Hand In

Ideal Property Location in Lyttleton Based on Slope, Aspect and Sunshine Hours Hamish Kingsbury 38308355 GEOG324 Due 11.3.14 ¯ 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.25 Kilometers Legend Roads Coast Suitability Value Unsuitable Most Suitable To find the most suitable location in Lyttleton, based on slope angle (<20 degrees), aspect (north facing) and most sunshine hours, I used three Spatial Analysis tools: Slope (Spatial Analyst) Aspect (Spatial Analyst) Area Solar Radiation (Spatial Analysis) Running these on lytdem I was able to rank the outputs on a scale of 0-10 (10 being most desirable) and then using the Raster Calculator (Spatial Analyst) I came up with this result. I noticed that there are very few very suitable areas to build in Lyttleton. Using only the slope and sunshine hours to locate a building, shown in the insert, a large portion of Lyttleton fits the specified criteria. Because Lyttleton Port occupies a substantial area of the flat ground in Lyttleton, there is less available land for construction than indicated on the map. It is important to remember that these results are based on and in relation to the area that the analysis was performed on. Slope and aspect will remain constant no matter on the analysis area. The sunshine hours however, are dependent on the area analysed. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.25 Kilometers Suitablility Without Aspect Taken into Accordance


Hand In

Transcript of Hand In

  • Ideal Property Location in Lyttleton Based on Slope, Aspect and Sunshine HoursHamish Kingsbury 38308355 GEOG324 Due 11.3.14

    0 0.5 1 1.5 20.25 Kilometers




    Most Suitable

    To find the most suitable location in Lyttleton, based on slope angle (

  • Zones Of Christchurch With Water Ways Passing ThroughHamish Kingsbury 38308355

    LegendWaterwaysZones with waterwaysZones without waterways

    0 2.5 5 7.5 101.25 Kilometers

    Data from June 1995, courtesy of Christchurch City Council

    The tool I used to represent the data in this way was the Select by Location with the spatial selection method being intersection. They way this tool works is by identify any features from the selected target layer(s) that interact in the specified way (intersection in this case) with the source layer. Once it has completed, all the features in the target layer(s) are selected. From there you can create a new layer with these selected features.

    Lab2Zones of CHCH with waterways