Hamlet - Utah Shakespearean Festival

Insights A Study Guide to the Utah Shakespeare Festival Hamlet

Transcript of Hamlet - Utah Shakespearean Festival

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Insights A Study Guide to the Utah Shakespeare Festival


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The articles in this study guide are not meant to mirror or interpret any productions at the Utah Shakespeare Festival. They are meant, instead, to bean educational jumping-off point to understanding and enjoying the plays (in any production at any theatre) a bit more thoroughly. Therefore the stories of the plays and the interpretative articles (and even characters, at times) may differ dramatically from what is ultimately produced on the Festival’s stages.The Study Guide is published by the Utah Shakespeare Festival, 351 West Center Street; Cedar City, UT 84720. Bruce C. Lee, communications director and editor; Phil Hermansen, art director.Copyright © 2009, Utah Shakespeare Festival. Please feel free to download and print The Study Guide, as long as you do not remove any identifying mark of the Utah Shakespeare Festival.

For more information about Festival education programs: Utah Shakespeare Festival351 West Center Street

Cedar City, Utah 84720 435-586-7880 www.bard.org.

Cover photo: Brian Vaughn in Hamlet, 2006.

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Utah Shakespeare Festival 351 West Center Street • Cedar City, Utah 84720 • 435-586-7880


Information on William ShakespeareShakespeare: Words, Words, Words 4Not of an Age, but for All Mankind 6Elizabeth’s England 8History Is Written by the Victors 10Mr. Shakespeare, I Presume 11A Nest of Singing Birds 12Actors in Shakespeare’s Day 14Audience: A Very Motley Crowd 16Shakespearean Snapshots 18Ghosts, Witches, and Shakespeare 20What They Wore 22

Information on the PlaySynopsis 23Characters 24

Scholarly Articles on the PlayThe Humorous Man 25Provacative, Enigmatic, Popular 27Symbolic Layers 28Revenge and Double Revenge 30The Ham;et Question 31

Classroom MaterialsActivities 33Famous Lines 34Vocabulary/Glossary 35Examining the Text 37Elementary School Discussion Questions 39High School Discussion Questions 40


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Shakespeare: Words, Words, WordsBy S. S. Moorty

“No household in the English-speaking world is properly furnished unless it contains copies of the Holy Bible and of The Works of William Shakespeare. It is not always thought that these books should be read in maturer years, but they must be present as symbols of Religion and Culture” (G.B. Harrison, Introducing Shakespeare. Rev. & Exp. [New York: Penguin Books, 1991], 11).

We, the Shakespearean-theater goers and lovers, devotedly and ritualistically watch and read the Bard’s plays not for exciting stories and complex plots. Rather, Shakespeare’s language is a vital source of our supreme pleasure in his plays. Contrary to ill-conceived notions, Shakespeare’s language is not an obstacle to appreciation, though it may prove to be difficult to understand Instead, it is the communicative and evocative power of Shakespeare’s language that is astonishingly rich in vocabulary—about 29,000 words— strikingly presented through unforgettable characters such as Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear, Othello, Rosalind, Viola, Iago, Shylock, etc.

In the high school classroom, students perceive Shakespeare’s language as “Old English.” Actually Shakespeare’s linguistic environment, experience, and exposure was, believe it or not, closer to our own times than to Chaucer’s, two hundred years earlier. Indeed, the history and development of the English language unfolds as follows: Old English, 449–1100; Middle English 1100–1500; and Modern English 1500-present. Shakespeare was firmly in the Modern English period.

At the time Shakespeare wrote, most of the grammatical changes from Old and Middle English had taken place; yet rigid notions about “correctness” had not yet been standardized in grammars. The past five centuries have advanced the cause of standardized positions for words; yet the flexible idiom of Elizabethan English offered abundant opportunities for Shakespeare’s linguistic inventiveness. Ideally it is rewarding to study several facets of Shakespeare’s English: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, wordplay, and imagery. The present overview will, however, be restricted to “vocabulary.”

To Polonius’s inquisitive question “What do you read, my lord?” (Hamlet, 2.2.191) Hamlet nonchalantly and intriguingly aptly replies: “Words, words, words” (2.2.192). This many-splendored creation of Shakespeare’s epitomizes the playwright’s own fascination with the dynamic aspect of English language, however troubling it may be to modern audiences and readers. Shakespeare added several thousand words to the language, apart from imparting new meanings to known words. At times Shakespeare could teasingly employ the same word for different shades of thought. Barowne’s single line, “Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile” (Love’s Labour’s Lost, 1.1.77), as Harry Levin in his General Introduction to The Riverside Shakespeare (9) explains, “uses ‘light’ in four significations: intellect, seeking wisdom, cheats eyesight out of daylight.”

Another instance: Othello as he enters his bedroom with a light before he smothers his dear, innocent Desdemona soliloquizes: “Put out the light, and then put out the light” (Othello, 5.2.7) Here ‘light’ compares the light of Othello’s lamp or torch to Desdemona’s ‘light’ of life.

In both instances, the repeated simple ordinary word carries extraordinary shades of meaning. “Usually such a tendency in a Shakespeare play indicates a more or less conscious thematic intent.” (Paul A. Jorgensen, Redeeming Shakespeare’s Words [Berkeley and Los Angeles; University of California Press, 1962], 100).

Utah Shakespeare Festival 351 West Center Street • Cedar City, Utah 84720 • 435-586-7880


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Living in an age of the “grandiose humanistic confidence in the power of the word” (Levin 9), Shakespeare evidently felt exuberant that he had the license to experiment with the language, further blessed by the fact that “there were no English grammars to lay down rules or dictionaries to restrict word-formation. This was an immeasurable boon for writers” (Levin 10). Surely Shakespeare took full advantage of the unparalleled linguistic freedom to invent, to experiment with, and to indulge in lavishly.

However intriguing, captivating, mind-teasing, beguiling, and euphonious, Shakespeare’s vocabulary can be a stumbling block, especially for readers. “In the theater the speaking actor frequently relies on tone, semantic drive, narrative context, and body language to communicate the sense of utterly unfamiliar terms and phrases, but on the page such words become more noticeable and confusing” (Russ McDonald, The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare: An Introduction with Documents [Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 1996], 184).

Unlocking the meaning of Shakespeare’s vocabulary can prove to be an interesting challenge. Such words include those which “have dropped from common use like ‘bisson’ (blind) or those that the playwright seems to have created from Latin roots . . . but that did not catch on, such as conspectuities’ (eyesight or vision) or ‘unplausive’ (doubtful or disapproving). Especially confusing are those words that have shifted meaning over the intervening centuries, such as ‘proper’ (handsome), ‘nice’ (squeamish or delicate), ‘silly’ (innocent), or ‘cousin’ (kinsman, that is, not necessarily the child of an aunt or uncle” (McDonald 184). Because of semantic change, when Shakespeare uses ‘conceit,’ he does not mean ‘vanity,’ as we might understand it to be. Strictly following etymology, Shakespeare means a ‘conception’ or ‘notion,’ or possibly the ‘imagination’ itself.

Perhaps several Shakespearean words “would have been strange to Shakespeare’s audience because they were the products of his invention or unique usage. Some words that probably originated with him include: ‘auspicious,’ ‘assassination,’ ‘disgraceful,’ ‘dwindle,’ ‘savagery.’” Certainly a brave soul, he was “ a most audacious inventor of words.” To appreciate and understand Shakespeare’s English in contrast to ours, we ought to suspend our judgment and disbelief and allow respect for the “process of semantic change, which has been continually eroding or encrusting his original meaning” (Levin 8).

Shakespeare’s vocabulary has received greater attention that any other aspect of his language. Perhaps this is because it is the most accessible with no burdensome complications. Whatever the cause, Shakespeare’s language will forever be challenging and captivating.

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Not of an Age, but for All MankindBy Douglas A. Burger

After an enormous expenditure of money and effort, Shakespeare’s Globe Theater has risen again, four centuries later, on London’s south bank of the Thames. Designed as a faithful reconstruction of the original, it uses the building methods of the time and traditional materials (oak timbers, plaster walls, wooden pegs, water-reeds for thatching the roof ). From above, the shape seems circular (actually, it is twenty-six sided) with three covered tiers of seats surrounding a central area which is open to the sky.. There the “groundlings” may stand to see the action taking place on the stage, which occupies almost half of the inner space. There are no artificial lights, no conventional sets, no fancy rigging.

Seeing a Shakespeare play in the afternoon sunlight at the new Globe must come very close to the experience of those early-day Londoners, except, of course, that we in the twentieth-century behave better. We don’t yell insults at the actors, spit, or toss orange peels on the ground. We also smell better: the seventeenth-century playwright, Thomas Dekker, calls the original audience “Stinkards . . . glewed together in crowdes with the Steames of strong breath” (Shakespeare’s Globe: The Guide Book [London: International Globe Center, 1996], 42). And we are safer. The first Globe burned to the ground. The new theater has more exits, fire-retardant insulation concealed in the walls, and water-sprinklers that poke through the thatch of the roof.

That hard-headed capitalists and officials would be willing, even eager, to invest in the project shows that Shakespeare is good business. The new Globe is just one example. Cedar City’s own Utah Shakespearean Festival makes a significant contribution to the economy of southern Utah. A sizable percentage of all the tourist dollars spent in England goes to Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-on-Avon, which would be a sleepy little agricultural town without its favorite son. The situation seems incredible. In our whole history, what other playwright could be called a major economic force? Who else—what single individual— could be listed along with agriculture, mining, and the like as an industry of a region? Why Shakespeare?

The explanation, of course, goes further than an attempt to preserve our cultural traditions. In an almost uncanny way, Shakespeare’s perceptions remain valuable for our own understandings of life, and probably no other writer remains so insightful, despite the constantly changing preoccupations of audiences over time.

The people of past centuries, for example, looked to the plays for nuggets of wisdom and quotable quotes, and many of Shakespeare’s lines have passed into common parlance. There is an old anecdote about the woman, who on first seeing Hamlet, was asked how she liked the play. She replied, “Oh, very nice, my dear, but so full of quotations.” She has it backwards of course. Only the King James Bible has lent more “quotations” to English than Shakespeare.

Citizens of the late nineteenth century sought in the plays for an understanding of human nature, valuing Shakespeare’s character for traits that they recognized in themselves and in others. The fascination continues to the present day as some of our best-known movie stars attempt to find new dimensions in the great characters: Mel Gibson and Kenneth Branagh in Hamlet, Lawrence Fishburn in Othello, Leonardo de Caprio in Romeo + Juliet, to name just a few.

Matters of gender, class, and race have preoccupied more recent audiences. Beatrice sounds a rather feminist note in Much Ado about Nothing in her advice to her cousin about

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choosing a husband: Curtsy to your father, but say “Father, as it please me.” Coriolanus presents a recurring dilemma about class relations in its explorations of the rights and wrongs involved in a great man’s attempt to control the masses. Racial attitudes are illuminated in Othello, where the European characters always mark the hero by his race, always identify him first as the “Moor,” are always aware of his difference. London’s new/old Globe is thus a potent symbol of the plays’ continuing worth to us. The very building demonstrates the utter accuracy of the lines written so long ago that Shakespeare is not “of an age” but “for all time.”

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Elizabeth’s EnglandIn his entire career, William Shakespeare never once set a play in Elizabethan England.

His characters lived in medieval England (Richard II), France (As You Like It), Vienna (Measure for Measure), fifteenth-century Italy (Romeo and Juliet), the England ruled by Elizabeth’s father (Henry VIII) and elsewhere—anywhere and everywhere, in fact, except Shakespeare’s own time and place. But all Shakespeare’s plays—even when they were set in ancient Rome—reflected the life of Elizabeth’s England (and, after her death in 1603, that of her successor, James I). Thus, certain things about these extraordinary plays will be easier to understand if we know a little more about Elizabethan England.

Elizabeth’s reign was an age of exploration—exploration of the world, exploration of man’s nature, and exploration of the far reaches of the English language. This renaissance of the arts and sudden flowering of the spoken and written word gave us two great monuments—the King James Bible and the plays of Shakespeare—and many other treasures as well.

Shakespeare made full use of the adventurous Elizabethan attitude toward language. He employed more words than any other writer in history—more than 21,000 different words appear in the plays—and he never hesitated to try a new word, revive an old one, or make one up. Among the words which first appeared in print in his works are such every-day terms as “critic,” “assassinate,” “bump,” “gloomy,” “suspicious,” “and hurry;” and he invented literally dozens of phrases which we use today: such un-Shakespearean expressions as “catching a cold,” “the mind’s eye,” “elbow room,” and even “pomp and circumstance.”

Elizabethan England was a time for heroes. The ideal man was a courtier, an adventurer, a fencer with the skill of Tybalt, a poet no doubt better than Orlando, a conversationalist with the wit of Rosalind and the eloquence of Richard II, and a gentleman. In addition to all this, he was expected to take the time, like Brutus, to examine his own nature and the cause of his actions and (perhaps unlike Brutus) to make the right choices. The real heroes of the age did all these things and more.

Despite the greatness of some Elizabethan ideals, others seem small and undignified, to us; marriage, for example, was often arranged to bring wealth or prestige to the family, with little regard for the feelings of the bride. In fact, women were still relatively powerless under the law.

The idea that women were “lower” than men was one small part of a vast concern with order which was extremely important to many Elizabethans. Most people believed that everything, from the lowest grain of sand to the highest angel, had its proper position in the scheme of things. This concept was called “the great chain of being.” When things were in their proper place, harmony was the result; when order was violated, the entire structure was shaken.

This idea turns up again and again in Shakespeare. The rebellion against Richard II brings bloodshed to England for generations; Romeo and Juliet’s rebellion against their parents contributes to their tragedy; and the assassination in Julius Caesar throws Rome into civil war.

Many Elizabethans also perceived duplications in the chain of order. They believed, for example, that what the sun is to the heaves, the king is to the state. When something went wrong in the heavens, rulers worried: before Julius Caesar and Richard II were overthrown, comets and meteors appeared, the moon turned the color of blood, and other bizarre astronomical phenomena were reported. Richard himself compares his fall to a premature setting of the sun; when he descends from the top of Flint Castle to meet the conquering

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Bolingbroke, he likens himself to the driver of the sun’s chariot in Greek mythology: “Down, down I come, like glist’ring Phaeton” (3.3.178).

All these ideas find expression in Shakespeare’s plays, along with hundreds of others—most of them not as strange to our way of thinking. As dramatized by the greatest playwright in the history of the world, the plays offer us a fascinating glimpse of the thoughts and passions of a brilliant age. Elizabethan England was a brief skyrocket of art, adventure, and ideas which quickly burned out; but Shakespeare’s plays keep the best parts of that time alight forever.(Adapted from “The Shakespeare Plays,” educational materials made possible by Exxon, Metropolitan Life, Morgan Guaranty, and CPB.)

Utah Shakespeare Festival 351 West Center Street • Cedar City, Utah 84720 • 435-586-7880


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History Is Written by the VictorsFrom Insights, 1994

William Shakespeare wrote ten history plays chronicling English kings from the time of the Magna Carta (King John) to the beginning of England’s first great civil war, the Wars of the Roses (Richard II) to the conclusion of the war and the reuniting of the two factions (Richard III), to the reign of Queen Elizabeth’s father (Henry VIII). Between these plays, even though they were not written in chronological order, is much of the intervening history of England, in the six Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI plays.

In writing these plays, Shakespeare had nothing to help him except the standard history books of his day. The art of the historian was not very advanced in this period, and no serious attempt was made to get at the exact truth about a king and his reign. Instead, the general idea was that any nation that opposed England was wrong, and that any Englishman who opposed the winning side in a civil war was wrong also.

Since Shakespeare had no other sources, the slant that appears in the history books of his time also appears in his plays. Joan of Arc opposed the English and was not admired in Shakespeare’s day, so she is portrayed as a comic character who wins her victories through witchcraft. Richard III fought against the first Tudor monarchs and was therefore labeled in the Tudor histories as a vicious usurper, and he duly appears in Shakespeare’s plays as a murdering monster.

Shakespeare wrote nine of his history plays under Queen Elizabeth. She did not encourage historical truthfulness, but rather a patriotism, an exultant, intense conviction that England was the best of all possible countries and the home of the most favored of mortals. And this patriotism breathes through all the history plays and binds them together. England’s enemy is not so much any individual king as the threat of civil war, and the history plays come to a triumphant conclusion when the threat of civil war is finally averted, and the great queen, Elizabeth, is born.

Shakespeare was a playwright, not a historian, and, even when his sources were correct, he would sometimes juggle his information for the sake of effective stagecraft. He was not interested in historical accuracy; he was interested in swiftly moving action and in people. Shakespeare’s bloody and supurb king seems more convincing than the real Richard III, merely because Shakespeare wrote so effectively about him. Shakespeare moved in a different world from that of the historical, a world of creation rather than of recorded fact, and it is in this world that he is so supreme a master.

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Mr. Shakespeare, I Presumeby Diana Major Spencer From Insights, 1994

Could the plays known as Shakespeare’s have been written by a rural, semi-literate, uneducated, wife-deserting, two-bit actor who spelled him name differently each of the six times he wrote it down? Could such a man know enough about Roman history, Italian geography, French grammar, and English court habits to create Antony and Cleopatra, The Comedy of Errors, and Henry V? Could he know enough about nobility and its tenuous relationship to royalty to create King Lear and Macbeth?

Are these questions even worth asking? Some very intelligent people think so. On the other hand, some very intelligent people think not. Never mind quibbles about how a line should be interpreted, or how many plays Shakespeare wrote and which ones, or which of the great tragedies reflected personal tragedies. The question of authorship is “The Shakespeare Controversy.”

Since Mr. Cowell, quoting the deceased Dr. Wilmot, cast the first doubt about William of Stratford in an 1805 speech before the Ipswich Philological Society, nominees for the “real author” have included philosopher Sir Francis Bacon, playwright Christopher Marlowe, Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Walter Raleigh, and the earls of Derby, Rutland, Essex, and Oxford--among others.

The arguments evoke two premises: first, that the proven facts about the William Shakespeare who was christened at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 26, 1564 do not configure a man of sufficient nobility of thought and language to have written the plays; and, second, that the man from Stratford is nowhere concretely identified as the author of the plays. The name “Shakespeare”—in one of its spellings—appears on early quartos, but the man represented by the name may not be the one from Stratford.

One group of objections to the Stratford man follows from the absence of any record that he ever attended school—in Stratford or anywhere else. If he were uneducated, the arguments go, how could his vocabulary be twice as large as the learned Milton’s? How could he know so much history, law, or philosophy? If he were a country bumpkin, how could he know so much of hawking, hounding, courtly manners, and daily habits of the nobility? How could he have traveled so much, learning about other nations of Europe in enough detail to make them the settings for his plays?

The assumptions of these arguments are that such rich and noble works as those attributed to a playwright using the name “Shakespeare” could have been written only by someone with certain characteristics, and that those characteristics could be distilled from the “facts” of his life. He would have to be noble; he would have to be well-educated; and so forth. On these grounds the strongest candidate to date is Edward de Vere, seventeenth earl of Oxford.

A debate that has endured its peaks and valleys, the controversy catapulted to center stage in 1984 with the publication of Charlton Ogburn’s The Mysterious William Shakespeare. Ogburn, a former army intelligence officer, builds a strong case for Oxford—if one can hurdle the notions that the author wasn’t Will Shakespeare, that literary works should be read autobiographically, and that literary creation is nothing more than reporting the facts of one’s own life. “The Controversy” was laid to rest—temporarily, at least—by justices Blackmun, Brennan, and Stevens of the United States Supreme Court who, after hearing evidence from both sides in a mock trial conducted September 25, 1987 at American University in Washington, D.C., found in favor of the Bard of Avon.Hooray for our side!

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A Nest of Singing BirdsFrom Insights, 1992

Musical development was part of the intellectual and social movement that influenced all England during the Tudor Age. The same forces that produced writers like Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, John Donne, and Francis Bacon also produced musicians of corresponding caliber. So numerous and prolific were these talented and imaginative men—men whose reputations were even in their own day firmly established and well founded—that they have been frequently and aptly referred to as a nest of singing birds.

One such figure was Thomas Tallis, whose music has officially accompanied the Anglican service since the days of Elizabeth I; another was his student, William Boyd, whose variety of religious and secular compositions won him international reputation.

Queen Elizabeth I, of course, provided an inspiration for the best efforts of Englishmen, whatever their aims and activities. For music, she was the ideal patroness. She was an accomplished performer on the virginal (forerunner to the piano), and she aided her favorite art immensely in every way possible, bestowing her favors on the singers in chapel and court and on the musicians in public and private theatrical performances. To the great composers of her time, she was particularly gracious and helpful.

Singing has been an integral part of English life for as long as we have any knowledge. Long before the music was written down, the timeless folk songs were a part of our Anglo-Saxon heritage. The madrigals and airs that are enjoyed each summer at the Utah Shakespearean Festival evolved from these traditions.

It was noted by Bishop Jewel in l560 that sometimes at Paul’s Cross there would be 6,000 people singing together, and before the sermon, the whole congregation always sang a psalm, together with the choir and organ. When that thundering unity of congregational chorus came in, “I was so transported there was no room left in my whole body, mind, or spirit for anything below divine and heavenly raptures.”

Religious expression was likely the dominant musical motif of the Elizabethan period; however, the period also saw development of English stage music, with Morley, John Wilson, and Robert Johnson setting much of their music to the plays of Shakespeare. The masque, a semi-musical entertainment, reached a high degree of perfection at the court of James I, where the courtiers themselves were sometimes participants. An educated person of the time was expected to perform music more than just fairly well, and an inability in this area might elicit whispered comments regarding lack of genteel upbringing, not only in the ability to take one’s part in a madrigal, but also in knowing the niceties of musical theory. Henry Peacham wrote in The Compleat Gentleman in l662 that one of the fundamental qualities of a gentleman was to be able to “sing your part sure, and...to play the same upon your viol.”

Outside the walls of court could be heard street songs, lighthearted catches, and ballads, all of which indicates that music was not confined to the cathedrals or court. We still have extant literally hundreds of ballads, street songs, and vendors’ cries that were sung or hummed on the street and played with all their complicated variations on all levels of Elizabethan society.

Instruments of the period were as varied as the music and peoples, and the instrument and songbooks which remain in existence today are indicative of the high level of excellence enjoyed by the Elizabethans. Songbooks, mainly of part-songs for three, four, five, and six

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voices exist today, as do books of dance music: corrantos, pavans, and galliards. Records from one wealthy family indicate the family owned forty musical instruments, including twelve viols, seven recorders, four lutes, five virginals, various brasses and woodwinds, and two “great organs.” To have use for such a great number of instruments implies a fairly large group of players resident with the family or staying with them as invited guests, and the players of the most popular instruments (lutes, virginals, and viols) would be playing from long tradition, at least back to King Henry VIII. In short, music was as necessary to the public and private existence of a Renaissance Englishman as any of the basic elements of life.

The Utah Shakespearean Festival musicians perform each summer on authentic replicas of many of these Renaissance instruments. The music they perform is authentic from the Elizabethan period, and the instruments are made available for audience inspection and learning.

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Actors in Shakespeare’s DayBy Stephanie Chidester From Insights, 1994

The status of the actor in society has never been entirely stable but has fluctuated from the beginnings of the theatre to the present day. The ancient Greeks often considered actors as servants of Dionysus, and their performances were a sort of religious rite. Roman actors, often slaves, were seen as the scraps of society, only one step above gladiators. In medieval Europe, both the theatre and the actor, suppressed by the Catholic Church, were almost non-existent but gradually re-emerged in the form of the liturgy and, later, the Mystery plays. The actors of Shakespeare’s age also saw fluctuations in reputation; actors were alternately classified as “vagabonds and sturdy beggars,” as an act of Parliament in 1572 defined them, and as servants of noblemen.

As early as 1482, noblemen such as Richard, duke of Gloucester (later Richard III), the earl of Essex, and Lord Arundel kept acting companies among their retainers. But other than these select groups protected by nobles, actors lived lives of danger and instability because when they abandoned their respectable trades, they also left behind the comfort and protection of the trade guilds.

However, life soon became much more difficult for both of these classes of actors. In 1572, Parliament passed two acts which damaged thespians’ social status. In the first one, the Queen forbade “‘the unlawful retaining of multitudes of unordinary servants by liveries, badges, and other signs and tokens (contrary to the good and ancient statutes and laws of this realm)’” in order to “curb the power of local grandees” (Dennis Kay, Shakespeare: His Life, Work, and Era [New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1992], 88). One result of this was that some of the actors, now considered superfluous, were turned away.

To make matters even worse, these actors faced yet another impediment: the “‘Acte for the punishment of Vacabondes’” (Kay, 88), in which actors were declared “vagabonds and masterless men and hence were subject to arrest and imprisonment” (Thomas Marc Parrott and Robert Hamilton Ball, A Short View of Elizabethan Drama [New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1943], 46).

However, there were still nobles, such as the earl of Leicester and the earl of Sussex, who endorsed players; the protector would usually seek royal permission for these actors to perform in London or, less frequently, some other less prestigious town. Thus the actors were able to venture forth without fear of arrest. It is through these circumstances that Shakespeare ends up an actor in London.

There are many theories—guesses really—of how Shakespeare got into the theatre. He may have joined a group of strolling players, performed around the countryside, and eventually made it to London, the theatrical hub of Britain. Another theory suggests that he began as a schoolmaster, wrote a play (possibly The Comedy of Errors) and then decided to take it to London; or, alternately, he could have simply gone directly to that great city, with or without a play in hand, to try his luck.

An interesting speculation is that while he was young, Shakespeare might have participated in one of the cycles of Mystery plays in Stratford: “On one occasion the Stratford corporation laid out money for an entertainment at Pentecost. In 1583 they paid 13s 4d ‘to Davi Jones and his company for his pastime at Whitsuntide.’ Davi Jones had been married to Elizabeth, the daughter of Adrian Quiney, and after her death in 1579 he took as his wife a Hathaway, Frances. Was Shakespeare one of the youths who trimmed themselves for the Whitsun pastime?” (S. Schoenbaum, William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life [New York: New American Library, 1977], 111).

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But however he got into the theatre and to London, he had made a very definite impression on his competitors by 1592, when playwright Robert Greene attacked Shakespeare as both actor and author: “‘There is an upstart Crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his Tiger’s heart wrapt in a Player’s hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you: and . . . is in his own conceit the only Shake-scene in a country’” (G. B. Harrison, Introducing Shakespeare [New York: Penguin Books, Inc., 1947], 1).

We don’t often think of Shakespeare as primarily an actor, perhaps because most of what we know of him comes from the plays he wrote rather than the parts he played. Nevertheless, he made much of his money as an actor and sharer in his company: “At least to start with, his status, his security derived more from his acting skill and his eye for business than from his pen” (Kay, 95). Had he been only a playwright, he would likely have died a poor man, as did Robert Greene: “In the autumn of 1592, Robert Greene, the most popular author of his generation, lay penniless and dying. . . . The players had grown rich on the products of his brain, and now he was deserted and alone” (Harrison, 1).

While Shakespeare made a career of acting, there are critics who might dispute his acting talent. For instance, almost a century after Shakespeare’s death, “an anonymous enthusiast of the stage . . . remarked . . . that ‘Shakespear . . . was a much better poet, than player’” (Schoenbaum, 201). However, Shakespeare could have been quite a good actor, and this statement would still be true. One sign of his skill as an actor is that he is mentioned in the same breath with Burbage and Kemp: “The accounts of the royal household for Mar 15 [1595] record payments to ‘William Kempe William Shakespeare & Richarde Burbage seruantes to the Lord Chamberlain’” (Kay, 174).

Another significant indication of his talent is the very fact that he played in London rather than touring other less lucrative towns. If players were to be legally retained by noblemen, they had to prove they could act, and one means of demonstrating their legitimacy was playing at court for Queen Elizabeth. The more skilled companies obtained the queen’s favor and were granted permission to remain in London.

Not all companies, however, were so fortunate: “Sussex’s men may not have been quite up to the transition from rural inn-yards to the more demanding circumstances of court performance. Just before the Christmas season of 1574, for example, they were inspected (‘perused’) by officials of the Revels Office, with a view to being permitted to perform before the queen; but they did not perform” (Kay, 90). Shakespeare and his company, on the other hand, performed successfully in London from the early 1590s until 1611. It would be a mistake to classify William Shakespeare as only a playwright, even the greatest playwright of the English-speaking world; he was also “an actor, a sharer, a member of a company” (Kay, 95), obligations that were extremely relevant to his plays. As a man of the theatre writing for a company, he knew what would work on stage and what would not and was able to make his plays practical as well as brilliant. And perhaps more importantly, his theatrical experience must have taught him much about the human experience, about everyday lives and roles, just as his plays show us that “All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players” (As You Like It, 2.7.149–50).

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Shakespeare’s Audience:A Very Motley Crowd

From Insights, 1992When Shakespeare peeped through the curtain at the audience gathered to hear his first play, he

looked upon a very motley crowd. The pit was filled with men and boys. The galleries contained a fair proportion of women, some not too respectable. In the boxes were a few gentlemen from the royal courts, and in the lords’ box or perhaps sitting on the stage was a group of extravagantly dressed gentlemen of fashion. Vendors of nuts and fruits moved about through the crowd. The gallants were smoking; the apprentices in the pit were exchanging rude witticisms with the painted ladies.

When Shakespeare addressed his audience directly, he did so in terms of gentle courtesy or pleasant raillery. In Hamlet, however, he does let fall the opinion that the groundlings (those on the ground, the cheapest seats) were “for the most part capable of nothing but dumb shows and noise.” His recollections of the pit of the Globe may have added vigor to his ridicule of the Roman mob in Julius Caesar.

On the other hand, the theatre was a popular institution, and the audience was representative of all classes of London life. Admission to standing room in the pit was a penny, and an additional penny or two secured a seat in the galleries. For seats in the boxes or for stools on the stage, still more was charged, up to sixpence or half a crown.

Attendance at the theatres was astonishingly large. There were often five or six theatres giving daily performances, which would mean that out of a city of one hundred thousand inhabitants, thirty thousand or more spectators each week attended the theatre. When we remember that a large class of the population disapproved of the theatre, and that women of respectability were not frequent patrons of the public playhouses, this attendance is remarkable.

Arrangements for the comfort of the spectators were meager, and spectators were often disorderly. Playbills seem to have been posted all about town and in the theatre, and the title of the piece was announced on the stage. These bills contained no lists of actors, and there were no programs, ushers, or tickets. There was usually one door for the audience, where the admission fee was deposited in a box carefully watched by the money taker, and additional sums were required at entrance to the galleries or boxes. When the three o’clock trumpets announced the beginning of a performance, the assembled audience had been amusing itself by eating, drinking, smoking, and playing cards, and they sometimes continued these occupations during a performance. Pickpockets were frequent, and, if caught, were tied to a post on the stage. Disturbances were not infrequent, sometimes resulting in general rioting.

The Elizabethan audience was fond of unusual spectacle and brutal physical suffering. They liked battles and murders, processions and fireworks, ghosts and insanity. They expected comedy to abound in beatings, and tragedy in deaths. While the audience at the Globe expected some of these sensations and physical horrors, they did not come primarily for these. (Real blood and torture were available nearby at the bear baitings, and public executions were not uncommon.) Actually, there were very few public entertainments offering as little brutality as did the theatre.

Elizabethans attended the public playhouses for learning. They attended for romance, imagination, idealism, and art; the audience was not without refinement, and those looking for food for the imagination had nowhere to go but to the playhouse. There were no newspapers, no

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magazines, almost no novels, and only a few cheap books; theatre filled the desire for story discussion among people lacking other educational and cultural opportunities.

The most remarkable case of Shakespeare’s theatre filling an educational need is probably that of English history. The growth of national patriotism culminating in the English victory over the Spanish Armada gave dramatists a chance to use the historical material, and for the fifteen years from the Armada to the death of Elizabeth, the stage was deluged with plays based on the events of English chronicles, and familiarity with English history became a cultural asset of the London crowd,

Law was a second area where the Elizabethan public seems to have been fairly well informed, and successful dramatists realized the influence that the great development of civil law in the sixteenth century exercised upon the daily life of the London citizen. In this area, as in others, the dramatists did not hesitate to cultivate the cultural background of their audience whenever opportunity offered, and the ignorance of the multitude did not prevent it from taking an interest in new information and from offering a receptive hearing to the accumulated lore of lawyers, historians, humanists, and playwrights.The audience was used to the spoken word, and soon became trained in blank verse, delighting in monologues, debates, puns, metaphors, stump speakers, and sonorous declamation. The public was accustomed to the acting of the old religious dramas, and the new acting in which the spoken words were listened to caught on rapidly. The new poetry and the great actors who recited it found a sensitive audience. There were many moments during a play when spectacle, brutality, and action were all forgotten, and the audience fed only on the words. Shakespeare and his contemporaries may be deemed fortunate in having an audience essentially attentive, eager for the newly unlocked storehouse of secular story, and possessing the sophistication and interest to be fed richly by the excitements and levities on the stage.

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Shakespearean SnapshotsFrom Insights, 2002

By Ace G. PilkingtonIt is hard to get from the facts of Shakespeare’s life to any sense of what it must have been like

to have lived it. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon and died there in 1616. The day of his birth is not certain, but it may have been the same as the day of his death—April 23—if he was baptized, as was usual at the time, three days after he was born. He married Anne Hathaway in the winter of 1582–83, when he was eighteen and she was twenty-six. He became the father of three children. The first was Susannah, who was born around May 23, close enough to the date of the wedding to suggest that the marriage was not entirely voluntary. Shakespeare’s twins, Hamnet and Judith, were baptized on February 2, 1585. Hamnet died of unknown causes (at least unknown by us at this distance in time) in 1596. Shakespeare’s career as actor, theatre owner, manager, and, of course, playwright began in the vicinity of 1590 and continued for the rest of his life, though there are clear indications that he spent more and more time in Stratford and less and less in London from 1611 on. His work in the theatre made him wealthy, and his extraordinary plays brought him a measure of fame, though nothing like what he deserved or would posthumously receive.

It’s hard to get even the briefest sense of what Shakespeare’s life was like from such information. It is probably impossible ever to know what Shakespeare thought or felt, but maybe we can get closer to what he saw and heard and even smelled. Perhaps some snapshots—little close-ups—might help to bring us nearer to the world in which Shakespeare lived if not quite to the life he lived in that world. In Shakespeare’s youth, chimneys were a new thing. Before that, smoke was left to find its way out through a hole in the roof, often a thatched roof, and there were even some who maintained that this smoky atmosphere was better than the newfangled fresh air that chimneys made possible—along with a greater division of rooms and more privacy.

In the year of Shakespeare’s birth, Stratford had more trees than houses—”upwards of 400 houses as well as 1,000 elms and forty ashes” (Peter Thomson, Shakespeare’s Professional Career [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992], 1). Peter Levi says, “The town was so full of elm trees that it must have looked and sounded like a woodland settlement. For example, Mr. Gibbs’s house on Rothermarket had twelve elms in the garden and six in front of the door. Thomas Attford on Ely Street had another twelve. The town boundaries were marked by elms or groups of elms (The Life and Times of William Shakespeare [New York: Wings Books, 1988], 7). Shakespeare’s “Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang” becomes a far more majestic image with the picture of Stratford’s elms in mind. And the birds themselves had a sound which modern ears no longer have a chance to enjoy. “We must realize that it was ordinary for . . . Shakespeare to hear a dawn chorus of many hundreds of birds at once. . . . as a young man thirty years ago I have heard a deafening dawn chorus in the wooded Chilterns, on Shakespeare’s road to London” (Levi 10).

Exactly what Shakespeare’s road to London may have been or at least how he first made his way there and became an actor is much debated. He might have been a schoolmaster or fifty other things, but he may well have started out as he ended up—as a player. We can then, in John Southworth’s words, “Picture a sixteen-year-old lad on a cart, growing year by year into manhood, journeying out of the Arden of his childhood into ever more unfamiliar, distant regions, travelling ill-made roads in all weathers, sleeping in inns, hearing and memorising strange new dialects and forms of speech, meeting with every possible type and character of person; learning, most of all per-haps, from the audiences to which he played in guildhalls and inns” (Shakespeare the Player: A Life in the Theatre [Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing Limited, 2000], 30). At some time in his life—in fact, many times—Shakespeare must have known theatrical tours very like that.

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In London itself, the new Globe, the best theatre in (or rather just outside of ) the city, was in an area with a large number of prisons and an unpleasant smell. “Garbage had preceded actors on the marshy land where the new playhouse was erected: `flanked with a ditch and forced out of a marsh’, according to Ben Jonson. Its cost . . . included the provision of heavy piles for the foundation, and a whole network of ditches in which the water rose and fell with the tidal Thames” (Garry O’Connor, William Shakespeare: A Popular Life [New York: Applause Books, 2000], 161). The playgoers came by water, and the Globe, the Rose, and the Swan “drew 3,000 or 4,000 people in boats across the Thames every day” (161). Peter Levi says of Shakespeare’s London, “The noise, the crowds, the animals and their droppings, the glimpses of grandeur and the amazing squalor of the poor, were beyond modern imagination” (49).

England was a place of fear and glory. Public executions were public entertainments. Severed heads decayed on city walls. Francis Bacon, whom Will Durant calls “the most powerful and influential intellect of his time” (Heroes of History: A Brief History of Civilization from Ancient Times to the Dawn of the Modern Age [New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001], 327), had been “one of the persons commissioned to question prisoners under torture” in the 1580s (Levi 4). The opportune moment when Shakespeare became the most successful of playwrights was the destruction of Thomas Kyd, “who broke under torture and was never the same again,” and the death of Christopher Marlowe in a tavern brawl which was the result of plot and counterplot—a struggle, very probably, between Lord Burghley and Walter Ralegh (Levi 48).Shakespeare, who must have known the rumors and may have known the truth, cannot have helped shuddering at such monstrous good fortune. Still, all of the sights, smells, and terrors, from the birdsongs to the screams of torture, from the muddy tides to the ties of blood, became not only the textures and tonalities of Shakespeare’s life, but also the infor-mation and inspiration behind his plays.

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Ghosts, Witches, and ShakespeareBy Howard WatersFrom Insights, 2006

Some time in the mid 1580s, young Will Shakespeare, for reasons not entirely clear to us, left his home, his wife, and his family in Stratford and set off for London. It was a time when Elizabeth, “la plus fine femme du monde,” as Henry III of France called her, had occupied the throne of England for over twenty-five years. The tragedy of Mary Stuart was past; the ordeal of Essex was in the future. Sir Francis Drake’s neutralization of the Spanish Armada was pending and rumors of war or invasion blew in from all the great ports.

What could have been more exciting for a young man from the country, one who was already more than half in love with words, than to be headed for London!

It was an exciting and frightening time, when the seven gates of London led to a maze of streets, narrow and dirty, crowded with tradesmen, carts, coaches, and all manner of humanity. Young Will would have seen the moated Tower of London, looking almost like an island apart. There was London Bridge crowded with tenements and at the southern end a cluster of traitors’ heads impaled on poles. At Tyburn thieves and murderers dangled, at Limehouse pirates were trussed up at low tide and left to wait for the water to rise over them. At Tower Hill the headsman’s axe flashed regularly, while for the vagabonds there were the whipping posts, and for the beggars there were the stocks. Such was the London of the workaday world, and young Will was undoubtedly mentally filing away details of what he saw, heard, and smelled.

Elizabethan people in general were an emotional lot and the ferocity of their entertainment reflected that fact. Bear-baiting, for example, was a highly popular spectator sport, and the structure where they were generally held was not unlike the theatres of the day. A bear was chained to a stake in the center of the pit, and a pack of large dogs was turned loose to bait, or fight, him. The bear eventually tired (fortunately for the remaining dogs!), and, well, you can figure the rest out for yourself. Then there were the public hangings, whippings, or drawing and quarterings for an afternoon’s entertainment. So, the violence in some of Shakespeare’s plays was clearly directed at an audience that reveled in it. Imagine the effect of having an actor pretend to bite off his own tongue and spit a chunk of raw liver that he had carefully packed in his jaw into the faces of the groundlings!

Despite the progressing enlightenment of the Renaissance, superstition was still rampant among Elizabethan Londoners, and a belief in such things as astrology was common (Ralph P. Boas and Barbara M. Hahna, “The Age of Shakespeare,” Social Backgrounds of English Literature, [Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1931] 93). Through the position of stars many Elizabethans believed that coming events could be foretold even to the extent of mapping out a person’s entire life.

Where witches and ghosts were concerned, it was commonly accepted that they existed and the person who scoffed at them was considered foolish, or even likely to be cursed. Consider the fact that Shakespeare’s Macbeth was supposedly cursed due to the playwright’s having given away a few more of the secrets of witchcraft than the weird sisters may have approved of. For a time, productions experienced an uncanny assortment of mishaps and injuries. Even today, it is often considered bad luck for members of the cast and crew to mention the name of the production, simply referred to as the Scottish Play. In preaching a sermon, Bishop Jewel warned the Queen: “It may please your Grace to understand that witches and sorcerers within these last few years are marvelously increased. Your Grace’s

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subjects pine away, even unto death; their color fadeth; their flesh rotteth; their speech is benumbed; their senses bereft” (Walter Bromberg, “Witchcraft and Psychotherapy”, The Mind of Man [New York: Harper Torchbooks 1954], 54).

Ghosts were recognized by the Elizabethans in three basic varieties: the vision or purely subjective ghost, the authentic ghost who has died without opportunity of repentance, and the false ghost which is capable of many types of manifestations (Boas and Hahn). When a ghost was confronted, either in reality or in a Shakespearean play, some obvious discrimination was called for (and still is). Critics still do not always agree on which of these three types haunts the pages of Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Richard III, or Hamlet, or, in some cases, why they are necessary to the plot at all. After all, Shakespeare’s ghosts are a capricious lot, making themselves visible or invisible as they please. In Richard III there are no fewer than eleven ghosts on the stage who are visible only to Richard and Richmond. In Macbeth the ghost of Banquo repeatedly appears to Macbeth in crowded rooms but is visible only to him. In Hamlet, the ghost appears to several people on the castle battlements but only to Hamlet in his mother’s bedchamber. In the words of E.H. Seymour: “If we judge by sheer reason, no doubt we must banish ghosts from the stage altogether, but if we regulate our fancy by the laws of superstition, we shall find that spectres are privileged to be visible to whom they will (E.H. Seymour “Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory on Shakespeare” in Macbeth A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare [New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1963] 211).Shakespeare’s audiences, and his plays, were the products of their culture. Since the validity of any literary work can best be judged by its public acceptance, not to mention its lasting power, it seems that Shakespeare’s ghosts and witches were, and are, enormously popular. If modern audiences and critics find themselves a bit skeptical, then they might consider bringing along a supply of Coleridge’s “willing suspension of disbelief.” Elizabethans simply had no need of it.

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Shakespeare’s Day: What They WoreThe clothing which actors wear to perform a play is called a costume, to distinguish it

from everyday clothing. In Shakespeare’s time, acting companies spent almost as much on costumes as television series do today.

The costumes for shows in England were so expensive that visitors from France were a little envious. Kings and queens on the stage were almost as well dressed as kings and queens in real life.

Where did the acting companies get their clothes? Literally, “off the rack” and from used clothing sellers. Wealthy middle class people would often give their servants old clothes that they didn’t want to wear any more, or would leave their clothes to the servants when they died. Since clothing was very expensive, people wore it as long as possible and passed it on from one person to another without being ashamed of wearing hand-me-downs. However, since servants were of a lower class than their employers, they weren’t allowed to wear rich fabrics, and would sell these clothes to acting companies, who were allowed to wear what they wanted in performance.

A rich nobleman like Count Paris or a wealthy young man like Romeo would wear a doublet, possibly of velvet, and it might have gold embroidery. Juliet and Lady Capulet would have worn taffeta, silk, gold, or satin gowns, and everybody would have had hats, gloves, ruffs (an elaborate collar), gloves, stockings, and shoes equally elaborate.

For a play like Romeo and Juliet, which was set in a European country at about the same time Shakespeare wrote it, Elizabethan everyday clothes would have been fine—the audience would have been happy, and they would have been authentic for the play. However, since there were no costume shops who could make clothing suitable for, say, medieval Denmark for Hamlet, or ancient Rome for Julius Caesar, or Oberon and Titania’s forest for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, these productions often looked slightly strange—can you imagine fairies in full Elizabethan collars and skirts? How would they move?

Today’s audiences want costumes to be authentic, so that they can believe in the world of the play. However, Romeo and Juliet was recently set on Verona Beach, with very up-to-date clothes indeed; and about thirty years ago, West Side Story, an updated musical version of the Romeo and Juliet tale, was set in the Puerto Rican section of New York City.

Activity: Discuss what the affect of wearing “special” clothes is—to church, or to a party. Do you feel different? Do you act different? How many kinds of wardrobes do you have? School, play, best? Juliet and Romeo would have had only one type of clothing each, no matter how nice it was.

Activity: Perform a scene from the play in your everyday clothes, and then in more formal clothes. Ask the participants and the spectators to describe the differences between the two performances.

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Synopsis: HamletPrince Hamlet of Denmark has been hastily summoned from his studies at Wittenberg to

the Danish courts at Elsinore where he deeply mourns the recent death of his father, the king. Adding to his despair is the hasty remarriage of his mother, Gertrude, to his Uncle Claudius, who has seized the Danish throne. Norwegian Prince Fortinbras poses yet another threat to the general peace as he prepares to invade Denmark.

Hamlet is informed by his trusted friend Horatio, as well as by soldiers who keep watch during the night, that his father’s ghost has appeared on the battlements of Elsinore castle. Hamlet attends the watch with them and the ghost appears, informing Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius, who then set about winning Gertrude’s affections. The ghost implores Hamlet to take revenge against Claudius.

At first, Hamlet is filled with murderous resolve, but soon vacillates between action and inaction, between sanity, madness and feigned madness. In his soliloquies, he expresses his dis-gust at his own inaction, also considering the possibilities, good and bad, of suicide. Feeling that Ophelia, whom he loves, is being used against him by her father, he repulses her.

Hamlet conceives a plot wherein he can satisfy himself of Claudius’s guilt. He has a band of traveling players perform a play, graphically representing the crimes of his uncle. Claudius’s violent reaction to the play convinces Hamlet of his guilt. Claudius storms from the play where he kneels in private prayer. Hamlet discovers him and resolves to kill him then and there, only to change his mind, fearing that Claudius would be sent to heaven if he were killed while in the act of repentance.

Hamlet bolts into his mother’s bedroom, where, it seems to her, he is about to kill her. Instead, he accidentally kills Polonius, the father of Ophelia and Laertes, who is eavesdropping behind the draperies. The ghost of Hamlet’s father appears to him again, but not to the queen, who becomes convinced of Hamlet’s insanity as he carries on an animated conversation with a ghost that is invisible to her.

Claudius exiles Hamlet to England, seemingly for killing Polonius. He also sends secret orders with Hamlet’s guards that Hamlet be executed when he arrives in England. Confused and grief stricken by Hamlet’s seeming indifference and the death of her father, Ophelia goes mad and drowns in a brook, even as word arrives that Hamlet has outwitted his guards, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, by replacing his name with theirs on the execution orders, and is back in Denmark.

Meanwhile, Laertes, who like Hamlet must avenge his father’s death, attempts to invade the castle. Claudius, however, succeeds in turning Laertes’s wrath against Hamlet. They then plot to kill Hamlet with a poisoned sword in a supposedly friendly fencing match. In case that fails, Claudius will provide a poisoned drink.

The challenge arrives, and Hamlet accepts, supposing it to be a friendly contest. The two arrive in court, and Hamlet has scored two hits when his mother drinks to his health from the poisoned cup. Laertes, now desperate, catches Hamlet off guard and cuts him with the poisoned rapier. Hamlet’s anger is aroused, and he manages to exchange swords with Laertes and to wound him in return. The queen dies, and Laertes confesses his treachery, revealing the entire plot. Hamlet runs Claudius through and forces him to drink the remaining poisoned wine. Hamlet names Fortinbras, whose army is heard in the distance, as successor to the Danish throne.

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Characters: HamletClaudius: King of Denmark and uncle to Hamlet, Claudius has recently taken the widowed

Queen Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother) to wife after having seized the Danish throne. He is a man who lusts for power and will do whatever is needed to protect himself.

Hamlet: Son of Queen Gertrude and the late King Hamlet and nephew of the present king, Hamlet is a reflective university student and apparent heir to the throne of Denmark. His grief at his father’s death is only deepened by his mother’s hasty remarriage to his uncle and his seeming betrayal by Ophelia, whom he loves.

Polonius: Lord Chamberlain and father to Laertes and Ophelia, Polonius is not always wise in his counsel to his children, but he is a devoted father. As lord chamberlain, he is a clumsy plotter and often a man in love with the sound of his own voice.

Gertrude: Queen of Denmark and mother of Hamlet, Gertrude is a devoted mother but is probably naïve as to the wiles of her new husband.

Ophelia: Daughter of Polonius, Ophelia is innocent, childlike, and weak. She loves Hamlet but is easily swayed by her father’s influence and her brother Laertes’s counsel.

Ghost of Hamlet’s FatherHoratio: A fellow student, scholar, and friend of HamletLaertes: Son of Polonius, Laertes is a lifelong associate and friend of Hamlet, having grown up

in the same general environment. A foil to Hamlet, he is more the youthful libertine and is prone to hasty reaction. He is a devoted son and brother.

Voltemand: A courtierCornelius: A courtierRosencrantz: A courtier and one of the guards who is to escort Hamlet to England.Guildenstern: A courtier and one of the guards who is to escort Hamlet to England.Osric: A courtier, but a dandy and a fop.Gentleman: A courtierMarcellus: An officer, Marcellus is one of the castle guards who first encounters the ghost of

Hamlet’s father.Bernardo: An officer, Berrnardo is another of those who first encounters the ghost of Hamlet’s

father.Fortinbras: Prince of Norway, Fortinbras, like Hamlet, is a young man who feels he must

avenge his father’s death.English AmbassadorPriestNorwegian CaptainSailorDanish SoldiersPlayer KingPlayer QueenPlayersClowns, Gravediggers: They provide a needed comic relief and the gravedigger affords Hamlet

the environment for one of his more famous quotes.

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Hamlet: The Humorous ManBy Diana Major Spencer

From Insights, 1991Theatre-goers in Elizabethan England expected and usually found one or more humorous

characters during an afternoon of drama. The Utah Shakespeare Festival’s selections for l99l would not disappoint them, for in these plays Shakespeare has provided Kate, Petruchio, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Hamlet, all of them humorous in the sense intended by Hamlet in his remarks to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern announcing the imminent arrival of the players: “The humorous man shall end his part in peace” (II.ii.335). That Kate, Petruchio, and Sir Andrew are humorous is obvious. Yet Shakespeare’s audience would also have recognized Hamlet as humorous. Not funny, not comical but humorous.

Nowadays, “funny, amusing, witty, droll, whimsical, and laughable” are synonyms for humorous. But this modern range of meaning evolved after Shakespeare’s death, appearing in print for the first time, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, in l705. For Shakespeare, the word humour meant “fluid or moisture,” specifically “the life juices of plants or animals.”

Briefly, the doctrine of the humours included the following assumptions: Four elements comprise the universe, each with characteristic temperature or humidity: earth/cold, water/moist, air/dry, and fire/hot. As these combine to create various life forms, they produce four life-carrying fluids, the humours: blood, phlegm, choler or yellow bile, and melancholy or black bile. Each person contains all four categories elements, qualities, and humours but the proportions vary.

A preponderance of one humour results in an identifiable character type, with characteristic appearance and behavior: the melancholic is pale, reflective, and fretting (Hamlet); the phlegmatic is apathetic, indifferent, and pale (Sir Andrew); the sanguine is ruddy, good-natured, and devil-may-care (Petruchio); and the choleric is lean, easily angered, and vindictive (Kate).

The appearance of a person dressed in black and using words like “black,” “nighted,” “sable,” “dark,” “dank,” “witching hour,” and so forth, would prepare an Elizabethan for a melancholy humour. (Melan- is the Greek root meaning “black.”) If he also broods and frets in lengthy indulgence of his anger as opposed to the choleric’s immediate flare-up he substantiates the audience’s suspicion that he is melancholy. Add fitful sleep and fearful dreams, both of which are mentioned by Hamlet, and you have the perfect melancholic. Hamlet is “distemper’d,” “melancholy,” “mad” with his “antic disposition,” his “nighted colour,” and “the dejected ‘haviour of the visage” (downcast eyes).

Perfect physical and mental health result from a temperate mixture of the four humours, each of which is tempered (modified by mixing) by the presence of the others. Fortune blesses few individuals with the perfect blend, but Hamlet believes Horatio is such as one: “Blest are those / Whose blood and judgement are so well comeddled, / That they are not a pipe for fortune’s finger / O sound what stop she please. Give me that man / That is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him / In my heart’s core” (III.ii.72-78).

Someone who, like Horatio, has his humours and his reason well mixed (comeddled) is even-tempered, temper meaning “the appropriate mixture of qualities.” If Horatio shows anger, he loses his temper; he could also lose his temper by falling into melancholy.

Hamlet, we are told, has undergone a transformation and, thus, is out of temper (Gertrude’s “too much changed son” [II.ii.37]). One’s temper could be altered by diet, blood-letting, sitting in the sun and passion. In fact, the same humour could stem from different passions. If grieved, as Hamlet was, the reduction of heat in the body, combined with the

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loss of moisture through weeping, produces a cold, dry temperament: melancholy. Conversely, Polonius also makes sense when he attributes Hamlet’s behavior to love: such passion generates heat, which vaporizes the humours and dissipates the hot, moist blood through sighs, leaving it cold and dry as dross: melancholy.

Ophelia’s madness may also be interpreted as humorous (phlegmatic) in that she becomes too apathetic and dull to act in her own defense. Gertrude’s observation that she was “like a creature native and indued / Unto that element [water],” and Laertes’ “too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia,” suggest that her death by drowning suited her watery character.

For Shakespeare a humorous character could be unbalanced either by nature or by circumstance. He might be comic or tragic, a Petruchio or a Hamlet; he might enjoy his humour, as Petruchio does; or his humour might be his “tragic flaw,” as Hamlet’s is. In any case a humorous character is a source of conflict and dramatic tension, and of resolution when, at play’s end, “the humorous man shall end his part in peace.”

“Good night, sweet Prince.”

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Hamlet: Provocative, Enigmatic, PopularFrom Insights, 1991

Of all the plays written by Shakespeare, Hamlet has enjoyed the greatest popularity (and per-haps the greatest love) over the years. Its first performances, probably soon after 1600, were success-ful, and it has seen consistently successful revivals throughout the centuries since. The title role is one that most actors aspire to play, and they regard success in that part as the ultimate achievement of a career. Every schoolboy recognizes the soliloquy beginning “to be, or not to be,” and numerous quotations from the play have become cliches of everyday speech.

Hamlet is not only Shakespeare’s most popular play, it is generally conceded to be his most pro-vocative and enigmatic one, as witnessed by its thousands of performances in theatres of all nations and ages. (There is a French Hamlet, an English Hamlet, an Italian Hamlet, and a Russian Hamlet, each different in personal and national idiosyncrasy, but all profoundly true to Shakespeare’s ideal of the inscrutable spirit of the Prince of Denmark.) Both men and women seem to identify with Hamlet’s confused search for justice and with his ultimate awareness of his own frailty. Most simply, the story may be defined as a man in search of his soul, but who never finds it.

Writing in an age which put little value on originality, Shakespeare rarely invented his own plots. The story of Hamlet goes back to the Viking age in Denmark. The story was first written down by Saxo Grammaticus in the twelfth century, later translated into French, and thence to a dramatized version on the Elizabethan stage, which was possibly Shakespeare’s first acquaintance with the plot. In its early form, Hamlet was strictly a revenge play, and Shakespeare re-created the character of the protagonist, changing the old revenger into the most complex character the Bard ever created a prince of the Renaissance: courtier, scholar, soldier, disillusioned idealist, and a con-templative man rather than an active one. He re-created Hamlet as a complex individual whom we ponder over in attempting to explain his inability to take decisive action; his treatment of Ophelia; his madness, real or feigned; and a host of other questions. Others had told the story; Shakespeare created the character. It is because Hamlet is what he is that he delays his revenge until the last moment.

But what, or who, exactly, is Hamlet. First, it must be remembered that he is a young man in anguish, not only that his father has died, but that his mother has married her late husband’s brother and done so with unseemly haste. The rest of the court has adjusted to the changes; it has conformed. But Hamlet, like many present-day students who feel society is at fault in its compro-mises, protests. Hamlet has a sense of deeper reality, i.e. moral and spiritual awareness. It is, how-ever, the ghost’s revelation which takes him to the greatest depths of anguish, and the revelation of his father’s murder imposes a mission upon Hamlet revenge.

Not only is Hamlet unusually sensitive to moral and spiritual values, his predicament is unusu-ally complex. As an aristocrat, he is inevitably influenced by the code of honor, which demands speedy vengeance for such a wrong as the murder of his father. On the other hand, Christianity (and the play is explicitly Christian) condemns revenge. The problem is made more acute in Hamlet’s case by the fact that the king is God’s viceroy. Rebellion is always sinful, the Elizabethans felt, and perhaps more so against a wicked king since he might be a scourge sent by God to pun-ish the nation’s sins. Thus, Hamlet’s dilemma is intensified, and this dilemma carries through the action of the entire play.

Thus, as we struggle to understand Hamlet the play and Hamlet the character, perhaps the best thing to remember about all the different approaches and definitions of character is simply this: each age looks at Hamlet and finds there—itself. foolish—and magic.

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Hamlet: Symbolic LayersBy Michael Flachmann

From Midsummer Magazine, 1997Embedded deep within the well-known plot of Hamlet are a number of highly resonant

themes and images relating to death and dying which were undoubtedly more accessible to Shakespeare’s contemporaries than they are to audiences of today. If the exciting narrative story of murder, revenge, ghosts, pirate ships, duels, romance, and incest has fascinated viewers since its first performances in the early 1600s, the play’s symbolic layers offer even more intrigue, inviting generation after generation of theatregoers to search for meaningful parallels between their own mortality and this richly allusive script.

Chief among these important themes is the ars moriendi, or “the art of dying well,” which finds its echoes in Hamlet’s preoccupation with dying, his famous contemplation of Yorick’s skull, his meditations on suicide, and the play’s incessant emphasis on death--beginning with Old Hamlet’s murder and culminating with the spectacular final scene in which the stage is lit-tered with bodies. Composed and first acted during the plague years of 1599 1606, the script was strongly influenced by fear of “the sweating sickness,” which raged through London and its envi-rons killing people abruptly and indiscriminately. In 1603, in fact, the year of Elizabeth’s death and the accession of James to the throne, over 40,000 people in the city succumbed to the disease.

Not surprisingly, Shakespeare’s audience was constantly searching for emotional solace during this time of increased vulnerability to the plague, which Hamlet ironically provided through its intense theatrical preoccupation with death and dying. According to popular ars moriendi tradi-tion, people who wished to “die well” could prepare themselves for the grave through a variety of contemplative exercises which forced them to stare death in the face in much the same way that Hamlet broods over the skull of his dead jester.

Fortified by coming to terms with their own mortality, they could therefore confront death with dignity and spiritual comfort. This same theme surfaces in such other Shakespearean plays as The Tempest, in which Prospero retires to Milan where “every third thought” will be of his grave (5.1.315), and Julius Caesar, where Brutus stoically receives news of his wife’s suicide by explain-ing, “With meditating that she must die once, / I have the patience to endure it now” (4.3.190 91).

Closely connected to this ars moriendi tradition is the presence of the gravediggers, whose occupation of uncovering dead bodies parallels the play’s larger symbolic fixation with uncovering the truth, unearthing cultural memories, and revealing unresolved Oedipal traumas in the royal family of Denmark. Set within its comic context, the gravediggers’ scene mirrors the play’s more serious preoccupation with “digging up” the truth on a variety of crucial topics: Hamlet’s relation-ship with his father and mother, his distaste for Uncle Claudius, his love for Ophelia, his desire to become king, and his morbid fixation with death. Just as the gravediggers go about their grim business of unearthing long-dead bodies so fresh ones could be interred, so too does Shakespeare’s play systematically uncover the ambition, pride, lust, jealousy, and other attendant sins that have been buried for years within layers of courtly intrigue and deceit.

Another seminal death image, which brings about the first and most important murder in the play, is the poisoning of Hamlet’s father as he lies sleeping in his orchard. Reverberating through-out the script, the poison poured into Old Hamlet’s ear reappears in the players’ reenactment of the crime, in the poisoned sword and wine at the conclusion, and in all the metaphorical poison poured into ears throughout the play in the form of gossip, suggestions of revenge, slander, and evil thoughts that visit sickness and disease upon the entire court of Denmark. In selecting this

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particular method of killing the king, Shakespeare was once again exploiting contempo-rary Renaissance scientific knowledge--in this case, Italian physician Bartolomeo Eustachi’s discovery in approximately 1570 that a hollow structure of bone and cartilage extending from the middle ear to the rear of the throat, now called the Eustacian tube, could carry fluids from one location in the body to the other. Like the author of an early-day Friday the Thirteenth, Shakespeare has capitalized upon this novel method of killing the king, which reminds us of all the other poisonings in the play, both literal and symbolic.

Hamlet’s grief over his father’s gruesome death and his eventual meeting with Old Hamlet’s ghost comprises only one of four important father-son relationships in the play--all of which relate to death and dying in some respect. The others include Polonius and Laertes, Old Fortinbras and Young Fortinbras, and Uncle Claudius as surrogate parent to the young Hamlet while his absentee father was away from home smiting “the sledded Polacks on the ice” (1.1.63). Perhaps some of this emphasis upon fathers and sons is indebted to the fact that Shakespeare’s own son, Hamnet, died in 1596 at the age of eleven— approximately four years before Shakespeare wrote this play. Though the names of Hamnet and Judith, Shakespeare’s twins, seem to have been fashioned after those of his neighbors, Hamnet and Judith Sadler, and although the title of the play certainly owes some debt to the principal character Amlethus in the source material, Saxo Grammaticus’ Historia Danica, the paral-lel between the name of Shakespeare’s hero and that of his own recently deceased son is too tempting to ignore. One possible hypothesis is that Shakespeare, while mourning his son’s death, wrote a play that helped expiate his grief through an exploration of the relation-ships between four different sets of fathers and sons. Adding to the intrigue is the persistent rumor that Shakespeare the actor may have played the part of the Ghost in early produc-tions of the play, which might explain why this morbid character has such an expansive dra-matic role.

One final theme which helps us understand the many references to death and dying in Hamlet is the script’s emphasis upon the art of acting. Viewed within this metatheatrical context, Shakespeare’s play offers an intriguing range of “dramatic” life-or-death situations. Although the play-within-the-play is the most blatant of these devices, Shakespeare encour-ages us to interpret a number of other situations in his script in the same morbid fashion: Hamlet, for example, feigns madness in his attempt to learn the truth about his father’s murder; Claudius pretends to be innocent of the crime in order to save his life; Polonius falsely impersonates a devoted father and public servant and ends up being killed for his duplicity; and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern counterfeit as sincere friends, which leads to their bloody executions. One result of such an emphasis upon the artifice of the play is that we as spectators are invited to consider the extent to which our own lives are self-consciously theatrical. What is the crucial difference, Shakespeare seems to be asking, between the stage world and the real world? Between illusion and reality? If “all the world’s a stage,” as the well-known theatrum mundi commonplace suggests, how much of our own behavior, like Hamlet’s, is spent dissembling the truth in order to discover the truth? And how often do we become “actors” to preserve our lives?

All these central themes relating to death and dying are woven through the fabric of Shakespeare’s play like a profusion of multicolored threads in a beautiful Renaissance tap-estry. Which of these images will stand out most vividly in director Howard Jensen’s 1997 production of the script? Which will allow us to see with clarity “the skull beneath the skin” of our own mortality. As Hamlet might say, “the play’s the thing” which will help us, no matter what century we inhabit, in learning how to die well.

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Hamlet: Revenge and Double RevengeBy Diana Major Spencer

From Souvenir Program, 1991One never insists on the originality of Shakespeare’s plots, but wonders at the alterations he

wrought to such serendipitous effect. Yes, Shakespeare used formulas and stock characters, even in Hamlet, whose underpinnings spell out the Senecan revenge “formula” with a ghost, a dumb show, vengeance, delayed action, madness, and so forth. In Hamlet, however, Shakespeare integrates the ghost and dumb show into the hero’s motivations. No mere spectator, King Hamlet’s ghost imposes revenge on his son; no set piece, the dumb show is the “mousetrap” by which Hamlet “catch[es] the conscience of the king” (2.2.605).

For the rest, the Bard tenders a “two’fer”: two revenge tragedies, each with vengeance, delayed action, and madness, suffered by two families, each with a slain father, an avenging son, and a female of compromised virtue. One father expires mysteriously before the play opens; the other falls midway. One compromised woman is Gertrude, whose incestuous marriage Hamlet seeks to avenge; the other is Ophelia, whose chamber he has entered “unbraced” and “ungarter’d” (2.1.75-77).

Hamlet is the fulcrum for both plots. In the process of reconciling ghost-messages, Christian doctrine, and general reluctance to perform violence, the prince, newly certain of his father’s poi-soner, unwittingly becomes the murderer of Polonius. He thus incurs two burdens: avenging his father’s death and requiting Polonius’s.

Delay is another part of the formula, and Hamlet duly hesitates to kill Claudius. But Shakespeare gives Hamlet reasons, besides his overwhelming melancholy, for delay. First, ghosts are not necessarily reliable messengers; Hamlet wants surety of Claudius’s guilt. Second Claudius at prayer gives pause to the Christian prince, whose father’s ghost laments departing life “with all my imperfections on my head” (l.5.79). Third, Hamlet is conscious throughout of the eternal penalties for slaughter and self-slaughter, the frightening unknowns that may follow death, and the dreadful finality of worm-eaten flesh.

In contrast, no mystery enshrouds Polonius’s death. Laertes rushes home from France to avenge both his father and his sister. Ironically, his revenge is delayed by Claudius in deference to Hamlet’s “madness,” and Laertes lives to repent his own rashness.

Finally, the requisite madness is likewise divided between the families. Hamlet claims to be “but mad north-north-west” (2.2.378), and he instructs his mother “that I essentially am not in madness, / But mad in craft” (3.4.l87-88). Some critics believe he protests his own madness; but he seems sane against Ophelia’s mad songs and “self-slaughter.” Interestingly, in Polonius’s family, madness and revenge are disjointed; no questions arise about Laertes’ sanity.

In a play like Titus Andronicus, the madness and vengefulness centered in Titus march inexo-rably, and slowly, toward a single revenge. In Hamlet, Shakespeare gives us, not merely a sub-plot, but a parallel plot which backlights the principal characters against an aura of universality, creating the illusion that Hamlet is “Everyman.” Dividing the burdens of the revenge plot humanizes the protagonist and universalizes the plot. Dividing in two equals multiplying by infinity. Arithmetic doesn’t work that way; Shakespeare does.

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The Hamlet QuestionBy Ace G. Pilkington and Olga A. Pilkington

In 1780, Ulrich Braker, a Swiss peasant, completed his reading of a German translation of Shakespeare’s plays. Of Hamlet, he said, “You king of all plays, you flower of all works of this kind that ever a poet could make . . . you paragon of beauty, ornament of all stages, diamond of all libraries, heart’s core—I couldn’t possibly find words to express how much you’re my favorite” (A Few Words about William Shakespeare’s Plays by a Poor Ignorant Citizen of the World Who Had the Good Fortune to Read Him [New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1979],99, 100). There are many more famous writers who have said it less well. A great part of the pleasure in this play comes from the prince himself and the dilemma he faces. Hamlet expounds his problem in what is perhaps the most famous of Shakespeare’s soliloquies, beginning with the words “to be or not to be.” If there is one place that holds the heart of Hamlet’s mystery, the music in his soul that he tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern they can never sound or even hear, it is in these words that still trouble the dreams, arguments, and doctoral dissertations of critics. Is the speech about suicide as it seems to be or about a larger and equally dangerous issue? Has Hamlet’s despair pushed him to the verge of self slaughter or is he about to face that most formidable of tasks, a dangerous action that leads on—if all goes well—to a desired transformation of the world?

In Russia, “the Hamlet question” has had long-standing national significance. James H. Billington says, “The principal reason for the sustained interest of the aristocracy lay in the romantic fascination with the character of Hamlet himself. Russian aristocrats felt a strange kinship with this privileged court figure torn between the mission he was called on to perform and his own private world.” And as Billington goes on to point out, “Radischev was perhaps the first to turn special attention to Hamlet’s monologue in his own last work: On Man, His Mortality and Immortality, and resolved the question by taking his own life thereafter, in 1802. . . . By the late years of the reign of Alexander I the high incidence of aristocratic suicide was causing the state grave concern” (The Icon and the Axe: An Interpretive History of Russian Culture [New York: Vintage Books, 1970], 354, 355).

While these Russian examples make it seem as though Hamlet’s dilemma is whether or not to kill himself, the issue in the play, in Russia, and indeed in the minds of the play’s readers and watchers is much more complex. Roland Mushat Frye calls this “the greatest aporia (in the sense of a debate about an issue and weighing of its sides) in Shakespeare” (The Renaissance Hamlet: Issues and Responses in 1600 [Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984], 189). As Frye clearly argues, Hamlet’s “to be or not to be” was a scholarly construction that could be used to set up an argument regarding the truth or falsehood of any proposition. Hamlet is, in fact, debating with himself about whether it was better to take action against oppression or to suffer passively. “Suicide would release one from having to decide whether and how to act” (189). More than this, suicide could release one from having to act or passively participate in a world ineradicably sullied at its heart. So, for some German and Russian thinkers, suicide became a glorious adventure, not as an end to life but as a rejection of corruption. Of course, in Shakespeare’s time and in many other times and places dur-ing the following centuries, even the suggestion of changing the world by violence had its dangers. Queen Elizabeth and, after her, James I did not approve of such philosophies. To quote Frye once more, “Shakespeare has managed it in a generalized context which the authorities would not find seditious, but which intelligent theatergoers would find exciting” (189).

In examining earlier and later versions of the text of Hamlet, James Shapiro comes to the conclusion that, “Shakespeare had created his greatest protagonist, but the trajectory of Hamlet’s soliloquies had left the resolution of the play incoherent and broken too radically from the con-ventions of the revenge plot that had to sweep both protagonist and play to a satisfying conclu-

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sion. Shakespeare now had to choose between the integrity of his character and his plot, and he chose plot” (A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare: 1599 [New York: Harper Collins Publishers,2005], 312). However, Shapiro is not taking all the factors into consideration here. Shakespeare is choosing, but he is also balancing. He must preserve the integrity of Hamlet’s ques-tion, or the play loses its point. He must plunge Hamlet into action or there is no plot. And behind everything there is the ghost of political power, of bloody coercion, and a countervailing whisper of assassination and rebellion.

Despite Shakespeare’s careful balancing, his fictional prince has often sent shivers of unease down the spines of real rulers. In Russia under the Tsars and later under the Comissars, Shakespeare was wildly popular. There are many reasons for this popularity, not the least of which is, in the words of Eleanor Rowe, that “political and social comment was usually made, because of censor-ship, in the guise of literature or literary criticism. The writer functioned as seer and prophet” (Hamlet: A Window on Russia [New York: New York University Press, 1976], 56). It was an environment very much like the one in which Shakespeare’s Hamlet was created. In World War II Leningrad, “Thousands of spectators wrapped in furs, blankets, and mufflers jammed the unheated halls and applauded . . . Othello” (Marc Slonim, Russian Theater from the Empire to the Soviets [New York: The World Publishing Company, 1961], 331). On the radio were Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet (331). “Over the years 1945 to 1957 alone, the Soviet stage saw more than 300 produc-tions of Shakespeare’s plays” (Roman Samarin, ed., Shakespeare in the Soviet Union [Moscow, Russia: Progress Publishers, 1966], 7). But beginning during World War II and continuing until 1953, productions of Hamlet were forbidden in the Soviet Union, not officially but effectively because Stalin made it clear that he did not approve of the play. The ban had begun with the can-cellation of a production of Boris Pasternak’s translation of Hamlet by the Moscow Art Theatre. “There was,” as Pasternak biographer Ronald Hingley says, “no point in putting ideas into people’s heads” (A Biography: Pasternak [London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1985], 150). The play was not per-formed again until after Stalin’s death, giving the peoples of the Soviet Union one more cause for celebration in 1953.

Who then is Hamlet and what does he finally decide? Perhaps even Shakespeare did not know the answer to the huge scholarly, political, and personal question he had formulated. Perhaps ulti-mately such questions are about process, about living and understanding rather than about con-cluding (even in a drama that concludes with death). In far too many places in his plays for it to be accidental, Shakespeare raises questions he does not answer. In Peter Ackroyd’s words, “His plays were never fixed or finished; he was continually remaking them and, to the horror of editors who would prefer a definitive text, we may fairly assume that each play was slightly different at every performance” (Shakespeare: The Biography [New York: Nan A. Talese, Doubleday, 2005], 278, 279). In other words, each play remained alive, and the questions went on echoing in the minds of the audience and the author. But for those who would like a conclusion—to this essay at least—here are two. One of the most interesting answers to the Hamlet question was Boris Pasternak’s in the poems he appended to Doctor Zhivago. In Pasternak’s words, “Hamlet is not the drama of a weak-willed character, but of duty and self abnegation. . . . Hamlet is chosen as the judge of his own time and the servant of a more distant time” (cited in Billington, 562).

And maybe the best concluding judgment on Hamlet (and Hamlet criticism) may be found in words spoken by the great Soviet Shakespearean scholar Alexander Anikst at an international con-ference in London, “Don’t ask for simple answers from Shakespeare! Just believe in Shakespeare, in his greatness, in his wide outlook, in his ability to put into one play a whole world with all its contradictions, contrasts and problems” (John Elsom, ed., Is Shakespeare Still Our Contemporary [New York: Routledge,1989], 180).

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ActivitiesThe Play Within A Play

Write the script for the play Hamlet has performed in the court. Use clues from the text to help you decide where to go.

You’re the Designer Create costume designs that show the difference between Hamlet and the rest of the court. Pay attention to the meaning or feelings behind the colors you pick. Consider what era you want to set the play in and what impact that will have on the play.

You’re the Writer Rewrite Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” speech in modern language. Try to include several idioms, allusions, and examples of figurative lan¬guage.

You’re the ActorOption A: Monologue

Pick a speech of at least ten lines. Repeat the speech using several different techniques. Try it dramatically, angrily, humorously, sarcastically. Try emphasizing different words to change the meaning of the words.

Option B: Dialogue Pick a bit of dialogue of at least ten lines. Play the scene using several different tech-niques. Try it dramatically, angrily, humorously, and sarcastically. Try emphasizing differ-ent words and swapping roles to change the meaning of the words.

You’re the Playwright Write or improvise a scene involving any of the characters from the play. Examine their relation-ships from a modern perspective. How could they communicate differently? Is there another way the play could have ended? Are there other complications that could have arisen?

Telling the Story Hamlet is full of monologues and soliloquies, when reading the play pick at least five speeches that you feel tell the overall story of the show. They can be from any character in any scene.

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Famous LinesWilliam Shakespeare coined a number of phrases that we still use today, including (in varying

forms) the following from Hamlet.

“The lady protests to much, methinks.” Gertrude 3.2.218“To be or not to be, that is the question.” Hamlet 3.1.57“To thine own self be true.” Polonius 1.3.79“Though this be madness, yet there is method in ‘t.” Polonius 2.2.195“The play ‘s the thing…” Hamlet 2.2.565

“Brevity is the soul of wit.” Polonius 2.2.92

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Hamlet 1.5.168

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Marcellus 1.4.95

“Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio.” Hamlet 5.1.161

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Vocabulary/Glossary of TermsSince Hamlet was written, many words in English have changed their meaning, and some are no

longer used. If you remember the slang you used a few years ago, it seems dated. Who now uses the word “groovy”? Shakespeare used the rich vocabulary of his day within his plays. Below you will find just a sample of words we don’t often see today and an example of how it might be used today.

adoption tried: friendship that has stood the test of time.“Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried…” Polonius 1.3.63You have friends who have proven themselves faithful.

apoplex’d: paralyzed“But sure, that sense is apoplex’d; for madness would not err.” Hamlet 3.4.75Surely your senses are paralyzed, otherwise you would behave this way.

arras: a tapestry wall hanging.“Be you and I behind an arras then…”Polonius 2.2.155We will hide behind this tapestry to spy.

bodkin: a dagger or stiletto.“When he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin?” Hamlet 3.1.78He could just as easily take out his knife and end it all.

candied: sugared/sweet.“No, let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp, and crook the pregnant hinges of the knee where

thrift may follow fawning.” Hamlet 3.2.54No, give sweet flattery to those who can pay well for it.

cozenage: treachery.“And with such cozenage--is’t not perfect conscience, to quit him with this arm?” Hamlet 5.2.72And because he’s so treacherous would it not be moral to kill him now with this sword.

distemper: mental disturbance.“Good my lord, what is your cause of distemper?” Rosencrantz 3.2.302What’s making you so upset?

fain: wish.“I have a speech of fire, that fain would blaze, but that this folly doubts it.” Laertes 4.7.187I have some fiery words to say, and I wish I could say them, but my tears are drowning them out.

fishmonger: a dealer in fish, or someone who sells women.“Yet he knew me not at first; he said I was a fishmonger.” Polonius 2.2.80He didn’t recognize me at first, he called me a fish seller.

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gib: tomcat.“Would from a paddock, from a bat, a gib, such dear concernings hide?” Hamlet 3.4.194Why would you hide such things from a toad, a pig, a cat, a monster like him?

harbingers: persons or things that come before to announce of what is coming“As harbingers preceding still the fates and prologue to the omen coming on…” Horatio 1.1.122We’ve had similar omens of terrible things to come.

mountebank: quack doctor.“I bought an unction of a mountebank…” Laertes 4.7.138I bought this poisonous oil from a quack doctor

scullion: a servant doing the rough, dirty work in a kitchen.“Unpack my heart with words, and fall a-cursing, like a very drab, a scullion!” 2.2.548I want to act upon the anger in my heart, but all I can do is stand around cursing like a common

kitchen wretch.

tenures: titles to property.“Where be his quiddities now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks?”Where is his eloquent speech, his important legal cases, his titles and his courtroom tricks?

to the manner born: accustomed to it since a child.“But to my mind, though I am native here and to the manner born, it is a custom more honour’d

in the breach than the observance.” Hamlet 1.4.16Even though I was born here and am used to the tradition, I think I’d rather not celebrate it.

unfold yourself: to make known or lay open to view.“Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.” Francisco 1.1.2No, answer me. Show yourself.

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Examining the TextFigurative Language

Shakespeare uses many types of figurative language like metaphor, simile, and personification. Recognizing when his characters are speaking figuratively helps to understand what they are say-ing.

At the beginning of Hamlet’s famous soliloquy he is contemplating his own mortality and uses the slings and arrows as a metaphor for the attacks he feels in his life, as well of sea of troubles as a description of the mounting problems he feels he’s drowning in.

Shakespeare’s Language: Prose vs. VerseMany students—and adults, for that matter—find Shakespeare difficult to read and hard to under-

stand. They accuse him of not speaking English and refuse to believe that ordinary people spoke the way his characters do. However, if you understand more about his language, it is easier to understand. One idea that may help is to remember that his plays are written in two forms: prose and verse.

Prose Prose is the form of speech used by common, and often comic, people in Shakespearean drama.

There is no rhythm or meter in the line. It is everyday language. Shakespeare’s audiences would recognize the speech as their language. When a character in a play speaks in prose, you know that he is a lower class member of society. These are characters such as criminals, servants, and pages. However, sometimes important characters can speak in prose. For example, the majority of The Merry Wives of Windsor is written in prose because it deals with the middle-class.

An Example of ProseThe following example is from one of the Gravediggers in Hamlet.

“Cudgel thy brains no more about it, for your dull ass will not mend his pace with beating. And when you are asked this question next, say “A grave-maker.” The houses that he makes last till doomsday. Go, get thee in. Fetch me a stoup of liquor.”

VerseMost of Shakespeare’s characters speak in what is called “blank verse.” It contains no rhyme, but

each line has an internal rhythm with a regular rhythmic pattern. The pattern most favored by Shakespeare is iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter is defined as a ten-syllable line with the accent on every other syllable, beginning with the second one. The rhythm of this pattern of speech is often compared to a beating heart. Examine this line from another famous Hamlet speech.

“Oh, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt.”Place the words with syllabic count:1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10Replace the words with a ‘da’ sound to hear the heart beat:da-DA da-DA da-DA da-DA da-DANow put the emphasis on the words themselves:Oh-THAT this-TOO too-SUL lied-FLESH would-MELT

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An Example of VerseThe Ghost (telling Hamlet of his murder):Thus was I, sleeping, by a brother’s handOf life, of crown, of queen at once dispatched,Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin,Unhouseled, disappointed, unaneled.No reckoning made, but sent to my accountWith all my imperfections on my head.Oh, horrible, oh, horrible, most horrible!

Breaking the RulesLike all great writers even Shakespeare broke his own rules in his plays. The greatest example of this

in Hamlet is perhaps Shakespeare’s most famous line of text. “To be or not to be, that is the question.”If we add the iambic emphasis on the line something strange happens. We notice there is an extra

syllable.To-BE or-NOT to-BE that-IS the-QUES tionThis is called a feminine ending (when the line of text ends on an unstressed syllable.) In fact the

entire beginning of this famous speech is full of them.

“To be, or not to be--that is the question:Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortuneOr to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them.”

By breaking the conventional meter we have heard throughout the show we seem to subconsciously understand that Hamlet is troubled by these thoughts of suicide.

Monologue vs. SoliloquyThe text of this play is full of speeches. There are two distinctive types of speeches, monologues and

soliloquies. The difference between the two is simple.Monologues are long speeches that are addressed to other characters. In Hamlet Claudius is a great

example as most of his speaking is addressing other people. Soliloquies are a single character speaking only to themselves as a tool to let the audience in on what

is happening in their mind. Hamlet is the best example of these kind of speeches in the show.

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Elementary School Discussion QuestionsCompare and Contrast

1. Who is your favorite character and why? Who do you dislike, why?2. If you were acting in a production of the play, which character would you want to be? Why?

Who would you not want to play? Why?3. Compare Hamlet to the story of The Lion King. Think about how they are similar and different

in time frame, characters, settings, and ending.

Relational1. Who is to blame for each of these deaths: Polonius, Laertes, Claudius, Hamlet, Ophelia, and

Gertrude? Is there a real hero or villain? 2. Should Hamlet have listened to the ghost of his father, even though he was asking him to com-

mit a crime? Is it ever right to disobey?3. How else could Hamlet have proved Claudius killed his father?

Textual1. Look at the advice Polonius gives Laertes in Act 1 Scene 3. Do you think it is good advice? Why?2. In the last scene of the play Horatio intends to kill himself as well, Hamlet stops him saying “If

thou didst ever hold me in thy heart absent thee from felicity a while, and in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain to tell my story.” Why does Hamlet ask him to do this?

3. While Shakespeare wrote many revenge plays Hamlet is unique in the sense that we don’t see him go straight from his anger to the enacting of his revenge. He contemplates the certainty of the world and wonders if what he’s doing is right all the way through. Why do you think that is? Does it add something to the play? Does it take away anything? Hat examples in the text can you find to support this idea?

Shakespeare’s World1. Is there anything that happens in this play that you wouldn’t see in the world today? Were these

events common in Shakespeare’s time? Why?2. What would it be like to see this play at Shakespeare’s theatre, The Globe, in the hot afternoon,

standing up, with men playing all the roles (even Ophelia)?3. How do you think Shakespeare would react if he knew that you were learning about his play

more than 450 years after he wrote it?

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High School Discussion QuestionsCompare and Contrast

1. Study the character of Horatio. It is possible that his name comes from the Latin word for orator or speaker. What evidence in the text supports this idea?

2. Hamlet was written sometime between 1599 and 1601, in 1606 he wrote Macbeth, another play that deals with murder and mortality. How do they relate to each other? How has Shakespeare changed as a writer in those 5ish years?

3. Watch the movie The Lion King, 1994. Compare and contrast the two stories. What is the same? What is different? How do changes in the character’s relationships (i.e. Timon and Pumbaa acting as loyal best friends instead of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern only pretending to be loyal) affect the meaning and feel¬ing of the story?

Relational1. At what point in the story did things begin to go wrong? Whose fault was this? Discuss how the choices

of the following characters affected the outcome of the play: Hamlet, Laertes, Claudius, Gertrude, Polonius, the Ghost etc.

2. Was Hamlet really crazy? Consider the beginning of the play when he tells his friends he’s going to pre-tend to be while he plotted against Claudius, but was he by the end? Can people really themselves by act-ing a certain way?

3. The cause of Ophelia’s death is debated in the play. Gertrude says she fell into the water, others think she jumped and drowned. Do you think she intentionally drowned herself, or was it accidental? How do you think Shakespeare intended it to be perceived? Why do you think he left room for doubt?

Textual1. Read Claudius’ speech in Act 3 Scene 3. Do you believe he is really feeling guilty? Or does he only want

to feel that way? What evidence in the text supports your claim?2. Read the scenes where Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship is mentioned. (1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, and5.1) Does

he really love her? Did he ever? Cite act, scene, and line number to support you theory.3. In Act 1, Scene 5 The Ghost tells Hamlet of Claudius’s treachery. As he commands Hamlet to take

revenge he orders him “But howsoever thou pursuest this act, taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught.” Why does he ask Hamlet to leave his mother alone? Does Hamlet follow those orders?

Shakespeare’s World1. In 1596 at the age of eleven, Shakespeare’s only son, Hamnet, died. Assuming Shakespeare had per¬sonal

experience with grief and the relationship between a father and his son, what does this play say about his later attitude about 3-5 years later when he wrote the play?

2. It is well known that the role of Hamlet was written for Richard Burbage, a well-known dramatic actor in Shakespeare’s troupe, the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. What does this tell us about Shakespeare’s writing process? How would writing for specific actors affect the types of characters he wrote?

3. How to you think the actors (all male) would have overcome the challenges of perform¬ing this very dramatic script to a widely diverse audience (some very rich and some very poor), in the middle of the day, with no special effects? What would they have to do to keep their attention? How does Shakespeare’s arrangement of the action help?

Utah Shakespeare Festival 351 West Center Street • Cedar City, Utah 84720 • 435-586-7880