oblleo tloa-oH ^-for-flnee—

•and.street opening perm its. - — — --— — - - - Com. Bailoy repbrted th a t com plain ts bail

reaphed hlm-of^fW o chim neys th at were In a dabgerous condition, A now building, near The Keacb and hot yet completed, had alsp been reported as dangerous, the fram e belbg exceedingly flimsy an d the Ton negation Inee- onrerf Com. B radley said th a t he knew the building,, anjl th a t while I t w as very frail In oo nstrao tlq^ ,'ye t l i r h ls judgm ent th ere was no dAngef- "of. Its -falling. T h e Fire M arshal w as Instructed to have the budding Inspected by a com petent carpen ter. T /

Bids fo r rem oving garbage from the Bor­ough were then, opened. There jrere tw o, as fpllo\Y%t Goo.- B. Jam es, f^om

$BiT); Abel Colem an (tho present c o n trac ­to r) from Jtin q 15-to-Oct. 15, $1,000. k On m o­tio n of Com. Smith tho contract.w as aw arded to Abel Coleman. | ' ~ : .

Ab application w as received -from thp^, Asliury P ark Stago Lino A ssociation,’? ask­

ing to be perm itted to namo the s ta r te r for the 5 c6 n t Tine, and th a t ho be clothed w ith police au th o rity and bo instructed to enforce , such in les regard ing the n \n tiln g of Btagea-aa - thovAssociation should m ake. Accom pany- fng th is were tw o o ther petitions, one asking for tho ap po in tm en t of Edw artTIH orrla aa s ta rte r, and the o th er favoring Theo. H iiltck fo r th a t ppBitlon. E a c h p etition bore the s ig ­na tu res o f abou t the sam e persons, V arious m em bers of the Board inform ally expressed ‘them selves as ag a in st allowing tho -slago d r i­vers .to m ake thclr„ow n. rules,, hu tih o jsrb o lo — m atte r was referred to the S treet Committee.

Wm.' Harris* petitioned t6 bo allowed to e rec t a borbeij pole la-fronbof h is shop oh the . co rner of M attlson dVenue and Bond atroot. Referred to the S treet CommUteo.

DelAuo— lot of land, Oecau township. . .Geonjo W. belrfpiu to William Thom peon—lot

oU anu, Ocean VowtuJilp. $1.George W. DcLaito-' to Matilda Thomjieon—7 too^acres, Oceau township. $1.George W. I>cI.ano to. William Thompaon—mi-

divided Interest In 2 lota land, Ocean township. $1.

Andrew P. Pearce to George Htillwell—lot Wall township. 880.

AVai. (1. Hull eltU., lo Michael Markwatcr et of. lot a t Long Branch. 8350.Wm. G. Hall rt at., to Kllzabcth Markwftter—lot

a t Umg llruueh. $#*). • »(.'liurles Ualght to Klla A. Harris— part lot a t

Long Branch. $500;Charles II.-Kills f t at., Ex’rs. to Klla A. Harris ■y. part lot at Long Branch. $500.Matilda a . Thompson to Jenn ie Brewer—lot

land Eatontown township..81.Adeline Auguste Morris and husband. to Jhcob

C. Wynkoop—lot at Ixjiig Ilniueli. $1 and ex­change. - *„ Kliza Brown to Chrlatlait Brehm—lot.at Jx>ngBranch, $700, ---------------- * v :- -----•

pheho 11. Allen to “Alary JJ. O’Brien—lot a t Long Branch. 8850.

Mary E. O'Brien to Emcat Neycr—lot at Long Branch.. 81,100.

PhebolL Allen to’Palrick J. Casey—lot a t Long Branch. $f,2fi0/

James Bampson to Kate E. AUtiouao—% part of lot at Long Branch, $1 afid o ther consideration.

John F. R. Brown to Kale E. Allhauser-i^ part lot at Long Branch. $1 and other consideration.

Th c ln h ab ltan la of O ^ u tow iiab ip to Thom as

. Pltebo li- Allen rt at., to llcnry O I/mg Branch. $700.

Phebo B. Allen ct at., to Michael Quirk—lot at Loug Branch. $1,400. ’

John Blaney to George‘VanBruut—lot a t Long Branch. $250. * •-

Abigail F. Hance to Sarah Warner—lot a t Red Bank. $60. >. ■* ..‘ BrUtor) Chamber lain to. IIatinaii-(.*rnnincrT-Jot In Hnrneretown. $6T*).

Mary E. Hurkcr etui., to Hannah Craumer—lot In Horneretown. $200.

Haiiuab Craumer et h i , to Anna B. HammoU— lot in Uoruuretewn. HuO.,. , ’

Kllhu Browu ^O-Mary G. 8trykcr—lot — -.

E x p o l l f n ^ t h e C a r p e t W o r k e r s .Ten thousand carpet’workers liavo been ox-

pelted fronxtho Knjghta of I^bor by the Pen oruT Ex'Ccdtlvo BoaRl] *‘’foFdTsohqd16nco and Inaubbrdlnatlon,” and tho qbartera of their District Assembly, l ^ aqd tbpjo^fafiaem- blles attached, have been revolted. This ac­tion of tho Board a'ffects tho weavers in New York,jYonkoro/Aniaterdam and Philadelphia.

Tho officers and meifibers bf tbe expelled assem bly fee l' very Indignant a t tbls action and denounce It as unw arran ted and oppres­sive. Borne who claim a knowledge o f the laws of tho organization, deny the j lg h t of tbo Exec a Live Board to qnnul a chatter a n d to expel the m em bers of a d istr ic t or local as-'sopibly, and d ^ o u n cQ . It aa_ a n outrage, Iftho Board possesses 8uch BbmmaryT>dwer, tho Knights say they have not understood it, and such power should bo taken away.

Master Workman Morrison, of Assembly 126,i says that It will^not affect tho.woVk o t Knights. They will gp quietly forward as usual, and appeal their caso to' tho General ARsembly. lie claims that tlio Executive 'Board may suspend, but has no powcrto re­voke charters; that is iho provonctrolHho (jenoru.l Assembly ltsolf.

FJ(lVfttO , Youth (Inquiringly)—%% Suite six­teen,‘Miss ?” St. Lotite Miss (bldpW ng)—“ No bnly’flfteon last January.’/ .

Soqio old d in n er customs still.prevail. TI<o Romans used It) r e ^ g u ^ t tholr banquets, and the lmblt of lying nt iVublic dinners still prevails. ■ j‘An art critic, describing alrecont coiloction

o f brio a-brao, nays: “ Thp visitor’s eyo wilt be slt^ok on entering tho room with a porce­lain umbrella.”

In t?io bright lexlcon-of youth there Is po such word os fa it , but lutejL.011, . when the youth gets Into buBlness for himself, then tho woid shffwa u p In gootl shape

hiq’t It queer that when a man addresses •ypff by saying “ Bay,” he wains you not t o {lay anything, but to.keep still so that ho cqh aay,BomothlDg himself?

A n old preachpt\ a fte r exh an stin g him self o n an atlompfc to d ^ c r lb e boavcn, wound up th n s I to ll you, m y b rethren , it. la-a very K entucky o f a place 1” ’

* Tetfoher— “ W ho was A lexander Selkirk ?’* .Tomttiy—‘‘ He w asA ’cly.il ^hglBoer.” -T oach- or-*‘'ClVll Angrn’eTr?” T'ommy*5r.‘,,Ye^‘ in^’fim;

T ovvii C o u n c i t .. J u n e 1 0 ,1 8 8 £ _ ^

sum m er fo rce ; sevoral men were Waiting to know before aocoptlng o ther positions. The Q om raltteo said the nam es would bo presented ▼cry soon.

T he Clerk presented tho official re tu rn s o f tho special w ater eloctlon h’cld April 10, a n d ' tho Borough election held May 1U, s ta tin g th a t tho o lectlon officers had ju s t aont them in . Tho Ronrd h av in g previously taken a c ­tion on tho issuing o f the additional w ater bonds sonic m em bers o f tbedloard questioned tho leg'allty o f such actiou when taken before tbo receip t o f \ho official rolurns. The m au te r waa referred to tho Kinonco C'ommlttco to co^BUlt counsel ahd report a t tho noxt m eet­in g .—-* 4- .............. »-- —

Clerk Bailey called the attenUog. of the Board to the fact th a i tho telegraph a rid tele ­phone poles In tbo Borough needod re p a in t­ing. Ho was Instructed to notify the com p a­nics to a tten d to thlB^ p a rt of tho agreem ent.

Tbo Railroad Com mittee reported th a t tho (ti,()00 had not been dopoeitod by the Seashore •

Railway Com pany, os required by the ordinance. T(»o Com mittee s ta led th at !nfor: Z m ation had been received th a t tho Seashore Co. had been try ing to^o ll Its franchise , and I t lookod to theiD as though the delays bad been, Inten tional and tho com pany w a s 'n o t' ac$lng in good foUh. Counselor Mltebell; of tlio Seashore Co;, obtained perm ission te s ta te tho fdpts'of .tho caso. Ho said th a t w lib o u t * tho knfywfoago o f o th er m em bers o f-th e com ­p a n y lie bad offered to ee llth o franchjse to__ Mr." John J . O ’NelU, of Yorkvllle, tho price nam ed being $10,000 In cosh an d 20 por cent, o f the cap ita l stock, O’Neill to build an d o p ­era te the road In tho m annei prescrlbod by 4ko-prdInanea*-^lehbad-glvena m em orandum agreem ent t o h lr/O ’NoIU and a fte r the m atter' had fallen through ho ( 0 ’Ndlll) hod refused to su rrender the docum ent. Mr. 0 ’NellHr>nd his counsel^ M l T ubbs, were ptesont, and the la tter was alloqrcd Co m ak e a s ta tem en t; l lo read tbo m einorandum agreem ent an tfz sta rled to read a s ta tem en t received by blrii from Mr. MUchcll In 'regard to* th e apte&l co®1 of conatrnotlug and m ain tain ing tl)0 road, b n t ' he was stopped tn th is as It was outsldo the cojicerqs o f tbo Btiard. ; Mr. M itchell was severely questioned b y -v ario u s m em bers of tiie Boards but bo s ta ted th at if tho com pany

-sold the franchise th e to w n would be as th o r - - ougbly pro tected os before. Ho had en tirely W ithdrawn tbo proposition to Mr. O’N slU am l his com pany waa prepared to ; go ahoad with th e work. .C o n trac ts .fo rro ad bed pud equ ip ­m en ts jvoulO. bo signed on . Tuesday.Q r_W ed;_; b esd ay , aud th e necessary doJ>oaIt wonld be mado, '* • '• * '

H aving taken testim ony In tho caso, as It wero, tho Boatel llieu 'w ont Into executive ses­sion to consfdor w hat should bo done, au d tLe rep o rters a g d sp ec ta to rs retired to tb e f ro n t ' porch of ;P ack Hall to^dlscuas th tiB ltuation and aw ait the Verdtet.^^While th e Commla- slonera wcfti d e llbera tjng th ere Was w ar of w ords between th e r ival railrodd meri ou tside th a t was h o t c ircum scribed by uny ptirHri=^ m cntary ' “ b lue law s.” I t vented itself m ain ­ly In nn lnterchunga, o f sarcostlo reffiarks of m ore “or less brilllanby, and sooroed to bo, greo tly enjoyed by tho auditors.

Finally, a t 10.35, tho b a rs were again throw n dow tijand th e eager/ hltizehp w ere porinltleJV to listen onco m ore to th e deliberations of th e . Council. A n am eudm erfbto ibo railroad o r­d inance h ad been prepared , ex tend ing the •tlm ftof.acgeptance to d u n e lfe ; th is was thetf reah-tb reo Umoa am)[ pasaed b y p unanimous* vote, v l t w ill be foundU n full In o u r adver tlaing Columns. Coni. Bradley, expreasod hla desire for sornd Tnoraexeoutivo.sesslon on a n ­o th er m aUor, b u t as- tho b o iir was lain It.w as decided to a d jo u n i. ^ '

monarch of all luLftUx^yed.’V:


First Western desperado—“ There conlefi a tondorfoot; let’ havo some fun with him.” - Second We^temTleaperado—“ Don’t touoh ’lrn. He’s dpre. devil,” ^ ‘Oh ?”T F |c t . He balljimplre tn Cte-crtmati foMwqaea8ons.v

. * ' \ W ; -:

Page 2: HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til K— c N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T , and prices tho lowest- • ;-----TT1— — /-T



V.36h N L COFFIN swtor.

rettU«HEyy KWtAT. , . :'T H E A8BURY PA R K 'PR IN T IN G H O U SE,

i . %. im u ct. , . Ijt- corn*.

. 718 MATTISON AVENUE, - - ~USURY 1*ARK, ■' - HEWjlftSEV.

Entered at the^Ppst Office, a t Aibu^y Park^New^ Jersey, a* seamd-ctas* matter. ’ - *•

TEftM$ OMUB80RIPTI0H.1 year, in aavanco.....6 m o n th s, In a d v a n c o ,.. 8 m o n th s ,In a d v a n c e ,..

' 8lnj?lpoopl0f l , . . . . , . .......

TO C0RRE8P0HDENT8.. -—W e shall bo glad to rccolvo ltomB or new trand.

communications oh subjects of Interest to thlB

°°Irir wrlung articles Intended for publication, our friends will p lease bear In mind, th a t a a beet w ritten on both sides has to bo.Oopted betere go­ing to the printer—a labor wfl cafintytm dortake.

AlbcommunloatIona ehonld be accompanied bytbo. full name ahd address of the writer, not

- necessarily for publication b u t as a guarantee of good faith. .Anonymous lettera WlU not be noticed. j ,

.. We cannot re to m rejected communications, -but will hold them for a K raltodtim oif requested to. \ i

All letters Intended for theedltorigV or. newH departm ent ahquld be AddrtMsod to the ,

BditorSSTTnA J ohbn4l and R b pu bu o a n ,____________ 1 ; Aabury P ark . .Now Jersey ,_____

SATURDAY, JU N E 18, 1887,

^ S P E C I A L ItO T iC B .-

O n th e ^ a b e l o f ««eh p ap er w i ll be fou n d “th e d a te i f , e x p tr a tlo tt o f th e a n b se rlp tfo n . I f I b U la ’-rronfrp leaae n o tify na a t o n cet I f y o u are Id arrears p lea se r e m it a t o n ce. ,

T ^ i e D a i l y ,

JkYe. shall commence on Monday morn-* ipg noxfcthe fifth season of the D a i l y

J o u r n a l . W ithout making w ild’prom­ises, impossible t<Jlperform, and without proclaiming tKafc our D a i l y shall rival the metropolitan shoets, wo simply de- siro to. state that ft Jfftij continue to be, as i t has beoq for four ’years past,- a sprightly, wideawake local newspaper,

'—-dealing out fresh every morning all the newsTUaf is worthy of o place in a pro­gressive newspaper. I t will report o u r daily arrivals and all occurrences of local

’ in te re s t; i t .will give interesting items concerning our mord prom inent guests,

- and comprehensive roports of hops "and other aqmsomente. I t- will not bo loaded with long-winded'.articles, nor will it partake in any manner of the sensation* til;’iff j brief, it'-will continue to hold it» rank oa “ tho*. modo! soaside- daily.”

. D on’t miss its dilily sp read of good things. ~

'* . ; ^ t reaches every hotel and cpttage in our twin cities; and 'w ill be found on sale a t the O. R. R. news stands a t Dong

‘ : Branch, Elizabeth, Plainfield, Newark, New . York and other points. __I ts circu­lation is' large,. tfad widely distributed, and ’i t is, beyond all doubt, the beBl? ad­vertising modium on th is coast. Mer-

P56hautB:"hotel'r'keeperS 'a n d • professional ^ therrw ho 'im vo any th ing to say to the

million or m ore; of visitors who land ' eyery season at Asbuiy P ark . and . Ocefln■ cfrovt? m a t io i i 'u a n n n j 'i t /c m o u g tr ( l i o w i ”

, uinns of tho D a i l y J o u r n a l with, an ex­cellent assurance of profit.

The D a i l y is published as a b u s i n g enterprise; i t labors heartily and, effec­tively for the in te restsb f Asbury. PaJ&», our visitors and our citizens, and i t will ever continue in the straight? true course-

-that "has won for i t a name" ahd high place in journalism, and made the fame of our beautiful health and pleasure re­sort familiar all over the Union.' With roaaon and co n fid en t \te ask the suppprt pf all who havo an interest in the town.’ Buy, read and aBvertifle and wo will do more for you .than eye*; , ......

P r o m p t A c t i o n .

A copy of lost week’s J o u r n a l , to­gether with a letter relative to the free delivery service, were forwarded l&stQflt*.

. urday to F irst Assistant Postmaster-Gen- eral Stevenson. On Tuesday wo recoivcd official notice that a special inspeotor hnd beon directed to,make a re-examination; so tliut the case is in a fair way to bo considered upon its merits. Tho people til Asbury P&rk arti mTilfer bbligatiDtiS * to Mr. Stevenson for his prom pt consider­ation of bur appeal. ' l 'h e special inspec­tor arrived Thursday night. • •

A P r o o f T h a t I t P a y s .

tHoro are some ^hdlviduals who tldnk advertising does not pay. Far too lnrpe a' number bf ’ these nrq found among boardirig-faouse keepers who hayo

• medium-sized or smaller places. The' oxCiisaJs offered that thfjy rarely receive

- gb^fi /rom rnOE^ey.thus expended, yhifl• tony be true in some instances^- if injudi­

ciously expended, but i t in also quite likely that the effect is nover traded to the cauBO, and.tlio.reforo jft. is not known what are tho real results. ■ '/

• For tho benefit of .tho readers o f the J ournal wo give a fow foots and dednco a moral. W e lykYfi.daily assurance from most of the advertisers-of this paper.that i t does reach a dosirable class of. patrons and'thero is profit in i t .—Again, we are in receipt during the season of from one to a.clozfan letters daily from parties ask­ing fo r a list of boto’dtog Ijousec. . They are invariably* furnished with one or both papers of tho daily and weekly edi­tions? ’

There C$n be little dtitibfc that/this very means has brought-hufKTreda and thous­ands annually? to'ABbury. Park and the Grovo, and y e t the source has nover been known. ‘ Ono mail on Monday brought inquiries to this oil!cejrwo from Pennsylvania,^ ono from Michigan, and another'from the- Chicago Kjndorgarteii Association, desiring pluces for ft number

'who will pttend the. Summer f3ohool of Pedagogy. -Y7o cannot give the timo to answer by letter and the only alternative

; is to Bend the list of our advortisors. r I t is an undisputed fact t ha t a f r e e z e o f 'p rin te rs ’ iijk brings ita foturn, as attested by * the millionaires who. have bad small beginnings and pushed ih^ ir vfay to fortune through liberal and per- .fllsterft advertising, i l l? fftbt is so pat­ent th a t it indy be resolyed.into1 a moral.

71.' r‘Thn roadlo miccesa,_Is th ro u g h th e publlo p resa .’*


the extremes of proprietor aud v-pfttron« ■They must be brought together iif some way if- eaoh are to be benefited. The. centralizing foroe is thenewBpaper-flying by post to all parts of the earth. * Wisoia the man who freight^ it with his wants. H e will “reap its benefits.

... .L o v v /d P r lc e s a .D e lu s io n .I t iB a.favorite argument of those who

advocate Iho F ree Trade theoiy. that they can go into a foreign market and purohaao. goods 25 per .ootik.-liwfi than they can- in the United States.- I t . is granted th a t in tho purchase of many artioles thiB.is trnfa-. A-suit of clothes in Now York State that Sells for $20 can be pnrohasbd• jdst across the line, i n %Cmi- ads, for $15. The Hottentot oonld ,bny tho saokoloth for his s(»nty gariftont at ft for loss figure. \

But’ wlint does i t signjify how much a person paya-for the noboesariea- or luxu­ries ho desires, if Ire lias the ready means of purchasing . his command ? The price one m ay.p^r and the e iten t q f his purchase is governed entirely by his indomo. - Herein lies the secret'of pros­perity among the laboring classes qf this country. The averago wages of the me* ch anio, artisan or laborer, is bq far.above thoso of other conbtrios th a t the differ­ence in values of what they.need is insig­nificant

. There ia no plaqe in 4he world where the working classes buy so much as do the men end- women who labor In this country, A t tho same tim e there are none so yvoll off; noho who are laying up so "much money. Very many have se­cured a competency through theif daily labor and if they do not own a little home it is through some fanU-Pf- t M r .QWB,. W hat doeedt m atter if a man pays a few dollars more for his clothing, or possibly for what he eats, if bia daily, wage is increase^ in a greater ratio.? '1. . f

tTntff our people are willing to accept a lower rate of income, there is no need of changing the system of political econ­omy nnder'w fiioh our laboring classes have so greatly^ prospered. An open compgtitipn with' Ybe manufacturers of the old world would no donbfc lesson the cost of al]^mnnufactnred articles, bu t it would be suicidal to the interests of the laboring classes here, necessarily reduc­ing tl)e employment of capital, ahd con­sequently the wage workers would suffer a great reduction of their income. Low prices aqre a delusion, as necessarily there must be an equation, or a compensation a t the one end to prodnoe a counterpoise a t the other. P ro firaffd Idjar mUBt“ be adjusted and it is the labor element,'that must regulate the differenoe.

In the official returns of the Borough election handed in to-the Commissionfars on Monday evening ^the'startling fact was made known that the Devil received one vote for Colleofcor. W hile the good lasto of th is l i t a r y disciple^of7Beelze1 bhb naay. wlfti propriety be queetionodwhen ho thus opehlyksaiflfe hiaTriend f yetrit m ust be a source of Some satisfoo- 'ohSo Mr- Roea to know th a t he ** beat

the devil.” In fu tu re contests may he ever be as sufccessfnl.


— T he designation of newspapers to pub lish the State laws of the lpst Legislature was not made un til M onday of this week.

ive papers were named by the gover­nor. a n d ' Comptroller for Monmouth county—the Dem ocrat and In q u ir e r , r of Freehold ; Register, of Red B a n k ; Record, of Long Branch, and the Anbury Pork J o u r n a l .

D rum m ing T rade.Talking ab o u t tho persistency aud puob of

jQcaUdqaigre In dram m ing up custom er^ tho Ocean G rove Record eayfi th a t one new comer tble wcek rocolved 21 bffaifieia cards before be had b|Ceu Inside the Grovo g a tes ono hour.

.We can m atch th a t caally enough in Aabury Park. Tbe w agons of m ilkmen, Jratchers' and grocers s tand iff line a t tne a ta tlon when the tralns-jcnm e I n , j o d follow the stages around as thoy deposit the newly arrived co t­tagers a t thelf various houses. Somo-dealers omploy’ ealeamcn to 'r ld o in tho stages with now comers. W hen a m an.arrlves at his cot- tago be generally finds two o f 'th r e e - tra d e r men .sitting on bis fro n t po rch waiting to take o rd e rs . . Tho o th er day a salesm an fo r a well-known grocery was a few. notables late in reaching a co ttage, and a fte r introducing himself he rem a rk e d ; “ W ell, I suppose th ey ’ve all been h ere ahead o f .m e .” _._“ 0 n o ; ” responded the co ttager, “ not a l l ; the undertaker h asn ’t been around yqt-”

B r o u g h t ‘’t h e i r L i q u o r A l o r i p . /

, Worid w as sen t to Cblpf.pailey last Suuflay m orning th a t two young 'm en h a d estabH'shed them selves, on the seats of th e plaza, near E ighth avenue, and wer© doing their best to ge t on the ootafdo of several bottles of beer. The Chief d ro v e-to th e Bpot'ipdicatpd, and a fte r a lengthy argum ent with ono of tbe ex ­cursionists ,'w hile the other.'was walking u n ­s tead ily . n e a r . ti?§ w ater, persuaded him to p lace a couple hundred yards betw een, tbe o u te r lim its Of Aabury Park a n d his cargo of bgpr. He said his nam e was Sm ith, and bo h ad come from Long Branob to havo a '\d a y of nnalloyed p leasu re.” ' ■ *

LI I n v o i K l ^ d a n d C a n e d >

Rev. D. C . Uobb, tho efficient pasto r a t W est Grove M. E. chapel; bae on several In­stances Bhown good m ettle In suppressing tho rowdyism In tbo vicin ity o f the chdrch In which he labors. H is work has boenlslgnally bloaaed sp iritually an d the com m unity has been mueb bene fitted by his influence. -

W hy it la th a t, so honorable a body as tho G. A, R. sfaould en te rta in s in is te r m’Otlves a n d In a o . underhand inauner inveigle' so worthy "an individual, as Mr.i C obb in to the secret recesses of tho lr cham ber, and there proceed to cane h ln v la .m o re th an o ur ch ron­icler <can fathom . B a t tho© i t happened on W ednesday evening a t tho Poat-ioomB, and Btrango to say, both donors la^d recjpjpnt are

W o o d of their abfaiMffments. t ' ’ '•*The Grand ^rmy boyh have long bad p

w ara (rleDdahlp for the young domtfflo for hla many kindnesses abtTeorvIce; and to sait- ably*Bhow their appreciation, they resolved to present him U handspmo caue.. A-plau&iblfa reason ^as made for Inviting him to boVrea- ent at their meeting Wednesday evening, when Major Patterson lu a happy maqner made ihe.prosontaiion, which so aflected the young? clergy man-that be Could scarcely re­spond. ;It woa ^/very plooBant; occasion-, and ipng to be remeiflbered by all Wbo pfirtlCi- {jatod. ' ' : ~ .

A large percentage o& tbo-people who come to Aabury P a rk get th e lt in troduction through T ire JopRNAL, either sen t d lreo t from this .office o f ’by*, o u r pfltrqna who, a f te r - r ta d in g tb© paper, forw ard it to som a.friend a t a d is­tan c e ’

D irecto rs H ave a M eeting, /The .D irectors of the B oard o f T rad e held a

m eeting on Tuesday evening, P residen t Bu- chanon up tbe ofaair.; A com m unication was received f to p Mr. .B radley tendering a co ra - pllm ontory d in n er to- the m em bers of the Board, to be gtVen tho laet week* , in Ju n e , which w as accepted. , ■ .

Mr. H . V. Bodlne was elected to th e Board of Directors to fill a vacanoy. T he u s e of the Board room s was g ran ted to th e Penflgld Bros., during th lrsum m er, on the paym ent of- a ren ta l of $ 10 - a m ooth an d tbo gas bills. A f te r ad journm ent -tho Railroad CommUteo bold a m ee tin g / '" ' J __

SPECIAL MEEtlNO. ' 'Tbe Board held a special m eeting Thnrsday

evening to consider tb e free; m aii delivery queatiofa, .

Chairm an Buchanon an d ths secretary m ade Statem ents bearing on the m a t to i /^

On m otion t if M rr’TenBroeck. a com m ittee o f tfiree \ras appoin ted to confer .With the special agent J ro m W ashington, whn ia ex ­pected to fu rth e r investigate, th e subject. Messrs. V anH orn , TeffBroeck an d Harrison, w ith the president added, wore mslfle such com m it too. , - w -

Mr. Gltbons spoke of th e advantages to 6e derived, and M r, V anH orn read oxtraois from tb e ia w . „ *

On m otion of Mr. G. A . Smook th e com m it- teo w as JnafrnQted tq u rg e the Com m issioners- to com plete the s tree t signs an d num bers. The m eellng .then ad jo u rn ed .. •

H —• M aster TVliite ItaproVIng.

Jo h n n y .W hite, . 3bn o f M r.’'lf r ia h -W h lte j a round whom so tnueh in te rest b a s centred fo r the pflst week, is m uch Improved this (F riday) m prnlngrH nrving spent ^ c o m fo r t ­ab le nignt. ’

This case has oxclted more th an ' usual ln torest for its Very serious a sp ec t, and tbe em inence of th e physician© who havo beon called in cOnftultatlon. Tiie d isease—m em­braneous croup—developed Into a larm ing sym ptom s on M onday. Dr. Johnson , tbe a tienarhg“”pliy el c Ian? call ed I f f 'o th eT d ocl orff o f the place an d they decided Jha l the only obance for sav ing the boy’s life w as by trach­eotom y. Dr. 8 ands, of New York, the m ost celebrated specialist<of th is country , was Bent for, and the operation w as perform ed Tues­day evefflng. W ednesday m orning tho case seemed-to^be inure hopeless and a ll day the doctors aud the d istressed fam ily watched and waited hoping a lm ost ag a in st hope- T ow ard n lgbt a oriels w as apparen tly passed, which gave slight encouragem ent. A .portion of the m em braneous form ation w as ejected and the bq Her breathed a little m ore freely and whs refreshed w ith som e sleep. •

Sinoe th a t tim e, tbo pa tien t has required constan t w atching in oleanalng hls th roat to pj^Y®Pi s trangu la tion . L ast n ig h t -be-rested in cotnparktlve quiet and there is noW a fair hope of bis final recovery.

T h e C h o r a l U n i o n C o n c e r t . JI f th ere Is one th ih g 'ln o re than a n o th e r^ f

which th e peopie of; Aebury P ark have a n . abundance,' H is musfo. Muaio on the. beacf, In publlo balls, In ohurohoe, In tho hotels, hi cottag'es, „on the streots-^-muQio lu tho air, every w h e re ./

W ith all tbe m ultip lication bf harm ony o f high o r low degree, i t was reserved for Prih. Van8a n t and the Choral U nion to perfect a mualcftl en terto inraent th a t haa nover bad (ts oonntorpart in A sbury P a r t? To say tha^jlf was a p p re c ia te by the several h undred wjio assom blodat E ducational n a i l on.Wedneaday ovopiog would b© -but m oderate praise—tbe andionoe w is fairly oarried aw ay with tho vio lip perform ance of tho W atson family. Indete It was m any tim es rem arked that these alooe m ore th an p a id , fo r tbo tim o and-expcnto . Beside there wero grand ohorusca by tho Cllo- ra l U nion , and solos by P ro f.‘ Van8 an t, MIns Em m a G. Farring ton and Miss K ate L. Bujk- ley. ‘ T here was a slight d isappoin tm ent lu the non-appearaqce o f 8 lg. IilCallano, the coruet- 1st, who was tbo ill to come, but there was sb touch th a t was excel lout th a t tho failure was hard lyno tlceab le . y * Tbe encores Bh^wed a ffe a rty appreciation of’£he several renditions, the violinistsospectally belDg recallod a t each performance* while Miss F arrin g to n and Miss Bulkley worfftho recip ien t of handsom e fioraf gifts. ' '

The W atson fam ily, father, son and dangh- ler, are jndeed a w onderful com bination of artistic talen t. The eldest has fow. If "any peers in ban d iin g th at graffdest of all instru- menta, tho violin. T he fam ily had w ith them four erf tbe mo/Jt n o t e d ^ o l I as-in Am erica T hat tfsod in the trio by tffe father won mafle from wood takep from tbo Beacon Street Church ini Boston, toore~tban 200 voare old. The one_o§Bd by the son Is 2^0 yeafso ld , made frapL wood obtainod from a Norwegian chnrch a t C brlstlans. Tho dapghtejrls.was ono of Iho. fam ous .Ole Bull in bit um eqls, 270 y ea rs o ld ? used b y b ljn 47 years, and presented to Prof. W atsou ju s t before th d o ld m an died. Tho other one also has a rem arkable b is to ry /b u t was not used, being kept as a reserve In case

•of a c c id e n t:— - • -fMiss Josle Kingsley, on this ‘as op many

form er occasions, proved an acceptable ac com panlst on the piano, while Mr. G. Sanford m anlpnlatpd bis violin. -

D eath p f Dr-GftYdeuer.-D r. l y i ^ t n , G ardener, for a num ber of.

TrearaftTrammer ree ld en t-an d ’p ro p erty owner of Aabury P ark , died a t hls-resldebce In Phil­adelphia on J u n e 1, o f pneum onia . W e copy the following from th e Philadelphia Ledger;

Dr. Gardener was born in Bristol, England, in Septem ber, 1814, aud cam e to th is ©ountry w hen tw sn ty years p f . age, settling In Phila­delphia. Aflecjserviffg fo r a.tim e in the phar­m acy of Dr. ‘Em anuel, b e studied medicine, a n d g raduated iq l8 4 2 f ro f i the Pennsylvania M edical College. Ho devoted a p o rtio n ot D ir early medical career to p ractic ing his profes- siom along the baqks o f thorficbwylkiil rlvca^- his journeys being alw ays m ade on horseback. He look a g rea t in terest in medical m atters,

T flra?irts^affirj?aS dnti*tif th e fou n d ers of the M edico CblrurgiQuI C ollege.- H e was also connected w ith several m edical organizations, including “th e C onnty M edical Society. T he-OQwauwt-icarco »-i r t r e ju -n n w ir w - o au g n io i'and a eon. c . . . /*. /

P e n n in g to n .T he forty e ighth annivorsary of Pennington

Sem lnal’y wjU lake place Ju n o 19-28. On Son- da”y m orning, J u n e 19, the B accalaureate ser­m on will be preaohed by "Rev. Thom as Han­lon, D.D.; samo day%p._Ma ann iversary of Y.

M onday a n d ^ u e s d a y , 20 and 21, public exam ihations7 Tue©3ffsr, 2 i s t , ^SO-p, M/, contests lu oratory a trd -e sd a y s -fo n B tf Ronan a n d S tu ll gold m edals. \Vednoaday, 22d, i0 a . m.. annual tru s tee m ee tin g ; 11 A.ii, oratidn before the Phllom athean Sooioty, by Rev. J . R. Dfiy?of New Y o rk ;J3 -p . m., tho anuuai address by Rev. J . P. Newman, D.D., of Waafcipghmi -p ; U .,’y n b je c t—“ General G f a n t 7,80 p. m., anblversary o f ‘the FhUo- m atbean 8 oclety. Thursday*, 9.30 a . m., com ­m encem ent an d aw arding of prizes and m ed­als ; 2 p. m , annual reunion of alum ni, ad ­dress by Gen. Jam es F.'RuBllOg. There are twenty-five ladies ahd gentlem en In the grad- ukting 'c lassx ••

- T-wo-Gliques-BFOkeix.-----A com bination of largo buyers In New

y q r k , dealing in coffee, have been pushing tbe m arket fo r several m onths u n til tbe raw bean had reached a p rice scarcely prece- dcntcd in thia country . On Friday las t there began to bo bm inous rum bling in W all street. The bears“bad been g e ttin g In som e heavy w ork and prices’ b©gan to to tte r, faffing in a f©w hours 300 points. “ Throe of the heaviest coffee dealers in tho city w ent by the board, carried dowivhy the panto. •

In-C hicago ou Tuesday tin) sam e exultlug econca were gone tfirougfi In the w heat m ar­ket, which has n o t bad such a' tum ble, in fif­teen years. T he break in prices caused a col- lapso of three firms, w ho it is s ta ted held m ore than 80,000,000 bushels. -

The Tyrolese M usicians.Those Who failed to a tten d 'the opening erf

Prof. AndrC’e K indergarten , a t th o Y. M, O , ^ H allv\Yeduesday m orning, missed a ta r e treat, as unique ahd frceb-as it Whh charm lng-and harm onious.

This band of Swiss m usicians, num bering elgfft, bave berinoogaged for soveral ygars In teaching the lower Classpa of L ondon and other E uropean oltios to sing a n d play onthc~JSUhgrrtoaud o^n;- gu 1 to f r e t t r p q g l n g n h tr k indergarten paeihodrfnow s b p o p u la r / They cam e to ’Am erica to speod the sum tocr and have inaugurated sfchool hero as an ex­pert menL >The larg est halls in London would not hold the orowds th a t, desired to listen to th e ir pleasing m elodies. D o not fa il.to hear them .

Tho program W ednesday em braced sev­eral beautifu l vocal solos, b o th Id E nglish and their native tongues, w ith z ither hoIos and com binations of several Instrum ents. We are

_§?rry thff hall w sa-not“fnllgpf-pebple to enjoy such simple and unaffected melody.

. A Severe Lesion. . *Franols A. Gullok, convicted of ille g a lilq -

uor selling near Key E sst, was sontpncod on :Thpredfty to pay a fine o f $500 and costs of trial,...

The bright ligh t that w as seen In tbe western skies late Tuesday evepln^ waa cau sed by tbe bnrn ing of Brakeley’s canning , faciory? a t' Freehold. Two build ings, a- storehouse and .one.containing m achinery for can n in g -p u r­poses, were destroyed. T h ree fa th ers /o f the 'ftrffpp were saved, thongh outside o tthe*flro lim its and little w ater could be obtained. Tho loss Is estim ated a t $14,000, fully in sp fed :

’■ D r Orlewold was ab sen t In NeW^Yprk on Thursday a ttend ing thcLfuneral of hla father,, who died suddeply on Tuesday n ig h t Ho; was a Borgeantln th e .O ld G u g rd ^ d a Knight-

.Tgmplar. .Tfaa cause o f deatli wes^heart dls- , . . . a’*-> ^ ™

I. O. (I.T . D istrict M eeting.D istrict No. 40, of the jurisd iction of New

Jersey, held a m eeting in the bail of Neptune Lodge, No. fJ4;7 A sbury P ark , on WedupgdAy evenltlg, Ju n e 15 • G rand Lodge officers pres­en t w ere G rand M aster Jo h n L. Wheeler, Grand R epresentative to Sovereign Grand Lodge Ja m e s B. K lger, G rand W arden Jen-’ nIhgB,Grand M arshal’J e w e tt an d D. D. G. M David B. B arton. .Delegatlonsi were present frtrra Arloch Lodgo, No. 7 7 ; Empire, No. 174, of-Long Branch ; U nited, No. 109, of Ocean Beaoji ; Excp.lalor, No. 88, of Mana^ sqban. Reports were received from th© vnrt- ous lodges, showing them to bo In good, healthy condition. Spirited addresses were tojade by tbe G rand Officers and visitors. ?At the d o s e o f the m eeting N. G. Lane, of Nepr. tune Lodge, inv ited the assem bled brethren to walk dow n to .th e cqfe of*Mcakrs. .LakeTaET Gregory, where a fine collation was served, reflecting great credit on th e reataufaqteu is.

_* H igh Sctiool Commence merit.Tbo ex^gclses o f th e F if th 'A n n u a l Com­

m encem ent of the Asbury P ark Hi^h jSchool b ^ l n In th e F irs?M .E .-G hurch QttSujJday at -108ft a., M/j’and continne u n til T h u rsq iy even­ing noxt. .

.JjU JffeJ^A IL YjobftN ALCOgKPei day we «?serve the full program , andgteporta for (b a t paper, and Will give In this ld ^ o only the following general v .*"*"? ORDBn OV EXBRCIBE9

•1. Sunday, Ju n e 19, 10.80a . M .? F lr4 M7e . Church. Sermon before the Grad uatin ? Qlasfl by Rev. E . H. Johnson , D D., P ro frfeo r of Theology, CrQzer Theological Sem inary, Ches­ter, Pa. - . j .

2. M onday, J u n e 2 0 ,a o ’qlock P. Mi—E du­cational H all, F ifth A nnual Prize C ontest in D eclam ation for th e “ B radley Gold Jfedal.”

8 . Tuesday, J u n e 21, 2. p. m.—Edqcational Hall, P roniotion Exercises, Prim ary and In term ed late D ep artm en t.

4. Tuesday, 8 o ’clock .p. m.—Educational Hallj Adflffal’FftXtr Contest in D eclam ation for Teachers! Gold M edal and Suporintendont’s

T rizd ,5. W ednesday, Ju n o 22, 2 P. m , Educa­

tional l)a l l—Prom otion Exercises, Gram m ar a n d ‘High School Departm ents.

6 . W ednesday evening, 8 p. m.. Educational Hall—F ifth A nnual Address before Sigm a Zeta Literary-Society, by Prof. E . T. Tomihreon, of New B ru n sw ick ., Subject; “ C haracter .11

Thursday evening, Ju n e 28, E ducational Hall—Com m encem ent Exercises, C lass of ’87.

— Oijiltlreu's-Dtty,Sabbath last is the one day bf the year

alm ost u n iv ersa lly ' recognized throughout this laud as Children’s Day. I t is appropri­a te aud m ost fitting, th at while we havJb Sab

-bath-achoolflaD d-anniversary-occa6la naTl o uly within la te years baa. one Sunday in 't h e year

.been given expressly to the ch ildren 's service.Our churches observod the occasion with

due regal'd to tho pleasure and Instruction of the yodnger m em bers and those connected with dhe schools. The p u lp it o l tho .Baptist church was profusely decorated with pot plants, ferns, Ac., with a /rea l foun tain play ing. -The-S iam eso lectu rer preacher! tn the m orning, while In tho evening the ch ildren’s service p ro p e r w as conducted , with Binging and short addresses. ? i

A f £He Presbyterian , the puiplr, desk, tables and organ were banked with daisies' an d rye heads. ’ Dr. C handler ^reach^d a serm og in the m orning of de©p in terest o o n c^n ln g the relation o f 'p aren ta and chlldidn and the influ­ences of a q earn est ohristian’a life. The ev-eBlnff wrvicfl w&e devoted, to iheyo im g penpia who nearly filled the^bgay of. the house,.; Mr. L a B o y te a n x read the scrip tu re lesson,-D r. Cjhandier addressed the children. The slog- Ing was dono by Iho school.

Tho M ethodist church “was fragrant with flowers, w hich-decorated the p u lp it an d the Bdrroundlngs. .P a sto r Schock proached both m ornlng hnd evening. A special service was prepared ' fo rrtbo afternoon b y Prof. IreJand, who took chargeJ)f the bxerclges. Rov. D. I I : 8 chook a n d O. W. T re a t toa ^ e ahott address

To tl* Editor of IhcJmtmalTficso m ystic lo iters probably convey no

Intelligible m eaning to any reader of .tills p a p e r ; b u t it is hoped th a t tho symbol? will soon becqmo fam iliar to al), and th at it m ay. alw ays awakoo p leasan t_ and inspiring thoughts. “ N. S. M / ’ la the abrovlatlon for Novembor Bimultanoons Meetings! D aring onp week in n ex t Novembor, from the 18th to tho 19tb,' tho P resbyterian Synod o f New J e r ­sey proposes to hold a sSrjes o f mootings doslgnoa to awaken a d o ep c ran d a wider In- toreflt In tbo great w ork ot Foreign Missions.

I t la fe lt by m any th a t a c risis In upon tho church.— F o r T ho-flrpt-tim o since tho risen BaVionr said to h la chnrch, “ All power ia Rlveh n n to mo In heaven and in ea r th , go yo therefore and tcatdi a ll n a tio n s ," tho whole world ia opoo. Tho mcflfiongora too are ready to corry tho gospol to tho ends o f tho earth . During tho last n ine m onths th ere has bocrf a wonderful movem ont In tho colleges and Rcrrflnarlca of tho coun try , nrpl 3.100 etudonts have doclded upon tho forbigh flold. Tho question confronts as, whotbor tho churoh Is prepared to accept th is vast increase of forco, Involving, as It roust, a . corresponding lp- creaso o f expondlture. I t is feared that maiiy ChtletlanB are Indifferent, an d a 'f e w even hostllo, to foreign m issions, So i t Is proposed to hold a_ Rcrles o f slmulianeduH moo tings throuRhout our en tire 8 tnto, to call upon all Christian people to consider tho urgent claim s or thoso who navy nover heard tho gospel, lo hear from m issionaries and o thers of the won- dorfal progress o f tho work, and especially to poudtsr seriously tho risen S aviour's laatoom - mand, which places upon ovory Christian tho responsibility of doing som ething for tho evangelization o f tho. world

Tho Novom bor ml&slonary. week will begin w ith a serm on on Sunday tho RUh, on tho foreign work', from all tho pu lp its o f tho. churches. During tho week all day’m eetings wijl bo hold in 58 designated centers. The ovenlng m eetings a t theso centers will bo a d ­dressed by speakers appointed by tho Bynod’s com m ittee. Besides these, com m ittees o f tbo several P t& by I cries, and tno local pastors are expected to arrange for a t least ono m ission­ary m eeting lu each of tho churches o f *thd Synod.

I t la bolievcd; th at so litany sim ultaneous m eetings held thrfanghnut iho S tale will p .o- duco a m oral effect by iho m ore fact of tho lr slm uitaneousness, and th a t- C hristians,r no t only o f o u r own church, b u t o f ou r sister churches, may bo brought to a moro viviji roalizatlon 'of tho following tru th s :_ 1. -T im -evangelisation-of-tbo-w orld i»-4hoOist and greatest work of the cb u tcb s

2. The calls from th e m issionary flcToa a t tho present tim e are loud and urgoul.

3. Each Christian Is charged ny his L ord 's com m and with a personal share in the work of preacblug tho gospekfi) oVory creature.

D. MoL-.

W ater, Gas and the Beacli.To the Editor qf the Journal:' I was very m uch surprised on learn ing of tho w ater and gas ra tes In tbe Park, and I don’t wonder the pedple. won’t o r can’t afford to tak e jd th e r. ,T b e mecBantc and laborer qf N©w York City can ge t the gas If he w ants It a l $1.25 per 1Q0O cubic feet, and the w ater charges In Now York are by no m eans u n rea ­sonable. A nother m atter baa come .to my notice and tbait Is, the collection of your Borough taxes. ?W ould |t not 1)6 a good plan to allow a small per centage off o n all p rom pt­ly paid (axes, and if not paid w itiiln tbe given tim e soil the properly to pay .the a rre a rs with In terest ad d ed ? But, flrst, give tho tax paj?- ©r« aud^hatd w orking people of tho Borough ffcbance to enjoy the com forts I havo spoken of before sere re m easures are resorted to. I am only a tem porary citizen o f the Park, b u t rI take a g rea t in terest In its w elfare and p ro ­gress. I congra tu la te the'dltizens of the place on the uppolnuiien t of o u r honorably ex- Postm aster, Mr. P . G. Snetieker, as Buperln- ten d en b -o f ,the beach. A m ore honest or Worthy m an could not be seleotod ; a ,gentle­m an who will enforce the. ru les an d regula­tions m ildly and yet firmly: „ 7 ^ v■ . ” — ; : * P ro Bono .P ublico/

A d v e r t i s e d L e t t e r s .^JL iat o f le tters rem ain ing In the poet office a t’ Asbury T a rk , N. j . , fo r tho week ending J a n e 11. 1 9 8 7 : ' *Arthur, John -— H(ntonr Mlw NannieApplegate, Frank Haiget, Mrs B ■'Ashmead,'.Duffleld_ 'Hatrttnah.'Ueo ^Bird, Mrs Annie

Bowles, Carh is Barrett, Eddie A Bennett, E lla ■'/ Boiden, Edward . *Bruee, Mrs E - y 1' Browers, Gus Beasley, John Barkalow, John .Bell, Mrs J *Bullett, Lulu Bradford, Miss Brown, Mrs- . , BiUInbue, Mrs Biddle, Robert Brown; J A *Bucklue, White Barkalow. W A Beyaxn, Wm . « Brower, Furman Bryncr, Mias Ida Brook, Mrs A Carnley, .MlsnCanle Cannon, Ellas, Esb Chamberlain, Henry .Gocka, Mrs IICoUron. (tonloti . ; Carter, John Chcaney, Joseph j Curllfl, Joeeph Creed, Mrs . - Combs. L HCroMett, M Isa M .....Camel, Mrs Mary BItez, Mrs Esther Dortjn, John porsctt, Miss Aunle Dennison, Lizzie Davis, Sarah Decou, Frank 'Dickerson; EUrabcth- Dempsey, Eliza Delaucy, Miss E - - Ewldg, Mrs Emmons, Henry Ferguson, Mrs Anna Fra zee, Amy FrlRa, Ella Famam, Mrs L M Fanselorn, Marla Frame, Mary Fowler, T M Gravalt, Alice A (2)Griffin, John Carman, Lizzie ' ■ Gregory, Wm A Harris, Mrs

-* Hough, H J

HeHgon,J A Hotel Leggett Hankins, Mrs LAV

. Hatloy, Miss M Johnson, Joe Johnson’, Em m a'/

* Kalzboltzer, R L ,, Klng^Mra May . Lyon. HeiiryiC

Landers, Mrt U o ^ U n W J f-

. Lancaster, Mary E. McIntosh, Rev J S / ; - Mowbv, Mf -

■ McCaffrey, Mrs Kate Marrinor, George Mathews, Mrs Eva -

•^M atbews, C H MUglnney, Addle F Nomonarlet Bros Co Nixptoy. Mrs Emma Oliver, Miss Amenly Purdy. R P Parker, Mrs Lydia Parser, Ltda Right, MlM Kgto „ . Rosa, Lucluda (2)Heed, M Etta Rogers, ElWDOd Robera, Thomas A. . Ryersou. Mrs ^ • Hmllb, Georgiarina

' Sonlenaky, R (2) _ aisson, F Selmuck. Esther Shinn, Ellsworth SSssoi), Mrs Frederlcka(2) Hloeum, Mrs Emma (2) Huiltli, W H

— Sang.-MIss-B— ----- —:Hupt Summer Schools.—

- Treat, WmWright, Josephine Wilson, Mrs Weldon, Mamie, \ . Wagoner, KlUy:Wilkins, HenrteitaWtUroartrC.T

. Wartiock, Chas Woolley, Mrs C White, Chas Webster. Augusta Wilcox, MrS A ' Youlensky K ' . jtelly, John

Burdge, Chaa H v

es, responsive readings'anT i singing by the school filled U{1 t h e a l l b t ^ tim e: Tho exerci­ses by tbo infant c la s iu n d e r Mlsa G race Mm Keago, was a p leasant teatUre. M r.-A . C. Atkins bad charge o f the singing. '

Caring for the Blind.■ One day last week u gentlem an In a b tq& f’-- stopped a t the"handsome residence of Mr. W. D. Penny p a c k e r /o n S ev en th , avenuo. As be sa t ou the broad^reranda a large do g with slow ♦aqd m easured .slep cam e around-the g o rn erap d laid down o.n the’porcb. Theffog^ la stono blind gnd In owned by Mr. P. Not­w ithstand ing big blindness b ^ /goes alone around th e neighborhood and about 8 ni)Aet Lake, occasionally gottlng .'a tumble, q r run­n ing aga in st"so m e o b s tru c tio n .: .“ P oor fel-

jdW -l” sa id the owhor o t ih o aforosatd buggy; as be ra lsc d the lines from (he dashboard aud drove off w ith the sightless horse th a t is so wpll know n around Park Hall.

v* D ied o f ParalYfifff*W illiam Towuor, w e ll. know n In • Aebury

P a rk alm ost frora 1(8 edrlieet hla'tpry,' died Tuesdtty-'tqqrnitjff'- ffPp a ra ly s ls ! a t the Com­m ercial hotel, whei© he has boarded several years. H e was a brother o f Mr. Egbprt Tow ner, Inm ber d ea le r qf this pla^e, an d was fo rty years of age. The funeral took place from T r in t f fP . E. churoh^m Thursday. Ip- term en i a t ML Prospect tentotery.

Tho bftse b a llse aso n is open and thfljloui

PUSTAIS.Mclutosh, Kev J F

packaoks.Hurley, Emma -Halttcy, Emma

♦P ei^n stea llln g for tho above please ask for advertised letter. A. It. Tolano; P: M.

Coleman Hciusi) .ArrmiltGeo*; scisntia, J H Iligaii, NcwSork 8 .VSmith and wife,Felix Jelliuto and family, “

cMra II If Brockway,Mlsa T Hurllck, Miss 8 W Seolt,Frank R Isaac, Chaa D Sweeney, • “FB 8cott, U Ren Bens, *C Murray MItchol), C U Erwin, * VWm Toll, wife aud2 daughters, . “Henry D IselIn. J R Ackley, , . . “Misses P and FloreiKH) Hart ■’ " .Howard E Browning. > " " *M rsW C and Mbs Adolo Franco,<* “ u .Mrs T E 08trandec, ohd and nurao, • “ \J Cogo Bfiriica. W 0 Belch,RM Clark, F C Avery, - - «»- >Mrs FM Seereand farn, * ■ ■ - ;Mrs J LKtowart, ’ .Harold E Wlfiard, Aebury ParkW Carlton and wife, • - BrooklynMrs J N Carlton, ■*? * ••I IT Hess. Easton, PaW CGoodrich, W Ji Nanlo, ' PhlladaW H Smith, Jr. F H Vogdel, • “J W Dorland, Times, \V R Kern, ‘J R Bowell, Providence, R IA B Hinkley, - ..--Y oukerB , N Y—Geo 11 PJtht. ' * : ’NFB Millor and daughter, Plainfield .G Rogers, MounLVornon.Wm u Balloy, wlfo. baby1 & rod, Phila «AJ8 Diamond, V Wilson Carliie, ‘Fred Hill,J R fllneu and wife, *■’J C Wymond and wife,. -

"TPS South, •WACbUda. • , " hW 8 Sunday and wire,'J Morton, wlfo and family,G W Myram,

Buffalo Minneapolis

Avondale : Englewood - •Metuchon Baltimoro

Asbury Park

_ L i g h t f o r O c e a n P a r k .

The Ocean Grdve A ssociation tn cfanneotlon w ith Mr- Jam es A. Bradley, has ord.erdd and will pay fo r an oloctrlu light on tho boafch below Lillagore’s pavilion for tho benefit of Ocean Park people. Thoy will also pay tho salary of *a .policeman to be designated t ^ t b e tow nship *Buthprltles? for the protection of th a t suburb .hflj^toforo itgperrcctly guarded. Th la( Is a V e p r Igh t^direct I on , and them overs shopl«^yo<rolye a hearty cotmnepdfi tlon. * ' . • • '•

IloformecTGhurcti.Tho Bubjeoto for n ex t fiabbath’B kernjona to

be preached by the pastdf, will b e : In the m qrnlug , “ Tho tonxw ords, G.oft’s law to tftan ? ’ an ^ in the evening, “ 'fhe^poaltlqn of.

-;y. -

TH E ST? CLOUD.Firet avonuo, third hotino from the beaclR

. ABBURY PARK. N .J . Accommoeations for CO. Now open. .

TH E ALBANY,Mrs. Mathews,'TroprtetresM, (formerly of Tlio Berkshire.) Hoveilth rfvenuo, 4 doors bnlow Grand avonuo, P. O. Box 994, Anbury Park* N. J . Four mlnutCH to tho ocean. Artesian w ater and 'gas. Nowly furnished rooms. Tablo • .

MORROW; DAY & CO.’S -?n i Hotel and Restaurant?

OCEAN (iqOVE, ^W I L I z O P E N M ) f

BATE9 FOIt^flilLY—$8. ^O. *152 PER* WKF.K.

LAKE AVENUE HOUSE,Lttko ami Grand avenues,

ASBURY PAIIK, ‘ - NEW JERSEY,has undergone many Improvements, and is now open. Tho honno fronts on Wesloy • Lake, has superior accommodations aud Is In perfect order, Artcelon w ater, &p.. Within a few 'minutes-walk of dep6 t, post ofllco aiiff beach. F or term s.

Address MIt8 . C. VV. WE It l£H,Box 978. • ' Asbury Park,

nm l strong,Ahd d on 't yon leave ft bMi|thote for f\Xk* thnl will

'• (I//Wrong;AndJiiRt at tho beginidng you umkc them under-


And while your wnllu*, lawyer, It may bo just as well. * ■ . . - * '

That I should fill tbe lime in* by coin* on to tell How this {own by (he Ki’Hslilt’ Jurl took a start to

grew. . , • •And wont It like a mushroom.,,.full sixteen-years , v .. ? ' rfn May in Hghtccn scvonly.as.rhftvo heard them

suy, ' *........-t “Jiunes A. Brndlcjvof New York, while walking

down Broadway, , • ;Fell In with nit arqiiuintHDPC,/ono David Brown

by name, ‘____________________ _The trciumrer of Ocean GroveofMolhoillstloTame*- And lo him put tlie «|Ui'slloii, .'“ flow does the

/ Grovo gel rot',”' . ."O i very fair.” says David, nml started;thereui>on With * 'Why don’t-you buy ;t Jot, for dbn’t you'

fioo," says he, * /V I f you put yinir name rlotvn now a first eltaney

yours will be.” . ... . . ,..r ----- :—.. j*Well. Janies was-ulwayfijcady to ii(>]pgood things

well—Isn't w o rth a.

SEASIDE HOUSEOn tlio beach .near Ross' Pavilion, ■ -


A. II. 8 TO(-’KTON.

ELW OOD HOUSEPllgrlra^Pathw^y and Mt. Ucrmon Way, /

OCEAN GROVE? - NEW JERSKV.Thcf Ellwood is pleasantly situated close to the

camp.m eetlng-grouuds and post officn. Good tablo and plbasunt rooms.. ..Open all the year. Tenna m oderate. J .'H . LANN.ING, 1

P. O.^Box 2110.- _ , Proprietor

M ARINE V ILLA, gQfiMecpml a v e :,n ear ocean,- ___

ASBURY PARK, : NEW JEBHKYOpen June to OotoinV I.'Ih,

For all Informutlnu-, address . *SAMUEL UJ-McINTYRK.

NO RW O OD HALLFourth avo. anil Kingsley at.,

ASBURY PARK, '•*.». NEW JERSEY.Bpaolous rooms, well ventilated - Hnnltarjf a r ­

rangement a perfect. Ocean Block, near hath houses and music pavilion * Open fau n Juno lo October. 8 . N. SEVERANCE.

Second Ave. Hotel,South sldo Second uvomiu, •

ASBURY PARK? • NEW JERSEY.l.r»o yanls-from the ocean wavre.. •

Opens Jpno 20th iunier Iho innnageniciit -of % ALBERT THOM A8.

BEACH COTTAGE.f jFIrst.avehuo. second door \j'«st

of Kingsley s treet, ’ASBURY PARK, NEW JEjJSEY:— A cheeerfuj and commodious home, one

r block from the Sea. Best armngomonts men!s for comfort, large airy rooms; •

Artesian water; sower eonueetion.Post Office Box 81. MRS. M. E. ltOBlSON. .

Severn pottage?F R O N T IN G * O N : w k s L K Y ^ L A . l t E .

Ceiltral location, with good view o f tho'» ■;' — Ouean. - ' " " 7 *—-

N ow ^pen. For further information, addressM, B* SKVKItN. Ashnry Purkr N. J,

> TH E IR V IN G .. l "• *• ■ . Third-avenqp, near oceair,

ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY.Open March to December- ■

For further partlcglara. addresa ■’•r-■/j, r i- ------— M'.'BAUDENSLAGER.

TH E H A M ILTO N ,• . 214 Oookman - ’ •

ASBURY PARK, ,. ._ NEW JERSEY.Tho Hamilton occupies ono of (lie flneAt him-

tlons In the Park... Only ono m inute’s walk from tho beach and Iq immediate violnlty o f tho Colo, man aryl AVest End Hotols.

P. (TTlox £ » . C. T. SMITH, Manager.

GLOBE COTTAGE ,i 408 Fourth aveuuo.

ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY.Convenient to the ocean and o ilier points

' ‘ • of interest. - - - -■P. O. Box 31. Address MISS M. J . DRAKE:


27 and 29 Ollu St., west o r bench, Ocean Grove. te.imw._Qpen to reculxtiguests— t/v-<Ty_L-nnri w illbe made to maintain the gorol repntathm of this' well-known house.. Situation central.—near the sea, post office and camp.' Terms for Juiio and sept. 87. Address MRS. M. J . MULFCUI). JJoxJJ.

COLEMAN HOUSE,Under the management o f the undersigned, will . be O t*RN during (jio eqm li$ season from-

June 1st to.October 1st, ,And no effort will be spared, to maintain--rite eood reputation of this well-known HOTEL for* tno excellence of Itsffdrior, and to promAht the eotufort and cuuvunlutiee of ICs guests.

- ; y W obpKUFF,

Astmry P ark , N. J .

ATLANTIC HOUSE,Oceitii-Qrovti, New Jersey ,


Thoroughly H ea ted b y Bteam In coo) w eather


Beautifully situated on WTsley Lake torroi-onmD - ; Beach (ayenne. • .

Aoeomtnmlatlonn fofciaoOl jh rqo hundred feuests J . Per/eot tjhrlitai^'arfungemontH.: .

WITJ. OPEN JUNK 18th, 1887. - . . * .


Will opon December IBth, 1887.For particulars address • Box 2081,

T .n . 811 AY,.: Ocean ilfnvo, N.‘.

\ AN INVITATION.Filemia Asbury PaTk for a 'doy or myre

(before looatlhg) a re ciW lally In- • - —"7* • • Vlted to call a( , .

P A R K C O TTA G E,•I t o S n iu m e r f le ld Av©., . ^

whero.tliey will snfeiy find a comfortable Ilmne. As a p ro o rw e by permission re fe r 'to President Ptok& and-Postm aster Evans, of Ocean Grove, and Dr. Wallaco, of thb OceitroGrbvo Jlecqrd.

Charges for Summer are Tory ro^onahuv For. th©i)ro»-ant —A’gentlenuTu find"wlfo;two ladIes,*orIwo iron^w en . $10 per week, • >

Wo havo lhwn, flowers, fruit and shade tree*. •Location first-class. Pieaso call and seo u». '.

A unui-tlnu.-isiiT tlmt waysong.

For as the Serlnliire urge;Whcn w e’-re iisk d to go ti mite,

'1 lots,” said Bradley In

n all o f us lo do.. to nuikff-UmL one

in He two.“Ho pill me ihiwil for tn

re jily . ' vAnd fvUwt Ulgd of furhrtis, Vhat when pome days

' wgdlhy, ,With Miixeiuid Boole and Cheeniuun, and otliern

* Tluiijieifiiew , *lie hurried down to xTe tlie .n ’acn ns yoti or.-J.

Wllllhl (10. ,

To old Port’Monmouth by tho bonf, nit'd thence to 'Entontmvn, .

Where just tn time for dinner, they .dined with Dnvld'Brmvit. . • .

Ajid allcrwurd they ail fl< to iilhy carrinRethryngh the sand. , ‘ . -

For Geeiiii Grove, to jHOspLYtlhftt new and goodly land. ' .

And jdst about th a t time, air, the turnpike com­pany

Hftd begun toinuke their road,’Uie worst"that you . ' could see: • • ,

Front Gr* a l Pigul d©wn to (>vean G r e v u smelyIVtIH n iiickh, _ t

Hut now H*s lip-lof*. lawyer, and can 't be bent, ]. guess. .* . •' • •

Well, Bradley sawiGu*-ttrove lot wild.

and bought th© tlnu

[ s .P J p fAefi-Kor Bradley wiCfl run down mid over-worked,-yon

’see, - - ‘Aud thought he 'd .try the seaside—good sense,

th at seems to me.So right after purchasing he packed his onmvan, T(gik horses, rarrioge, trnps.nnd tent, John Baker,

colored num.Who was Ills faithful S(*rvant, nml down ho came

to bo / . .The guest of grim old oeonh and to catup.UcsIdc

. llvcwa. ..tThey hurried .fiwt to-rahe th o lr lent, fo^'ittiia.s

growltig d a rk : . ' **"No axes to cu t'po les, slr.'tvhlrii was a lively

“ lark,” .And so they hung fhelr canvas ii|>on some heavy

beams—Association ofilee was tintltou them , It seems. Well, the building at lh at tune had .not a sign ol

naif; ' - .No c h u m : for warmth or comfort, or suppert thnt

• ' wiih priHir,And st* they supped mu crackers—now how was

that (or high? ,Tn'some good-living fellmvs-tlml would he rattier• dry-. *But when It ebmes to “ dry," uir.-you-hU it ev

time, • J _ -For .lames A. B. long since, sir, linn gone on ttint

" ' ’ere line. •-•They.slept.difcarriage bliujki'ts, nnd.qB..k\ie'ear-

•- riage rhgs ;And d idn 't eare a ph^iyuue for any Jersey bugs. - Next m orning |K)o.r.'John Baker, he up ami says,

says l ie : . *“ . •' <»WJ11iIa Is a real ivIJdcrnesK, now 'u in l It, Mr. B?" P<K»r fellow,.he was Homesick! i know just how

/ .. he 'd feel; - -:—•“..... .' • ''........... 7I've felt the same myself, sir. clear dow'n-from

. head to heel. . ; .

TVeD. Mr. Bradley cheered h lir i/an d -sa id ,” dou’t " h e easL d o w n ." .

And Uien they - a te Iheir break fast^-not-what• they'd have In tow n ./ - 'a "

And thcji theyTound the lobs, ;ni|d’pitched theirTenTW, ybnkuiito-7

And so faegau tlielr-.10001^ life iikt-. Rob1n.SQH Crusfai. . ’

TmnTFVeMrig Mf:IVHik a stroll-aiotig’ the bench tcr-wntoh the rising

tide, • '**'■ 1 > * - . . . •When Mn.Bf proposed a-VdIp,7 hut Bakor said,

’ M No, *10!” -TTmoCeai^v a h u h a t h - tt 1 h in vv.hieh'he wouldn’t go^

“ O biiL'.’ flaid Mr/Bnulfcy. ” yon.-ktmw the Serin* turessay, '

That evetiT(ext to godliness is cleanliness al way,” And so he took .a bath himself by. lying on .the

sand, . ••Hull sop«ed by.'every breaker ns j t came in to

'. - lan d ; : • ■But Just a little after, he turned to look for John, Who having plucked up coprage?hftd venttueU

thuruupmi;,.To fake just like his master, a ticket for outside,. A ml-get the merest sprinkle from the incoming

. tide - • • ’■■■■. / 1- '

ftrAughst, a t' cam ptileetlng.-tlfe^pie'ttop ' went tpe rouiid,

As lo who the party was who owned the tract of ... ground

(A very wtlderui'ss'U secmeu), Jurt nortl* qf W«*s- ley laike,

Where rahlilta.ilved by thousands, hid jnong the hiiRh and brake.

One morning Mr. Brndjey, with AVi11Jhin iLOsborn. Went over lo prospect It, aud got themselves well

torn,But feeling all undaimti'd. tbe-hrosls they strug­

gled through.'Tilt a t length a tovidy-bUa* hrekeTull uj-m their ■ * , *. view, . / o ’ - ' . * .

> prospect; re beautiful the

ice t*r dream, i be hard to

So clmimiiig-was tl sirctim, •

.They stnhd hi ndmiral.ioii, «s in atrfu "For ixirliapsdnuiVttie ‘laml It- would

find .A little Klioet o f water sft perfect o f Its kind.They tried to form a company to purchase this

fair land. • ,About live hnmlradtocre.s—hut here, you under-

- s i a nil,They met with a dilemma, for just as this was dune, . —-— ‘The owner said the purehuser must take (he

wtiote;or. nouo. . , ■

“ Never 111 hid ,*1 saiilTuft* of them ..” by buying all, you s e e ,:

There will i.i• larger profim for 11s, you will agree," 80 some'were lugh up for it—their,num ber it was

eight - *Butns the nights grew enrttor, the wutson getting

litle,Their a rdor waned a little : in tfact. It (jiiite ran

dop-ii, ,Ho they,gave iip I he notion of this, their h aside

totvu. *• 1tt seem** th at Bishop Simpson had'mice been heard

tesay - 'Tfiai-the Asflonlutlb'n should buy tills laud that

lav * , . ,

Actf'flfl the lake called NVeslcy, or it ihighttlikely

T hat o ther folks m ight buy It, lint quite In sj'lii-

AVUhthe Association and \Yltli Their planryouknow, , ,

A very good suggestion Ho Mf. rtra.jlov w, " * •And asked fl he woi

- town,' .... . . . .. —Ninety Umusnijd dollara, sir, the vain©'ol the

very man could aland.

andqwonlo thought It ho. upon his IrlomL D. Urmyib. 1 ' tlnhim iilgetljilgup this

,11 houeflt

the Ih-sx way, sir, and e'Y’ryliody can. paid Ids friend David, “ as \ the office

ty thu land;

A little idle of‘money mil <.'But David haiPobjectmU*. as )ieoi»le«rtetnlo,I oitiui have myself, sir, and, no iloulii, re do yon. He irtbj^ihem to his friend, juktslike.a 1II'sldWHV ' •" N o ,n o ”

fill,Or treasurer of Ocean Grove, I won’t invest A

mill : • «But I will wrlle to each-one who iaou Urn board

' with me, f .And If a week you’ll give them , In which they * can agree, . - - •»

# - _ .

“ Tho piireiuwe l ’U uegoiiate, ir yon u ic sum pm down, .

Aud so securo the property,’.’ ;Hald..worthy David - JJrowu.

Now souio for It were eager, bul-aH did tiol-agree, And so tho 1hihL,)vu.m.Ih a d lc y a s you will plainly

see.lie told tliem at'thosam e time the property wrrold.

ho *Re-sold to jusLKurii purllek iw could lie brought

lb s e e ’h id fully to appreciate tlie object and the aiip ' Of tho new plH(;ere wh>ii to be of wide religious

fame. . . . v '

Tho briers nil were cleared awuyT’and all thff tan ­gled bnish, .. _

For Iho work began In Jarnc-stund went It with a , ru>lf; ■ _

qubaFtho'TIVoly*>Qmi7 Mr, of several .thousands'< - doVvtr,-’s f ' r'■'•*' • ............./A iulbut o f such, a .wild waste there sprung Ibis'

The veuturo as (o profit* baa not bveu a success. BuluBttii cnterpriHc, sir; ii'Ajpuntier ono, I goess. Aud IV CAti'tukc the halm, sirj for diahilng iier-

foctly,* ' . . . - ■ i\ .......Through six toon nillofl of stre.et mah^s right but

liifo'tlui s e a ; • . 1- - »*-• *Thcflffil town on this continent' to lead out in this n.' *■' way. . • * . ; ♦ >••■•* ■*.'A big work foj- a modest mail, that’a all i ’.vc gotto

Ami uIho there are 111B1 hard-tu. belli........

I'nf-wplk, that you'll find

A Pinza neariypmo mllo ioilg by over iwci^rttect.. And as for water, biwyoc. Arieslan-rjnlnd ruu«

sir. -■ "■ . ?-* ! .d t traii’t no UciiMu all III© laud* ho, neither, near-

• nor fur, ' — J ■Prof: Cook. Geologtet. lias nm dethe inattur sucti.. By testing n t tho w ater pronouncing lt-1^ pure. And woven elmrehes. lawyer, th ink 'of th at If you'

oiuf, • • ,AJLTe^hvterian, BnpUrt. MethodlHtnnd African, ■

Episcopalian, alim Uofarhied hud Catholic. •A big supidy o f qhuroheH. Hlr, if folks w em ^oyjy

Ul-g hU-te''. '‘" h jm thoy.‘ta(rqfie »doL

For that-a Church can’t nave a man, wn ail know 'to be true. . 1 f .

notols and boarding houses, an d stores of ovorv kind, _ „ , • ./

And coUagen 1>oth liir^o fiigj)!!, a ll Vyi1**) fn r . |

Tho news o f rail tlio world w e get in firat-olaBS • weekly Hlicets,

Tljo copies sell by'thousands, so that, roo sec, (tulle buata - ...... ........

- . * ,Tho fllowor towns nnd villages; and then the

public ballsAro good fo r our Bocietles, for lootareB or for

balls —Tho bOHs, called “ Educational,” w as bongfit by

. Janies A. B., * *A hotter hall i ta k o lt you’ll seldom ever too: Bouts m-fcr fiftooirnumired, a Fontonntel affair, IfTQU were on th at ground, sir, you might have

- Keen It then).And then there Is the Opera Houso, twelve huu-

dred It will .sent, l.Qiika-weR uimn-the outside and:In tbe inside

neat. . . .

And full oight hundred ro t (ages, and gardens all... ‘ In-bloom ; . * * « .

And In nil -Monmouth county thu best Masonic — — room—.- — • *" . ' ‘Tho Park’s Iqtq flup’rintendetit, Allon II. Gook, "t . '4 'ou know, • *Ho built thd lodge a niomvment th at all 4re

pnmd to show. • •Tlui Htdioblis Well loeated, and capitally planned, The lot It wok dot: at ed, a pretty ploce of land; The uveragejdtendance Is seven hundred strong, Yroi can Imagine, luw ytr. If anything went

wrong. , . • • 1Just w hat it lively Bedlam we’d havo in this teh)

Park-. •(km Iff no t ho wdrso when Noah came to turn'olit

h is a rk .: » ♦ .•LAs8(!8-*ment o f .Park, property ip eighteen sixty*

• nine ' . ■■Was* fifteen thoijsaml dollara—t© drawy*It to a

lino. . • ■> ,But fifteen years havq changed It and made

tt rather more—- 1 '.......................... ...........The big sum of two m illion? In eighteen elghty-

fdur,'. ' " ;Tho Rtreets tlm t a t right afiglcs are ruimlhg-to .... .tlie.sea, - - ••From (inb‘to.(iulto, two hundred feet, a re One.as

'* street -i cun beT Tho Depot grounds the finest along the Jersey

whore,MHth street ^atul woods adjoining th a t cover

acres four. , - '

A hank has ju st been b u il? sir, conducted on tbe square,- •' - ,

If i ’d a million, law yer/I’d put It in right there. To see the towtl a l ulght', sir, blaze with electric

' -light . * ■la to my thinking, lawyer, a very pretty sight. There’s ta lk of running, horse cars on beach and

through tho town, . lendld th ing I take Tt down.

for people who come

8 0 draw tho papers, lawyer, and m ake them good and«trong, - • ■

.JiirjUicre-ai-u.pcQplQ^Jawiror^whmalwajrB w ill do wrong, ■.

When a mart has done his boat, I10 docs the beat he can,- .

And no ono ought to blame him for anyo thor m an,. •

jVeTl.not leave any ode m an, to fight tb© fight• alone, * ' . . . ■<?*>, ; .

But arm us. lawyer, every one, and send the but- . lot homo,

Atnl if Borne fellows cheat ns, and smuggle In .* th e rum.

We’ll hunt tho lurking monster from now till kingdom come. * _ 1 .

We’ll show to all the croakers Just how a town . can grow ... -

By shutting-out the traffic as Bradley doe9, you know. . r .

The deeds th a t are recorded by hundreds, I am told,

Suy. "not a drojiof lii/vor shall in the Parkberold,'*,Ami to prove th at this can be, and th at the-

plan works well.Other towns havo followed pult, as I have heard

them 'tell. • . -So wo’Il arm its .to a man and hunt tho demob

dovY/b'Till there Is not a tra ito r o r drop of rum In town,

iod is on tl shall wlh,

dow/hhero Is not a tra lto ro r dropt

For God Is on tho right nldo, tlio sldo that yet shall will. •

l ie holds thoiyjffbtln warring. In wurrlugagainstHilt.

^ D .M IN IH T K A T R IX ’S S A L E Q P -

Vaiuabls Farm an? Outlands.By. virtuo of an order of the Orphans' Court or

the epmity o f Morufimith, New Jersey, made, on the Htli duv A*r April, A. D. 1887, the aubscriher,udminlHtmU'Ix or Joseph Don a hay«-d e ra s e d ,‘Will expose toTialo a t jmbltc vendue, to the high­est bidder, a t “ o u r H o u sffT av ern ,In the-town .ship of Howell in said county, qn " *

Su'urday, Ju ly 9th 11 eXt; A .-i). 1887,hedweon tlm dioura of l^ and fi' o’clock in the afternoon of Siiid dAy. to wit.: At 1 o’clock p. m. ’sharp, ail the folio wing lot of TttTHl'HiitlTiroihiaes situate In'tho township or Neptune, county urn! « tnte aforesaid, of which the said Joseph Dona- hay died seized i to w It. r -

JIouso ftud lot of land in Ooeau Grove,„ l n said coilhty. being the easterly onedlalf part r j ’ tff *Lot No. 1250 on m ap of iots”of Damp Ground

p t the Ocean- O nire wfmp Meeting: Aosoelaiton, / to .ra n d Lot1 No' 12,2 on taid raap.-on the north side of Main avonuo.. Being the same property conveyed 'to Jo s: Dohahay by Wm. -R. Hager- niun and wife; by deed dated May 85, 1883, recorded In Book SCO of Deeds, page 393, And by deed dated May 31st, 1883, recorded in Book 3""*page 3981 ELIZABETH A. DONAH AY.


- A N O RDINANCE .R E FU SIN G AXX.- localIuii to “ The Atomy Park, Eleetdc im ii way-Company of Asiiury Park, Now Jersey,’-

ovcr cerlalirflireets and avehties in the Borough o f Asbnry Park. * -

Whereas, The Asbury Park Electric RAilway Gompttuy of Anbury Park, New Jersejvdld hn the- rwenty-(*lt;litth day of March, A. D., 1HS7, file an application with this Board Tor the location of the tracks o f Its r a t way. in tho Borough of As­bnry Park.

And whereas, after duo publication, hearing and consideration, this Boatd has decided to re­fuse to grant such application or any part thereof.

Be It ordnlucd by the Commlfsionere of the Borough of Afbiiry Park, In the county of Mon- nmiilh nml State of New Jersey rVThal the amdl- ealioii of the .directors .ol.lhu AsbuTy_FatkElef-_. IrUf Railway Company of Asbury Park?-New Je r­sey. a Issly corporate, under tbo provisions of the net entitled “ An act-to provide for tho lueorpora tiquofS tree t Railway rompanlea and to jegulate * (he same,'* approved April if. J880, lor a location of the trucks of ita railway In Ihelollowiug rtreets nnd ft.veniTPXnf'tl 1 Ih.BoroUgh, to w it:

Beginning a t or near the JuucUim.nf Cookman avenue wliu the Depot B<mu*E£TutuUrig thenco down Cookmun avenue to Kingsley street;.thenco up Klugsley street to Seventh avenue, beginning again at the junction of Kingsley Greet with Fourth avenue and running thence on Fourth avenue lb Grand avenue and thence down Grand avenue to Cookman avenue, be and tbe same lb hereby refused as too©ery portion thereof.

Approved Jm lc 0, 1887*WM. o . McEWAN, President.

A ttest: C. T. BAILEY, Clerk.

A N AM ENDMENT TO AN ORDIN- x \ .a i i c e granting to the Seashore Electric Rall-g way Company a location o f tho tracks Of Us rail­way over.portions of certain street^, and avenues in the Borough of Asbury Park, approved JuneO, 1887.

Rt- It ordained. By the Commissioners of the Bor­ough of Ashm v Park, in the county of Monmouth. anuSiM tedf New Jersey, Tiiat'Secjion 21 of said- ordinance be and the'same l j hereby amended so as to rosd os follows: * ■ •, ....21. That iH.’fore ne<iiiJring any-rtghts under this, ordinance and on or beioro.June 18,1887, said ~ f^m patiy shall tile witb the Clerk of the Borough. the bond for ten thousand dollara aforesaid, and shall deposit tlie 'sli-thousand doilaisas atpresald, and shall also file a wrltteu acceptance under Its corporate' seal o f tho terms ot this ordinance, which acceptance' shall provide that said Com­pany shall not in any tnanuer or fcciluu question or eon test tho legality or binding forco of any pro- vhfiou of this ordinance, or defend Hgalnst the same on the ground th at the same Is without lulllegal warrnnt.'Qr that the same in any particular.*« heyotii)toners to legally exact o r eufureo.

Apiirfived June 13,“1887:“ WM. G. McEWAN, Pres’t.

Attest: C :T. BAILEY. Clerk.

Propogglq Wanted,Scaled proposals, aildrpHsod to jbo undor-

Blgncd, will bn received *nntil 8 o 'clock p. in. of Saturday, Juno 25.1887, a t theoflloeof tho \V_atcr C’«)mmlH*»lonetH of Ashury. 1’ark, N. J , for fur­nishing oijn duplex steam pump; 10 Inch oylln- dor, u Intrh w ater plunger. 12 Inch s tro k e ; to d e­liver 3co gallons per uiluute,, All working parts lo bo of brass. Htpam pliMrto be not tes« than tw o Inches in u lam orer ; 1 exhaust pipe tw o Ind ies; suet I on, and dellvorV pipes four Inches. Tim pump to bo delivered F. O. B. a t placo of ahlpmcnt-. .TUo.Ctnninltolonera reaeVve Urn right t o reject uny;or%H bids.


- ...f ' JOHN L. COFFIN, ■-W nlorCommlssloners. Asbury Park, N* J -

Pocket Map of tho flea Coast .of ... .1 MorftnouthandrteeanCos.. N. J.Hlzq 20*35 Inches, bunt by matl on receipt of Ji.fW droan !>• onlored'of the newsdealers. This new map ts upon sufficiently large scale to show the high and low lumls. all streams, hays and In­lets. Kvery village am) ham let correctly located, with the uomtmm roads leading to them. Ball roads rtml’sta tbuis are jndiHpen«ablo 10 all who are eonterii[)latlng u visit to this ocean r e so r t, :

Published by f l . ,W. A t'OLTON & GO;, ;■ - - _____ 1H2 William street. Now York.

-Hit and Cold Soa Water, Electric and Dasoias

NS n ™ * Seasid e Sanitarium,.' v (Jor. SKUONl) AVE. and KINGSLEY 8T.

G reat tmprovomynta over last seaso n .. Every­thing fresh; n ea t and olean.’ Opon dally. .

p. I. FORD. ITOp’r.~r~

Bargains in Carriages,RUHable for backing or other purooses, a l1 eoo- oml hatid. In good condition, and will be sold low. . W. B.GADWALLADE1L *

Xt and 81 West Hatiovcr St., Trenton, N. .T.'

On th e Lake . ther Hayward a n ­nexes- for ren t w ithout board. Address - - -

*P. O. BOX 2202, Ocean Grovo,Or Inquire o f Miss Elizabeth Connolly, on tn©

gear By? y rp er. wet k .

Page 3: HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til K— c N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T , and prices tho lowest- • ;-----TT1— — /-T

Vol. XII: • ASBURY' PARK, NEW JERSEY,, JUNE 18, 1887. No. 95.

p r o f e s s i o n a l

J A/Mr. HETRICK, M. p .

■■ ■ Hommopathio Physician and Surgeon.Cor. Cookman A Bangs avs., Asbury P ark /N . J

/. Houra r untU 10 a. m ., and a fte r 4 p. m.

?• H. 8 . KINMONTn, M. D.,• Corner G rand and Astrai? Avenues,

Office Iftmrs-r-7 to 9 a. m ., 1 to 9 p. m.» 8 to 8 p. m.

—T \H . BRUCE 8 . KBATOR; • - - “IIotnoBOpathlo Phvsloian and Surgeon.

Q raduate o f b o th schools. r ' ■ ■, „ Cor. Asbury avenne and Bergh street.

* Honrs—U ntil w a . m .; 7 to 9 p. m* . ■■, .Telephone oorin actions. ^

W M . ORI8WOLD, M. I)..” Hpntoeoiuithlo Phypl&lanund S

’ 512.Cookman avenue, near Grand avenue**..~ ’ .NVJ., „ Asbury P ark . I -----

Office Honra—•UntinO’g.-in.^JFromO to 8 p. iq*

PAWLRY, •% : x > B a s m © a 7, . ^ ■ ‘ »

.615 Bangs a v e , . Asbury Park , N. J-

J ) R . 8 . T. SLOCUM, , , . , -

, . DENTIST. ’ UOffice—204 Main St., oppoelto'Railroad Station,

Gas administered. Asbnry Park. N. J .

, a, b, WcRtoh, fl. B._B. g U R T O N BROTHERS,

i a. bcrton, n. n. s.

627 M attlson avenne, coroerBohU s treet, Asbury P ark , N .J . Offlpe Hours*: 9 a .m . to 5 p. m. ,

* E8TABU8 HBD 1&49.

ULaHies* dreeses dyed In a ll the new est shades. vPeathersdyedtoall-oolorer'-Q entlom en's-cloth- Ing cleaned, dyedignd pressed equal‘to new,, -

' Agent for Asbnry Park.

Gas administered. Appointments m ade “by tele­phone o r by mall


Office 45 Cookman avenue,, s e a r Em ory sfreet.M echanical work, a specialty.....

Dlfflonlt operations solicited.

TP L. M. BRISTOL, M, D.yPhysician and Surgeon

■' Corner of Bond ftree t and .Fifth avenue. W inter offlce—il9 K. 40th St.. New York.

: *.-li'vHAWkiNs.v . JJA W K IN S A DURAND,


ijoya-at-Law, Solicitors A M asters In Chan- jery. Mikado Building,.Cookman Av;; *

' Asbury P ark .JL J*

J 8AAC C. KENNED?,Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor, M aster in Chancery

■* and 'Notary Publlo* -fipebial a tten tlon given to exam ination of Titles,

; AO,Office In Cook’s Building,

Asbury Park, New Jersey.

A LFRED D. BAILEY, .Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster In

Chamcory and Notary Pnbllo.’ Special atten tion given to collection of claims.

Office In Mikado Bntldlng, Asbury Park.

. CUILION ROBBINS/ APTONf C. HARTSHORNS. ■"DOBBINS A HABTSHORNB.— “ ■-L1’ . Attorneys and Oouonelors-nt-L&w, offices,between the Post Office and Fliyt Nation­

a l Bank, Mgln st.* Freehold, N. J.- Law. business transacted In all ita branches.


■fSfelUAttornoy-at-Law.Rollcltor, M aster and— ...in Chancery,-Notary Puhllo. — —-

; .. - " ' Asbnry Park , N. Jv


Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery,. Address P. O. B<)x 1001, - Asbury Park , N .J .

W. Ill VRXDXNBUROH. PRBOKftlCK PAJIKKR.V ’RBDKNBUH0H & PARKER, v . Counselors.and AttorneyB-at-Law,

Freehold, N. J:



P . O. Box 294. . - / ASBURY PARK, N .J .

H. B; JOHNSON,, Practical Watchmaker,

. Dealer in Flue Watches, Jewelry, 8pectaclftmffbt+'A , Watcheaand Jewelry repaired dt City Prfces./M a in street, near Oootnnan avenne,“ ..WiBURY PARE,;K. J. ^

W . E . D E N I S E ,. Dealer in . • - 1


Sewall Ave. b e t^B o n d and Emory Sts. Prom pt Beirlee’and pfime goods.

I m a i t i w s C l a r a s .

ROBERT T. OBAVATT,ukalkq in .

8,StoveB, Heaters.T I N W A R E , A o.

C o o k l u a n a v . , n e a r B o n d S t . ; AHBUBT PABK, N. J .

7 in BooFiiB , ie Xd ib i M l t H I . A e . f


if* H T ’FlrtUclasaw ork a t l o w r a t e a j e l ....

a ? ^ I L O B727 Cookm an Ave. -

G e n ts ’ F n r n is h in g s .


HENRY DOREN,‘ (Successor to Ohjijf. Read,)


CleaningSuits m ade to o rd e r guacantoed to fit.and Repairing.


C a rp e n te r & B u ild e r .Plans and specifications furnished. Jobbing

promptly attended to. Best Of reference given. Residence—First ave.,' bet Bondand Emory sts.8hopandXifflce—F irst ave. and Malmat. P. O. Box 743. . . 1 A8 BUHY PARK.

Pianos/ Organs, QrganetteS, .. ’*•*. .; ", . » >'—AHI>- v


For Sale and to Real.Cash paid as ren t allowod if purchased". PIANOS'

Cincinnati Fire and Burglar proof Bafea.forlsale- ,. fni'teaah on m onthly payments.

^.Intlow Shades, Cornices, W all Decorations &e7

G ot»Jijattison av. and Bond3?5 Sea Vie’w ^v .^O cean G rove, N, J .

• WMrB. DOUGLAS, Aoxnt.Of the firm of Douglas A Kuhn, 601 Broad street.

N ew ark. N .J .


COAL, WOOD & CHARCOAL411/4L I T f ^ - 1 keop hoth l la r « I VhrIijgh and

F r < - f .b u r n |n g c’a r In , all sizes, arid of th e ' b08t*ou&Uty obtainable. My W o o d Is' -

ex tra good and Is alw ays perf ctly ury. My t J I ia r c o a l I navem a'te

especially fq r my own trade. P R IC E H - T l ie lo w e s t p d iw lb le .

iP n c llll ic N uhociualed In this town, eigh t and m easiire guaranteed. .__ __

Y A R D : Main st,, opp. Ocean Grove School House,“ jij—

R v a n c h OlUcefi': I.emkau’a Grocery, Asbury Park ; W alnrtght & Errickson, Ocean Grov§.. Onler a t offices, of drivers, by telephone o r hy

mall, addressed —

CO O S HOWLAND,- Architect & Bnilder.



gUccessor to J: Henry Applegate,

$ * a t e s t a h i l f l r n r U u .

L(5ts Nos.^30anfl 91 at North ..Spring I,ako, -

ProDttov on BRIGHTON AVENUE, anil

• Within 300ft of the Surf,' •W IL L B i t SO LD AT A BARGAIN.

. The lb ta a re each 5^ 'Jeet front and oVer ’200 feet deep, They a re situated in the finest p a rt of. the lown, Almost directly on the ocean front, surroUiide^ by hairdsome residences 'and on iheilcm^adJacflnVterthtHarge Hotel WI\bnrton.

This is a chaneie: Tor one o f tbe Barest Invest- mente on the coast, the only reason for Belling Is th a t the.ow ner requires the;m oney In his busi­ness. Address '

E. W RIG H T , or , ; . : • / O. H . BROWN,; * * Spring I*ke>‘ Monmouth Co.. N. J .

F.C.BRAEUTIGAM,In su ran ce ,

. Established in 1882.

.Hotels,.Boarding'llourcs and Cottages to.Let, J ^ookl]fok* Sale and Exchange. Office' on Cookman ave.


P. O. Box 17. N ear Main s tv Asbury Park, N. J .

H . B. e &- Son"

R EA L ESTATE anil • I N S U R A N C E . A G E N T S ,

IS Uain-ATenaer Qcoan Gro7B, ir< J._\'Loans Negotiuted nhtl Legal Papers Prawn

„ yy.U. B eegle , N otaryFubifcU. B.BRKGLE, Notary Public and Comrtilssloder

o f Deeds fo r New Jersey; Pennsylvnnla and. . the District of\Cotumbia. , .

B a r g a i n s i n R e a l E s t a t eLOT3 AND IM PRO V ED PROP- ■ KPTJTAT NORTH SPRIN G LAKE.

Improved Property and Lots a t .Point Plensant cheap fo r cash. * • V . •. .

.......................... aw.. The i t r th a r

[nlty. W tUbe HOkleUeap.Ixjt 25x125 feet on Sixth avenue, .hear tliooceanv

Asbury Park. v ’ : '■*.If you w ant to buy d r ren t any prO|ieny'anyr

Where along the cpastApply to . R ^ WORTHINGTpN, *■ .

' Cor. Sewall av. and Emory Bt^-AHbufy P a rk - Op W. T. STniXT, Point Pleasant, N. J .

W. H. Pottkb, Spring l ik e , N. J.

Keiil E sta te , In su rance am i ' G eneral A gent. .

Property* Sold, R en ted c r In ­ju red in O cean G rove, Asbury ' Park, Loch ^ fb o u r . O fiean‘Park, K ey-. E ast, O cean Beach andSpring la k e .-'-Policies^vjritten-at lowest ra te s-

: ]in strongest- com panies.I M oney loaned dh M ortgage security. _ ' -

C onveyancing ,C ontrasts m a d e ,- *E tc . '..... -*■•■ rs r± ;, .

G. W . MARTIN,47 P ilgrim Pathw ay, O p p . P ra t Office, - r y , - — -O c e a n G rove , N. J:



J ^ i) J O U B N E R m m X tF F ’S SALE.

gate and John II. Applegate, her lumband, et cr/.. a t the suit o f John Ili Trti'ax. stands adjourned •to Tuesday the 12th day of July, 1H87. a t Park Hall, lii the ^Borough o f . Asbury- Park; ,!n tho tewnahlp of Neptune, a t 2 o’clock b.m*

THEGDORKAUMACK, sheriff. . DateAJuno 1471837. llTs. fee, *i .GO.j, ,

- A N D ^ r


J N GHANGERY O F NEW JERSEY .T oSardh J . Tooker. -B y y lrtn e of an order o f the C ourt of Chonceiy

i f r te w Jersey, j n a d a o n 'th e day o f the date hereof, in a cause Wherein Samuel Lad low Ih pom plalnant and .y o u .a re-d efen d an t, yop dre required to appear, plead, answ er o r dem ur to he b h l\6 f:salu. com plainant on o r ; before jthh dghtfientlfduyof July noxt, o r th o said bill will )e taken ps confessed against you, .

The said bill b illed to foroclose omoxtgago given b y John F, Hawkins and Bruce 8 . Keator to the com plainant,;dated tho fourth day of April,1 olghteeri hundred and' e!ghty;two,. on lands Id the towriuli p of: Wall, jponmnuth coun­t y a n d you, Sarah J. Tooker, a re m ade defend­a n t because yoii are the owner of Bald lands,

HAWKINS A DUltAND,- « . Solicitors of Complainant,

Dated May 16th, 1B87. Abhuiry Park, N. J .. ; . [Prs. foe, $4.20.] •

Asbufy Parki - New Je rse y ,-• 'e-wpuldTespectfully^lnforuT'ttifrtKiblto'that* we a® .now in receipt of-several car-loads’of Furniture.d irect from the W estern Manufac­turers, which was m ade espeblally for the Sea- shle Trdde. a

To Antra A. M. Clprk, and Harrison G. Clark her husband.

By-virtue Qf an o rder of the Court of Chanoery of New Jersey, m ade on the day of the date i tereof. In a cause wherein Ocsslo Romsen Hum­phrey* Is complal nan t^rand you a re defendahtg, l i U'ftTereqUTfedTd appear, anH'tifead, dem ur or

aftBwerto the corapfalnant’s bill on, o r before the Eleventh day or Ju ly next, o r tho said bill will be taken as confessed against you.

The said bill Is filed, to foreclose two certainFeeling-confident th a t from 21*yearsv experl- 3 tn tlio.business th a t we can furnish t o our

this season GobdsUnat for style, dnra-enoep a tro n s ----------------------------------------- ------------b llity and price, cannot fa ll to please, us they have^been b&ught w ith tho greatest o f care and fo r oashl The fo llow ing quotation w ill-show h ow th flYW lllb eso l(^ : .’ *.

(you) An na A. M; Clark andHarrison G. Clark, her husband, to John Retnsen, he one dated the Fifteenth day of February,

A. D. Eighteen hundred and. eighty-three, the o ther dated tho Twenty-second day of Novem­b e r , 1 A. D. Eighteen hundred and elghty-threoVon


White Wood Suits., :15” ” *'0 -•v ' : ■ f -■

Ash Suits, 6 pieces, *17 to *75- Antique Oak' Suits, from to

which said mortgages wero duly asslgncil to tho com plainant by John S.. Applegate, Administra­tor, Ac. of said Jolin Itemsen, deceased, by auAssignment In writing, bearing da te tho flrst day of May. / ~ ’ * ‘ * - --------

Springs and Mattresses,>aa low aa.tho lowest market prleo.

. ...ay. A. D. hLhteon hundred and eighty-five. And you, Anna A. M,* Clark, arc made a defen­d an t because you own the said landsi: And you. IfarrjSou G. i.'lurk, are made a defendant be­cause you a re the husband of the said Anna A.- M. Clark, and have or. claim to havo som e/narl- ta l righ t o r intorest Sh th e said lands.

- r r " ISAACC. KENNEDY, ■* 'Solicitor of Complainant. *.

- HP. O. Address. ABbury I'ark,Monmouth c ‘ountv. New Jersey.-

Dated .May 0.18K7. [ I t ’s feo, $8 4(>J



NEW JERSEY C O A ST ,and prices ihe,.lowest.

,*iiivecial nttenilfoi given to the

Making- and Putting Up of -^W in (1 ow-Shad (*s I iy an ~ Experionood Man.

. I N P A R T I T I O N .By virtue o f adeeree of the.t'ourt o f 'Climicery

bf Now Jersey, dated May 2,tlWl«H7, in u cause wherein JUstns K. R.slph and oihers are com pluiimnts and Joseph C.. Fisher ami o thoraare uofem |ants, I will expi’sb forsnlc l»y puhllc von- thie, to. the highest bidder, o u .- '.

M o n d a y , .Tnly 1 8 1 ft A . 'D . 1887,At-the hyu£ of- 2 (^»il7mk '.p. ,m,v_r}it-Park lIallv''ln'

\«bury Park.Jri'lhe Lrh-nshlp of Neptune, lu the ■iMhiiy of-Albnmoutli. New Jersey, . - .

A ir th o f to pakoelfl o f lu iid a ii l l u rem iso a situate 'in the township of formerly tTccan (for­merly Hhryvvsb'nry i,_ In tho county of Monftiouth- aiul Wtate.ofiNew Jersey, ami show hon A m apot said.lands.as follows:

Lot No. 3 o f sahl nruinlses is shown on said m ap as Lot No. 8 auu contains eight acres andfifty-four h und red His if uicacre, und Is boundedon the cast by l’rpftpqft^UYennu.Gii Ihe nortli JiY. Clutfles Morrmj’fi Jo t/ ou the w est by.formerly

We guarantee cntiro saHsractlon In

Stoves and Tinware, English and American Crockery,

: Fancy and Doiiiestio Glassware, Talilo

Cutlery, Sil-

E M P O R I U M 4

Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park, H. J.

. Building plans executed and all work promptly ddhb: .; . - . - r ■' Office In Cook’s Building, Main s tree t and- Cookman avenue, Asbury Park. ■


B lacksm ith an d H orseshoer.Carriage w ork in a ll Its branches;

CARRIAGE PAINTING ANHfllMMINGIn th e finest style o f decorative a rt.

M a in s t r e e t a n d . .F ir? t a v e n u e ,A8BUHYPABK.

M R S . - S . W . E T C H E L L S .^ .

Fashionable Dressmaker,HKN TOH C0TTI6E. '

Bond S t near MattlBQji Ave., ABBURY ,PARK..Plain and fancy stitching on all kinds, o f work.

The patronage o fth e ladies of Park and Grove so-

' CHARLE8 PITCHER.Successor to Wm. Miller, ; '

H A R N E S S M A K ER ,206 Uainii.,opp.M .U!J )e iil , Anbury Park.

A fnll supply o f Robea, wiilps,Dilate™ , Blauk- ete, Trunks, B a « , Bag Blrapa, Trunk Wrojw, Shawl S traw . Kepalrlns promptly attunileilAu. •A call la HOllolted; v ^ - -.......

F I 3 S H B H ’K / T J I ' U S ; -C O N F E C T I O N E R Y ,

-~~l¥ul ■ o r a ll klpdftf 1'lbrW sdrH H gM ^Cn , f ,- taw Da an d H a in es Hrnpq*,

an d luxurles o f many descripttruis, can be found 1 tfTttie new store o f . -WA8 H INCTON W H IT E / L ^


AsBphT*PaiIk, Jan. 27,1B85.- I hereby authorize Jam es IL Sexton to lak e '

c h a rg e /p f all bodies, where coroners’ servlnea a ro needed, In my.abspnee.- -

v-WILL T- VAN WnRRT. Onrdnor


n s a s t W ja s s M .; ■ -ta ran u ^ le m o a U ^ n e ra ll^ ^ f lm u lIo H n u a trf lto l

, ^ i ’onpflylvaufa, Agrloultural "Worka, York, t*a


P l i P U R A N D F E E D ,

Mattison Avenue, near BondA 8 B U H Y P A R K .


Cookman Avenne and Bond Strepfej,-


M . M . C R O S B I E ,Successor to David Cprtwrlght.

T ar Ppr^r^ Shaathtng Paper, T w o anil •T‘7* ^ T h re e -p ly Roofing Paper.

P. O. Box 8^2.

W oiild'call a ttention to tbo fac t that.his p laci is always closed on tbo Sabbdth, nnd therefore he has a right to expect patronage from thoso Who believe Sunday bbservauoe'. . ,

. OFFICE OF r J O H N A . B O R D E N .

JnsUce "of fee lease and M q M h


Persons wishing to Rent, Purohaso o r Sell a t the above places, o r owners'haVing cottages to rent for season of 1880, and desiring to .place them In roy hands, wilLeepelvespeclql attention. For fu rtherpartlcu la rs or majis, address

WHIGIIT, B ox 188, Asbury Park.” ’ tmaji^dS^^nAys.^A. PftFlt:

H Lake.® ^ * pujHrrBrownrH store;NOrth Spring ____N .B .—In av e some eo ttageq .and lo ts fbr sale

-Toheap, easy terras5; also a num ber of eottfigea Tor rent.v ■ ’• . I .


A flbury P g r k i N. I . i .

SANITARY PLUMBINGb , Cr o w e l l ,& co.

Now occupy the yew brick building o f J . HenryAp-..............ippjegatefou- -

M attison A vem ift near Bond Street^

-where lhey,ar^.prepared to estimate <ni ail kinds.

OFFLVKBm.BAS.AHDSTEAXmm'They dojrione'otliotfiMRi* first-class work, and

a |l pliimMiigwill-tHvdone a fter the most approved saiutary methods. .

Ktepalrl.ug p r o m p tly n ttr n ilfd to.

d f f e s s - m a k e r .* . OUTTlNa AND TITTINa A^PTCIALTY.

The u'rt, Qf cutm jifafiifittTflg taught* . . c o iu iio N n -lm |tis i5 T AireyjAHai AVg

H . C . IWIARRYOTT,"Contractor and Builder,Estim ates' furnished for every* description1 of

. work. Toliblng attended to prom pU y.\. 7 . Itesldence-r!Cor. Sewaintve. and Emory St;,

Lock B.)X 716, A N B U R Y P A R K , H i J .

H I . i n .N O

7:iir-C O O K M A N A V E N U E , • Aslmry P a rk , N. ,17

—A C O M P LE T E S TOCK OFBlank Ilnoks, StilMn>llijry..K,'lji.til rjul^;

PluHh'Goods, Artists’ Materials, ' *Tissue Paper and NuYeUles, , .

..... . A lburasrdneks and Brlc-a-hrm'.-

r n p n i k i t ptiBM OATidfiSr.. •Iliirit’s 'W ritings P aper, In 't in tq ; -Foley’s Gold. ' f .Pcnxj.Hea^iLle Llbrary. At^ _ _

Y . B O D I N E ,

MARKET,(KainbllHhed In New York 188|;K .

• - o N x . - y r .X H E : -

B e s t -a ^ C ^ > jL ts |;A R E B O L D .

e _ " * . ■ r -

Finest P o u ltr y ^ JSmokecj. MeatsV

Siiperlpr Corned B eefFrom Seleoted Stock, Artesian W ater aud-Pure 1 - 1-- m iingM atS&K;

and Frilite-Farms.

P A N N E D « E O £ T A I)I.F A , 'V :’. - . .O E N N E R r F B l l H Y r - v .PLU M P U D D IS O , & C,

A satisfactory place to deal, w here everything sold Is guaranteed to be the best in thb m arket.

Telophohe cohnootlons with Papk- and: drove.


Carpet Clbaiiiog.- . Carpet Cleaittiig.tOTJLS^Cb.TTAGES,

OrPRtVAUE'HOOSES. - wishing CarjietH cleaned, oaii liKyb ' ;

E X P H R 1 E N O E D M E Nto attend to it. IK years oxperjence Ip the lmsl-

■ •••' r- ness.4' l l A l l 1. ,8 M ITC H E L L ,

Carpet Clean I iHt Office, J52C N-. Ultlr ST., PHI LA.

618 C o o k m a n A v e . ,a h b u r y P a r k .

S e a - S i d e H o m e ,Boaitling Beliool for Young I^uliea nucl

OhiLlreii, ; • . .” r‘/ S n i W Y P A R K . N K W JfKRNF-Y

Elglith year open s.TuosdayV Sept, fil*. ’jW.1-.; Address JULIA ROSS, Principal,

> 601 ABljpryjve.^^sbiify Park-, N. J .

I t l a n 1cI*<hlkoh , uA late and improved edition,, nt The J ournal o01ce,'7DUMftttlBonave.-j /ldift^ v ‘ '

The sale of the property of Mary Ixiidsa Applo-


lands in the Borough of- Asbury' Park in tho J-b f Monmouth find S ta to o f New Jersey,


Samuel Morreu’s iot, now-Jostd>h th Fisher’s, •and on tho south hy Mary Howland^n-fnl, said to Itelong now to Charles 1*. Botid.. I«nt No. 10 o f said premia<5nH represented Jon

said m ap as Lot No^ lo and contains twenty teres and fifty-hundredths of uu acre, ahd is tHinnded on the east by ronneriy (iorJon Drum- ntuud's land, on the w est liy lormerly Churles Morrell’s, now JoHepli t*. Fisher’s land, on tho. south by the,lands o f the*,Iucob Corlies Estate Cmrmerly, now J . K. Ihmlen and F a y ; Including the estate.In dower <tf Susan. EL Coleman and tljy Incltoato right of dower ttTVltKluiaRalpli, Kllza- iMjth Fisher; aud Liicy lL Coleman. 11

TertnsandcondlH oiis made known on day Qf sale. K M. DICKINSON, Special Master/ItUllKItT ALLEN. Jit ,BbH dtur._LPjy,Jci?JE jPl

ree.by bur own wagon ovdry dhy to Red Bank,* Faif Haven, Oceanic, Sea, Bright, Mon­mouth Beach, North, Long Branch. East Long Branch, Branchport, Long Branch, Long .Branch,, Village,, ..Wfest E'nd,. Elberoiv Asliury l’ark;1 Oceap, Grove. ; ’ ;

Orders ljy mail dr haniled to tile' driver wifi ’ receive, prompt attention.

Lord & Taylor,U P -t o w m S t o r e :

Broadway and Twentieth Street: O o w n - to w m S t o r e : •.• Giand,-Chrysiie and Forsyth Streets





and (Finest Stock

OF MERCHANDISE<* * In Asbury Park,'

STEINBACH BROS.,Wooden Building, Near the take.

I t o a l K s t a to C o n v e y a n c e s .U at* o f conyoyancea;' M onm ootbXO Tiuty

Clork% office; -for tho w ock en d in g Jnnfe 11, 1887: . * .; ,;'~ -

' A8BURT PARK.v A: ;'Ann Janctto Hough to Lydla A Wlttenlxirg et

<t/.~Iot 1(181,* Asbnry imrk. 6 .500,. ’Charles Draeutigam to Frederick C. Braoutl-

gam —lot 777- 13,000.' -” . . . . . . . . . . . . *)L Ila rry Appleby el at. to The United lcaso. for post office. ICOO iter year.

l ^ i f ^ h nk°'il* ° llarbinsouFjA ndert.Wm. II. Ilrovm to Jano E. Howland—W east-

briy p a rt 16t 883. ?COO. - .OCEAN,,GROVfi.

/ The Ocean d ro v e Camp Meeting Ass'oclatlbn to CqroI!not8 tewqrt*-*Iot 023. 4250. ; *-r^ j ^ b i l n o , fJtew art • to A. , L. Urban—lo t 023.

i ’he Ocoali Gr'qvo.CampMeetlng'Assoclatlpn to Jam es B lk ck -lo t 49ft. $50. ' .

Kamq to samb—lot 497. 450.Thomas Jackson to Joshna Peacock—lots a t

Oceau-Grove. $1*400.^ u s h u a I’cacocK to Wm. II. Beegie—lo t 408.

NEPTUNE TOWN8UIP. -Georgei M ; Beiinctt to 'C harles ,C. Haven—lot

2 ? ^ K e | Host. $750... Donnla to Wm. Hi Dennis—15 acres In

Neptune township. $1. "Gordon Drummond to John Bohnko—lo t near

Asbury Park. $250.Edward Batchelor to. Aaron II. Nelson—lo t 170

a t Key East. $1,000.. MI80BLLAHBOUB.

Winfield S. B. Parker to Amclfa S. -Armstrong '■‘—lot a t Loug Branch. 1*200.

Bame tosame—lot a t Long Branch. $200.Same to same—lot a t Long Branch. $200. ' Green Grove Cemetery Company to Frederick

D. Woodruff—lot 4G7 jii cemetery. $30.-Charles J.~~Loveland to Jamwi cm lg—lot at;

BeaTIHn. xi). ~

F o r tho first tlm o thlsj.flscal year all niem- Tww PfDiehBoard o r c d m r a l8sloriera,w ero In ; therr p lacoon M ondaye v e n lu g .T h e r a l lf o a d ’— m en,wero all th ere an d a large de legation o f cltlzcna listened to tho p^oceodtnga. .L,:; Com.. B radley statBdTTt&t upon ifoiorb carb- fiil su rvey of th e w ork heeded to bo d o n e on . M aln’s treb t near tho head o f IVesley L ake , I t ? had - been foilnd tb a t tho expense w ould ex ­ceed tho o rlg lu a l estim ate o f $50. A s th is Isa tow nship ro ad he th ough t th e Tow nship Com- m ittoo w onld consen t to bqar a p a rt o f the bx^enBe. Tho m a tte r w ould bo latd before the Com m ittee a t au early d a y .. " < ’•

Tho' F in an ce Com mittee, reported th a t a no te for. $4,000, fb r three m o n th s , h ad been • - d isconnted to m eet the note d u e on JnneJ£b. T heju ctlo n waa approved. The. Com m ittee a lso subm itted th e report o f the Chief .Qf Po^ lice, show ing the collection, o f f 2T> fo r fines ' and s tree t opening perinea, ’ ? '

Com. Bailoy reported th ab com plain ts had*, reached h im ’of tw o chim noys th a t webs In

Wm. G. Hall, et a/, to Dellha Britton—lot near Long Branch. $205.

Robert Emery to Thomas J . Emery—2 lots a t Atlantic Highlands. $150. v '

Charles Coudeit to Joseph D. Thomas—lot Mid;aietown township.‘i flOLlc:

John a oses to tia rrll 8 . Ulen—2 lots Spring LakeBeach. $5,000.

John A. JBuhler: adm ’r, to Charles O. H udnut-r lot No. ,302, Ocean Beacb. 41,600.

--M ary-di^ Moiint and husband to. Henrietta E. ConoVer—5 acres Middletown township; $1.' Thd IJnllnmal (Innl. ■>I* T.mnnl.Ob.The U rst National Bank of B. Davison—1

Austin A. 1 100 acres. $8,0007

lot Manatapan i______ __Austin A. Wright to Daniel J . W r i g h t s 30 22-

Grocn Grove Cemetery. Company to Wm. H. Carhart—lot No- 420 in cemetery. $30.

Samuel.W. Morford to Michael Glblln—lot at* Red Bank. $350; * - ‘

John 9, Applegate to IIenry/H._,Yard—3 lots Yard’s addltlhu to Ocean B cachTsl"" * •

(iharlea Allcu, lotu BherllV, Vo Thomas B. Field— tltlo and Interest In farm Ocean township. 42,000.. Fhmbo A. Vauderveerrt ut. to John 1*. Merleet

—lot a l Long Branch. 9176.Wm. McMahon to*Wm. J . Sutton^-dced o f as­

signment, Red Bank. $1. Jacob ‘ " "L. Brown to Henry B. RolUnwm—2 lotsat

North Brig hum. $1,010.Mary I), Roolc to Frank Gc>odman-f»C*J100aerc*s

-Katonlown township. &uo. .— ■».* — -Jos. \V. Johaston to t^ th a rin c A. Slovens—2 lots

nt Kaloutowu. SMO.. The At Inn tic Highlands Associ&tibu to Solomon (J. Brown—7 lots Atlantic Highlands. $1,150. ’

Same U»same—:J lotM Atlanlin Highlands. $750, Thomas T. Rogers P» Soli mv>n i), Ttniwli— lo ta t

Atlantic Highlands. $:SOO.Sarah: V. Fountain to E li«rt IL Moddard—-lot'

Mi I a to no township. $100. .. Sarah V. Fountain lo Melvin C, Goddard—lot Millstone townxlilp. 8100.

Charles J. Jeh l to Francis A. Jehl—20 8G-IOO! acres Ocean .township. $100. • • ,

Joseph E. Smith to Owen J , Kelly—lots 1&1G,1817 aud 1818 Occan.Bcach. 83,100;----- _ , '—James W. Robinson et of, tQ ..Win Thompson— 1-0 n a it o f ,2 lota laud Ocean towushlp.'$l,

\\ in. Thompson to Gcorgu W. I)elJino~7 7-100 acres, D cein totvpsh ip. $1. . *

•MBtilda^FljomjisoirEnd luisband to George W,D elano—I-G part o f 2 lots land, Ocean township.

— Matilda Thompson and husband tp Georgq-W.n IieLano—lot of laml^Oceau towiishlp. 31.

George W; DeLatio to WUliam .Thompson—lot of-land, Gcctvu towiisbJ}vr9tU~“

(jeprge W. DelAno to.-Matilda .7-100 acres. Ocean township. 31.


divided Interest in g lots .land. Ocean township. «i. . ■> • ...

Andrew F. I'earCC to Georgo-Ktillweil—lot'Wall township. 88tf. —— *

Wm. G. Hall et at., to Michael M artwatcr et at. lot a t Long Branch. 8V>0. -Wm. G .H all et aiit to Elizabeth M arkwater—lot

a t I^un^ Brad^h. $350.I CtiarTeslIaight to Ella A. Harrjs— lot at Long Branch..$500. ‘

Charles 11, E llls^t at., 'Ex’rs. to .Ella A. Harris 14 paTt tOt aiT /tng Branch. $500,M atilda;A.’ Thompson to Jennie Brewer—lot

; limd Eatontown township. $1.Adeline*, Aiigtlfita.Slorris and husband to Jacob

C. Wy«kooj>—lot a t J-ong B iaue tv ..S trand ex- . /chkuge.i .^Ellza Brown to Christian Brehm—lot a t I<ong (Branch. $700. . " .I Fhebe B. AUen to Mary E. O’Brien—lot a t Long IBrauch.,4850., r . -! Mary K. O'Brien to„ Krncst Neyer—lot a t I/)ng -Hrauqh. $1,100. ................,F ljeM B :;A U en.tp Patrick J , C osey-lpt a t j /thg Branch. 91/200. . . -

^IJsm ea^nu^onl^RlcJlLAHhauscr^partof Tot a f Loug Brahch. $1 and o ther coiwlderutlou.

John F. R. Brown to Kate E. Althauso—y . part lot a t lAnig Branch. $1 and o ther oonsidcratfoh. .


G m f LY E N U R fiE D ,.‘ . J IE W L Y STOCKED, V '' ■ P U R E L Y RE-A RRA NG ED .

T' The.Finest Stock of W o fJ tm a n iK T p — sraViia.

HoiisefurnisMng Goodsto-MT1$?trd on the New Jersey. Coast.

N e w e s t tJ e § 1g n s in F u r n i tu r e .ANTIQUE O A lt .

In Badraora Suits, S ld r Boards," Chairs, ~ T ab les.E tc .

Carpets, M attings,Rend aud R a ttan Goods,

BEDDING,Silverw are, Lam ps, Steves.

All thpNoveltloa In

F r e n c h , B o l i e n i i i l n n i i d D o - ' m e s t ic G l a s s .

F dreignnnd D om estic China - and Ttible W are. ~ “

: floods delivered ln Aslniry Park unrl Or*can, -■I.

,US E t E e T T - ^ O l T T S .: EMPLOYMENT AGLNOY,60 Springwodd Ayo., West Aebury Park.

I'iret-olasH lidlp of over* Uesnriptkm can i>0. seleoted a t any time. Cooks, waiters, ohninhor*.m aids, laundresses, general servuntH, .uursps, oouehmon, JanltressesAeto. Also house eleaii- Ing. kalsomfnlog, eto., promptfy uttendetl lo.


B . D . G B A S l I B R ,


.. .The Inhabitants o r Ocean township to ,Thomaa R. Woolley—tax sale land at Pleasure Bay. 813 53. ’ Phboe B Alien ef of., to Henry O. King—lo t. a t

L ongJirinch, 8700. — - •-L--Phebo B. Alien et at., to Michael Quirk - lo t at

' JU)ug,Branch* $1,400.

A rtis t ic P r in tin g .


Britton Chamberlain to Hannah Craumer—lot in llomerstown, $650. . —

Mary E. Darker et at.; to H annah Craumer—lot ■to Hnruprstown. 8200. ‘ . • . r’- ,

Harmah’tJranmer tl nt, to Anna B. Hammell— lot laHornerstowsn $100. , •

EHhu Brown to Mary G. Sjryker—lqt ■—T-. 4125.





MATTRESSES.i X . B a m e s ," • -i- -M .

Until lately-connected w ith Kamea & Sons, Boat. UultderH, has opened a Ma nn- . . . .

. f ' \ . factory and Salesroom tor

M a t t r e s s e s & B e d d i n g", DOWN STAIItS AT

o. 1 Main St.,Asbury Park,N.J.l ie cordially InvllcaTlio 1‘ubllo to inspect his

Htock. Renovating Maurosaes a si»eoialty.


Rbniovos afiffdeliviaW ’7 ; ' - .

F r e i g h t , , F u r n i - t u r e . P i a n o s , . '

pnd_ftll; kinds of movable Goods to n n y 'p n rt ofAsbiiry P a rk , Ocean G rove

o rV ic lh ltya t tnoderiite rates. 15 years'experience Juhftnd- ’ - ................ * la goods. Alltm l

lias a. supply of\tmw ami socoitd’-haml Boats for' sale o r hi re. Cedar Boat^.a Biwelaltyi Oars and rowlocks on hand. Boats ’delivered to any lake In tbu.vlclnlty of Asbury-PArk. ; * <•I». 0 fiox J80, Ocean Grovo.' B. D. CRAMER.

• Grcedmdor staudflrd paper targets, 50 yartts

ilnif'■ o f a ll kinds o f hiovqble goods. All brders by uiall o r otherwise wllLrocelve prom pt a tten ­tion. J ’. O. Adrusss :~-

ROX S IS , A N B U R T P A R K . IV. J,OFFICK9-4»ro weWalbavp.; A d a m J b tp r^ s ' -* .Office 1; IL IL Depot, Asbnry Park . ; -

Nowesi‘designs of type ;, latest Ihiproved ma* .ehtheryi'-sklHed workmen ; every d e ^ ip C g n o.i; p rin ting ; C lim ates given. Speolal rou lum s from*

r $ '

priwtfoo range,: prjute4_and for Balot at: the/ABbury I’ark P ftn tln g .llo ^ ^ ad F . ihe Oounty Fair.tor flue printing.

Johir Maaey.to Georgfe VanBrunt—lob nt Long .Branch. 92b0.- .5 Abigail F . ' Hancc to Sarah Warner—lot a t Red Bauk.- $60.

t iie Carpet Workers."^Teti thousand carpet workers have been ox pel led from the Knights of Labor by the Gen­eral Executive Board, “ for disobedibnce and iasubordtDatiOpL^’ and the-dhorteraUbf their District Assembly, 130, ahd the local assem­blies attached? have bhett revoked. ’ ’This ao- tlQn pf The Board affectL the weavers in New VbVk, Yonkers, Amsterdam and Philadelphia,

Tho offlcera.and members of thp expelled aSsemblrTeeb vory !ndIgnant at this action anddonohneedt asmhttarrantcd aqd oppros< slve. * Some who .claim ^ knowledge of the lawsGf -the-organizfltIon,. deijy the right of the Executive Board to annul a^eliarter and* Lo-expelaembly^ and depounco it as ah outrage. I f the Board possesses such' summary power, the Knights say ,they have not understood if, add Such power ahouM- b e taken avrajT?

M ^ter "Workman Morrison, of Assembly 426, 8ai*a'that'it will riot' affect thb^vorkotKnights. Th^r .wilt •g.o ' Quietly forward -OH usual, anifappeal their otwd to-the General Assembly. He c!aiinsr that the Exocutlvo Board may suspend, but b a sn b bower to ra Vdko^chartera; that Is tho provonco of the Genoral Assembly itself.

Elevator Youth (Inqulridgly)—“ StiUo^sii- tcen^Miss St. Xonls^Silss (blushing)—*‘No;

A)nlyfiflecnlas^January.)| >; Some old dinner customs still prevail. Tl o

*Rojimns UHed to recJIno at, their banquets^ lumrmo haWt of lylng at jiublic dinners still prevails. * ” • - • 7.'^’-' \~ Ah art critic, .dtiacrlblng a reQ.euticollection of brio a-brac^says: “ The- vlBltor’s oyo willbe struck bn entering tlio todin* with a porce: lain umbrella.’*_ In thQjbright lexicon o f youth there la no snoU yyord uB /nil, lint later'on, when Tlio youth gets into business forlflmself, then , the vvoidshoW9*upin good shape,.. ,Vdsn’tTt queer that when. TV; mam'addresaes yon by aa^Ing iLSay,f’ ho wants you -not to say anything, but To keej» still so ThatrhcrcAn say. something himself ft

Xn old a e h o r , after oxhaustlpg hi mael fon an. at tom^t'Jo., describe BeayenXwotind Uj^t h i i s I telly on; my breth red. It; is/a-very Kentucky ofm place 1”, Tea'cheiv-‘-‘fyub was ILTexdhder^aciklrk TV Tointdy^’ er^?’*QlYil englneerf monarch o( all he surYoyed^”

Town Council.J une 18,1887. 7"

7A ^ULL no*lcn OUT—FIXING UP MAIN street



the beach and not ^ot completed;'had also been reported as dangerous, the„Jfame being . exceedingly fi I may and thd foundation i nse- V; eqre* Com. Bradley Batd that he knew the building, and- that 'while It Was'very frail In construction, ybt tn ‘bis judgment there, was ho danger or its falling The Fire Marshal waa4nstructed to have the buitdlhg inspected by a competent carpenter.' i"-.Btdsi fbr removing garbage from tho Bor- ough* were'then opened. There were two,, a , follows: Geo: E. James, from J ttu e l£ to 0 e t, . 1,*$975‘; Abel Coleman (the present contrac­tor) from June 15 to Oct. 15, $1,000. On mo- - tion of Com. Srplth the contract! was awarded to Abet Coleman;. 'f, :

Aii opplfcatfon- was received ; from • thb ** Asbuty Park Stage JJno Association,” ask­ing to bo permitted to namo ^he starterTbr the C-cejnt line, and that ho(be clothed with police authority and be instructed to enforce nuoU ruloa regarding the running of stages as tho Association should,make. Accompany­ing this were tworofcher petitions,: one asking for the appointment-of Edward Morris aa Btartcr,;aml the othcr-favorlng-ThQo^IIuUck. - for that position. Each petition bore, the slg; naturosj)f about the same persona: .Various members of the Board informally expressed thcroBeilvesms against allowing the stage dri­vers to make their own rules, but the whole matter was referred to the Street Committee.

Wm. Harris petitioned to bo allowed to ereebft harbor polo in front of his aho^ou the corlicr of Mattlson avenuo and Bond street. Referred td th^Street Comrntiteo: - ; -.

Com. Halloy asked ttho Police Committee when li lntcuded to make nonildutiops.fpr.the summcr fbreo ; several men were watting to kaow before accepting other positions/ The Committee said tho names would be presented very soon.

The Clerk presented the official returns of tho special water election held April 10, and the Borough election held 10, stat lug*tlmt tho eleotlon officers- had just sont themT' In. Tho. Board hay ing-'previously takon ac­tion, on the . Issuing of the additional water bonds some members of the Board questioned the legality of such action when taken before the receipt of tho official returns. Thojnafc* ■ tor was re tor red to the Flhance Committee to consult counsel and report ot the next meet-'*” Jug,' • 'T-. ; ; 7"•"//;* ’

Clerk. Bailoy called the attention of the Board to the fact, thqi the telegraph and tole- pUbne'poles U\ the Bprougli needed repalnt?* liig.-"41o wm? instructed to ^ notlfy tho eDmpa- njes to attend to tlfia part'of the agreement.

Tho Railroad Commjttee reported that the $6,000 had ndt been deposited bytjieSeashore Electric Itai 1 way Company, as required 1)'y the ordinance.. The Committee stated that Infor­mation had been received that the Seashore,. Co*.‘ had been trying,tp sell Ita franchise, and It lookod to thom as though tho delays had bcon lnteuttoriffiuand the company was not acting In.good faith. Counselor Mitchell, of tho Seashore. Co., obtained permission to state- tho facta.of the case. He said that witlflTut tho knowledge of other members of the com­pany ho hod offered to sell the, franchise to Mr. Johu J . O’Neill, of Yorkvllle, the .price namod being $10,000 in cash and 30 per cent. Qf the capital stock, O^NellI to bujId; and op- erato tho road tn tho' mannej. preecrlbod by tho ordinance. He bad givenn'raemorandufni: ngreemont to Mr. O’Neill and after;the matter ; had fallen through hajO’Nelll) hatl refused to- Burrehder the document, Mr. _ O’Neill and. his counsel,Mr. Tubbs, were present, and * the.latter was allowed to makeastatoment. He read the momorandum’ agreement and s(artod to read a statomont recolvedbyhtm from Mr. MUchell In ro ^ rd -^ tho actual coat of coustfucjitng add maintaining the «Sad bnt he was stopped in this ns It was outside the concerns bf tho_Board. Mr. Mitchell was. severely questioned ’ by variotis members of * the Board1, ^uriio stated that if the-company Sold thb franehlae1 tho-tpwn.wbnid bo aa thbv oughiy protected as b e f o r e . . h a d entirely '' Withdrawn (ho proposition to Mr. Q’Noill and his company was prepared to go ahead with tho work. Qontraets forroad bed and equip*

/riionj8 would he signed. pn Tuesday or. Wed- mcyd’af^imfhtheFriecessary dopoBlt would be 'midp. - ;s : 1’“Treving takcp testliho.uy Iri* the cose, as i t fWoref Dio. Bpard.-tliela Wen t Into execuilvosef - -nfon ta cunalder what should bo done, and tto reporters and spectators retired to the front porch of Park -flail tcrdlsctjsa the situation . and await the verdict;* While the Cpmmis-u sloriors were deliberating Oiero was a w a f of -- :Words betweon'the rlvaii^lrtiad-njoq ontaldEL. that was not clrcnm sccl^ by any parlia­mentary “ blue liiWs.” It vented kself main­ly in- an interchange of sarcastic remarks ofiriore^-or^Vess brlllliracyrand-see0!6**~fb~be-groatly enjoyed by.thQ.riiidUore; :

;Flnally,-at 10.85, the bars wore again (hrowa down and tho eagor citizens were permitted to listen onco moro to tlje deliberations bf the Council. An amendment to tho railroad or-, dlnanec had been ■ preparetip^oxtendjng the time of apceptan.cX to Juno 18 f this.was thon read three times and passod 6y a uhanlinoua vdtp^^rfwill be fouqd In full in our adyer

7. .1

vote^itlSmgVolumns. Coift. Bradley oxpreasod his .desire for. some rapre oxccuttvo Besslon oiian- other rnafter/but as t io honr was late It was decided to adjourn. / ' ' A

;Flfst'Western ■ d^perado-^^There conies a tenderfoojt inlet’s havo -BomQ fon with him;” .

ind Western de»peirftdo-^u;Don’t''toitch:r‘‘He Waa a blyil 00^060*^’^^Taach- -,ihi. ./HQfs f a V®g?ihr dare $leylV.n . “;Qb tu\ llenglneorj,’-Tdmmy«-:‘,Yps,,iua,iinQ “ Fact. Ho w ^ a.base ball uttfplre in Cln*

inmotfa/in oinnatt.for two'seasdhs.”-!

' . *H'’.7 :'1V

Page 4: HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til K— c N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T , and prices tho lowest- • ;-----TT1— — /-T

’ ■ / <t- v ASBDjfT PABK JOURNAL,.jfAJjnBDAY, JUNE; 1?8

: £

^ AND M ON M O UTH r e p u b l i c a n , ..

JOHN L. COFFIN imvoR. * ■

• ■■/ • t__. : PUDUttfEir'WCEKtY AT-;- : * T H E ASRORY PARK PR IN TIN G H O U SE,

- '*■«, wm-UCS.......................... -:■■■<; fc/wjfrm.718 -MATTISON AVENUE,


=r=" Entered a t the Post Officeral Asbury P$rk, New Jersey! a* second-das* m a t t e ? ------

K /- ’ TERMS OF 8.UBSOfilK>TIOK.1 y e a r.In advance, . . : . « . . . . . . . .6 m onths, In advance,.8 m onths, In 'advance,; . ; . ,r.V .'. ......... .S ingleapples.; , . . . . . ,

,.*1*60M - .78 ;. 40

V rv?y - TO 00RRE8P0HDEHT8. :W e shall be glad to receive Jtoms or nows arid

com m unications on subjecta of*Interest to this comm unity. . V '-?■ -

In Writing articleb intended fo r publication, our friends will please bear In mlhd th a t a sheet w ritten on both sides Mbb tu b e copied before go- Ingrto, the p r in te r-^ labor w dbanno t undertake.

All communications should be accompanied by the fa ll/nam e and address of th e w riter, not

.necessarily fo r publication b ut as a guarantee of good faith. Anonymooa le tte rs will n o t 1 be notlqed. ‘

W ereahnot return re looted common loationsr b nt will hold them for a limited tim e If requested

■ tq; . . • >• i-'- ■-■ All Jsttera Intended fo r the editorial o r news .d ep a rtm en t should be,addressed-to the • Editor. of T hb J otthhai. and R rpublican,

• . " • . Aabury Park,.Nov? Jersey.

SATURDAY? JU N E 18, 1887.

, . V ’S P E C IA L n o t i c e .

— -- O n tb e la b e l of- «M h p a p e r w lll b* found tb® d a te o f e x p ira tio n o f“ tbe ^nbR crlptloni I f tb ls d a te Is -wrong p lea se tootlfy n s a t once i I f yon are In a r re a rs p lease r e m i t a t o n c e .-

\ • - T h e D a i l y r T

W e shall commence on Monday morn- rag n£xt the fifth 'season of the. D a i l y J o u r n a l ; ~ W ithout making wild prom -

. - iaea, impossible' to jj©rforin, and w ithout proclaiming that our D a i l y shall rival the meiropclitan sheets, we simply de­sire tQ state tti&L it will opntinu© to b ft as it has been for fo.ur years past, a sprightly, ■ wideawake local newspaper, dealing out Jreeh every morning all the news that is ,»worthy of a place in a pro-

*—~greissive~newBpap er . : I t will" report o n r daily arrivals and all ocohrrenqes pf local i n t e r e s t i t will give interesting items

, concerning our m ore prom inent guests, and comprehensive reports of hops and other nmii8emenfer~:Tfe will not bo loadpd with long-winded articles, qor will it partake in any mannor o f/the sensation-' a l; ih-'brief; i t will, continue to hold its rank as “ the model seaside daily.*' D on’t miss its daily spread of goodthings. — ......... ’

I t Teiiohes everyTiotel and cottage in our 'twin cities,"' and will be found on

~~B alq a t the A B j-B j nows stands at Lpng • Branch, ^Elizabeth, Plainfield, Newark^

New York and o ther ppinte^ I ts circu­lation is large, and* widely distributed,

' and i t is, beybfid all doubt, tho best ad- v ' yortisihg -medium on this coast.' Mer­

chants. hotel keopeirs and professional men who have anything to ^ay jto the million o r impre of visitors who land every-season ati^Asifur^ Park and- Ocean Grove station can say it through 'the col­umns of tho D a i l y JotJUNAiA with an ex­cellent assurance of profit. ,

The D a i l y is published • qs ri business enterprise; 'i t labors heartily and effec-" tively for the intoreste of ABbury Park, onr visitors and, our cit^eris, and it will ever contihife in the straight,-true course that/ has won for i t a name and high

“". ‘plitce in jorirhdlism, anil* made the fame1 of: onr Jjeautiful health and pleasure re : sort familiar-all oyer .the U nion; W ith reason and confidence we ask the support of a ll vlicr have an interest in . th e town.

/ ’' Buy, read and advertise/afiid we will do more for you than pver.

v -.copy-of- lasfc^weekls -JouRNAif*-'ti£-

gether with a. le tte r ' relative to 'tjie 'jtree \ . ■ delivery service, were forwarded last S a t­

urday to F irst A ssistant Postmaster-Gen­eral Stevenson? On Tuesday we received

.. official notice that a special inspector had been directed to make a re-examination, so .that the case is in a fair way to .be-

'considered upon its merits. The i>BOple ^ ,? w JSF Asbury Park are under obligations to

M r. Stevenson for his "prompt consider­ation of pur appeal. The special inspec:

. .. to r arrived T hursday night. — -"' ?

~ : " A ' P r o o f T h a t I t P a y s . - ~

There are some' individuals who think advertising does not pay* F a r too laTge

f n am io r of these are found among '7hoitoding-K"oug^keepers who hay© the

.t5* ::m edium -sized or smaller p liu m The Sxcuse ’m oUered that they xarely reoeiv^

, ‘ good from money thus.expended. This

ciouBly expended, b u t m alflO qtiit© likely that the effect to never/traced to

'"the cause, aud thbroforo it* ia not known what are the real results,- ^

F o r th e b e n e f i t o f tKe r e a d e r s o f th e JotJiW A L w e g iv e a ffiw fac ta a n fi d e d u p e a moral. W e h a v e d a ily o s s u ra n c e ’from - m o s t b f t h e a d v e r t is e r s o f 't h i s p a p e r t h a t

- i t dooB reao li a d e s ir a b le c la s s o f p a tro n s a n d th e r e is p r o f i t in i t . A g a m , wp.are

, i n .r e h c ip t ,d u r in g th e seaso n o f f ro m oq o ' - to n d o z e n le t te r s d a ily f ro m p a r t i e s ask­in g f o r a list-o f b o a rd in g h o n s e s . T h q y

*• a ro i n v a r ia b ly ' f u rn i s h e d w i th one o r _ b o ih p a p e rs o f th e d a ily a n d w e e k ly e d i­

t io n s . v . ' • ■There can bp little dpiibfc th a t this very

means has brought hundreds and thous- ~ an3s annually to Anbury P ark land the

Grove, and yet tho source has never been known. Ono mail on, Monday brought inquiries to this oOice, two from Pennsylvania,, ono from Michigan, ahd another from Jho Ohi.cago Kindorgarten A ^ociation, dosijrihg places fp r a"nUmber-

' Who' ^ ill a ttend th o Summor Sohobl of Pedagogy. W e Cannot give the timo to answer -by letter and the only alternative is to send tho list of oqx. advortjBera. _

I t to aq undisputed fact that a froo use of p rin ters’, ipk brings ita roturn^ as-, a t t^ te d by the millionaires who havo hail small beginnings ahd pushed their way to fortube through liberal and per- to’stent advertisihgj The fact is so pat­en t that it m iy be resolved in to a mdtal axiom: <• •' V - ’ - k . ■ t

it-tFtM-roftdHo suocqss.Is through tlio pCbllo press.’* v*

T he pr©ss to thq^great medium between. . '• -* *• •>.

tfie extremes of proprietor and patron. They m ust b e brought together 4h- some. Way if each are to be benefited.'"The centralizihg foroe ia th© newspaper flying b /p o s t to all parts of the earth. W ise to the m an who froighte l t with his wants, H e will reap ito benefits. . - 1 ~

’ r;V : '___7-. - — ~ • •L o w P r l o e s a D e lu s io n /" '" '"

I t is a favorite argum ent of those who advocate / t h e , Freo Trade thebry, that they can go into a foreign m arket and purchase goods. 2^ per;cent, less than they can in the U nited v Statee. I t is granted that in the purchase* of many articles this is true. A Bnitof dothee in' New York State th a t sell8,'fo r-$20 can be purcliosed juBt. the?lme, in. <3an-.ada, for $15. The H ottentot could buy the Baokcloth for his scanty garm ent at a far less fignte. .

B ut what does i t signify how much 'a person pays for th e necessaries Qr~|nxu riea he dbdSes, if he has the teady means of purchasing /o t h t o . command ? The price one may/pay and the extent of. his purbhase to governed^ entirely by his income. Herein Hot Ale secret pf pros­perity among thq laboring olassee of this country? Tlie averago wagee of the ine* cfi anid?krtisan or laborer, is so fd* above those of other countries that -the differ- enoe-in-values of wjiat they need to insig­nificant. \

T h e re is n o .p la c e in t h e w o rld w h e re t h e w o rk in g c la sse s b u y s o m u c h a s -d o th e m en a n d w o m e n w h o la b o r in th is c o u n try . At th e s ^ m e t im e th e r e are- n o n e so ' w e ll off, n o n e w h o a re l a y in g n p so m u c h m o n ey . V e ry m a n y h k v o so- o u re d a p o m p e te n p y th r o u g h th e i r d a ily l a b o r a n d i f t h e y d o n o t o w n a l i t t l e h o m e it" to th ro u g h - s o m e f a u l t of th e i r o w n .

Y V h a t doe© i t m a t te r if a m a n p a y s a few d o lla rs , m o rp fo r h te c lo th te g .d r .p p ss i lj ly , f p r w h a t h e P a te,' i f h te d o ily w a g P to in c re a se d in a g r e a t e r r a t io !? ' ',

Until ourv people are wilting to aooept a lower rate of income, there to no need of changing the system of political eoon- omy under which our laboring classes’ have .so greatly prospered.. An open competition witb^tfa® manufacturers of

cost of all manufactured articles, b u t it would be suicidal to the interests o f the laboring daasea’he re , neoessarily reduc­ing the employment of c a p i t a l , c P h - aequeutly the wage workers would suffer a g reat reduction of- thelrlncom e. I jo w prices are a delusion, as neoeestoaly them m ust be an equation, or a compensation- a t the one end to produce acauntdrpoiBO a t the other. P rofit and loss m ust be adjusted and it to the labor element that m ust regulate the difference.

l a the official re tu f i^ of tlia BotoUgli election h a n d ^ in to the Commissioners on M onday evening the s ta r tlin g fact Was^madb known th a t the Devil received one vote for Collector. W hile the good taste of th is solitary disciple of Beolzo bub may with propriety be questioned whfen he thus dpenly assists his friend ; yefc i t^ u s t-b e a tource oLsome satisfac­tion to Mr. R o ts to know th a t he “ beat the devil.” In fu ture contests may he ever be os successful.

T he designation o( newspapers to pub­lish tiie State laws of the hurt Legislature was not made until M onday of this week. Five papers were named by the Gover-. nor and Comptroller for M onmouth county—-the Democrat oiuT Inquirer, of Freehold - Register, of Bod Bonk ; Record,. of Long jBrancb, and the Asbnry Park J o u r n a l .

XD rum m ing Tra<le.

T alking ab o u t tho peraletencj’ and posh of loqaT dealers in d ru m m ln g h p custom ers" the

. 40cca n UVove says th a t one now-oomer.to te week1 rec a lte d 2jl hnajpesa carda-betore he h ad been Inside the G rove gates ono hour..

-W e • c a ^ m a tc lr th a tc a s i l y enougtrT n 'A sb 'ary P ark . The w agons of m llkm enj batchers and/gTOCers etand In line a t tn e s ta tio n When the tra ins come in, and follow the stages a round as thoy deposit the newly a rriv ed co b tagers a t their various bouses. Some dehlers em ploy salesm en to ride in tho stages with n ew .cdm ete! ^When a m an a ir iv es a t bis cot-

Jfitt^tffil/goQ erally finds .two ^or thr©o tra d e s­m en s itting on/ bis .fro n t p o rch ' w aiting to tak e ofder8.^j Tbo o th er day a salesm an fo r a well-known grocery was a tew m inutes late in reaching a co ttage, and a fte r in troducing h im self he rem a rk e d : “ .Well, I suppose [hey’vo all been here ahead of me.1' n o ; ” responded the co ttager, “ not all; the u n d e r t ik e r l ia a n ’t been a round y e t.1? ^ ^

Brawffbt tlie lf Liquor Along*- >W ord was sent to^ Chief BalleySaat Sunday

m orning th a t two yonOgrmen h ad estab lished ' tbhmselves on th e seats of the p i8za,- near E igfith avenue, and wero do ing th e ir begt to ge t on the outside df Beveral bottles of beer. The Chief drove to th e spot ind icated , and a fte r a lengtfay a rgum ent w ith one of the ex-CursloniBt©!, While the o ther was walking jin ? s tead ily n ea r the w a te r? persuaded Jjlm to plac© a coople , h undred yards b e tween the o u te r Um fii o f A sbury P a rk an d his cargo bf be6r. H e sa id his n am e was Sm ith, a n d he had come frdm Long B ran oh to have a “ day p f unalloyed pleasure.**. .

I n v e i g l e d a n d . C a n e d .

Key. D? C . Cobb, .the efflplonL-pastor at W est Grove M. E- chapel, has bn epveral ini Btances sbowu gbod m ettle in suppressing the! rowdyism Jjj the v lc ln ltf.;O f? the ' church In which heTaborsr ‘ H is w ork ihksbeen signally blessed sp ir itu a lly a u d 'th e 'tm m m u n lty has b^en m u ch booefltted by his influence..... ^ b y it 1s th a t So uonorable a body_as the Q. J u fr* should en te rta in s in is te r m otives a n d ; In. an underhand, m apper inveigle so w orthy au individual as?M r. Cobb in to 'th e secret recesses of th eir cham ber, and there prdcccd to cad e him,Mb m ore th an our chro'n- toley cap fathom . B u t th u s it bappepod' on W ednesday o v en in |f a t thp ^ o s t rooms, and s tran g e to say, both donore an d rec ip ien t are p roud of th e ir aofajevoments.

Tho G rand Arm y boys have long had a w arm friendship for tho young dom lnlo-for his m any kindnesses and so rv ice ; and to su it­ably, show th eir appreciation , they resolved to present h im -a handsom e cane. A p lau sib le reasou was m ado for Inviting him to bo pres* e n t p t their m eeting W ednesday eveping, wh^a, M ajor P a tte rson Jn a bapfay m anner, mad© tho presentatioD ,vwhloh so aflected the young' clergym an th a t ho coaid scarcely re-, spond. I t was a ^ r y pleasant occasion, and- long to be reraem beretf by all, who p a itlo l- p a tod .- - " ‘

A largo percentage o f tho popple who com e to ' A s b n r y g e t t M f ihtro^notlbn th rough

T o e J o u p n a l , either" s en t-d irec t from this officeJor fay o ° r p a tro n s who, a fte r reading the paper, forw ard 1J to home friend a t a dfs- tance. , .. '

Dli*©©tors H oy© a M e © t t n g .

T he QlreCtors of The Board of T rado held a m eeting on Tuesday evening, P residen t Bu- ohanon m the chair. A com m unication was received from Mr. B radley tendering a com ­p lim entary d in n er to the m em bers o f the B o a r d , M o g i v e n the la s t week 'in Ju n e ,

"Which was accepted. : ” T ; ~ ? ...... .... r"M riH .. V . Bodine was elected toJU a Board

o f 'D lrec tp ra to AH a vacancy. T ho uso o f the Board room s was g ran ted to , the PenQold' B ro s /d a r in g the sum m er, oh the paym ent of a ren ta l o f $10 a. m otitb an d the g as bills. A fter adjonrnm eh^ tho Railroad Cbm m itteo held a

“ SPECIAL MEETING. , - .T he Board held a special m eeting T hursday

evening to .co h sld o rf the free m alL do llvery q u estion .) ' ?• *“*/". v ?

C hairm an B uchanon oilld th.® flM rttary mode sta tem en ts bearing on tho m ajte i. ....

On m ot Jon o f Mr.. T enkroeek . a com m ittee b f throe was appoin ted to, cptifer-w ith the Bpeceal ngept from W ash ing tonr -who is ex- pectod to fu rther inyoBtigkte the snb ject. M essrs? V anH orn, TenBroeck and H arrison , w ith the president added, w ere m ade such com m ittee.' ^ : 1

Mr. G ithens spoke of the advantages to be derived, an d M r. V ifn ljorn read ex trac ts from th e law; : • J ' : ? :, b n m otion o fM r. G , A. Qmock the c o m m it

t^e w as inBtruoted lo' u fge the Commlssibnere to cbinjploto the s tre e t signs a n d num bere.' T he m a t in g then ad jo u rn ed ., ’) ' ? • ? *

- Master W hite Improvlflff.Jo h n n y W hite, 8on of Mr. U riah W hite,

a ro u n d whom so m uch in te rest has centred* fo r the p a s t week,, ia ninoh Improved this (Prid&y) te o rn ln g i’ haYlng sp en t)& com forti. ab le pignt. *4 .

This case jia^. excited m ore than nsnal in terest fo r i ts very- Berloua asp ec t,- an d Abe eminenco o f the physic ians who have been ca lled in consulta tion . T he ,idiseaaeh-mem-‘ braneoua croup-r-developed in to a larm ing sym ptom s on. M pnday. I)jp. Johnson, the a tten d in g physician, calied in o ther doctors o f the plaCe and th ey decided th a t th e only

-ch a n ^ fo raav ln g T h u -b o y W lifo w a a b y -tr« jh - ebtom y— D r. Sands, o f N ew ^ o rk , th e m ost celebrated specialist of this conn try , w as se nt fo r, and th e operation was perfo rm ed Thes- d ay . evening. W ednesday m o rn in g thp case seem ed to be m ure hopeless an d all day the docto rs an d the distressed fam ily i watched an d w aited hoping alm ost.^ ag a in st hope. T ow ard n ig h t a crislB was ap p aren tly passed, which gave slight encoura!gement A portion of th e m em braneous form ation was, ejected and the suffer b reathed a - l i t t le m ore freely a n d was refreshed Wltirflome sleep.

— S in c e 'th a t tim e the p a tle n t has required c o n s ta n t w atch ing in cleansing hip th ro a t RT "prevent*strangulation. L ast n igH t'K d rested in com parative q u io t and th ere ten o w a fair. Ijope of his final recovery... ? ...

D eath o f Dr. Gardener. -Dr. W illiam G ardener, fo r a num ber of

years a sum m er resident and p roperty owner of Aabury P ark , died a t h is residence in 'P h il­adelphia on Ja n e 1, o f pneum onia. W e copy the following f jom the Philadelphia Ledger;

I Jb r^ G a to 6.0 ® ^ 8 5 ' ^ 111 te B rlstolr E nglandj 1 n'Septem D er?lB l4, an d cam e to this coun try w hen tw enty years o f age, se ttling In Phila ’3 delphta. A fter serv ing to r a tim e In tbe p h ar­m acy o fD r . Em aqnel, bo studied medicine,

M edical College; H e devoted a portion of his early medical career to p ractic ing Ills profes­s ion along the banks of the 8 cbuylklfl river, his journeys being alw ays m ade on horseback. Ho took a g rea t in te res t Jn m edical m atters, a n d ,.It is said, was one of the founders-of the M edico C hlrurglcal College. I t e waa also con nected^~wlth several m edical Organizations, including the. Oo'ubty M edical Society. Tho deceased leaves a wife, a widowed daugh ter xnd a son. •

The Choral,Union.Concert. * . ,*I f there is one th in g m ore th an an o th er of

which the people o f A sbnry R ark have an abundance, It is m u s ic ./ M usjc on the befibh, in public halls, in churches, in tbo hotels, in Cottages, dn tho s tree ts—m usic i n . the air, everyw here, ' “ "r-"-r .-- ? ) • v . .

W ith -all the m ultip lica tion 'o f harm onyraf high o r low degree, i t , was reserved fo r Prof. V anSant an d tho Choral U nion tp perfec t a m usical E n terta inm ent th a t has never had Its c o u n te rp a rt In A sbury Park . - Tfr s a £ t tfaat it was appreciated .by the several hundred who aflseiqbled a t E d uca tiona l Hall on W ednesday evening would bo b u t m odera te p raise—tbfa audlenco was falriy carried aw ay wltHthiTvlo Hu perform ance of tho W atson family. .Indeed it was many- tim es rem arked t^iat these alono m ore th an paiil for tho ttm o a n d : oxpenBo. Bosjde there were g ran d chom ses by, tho Cho­ra l U nion , and solos fly Prof. VanBant, Mica E m m a G. F arrin g to n and M iss K aje I*.•Balk?' ley. There was a alight d isappoin tm ent in tho non-appearanoe of Slg. M eallnno, tho com et? ist, who "was too ill to come? b u t there Was so m uch th a t was excellen t th a t th e fall a rc was hard ly noticeable! - * ■ '

The encores showed a hearty-appreciation of the' several renditions, the vjoilnrsfaespecialJy be ing recalled a t eaoh perform ance. While Mlsa F arring ton an d Mlsa Bulkley Werp the recip ien t o f handsom e floral gifts. ■

The W ataoi) fam ily, father, son and dangh- ter, are ihdeed a ^wonderful cb& bination of a rtistic ta le n t T h e eldest has few .if any peqredn h an d lin g 4 h a t g ran d est b f all Instru ­m ents, the violin. The fam ily bad w ith them

Y dur o f _the m ost_noted violins in 1 Am erica. T h a t used In the trio by the father w as m ade from wood tak en from the Beacon Street

•Church lu Boston, moro than 200 years old. T he one used hy the eon Is 200 years old, made from wood oblalhod from a,N orw egian ohuVch a t C hristiana. T he d au g h te r’s was one of the fam ous Ole Bnll Instrument©, 270 years old, used by him 47 years, and presented to P rof, W atson, ju s t befbr© the old m an died. -The Pthfar oneR lso has a" re m ar kablo history , b u t was not used, being kept as a resorvo In case of accident. . * r- : ,? !. M iss Joele Kingsley,'-on th is , ah o n many -fQrmfirocca>inna,xp roved^ap-aocop tab le-rao - com panist on the piano, while Mr. G. Sanford m anipulated hi» v io lin .- a v„,.......;

I / O . O . F * D i s t r i c t M e e t i n g .

D istrict.N o. 40, of the jurisd iction o f New Jersey , held a m eeting in the hall of Neptune Lodge, No. 84, .A sbury Park , dn W ednesday, evening, Ju n e 15 G rand Lodge officers pres­e n t were. G rand M aster J o h n . L .—Wheeler, G rand - R epresentative to Sovereign G rand Lodge Ja m e s 8 . K iger, G rand W arden Je n ­n ings, G rand M arshal Jew e tt and D D. G. M .David B. B k r to n D e le g a t io n s w ere present frdm A rio ch -/L o d g e / N o ? 7 7 ^ Empi re, N o.174, o f Long B ranch!;U nited , Np.199. of Ocean Beaoh;; Excelsior, Np! 8 8 , of Maria sqnan . -R eports were recetv&d fro iq tb e vaTb ©us lodges, show ing , them to ‘ be In a good, healthy condition. Spirited addresses were m ade by the Graild Offlqers an d v isitors? A t th e close of the m eeting N. G. L&no, of Nep- tono Lodge, inv ited the assem bled brethren td walk down to the cafe. o f Mcesrs. L a k e ? * Gregory, where a fine collation was served, re fl ecti ng gr ea t c re d it , o n th e rcs ta n ra n teo is.

H igh School Com inducement. ^ __ T he exercises o f th e F ifth A nniial C’om-and gnfifua te tiln 1842'from 4he P ennsy lvaala Lm anceinqnt of tho A sbnry P a rk HighficLpol.

begiq In tbe Flfat M E . Church on Bnnday at 10 80 a . m., arid co n tin u e ngUljtoar^dayM.Vim-Ingnex t.

A s theDAiLY JduKN al com m ences on Mon­day we re se rv e .the Ju lL p ro g ra m -a n d -re p o ru . for th a t p ap er, an d will give in this issue only the following general ‘ r - T- - ■ ' " ' i / M

. • : ^ flD B R OF EXEROISES. ^ .....1. 8 nnday, Ju n e 19,10.80 A. m., F irs t M. E.

C hurch. Sermon before the G raduating Class by Rev. E . H- Jdh tfton , D D., ^Pfofeesor of

^Theology, CroZ{erTh®ological Sem inary, Ches- . iter, Pa. • . %. - * ■.I 2. ’M onday, Ju n e 20, 8 o’clock p. M j-J^du- [catiorial p a b , F ifth A nnual Prize C onteet in ;D eclam ation fo r the “-Bradley Gold M edal.” V 8 , Tuesday. J u n e 21, 2 p. u — Educational- IHall, P rotnotipn Exercises, P rim ary and In ­te rm ed ia te tyepartm ents. . - ■ •f . 4. Tuesday, 8 o ’clock p. m.—E ducational -Half; A nnual Prize Contest (u D cclam atloa for- ‘T eachers’ Gold Medal and S uperin tenden t's P r iz e d . . * ' ? ' ^ ,- 5. W ednesday, J u n e -22, 2 p . , m . E duca­tio n a l Hall—rPromo tlon Exercises, G ram m ar and High fichool D epaitm en tftM ',_ .' -

. .- 6 . W ednesday evenlhgTfl ‘p?i? !^U u calio n al Hall—Fifth A nbual Address beforeS lgm a Zeta

i L iterary Society, by P ro f. E . T . Tom linson, of New Brnnsw ick . 1 Subject, “ C haracte r.”

Thpredqy. everiingj J une . 23, E d u ca t loriar

O l i l t a r o h s b a y .

A ' com hination of large buyers in New J.York, dealing in coffee, have beefi pushing the m arket fo r sevfaral m onths pntil the raw bean had reached a price scarcely prece den ted in .th ls country . On F riday las t thore began to be om inous ram b lin g In W all street. The ’bears had been getting In some heavy work!and prices began to to tte r, falling In a few hours 300 poin ts. ^-Three of the heaviest coffee dealers lu tho c lty w en t b y 'th T b o afd , carried down by the panic.

.In Chicago on Tuesday the sam e exciting BC eDeffw Bre*pm g'througtr l u th g w h e a l 'uiHF^keV wjltefateis not h ad such a tu m b le in,flf* teem years. The^break In prices cadsed a col­lapse of th ree A rm s,, who i t is s ta ted , held m ore thanjlO.OOO.obO.bushels,

T h e T y r o l e s e M u s i c i a n s .

TfioB~e_wb’o fallefiTo “p te n d M B e o p e n frig ljf P ro f. A n d re 's K lnderg a r ten; a t the Y. M. C. A, H ail/ W ed ned^day moFning, mlBsed a ra re tre a t. a s 'u n iq u e 'an A freah da It w as charm ing Mia harm onious. ; ) ?

Thls^ band o f Swjsa m o H iclan ^p u m b e^n g eight, brive been engaged for severai yeare in teach ing the lower c lasses o f L ondon and o th er E uropean c ities to sing and p lay on thq zither, m andolin, gu itar, e tc ., OB|ng, the k indergarten m ethods now so popular:""T hey cam e to A m erica’TO spend the eum m er and b ave Inaugurated th eir school here as a n ex- perlm ent. . T h e largest M ils i n London would not bold the crow ds th a t desired to llstezf to th e ir p leau n g m elodies. Do n o t fall to be*& th e m . ^ ' -

•The program cfq .W ed need ay em braced sev-. exai b eau tifu l yocid sblto, bo th lq English and th eir native tfarifenea, w ith z ither solos-and com bloatloua of Beveral instrum ents. -We are sorry, the h a ll was" not* foil of people to enjoy pdeh sim ple an d unaffected melody." •»

. - , . . _ ^ . A S e v e r e t t M o n . - - - - -!‘ e

Francis A. Gnllck, convicted of lllegal.ltq- no r selling n ea r Kby E»»st; -waB"Bont0ircod"Od T hursday to pay a Bne o / $500 and costs of tria l. ( " - . . \ , ? V ’

Tbo b right ligh t th a t was seen In the.western skies late T uesday^vou lng w as caused by tbe b u rn in g of Brakeiey’a canning factory, a t Freehold. T w o b u ild in g ^ a storehouse and one con tain ing m achinery for canning p ur­poses, were destroyed. Three others of the g ro u p were saved, though o u tside of tho flrp lim its and llttlo w ater could bo .obtained? Thq loss is estim ated a t $14,000, fully Insured.

D r Griswold was aba*ht In New York on Thursday a ttend ing itiq fupe ra l of his father,

-w h d d led aaddeniy*on fo risd ay night. He was a sergeant in the Old G uard and[a K nigh t Tem plar. The cause of deaths was h ea rt d is­ease. • x ' ■• ? ■ ' • :■ ¥ & •?

'-S rib b a th las t Is the ono day o f -Jhe year altrfi^ t?u n iv ersally recogntzed- thronghont. 'th is land as Cblldren?s Day. I t Is app ro p ri­a te a rid m ost Oiling, th a t while we have Sab bath-schools, and ann iversary occasions, otjly

-within late years has on& Sunday iriMh^y®®1- been glv^n expresaiy to the ch ild ren ’s service;

O ur churches observed the occasion with* due regard to the pleasure and Instruction of tho younger m em bers and* those connected

.Delaney, Miss E Ewing, Mrs Emmona, Henry

J-'ergUBon, Mrn Anna Frazee, Amy- :

‘FrilU, Ellaw ith /th e schools. T he pu lp it o f thp B aptist Marta1chhrcb was profusely decorated jvlth poT Frame, Mary p lants, ferns, dec., w ith a real foun tain play^ ” *" ”itig ? jT h e Siam ese lec tu rer prf^ched in the m o rn ii^ , while i n tbe evening the cfiildren’s servlce prbper was conducted , w ith singing an d sho rt addressee- */i;

A t the P resbyterian , the pu lp it, desk, tablesa n d organ w ere)banked with daisies an d )ry e headJL ~i)r. C handler p teaclied a serm on in the m orn ing of deep in terest concern ing thb

're la tio n of paren ts and children and the Influ- ran ceao f an e a rn est cbriM lau’s life? - T b e ^ ^ en ln g service w as devoted tortbe yonng pepple w ho'riearly filled the body of the h o u re? .Mr.' .La B oyteanx. rood the .sc rip tu re-tesm n , Dr. Chandler addressed the children'. ; The sing-’ ing was done by the sc h o o l. , ‘ ?

The M ethodist church w as ‘frag ran t with flowers, which; decorated the pu lp it and the surroundings*- P asto r SchbCk"preached both m orning and evening. A Bpeclal BervIcC was. prepared foYjthe afternoon by Prof. Ire land , w ho took charge of th e exercises. Rev. !!'. 8 Phook a n d U r .Wi T re a t m ade sho rt addrosa- eSjjeesppnsTve readings and singing b y , te e flchgflTfliled u p th e^ llo tted tim e. The esPrci- sea by the Infant class under Miss G race Mo-' Keago, Was a p leasan t feature. Mfv A. C.. A tk ins hod chorge d t i h e singing. ' :imr~

Caring for the Blind,< ■&, - . • ,

O ne day las t week a gentlem an in a buggyBtopped a t the handsom e resldeaoo of M r. W . D< PbPhypacker, on Seventh avepue. As he s a t on theJjE flad.veranda, a .largo dog with' s lo w 'a h d m easured step, cam e around the co rner arid laid down on tbe porch. Tbe dog Is atonq blind and is owned by Mr. P , Not- wHbBtandlng .hls . b llndness ho goes alone a round tbp^neighborhood and abou t SnnRot L ak e , occasionally getting ' a /tnm ble, or ru n ­n in g ag a in st some obstru c tio n . ■“ P oor fol­low I” shldi the ow ner of tbe aforesaid buggy, a s be raised the UneaJrom the dashboard ond drove off w ith the sightless horse th a t is bq well known around P ark H a ll . ..

* . D i e d © r P a r a l y s i s . ?

W illiam T o w n er, well Known In A sbury P a rk alm ost from I ts ' ©aiiiest hlplory, dlod Tuesday m orning o f paralysis, a t the Com-* m erc ja l.luget, where^he baa boarded several years. • He^-waa, a b ro ther of. Mr. E gbert Tow ner, lum ber dealer df this place, and was. fo rty years oft age. T he fnneral took placo f ro m T rin ity P. E. cjiqrch "on T hd teday . In ­term en t a t Mt. Prpopect cem etery. ‘ . *

T he brise bpll aeaBoh la open and the co u n ­try la In a s ta te of arnlcp.

*r N . 8 . M . ”

7b tfas E d itor o f the J o u r n a l / ^ ’ :'' •Those -mystic le tte rp probably convey no

jriteiliglbto m eaning ro?riny reader o f-th la-i p a p e r ; b u t It is hoped J h a t; thqraymfeftl.-Wi.U. soon becom e famiUar to all, ahc| to a t I t may alw ays aw aken ‘ p leasan t an d Inspiring -thoughts. . “ N. S. M .” is tho abreviatlon for N ovem bor Sim ultaneous M eetings. D uring ono woofc In nex t Novem ber, from tho 13th to the* 19th, tho P resbyterian Synod of Now Jer- B oy-pronoadarjo hold-n?norlog of mootings deolgned to awakon a 'd eep er arid r iiv ld e r In­terest in the g reat work of F oreign Missions.

- t i t Is felt ,by m any th a t a crisis Is upori tlio cphrch . , F o r the first.tim o slnco tho risen Strvlour sa id to hla c h n rc h ,»“ A ll.pew er is g iven u n to mo in heaven and In e a rth , gp ye therefore arid teach all uu tlous,” the whole world is opou. Tho m essengers too aro ready to carry tho gospol to the ends of tho earth . D uring the last rilno m onths there h as Iteen a w onderful mtivfemeut In tho colleges and semlriariea o f tjje co u n try , and 2.190 studon ts

Ttavo decided ripon . tho foreign? field, Tho question confronts us, w hether tho church is prepared toA ccep t th is vast Increase o f force, involving, as it m ust, a corresponding In­crease of expend itu re . I t Is feared th a t m any CbriBtlanB are Indifferent, an d ^ n fow even hostile, to foroigQ mlBalonw^So it is proposed ' to -h o ld a series o f siranhaueous m cotlngs th ro n g h o u t our e n tire State, to" call upon all C hristian people to consider tho urgent claim s tif those who have never heard the gospel, to hear from m issionaries and o thers or th© won- durfiir progress o f_ thow ork iflud especially, to. ponder .seriously the rlson Saviour’s lastcom - marid, which places upon every C hristian tho rospPDalblllty of doing something, for- the evangelization of th e world '. The NovemberfmlHaloriary w eek will bogin

With a serm on on Sunday th e 13lb, on the foreign work, "from all the pulp its of the c h u rch es .'rD u rin g the week all-day m eetings w ill be held in 58 designated centers. The evening m eetings a t these centers ^rlll b e$ d - drcssed by speakers appointed,by. the Synod's commUtee. Besides these, com 'niitlees o f,th e aovcral Presbyteries, arid the local p a sto n ta re expected to afrango for a t least ono m ission­ary m eeting Iri each o f the' ehurehos o f the Synod.- -

I t Is belfeVcd“ th a f^ O rm a u y sim ultaneous m eetings held th ro u g h o u t'tb o Statq will p o- duce a ’m oral effect tty ih o te 6>oJftOj..Pf M»0ir slm ultaneonsness, and thnt C hristians, not only of p u r own church , b u t o f o u r siste r qhurche81Vmay-i'be b ro u g h t 'to a -m b ro vivid? realization of the following tru th s :

1. Tho evangeliza tion -o f the world Is the fltst and g reatest w ork of tho ehOrCh. .

2. The calls from tho m issionary fields at tbo-preront ilrao a re loudgncburgGUt.^=~~^— —

8 . Each C hristian is charged tty his Lord’s com m and with a p e rso n a l« bare In the work o f preaching the gpapel to e v e ry creature .

^ • ? D. McLt

W ater, Gas and the Beach.To the E d ito r q f the Journal: ..

I was very m uch su rprised on learn ing of the w ater And "gas ra te s In the Park , and I d o u ’.t w onder the people won’t o r Can’t afford to lake Q U har^iThe m echanic and laborer of New York<flty can gtiC the gas If he wafuts it a t $1.25 per 1000 cub ic feet, and the w ater charges In -New York a re by .no m eans u n rea ­sonable. A nother , m atte r has come to my notice -aud th a t la, the collection of your Borough taxes. -W ould it n o t be a good plan to allow.a small per centage off on all p rom pt­ly paid taxes, and if^not paid Within thftglveti tim e soli tbe property* to pay the a rrears w ith Interest added?. But* Qrat, g ive the tax pay- £ rs-and bard w orking peoplo o f the Borough a chance to enjoy the com forts I have spoken o f befote^sovere m easures a re resorted to. I ain only a tem porary citizen o f the Park, but I take a g rea t in te rest In Its welfare an d .p ro ' gress. I congra tu la te the citizens o f the place ou the ap p o in tm en t of our honorable ex­pos tin as ter, Mr. P rG rS u ed ek e r, a s S uperin­ten d en t of th e beach. A moro honest o r Worthy m an could n o t be selected ; a gentle­m an w h o - will . enforce , the jm lefl and .regular lionsrailldly and /yet firmly. - • .. Pro Bono P ublico .

Advertised Letters.. L ist o f lo tters rem ain ing In th e po«jLofficqat Aabyry P a rk s—Nt- J t fo r , th e . week ending J u n e 11, 1887:Arthur, John Hinton, Miss Niiunic ?

-AppIugalor Frank— L_.— Uzrget, MrsAnhmead, DutUeld Bird,-Mrs Annie

Dundy, Miss Eva Bowles, Car hla barrett, Eddie A Uennctt, Ella . *■'. no)den. Edward Hruce, Mra K prowers, Ouh Beasley, Johu Harknlow, John be ll, Mrs J -Utillett, LuluBradford. Mlsat Browri^ M ra Billinhue, Mrs Biddle, Rottert Brown, J-A BUCkluo, .White Barkalow, W A Beyara, Wm # Brower, Furman * Bryner, Miss Ida Bro<ik, Mrs A, Caruley, .Miss Carrie Cannon, Elias, Esl> ChamtnrilaliiH-lenry Cocks, Mrs H (’oUrell, (Jordou Carter, JohnChesncy* Jiwcph . .....Curtis, Joseph.... _ Creed, Mrs Combe, L II Crossert|-M l*w M——— Camel, Mrs Mary Dltez, Mrs Esther Doran, John Dorsett, Mlsa Anniegennlsori, Lizzie,; ?

avis, Sarah "Decou, Frank Dickerson, Elizabeth DempsyyiTEHza —

IlauAnan, (leo Hough, H 4 . , T. ‘ Y

’ Hulmcyfer, Jghn - •* f ,Harnahan, Johu i Hea«on,'J A

• Hotel Leggett Hankins. Mrs L W

, Hal toy, Miss M •Johnson, Joa : •_ *Johnson, Krama - -Katzboltzer, K L King, Mrs May l*yon. Henry 0

. Landers, Mrs “ lAnfe Mre W H

Lancaster, Mary K ? McIntosh, 1 Kev J 8 .

Me why, Mr McCatfrey, Mrs Kate Marriner, (leorge

. Mathews, Mrs Eva Mathews, C it

. Mkglnuey, Addio F Nomonariet Bros Co \

. Nixpley, Mrs Emma - Oliver, Miss Atnenly

iMnly, U P *Parker, Mra Lydia Parker, Lida Right, Miss Kate. . Rosa; Lucinda (2)Rccd. M Etta

. Rogers,EIwood . .Itobcre, Thomas ARyereou, Mra -

-- HmlthrGeorglanna— -— ; Sculcnaky, lX(2)

Hlsson, F ; Bchanck, Esther Shinn, Ellsworth . Biiiou, Mrs Fredericka(2)

^Slocum, Mre Emma (2) Smith: VV II ~Sang, Miss B Supt Bummer Schools— Treat, Wm

Fowler, T M Gravatt, Alice A (2) Griffin, John Carman, Lizzie . _ Grcgoty. w m A Harris, Mre / ...... ....

Burdge, Chas II

■^W right, Josephine Wilson, Mra Weldon, Mamie Wagoner, Kitty : •

• Wliklns, Henrietta. - W i l tm a r t .C T

Warnoek, Chas "7 . Woojley, Mrs C

White, Chas ._Webater, Augusta Wilcox, Mrs A Youlenaky, K )

^^Zelly, Jo h n / ^

PO STAI9. " T ~ ' .McIntosh, Rev J F -

PAOUAOCH,.....-H urley, EmmaHqlsey, Emiuu

1 Peraons calling fov tb c .a to v e p lease a sk for advertised letter. A. R. T o la n d , P; ^

Coleman H ouse Arrivals.Geo C-8c6 fleld, J H Hogan, ' ?.8-V-Smith and wHo,Felix Jollinto and fjunfljv-^ -~;— Mrs H II Brockway, > -Miss T Hnrllok, Miss S W ^cotri « Frank RJsaae, Chas D Sweeney,F B Scott, G RCnsens,

New York


C Murray Mitchell, C 11 Erwin, - Wm Toll, wife a n d 2 daughters, Henry D Iselin. J E Ackley, Misses P and Florertce Hart*Howard EBrowning,Mrs IV C and M 1«s.-Adele France, Mrs T E Ostrander, Chd and nurse,

Clark, F C Avery,Mre FM 8eere and him, Mre J L Stewart,Harold E Willard.W Carlton and wife,Mre J-N Carlton,H T Hess,W.C Goodrich. W II Naglo,W HSmith, J r. F U Vqgdhl.J W Dorland,(Timea, Iv R Kern,

Aabury ParkBrooklyn

Easton. Pa" rh lla d a —

J U Sowell,A B Hlnkley, *...Geo H.Pitht,F S Miller and daughter, G Rogers,Wm G Bolley?wlfe. baby & tad,, A 8 Diamond, V Wilson Carllle, FrOdHIU, - :J RSInen and wlfo.J G Wymond and w ife,. v H B-South, ' k-, **W A Childs.- i ' - W 8 Bunday and wife, ** .J Morton, wire and family,Q W Dyram,-----

Providence, R I Yonkers, N Y

■ Brooklyn PloJnJIeld

Mount y m io n

Buffalo Minneapolis

* Avondale Eoglewoqd

Mctuchen Baltimore

"Hsbury Park *"•

• Li^ht for Ocean Park.• , ‘ -

» Tho O cean GrbVo A ssociation In cboriectlcmw ith Afr. J a m e s A. Rradjey, bas ordered andwill to y for an eloctrlc IJgfit^on tho beachbelow Llllagore’s pavilion for tbe Benefit ofOcean Park pooplo. They wl)l also pay thosaldT /rot a po licem an to bo designated by thotow nship au thorities, for I he 'p rotection o tth a t su b u rb heretofore Im perfectly guardod.T his is a s tep In (he r igh t d lrectlou , an d thpm overs should .receive a hearty com m ends-

tfon:-)— ' ' , - .S'I t o l o r i | i 6 d C l i n r c l i .

T h t;,n b je c ts for n tx i 8 a » a t! i- s M rm ons to bo preacbod by 'th e pastor, w ill b e : lu the m orning, “ T he ten words, God’s law to m an ,” a n d ,in the,everiIHg?**Thh position of.i

. the Church tow ards am usem ents.” , ' , * / !

i : • / ! - • ! .. ■ V. r . :•

Potels, Sec.

THE--ST. CLOUD,'j? - F lre t avenuo. third liouso from tho boach. •

ASBURY PARK, N. J . ’ > —Accommocailons for.00. Now o|feu.

I HE i i .BfkMY,Mre. Mathews, Proprlotrcaa, (formerly of The BerkBhiroJ Seventh avenue, 4 dobrsbolow Grand avenno, P. O.TJox 891, ABburv Park, N .J . , Four minutoo to the ocean. Artesian w ater and gas. Nowiy furnished rooms. Table board.


iai M ml Etsljiitul,OUKAN CIUOVE, '


LAKE AVENUE HOUSE,f Lakh and Graqd avenue©, *" ) '

ASBURY PARK, r NEW JERSEY,has undergone many Improvementa, and is now open. The house fronts on Wesley Lake, haff= superior acco In modal Ions and lain perfect orde Arteslon water, Ao. Within a few lnlnutep wa( o f depot, post office arid beach. For term s,

Address MHS.C. W. WEBER, ... Box 978., - • *• ; ;. Aabury Park, N. J.'

SEA SID E HOUSE' * Ondbo beaQh’ncar R6sa’ Payillon, "


• 1 j A. H, STOCKTON. r'

ELW OOD HOUS’EPilgrim Pathway and Mt. Hcrmon Way,

OCEAN GROVE, ...• ^ . J T ? . fW W jJER&KY.The El I wood is pleasantly kituaied close to the

camp m eeting grounds and post.office. Good tab te and pleasant rooms. Open all the year. Terms moderate. r_ * . - J . H.J.ANNING,

P. O. Box ailO. . .^ . .Proprietor

m a r I we v i l l a ?iJ05 Second ave., near ocean, ,

ASBPRY PARK, - NEW JERSEY.■ . Open June to October lfiith, __ _____

For all Infprmationj address -■SAMUEL B. McINTYRE.

NO RW O OD HALL■ Fourth ave. and Kingsley s t , . .

ASBURY |*ARK, ? ’ ) - - ' NEW JERSEY.- Spacious rooms, well ventilated Sanitary a r­rangem ents perfect. Ocean B lock ,'near bath houses and music pavilion. Open from June tri O ctober.:_______________ 8 . N . SEVERANCE.—

Second Ave. Hotel,South side Second avenne,

AS BUR Y PARK" r : NEW JERSEY.150 yards from the ocriah waves. : ’.

Opens Jnn«20th under the m anagem ent'of'ALBERT THOMAS.

BEACH COTTAGE,"r f . F i r s t avenlie. second door west i

of Kingsley street, « • > ASBURY PARK, - NEW JERSEY.

A ohooorful and comrqodloas homo, ono block from the Sea. Best arrangements

menta for comfort, large airy rooms. Artesian w ater,aew er connection.

Rost Office UoJHM: MRS. M. E. ROBISqN^

Severn Cottage,FRO N TIN G ON W ESJj EY LAKE,

Central location, w ith good view of the ,—— -—1 ■ -------- Ocean. .Now open. For further Information, address

M. B. SEVERN. Asbury Park, N. J.

IRVING? ' 4 Third avenne, near ocean,

ASBURY PARK, . N EW JERSEY. Oi>en March to December.

For I further par tic n la rs. address• «# ' M- LAUDKNSLAGER-

TH E HA M ILTO N,;214, Cookman avenue,

ASBUftY PAIlk1? - NEjW JERSEY.The Hamilton occupies one of the finest ioca-

tlona lu the Park. Only ono m inute’s walk from the beach and In immediate vicinity,of the Colenfari aiuLWeat End Hotelk. ■■ “; "

? JVO. Box 229. . -t* . T. SMITH, Manager.

GLOBE GOTTACE408 Fourth avenue,

PARK. " . . j . . . . - NEH,’jJ£UMEY. Convenient to the .ocean and other points

!__ :__:__ -1______ ?r l ;P. O. Box 31. Address MISS M. J. DRAKE.


£?! and 29-Clin St., w ost.of beafch. Ocean Grove. Is now open to,receive guests. . Every effort will be mode to maiutaln thovood reputation of tblfl well-known house. Situation central—near the «ea, post office and camp. Terras for Juno and ‘Sept. $7. Address MRS. M. J. MULFORD, Box 89.

30 LEH AN HOUSE,r . .t 1 - I i- , \x. ' . ' , " ^Under th&mrinageraent of (be undersigned, will

be O P E N during the comiiig season from

June 1st to. October 1st,

S. y . W ODDHtF^,

Aabury Park, N. J ,

A l M H T I i HOUSE?Ocean-Grove,

O P E N A L L m Y E A R ,Thoroughly Heated by Steam In cool wcnlhor.

■ ' ‘ ' ? O. J . HUNT.* • ‘


Beautifully situated on Wealoy Lake terraceapd Duaoh avchuo.

..v. , * *■ ■' • ' Accommodations for (300).Jhreo hundred guests.

. Perfect flanitary arrangonienlSr^ ■WILL OPEN JUt(B -181 h, 1887. _ ' K*

Ro t E l l a k e s iDe ,SOUTH LAKEJVeiR," FLORIDA,

Will opon December I5th, 1887.

“X T

'Draw uup the papers, lawyer, and make ’em good aa strong, ■ .

And don’t you leave * loophole for folks th at willdo wrong:......... .....

And JuBt a t the beginning you m ake them uiidef- stand ? . *

That no one mean and tricky, can buy a foot ofland.- "r "‘......

And whllo your w ntlu ’, lawyer, i t may bo just as well • - " ■

That I should fill tho time up by golri on to tell How this town by the seaside Ju«t took a start to

grow, ; v, - -------------------------- ^And Went It Hie a m nshroom /ftill sixteen years

ago. '. . . . _In May In qlglitecn-kevcnty.aa I have heard them

say, ’ ’ • ! ? - ' . •' •"James A* Bradley,rif N^w York, Whllo walking

■ down Broadway, - jFell lu with/an acquaintance, one DAyld Brown

-. by nam e, • ; -.-The treaau re r o t Ocean Grove o f Me Ih odist I c fame. And to. him prit tho* question, “ ITow does the.

Grovo get on . 1. - .V O, voiy fhir,’’ says Davjd, and started thereupon With “ .Why don't you buy a lot* for don’t you

see,” says bo. ■ y \ v - “'■‘ I f you put yonr ndm edow n now a first chance

yours wilFbe'.’?

Well, James was always rcadyio help good things a long ; • * \_ ? *. • , '

-A*n>ftn th a t isn 't th a t way; [Well-—Isn’t worth a, song.. 4 ‘

For as the Scripture urges on all Of us to do,” ** t wo’re a s k td ” *............. * -----

mile two;When wp’ro asktd to go g.m1!6' toMnake th a t one

J ,8o put me down for two Iota;” ; said Bradley In-~'Aa~ reply.,-—— ':- - - ^ —- — -"— -.-7- . ■And felt so kind orcqrlotia, th a t when some; days :(•. went by, - *... :.

With Saxe and Boolo,aqd Ciffiosman, and otheis that he know, * . . . ..

He hurried down to see. thoT)!ace. as you o r I Would do. y :-

To old Port Monmouth by trio float, and thence to• ' Eaton town, , f -. .Where Just In time Ibr dinner, they dined with

- David Brown.,. . .And afterward they a l l« tout by carriage through

the sand, - -. - t t 1 v ■For Ocean Grove, to prospect th a t new and goodly

lahd. ■And just about that tlmoi-sir, tho turnpike com-• ---- :—:j—::--------- -I-—:,-.Htfdpegun lo.makothrt.rJ/Mid.AriCJVorpt that you

could seef ** -. ..•v .'?'?4From Great Pond doiVn to Ocean Grovp’it siirely

was a mess; .But now It’s tip-top .lawyer, and .can 't be beat; I v guess. --

- • . •. Well, Bradley saw the Grove and bought the first

.lot sold* - . ■ ■'•• ‘ '_'*«•Eighty-flye dollars premium, as I've been often

to ld ; ■ ■ ? ■ ■ ' ■ ■For Bradley was run down and over-worked, yon

■: see, ■A nd-th ought-he’d “tryrtheraeasidc—good • sense r

. that seems to me.So right after purchasing he packed his caravan; Took horses, carriage, traps and tent, John Baker, v * colored man, . .Who was hi* faith(ril servant, and downLe came.

to b e 1The guest d f grim old. ocean and to camp beside

the sea. -

They hurried fust to raise tholr tent, fo rT | was growing d a rk ; . '

N& axes to cat poles, sir, Which was a lively “ lark ,’’- 1 ■

And so they hilrig their canvas upon some1 heavy .* beams— ,Association office was bu llion them , It seems. Well, the building a t th at timo had not a sign of

No chancftJbr warmtli or comfort, orBuppcr. that . w i l f f p r o o f , •' *

And bo they supped on crackers—now how was " that tor high? •

To somo good-living lellows thnt would bera therdry. ■ ; * : / . .

But whep It comes to “ dry,’’ sir, you hit it every *. * time,For James A; B. long since,, sir, has gone on thrit

'e re line . * .They slept on carriage hi an ke to, and on th e car-

• riage rugs And d idn 't care a picaynno tor any Jersey bugs. Next m orning poor John Baker, t\P. up and R aya,

Bays h e : “ •'’ T .“ This Is a je a l wUdOruess, now 'a ln t it, Mr. B f Poor fellow, ho was homesick I 1 kno>v Just how

he’d reel, . •I’ve felt-the same myself, sir, clear down from'

j_; ■■ head tp heel. . p— *'_■

Well, Mr. Bradley cheered him, aud Bald, “ don’t ) be east down.”

And then they - ate their breakfast—not what they’d have In town, ^

And then they found tho lota, and pitched their.tents, you know, ■ . •

And so began their lonely life ' like Robinson

Onocvenlug Mr. Bradleyt with Bakei/riy bis sldo, Took a stroll along the bcaeh to watch tho rising• • tide, ... ■' : ' * ■W hen Mr. B. proposed a “ dip,” but Baker said,

‘“No, no I" , . v- ; -Thu ocean wasabath-tnb In which he woulduH go.*

riO bntj" said Bfr, Bradley, “ yon know tho Scrip­tures say, * . . .

That even n ex t to godliness Iscleaiilloess alway,”- A ndsohe took a bath him9c lf> y lying>ot) .the

Band, •Hal I soused by oyew breaker .ag 'it came In to

. lan d ; —But just a llttlo after, he turned to look for John,

.Who having plucked up courage, had ventured ■... thereupon,To take just Uko bis master, a Uefcct for outside; And get the meresLspripkle. ftt5m the incoming

lido * ’ ■ ‘ ■

til Auiiguat, a t camp-meeting', tbo qucrtltin went the round, 1 : , ■

As ia who the party was who owned the trapt ol ’ ground *

(A yery wilderness It seemed)f liud nojth of Wes­ley Lake, - ■"

Where rabbits lived by thousands, bid ’mong the— - bush and brake. r .One morning Mr. Bradley, with William B. Osborn. Went over to prospect It, and got tbomBelvcs well

■ torn, . ■ . • - 'But feeling all'unuaunted, the woods they strug­

gled through, .1 " ■ 'f'Tlll-at length alovoiy lake broke toll upon their

'view. , - : . . • .80 ebarmlug ovou tho prospeeT?BO beaut I toY the

Rtream, • •They stood iu admlratlou, as In ayranee or dream, F orperhajw lnall-lho -la ixU t-w ou ld .be-bard lo

find-A Uttle sheet of water bo perfect o f ita kind,They tried to formra company to purchase Oils

fair land, 1 * :About five hundred acres—but here, you under­

stand.They met with a dilemma, tor just asrt-hla.waa-

•done, . »-The W rie r sgid the purchaser lunst take thri i whole, o r none.

“ Never m ind," said one'of thefii, ,, bylfiiylng all, yotf see, . < • =

There will be larger profitator us.yoil will agree,” SoBome Were high up tor It—their nrim bcrlt waS

; ■ eight—' . " . j*i . .........But as tno n lghta grew cooler, the season'getting

late,Their ardor w a n c d a liq ie ; In fact. It quite ran

-* down, . -80 they gave up tho notion of th is , thoir a aside town-, - .0 '..

I t soems th a t Bishop Simpson had oncefccen heard _ , tojpy-Aud no effort^wlll be spared to m aintain tlitf’ iT ha t'the Association should buy this land thatSood reputation of this woll-known HOTEL for *—• * . - . -

10 oxoollonco of Its cufsbie. anti tftnromotR the comfort and convenience .of its guoata. *

. lay •'

Acress the lake called Wesley, or It might likely

That ilthcr folks w ight buy it, not quite ip sym- * • pathy .‘ T* .. * “ t . r .

With the. Association and with tholr plan, yori* kn o w n - r - ' , • '

. lend, S! Brown,,would Jol,n him In getting up this

know n

8b Mrf irad ley “wftlted upon hla And asked 1* nr "—

; town, : . - N I o u s a n d drillara, fllL /th e Yalqa ot the

A little p ilq o f money riot o?efy(uan could stand.

But David had objections, as people often do,_ _ _ . - - . I often havo myBolf sir, and, no doubt, bo-do you.N O W J 6 r S6 V r -Ho-toldthem to his friend, ju s t like an honest

" ’ ■ • " m a q . ^ s * . ; .. - *I t ’s always the best way. sire and ev rybodyrcan,.

No, no,1’ said Hls'ftlena David, “ as {jho.ftffireOf treasurer of Ocean Grovo, I won’t Invest a

mill ; . r ........r ’- ‘ ' ■ ; ^ ,But I will’write to each ©uo. who lson tho board.

with mo, *'’ • V " vwAud ir a week you’ll give them, In whlchTthe>

can aoree,

For particulars address BOX 2081,

T. B. 8 UAY, Ocean Grove, N. J.

AN INVITATION.,Friends vlsltlnfr A sbury^0yk-for a Jay moyq_.

. (before locating) aro cordially in-• >1 ted to call a t *■ . -(i .

P A R K C O T T A G E , r4 I 0 .N n m m e r f le ld A v e .,

where they will surely find a comfortable1 homo. A a a ^ ro o f we by permission refe r to Preatiiont Stokes and Postmaster Evans, of Oceap Grove, and Dr. Wallace, of tho Ocean:G ross.R tw nl.

Charges tor Surame! are'vory reasunapla. -For. the prerant $L por day. A gentleman and wire, LwoJadlos, or two gontlemon. $ 10 per woek, ^

■We havo lawn, flowers, fruit qud ehado trees. Location flrst-class. Pleaao call gpd'seena.

»MRS. R. F . S ILU M A N .

“ Thopurciiaap I ’ll negotiate, tr you tbe sum put down, ^ *

Aud«osecure the property,”* said-worthy David Brown. * . ...

NoW somo for H were eager, bnt all did not agreo, A ndm rthe land was Bradtey’s, as you will plainly

Ho tofd thorn at tbo samo time tho proi>erty would be '■*

Re-sold to Just such-partIeB_aa cotlld bo brougbL to ro e '- ~ ,'

And ftjlly to appreciate iho object and the aim . Of tbo new placeSQ^soon to b© of wide religioiw"


The briers all wore cleared away, and all the tan*‘ gled brush, .

Forthe work began In earnest and.went It with a. rush ; ^ .

But at tho lively sum, sir, of several tlibusands! down. •

And out d f such a wild wa§to..thoro sprung’thls Land tome town. •

Tho vontrifo aa to profits has not been a aucceaa. But aa an eQterf>rl90> Mr. it’s number one* I guess. Aud it can tqke the palm, air, tor draining per­

fectly, *Through six tcenm lies of etrecFTdnlns right out

Into tho sea: ' - •Tho first town on this, continent to lead out iu this'

lodest m an„tlist's all I’ve.gottoway.

A big work for a 1»ay. . .. •;

And also tboro'are miles of walk, th at you’ll find < hard to boat, ‘ ‘,A Plaza nearly one mile long by over twenty foot, And as fpr water, lawyer. A rtesian-m ind ,you.

It oah’l bo boat In all tbo land, nb , neither near\ nor fu r, ; ■

Prof. (look. Geologist. haLm adotho m atter sum, By testing of, tbo w ater bronounotng it is pure. -And seven ehurehoa, lawyer.-think pf th at if you

"A?Ites§vW lau,Baptist.M e th od 1st an<KAfrIcAur~

Kplsoopaliau. also,Ref ortned and Cat hollo.A big supply of oborohes, sir, If fqlks would only

stick, • . ' rAnd not got lo aud out ’em, as they too o ften do,

For I bat a church can’t save a man, we a ll know ‘ to be tn te i ■ . .

H otelaond boarding hou9esLahd Btbres of every

Arid cottages Ijotb large and smtill, all Btyles for ev’rym lnd.

Tbe nows o f mlLtlie ' World. Wo get in flratrolass: •weekly eheoto, ....

The copies -sell by thousands, so th it , you see, /- quite beats ■ —■ » /

T lur slower towns and^ villagespVud • then the .publloImils

•Aro good for our Societies, for lectures o r for- balls ----^ . :.Tho bosJ, called " Educatlouol,” was bought by

. • Jamori A. B*. . *. . *A bettor llall I tako It you’ll seldom ever s e e :Seats over fifteen hundred, a Centennial affair.If.you wem o n th at ground, sir, you m ight have—

soen l t thpre. " " — * * ~ - .........And then there la tho Opera House, twelvo hun­

dred it will seat,Looks woll upon the outside and in the inBido

. neat. . ' / . / ; ■■ _ ■ -■

And full olght hundred cottages/arid gardonsail I n b loom ; - . . :

A'nd in alFM onmoutb county th e best Mas on Ur ■. • rooriir- ' • .-The Park 's l&to Sup'rintendent, Allen It Cobk,

yon know , — ■; ' w * \Ho built tlio lodgo a m onutaent th at rail are , proud to abow„- '• * .- ^ •

The school 1» well Jocftted, an d sa p 11 ally planned? •-/ Tlio lot It w aadonftted, a pretty piece o f lan d ;The average atteniiancehi seven hundred Btrong, ■ You erin ln)Oglno, lawyer, If anything w ent

.wrong; :Ju st w hat a lively Bedlam wo’d have Ihvthis ’ere

i .P a rk . .. .. * .,■■■' '■:Could not be worse when Noah came to turn out

-JiM ark . ‘ . * . ; ; ,

Assessment of Park property In eighteen sixty-'"... iltll'e ,;H .. . - ‘

Was fifteen thousand dollars—to draw. Hue, •’ '• ■ - •• .. A- /; v

B ut fifteon years have ©hanged It aud madoi t ra th e r more— ■ • ' — . -> <. *•

The bigtaini o f 'tw o millions, in eigbteeri eighty*

T U ^ tre p tV th a t a t righ t Angles are ruurilug to ’ thesea , . a **• “ •

FniQi one to quite tw o hundred feet, are fine as ... strectH can be., *

Tho Depot grounda. the finest along the Jersey ^ ‘ - • s h o re . : . - *'W ith' Btreet nnd ^woods adjoining th a t cover

acres four. •

A bank has ju s t been built, sir, conducted on the ,■ • . square, .- ‘ •. ' '. •.I f I ’d ri million Jow ybr. I’d p ut it in jlg h t there. Tosco the tpw ti‘a t night, sir, blazdw fth electrlq

'•- lig h t.. - T --Is to my thinking, lawyer, a vdry pretty sight. There’s talk of running horse cars on beach and

through the town, ' • •A splendid thlbg I tako It for people w ho come

down. * • - - - •So draw Hie papers, lawyer, and m ake them

• good and strong,-For there are peoplo, lawyer, who always will

do wrong. $

When a m an-has done his best, he does the best -h e tto n ,- •A nd no one ought to blame him for any other

" man.- ; * ' . ■ ■ ? ; ‘We’ll not leava any one raaa to, fight the fight

alone,- 1cBut arm us. lawyer, very one, and Bend the.bul-

; let borne. ------------------------------------:____And If some feUowe cheat ub, and smuggle in

the rum, .. . -• . 1W e’ll hujit the lurking m onster from now till

kingdom come.We’ll show to hll thb croakers Juat how a town

can'grow -By shutting o u t the traffia as Bradley does, you

know* ,

The deeds th a t a re recorded by hundreds, I am '• tbld,

Say, “not a drop o f liquor shall In the Park be sold,' A nd to prove th at thla can be, '*

p tan w o rk s well.[ th a t the,

Othor towns have followed suit. aa_Xhave heard.thoin lell, . *-7 “ :* • _' - -

So we’ll arm u b to a man and hunt tho demon down, . v . -- ■■■ •

’Till there Is not a tra lto ro r J ro p o f n im ln town, For God Is on the rlfeht side, the side th a t yet

shall win. ,. ;.He holds the m ight In warring, in w arring against

hIii. . x - . •*


Valuable Farm and Outlands.r By virtuo of an order o f th e Orphans’ Court of

the county o f Monmouth, New Jersey, m ade on , tho '8th d n y of April, A, D, 1887, tbe subscriber, adm inistratrix of Jo sep h 'p o n ab ay , deceased, will expoke to sale a t public vendue, to tliu high­est bidder, a t •* Our House Tavern,” In the town ship of llow ell In said county, on

^a'urUay? Ju ly 9th next, A. D.1887,between tho .hours, o f 19-and C o’clock In the aftornoou o f Brtld day. to wit.: A t 1 o ’clock p. m. sharj),~all tho following lo to f land and premises

's ituate in tho township of Neptuney county-And-. sStato aforesaid, of wfdch the said Joseph Dona- hay died seized, to wit,: *

< ;. T louse and lot of land id Ocean Grove,In sald connty.helrigLJhe easterly one-half part o f Lot No. l2Wori map' of lota df Camp Ground o f the Ocean Grove Gamp Mooting Association, •SotTHTTdLiit Nd 12T2 on raid m ap, dnrahe north

.side of Main avenue. Being th e sam d property conveyed to Jos. Donahay by Wm. K.i Uager- m aruand,vvlf°« hy doed dated May 25, 1883. recorded In Book 808 of Deeds, page 393, and by deed dated May 31st, lffiq. recorded in Book 306, •

.............. ELIZABETH A. DONAHAY,page "390.Adralntstrat rix.

A n o r d i n a n c e r e f u s i n g alocation 'td “ T h e- Ahlrary Park Electric

Kailway Company o f Asbury Park, Now Jersey,” over certain streets and avenues in the BoroughbFAabtiry Park: ; : ; r ................ ,

Whereasi The ABbury Park Electric Railway Company of-Asbury Park, New Jeisey, d id on the twenty-cIghUh day of March, A. D.v 1887, file ran application with th is Board for the location of the tracks of Its railway in the Borough o f As­bury Park, • *>‘-v~ ............

And whereas, after, due pribllCatton, bearing and consideration, this Board bas decided to re- fuse to g rant hUch application a r an>’ paft thereof.

Bo It ordained by the Cratarabsionera of theBorough of A&bury Park, in the county o f Mon­m outh and State of New Jersey : That the apnlf cation of the director^ of the Asbury Park Elettrie Railway Company Of AflUury Park, New-Jer- sey. a Ivnly L*orporate under tlio provisions o f t lie act entitled “ An act to provide for, the incorpora tlon of Street Railway coinpanles and to regulate

-tho-uamo,—approved A jiril-6,-l88iv for... a_lo©atlon-_ of the tracks o f lts railway in the following streets and avenues of this Borough, to wit f"

Beginning a t or near the junction of Coo kin an avenue with the Depot Square; running thence", down (tookmnn avenue to Kingsley street: thence u p Kingsley street to Seventh avenue, begiuningagain -a t the junollon of K ln g slu r 'H tecr With” Fourth-avenue aed njpiiTng thence,on Fourth avenUe td firand.avefiuo an a thence down GrandavenuetoCookm an.aveim e.be and the same la hereby refused.as to'cvcry.portlori'thcreof.

Approved June 6,1887.- V '• WM. G. McEWAN, President. ,

A tte s tr-C rT BA1LEY. Clerk.

A N AW ENDM EBT TO i N OKDIN-i \ anco granting to the Seashore Electric Rail­

way Company a location of the. tracks 01 its rail-- way over portions of certain Btreets and avenuto In the Borough of Asbury Park, approved JuneC,1887; . . 1 . ' . •■■Be it ordained, By tjie Commlsslouerg of the-Bor--

riugh of ABbiiry Park, 4a X ' i county o f M onmouth,? and State of Now Joreey, That Section 2 t o f said

.ordinance bo atid th e sfune ts hereby amended so’ os to’reiid as follows: ' ' * 1 .

24. That beiine-.acipJIrliig any tig Hla uttdcf-lbU ordinance and on or before June, 18, 1887, said Com puny shall flic w ith the Clcfk of the Borough, the bond toy ten thou«and dollars aforesaid, and shall deposit tho six thousand dollars as aforesaid, and shall also file a written acceptance under Ita corporate seal of the terms ol this ordinance,- which acceptance shall provide that uUd Com­pany shall not In any m anner or action question or contest tho legality or binding forceof any pro­vision of this ordinance, or defend against the same on tho ground th a t the samo la without full legal warrant, or that'the same in an V particular— Is beyond the power or -authority of tneCommls-

-slonere to legally exact or-eritorco. vApproved Jtttaeds, 18S7.

WM. O. MoEWAN, Pres’t. , A ttest: C.fT. BAILEY, Ulerk. '

Proposals Wanted*Sealod' proposals, addressed to tho under­

signed, will be recolved until 8 o ’clock p.' m. of Saturday, Ju n e 25,1887, at tho office of the W ater Coramis*doucrs of Asbnry Park, NV"J:, fo r fur- nishlng-ono duplex Hteani pmflri, 10 inch oylln- . der,C inch w ater plunger.rizlnori Rtroko ; to de­liver 3to gallons per rnluuto. All working parts tir’bo of brass.; Steam plpo to bo not less than tw o Inches In d iam eter: oxh&uat plpo two Inchos; suction and ’delivery pipes four Inches. The pump to bo delivered F; O. B. a t placo of Hhlpiiimd.-. Tho Commissioners resorvo the right to rolect uhy fir ull bids.


JOHN L. COFFIN, -W a te r Com id Isa loners, Asbury Park, N. J.

Tnat OhVUkVaiI Pocket Jlap o? the Sea Coast of -JQSb lUDileUsUi Monmouth and ocean Cos., -N. J . Size 20i 35 inches. Sent by mall on receipt of $1.50 or can b • otdered o f tnonowBdealera. This n o ^ niap Is upon sufficiently large scale to showi the hlgli and jow lands, all streams, bays and In-S let*. Every village and hamluLcorrcctly loented

-wlfh-tbo common roads leading to them. Hull roads and stations aro iii(llstM)iwablo 10 all who aro contemplating a vlHlt to this ocean resort.

Published by (1. W. * O. U. COLTON & CO., , 182 William street. Now York. *.

Hot asdJCold Sea Water, Electric aad Russian ■ B A . T H S

* ' * ? ’ i f f " Sea Side Sanitarium ,:,TCor. SECOND AVE. aud KINGSLEY ST.1 G reat Improve meats ovor laBt Ben«on. Every*''

tb ing fresh, neat and clean.- Open dally. •V - ‘ E. t. FORD. Prop’r.

Bargains in Carriages,Suitable to r backing or othor purposes," all sec- ond-baud, iu good.uonditinn, and will bo Bold low. . W. B. C’ADWALIiADKH.V • 82 and 81 West Hapover St., Trenton, N.. J-

tTrvthe Lake. tho^S layw ard an- ,flexes for r e n t without-board. Address

* P. O. BOY 2302, Ocean Gtevo, .Or lhqnlre .of Mlsa RliZiCbeth Connolly,1 on tho premlaotf, Tablo board near by, $4 per w qtk.

Page 5: HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til K— c N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T , and prices tho lowest- • ;-----TT1— — /-T

- J ■ss? ^ N V- °SI * P •-

: ? r~ ^*•, H " f °* ,c r - c o Q




K "


B A T U B D A Y , J U N E i s , 1887.

« r A d v r v l l l l n g . .T h e p a in te r s a re p u ttin g th e * finishing touches o n .ih e Y oung People’s Tem ple, O ceang r o v e . ; ■ ■ :v - i ^ v y Y V" T

Rx^Oomtnlssloher. .H arris arid fam ily, 'o f

1000 )7 00‘28 00 9000

,• L o ca l N otices.—A lim ited num ber of. local notices w ill be adm itted a t the ra te of fifteen cen ts p e t line*- They will be placed a t tho hot-

. tom. o f th e local com m as only, and m ust have fidv ” a t th e end,. When continued fo u r weeks

o r longer, a discount o f 9ft p e r c e n t Is allowed.Teh¥b.—Yearly .advertisem ents aro payable

.quarterly . In ad v an ce : advertisem ents'for leB8> period th an three, m onths are-cash.

O a r A g e n t s . ; •< v '•'Get), P. Rowell & Co.,-l0 8 pruco st., Now-York. W. W. Sharp & fro. SI Park Row, New York. Edw in Alden & Bro., 140 Nassau at?, N ew .York,

and Cincinnati.J . n . Bhtes, 41 Park Rqw^New York'.N, W. A y e r* Son.Tltnoa Building. Phlla’d . - ’/ P ra tt,& Co.', N inth arid Aroh sts.. Phlla’d.Will receive advertisem ents for The J ouhkai.?

dished rates.a t regular oubl• in all cagesy. „ _ .„

odvertieem ent th a t raav bo obteotlonahiIn all cdg^s w e reserve the right to re jec t any*---** - - *■ able to .uh.

LegarNotlces,Our friends will please bear In mind th a t Tirer-------------- _ . |gaj w ._a, „

___________ „ ______by law , -wlili-m any o th ers I t Is optional w ith the party Inter- . . . --------. _ ---------- ‘- 'ish’them.{ a s to w hat paper’ should publish

Look o u t t o f th e . D jgi.y Jo tm k a l M onday ?iubrnltig . ' - - *- ^ . -

Bathing: lines a ro a lread y fixed on the Ocean G rove a ide, ready fo r b a th e rs . ___...

—Messra. M orrow, Day <fe Co. a ro m aking ' ac tive p rep a ra tio n f o r the season. .

“ Boys w an ted to sell the D aital J ournal ; app ly a t th e A sbury P a rk P r in tin g H ouse to-"

- d a y / - — — ——— - r ' 1. t*

• T he sea w ater b a th s—hot o r cold—an d Rns-k elan baths, a t D fT Fohl’s S an itarium , a re now open . ?r '' - \» i . ' v • • ' • "

T h eg y p aje 9 ba,yej[oide d th e lr ten ts, g reased u p “ the" jo in ts o f th e ir ’beasts o f bu rden an d gone—‘somewhere’ : el$e. T he gaa-hoose lo t know dtb n o t th e ir w h e re a b C f ird l '~w'>

/ -The - reservo ir o f .the - O cean ' G rove W ate r ,W qrka in Thom son P a rk h a s had its height Increased. * - • ' •

r ' W . F .D a y & B ro th e r-a re g e ttin g th e ir ice c ream gard en s In o rd er fo r business both in

„ th e G rove and Park .

New fences and o th er impfovetaeblB are . go tri& oa& etw gea S unse t a n d S ix th avenues, n e a r K ingsley s tree t. : 7 *®

T en ts sp rin g u p (u every p a r t o f th e G rove ' a lm ost like m ushroom s. Soon.the can v as c ity * will be a ll inhab ited . •• - ------ -

The S easideH ouse , u nder M r.S to ck to n ,h as been thorough ly ren o v ated , rep a in ted and

: rep&pered th ro u g h o u t, j ,

T h e A tlan tic C ity D aily Revieib begun its s ix teerith—season ~on“ W ed ncsday’ I t isTX livelyfaud successfu l paper.” ■ *

From th e p resen t Indications the low er p a rt .o f th e av en u es wUl.be q u ite generally lighted b y e lec tric ity by p r iv a te p a rties .

a s well a s tbe; weekly edjtiod,; on file at,G eo. F. Rowell A C o.’a, IO 'Spruce street; New York,' and a t N . W. A yer" & Son’s, Times Building, Philadelphia. *; .

T ho la s t tw o o r th ree yeare have developed a very g rea t Im provem ent in the co ttages and th e ir su rround ings, a t W est'Grovo. *

,M r. Peyton/Boyle and w ife w ith o th er m em ­b e rs .o f th e ir fam ily a te uow.r guealh .a t the: M inot H ouse, T hdfr rodldencq Is S tr Paul,

.Minn*-*—=p^>. r..V- ’ r‘ '

Capt. Ja c o b R. Borden is n o ^ ou police duty a t th e s ta tio n . I f “ J a k e " can keep, the hackm en and express a g en ts w ith in bounds, he will earn_th& .everlasting g ratitu d e of. th e trav e lin g public. . J •* ’

Those w ho would .violate Sunday laws be- _4ieve M ayor H ew itt la a su b jec t of insom nia, - A t any ra te they- have- n o t caught. b im hap-

p in g / ; : / ■

T he p lank w alk a t the beach is ab o u t double It©.former cap ac ity a n d the seats w ill accom ­m odate alm ost-double the-num ber of-fo rm eryears.

; Tho E l D orado is one of th e b est located houses In th e G rove—n ear beach ah d bath ing grounds, v M rs. Loorala a lready has. a num ber o f guests. • . ■, !' • • ... *..» • •

.. T h a au th o ritie s shou ld tak e p ro m p t meaa- uretf in rem oving tbo . w ater logged batteaue, a rw e ll a s o th e r rub b ish , fr6 m Ihe u pper end o f W esley:L ake. . .. : _ . . .

T he n oon-day’p ray ef:.meetings in ' th e Y, M. -?C . A -ro o m s a re w ell'a ttehdedr- rAll who can

possibly spur© even a. fcW ' m inutes qhoiild len d th e ir assistance. . . ; - ,

^ T lo t e i ^ LeC hevaller, o n e o f 't b e prbmi^CUL houses o t Ocean G rove, la o p in foY'gnesla. T b e jp ro p rje to r gives personal a tten tion , t a the p leasu re o f h ia p a tro n s . 7 , ' •

U M rs ^ J a m e s ’ K e n t .sa ils fo r E urope next W ednesday iu th e City o f Morne. Mr. C tulk- sban k , o f Brooklyn; will o ccupy% er v llla .a t O ceau P a rk d u rin g h e r absence. *•'• "

T he A u ro ra ,-u n d er th e adm irab le "manage- t m e n to f M isa-B ull, h a s a rep u ta tio d fo r its

com forts; Da. s itu a tio n is am o n g the best, neaf .the beftcb"and b a tb houses. *

W e will deliver th e D a i l t J o u r n a l by*m%Jl fo r th e seaaoiKfor 70 6ent& -Resldenta o f tbe P a rk and G rove s^o n ld roaj(e^arrangem ents w ith-new sboys o r dealers to serve them regu-

' la r ly . . ■ „ •.__ _ •• a .

M r. H?. ,G. Ea'mes has a handsom e steam la u n c h w hich he la p u ttin g in o rder a t his boat-house. W hen com pleted It will be named theTSadir K , an d used f o r boa ting p a rties oh S h a rk River. '.«■! V ''

Rev. i.*M , D eptoDf'who w ith b is ja m jly h^jt sp en t sgyerai^,weeks in the W est, retu rned to.

..Ocean B each -o n g r td ^ y ^ ia e t:" H e a tten d ed th e iaBsslona o L tb e P resb y te rian detiorai.Afl- sem bly a t O m aha. ’

T he.D aily J o urnal will’ be..on sale a t^11 th e newe s ta n d s jn tho Park an d G rove, arid a lso a t ih e ra ilro ad s tan d s a t Long Branch? * E lizabeth , P la in Held, New ark, Jersey C ity and

. New Y ork.

J o h n Schneider: presents fo r public tnspoc: t lo n the han d so m est show wlndow; in tow n, a n d w d d o u t j t .lf It is excelled In an y city- T h e c e n t r a l p iece-'ia An Imm ense pahel-of- -band worked M adras hang ings.

Me. L an n io g a t the EllW ood~haa for'guc&ta* P ro f. G reen, of. Peddle Instltiife , H lghtetow n; •Mre. LV M orrell, ^Washington, D / C / j Mlsa A, T rustam , L ondop, Eng land ;• Miss V irg in ia3 Griffith, of Perl h A raboy, an d oihera. *

t. . . . T he .O rlen til B a ^ f t r Vas.H of- Clfklr-^ ■ ^ tf e s tte J 'N lirW h ll rejMiy a n f o u r ’s hxara lu-

a tio o . The Mesmw- Bobst ar© ^honrteoiia to . a trangera and all a re welcom e fo Inspect the

b e a u tie s they h a v e ga th e red from ail p o r ts of th e world. , - . ^ .

T h c CommitlBlonera. have w aited u n til pa- tlence ceaisea to Be a v irtu e In ,the rep a irs of aidew aibe. .They a re now hav ing the d ilap i­d a te d ' b o a rd s tak en u p a n d } new ones put dow n, th e expense o^w H rcb wlil be a ljen on

' tb e p ro p p rty . I t will b e w ise fo r th e prop- - e r t /o w n e r s to a n tic ip a te th e com ing o f th e ’ t io n trac to r a n d d o th e ir o,wn work.

V • . — i*=M rajN ellie G. N atiN o rtw ick h a so n ex h lW '

R on in .S chnelder 'a w indow , on M^aln’ s tree t, an oil p a in tin g ,rep resen ting a study iff flow* era, the flow er,chpsori .being a variety o f cat- a lpa, o r b eau tree , Indigenous to Mexlcby

* T h e bunch from , which the p a in tin g w aa m ade w as o b tain ed from fffS> Ju d g e Spier p lace a t D eal B caC br'-G om patent ju n to s pronounco i t a w ^rk of h igh a r t . . ^

Mias Y lo rtfW lm pfhe im er left o n M onday to v^elt som e f rlen d s tn New ^ o rfc ^

M r. I le n ry C lay, form erly b f th e Red Bank

. M r. J , M . D orland , o f the* Philadelphia Times, wag In j h o F a r it oti T httreday.? 7 / v

A reg u la r m eetin g -o t thejT .^M . C.:. A. willTisghto', la now importing fo r th e Shore Press be held n e x t T nesday evening , J n n e 21

O ne o f .Weber’s finest g ran d planosj w |ll g race th e p a rlo rs o f th e Colem an th is s e a s o n ..

Phljm m jnlila.-are ag a ln a tr th e ir Asbury av o - upe co llage. '1— J ^ r r r t . '■*' ’I"

Oom m lealoner. Sm ith, has had the M anning bud d in g repa in ted ,'B ud a lso bIs reiidonco;on-. 8 um m erflield 'avenue.

T he first b ass o t the se aso n —a 12 poupdor— wah cau g h t a t the fishing p ier on W ednesday by M r. J . T . Tem ple.- ^

N la rt Rogers, oP, Aabn ry Park, aq d B ertha E fffov^lapd, o f Ocean Grove, a rC am o n g th e P enn ing ton g rad n ates th is year; 77'“' . ' ' •

M</cabo & M argernro. tfiS’rOdeari Grrtve^qtqhers, Jiaye,leased A um ock’s C en tra l M ar­ket? C odktnan avenue, f o r f t ie sum m er,-?

"71?ndcr the heacTdf’M Doga a t th e S e a s id e ,/ tho Hew York Rvetting S im o t T huraday gives five Item s b f aa nmhy'ABbury Park dogs. ,

_ Mr. 3 r, E.. Reilly, •bhalhess m anager o f the Press-Register, o f N ew ark, w aa; tn ih e P a rk W ednesday, .lodkibg a fte r the IntefBata o f hla paper. ; "■ " • _■ . ; •’ .?' " •

W oolley «& R eed’s ^phorraapy, , form erly Bakea’,’ a t. Q ceau G rove, 1b afY 'B tiractlye place. T he new proprletoKThoye refitted It Ip prim e order?- t ^

J a y 0 on I d 'a y ao h t J /a /a n fa p a s s e d Aabury 1 ^ -k la s t 'S u n d a y ab o u t noon. Shp reached T arry tow n a t 4 i*. M.—a pretty llvely ru n u pthe H udson.

A ctive prepara tions .are now' tn progress for a fa ir^u d Y estiv a l, w hich will be g iven in a few weeks by th© societies connected w ith th e Reform ed cburcb . .

W m . L iv ingston was a rrested M onday, on co m p la in t o f Je n k a N ew m an, for d isorderly conduct, J u a tic e H olm es le th i in o f l w ithout a fine; h is friends pay ing the cost^. ,

Prof. J . J a y W atson an d Mr. Bailey were a cquain ted fu ll th ir ty y ea rs ago; and yet the Professor recognized o a r Chief, when th e y ’ cam e face to face W ednesday evening. v .

Mr, B artine G reen , Who has j n charge the m otive pow er a t;R oss’ ba th in g houses,' la well p leased w ith hlS-riew m achinery . ' F rom th is tim e tfcofo W lli'be no lack foMUsam power.

Mr. T hom as G. A llan, who has leased th e GHsey H ouse, has bad considerable e x p e ri­ence lu ho iel life a t W ash ing ton ,'and expects to ' b rin g with h im m aby friends, from tbe BOnth.. ' ~w '

Advortlsera will find the D aily J o urnal,

A p ictn re-o f th e baridShfno postoffico btiihD tag wl|l a p p e a r In V anH orn’s D ir e c to r /

T h e pay 1 Hon a t M r. .T .W .L tllH g o ro ’sb a th - ing grounds has been ctilarged b y a n addition.

T w o ep terp rla ing bloycIIsts a t Freehold ra n dow n a rdhaw ay horse a ft or c hasing him two.miles-'.... .. . . ^

’ Tho Aebury P a rk E lectric L ight C ojnpany, has m ade a rran g e m en t s .J o lig h t tb e Ocean J g W bead ) this* sum m er. ; ; ' .

. Mr. B rm naker.took j t i the finest basa T hurs­day t h a t h a s y e t b©en ca u g h t a f t t i o Pier. I t t ip p ed the kcaie a f 14 pounds . 1 . : . ^ ",

M rtt A . H. C alver bad a sligh t a tta c k of. paralysis on W ednesday Bvoning. She had in noh 'lm prdved At la te s t report;

. . . I t Is .how q u ite ce rta in tha.t‘ tbeB eashore E lectrio Railway Co. w ill *at o nce begin the constrnc tion o f j t s ro ad in A sbury P a r k . -

Prof. A ndrd and several o f th e m em bers of J i l l cho ir w ill be present S unday e ^ n ih g a t the M. E . ch urch .and p a rtic lp a ie in th e exer. glses,' , ’ •• ; . r-v- ‘

Ju s tic e Borden caneed th e a rre« t of A bram Flavell, of p c e a q P a rk , on com plain t o f Mr. Bradnor, for a ssarilt. A t 1 he h ea ting on Mon­d ay -Fjavell wqa d ischarged th ro u g h lack of evldchco. i t . • , ' - r fNiiM r. t . Sussm an, w e.unde^tA hd . bftB leased his. M ain .Ctreet atorq. to . New.’ Y brk ^ r t ie a ; fd r tw o years and will probabfy rem ove -w ith bis" fam ily to M anaBquan, whefe fie has_ had a branch stonp* r ,

T he M etro p o litan ,reopened la s t Saturday. .There a re a n u m b er o f gueatfl a lready pleas- an tiy located , .a d d - th e M essrs. Oves have m o re .ap p lica tio n s f o r room s th an ever;. By Ju ly i the.house w ill ber filled. '

S everal frtflt g row ers n ea r 'A sb U ry -P a rk m ade m oney last.w eek by buyirig^up atraw- b e rr lea -an d -sh ip p ln g 7- th e m -to K eeton-w here they realized a proflt df.fi to 10 cen ts a qn art. In o u r own mafrket th e price k ep t a t fi t tf -8 a q u a rt fo r fine fru it.

Tpd Issue o f th e New York H om e Journal o t J upe 15 Is a d ouble n n m ber^atiq It o o n ta in i the m ost com plete sum m er reso rt gu ide ever p r in te d 'In -n e w s ^ > e r form . l t tells where the reso rts a re , how to get* to them , their a ttrac tio n s a n d w hat i t coats a t botels»*-r-—

> Tljd m em bers of the G. A . R . a ll th rough the North aro Justly In d ig n an t a t th e action o r, A dju tant-G eneral Drum , ap proved by Presi­dent Cleveland, In propoaTrig to re tu rn to the various S outhern Statpa all the Rebel flags and trophlcw cap tu red by’ Unioja Soldlejra d u r in g the Rebellion; . ' .

The opening o f DjkoiL’s Ice-cream parlors In the: new O pera Horise, S a tu rday evening, was th e eveut o f the season , especially to the sm all boy. , M r/-A y ers and "b is assistan ts found th e tr h a n J a futl In tak in g ca re o f the, m ultitudes o f th eir f rien d s.'r 1,500- p la tes of

T h e 'ju ry In th e Ja c o b .Sharp* trial a t New York/was' a t lastafte rn o o n aud; th e case oni bah&if.of Jtl\g S^tate was opened -in- th e evening . Ex- AIdennai) Fullgraff gave h ls testim onyrbn T h u rs d a y —/

j a s p e r Stroruback? a t S riem , Ilf., has co n ­fessed th a t lie m u td e re /.th e unknow n girl a t R abw ay in M arch last. »An Investigation by d e te c tiv e sp y ln f to his confesHlon as being’ true. An ofilcei^haa been sen f t p Illin o is a fte r him . - ‘ ** /

A perfec t day, speh as lust. Sunday, w ould draw B crow d , to the beach e v e / though the- Beason W ere m o n th s 'o ff . T he ph& a refeni- bred thejjB ual S abbat* p a rad e in m idsum m er, while th e sand wsb d o tted with parents, nursea an d ch ild ren—som e reading, o thers digging p its o r .bu ild ing forts, and still o thers W rapped In peacefniyslm flber—th e slum ber th a t b ro u g h t b ackache an d epizootic before. M onday morning'. ‘ . * ^

Tho M lkado M arket la h e a d q u ar te rs Jo r tlje sarllbeat and earilest f ru its o f the season.— A iti-—

The w om an w h o s tay s away from C. C . . Claytori’aA tbre in Ocean G rove o n Saturday , wilknevey forgive herself fo r the bargains she will m iss.—Jdw- •' ■ ' *

j C a n v a s S h o e s . -

T he largest Uric o t C anvas Shoes for La- dleu’, Mis^ea’A nd Children ever .offered, can. be fonnd a ta h e B fiek S to re of i i e n t y g te ln 1- bach.— Atlo. *•

W oolen dress g o o d s . a t half price a t C. C. C layton’s storeum M ali) avenue, Ocean Grove. —Adv. \ .......

Choice m eats a u d vegetables a t th e M ikado M arket/every d a y 'ln tbe week,—Aitu.-Z :___

T o Q | d f i r i d N e w C u s t o m e r s . ’

T he g re a t rqah q t the o ld s tp re of..gteiobach Bros, com pels us t o increase o n f fo rce o f help, so th a t o u r p a tro n s will n o t have cause to’ wait. ‘ I t la ev iden t th a ^ . th e ^ people know where to. save jh o n ey tn th e ir pnrcbasea.-.lde .

: 1;,. 5-oaBeBjYoutha' Canvaa ghoea fttfiS,

5 •* fijjya’ ■ , “ . a t 09.. Mens’ : 7 “ - “ ftt 72.-

a t the B rlck .S to re to f H enry StBiribach.—Jd a ;.

- H ouse • to le t w ith 4 ‘VoqmB in >Veat Asbury P ark . D esirab le location. Apply . to M. 8 ...GAUld,.Qr3V’m.J>-CrameKw ffa,—

- Y — ------------ *~S l i p p e r s a n d T i e s

fn every 8tyie_apd price a t the Brick Store of Henry Sfeinbaob.—Jefp. 4 j **

. F igured dress .law ns^w ortb six cerit$ h yard,* will be.sold at.ono cen t p e r.y a rd 'o h S a tu rd a y a t C. C. C layton’s sto re on M ain ave., Ocean, Grove, — Adv. - - .

V A rtealan watoT, s team heaf, excellen t table, com fortab le bed*- e v e ry convenience arid the b ea t of aorVic^4U‘TfTtf A tlan tlclloU B g^O cean G rovd /^f^pe ij^ jiftynn t i f j u ly.—J d fc^T Z -.

vyiLliavri4l)o,llriuBtwlin»vQf-Hang|ngLamp8 on the c o a s t a n d 'a t 'th e low est pffces.' You can buy a ..nice enoft>M.w,o dollars of —Ailv .\V.'&l?KAjvi.Er & Co?, M ain Bt.

The orig inal and.only greenhousea IfrAabury P a rk a ro 011 M ain at reef a t .gecorld avenue. B edd lngp lftn ls in large; variety . The largest ‘aasortOSent I n th e State,. I JUhes," please call an d fiee. P rices t o n j l t tlio tlm es.' „ .

W m . H. W yckoff,.Proprietor.—jrftf?

A w nings, felting fo r. bofieirs, now cp<1e w eather sigriaIs.to .be adopt cd M ar^ i 1 , 1887, priop from $8 to*|lO p e r sot. : Ilem m enway’fl, 615 C o o k m u n ^ v e n u e .^ Adi>."1 / ; *.

’ F o r S t a le Y >r E x c h a n g e ?V.The p ro p erly ;No; 2609 C h ristian ■ street,, Phjfa ., w ill be sold b n easy term s, o r ex­changed fo r ABbury Ijark propertyy o r a farm. A p p ly jo C. T . Bailey; ? |ark H ail.—Jdw^

.9-7 C a ll ' o ij . or , m all ;yo tir address to T , Eam es, No. 1 Main s treet, if yon netwl m at treesro renovqted- You will have p ro m p t a t- teo tio ir .-T x lo es reasonable .—Adv.

cream o f /asso rted flavors w ere /d is tr ib u te d free.' .

. A W est A sbury P ark -qolorcd lady feeling herself aggrieved, by a lle g e d ’slanderous r e ­m arks Jn a d e b y tw o o f h e r neighbors, had them arrested arid b ro u g h t before. ’S quire Bofden, H earing tho case, hla honor was unable to determ ine w h ich p a tty w as m ost slandered, and g iv ing a ll A rep rim and , dfs? missed them . . , - ” :


B U l L E T I N .

Saturday, J u n e 18,:1 : LD N H B l t t l C U , a « r « n - T h e n < r e , '

P r i v a t e fietsr*>M m lln o n g q tm r e 1... W iry.”

Tuesday, Ju n or . ' . i o r f f l n U A K O U . ««**■> T l l t M n , -WrirtlioaHqnnreCooThe

y-W ednesday, J u n e 22, ‘ ,

ANBIIKT PAtoH. O ru d Op. H d ni.,

, , M adUon Nq ia ere <’o , 11 The BaJ

Thursday, J u n e 23,HA K , O p .'rf« l l o n . r ,

' M r d l u n ^ q d n r f r C o ., ‘rT h c

Saturday, June 25,; WSli BKANrn, Oooan Thraln,. N, Y. C'hiirirh t'hoir |.)p f« Co.

SoatB now on*'sale, a t Rotheriberg’fl, Long. Branch; Tusting’a, Asbury Park { ana A diem’s, ]ted Rank. Reason Tickets; fiy® performances, $8.

M oney to L oan::?N BONd 'a ND MOTtTtlAGB. - ■ - - - - .r -i ISAAC C. KENNEDY, Asbnry Park.

Butcher’s Store to Let,With l a r y e b W W i . Inquire o / f . P. DBEOEN, Cor. Main stree t and M unroe avenue, ABbury Park, N. J . ; ______ ...'

laCgislftture of the Btatjt of Now. Jersey, entitled ‘■An Act to provide! for the incorporation of Street railway companlea nnd to regulato the Rame,” approved April C. Itiyfi, aud the acts eupptcraent- sry thereto aud amendatory thereof, fora location o f thetrackR o f Its milvyny Inthefollow.IngBtreets and nVehitea of lids Borough, to w it : :. Regb.niugat b point In Oookman avenue, In tho Borough of Asl ury Park, county of Monmouth,

•and Btato Of New Jereey, dl«tant one hundred and •seventy-feet westerly from tho weal erly side o f Main s tree t; thencd easterly, along and through- fookm an .avenue to KlngHiey .street; iliotioo northwardly along arid through KliiRsley street to Eighth asemte-, thence ww.iwardly along and through Righth avenue to Krpory street ; tlieueo southwardly along and through Btfrory street to Asbury avenue; thence wosiwardly along and through Asbury avenue to Main s tre e t; thence southwardly along and through Main street to tha extreme southerly boundary l ln o o f said Borough

T w o Cottages-to. Let.Fiirrilsbed, central location, near post office, lak e ,e ta tlo n ,S o . Addrtesa_?J£, O, BOX 5J4.^Asbury fark.’NrJv--

C ottage for Rent.On Bunset avenue, w est of railroad. North As- burv P ark , a t low ren t, inquiroof

MRS. K.,QATE, *‘ TUo Mwlteon,” AaburyT’ark.

$10,000To.Ts^in on GoQd Mortgages. ; -

S. C. COWART*Frcohulu, N“ j .

o f Asbury Park, ha and the same Is hereby grant­ed under the restrictions hereinafter contained. , '“^■That sald coinpaitjrshall -havo the r ig h t 'to construct, m aintain and opernte its railway on tho streets and avenncH afuresald, with Iho necessary lraeksr eurreat-5wItche!i*and-turnr>uur:’tharBald company ehall constnjct.kpalntuln and operate.a double track uuon L’ookmau nvchue from a point

^distant-ono hundred and Reycnty feet westerly from the Westerly side of Mnln’-slrect to Kingsley street, and that oii tho other streets and avenues above mentioned aald company. sball havo the right to construct, maintain and operate a single track only. ' ►

8, That the tracks o f Raid company shall Ixtlaid as nearly as possible in the centre or the $treetfl, in such m anner as may bedireclfd by the porougU CommEsslonera.. 4. Tiiat tlio location and franchise hereby grant­ed shall bo for the term of tvventy'ycara from and after tho date of tho passage qf this ordinance ;

ill pay a ------


Hotel Kemporo, Point PIoaBant, -K Now house, jJJf J^d.reiomB. Only fire hUnared dollarsfor the Boaaoh." Apply to Win. T. Htroot, real es- ta to a g e n t. Point MeAHapt* or tn ./ - < -

krtriK itr 'i'OU'NKB, Lumber Dealer,Bprlngwqod avenue and lla llw a^ropp . Rl R.

Freight StaiUm, Aabury i


Situated ore &th avenue, near IherOcean. Fitted up fo r loo Croom.-OonfectionetTr^Amr w ith II v-* Ing rooms. /Also B/irn wlth tables to let., Apply 09 EMBURY AVE., Ocean (Jrqvo, Or IIUDNUT, Ocean Beach.

7A.~ 8 i i ^ i r i a n ^ i t e j i ^ / t o a p n q u n ce t Ue_ rq- mnvjtLoCv^ ls e n tire eBtttbliBhmerit. to Mana- •sqUanV :wlwro?W wHj c a rry -on the 'triw can tile arid eloihirig ' m anufactu rln» . ,bnainess, aa heretofore.—Ado.

S a tu rday w ill be bargain day a t C . C.-Clay­ton’s s to re In O cean Grove* Special lines of goods will lie offered a t fabulously low priges..

lA d tt >_■. ------Art Exhibition.The lad ies o f the P arsonage Association of

St.rPaui*« M. E^jC liurch,,-will holU ari “ Art Exhib ition’)? - in Association H all, Ocean Grove, com m encing 'on n e x t M onday evening und being open every a fte rn o o n a n d ev en in g ' du ring the week. T bey 'bave somq very rpre articles o f ln d ia n , M exican, S ou th American? Jap an ese an d F rench , make? besides anclerit onrioattics, ra re specim ens o f needlew ork 'and oilrer ln ie resting o x U l M l f l , - . ! t h e r e b e . mu*Jo every qvdrilng,; a n d Tofreshinents~ii!i Bale. Single adm ission ten cehla-^^season ttck- etBfiO 'Bents.'^M rSTJohn M rD ey, Preflid^nt.— Adv. : 1

C; C C layton; o f Ocean .G rove, la giving away a-W aterbnry w atch to e v e r / purchaser of a Birit of clo thes a t > 1 2 a n d u^vvardn.—dda.Oriental Hat. •*"

C all a t S teinbpch Bros, arid ’ see the latest an d nobbiest head gear fo r ladles.— Adv.

Wool b lankets a t Wl ce n tr ip e r p a lr at* C. C\ C layton’s, Ocean G rove.—A dv. 1 .

I w i i i e u B e S a l e ; -

of S hoes and handBome Preaonta with every p air th is S a tu rd ay a t the B r lek j/o ra -o tjf te n ryStelabach:- 4d»r

S atu rday la barg a in d a y and barg a in day is S a tu rd ay : a t C . C ^ C iay to n ’fi a to m in O cean Grove. A spriblal sa le in the lin en depart- ment.—Ai/e;

T h e y G o .

- 300 Sum m er b lankets, ’75 eeh ta -p er pair th is 8 a tu jd ay . fc . - j j

p ieces o f B lock Sash ‘R lb to n inteltcolor© Yi ceib^ri^^yard ; worth. $L 00? v“50 ple*ceH Dress G o o d g a t 9V£cents p e ry a fd , w orth 15 cte., a t S te lnbach Bros.’ OW S tand. —Adv. •. •j.’.-.If You WantF ir8r ’-Llfo, Accident,— F la te Glass,. Steam Boller o r Llve S tock Insu rance , c a ll a t M. S. G ould’s, 708 C ookm an av? Tbe greateativarl- 6 ty of Inauranoe In to w n ,— A d v .' . , .

“ Fdri S a le? —ThatTvery vnluablo store, prqlfc e rty and residence, Bituate.on c o rn e r o f .ftraln s tree t a n d A abury avenue, one of-thriJieBfe bqslneas p roperties and / residences- in the P a r k . : H ak /a fron tage .o f .J I7 feet on Main s treet, a ttd 100 |e e t/o n j^ b » ry .w v e n n e .~ F o r price, term s, A c.? apply to H y ro n *8 . GoUld, OS C ookm au uvunuh -^=3lrfe. ‘ - ;> t 7-Are You l i i H i i r e r i ?

I f n o t gall a t G ould’s. In fln ra a c e ^g e n c y , 708 C ookm an a v e r iu e .F i r e , l i f e airirftcCldent Inaurance^ ' AIho p la te ;glaria a n d 'b o ile rs In- su re d a g a in s ta c c ld o n t.— •••?• ? '•/ n • .7?

-— F o r S i i i e .

^Tho P ine G rove Cot t ag e , (108 Seventh riven n§*Dear E m ory stroeL™ Th«Llslarid View Cmta^e^jhlo. 608 F ifth avenue, h ea r Em ory street,.-. T he s to re p roperty , c o rn e r Main s tr e e t a n d Second avenne. Tw o fh lrds p u r­chase m oney caq rem ain o n T n rir tag e / 7

; C. T, Ba ilbv , A g?t fo r Owqer.-—Ariw4.

a y N e x tW e e kuEETfNGS FBOM_IOi30-Tty)2:?N.09N-verABbuly).

Post Office.: A. Hall;0 * ^ 1PItOF. a NDRE" ivlll’tmeak about happy, home^

the power o f mu&lo. anu BbowthediOoront lustni- mcuta used Iri his Klndergardoii Work. “ "

. of the membera o f Prof. A tidtoo Alpine Choir will take part every d*y.

A D M IS S IO N ' E l tE E .


Imptovwl rerid Unimprovotl—In Anbury Park,ip*OI^j$ALE.

tN RPP8 , .- HANDAV;Inquire of A. O.7VAN BPP8 ., / ULAItK IIOU8 K, UUA.'

BusinessEstablished; FO SALE

P t x t n n w ; r r e r y l h T n g C o m p le te , - 'F ri i 'r i ’ •aOo,Low/rent. Only, bnslnefa of J b k kind In town. Rare chance for aiKcufOrprblng man: . •

AddrCMS CHA8 . O. IIUDNUT, Ocean Beach.

FOR RENT.j 4-Room House 011" ME.alior Way,’ i n T7Deerin Qrovo, N. J., f'g’JA year, unfuraishdlT 'T riee only $-225. -

Qr Will Exchange.to r property.of o<iuai value elsowiaTO.

II. II. BKKGLK A HON, 48 Main ave.> , . ‘ _ ^Ul/eun tlrovo.

Wo offer for nalo a t a bargain, to close-an estate, tlio only largo,pldt of Hlioro land loft onthe New Jersoy coast, tlm t la not already ownod o r contro lled py. sotne ljiftd and ImprovementCompany. This property, (being tho estate* or the late (Japt. E. II Jackson) consists o f about45 acres of hard dry land, with house, outbuild Ing. eto-. sltUate utJllaim sqhan, N. S. ,.w ith in J minutes of station on N. J , O. It. It. from New York, and r* m inutcstof .ttiafjou on p . It. It. froiri' Philadelphia, with num erous daily trains I t Is bounded on tiie nurtL hy a beautiful lake [1 inlle In lengtiiVwhleii separates It* from NeaCiirt and tho Htate-tthcnmpiuent; on tim cu^tjiy Hie Atlan- tio Ocean, on the south by main road, on the w est by pnvatriproperty.

This property la especially adapted for Sum mer Hotel o r 80a Hide 4‘o ttage 'use . Its close proximity to tho Sea G irt Improvement Com­pany’s improved property, village, railroad s ta ­tions and ocean, m akes an opportunity for ’— *■----* ......—»-•«— .* -* *— ' - off*investment o r speculation th a t is seldom ...___FOY m ap and_furth6r particu lars as to price, Ac.

ITered.Address S. O. KOGERS,Asbury Park. N;-«T.Or\J. H. FLETOHER;

f* M gnd 08 Fulton 8 t , New York City-

For Sale.Two one horae stages, nea-ly new. Two oiie-horao surreys, one year old r to r sale cheat* by

JOHN MCCARTHY, Union Hotel,' Long Branch, W est Knd.

FOR BALE CHEAP.Small pony, a dog 'eart and pony phreton. - --

. Address fl. CCUWAUT, Freehold, N. J .

N , 0 V E L T I E Sj'lue Ntationeiy;' UloIIs, Top, ,

Cutler/ Writing Materials, etc, Ciroulatlng Library,


M a id e tr e e t, 'O p p o s ite D ep o t*, Brancli Stores—F irs t qnd O cean A venues.

Morrow, Day A Co.’sB A K E R Y '

And ice Cream Garden; r OCBXN GROVE, N .J ., ..

PEOPENB JUNE 28, ’87.HENRY C WIN80K, President.

JA9. A. VVAINRIGHT, Vlcf® ProHldent. ‘ LBE ....... .............A-LBEl^r C. TWINING, Cashier.

•Eii’st National. Rank,1 ANBIIKY PARK, W. J.,

Poat O/fieo Bitlldlni-al iinnklna liiiiilTix.ru tatmiSa lnK*T ra b aa c te ft RoneraV iwraklng lm»ttieRs, iwjuea je 't> » — It— ------- . - .ter« of credit available m the principal cifloa of

the world.. Foreign and doinortlo ‘oxeiiangeabought and p«jld

^olleetl "*"*“■ColleetlonH carefully m ado arid promptly d counted, foj:.1 \

: v BOARD OF niRECTORH:Gj F. Kroehl, J . A; W. Hetrlok, ■J oHi A. W alnrlght, - Henry O. Wlnsor,-

’ ’ Wlmsford Dey,Jnq^F . Hawkins; .......................Oliver H. Brown, , 3. Htanley FerKason,

Albert C. Uhyjalug.: ?

N O R D IN A N C E O K A N T lN O T O '1-

Boasboro Electric Ilailri'ay Company ‘ri location of tho tracks bl Its railway oyer j>or-tlona o f cortalnr streeta and avenues in tbo ougb of A«bury Park. -

Whehkab, Hugh S.. Kliiinonth, Edward M. FieldeivAlfred ij. Tolnnd, James K. Wortman.Henry 8 . Ise.llu. fium ner Ti Dunlmro’mul Daulei ti. Tree ..............................

i i . r u i u i n u i n n u I 'u u i v iv». a .rompsou; the Directors o f tho Heoshoro Klee-, trie Railway Company, a (air|Kjratio)» formed un­der the provisions o f an Act o f the LcglBlaturobf the State of NeW Jersey, entitled, ’.'An Act lo pro- vide for the Incorporation of f-trect railway com­panies and to regulate the same, “ approved April0,-1880, and the Acta ,8iJnpt<nu«u(nry thereto and

**(i, .011 tho till.__ n.-iM7.-n«ll ■' •■“ '


affiondatorv thereof, did, 011 tlio nineteenth day o f .May,- A/D. 1807, petlltoii U'iIm Uoitrd, a J tidy log foralocatipn o f the tracbg of Itn railway ]p the Borbnghm Asbury rark , conformably tojht)routeden Iri m led in the arlici't-Bof ineoriKnntlpn filed in tho d llee o f the Secretary. nfHtato, a t Trcntoi). New Jersey, May 19, A. D. 1887:: And (iue notice having been given to all parties Interested, of the tlrnp and placo of a meeting at' wijleh this Board would eonsldor snob applTca-' tlou, by publication o f said notice In the AxOuvy j^rA- Jounipl and in- the Shore Pirns, two' news­papers publlsbed nnd circulating'In sald Borough of Asbnry Park, a t least rourtcemlayB'prcvlous to said meeting. - . '

And tbe kajd rallwayrom panyhavingfilcd with th e Clerk of th|lsB6ard tlie written consent of the ownera/of more th an oue-half of the property fronting on tho portions o f the »lrectfl and ave^ iiure hereinafter inenUoiied, lb rough which raidrailway Is,to be made, acknowledged by tbo sub- — 1>— *•-— * are deeds cri itlcd to bo re-BCrlbera thereto, corde«l. . -

And having heard arid considered .th e matter, thts-Board has decided to grant wiltf'application upon the refitrlctioim hcroluhner contained.

lie it orflaitial. By. the (’ niimlssloncrsof the Bor- ongh of Asbury Park, in the couiity o f Monmoplh anq.Statc of New Jerwy :

1, Tlmt. the application or tho Directors o r the _jashore. E 'eetricaItfulway Company, a co'r|>ora- tfon formed under the provisions of an act of the

talned damagpa (and not a s a penalty) for such failu re : and said Treasurer shall be pCnnlttcd

- to re ta lrr from said .money .and place to iho credit of said Borongh the Bum of tw o hundred dollars fo r each day th a t shall bo consumed In tho completion and operation of eald road afte r tho dateaaforesaid, provided however th at said Company Bhnll no t Do llable fpr any timo which It may-bo delayed by any Injunction or other legal proceedings not (ho result o f .jeelluHlon on Its p art resulting from tins granthig of thla fran- cldse. . .

90, That wltidn ton dayria fto r the pa^sago of this onllnanpe said Company shall enter into? bondB to tho Borough-in Its corporate nnmu In tlie irnnal sum o f ton thousand dollarafwith tw e puretics froelrolderH.of th e Htate.of'NbV#'Jersey, wlio shall justify to tho sat la faction of tin* Bqr-

tb at said company shall pay annually to the cor? porate.authorities o f the BdrquKh as compensa­tion for tbc rights and frariehlst'S, hereby granted thoBum o f three thousnnd dollars, which rental shall be payable to the Treasurer of the Boroughannually, on the first flay of September in each dhd every year during wild tefrn or twenty years.5. That h i construction of such railway and Its equipments, the m aterials ft d work employed shall be of the best quality and character; said railway shall bo constructed with side-bearing steel ralla, with rounded edge, similar to tho so- called Johnson rati, and laid Hush wllh.the Sur­face o f the street; that'said railway shall be con­structed under the direction n f hu inspector o r Engineer, to he appointed by this Board ; tb at the $ alary of said Inspector of-Engineer shall be paid by said company, but the same ihull not exceed the sum o f «»no hundred dollars per month : that Itabn jl be the duty of sunh company V* reshire the

said tracks to their former condition, and u» keep the road inside of. their tracks', and two feet out­side thereof on each side In: good repair a t tiieir own expeiise at all soasonn of the year, and also toconstrue! said road in such m anner hs not iq any-

> imi»cUe public t ra v e l; .In ejuse d f lii’e fail­ure of satd comi«ny to keep such portions of thestreet in fri-otl repair and possablu Condition, at their ovvn.exjK»n.w, the Borough may by Its properofficers cause such streets to be repaired and re- stored, and charge tho expchsso tnprcof to.raid

'hat. electricity shall be the only motive power empl()£fd in tbo propulsion of cats on uaiiL railway f t ha l the necossury poles for sustain ing5 and conducting wiles of said electric motor* shall

etfsclcd between tho sldewajk arid curb lino of tho streets a t least- eighty ft el' npart, except ou Wi^px»,wric^thoy»liallU)oructwiliisuali m anner aatu*y bo doeincd nocossary atul aJviHihle, subject

. q Conirohisiouorx; tbatU> approval by tho Bqrough CoinroUsiouerx, wliemver, practicable telegraphy and ti*Iephotiopoles now erected shall be nseil; Hint all other ptAoft Bhall be th<- npprovitl Iron jxile au<l used by tho Daft system and be kept neat y pain ted; tlmt tho Borough'reserves the right to use' suul polesWithout compensation f«ir tlie nurnose o f string­ing thereon wires for the use of tho telephoneservice, for the pollco aml fire dc|>arlihent ami for tho purpose of electric lighting of the streetsand jmblt« places o f said Borough, so long as raid ,Wlres and the bringing thereof shall not intcrfcrostringing

. lie, or -f-* Electric Railway orwith or Impede, or Injure in any way the saidHie pi — — - - - ----- .............................p l o m l , ___above the grade t»f the street. That the 8o-ca)lcd

______________ , — — jp cra tio n th ereo f; thatall wires shalljte p lam l a t feast twenty (20) feet

Daft overhauehig wire system o f Electrical Kail- way shall lie the only one employed In tile opera; timi of snid railway inider this nnlinance.

That.the engine, boile.a and plant of saidcouijiany for the^j>ur|MWC:of generating the elce*trlcal power, shall tie locatwl west of Main street, and said company shall pay full local tax ' upon, all Us property In said Borough,/ . a • . .

8.. Tlmt said company shall comply w ith all reasoiiable ordinances or rcgittethms which the local authorltlca having charge of the streets ofiffsaid Borough shall umke from time lo time, as to tho rate n tT p ted “ ~ * '*d r ^ n d ttnr^imHloT'dr using aridmutiUdinlng said tracks, and tl>e rt'iuovuf o f lee'

mow tbciand show therefrom, provided tlmt said cars shall- not run at a greater Rpced thaii ilffeen miles per, hour, and 110 freight car shall bo'ruu upon Baldroute or-any-imrt-thertMtf.— -------1 "

9. That said company shall not charge any pas- scuget for a cmvtlnuoua'rlde, more than live cents from any point to any Jsjlut on the route herein above described, o r any extension thereof within this Borough, and th a t children under llve yearsof age not occupying seals, and In comimny with persons of full age, shall bo transported free ofcliargo- And tiiat all lmlleemeu w iilleou 'd ilty

'Bhall I«i perm iltid Jo ride ou the cars of said eotu-pnny frCe o f charge.- '10. That nothing herein contaiinxj shqll l>e con--

strued to grant said rmnjwuiy th e use o f said streeta except for - «a a imeks, tnrnonts and switdhe8, n o ras a guarantee o f the tttle of..tlip, Borough to said streets and'avcnucs. and th at sahV comnany B h a l l not suffer or permit their cars to

a on ' J * • '• * - ......stand t said tracks in. tbe streets at any time,xceptto receive *nd de|>ofilt passcngeis, vand in’ iking on and letting out passengers tlitaking on and Iettii»g out passengers the cara shall

.notJatstepiHid'so'as to interfere with tho free aud im intenupted jiaasago o f travel on cross streets

11. That it shall betth ejlu ty o f> ii(l coinpmfy pj - ,»rovlde arid keep upon ihiifr cafs^whUo In rao-. tlon, suitable and proper bells to give wanting oftheir approach, anti al«i to provide and keep up 11-"*- —* -— — * "-*■* “ - - —proper lights in sa-d cars, and light tho name w hen the cara-aro nuuting a t night, au d .ln clear­ing away and removing snow or ice from said tracks it shall be done fn such m anner as not to interfere with the rights and .privileges o f the oc­cupants of the property fronting on tho streets through which sala tracks will be laid, nor to.ob-tUIUMSii w u iu u duiu u u v u i w iu u v m iu , u » i urstruct public trave l; and thatnoadvertlslng.slgnB

—'— -*— ------, iirnlshall be displayed on the outside of said carsv th a t no Intoxicating liquor signa'Shall be display­ed on the inside thereof. *

13. That a t tho expiration of sal J te rw o f twenty •Yoara^vnUffl thia: franchise. tdiaU’Irave been ex- ,tended or renewed, ttiu traeks, ']VoTea, \vlirea and •other fixtures-jKjrtalning thereto shall bo apprais­ed by appraisers, 0110 to.be, a,p)»olnted by tho Bor- ■ough and one by-tho company, and. these-two may choose a, third ;- the Imrough resehves the right to pure base iho samu at tho price fixed by saidarb ftra td raoruo t a t Its op tio n ; if tho Bor­ough. shali-deeldo not to pnrcliiLse tho same, any sale'thereof4«i o ther parties shall -be subject to the approval of the Borough Commisslonets, arid,tho purchusers shall have no right to umrtrfopci - .. . or tit

ugl _ ---------------- . ___________moved from the street eald core puny must placo

a te tbo sam e’cxcept by further |R-‘rinisa!ou __-Borough. I f 1 he tracks, plant And poletf-ore re-

■the streets Ip good repair and reft ore the surface thereof to as good condition as the edjolnfng [tarts of said streets. .— - -

13. That said company shall rqn its cars over tho belt or m ain line to w it: Beginning tit a point. In Cookman avenue,. Irt1 the !U»ro»gh of A buryB ark/ in tbe caonty of/Meumoutit^iud.Htatfl of-New Jou*y, d lstanto»o hundred and seventy feet westerly from tlie westerly 'side of Main «tre«t; thepcb eastwardly along and through Cookffinn avenue 'Kirigsley sticet l.thence northwardly along add through Klugsley street to>Ki h th nve- ntie; .thence wefltwardly along-ahd through Eighth"Avenue to Kmory s tre e t; tbonoo. south­wardly along and through Emory sti^e) jo Asbury avenue; thenca westwardly along and through Ashury-avetme to Main s tree t; thencosonthwani- ly along and through M$tiu street to the southerly bouadaty of Ashury I*ark; thence bonk to the

o r l -*• ‘ ‘ ------------ --------plaee ofbeghutitig’, at^jitervals not less thun-the foilowinr ■

FromOetol)cr irrihto May 1st, from snnrlso lo9 1*. u , every twenty minutes.

From May frj. to July 1st,, ami from Bcptemher1st to October ir»tb, from ami rise to 10 t*v*. twenty pH tit ties'.

Erom 'Jttiy-l^.to'September 1st/from suit rise to 111* ,m„ every*lr — -------- “ -------------------- ------------------ --------------------llvq. lu-jintofl. But suld companyBlutiimake Bnch/trliva ovor said belt line alter-

.»os! to. directions. ’. •*■. . . no Borough * OommlsslprierH reserve

th e two of said stregtH tor llto 'punmso Of maklne, any liftprovements or repair©for. tho bcuellt oTlhe

riately Jit optms 14. Thnrt the

K E Y * LOST. ,A large-hunclt on ti flng. A fair reward will I patd lf lef t -at /— j ' ’ ..........HOTEL AHUURY.V

WANTED. , / ■A situation for. tho sooaon'- clerkship or-d'eak work-preferred. “Address . : .: ■ _ “ D.” Box 507? Ocean flrovo .,

TH B -A a b u ry ^ a r k p riln tliiff. H o u s e . In

totea tbe-patronage ot nU- DuBtneasMen w ho desire flrat-claaa w ork at lowrtktria. W rite for eejdxaatea ---

Borough, and that all exironsctHiltendlng the sus­taining, removing and reploelng of the rails or tracks for the purpose of making such Unprove- m cnts or repairs?-shall be bonid bypald ^ ’nipany

the Borough and Allat all private |»er-rahd not by'tl:snnK f t r m m n _______ ... __..ugh-;*andJlia ta ...,.........ferns orcorpoYalions shall he permitted to urako sucluexeavatloiiB an d opbnln$,B In the streets bn whlclLsald.tracksaro laid, ns arc necessary, by first obtaining the.consent of the Borough Cony

the streels bn are necessary, by

mlsslojiers, and.all'expense Jncurred by sneh ex.- caVallon anil onettiogs shall Ihj |»alt* *—*•* *MUUir cotixJiatioii uiaklug lint NAinti.

™ """V't ihoJ5. That said Company shall Imfore aitqiilring

any right* hereunder fflo with tho d o rkBorough, under its corporate boj»I, a w ritten cUu- nerit to the construction and o p cra tltu ro r ony o ther Btreet railway, o r railways vfrhlub «tald Bor- <»qgh CtimmlSHlon may doom It wise n t any timeto perm it In said Borough notw ithstanding tho provhthms of tho Eighth section o f the General rttroot Railroad law of ltfeJ. * • ,10, That said Uompany shall

* * * " -jV *

ponses ftiF preparing tho printed proposals under w hich .It hid.for.the^franeitlsoJieruby granted, Including advertising and counsel fees, and tho like expenses for preparing and advertising this ordlnanco In addition to tho nhovo rental within tori daya a fte r tlio passago of' th is rordlriancd; which expense shall In no caso exceed tho sum of three hundred and fifty dollars.

W E S T E N D H O T E L ,. ... a s b u r y B a r ic , n „ j . " ‘

17. /Thatsflld Company shall cause a bridge or — ,— --------------------- tL iikoroadw ay to bo coiiBtrmdcd acrosa Hunsot____n t Kmory s tieo t in abeordaneo,w ith the plans

off • - • • -•and specifications to bo furnished by said Bor ongh whhlrt jf|fteo»i days after- tiie^ passage^ ofthis ordinance and tm der bids to b e ‘acceptedupon publlo competlUon by Iho Borough; tlmt. the actual oustThereof wlileli shall uotexcoedtlireo thonsand dollars shall 10 puld\by tlio front7 puny, who shall deduct the sumo fronv the rcn tals aucnilng under Ibis ordlnanco imtll srtld- froinpuny has been fully repaid for Its outlay on said bridge, which said bridge shall bo tho nbao-' Into property of paid Borough, sriid Ctmipany shall hovvnvor. during tho operation of said iiilf- way, keep said bridge in repair , a t its own ex- penao. ■ • • -

18. T hat said track's shall bo wholly laid by theM a y of Ju ly , A. D.. IH97, and sold read fullyi i(jq»ed and In full operation on o r bofn'ro t i x f

after the passage oHidH ordinance de"i?iwlu|l!tiio

. ____ — ........-.........ope.first day of aurubI, A. 1). 1H87.

'"hi * ...................... .....19. T hat said Company shall w ithin five,;]

First N at omtijBank of Asbury Park in the name of the Treasurer of this Borpugli, the sum o fjd x . thousand dollars In cosh ft.1*security for tlio com-pletjon nnd operation of said railway hi accord-' undo .-with the te n as. hereof by fbb fi ra t'd ay ofAugust,-A. D. 1887; th a t fo r every day’s delay in - - Id-co.mplotiqn of said tracks a fte r tho 3>th day-o L Ju ly ; A. D. 1887,m id for.evory day’s delay In the operation of, said road lifter the first day of August, A. D. 1887, said Company shall pay to tho Borough o u t of said fund tho sqm of twohundred dollars per day asTlquldatol^aiufHsco.r?

(anJ — -------------- ‘ '

(ffigh t-omirilHsiotiers conditioned fo r tim duo fuL Oljnient on Jim p a rt of sa la Company of ail obll-

sed iiim n i t by this ------ !U

'Rations and conditionsfm i ... . . . . . . ...... ......ordinance,' and the liywa.pl to la ^ ta te , which snhl band shall bo renewedAynwdd Company wltd acceptable pnretles eveiy tw o yearn from tho dato th ereo f until tlio terra herein, deslgtiuthe- ahallliavo expired. ’ -

SI. T ha t In addition to the boml aforesaid' tlio Borough of Asbury Park alia 1 havo n first lien on all tho property «f said Company’(after suoh taxes a s are prior by the laws of this Htato) fqr the payment of all moheys that shall heconio due to Bald Boro'tigh under this ordinance, wnethor the same are duejir_nof,landJahulLhavti~ tfie^fghrw llirouriegar.prtjcess to advertlso arid soli any and ail property belonging to said Com­pany upon reasonaolu notice fo r the satisfaction

-rtilH woll knn 'rn Notul W I L L O P E N J U N E l O wlth-qll mmloro Improvo- men is, Including fiteara Hcat.& o. -With fourteen years’ experience the Proprietor foels aasnred th a t ho can ruako It itieaaant and homelike. Location directly on tho beach.

All pommmtiefttlOOHaddressed tri ’ ’ -----------• ' "OPEN ALL T ljE YEAR. ' J . S. RIPLEY, Proprietor?_':'

JT~? ; ; — ■ -r-O /ETNA,. .

JIAKTFOR’n . HANOVER, of N w Y o r k / '

O R IH N f, o n in rtfim l,I AMERICAN M R!;, od'hllM l'o.!

Frank Pawley,Succenaor to.Ofiborim * Pawley, •; :.

m s s i i i i i n mI h AMBURC.-BREMEN, Germ’ IkXiNTfiS.Y LVA NIA, or Phllad’a J

NORTHERN, of London, J ■PAMEKICAPL-Newarjt, .A

FARMERS, of 'York.

MATTISON AVE. ©pp. P. O . !Hotels, Boarding Houses and Cottages for Sale

' . or to L et.• * ./■- M o r tg a g e Lonns N r g o lU t e l. Com infufloiier o f

• Dewlu a n d N otary-**nl>lie. '••••„ * .

THE NEW YORK AND CHINA TEA COMPANY,75, 77, 79 and 81. Ve8ey St, and 205 Washington St.,

; -V.? N E W j v?Im p o rte rs ©1", Teas, Coffees an d Spices;.S taple arid Fancy

Oi-ocerles. Canned Goods inid Talde Euxiirtes.'Solo D epotJor Di’a^on Chop Tea and Oriental Gold Medal Java Coffee.

—V. Dragon Chop Tea and Oriental Gold Medal Java

"Coffee used Exclusively by Smith & McNeil’s,

, the Largest ; Hotel and-,Restaurant in the World.

Oriental Gold M l JAVA COFFEE.Hosl lii Aiiierlcn.

Hotels',rBoartilng Houses and Largo Consumers w ill save from 10 to 30 nor corit. by nrirchaslng direct from ns. Higgins’ Baking Powder, w ithout a rival, ise d only

a t Sirfitu./& McNelL'a Hotel and R estau ran t/ •

: . , M. H. .MOSES & CO., Proprietors.T. CONSTABLE, Agent; Deal Beach. . . . . , 1

r i ­

o t any Indebtedness duo from Bald Company t tr said Borough.. . v •• " - - -

39. T ha t.the right.Ia hereby also reserved by the Borough In case of the failure of said -Com-

** adh ' * “ *pany to adhere enants and sjl, repeal this ora:

re s trictly to a ll the.conditlons.co-v- rtlpulatlpna hefoln contntned, to urdlnance and thereupon all thethereupon all the

Railway C’cjtnpanyacquired hereunder shall eepse and determineImmediately.

That in case said Company shall fall tocomply with all tho requlremeist3_herain_coriv. talned and thlffordlnauceahall bo repealed, and the franchise and privileges herein granted re­voked, and If the paid Company shall fall to,, upon reasonable-notification th ereafter,’to re ­move i ts tracks, polep.-and other property from tho streets of this Borough; then the Borough shall have the right w ithout legal f process to re­move said tracks, poles and-o ther property of said Company from the streets thereof, and the expense Incurred thereby shall be secured by tlio bond for ten thousand dollars aforesaid or-by tho sale of tho property , aa provlded.forin seo- tji.n J 2.'

21. T ha t before aVqulrlnganyrlghjs under this ordinance and within flvp days a fte r Its passage, ------- - . -v .. - ir t ( - •said Company, shall file w ith the Clerk of tho Borough, the bond to f fen thousand dollars afore­said. and shall dObfiHit tho six thousand dollars asa foresaldrand shall also file a w ritten accept-'. . . . . . . .ance u nder Its corporate seal of the term s o f .....ordinance, which acceptance shall provldo th a tsaid company shall not In any m anner or action ---- 'ill ' • 'question or contest the legalfty. or binding force of any provision o r tth ls ortUpsnco o r defendagainst tho same on the ground th a t the same Is

’ * t o r II ■* ** ------------- ... —, ----- th e n o \,_ .................. .

of the ConmilHBloners to legally oxaetorenforco.

OKI --------------------■ ___________________ _without full legal, w arrant o r th a t tho same In any particular Is beyond the o w e rn r authority

Approved June «( lt^7.IVM.fiJMoRWAN, President.

A ttest; C. T. BAILEY.Clerk.

T here is hardly a desirable fabric’in the .trarie th a t is n o t em braced in the. above-schedules. A nd one th in g m ore. I f it so happens that in consequence © fa n peculiarity p f shape th e custom er does not-find a perfect fit, his.rneasure is a t once taken in our Cus.tom DepactmCbt,- an d any su it he selects ra jn e per­fect for h is n se , w ithout ex tra charge. ” 1

Goods exchanged o r m oney refunded for such x< arc tiot satisfactory or as re p rtsen ted . , '

» i :nnmyt,v .vni \ u a i m i o a o .’

On and’a fte r M a y 10, 1887,.toaihs i.xivx ahbubt r iu x .

F or New York, Newark, Bllzabeth, Rahway , Red' Bank, L ittle Silver, Long Branch and In - terra collate ztathm a, a t 0.59, 9.15 a .' m.-, 1.15, 535.p. m. • I ■

Express for Long Branch, Rod Bank. Matnwan, Elizabeth, N ew ark and Now Y ork,-7.45 a. m.

F or South Amboy, Mata w an, aud. interm ediate stations, ato .15 a ..m ., 1.15,6.85 p. m iowtuiuo, Bb U.IU O..U1., l.i.l, 0,00 Jl. UHi--

For PhllailolnbIa,<Br«)ad-Ht, J lr e n to n , Princeton, *' m outh .function, and interm ediate ata- 1, a t 7.42 a. m.,M3.37,4.2l>; 5.30 p , m.

to r Trenton and PiilladoIidtiatUrqiid Ht.)

Monmoul tlonsj

Express7.2 J a. np . .. . . ..................

F or Oamdtin. Burllngten, rind.Boruentown, Ivia. Trenton,) 7.22a. m.,32.37. 4 2u, 5.80 p, m. Via.'

f Jam esburg , 7.12 a. m., 5.30 p. ra. /ForiTom s River, Island Hclghts^and Intermedi­

a te stiitbmK, a t 11.05 4i.ni., and 1.40 p. m. woek days. . . . '

For Point Pleasant, and Interm ediate stations, a t 11.05 ft.’.ra., 3.W, 4.40,4.55, 5.25.,7.00 p-. m.

rniiNB lhavh hbw voitK. (via. Dosbrossos nhd : C ortlandt Hte. ferries) von xnoim r rx n a -

A t 9.00 a . m., 12 noon,. 3.10,3.40, 5.00 p. m. • ■ toxins lkave rsiM UEU’flU (BroadvilL)' ro it "11 ” ~atSBUSV. PARK

fl.50,.8.00, 11J 5 a. m ., :).30, ,4.00 p. .m,®Frriin"STar- ke t S t., via. Camden an d Trenton—7.20,10.30 a. m ., 2.$o p. ni. Via. Jamosburg, 7.20ri. m .,

4.00 p. tn. , . :.. . J . R. WOOD, Om'LPass. Agt.

jbtiSSTSL PUQH, G m 'l Manaoer. r


Time" Table, in_effedt_May-22,

Statlcms jn New York—Central R. R. of New Je r sey, foot o f Liberty B t^eet; P. _R. JLf-foot. p t. ^ * " Bnro»we8 *** --*- •Con rtland t and Desbrosses 8 treOts.

PKAVK NXW YOBK »OB AHBUIIT PABK, A'!Central R. R o r N. 3.-4.30,8.15,11.00 a. m., *1.00,

4.00. *1.30, 0.15 p. m . j _ 4 jPennsylvania—9,00 a . m., 12.00 m , *3d0, *3.40,6.00

p. m • _ ____I^avo Newark. Broad Bt. Station, fo r Asbury . . P ark .A e.-K .^ . 11.00 a. m.. *1.(«. 4.00. ■M.SO.

, 15.20 p. to. M uq0Mt S ta ll on—9 33 a m 13.20, *3.35, *4.09t.6ri0?p. m: 4 ■ 7

. -J MAVaraSBlTRY PARK YOB NSW TORK, AoCentral R.*R. o f N.J.-6.25,'7.25,8.00(oxpres«),n.00

a. ro.r4.J5,6.45. p. ra . -Perinsylvania->r».50 (express). 7.45 (express), 9.15

a.ro., 1.15. 6.35 p .m . :*t . .F or Philadelphia and Trenton,-via. Bound Brook

Eonte—6.25,11,00 a. m „ 4.15 p. m.For Ocean Beaoh/Jjpring: L ake e n d . Boa ,.fllrfc-g. ' 7. iO, 7.22. 7.42, 10.15, 11.05, ................. ___________________ tin, 13.20, 12.27,

12 50,3.00, 2.55, 4.20, 4.40, 4.55* 5.25, 5.30, 5.12; • 5.65, G.15, 7.00, 8.15 n. m. "

F or Manosquan and Point H easant—7J0. 10.15, lt.05 a . m ,., 3,00, 2^4^0.4.6,5.6.25.. ti.w «. 1U,|I«.W. tiquu. fcuu,5.12, 5.56, 0.15. 7.00, a 15 p

Forjffiltadolphia, via- Eca GlrJ—*7.2 .. 'jy.37r4.au? 5,3 > p., m.

!, 7.42 a. m..

Frir stations on P. lf. R. to Tom s Itivor. via. Bay - Ileadr 11,06.ftFm; -;4.40 p . m. to Phlladdplila

- - via.- Toms Jtiver. / . ■ , ■♦—Express. HITFUB ITLuDUETT, Sind:H. P. BALDWJN, a . P. A . V. ll. R. o fN . J.. - t j - - -------J.-R. WQOD? Qen*l Tat. A gt. P. P. II

p llK E IIQ L D AhU NEW SD A K III 1^.

In effect Jan? 1,1887-;

TriAfkff-WILL MtAVB FOU PUEgHOIJ) AS FrilUOWBLeave Asbbrry Parkr-7.%, 7.45, 11.00 a.

4.15, 5 35 p_ui..Leave Long Brrineli-r.7-40,- 8.00, 11.15 a . m ., 1.30,

' 460,5,60p. m. - - '-V-.-FLeavepranohport—7.43,11.1ft a. m., 1.33, 4.S3,5.63 . p. m .Leave LH UejBUveY—7.48,11,33 a . m.,, 5.68

1.0 *vePi l S B an k -7 &5?*8 10. li;30 a. m 1145, J .\'U.OO p m. ^v'--—

Leavo Mludletowrir-8 09, 11^7 a. m , J.52, 4. 0.14 p .m .l,ZAVft TtlKKHOtiP FOR BED BARK; KTOr~

.0) , 11.15 a. m . 4.80,0.2) h . m. t -

DO N O T F A IL TO V ISIT The Grand Oriental Bazaar,

■"Mikado," on Railroad Square.Strange and Wonderful Goods fn)ra China and ; 5 - _ J o p a n . C . E L p O B B T .

THIS ADVERTISEMENTIs ’n o t in tended to reach our regular custom ers, y h o already know 'and exper­ience tlie advan tages.o f dealing w ith Us, but is morie especially an invitation for gen tlem en who have never given us th e pleasure o f the ir patronage to call and ascertain why they should not do so, , - . •

- - In the.first place, a>s-price is always a n im portant m atter, we g ive below a schedule q f figures to which we d ire it special a t te n t io n : . _

All-W ool Business Suits, $8, # io , f ira , fiie , j t i8, %2o. Vine Dress Suits, $ 1 2 , $ 15 , J i 8 , $ 2o , jl?5 . .'■Men’s W orking Troupers, $ i . $ 1 . 25, $ 1 .50, $z.E x tra T rousers for D ress 'W ear, $3 , $4 , $5 , $6 .

J U V E N IC E D E P A R T M E N T .

• C h ild ren ’s K nee Breeches Suits, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 an d 6 dollars. C h ild ren’s Separate K nee Breeches, 40c , '50c, 75c, 1 and 1 .50.

■ Boys an d Y ouths’ Suits, 3 50,',4/ 5 , 7 , 8 a n d - io d o lla rs .----

KT A T i r r Purchasers to tUa amount of SIO or .over,./ 11U 1 XL* tj will be allowecriSl car fare. Good till July 4>

W t e p M A L L & B A L I i807, 809, 811 Broad Street, Newark. -■

IGnKoIono will m ake It; and make It ciheap, and m ake Ifc well. In a id e r lo faellifate tlie'convenienco

a f abtalnlng i t the P ru tt Manufacturing. Co. have conferred tho agency for tholr celebrated

£ 3 - - A - S O X J S 3 i T B

Upon M. L. Bam man, o u t Qroce/R. R SQUARE AND MAIN STREET, *

wli« will bVTprepared in fumfclLtho genuine a rtic le n t Rtrbtily m nuufadurlng prices. AlU'rdere by iimll, telcplnme o r otherwise will receive the promptest a ttention. .

S r i


KN A PP’SRoot Beer Extractmakes the Best H o m e ’D r i n k daring th o 1 mer month*.. I t ta Coallag to tho Bl&cM and•Specially refreshing'to Laborer*in the field.'

A 3 5 c e n t, b o t t l e m a k e * JO g a l lo n e . L a r g e r b o t t l e s n t OOc., R l.S O 4 ) 0 9 ,5 0 .

Full direction*. Afik for* 's Root Beer Extract."

I fT B . K N A PP & SONS, N ew Y o rk .E * ta b ll* h e d l8 3 9 .

FOR BALE BY 4M0ST PhaaGI3T3^ - _T1

W . T. DUDLEY, ' Real Estate & Eire Insurance.

Houses and Cottages of.all sizes for* Sale o r Rent,

P. O. nqx 1 i. 616 Gookmaq Avenue,■Wanted.

A faptfly about b reak ing up,housekeeping to r ■- iiqimior. would like t o r—i.ook.icthoroughly reliable and com

t|h« from Ju ly 1 fry September.theirwonnj

. \JSAAfr L.MILLER, „ ■ *, 20 Nasftvu-Strfiot',

, / ' New. York City.

B R O W S JiH»imeSb iintt Chinese Baziif

Ilest 'and Finest ..Quality -afTDqods. CU0I90 Teas nnd Ginger. Tjirgcst Collection of Rarest Antique. Chlnawaro Pieces. Japanese BracketsrimUo frhUoiyou'walt-Tnowest: ^ty(pa. All o u r Articles utoOqsonahlti prices.

W a r e 011 C o o k m a n A v e ,AHBtlRY PARK, N. J.»Noar Kingsley St.,

World Advertisements. . Advertisements for Ihe “ W orld," - . *

to insure a proper elmulflcatlon, m ust bo handeil In before 9 o’olook each eveHijjg;* and for Hnn-tlay’s Issuo hoforo 12 m._

: ^ IK * W. NAFTAL,. -. . Authorized Agents,.

■qn. ; . - 147 and 149 MUln street, Asbury park,.7 %v •' ’ • ’•)••• <• jp ... r ; / 1


' / ' OF


Canvas ShoesTHIS W EEK

.Star Shoe Store,

I t M W . N A F T A L ,

147 -1 4 9 Main S t., opposite la k e Ave.

Tlie onljj ex c lu s iv e Triin tow n.

JOHNSON TAYtOR, ‘Baker and Confectionerwould respeotfitily nnnoupco to. bis jyatroria aridtiro public generally th a t ho Iut9 no’eontiecttou , whatsoeverwltlv the now firm of Taylor &,-Aek^ermari, bakers.’ <

JUs bUHlnesi) will bo conducted asbereto tore at» ' ’ ' * 0 he has been iocated for thetho old stand whoro he has been —.~

p ast 12 years, wliere m ay be found *Jlome-mmlo Vlennn? Umlmni, find Entire- /

Wheat Bread, freak every ntorning.Hot Holla anti CiVru ’Mulllrifl for’ break- ?

’.'"r.--- •> ; ’Ic e C fea in , O ra n g e , >V-Ine, F r u i t an d /

P o u n d (lukea, e o j i ^ t i j t ^ o n lm nd.:■••, 'Also Pies of vurloufflnnds^'''’-* ^W a g o u s w il l se rv e I n ' G ro v e and Piarjk-

G ratef 111 fo r past favors and’ respectfully solio- itfng n eontinrianco o f tho Bft_riiB,.I rem ain ., , • •-*:- '■•’ '•■ •’.• Yours RespeotfuHJ'.. -. • •

JOHNSON TAYIjOH, '.. ,V •,r: , O c e n n « r o v e , N . J . .7

Ghas. T. Sickles,-

DEAL FARM MILEbollvered Dally, I’uro and Freflh* In A9bury , 'C '"

Park and Ylolriity. , ^' - Addriyw rirdera to Deal

% '■ r i ■

Page 6: HANTS - DigiFind-Itas low as the lowest market price. THE LARGEST UNE OF CARPETS AND RUGS-orl Til K— c N E W J E R S E Y C O A S T , and prices tho lowest- • ;-----TT1— — /-T


A n A n a r c h i c J tS ji lB tle ,.

To the E d i tw b f-iy^& u.fixa li -• - , v' tA s I k p o w a ll a b o u t R us8!a, perm it mo J,he pfesstbu"of & yi,op in Ion o n Dr. H'oGFyrin’a

rem ark reg ard in g .th e^ .w a rd ra te p s /’ P e rh ap s D r/W c G ly n n know s

m o re /q Y th e RuRfliSh c rn e P b arb arities /an d m u rd e r c om m itted by tb a a w a n r io f m erciless

. fh trigucra arid ?qori Bplrit to rs ’ .M pgovgr n ’mtW t , -agents rtnd deteetlvefl, h o ld ing in thelr° Iron f g r tp the life an d p roperty R ussian

sub jec t. P P a y for, blackm ailing b r go; to SI- berfar, i to bo s ta rv ed an d lashed to d ea th .on the way by the b ru tish a n d :r-mej*cllesri Cos- oaolie, an d be devoured by Iho w olf rind dog. The ro sd to-Slberlaris strew n:w ith t h o blench-

- fad bones o f poor e x ile s ,'o r .: th ey a re sta rved qnd w otked to d ea th in S iberia. F ive pounds

. . . . . . . : o f ry e m eal is all th e ration fo r a weekly allow- 1 /an co A o ja 'p eraan .^M en . an d .women arpjdragr

ted o u t a t m idn igh t from their-beds, n o . one nOws w here to rior ovon d a re s to inqu ire p f

th e tr w hereabou ts.? Thcy.nro often lashed ,to d ea th to confess to p lo ttin g which thoy know

-n o th in g pfr-H M nnyrarertnurdcred-iirtho-pris-ons.aiid i t is n d v o r m ade public. i M any an dm any happy !h6 m es are changed fo ovcrlast- fng m ise ry a n d .'d e s tru c tio n for n tn o ro p re ­tence o f - b lackm ail to g e t e ither p ro p e r ty :o r

-_ life^T ho^cruelL ax teoH eeto r-takoa-the-jC O atT_ «hawlj bedding , & o.t. from the'poor. - • /

r f P erhaps Dr. M cQlynn kpow s m ore of: th e.curueRlee, Buffering, oppression an d slavery In Kasatu. au d w hat they en d u re an d m ust-sub-, rult to and dare n o t com plain, of n o r ask for. relief. Such * cruelties an d b a rb a rities m u st shock every, feeling hea r t a n d d isg u st every hu m an mlbST" S uch 'a ' ferocious savage a n d

i ‘barb aro u s m o nstrous d ic ta to r t h a t permits!. ,h ts su b je c ts ,to su ffer .oppression, pain ; tpr-^. ' / tu rn and d ea th , is; a n accessory to th e crim es .. ’an d deserves the severest p un ishm ent, au d to

-b e 'p u t o u t o f the w ay. -> '? -/C h ris t’s / . ‘dow nw ard s te p ” from d ad a ism ,

created Cath ol ltd hoi , th e ,jr.ogult w as a p p re c la? ted ab o u t 150 'y e a rs ''a f teF hIs crucu lx lo n ;

■M artin L u th e r’s “ dow nw ard s te p ” crea ted V P ro testan tism , H e paved tho ro a d fo r ,our

pfltSSfll ■religious-liberty wem ow en jo y a t th a cost of r ivers of b lood of Innocent; m en, w o­m en and . ch ildren . /G e o rg e W ash ing ton’s

—“dow nw ard Step” c reated trig g faa tost (Y an­kee Doodle) Republic in th e world.. H e top , had to klU opposing m onsters. G alileo’s

“ “ dow nw ard s te p ” from the Bible elm plo a s ­tronom y to scientific aetronbfny opened, the

' world.’©, brain'-and eyes.'• AU tho dow nw ard , stops p fave to lead, to higher stops of m an ’s progress an d sclence, and are now considered’ ‘th e fathers o f m oral progress. W ould i t no t be for those dow n­w ard steppers (os they a ll w ere called o t th e ir tim es) m an k in d w ould y e t slum ber.W th e

“ " d ir ty . c rad le o(“ barbarism . W haT lhfT godd 'r ty - ,,.,--------------------------- ----reBUitnf D r McGlynD’s dow nw ard- e tcp will

/ .lead to ,.w e m ust p a tie n tly 'w atcb and. w ait, fo r i t is su re in the end to lead to m oral good-

• V’nefes.- “ A m erica” should b e tbe very last in «c-ji debyingH o others the lib erty for which she _ b ^ d e e p l y bled to g a in h e rs e lf . . S h e ehohld

sy n ^a tb izo -W ith a ll the abused , oppressed and .enslaved , a p d n o t disgrace herself.w ith sym path izing with m opstrous crow ned heads.

Every liberty loving m an should advocate th ed estriic ttp ri o f m onsters, In o rd e r to re-

. Heve oppression a n d suffering and .em ancipate-en slav ed hum anity . ; vY o u rsreap l’y ,~ — r

M. K k im a n .




WILLISFORDDEY&CO.; ; S * ' . ' • ':[ ' p i © A y s a F g w :



rO V T H E -

Purohasors cah m ake n d m istake In soli

C O A .g T . .ctlugour 1 ■. • •


anFor. Hotels, Boarding Houses dr Private Families.



Pearl, Street, near Fulton Street, New York,Havo occupied the sam e building m o re th a n a Q uarter of a contury.-- T holr coods,are shipped to .a ll o f tlie United States, j.i.*.

T H E L A R G E S T IN T H E S T A T E .

We a re also receiving for the Bummer trad e large invoices of

Imported and Domestic .Droekpry, plain, whit© and decorated, Tor all classes and : ; tastes. H aS^ng Lamps in endless ' r

variety, and House Furnish- \] *’ ; ing Goods in general, at

Prices Lower thanI t will pay y o n to examlrio our Stock before purchasing.INew Store, 166 and 168 Main Street,A S B U R Y PA R K , Al. J . 7

' ’Erista- tin, Sheet MetalT in R o o f in g , R e p a i r in g a n d a l l k i n l l s o f S h e o t M e ta l W q rk p r o m p t ly a n d sa tia fa o T - j . to r i ly a t t e n d e d to . .u - r i- — ' ' .

Are you Looking Tor a Reliable Grocer, ' > T i E e - z r .

M . L . B A M M A H .Are you looking-for-Excellence'iii Quality of Goods in

", that line, '■••• •W e nev e r saw ^e^w alking m atch ,; b u t w e

., h ave seen a m dn whose h a ir was; so red th a t he would-be tak en for a-w alking candle.

£ ’ W estern A rt QoBsIp.-^-Flrst Ohleago-citizen —“ I see th a t D etro it has secured M rnikacsy’s M ozart.’.* Second Chicago^ G itlzfen^^T - a in ’t

; heWrd Df-hlm ; b u t I don’trrsee>what son’s .1 th in k in g o f to let these p ro v in c ia l'to w n s ge t

th a creanr of the p layers I” v . . . /A Kahnw cllerlem .—D idn’t C atch O n.—

'rL uw yor—*,•: A re y o u r ro ia tions.-w ith-tho prls- - o n e r a t th e b a r friend ly?” 'W itn es8-r-u My

reiationkrar'elall_£rlond]y._with_hlm ,r haLniy_w ife has g o rS o m e re la d m m b a t i ia t^ th e vCTrgro u n d he w a lk s o n '?’- - . , . !r._ -

W aitin g to bo T ackled.—A W ashlugton re­porte r ban been interv iew ing a chronic oQlco- seekerT “ Uow a re you feeliog.lhU ui)prnlng, Col! P lacehun jcr C” “ IJoorly;; I o u ly ”wjeU I was a fl?h in S arnpac Lake.” u W hy so, Col­o n e l?” “ If-T whs, perhaps th e P resident m ig h t d ro p mbiU lino to com e In o u t of tho

' ' ^ M ^ l i i i t ’5 w l ia r i ’y o ' bueirW alU Bg-fhnilfii to do for som e tim e pasL” .

T x ^ r ZML X j. B a . r n . n o . a r j .



c u r y t co u tah iB o n ly P u re v eg e ta h lo In g re i A gentvL . N. C U rrT L S T O N , N ew Y or


Meats -and Provisions.’ . Of all kinds, go, t,o tbe

"ASBURY MARKET; Main S t r e e t ; head o f W esley Lake ,formerly T re a ts Q rqrery j alRO fino grades ofeat’s ______ _ _____

?ilULq’K»_.-JBlEE8E^;J;ARD,^ka^..SA1J-SAGE (tfome-ffiade) a specialty,

MUDDEIiL, tlie" Butcher.

All kiaUng done w ith Chapman and Bangor .quarries roofing slate.

_ Agent for Stewart's P a ten t Seal L apped . B ed Ready Roofing,

W arranted flro and .water proof. *'R F.H 1PEX CE C l t i l H I B D AY.E,

P.*0. Box 618.

LO N G M A N & .^ ^ M A R T I N E Z .x r - ^ m lP U R E


O oAre you looking for Bargains,

t o M . XA. B A M M A J J .Go there every tim e for the reason-that fa irer dealing Vo tf could not possibly, get* no m atter

w here you.may.go, ahd the choloe from the large variety o f hla Stock will amply repay yon for a.little extradlfl?aneeyou m ay hkve to travel. ° "-i I


Fire Insurance and Real Esftite,At the Old Stand, 111 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park, N.J.,

Represents tb® following Inmirapoe Companies : Merchants, of N ew ark; R utgers,"Nf©W YOyk * ^ rCl— T.._ . 1tr»..n4 u n11» T«n • (PIia Vnm V/H.W

L ife Ins, - am . . . . . . .

I. Also P late Glass aml. Steam Boiler Insnrunoe.W - F u l l l i s t o f n o to lH , lk .f tr ilin g ; HonBOfi a iu l O o tlji^ f 's fo r Balo a iu ^ to ltst.

” I i E F E K E N C E — T l i c C i t i z e n s o f A H b i i r y P i i r k .




i ?- M ohufacturere arid Doaiofa iii a ll branches of

X / L J X j T j

ASBURY PARK AND LONG BRANCH, N. J.W in d o w F r a tu M .J a s b t B l i n i d s ! D o o n , M o n ld in g a , B r a c k e t s a n d C a r v e d W o rk ,

a n d 8 < ' - - - - - - — - ** " —* “c l a l t y .

Asbury Park Mill,

“OurWeat. Specialty is Merchant Tailorings. .Suits to order unexcelled in cut, finish, and fitting qualities.

H E N R Y STEINBACH,Ocean Pallet, . Main street and Cookman avenue.

Bard and Soft Wood Man tela. Tnjrjnlng and Scroll Saw ing a Spc* Design* and p rices Fnrnlsbcd on Appllca.ion.


Long Branch Mill,


GRAVATT & TAYLOR,. * . --v • Wholcsaio and retail dealers In,

L. M. TAYLOIt,F E A T H E R S , E t c .


4 YARD._______________


Oh, poor dyspeptio.- would you find a cure f ‘u English Tonic Pilla;’’ then, atroncre prooura T hey relieve a ll distress and cure every"phin,

bleiwlising Indeed, a re these pilla of fame.

Highest degree of quality insures lowest cost ■*atia-be»rworii. ..............................................

The. price per gallon higher, but quantity nt . ed is less than if any other paints were used.

‘Any*biuidlng th at is not satisfactorily painted with lt.-orupon which its use has not costless thanIf other paints, had been used; w i l l b e r e p a i n t ­e d a t o u r e x p e n s e .


W . L . A T K I N S O N .- ‘--i • , ‘Dealer in ___ ^ Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Ac.

- Artlsta' Tube Colors, Brushes, Wall-Paper.•. NO. 206 BOND STREItT,. A

(Established 1861} ' : • ' Aabury Park, N rJ.


itsS to v es ,/-Heaters,"


And_ s c . E. BORDEN,

150 M in St., Asbury Park!

Of drugs InlurlouB there isn o t a tr& ce; Poisons and mineraladntv^ in them no p lace ;Entirely vegetable is th eir m ake/S o.the young und.old m aybafeljrtake.

W hen, the h ea rt palpitates, and the breatli ’lB. • ... • v oppressed| ■ * •*’* w“ Engllah Tohio Pills'’ give com fort and re s t f * * Petstet in their use, and be Bure to find Health for the body and Btrength for the thlnd.

For S a le by


; B r o p i o F i-tf tf iO ,$ 1 20 Bend photo, or Imperfect ---- . . irperfectU keocaa. H u t I s l 'u c l l o n s l v e n o n n i l o r i l e r H o r n o p n y r e q u i r e d . Call, . —- * V<|UII V,Ult,jrrlte o r wire, N. V. AHT- - iib f’ HTHlo«t_Atoom-2r 10 E. Hth Ht., betweonTth .Ave. and Broadjroy.

AGENTS W ANTEDe v e r y w h e r e .

TV t O H O M E B L E S S E D W IT H A BABY l^ v u ' • *s complete without, the tnonthly visits

; 'X .- 1 o f BABVilQOiJj th at del|gh t, *comforf and aid o f th e mother. p h ly piiblicatiqn ih 'the. \ybrld‘ devoted 'to the" care o f young children. W eareglad tQ re 'com raendit. ( $ Beekthan St.,N ; y . / $ 1 .5 0 a year^ isx e n ta % co p y ...

THE JOURNAL ‘ and BABYltoOD, -bolh raue. year, 32j00,-in advance, A-

J u s t i c e ' s S u i m n o n s•a ;

In p a d s o f W , ready fo t’uso, a t T U K Jo u n k ii,

^(Bco, 3 8 M attlo o n av e ,—4 3 "- .HirT;','*:;',


Windsor Lime, Heir,. Cemeut, Plaster,

NO. 3U p sta irs ,

B e n o v a t in g M ftttre flses a S p eo iiilty .

Masons’Materials. S. G. POLHEMUS,Having pnrohased rrom THEO. ASHMORE, the OLD RELIABLE YARl).of BARBER, TOWNER

/L D E IL a ^ . .. ... - — - -; we intend keeplngJ>U,hand. a full supply of the best quallty_of lh o above arUelesv.aL m o luweBuvOsb prices. Onr. m at to Is-lo pleaso our Customers.. O lvo u saca lJ . Ttiiephone. „ ■

'•Brduph offices a t Beamoa’ G W qry , Ashury Park, and M atthews & Ballard’s Grocery,*Ocean Grove&-FIE1 _th e low est cash

jHEUMATlSirC « R r

87 MAIN 8TBEET,Opposite Ocean Grofe Broadway Gatos.

d o n 't cure anything bufc-Rheum»U«ui. but U ouml that every t im e . It cured

Bam'h, B otin a. Lanciuter, Pa, - -Mb. Hahtman, 8n„ BtoonmbarK. Pa.-Mas. Iticv.R.'Hi; Robin bon, fllauah'u. V*;Mas. Wm. Meuaho, 1830 Wylie Bt,, Philadelphia.J . F. Newton. Camden, N. J . - , - •Mas. Mary CapRON, Mnorestovrn, N. J .


Choapcst lino of B E D E G il SUITS in Monniouth t o.

ler-floliolted; satisfaction guaranteed/ TELEPHONE CONNECTION.

Orders fay postal card prom ptly flllod. ;

MBS. Many Capbon,- Mnorestovrn, N. J 'Egisz Makl, M a u ch W iu n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^



_ Tw ice th is 8 tx f7 - Keae Qomxv tkbSIff-tutan aad Betk TradaJUrtA

% kP H 10L ,

For coiqplote -information. D escrip tive. P a m -

W H IT E W OOD, 5 pieces, $10 and upw’d. ASH S U ITS , * 6' 16 “A N TIQ U E OAK, 6 21 “



- * ; nil le t, with teetixnonfttlB, free .‘FDr-ealo by a il d ru u g is ts . If one or tha other is.

not in tipdUon to fumlali it .to yon, do not bo per­suaded to tako anythhyF else, but apply direct to the General Agents, PFA K I.7,EIt IIKOH. dk CO. 8 1 0 * Blit M a rk e t S tre e t, Ph iladelph ia^ :

M ixed Paints• T he O ld and R e lia b le Brand.

Tie, C M 1 Co.An Immense Stock ra M L

S p x i r t ^ s , Xvd:a.ttx©sf*iec. X -o v u rx g ro s,- .' ' In encTTtess yari«t.y. /

A large assortment,of Looking Glasses' for hotel arid cotoge use, in fact everything to be found in a first-class fnrnituro e s t a b l i s h m e n t / . . IJ'


OF PUEE COD LOT OILAlmost as Palatable as M ilk .t The only p ro ?ra tlo n ol COD liV R tl 'b ll . iU t

„ean bo taken readily and tolerated fo ra long timo by delicate stomachs. * -


No. 5 Maira Stroot, Asbury>d all WASTING DlMlIfaEUS d g

nuwrellcwa In Ita rraaltaTf E C f i m

Pioase call and got estim ates betorc placing yorir order olaewhore.

Prescribed and endorsed by tho best Physician* ' la th eco u n trieao ftb o ’world.- ^

F e t Salo b y s l i D ra M ltt* . a^ S eo d for Pamphlet on Wasting DfseamiK. Ad-

dm *. S C O T T * l lO W N E a A e w Y o rk .

N.E.Buchanon & Co.Sole' Agente for State.b(N ew Jersey.


And they will last a long-time. -

Pulleys k Sitaiting.Mine Shaft, i i in. diam..

One of tho best places to find au assortm ent qf FiRST CLASS BUILDING MATERIAL, Is af the o ld established buslne3a.placp.0f-* , . "

32-inch Driving Pulley Hangex-s and Cone

H J“ PrioeS low to Painters and Consumers, lib eral arrangementa m ade w ith dealers.

N. E. BUCHANON & CO.,A bargain to anybody in w an t of oxtr$,power.

• * d 1--------- *"


JOHN HUBBARD,Thoai . that there !« no batter

outtogtj t»r ap a lace . Come

House, Sign and;Wall Painter jkalflom i^big.tlr^rilng/Paporfllarigingyeto.

; Ijteflldcnoe': ..O o n . F iFT H A v r n u r a m p B o n d S tcbrSt ,. , Soek B o i ros. ' A S S Q B y g M IK lliy . ’

HOuthwest corner of Main stroot arid Aabury avenue,' \ . A s b i i r y P a r k , N o w J © r 8 © y.tf

ids of cuatomere who havo patrunlzod ttala. house, can tonttfy niaoo to pnmlioaiLiiVfirythlng- which optorit Inttii the cojiBtruotlouofa uoll a lpn^w tth yuur orders for : ^

L U H H R R , 1.1MK, • I .A T I I , * T l A R b W A ll E ,> P L A M T E ^ r P B N K N T r U A I R . . V A B N IS H , . ; .

- . .. O t u T “ ■ T U )U -K N t lH E , P A I K T . - E T C ., BTO.Batlflfactlou gnaratitoed to all enstomers.

Terms may bo had on application to■ Asbury Park Printing House,

I ! AAhnnr P«rW v

Jr. j. MOltKlBCarpenter aid Builder,

. « And everything to com plete'your bouse.

OrBnohm, • ' 4 -L7.Smook.

l l t h A V E . , O .O E A N B E A O HROfeniucesgivcn If required. Juhblug punctu­

ally attended to. Agont o t Now York Enameled Paint- Paine guaranteed If used as directed. —

-Oi Ai TH E ABBURY.rARK PRINTING HOUHKts Thb largest and best equipped lnThor Opunty,


A S B X J R T : A f t l t y N . i r .

U p h o ls te r in g in a l l i ta b r a n c h e s c a r r ie d o n , 'a l s o .a fu ll I ig e o f P io tu ro F ra m e s a n d .M o u ld in g s k e p t c o n s ta n t ly b n h a n d ? ' W in d o w C o rn ice s o f a ll deecrip tionB .

H aving bad several years? experience Irithe undertak ing brialueBs in Asbury Park and vtefnity I feel com petent to give satisfaction;to all who may f&’vor mo with their patronago. *

TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS w ith prlpclpal hotels nndptoresin Park and Grove.; .

Office open day and riTgfiit.- ■T y y f t a XX. e ^ c T o x c r .V;

A Chance for a ■;; IriveStmejit.

4 NUq/nTrTlfimbrRlven t h a t$ 10.000of IheTreas- .-?-:-ury Stpok of (the Aabury. Park Electric Light and -

Power.Col la ntiwraffered a t par; for the purpose ‘ 'raHircrerisfng the flub|neb8. by lidding 66 arc and __ :A,-vH» incantIuacont i(gh'ta.‘ : Parties deaTrlng to sub- - ,v scribe for ‘the same wlll please give notice by..

•5ni.fi, or., in- pex-aon a t the office o f the CoTnpauy. ■ " * ‘ * ------- *" bo Issued lf .desired; 7. per. Preferred Slock will be Ii . cqut gimrantecd'; <'■• - „ liiv'fistigrifcimi Soljicited.r ?


t t

< 3 . J . S C T H A N C K & S O N , S u W e s s o r s t o

P R . ^ l £ > X i . S O M E B . S ,

A s b u r y A v e . a i u i M a i n N t . , A s b u r y P a r k , N . J .


BRANCH OFFICES—Milan RorsI j, 120 Cookman avenue, Axbary Pork, and G. W. Mkrtin’B, Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove. wtTerd all orders received will bo promptfy flllea.