Handy Verbs Future Tense With the Angry Family will.

Handy Verbs Future Tense With the Angry Family will

Transcript of Handy Verbs Future Tense With the Angry Family will.

Handy Verbs

Handy VerbsFuture TenseWith the Angry Family


Hello, my Name is Mr. Angry Potato Head. I will be a master of tenses. And I will start with the future!

Hello, my name is angrt potato head2

The future tense is not very difficult and I will tell you why

Hello, my name is angrt potato head3

Most essentially you will need to know how to conjugate the verb werden.

Hello, my name is angrt potato head4

Once you learn how to conjugate werden, you can form the future tense of all verbs by simply adding the infinitive of any word you want to use

Hello, my name is angrt potato head5

With this time machine I will travel to the future.Mit dieser Zeitmaschine werde ich in die Zukunft reisen.

YOU will accompany me!DU wirst mich begleiten!

Was willst du mit ihm? Er wird es vermasseln.What do you want him for? He will mess it up!

Wir werden mitkommenWir werden auch mitkommen.We will come too.

Du hast keine Ahnung von der Zukunft! Glhbirnen werden vllig veraltet sein. You have no clue about the future. Light bulbs will be totally old-fashioned.

Und Handys werden Toaster ersetzen! And mobile phones will replace toasters!

Ihr werdet hier warten.You will wait here.

Wann werden wir euch wiedersehen?When will we see you again?

Mhh... Wir werden zum Mittagessen zurck sein.Uhm We will be back for lunch.

willI willYou willHe/she/it willWe willYou (pl.) willThey willIch werdeDu wirstEr/sie/es wirdWir werdenIhr werdetSie werden

VocabTime machineFutureTo travelTo accompanyMobile phoneOld-fashionedTo waitLunchdie Zeitmaschinedie Zukunftreisenbegleitendas Handyveraltetwartendas Mittagessen

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