Haliburton Owners Manual


Transcript of Haliburton Owners Manual

Page 1: Haliburton Owners Manual


Page 2: Haliburton Owners Manual

Welcome to the soothing world of the Canadian Spa Company.

This quality product will provide years of trouble free relaxation and enjoyment.

To get the most out of your new Hot Tub please read the following manual before using your spa.

• Locate your Spa on a clean surface, sweep away all debris.

• Your new spa must be placed on a flat level surface, not grass or gravel. If the area is notlevel make sure that the control box is located at the lowest point. The area must be at leastas big as the spa.

• Ensure the area you install it in can accommodate up to 300kg per sq metre.

• Do not locate your spa in a low water run off area as flooding of the equipment pack willdamage the unit.

• Do not locate your spa near overhead wires or electrical devices.

• Make sure your spa is located no further than four feet from an RCD protected, area suitableelectrical socket.

Welcome to the soothing world of the Canadian Spa Company.

This quality product will provide years of trouble free relaxation and enjoyment.

To get the most out of your new Hot Tub please read the following manual before using your spa.

• Locate your Spa on a clean surface, sweep away all debris.

• Your new spa must be placed on a flat level surface, not grass or gravel. If the area is notlevel make sure that the control box is located at the lowest point. The area must be at leastas big as the spa.

• Ensure the area you install it in can accommodate up to 300kg per sq metre.

• Do not locate your spa in a low water run off area as flooding of the equipment pack willdamage the unit.

• Do not locate your spa near overhead wires or electrical devices.

• Make sure your spa is located no further than four feet from an RCD protected, area suitableelectrical socket.

Welcome to the soothing world of the Canadian Spa Company.

This quality product will provide years of trouble free relaxation and enjoyment.

To get the most out of your new Hot Tub please read the following manual before using your spa.

• Locate your Spa on a clean surface, sweep away all debris.

• Your new spa must be placed on a flat level surface, not grass or gravel. If the area is notlevel make sure that the control box is located at the lowest point. The area must be at leastas big as the spa.

• Ensure the area you install it in can accommodate up to 300kg per sq metre.

• Do not locate your spa in a low water run off area as flooding of the equipment pack willdamage the unit.

• Do not locate your spa near overhead wires or electrical devices.

• Make sure your spa is located no further than four feet from an RCD protected, area suitableelectrical socket.




Page 3: Haliburton Owners Manual

Welcome to the soothing world of the Canadian Spa Company.

This quality product will provide years of trouble free relaxation and enjoyment.

To get the most out of your new Hot Tub please read the following manual before using your spa.

• Locate your Spa on a clean surface, sweep away all debris.

• Your new spa must be placed on a flat level surface, not grass or gravel. If the area is notlevel make sure that the control box is located at the lowest point. The area must be at leastas big as the spa.

• Ensure the area you install it in can accommodate up to 300kg per sq metre.

• Do not locate your spa in a low water run off area as flooding of the equipment pack willdamage the unit.

• Do not locate your spa near overhead wires or electrical devices.

• Make sure your spa is located no further than four feet from an RCD protected, area suitableelectrical socket.

Welcome to the soothing world of the Canadian Spa Company.

This quality product will provide years of trouble free relaxation and enjoyment.

To get the most out of your new Hot Tub please read the following manual before using your spa.

• Locate your Spa on a clean surface, sweep away all debris.

• Your new spa must be placed on a flat level surface, not grass or gravel. If the area is notlevel make sure that the control box is located at the lowest point. The area must be at leastas big as the spa.

• Ensure the area you install it in can accommodate up to 300kg per sq metre.

• Do not locate your spa in a low water run off area as flooding of the equipment pack willdamage the unit.

• Do not locate your spa near overhead wires or electrical devices.

• Make sure your spa is located no further than four feet from an RCD protected, area suitableelectrical socket.


Willkommen in der beruhigenden Welt von Canadian Spa.

Dieses Qualitätsprodukt garantiert Ihnen jahrelang ungetrübte Freude und Entspannung.

Um das Beste aus Ihrem neuen Aussenwhirlpool herauszuholen, lesen Sie bitte die folgendeGebrauchsanweisung sorgfältig, bevor Sie ihn in Betrieb nehmen.

• Platzieren Sie den Spa auf einem sauberen Untergrund. Entfernen Sie alle Unebenheiten.

• Ihr Spa muss auf einem flachen, ebenen Untergrund stehen, nicht auf Gras oderKieselsteinen. Sollte die Fläche nicht gerade sein, stellen Sie sicher, dass sich dasBedienelement an dem tiefsten Punkt befindet. Die gesamte Fläche muss mindestens dieGrösse des Spa´s haben.

• Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Fläche, auf welchem Ihr Spa stehen soll, mindestens 300 kg proQuadratmeter tragen kann.

• Bitte platzieren Sie Ihren Spa nicht in einem Wasserlauf oder in einem Gebiet, dassüberflutet werden kann – dies kann die Elektronik und die Bedienung beschädigen.

• Stellen Sie Ihren Spa nicht in die Nähe von Überkopfleitungen und elektronischen Geräten.

• Ihr Spa darf nicht weiter als 2 Meter von einer Aussensteckdose entfernt stehen.




Page 4: Haliburton Owners Manual


B x 7 (27")

R x 1

H x 1 (22")

K x 1

J x 1

G x 1 (12")

O x 1

D x 1

Q x 1


Page 5: Haliburton Owners Manual


C x 8

N x 8

I x 2

T x 1

P x 1

x 1

E x 2 Haliburton only

F x 2 (15") x 27" Muskoka

L x 6 (27")

M x 2 (10")

S x 2

A x 1

x 1


Page 6: Haliburton Owners Manual

Assembly Instructions

1 Take all components out of thebox and lay on the floor.

Refer to the checklist above toconfirm that all pieces are therebefore continuing.

2 Take the spa bottom pad (ItemA) and place where your spa willbe located.

Choose a flat level area that islocated within 4 feet of a wall plug.

Make sure the main control unit islocated at the lowest point if yourpatio is sloped.

3 Take the main panel (Item B)and place it along one of the sidesof the spa bottom pad.

Take main connector (Item C) andslide it onto the main panel onboth ends.

Continue this process until youhave 7 sides completed.

4 The 8th side of the spa iswhere the power pack (Item D) willbe located.

Make sure this is where you wantthe power pack before continuing.

Slide extension piece(Item E Haliburton only) intocorner connector with thereceiving channel facing out.

Slide panel support extrusion(Item F) into extension piece until ittouches the floor.

Repeat these steps for adjacentcorner connector.

Assembly Instructions

1 Retire todas as peças dacaixa.

Antes de começar a montagem,verifique que tem todas as peçasatravés da listagem queseguidamente lhe fornecemos.

2 Agarre o chão do spa(componente A) e coloque-o nalocalização do spa.

Verifique que o chão está bemnivelado e que existe uma tomadaeléctrica no máximo a 121 cm.

3 Coloque o painel principal(componente B) no bordo do chãodo spa.

Apanhe o conector principal(componente c) e una com eleatravés das guias o painelprincipal e os painéis contíguos.

Siga o mesmo processo com oresto dos painéis.

4 A caixa eléctrica (componenteD: motor, esquentador, visor,etc...) deve ser colocada no painelnúmero 8.

Antes deve verificar que a caixaeléctrica se vai posicionar ondevocê quer.

Deslize pelas guias a peça deextensão (componente E)dentro do conector de cantoscom a guia que fica à vista.

Deslize o painel de suporte deextrusão (componente F) dentroda peça de extensão até tocar ochão.

Repita este processo para montaro resto dos painéis com osconectores de cantos.

Assembly Instructions

1 Nehmen Sie alleKomponenten aus dem Karton.

Vergewissern Sie sich anhand derCheckliste, dass alle Teilevorhanden sind.

2 Legen Sie den Polsterbodendes Spa´s (Teil A )dorthin, wo IhrSpa später stehen soll.

Wählen Sie eine flache, ebeneFläche welche im Umkreis voneinem Meter eineFeuchtraumteckdose hat.

3 Platzieren Sie dasHauptseitenteil ( Teil B ) an einerSeite des Spa – Bodens.

Nehmen Sie dieVerbindungsstücke (Teil C) undschieben Sie diese an beidenSeiten in das Seitenteil.

Fahren Sie mit dieser Prozedur fortbis Sie sieben Seiten kompletthaben.

4 An der achten Seite wird dasPower Pack ( Teil D ) stationiert.

Stellen Sie sicher, dass dies dieStelle ist, an welcher Sie dasMotorgehäuse haben wollen,bevor Sie fortfahren.

Schieben Sie dasVerlängerungsstück ( Teil E ) indie Eckverbindung mit demVersorgungskabel nach aussen.

Die Verkleidung ( Teil F ) verbindenSie mit dem Verlängerungsstück,bis es den Boden berührt.

Wiederholen Sie diese Schritte fürangrenzende Eckverbindungen.

Assembly Instructions

1 Prenez tous les constituantsen dehors de la boîte et posez –les sur le plancher.

Référez à la liste de vérification au-dessus à confirmer si toutes lespièces détachées y sont avant decontinuer.

2 Prenez le coussinet en bas dela vllle d’eau (SPA) (l’article A) etposez ou votre viile d’eau (SPA)sera située.

Choisissez un bas fond pied quiest située quatre pieds deI’intérieur d’une prise courantmurale.

3 Prenez le panneau principal(l’article B) et posez – le, le longd’un du côté du coussinet en basde la ville d’eau (SPA).

Prenez le câble principal (I’articleC) et glissez~le dedans le panneauprincipal à deux extrémités.

Continuez, ce processus-cijusqu’au sept côtés ont étécomplèté.

4 Le côté 8 de la ville d’eau (SPA)est le point ou la puissance(l’article D) sera située.

Faites attention, c’est ici où vousvoulez la puissance avantcontinuer.

Glissez la pièce d’extension(l’article E) dedans le câble aucoin avec le canal de récepteursurfaçage dehors.

Glissez l’extrusion de support dupanneau (I’article F) dedans lapièce d’extension jusqù à ce qu’iltouche Ie plancher.

Répétez ces etapes pour le câbled’adjacant au coin.

Assembly Instructions

1 Estrarre tutti gli accessori dallascatola e appoggiarli sulpavimento.

Utilizzare la lista soprastante perverificare che tutti gli accessorisiano disponibili prima diprocedere.

2 Prendere la piattaformainferiore della Spa (Item A) emetterla dove la vostra Spa verràposizionata.

Scegliere un terreno pianeggianteche sia collocato ad almeno 1,5mtda una spina a muro.

3 Prendere il pannello principale(Item B) e sistemarlo lungo uno deilati del basamento della Spa.

Prendere il connettore principale(Item C) e infilarlo sul pannelloprincipale ad entrambe leestremità.

Ripetere la procedura finché nonavrete completato i sette lati.

4 Il complesso d’alimentazione(Item D) sarà collocato nell’ottavolato della Spa.

Accertarsi che si trovi nel luogodove si intende posizionarlo.

Infilare il pezzo estensibile (ItemE) nel connettore angolare con ilcanale di ricezione esposto.

Infilate l’estrusione di supporto delpannello (Item F) nel pezzoestensibile finché non tocca ilsuolo.

Ripetere queste procedure per ilconnettore angolare adiacente.


Assembly Instructions

1 Saque todos los componentesde la caja.

Antes de proceder al montaje,compruebe que tiene todas laspiezas según el listado que acontinuación le vamos detallando.

2 Coja el suelo del spa(componente A) y póngalo dondevaya a ubicar el spa.

Asegúrese para tal menester deque el suelo está bien nivelado yde que habrá toma de corrienteeléctrica a 121 cm aprox.

3 Coja el faldón principal(componente B) y póngalo alborde de suelo del spa.

Coja el conector principal(componente C) y una con él pormedio de los raíles el faldónprincipal con los faldonescontiguos.

Proceda de igual modo con elresto de faldones.

4 En el faldón número 8 esdonde debe colocar la cajaeléctrica (componente D: motor,calentador, display, etc…).

Antes de proceder, asegúrese deque la caja eléctrica va aposicionarse donde usted quiere.

Deslice por los raíles la pieza deextensión (componente EHaliburton) por dentro delconector de esquinas con el raílque queda a la vista.

Deslice el faldón de soporte deextrusión (componente F) pordentro de la pieza de extensiónhasta que toque el suelo.

Repita el procedimiento paramontar los faldones restantes conlos conectores de esquinas.

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5 Slide half panel (Item G)between both extension piecesand press down until panel restson top of panel supports.

6 Take back wall of power packenclosure (Item H) and slide 90deg.

Corner connectors (Item I) on bothends.

7 Take side panel of power packenclosure with the three holes(Item J) and slide it into thereceiving channel of the extensionpiece located on the main spa aswell as into the 90 deg. Cornerconnector of the back wall ofpower pack enclosure.

8 Take power pack (Item D) andplace it into the enclosure boxmaking sure the two air pipes gothrough the panel.

Make sure valve is completelypulled out to ensure water flow.

5 Ponga medio faldón por losraíles (componente G) entre dospiezas de extensión y presiónelohacia abajo hasta que el faldón sequede a ras de los soportes delfaldón.

6 Coja la pared de la cajaeléctrica (componente H) ydeslícela por los raíles 90 deg.

Ponga los conectores de esquinas(componente I) a ambosextremos.

7 Coja el faldón lateral de la cajade cerramiento. Éste tiene 3agujeros (componente J).Encájelo por los raíles de la piezade extensión situada en el faldónprincipal al mismo tiempo quetambién lo encaja en los 90 degColoque el conector de esquinasde la pared trasera de la cajaeléctrica.

8 Coja la caja eléctrica(componente D) y colóqueladentro de la caja de cerramiento,asegurándose de que las dostuberías de aire atraviesan elfaldón sin obstáculos.

Make sure valve is completelypulled out to ensure water flow.

5 Coloque meio painel pelasguias (componente G) entre duaspeças de extensão e prima-o parabaixo até que o painel fique ao résdos suportes do painel.

6 Deslize a parede da caixaeléctrica (componente H) pelasguias 90 deg.

Coloque os conectores de cantos(componente 1) nas duasextremidades.

7 Apanhe o painel lateral dacaixa de encerramento que tem 3orifícios (componente J). Encaixe-o nas guias da peça de extensãosituada no painel principal e, amesmo tempo, encaixe-o nasguias 90 deg. Coloque o conectorde cantos da parede traseira dacaixa eléctrica.

8 Coloque a caixa eléctrica(componente D) dentro da caixade encerramento, verificando queas duas tubagens de aratravessam o painel semobstáculos.

Make sure valve is completelypulled out to ensure water flow.

5 Schieben Sie das halbeVerbindungsstück ( Teil G )zwischen die beidenVerlängerungen und drücken Siees herunter, bis es einrastet.

6 Nehmen Sie die Wand desMotorengehäuses zurück ( Teil H )und schieben Sie 90 Grad.

Eckverbindungen an beide Enden.

7 Nun nehmen Sie das Seitenteildes Motorengehäuses mit dendrei Löchern ( Teil J ) und schiebenSie es in den Empfangskanal desVerlängerungsstückes, welches inden Spa führt, ebenso wie in die90 Grad Eckverbindung derrückwärtigen Wand desMotorengehäuses

8 Nehmen Sie das Power Pack (Teil D ) und platzieren Sie es indem Motorengehäuse. Stellen siesicher, dass die zwei Luftröhren inRichtung des Pools gehen.

Make sure valve is completelypulled out to ensure water flow.

5 Glissez le demi-panneau(l’article G) entre les deau piècesd’extension et pressez vers le fondjusqu au panneau reste sur lessupports du panneau.

6 Prenez l’arrière murale de laclôture de la puissance (l’article H)et glissez à 90 degré.

Accaparez les câbles (l’article I) àdeux extrémités.

7 Prenez le panneau à côté de laclôture de la puissance avec lestrois orifices (l’article J) et glissezdedans le canal de récepteur de lapièce d’extension qui est situéesur la ville d’eau (SPA) principale etaussi dedans le 90 degré.

Accaparez le câble de l’arrière del’arrière murale de la clôture de lapuissance.

8 Prenez la puissance (l’article D)et posez – la dedans la boîte de laclôture et faites attention que lesdeux tubes à air passent par lepanneau.

Make sure valve is completelypulled out to ensure water flow.

5 Fare scorrere metà delpannello (Item G) tra entrambi ipezzi estensibili e premerlo verso ilbasso finché il pannello nonpoggia sulla cima dei sostegni.

6 Portare indietro il blocco delcomplesso d’alimentazione (ItemH) e ruotare i connettori (Item I) di90° ad entrambe le estremità.

7 Prendere il pannello laterale delblocco del complessod’alimentazione con le tre aperture(Item J) e infilarlo nel canale diricezione del pezzo estensibilecollocato nella Spa così come nelconnettore curvato a 90° nel latoanteriore del recinto delcomplesso d’alimentazione.

8 Prendere il complessod’alimentazione (Item D) eposizionarlo dentro il contenitoredi protezione facendo attenzioneche i due condotti per l’ariapassino attraverso il pannello.

Make sure valve is completelypulled out to ensure water flow.


Page 8: Haliburton Owners Manual

9 Repita el paso número7utilizando el componente (K) ypóngalo al otro lateral de la caja decerramiento.

10 Apriete las piezas de lasesquinas (compnente L) con supulgar o un martillo con extremode goma dándole a cada conectorprincipal (componente B).Asegúrese de que el seguro sequeda arriba de todo.

Coja las cubiertas pequeñas deesquinas (componente M) yapriételas en las piezas deextensión situadas debajo de lacaja de cerramiento siguiendo losmismos pasos.

11 Ponga las almohadillas(componente N) en los bordes delos 8 faldones del spa.

12 Saque la lona que conformael interior del spa (componente O)y póngala dentro del spa.

Estire la lona de forma que la partede color del vinilo quede pordentro de las almohadillas.

Una vez las 7 esquinas esténencajadas, debe ajustar lasalmohadillas asegurándose deque no se han caído cuandoestiraba la lona.

Para ello, proceda soltando lasesquinas de una en una ajustandolas almohadillas y estirando denuevo la lona antes de proceder ala próxima esquina.

9 Repita o passo número 7utilizando o componente (K) ecoloque-o no outro lateral dacaixa de encerramento.

10 Aperte as peças dos cantos(componente L) com o polegar oucom um martelo de borracha,dando-lhe a cada conectorprincipal (componente B).Verifique que o seguro fica emcima de tudo.

Aperte as tampas pequenas decantos (componente M) naspeças de extensão situadasdebaixo da caixa deencerramento seguindo osmesmos passos.

11 Ponha as almofadinhas(componente N) nos rebordos dos8 painéis do spa.

12 Retire a lona que dá formaao interior do spa (componente O)e coloque-a dentro do spa.

Estique a lona de modo que aparte colorida do vinil fique pordentro das almofadinhas.

Quando os 7 cantos estiveremencaixados, deve ajustar asalmofadinhas pois podem terdescaído quando esticava a lona.

Para o mesmo, solte os cantosum por um e ajuste asalmofadinhas, estique de novo alona antes de ajustar o próximocanto.

9 Wiederholen Sie Step 7 mit TeilK und schieben es in die andereSeite des Gehäuses.

10 Drücken Sie dieSchutzkappen für die Ecken ( TeilL ) mit dem Daumen oder einemGummihammer in den Kanal vonjedem Verbindungsstück (Teil B).

Dann nehmen Sie die kurzenSchutzkappen (Teil M) undverfahren mit der gleichenMethode wie oben an denVerlängerungen.

11 Platzieren Sie dieSchaumstoff – Randpolsterung (Teil M ) auf den Rand aller achtSeiten.

12 Nehmen Sie dieRandverkleidung aus dem Karton( Teil O ) und legen Sie es in denSpa.

Ziehen Sie das farbige Vinyl,sodass der Schaumstoff bedecktist und befestigen Sie es an denEcken.

Wenn alle acht Ecken befestigtsind, prüfen Sie nochmals, ob derSchaumstoff sich irgendwoverschoben hat.

Sollte dies der Fall sein, lösen sieeine Ecke, fixieren denSchaumstoff und rasten wiederein.

9 Répétez l’étape 7 en utilisant(l’article K) et glissez – le dedansl’autre côté de la boîte de laciôture.

10 Coupez (snap) ‘lesextrusions’ de la couverture aucoin (l’article L) en utilisant votrepouce ou le marteau encaoutehouc dedans le canal derécepteur de chaque câbleprincipal (l’article B) et faitesattention que le coup (snap) estsur le haut.

Prenez les couvertures courtes ducoin (l’article M) et coupez – lesdedans les pièces d’extension quisont situées au-dessus la boîte dela clôture de la ville d’eau (SPA) enutilisant la méthode comme au-dessus.

11 Poaez les coussinetsd’écumé sur le haut de tous les 8côté de la ville d’eau (SPA).

12 En levez la chemise de laboîte (l’article O) et posez dedansla ville d’eau (SPA).

Allongez la chemise pour que lapartie de la ‘Color Vinyl’ est retiréesur les coussinets écumé et estcoupée dabs les couvertures aucoin.

Quand tous les couvertures aucoin sont coupées, on doîtadjuster les coussinets écumés enfaisant attention qu’on n’a pastourné la tête des panneauxquand on tirait la chemise.

Faites – ci par ne coupant pas uncoin à chaque temps en ajustantle coussinet écumé et recoupantle chemise avant de se dérouler ancoin prochain.

9 Ripetere il passo 7 usandol’articolo (K) e infilarlo nell’altro latodel contenitore di protezione.

10 Incastrare le estrusioni dellacopertura angolare (Item L) nelcanale di ricezione di ciascunconnettore principale (Item B)usando il pollice o un martello digomma e facendo attenzione chel’incastro si trovi in cima.

Prendere le coperture agli angolistretti (Item M) e incastrarle neipezzi estensibili collocati sopra ilblocco della Spa utilizzando lostesso metodo descritto prima.

11 Posizionare le spugne (ItemN) in cima a tutti gli otto lati dellaSpa.

12 Estrarre il telo dalla scatola(Item O) e posizionarlo dentro laSpa.

Allungare il telo cosicché lasezione di color vinile sia ritiratasopra le spugne e incastrataall’interno delle coperture angolari.

Non appena tutti gli otto lati sonostati incastrati, aggiustare lespugne facendo attenzione chenon siano rotolate fuori dalleestremità dei pannelli mentre sistava allungando il telo.

Fare questo scoprendo un angoloalla volta, aggiustando la spugna eincastrando nuovamente il teloprima di procedere all’angolosuccessivo.


9 Repeat Step 7 using Item (K)and slide in other side of enclosurebox.

10 Snap in corner coverextrusions (Item L) using yourthumb or rubber hammer into thereceiving channel of each mainconnector (Item B) making surethe snap is at the top, andalternate each corner extrusion sothat there is a cover clip everysecond corner.

Take the short corner covers (ItemM) and snap them into theextension pieces located abovespa enclosure box using the samemethod as above.

11 Place foam pads (Item N) ontop of all eight sides of spa

12 Remove liner from box (ItemO) and place inside spa.

Stretch liner so that color vinylportion is pulled back over thefoam pads and snapped into thecorner covers.

Once all eight corners aresnapped in, you may have to goand adjust the foam pads makingsure they did not rotate off the topof the panels when you werestretching the liner.

Do this by unsnapping one cornerat a time, adjusting the foam padand re-snapping the liner beforeproceeding to the next corner.

Page 9: Haliburton Owners Manual

13 Connect the power packfittings to the spa liner.

Make sure o-rings are in place.

Hand tighten only holding thepipe going into the power packfirmly.

14 Connect air loop (Item P) intothe two fittings that are protrudingthrough the spa enclosure box.

Hand tighten only.

15 Take spa control (Item Q)and remove the paper from theback side of the adheisive tape.

Place spa control into rectangularslot on enclosure top (Item R).

Take cord that is connected to thespa control and fit the telephonejack portion into the receiverlocated on the power pack.

16 Slide enclosure top (Item R)into the two side channels ofenclosure box.

13 Conecte los componentesde la caja de cerramiento a la lonadel spa.

Asegúrese de que los anillos (enforma de O) están en su sitio.ATENCIÓN!!!: ¡

Apretarlos únicamente con lasmanos!

14 Conecte las tuberías de aire(componente P) en su lugar, através de la caja de cerramientodel spa.

ATENCIÓN!!!: ¡Apretar las tuberías únicamentecon las manos!

15 Coja el display digital del spa(componente Q) y quite el papelde la parte trasera de la cintaadhesiva.

Ponga el display sobre la muescarectangular situada sobre la cajade cerramiento (componente R).

Coja el cable conectado al digitaldel spa y encaje el cable deteléfono en el receptor situado enla caja eléctrica.

16 Encaje la parte de arriba dela caja de cerramiento(componente R) por los dos raílesde los extremos de la caja decerramiento.

13 Monte os componentes dacaixa de encerramento à lona dospa.

Verifique que os aros (em forma deO) estão no sítio. ATENÇÃO!!!:

Apertá-los somente com asmãos!

14 Ligue as tubagens de ar(componente P) no respectivolugar, através da caixa deencerramento do spa.

15 Retire o papel da partetraseira do autocolante do visordigital do spa (componente Q).

Coloque o visor sobre a cavidaderectangular situada sobre a caixade encerramento (componente R).

Agarre o fio ligado ao digital dospa e encaixe o fio de telefone noreceptor situado na caixaeléctrica.

16 Encaixe a parte de cima dacaixa de encerramento(componente R) pelas duas guiasdas extremidades da caixa deencerramento.

13 Verbinden Sie den Motor mitden Spa Anschlüssen.

Stellen Sie sicher, dass dieDichtungen an ihrem Platz sind.


14 Verbinden Sie die Luftöse(Teil P ) mit den zwei Schläuchen,welche durch den Spa laufen.


15 Nehmen Sie das Steuergerät( Teil Q ) und entfernen das Papiervon der Rückseite desKlebebandes und platzieren Sie esin dem rechteckigen Loch aufdem Anlagedeckel (Teil R).

Nehmen Sie das Kabel, welchesmit dem Steuergerät verbundenist und stecken Sie den Stecker inden Receiver am Motor.

16 Schieben Sie Teil R in diezwei Seitenkanäle der Anlage.

13 Connectez les ferrures de lapuisance à la chemise de la villed’eau (SPA).

Faites attention que les ‘O rings’(boucles) sont en position.

Serrez seulement par main.

14 Reliez la boucle d’air (l’articleP) dedans les deux ferrures quis’avançant par le boîte de laclôture de la ville d’eau (SPA).

Serrez seulement pat main.

15 Prenez la commende de laville d’eau (SPA) (l’article Q) etenlevez le papier de l’arrière de labande adhèrent placez lacommende de la ville d’eau (SPA)dedans l’entaille rectangulaire surle haut de la clôture (l’article R).

Prenez la corde qui unie à lacommande de la ville d’eau (SPA)et attachez la partie du téléphonededans récepteur qui est situé surla puissance.

16 Glissez le haut de la clôture(l}article R) dedans les deuxcanaux à côté de la boîte de laclôture.

13 Collegare i raccordi delcomplesso d’alimentazione al telodella Spa.

Fare attenzione che le guarnizionisiano al loro posto.

Serrare a mano solamente.

14 Collegare il circuito dell’aria(Item P) ai due raccordi chesporgono attraverso il contenitorerecintato della Spa.

Serrare a mano solamente.

15 Prendere il pannello dicontrollo della Spa (Item Q) erimuovere la pellicola dal latoposteriore del nastro adesivo.

Inserire il pannello di controllo dellaSpa nella fessura rettangolaresulla sommità del contenitore(Item R).

Prendere il cordone collegato alpannello di controllo e inserire iljack nella presa collocata sulcomplesso d’alimentazione.

16 Inserire il coperchio (Item R)nei due canali laterali delcontenitore.


Page 10: Haliburton Owners Manual

17 Take air vents (Item S) andplace them into the holes locatedon both side panels of enclosurebox.

18 Fill spa with water toapproximately two inches abovethe top of the filter assembly.

Plug spa into wall receptacle. Donot use an extension cord.

19 Unscrew cover located onthe top of the air loop and placeyour aroma therapy bag inside.

Replace cover and hand tighten.

20 Adjust temperature settingon the spa control to desiredtemperature.

Digital Control – see page 12.

17 Coja las rejillas (componenteS) y colóquelas en los agujerossituados a ambos lados de la cajade cerramiento.

18 Llene el spa de agua hastaaproximadamente 5 cms pordebajo del filtro.

Conecte el spa a un enchufe depared. No use cables extensibles.

19 Desenrosque la tapa situadaencima de la tubería de aire yañada dentro el saquito dearomaterapia.

Vuelva a enroscar la tapa con lamano.

20 Ajuste la temperatura en eldisplay del spa a la temperaturadeseada.

Digital Control – see page 12.

17 Coloque as grelhas(componente S) nos orifíciossituados nos dois lados da caixade encerramento..

18 Encha o spa com água atéaproximadamente 5 cm. abaixodo filtro.

Ligue o spa à tomada eléctrica.Não use extensões.

19 Desenrosque a tampasituada em cima da tubagem dear e coloque dentro da mesma osaquinho da aromaterapia.

Enrosque de novo a tampa com amão.

20 Ajuste a temperatura novisor do spa a seu gosto.

Digital Control – see page 12.

17 Nehmen Sie die Luftventileund stecken Sie diese in dieLöcher, welche sich an den beidenSeiten der Antriebseinheitbefinden.

18 Füllen Sie den Spa mitWasser soweit auf, dass der Filter5 cm unter Wasser ist.

Stecken Sie den Stecker in eineFeuchtraumsteckdose. Bitteverwenden Sie keinVerlängerungskabel.

19 Schrauben Sie den Deckelder Luftzufuhr ab und platzierenSie dort Ihr Aromatherapie -Säckchen.

Schrauben Sie den Deckel mit derHand wieder zu.

20 Stellen Sie die gewünschteTemperatur am Steuergerät ein.

Digital Control – see page 12.

17 Prenez les orifices à air(l’article S) et posez – les sur lesdeux panneaux à côté de la boîtede la clôture.

18 Prenez l’assemblée de filtre(l’article T) avec les trois filtres quisont attachees et pressez dedansla récepteur d’orifice d’eaudedansla ville d’eau (SPA) en faisantattention que c’est un ajustageconfortable.

19 Remplissez la ville d’eau(SPA) avec l’eau jus qu’à deuxpouces approximativement au-dessus la tête de l’assemblée dufiltre.

20 Dévissez la couverture quiest située dessus la boucle d’air etplacez votre sachet thérapied’arôme dans l’intérieur.

Remettez la couverture et serrezpar main.

Digital Control – see page 12.

17 Prendere i tubi aeratori (ItemS) e infilarli nei fori collocati suentrambi i pannelli laterali delcontenitore di protezione-

18 Riempire la Spa d’acqua finoall’altezza di circa due once al disopra dell’estremità dei filtri.

Inserire la spina della Spa nellapresa a muro.

Non usare una prolunga.

19 Svitare il coperchio collocatoal di sopra del circuito dell’aria eintrodurre il vostro sacchetto perl’aroma terapia.

Ricollocare il coperchio e serrarloa mano.

20 Adattare il regolatore ditemperatura collocato sul sistemadi commando della Spa allatemperatura desiderata.

Digital Control: vedi pagina 12.


Page 11: Haliburton Owners Manual

21 Take filter assembly (Item T)with the three filters fitted intoplace and press into the waterinlet receiver inside the spamaking sure it is a snug fit.

22 Place chemicals into spa asper instructions.

Page 12

23 Place hard top cover on spaand snap the black ties into thereceivers located on the corners ofthe spa.

Please note: Spa cover needs tobe on spa for water to heatproperly.

24 Draining Spa.

Remove filter assembly, placedrain adapter in filter hole.

Attach hose to hose connectorlocateded on the power pack

Reduce temperature down tominimum.

Turn hose valve on.

Turn main valve off to redirect thewater and drain Spa.

21 Coja el recipiente(componente T)con los 3 filtrosdentro y colóquelo en el receptorde la entrada del agua del spa ,asegurándose de que encajacómodamente.

22 Añada los productosquímicos que se le indican segúninstrucciones detalladas en elmanual del usuario.

Page 12

23 Ponga la cubierta protectorasobre el spa y estire las correasnegras hasta que alcancen lasesquinas del spa.

24 Draining Spa.

Remove filter assembly, placedrain adapter in filter hole.

Attach hose to hose connectorlocateded on the power pack

Reduce temperature down tominimum.

Turn hose valve on.

Turn main valve off to redirect thewater and drain Spa.

21 Coloque o recipiente(componente T), com os 3 filtrosdentro, no receptor da entrada daágua do spa, verificando queencaixa bem

22 Junte os produtos químicosindicados seguindo as instruçõesdo manual do utilizador.

Page 13

23 Coloque a coberturaprotectora sobre o spa e puxe ascorreias pretas até atingirem oscantos do spa.

IMPORTANTE: A coberturaprotectora deve ser colocadasempre no spa para que a água semantenha na temperaturadesejada, além de evitar que aágua se suje facilmente.

24 Draining Spa.

Remove filter assembly, placedrain adapter in filter hole.

Attach hose to hose connectorlocateded on the power pack

Reduce temperature down tominimum.

Turn hose valve on.

Turn main valve off to redirect thewater and drain Spa.

21 Nehmen Sie die Filtereinheit(Teil T) mit den drei bereitseingesetzten Filtern und drückenSie diese in den Wassereinlaufinnerhalb des Spas. Stellen Siesicher, dass es gut passt.

22 Geben Sie die Chemikalienlaut Anweisung in den Spa.

Page 13

23 Legen Sie die Abdeckungauf den Spa und befestigen Siediesen an den dafürvorgesehenen Klemmen an denEcken des Spas.

Bitte beachten: Die Abdeckungmuss auf dem Spa sein, um dieoptimale Heizleistung zuerreichen.

24 Entleeren des Spa´s.

Entfernen Sie den Filter undstecken den Entleeradapter in dasFilterloch.

Verbinden Sie den Schlauch mitdem Schlauchverbinder auf dem Power Pack.

Reduzieren Sie die Temperatur biszum Minimum.

Drehen Sie das Schlauchventil an.Drehen Sie das Hauptventil aus,um das Wasser zurückzuführenund entleeren Sie den Spa.

21 Bouchez la ville d’eau (SPA)dedans la récipient du mur.

N’utilisez pas la orde d’extension.

22 Adjustez la cadre de latempérature sur la commade de laville d’eau (SPA) à unetempérature désirée.

Page 14

23 Posez les produitschimiques la ville d’eau (SPA) à lamode d’emploi.

24 Posez la haute couverturedûre sur la ville d’eau (SPA) etfermez les ‘black ties’ dedans lesrecepteurs qui sont situés au coinde la ville d’eau (SPA).

Faites attention que la couverturede la ville d’eau (SPA) doit être surla ville d’eau (SPA) pour l’eau àfaire se chauffer proprement.

21 Prendere l’assemblato delfiltro (Item T) con i tre filtri beninstallati e premerli sul serbatoiod’immissione dell’acquaall’interno della Spa facendoattenzione che sia unaccoppiamento di precisione.

22 Introdurre i prodotti chimicinella Spa come indicato nelleistruzioni.

Page 14

23 Posizionare la coperturarigida sulla sommità della Spa eincastrare le piastre nere difissaggio nelle fessure collocateagli angoli della Spa.

Si prega di notare quanto segue: ilcoperchio della Spa deve essereposto correttamente sulla vascaaffinché l’acqua si riscaldicorrettamente.

24 Svuotare la Spa

Rimuovere il filtro e posizionarel’adattatore per lo svuotamentonell’alloggiamento del filtro.

Attaccate il tubo al connettoresituato nel Gruppo diAlimentazione.

Riducete la temperatura alminimo.

Azionate la valvola del tubo.

Spegnete la valvola principale perdirezionare l’acqua e svuotare laSpa.


Page 12: Haliburton Owners Manual


Cloudy water Suspended particles Add spa clearHigh pH (test to verify) Add Ph reducerPoor filtration Clean filter w/ Filter CleanHigh dissolved solids Empty spa and re-fill

Coloured Water Dissolved metals Add Stain & scale inhibitorFragrance Reduce amount of fragrance

Foaming High concentration of oils, Add Defoamersoaps and organic compounds Rinse people and suits prior to entry

Scale deposits High calcium level Add Stain & scale inhibitorHigh pH Balance pHHigh alkalinity Balance pH

Odour High level of organic contaminates Increase the amount of granularchlorine.

Eye/skin irritation Low pH and/or alkalinity Add Alkalinity IncreaserCombined chlorine due to Increase the amount of granularorganic contamination chlorine.

Initial start-up(review instruction on the individual chemical containers for amounts)

1 Once spa is full and running add a scale preventative (stain and scale inhibitor) to prevent stain andscale formation.

2 Test and adjust total alkalinity to level indicated on test kit. 3 Test the pH and balance as per test kit.4 Test the chlorine level and add chlorine when required.

Always add a chemical in small amounts, less is best!

Weekly maintenance: 1 Add stain and scale inhibitor weekly as directed on container. This is the most important chemical for

the spas health. Failure to use this can cause a build up of calcium, lime scale and metals that candamage your spa and void your manufacturers warranty.

2 Add spa clear weekly as directed on the bottle. 3 Clean filter basket at least once a week

Note: Remove any objects floating on the water before removing filters or filter basket or they may besucked into the pump.

Note: Spa should not be left running unattended without filters and filter basket in place.

Periodic Maintenance:1 The use of a thermal insulated hard cover reduces evaporation and heat loss.

– treat the cover with a vinyl protector and clean regularly2 Drain and refill spa every two months or depending on usage.3 Greases, oils and organic waste can accumulate in the filter cartridge reducing the effectiveness of

disinfectant. Change the filter cartridge every two months.4 Once you have established a comfortable water temperature, leave the thermostat at that

temperature. Rapid changes in temperature consume more energy.



Agua turbia Partículas suspendidas Añada limpiador de spapH alto (comprobar para verificar) Añada reductor de Ph Mala filtración Limpiar filtro con Limpiador de filtroPartículas sólidas muy disueltas Vaciar spa y rellenar

Agua con color Metales disueltos Añada Inhibidor de manchas y sarro Fragancia Reducir la cantidad de fragancia

Espuma Alta concentración de aceites, Añadir Quitaespuma jabones y componentes orgánicos Enjuagar a los usuarios y los trajes de baño

antes de entrar

Depósitos calcáreos Alto nivel de calcio Añada Inhibidor de manchas y sarro Alto pH Equilibre el pHAlta alcalinidad Equilibre el pH

Olor Alto nivel de contaminantes orgánicos Aumente la cantidad de granularchlorine.

Irritación de piel/ojos Bajo pH y/o alcalinidad Añada Aumentador de alcalinidad

Cloro combinado debido a la Aumente la cantidad de granularcontaminación orgánica chlorine.

Comienzo inicial(revisar la instrucción sobre los contenedores químicos individuales para ver las cantidades)

1 Una vez que el spa esté lleno y funcionando, añada un inhibidor de sarro (inhibidor de manchas y sarro)para evitar que se formen.

2 Compruebe y ajuste la alcalinidad total hasta el nivel indicado en el kit de comprobación. 3 Compruebe el pH y el balance como indica el kit de comprobación.4 Compruebe el nivel de cloro y añada cloro sea necesario.

Siempre añada los agentes químicos en pequeñas cantidades: cuanto menos, ¡mejor!

Mantenimiento semanal: 1 Añada inhibidor de manchas y sarro una vez a la semana del modo indicado en el contenedor. Este es el

agente químico más importante para la salud del spa. Si no se utiliza, podría formarse calcio, depósitoscalcáreos y metales que podrían dañar su spa e invalidar la garantía del fabricante.

2 Añada limpiador de spa directamente como se indica en la botella. 3 Limpie la cesta del filtro al menos una vez a la semana

Nota: Elimine los objetos que pudiera haber flotando en el agua antes de quitar los filtros o la cesta del filtro,o podrían ser absorbidos por la bomba.

Nota: El spa no se debe de dejar funcionando sin vigilancia cuando no tenga los filtros y la cesta del filtropuestos.

Mantenimiento periódico:1 El uso de una tapa dura aislada térmicamente reduce la evaporación y la pérdida de calor.

– trate la cubierta con un protector de vinilo y límpiela regularmente. 2 Vacíe y rellene el spa cada dos meses, dependiendo del uso. 3 Grasas, aceites y desechos orgánicos podrían acumularse en el cartucho del filtro reduciendo la

efectividad del desinfectante. Limpie el cartucho del filtro cada dos meses con limpiador del filtro, delmodo indicado.

4 Una vez que haya establecido una agradable temperatura del agua, deje el termostato a esatemperatura. Cambios rápidos de temperatura consumen más energía.


Page 13: Haliburton Owners Manual



Trübes Wasser Treibende Partikel Fügen Sie Spa Clear beiHoher pH-Wert (prüfen Sie, um Sicherzugehen) Fügen Sie einer pH-Reduzierer beiSchlechte Filtration Säubern Sie den Filter mit Filter CleanHoch gelöste Feststoffe Entleeren Sie den Whirlpool und füllen Sie ihn neu

Gefärbtes Wasser Gelöste Metalle Fügen Sie Flecken- und KesselsteinHemmstoff hinzu

Duftstoffe Reduzieren Sie die Menge an Duftstoffen

Schaum Hohe Konzentration an Ölen, Fügen Sie einen Entschäumer hinzuSeifen und organischen Komponenten Die Benutzer und Badekleidung müssen vo

dem Einstieg abgeduscht werden

Ablagerungen aus Hoher Kalziumlevel Fügen Sie Flecken- und Kesselstein- Kesselstein Hemmstoff hinzu

Hoher pH-Wert Balancieren Sie den pH-WertHohe Alkalität Balancieren Sie den pH-Wert

Geruch Starke organische Verschmutzung Erhöhen Sie die Menge an Whirlpool-Tabletten und überprüfen Sie die Ozonanlage

Reizung der Geringer pH-Wert und/oder Alkalität Fügen Sie ein Mittel zur Erhöhung der Alkalität beiAugen/Haut Chlorverbindung aufgrund Verschmutzung Erhöhen Sie die Menge an Whirlpool-

von organischer Verschmutzung Tabletten und überprüfen Sie die Ozonanlage

Erste Inbetriebnahme(Überprüfen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem einzelnen Chemikalienbehälter zur Mengenangabe)

1 Fügen Sie, wenn der Whirlpool gefüllt und in Betrieb ist, ein Fleckenschutzmittel (Flecken- und Kesselstein-Hemmstoff)bei, um die Bildung von Flecken und Kesselstein zu verhindern.

2 Prüfen Sie die gesamte Alkalität und stimmen Sie die diese auf den in der Testausrüstung angegebenen Stand ab. 3 Prüfen Sie den pH-Wert und balancieren sie diesen entsprechend der Testausrüstung.4 Prüfen Sie den Chlorwert und fügen Sie, falls erforderlich, dem Filterkorb Chlor hinzu.5 Stellen Sie die Temperatur und den Filtrationszyklus auf gewünschten Einstellwert. (Es wird die Vorgabe F4 empfohlen)

Fügen Sie Chemikalien stets in kleinen Mengen hinzu, je weniger desto besser!

Wöchentliche Wartung: 1 Fügen Sie wöchentlich den Flecken- und Kesselstein-Hemmstoff nach Anweisung auf dem Behälter hinzu. Dies ist die

wichtigste Chemikalie zur Erhaltung des Whirlpools. Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Anwendung kann eine Ansammlungvon Kalzium, Kalkkesselstein und Metallen verursachen, die Ihren Whirlpool schädigen und die Herstellergarantieungültig machen kann.

2 Fügen Sie wöchentlich Spa Clear nach Anweisung auf der Flasche hinzu. 3 Säubern Sie den Filterkorb mindestens einmal pro Woche.

Anmerkung: Entfernen Sie alle Objekte, die auf dem Wasser treiben, bevor Sie die Filter oder den Filterkorb entfernen, dadiese in die Pumpe gesaugt werden könnten.

Anmerkung: Der Whirlpool darf nicht unbeaufsichtigt betrieben werden, ohne dass die Filter und der Filterkorb angebrachtsind.

Wartung in regelmäßigen Abständen:1 Der Gebrauch einer thermisch isolierten festen Abdeckung reduziert die Verdampfung und den Hitzeverlust.

– Behandeln Sie die Abdeckung mit einem Vinylschutz und reinigen Sie diese regelmäßig. 2 Entleeren und füllen Sie Ihren Whirlpool alle zwei bis vier Monate, je nach Häufigkeit des Gebrauchs. 3 Schmiere, Öle und organischer Abfall können sich in dem Filtereinsatz ansammeln und die Effektivität von Desin-

fektionsmitteln verringern. Reinigen Sie den Filtereinsatz alle zwei Monate mit einem Filterreiniger nach Anleitung. 4 Wenn Sie eine angenehme Wassertemperatur erreicht haben, belassen Sie den Thermostat auf dieser Temperatur.

Rapide Temperaturveränderungen erhöhen den Energieverbrauch.


Cloudy water Suspended particles Add spa clearHigh pH (test to verify) Add Ph reducerPoor filtration Clean filter w/ Filter CleanHigh dissolved solids Empty spa and re-fill

Coloured Water Dissolved metals Add Stain & scale inhibitorFragrance Reduce amount of fragrance

Foaming High concentration of oils, Add Defoamersoaps and organic compounds Rinse people and suits prior to entry

Scale deposits High calcium level Add Stain & scale inhibitorHigh pH Balance pHHigh alkalinity Balance pH

Odour High level of organic contaminates Increase the amount of granularchlorine.

Eye/skin irritation Low pH and/or alkalinity Add Alkalinity IncreaserCombined chlorine due to Increase the amount of granularorganic contamination chlorine.

Initial start-up(review instruction on the individual chemical containers for amounts)

1 Once spa is full and running add a scale preventative (stain and scale inhibitor) to prevent stain andscale formation.

2 Test and adjust total alkalinity to level indicated on test kit. 3 Test the pH and balance as per test kit.4 Test the chlorine level and add chlorine when required.

Always add a chemical in small amounts, less is best!

Weekly maintenance: 1 Add stain and scale inhibitor weekly as directed on container. This is the most important chemical for

the spas health. Failure to use this can cause a build up of calcium, lime scale and metals that candamage your spa and void your manufacturers warranty.

2 Add spa clear weekly as directed on the bottle. 3 Clean filter basket at least once a week

Note: Remove any objects floating on the water before removing filters or filter basket or they may besucked into the pump.

Note: Spa should not be left running unattended without filters and filter basket in place.

Periodic Maintenance:1 The use of a thermal insulated hard cover reduces evaporation and heat loss.

– treat the cover with a vinyl protector and clean regularly2 Drain and refill spa every two months or depending on usage.3 Greases, oils and organic waste can accumulate in the filter cartridge reducing the effectiveness of

disinfectant. Change the filter cartridge every two months.4 Once you have established a comfortable water temperature, leave the thermostat at that

temperature. Rapid changes in temperature consume more energy.


Page 14: Haliburton Owners Manual


Eau trouble Particules suspendues Ajoutez de l’éclaircissant pour spapH important (testez pour vérifier) Ajoutez du réducteur de pHMauvaise filtration Nettoyez le filtre avec le Nettoyant pour filtreGrande dissolution d’éléments solides Videz le spa et remplissez-le à nouveau

Eau colorée Métaux dissous Ajoutez de l’antitache et de l’antitartreOdeur Réduisez la quantité de produits odorants

Ecume Grande concentration d’huiles, Ajoutez de l’anti-écumede savons et d’éléments organiques Rincez les personnes et les maillots avant d’entrer

Dépôts Haut niveau de calcium Ajoutez de l’antitache et de l’antitartrepH important Equilibrez le pHAlcalinité importante Equilibrez le pH

Odeur Important niveau d’infections organiques Augmentez la quantité de tablettes de spa et vérifiez l’ozoneur

Irritation de pH et/ou alcalinité faible Ajoutez du produit augmentant l’alcalinitél’œil/de la peau Chlore combiné du à la contamination Augmentez la quantité de tablettes de spa et

organique vérifiez l’ozoneur

Mise en route initiale(lire les instructions sur les récipients individuels des produits chimiques pour connaître les quantités)

1 Une fois le spa rempli et en fonctionnement, ajouter de l’anticalcaire (antitaches et antitartre) afind’empêcher la formation de taches de couleur et de tartre.

2 Testez et ajustez l’alcalinité globale au niveau indiqué sur le kit de test. 3 Testez le pH et ajustez comme indiqué sur le kit de test.4 Testez le niveau de chlore et ajoutez du chlore dans l’écumoire quand cela est nécessaire.5 Réglez la température et le cycle de filtration au niveau souhaité. (La valeur par défaut est F4 – préconisé)

Ajoutez toujours un produit chimique en petite quantité, le moins est le mieux!

Entretien hebdomadaire: 1 Ajoutez de l’antitache et de l’antitartre de façon hebdomadaire comme indiqué sur le récipient. C’est le

produit chimique le plus important pour la qualité du spa. Ne pas utiliser ce produit peut entraîner uneproduction de calcium, de chaux et de métaux qui peuvent endommager votre spa et rendre nulle votregarantie fabriquant.

2 Ajoutez chaque semaine du nettoyant pour spa comme indiqué sur la bouteille. 3 Nettoyez le bac à filtre au moins une fois par semaine

Note: enlevez tous les objets de la surface de l’eau avant de retirer les filtres ou le bac à filtre sinon ilspourraient être aspirés dans la pompe.

Note: le spa ne doit pas être maintenu en marche sans surveillance sans que les filtres ou le bac à filtre nesoient en place.

Entretien régulier:1 L’utilisation d’une housse à isolation thermique réduit l’évaporation et la perte de chaleur.

– traitez la housse avec un protecteur vinyle et nettoyez-la régulièrement2 Purger et remplissez à nouveau le spa tous les deux à quatre mois, selon l’utilisation. 3 Des déchets organiques, de graisses et d’huiles peuvent s’accumuler dans la cartouche du filtre, ce qui

entraîne une baisse de l’efficacité du désinfectant. Nettoyez la cartouche du filtre tous les deux mois àl’aide de produits pour filtre en suivant les directives.

4 Une fois que vous avez établi une température d’eau agréable, laissez le thermostat à cette température.Des changements rapides de la température consomment plus d’énergie.



Cloudy water Suspended particles Add spa clearHigh pH (test to verify) Add Ph reducerPoor filtration Clean filter w/ Filter CleanHigh dissolved solids Empty spa and re-fill

Coloured Water Dissolved metals Add Stain & scale inhibitorFragrance Reduce amount of fragrance

Foaming High concentration of oils, Add Defoamersoaps and organic compounds Rinse people and suits prior to entry

Scale deposits High calcium level Add Stain & scale inhibitorHigh pH Balance pHHigh alkalinity Balance pH

Odour High level of organic contaminates Increase the amount of granularchlorine.

Eye/skin irritation Low pH and/or alkalinity Add Alkalinity IncreaserCombined chlorine due to Increase the amount of granularorganic contamination chlorine.

Initial start-up(review instruction on the individual chemical containers for amounts)

1 Once spa is full and running add a scale preventative (stain and scale inhibitor) to prevent stain andscale formation.

2 Test and adjust total alkalinity to level indicated on test kit. 3 Test the pH and balance as per test kit.4 Test the chlorine level and add chlorine when required.

Always add a chemical in small amounts, less is best!

Weekly maintenance: 1 Add stain and scale inhibitor weekly as directed on container. This is the most important chemical for

the spas health. Failure to use this can cause a build up of calcium, lime scale and metals that candamage your spa and void your manufacturers warranty.

2 Add spa clear weekly as directed on the bottle. 3 Clean filter basket at least once a week

Note: Remove any objects floating on the water before removing filters or filter basket or they may besucked into the pump.

Note: Spa should not be left running unattended without filters and filter basket in place.

Periodic Maintenance:1 The use of a thermal insulated hard cover reduces evaporation and heat loss.

– treat the cover with a vinyl protector and clean regularly2 Drain and refill spa every two months or depending on usage.3 Greases, oils and organic waste can accumulate in the filter cartridge reducing the effectiveness of

disinfectant. Change the filter cartridge every two months.4 Once you have established a comfortable water temperature, leave the thermostat at that

temperature. Rapid changes in temperature consume more energy.


Page 15: Haliburton Owners Manual



When first powered up, your spa tub will automatically heat and maintain 38°C untilyou change the set temperature.

Temperature Adjustment

Press the pad to display the temperature previously set. Pressing the pad asecond time will cause the set temperature to increase or decrease deI~depending onwhat direction was last chosen. Each press to follow will change the set temperaturein the same direction.

If thc opposite direction is desired, release the pad and let the display revert to theactual water temperature. Press the pad to display the set temperarure, and again tomake the temperature change in the desired direction.

Blower Control

Touch the pad to turn the blower on and off. Tile circulation pump comes on automatically whern theblower button is pressed. If left on the blower will turn off after 15 minutes.

Preset Filter Cycles

Your spa will automatically filter itself every 11/2 hours. Tlhe first filter cycle will start one minute after the spa ispowered up. Each filter cycle lasts 20 minutes with the circulation pump running the entire time. The blowerwill turn on for 10 seconds once a day to clean out the air channels.


Press then within 3 seconds to prevent the spa from operating when the filter is being replaced. Allfunctions except the circulation pump will be disabled. Press any pad to resume spa operation.

Freeze Protection

If the high-limit sensor detects 4°C at the heater, then the pump will automatically activate to provide freezeprotection. The equipment stays on until the sensor detects 7°C at the heater. Freeze protection is enabledregardless of the spa’s status.

Diagnostic Messages

“Overheat” (Spa is deactivated)DO NOT ENTER THE WATER The spa tub has shut down. Turn off all power to the spa and call yourdealer or service organisation. To reset the spa, press any panel button.

“Flow”A pressure switch is not working. Call your dealer or service organisation.

“Sensor” (Spa is deactivated)The high-limit sensor or water temperature sensor is not working. Call your dealer or serviceorganisation.

Arranque inicial

Cuando se arranca por primera vez, el spa calentarà el agua automàticamente a 38°Cy mantenclrá csa temperatura hasta que se modifique su programación.

Ajuste de temperatura

Pulse para ver la temperatura previamente programada. Pulsar el icono porsegunda vez aumentará o disminuirá la temperatura programada, según la direcciónde la temperatura elegida la última vez. Cada pulsación posterior cambiará latemperatura programada en tal sentido.

Si se desca modificar la temperatura del agua en sentido contrario, deje de pulsar elicono hasta que aparezca su temperatura actual en la pantalla. Pulse el icono para ver

la temperatura programada y vuelva a pulsarlo para efectuar e1 cambio de temperatura en el sentidodeseado.

Control de compresor

Pulse para encender o apagar el compresor. Cuando se pulsa el botón del compresor, se activa labomba de circulación automáticamente. si se deja el compresor en funcionamiento, se apagará solodespués de 15 minutos.

Ciclos de filtrados preconfigurados

El spa se filtrará automáticamente cada 90 minutos. El primer ciclo de filtrado comenzará un minutodespués dc activarse el spa. Cada ciclo de filtrado dura 20 minutos y la bomba de circulación funciona todoese tiempo. El compresor se encenderá una vez al día durante 10 segundos para limpiar los canales de aire.

Modo de espera

Pulse , y luego dentro de un lapso dc 3 segundos para impedir que el spa entre en funcionamientocuando se reemplaza el filtro. Todas las funciones menos la bomba de circulación, serán inhabilitadas. Pulsecualquier tecla para restablecer el funcionamiento del spa.

Protección contra congelamiento

Si el sensor de temperatura límite detecta una marca de 4°C en el calentador, la bomba se activaráautomáticamente para proteger el spa contra el congelamiento. El sistema permanece activado hasta que elsensor registra una temperatura de 7°C en el calentador. La protección contra congelamiento se activaindistintamentce de la programación del spa.

Mensajes de diagnóstico

“Recalentamiento” (Overheat – Se desactiva el spa)NO ENTRE EN EL AGUA. El spa está desactivado. Interrumpa el suministro de energía al spa y llamea su vendedor o personal de mantenimiento. Para restablecer la programación de1 spa pulsecualquier botón del teclado.

“Flujo’Indica el mal funcionamiento de un presóstato. (Comuníquese con su vendedor o personal demantenimiento.

“Sensor” (Se desactiva el spa)El sensor dc temperatura límite o sensor de temperatuta de1 agua no funciona. Comuníquese con suvendedor o personal de mantenimiento.

Page 16: Haliburton Owners Manual




When first powered up, your spa tub will automatically heat and maintain 38°C untilyou change the set temperature.

Temperature Adjustment

Press the pad to display the temperature previously set. Pressing the pad asecond time will cause the set temperature to increase or decrease deI~depending onwhat direction was last chosen. Each press to follow will change the set temperaturein the same direction.

If thc opposite direction is desired, release the pad and let the display revert to theactual water temperature. Press the pad to display the set temperarure, and again tomake the temperature change in the desired direction.

Blower Control

Touch the pad to turn the blower on and off. Tile circulation pump comes on automatically whern theblower button is pressed. If left on the blower will turn off after 15 minutes.

Preset Filter Cycles

Your spa will automatically filter itself every 11/2 hours. Tlhe first filter cycle will start one minute after the spa ispowered up. Each filter cycle lasts 20 minutes with the circulation pump running the entire time. The blowerwill turn on for 10 seconds once a day to clean out the air channels.


Press then within 3 seconds to prevent the spa from operating when the filter is being replaced. Allfunctions except the circulation pump will be disabled. Press any pad to resume spa operation.

Freeze Protection

If the high-limit sensor detects 4°C at the heater, then the pump will automatically activate to provide freezeprotection. The equipment stays on until the sensor detects 7°C at the heater. Freeze protection is enabledregardless of the spa’s status.

Diagnostic Messages

“Overheat” (Spa is deactivated)DO NOT ENTER THE WATER The spa tub has shut down. Turn off all power to the spa and call yourdealer or service organisation. To reset the spa, press any panel button.

“Flow”A pressure switch is not working. Call your dealer or service organisation.

“Sensor” (Spa is deactivated)The high-limit sensor or water temperature sensor is not working. Call your dealer or serviceorganisation.

Erstmaliges Einschalten

Der Whirlpool wird beim erstmaligen Einschalten auf 38 Grad Celsius aufgeheizt undbehält diese Temperatur so lange, bis Sie sie ändern.


Drücken Sie die Canadian Spa Co. Taste, um die Temperatur einzustellen. WennSie die Taste ein zweites Mal betätigen, wird die Temperatur nach oben oder untengehen, je nachdem welche Richtung zuletzt angewählt wurde. Jeder NachfolgendeDruck wird die Temperatur in die jeweilige Richtung verändern.

Wird die andere Richtung gewünscht, lassen Sie die Taste los und warten, bis dasDisplay wieder die aktuelle Temperatur anzeigt. Drücken Sie nun die Taste, um die

eingespeicherte Temperatur anzuzeigen und nach nochmaligem Drücken ändern Sie die Temperatur in dieandere Richtung.


Drücken Sie die Jets Taste, um das Gebläse an oder auszuschalten. Die Zirkulationspumpe springtautomatisch mit an, wenn das Gebläse eingeschaltet wird. Wenn es angelassen wird, schaltet sich dasGebläse nach fünfzehn Minuten aus.

Voreingestellte FilterzyklenIhr Spa wird sich automatisch jede halbe Stunde durchfiltern. Der erste Filterzyklus wird eine Minute nachdem ersten Einschalten starten. Jeder Filterzyklus dauert zwanzig Minuten, währen dieser dieZirkulationspumpe die ganze Zeit läuft. Das Gebläse wird einmal täglich für zehn Sekunden anspringen, umdie Luftkanäle zu reinigen.


Drücken Sie die Taste Canadian Spa und dann Jets drei Sekunden, um zu verhindern, dass derSpa anspringt, während der Filter ausgetauscht wird. Alle Funktionen ausser der Zirkulationspumpe sindnun gesperrt. Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste, um die Sperre aufzuheben.


Wenn der Limitsensor 4 Grad Celsius an dem Heizgerät feststellt, wird die Pumpe automatisch aktiviert, umden Frostschutz zu gewährleisten. Sie wird so lange laufen, bis 7 Grad Celsius wieder erreicht sind. DerFrostschutz ist unabhängig von jeglichem Programm.


Überhitzungsschutz ( Spa ist ausgeschaltet )Nicht ins Wasser steigen. Stellen Sie den Spa komplett ab und rufen Sie Ihren Händler oder denKundendienst an. Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste, um das System neu einzustellen.

StrömungsschutzEin Druckschalter funktioniert nicht. Bitte informieren Sie Ihren Händler oder den Kundendienst.

Sensor ( Spa ist ausgeschaltet )Der Grenztemperatur oder Wassertemperatursensor funktioniert nicht. Bitte informieren Sie ihrenHändler oder den Kundendienst.

Page 17: Haliburton Owners Manual


Mise en route

Lors de la première mise en marche du bain celui-ci se réchauffe automatiquement etmaintient une température de 38°C tant qlue vous ne la changez pas.

Réglage de la température

Appuyez sur le bouton pour afficher la température prérégléc. Appuyer une-deuxième fois sur ce- bouton augmente ou réduit la température- selon la directiondernièrement-choisie. Chaque pression ultérieure change la température- dans lamême direction.

Si vous désirez la direction opposée, relâchez le bouton et laissez l’affichage retournerà la température courante de l’eau. Appuyez sur le bouton pour afficher latempérature réglée, puis appuyez à nouveau pour procéder au changement de température dans ladirection désirée,

Commande de la soufflante

Appuyez sur le bouton pour démarrer ou arrêter la soufflante. La pompe decirculation se met en routeautomatiquement quand le bouton de la soufflante est activé. Si elle n’est pas arrêtée, la soufflante s’arrêteautomatiquement au bout de 15 minutes.

Cycles de filtrage préréglés

Le bain est filtré automatiquement toutces les 1 heure et demie. Le premier cycle de filtrage commence uneminute après la mise en route du bain. Chaque cycle de filtrage dure 20 minutes avec la pompe decirculation fonctionnant en permanence. La soufflante se mettra en route pendant 10 secondes une fois parjour pour purger les conduites d’air.


Appuyez sur , puis sur dans l’espace de 3 secondes afin d’empécher le bain de fonctionner lors duchangement du filtre. Toutes les fonctions à l’exception de la pompe de circulation seront désactivées.Appuyez sur n’importe quel bouton pour remettre le bain en route.

Protection contre le gel

Si le capteur haute-limite détecte une température de 4°C au sein du dispositif de chauffage, la pompe semet en marche automatiquement pour protéger le système contre le gel. L’équipement restc en marche enjusqu’à ce que le capteur détecte une température de 7°C au sein du dispositif du chauffage. La protectioncontre le gel est activée quel que soit l’état du bain.

Messages de diagnostics

“Surchauffe” (le bain s’est arrête)NE PAS ENTRER DANS L’EAU. Le bain s’est arrêté de fonctionner. Coupez le courant et contactezvotre revendeur ou réparateur. Pour réinitialiser le bain, appuyez sur n’importe quel bouton dupanneau.

“Débit”Un manostat ne marche pas. Contactez votre revendeur ou réparateur.

“Capteur” (le bain s’est arrête)Le capteur haute-limite ou le capteur de la température de l’eau ne marche pas. Contactez votrerevendeur ou réparateur.


When first powered up, your spa tub will automatically heat and maintain 38°C untilyou change the set temperature.

Temperature Adjustment

Press the pad to display the temperature previously set. Pressing the pad asecond time will cause the set temperature to increase or decrease deI~depending onwhat direction was last chosen. Each press to follow will change the set temperaturein the same direction.

If thc opposite direction is desired, release the pad and let the display revert to theactual water temperature. Press the pad to display the set temperarure, and again to

make the temperature change in the desired direction.

Blower Control

Touch the pad to turn the blower on and off. Tile circulation pump comes on automatically whern theblower button is pressed. If left on the blower will turn off after 15 minutes.

Preset Filter Cycles

Your spa will automatically filter itself every 11/2 hours. Tlhe first filter cycle will start one minute after the spa ispowered up. Each filter cycle lasts 20 minutes with the circulation pump running the entire time. The blowerwill turn on for 10 seconds once a day to clean out the air channels.


Press then within 3 seconds to prevent the spa from operating when the filter is being replaced. Allfunctions except the circulation pump will be disabled. Press any pad to resume spa operation.

Freeze Protection

If the high-limit sensor detects 4°C at the heater, then the pump will automatically activate to provide freezeprotection. The equipment stays on until the sensor detects 7°C at the heater. Freeze protection is enabledregardless of the spa’s status.

Diagnostic Messages

“Overheat” (Spa is deactivated)DO NOT ENTER THE WATER The spa tub has shut down. Turn off all power to the spa and call yourdealer or service organisation. To reset the spa, press any panel button.

“Flow”A pressure switch is not working. Call your dealer or service organisation.

“Sensor” (Spa is deactivated)The high-limit sensor or water temperature sensor is not working. Call your dealer or serviceorganisation.

Page 18: Haliburton Owners Manual


1 Parents must exercise caution to prevent unauthorised access. Make sure your spa cover is securelyfastened when spa is not in use. There is NO GUARANTEE that the cover, actual lock or clip tie downswill prevent access to the spa.

2 Children must be closely supervised at all times when in or near the spa.

3 To prevent risk of injury resulting from body and/or hair entrapment, DO NOT remove suction fittingcovers. The suction fittings in the spa are sized to match specific water flow created by the pump.

4 DO NOT operate the spa if the suction fitting(s) are broken or missing. When replacing suction fittings orpump heads, be sure the flow rates are compatible. Never exchange a suction fitting(s) with one ratedless than the flow rate marked on the original suction fitting(s).

5 NEVER allow any electrical appliance (E.g.: telephone, radio, light television, etc.) within 3 metres of thespa, due to risk of electrical shock.

6 People with infectious diseases should NOT use a spa or hot tub.

7 To avoid injury, exercise caution when entering and leaving the spa or hot tub.

8 DO NOT use drugs or alcohol before or during spa use, these may lead to unconsciousness andpossible drowning.

9 Pregnant or possibly pregnant women should consult a physician before spa use. Excessive watertemperatures may damage the foetus or cause premature labour.

10 Spa water temperature should never exceed 104°F (40°C). Temperatures between 100°F (38°C) and104°F (40°C) are considered safe for healthy adults for up to twenty minutes. For young children, lowerwater temperatures are recommended. Check with your doctor.

11 Use an accurate thermometer before entering the spa or hot tub, to measure the water temperature

12 Never use a spa or hot tub immediately after strenuous exercise.

13 Consult your physician before using a spa or hot tub especially people with heart disease, diabetes, highor low blood pressure, a condition needing medical treatment, pregnant women, infants or the elderly.

14 Limit the time spent when using the spa since long exposures at warm temperatures can cause highbody temperature. Symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, fainting, drowsiness, and reducedawareness, resulting in possible drowning. Prolonged immersion in a spa or hot tub may be hazardousto your health.

15 It is NOT recommended that the spa be used alone. 16 Maintaining proper water chemistry is necessary to ensure safe water and prevent possible damage to

spa components.



1 Los padres han de tener cuidado para evitar el acceso no autorizado. Asegúrese de que la tapa del spaestá bien cerrada cuando el spa no se utilice. NO HAY GARANTÍA de que la tapa, el cerrojo o laspresillas evitarán el acceso al spa.

2 Hay que supervisar estrechamente a los niños siempre que estén cerca del spa o dentro de él.

3 Para evitar que se produzcan lesiones por quedar atrapadas partes del cuerpo y/o pelo, NO quite lascubiertas de los aparatos de succión. Los aparatos de succión del spa tienen el tamaño adecuado paraun flujo de agua específico creado por la bomba.

4 NO opere el spa si el/los aparato(s) de succión están rotos o no están puestos. Cuando se sustituyanaparatos de succión o cabezales de bomba, asegúrese de que los caudales de flujo son compatibles.Nunca intercambie un aparato de succión con uno que sea para menos que el caudal de flujo marcadoen el aparato de succión original.

5 NUNCA permita que un electrodoméstico o aparato eléctrico (P. ej.: teléfono, radio, luz, televisión, etc.)esté a menos de tres metros del spa, ya que podría haber riesgo de descarga eléctrica.

6 Gente con enfermedades infecciosas NO debe utilizar el spa o termobañera.

7 Para evitar lesiones, tenga cuidado al entrar y salir del spa o termobañera.

8 NO utilice drogas o alcohol antes o durante el uso del spa, ya que podrían hacerle perder elconocimiento y ahogarse.

9 Las mujeres embarazadas, o que puedan estarlo, deberían consultar a un médico antes de utilizar elspa. Temperaturas excesivas del agua podrían dañar al feto o provocar un parto prematuro.

10 La temperatura del agua del spa no debería nunca de exceder los 104°F (40°C). Las temperaturas entre100°F (38°C) y 104°F (40°C) se consideran seguras para adultos con buena salud por un máximo de 20minutos. Para niños pequeños, se aconsejan temperaturas del agua inferiores. Consulte a su médico.

11 Utilice un termómetro preciso antes de entrar en el spa o baño para medir la temperatura del agua

12 Nunca utilice un spa o una termobañera inmediatamente después de realizar un fuerte ejercicio físico.

13 Consulte a su médico antes de que utilicen el spa o termobañera especialmente gente con dolenciascardiacas, diabetes, presión sanguínea alta o baja, una condición que requiera de tratamiento médico,embarazadas, niños o ancianos.

14 Limite el tiempo que pasa en el spa, ya que largas exposiciones a temperaturas cálidas pueden causaruna alta temperatura corporal. Los síntomas pueden incluir mareos, náusea, desmayos, somnolencia yuna menor concentración, lo que podría resultar en ahogamiento. Una inmersión prolongada en el spa otermobañera podría ser peligrosa para su salud.

15 NO se recomienda utilizar el spa en solitario. 16 Mantener una adecuada química del agua es necesario para garantizar que el agua sea segura y evitar

posibles daños a los componentes del spa.


Page 19: Haliburton Owners Manual



1 Eltern müssen Vorsicht walten lassen, um einen unbefugten Zugang zu verhindern. Versichern Sie, dassIhre Whirlpoolabdeckung sicher befestigt ist, wenn der Whirlpool nicht in Gebrauch ist. Es gibt KEINEGARANTIE dafür, dass die Abdeckung, ein effektives Schloss oder ein Klemmverschluss den Zugang zudem Whirlpool verhindern können.

2 Kinder müssen zu jeder Zeit genau beobachtet werden, wenn sie sich in der Nähe des Whirlpoolsaufhalten.

3 Um ein Verletzungsrisiko einen Sog von Körper und/oder Haaren zu vermeiden, entfernen Sie dieAbdeckung des Sauganschlusses. Die Sauganschlüsse des Whirlpools haben die Größe, um demDurchfluss, der von der Pumpe erzeugt wird zu entsprechen.

4 Nehmen Sie den Whirlpool NICHT in Betrieb, falls die Sauganschlüsse beschädigt sind oder fehlen. Beieinem Ersatz des Sauganschlusses oder Pumpenkopfs, versichern Sie sich, dass dieDurchflussgeschwindigkeiten kompatibel sind. Ersetzen Sie niemals einen Sauganschluss(Sauganschlüsse) mit einem, der eine geringere Durchflussgeschwindigkeit hat als der originaleSauganschluss (die originalen Sauganschlüsse).

5 Wegen der Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages, erlauben Sie NIEMALS die Bedienung elektrischerGeräte (z.B. Telefon, Radio, Fernseher etc.) innerhalb von 3 Metern des Whirlpools.

6 Personen, die eine ansteckende Krankheit haben, sollten den Whirlpool oder Hot Tub NICHT benutzen.

7 Um Verletzungen zu vermeiden, steigen Sie vorsichtig aus dem Whirlpool oder Hot Tub ein und aus.

8 Nehmen Sie vor oder während der Benutzung des Whirlpools KEINE Medikamente oder Alkohol zu sich,da dies zu Bewusstlosigkeit und einem möglichen Ertrinken führen kann.

9 Schwangere oder möglicherweise Schwangere sollten vor der Benutzung des Whirlpools einen Arztbefragen. Überhöhte Wassertemperaturen können zu einer Schädigung des Fötus oder zu verfrühtenWehen führen.

10 Die Wassertemperatur des Whirlpools sollte niemals über 40°C liegen. Temperaturen zwischen 38°Cund 40°C werden für gesunde Erwachsene für bis zu zwanzig Minuten als unbedenklich erachtet. Fürkleinere Kinder werden niedrigere Wassertemperaturen empfohlen. Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt.

11 Verwenden Sie vor dem Einstieg in den Whirlpool oder Hot Tub ein fehlerfreies Thermometer, um dieWassertemperatur zu messen.

12 Benutzen Sie den Whirlpool oder Hot Tub niemals nach einer anstrengenden Betätigung.

13 Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt, bevor Sie einen Whirlpool oder Hot Tub benutzen. Dies gilt insbesondere fürMenschen mit einer Herzkrankheit, Diabetes, Bluthochdruck oder niedrigem Blutdruck, oder einerKrankheit, die einer ärztlichen Behandlung bedarf, für Schwangere, Kleinkinder oder ältere Menschen,

14 Begrenzen Sie, wenn Sie den Whirlpool benutzen, den Zeitraum, da ein längerer Aufenthalt bei warmenTemperaturen zu einer erhöhten Körpertemperatur führen kann. Symptome dafür sind Schwindel,Übelkeit, Ohnmacht, Benommenheit und ein verringerter Bewusstseinszustand, der zu einemmöglichen Ertrinken führen kann. Längere Aufenthalte in einem Whirlpool oder Hot Tub kann IhreGesundheit gefährden.

15 Es wird NICHT empfohlen, den Whirlpool allein zu benutzen.

16 Die Aufrechterhaltung der vorgeschriebenen Wasserzusammensetzung ist notwendig, um eineunbedenkliche Wasserqualität sicherzustellen und mögliche Schäden an Teilen des Whirlpools zuverhindern.


1 Parents must exercise caution to prevent unauthorised access. Make sure your spa cover is securelyfastened when spa is not in use. There is NO GUARANTEE that the cover, actual lock or clip tie downswill prevent access to the spa.

2 Children must be closely supervised at all times when in or near the spa.

3 To prevent risk of injury resulting from body and/or hair entrapment, DO NOT remove suction fittingcovers. The suction fittings in the spa are sized to match specific water flow created by the pump.

4 DO NOT operate the spa if the suction fitting(s) are broken or missing. When replacing suction fittings orpump heads, be sure the flow rates are compatible. Never exchange a suction fitting(s) with one ratedless than the flow rate marked on the original suction fitting(s).

5 NEVER allow any electrical appliance (E.g.: telephone, radio, light television, etc.) within 3 metres of thespa, due to risk of electrical shock.

6 People with infectious diseases should NOT use a spa or hot tub.

7 To avoid injury, exercise caution when entering and leaving the spa or hot tub.

8 DO NOT use drugs or alcohol before or during spa use, these may lead to unconsciousness andpossible drowning.

9 Pregnant or possibly pregnant women should consult a physician before spa use. Excessive watertemperatures may damage the foetus or cause premature labour.

10 Spa water temperature should never exceed 104°F (40°C). Temperatures between 100°F (38°C) and104°F (40°C) are considered safe for healthy adults for up to twenty minutes. For young children, lowerwater temperatures are recommended. Check with your doctor.

11 Use an accurate thermometer before entering the spa or hot tub, to measure the water temperature

12 Never use a spa or hot tub immediately after strenuous exercise.

13 Consult your physician before using a spa or hot tub especially people with heart disease, diabetes, highor low blood pressure, a condition needing medical treatment, pregnant women, infants or the elderly.

14 Limit the time spent when using the spa since long exposures at warm temperatures can cause highbody temperature. Symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, fainting, drowsiness, and reducedawareness, resulting in possible drowning. Prolonged immersion in a spa or hot tub may be hazardousto your health.

15 It is NOT recommended that the spa be used alone. 16 Maintaining proper water chemistry is necessary to ensure safe water and prevent possible damage to

spa components.


Page 20: Haliburton Owners Manual


1 Les parents doivent être attentifs pour empêcher les accès non-autorisés. Vérifiez que la protection duspa est attachée de manière sécurisée lorsque le spa n’est pas utilisé. Il n’est PAS GARANTI que laprotection, les verrous ou les attaches empêcheront l’accès au spa.

2 Les enfants doivent être continuellement surveillés de près lorsqu’ils se trouvent dans le spa ou àproximité.

3 Afin d’empêcher les risques de blessures dues à un blocage du corps et/ou des cheveux, NE PAS retirerles protections des systèmes de succion. Les installations de succion du spa sont dimensionnées pourcorrespondre à la circulation d’eau spécifique créée par la pompe.

4 NE PAS utiliser le spa si la(es) installation(s) de succion sont cassées ou manquantes. Lorsque vousremplacez des installations de succion ou des têtes de pompe, assurez-vous que les débits decirculation d’eau sont compatibles. N’installez jamais une(des) installation(s) de succion avec un débitinférieur à celui indiqué sur l(es)’installation(s) de succion originale(s).

5 N’approchez JAMAIS un appareil électrique (ex : téléphone, radio, télévision portative, etc.) à moins de 3mètres du spa, du fait des risques de décharge électrique.

6 Les personnes souffrant de maladies infectieuses NE DOIVENT PAS utiliser un spa ou jacuzzi.

7 Afin d’éviter les blessures, soyez attentifs lorsque vous entrez ou que vous sortez du spa ou du jacuzzi.

8 Ne consommez PAS de drogues ou d’alcool avant ou pendant l’utilisation du spa, car cela pourraitentraîner un état d’inconscience et une possible noyade.

9 Les femmes enceintes ou pouvant être enceintes devraient consulter un médecin avant d’utiliser le spa.Une température excessive de l’eau peut porter atteinte au fœtus ou provoquer un accouchementprématuré.

10 La température de l’eau du spa ne doit jamais dépasser 104°F (40°C). Une température située entre100°F (38°C) et 104°F (40°C) est considérée comme saine pour des adultes en pleine santé pendantune durée maximum de 20 minutes. Pour les jeunes enfants, nous conseillons d’utiliser destempératures moins élevées. Vérifiez cela avec votre médecin.

11 Utilisez un thermomètre précis avant d’entrer dans le spa ou le jacuzzi pour mesurer la température del’eau

12 N’utilisez jamais un spa ou un jacuzzi immédiatement après un exercice énergique.

13 Les personnes souffrant de maladies cardiaques, de diabète, de tension faible ou élevée, les personnesdont l’état état de santé nécessite un traitement, les femmes enceintes, les enfants en bas âge et lespersonnes doivent consulter leur médecin avant d’utiliser un spa ou un jacuzzi.

14 Limitez le temps d’utilisation du spa car une longue exposition à de hautes températures peut entraînerune haute température du corps. Les symptômes peuvent être des vertiges, des nausées, desévanouissements, des somnolences et une diminution de l’attention. Une immersion prolongée dansune spa ou un jacuzzi peut être dangereux pour votre santé.

15 Il n’est PAS conseillé d’utiliser le spa non accompagné. 16 Il est nécessaire de maintenir les propriétés chimiques de l’eau correctes afin de s’assurer que l’eau soit

saine et afin d’empêcher des dégâts éventuels sur les composants du spa.



1 Parents must exercise caution to prevent unauthorised access. Make sure your spa cover is securelyfastened when spa is not in use. There is NO GUARANTEE that the cover, actual lock or clip tie downswill prevent access to the spa.

2 Children must be closely supervised at all times when in or near the spa.

3 To prevent risk of injury resulting from body and/or hair entrapment, DO NOT remove suction fittingcovers. The suction fittings in the spa are sized to match specific water flow created by the pump.

4 DO NOT operate the spa if the suction fitting(s) are broken or missing. When replacing suction fittings orpump heads, be sure the flow rates are compatible. Never exchange a suction fitting(s) with one ratedless than the flow rate marked on the original suction fitting(s).

5 NEVER allow any electrical appliance (E.g.: telephone, radio, light television, etc.) within 3 metres of thespa, due to risk of electrical shock.

6 People with infectious diseases should NOT use a spa or hot tub.

7 To avoid injury, exercise caution when entering and leaving the spa or hot tub.

8 DO NOT use drugs or alcohol before or during spa use, these may lead to unconsciousness andpossible drowning.

9 Pregnant or possibly pregnant women should consult a physician before spa use. Excessive watertemperatures may damage the foetus or cause premature labour.

10 Spa water temperature should never exceed 104°F (40°C). Temperatures between 100°F (38°C) and104°F (40°C) are considered safe for healthy adults for up to twenty minutes. For young children, lowerwater temperatures are recommended. Check with your doctor.

11 Use an accurate thermometer before entering the spa or hot tub, to measure the water temperature

12 Never use a spa or hot tub immediately after strenuous exercise.

13 Consult your physician before using a spa or hot tub especially people with heart disease, diabetes, highor low blood pressure, a condition needing medical treatment, pregnant women, infants or the elderly.

14 Limit the time spent when using the spa since long exposures at warm temperatures can cause highbody temperature. Symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, fainting, drowsiness, and reducedawareness, resulting in possible drowning. Prolonged immersion in a spa or hot tub may be hazardousto your health.

15 It is NOT recommended that the spa be used alone. 16 Maintaining proper water chemistry is necessary to ensure safe water and prevent possible damage to

spa components.


Page 21: Haliburton Owners Manual



Canadian Spa Co. Manufacturing extends the following warranties to the original purchasers of its portable spas:

Surface Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the vinyl finish against defects in material and workmanship and specificallyagainst blistering, cracking or delamination for the period of Two (2) years from the original purchase date to the originalpurchaser. If, in Canadian Spa Co. opinion, the surface proves to be defective during this period, Canadian Spa Co. willrepair or, at its option, replace the defective spa shell without charge to the customer.

Plumbing Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the plumbing of the spa will remain free from leaks for the period of two (2)years from the date of purchase to the original purchaser.

Equipment Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the equipment pack (pump, blowers, heater, and control system)against malfunction and defects the materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the date of purchase to the originalpurchaser.

Skirting Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the skirting surrounding the spa to be free from defects in materials andworkmanship at the time of purchase.

Extent of Warranty: This Limited Warranty applies to portable spas manufactured after May 1, 2004 and sold by authorizedCanadian Spa Co. dealers to residential retail customers. This Limited Warranty is given only to the first retail purchaser andterminates upon transfer of ownership. No warranty is provided on filters or any dealer installed accessories. Cost ofinstallation, removal and/or shipping of the spa is not covered by this Limited Warranty. In the event Canadian Spa Co.deems necessary the removal of the spa to a place of repair or that the spa must be replaced, any and all costs of the sparemoval and replacement; landscaping, decking, fencing and/or structure removal, alteration and/or replacement; or othercosts of providing access to the spa will be for the purchaser. This Warranty applies only to spas in single family, residentialinstallations. This Limited Warranty becomes void if the spa is placed in commercial application.


Any defect or damage caused by installation, alteration or repair by anyone who is not an employee of Canadian Spa Co. orauthorized service technician is not covered by the Warranty. This Warranty becomes void if the spa has been subjected tomisuse, abuse, alteration or attempted alteration, repairs or attempted repairs by anyone other than an authorized CanadianSpa Co. service technician, improper installation, improper water chemistry, improper maintenance, acts of god, or damagecaused beyond the control of Canadian Spa Co. Misuse and abuse shall include any operation of the spas other than asdirected in the Canadian Spa Co. Manual. Examples of misuse and abuse include, without limitation:

• Damage of the spa surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered while the spa is empty of water or due to covering thespa with plastic film of any kind.

• Damage to the spa surface caused by contact with unapproved cleaners or solvents.

• Damage caused by the operation of the spas at water temperatures outside of the range of 34 – 104 degreesFahrenheit.

• Damage caused by unapproved sanitizer such as calcium hypochlorite, tri-chlor type chlorine or any sanitizing chemicalthat may remain undissolved on the spa surface.

• Damage caused by failure to provide even sufficient support for the spa.

Purchaser must send the completed Warranty Registration Card to Canadian Spa Co. within thirty (30) days of installation

Warranty Performance: In the event of a defect covered under the terms of this Limited Warranty, notify your authorizedCanadian Spa Co dealer. A Canadian Spa Co. authorized service technician will repair the spa subject to the Terms andConditions of this Limited Warranty. Use all reasonable means to protect the spa from further damage. Reasonable travelcharges may be assessed by Canadian Spa Co. or its authorized service technician if the spa is located outside the nearestauthorized service technician’s service area.

Disclaimers: Canadian Spa Co. or any of its authorized service technicians shall not be held liable for injury, inconvenience,loss of use, chemical or water damage, transportation costs, continent liabilities or any other incidental or consequentialcosts, expenses or damage as result of any deficiency or alleged deficiency of the spa. In no event shall Canadian Spa Co.be liable, for any reason or cause, in excess of the amount paid for the product. No other warranties, expressed or implied,are valid. No agent, dealer, distributor, Service Company or other party is authorized to change, modify or extend the termsof this Limited Warranty in any manner whatsoever.

European Head Office Canadian Head OfficeCanada house, Gatwick Road, Crawley, West Sussex, 2379 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario,

United Kingdom. RH10 9RE Canada. L6L 1H4Tel: (+44) 01293 522266 Fax: (+44) 01293 552295 Tel: (905) 825 8827 Fax: (905) 825 2513

UK Free Phone: 800 980 1999 North American Toll Free: 1800 547 7727




Canadian Spa Co. Manufacturing extends the following warranties to the original purchasers of its portable spas:

Surface Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the vinyl finish against defects in material and workmanship and specificallyagainst blistering, cracking or delamination for the period of Two (2) years from the original purchase date to the originalpurchaser. If, in Canadian Spa Co. opinion, the surface proves to be defective during this period, Canadian Spa Co. willrepair or, at its option, replace the defective spa shell without charge to the customer.

Plumbing Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the plumbing of the spa will remain free from leaks for the period of two (2)years from the date of purchase to the original purchaser.

Equipment Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the equipment pack (pump, blowers, heater, and control system)against malfunction and defects the materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the date of purchase to the originalpurchaser.

Skirting Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the skirting surrounding the spa to be free from defects in materials andworkmanship at the time of purchase.

Extent of Warranty: This Limited Warranty applies to portable spas manufactured after May 1, 2004 and sold by authorizedCanadian Spa Co. dealers to residential retail customers. This Limited Warranty is given only to the first retail purchaser andterminates upon transfer of ownership. No warranty is provided on filters or any dealer installed accessories. Cost ofinstallation, removal and/or shipping of the spa is not covered by this Limited Warranty. In the event Canadian Spa Co.deems necessary the removal of the spa to a place of repair or that the spa must be replaced, any and all costs of the sparemoval and replacement; landscaping, decking, fencing and/or structure removal, alteration and/or replacement; or othercosts of providing access to the spa will be for the purchaser. This Warranty applies only to spas in single family, residentialinstallations. This Limited Warranty becomes void if the spa is placed in commercial application.


Any defect or damage caused by installation, alteration or repair by anyone who is not an employee of Canadian Spa Co. orauthorized service technician is not covered by the Warranty. This Warranty becomes void if the spa has been subjected tomisuse, abuse, alteration or attempted alteration, repairs or attempted repairs by anyone other than an authorized CanadianSpa Co. service technician, improper installation, improper water chemistry, improper maintenance, acts of god, or damagecaused beyond the control of Canadian Spa Co. Misuse and abuse shall include any operation of the spas other than asdirected in the Canadian Spa Co. Manual. Examples of misuse and abuse include, without limitation:

• Damage of the spa surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered while the spa is empty of water or due to covering thespa with plastic film of any kind.

• Damage to the spa surface caused by contact with unapproved cleaners or solvents.

• Damage caused by the operation of the spas at water temperatures outside of the range of 34 – 104 degreesFahrenheit.

• Damage caused by unapproved sanitizer such as calcium hypochlorite, tri-chlor type chlorine or any sanitizing chemicalthat may remain undissolved on the spa surface.

• Damage caused by failure to provide even sufficient support for the spa.

Purchaser must send the completed Warranty Registration Card to Canadian Spa Co. within thirty (30) days of installation

Warranty Performance: In the event of a defect covered under the terms of this Limited Warranty, notify your authorizedCanadian Spa Co dealer. A Canadian Spa Co. authorized service technician will repair the spa subject to the Terms andConditions of this Limited Warranty. Use all reasonable means to protect the spa from further damage. Reasonable travelcharges may be assessed by Canadian Spa Co. or its authorized service technician if the spa is located outside the nearestauthorized service technician’s service area.

Disclaimers: Canadian Spa Co. or any of its authorized service technicians shall not be held liable for injury, inconvenience,loss of use, chemical or water damage, transportation costs, continent liabilities or any other incidental or consequentialcosts, expenses or damage as result of any deficiency or alleged deficiency of the spa. In no event shall Canadian Spa Co.be liable, for any reason or cause, in excess of the amount paid for the product. No other warranties, expressed or implied,are valid. No agent, dealer, distributor, Service Company or other party is authorized to change, modify or extend the termsof this Limited Warranty in any manner whatsoever.

European Head Office Canadian Head OfficeCanada house, Gatwick Road, Crawley, West Sussex, 2379 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario,

United Kingdom. RH10 9RE Canada. L6L 1H4Tel: (+44) 01293 522266 Fax: (+44) 01293 552295 Tel: (905) 825 8827 Fax: (905) 825 2513

UK Free Phone: 800 980 1999 North American Toll Free: 1800 547 7727


Page 22: Haliburton Owners Manual



Canadian Spa Co. Manufacturing extends the following warranties to the original purchasers of its portable spas:

Surface Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the vinyl finish against defects in material and workmanship and specificallyagainst blistering, cracking or delamination for the period of Two (2) years from the original purchase date to the originalpurchaser. If, in Canadian Spa Co. opinion, the surface proves to be defective during this period, Canadian Spa Co. willrepair or, at its option, replace the defective spa shell without charge to the customer.

Plumbing Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the plumbing of the spa will remain free from leaks for the period of two (2)years from the date of purchase to the original purchaser.

Equipment Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the equipment pack (pump, blowers, heater, and control system)against malfunction and defects the materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the date of purchase to the originalpurchaser.

Skirting Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the skirting surrounding the spa to be free from defects in materials andworkmanship at the time of purchase.

Extent of Warranty: This Limited Warranty applies to portable spas manufactured after May 1, 2004 and sold by authorizedCanadian Spa Co. dealers to residential retail customers. This Limited Warranty is given only to the first retail purchaser andterminates upon transfer of ownership. No warranty is provided on filters or any dealer installed accessories. Cost ofinstallation, removal and/or shipping of the spa is not covered by this Limited Warranty. In the event Canadian Spa Co.deems necessary the removal of the spa to a place of repair or that the spa must be replaced, any and all costs of the sparemoval and replacement; landscaping, decking, fencing and/or structure removal, alteration and/or replacement; or othercosts of providing access to the spa will be for the purchaser. This Warranty applies only to spas in single family, residentialinstallations. This Limited Warranty becomes void if the spa is placed in commercial application.


Any defect or damage caused by installation, alteration or repair by anyone who is not an employee of Canadian Spa Co. orauthorized service technician is not covered by the Warranty. This Warranty becomes void if the spa has been subjected tomisuse, abuse, alteration or attempted alteration, repairs or attempted repairs by anyone other than an authorized CanadianSpa Co. service technician, improper installation, improper water chemistry, improper maintenance, acts of god, or damagecaused beyond the control of Canadian Spa Co. Misuse and abuse shall include any operation of the spas other than asdirected in the Canadian Spa Co. Manual. Examples of misuse and abuse include, without limitation:

• Damage of the spa surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered while the spa is empty of water or due to covering thespa with plastic film of any kind.

• Damage to the spa surface caused by contact with unapproved cleaners or solvents.

• Damage caused by the operation of the spas at water temperatures outside of the range of 34 – 104 degreesFahrenheit.

• Damage caused by unapproved sanitizer such as calcium hypochlorite, tri-chlor type chlorine or any sanitizing chemicalthat may remain undissolved on the spa surface.

• Damage caused by failure to provide even sufficient support for the spa.

Purchaser must send the completed Warranty Registration Card to Canadian Spa Co. within thirty (30) days of installation

Warranty Performance: In the event of a defect covered under the terms of this Limited Warranty, notify your authorizedCanadian Spa Co dealer. A Canadian Spa Co. authorized service technician will repair the spa subject to the Terms andConditions of this Limited Warranty. Use all reasonable means to protect the spa from further damage. Reasonable travelcharges may be assessed by Canadian Spa Co. or its authorized service technician if the spa is located outside the nearestauthorized service technician’s service area.

Disclaimers: Canadian Spa Co. or any of its authorized service technicians shall not be held liable for injury, inconvenience,loss of use, chemical or water damage, transportation costs, continent liabilities or any other incidental or consequentialcosts, expenses or damage as result of any deficiency or alleged deficiency of the spa. In no event shall Canadian Spa Co.be liable, for any reason or cause, in excess of the amount paid for the product. No other warranties, expressed or implied,are valid. No agent, dealer, distributor, Service Company or other party is authorized to change, modify or extend the termsof this Limited Warranty in any manner whatsoever.

European Head Office Canadian Head OfficeCanada house, Gatwick Road, Crawley, West Sussex, 2379 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario,

United Kingdom. RH10 9RE Canada. L6L 1H4Tel: (+44) 01293 522266 Fax: (+44) 01293 552295 Tel: (905) 825 8827 Fax: (905) 825 2513

UK Free Phone: 800 980 1999 North American Toll Free: 1800 547 7727




Canadian Spa Co. gewährt die folgenden Garantien auf die originalen Teile ihrer tragbaren Aussenwhirlpools:

Garantie für die Oberfläche: Canadian Spa Co. gibt Garantie auf die Vinylverkleidung in Bezug auf Schäden im Materialund Arbeitsqualität und speziell auf Blasen und Sprünge für die Zeit von zwei Jahren ab dem Kaufdatum an denursprünglichen Käufer. Falls während dieser Zeit ein solcher Defekt an der Oberfläche auftritt, wird der Aussenwhirlpool aufKosten von Canadian Spa repariert, oder sollte Canadian Spa Co. dies für erforderlich halten, die Schale ausgetauscht.

Installationsgarantie: Canadian spa Co. gibt zwei Jahre Garantie auf die Installation des Aussenwhirlpools im Bezug aufdie Dichtigkeit ab dem Kaufdatum an den ursprünglichen Käufer.

Ausstattungsgarantie: Canadian Spa Co. gibt zwei Jahre Garantie auf die Ausstattung ( Pumpe, Gebläse, Heizer undBedienelement ) bei Fehlfunktion, Defekten des Materials und der Arbeitsqualität ab dem Kaufdatum an den ursprünglichenKäufer.

Garantie auf die Verkleidung: Canadian Spa Co. garantiert, dass die Verkleidung des Ausenwhirlpools zum Zeitpunkt desKaufes keinerlei Defekte in Material und Arbeitsqualität aufweist.

Ausschluss der Garantie: Diese Garantie bezieht sich auf tragbare Aussenwhirlpools, die nach dem 1. Mai 2004hergestellt wurden und von authorisierten Händlern an ansässige Verbraucher verkauft worden sind.

Diese Garantie gilt nur für den ersten Käufer ( Endverbraucher ) und endet mit Wechsel des Eigentümers. Es gibt keineGarantie auf Filter oder jedwede vom Händler installierte Zubehörteile. Die Kosten der Installation, Entfernen und Transportdes Aussenwhirpools sind in dieser Garantie nicht enthalten. Wenn Canadian Spa Co. in einem speziellen Fall entscheidet,dass der Aussenwhirlpool zur Reparatur weggebracht werden oder ausgetauscht werden muss, trägt der Käufer alle umdiesen Vorgang herum anfallenden Kosten, wie z.B. Transport, Landschaftsgestaltung, Wiederaufbau, Abbau.

Diese Garantie gilt ausschliesslich für ansässige Privatnutzer, sie ist ungültig, wenn der Aussenwhirpool in einer kommerziellgenutzt wird.


Sollte ein Defekt oder Schaden bei der Installation oder Reparatur auftreten, die nicht von einem Mitarbeiter von CanadianSpa Co. ausgeführt wurde, ist die Garantie ungültig.

Diese Garantie ist ungültig, wenn der Aussenwhirlpool missbräuchlich benutzt oder falsch bedient wurde, wenn erabgeändert oder dies versucht wurde und wenn eine Reparatur oder ein Versuch derselben von jemand anderem als einerauthorisierten Person von Canadian spa Co. ausgeführt wurde, ebenso bei falscher Installation, falscher Wasserchemie,falscher Wartung und absichtliche Beschädigung ausserhalb der Kontrolle von Canadian Spa Co.

Falsche und missbräuchliche Bedienung beeinhalten alle Handlungen an dem Gerät, welche nicht in derBedienungsanleitung aufgeführt sind. Beispiele für falsche Bedienung ohne Ausnahme:• Beschädigung des Aussenwhirlpools, während die Abdeckung nicht darauf ist und der Pool nicht mit Wasser gefüllt ist

oder in folge dessen den Aussenwhirlpool mit Plastikfolie zudecken• Beschädigung des Aussenwhirlpools durch Kontakt mit ungeeigneten Reinigungsmitteln oder Säuren• Beschädigung des Aussenwhirlpools durch Temperaturschwankungen, die ausserhalb von 1-40 Grad Celsius liegen• Beschädigungen, die durch ungenehmigte Chemikalien wie Kalzium-hypochlorite, Tri-chlor Typ Chlor oder andere

Chemikalien, welche die Oberfläche des Aussenwhirlpools angreifen könnten.• Beschädigungen, die durch mangelhafte Untergrundfestigkeit entstanden sind.

Der Käufer muss die ausgefüllte Garantiekarte bis 30 Tage nach dem Kauf an Canadian Spa Co. zurückgeschickt haben.

Durchführung eines Garantiefalles: Im Falle eines Defektes innerhalb der Garantiebedingungen informieren Sie bitte IhrenCanadian Spa Händler. Ein von Canadian Spa Co. authorisierter Service Techniker wird den Aussenwhirlpool nach denBedingungen der Garantie reparieren. Beachten Sie alle Punkte, um den Whirlpool vor weiteren Schäden zu bewahren.Anfallende Reisekosten können von Canadian Spa Co. oder dem

Servicetechniker berechnet werden, wenn sich der Aussenwhirlpool ausserhalb des Zuständigkeitsbereiches des nächstenServicetechnikers befindet.

Canadian Spa Co. und ihre authorisierten Servicekräfte können nicht für Verletzungen, Unannehmlichkeiten, Chemikalien-oder Wasserbeschädigungen, Transportkosten, Haftpflichten oder andere direkte oder indirekte Kosten oderBeschädigungen resultierend aus jedwedem Mangel des Aussenwhirlpools zur Verantwortung gezogen werden.

In keinem Fall kann Canadian Spa Co. für einen höheren als den bezahlten Betrag zur Verantwortung gezogen werden, auswelchem Grund auch immer.

Es gelten keine anderen Garantien oder Vereinbarungen. Kein Agent, Händler, Grosshändler, Servicepartner oder andererPartner ist dazu berechtigt, diese Bedingungen zu verändern oder zu erweitern.

European Head Office Canadian Head OfficeCanada house, Gatwick Road, Crawley, West Sussex, 2379 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario,

United Kingdom. RH10 9RE Canada. L6L 1H4Tel: (+44) 01293 522266 Fax: (+44) 01293 552295 Tel: (905) 825 8827 Fax: (905) 825 2513

UK Free Phone: 800 980 1999 North American Toll Free: 1800 547 7727


Page 23: Haliburton Owners Manual


L’usine Canadian Spa Co. accorde les garanties suivantes aux acheteurs originaux de ses spas portatifs :Garantie matérielle: Canadian Spa Co. garantie la structure de la carrosserie du spa contre les fuites d’eau dues à unedéfaillance de la structure pendant une période de 2 ans à partir de la date d’achat par le premier propriétaire. Si selonCanadian Spa Co. la structure s’avère être défaillante, Canadian Spa Co. la réparera ou, sur sa propre décision, remplacerala structure défaillante sans aucun frais pour le client. Garantie du revêtement: Canadian Spa Co. garantie la finition acrylique contre les défauts de matière et de fabrication, etsurtout contre la formation de cloques, de craquelures ou de décollements pour une période de trois (2) ans ans à partir dela date d’achat par le premier propriétaire. Si selon Canadian Spa Co. le revêtement être défaillant, Canadian Spa Co. leréparera ou, sur sa propre décision, remplacera la structure défaillante sans aucun frais pour le client.Garantie de la tuyauterie: Canadian Spa Co. garantie la tuyauterie du spa contre les fuites pour une période de trois (2) ansà partir de la date d’achat par le premier propriétaire.Garantie de l’équipement: Canadian Spa Co. garantie l’ensemble des équipements (pompe, souffleurs, chauffage etsystème de contrôle) contre les dysfonctionnements et les défaillances de matériel et de fabrication pour trois (2) ans à partirde la date d’achat par le premier propriétaire.Garantie du socle: Canadian Spa Co. garantie que le socle en qui entoure le spa est exempt de tout défaut de matériel etde fabrication au moment de l’achat. Parce que le bois est un produit naturel et est sujet au temps, toute décoloration,craquelure ou déformation de la finition du bois ne sont pas couvertes.Extension de garantie: cette garantie limitée s’applique aux spas portatifs fabriqués après le 1er mars 2004 et vendus àdes clients résidentiels par les revendeurs agréés de Canadian Spa Co. Cette Garantie Limitée est accordée uniquement aupremier acheteur et prend fin au transfert de propriété. Il n’existe pas de garantie sur les ampoules, les protections deslentilles des lumières, les filtres ou tout autre accessoire installé par le revendeur. Les coûts d’installation, de démontageet/ou de transport ne sont pas couverts par cette Garantie Limitée. Dans le cas où Canadian Spa Co. estime nécessaire detransporter le spa dans un atelier de réparation ou si le spa doit être remplacé, tous les frais de déplacement et de transportdu spa (aménagement du terrain, décoration, clôture, et/ou déplacement, modification ou remplacement de la structure) outous les autres frais nécessaires pour accéder au spa seront à la charge de l’acheteur. Cette Garantie ne s’applique qu’auxspas installés dans des maisons individuelles. Cette Garantie Limitée devient nulle si le spa est situé sur un emplacementcommercial.TERMES, CONDITIONS ET LIMITESTout défaut ou dommage du à l’installation, à une modification ou une réparation par une personne n’étant pas employéepar Canadian Spa Co. ou par un technicien agréé n’est pas couvert par la Garantie. Cette Garantie devient nulle si le spa asubi une mauvaise utilisation, un mauvais traitement, une modification ou une tentative de modification, des réparations ouune tentative de réparation par quelqu’un d’autre qu’un technicien agréé par Canadian Spa Co., une mauvaise installation,une mauvaise propriété chimique de l’eau, un mauvais entretien, des désastres naturels ou des dommages n’étant pas duressort de Canadian Spa Co. Les mauvaises utilisations et les mauvais traitements comprennent tout fonctionnement desspas autre que ceux indiqués dans le manuel Canadian Spa Co. Exemples de mauvaises utilisations et de mauvaistraitements, non-exhaustifs :• Dommages sur le revêtement du spa dus au fait que le spa reste non couvert lorsqu’il est vide ou au fait qu’il soit couvert

par un film plastique quelconque.• Dommages sur le revêtement du spa dus à un contact avec des nettoyants ou des solvants non approuvés.• Dommages dus à une utilisation du spa à des températures d’eau en dehors de la gamme 34 – 104 degrés Fahrenheit

(13°C-40°C).• Dommages dus à un désinfectant non approprié tel que l’hypochlorite de calcium, le tri chlore ou tout produit chimique

désinfectant qui peut rester non dissous à la surface du spa.• Dommages dus à un manque de soutien du spa.L’acheteur doit envoyer le Certificat de Garantie complété à Canadian Spa Co. dans les trente (30) jours qui suiventl’installationExécution de la Garantie: dans le cas où un défaut couvert par les termes de cette Garantie Limitée, veuillez en faire part àvotre revendeur agréé Canadian Spa Co. Un technicien agréé Canadian Spa Co. effectuera les réparations du spaconformément aux Termes et Conditions de cette Garantie Limitée. Utilisez tous les moyens possibles pour protéger le spade dommages supplémentaires. Des frais de transport raisonnables peuvent être estimés par Canadian Spa Co. ou par letechnicien agréé si le spa est situé en dehors de la zone d’intervention du technicien.Clause de non-responsabilité: Canadian Spa Co. ou tout technicien agréé ne peuvent pas être tenu pour responsabledes blessures, des dérangements, d’une privation d’utilisation, de dommages chimiques ou envers l’eau, de coûts detransport ou de tout autre frais accidentels ou en relatifs, de dépenses ou de dommages qu résulteraient d’une déficienceou d’une déficience supposée du spa. En aucun cas Canadian Spa Co. ne peut être tenu pour responsable, pour quelqueraison ou cause que ce soit, au-delà du montant payé pour le produit. Aucune autre garantie, énoncée ou sous-entendue,n’est valable. Aucun agent, revendeur, distributeur, Société de services ou tout autre partie n’est autorisé à changer,modifier ou étendre les termes de cette Garantie Limitée de quelque manière que ce soit.

European Head Office Canadian Head OfficeCanada house, Gatwick Road, Crawley, West Sussex, 2379 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario,

United Kingdom. RH10 9RE Canada. L6L 1H4Tel: (+44) 01293 522266 Fax: (+44) 01293 552295 Tel: (905) 825 8827 Fax: (905) 825 2513

UK Free Phone: 800 980 1999 North American Toll Free: 1800 547 7727




Canadian Spa Co. Manufacturing extends the following warranties to the original purchasers of its portable spas:

Surface Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the vinyl finish against defects in material and workmanship and specificallyagainst blistering, cracking or delamination for the period of Two (2) years from the original purchase date to the originalpurchaser. If, in Canadian Spa Co. opinion, the surface proves to be defective during this period, Canadian Spa Co. willrepair or, at its option, replace the defective spa shell without charge to the customer.

Plumbing Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the plumbing of the spa will remain free from leaks for the period of two (2)years from the date of purchase to the original purchaser.

Equipment Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the equipment pack (pump, blowers, heater, and control system)against malfunction and defects the materials and workmanship for two (2) years from the date of purchase to the originalpurchaser.

Skirting Warranty: Canadian Spa Co. warrants the skirting surrounding the spa to be free from defects in materials andworkmanship at the time of purchase.

Extent of Warranty: This Limited Warranty applies to portable spas manufactured after May 1, 2004 and sold by authorizedCanadian Spa Co. dealers to residential retail customers. This Limited Warranty is given only to the first retail purchaser andterminates upon transfer of ownership. No warranty is provided on filters or any dealer installed accessories. Cost ofinstallation, removal and/or shipping of the spa is not covered by this Limited Warranty. In the event Canadian Spa Co.deems necessary the removal of the spa to a place of repair or that the spa must be replaced, any and all costs of the sparemoval and replacement; landscaping, decking, fencing and/or structure removal, alteration and/or replacement; or othercosts of providing access to the spa will be for the purchaser. This Warranty applies only to spas in single family, residentialinstallations. This Limited Warranty becomes void if the spa is placed in commercial application.


Any defect or damage caused by installation, alteration or repair by anyone who is not an employee of Canadian Spa Co. orauthorized service technician is not covered by the Warranty. This Warranty becomes void if the spa has been subjected tomisuse, abuse, alteration or attempted alteration, repairs or attempted repairs by anyone other than an authorized CanadianSpa Co. service technician, improper installation, improper water chemistry, improper maintenance, acts of god, or damagecaused beyond the control of Canadian Spa Co. Misuse and abuse shall include any operation of the spas other than asdirected in the Canadian Spa Co. Manual. Examples of misuse and abuse include, without limitation:

• Damage of the spa surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered while the spa is empty of water or due to covering thespa with plastic film of any kind.

• Damage to the spa surface caused by contact with unapproved cleaners or solvents.

• Damage caused by the operation of the spas at water temperatures outside of the range of 34 – 104 degreesFahrenheit.

• Damage caused by unapproved sanitizer such as calcium hypochlorite, tri-chlor type chlorine or any sanitizing chemicalthat may remain undissolved on the spa surface.

• Damage caused by failure to provide even sufficient support for the spa.

Purchaser must send the completed Warranty Registration Card to Canadian Spa Co. within thirty (30) days of installation

Warranty Performance: In the event of a defect covered under the terms of this Limited Warranty, notify your authorizedCanadian Spa Co dealer. A Canadian Spa Co. authorized service technician will repair the spa subject to the Terms andConditions of this Limited Warranty. Use all reasonable means to protect the spa from further damage. Reasonable travelcharges may be assessed by Canadian Spa Co. or its authorized service technician if the spa is located outside the nearestauthorized service technician’s service area.

Disclaimers: Canadian Spa Co. or any of its authorized service technicians shall not be held liable for injury, inconvenience,loss of use, chemical or water damage, transportation costs, continent liabilities or any other incidental or consequentialcosts, expenses or damage as result of any deficiency or alleged deficiency of the spa. In no event shall Canadian Spa Co.be liable, for any reason or cause, in excess of the amount paid for the product. No other warranties, expressed or implied,are valid. No agent, dealer, distributor, Service Company or other party is authorized to change, modify or extend the termsof this Limited Warranty in any manner whatsoever.

European Head Office Canadian Head OfficeCanada house, Gatwick Road, Crawley, West Sussex, 2379 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario,

United Kingdom. RH10 9RE Canada. L6L 1H4Tel: (+44) 01293 522266 Fax: (+44) 01293 552295 Tel: (905) 825 8827 Fax: (905) 825 2513

UK Free Phone: 800 980 1999 North American Toll Free: 1800 547 7727


Page 24: Haliburton Owners Manual


Seating capacity 4 – 5 adultsDimensions 64 in x 64 in x 29 in / 162 cm x 162 cm x 73 cmDry weight 180 lb / 81 kgFilled weight 3300 lb / 1500 kgWater capacity 264 gallons / 1200 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Muskoka Portable Spa

Seating capacity 5 – 6 adultsDimensions 76 in x 76 in x 29 in / 193 cm x 193 cm x 73 cmDry weight 190 lb / 86 kgFilled weight 4000 lb / 1800 kgWater capacity 423 gallons / 1600 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Haliburton Portable Spa


Seating capacity 4 – 5 adultsDimensions 64 in x 64 in x 29 in / 162 cm x 162 cm x 73 cmDry weight 180 lb / 81 kgFilled weight 3300 lb / 1500 kgWater capacity 264 gallons / 1200 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Muskoka Portable Spa

Seating capacity 5 – 6 adultsDimensions 76 in x 76 in x 29 in / 193 cm x 193 cm x 73 cmDry weight 190 lb / 86 kgFilled weight 4000 lb / 1800 kgWater capacity 423 gallons / 1600 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Haliburton Portable Spa


Seating capacity 4 – 5 adultsDimensions 64 in x 64 in x 29 in / 162 cm x 162 cm x 73 cmDry weight 180 lb / 81 kgFilled weight 3300 lb / 1500 kgWater capacity 264 gallons / 1200 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Muskoka Portable Spa

Seating capacity 5 – 6 adultsDimensions 76 in x 76 in x 29 in / 193 cm x 193 cm x 73 cmDry weight 190 lb / 86 kgFilled weight 4000 lb / 1800 kgWater capacity 423 gallons / 1600 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Haliburton Portable Spa

Page 25: Haliburton Owners Manual




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Page 27: Haliburton Owners Manual


Seating capacity 4 – 5 adultsDimensions 64 in x 64 in x 29 in / 162 cm x 162 cm x 73 cmDry weight 180 lb / 81 kgFilled weight 3300 lb / 1500 kgWater capacity 264 gallons / 1200 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Muskoka Portable Spa

Seating capacity 5 – 6 adultsDimensions 76 in x 76 in x 29 in / 193 cm x 193 cm x 73 cmDry weight 190 lb / 86 kgFilled weight 4000 lb / 1800 kgWater capacity 423 gallons / 1600 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Haliburton Portable Spa


Seating capacity 4 – 5 adultsDimensions 64 in x 64 in x 29 in / 162 cm x 162 cm x 73 cmDry weight 180 lb / 81 kgFilled weight 3300 lb / 1500 kgWater capacity 264 gallons / 1200 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Muskoka Portable Spa

Seating capacity 5 – 6 adultsDimensions 76 in x 76 in x 29 in / 193 cm x 193 cm x 73 cmDry weight 190 lb / 86 kgFilled weight 4000 lb / 1800 kgWater capacity 423 gallons / 1600 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Haliburton Portable Spa


Seating capacity 4 – 5 adultsDimensions 64 in x 64 in x 29 in / 162 cm x 162 cm x 73 cmDry weight 180 lb / 81 kgFilled weight 3300 lb / 1500 kgWater capacity 264 gallons / 1200 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Muskoka Portable Spa

Seating capacity 5 – 6 adultsDimensions 76 in x 76 in x 29 in / 193 cm x 193 cm x 73 cmDry weight 190 lb / 86 kgFilled weight 4000 lb / 1800 kgWater capacity 423 gallons / 1600 litresSpa shell Reinforced heavy duty vinylSpa cabinet Wood effect Durawoood – maintenance freeJets 130 massage jetsPump Circulating pump – continuous dutyBlower 1.5 hp heated air blowerHeater 1.5 kw high outputFiltration Skim filter with replacable filter mediaControl panel Digital control systemCover Lockable tapered hard top coverAromatherapy Aromatherapy canister with fragrance beadsBooster seats 2 water filled booster seatsElectrical requirements Europe 230-240v / 13A / 50 Hz

North America 120v / 15A / 60HzLighting Optional LED lightOzone Optional – Plasma cell UV Ozonator

Haliburton Portable Spa


Page 28: Haliburton Owners Manual

European Head Office

Canada house, Gatwick Road,Crawley, West Sussex,

Uni ted K ingdom. RH10 9RE

Tel: (+44) 01293 522266Fax: (+44) 01293 552295

UK Free Phone:800 980 1999

Canadian Head Office

2379 Lakeshore Road West ,Oakv i l le , Ontar io ,Canada. L6L 1H4

Tel: (905) 825 8827Fax: (905) 825 2513

North American Toll Free:1800 547 7727

w w w . c a n a d i a n s p a c o m p a n y . c o m