Hack Admin Password of Network Neighbourhood

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Transcript of Hack Admin Password of Network Neighbourhood

  • 7/28/2019 Hack Admin Password of Network Neighbourhood



    For the one works in the Local Area Network (LAN) with Network Neighborhood, and want

    to hack administrator password, this article may help. Moreover, LAN administrators often

    make something unhappiness with his right.

    Port 139 is the used port in the windows system with the computer network running NetBIOS

    (Network Basic Input Output System). Users can identify and utilize the port, and will dig up

    detailed information about the network data including the password on the share folder and

    the administrator password.

    This time, we will use bat file format that we created from notepad called Brute.bat.

    Previously, we need also to make some txt file that is passlist.txt, logfile.txt and output.txt.

    For the last two files, no need to fill in. While passlist.txt must fill in the vocabulary estimates

    admin password. Write the name of the start sequence, the name of child, wife, girl friend,

    date of birth, place of work, favourite food and all things in the estimate as the admin

    password. In the underground world, this passlist.txt file is known by the term Dictionary


    The techniques to guess a password like this are indeed take longer time. However, with the

    patien, especially in feel irritated by the admin, then all light to be felt.

    Once everything is ready, we will create a brute.bat file. copy the following code and paste

    with notepad software. Save it with brute.bat file:

    @ echo offif "% 1 "=="" goto fin

    if "% 2 "=="" goto fin

    del logfile.txtFOR / F "tokens = 1"%% i in (passlist.txt) do ^

    echo%% i & & ^net use \ \% 1 \ ipc $%% i / u:% 1 \% 2 2>> & & ^ logfile.txt

    echo% date%% time%>> & & ^ outfile.txtecho \ \% 1 \ ipc $ acct: pass% 2:%% i>> output.txt & & goto end

    : fin


    Then go to the Command Prompt via Start button -> Run type cmd. Then go to the folder

    where the brute.bat file is saved. the program by typing Brute. For example, Brute Administrator.

    To know the IP Address admin, download imaniac software at www.nostalgia.host.sk.

    Imaniac is the IP Address search software on the computer connected to the network.

    If brute.bat successfully find the admin password, then the password will be saved in the

    output.txt file that we created earlier.

    Prevent The Admin Password Theft

  • 7/28/2019 Hack Admin Password of Network Neighbourhood


    To anticipate the Dictionary Attack, administrators should create a password that is strong

    and difficult to guess through the letter-number combination. In addition, admin need to

    disable the Command Prompt in order not so easy to accessed by unresponsible user. Because

    of this menu the user do in hacking activities, such as NetBIOS and others. ClickStart button

    -> Run, type gpedit.msc, and press ENTER. Once inside the Group Policy Editor window,

    select User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System ->. On the right sidewindow, search prevent Access To The Command Prompt and double click. Then, click

    Enable -> Apply -> Ok-> Restart the computer.