Ha'Lekhem - thebread4life.com TheLamb13.pdfA Lesson in Hebrew from As we’ve come together in...

S HALOMAhkee ve’ Ahkotee (My brothers and My sisters) Wel- come to anoth- er publishing of The BREAD’. We first want to thank Our heavenly Father YHWH - for allowing us to receive, verify and send His Word and Will to Update, Uphold an Unite His people. Hallelu’Yah Hallelu’Yah Let all nations You have made come and bow themselves before You, O , And give esteem to Your Name. For You are great and are doing wonders; You are Elohim, You alone. Teach me Your way, O ; Let me walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your Name. Tehillim (Ps.) 86:9-12 Shema Yisra’el: Hear Yisra’el, As we’ve observed and come upon His High Shabbats; YHWH’s “Appointed time” (Lev.23:15-22), of ...SHAV’UOT: Feast of Weeks ; a feast like ALL of them, one to re- member. The days listed as holidays; Jewish celebrations/convocations on most calendars are not in accordance with Torah, nor occur when & how the true signs are to be observed (Gen.1:14,15 + Ps. 104:19). S HAV HAVUOT UOT~ is the First’ or spring’ harvest festival in which thanksgiving and rejoicing to YHWH is expressed for the grain harvest and other crops in season (Num. 28:26). S HAV HAVUOT UOT is also called First fruits & the “Pentecost: Greek for “count-fifty” We count 7 weeks from the sheaf/ wave offering or when we began working after the Unleavened Bread Sab- bath. Counting starts from that day, i.e., “tues, “thur, etc., not just the end of the week Sabbath. After 49 days has passed, S HAVUOT HAVUOT is 50th “Count seven weeks for yourself Begin to count seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the grain. Debarim (Deut.) 16:9 Shavuot Shavuot ~ The “Appointed Times” listed have tentative dates, so please confirm as written; Gen. 1:14; Ps. 81:3,4– SHAV’UOT’ Feast of Weeks June 16th YOM TERUAHFeast of Trumpets Oct. 7th YOM KIPPURDay of Atonement Oct. 16th SUKKOT’ Feast of Booths Oct. 21-27 Last Great Day Oct. 28th Ha'Lekhem: Ha'Lekhem: The BREAD’ is a monthly/ bi-monthly newsletter writ- ten, destined and dedicated to serving ‘Our heavenly Father, YHWH, through His Son Yahushua: , and Blessed Com- forter: Ru’ach Ha’qodesh– (Set-apart Spirit). The purpose of this news- letter is to provide a literal, yet Spiritual message to His people; children of Yisra’el [Ex. 31:12-17]. The BREAD does not en- dorse religions, denomina- tions, opinions, etc., but we do proclaim His Word, The Scriptures, Oracles, Torah of YHWH. Ha’LEKHEM utilizes the original speech/ language that concedes with the original writings; He- brew, affirming specifica- tions from each book, verse, & chapter inscribed. An- cient enunciation, defini- tions transcribed are from: The Scriptures The Torah/Tanakh The Open Bible (KJV) Ancient Hebrew Dictionary – Strong’s Please research and confirm all messages. SIVAN: 2013 ~ (MAY-JUNE) VOLUME 3, ISSUE 15 And he said to me, “write, ‘Blessed are those who have been called to the marriage supper of the Lamb! ... Rev 19:9 Rev 19:9 In Prayer: In Prayer: ba ba- tefeelah ~ tefeelah ~ As we come together before the Me’lek of Abraham, Yitzhak and Ya’aqob’: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, let us remember to pray to YHWH for those who were unable to commemorate His Set-apart Days; Feasts, and/or could not participate in assembling, worship, study or fellowship with their destined congregations. Whether due to lawless- ness of this land, “Required to work”, incarcerated, sick, lack of trans- portation etc., we come before you in humbleness Our Father; that we stand fast in faith and with honor, blessing and praising your Name. With all that is seen and unseen, allow Your people to unite, strengthen and in obedience guard Your Sabbaths in Spirit by contin- uing to walk in Your Set-apart Spirit: roo’akh ha-kodesh ~ . Please mention these names in your prayers: YEHUDA ~ Mothers: Ananiah, Thompson, KEPHA ~ D.Butler and ALL the widows MALACHI ~ AHK: Ronald Banks Sr. AZARYAHU~ ...and pray for all those who have graduated from their learning institutions: 2013 [Omaine]

Transcript of Ha'Lekhem - thebread4life.com TheLamb13.pdfA Lesson in Hebrew from As we’ve come together in...


Ahkee ve’

Ahkotee (My

brothers and

My sisters) Wel-

come to anoth-

er publishing of


We first want to

thank Our

heavenly Father


for allowing us to

receive, verify

and send His

Word and Will to Update, Uphold an

Unite His people.

Hallelu’Yah Hallelu’Yah Let all nations You have made

come and bow themselves before

You, O , And give esteem to

Your Name. For You are great

and are doing wonders; You are

Elohim, You alone. Teach me

Your way, O ; Let me walk

in Your truth; Unite my heart to

fear Your Name. Tehillim (Ps.)


Shema Yisra’el: Hear Yisra’el, As

we’ve observed and come upon His

High Shabbats; YHWH’s “Appointed

time” (Lev.23:15-22),

of ...SHAV’UOT: Feast of Weeks ; a

feast like ALL of them, one to re-

member. The days listed as holidays;

Jewish celebrations/convocations on most

calendars are not in accordance with

Torah, nor occur when & how the

true signs are to be observed

(Gen.1:14,15 + Ps. 104:19).

SSHAVHAV’’UOTUOT~ is the First’ or spring’

harvest festival in which thanksgiving

and rejoicing to YHWH is expressed

for the grain harvest and other crops

in season (Num. 28:26).

SSHAVHAV’’UOTUOT is also called First fruits &

the “Pentecost: Greek for “count-fifty”

We count 7 weeks from the sheaf/

wave offering or when we began

working after the Unleavened Bread Sab-

bath. Counting starts from that day,

i.e., “tues, “thur, etc., not just the end

of the week Sabbath. After 49 days

has passed, SSHAVUOTHAVUOT is 50th

“Count seven weeks for yourself

Begin to count seven weeks from

the time you begin to put the

sickle to the grain. Debarim

(Deut.) 16:9

Shavuot Shavuot ~

The “Appointed Times” listed have

tentative dates, so please confirm as

written; Gen. 1:14; Ps. 81:3,4–


of Weeks




Feast of Trumpets




of Atonement




of Booths



Last Great Day Oct.




The BREAD’ is a monthly/

bi-monthly newsletter writ-

ten, destined and dedicated

to serving ‘Our heavenly

Father, YHWH– ,

through His Son Yahushua:

, and Blessed Com-

forter: Ru’ach Ha’qodesh–

(Set-apart Spirit).

The purpose of this news-

letter is to provide a literal,

yet Spiritual message to His

people; children of Yisra’el

[Ex. 31:12-17].

The BREAD does not en-

dorse religions, denomina-

tions, opinions, etc., but we

do proclaim His Word, The

Scriptures, Oracles, Torah


utilizes the original speech/

language that concedes with

the original writings; He-

brew, affirming specifica-

tions from each book, verse,

& chapter inscribed. An-

cient enunciation, defini-

tions transcribed are from:

The Scriptures

The Torah/Tanakh

The Open Bible (KJV)

Ancient Hebrew Dictionary– Strong’s

Please research and confirm

all messages.


And he said to me,

“write, ‘Blessed

are those who

have been called

to the marriage

supper of the

Lamb! ... Rev 19:9Rev 19:9

In Prayer : In Prayer : baba--tefeelah ~ tefeelah ~

As we come together before the Me’lek of Abraham, Yitzhak and

Ya’aqob’: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, let us remember to pray to YHWH

for those who were unable to commemorate His Set-apart Days;

Feasts, and/or could not participate in assembling, worship, study or

fellowship with their destined congregations. Whether due to lawless-

ness of this land, “Required to work”, incarcerated, sick, lack of trans-

portation etc., we come before you in humbleness Our Father;

that we stand fast in faith and with honor, blessing and praising your

Name. With all that is seen and unseen, allow Your people to unite,

strengthen and in obedience guard Your Sabbaths in Spirit by contin-

uing to walk in Your Set-apart Spirit: roo’akh ha-kodesh ~ .

Please mention these names in your prayers:

YEHUDA ~ Mothers: Ananiah, Thompson,

KEPHA ~ D.Butler and ALL the widows

MALACHI ~ AHK: Ronald Banks Sr.

AZARYAHU~ ...and pray for all those who have

graduated from their learning institutions: 2013 [Omaine]

A Lesson in Hebrew from

The Ancient Hebrew Dictionary The Hebrew language of the Bible must be understood from its original, ancient per-spective especially since the English lan-guage and (Euro-translators) has corrupted it with false meanings, translations and incor-rect pronunciations. Let us read, speak and write as it has and is from each word:

khag Translation: feast Definition: A com-memoration of a special event with danc-ing, rejoicing, and sharing of food. A cere-mony of joy and thanksgiving. A festival with a magnificent meal which is shared with a number of guest.

A Future for Yerushalayim: As we’ve

entered into another season, new moon and additional signs, let us take into consideration, the spiritual battle of this 3rd and 4th genera-tion.

Pass through, pass through the gates!

Prepare the way for the people. Build

up, build up the highway! Remove the

stones. Lift up a banner for the peo-

ples! See, has proclaimed to the

end of the earth: “Say to the daughter

of Tsiyon, ‘See, your deliverance has

come; see, His reward is with Him,

and His work before Him.” And they

shall be called, “The Set-apart Peo-

ple, the Redeemed of .” And you

shall be called, “Sought Out, a City

Not Forsaken.”

Yeshayahu (Isa) 62:10-12

As we’ve come together in rejoicing,

worship and feasting on YHWH’s set-

apart day SHAV’UOT

or bee.koo.reem ~

First Fruits’,

let us call to mind

why His Sabbaths

are important and

not done away with.

For one, they are

COVENANTS and perpetual. What

does that mean?

Covenant; Spiritual agreement; Law: a

contract drawn up by deed; Theology: an

agreement that brings about a relationship of

commitment between and HIS PEOPLE.

Perpetual; Lasting forever; 1. never end-

ing or changing.

‘And the children of Yisra’el shall

guard the Sabbath, to observe the Sab-

bath throughout their generations as

an everlasting covenant. Shemoth

(Ex.) 31:16

Covenants are also promises that are contin-

uing from the Most High, example (e.g.),

“And the rainbow shall be in the

cloud, and I shall see it, to remember

the everlasting covenant between Elo-

him and every living creature of all

flesh that is on the earth.” Bereshith

(Gen.) 9:16

TOPIC: Prophecies against Babylon

9. See, the day of is coming, fierce, with wrath and heat of displeasure, to

lay the earth waste, and destroy its sinners from it. For the stars of the heavens

and their constellations do not give off their light. The sun shall be dark at its

rising, and the moon not send out its light. “And I shall punish the world for its

evil, and the wrong for their crookedness, and shall put an end to the arrogance

of the proud, and lay low the pride of the ruthless. “I shall make mortal man

scarcer than fine gold, and mankind scarcer than the gold of Ophir. “So I shall

make the heavens tremble, and the earth shall shake from her place, in the wrath

of of hosts and in the day of the heat of His displeasure. “And it shall be as

the hunted gazelle, and as a sheep that no man takes up– every man turns to his

own people, and everyone flees to his own land. “Whoever is found is thrust

through, and everyone taken falls by the sword. “And their children are dashed

to pieces before their eyes, their houses plundered and their wives ravished. +;

And I heard another voice from the heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people

lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plaques. Yeshayahu (Isa.)

13:9-16; + Revelation 18:4

The NEW BREAD BOX; address, email and number will be soon. Please indicate any request for

Prayer, Events or Camp updates at:

[email protected]

is a source of food

(Spiritually) prepared from

His Word; Torah,

comprised with His Set-

apart Spirit, it’s kneaded

with desire, fear, literacy

and baked with sincerity.

With nourishment for the

mind, body and soul, if

served with wine from

the vine, it can replenish,

restore and rectify that

which is being searched




“I am the true vine, and

My Father is the gar-

dener. + “I am the vine,

you are the branches.

He who stays in Me, and

I in him, he bears much

fruit. Because without

Me you are able to do

naught! Yohanan (Jn.)

