Hallway review


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Transcript of Hallway review

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Page 2: Hallway review

Similar to this we are going to be presenting our credits on a number of separate clips so it is not too much information to read at once. The credits will fade in and out onto the screen in sequence. In this case the credits are presented at the start of the film which is an idea we like and think works well; Therefore we have decided to present our credits at the start of our film.

Page 3: Hallway review

This is the first shot shown in the film and introduces the character from the start. It is a long shot of the woman who is the main character in the film. It purposefully ignores the rule of thirds in order to create a distorted obscure effect.

Here the camera has stayed in the same position and tracked the woman from the front by allowing her to walk towards the camera. It again shows who the main focus is. In both these beginning shots low key lighting is used to create a spooky effect and introduce the genre of the film right away.

This again is a strange shot used in the film. The main focus for the audience is the mirror in the corner which shows a car entering a car park alone. The use of the reflection creates an image that somebody is perhaps watching or waiting for the car.

Here the camera has panned to a tracking shot of the car. It appears to be isolated in the car park and the tracking shot makes it look like someone is following them.

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Here is an over the shoulder shot. This creates an effect that the person is being followed closely behind. It is also a point of view shot which shows nothing in the distance emphasising total aloneness.

The camera tracks the woman and shows a mid shot of her. It remains very close implying somebody is right behind her.

After the closeness of the camera tracking the woman, there is then a reaction shot to a noise heard. The woman looks a little scared and confused implying something is there.

The camera then cuts to a point of view shot from the woman’s perspective. It creates an effect of confusion after hearing a noise there is nothing there. A wall dominates a large section of the screen which could suggest somebody is hiding.

Page 5: Hallway review

Here is a medium shot of a woman getting out of a lift where you can clearly see she is totally alone. Low-key lighting is used in a way in which you are unable to see the woman’s facial features creating a distorted image.

The camera cuts to a tracking shot of the woman. Again the lighting remains low-key in order to keep with the sense of horror and create tension as you are unaware to completely see what is in the shot.

This is a very effective shot used. It is an over the shoulder shot where the killer dominates most of the screen. He is dressed in black to stand out on the walls which are lit. The camera is from his point of view down a long corridor with the woman at the end alone.