Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015

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Transcript of Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015


    Greetings everyone,

    Not long to go until exams. It is surprising how quickly thissemester has gone. There will naturally be a lot of stress as

    we approach exams. Ensuring that you eat well, exercise anget plenty of rest will help. The !tress "ess #orkshops coulbe helpful. $or more information please refer to the linkbelow%


    The *ec +entre is an excellent place to sweat out- stress.They have excellent facilities an also host a range ofifferent exercise classes that coul be helpful. +heck outtheir link below%


    uring the stuy break an exams we have an alcohol ban inall halls. This is to ensure that the halls remain quiet anconucive for focusse stuy. The no noise time is alsobrought forwar to /pm.

    The 0ccommoation !ervices Team woul like to wish you allthe best for your last assignments, tests anexams. !afe travels back home for the holiay break anwe look forwar to seeing you again next !emester.

    Only a Few More Weeks Till Exams!


    〉  Gumboot "aer 1oar

    〉  Events 2asse 3Tree 2lanting an Trips

    to *otorua an Taupo

    〉  4pcoming Events35alls 1all, 2ink

    1reakfast an "io 6uting〉  *esients of the 7onth37arch

    〉  !tuent +ounselling3 Exam Time

    〉  !port an *ecreation +entre3

    1oy8am, !ocial "eagues

    〉  +ampus "iving3Important Notices

    〉  +haplaincy

    〉  +T"3 !tuy4p Exam 2rep !eminars

    ISSUE THREE l 13TH MAY 2015

     Above: Tree Planting Event  

    Below: International Trip to Rotorua andTaupo

    Level 2, The Student Centre


    Ext 84163

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015



    Roor"a Tri# A#ril $%&$'(0 group of 9: International !tuents from all parts of theworl embarke on a first ever visit to *otoruaorganise by 0ccommoation !ervices anInternational !tuent !upport 6ffice.

    #e arrive at ;iwipaka 0ccommoation, unloae our

    luggage an ha free time for the much of theafternoon. In the evening we ha a visit to 7itai +ultural: stuents went to Taupo for theay. Incluing travelling time, it was a full ?9(hour ay, so weha some pretty tire travellers by ay@s en, but everyone

    ha a great timeA#e starte the ay in Taupo with a scenic boat trip arounthe lake an took in the fantastic 7aori rock carvings in 7ine1ay. Everyone ha a fun time on the boat, en=oying thepacke lunches, the scenery an even the ecent weather.0fter the boat trip, everyone ha a go at the 5ole(in(6ne"ake Taupo Golf challenge, where we saw a lot of stuentsshow great potential. It was the first time for some stuentsto hol a golf clubA 6ne of them love it so much that hewants to =oin a golf club once he returns to his country.

    #e then went on to the ma=estic 5uka $alls. The stuentswere all very impresse with the raw power of 5uka $allsan use up many gigabytes with the hunres of photostaken.6n the way back to 2almy, we stoppe in Taupo again for alovely break, where stuents i shopping an families tooktheir chilren to a beautiful park near the I(!ite.It was a long ay, but everyone ha a great time, an wewere very fortunate that the weather behave itself for us."ooking forwar to having you =oin our trip next yearA

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015



    It was a slightly overcast, mil afternoon at 2it 2ark on!aturay the 9n  of 7ay ( perfect conitions for treeplantingA 2it 2ark is an ongoing communitypro=ect run by volunteers as part of the 2it 2ark2eople Group an the 2N++ to create a community

    space for 2almerston North people. This is 7assey@s>th year being involve with planting at the park.

    It was great to have the

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015



    5i everyone,

    It@s ama'ing how quickly the semester has gone. #ith only two more weeks of lectures left, many of you will be beginning to think aboutexams.

    Pre#are 5or S"//essuring 7ay we are running online seminars on exam skills. These sessions are short, sharp an esigne to prepare you with the skillsyou nee to succee. Go to http%&&owll.massey.ac.n'&about(6#""&stuyup.php  to register an fin out more about these sessions.

    Plan yo"r s"-yIt@s a goo iea to plan out your revision so you know you@ll have time to cover what you nee. #hen you@re putting together a plan, thinkabout how much time you nee to allocate for each exam. 0n exam worth >: is going to nee more time than one worth F:. Jou canownloa a planning template from http%&&owll.massey.ac.n'&tests(an(exams&planning(exam(stuy.php .

    Ti#s an- Tri/ksJou can also fin lots of other tips an tricks on how to tackle your exams on the 6#"" website. Go to http%&&owll.massey.ac.n'&main&tests(an(exams.php to fin info on planning, preparing an sitting your exams.

    4se your time wisely. !tuy, couple with some you- time is a great combination. $in that healthy balance.

    #e at the +entre for Teaching an "earning woul like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best.

    Goo "uckA

    7emory !kills for Exams 0 short support class iscussing how to manage your memory to

    remember what you nee to.http%&&connect.massey.ac.n'&connectstuysupport  


    ? 7ay


    2reparation makes


    evelop some extra memory skills an learn some structure revisions tricks.https%&&connect.massey.ac.n'&stuyup 

    Tuesay ,

    ?/ 7ay




    0 short class offering tips an avice for preparing for your final exams.http%&&connect.massey.ac.n'&connectstuysupport  


    9? 7ay


    !urviving the exam !trategies for getting through the exam an answering ifferent types of questions.https%&&connect.massey.ac.n'&stuyup 


    9> 7ay?9noon

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015



    0s you approach exam time it may be helpful to think about how you havetene to cope with stress up until this point, an whether it woul be useful tomake some changes. +onsier these questions%( 5ow strong is your spiritual lifeK( 5ow coul you ten to this, or cultivate it, to help sustain an strengthen youthrough stressful timesK

    If at any point you woul like to chat, or =ust have a break from stuy, feel free tocome an visit us at The +entre. #e love connecting with you guys, an aremore than happy to listen, an offer some encouragement an support.

    6ur #enesay night 2ancake Nights will continue throughout the stuy breakan into exams, so if you nee to eat or to =ust get away from the stuy for a bit,

    come an hang out with usA

    0ll the best for your exams ( we will be praying for you.

    *ebekah Con behalf of the +haplainsD

    5i thereA

    #ell it@s not too long until the en of lectures, an at the momentyou may be in the thick of assignments an thinking about exams,which are looming closer. Exams in particular can be a stressfultime, an something we can spen quite a bit of time worryingabout CI know that was my experience as a stuentAD. #ith this inmin, I am wonering a couple of things% 5ow o you cope withstress an worryK #ho or what o you raw onK

    There is research that shows that uner stress =ust looking after thebasics can be really goo for us% Getting enough sleep anexercise eating well steering clear of substances that might alterour min in some way Cthat inclues too much caffeineAD stayingconnecte socially L seeking support from family an friens, anhaving some fun to balance the stress.

    0s well as these things, tening to our spiritual sie can bebeneficial in helping us cope with stress. $or some people thismay, as yet, be an untappe resource. !piritual experience mightinvolve prayer, meitation, going to church, experiencing nature orthe arts, reaing inspirational material, or spening time withpeople we love an are close to.

    Semeser One Only 0onra/s If your *esiential 0greement is for semester one only, an youwish to exten your contract an stay until the en of the year,please come to the *esiential !ervices 6ffice 1y 77n-  May78$' to sign up for next semester.

    If you -o no wish to exten your contact, or are unsure of thelength of your contract please contact our office via email atcampuslivingMmassey.co.n' , or come into our office to talk tous.

    If you are leaving at the en of the first semester, please ensureyour fees are fully pai an that you have complete the 1on*efun $orm, Ca copy of this form will be sent to you soonD an

    return it to the *!6.

    Semeser +reak !oon you will receive an email regaring the F week break in8une&8uly an information in regar to the meal rebate availablefor this time. 2lease note your contract oes cover this F weekperio an you will be charge your normal accommoation feesfor the full F weeks. $urther information is available on page 9>of the 0ccommoation 5anbook 9:?B uner the 0(e/k O" section.

    0ll 7atai resients have to vacate an completely clear out their

    rooms an hall friges for the F week break, so that extramuralstuents can use these rooms. 2lease help us by ensuring thatyour key is returne to our office no later than $8,88am on the9?st 8une.

    If your keys are not returne by this time we will unfortunatelynee to orer a lock an barrel change for your room an you

    will be charge the ?B?.:: replacement fee. 6ur office will notbe open at this time so you will nee to return your key in thekey return slot locate on the left han sie of our front oor asyou look into the office.

    If you have any questions about the upcoming break, pleasecome into the *!6 an talk to our staff.

    Sora.e!torage facilities are available in 7oginie

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015


  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015



    Wrist Watches

    7assey 4niversity has amene theexamination rule in relation to the wearing ofwrist watches uring final examinations.NO wrist watches are to be worn at all in the

    examination room. 0ny stuent foun to bewearing one will be require to remove itmmeiately.

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015



    Tuesday 5th May - Tuesday 26th



    Events Centre






    !ocial "eagues are about to get exciting as we hit quarter finals, semis an finals over the next two weeksA+heck out !ocial "eagues at pnrecreationMmassey.ac.n' to see who is topping the tables an will make it through to finalsO

    +ome on own an support your teams as they play off for prie, pi''a an $*EE entry into semester 9 !ocial "eaguesA

  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015



    S/ary Exam Time

    Jou probably know the feeling L you have so much to ohat you spen all your time rushing L there is no longerany time to have fun% visit friens, take a break, even go to

    he gym, take a walk or go to church. Jou resent thosepeople who seem to go out rinking every night an stillseem to crack the semester tests. Jou spen every wakingmoment at your esk L not aring to o anything else. Joun it har to concentrate you are grumpy an sleep

    poorly. Jour boy feels gross an unfit an you minseems to have stoppe working. Jou are faintly aware thatyour chest is tight, your shoulers sore, you have a ullheaache an sometimes fin it har to catch your breath.

    !tressA #e nee it to o our best but it can also paralyse us

    an lea us to o less unhelpful an even ownrightharmful things such as rinking too much, wasting time,gambling, or spening money we cannot affor. !tress isriggere by a huge range of life events L not =ust exams L

    an it can be the break up Cor threatene break upD of aelationship, an impening sports fixture, or by a blin ate.

    There is actually quite a lot we can o about it L an simplypretening it is not there, is not one of the better strategiesA

    +" I -on (a;e ime o relax! *elaxing is not necessarily

    about taking lots of time away from your stuies L of courseyou nee to spen enough time at your esk L but it neeso be effective time an too much stress makes thatneffectiveA 5ere are a few quick strategies%

    Plan your immeiate environment so it is not too messy ancluttere an swamps your concentration or istractsyou Cturn off email an cellphones, avoi a noisy or colplace, ensure enough ventilation so as to stay awakeD

    Or.anise your time so you know how much you nee to oan so that you can know where you are in the process.4se a timetable.

    Remem1er the P: & 9: principle L it takes 9: of the time tolearn P: of the work but to learn that last 9: is whattakes time L ask yourself if you have to know it all anperfectly L or is P: goo enough-K It is generally morethan enoughA

    So#. Take a eep breath L right eep into your boy. $eelyour stomach expan against your waistban as you oso. Now breathe out slowly against your lips as though

    you were cooling a cup of hot soup. +ontinue to breathslowly an regularly for three of four breaths.Slee# is a time when your min organises an makes sense

    of what you have learne. It is part of your stuying annot something to o when you are not stuying. Jounee to have sufficient restful sleep an it is efinitelynot waste time.

    Exer/ise oes not have to be an hour in the gym. 0 briskwalk aroun the ring roa, either alone or with friens,can re=uvenate you, floo your brain with oxygen angive you a chance to reflect on what you have learne

    up to that point.Ea a balance iet L try to avoi the =unk comfort foos

    which will leave you feeling uncomfortable. ;eep a =ar ofsomething tasty such as carrot sticks or apple slices allalreay cut an reay to nibble when you fin you neesomething-.

    Sre/( your whole boy L screw yourself into a tight ballclutching your knees an tucking your hea into yourchest, then uncoil slowly an reach as high as you canas you breath out.

    If you fin that you are overwhelme, talk to someone who canhelp L there are strategies which can help Cbut you o have toactually use those strategiesAD. It is less helpful Can a waste ofprecious timeD to bemoan the struggles but a far betterinvestment to face them hea on an o something to changethemA

    1oth the +entre for Teaching an "earning an the !tuent+ounselling !ervice run seminars to assist at this time so keep an

    eye out for what is avertise an make use of themA

    5ave a look at http%&&crow.massey.ac.n' for some great quick tipsan some useful resources.

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  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015


  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015


    +ongratulations to the following resients who have beenselecte as resients of the month for 7arch 9:?B for theirespective halls.

    The purpose of this awar is to acknowlege the significantcontribution that a resient has mae within the hall uring the lastmonth.

    Each will receive a coffee on us voucher for their contributions to thecommunity.

    T(is awar- is .i;en 1ase- on (e 5ollowin. /rieria:

    • General behaviour is exemplary

    • *espectful of others

    • 0ctively participating in hall events

    •0ctively encourages a clean an tiy environment

    • Encourages an motivates others in the all

    • 0ctive involvement in resient committees

    • 0bove all, is a positive role moel

    Naomi Puketapu-WaiteTOTARA HALL


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  • 8/9/2019 Halls Newsletter Issue 3 FINAL 2015
