HAMODIA C Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call Asifah ... · Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call...

HAMODIA C45 Community 15 ELUL 5771 SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 BY NOCHUM MANDEL On Wednesday afternoon, 22 Elul, hundreds of Roshei Yeshivos and kehillah Rabbanim from the greater New York area will gather at the main conference hall of the Ramada Newark International Airport. The purpose of the asifah is to raise awareness in a public forum regarding the true pro- portions of the havoc and destruction that modern tech- nology is wreaking on our kehil- los. The driving forces behind the asifah are the Skulener Rebbe, shlita, and Harav Mattisyahu Salomon, shlita. In their joint Kol Korei to Rabbanim urging their atten- dance at the gathering, the Rebbe and the Mashgiach bemoan the tragic pitfalls that the various technological devices and media have wrought on families and indi- viduals of all age groups. In addition to the breakdown in the barriers of kedushah and modesty, the unrestricted and spontaneous lure of electronic media has unwittingly swept up so many of our finest bachurim and avreichim into whiling away precious hours on futile nonsense, which often involves lashon hara, leitzanus and the zilzul in Torah values More importantly, the objec- tive of the gathering is to devel- op an effective and realistic approach to harnessing tech- nology in a manner that satis- fies the demands of today’s business environment, while protecting and securing the integrity of Kedushas Yisrael. The Rebbe and the Mashgiach stress in their letter the crucial importance of achdus in facing today’s nisy- onos and have reached out to the manhigim of literally the entire spectrum of chareidi Jewry to join them in calling for this historic asifah. Every one of them has wholeheartedly joined the call. Indeed, the invitations mailed to the Rabbanim feature an unprecedented united call by over 35 of Klal Yisrael’s ven- erated Admorim and Roshei Yeshivos. The Gedolim speak of their firsthand encounters with the terrible consequences brought about by the destruc- tive forces of technology. They underscore the importance of the attendance of all Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshivos, pointing out that the key to successfully implementing any type of widely accepted guidelines is first and foremost to sensitize the public to the dangers inher- ent in the unrestricted and wholehearted embrace of mod- ern digital technology. The organizers note that due to difficulties with mail service, numerous Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshivos have reported that they have not yet received their invitation. An effort is being made to reach out by phone or in person to all Roshei Yeshivos and communal Rabbanim. As stated above, all kehillah Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshivos in the greater New York area are invited and urged to attend. For further questions and information, please call the office of Ichud Hakehillos L’Tohar Hamachaneh at 646- 578-6859. Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call Asifah on Challenges of Technology Anyone who has learned hil- chos Shabbos — even superficial- ly — knows that there are few areas of daily living with a more complex set of laws. The Chofetz Chaim himself wrote in the pref- ace to Mishnah Berurah chelek gimmel: “It is impossible to avoid chillul Shabbos if one does not learn hilchos Shabbos thor- oughly.” There are, literally, thousands of common ques- tions that arise on Shabbos that can lead one to unwittingly be mechalel Shabbos, chas v’shalom. Food preparation on Shabbos is one of the main sources of common questions. Although people are naturally attuned to be on the lookout for issues that may arise with hot food, there are many less obvious questions to be aware of with regard to the preparation of simple cold dish- es such as salads and fish. For example, may one salt vegeta- bles on Shabbos? How small may one cut vegetables on Shabbos? May one add mayon- naise to tuna fish or salad on Shabbos or mix mayonnaise together with horseradish? While all Torah Jews natural- ly wish to know the laws of Shabbos in order to observe Shabbos in the most perfect way possible, many individuals who master these halachos find that proficiency in this area also leads to a greater appreciation for and sensitivity to the mean- ing of Shabbos. The Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Program was founded at the urg- ing of Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael, including the late Rav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, zt”l, in response to a very real need. The Gedolim recognized that despite the proliferation of yeshivos and lomdei Torah in the past several decades, there has been a marked decline in proficiency in halachah. With the emphasis on in-depth learning of Gemara, many people do not have a prac- tical way to help them gain a mastery of halachah. The concept of Dirshu’s pro- gram is very simple. For five days each week, participants learn an amud of Mishnah Berurah; two days are devoted to chazarah. They can either attend one of the many shiurim that are given on this topic, dial in to Kol Haloshon or do it on their own. Voluntary tests are given monthly, with monetary stipends distributed to award those who do well. Currently, there are well over one hundred shiurim in the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Program worldwide, with thousands of participants. The following new shiurim have just started: In Edison, New Jersey, Harav Reuven Drucker, Rav of Agudas Yisroel of Edison–Highland Park, is giving a shiur in Agudas Yisroel of Edison–Highland Park. It will be held from Sunday to Thursday, 9:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m., preceded by Maariv at 9:15 p.m. In Savannah, Georgia, Rabbi Yoni Maccabee will be giving a shiur starting Rosh Chodesh Elul in the chapel of Congregation Bnai Brith Jacob, located at 5444 Abercorn Street. It will be held from Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. The shiurim are open to everyone. Participants who wish to commit to taking the monthly tests can earn a stipend. To find a shiur near you, please contact Dirshu at 888-5-DIRSHU (888- 534-7748). Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halachah: Learning and Understanding Halachah On September 21, the Congress of the United States plans to announce the introduc- tion of legislation to award a Congressional Gold Medal to legendary Holocaust humanitar- ian Raoul Wallenberg in honor of the centennial of his birth. The announcement is set to be made at a luncheon in the historic LBJ Room, right off the floor of the U.S. Senate Chamber. Among other Members of Congress, it will feature the personal participa- tion of Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin and Co-Chairman of the Helsinki Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Senator Ben Cardin. Raoul Wallenberg is widely celebrated for his successful efforts to rescue thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary from the Holocaust, during the later stages of World War II. While serving as Sweden’s spe- cial envoy in Budapest between July and December 1944, Wallenberg issued protective passports and sheltered Jews in buildings designated as Swedish territory, saving tens of thou- sands of lives while putting his own life in grave danger. On January 17, 1945, during the Siege of Budapest by the Red Army, Wallenberg was detained by Soviet authorities on suspicion of espionage and subsequently disappeared. It is believed he was executed or made to disappear in the gulags. As the world gears up for Wallenberg’s centennial in 2012, the world will remember and honor the fact that today there are hundreds of thousands of American Jews who are the direct descendants of those he saved, proud American citizens who appreciate the freedom America stands for. The Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration (RWCCC), a project of the Friedlander Group, is launching a national campaign to high- light the incredible heroism exhibited by this individual. Its goals include the ceremonial naming of public streets in major U.S. municipalities and the creation of educational materials for public dissemina- tion. The Wallenberg Commission is comprised of a powerful Board of Governors that will oversee its activities throughout the centennial year, including: Rabbi Elie Abadie, the Hon. Emil Fish, the Hon. Yitzchok (Jules) Fleischer, Leon Goldenberg, Ben Hofman, Rabbi Asher Lopatin, Lyon Roth, and David Storobin. Mr. Goldenberg, the son of Holocaust survivors, stated that “... it is our responsibility to rec- ognize individuals who risked their lives, went the extra step and saved so many people. Had there been more Wallenbergs, perhaps my brother, four sisters, and many more family members would be alive today. Along with their deaths, their hopes and dreams for the future died.” A Congressional Bill will be introduced by Representatives Gregory Meeks and Nan Hayworth of New York in the coming days and will be fol- lowed by a Senate version later in the month. “It’s all about building momentum,” said Ezra Friedlander, CEO of the Friedlander Group and spokesman for the Commission. “As Jews, we have the most to be grateful for in regard to the heroism of Raoul Wallenberg and his life-saving actions. “... it’s important that the Jewish people come together to remind the world that we will never forget what Raoul Wallenberg did for us in Budapest back in 1944.” Capitol Hill Wallenberg Luncheon to Announce Congressional Gold Medal Bill

Transcript of HAMODIA C Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call Asifah ... · Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call...

Page 1: HAMODIA C Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call Asifah ... · Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call Asifah on Challenges of Technology Anyone who has learned hil-chos Shabbos—even

HAMODIA C45Community 15 ELUL 5771 SEPTEMBER 14, 2011


On Wednesday afternoon,22 Elul, hundreds of RosheiYeshivos and kehillahRabbanim from the greaterNew York area will gather atthe main conference hall of theRamada Newark InternationalAirport.

The purpose of the asifah isto raise awareness in a publicforum regarding the true pro-portions of the havoc anddestruction that modern tech-nology is wreaking on our kehil-los. The driving forces behindthe asifah are the SkulenerRebbe, shlita, and HaravMattisyahu Salomon, shlita. In

their joint Kol Korei toRabbanim urging their atten-dance at the gathering, theRebbe and the Mashgiachbemoan the tragic pitfalls thatthe various technologicaldevices and media havewrought on families and indi-viduals of all age groups.

In addition to the breakdownin the barriers of kedushah andmodesty, the unrestricted andspontaneous lure of electronicmedia has unwittingly swept upso many of our finest bachurimand avreichim into whilingaway precious hours on futilenonsense, which often involveslashon hara, leitzanus and thezilzul in Torah values

More importantly, the objec-tive of the gathering is to devel-op an effective and realisticapproach to harnessing tech-nology in a manner that satis-fies the demands of today’sbusiness environment, whileprotecting and securing theintegrity of Kedushas Yisrael.

The Rebbe and theMashgiach stress in their letterthe crucial importance ofachdus in facing today’s nisy-onos and have reached out tothe manhigim of literally theentire spectrum of chareidiJewry to join them in calling forthis historic asifah. Every oneof them has wholeheartedlyjoined the call.

Indeed, the invitationsmailed to the Rabbanim featurean unprecedented united callby over 35 of Klal Yisrael’s ven-erated Admorim and RosheiYeshivos. The Gedolim speak oftheir firsthand encounters withthe terrible consequencesbrought about by the destruc-tive forces of technology. Theyunderscore the importance ofthe attendance of all Rabbanimand Roshei Yeshivos, pointingout that the key to successfullyimplementing any type ofwidely accepted guidelines isfirst and foremost to sensitizethe public to the dangers inher-ent in the unrestricted andwholehearted embrace of mod-

ern digital technology.The organizers note that due

to difficulties with mail service,numerous Rabbanim andRoshei Yeshivos have reportedthat they have not yet receivedtheir invitation. An effort isbeing made to reach out byphone or in person to all RosheiYeshivos and communalRabbanim. As stated above, allkehillah Rabbanim and RosheiYeshivos in the greater NewYork area are invited and urgedto attend.

For further questions andinformation, please call theoffice of Ichud HakehillosL’Tohar Hamachaneh at 646-578-6859.

Skulener Rebbe and Harav Salomon Call Asifah on Challenges of Technology

Anyone who has learned hil-chos Shabbos — even superficial-ly — knows that there are fewareas of daily living with a morecomplex set of laws. The ChofetzChaim himself wrote in the pref-ace to Mishnah Berurah chelekgimmel: “It is impossible toavoid chillul Shabbos if one doesnot learn hilchos Shabbos thor-oughly.” There are, literally,thousands of common ques-tions that arise on Shabbos thatcan lead one to unwittingly bemechalel Shabbos, chasv’shalom.

Food preparation on Shabbosis one of the main sources ofcommon questions. Althoughpeople are naturally attuned tobe on the lookout for issues thatmay arise with hot food, thereare many less obvious questionsto be aware of with regard to thepreparation of simple cold dish-es such as salads and fish. Forexample, may one salt vegeta-bles on Shabbos? How smallmay one cut vegetables onShabbos? May one add mayon-naise to tuna fish or salad onShabbos or mix mayonnaisetogether with horseradish?

While all Torah Jews natural-ly wish to know the laws ofShabbos in order to observeShabbos in the most perfect waypossible, many individuals whomaster these halachos find thatproficiency in this area alsoleads to a greater appreciationfor and sensitivity to the mean-ing of Shabbos.

The Daf HaYomi B’HalachaProgram was founded at the urg-ing of Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael,including the late Rav MichelYehudah Lefkowitz, zt”l, inresponse to a very real need. TheGedolim recognized that despitethe proliferation of yeshivos andlomdei Torah in the past severaldecades, there has been amarked decline in proficiency inhalachah. With the emphasis onin-depth learning of Gemara,many people do not have a prac-tical way to help them gain a

mastery of halachah. The concept of Dirshu’s pro-

gram is very simple. For five dayseach week, participants learn anamud of Mishnah Berurah; twodays are devoted to chazarah.They can either attend one of themany shiurim that are given onthis topic, dial in to KolHaloshon or do it on their own.Voluntary tests are givenmonthly, with monetarystipends distributed to awardthose who do well.

Currently, there are well overone hundred shiurim in the DafHaYomi B’Halacha Programworldwide, with thousands ofparticipants. The following newshiurim have just started:

In Edison, New Jersey, HaravReuven Drucker, Rav of Agudas

Yisroel of Edison–HighlandPark, is giving a shiur in AgudasYisroel of Edison–HighlandPark. It will be held from Sundayto Thursday, 9:30 p.m.-10:00p.m., preceded by Maariv at 9:15p.m.

In Savannah, Georgia, RabbiYoni Maccabee will be giving ashiur starting Rosh ChodeshElul in the chapel ofCongregation Bnai Brith Jacob,located at 5444 Abercorn Street.It will be held from Sunday toThursday, 8:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

The shiurim are open toeveryone. Participants who wishto commit to taking the monthlytests can earn a stipend. To find ashiur near you, please contactDirshu at 888-5-DIRSHU (888-534-7748).

Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halachah:Learning and Understanding Halachah

On September 21, theCongress of the United Statesplans to announce the introduc-tion of legislation to award aCongressional Gold Medal tolegendary Holocaust humanitar-ian Raoul Wallenberg in honorof the centennial of his birth.

The announcement is set tobe made at a luncheon in thehistoric LBJ Room, right off thefloor of the U.S. SenateChamber. Among otherMembers of Congress, it willfeature the personal participa-tion of Senate Armed ServicesCommittee Chairman CarlLevin and Co-Chairman of theHelsinki Commission onSecurity and Cooperation inEurope, Senator Ben Cardin.

Raoul Wallenberg is widelycelebrated for his successfulefforts to rescue thousands ofJews in Nazi-occupied Hungaryfrom the Holocaust, during thelater stages of World War II.While serving as Sweden’s spe-cial envoy in Budapest betweenJuly and December 1944,Wallenberg issued protectivepassports and sheltered Jews inbuildings designated as Swedishterritory, saving tens of thou-sands of lives while putting hisown life in grave danger.

On January 17, 1945, duringthe Siege of Budapest by theRed Army, Wallenberg wasdetained by Soviet authoritieson suspicion of espionage andsubsequently disappeared. It isbelieved he was executed ormade to disappear in the gulags.

As the world gears up forWallenberg’s centennial in2012, the world will rememberand honor the fact that todaythere are hundreds of thousandsof American Jews who are thedirect descendants of those hesaved, proud American citizenswho appreciate the freedomAmerica stands for.

The Raoul WallenbergCentennial Celebration

(RWCCC), a project of theFriedlander Group, is launchinga national campaign to high-light the incredible heroismexhibited by this individual. Itsgoals include the ceremonialnaming of public streets inmajor U.S. municipalities andthe creation of educationalmaterials for public dissemina-tion.

The Wallenberg Commissionis comprised of a powerfulBoard of Governors that willoversee its activities throughoutthe centennial year, including:Rabbi Elie Abadie, the Hon.Emil Fish, the Hon. Yitzchok(Jules) Fleischer, LeonGoldenberg, Ben Hofman,Rabbi Asher Lopatin, LyonRoth, and David Storobin.

Mr. Goldenberg, the son ofHolocaust survivors, stated that“... it is our responsibility to rec-ognize individuals who riskedtheir lives, went the extra stepand saved so many people. Hadthere been more Wallenbergs,perhaps my brother, four sisters,and many more family memberswould be alive today. Alongwith their deaths, their hopesand dreams for the future died.”

A Congressional Bill will beintroduced by RepresentativesGregory Meeks and NanHayworth of New York in thecoming days and will be fol-lowed by a Senate version laterin the month.

“It’s all about buildingmomentum,” said EzraFriedlander, CEO of theFriedlander Group andspokesman for the Commission.“As Jews, we have the most tobe grateful for in regard to theheroism of Raoul Wallenbergand his life-saving actions.

“... it’s important that theJewish people come together toremind the world that we willnever forget what RaoulWallenberg did for us inBudapest back in 1944.”

Capitol Hill WallenbergLuncheon to AnnounceCongressional Gold Medal Bill