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Hair Care

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try applying either castor oil or mustard oil on your hair and scalp, these 2 types of oils r gud 4 thickening the hair, my aunt had very thin hair, she applied musartd oil and her hair looks great thick and shiny now, so it does work only thing is u have to apply it regularly and mustard oil doesnt smell that nice, if the smell gets 2 u try castor oil then, hope that helps

Deep Conditioner: Mix Extra Virgin Olive Oil with some of your favorite conditioner and leave it for about an hour. I wait until it dries but I don't think you need to wait that long. then I rinse it out with cool water and shampoo. It makes your hair feel amazing.

How To Add Shine To The Dull Hair?

Make a powder of dry lemon rinds, orange peels and pomegranate skin. Add coconut oil to this and apply to your hair to prevent hair loss and get shiny hair.

Cucumber Hair DrenchIf you swim in a chlorinated pool for exercise on a regular basis, the same damage you've noticed happening to your skin and bathing suit, is happening to your hair, as well. Try this treatment at home to keep chlorine damage to a minimum.1 egg

1 half-eggshell's worth of olive oil (i.e., one portion of the eggshell you broke apart)

1 quarter of a peeled cucumber

Blend the egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber in a blender or food processor until smooth. Spread evenly through your hair, leave on for 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse. For the best results year-round, continue this treatment monthly.

Beer Hair Rinse

1 oz distilled or clean catch rain water2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar7 drops lemon essential oil1 ounce beer (stale works fine)5 drops rosemary essential oil5 drops calendula essential oil (optional, but recommended for blondes)Mix all ingredients together. Use as a final rinse, rinse well. Beer adds protein to make hair shiny and make it feel thicker.Homemade Hair Conditioner For Dry Hair 1. Olive oil can be a wonderful conditioner for dry hair. Warm up half a cup, or more if your hair is very long. Massage it through the hair, especially the ends and middle bits - these are always drier than the hair near your scalp. Wrap your hair in plastic, and then in a warm towel, and leave for 30 minutes. Wash out carefully, using a gentle shampoo suited for dry hair.

2. AVOCADO AND EGG YOLKMash a small avocado and combine with an egg yolk. Apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse and wash your hair as usual. This is a great moisturizing mask for your hair. Easy Tips and Guide for Superfluous HairTo make wax yourself, melt 500 gms sugar in the juice of 3 lemons and simmer very slowly until it is a medium honey color toffee mixture. Heat for 10 to 15 minutes, then remove from the heat. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons glycerine, mix and use as warm as possible. It should feel hot when applying over the skin, but should not be unbearable. Sit with legs in front of you and a pan of wax close at hand. Do one leg at a time, working upwards from ankle to knee. The strip should be 4.5 centimeter wide. The strips of wax are applied on the skin with the back of a spoon or spatula going against the direction in which the hair grow. The strip is allowed to cool and is patted briskly to make sure it is gripping the hair underneath, and then pull the cloth quickly bringing the hair with it. Sometimes, the pores look red for a few hours after waxing. Rubbing the waxed area regularly with bath mitt will keep the skin soft. The best way to learn waxing is to have a couple of treatments done at a good beauty salon and watch the technique carefully. When you {eel confident, do waxing at home yourself.Homemade Hair Conditioner RecipesQuick Hair ConditionerMix together 1 egg,2 tablespoons castor oil, I teaspoon vinegar and 1 teaspoon glycerine. Beat constantly and massage into the scalp. Wrap your head in a hot towel and steam the hair, then wash off. This conditioner will make your hair look thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.

Honey Hair ConditionerBeat up an egg and mix to it I teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons coconut or olive oil. Massage it well into the scalp. Steam the hair and then shampoo. This leaves the hair easy to manage and looking lovely.

Alcoholic Hair ConditionerBeat up an egg and 2 tablespoons brandy. Massage into the scalp. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse off. The egg nourishes and the brandy stimulates.

Gypsy Hair ConditionerSteep a medium sized onion. Cut into slices in half a cup of rum. Leave it for 24 hours. Now remove the onions and use the remaining liquid for massaging the scalp. This is an effective liquid for those losing hair.Dyeing Your Hair with Vegetable Products

The leaves of the indigo tree are crushed into a fine powder and used as a dye which gives the hair a blue-black color. A mixture of henna and indigo powder is widely used. The color obtained varies according to the proportion of the two elements in the mixture.

Kohl powder is dissolved in water and applied to the hair with a brush. Years ago kohl was used to blacken the eye lashes, but it has now been abandoned as it is not water-proof or tear-proof.

Mix walnut bark with a dilute ammonia solution )one part ammonia to two parts water) to make an extract. It gives the hair an attractive brown color.

Camomile tea gives a golden tint to the hair but is not capable of covering up grey hair. Make an infusion of red oak bark and rinse your hair in it. It gives a lovely dark sheen to the hair.

If your hair is getting grey try darkening it with sage leaves. Make a strong infusion with the leaves by mixing about 4 tablespoons to one cup of water. Apply this water to the hair roots every day, and you will find a magic change after some days. When the desired color is obtained use it once a week. The other way to use leaves is to mix the infusion with kaolin to make a paste. Apply this to the hair and leave it on for about half an hour, then wash it off. To increase the darkening effect mix in it tea instead of water.

Hair Falling Take a handful of neem leaves and boil them in 4 cups water. After cooling and filtering, use the decoction for rinsing hair.

Mix equal quantities of dried curry leaves (curry patta), lime peel (nimbu ka chilka), Shikakai, fenugreek seeds (methi daana) & green gram (moong saboot) and grind them finely. Store and use as a substitute for soap or shampoo.

Apply fenugreek (methi) seeds, ground with some water and the paste on the head. Allow to soak at least for 40 minutes before washing. Use every morning for a month. Hair Loss Apply a little almond oil (badam ka tel) on scalp frequently and massage.

Grey Hair

Wet a lemon half and rub lemon juice into the scalp well. Wash off after it turns dry.

Grind 1 tablespoon each, pulp of amla and lime juice. Massage this into the hair before going to bed. Wash it next morning.

Soak shredded ginger (adrak) in honey. Eat a spoonful every morning.Vinegar Vinegar is another great conditioner, It gives a crisp, healthy, shiny look, even to dry hair. Apply its an hour before washing your hair. Egg For Falling Hair Egg yolk is very good and applying it on your scalp for an hour, before washing your hair makes them strong and healthy. HAIR SHINE

Grind fresh fenugreek leaves (methi) to a paste and apply the leaf paste over the scalp before a bath.DANDRUFFSoak 2 tablespoon fenugreek seeds (methi dana) in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leave for an hour. Wash with Shikakai or mild shampoo.

Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering use for rinsing hair Dehydration due to diarrhoea Soak half a nutmeg (jaiphal) in 2 cups water for over 2-3 hours. Take 1 teaspoon of this infusion and mix in 1 cup fresh coconut water. Another home remedy is Lemons. If itchy, scaly dandruff has you scratching your head, relief may be no farther away than your refrigerator. Just massage 2 tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir 1 teaspoon lemon juice into 1 cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat this daily until your dandruff disappears. No more itchy scalp, and your hair will smell lemon-fresh.

vinegar is very good for getting rid of dandruff so keep that treatment going everytime before you wash your hair.

For dandruff and Hair fall here is a simple but very effective home remedy. make a misxture of a cup of curd and one egg yolk, mixx them well and apply this paste on your scalp on the roots of ur hair keep it on for an hour and wash your hair hair afterwards with any good shampoo. you will get great results, the curd will help ur dandruff problem and the egg yolk will help strengthen the hair roots and prevent them from falling.BREASTS:

To firm breasts and tighten the skin, mix one teaspoon of vitamin E oil with one tablespoon of yogurt and an egg. Massage this mixture into breasts and wear an old bra over the mixture for at least twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm water.Herbal breast enhancement products use natural herbs to stimulate breast growth. Although all these breast enhancement products contain different herbs but they are all safe as compared to other breast enhancement formulas. Herbal breast enhancement can employ pills, creams, or liquids. Some companies even offer a spray. The herbs worn in the different forms of herbal breast enhancement vary, but usually include Saw Palmetto, Damiana, Dong Quai, Blessed Thistle, blustery Yam, and Fennel Seed.

Some of the best herbal products for breasts enhancement, as found in the ancient books of the Ayurveda are:

1. Dandelion Root2. Soy3. Pueraria mirifica4. Trigonella foenam-graecum or fenugreek5. Withania somnifera or Indian ginseng or ashwaganda6. Fenugreek

These ingredients have been used traditionally to bring about firmness in the breasts. These herbs are claimed to contain plant estrogens, called as phytoestrogens, which stimulate the growth of breast tissue.Tips to make your hair shine and healthy:

1. Honey is good for skin and hair.

2. Heat activated shampoos and weekly deep conditioning for your hair keep them glossy.

3. Bring instant shine to your hair by lightly beating two eggs in milk and massaging them in your hair thoroughly. Rinse after five minutes.

4. Vinegar rinse should be used sparingly too or it may dry out your hair.

5. Cold water rinsing makes your hair look shinier as it closes and smoothens the hair cuticle.

6. You can use a finishing crme during and after blow-drying your hair.

7. A little vodka in your shampoo, if used occasionally, can make your thick hair shine instantly

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Home remedy for Head Lice Tips1.In 1 tsp of limejuice, add 1 tsp of garlic paste and apply it all over your scalp. Keep for 30 minutes and then wash.

2.Take about 8-10 almonds and grind them to form a paste with 2-3 tsp of limejuice. Apply the paste on the scalp and let it remain for half an hour. Thereafter you can wash your head.

3.Washing hair with vinegar serves as an excellent remedy to get rid of head lice.

4.Massage your head with mayonnaise and comb your hair gently after 2 hours.

5.Apply coconut oil to your head after shampoo and condition. Add ten to fifteen drops of tea tree oil into shampoo bottle and use it daily

6.Popular home remedy for Head Lice is olive oil, and vaseline. These are usually left on overnight, often under a shower cap, and then washed out the next day.

7.Coat the hair in mayonnaise and leave on for a minimum of two hours. Wash out and comb through hair. This will not only kill the lice, but it also helps remove the eggs much easier!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hot-Oil Treatment

To make a hot-oil treatment for dry hair, place 1/4 cup of canola oil in a glass measuring cup. Place the cup in a bowl of hot water, and allow the oil to warm. Canola oil is a good choice because it contains no added ingredients or fragrances.

Natural Hairspray

To make a natural hairspray, combine 2 cups water with the juice of one lemon, one orange, or two limes in a saucepan. Simmer until it comes to a boil. Cool and strain the mixture. Pour into a spray bottle. It can be used on wet hair to add body or applied to dry hair. The lemon will not significantly lighten hair.

Cleansing Rinses

1. To remove shampoo residue, combine 1 cup vinegar and a couple of tablespoons dried rosemary. Simmer the mixture and stir, crushing the rosemary on the side of pan to release the fragrance. Strain and cool the mixture before using. Apply to hair after shampooing.

2. For light or blond hair, combine 2 cups water with 1/4 cup lemon-juice concentrate. Apply to hair for 10 minutes, then rinse.

3. For dark hair, combine 2 cups of water with 2 tablespoons apple cider and 1 teaspoon oil of cloves.

Dry-Scalp Treatment

To improve dry scalp and dull-looking hair, mix the following ingredients in a blender: 4 tablespoons apple-cider vinegar, 2 cups aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil. Blend at low speed. Apply to wet hair.

Oily-Hair Treatment

Massage finely grated carrots into wet hair for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Dry-Hair Treatment

Massage mashed avocado into wet hair for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Normal-Hair Treatment

Massage mashed cucumber into wet hair for 15 minutes before rinsing.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jojoba Hair Conditioner

Summer sun is bad and it can dry out and damage our hair. This formula helps restore manageability to your hair, making it healthy smooth, and soft again Take a cup of rose floral water, 1 tablespoon jojoba oil, 10 drops vitamin E oil. To make: In the top of a double boiler, gently warm the rose water. Once rose water is warm, add jojoba oil. For damaged hair or extra conditioning, leave on for several minutes, perhaps while bathing. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Shampoo lightly and rinse again with cool water.

Normal to Oily Hair

Add water, lemon in henna. You can apply Henna fortnightly.

Home made conditionersAdd cup of vinegar in bucket of water. This will give a good shine to your hair. Apply curd for 1hour.

Hair Tonics

Try tonic Hair Oils powder - Put 4 tsp of this powder in water, boil it and after cooling down apply it on hair. This will stop hair loss, rejuvenate and nourish your hair.

Quick- fix hair tipsHenna soaked in water of used tea bags, coffee powder, amla powder can make for a excellent conditioner giving your hair the much needed boost.

There are a dozen of hair accessories available in the market today. Use clips, pins and bands to give your hair a different style and an added touch of color. Use the jojoba oil and rosemary mixture on your hair once a week. This can be applied overnight (wear a cap or use a old pillow case) or use as a hot oil treatment under the hair drier


Methods to stop hair from falling:- 1. Mix 1cup coconut oil,1cup sesame oil,1/2 cup castor oil,25 grams trifla,20 grams penny wort,20gms jhangra,2-3 nutmeg (soften them by dipping in water for some time).Boil the mixture. Peel all of them. Massage this oil in your hair & than cover your hair with hot towel. After one hour shampoo your hair.

2. Mix shoe flower leaves, karri leaves. Churn them or grind them. Mix the paste in curd & massage it on your head. After one hour wash them with shampoo.

3. Mix white vinegar in water, wash your hair with it. It will stop your hair from falling.

4. Grind 50gms black cumin in 1lt. water, filter it. This is when rubbed in hair, falling of hair is stopped. There is improvement in there growth.

5. Massage with antiseptic oil ,1-2 times in a week.Method of making antiseptic oil:-To make the oil mix 100gm coconut oil,100gm olive oil,50gm castor oil,1tsp fenugreek powder,1tbsp fine cutted peppermint leaves, fine cutted neem leaves, fine cutted curry leaves. Mix all the things in a big utensil, cook it on a low flame. Keep it to get cold. After getting cold, filter & pour it in a clean bottle. Take some of it in a bowl as per the need. Lukewarm it, massage hair with it.If the time is less take some coconut oil, lukewarm it, keep it to get cold. Mix 10 drops of calendula cue in it. Massage your hair with it.After 10-20 min. give steam to your hair. Oil goes deep inside the head, provides oxygen to hair. Hot the water in open mouth utensil for providing steam. Put some lemon juice in it. Give steam through towel.Dry the hair & give steam. Now apply herbal pack in hair to remove the dandruff. Dandruff will be removed. Extra nutrition will be supplied to hair, there will be shine in hair, roots will become strong. Hair will not fall.

6. Mix 1/4 tsp black pepper in curd. Apply it in hair. After 20 min. wash hair with it.

7. Boil tulsi leaves in water. Filter the water. Mix emblic myrobalan powder in it. Apply it in hair. After 15-20 min. wash your hair. Roots will become strong & hair will become black.* When you put your hair in a braid or ponytail don't use any plain rubber band, always use a specially treated band like bungee or similar. This will prevent hair breakage and hair loss. *Don't sleep with your ponytail or in tight braid. You will breakage your hair and it turn into hair loss.*If you plan on trying out a new hairstyle such as a braid, updo or twist, for a special event then practice the new braiding style several times before the big event arrives. This will guarantee great results.Before swimming in chlorine, rinse hair with clean water first. Since hair is similar to a sponge, the clean water will be absorbed into your hair and it will make it harder for the chlorine to stick to it. If you like to swim, squeeze a lemon into your daily shampoo and shampoo as normal. If you have blonde hair this will REALLY help to keep all the green out! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To Increase Growth of Hair

)Grind the neem leaves & jujube leaves. Apply this paste on hair. Wash after half an hour. (2)Roast amvla powder in iron metal pan. Put castor oil in it. Boilit, keep it like this one night. After one day massage this oil on head. Tie a cloth on head & sleep. Wash your hair another day.

(3)Churn fresh coconut. Extract its milk. Filter the milk with a cloth. Apply filtered milk in hair. Wash hair after 20 minutes.

(4)Massage with lukewarm olive oil in hair. Dip hair in warm water. Wrap the hair with towel. Apply curd in hair. Shampoo the hair after 15 min. 5)Apply tulsi leaves juice at night. Wash hair in the morning. It will make the hair long & heavy.

(6)Apply cucumber juice in hair.

(7)HERBAL OIL:-12tea spoon coconut oil, 2tea spoon castor oil,1 tea spoon bhringraj powder,1 tea spoon amvla, 1 tea spoon sikaki, 4-6 drops khas khas,10-15 neem leaves, fenugreek,12-15 tea spoon Kari leaves. Mix all of them. Boil them on stove. Filter it & pour it in a bottle.Boil few rose leaves for fragrance.8)Take wheat, groundnut, almond, gram, poppy. Steep them in curd for whole night. Grind them in morning & make paste of it. Put 4tsp yellow ochre, 2tea spoon lemon juice, 1 tea spoon olive oil & one bowl curd in this paste. Make its mixture. Apply it on hair. It is a homemade shampoo. Applying it will make the hair heavy. (9)JOJOBA OIL:-

It is not only useful for hair but nutritious for skin & facial care.


Massage on hair & body. It protects from ultra violet rays of sun

(11)Dip gram pulse in coconut water. When the pulse soaks all the water grind it. If you wash your hair with it, it increases the growth of hair.

(12)Apply lime juice & coconut oil (mixture) in your hair. Wash your hair in the morning. It increases the growth of hair.

(13)Boil dried amvla in coconut oil, till amvla does not burn. It is the best tonic for hair.

(14)Dip the dried pieces of amvla in water for whole night. After washing your hair in morning , condition your hair with this water.

(15)Mash green amvla & apply it in hair roots. Wash your hair. It will make the roots strong.


In one glass of water add one tea spoon vinegar or lemon juice. After washing your hair with herbal shampoo, wash the hair with this conditioner.

(17) HERBAL SHAMPOO:-Make the powder of shikakai & dried shells of lemon. Mix them in the ratio 3:1. Make its paste with water. Use this paste like shampoo or cream. Its regular use will make the hair soft, shiny & silky.

(18) Apply oil in hair, once in week. For dry hair, twice a week. Regular use of oil makes the hair soft.

(19) After getting the hair massaged, give steam to them, with scalp steamer or towel.

(20) Before washing the hair, comb them properly, to remove the dirt.

(21) After washing your hair, wrap towel in hair for few minutes, than dry your hair.

(22) Tensions, imbalanced hormone system, thyroid problems, fatty foods, & chocolates spoil the growth of hair. (23) To make the hair healthy, drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Eat fresh fruits & vegetables. Eat the diet rich in vitamin E & iron.

(24) Mash the long & soft leaves of mango. Apply it in the roots of hair. Massage it for some time & wash your hair. Hair will grow long & black. (25) Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair. What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair

(26) Take dietary supplements such as Vitamin B6, zinc and saw palmetto. Supplements are useful when you can't get enough from natural food sources

(27) Invert your head while you shampoo and massage your scalp. This helps promote blood circulation to the head.

(28) Eliminate stress or else it can be disastrous to your precious hair!

(29) Get enough sleep.

(30) To stimulate scalp circulation, massage the scalp with rosemary essential oil or rinse hair with tea made from sage .

(31) APPLY noni fruit juice directly onto the scalp using a plaster cloth. Another alternative is to apply noni extract directly onto the scalp, massage and leave to dry.

(32) Coconut oil is the trick to getting full, thick, shiny hair like Indian Women. Its also great to help strengthen hair if your hair is thinning. The women in India do a hot oil scalp massage once a week. Heat some up in a bowl and give yourself a scalp massage once a week. Sleep with it on and wash in the morning! It will help seal the cuticle and rid those split ends not to mention making your hair thick and healthy.

(33) Want to keep hair blond. Brew 2 bags or 2 tablespoons of chamomile tea, strain and add it to your final rinse. Result will not be instant, but after a few weeks you will notice some difference.

(34) Add essential oil of ylang ylang to your shampoo, conditioner and styling agents as a hair rejuvenator and to stimulate hair growth.

(35) Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth.

(36) MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is a natural source of organic sulfur good for treating hair loss. Take MSM supplements or eat high sulfur content greens such as kale and watercress.

(37)Always dry the root area first. This will provide the most fullness and control the basic shape of the style youre trying to achieve.

(38) Never use a curling iron on wet or damp hair. The heat from a curling iron can easily exceed the boiling point of water. The water content inside the hair shaft can actually boil if you apply a hot curling iron to it, and cause serious breakage and damage in that spot.

(39) To help prevent hairspray from flaking off in white specks, apply it at least six inches away from the hair. A concentrated blast can make the polymers and resins go on too thickly, causing a stiff, matte bond that can lead to flaking.

(40) Never backcomb or tease hair. It is damaging, plain and simple, and there is no way around this one. It also looks dated and robs hair of its natural luster, especially if your hair is dyed.

(41) Do not use rubber bands. Use only soft fabric tie-backs for your hair. Rubber bands or anything that pinches hair is chipping away at the cuticle, and when you remove a rubber band, it takes lots of hair with it.

(42) Before swimming in chlorine, rinse hair with clean water first. Since hair is similar to a sponge, the clean water will be absorbed into your hair and it will make it harder for the chlorine to stick to it.

(43) If you like to swim, squeeze a lemon into your daily shampoo and shampoo as normal. If you have blonde hair this will REALLY help to keep all the green out

(44) Cut a fresh lemon in half an squeeze the juice over your hair (seeds don't matter) Then sit out in the sun, from 30-45 minutes. After your hair will be sticky and matted. Yuck! So you need to take a shower. (Conditioner helps to detangle your matted hair) After your hair dries, you will have a subtle change in your hair for the "lighter".

(45) Washing the hair with a weak solution of common salt cleans the scalp, cures dandruff and prevents hair loss.

(46) Damaged hair Buy a intense conditioning treatment, wash hair and apply treatment and cover hair with plastic wrap and sit in the sun for 20 minutes or so and wash off! Mash a ripe banana, mix with a few drops of almond oil. Massage all over head into scalp. Leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with soda water. Shampoo and condition.

(47) Pregnancy, nursing, menopause, and even birth control medication can cause constant changing factors on your nutritional needs and hormonal levels which contribute to hair loss and excess fallout.

(48) Avoid "crash and fad" diets. Proper nutritious meals along with vitamin and mineral supplements are a key factor for healthy hair and skin.

(49) Wash and clean a bunch of Methi leaves in water. Without adding water, add black pepper, a few drops of lemon and salt to taste and boil. Churn this in a mixer or juicer and drink this concoction. Drinking this regularly will increase hair growth.

(50) Eat pieces of coconut or if you get cough because of coconut, have jaggery instead. Also include coconut in your daily food like dals, vegetables, etc.

(51) Half an hour before washing your hair, rub coconut milk onto your scalp. This will also make your hair shinier.

(52) Just as you massage oil, massage raw milk in your hair. Wash off after an hour.

(53) Cashew nuts are very nutritious and good for your skin and also enhance hair growth.

(54) Get hair trimmed once every two to three months - so hair appeares to be healthy and clean looking.

(55) Much excersise will also increase hair growth.

(56) One tablet daily provides these and other important nutrients:1000 mcg Biotin to help alleviate nail brittleness; promote healthy hair; and improve the condition (smoothness and elasticity) of the skin.500 mg Collagen which helps build connective tissue a major structural protein providing 18 amino acids.30 mg grape seed extract, a powerful antioxidant which promotes healthy capillaries.

(57) An inexpensive way to keep your hair free from the hard water and to clarify any product build up is by using Bicarbonate of Soda.The addition of Baking Soda/Bicarbonate of Soda to your bath water neutralises the "hard" calcium and exchanges the magnesium ions in the water for "soft" sodium ions. The sodium ions are lovely and won't cause any problems to your skin. In fact, it is used to soften your skin and could help to restore the pH balance especially if your skin is alkaline ie: hot & sweaty. Don't overdo it - just a teaspoon added to bath water will do.

(58) Aromatherapy has been used successfully by some people to treat thinning hair and bald patches. The aroma blend is massaged into the scalp for two minutes each night, and then the scalp is wrapped in a towel, to increase absorption of these oils.

The essential oils suitable for treating alopecia include ylang ylang, roman chamomile, rosemary, lemon, lavender, grapefruit, and bay. Try this blend of oils:

* 3 drops of lavender* 3 drops of rosemary* 2 drops of thyme* 2 drops of Atlas cedar wood

You can't put essential oils directly onto the skin or scalp, they have to be mixed in a carrier oil. Use a half a teaspoon of jojoba oil and 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil. Mix them all together and rub this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes. Use a warm towel to wrap your head in afterwards. Not only does it feel relaxing, but it helps the oils absorb.

(59) If you have thinning hair, chances are you need to address a nutritional imbalance. Increase these nutrients in your diet:

* Flaxseed - As well as providing support to all the cells in your body, flaxseed is rich in alpha linolenic acid, which is one of the Omega 3 fatty acids. This makes hair shine, and its also great for treating dandruff.

* Pumpkin seeds, oysters, and nuts - These are great food sources of zinc. Zinc is needed for strong hair and normal hair growth. It has the added benefit of being great for your brain and concentration.

* Cucumber and oats - These foods are fantastic sources of silica. Silica is important for hair health, and is used when hair splits easily, or starts to thin. Silica is also great for skin health - it's a real beauty mineral. If you don't want to eat a bowl of porridge in the morning, you can get silica supplements. Get the gel form as it is absorbed much more easily than the herbal varieties like horsetail.

* Edible Seaweed, parsley, tofu, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds - Iron is important in hair health, and these foods are rich in it. An iron deficiency causes hair loss. But if you're thinking of taking an iron supplement, get your iron levels tested by your doctor first as iron is a fat soluble vitamin which means that it is stored in your body. This can lead to a toxic build up if too much iron is taken in.

(60) Instant Volume For Your Hair

Do you have long hair and you'd like more volume?

Towel your hair dry and then it pull up on the top of your head. Secure with a fat "elastic" (that won't damage or crease your hair ) and then blow dry the scalp hair until it is dry.

This will give you plenty of volume with little effort

Avocado As Your Hair Care Product

- Mash one avocado which is recommended for its hydrating benefits and proteins and mix with one-tablespoon lemon juice, one teaspoon of sea salt, and one tablespoon of pure aloe until it becomes a paste.

- Comb through hair with your fingertips.

- Cover hair with a plastic shower cap or bag, and wrap a towel around it to seal in the treatment.

- Leave in for 20-30 minutes and enjoy a great book, CD or even better - just savor the peace and quiet!

- Unwrap you newly conditioned hair. Rinse, shampoo and rinse again for soft, luxurious hair!


Would you believe that most commercially bought cholesterol hair conditioners contain alcohol the very thing that dries out hair? Instead, grab a cup full of mayonnaise, some plastic food wrap and throw a couple of towels in the drier on high.

Work the mayonnaise into your hair, starting by massaging it into the scalp and roots. Then draw it through to your ends until your hair is thoroughly coated. Pile the hair on top of your head. Take a couple of feet of saran wrap and wrap it around the top of your head to contain the mayo.

Take a pre-heated towel from the dryer and wrap it around your head over the saran wrap. The heat will aid with deep conditioning. After about 10 minutes, change to another heated towel and leave that on for another 10 minutes.

Remove the towel and plastic wrap and shampoo your hair as usual. Done once a month, this cholesterol treatment will keep your hair soft and shiny.

* Tip: if your hair ends are very damaged from chemical treatment, you can do this once a week. If your scalp is naturally oily, you might want to only add mayo to the hair ends for weekly treatments.

Remedies for dandruffFenugreek Seeds: The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be soaked overnight in water and ground into a fine paste in the morning. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) solution or shikakai.

Lime: The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.

Green Gram Powder: A valuable prescription for removal of dandruff is the use of green grain powder. The hair should be washed twice a week with two tablespoons of this powder mixed with half a cup of curd.

Beet: Beets have been found useful in dandruff. Both tops and roots should be boiled in water and this water should be massaged into the scalp with the finger tips every night White beet is better for this purpose.

Other Remedies: Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for three days, or with a few drops of lime juice mixed with amla juice every night, before going to bed. Another measure which helps to counteract dandruff is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab this on to the hair with cotton wool in between shampooing. Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to disperse dandruff.

Dandruff Hair tonicTake 1 lb of stinging nettles and bring to boil in 1 pint of water. Leave to cool, strain. Rub it gently into scalp and shampoo as usual. It prevents dandruff and also hair loss.


For problems with dandruff, add rosemary and/or patchouli essential oils to your shampoo or mix with almond oil as a hair treatment for your scalp.

1)Mix 2 spoon mustard oil, in 2 spoon lemon juice or 1 spoon eating soda. Apply it in roots of hair & leave it. Wash hair after 15-20 minutes.

2)Take lemon juice & mustard oil in equal quantity. Massage it into your hair with finger tips. After 1/2 an hour wash off with shampoo. It will remove dandruff.

3)Apply apple juice in hair, it will remove your dandruff.

4)After washing your hair with shampoo, apply a few drops of lemon in your hair and massage well. Rinse your hair after 2-3 minutes and see how shiny your hair looks! It will also remove dandruff from your hair.

5)Washing the hair with a weak solution of common salt cleans the scalp, cures dandruff and prevents hair loss.Forget those pricey dandruff shampoos, all you need is mouthwash! It works wonders.

6) Use a gentle shampoo and dilute it before using Commercial anti-dandruff shampoos are too harsh can dry out the hair. Besides these shampoos will only take care of the symptoms not the problem.

7) Use an natural shampoo with tea tree oil and/or rosemary oil. Lightly massage your scalp with the tips of your finger, always using a circular movement for 5 minutes. This is good for blood nourishment to the scalp.

8) Massage a blend of essential oils of jojoba oil, tea tree, and rosemary oil into your scalp with your finger tips for 5 minutes at least once a week and leave in overnight (use a old pillow case)

9) Add six spoonfuls water, two spoonfuls pure vinegar and apply it on the scalp with cotton wool before going to bed. Tie a towel around your head to protect the pillow. Wash your hair next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Continue this once a week for at least three months.

10) Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with two spoonfuls of vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo after this.

11) Natural Anti-Dandruff Massage: Massage your scalp with warm coconut or castor oil twice a week.

Massage with the tips of your fingers in a circular movement for at least half an hour.

Leave it on overnight and shampoo the following morning.

This prevents the hair from becoming dry and moreover prevents dandruff and falling hair by improving the circulation and strengthening the hair roots.

12) Homemade Anti-Dandruff Preparations/Recipes

Homemade Anti-Dandruff Sesame Preparation 1 for dandruffSesame Oil 500 mlBhangra Leaves 100 gm

Boil bhangra leaves in sesame oil for 15 minutes. Let it stand for an hour then strain it. Massage this oil in your head. Leave it for an hour then shampoo your hair.

Anti-Dandruff Sesame Preparation 2 for dandruffSesame Oil 1 tbspBhailavan 3 tbsp

Blend the two together and apply it on the head. Leave it on for 2-3 hours and wash it off with a shampoo in lukewarm water.

Anti-Dandruff Rosemary Preparation for dandruffRosemary Leaves 1 handfulWater 1 litreVinegar 2 tsp

Boil the water and soak rosemary leaves in it. Let it stand for one night. Strain and add vinegar to it. After shampooing wash your hair with this preparation. It treats the hair very fast.

13) Apply gel of Aloe Vera to your scalp half an hour before washing your hair. It will remove the dandruff from your scalp.

14) A mixture of baby oil and listerine works great to kill the fungus that causes dandruff and also moisturize scalp...leave on overnight.Home Remedies for Dandruff Cure

*The best home remedy for the dandruff is rubbing lemon peel on the scalp, leave it on the head for at least 15 minutes then rinse off with shampoo. You can even add few drops of lemon juice to the water and pour this water at the end on your hair. Lemon has some extracts in it, which helps in preventing and reducing the dandruff.

*If you cannot bear the burning or itching caused by lemon on your scalp then mix lemon juice in lukewarm coconut oil and massage it on your scalp. Leave it overnight and wash off next morning with a shampoo of your choice

*Massage is a very good remedy for dandruff as it increases the blood circulation on the scalp, which helps in reducing dandruff.

*Add few cubes of camphor in coconut oil. Keep it in the sun for 20 minutes. Apply this oil on your hair and scalp. It helps in tackling dandruff.

*Take two-table spoonful of curd, whip it well. Add few drops of lemon juice to it. Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes. Then shampoo your hair. It works as a conditioner and reduces the dandruff.

*Take henna powder, curd and tea water. Add few drops of lemon juice to it. Make a paste and apply it on your head. Leave it for at least half an hour then wash off. Apply this pack on the hair at least once in 15 days to cure dandruff.

*Boil neem leaves and use this water to wash hair. It reduces the dandruff.

*A mixture of tea tree oil, olive oil and coconut oil is extremely helpful in curing dandruff from the scalp.

*Vinegar massage on the hair and scalp helps in reducing dandruff. Vinegar should be left on the scalp at least overnight. Practice this every week to get rod from dandruff.

*Boil neem leaves in coconut oil. Restrain the leaves from the oil. Now keep this oil in a bottle, add one lemon juice to it, 1/4 th quantity of castor oil. Keep this mixture for further usage. Massage of this oil on hair and scalp is extremely good for the hair. It

reduces the dandruff and keeps the hair healthy and lice free.

*Soak fenugreek seeds in the water overnight. Make a paste of it in the morning and apply it on your scalp. Leave it on at least half an hour. Rinse off with shampoo and lukewarm water.

*Egg added in henna powder if applied on the scalp, helps hair in getting rid from dandruff. You can even add little curd to this pack.

*A paste of calamine powder mixed with curd if applied on hair cures the dandruff. The only drawback with this pack is that it is difficult to rinse it off when it dries. But it is very useful in reducing and preventing dandruff from the head.

*Massage of lukewarm olive oil and almond oil combination is equally relieving the dandruff.



(13)A cold- water rinse is also a great way to boost the shine of your locks. The cold water closes & smoothens the cuticle, making hair appear shiner.

(14)For shine, stylists suggest rinsing with apple cider vinegar once a week, after shampooing.

(15)Want your hair to shine with natural color? Try this. Add a few teaspoons of fresh beetroot juice to your final rinse, for rich, red highlights.

(16)For extra shine & bounce, apply gram flour mixed with rice water & wash after a few minutes.


(17)Trying to battle dandruff? Look for a high quality shampoo containing ingredients such as tea tree oil, salicylic acid, sulfur. Use on alternate days.

(18)If your dandruff flakes refuse to go away, try this - massage one tablespoon of common salt into your damp scalp before your shampoo. The salt works as a good exfoliate.

(19)Another cure for the dandruff - dissolve 30 tablets of aspirin into a full bottle of shampoo. Wash hair as usual.


(20)Never use your fingernails to massage in the shampoo- you could scratch your scalp.

(21)Always rinse your hair thoroughly after applying shampoo or conditioner. Any residue will leave your hair lack shine.

(23)Are you a water babe? Get all the chlorine out of your tresses by adding a little baking soda to your shampoo.

(24)Prevent static electricity in your hair by using a rinse- out conditioner that adds moisture. Alternatively, you can use a leave- in conditioner after towel drying hair.

(25)From time to time, add two tablets of Vitamin E to your shampoo for a power boost.

(26)Pick shampoo that give benefit to your type of hair. Apply shampoo from root to tip - gently work down the hair. Don't pile up hair while lathering! Rinse thoroughly under running water.

(27) Choose conditioner that works with your shampoo Always condition after shampooing. Apply conditioner from tip to root. Comb your hair while condition through hair to ensure distribution and penetration. Use as much conditioner as your hair can absorb.

(28) Understand your hair type. Being understand your type of hair, such as, oily, dry, natural, curly, straight, kinky or what ever, you can correctly treat your hair with product that is useful to your type of hair..

(29) Dry your hair gently. Do not rub your hair especially if it is very long. Take time to dry it slowly with a gently patting or wringing action. Don't overdrying your hair.

(30) Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies for your hair.

(31) Sodium lauryl sulfate a high volume synthetic chemical used in consumer products and regulated as a pesticide. A suspected gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, sodium lauryl sulfate can be drying and harsh for the hair and cause eye irritation, allergic reactions, and hair loss. According to the National Toxicology Program, it has shown moderate reproductive effects in experiments. It has not been tested for neurotoxicity.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is not a recognized carcinogen. However, the chemical is frequently combined with TEA (triethanolamine), DEA (diethanolamine), or MEA (monnoethanolamine), which can cause the formation of the carcinogenic substances nitrosames. To be on the safe side, add antioxidant vitamins A and C to any product that contains TEA, DEA, or MEA. The addition of antioxidants will help protect against nitrosamine contamination. For each 8 ounces of shampoo, add 1 teaspoon of vitamin C powder, and 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin A powder.

(32) Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair. Detergents are drying to the hair, yet the drawback of using soap instead is for those who don't like to wash their hair every couple of days: without drying detergents, the scalp's natural oils are more present.

(33) Rinse your hair with baking soda to get rid of shampoo build-up and styling residues.

(34) Rinse your hair with baking soda and water to rid your hair of shampoo build-up and styling residues. Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair. Apple cider vinegar mixed with water will give your hair shine and bounce.

(35) align=justifyWhen you wash your hair, take more time washing your scalp than the ends of your hair. Hair ends don't get all that dirty (unless youve got large doses of styling products layered over them), but the scalp can get oily and accumulate dead skin cells that need to come off. In addition, the scalp can almost always benefit from a massage, which will increase healthy circulation and help the hair that's developing in the follicles.

36) The longer you leave a dandruff shampoo on your hair, the more effective it will be.

35) When in doubt, use products designed for your hair type. Unless you have truly normal hair, undesignated products are not for everyone. There is no such thing as the perfect hair-care product for any hair type. Someone with coarse, dry hair has very different needs from someone with thin, healthy hair.

36) Every now and then, take your brush and comb into the shower with you and give them a good shampooing. Styling products, conditioners, and your own oil can cling to brushes and combs, transferring some of the grime back to your clean hair. Remove the excess hair and go for it. For a more thorough cleansing, or if you have dandruff, soak them in a solution of diluted bleach; about three tablespoons to a quart of water should be enough to kill whatever may be lurking around or between the bristles.

38) Shiny Hair To get your hair looking shiny add 1 tablespoon of pink grapefruit juice to your bottle of shampoo. The grapefruit juice will break down the shampoo build up that can leave hair looking dull.

How to give yourself a goodshampoo:1. Give yourself a massaging brush once a week .2. Shampooing in the shower is better than trying to shampoo in the bath because youcan get a good rinse, which is very important. Use a gentle stream of warm water to wet your hair.3. Apply the shampoo a bit at a time, all over your scalp, using gentle rubs.4. Once the scalp has been covered, massage the scalp.5. Bring the shampoo out to the ends of your hair using your fingers, but dont rub theends. The ends dont really need cleansing.6. Thoroughly rinse with a gentle stream of warm water until the shafts squeak.7. Thoroughly rinse with a gentle stream of warm water until the shafts squeak.9. Wrap your hair in a soft towel and press it against your head to let the water absorb into the towel. Dont rub the hair this will only cause tangles or breakage.10. Gently comb hair with a wide-toothed comb.11. Apply your styling product.12. Style and dry.

BASIC SHAMPOO FORMULAIngredients2 tablespoons liquid castile soap1 cup spring water cup fresh herbs (2 tablespoons dried) 1 teaspoon almond or apricot kernel oil2 drops essential oil

To make:

1. Place herbs in a clean 10-ounce glass jar with a lid. 2. Boil the spring water and pour over the herbs. 3. Cover and let steep for 10 to 20 minutes. 4. Strain the liquid from the herbs into a bowl. 5. Add the liquid castile soap and almond or apricot kernel oil and mix thoroughly. 6. Scent with essential oil and mix again. 7. Bottle in a plastic container with a spout or a clean recycled shampoo bottle. Yield: Approximately 24 shampoos

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HERBAL HAIR CONDITIONERS

Herbal hair conditions help make hair more manageable and often impart a smoother and softer texture. They are especially good for those who cannot live without hot rollers, curling irons, and blow dryers.

Jojoba Conditioner

Ingredients1 cup rose floral water1 tablespoon jojoba oil10 drops vitamin E oil

To make:

1. In the top of a double boiler, gently warm the rose water. 2. Once rose water is warm, add jojoba oil. 3. Pour the mixture in a blender and add the vitamin E. Blend at high speed for 2 minutes. To use:

1. Wet hair with warm water. 2. Pour the conditioner onto your hair and scalp, massaging in thoroughly. 3. For damaged hair or extra conditioning, leave on for several minutes, perhaps while bathing. 4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. 5. Shampoo lightly and rinse again with cool water.

Making Your Own Herbal Hair Shampoo Manufacturers are constantly using toxic chemicals in their skin and hair products and disregard their toxic effects on your body. This is easily seen in the list of chemicals that they use. Here are a few of these chemicals found in many product labels: 1 propylene glycol or glycol a petrochemical used because it is cheap 2 cetearyl alcohol emulsifier that can be synthetic or natural 3 methylparaben or propylparaben typical synthetic preservatives 4 distearate this is polyethylene glycol or polypropylene glycol which are petrochemicals 5 isopropyl alcohol used as a cheap solvent to carry synthetic oils.Here is a natural shampoo that you can make. First collect the following items: 4 oz of castile soap with any scent is that available plain, peppermint, eucalyptus. oz of rosemary - stimulates the hair follicles and helps to prevent premature baldness oz of sage has antioxidants and keeps things from spoiling and is antibacterial oz of nettles acts as a blood purifier, blood stimulator, contains a large source of nutrients for hair growth of lavender controls the production of sebaceous gland oil and reduces itchy and flaky scalp conditions 2000 mg of MSM provides organic sulfur to your scalp, which improves the health and strength of your hair. It also helps to drive herbal nutrient into the skin and follicles where they can do the most good. One empty 8 oz plastic bottle, or any other empty shampoo or soap bottle. Mix the herbs in a mason jar, which has a lid. Boil 2 cups of distilled water. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of the mixed herbs into the boiling water. Pull the boiling water and herbs off the stove. Let the herb mixture sit for 30 40 minutes. Put the 2000mg of MSM into the herb mixture after 30 minutes of cooling. After 40 minutes and the MSM is melted, strain the herbal mixture into a bowl. Pour 2 to 2 1/2 oz of strained herbal tea into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Now, pour the 4 oz of castile soap into the 8 oz plastic bottle. Cap the bottle and shake to mix the ingredients. The shampoo is now finished and ready for use. Use this as a base for all of the shampoos you make. You can add different herbs as you learn what these herbs do and how they help your hair. You can vary the ingredients according to your taste. But now you have a shampoo that has no additives that can harm you. Note: MSM is called methylsulfonylmethane, an organic sulphur compound. You can get it in gel, liquid, powder, cream or capsule form. Consult your doctor before using MSM, especially if you are using medications.

Apply coconut oil in hairTame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.


Home Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

*Give regular massages to your scalp and hair with lukewarm oil at least twice a month. You can choose coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil for your hair. You can even mix these oil and apply the solution on your hair.

*If there is dandruff in your hair you can mix camphor cubes in coconut oil to massage on your hair and scalp. It helps in reducing the dandruff.

*Rub a lime on your scalp if there is dandruff on your scalp, leave it for 10 minutes and shampoo the hair.

*When your hair is falling, make a mixture at home containing Amla, Shikakai and dry neem leaves. Grind them together and apply this paste on the hair before washing them off for a while.

*Whipped eggs mixed in curd and henna powder help in preventing hair fall.

*Eat healthy diet including green vegetables, dairy products and fruits.

*Drinking coconut water prevents the hair fall.

*You can make oil at home for falling hair. Boil henna and neem leaves in mustard oil till the leaves get almost dissolved in it. Let it cool and then filter. Add few camphor cubes to it and fill in a bottle. Use this oil to massage on your hair.

*Mixture of almond oil, olive oil and castor oil is equally good to prevent and stop hair from further falling.

*Get your hair trim every month so that there are no split ends left.

*Include at least 2 nuts in your daily diet. They help a lot in strengthen the hair.

*Avoid using too harsh clips or bands on the hair. Never make hair too tight.

*Protect the hair from dust and sun. Cover your head while going in the direct sun.

*Apply hair pack on your head at least once in a month. It can be henna paste, curd, eggs or a combination of all.

*If you have got the bald patches on your head then apply onion on the bald patch by rubbing it and then apply honey over it. Leave it for few minutes and then wash off.

*Boil fenugreek seeds in any of the hair oil of your choice as coconut oil or olive oil. Restrain it and fill it in a bottle. Use this oil to massage on your head. Its very helpful in reducing the hair fall.

*Eating iron rich fruits and food helps in preventing the hair fall. Include apples, beetroots and jagary in your daily diet. They are rich in iron so help to

prevent your hair fall.

*Eating amla in any form or drinking its juice too helps in preventing hair fall.


Herbal Home Remedies for Hair Care

*Take coconut oil and boil bitter curry leaves in it for few minutes. When the oil gets cool strain the laves from the oil, mix olive oil half amount of coconut oil to it. Keep this mixture in a bottle and use it to massage on your hair and scalp. Its very useful to those who get lice in their hair and those who get boils and itching on their scalp too get rid of that when apply this oil.

*Take coconut oil; mix mustard oil to it, which should be one fourth of the coconut oil. Add 2-3 menthol pieces to it and one lime's juice. This mixture helps to get rid of dandruff and makes the hair shiny. Take henna leaves and boil them in coconut oil. When it cools, strain the leaves from the oil and apply it on hair and scalp. This oil gives color to the hair.

*Mixture made from amla, reetha and shikakai too is very help to make hair silky smooth and prevent the hair fall. One can use this mixture to wash the hair or can use it as a hair pack.

*For dull hair boiled tealeaves water is useful. It adds shine to the hair. One can make a hair pack by taking henna powder, adding limejuice and curd to it. Leave it on hair for at least 30 minutes and wash it. It's a very good conditioner to the hair and gives them a nice color.

*Some good conditioning tips are, heat two tea spoonful butter in microwave, when it melts add a spoonful olive oil to it and message it on hair. Leave it on hair for at least 30 minutes and then wash it off using your shampoo. It will make your strands extremely silky.

*Soak fenugreek seeds in mustard oil overnight and then boil them in the same oil in the morning. Strain the seeds from the oil and fill it in a bottle. Using this oil helps prevent hair fall and premature graying of the hair.

*Rubbing lemon peel from the juicy side on the scalp is a very known and useful remedy for hair suffering from dandruff.

*Take 2-egg yolk and beat them. Add a spoon of henna to it and a spoon of curd. Apply this mixture on hair for at least 45 minutes and then wash it off with shampoo as it leaves smell on your hair. This hair pack can be used one a month and is extremely useful for most of the hair problems as dandruff, hair fall and premature graying of the hair.

*Just beaten eggs too can be applied on dry hair to make them smooth and silky.

*To give volume and life to dull, lifeless hair, apply two-spoonful vinegar on hair and scalp and wash it off after 15 minutes.

*Boil fenugreek and henna leaves in water. When it gets cool, add half lemon juice to it. After washing your hair, pour this water mixture on hair and get smooth and shiny hair for the day.

*Dried amla and used lemon peels boiled in coconut oil and then strained can be used for hair massage. It stops hair fall and helps hair to grow.

*Soak fenugreek leaves, henna leaves and bitter curry leaves overnight in little water or oil. Then boil them. Squeeze them and strain in a bottle. It can be applied directly on hair and scalp or can be added in any oil of your choice. It helps hair to tackle most of their problems and one who suffers from hair lice, gets rid of them if apply this oil frequently on hair.

One can make oil the same way only with bitter curry leaves to get rid of the hair lice.

NATURAL TIPS FOR HEALTHY HAIRFor Dandruff Massage the Scalp with pure coconut oil. This will also help for growth of hair.

Apply coconut oil which has been boiled with small onions. Wash it off with a mixture of green gram powder and water drained from cooked (boiled) rice.

Apply a mixture of almond oil and gooseberry juice with finger tips on the scalp.

Apply the warm mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and coconut oil. Do a steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes and wash the hair with a shampoo.

Apply a paste of fenugreek and mustard to the scalp.

Mix Shikakai powder with the water drained from the cooked rice and wash the hair with it.

Crush the leaves of five petal hibiscus flower and take the juice. Wash the hair with this juice.

Heat the oil with a little camphor. Apply the oil in the scalp and massage for 10 minutes. After 30 minutes wash the hair with a herbal shampoo. Do the steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes.

For Healthy and Shiny hair It is better to apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.

Wash hair with tea once in a week.

Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained from the cooked rice.

Soak a handful of gooseberry in a cup of milk for two hours. Make it as a paste and apply in the hair.

Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time.

Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Let it soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so.

Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning.

Do a 'steam-towel-wrap' once in a while, if your cuticles are damaged, as this steaming opens out the pores and absorbs the oil.

Deep condition with curd, beer and egg.

Mix a little vinegar in warm water and rinse your hair with this solution. This will add bounce to dull and lifeless hair.

Soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek in curd and keep it for a night. Have it in the next morning.

Boil coconut oil with the juices of curry leaves, basil, hibiscus flower and gooseberry. Apply on hair, keep it for sometime and rinse.

Egg white and curd is a good conditioner for hair.

Take a cup of coconut and mustard oils. Soak half a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture and keep it for a night. Next morning, heat on a slow fire till the curry leaves turn crisp. Remove from heat and add two to three camphor balls. Allow oil to cool and then strain. Apply oil to hair roots using cotton wool along the parting and massage in circular movements. Leave the oil overnight and shampoo the next morning. Repeat twice a week.

Add a lemon peel to a 'shikakai' and 'amla' mixture while washing your hair.

For Graying Take a little Mehandi , an egg, juice of half a lemon, one table spoon of instant coffee powder. Mix it together and apply on the hair. Wash it after 45 minutes.

Boil one cup of dried gooseberry with 4 cups of water. Add a pinch of sugar in it. Keep boiling till the quantity of the liquid reduces to one cup. Mix 2 cups of Mehendi, an egg, juice of a lemon and the gooseberry solution and apply on hair. Wash the hair after two hours.

HAIR TREATMENTHOT OIL TREATMENTThis treatment is used for dull, dry falling hair. There is no harmful side effect in this treatment. It can be considered as a dandruff treatment also.

Equipments, Implements and Materials1. Any bowl for heating oil

2. Vibrating massager

3. Tail comb

4. Oil

5. Camphor

6. Cotton

7. Shampoo

Procedure Warm some oil with camphor

Using Vibratory massager, remove the flakes of dandruff present in the scalp

Using cotton, apply the warm oil to the scalp taking sections of hair

Massages the head for 10 minutes.

Steam the hair for 5 minutes massaging simultaneously

Wash the hair using shampoo and dry the hair

HENNAIt is a Herbal treatment for the hair which has been followed for centuries. It has curative as well as conditioning abilities. Specially prepared henna is used in the treatment of falling hair and dandruff.


1. Henna powder -1 1/2 cup

2. Amla (goose berry) powder- 1 teaspoon

3. Egg - 1

4. Coffee powder - 1 1/2 teaspoon

5. Tea leaf -1 1/2 teaspoon

6. Lemon - 1

7. Curd - 1/2 cup

8. Oil - 10 drops

ProcedureMix the ingredients well, except egg. Keep the mixture for at least 12 hours. Then add one egg and apply on the hair using hair brush taking sections from the top of the head. Wash the hair after one hour. Clean the hair well using shampoo and then dry hair.

Advantages of henna Removes and prevents Dandruff

Promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss

Conditions the hair

Promotes the health of the hair by keeping the scalp healthy

Adds luster to the hair

Has a cooling and soothing effect on the scalp

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------avocado egg conditioner.half an avocadoone egg yolk (no white)half of one bananatwo tablespoons of olive oilessential oils of your choice, i mix rosemary with juniper.

mix this thoroughly in a blender, do not mash. if there are any lumps in the mixture they are hell to get out of your hair.this recipe has taken me a while to perfect and i think the mix works really well it leaves my hair incredibly shiny but has a natural feel and texture as apposed to the cone feeling. after leaving this on dry hair for half hour i wash out and run a light onditioner through. this wash out i do with cold water.



full fat yogurt + eggs + EVOO - left for an hour or more on my hair and washed with gentle herbs or AO shampoos/co makes my hair soooooooo soft!

honey + EVOO with heatpack too :D

*I just tried lavender mixed with distilled water. Spritzing it on your hair makes it very soft!*******************************************************************************

Overcoming Dry Hair

Daily heat styling, constant chemical processing, over-shampooing, and frequent exposure to the sun and wind can dry out long hair. Getting rid of these nightmares are as easy as 1, 2, 3. Treating dry hair damage is basically done by using natural ingredients for a deep-conditioning treatment.

Simple Solution

1. A natural conditioner can offer an alternative cure for repairing dry hair.

2. Simmer together one cup of milk, one cup of water, and dried rose petals.

3. Allow mixture to cool and pour into a blender.

4. Add a ripe avocado and two teaspoons each of honey and almond paste or almond oil without alcohol.

5. Blend ingredients together.

6. Massage "conditioner" into locks section by section, wrap hair in plastic, and rinse after 30 minutes.


I just had to post this. Before LHC, I used to spend $$$ on salon deep treatments which could never quite tame my frizzies or make my hair soft. However, this recipe worked for me! Its great for all you 'C' types.

1 heaping tablespoon shea butter2 teaspoons EVOO2 heaping tablespoons Redken butter treat

Heat shea butter until melted. add the EVOO and butter treat. mix well. Apply to wet hair. Sit under a heat cap for up to an hour. Wash hair as usual. Since I am so prone to dryness, I CO'd twice, clarified with ACV, then put more butter treat on length, then rinsed after a minute. *****************************************************************

ROSEMARY HONEY OLIVE OIL HAIR CONDITIONERThis nourishing conditioner blends two ingredients from nature -- honey for shine and olive oil for moisture -- and is enhanced with essential oil of rosemary to stimulate hair growth. 1/2 cup honey

1/4 cup warmed olive oil (2 tablespoons for normal to oily hair)

4 drops essential oil of rosemary

1 teaspoon of xanthan gum (available in health food stores)

Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour into a clean plastic bottle with a snug-fitting cap.

To use, apply a small amount to your slightly dampened hair. Massage your scalp and work the conditioner through your hair until it is completely and evenly distributed. Next, cover your hair with a warm towel (your microwave or dryer can heat it up) or shower cap; leave the conditioner in place on to nourish and condition for 30 minutes. Remove the towel or shower cap; shampoo lightly and rinse with cool water. Dry as normal and enjoy shinier, softer and healthier hair the natural way.******************************************************************

Hydrating Hair Conditioner Recipe


1 avocado

1 tblsp lemon juice

1 tsp sea salt

1 tblsp pure aloe vera


Mash the avocado until smooth. Add in all the other ingredients and mix to a smooth paste.

Comb through hair with fingertips.

Cover hair with a plastic shower cap or bag and wrap a towel around it to seal in the treatment.

Leave in for 20-30 minutes. Enjoy a great book or CD or even better - just savor the peace and quiet!

Unwrap your newly conditioned hair. Rinse, shampoo with gentle shampoo and rinse again for soft, luxurious hair.

Recipe courtesy of - Image courtesy of Google*******************************************************************Shiny Hair - How to make your hair shiny?

To give your hair a great shine and help remove soap build up:

Slightly diluted vinegar is fantastic for shine. The easiest way to apply vinegar is in a spray bottle before shower. Then rinse out thoroughly.

Add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water.

Applying the milk to your hair and then rinsing with cool water. Next, rub an ice cube along the length of your strands, then comb.

Add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your rinse water.

Mash up an avocado with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tsp of baking powder. Mix until well combined and then work the mixture through your hair and then wash out.

Ingrdients: 2 cups distilled water, 1/3 cup chopped fresh rosemary leaves - In small saucepan combine ingredients and bring to boil. Continue to boil 5 minutes. Let cool, then pour into spray bottle. Keep refrigerated and mist on hair to add shine, tone scalp, or invigorate skin.

Mayonnaise is a great conditioner for dry hair. Depending on the length of your hair, apply approximately 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to your dry hair. Work into hair really well and then cover your hair with a plastic bag, allowing to set for about 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and then shampoo as usual.

Home remedy for shiny hair

1 oz. oil of Rosemary

1/8 oz.oil of Lavender

Enough for about 6 months of use. Simply mix the two oils together and store in the dark or in a small amber or light-proof bottle. Put a few drops of the oil on your palm, brush your palm against your hairbrush and then brush your hair.

Stir 1 teaspoon honey into 4 cups (1 quart) warm water. After shampooing, pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as normal.

A refreshing spray that adds shine to hair and is especially good for brunettes; the rosemary brings out natural highlights in dark hair much the way chamomile does for blonde locks. It can also be used to rejuvenate tired skin.

Healthy Hair shiny tip

Avoid washing your hair too often in warm water. Heat stimulates the scalp which encourages the production of oil. A cooler shower will help to control greasy hair.

If you colour your hair, be sure to use products formulated for colour treated hair. They won't strip the colour from your hair, leaving it dull and lifeless. ***************************************************************

Homemade Recipe For Shiny Hair

You can give your hair a great shine and help remove soap build up:

Blondes Add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to your rinse water.

Brunettes and Redheads Add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your rinse water.

Stir 1 teaspoon of honey into 4 cups (1 quart) warm water. After shampooing, pour the mixture through you hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as normal.


The Best Home Remedies for Rescuing Dry Hair: Beat up on an Egg: Separate the white of an egg from the yolk, and whip the white thoroughly. Then add 1 tablespoon of water to the yolk and blend until the mixture is creamy. Next, mix the white and yolk together. Wet your hair with warm water, remove the excess moisture, and apply the egg mixture to your scalp with your fingertips. Massage gently until the froth is worked into your scalp, and then rinse the hair with cool water. Keep applying the mixture until it is used up. Continue to rinse until all of the egg is washed away Go for the Mayo: Heat up one half cup of mayonnaise until it becomes an oily, white goo and apply to dry, unwashed hair. Cover your hair with a plastic bag and leave on for at least 15 minutes. Then, rinse and shampoo thoroughly. Mix up a Tropical Treat: Mash one over-ripe banana (the blacker, the better) with a mushy, rotten avocado. Massage this exotic puree into your hair and leave on for at least 15 minutes before washing outin the kitchen sink!). Grab a Cold One. Beer can give your dry hair a healthy sheen. Before you blow-dry or style, use a pump bottle to spray brew onto your hair. The beer will leave your hair shiny and sleek and its odor will disappear quickly.

*****************************************************************Dry Hair Conditioner 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon Light Sesame Oil

1 Tablespoon Jojoba Oil

2 Tablespoons Honey

2 Tablespoons Coconut Cream

2 Whole Eggs

1 Teaspoon Coconut Oil

Blend all ingredients in processor for 30 secs, and store in jar, and refrigerate. Discard after 5 days, and make a new mixture. ******************************************************************

Avocado hair moisturizer Ingredients

1/4 avocado, peeled and mashed

1/4 mayonnaise

blender or food processor


Combine avocado and mayonnaise in a blender or food processor until the mass is consistent and smooth

Apply on hair and cover with a shower cap

Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes

Rinse off with a gentle shampooDeep conditioner


3-4 drops of essential oils of your choice

1 teaspoon of olive oil

1 egg


Beat the egg

Mix in the rest of the ingredients

Apply on the hair and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes

Rinse off using a gentle shampoo

This hair conditioner helps moisturize (olive oil) and soften your hair (egg). You can keep it refrigerated in a plastic container with a lid. Shake it well before using it.

******************************************************************Hair rinse for brittle hair

You will need:

cup of colorless (or neutral) henna powder cup of plain yogurt or sour cream.

To prepare it, mix the henna powder and yogurt.Apply to hair that has already been shampooed and that is damp.Cover with a shower cap and leave it on for 20 minutes.Rinse and dry.

Yogurt boosts the effect of henna that is to condition the hair by creating a fine film over the hair shaft. It is colorless, so it does not affect the hair color. Vinegar hair rinse

Vinegar is used to leave the hair shiny after it has been washed. To this, rosemary is added to create the stimulation of the scalp and promote growth of the hair.

You will need:

2 springs of fresh rosemary1 cup of apple cider vinager3 cups of warm water.

Chop rosemary and place it in a jar.Fill the jar with water and vinegar, and store in a cool and dry place.It needs to be stored for one week.During this time, shake the jar vigorously occasionally to disperse the rosemary.

When you want to use it, dilute 1/3 cup of liquid with 3 cups of warm water.Rub into shampooed and damp hair and scalp.Be careful it doesnt get into the eyes.Rinse thoroughly and dry.******************************************************************

Coconut oil nourishing hair conditioner


3 tablespoons of coconut oil

1/2 cup of jojoba oil

4 tablespoons of powdered white clay

1 cup of distilled water


Over low heat combine coconut and jojoba oil until they melt and then remove them from heat.In a separate bowl, combine clay and water until the you get a pasty consistency.Thoroughly combine the oils and clay.Use a palm-full and apply it on previously dampened and clean hair.Massage vigorously into scalp.Use a shower cap or plastic wrap and cover the hair for 15 minutes.Shampoo the hair after that.

Jojoba oil in hair care is known to soften the skin and also increase the shine.

Olive oil hair pack


1/2 cup of olive oil

10 drops of lavender essential oil


Warm up olive oil over low heat.Remove from the heat and add lavender oil to it.Apply on damp hair while still warm and massage the scalp.Using a shower cap, cover the head and leave on for 20 minutes.Shampoo the hair after that.

Lavender essential oil not only smells good, it has healing properties that help regulate the scalp's dryness.

******************************************************************For healthy-n-shiny hair: Use 2 egg yolks with 1/4 cup of coconut oil(mix them well), put this paste on your hair frm roots to tips with the help of cotton. Leave it for 2 hours then shampoo your hair. I myself use it twice a month and it really gives new life to my long long hair. - Submitted by Guriya*****************************************************************Herbal Shampoo for Hairs

1. Shampoo of Multani Clay: Immerse 100 gm multani clay in water. After two hours make a paste and apply gently in the hair. Wash the hair after 5-10 minutes in winters with warm water and normal water in summers. If hair is very dirty do it twice a week; the hair becomes soft, silky and long. It brings a cool and light feeling.

2. Shampoo of flour of gram pulses: Apply paste of flour of gram pulse made with water on the hair twice a week and wash the hand after an hour. The hair becomes black, dense, clean, shining and soft. It also relieves itching or cures boils in the head.

Home Remedies for Hair Care

1. Add one-gram black pepper in 100 gm of curd and apply in the scalp. Now wash the hair with warm water once a week. The hair becomes black and beautiful and stops falling.

2. Mix eclipta alba, black sesame, dry emblica myrobalan and sugar candy in equal quantities (all in powdered form). Take six grams in the morning on an empty stomach daily and drink 250 gm of milk over it. Take this treatment from one years, along with it take vegetarian food, and do not indulge in sex.

3. For graying of hairs, add black sesame and eclipta alba in equal quantity, chew one teaspoonful of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and drink fresh water over it. Take daily for six months. It is successful for all persons up to 40.

4. To prevent hair fall, mash beetroot leaves in heena paste and apply on the head also cures dandruff.

5. Warm 300 gm coconut oil with 3 gm of black pepper added in it. When it starts boiling stop heating, sieve with a fine cloth and keep in a bottle. Massage with fingertips in the night gently.

Immerse peels of lemon in coconut oil for 8-10 days in sunshine. Now sieve and apply in the hair. Hair becomes black and shining.***************************************************************

houses hold remedies to fight dandruff.

Mix two tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and six tablespoons of hot water. Dab with water into the scalp, parting the hair with a comb apply all over the scalp. Next morning wash the hair with shampoo. After the hair is thoroughly cleansed pour over as a last rinse a mixture of three tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and one cup of hot water. Then dry the hair thoroughly. This should be done twice a week for three months.

Massage your scalp with hot oil. Next morning rub lemon juice mixed with cosmetic vinegar (mix 1:2 ratio) into the scalp. Give the hair a good wash with egg shampoo.

Another effective home remedy for dandruff is hot steam bath of your hairs. Massage hot oil with a hot damp towel and leave it on the head like a turban so that the steam can fight dandruff.

Boil five teaspoons of dried used tea leaves in lime water and use it as a last rinse after shampoo. It will give the hair a lustrous shine and provides nourishment too.

Take a well balanced diet and include green leafy vegetables and fruits. It is an effective home remedy for dandruff.

Always keep your hair clean. Avoid their direct exposure from atmospheric pollutants. It also helps in dandruff cure.*******************************************************************

Simple Beer and Vinegar Hair ConditionerThis natural hair conditioner is very easy to make and does not require any special ingredients - such as emulsifiers, stabilisers, pH adjusters nor any other "chemical additives". It is therefore perfect for beginners and for anybody who wishes to stick to as natural as possible ingredients in hair care products.

I have been successfully using this hair conditioner for many years, and find that it leaves my hair smooth, silky and strong, without any split hair or dandruff signs. And it is so cheap... that it is really worth trying!


Apple cider vinegar


Essential oils, chosen among those best suited for your hair colour and condition.

Vinegar is slightly acidic and will help adjust the pH of your hair and scalp. Beer is highly nourishing and will reinforce the hair shafts, while adding a thin "coat" to your hair that will help in keeping it in place. Both vinegar and beer also act as gentle "detanglers".

Essential oils used in hair care include bay rum, bergamot, blue cypress, carrot seed, cedarwood (Atlas and Virginian), chamomile (German and Roman), clary sage, cypress, eucalyptus peppermint (Eucalyptus dives chemotype Piperitone), frankincense, geranium, Kunzea ambigua, lavender, lemon, lemon tea tree, patchouli, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree and ylang ylang.


1. Pour equal parts of apple cider vinegar and beer into a 200 ml (3 fl.oz.) bottle. Choose a bottle that can be closed tightly - for instance, an empty water or soft-drink bottle with a screw-on cap.

2. Add to the mix of beer and vinegar 3 ml (approximately 60 standard drops) of essential oil, or of a blend of several essential oils.

3. Close the cap tightly and shake well.

4. Pour out half to one tablespoon of this hair conditioner mix into a jug, with half a litre (1 pint approx.) of water.

5. After shampooing and rinsing your hair thoroughly, use the diluted beer and vinegar hair conditioner as the last rinse.

6. Distribute the liquid evenly through your hair with a wide-tooth comb.

7. For best results, let your hair dry "naturally" - that is, without using a hair drier.**************************************************************adding ShineMash eight strawberries with one tablespoon mayonnaise. Massage into washed, damp hair. Cover with a shower cap, then a warm towel. Wash out with a shampoo/conditioner combination. This luscious mix of rich acidic berries will leave your hair both conditioned and with rich gloss.***************************************************************

Anti-Buildup Lemon Rinse2 cups Warm Water

1/2 cup Fresh Lemon Juice

Blending Procedure:

Mix together the water and lemon juice in a bowl.Lean over the sink or tub and pour the mixture over your hair.Massage it gently and leave it in for about 15 minutes. (Why not have a soak in the tub while your're waiting?) Rinse well and admire your clean shiny locks.***************************************************************

homemade conditioner recipeMy favourite is mixing egg, olive oil and honey as a prewash conditioner.Mix a few drops of oil of rosemary with 30ml/2tbsp of olive oil and rub well into scalp at bedtime. Shampoo and rinse thoroughly in the morning. Natural ingredient such as herbs and essential oils can help you achieve beautifully conditioned hair.


homemade hair conditioner recipesSimple Deep Conditioner

Take one small jar of real mayonnaise and add one half of an avocado. Mix together in a bowl, with either a whisk or your fingers, until the entire mixture is a solid green color.

Wash your hair normally, and then smooth the mixture into hair from roots to tips. For added benefits, put on a shower cap or wrap your head with plastic wrap. Leave on twenty minutes and then rinse away with clear water.

This conditioner adds moisture and body to your hair.

If you don't have an avocado, the mayonnaise alone will work wonders.

Do not use 'salad dressing' for either of these recipes. You must use real mayonnaise to achieve the benefits desired.

Really Simple Hair Conditioners

1 cup water

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon baby oil

Use a whisk to beat the egg yolk until it is frothy, add the baby oil and whisk again. Add the water and stir until well combined. Apply to hair and scalp, working the mixture into hair thoroughly. Rinse well with cool water.

This conditioner adds luster and body to any type hair. Wonderful Rosemary Deep Conditioner

Rosemary Essential Oil - this can be found in any health food store and many grocery stores.

Carrier Oil - Extra virgin or light olive oil works well.

Pour one half cup olive oil into a small canning jar or the upper part of a double boiler. Fill a saucepan, or the lower part of the double boiler, half full with water and set the canning jar in the center. Warm over low to medium low heat until oil feels just warm to the touch or about 90 degrees on a candy thermometer. Remove from heat and add twenty to thirty drops of Rosemary essential oil. Shake or mix well to blend the two oils.

Work the warmed oil through your hair with your fingertips, making sure to coat ends and massage scalp. Wrap your head in a towel and leave on for forty-five minutes. Rinse hair with clean cool water.

Never attempt to make this mixture in a microwave oven, as it could quickly over heat and cause severe burning.

This recipe works well for thinning hair or dry, scratchy scalp.

Other herbs you can try with extra virgin olive oil using this same method include: Sage for weak hair, Chamomile and catnip to promote hair growth, and burdock root to not only promotes hair growth, but will also reduce loss of hair. Super Conditioner

1 egg white

3 to 4 tablespoons of coconut oil

The juice from half a lemon

1 mashed banana

3 to 4 tablespoons of yogurt.

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. After washing hair normally, apply conditioner mix to hair. Leave in for a minimum of fifteen minutes up to a half hour depending on level of conditioning you require. Rinse well with warm water.

The yogurt in this recipe works to control dry scalp and dandruff. The lemon adds shine. The banana and coconut oil helps restore moisture and add body and softness.

***************************************************************Natural Hair Detangler Recipe

Summary:Similar to No More Tangles

Ingredients:8 oz. distilled water 1 tsp. aloe vera gel 1-2 drops glycerin 1-2 drops essential oil 15 drops Grapefruit seed Extract

Instructions:Combine in a spray bottle. Shake before each use. *******************************************************************

Natural Hair Conditioner - Recipe for Natural Hair Conditioner

Conditioner hair - Natural recipe

2 oz. purified water

1/2 banana

1 tbsp. plain yogurt

1 tsp. honey

1/4 cantaloupe

1 tbsp. sweetened condensed milk

1 tsp. wheat germ oil

In blender combine all ingredients and pulse on medium 10 to 20 seconds. Using fingers, apply mixture to hair in downward motion, smoothing as you go. Leave on at least 45 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and shampoo. You can skip your regular conditioner, but do a final rinse with cold water to seal each strand.

The extremes of heat and cold we endure throughout winter can make even the greatest of hair look and feel like straw. This nourishing conditioner blends honey for shine; olive oil for moisture and essential oil of rosemary to stimulate hair growth.

1/2 cup Honey

1/4 cup warmed Olive oil (2T for normal to oily hair)

4 drops of essential oil of Rosemary

1 tsp. Xanthum gum (available in health food stores)

Place all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour into a clean plastic bottle with a tight fitting stopper or lid.

Apply a small amount at a time to slightly dampened hair. Massage scalp and work mixture through hair until completely coated. Cover hair with a warm towel (towel can be heated in a microwave or dryer) or shower cap; leave on to nourish and condition for 30 minutes. Remove towel or shower cap; shampoo lightly and rinse with cool water. Dry as normal and enjoy shinier, softer and healthier hair the natural way.

A nourishing conditioner for dry or damaged hair which can be used for all hair types: Separate the white of an egg from the yolk, whip it to a peak. Add 1 Tbls. water to the yolk and blend until the mixture is creamy. Then mix the white and yolk together. Wet your hair with warm water, remove the excess moisture, and apply the mixture to your scalp with your fingertips. Massage gently until the froth is worked into your scalp, then rinse the hair with cool water. Keep applying the mixture until it is used up and then rins