Hackerul Care a Spart Serverele NASA

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  • 8/18/2019 Hackerul Care a Spart Serverele NASA


    Hackerul care a spart serverele NASA: „Am găsit dovezi că America are nave spaţiale derăzboi”

    Posted on 15 April 2016 by Adrian Marinescu in Știință și Tehnologie 

    0 !o""ents


    Gary McKinnon, hacker-ul care a intrat în bazele de date NASA,crede că a găsit sufciente dovezi entru a afr!a că a!ericaniiau un rogra! sa"ial secret condus de Marină, in#or!ează$usiness Magazin%După 10 ani de lupte în instanţă din cauza faptului că a accesatcomputerele NASA, hackerul vorbete descoperirile pe care le!a făcutla momentul respectiv, scrie "usiness #a$azin%

    &ar' #c(innon crede că a $ăsit su)ciente dovezi pentru a a)rma căamericanii au un pro$ram spaţial secret condus de #arină, adică navede război* în spaţiu%+otrivit metro%co%uk, toate detaliile sunt relatate într!un interviu ampluacordat televiziunii ich+lanet -., cunoscut pentru pro$ramele saledepsre /N!uri &A! utilizat un rogra! nu!it 'andsearch, cua(utorul căruia a! utut accesa toate flele )i #olderele%*


  • 8/18/2019 Hackerul Care a Spart Serverele NASA


    +Acolo a! găsit un f)ier cel nu!it +Non-terrestrial o.cers*/of"eri din a#ara 0errei1% Acel f)ier con"inea nu!e )i ranguri )ierau recizate trans#eruri !ateriale /!aterial trans#er1 întrenave% 2n lus nu!ele navelor sa"iale înceeau cu 3%S%S*Astfel hackerul este convins că Statele 2nite are un pro$ram spaţial



    Scottish computer hackerGary McKinnonis accused of gaining access to nearly a

    hundred US military and NASA computers and computer systems between2001 and 2002.

    With a ten-year legal fight against extradition, protest songs and numerous think pieces

    published on the subject, it’s easy to forget perhaps the most important part of his story: what

    he was trying to find.

    McKinnon has repeatedly claimed to have been looking for evidence of UFOs and “free

    energy”, a mythical, inexhaustible source of power, on the military computers. According to

    McKinnon, he did in fact locate that evidence.

    Here’s what McKinnon claims he stole from the machines he hacked in to.

    A photograph of a ‘UFO’

    The most explosive claim McKinnon made was that he remotely accessed a terminal in

    Johnson Space Center’s Building 8. Stored inside one folder were several giant photographs

    taken by satellites of “cigar-shaped” crafts. Inside another folder was a collection of the same

    photographs, but processed and modified to remove the strange objects. McKinnon claims

    that his slow dial-up connection was unable to download any of the 200-300 MB images.

    However, he claims that he was able to view one of the unaltered photographs on his

    computer screen.


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    A possible UFO, as seen in space by a NASA craft.

    “I turned the colour down to 4bit colour and the screen resolution really, really low, and even

    then the picture was still juddering as it came onto the screen. But what came on to the

    screen was amazing. It was a culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that

    definitely wasn’t man-made.

    “It was above the Earth’s hemisphere. It kind of looked like a satellite. It was cigar-shaped

    and had geodesic domes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it, and although

    it was a low-resolution picture it was very close up. This thing was hanging in space, the

    earth’s hemisphere visible below it, and no rivets, no seams, none of the stuff associated with

    normal man-made manufacturing.”

    In interviews published in recent years, McKinnon claims that he was able to take a

    screenshot of what he saw on his screen before whoever was at the computer at the

    Johnson Space Center physically moved the mouse and closed the image. Presumably that

    screenshot was lost when his computer was seized by the police during his first arrest in

    March 2002.

    Is McKinnon’s claim to have seen evidence of a UFO cover-up in a NASA building credible?

    In short, no. Viewing an image over a remote connection in 4bit colour will certainly make it

    impossible to see any rivets, and will make it difficult to tell an artist’s impression of a satellite

    from a UFO. Perhaps McKinnon’s notoriously excessive marijuana use at the time had

    something to do with his over-excitement at the “flickering” image on the screen?

    A list of ‘non-terrestrial officers’

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    According to McKinnon, he was able to remotely view a spreadsheet that listed 20-30 names

    of “non-terrestrial officers”. He doesn’t believe that they were aliens, but he does claim that

    his findings demonstrate proof of a secret US military space battalion. The spreadsheet

    viewed by McKinnon apparently listed ship-to-ship personnel transfers.

    General Curtis LeMay and Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, two senior figures in the

    US military who have been publicly named as being involved with UFOs.

    Rumours abound that McKinnon let slip the names of two US military spaceships: the USSS

    LeMay and the USSS Hillenkoetter. Apparently, USSS stands for “United States Space Ship”.

    Both General Curtis LeMay and Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter are American military figuresconnected to UFO research.

    Evidence of a ‘free energy’ cover-up

    For Gary McKinnon, “free energy” was the grand prize. While he was fascinated by UFOs,

    the promise of a limitless and infinite energy source, which is often claimed to exist by

    conspiracy nuts, kept him hacking into computers under the code-name “Solo”.

    “I knew that governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or

    what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public when

    pensioners can’t pay their fuel bills.”

    “Secretive parts of the secret government are sitting on suppressed technology for free


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    An example of a free energy machine made using Tesla coils.

    While McKinnon has repeatedly stated that he knows the US military is hiding free energy

    away, it’s unclear exactly how he knows. It is most likely that his hacking exploits found no

    evidence of free energy, and that he was spurred on by conspiracy theories to try and

    uncover more information.

    When McKinnon discusses viewing giant-size photographs of UFOs via a remote desktopviewer, his technical language makes his claim somewhat believable. However, to this day he

    continues to insist that a giant cover-up has taken place to hide a mythical free energy source

    from the world.

    - See more at: http://kernelmag.dailydot.com/features/report/6243/what-did-gary-


    „Am fost 17 ani pe Marte. M-am luptat cuEXTRATEREŞTRII”. Mărturisirile unuifost militar | I!E"

     Autor: Ro#ana Roseti | joi, 03 iulie 2014 | $% Comentarii | 1&'(% Vizualizari


  • 8/18/2019 Hackerul Care a Spart Serverele NASA


    14-05/aliens-465x390)us*ine că e#istă cinci colonii umane pe +laneta Ro,ie iar n perioa/a petrecutăacolo a luptat pentru apărarea acestora.

    are o !o"este #es!rins$ #intr-un %ilm &', (ns$ a)est %ost militar al marinei ameri)anesus*ine )$ a !etre)ut 1+ ani !e !laneta arte, lu!tn#u-se )u extratere.trii

     Ar fi 0rut

    $ratul, )unos)ut su numele #e )$!itanul ae, mai s!une )$ a %$)ut !arte #intr-o %lot$s!a*ial$ )unos)ut$ su numele #e 'or*a #e A!$rare a $mntului, )are re)ruta !ersonalmilitar #in *$ri !re)um Ameri)a, usia .i Cina e asemenea, )$!itanul ae sus*ine )$mar*ienii ar %i "rut s$ !reia )ontrolul asu!ra !lanetei 7l mai a%irm$ )$ antrenamentul !entru!erioa#a !etre)ut$ !e arte a a"ut lo) !e 8una, !re)um .i !e satelitul !lanetei &aturn, itan

    8a %inalul )arierei, )eremonia sa #e !ensionare ar %i a"ut lo) tot !e 8un$ u!$ 20 #e ani seser"i)iu militar, !rintre in"ita*i num$rn#u-se %ostul se)retar ameri)an al A!$r$rii, onal#ums%el# ; !arte a !resei ameri)ane suliniaz$ )$ totul este o

  • 8/18/2019 Hackerul Care a Spart Serverele NASA


    4atru !artori i!ortan"i /rintre care #o)ti!ilitari )i oa!eni de )tiin"ă1 sus"in că eMarte eistă baze u!ane secrete5 'a ele s-arutea a(unge rin teleortare5

    !3,456 vizualizari! 7 8oi, 1 9an :013 7 :116 7 :0 ;omments 7;ate$orie Noutati, +aranormal!Spiritualitate

    Andre< D% "asia$o =i >aura#a$dalena ?isenhoambremont Bebre%Domnul "asia$o, de 35 de ani, unavocat licenţiat la ;ambrid$e, susţinecă a fost un participant Cca i copil la +roiectul DA+A de călătorie întimp E +e$asusC1F46!1FG:, iar mai tHrziu ar ) fost teleportat la obază americană pe #arte Cde două ori în 1F61I despre acest

    eveniment am mai vorbit acum J ani în cadrul acestuiarticol4re)edintele 6ba!a s-ar f teleortat e Marte într-o!isiune ultrasecretă de acu! 78 de ani%Doamna ?isenho

  • 8/18/2019 Hackerul Care a Spart Serverele NASA


    Mntre$ interviul audio cu "asia$o i ?isenho