H2SBA Training Standard Rev 0 2007-12-01 H2SBA

RasGas Approved Training Standard – H 2 S / BA CONTENTS PAGE CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 4 SECTION A RASGAS APPROVED COMPETENCY STATEMENTS A.1 Development of Competence Statements 3 A.2 Competency Statements for H2S/BA 4 SECTION B TRAINING PROGRAM B.1 Target Group 5 B.2 Delegate Prior Achievement 5 B.3 Medical and Health Requirements 5 B.4 Learning Outcomes 6 B.5 Training Program 7 B.6 Duration of Training 8 B.7 Assessment 8 SECTION C RESOURCES C.1 Staff 9 C.2 Trainer/Participant Ratio 10 C.3 Facilities 10 C.4 Equipment 10 SECTION D OUTCOME D.1 Certification and Recording 11 D.2 Further Training and Periodicity 12 APPENDIX 1 ASSESSORS GUIDE 13 Rev-0-2007-12-01-H2S-BA Page 1 of 13



Transcript of H2SBA Training Standard Rev 0 2007-12-01 H2SBA

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA






A.1 Development of Competence Statements 3A.2 Competency Statements for H2S/BA 4


B.1 Target Group 5B.2 Delegate Prior Achievement 5B.3 Medical and Health Requirements 5B.4 Learning Outcomes 6B.5 Training Program 7B.6 Duration of Training 8B.7 Assessment 8


C.1 Staff 9C.2 Trainer/Participant Ratio 10C.3 Facilities 10C.4 Equipment 10


D.1 Certification and Recording 11D.2 Further Training and Periodicity 12


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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA


This document details the training standard approved by RasGas for H2S / BA. It is the second step in RasGas Safety Health and Environment (S.H.E.) Ras Laffan site specific training and is the second of the three core mandatory courses required by all personnel before they can enter and work in the plant.

RasGas has recognized that essential to its long term success is its commitment to safeguarding human health and safety and conserving the environment. This is an integral part of its business and ensures the appropriate training, supervision, information and resources are provided to all employees to enable the S.H.E. objectives to be achieved. RasGas adheres to the highest international training standards or where they are lacking, follow best industry practice and/or develops and sets RasGas specific training standards. Where applicable, personnel will be assessed against these standards after acquiring the enabling knowledge and skills for the tasks involved. This document sets out the H2S / BA training for personnel entering to work in the RasGas onshore facilities. The training will only be delivered at RasGas or at an training establishment approved by RasGas S.H.E. department. The external training provider must understand that this is only part of the broader RasGas S.H.E. training programme. There are also site and equipment specific emergency response training, some of which will be conducted on a regular basis as drills and exercises and others in additional approved RasGas training programmes.

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

SECTION A Development of Competence Statements

A.1 Development of Competence Statements

This standard has been developed using OPITO Emergency Response Standards as a format guide. The site specific nature of the material did not allow it to follow any international, national or industry specific competence model. To develop this training course, an evaluation of workplace competence was required. In other words, what does a new employee, contractor or visitor have to know and do if he/she is to recognise H2S hazards and react appropriately to an H2S emergency?

Using a competence-based approach the following were identified and developed:

a) What personnel are expected to do

b) The knowledge and skills they would require to enable them to do what was expected of them

c) How they could demonstrate what was expected of them

d) How their performance would be assessed

This approach has ensured that the content is relevant with the benefits being focused and effective training leading to safer practices adopted at the worksite.

RasGas S.H.E. Training Department as the custodian of RasGas Safety Training Standards has the responsibility to develop, maintain and update these standards. Accordingly, the maintenance and updating of this training standard is the responsibility of the RasGas S.H.E. Training Department.

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

A.2 Competence Statements for H2S / BA Training

Key Role: Recognise H2S hazards and react appropriately to an H2S emergency.

This training programme is intended to give delegates awareness about personal H2S detection devices, the use of an escape breathing apparatus (with a hood or a mask) and connection to a cascade system.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will:

1. Operate a personal H2S detection device including pre-use checks

2. Respond effectively to alarms

3. Operate an escape breathing apparatus including pre-use checks

4. Connect to a cascade system

5. Disconnect from a cascade system


Escape breathing apparatus could include the types fitted with either a mask or a hood

Underpinning Knowledge & Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

How H2S is created/formed Areas where H2S is commonly found The properties and characteristics of H2S gas The physiological effects of H2S gas and the exposure effect factors The occupational exposure limits of H2S The purpose and types of H2S detection equipment Alarm systems and actions to be taken in response to alarms The purpose and type of emergency breathing apparatus The role of ER teams in an H2S emergency

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA


B.1 Target Group

This programme is designed to address the basic training requirements for personnel working in an environment that could become contaminated by H2S gas.

It is for RasGas to decide the level of training required as not all personnel will encounter a high level of H2S gas exposure. In areas of high H2S expectancy, such as the AGI Unit, specific personnel may be required to adopt an emergency response role to control H2S as well as assist victims. Training for the latter is the sole responsibility of the EMS department.

B.2 Delegate Prior Achievement

There are no prior achievements required for H2S / BA Training.

B.3 Medical and Health Requirements

The Training Provider will ensure that prior to participating in practical exercises the delegate either;

(a) Possesses a valid onshore medical certificate (b) Possesses an in-date employer medical certificate or(c) Undergoes an appropriate medical screening by the Medical Department

This information is to be given to delegates along with pre-course joining instructions.

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

B.4 Learning Outcomes

During the training programme the candidates will gain a basic level of knowledge and competency for working in an environment with the potential for H2S exposure.

They will be required to demonstrate their skills and the level of knowledge and understanding of the following key areas:

Delegates will explain/identify (testing knowledge):

1. Hydrogen sulphide – how it is formed and where it is found

2. Other names used to describe H2S

3. Properties and characteristics of H2S

4. Parts per million (ppm) as a measurement parameter

5. Occupational exposure limits to H2S

6. Factors affecting individual susceptibility to H2S

7. Types of detector equipment

8. Types of respiratory equipment

9. Pre-use checks of personal detection devices and EBA

Delegates will demonstrate (testing skill & knowledge):

1. Operating personal H2S detection equipment (including checks)

2. Responding to an alarm

3. Donning & operating (including checks) an escape breathing apparatus

(EBA) with a mask within 30 seconds

4. Donning & operating (including checks) an EBA with a hood within 30


5. Connecting to a cascade breathing system

6. Disconnecting from a cascade breathing system

It is recommended that point 2 be completed within a 60-90 second


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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

B.5 Training Programme

The training programme outlined below will assist the delegates to meet the stated learning outcomes.

In order to make efficient use of time and ensure effective learning there should be, wherever practicable, an integration of the three phases of explanation, demonstration and practise. Full use should be made of visual/audio visual aids, DVDs and course handout material, where possible.

Practical exercises should be designed and delivered solely to meet these standards, and must not place on delegates any physical or mental demands other than those required to meet the standard.

Basic H2S Training

Give an explanation of:

1) H2S gas, its common names and where it is ordinarily found2) The physical properties and characteristics of H2S 3) Common definitions such as parts per million (ppm) and occupational

exposure limits (OEL)4) Measurement and the OEL of H2S5) The physiological effects of exposure to H2S6) How H2S is detected and the use of onsite & personal detection equipment 7) Actions to be taken in the event of an alarm8) The types of respiratory equipment available including escape breathing

apparatus (EBA) & self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)9) The role of response teams in an H2S emergency and their use of SCBA

Give a demonstration of:

a) H2S personal detection equipment – pre-use checks & operationb) Responding to an alarmc) EBA fitted with a mask - pre-use checks & operationd) EBA fitted with a hood – pre-use checks & operatione) Method of connection to a cascade air supplyf) Method of disconnection from a cascade air supply

Delegates to demonstrate a to f above.

Provide time for review and clarification. Delegates will be given a 30 minute written exam on completion of the training.

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

B.6 Duration of Training

The optimum contact time for 12 delegates (including a refreshment break) should not exceed 4 hours. This does not include administrative time for participant registration and taking of the participant ID photograph.

B.7 Assessment

Delegates will be judged against the learning outcomes using direct observation and oral and written questions as appropriate (records must be maintained).

The written tests should reflect the learning outcomes of the standard. There should also be a policy and procedure in place for dealing with persons not meeting the stated outcomes.

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C.1 Staff

In order for a training programme to be delivered successfully it is necessary to have appropriate people in presenting and supporting roles.

RasGas Approved Training Providers will deliver and carry out assessment of the module.

1. Training staff will be:

Knowledgeable on RasGas Safety Induction and its significance Trained in instructional/lecture techniques and/or have proven instructing/

teaching experience

Knowledgeable on RasGas Policies, Procedures and Management Systems

Included in an ongoing training and development programme, which ensures they are aware and knowledgeable of all relevant changes to legislation, industry and RasGas requirements.

2. Assessors will be:

Knowledge experts who hold a recognized assessor award (A1, A2, IMO 3.12 or RasGas accepted equivalent)

3. All staff will have:

Appropriate competencies to conduct/assist with the element of training being undertaken

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

C.2 Trainer/Delegate Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of delegates that should attend the course in any one session.

Ratios indicate the maximum number of delegates to be supervised by an instructor at any one time during each activity.

Theory 1: 12

Demonstrations 1: 12

Practical 1: 6

Written Assessments 1: 6

C.3 Facilities

To ensure proper presentation the training staff will be designated a room that will not be used simultaneously for any other activity and which includes:

Administration arrangements appropriate for enrolment and certification of delegates.

Theory training area(s) with sufficient room to allow delegates to participate fully in group theory or syndicate paper exercises. Each delegate should be afforded ample space to be comfortable when carrying our theoretical exercises.

Practical training area(s) with adequate floor space for each delegate to participate fully in practical demonstrations and exercises.

C.4 Equipment

The following equipment, of the type found on the plant, is required to meet the needs of the training course:

1. Sufficient Personal H2S Detectors

2. One Escape Breathing Apparatus (both Mask & Hood types) for each delegate

3. Cascade System

All equipment must be maintained, and where appropriate, inspected and tested in accordance with current standards/legislation.

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D.1 Certification and Recording

All delegates assessed as meeting the stated learning outcomes, the training completion date will be entered on to the delegates personnel passport next to H2S/BA. The issue of the up dated passport indicates that the delegate has achieved the level of H2S awareness as defined by RasGas. RasGas does not issue certificates for H2S / BA and issue of certificates is optional for External Training Providers.

For every competent H2S / BA delegate, the training provider will:

1. Issue an updated RasGas safety passport or if by an external training provider, issue a RasGas approved certificate of attendance and/or an approved ID card.

2. Provide timely information to the RasGas S.H.E. Training Department as outlined in the Terms and Conditions relating to RasGas Approval.

It is the responsibility of the training provider to record and include on the certificate/ID card issued the following:

RasGas Logo

Training Provider Name

Training Provider Logo

Full RasGas Course Title & Number

Successful Participant’s Name

Course Date

Certificate / ID Card Number

Training Provider Signatory

It is the responsibility of the RasGas S.H.E. Training Department to record within the RasGas SAP and INTEGRUM systems all training course participant and certificate/ID card details as provided.

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

D.2 Further Training & Periodicity

The time period between the initial training and later refresher training should not exceed two (2) years maximum. The content of the refresher training will include any updates to plant policy, procedures and individual responsibilities. Where applicable, Standards of training for refresher courses/further training will be used. The interval between the initial training and further assessment will be determined by RasGas.

The validity of the RasGas H2S / BA course is two (2) years if conducted by RasGas SHE Training Department. It is valid for one (1) year if conducted by a RasGas approved External Training Provider.

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RasGas Approved Training Standard – H2S / BA

Appendix 1


Appendix 1 describes the evidence, which an assessor should seek in order to make a judgment on each participant’s performance.

How will participants be assessed?

The assessment will take the form of observation of the tasks being performed, supported where necessary by oral or written questions.

Prior to the assessment taking place the assessor must:

a) Make the participant(s) aware that they are to be assessedb) Ensure that the participant(s) understands the standard on which they will be assessedc) Ensure that the assessment site and conditions for assessment are suitable

The assessor should clearly explain to the participant(s) the task(s) to be performed indicating also how they intend to gather evidence (i.e. observation of simulated exercises and oral or written questions).

Participant(s) should not be guided or prompted during the assessment. However, it might be necessary to use an appropriate questioning technique to ensure the participant(s) have the necessary underpinning knowledge and understanding to perform the tasks effectively and safely.

Following the assessment, the assessor should comment to the participant(s) on the positive aspects of their performance, identifying the areas where competence has not been demonstrated and where further coaching and/or practice is required.

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