Handling of Welding Consumables

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  • 7/28/2019 Handling of Welding Consumables


    Recommendat ions for thestorage, redry ing and hand ling ofESAB consum ables

  • 7/28/2019 Handling of Welding Consumables


    Fig. 1.

    Recommendations for covered electrodes

    The s torag e of co vered elec trod es

    ca n b e a fairly d ifficult s ubjec t a s

    a ir a lw a ys co ntains mo is ture a nd

    elec trod e c oa tings a re prone tomo is ture pick-up. Too muc h

    moisture in the co a ting c a n pro-

    duce poros ity in the w eld or els e

    the hydrogen coming from the

    moisture c a uses cracks.

    An ea sy w a y to a void a ll these

    prob lems is to us e the new

    Va cP a c. As long a s the vac uum ispres ent, the elec trod es a re d ry.

    There a re no res tric tions rela ting to

    storage climate.

    After the fina l drying a t the fa c tory,

    the electrodes are normally packed

    in shrink-film pa pe r boxes . Thes e

    boxes a re no t 100% a irtig ht, w hich

    explains how moisture in thes urrounding a tmos phere c a n enter

    them and b e a bs orbed by the

    coa ting. The s pee d o f the mois ture

    pick-up de pends on s evera l

    fac tors a nd, w ithout tes ting the

    mois ture conte nt, it is d ifficult to

    judg e w hether or not the e lec -

    trode s in a pa ckag e have toomuch moisture in their coating.

    If the pa ckag es a re kept in the

    storage conditions described

    be low, they c a n be kept for a

    ma ximum of one yea r for normal

    use. Ca re must also be ta ken

    during tra nsp ortation a nd ha ndling

    to prevent moisture being re-absorbed.

    If there is a ny do ubt a bo ut whether

    a n elec trod e is dry enoug h, it

    s hould be red ried a t the tempera-

    ture a nd time indica ted on the

    la bel on the pa ckag e.

    How ever, pa cking elec trod es in

    Va cP a c mea ns that there a re nores tric tions w hen it co mes to

    storag e, other than that the pa ck-

    a ge must be kept a t a tempera ture

    that does not exceed 50C .

    LMA Low Moisture Absorption

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    For Va cP a c us ers , rea d the Va cP a c

    s ec tion b elow.

    ESAB introd uced the LMA conc ept

    for ba s ic elec trod es to red uce

    s ens itivity to the re-a bs orption o fmoisture. Electrodes with LMA

    ha ve a low er initia l mois ture

    content a nd the speed of

    remo is tening is much low er than

    that o f norma l ba s ic e lec trod es .

    The usa b le time before red rying is

    therefore inc rea s ed . This is s how n

    in a climate of 32C , 75% rela tive

    humidity in Figure 1.

    StorageC overed elec trod es of a ny type w ill

    pick up mo is ture only very s low ly if

    they a re s tored under the follow ing

    c lima tic cond itions :

    At tempe ra tures

    5-15C ma x. rela tive humidity60%

    15-25C ma x. rela tive humid ity


    a bove 25C ma x. rela tive humidity


    During the w inter, it is po ss ib le to

    ma inta in low rela tive humidity b y

    keeping the temperature in the

    s tore-room a t lea s t 10C a bove theoutdoor temperature. During

    certain period s in the summer and

    in a trop ica l c lima te, suffic iently

    low relative humidity can be

    ma inta ined by a ir dehumidific a tion.

    If the elec trod es have be en s tored

    in a co ld pla ce , a llow them to

    reach the ambient temperaturebe fore breaking the pa ckag e.

    RedryingLow -hydrog en ba sic elec trod es

    s hould b e red ried before use

    w henever there a re a pplic a tion

    req uireme nts rela ting to w eld meta l

    hydrog en c ontent a nd/or ra d io-

    g ra phic s oundnes s (not needed for

    Va cP a c ).

    Ac id rutile s ta inles s elec trod es a nd

    a ll types of ba s ic elec trod e ma y

    prod uce pores in the w eld if they

    ha ve no t b een s tored in s ufficiently

    dry c ond itions . Red rying the

    elec trod es w ill res tore the ir usa b il-ity.

    Mild s tee l rutile a nd a c id elec-

    trod es normally need no red rying.

    Cellulose electrodes must not be


    Elec trod es w hich a re s erious ly

    da ma ge d b y mois ture ca n normallynot be red ried w ith firs t-c la s s

    res ults . Thes e elec trod es s hould

    be scra pped.

    Holding ovenThe ho ld ing oven is used for

    intermed ia te s tora g e to a void

    moisture pick-up in the coating of

    low -hydrog en elec trod es a nd a cidrutile s ta inles s electrod es . The

    elec trod es w hich s hould be s tored

    in the holding oven are:

    1.Elec trod es that ha ve bee n


    2.Elec trod es that ha ve bee n

    removed from their hermetica lly-

    sea led conta iner

    3.Elec trod es that a re reg a rde d a s

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    80oC 150oC 200oC 250oC 300oC 350oC

    43.32 50.10 39.95 33.30 53.16 38.48 67.6246.00 94.25 63.35 33.65 61.10 38.65 67.7046.16 94.55 67.15 63.53 61.41 38.85 68.1246.64 67.75 63.80 61.81 38.95 68.1792.18 68.15 67.13 63.10 48.00 73.0892.78 83.28 67.45 63.20 48.04 73.68

    83.65 68.60 63.32 48.08 73.7884.58 68.81 63.41 48.15 73.79

    85.65 69.21 63.53 48.30 74.4686.08 84.42 63.71 48.68 74.7892.26 84.52 68.82 53.00 74.7992.45 86.20 69.33 53.18 75.6592.58 93.13 83.50 53.35 75.75

    92.15 84.60 53.68 75.7884.78 55.00 76.1892.86 61.30 76.28

    61.50 76.3563.30 76.9663.34 76.9864.30 78.1667.50 83.2967.52 86.2867.60 92.35

    Table 1. Recommended redrying temperatures, holding time two hours for

    OK electrodes

    be ing in go od co ndition a nd a re

    trans ferred d irec tly from the

    storeroom after unpacking.

    Holding oven temperature: 120-

    150C .

    Precautions on siteKeep the electrodes in electrically-

    hea ted q uivers a t a minimum

    temperature o f 70C .

    After w ork, return the rema ining

    electrodes to the holding oven.

    Redrying conditionsRed rying temperatures a nd hold-

    ing times a re s pec ified on the

    pa ckag e la bel.

    The red rying tempera ture is the

    tempera ture in the b ulk of the


    The redrying time is mea sured from

    the point at which the redryingtempera ture ha s been rea ched.

    Do not s ta ck more than four la yers

    of e lec trod es in the red rying oven.

    It is rec ommend ed not to redry

    co vered elec trod es more tha n

    three times .

    A s ummary of rec ommend ed

    red rying cond itions for ES AB

    elec trodes is g iven in Ta ble 1.

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    ESAB equipment for the dry storage and redrying ofelectrodes

    PK 1 dry-storage containerThe P K 1 is a lig ht a nd ha ndy dry-

    storage container for electrodes. It

    is ea sy to c a rry a round . The

    s tora ge temperature is a round

    100C .

    PK 5 drying equipmentThe P K 5 is a comb ined drying a nd

    dry-storag e s ystem for most types

    of e lec trod e. The drying time a t full

    effec t is one to s even hours de -

    pending on the type of elec trod e.

    The tempera ture is thermos ta tica lly

    controlled a nd rang es from 50-

    300C . The electrod es should be

    s tored in the P K 5 without pac ka g -


    SK 40 dry-storage cabinet

    The S K 40 is a dry-s torag e c a binet

    w ith four remo va ble she lves fors toring elec trod es . The elec trod es

    s hould be s tored w ithout pac king.

    The c a b inet is eq uipped w ith a

    thermometer, thermostat and

    control lamp.

    PK 410 drying cabinetThe P K 410 is a rob ust c a binet for

    the drying a nd d ry sto ra g e ofelec trod es . The drying te mpe ra ture

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    ca n be regula ted b etween 0C a nd

    450C . The dry-s torag e tempera-

    ture is a round 150C. The P K 410

    is eq uippe d w ith a c ontrol la mp,

    elec tronic thermometer a nd

    electronic thermostat.

    The P K 410 also has a s even-da y

    timer. This timer ma kes it pos s ib le

    to c ha nge a utoma tica lly from

    drying to dry storag e for selec ted

    times a nd temperature ra nges .

    Discoloration in the coatingIf the colour of the electrodes

    cha nges during s tora ge, theyshould b e sc ra pped or an

    ESAB represe nta tive should

    be c ontacted.

    Damaged coatingMechanically damaged elec-

    trod es on w hich pa rts of the

    coa ting a re miss ing w ill not

    perform c orrec tly a nd shouldbe scrapped.

    VacPacElec trod es in Va cP a c w ill not

    pick up a ny mo is ture d uring

    s tora ge. They req uire no red rying

    be fore us e, provide d that the

    pa cka ge is unda ma g ed . This is

    indica ted by a vac uum in the


    Handling VacPac electrodesP rotect Vac P ac from da mage at

    a ll times .

    The outer bo a rd pa cka g ing offers

    extra protection from mechanicalda ma ge to the me ta l foil. Hand le

    the single inner metal foil with

    special care.

    Do not us e a knife or any other

    s harp objec t to open the outer

    boa rd pac ka ging.

    Fig ure 2 show s ho w much ea s ier it

    is to hand le Va cP a c e lec trod esco mpa red w ith ordina ry pa cked


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    Fig 2. Comparison of procedures for guaranteeing dry electrodes in a workshop

    between normal packaging and VacPac .

    Normal packing VacPac

    Before using VacPac elec-trodesCheck that the protective foil still

    co ntains a vac uum. If the va cuum

    has be en los t, red ry the elec trod es

    be fore us e. B efore o pening the

    pa ckag e, ma ke s ure that it has the

    sa me tempera ture a s the a mbienta ir.

    C ut open the protec tive foil a t one

    end. Leave the foil on the pa ckag e.

    Do not ta ke o ut more tha n one

    elec trod e a t a time, thereb y ens ur-

    ing tha t the rema ining elec trod es

    are still protected inside the

    pa cka ge . P ut the lid b a ck on thepla s tic b ox.

    Discard or redry electrodes that

    have been exposed to the a tmos-

    phere in an opened Va cP a c for

    more tha n 12 hours .

    Recommendations for OK FluxES AB fluxes fo r S AW ha ve exc el-

    lent storag e properties a nd a s -delivered OK Fluxes ha ve a mois-

    ture content with a nominal level of

    no mo re tha n 0.05% determined a t


    It is of g rea t impo rta nce for the

    q uality of the w eld meta l that the

    mois ture c ontent is kept a s low a s

    pos s ib le. OK Fluxes a re d elivered

    in a moisture-resistant paper bagw ith a pla s tic lining ba g , 25 kg

    B ucket, 250 kg B ig B a rrel a nd 500-

    max. three times




    < 60% RH


    350oC, 2h

    Holding o ven 150oC ,

    < 24h


    80oC, < 8h




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    Suitable flux quantities depend on

    the d es ig n a nd ventila tion o f the

    oven, b ut the heig ht of the flux

    la yer should not exce ed 50 mm.

    Reb a ked flux sho uld b e s tored a t

    150 25C until use.

    Fluxsilo JS 200 is a n elec trica llyhea ted oven for keeping flux dry. It

    has a ca pa city of 200 litres a nd the

    temperature c a n be reg ula ted

    between 0-300C thermostati-

    cally controlled.

    Redrying tempera ture : 300C for

    tw o to four hours

    S to ra g e vo lume : 200 l

    Flux hopper size: 500 x 500 x

    1,700 mm

    1,000 kg B igB a g . How ever, it is

    pos s ib le for OK Fluxes to p ick up

    mois ture during ina ppropria te

    ha ndling , stora g e or tra ns port. This

    is genera lly indica ted by porous

    s la g a nd/or pores on the w eld.

    ESAB ha s draw n up guide lines for

    ha ndling to a void this .

    1 OK Flux must b e s tored dry to

    prevent remois tening. As a rule,

    the c lima te c ond itions in the

    s tore s hould not excee d 60%

    rela tive humidity a t a tempera-

    ture of 20C 10C .

    2 Flux ba gs should not be ex-

    pos ed to d irec t moisture s uch a s

    ra in or snow.

    If the a bo ve c onditions a re me t,

    OK Flux has the follow ing s torag e


    Buckets andB igB a rrels ma x. 3 yea rs

    P a per ba g s ma x. 2 yea rs

    B igB a g ma x. 6 months

    During long prod uction s toppa g es ,

    flux in op en flux co nta iners on the

    w eld ing ma chine or at the w eld ing

    s ite s hould b e ta ken ba ck to the

    s toreroo m or kept in a n oven a t

    150C 25C .

    If for any rea son OK Flux ha s been

    remo is tened , it c a n normally b e

    res tored by redrying it in a drying

    oven. The follow ing va lues for

    temperature a nd time a pply.

    Fus ed OK Flux: 200

    50CB onded OK Flux: 300


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    Base Metal:P os ition b a s e meta l vertica lly a nd

    s pa ce a pa rt to provide for a ir

    c ircula tion a nd minimise cond en-

    ses conta ct points.

    S tore inside, prefera b ly in a hea ted

    room w ith as cons tant a tempera -

    ture a s pos s ib le. Humidity c ontrol

    is a ls o d es ira ble, if it ca n be


    Electrode:S tore in a hea ted roo m w ith

    uniform temperature control and, if

    pos s ible, w ith humidity c ontrol a s


    Hold w eld meta l in the w eld ing

    a rea for 24 hours before unpa cking

    to a llow its te mpera ture to e q ua lise

    w ith tha t of the s urrounding a rea .

    S tore unpa cked ma teria l in a

    heated c a binet.

    Recommendations for aluminium wires

    Us e d ust c overs on a ll w elding


    Atmospheric conditions affectweld quality

    Many fabricators experience

    w eld ing prob lems a t d ifferent times

    of the year. Moisture (H2O) is a

    prime s ource of hyd rog en. At a rc

    tempera tures, wa ter brea ks dow n

    relea s ing hydrog en ato ms tha t

    ca use p oros ity in we ldme nts.Shielding gas supplies are

    controlled to very low moisture

    content (-57C dew point or low er).

    Likew is e, the a tmos pheric

    conditions in a fabricating facility

    need to b e c ontrolled to prevent

    moisture condensation from

    forming on elec trod e o r ba s e

    metal.Aluminium, which is allowed to

    repea tedly co me into co ntac t with

    Fluxtork J K 50 is a n elec tric a llyheated ca binet and s tora ge silo

    tha t c a n dry 50 kg of flux for ab out

    three hours. The te mpe ra ture the n

    drops to 150C w ithin 12 hours .

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    water, will eventually form a

    hyd ra ted oxide (AlOH) coa ting .

    Moisture from condensation

    pres ent on e ither the elec trod e o r

    the ba se metal ca n cause two

    prob lems during w eld ing :

    P oros ity ca used b y hydrog en

    g enera ted from the brea kdo w n of

    w a ter or from the b rea kdo w n of

    hyd ra ted oxide (AlOH) present on

    the metal surfaces.

    Entrapment of the actual oxide(AlOH) present on the metal

    s urfac es , in the w eldment.

    Terms :

    Relative Humidity - The ra tio o fthe q uantity of wa ter vapo ur

    pres ent in the a tmos phere to the

    q uantity which w ould s a tura te the

    a ir a t the e xis ting tempe ra ture.Rela tive humidity is e xpres s ed a s a

    percenta ge number and need s to

    Relative Relative

    (Tair - Tmetal) Humidity (Tair - Tmetal) Humidity

    C % C %

    0 100 12 44

    1 93 13 41

    2 87 14 38

    3 81 15 36

    4 75 16 34

    5* 70* 18 30

    6 66 20 26

    7 61 22 23

    8 57 24 21

    9 53 26 1810 50 28 16

    11 48 30 14

    Dew point conditions versus relative humidity:

    be mo nitored in the we ld ing a rea .

    Dip ta nks , clea ning s ta tions , etc ,

    affect relative humidity.

    Dew Point - The tempera ture a twhich c ondensa tion of wa ter

    vapour in the a ir ta kes pla ce .

    Mois ture w ill co nde nse on meta l

    s urface s w hen their temperature is

    eq ual to or below the dew point.

    For ea ch relative humidity

    perce ntag e, there is a

    co rres ponding de w point.

    Air Temperature - The tempera-ture o f the a ir in the w eld ing a rea

    a t a ny g iven time.

    Metal or Electrode Temperature- The te mpe ra ture o f the elec trod e

    or ba se meta l a t a ny given time.

    (Ta ir - Tmeta l) - Temperature o f

    the a ir minus the temperature o fthe meta l sho w n in C.

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    The a bo ve cha rt s how s the rela tive

    humidity a t w hich detrimenta l

    w a ter cond ens e w ill form for a

    numb er of g iven d ifferentia l tempe-


    * Exa mple - If the rela tive humidity

    in the we ld a rea is 70%, the ba se

    meta l a nd elec trod e must b e no

    co lde r than 5C b elow the air

    temperature to prevent mois ture



    In an aluminium welding shop, theuniformity o f a ir and meta l tempe -

    ra tures is impo rta nt es pec ia lly

    w hen the rela tive humidity is high.

    Elec trod e a nd b a s e meta l s hould

    be a llow ed to s ta bilise to the w eld

    a rea temperature. The e lec trod e

    s hould not b e o pened in the w eld

    area for 24 hours after entry from a

    co oler s tora ge a rea . The ba se

    metal should be clea ned a nd

    brus hed w ith a clea n sta inles s

    steel brush prior to welding. ESAB

    recommends mild alkaline

    s olutions a nd c omme rcia l de greas -

    ers tha t do not evolve toxic fumes

    during w eld ing . Welders should

    w ipe joint ed ge s w ith a clea n cloth

    d ipped in a vola tile p etroleumba s ed s olvent. All surfac es must

    be thoroughly d ried a fter clea ning .

    Recommendations for cored and solid wires

    When it c ome s to w ires , the o bjec t

    is once a ga in to a void c ontac t with

    w a ter or moisture. It is mos t

    importa nt to a void direc t c onta ct

    w ith w a ter.This could ta ke the fo rm

    of ra in or the c onde nsa tion of

    moisture o n a cold w ire.To a void cond ens a tion, keep the

    w ire in the o rig ina l pa cka g ing a nd,

    if nece s s a ry, lea ve the w ire to

    wa rm up to a t lea st the a mbient

    temperature b efore o pening the


    Other hydrogen-containing sub-

    s ta nces . like o il, g rea s e a nd

    corros ion. or subs tances tha t

    co uld a bs orb moisture must a ls o

    be a voide d o n the s urfac e of the


    If the wire is kept in its originalunopened pa ckag ing in a clima te

    of 10-30C , < 65% RH, its s helf life

    is reg a rded a s virtually unlimited .

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    ESAB ABB ox 8002, S E-402 77 G tebo rg, S w ed enP hone: + 46 31 50 90 00, Fa x: + 46 31 50 91 70E-ma il: co nsumab les@esa b.s eInternet: ww w.esa b.c om