Hagaddah for Passover חַסֶׁפ לֶׁש ָּ £ָּגַ ECC... · 2020. 4. 1. · 4 Beitzah...

1 Hagaddah for Passover ח ס ל פ ה ש ד ג ה

Transcript of Hagaddah for Passover חַסֶׁפ לֶׁש ָּ £ָּגַ ECC... · 2020. 4. 1. · 4 Beitzah...

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    for Passover

    ַהגָּדָּה שֶׁל פֶַׁסח

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    Lighting the Candles

    עֹולָּם ה ְייָּ ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ רּוך ַאתָּ בָּ

    יו ֲאֶשר ִקַדְשנּו ְבִמְצֹותָּ

    נֹו ְלַהְדִליק ֵנר ֶשל ְוִצּוָּ

    ת ְוֶשל( יֹום טֹוב. )ַשבָּBarukh Atah Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam,

    asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav,

    v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel

    (Shabbat v’ shel) yom tov.

    Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, Sovereign of the Universe,

    who hallows us with mitzvoth, commanding us to kindle the lights of

    (Shabbat and) the festival.

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    The Kiddush

    Barukh Atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh HaOlam, borei p’ree ha-gafen.

    Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Creator

    of the fruit of the vine.

    ם עֹולָּ ה ְייָּ ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ רּוך ַאתָּ בָּ

    נּו ַלְזַמן ַהֶזה. נּו ְוִהִגיעָּ ֶשֶהֱחיָּנּו ְוִקְימָּ

    Barukh Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam,

    shehechiyanu v'kiy'manu v'hig'iyanu laz'man hazeh.

    Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who has

    sustained us, maintained us and enabled us to reach this moment in


    During the Seder, we drink 4 cups of wine.

    ם עֹולָּ ה ְייָּ ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ רּוך ַאתָּ בָּ

    ֶפן. בֹוֵרא ְפִרי ַהגָּ

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    Beitzah [baytz-ah]:

    The egg reminds us of spring. The holiday of

    Pesach comes during the springtime; the egg

    is a reminder of the new life that grows in spring.

    Karpas [car-pas]:

    The parsley, or green vegetable, is another

    reminder of the connection between Pesach

    and springtime.

    Charoset [cha-roh-set]:

    A mixture made of chopped apples, cinnamon,

    wine, and nuts, the charoset reminds us of the

    mortar used by the slaves to build the bricks

    for the Egyptians.

    Maror [mah-roar]:

    A bitter herb. When we eat bitter herbs,

    we are reminded of the bitter and hard life

    experienced by the slaves in Egypt.

    The Seder Plate

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    Zeroa [ze-roh-ah]:

    The roasted lamb bone reminds us

    of the lamb’s blood used to mark

    Jewish doorways so the plagues would

    “PASS OVER” their homes.

    Salt water

    Reminds us of the sad and bitter tears

    shed by our people when they were slaves.

    We will dip the Karpas into the salt water.


    The flat bread the Israelites ate in the

    desert. In their rush to leave Egypt,

    they could not wait for the dough to rise.

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    Karpas reminds us of spring.

    We also remember the sadness of our people when they were

    slaves in Egypt, so we dip the karpas into the saltwater, the symbol

    of the tears of the slaves.

    We dip vegetables in salt water and recite the blessing,

    then eat.

    ה ְייָּ ֱאֹל רּוך ַאתָּ ם בָּ עֹולָּ ֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ

    ה. מָּ ֲאדָּ בֹוֵרא ְפִרי הָּ

    Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam,

    borei p'ri ha-adamah.

    Blessed are You, Adonai,our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who

    creates the fruit of the earth.


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    The middle matzah is broken into two pieces. One part is

    wrapped in a cover to become the afikoman; the special dessert

    that the children will search for at the end of the Seder meal.

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    ל ַהֵלילֹות? ה ַהֶזה ִמכָּ ַמה ִנְשַתנָּה ַהַלְילָּ

    Ma Nishtana halailah hazeh mikol haleylot?

    Why is this night different from all other nights of the year?

    ה. ֵמץ ּוַמצָּ נּו אֹוְכִלין חָּ ל ַהֵלילֹות אָּ ֶשְבכָּ

    ה ה ַהֶזה כֻּלֹו ַמצָּ . ַהַלְילָּ

    Sheb’khol haleilot anu okhlim chametz umatzah, halailah hazeh kulo


    On all other nights, we eat either leavened or unleavened bread, why

    on this night do we eat only matzah?

    קֹות. ר ְירָּ נּו אֹוְכִלין ְשאָּ ל ַהֵלילֹות אָּ ֶשְבכָּ

    ה ַהזֶ רֹור.ַהַלְילָּ ה מָּ

    Sheb’khol haleilot anu okhlim she-ar y’rakot, halailah hazeh maror?

    On all other nights, we eat vegetables of all kinds, why on this night

    must we eat bitter herbs?

    The Four Questions

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    ל ַהֵלילֹו ת. ֶשְבכָּ נּו ַמְטִביִלין ֲאִפילּו ַפַעם ֶאחָּ ת ֵאין אָּ

    ִמים. ה ַהֶזה ְשֵתי ְפעָּ ַהַלְילָּ

    Sheb’khol haleilot ein anu matbilim afilu pa’am ehat, halailah hazeh

    sh’tei f’amim.

    On all other nights, we do not dip vegetables even once, why on this

    night do we dip greens into salt water and bitter herbs into sweet


    ִבין. נּו אֹוְכִלין ֵבין יֹוְשִבין ּוֵבין ְמסֻּ ל ַהֵלילֹות אָּ ֶשְבכָּ

    ִבין. נּו ְמסֻּ ה ַהֶזה כֻּלָּ ַהַלְילָּ

    Sheb’khol haleilot anu okhlim bein yoshvin uvein m’subin, halailah

    hazeh kuland m’subin.

    On all other nights, everyone sits up straight at the table, why on this

    night do we recline and eat at leisure?

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    1. Why do we eat matzah on Pesach?

    Matzah reminds us that when the Jews left Egypt,

    they had no time to bake their bread for their

    journey. They put raw dough on their backs, and the

    sun baked it into the hard crackers we call matzah.

    2. Why do we eat bitter herbs, maror, at the Seder?

    Maror reminds us of the bitter and cruel way Pharaoh

    treated the Jewish people when they were slaves in


    3. Why do we dip foods twice at the Seder?

    We dip bitter herbs in charoset to remind us how the

    Jewish slaves worked in Egypt. They chopped apples

    and nuts look like the clay the Jews used to make

    bricks for building Pharaoh’s cities and palaces.

    We dip parsley into salt water. The parsley reminds us that

    spring is here and new life will grow. The salt water reminds

    us of the tears of the Jewish slaves.

    4. Why do we lean on a pillow at the Seder?

    We lean on a pillow to be comfortable and to remind

    ourselves that once we were slaves, but now we are


    Answering the Four Questions

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    In Egypt, a king is called a Pharaoh.

    Long ago, one of the Pharaohs of Egypt

    was a mean man.

    The Jews in Egypt were forced to be slaves.

    The slaves had to work very hard. They had to make bricks and build

    cities. They were not allowed to rest when they were tired. They were

    not allowed to eat when they were hungry. They were not allowed to

    drink when they were thirsty. This was definitely not the right thing to


    Bang, bang, bang swing your hammer low

    Bang, bang, bang give a heavy blow

    For it’s work, work, work every day and every night

    For it’s work, work, work when it’s dark and when it’s light.

    Dig, dig, dig, dig your shovel deep

    Dig, dig, dig, there is no time to sleep

    For it’s work, work, work every day and every night

    For it’s work, work, work when it’s dark and when it’s light.

    The Maggid—The Story

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    Pharaoh's daughter, Batya, found a baby

    floating in the Nile River. She took the

    baby home and raised him.

    She named that baby Moses.

    Where is Baby Moses? Moses? Moses?

    Where is baby Moses? On the River Nile.

    He’s floating in a basket. Basket. Basket.

    He’s floating in a basket. Down the River Nile.

    The Princess is swimming, swimming, swimming.

    The Princess is swimming. In the River Nile.

    She finds the baby Moses. Moses. Moses.

    She finds the baby Moses. In the River Nile.

    She takes him to her palace, palace, palace.

    She takes him to her palace. By the River Nile.

    There our Moses grows up, grows up, grows up.

    There our Moses grows up. By the River Nile.

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    Moses grew up to be a young man. One day he went walking

    among the slaves and saw something that made him very angry. A

    soldier was hurting a slave. Moses realized that this was wrong. He

    decided to leave Egypt.

    While Moses was in the desert, he saw a bush that was on fire, but

    it was not burning. As Moses grew close, he heard God’s voice. God

    told him to tell Pharaoh to let the slaves be free.

    Moses was afraid, but used all the courage he had and went to

    Pharaoh. “Pharaoh, God told me to tell you to let the Jewish people

    go. They should be free.”

    Oh listen oh listen oh listen King Pharaoh

    Oh listen oh listen please let my people go.

    They want to go away; they work too hard all day

    King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh what do you say?

    No, no, no, I will not let you go.

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    Pharaoh says: “No, I will not let you go.”

    Moses reminded Pharaoh that God wanted the

    people to be free. God would help change

    Pharaoh’s mind by having bad things happen. The

    Jewish people would be protected from the bad

    things by painting lamb’s blood on their doors. All

    the bad things would “PASS OVER” the Jewish


    First, all of the water in Egypt turned to blood. Later, Pharaoh woke up,

    and there were frogs everywhere!

    One morning when Pharaoh

    woke in his bed

    There were frogs in his bed

    and frogs on his head

    Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes

    Frogs here, frogs there

    Frogs were jumping everywhere.

    “Moses! Moses”, yelled Pharaoh, “make your God stop this, the frogs are

    jumping all over me.”

    “Will you let my people go?” said Moses. Pharaoh answered: “Yes, take

    them, go, go, go, just stop these frogs.”

    Do you think that Pharaoh kept his promise? NO. He changed his mind.

    Each time Pharaoh did not keep his promise, God sent another bad thing

    to frighten Pharaoh and all the Egyptian people. We call these bad things

    the “plagues”. Finally after the tenth time, he really did let the people go.

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    The Ten Plagues

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    Moses was very happy that Pharaoh had finally decided to let the Jews be

    free. He ran to tell the Jewish people. “We are leaving Egypt! Pack up

    your things, we are going out of the land of Egypt.”

    Our people were overjoyed at last we would leave Egypt. At last we would

    be free. The next morning all men women and children as well as all the

    animals left their houses. They took dough to make bread. They were in

    such a hurry that they couldn’t wait for it to rise before baking. The people

    said: “We will bake it later in the sun. We will eat it unleavened, we will

    eat it flat.”

    Make a matzah pat, pat, pat

    Do not make it fat, fat, fat

    Make a matzah flat, flat, flat

    Make a matzah just like that

    This is just what they did. Our people ate flat bread, called matzah. The

    Jews rushed and followed Moses. On their way out of Egypt they got to

    the Red Sea. There was no other way to go and the Egyptians were now

    following them because Pharaoh had

    changed his mind again. The people asked:

    “How are we going to cross the sea?”

    Moses did as God told him and held up his rod. God sent a great wind. The sea

    opened and the Jews went across on dry

    land to the desert. The Jewish people

    were out of Egypt, they were no longer

    slaves. We were free. Miriam started

    celebrating and danced with her timbrel

    and all the Jewish people joined in.

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    Ilu hotzi, hotzianu, hotzianu mimitzrayim, hotzianu mimitzrayim...


    Ilu natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Shabbat...

    Ilu natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Torah...

    If God has led us out of Egypt,

    It would have been sufficient [enough]!

    If God has given us Shabbat,


    If God had given us the Torah,



    נּו ִמִמְצַריִ םִאלּו הֹוִציאָּ

    ַדֵינּות נּו ֶאת־ַהַשבָּ ַתן לָּ ִאלּו נָּ

    נּו ֶאת־ַהתֹורָּ הִאלּו ַנַתן לָּ

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    Motzi Matzah

    Washing hands

    ה ְייָּ, רּוְך ַאתָּ בָּ

    ם, עֹולָּ ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ

    נּו יו ְוִצּוָּ נּו ְבִמְצֹותָּ ֲאֶשר ִקְדשָּ

    .םַעל ְנִטיַלת יַָּדיִ

    ם, עֹולָּ ה ְייָּ, ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ רּוְך ַאתָּ בָּ

    ֶרץ אָּ .ַהּמֹוִציא ֶלֶחם ִמן הָּ

    Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu Melekh HaOlam,

    asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzeevanu al n’tilat yadayim.

    Blessed are You, Adonai,our God, Sovereign of the Universe,

    Who sanctified us with His commandment to wash our hands.

    Before we eat the matzah, we say two blessings thanking God for giving us

    bread to eat and especially for giving us matzah to eat on Pesach

    Baruch atta Adonai Eloheynu melech ha-olam

    ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.

    Blessed are You, Adonai,our God, Sovereign of the Universe,

    who brings forth bread from the earth.

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    Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam

    asher kid-shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzee'vanu al achilat matzah.

    Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, Sovereign of the Universe,

    who has sanctified our lives through Your commandments and

    commanded us to partake of matzah.

    Mix some of the bitter herb with the sweet charoset, recite the blessing, then eat. If it hurts ... you've done it

    right. This is your taste of slavery's bitterness.

    Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam asher kid-shanu b'mitzvotav

    v'tzee'vanu al achilat marror.

    Blessed are You, Adonai,our God, Sovereign of the Universe,

    who has sanctified our lives through Your commandments and

    commanded us to partake of maror.

    ה ְייָּ, ֱאֹל רּוְך ַאתָּ ם,בָּ עֹולָּ ֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ

    נּו ַעל ֲאִכיַלת ַמצָּ יו ְוִצּוָּ נּו ְבִמְצֹותָּ .הֲאֶשר ִקְדשָּ

    ם, עֹולָּ ה ְייָּ, ֱאֹלֵהינּו ֶמֶלְך הָּ רּוְך ַאתָּ בָּ

    רֹו נּו ַעל ֲאִכיַלת מָּ יו ְוִצּוָּ נּו ְבִמְצֹותָּ .רֲאֶשר ִקְדשָּ

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    We eat our celebration meal!

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    Search for the Afikoman

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    Baruch Atah Adonai, hazan et hakol.

    We complete our Seder by thanking God for this

    wonderful holiday.

    Thank you God for the food we eat

    Thank you for our Pesach week

    Thank you for this time of spring

    Thank you God for everything.

    Birkat HaMazon- Blessing after the meal

    ל ן ֶאת ַהכֹּ ה ְייָּ, ַהזָּ רּוְך ַאתָּ .בָּ

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    Cup of Elijah

    We open the door, we stand, and we sing of the redemption

    Elijah will bring.

    Eliyahu ha-navi, Eliyahu ha-tishbi,

    Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu ha-giladi.

    Bim-hei-rah be'yamenu, yavo elanu

    Im mashiach ben David (X2)

    L'Shana HaBa'ah Bi’Y'rushalayim

    Next year in Jerusalem!

    יָּהּו הַ יָּהּו ַהנִָּביא, ֵאִלִֽ .יִתְשבִ ֵאִלִֽ

    ִדי. יָּהּו ַהִגְלעָּ יָּהּו ֵאִלִֽ יָּהּו ֵאִלִֽ ֵאִלִֽ

    ינּו ֹּא ֵאֵלִֽ ה ְביֵָּמינּו יָּב ִבְמֵהרָּ

    וִ יַח ֶבן דָּ ִשִֽ :דִעם מָּ

    יִ לָּ ה ִבירּושָּ אָּ נָּה ַהבָּ .םְלשָּ

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    Happy Passover!!