H4H Rev-2

Humanity for Humanity The very ambitious plan Press any key to continue The longest journey starts with just a single step in the right direction…….

Transcript of H4H Rev-2

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Humanity for Humanity

The very ambitious plan

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The longest journey starts with just a single step in the right direction…….

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Humanity for Humanity

Although very well-intentioned and greatly appreciated, standard , established “charities” in the world today have struggled on many fronts and still (primarily) depend on the generosity of patrons/donations to exist and keep their projects sustained and funded. Our project (proposal) breaks that mold in a very unique way that will prove to be superior (and replicable) in many ways.

1. Our project will always hold to a societal benefit model (more later)

2. The project officers will never be paid 6 figures (by Corporate Charter)

3. The project will always be headed by a local/regional resident.

4. The project/Company will continue to expand (on its own) in altruistic fashion.

5. The project/Company will be completely self-sustaining (after initial start-ups).

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Even a blind man can see the greatest beauty if only he will look with an open heart…..

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Humanity for Humanity

Return to Society Project

Liberty’s Legend (non-profit)

Ancillary Support Businesses


Elder Care Facility

Medical Clinic

School K - 12

Cocoa/Crops Farm


Water Treatment

& Solar Generators

Non-Violent prisoner

work program

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Humanity for Humanity

Return to Society Project

Non-violent prisoners will be given the opportunity to earn wages while working outside the prison. The company will hire, train, and supervise additional security staff to eliminate any escape attempts while work is being performed.

Prisoners will be limited to working on the Cocoa/Crops farm, on the construction of the Orphanage, Medical clinic, Elder Care facility, the Ranch, and anywhere that they are not directly in contact with the children in the orphanage or the people being serviced by the medical clinic or elder care facility. This is primarily to assure the public that everything is being done to protect those that we are trying to help.

How does this help Society?.......Prisoners will be earning wages which, in turn, will improve their chances when they are released, easing their transition back into society. They will be paying taxes on wages earned. Some prisoners will actually be learning a trade. The prisoners have the opportunity for a little pride in doing good works while incarcerated.

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Humanity for Humanity

According to Mrs. Gloria Fati Abudu, Public Relations Officer of the Ghana Prison Service , “though imprisonment is meant to rehabilitate inmates, when they come and go on discharge, they are not accepted in society which makes them join the group and return to the prisons.”

It is anticipated that many of the prisoners who work on these projects during their incarceration, will most-likely contact the company upon their release seeking regular employment .

It is a well-known and widely accepted belief that people who feel that they are earning the support necessary are generally happier and have higher self-esteem than those who merely receive handouts. Our project/Company will provide the opportunities and respect that comes from gainful employment. This, in turn, will lower the rate of former prisoners who return to the crimes that got them in trouble in the first place, regardless of whether they are drug or fraud or other non-violent related crimes.

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The decision of which prisoners are allowed in the program will lie with the prison officials.

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Many of the charitable organizations are “global” in nature and are providing support on a current, as-needed basis limiting their scope to providing “immediate action needs” and are not chartered (or allowed) to address ongoing, future needs. Although we believe this is truly altruistic in nature, we don’t believe this is an adequate answer to the issues causing the needs in the first place. Please don’t get us wrong, there are many fine organizations doing very fine work in the world today. We just want to tackle things on a smaller scale, answer issues in a long-term manner, then move on to the next project

Humanity for Humanity

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We have researched many of the currently existing charitable/humanitarian programs taking place around the world today and our findings show many commonalities:

While we support and condone the principles and beliefs of the existing organizations, we can’t help but point out the obvious fact that “Large, World-wide, International charities require the dependency of a population to stay in existence. For example, If everyone on the planet were well-fed,…….International Hunger Relief organizations (dedicated solely to the feeding of the hungry) would cease to exist. We find absolutely nothing wrong with the existing organizations and what they are trying to accomplish…..we simply also believe that, given the correct priorities, a project like ours can exist and go that necessary “extra” step further to eventually eliminate the need for charity in a proud and prepared society.

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The orphanage will consist of several programs including the supporting of young girls who become pregnant. We will offer non-judgmental encouragement and support to eliminate the trend that exists now to abort (Some 15 percent of women and girls in Ghana have had an abortion, with rates highest for those living in urban areas. Most say they do so because they cannot afford to raise a child, according to studies conducted by the US-based Guttmacher Institute). The support will consist of education (not preaching), housing, pre-natal, post-natal, and psychological care. If a young woman has the courage to avoid abortion, then we stand committed to doing everything to support that decision and help her to a successful life.

Humanity for Humanity

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The Non-Profit portions of this project are the most important and will consist of:

The Orphanage

Liberty’s Legend

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Humanity for Humanity

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In addition, there is a many-times overlooked segment of our society which is often ignored and pushed aside. The mentally handicapped or mentally disturbed cannot be ignored. The needs are real and cannot continue to be “swept aside”.

The people we’ve been referring to are the “mentally retarded” or “mentally challenged”. These individuals (through no fault of their own) have been tossed aside by society for generations and often have no choice but to become a burden, instead of viable assets, to the human society.

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Humanity for Humanity

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The Elder Care Facility

The elder care facility will provide needed care for our seasoned (and quite often) handicapped citizens that might otherwise find themselves sleeping in the streets. Many of these residents will make themselves available to assist in other areas of the non-profit compound i.e. the orphanage, the medical clinic, and the school.

Numerous studies have shown that most Senior Citizens do not want to “simply be put out to pasture” but, actually live longer and happier lives if they feel that they are useful. We will give them that opportunity.

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The Medical


The purpose of the medical facility will be primarily to support the needs of the residents of the non-profit compound but, will be well-equipped enough to be utilized in any capacity during extreme times to anyone in need.

The staff of the medical facility will be both professional care-givers as well as trainers and will help our students to achieve beneficial on-the-job experience in the medical field..

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Humanity for Humanity

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The School K - 12

The school will not simply be a building with classrooms in the traditional sense, but instead, will be a large imbedded part of all of the compound and any subsidiary of the organizations holdings. The elderly residents will, if they choose, become trainers and teachers of willing students as will the medical and maintenance staff members. As our orphans mature, they will be given (not only classroom training but also) the opportunity to intern in other parts of the organization, learning agriculture, engineering, medical procedures, and other fields of study if that is where their dreams lead them. Many of our Senior residents will have valuable knowledge to pass along to our youth.

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Humanity for Humanity

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PLUS Another aspect of our endeavors will include an often-neglected segment of all societies. The “mentally challenged” members of our societies are often overlooked and left to try to cope on their own. These people might have been born with mental defects or have experienced conflicts in life that have led to their mental difficulties. Regardless of the reasons, they should not be ignored. There are many documented cases of people recovering from mental illness and becoming productive members of society. The world in general tends to shy away from “difficult” situations if they can distance themselves from them, we will embrace those “difficult” situations and do our best to resolve them to everyone’s benefit.

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Humanity for Humanity

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Projected Start-up costs are inflated to allow for unforeseen circumstances. All Construction costs include construction labor costs.

Annual Labor costs are based on current labor market while factoring in “retention” of quality staff.

Liberty’s Legend (non-profits) Costs


Orphanage Construction 250,000.00

Medical Facility Construction 100,000.00

Elder Care Facility Construction 200,000.00

School Construction 100,000.00

Administrative Costs 20,000.00 20,000.00

Medical Director (lead MD) 20,000.00 20,000.00

School Director 10,000.00 10,000.00

Clinic Labor (4-RNs) 40,000.00 40,000.00

Orphanage Labor (8) 20,000.00 20,000.00

Elderly Facility Labor (8) 20,000.00 20,000.00

Facility Maintenance (3) 20,000.00 20,000.00

Equipment and Supplies 40,000.00 5,000.00

Furnishings for Residences 250,000.00 5,000.00

Medical Clinic Equipment 250,000.00 25,000.00

Medicine 100,000.00 10,000.00

TOTALS $1,440,000.00 $195,000.00

* Some labor costs may be reduced through use of volunteers.

All cost and revenue projections in this presentation are in US dollars

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How will it all happen


The initial project will be incorporated in the Country of Ghana and will have binding articles limiting the annual salary of the owner, president, CEO to a maximum limit per year (based on current living-wage conditions) and will only be paid from “profit” subsidiaries, never from donated funds. As well, any and all corporate/organization officers will also be limited to the same amount and subject to the same rules. It will also be decreed (legally) in the articles of incorporation that a minimum of 80% of annual net profits must be invested in the non-profit holdings of the organization. All accounts will be open to full inspection by anyone and everyone. The organization will not be affiliated with any religious or political organizations allowing the company /organization to provide services to anyone (regardless of nationality, religion, political affiliation, age, sexual orientation, etc.) As profits allow, new projects will be voted on and funded internally.

Humanity for Humanity

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Humanity for Humanity

Organizational Chart

Owner, President, CEO Apedum K Liberty

CIO, COO Kevin L Dudley Operating Director, CFO Justice Mbir

Corporate Administrator Rhoda Tinga

Orphanage Director Clinic Director Farm Director Ranch Director

The 4 people identified above are simply the people who are putting this proposal together and are determined to make it happen. (not necessarily final officers)

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Humanity for Humanity

Owner, President, CEO

Apedum K Liberty

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Apedum Liberty Mr. Liberty was born in Accra, the Capital town of Ghana and was raised in the Upper East Region of Ghana, in a village called Manyoro, a suburb of Navrongo East. Since earning his Higher National Diploma (HND), he earns his living as a businessman, mainly touring and working in harmony with other successful businessmen all over West Africa with the goal of improving the living conditions of needy people everywhere. In 2006, Mr. Liberty established, and arranged for the financing of the Basic Humanitarian Club (B.H.C) In Ghana. The BHC supports people who were affected by the series of floods in Ghana, starting in the terribly ravaged Northern sector of Ghana. Over thirty-thousand ( 30,000.00) people (to date) have benefited from roofing sheets , building materials, tents, blankets, mattresses, mosquito nets, beans, corn, bags of rice and many more relief items supplied by the BHC. Also made available was a great quantity of fertilizer for all flood victims to enable them to restore the fertility of their farm lands. He has dedicated much of his time to touring many orphanages and elder care facilities in Ghana and continues to work with local officials to search for ways to improve the living conditions. He does all this while helping to raise his 2 young sons. He is currently involved with an organization attempting to improve conditions in impoverished Northern Ghana which (hopefully) shall extend to all the corners of the country, as well as in all nations that the need of support may arise.

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Humanity for Humanity

Operating Director, CFO

Justice Mbir

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Justice Mbir

Mr. Mbir is a resident of Manyoro and is currently running our orphanage there single-handedly with the welcome help of wonderful volunteers from nearby area villages. The facility currently provides services to a number of infants as well as several school-age children. Previously, Mr. Mbir was a managing director of the Mother Care Orphanage in the Central Region of Ghana. He is personally dedicated to helping the citizens of the region in any way that he can and has joined this project team to help to make the dream a reality.

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Humanity for Humanity


Kevin L Dudley

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Kevin Dudley Mr. Dudley was born in Chicago, Illinois and was raised in a near-by western suburb. After enlisting in the US Air Force during the Vietnam War and being honorably discharged, he earned his living as a somewhat successful professional entertainer, mainly touring the Midwest. In 1980, Mr. Dudley found his true calling in Project Management and has spent over 20 years learning and honing his skills as a “Solutions Expert” for major corporations all over the world. He has a BS in Computer Science and is currently involved with an organization attempting to improve conditions in impoverished Northern Ghana.

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Humanity for Humanity

Corporate Administrator

Rhoda Tinga

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Rhoda Tinga Ms. Tinga was born and raised in the Accra area of Ghana. She has seen the area develop into what it is today. She has seen (and experienced) both the good and the bad of the area. She has experienced many jobs which required her to perform administration duties (including over 4 years at the Ghana Electoral Commission) and has committed herself to the improvement of conditions for her people…..no matter what it takes. She believes completely in the premise of this project and is ready to provide whatever expertise is necessary for success of the project/plan.

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Humanity for Humanity

Our Mission Statement:

The singular mission of this company/organization is to improve the quality of life of the people we interface with in a way that will be self-sustaining and perpetual in nature. What is meant by this is, we will build infrastructure in ways not before achieved. We will concentrate on problems that have an effect on all citizens and work to eliminate those problems through education, charity, respect, and opportunity for advancement. In this way, we will strive to be successful to a degree that we are no longer necessary for the advancements to continue.

This organization exists to boldly address issues that plague nations in every corner of our society. We will attack these issues and resolve them through unending compassion and strength of resolve to eradicate the very issues which perpetuate the plague. We will not rest until we have exhausted every means possible to make the world a better place.

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The Cocoa (and other crops) Farm

Under the umbrella of Fair-trade International (FLO), farmers who produce Fair-trade certified cocoa are organized democratically and receive a minimum price which covers the costs of sustainable production. They also receive a Fair-trade Premium to invest in social and economic initiatives in their communities. And there's more...

The Ranch is located in the North in close proximity to the border with Burkina Faso which will allow for direct marketability of surplus products from the farm. In addition, because the Cocoa/Crops farm is located near Accra, there are many opportunities in and around this urban area for sales of surplus products. The use of refrigerated trucks will allow for greater marketability of our products.

Farms produce an average of 350 pounds of cocoa per acre in a year’s harvest.

Cocoa/Crops Farm

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Projected Start-up costs are inflated to allow for unforeseen circumstances.

Annual Revenue Projections are based on current market values of products produced.

Annual Labor costs are based on current labor market while factoring in “retention” of quality staff.

The Cocoa/Crops Farm Costs


Cocoa Farm Purchase * 600,000.00

Additional crop starters purchase * 10,000.00

Cocoa Sales 200,000.00

surplus crop sales 50,000.00

additional farm equipment 20,000.00 4,000.00

Farm Manager 20,000.00 20,000.00

Farm Labor (20) 10,000.00 10,000.00

Administration costs 5,000.00 5,000.00

Supplies 10,000.00 10,000.00

added security (for prison labor) 5,000.00 5,000.00

TOTALS $680,000.00 $54,000.00 $250,000.00

* all purchase costs are estimates and are subject to need and availability.

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There may be other ranch animal additions (if they make economic sense) in the future. These animals were chosen because of current existence and world markets.

Humanity for Humanity

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The Ranch

The ranch will consist of Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Goats, Chickens, and Pigs.

Beef Cattle, Chickens, Pigs, and Goats will provide food for the non-profit aid recipients as well as product for sale on world markets.

Dairy Cattle will primarily be a source of fresh milk for the non-profit residents. In addition, Chickens will provide fresh eggs (a good source of protein for the non-profit aid recipients).

The Ranch

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In addition, it is planned to include a Fish-Pond on the ranch property. Fish will produce a protein source for the non-profit aid recipients as well as a marketable product for the region.

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Projected Start-up costs are inflated to allow for unforeseen circumstances.

Annual Revenue Projections are based on current market value of livestock, meat, and fish sales.

Annual Labor costs are based on current labor market while factoring in “retention” of quality staff.


Ranch Manager Residence 40,000.00 500.00

Ranch Buildings 20,000.00 200.00

Ranch Manager Salary 10,000.00 10,000.00

Livestock purchases 10,000.00 1,000.00

livestock, meat and fish sales 150,000.00

Ranch Labor (6) * 20,000.00 10,000.00

Fish Pond construction 5,000.00 200.00

fish stock 1,000.00 500.00

additional security 5,000.00 5,000.00

Supplies 15,000.00 1,000.00

TOTALS $126,000.00 $28,400.00 $150,000.00

* Start-up estimate includes labor for construction of Ranch Structures

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Humanity for Humanity

Water Treatment Drinking water sources can become contaminated, causing sickness and disease from waterborne germs, such as Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Hepatitis A, Giardia intestinalis, and other pathogens. Public drinking water systems use various methods of water treatment to provide safe drinking water for their communities. Today, the most common steps in water treatment used by community water systems include:

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Coagulation and Flocculation Sedimentation Filtration Disinfection Water Fluoridation

The Water Treatment

The Solar Generators

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Humanity for Humanity

This solar grid-tie system is designed for commercial use. Included are high quality Evergreen, or SolarWorld photovoltaic PV panels (or equivalent), ST7000 rated at 42,000 Watts AC grid-tie inverter, array wiring, DC and AC disconnects, UniRac mounting structures to secure modules on the roof, electrical drawings, data sheets, warranties and instructions. Two Hundred and Fifty two (252) PV modules to be wired in series and parallel (14x18). System CEC watts (40,836 watts). Output voltage 240 VAC. All components comply with the 2005 National Electric Code (NEC-2005); IEEE Std 929-2000, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Recommended Practices for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems; UL 1741-Underwriters Laboratories Standard for Safety; and the ICBO 2000 International Building Code. The arrays and inverters are matched for maximum efficiency. These modular systems can be combined to form larger systems to meet your requirements.

$119,608.00 Solardyne

An example of available Solar systems is:

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Projected Start-up costs are inflated to allow for unforeseen circumstances.

Annual Labor costs are based on current labor market while factoring in “retention” of quality staff.

Water Treatment and Solar (non-profits) Costs

** Annual Revenue depends on local laws and regulations pertaining to sales of surplus treated water and electricity.


Water Treatment Facility * 250,000.00 1,000.00

Solar Power Plant * 250,000.00 1,000.00

Back-up Diesel Generator 11,000.00 300.00

Equipment and Supplies 10,000.00 1,500.00

Maintenance/Support Staff (4) 8,000.00 8,000.00

TOTALS $529,000.00 $11,800.00

* These costs include installation and set-up costs.

** Actual revenue could be produced by sales of surplus treated water and surplus electricity.

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Humanity for Humanity

We really need to look out for each other in this world:

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Humanity for Humanity

At this point, we will answer some of the obvious questions. Many, will actually ask “Why”…..the answer is simple…”because it’s the right thing to do”. Question = “Why Ghana”?....answer, “because Ghana is a small, stable country with wonderful, beautiful, hard-working people who will do whatever it takes to make their lives better and truly need this kind of help to achieve a decent standard of living as well as independence from being dependent on charity”. We know that if we can make this happen, and show the world that the concept works, then we have a real chance to demonstrate and facilitate “real” positive changes in many other places where it is needed in the world. It’s really that simple……Now, the big question is……”How?”…..what we would like to do is to solicit “Start-up” funds to purchase a working Cocoa farm with enough land to also grow crops…..in addition, we will use solicited funds to construct buildings on currently-owned land. The buildings will be an orphanage, a medical clinic, an elder care facility, and a school. The rest of the “Start-up” funds will be utilized to purchase breed-stock ranch animals and infrastructure for another parcel of currently-owned land referred to as “the Ranch”. The funds will also go toward the purchase of water treatment facilities and solar generation equipment.

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Humanity for Humanity

Now, the question we asked ourselves…..”If there are 6 Billion people in the world, why should it be so out of the realm of possibility to think that we might get 5 Million of them to give us just 1 dollar to make this all happen”? According to the American Association of Fundraising Counsel, Americans gave more than $298.42 billion in 2011 to their favorite causes despite the economic conditions. Total giving was up 4 percent from $286.91 billion in 2010..........1 dollar, 1 time is a heck of a lot better than the month-after-month donations that many of the “standard, respected” charitable organizations ask people to commit to. In addition, we will have a website that people will always be able to log into and see exactly where every penny goes…….we will not have any “shady” expenses or “obscure” purchases……if we need to purchase or lease a back-hoe…..it will be listed and the reason why will be attached. So, in a nutshell, that is what we would like to do. We would like to collect the initial “Start-up” funds through “single-digit” one-time only donations but, our strong belief in the validity of this project forces us to admit that we would probably “gratefully” accept funds from any source that actually allowed the project to go forward with positive results. The community where the current Orphanage is located and the Non-profit compound will be, (Manyoro - Navrongo East ), is a perfect location to prove that this concept can be successfully implemented.

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The greatest portion of charitable giving, $217.79 billion, was given by individuals or household donors. Gifts from individuals represented 73 percent of all contributed dollars.

Footnote: *Unallocated contributions included deductions carried over multiple tax years, gifts to new organizations and government agencies, and foundation grants to international recipients.

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Humanity for Humanity

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What are the steps necessary to assure success*?????

3. Determine source of and obtain funding.

2. Prepare “Cost Estimate” analysis for entire project (include sector breakdown).

7. Arrange meetings with prison board and other necessary officials.

1. Formally establish “Company/Organization” using local attorney(s) to assure compliance.

4. Contract with local engineers and architects to draw up “approved” plans.

6. Purchase “Working” cocoa farm with enough additional land to grow crops.

9. Purchase building materials and develop “Target” schedule(Liberty’s Legend 1st).

8. Secure all permits to avoid any delays in construction.

5. Partner with “on the ground” organizations to solicit advice and assistance.

10. Revisit schedule with contractors to assure “Good Sense” (see below). A. Water Treatment Plant before building construction….etc. . B. Hire Ranch manager before purchasing livestock…..etc.. C. Hire and train local “security” before starting “Prison Work Program…..etc..

* Not necessarily in order of occurrence

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Current programs are focused on urban drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Whilst concentrating on Millennium development goal (MDG) 7 the WASH program will have a considerable impact on child and maternal mortality (MDGs 4 and 5). Ghana’s priority is the urban sanitation sector in newly established municipalities with poor infrastructure and limited facilities for the fast growing population. The achievement of the sanitation MDG is lagging far behind. Only 13% of the Ghanaian population has access to improved basic sanitation. In recent years Ghana has made considerable progress in the drinking water supply and is likely to achieve the 2015 target. The priority areas for investment are in western Accra, Cape Coast and Elmina. The program invests in innovative approaches for example with publicly owned and privately managed facilities.

Urban Drinking Water and Sanitation

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), founded on the 2000 Millennium Declaration, itself a document endorsed by nearly every government on Earth, have found their way into almost all the international agreements governing the flow of development aid and support throughout the global system.

Most of the settlements in the North are not even on anyone’s radar.

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As stated before, this entire project is very ambitious but, it doesn’t make any sense to propose anything less than a “complete” project.

Once again, we sincerely applaud the grand efforts being undertaken and accomplished by charitable organizations currently operating in Ghana but, we feel that it is of the utmost importance to “strive to make the common individual and/or community self-sufficient for generations to come”..

We “know” that by establishing the elements of this project (water treatment, solar electricity, self-sustainability, non-profit sectors, etc.) we will be providing a roadmap to future improvements for other communities, perhaps the entire country, and eventually maybe even the world.

Many of the benefits of this project are very obvious on the surface (improved health, local jobs, local pride, improved education, improved pre-natal and post-natal care, etc.), there are other less-obvious benefits.

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Ghana achieved economic and political stability with largely united support of the development community. Ghana now qualifies for lower middle income status. Government, Civil Society and development partners will strive towards an “aid free” Ghana by 2020. The next seven years of Official Development cooperation (ODA) funding will be used to safeguard sustained economic growth and political stability. Political and economic challenges need to be addressed to consolidate the positive trend. Pressure on the budget remains high, despite the increased revenues from oil. A few external primary commodity markets have a strong influence on the domestic economy. To successfully transit into a middle income society, major investments in both human and physical capital are required. The private sector needs to step up to the task to become the engine of growth and job creation.

The changing context requires rethinking of the role of development cooperation in Ghana, both in terms of volume and in modes of delivery. The outline for this rethinking was presented at the Consultative Group1 meeting in 2010, which concluded that the Government of Ghana and Development partners should envisage an aid free Ghana within the next 5-10 years. Although this timeline may be optimistic (many middle income countries still receive development cooperation long after they have reached the threshold), it sets the tone for a different engagement in the medium term.

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As mentioned, many of the benefits are obvious…..but, we’d like to point out some other (both long-term and short-term) benefits that might not be so obvious…..Non-violent prisoners who choose to cooperate can learn skills that will help them to help themselves as well as others in the future…….Our clinic will never turn away anyone (regardless of their ability to pay)…….With fresh, clean water available, we will be able to help eradicate many water-borne diseases…….Our children will be educated and encouraged to learn skills that will benefit generations to come……..young people will be invited to learn nursing in our clinic and other life skills in other parts of our organization while earning wages, keeping them from being forced into prostitution, experiencing teenage abortions and other atrocities suffered by the young. People we interact with will feel empowered to make changes in ways that will benefit whole communities……the pride that comes from being self-sufficient is like a wildfire that will burn across the entire nation. We don’t want 5 Million dollars to hand out some food and some mosquito nets, we want to build a nation of self-sufficient, proud people who will go on to attack problems as they arise, secure in the knowledge that if they work together (with the template they’ve been shown), they can achieve anything. We believe this to be the greatest benefit of all. We believe future projects can be funded by existing projects.

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Humanity for Humanity

All in all, everyone will benefit…..the residents of our elder care facility will feel empowered when they help out with the orphanage and/or are teaching children in the school……and the children will benefit from the guidance and knowledge of the elderly residents….everybody wins.

It is not out of the question that not only will we be able to help to eradicate water-borne diseases but, (through education and support) quite possibly the current AIDS epidemic as well.

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Humanity for Humanity

What do we hope to achieve on a personal level????......we do not intend to influence the existing culture in any way…..we hope to gain a level of trust in the local, national, and yes, possibly global community that will allow us to continue on a mission of accomplishments that will have a beneficial lasting effect. We don’t expect statues, adoration, or awards of any type…….a simple smile from a truly happy resident will suffice. The truth be told, we hope to be able to gain enough trust to replicate the entire process in many places all over the world….wherever there is a need for this type of intervention…. And please believe us when we say “we don’t think there is any fault, sometimes things just happen”. We just want to make things right if we can. While we realize that there is nothing inherently wrong with children and young adults helping to support their families, we find it hard to believe that there could ever be any justification for 13 year-old boys and girls being forced into prostitution or other illegal activities to make ends meet. What we desire, bottom line, is being a catalyst in a village or community gaining desired independence from esteem deflating hand-outs and knowing that we have been instrumental in doing something really good without causing harm to anyone.

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Quality Schooling

Prison Work Program

Quality Healthcare including Pre-natal, Post-natal, and Geriatric

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Humanity for Humanity

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Initial Start-up Funds

Non-Profit Services

Cocoa & Crops Farm

Livestock Ranch & Processing

Treated Water & Solar Power Generation

Initial Start-up funds will be utilized to get the project up and running.

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Humanity for Humanity

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Non-Profit Services

Cocoa & Crops Farm

Livestock Ranch & Processing

Treated Water & Solar Power Generation

After Initial Start-up, the entire project will be self-sustaining.

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Humanity for Humanity

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* These are simply projected salaries that will not be paid unless the Cocoa/Crops farm and the Ranch show sufficient profits.

** Travel costs are variable depending on actual travel needed and changes in current airline rates. (currently 1 person)

Additional Costs associated with the project


Company Owner * 25,000.00

CIO/COO * 25,000.00

CFO * 25,000.00

Organization Administration * 20,000.00

Travel to Ghana ** 15,000.00

TOTALS $15,000.00 $95,000.00

* These costs will only be incurred when subsidiary holdings are producing profits.

** This expense is required to assure all necessary participants are on project.

We entered into the development of this project with the knowledge that “unforeseen” circumstances will inevitably effect the project but, we believe that, with a solid plan in place and our working side by side with the local people, they will be prepared to handle any “problems” that may occur.

Donations accepted at: http://gogetfunding.com/project/h4h-ghana-project

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The world can change dramatically for the better when personal gain is removed from the Dream, the Goal, and the “equation for success” itself.

If a single match, guaranteed to change the world for the better, cost a single dollar, would you buy the match and start the fire????

Are you personally willing to risk a single dollar on the chance that it might actually make a positive difference???????????????????.........the world is waiting for your answer.

Humanity for Humanity

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