Ha Ho Ha Ho · 2018-09-11 · ward avenue at "Venice ot Atnerlca." The promoters or this...

lOTS ron INVESTMENT FUTURE BUSINESS FRONTAGE IN DEMAND EXPAN SION SOUTH AND WEST Negotlotlono In Progreo for L. .. ge 8al on South Broodw1y-8alee Indicate Value of Buolne11 Frontoge Several ot the leading d aloro alated S&turdA y t.bo.t within o. few days a. number or large deale tn c-enlrRl buet ... n eoo proper ty would be r eo.dy tor pub - li cation. The m"'rk•t genemlly 11 &etlve a.nd deals f or the preeent tmmmer prom!•• to be conolderably In exceoo ot thof!e of former yeRre tor tbe .. <lull seaeon ." Tranen.ctlons for l.be week juet. cloeed hR.ve been above the average In number and v&lue, and the trans· tero Indicate tbo.t lnveoton look with epectal favor upon oloee-ln pro perty Mouth and weBt or the bnelne! s ce nter. R . A. ltowan was In San Francisco laot week negotla. llng the o&le ot Vl11u- a bl e frontage on South Broadway. The owner Is In Europe. A Sa.n Fran c isco capltaliBt de&tres to purchaBe the prop- erty. Poool bly the deal wlll be closed thla week. · Near Central Par k One or the not able deal& of the ,,,re ek 1ndlca tlng the tr end of Invest ments and th e value ot properly In lhe vlcinlly of t:ent ra l park, around Sixth and Olive otreeta, was the sa le through Robert Marsh & Co., by .Mre. Nellie DuSoe to a. l ocal eyncUcate, of a lot . &5xiSO feet on the south aide of Sixth otreet, 58 feet of Olive etreet. The con- sideration was $44,000, an ave r age of 1800 o. front toot. The only Improve- ment Ia a small buil d ing ueed as a Chinese laundry. · Good Ju dges or r ealty values assert th at property near Ce ntral park Ia et ead ll y advanc ing In valu e. The pr es- ent va luation per front foot Is $1300, a.nd It is asserted that tn less than a year n one can be h ad for less th an $2500 a. toot. It baa been observed th&t ehrewd Investors look with epeclal fa- vor on JU'Operty along Sb:th street west of the pa rk. On Grand Avenue Six Stores Fronting on Central Park-Active Work In Progreu Within olx or eight monthaU Los Angelee w ill point "' llh pride to o. gre&t auditorium structure tor the u ee ot the publi c on grea t occasions, a. ha ll !n Alexander B lo.lr bao oold to H . H . which can be seated fully 6000 people. be th e auditorium or convention ball that will occ upy ground fl oor epa\!e 110<165 feet, with seating capacity for 6000 peopl e. Th e l arge stnge at th e eas t end w ill be a feature ot the a uditorium . The st age can be closed In and seated for large chor uses. · A great organ and other accesso ri es w ill comp lete the eCJ.ul pm ent. Rece ptton and rooms are provided. · + I date great throngs on public occa- sions. Tn•o lar ge halls on th e 5econd fl oo r above th e stores w ill be known "Chora l h a ll ," sea ting 800, and "Berean hall," eeatlng 960. · Th e a ud itor ium par- lore, reading a,nd li brary rooms 1\ ' 111 be on the eecond floor . ot h er floorR above be divided f or 118 offi ces or studios, all fronting Cent ral park. The cos t of this notabl e improvement w ill be near ly UOO,OOO, and when finish ed w ill be easil y on e or the hanrl- somest and most useful butldlngs ;n Los Angeles. e lmpro The treet ement ok The ew Home The Two ew dditlon ThreeBigTracts See 'Em Quick Low Prices Now Get in before the Advance Until the new c71'foneta avenue (Main street) car line is finished take Maple avenue car to Fifty- third street-one short block to our branch office, Fifty-third and Main streets. Office in Our Own Building 203 North Broadway E. A VERY McCARTHY, Secretary ALSO See the two new cotta1e11 at Melrose, four rooma, bath, new-just finished and ready-$1650 each, $250 cash. balance like rent. Take Colegrove car (Sc fare) to Hoover street. 203 North Broadway Cotton, through H. G. Cotton a nd Conway & Kessler, a l ot On Tu esday l ast ground wao broken for the building tho.t w ill occupy tbe lot llo rtum company, In corporated with a ca pital stock of 1500,000. Th e buil ding will be six stories of t he Spanish Re- nai ssance style ot architecture, a nd will be one or th e most ornamental struc- tur es on th e Pacific coo.ot, tilling a long felt wnnt In L os Angelee by pr oviding a convention halt Iorge enough to Be· commodate great nat ional a ssoclatlons that assemb le here tor bus iness and pleaoure. Poselbly the Mysti c Shrlners or Amertc n., an nssoclatlon ot 12,000 or 16,000 repr esen tative citi zens or Unit ed States. to a ssemble her e next .May, w ill be the first large body to u sa the big hall. The au ditorium will be provided with large galleries wJth easy access from the main ho.lls. The offi cers ot the Auditor ium cotl'l - -------------------------------- f eet, &t 614 South Grand con- etderatlon $20,000. The purch aee was on the northeast corner of Fifth an :l made as an investment. Olive streets. facing Central park, cJpse The banquet ha ll will be unde r th e st ores fronting on Fifth street. This basement b all will seo. t 1000 p eople and pany a.r e: E. w. Davies, president: C. R. Har· rt s, first vice president: Clara Burdette, second vice president; Mat - tison B. J ones, secretary; William On Plco, Near Main to the busin ess center ot th e city. Th e great bul1 dlng was designed by wlll be fitt ed up complete to accotnmo- Mead, treas urer . A. Federm an, through the c. J. HeY- :..:::.:=:::.:=..:::::.:.::...:.:..=.:..::.:.:. ____ ____ ..:, ____ :,_ __ "7'" _______________ ""':' _______________ _ l er Compl1ny, h11B sold to John A. M ur - Minna. M. Carson, N. E. Threldkeld, phy for $16,760, a lot, 60x136 feet, on the J F Alb t Ida. .Manton Mary H. north side of Pl co street, west ot ?tfafn Oliver, J. P. Welles, jr., etreet , Improved with a. two- story 0 0 With b L. M Cary Sadie I. building, that rents at $100 a month. s. On Figu er oa Street Merwin, Vi ol& M'llton, Grace M. Edwud Tausey, through Black Barn es, Edna. DeC&mp Te rrell, Rod- Bros., bas paid Dr. John Hepburn $15,- erick Scott, Frank D. Hudson, Waltqn 000 for o. lot 60J<l66 feet, on the south- Gordon, Frank w. T aylor, Ray Levy, eo.ot cor ner ot Figueroa and Four th .M. Barto, A • .M. Good hue, F . A. l\1ar· otreets. This l ot Is not tar di sta nt from the central business section a nd cher. Is regarded as a good Investment. $16,500 Valuation Through Houston & Brown Mrs. A. J. Dunlap baa sold to H. Schultz a. lot 106x176, on the northwest corner of W as hing ton and Cherry streets: con- old eratlon, $9000; also for H. Schu ltz to G. Williams, an apartment house ot eighteen rooms, at 2017-2019 Orange. otreet, $7600. Reoldence Property Sold Sale• closed by Wright & Call ender: Mat thew Bender to Cat herine Wood , Jot 60xJ 25 feet . with ftve-room cottage, on north side or West Plco st r eet , $6176; E. J. Gr an t to M. A. D&vlda, lot 60x126 fe et, Improved with frame cot- tage, on north side of "iVest Plco st reet, $6600; New Bualneu Block W. H. Richardson has paid $5600 to A. Smock for a lot, 6lxl36 feet, on the north •I de ot Plco street, between El Molino and · Fedora. etreels. The pur- ehu.aer w ill erect a brick busin ess block on the lot. On Weat Plco Laura Duncan hna eold to Sarah A. Cutler, through Wright & Callender, a lot, 60xl35 teet, at 1607 West Plco otreet; consideration $7000. The l ot lo Improved with 11 frame cotto.ge ot eight rooms. REALTY DEALS BRISK NEW HOTEL ON THE COAST Opportunity for Investment In the San Remo Company Enterpri se _ The San Re mo Hotel compa nY h as been incorporated with a. cllpital stock of $100,000 of the par va lu e of $100 pel ' share. The company w lll erect a threu· story brick tor hotel and c11fe pur- poses on hvo ot th e n.nest lot s on Wind .. ward ave nue at "Ve nice ot Atnerl ca." T he promoters or this en t erprise, hellded by M. E. Johnson & Co., In the Hellman building, h&vc made elab· ora te plans to give Abbot Kinney's dreamland clly the swe ll est hotel building on the coast, and In 11nother co lumn present the del alls ot the t as· clnatlng proposition. NEW BEACH SYNDICATE BUYERS The McCarthy company r eport n Iorge advance InquirY tor lo ts In the big Oce&no beach. Map• of this splen- did property will be roudy In a. tew days, Inquiries are being- t·eglstered nt th e omce of th e company and nt the Merchants Truot company, which latlc•· company will hold the trust runda ror improvemen ts ot the Oceano Beurh syndicate, and upon con1plellon Q( the mnp thooe regist ered will be At Pl aya del Roy, Charming Reoort on fir st notified In the order of reglstra- the Cout lion so they may make eele ·lion ol Property at I>laya del Rey Is In ac- lots. tlve demand at ruling prlcea and ""'•• have been brl•k during the past dny•. Among thoae who purchased Iot a nro the following repo rt ed by F. W. Flint, jr .: Mary A. Kelle y, Elizabeth W. Hall, Mro. J. Cody, H. N. •rrowbrldge, A. llf, Squire, ll . Jl'. Cregg, Mari e llouk, Arthu1· Trench, Mury S teinfe ldt , E. W. turpby, A. D. Khlght, FJttu LoP. Trench, Anna 0. Hanaon, Edllh W ftm y r, Beaole Powell, A. J. Wll - klna, Fanny llf. Kelley, Cbarlea Reich- It rdt, Vlra1nla Cratta, Julia Jonea, Ro C. Cl rke, Ada WJ r, Anno. Dea- mnnd, Jane A. Thompaon, A. J . ·• - woll, F . T. wa.-ner, ln.-ram, V. B alw. 1!1. fl. Tnmblln, Pl. W. :Murrhy, C'ath rlno J. Cr ow II, M rv Wllkln a, r <I Latlm r, o. !4. Ju II , OCEAN FRONT TRACT AT VENIC E OF AMERICA The Loa Angel es Land Improvement compo.ny have juat purchaoe<l for $45,• 000 caa h thirty acres trQm Richard• & l"llck. 'fhle beautiful trac t adJoins and overlook• Venice ot Amf'irlca. 'l'h pur- t hai ra state that th ey will Imme- diately aubdlvlde and highly Improve with cement eldewalko and curblnl', .-raded and oUed otreeta. plpa pure mounlaln watar to ev ry lot and plant pal me and ornamentlll ahad treeo. The purch •• price lo reported to bo 11600 per aor There are olr dY planned for the loto on the north nd of thlo bnulltul trart, throe reoldeacea to coot !rom J5000 to •10,000 e h. BlOCK Hill AND fOURTH MODERN BUSINESS BUILDING TO COST $90,000 TWO ENTIRE FLOORS LEASED By the Loa Angeles Bu siness College. Lot That Or iginally Sold for $2500 Is Now Worth $150,000 Another noteworthy Impro vement. I dlcatlve of the rapid increase In va lue of bu siness frontage in Los Angeles. ls to be tnaugu 1 ·a ted at once on the north· west cor ner of Fourth a.nd Hill streets by R . S. Saund ers, who has hnd pl ans dl'awn tor the erection of a six- story business block on the lol. The lot Is 61xl23 feet, and was bought bY the mother of Mre. Saunders o.bout 20 years ago for $2600. The lot at thllt time w as genera lly spoken or as "out In th e country," but the pur chaser wanted to get away ta·om the Plata and selected the tot for a. home site, tt wo.e qu iet and in a locality where It wao thought no fiat would be built. A modest dwelling was erected on the hillside and for 11 time the ocoupan ts were happy, as every- thing wna quiet nnd peaceful. Now that Jot Ia valued at over '160, - 000, and within a. few months a flne atructurf! wJll ornament that cornf\r. 'fhe tenants of the old buildings on th• lot have been noUfted to vacate. for the Sounders lmproveanent ha\' e been drawn by Archit ect A. L. llal8\', who aup rlntend the sett1n1r of con· tract s. Conta·acta wlll be let tor a three.atory atructure, 61xl23 feet, and baeement. but the wRIIo will be heavy enoutrh tor & alx-atory otruatura. It Ia poaalbl• that the bulldln.- will be carried up the full obc atorlea .,. ,ltbout delo.y. The owner has arr&nl' 4 to inveat $110,000 In tho bulldln.- at once. 'Ehree atore rooma will front Hill otr t. Tbe ucon<l o.nd third ftoora h ve be n 1 a <1 to the Loa Ancel a Bu.alne 1 col- lore, poaa lon to be .-lven u aoon a¥ tha rooma are re&cly tor o upancy. JOSE DE ARNAZ RANCH SOLD TO R. G. GILLIS LAST SPANISH PROPERTY BE. TWEEN CITY AND OCEAN High and Sloping Hilla for Home Sites-Well With Seven Hundred Feet of Wate.-- Fle lda of Barley, VIn eyar ds and Lima Beans The Jose de Arnaz ranch of 625 acres, lying south of Pl co street. one· ha lf mile weot of the Ha u se r Packing company plant and runnt.ng west two miles, has been sold through Leo J. Maguire & Co. tor Mllri"' Cn rmar lllo de Arnaz and her children , heirs of the lat e Don J oee de Arnaz, to Robert G. Gillis tor $125,000, or $200 per acre. 'r hle r 11nch Is said to be the best wat er bearing l nnd around Los Angeles, and t he soil ts cia lmed to be exceptionally rich. 'l'he ranch now ts planted In Lima beans and will be sown to bar- ley. There la a thirty acre vineyar d, lhtrteen years old on the place, and a bout sevenly-ftve acres torm a gentle slope, especia lly desirable for home sites. The vtew ot the ocean and Cu.· huenga v111ley from the hills Is grand. A well w ith 700 teet ot water Is a fea- ture ot one of the blllo. l>tr. Gillis Ia alread y one of the prin- cipal l and owners bet ween Los Angeles and the ocean. 'fhe Ocean Park s hort line passes through the sout heast cor· ner ot the ranc h, and the new cut·of't to Sawtelle will paso through the cen· ter. This Is the last of the l arge ranches be tween Loa Angelea and San· ta .Monl c11 owned by the old Spanish families. ANOTHER NEW TRACT BELOW SLAUSON AVENUE The Loa Angelee Land Improvement company, F. H. Hamilton, president, hoe pu rchneed from 0. Sassaman a twenty-at'l'e tract below 81 auaon u. venue, bet ween FJaueroa and Moneta. a venue. th at wm be au bd lvlded Into large lots. The acr eage Is to reeetve Improvement s nt once. The consfdera .. lion was $35,000. Bank Stock for Sale At Only $5 Per Share Plan to Secure 1000 Stockholders . No One Allowed to Purchase .lllorc Than $500 of Stock The people of Los Angeles can now buy bank stock at only $5 per share. No one w t11 be a ll owed to purchase more lluln $500 ot: stock. Capital Is to be ln crea.sed to $500,000, making n bank of a. thousand sma ll stockhold· era. thereby beco ming the people's bank of Loa Angeles. The Consoli- dated Bank of L os Angeles has de- cided to place It s stock wit h the peo- ple, beli ev ing that In secu ring o. thou- sand stockholders It wi ll aecure a thousand depositors at the same ttme. In vestors can pur chase such stock with a bsolute eafety as to perfect se- curity, and realize a handsome profit therefrom. ns has been done by the owners ot stock In t h e various other ba nks of Los Angeles. Is the only opportunity ever otrered the gen- e•·al publi c to buy stock In a. Los An- geles bank a.t $6 per share. We would rather h11ve 6000 stockholders o! fiOO each than 1000 of 1600 each. We want the greatest number or stockholders, as the more stockholdel'8 there are the stronger the bank. All otock fully paid up at Five Dollars per share. Pur- ch asers can buy rrom 1 to 100 shores at $5 per share, bu t no one can buy more than 1600 of otock. Suhocrlptlon books just opened. Purchasers can subscribe !or 100 shares and pay for the same In weekly I'RYme ats of Five Dollun, and receive one share ot paid-up stock atJ each $5 payment ts made. '\Ve want the people to be · come the stockholdera In the people'o bank ot Loa Angeles. OITicera: Wil- liam H. Car lson (ex-mayor of the city of Ban Di ego), p reoldent; J. 0. Estu- dlllo treaau•·er ot allfornla), firot vi ce pres ident; F. H. Dixon (ex- stat& harbor ommlselon cr ot Ca ll - tornla), oeaond vice preal<lent ; A. W. Carver. <mahler. Cali oa· write tor furth er Information. Pamphletl!l, etc., mailed free on application. CONSOLI- DA'l'ED BANK, 12• South Broadway (ground floor Chnmber of Commerce bulldln8'), Loo Anrelea, C'al. Figueroa. Park flfty.flfth otr tl, Oord na til'. Only for tlegant lob, •o.t35, cement walks 5 fed wldt1 umenl cur b rotrotls srad d. olltd. on tract. No outh bor.alnt oluwhuc. CURTIS PARK TRACT Thlrty.tlshlh and c .. pton, Lot 40xl311, f«-150 WIESEND N Ccmcnl wallu, curbo, llr b padtd, oiled. all flobhtd. Can You Be t Th ? Ag nt on Tract ER 221 Laughlin Block t Ha Ho Ha Ho "And the man In the moon smiled a.nd win/ted" We Don't Sell the Moon We've Got a Corner on the Earth There's no better investment than a lot in one of OUR TRACTS on the Long Beach Line at Graham Station, 12 minutes' ride. 0 N T 0 p Wll•n compc,..d wltll all otll•r tract• ora our plan and t•rm• On the Lon' Beach line, the lutut and but equip· ped tfedtic railway in Atnulcal Jwt beyond the city limits, at Seal Gardens station, only about 12 minutes' ride. Clmr In by one or two milu than any other 111b· division sellin' on our tunu. Levelland, most fertile soli, will 'row ewry product. Arlulan water in abundance lor both domestic and li'Tl,atln' purposa. Lar'e lob, 135 to 190 feet deep to alleys plenty ol elbow room. Immediate pouesslon1 live on your lot while payln• lor lt. Our Prices $115 and Up ••• OUk T£RMS... $1 Down, $1 Per Week, on Each $100. No Interest, No Taxes I 0 to IS Per Ceat Oft' for Cub Join our free excunlon any hour today, Take c.,. at Sixth IIIII M.ln. Plenty ol aal-n on tract to show yOIL Conservative Realty Co. CllfCO&I'O&ATIU)) 613 New

Transcript of Ha Ho Ha Ho · 2018-09-11 · ward avenue at "Venice ot Atnerlca." The promoters or this...

Page 1: Ha Ho Ha Ho · 2018-09-11 · ward avenue at "Venice ot Atnerlca." The promoters or this enterprise, hellded by M . E. Johnson & Co., In the Hellman building, h&vc made elab· orate




Negotlotlono In Progreo for L. .. ge

8al on South Broodw1y-8alee

Indicate Value of Buolne11


Several ot the leading r~alty d aloro alated S&turdA y t.bo.t within o. few days a. number or large deale tn c-enlrRl buet ... neoo property would be reo.dy tor pub­lication. The m"'rk•t genemlly 11 &etlve a.nd deals for the preeent tmmmer prom!•• to be conolderably In exceoo ot thof!e of former yeRre tor tbe .. <lull seaeon." Tranen.ctlons for l.be week juet. cloeed hR.ve been above the average In number and v&lue, and the trans· tero Indicate tbo.t lnveoton look with epectal favor upon oloee-ln property Mouth and weBt or the bnelne!s center.

R. A. ltowan was In San Francisco laot week negotla.llng the o&le ot Vl11u­able frontage on South Broadway. The owner Is In Europe. A Sa.n Francisco capltaliBt de&tres to purchaBe the prop­erty. Pooolbly the deal wlll be closed thla week. ·

Near Central Park One or the notable deal& of the ,,,reek

1ndlca tlng the trend of Investments and the value ot properly In lhe vlcinlly of t:entra l park, around Sixth and Olive otreeta, was the sale through Robert Marsh & Co., by .Mre. Nellie DuSoe to a. local eyncUcate, of a lot

. &5xiSO feet on t h e south aide of Sixth otreet, 58 feet of Olive etreet. The con­sideration was $44,000, an average of 1800 o. front toot. The only Improve­m ent Ia a small build ing ueed a s a Chinese laundry. · Good Judges or r ealty values assert

that property near Central park Ia eteadlly advanc ing In value. The pres­ent valuation per front foot Is $1300, a.nd It i s asserted that tn less th a n a year none can be had for less t han $2500 a. toot. It baa been observed th&t ehrewd Investors look with epeclal fa­vor on JU'Operty along Sb:th street west of the park.

On Grand Avenue

Six Stores Fronting on Central

Park-Active Work In


Within olx or eight month• aU Los Angelee w ill point " 'llh pride to o. gre&t

a uditorium structure tor the uee ot the public on grea t occasions, a. h a ll !n

Alexander B lo.lr bao oold to H . H . which can b e seated fully 6000 people.

be the auditorium or convention ball that will occupy ground fl oor epa\!e 110<165 feet, with seating capacity for 6000 people. The large stnge at the east end w ill be a feature ot the a uditorium. The s tage can be closed In and seated for large choruses. · A great organ and other accessories w ill complete the eCJ.ulpment. Receptton and committe.~

rooms are provided. ·



date great throngs on public occa­s ions.

Tn•o la r ge ha lls on the 5econd fl oor above the stores w ill be known at~

"Chora l h a ll ," seating 800, and "Berean hall," eeatlng 960. ·The a ud itorium par­lore, reading a,nd library rooms 1\' 111 be on t he eecond floor.

~.rhe oth er floorR above ~· Ill be sub~

divided f or 118 offices or studios, all fronting Centra l park.

The cost of this notable improvement w ill be nearly UOO,OOO, and when finish ed w ill be easily one or the hanrl­somest and most useful butldlngs ;n Los Angeles.

e lmpro The treet

ement ok

The ew Home The Two ew dditlon

ThreeBigTracts See 'Em Quick

Low Prices Now Get in before the Advance Until the new c71'foneta avenue (Main street) car line is finished take Maple avenue car to Fifty­third street-one short block to our branch office, Fifty-third and Main streets.

~lain Office in Our Own Building

203 North Broadway E. A VERY McCARTHY, Secretary

ALSO See the two new cotta1e11 at Melrose, four rooma, bath, new-just finished and ready-$1650 each,

$250 cash. balance like rent. Take Colegrove car (Sc fare) to Hoover street.

203 North Broadway Cotton, through H. G. Cotton and Conway & Kessler, a lot ~Ox~~S On Tuesday last ground wao broken for

the building tho.t w ill occupy tbe lot

llortum company, Incorporated w ith a capital stock of 1500,000. The building will be six stories of t he Spanish Re­naissance s ty le ot architecture, a nd will be one or the most ornamental struc­tures on th e Pacific coo.ot, tilling a long felt wnnt In L os Angelee by p r oviding a convention h alt Iorge enough to Be· commodate great nat ional a ssoclatlons that assemble here tor bus iness and pleaoure. Poselbly the Mystic Shrlners or Amertcn., a n nssoclatlon ot 12,000 or 16,000 representative ci tizens or th~

United States. to assemble here next .May, w ill be the first large body to usa the big hall.

The a uditorium will be provided with large galleries wJth easy access from the main ho.lls.

The officers ot the Auditorium cotl'l - -------------------------------­

f eet, &t 614 South Grand av~nue; con­etderatlon $20,000. The purchaee was on the northeast corner of Fifth an:l made as an investment. Olive streets. facing Central park, cJpse

The banquet ha ll will be under the s tores fronting on Fifth street. Th is basement b all will seo. t 1000 people and

pany a.r e: E . w. Davies, president: C. R. Har·rts, first vice president: Clara Burdette, second vice president; Mat­tison B. J ones, secretary; William

On Plco, Near Main to the business center ot the city. The great bul1dlng was designed by wlll be fitted up complete to accotnmo- Mea d, treasurer. A. Federman, through the c. J . HeY- :..:::.:=:::.:=..:::::.:.::...:.:..=.:..::.:.:. ____ ,;,__~ ____ ..:, ____ :,_ __ "7'" _______________ ""':' _______________ _

ler Compl1ny, h11B sold to John A. M ur- Minna. M. Carson, N. E . Threldkeld, phy for $16,760, a lot , 60x136 feet, on the J F Alb t Ida. .Manton Mary H . north side of Plco street, west ot ?tfafn .~an.' Jose:~~~~ Oliver, J. P . Welles, jr., etreet, Improved with a. two-story 0 0 With b L. M Cary Sadie I . building, that rents a t $100 a month. P~rs~ns, Me:ryee~. Brl~gs, ~uncan s.

On Figueroa Street Merwin, Viol& M'llton, Grace M. Edwud Tausey, through Black Barnes, Edna. DeC&mp Terrell, Rod-

Bros., bas paid Dr. John Hepburn $15,- erick Scott, Frank D. Hudson, Waltqn 000 for o. lot 60J<l66 feet, on the sou th- Gordon, Frank w. Taylor, Ray Levy, eo.ot corner ot F igueroa and Fourth .M. Barto, A • .M. Goodhue, F . A. l\1ar· otreets. This lot Is not tar dis t a nt from the central business section a nd cher. Is regarded as a good Investment.

$16,500 Valuation Through Houston & Brown Mrs. A.

J . Dunlap baa sold to H. Schultz a. lot 106x176, on the northwest corner of W ashington and Cherry streets: con­olderatlon, $9000; a lso for H . Schult z to G. Williams, a n apartment house ot eighteen rooms, at 2017-2019 Orange. otreet, $7600.

Reoldence Property Sold Sale• closed by Wright & Callender :

Matthew Bender to Catherine Wood, Jot 60xJ 25 feet . with ftve-room cottage, on north side or West Plco street, $6176; E. J . Gr ant to M. A. D&vlda, lot 60x126 feet, Improved with frame cot­tage, on north side of "iVest Plco street, $6600;

New Bualneu Block W. H . Richardson has paid $5600 to

A. Smock for a lot, 6lxl36 feet, on the north • Ide ot Plco street, between El Molino and · Fedora. etreels. The pur­ehu.aer w ill erect a brick business block on the lot.

On Weat Plco Laura Duncan hna eold to Sarah A.

Cutler, through Wright & Callender, a lot, 60xl35 teet, at 1607 West Plco otreet; consideration $7000. The lot lo Improved with 11 frame cotto.ge ot eight rooms.


NEW HOTEL ON THE COAST Opportunity for Investment In the Sa n

Remo Company Enterprise _

The San Remo Hotel compa nY h as been incorporated with a. cllpital stock

of $100,000 of the par valu e of $100 pel' share. The company w lll erect a threu· s tory brick tor hotel and c11fe pur­poses on hvo ot the n.nest lots on Wind .. ward avenue at "Venice ot Atnerlca."

T he promoters or this en t erprise, hellded by M . E. Johnson & Co., In the Hellman building, h&vc made elab· orate plans to give Abbot Kinney's dreamland clly the swellest hotel building on the coast, and In 11nother column present the delalls ot the t as· clnatlng proposition.


The McCarthy company r eport n Iorge advance InquirY tor lots In the big Oce&no beach. Map• of this splen­did property will be roudy In a. tew days, Inquiries are being- t·eglstered nt the omce of the company and nt the Merchants Truot company, which latlc•· company will hold the trust runda ror improvements ot the Oceano Beurh syndicate, and upon con1plellon Q( the mnp thooe regis tered will be

At Playa del Roy, Charming Reoort on first notified In the order of reglstra-the Cout lion so they may make eele ·lion ol

Property at I>laya del Rey Is In ac- lots. tlve demand at ruling prlcea and ""'•• have been brl•k during the past dny•. Among thoae who purchased Iota nro the following reported by F . W. Flint, jr.:

Mary A. Kelley, Elizabeth W. Hall, Mro. J . Cody, H. N. •rrowbrldge, A. llf, Squire, ll. Jl'. Cregg, Mari e llouk, Arthu1· L~P. Trench, Mury S teinfeldt, E. W. turpby, A. D. Khlght, FJttu LoP. Trench, Anna 0. Hanaon, Edllh W ftm y r, Beaole Powell, A. J . Wll­klna, Fanny llf. Kelley, Cbarlea Reich­It rdt, Vlra1nla Cratta, Julia Jonea, Ro C. Cl rke, Ada WJ r, Anno. Dea­mnnd, Jane A. Thompaon, A. J . •·• -woll, F . T. wa.-ner, lii~JI& ln.-ram, Jennl~ V. B alw. 1!1. fl. Tnmblln, Pl. W. :Murrhy, C'ath rlno J . Cr ow II, M rv Wllklna, r <I Latlm r, o. !4. Ju II ,


The Loa Angeles Land Improvement compo.ny have juat purchaoe<l for $45,• 000 caah thirty acres trQm Richard• & l"llck. 'fhle beautiful trac t adJoins and overlook• Venice ot Amf'irlca. 'l'h pur­t hai ra state that they will Imme­diately aubdlvlde and highly Improve with cement eldewalko and curblnl', .-raded and oUed otreeta. plpa pure mounlaln watar to ev ry lo t and plant pal me and ornamentlll ahad treeo. The purch •• price lo reported to bo 11600 per aor There are olr dY planned for the loto on the north nd of thlo bnulltul trart, throe reoldeacea to coot !rom J5000 to •10,000 e h.




By the Loa Angeles Business College.

Lot That Originally Sold for

$2500 Is Now Worth


Another noteworthy Impro vement. In·

dlcatlve of the rapid increase In va lue

of business frontage in Los Angeles. ls

to be tnaugu1·a ted at once on the north·

west corner of Fourth a.nd Hill streets

by R . S. Saunders, who has hnd plans

dl'awn tor the erection of a s ix-story tlre~ proot business block on the lol.

The lot Is 61xl23 feet, and was bought bY the mother of Mre. Saunders o.bout 20 years ago for $2600. The lot at thllt time w as generally spoken or as "out In the country," but the purchaser wanted to get away ta·om the Plata and selected the tot for a. home site, wh~r·e tt wo.e quiet and in a locality where It wao thought no fiat bulldln~• would be built. A modest dwelling was erected on the hillside and for 11 time the ocoupan ts were happy, as every­thing wna quiet nnd peaceful.

Now that Jot Ia valued at over '160, -000, and within a. few months a flne atructurf! wJll ornament that cornf\r. 'fhe tenants of the old buildings on th• lot have been noUfted to vacate. Plan~t for the Sounders lmproveanent ha\'e been drawn by Architect A. L. llal8\', who \\~II aup rlntend the sett1n1r of con· tracts.

Conta·acta wlll be let tor a three.atory atructure, 61xl23 feet, and baeement. but the wRIIo will be heavy enoutrh tor & alx-atory otruatura. It Ia poaalbl• that the bulldln.- will be carried up the full obc atorlea .,.,ltbout delo.y.

The owner has arr&nl' 4 to inveat $110,000 In tho bulldln.- at once. 'Ehree atore rooma will front Hill otr t. Tbe ucon<l o.nd third ftoora h ve be n 1 a <1 to the Loa Ancel a Bu.alne 1 col­lore, poaa lon to be .-lven u aoon a¥ tha rooma are re&cly tor o upancy.




High and Sloping Hilla for Home Sites-Well With Seven Hundred Feet of Wate.--F le lda of Barley, VIneyards and Lima Beans

The Jose de Arnaz ranch of 625 acres, lying south of Plco street. one· ha lf mile weot of the Hauser Packing company plant and runnt.ng west two miles, has been sold through Leo J . Maguire & Co. tor Mllri"' Cn rmarlllo de Arnaz and her children, heirs of the late Don J oee de Arnaz, to Robert G. Gillis tor $125,000, or $200 per acre. 'rhle r11nch Is said to be the best water bearing lnnd around Los Angeles, and the soil ts c ia lmed to be exceptionally rich. 'l'he ranch now ts planted In Lima beans and will be sown to bar­ley. There la a thirty acre vineyard, lhtrteen years old on the place, and a bout sevenly-ftve acres torm a gentle s lope, especia lly desirable for home sites. The vtew ot the ocean and Cu.· huenga v111ley from the hills Is grand. A well w ith 700 teet ot water Is a fea­ture ot one of the blllo.

l>tr. Gillis Ia already one of the prin­cipal land owners bet ween Los Angeles and the ocean. 'fhe Ocean Park short line passes through the southeast cor· ner ot the ranch, and the new cut·of't to Sawtelle will paso through the cen· ter. This Is the last of the large ranches between Loa Angelea and San· ta .Monlc11 owned by the old Spanish families.


The Loa Angelee Land Improvement company, F. H. Hamilton, president, hoe pu rchneed from 0. Sassaman a twenty-at'l'e tract below 81auaon u. venue, bet ween FJaueroa and Moneta.

a venue. that wm be au bd lvlded Into large lots. The a creage I s to reeetve Improvements nt once. The consfdera .. lion was $35,000.

Bank Stock for Sale At Only $5 Per Share

Plan to Secure 1000 Stockholders.

No One Allowed to Purchase

.lllorc Than $500 of Stock

The people of Los Angeles can now buy bank stock at only $5 per share. No one w t11 be a llowed to purchase more lluln $500 ot: stock. Capital Is to be lncrea.sed to $500,000, making n bank of a. thousand small stockhold· era. thereby becoming the people's bank of Loa Angeles. The Consoli­dated Bank of Los Angeles has de­cided to place Its stock with the peo­ple, be lieving that In securing o. thou­sand stockholders It wi ll aecure a thousand depositors at the same ttme. Investors ca n purchase such stock with a bsolute eafety as to perfect se­curity, and realize a handsome profit therefrom. ns has been done by the owners ot stock In t he various other banks of Los Angeles. Thl~ Is the only opportunity ever otrered the gen­e•·al public to buy stock In a. Los An­geles bank a.t $6 per share. We would rather h11ve 6000 s tockholders o! fiOO each than 1000 of 1600 each. We want the greatest number or stockholders, as the more stockholdel'8 there are the stronger the bank. All otock fully paid up at Five Dollars per share. Pur­chasers can buy rrom 1 to 100 shores at $5 per share, bu t no one can buy more than 1600 of otock. Suhocrlptlon books just opened. Purchasers can subscribe !or 100 shares and pay for the same In weekly I'RYmeats of Five Dollun, and receive one share ot paid-up stock atJ each $5 payment ts made. '\Ve want the people to be· come the stockholdera In the people'o bank ot Loa Angeles. OITicera: Wil­liam H . Carlson (ex-mayor of the city of Ban Diego) , preoldent; J . 0. Estu­dlllo (~x-atate treaau•·er ot allfornla), firot vice president; F . H. Dixon (ex­stat& harbor ommlseloncr ot Call­tornla), oeaond vice preal<lent ; A. W. Carver. <mahler. Cali oa· write tor furth e r Information. Pamphletl!l, etc., mailed free on application. CONSOLI­DA'l'ED BANK, 12• South Broadway (ground floor Chnmber of Commerce bulldln8'), Loo Anrelea, C'al.

Figueroa. Park flfty.flfth otr tl, Oord na til'. Only $3~ for tlegant lob, •o.t35, cement walks 5 fed wldt1 umenl curb rotrotls srad d. olltd. A~ent on tract. No outh bor.alnt oluwhuc.

CURTIS PARK TRACT Thlrty.tlshlh and c .. pton,

Lot 40xl311, f«-150


Ccmcnl wallu, curbo, llr b padtd, oiled. all flobhtd.

Can You Be t Th ? Ag nt on Tract

ER 221 Laughlin Block


Ha Ho

Ha Ho "And the man In the moon smiled a.nd win/ted"

We Don't Sell the Moon We've Got a Corner on the Earth

There's no better investment than a lot in one of OUR TRACTS on the Long Beach Line at Graham Station, 12 minutes' ride.

0 N

T 0 p

Wll•n compc,..d wltll all otll•r tract• ora our plan and t•rm•

On the Lon' Beach line, the lutut and but equip· ped tfedtic railway in Atnulcal

Jwt beyond the city limits, at Seal Gardens station, only about 12 minutes' ride.

Clmr In by one or two milu than any other 111b· division sellin' on our tunu.

Levelland, most fertile soli, will 'row ewry product. Arlulan water in abundance lor both domestic and

li'Tl,atln' purposa. Lar'e lob, 135 to 190 feet deep to alleys plenty ol

elbow room. Immediate pouesslon1 live on your lot while

payln• lor lt.

Our Prices ~ow $115 and Up ••• OUk T£RMS ...

$1 Down, $1 Per Week, on Each $100. No Interest, No Taxes

I 0 to IS Per Ceat Oft' for Cub Join our free excunlon any hour today, Take c.,. at Sixth IIIII M.ln.

Plenty ol aal-n on tract to show yOIL

Conservative Realty Co. CllfCO&I'O&ATIU))

613 New
