Half term 4 week 1. k--w k--w.

Managing Impulsivity Half term 4 week 1

Transcript of Half term 4 week 1. k--w k--w.

New Beginnings

Managing ImpulsivityHalf term 4 week 11What does Managing Your Impulsivity mean? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amsqeYOk--w

Have you ever done something which you later regretted doing? Do you have so many pairs of football boots or so many school bags that you hardly use them? Have you ever done a piece of homework which was not required by your teacher because you did not read her instructions? Have you ever got comments by a teacher that says This isnt what I asked you to do?"? If you have experienced one or several of the above, then you are a victim of.

Managing your impulsivity simply means that you think before you act. For example, if you already have several hoodies for various occasions (for going out with friends or for sports); you may not be tempted into buying another one if you thought carefully to yourself if you really needed another one. You may have thought to yourself, "I already have 3. If I don't buy this one which really looks nice though, maybe the money saved can be spent on something else which may be more necessary to me."

Managing Impulsivity is being able to STOP and THINK in a situation. It is also about being calm and careful in a problem.

If you are able to stop and think about an issue before you go ahead and do it. Then you will do the right thing and figure out the problem in the correct way.

Otherwise if you don't "Manage Impulsivity" You might not do the right thing in a situation and things could go very wrong. And also if you didn't stay calm & stop to be able to think about the situation, to be able to solve it, you could become stressed and fail the problem. That would be bad, because being able to Manage Impulsivity is a great thing to be able to do and you will need it many times in later life to help you in different situations

2Can Homer manage his impulsivity?

How impulsive R U? Take this test to find out!! (remember if you chose A, B or C)You go to JD Sports and see a really cool pair of trainers. Do you:-

c) You dont feel any urge to even give the trainers a second look.

a) Buy the trainers immediately. b) Think about the trainers you already own and then make a decision.

2 A friend calls and asks you to come over to Jurong Street. Do you

b) Say you will go but in an hours time, as you are just finishing your Maths homework.

a) Say Yes immediately and rush out of the house c) Ask Where is Jurong Street?

IMPULSIVITY QUESTION 2IMPULSIVITY QUESTION 3The exams are near and you know you need to revise your work. Do you:-

a) Pick up the first text that you see on your table.

b) Start to make your revision timetable for the next 3 weeks.

c) Think exams are a waste of time as they dont test your fantastic skills at playing COD Black Ops.

You are happily chatting on BBM with your mates. Suddenly, an unknown tag asks for your mobile phone number and address. Do you:-

c) Whats BBM?

a) Give them immediately and ask to meet up.

b) Say no but continue to chat in a friendly manner.

IMPULSIVITY QUESTION 4Your best friend unintentionally says something that offended you. Do you:-

a) Break up the friendship you two have shared since Infant School.

c) Dont have a best friend.

b) Feel yourself getting angry but tell yourself that your friend did not offend you on purpose.

IMPULSIVITY QUESTION 58The weekend is here. Do you:-

b) You plan to get homework done out of the way before spending the remaining time with your family / mates.

c) You stand at the school entrance and wonder why the teachers arent opening the doors.

a) Not have any idea how to spend it , other than knowing that you need to get out of the house.

IMPULSIVITY QUESTION 6You take up tae-kwon-do because:-

a) You just love the combat uniforms. c) You can beat people up.

b) You enjoy the mental and physical discipline of the sport.

IMPULSIVITY QUESTION 7You are at Cardiffs Red Hot Buffet. Do you:-

a) Eat all you can and more, then feel really ill.

b) Take a little at a time.

c) Eat all you can and asks the waitress to give you a bag to carry some home .

IMPULSIVITY QUESTION 811How did you do? Your Score and what it says about your behaviour!!

Mostly (a) : You really do not think before you act.

Mostly (b) : You are really good at managing your impulsivity, which shows an intelligent, thoughtful person that you are.

Mostly (c) Category: You are either a dead vegetable or a danger to society.

Are you Reactive or Proactive?Reactive people tend to jump to conclusions and are the victims of their environment.

On the other hand proactive people take time to consider, they manage their impulses and make good choices about the best course of action.

Impulsivity and schoolShouting out answersPutting your hand up and saying miss, miss, missStarting to pack away while the teacher is talkingLeaving when the bell ringsArguing in the middle of the lesson in front of the class because you disagreeHitting someoneWatching TV instead of doing homework

ResearchResearch shows that those children who are able to manage their impulsivity develop into successful adults.It isnt true that we are born impulsive therefore we can learn to be less impulsive and train ourselves.Managing ImpulsivityThe next time we feel impulsive adopt the STAR Approach:

S StopT ThinkA ActR - Reflect

Famous SayingNext time we feel impulsive in school, at home or in general, use the following saying:

Think before you ActReflection

A moment of silence to reflect on the following

May you faith support you.18