H o w T o L i v e A H e a l th y L i fe I n O u r E l e c …emfsummit.s3.amazonaws.com/How To Live...

How To Live A Healthy Life In Our Electromagnetic World With Lloyd Burrell and Dr. Eva Detko Lloyd: Hi, my name is Lloyd Burrell. I’m your host for the EMF Health Summit. I’m joined today by my friend, Dr. Eva Detko. We’re going to be talking about how to live a healthy life in our electromagnetic world. Dr. Eva, welcome. Dr. Eva: Hello, hello everybody. First of all, thank you for inviting me to be part of this conversation, really excited for it. So yes, let’s get started.My first question to you is what inspired you to actually create the EMF Health Summit? What’s the story? What’s your story behind it? Lloyd: Yes. So, the story behind it is, one day I had a telephone conversation which changed my life. A lot of people have heard that phrase before, except the difference is, in my case, it wasn’t what was said in the telephone conversation. It was the device that was used, and

Transcript of H o w T o L i v e A H e a l th y L i fe I n O u r E l e c …emfsummit.s3.amazonaws.com/How To Live...

How To Live A Healthy Life In Our Electromagnetic World

With Lloyd Burrell and Dr. Eva Detko Lloyd: Hi, my name is Lloyd Burrell. I’m your host for the EMF

Health Summit. I’m joined today by my friend, Dr. Eva Detko. We’re going to be talking about how to live a healthy life in our electromagnetic world. Dr. Eva, welcome.

Dr. Eva: Hello, hello everybody. First of all, thank you for inviting me

to be part of this conversation, really excited for it. So yes, let’s get started.My first question to you is what inspired you to actually create the EMF Health Summit? What’s the story? What’s your story behind it?

Lloyd: Yes. So, the story behind it is, one day I had a telephone

conversation which changed my life. A lot of people have heard that phrase before, except the difference is, in my case, it wasn’t what was said in the telephone conversation. It was the device that was used, and

more specifically, it was the energy this device was emitting. So, what happened was in 2002, one day, I put my cell phone next to my head to answer a call, and I began to experience this strange sensation, nothing more than that, really. A kind of troubled, spatial, awareness. Something a little bit more disconcerting. I finished the conversation and the phone rang again, because at that time I was running a business where people were calling me to take bookings. And very quickly, this unpleasant sensation, it turned to the whole side of my head next to where I was holding the cell phone, which was literally burning up. It was causing extreme pain in my ear. Within a few conversations, and within a few days, I got to the stage - I joke about it and say it got so bad I actually went to see my doctor. I’m not really one to go see my doctor a lot. Probably had a day off work. My doctor who’s a friend, he prodded and poked. He really couldn’t find anything wrong with me, but it was sympathetic. This carried on. In fact, it got worse and worse. Not only was I experiencing pain around the use of my cell phone but also when I was using my computer, when I sat in front of the T.V., when I went out in the car, when I went around to people’s homes, it was like no escape. It was everywhere. So, I tried to do things. I went back to the doctors. He sort of sent me in different directions to see different specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, all kinds of tests. Some of them quite intrusive. Nobody could

find anything wrong with me. I was okay, according to them. The only thing we could see was, I was having some high blood pressure. But I knew that there was something wrong. And so, this went on for two years, just kind of knowing that something was wrong but actually pretending that everything was okay. That was really the only way forward, to kind of pretend it wasn’t there. But it was kind of getting worse and worse and worse. And then one day, I actually came across an article in the newspaper which I was receiving. It talked about a guy who was electrically hypersensitive that couldn’t use a cell phone, that had to switch the electricity off at night so he could sleep. So, I was like, “Okay, this is what I’ve got.” This really, was a starting point for me, dealing with this, facing up to it and trying to do something about it. This is really, my inspiration for organizing this summit, this event. It’s that this doesn’t happen to anybody else. I can’t stop it from happening to other people. But if the information gets out there about these dangers from these devices, which are electromagnetic fields. And also, for the people to learn about solutions because something that I had to figure out over a 10-year period was the solutions. So that’s my motivation.

Dr. Eva: Yes, and interestingly - I’ve shared this with you before - in

my clinical practice, what I often observe, I work with

people with autoimmune conditions. And oftentimes, when there is an underlying issue that people may not be aware of, whether it is autoimmune or otherwise, it may just happen that this sort of added stress that comes with exposure to EMFs could be that one thing that pushes people over the edge. Or perhaps, there is another stressor in their lives, perhaps the job is a bit stressful or they’re going through some other emotional trauma or even chemical trauma. There’s so much toxicity in their environment. That bucket overfills and bang, people, just like I said, go over the edge. But it’s not an easy factor, necessarily, for people to identify. As you said, it took you a while and that’s true for many people because it’s not something instinctive that we go towards as a source of a problem, right, when we have symptoms and clinical manifestations. So, it’s definitely raising that awareness. I definitely applaud you for this because I think that’s really, really important that people keep that in mind when they’re putting the pieces of the puzzle together, when they’re not well. So, are you now fully recovered? Are you back to health?

Lloyd: Well, I can honestly say that I am fully recovered, that I

am no longer electrically hypersensitive. There are lots of terms for this. EMF intolerance syndrome, or just plain electrical sensitivity, sometimes we call it. But yes, I no longer have a cell phone; that’s through choice. But

I can function properly around WiFi, sitting in front of the computer for many hours a day as I’ve done to prepare this summit, travel, long-distance travel. Last time we flew over the Atlantic, it was the WiFi on the plane. So yes, I’m back to living a normal life. It’s not to say that I don’t feel these EMFs still, because I do sometimes. But what’s to say is I no longer have these debilitating symptoms, the symptoms which that completely knocked me out. So, there were the immediate symptoms which were the burning sensation. But then there were these other symptoms afterward which came over time, which were just pains all over my body, digestive symptoms, and this massive fatigue, no energy to do anything. I’ve always been a sort of get up and go person, like to do things and have projects and do stuff. And I just had no energy for anything. So yes, I’m fully recovered. And I know other people that are fully recovered. I’ve interviewed quite a few of them. There’s not like there are millions of them out there. I’m not going to say there are, but there are people who are fully recovered. So, I want to get that message out that it is possible. I’m talking about, for instance, Marine Richard in France, Lucy Sanford in the U.S., Elizabeth Maxim who’s an author, and also Dr. Elizabeth Evans in the U.K. So, it is possible and I’m going to go into that a little bit to explain what exactly we can do. For those who are looking for solutions generally, this is what the summit

is about. And also, for people that are electrically hypersensitive.

Dr. Eva: Yes, sure. So, we are throwing this term around, EMFs, so

perhaps this is a good place to start explaining what EMFs are.

Lloyd: Absolutely. So, what I’ve got here is a slide I’d like to share,

if I can. So hopefully you can see that, the electromagnetic spectrum. So, what are EMFs? This is what EMFs are. This is a good way of understanding what these things which we call EMFs, which are electromagnetic fields. Some people call them electromagnetic radiation. There are these forces which exist in nature and also manmade forces, invisible forces which we can’t see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. Some people can sense them, and we call those people electrically hypersensitive. So, these forces exist. You can see we’ve got this notion of wavelength and frequency. So, whenever we’re talking about electromagnetic fields, it’s always a factor of wavelength and frequency. You can also see that we’ve got this notion of non-ionizing and ionizing. We’ll talk about this during the summit and what the telecoms industry and the utility companies are trying to say, to make us believe, is that

non-ionizing is perfectly safe. We’ve got this thing, ionizing, which nobody argues about, the nuclear, the gamma, the x-rays. Nobody argues that that’s dangerous. But the industry is trying to make us believe that there is some magic cut-off point where all of a sudden, all these man-made frequencies are perfectly safe. That is not the case. This is really at the crux of what we’re talking about here with these EMFs. And then you can see that on the lower frequencies that we have, notably home electrics, that means power line frequencies, that’s what’s in your electrical wiring in your home which is similar frequencies to what’s found on power lines. Sometimes, the voltages are changed for transmission over long distances. And then we’ve got these other frequencies in between AM radio, T.V., moving up to cell phones, cell towers and microwave ovens. Microwave ovens are working at about 2.4GHz. That means billions of cycles per second. If you’re looking down at the bottom here, then we’re looking at the home electrics, depends where you live. But typically, 60 cycles a second. So 60Hz, 60 back and forth in a second. And the thing is, this is rather difficult to comprehend because, already, that’s a lot, 60 cycles per second. So, when you get up in the gigahertz frequency, which cell phones are using - 1 to 2 GHz, depends where you live and what part of the world you live, what technologies you’re using. So, 1 to 2 billion cycles per second, again, what the industry make us believe is that all these

frequencies are perfectly safe, all these man-made frequencies are totally safe. This is the controversy, it’s all about that question. That is the nature of the beast.

Dr. Eva: Yes. It’s interesting that the industry - let’s not even go there,

right? This is true, not just for EMFs but also for some other things out there that they’re trying to convince us all. So, you and I both know that EMFs are real. I’ve seen the effects on people, obviously. I work with people with chronic illness. So automatically, there are people who potentially are more susceptible to the effect. But there still could be people out there, saying, “I don’t know. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.” So, if they ask you how can you be so sure that EMFs are dangerous, what have you got to say to them?

Lloyd: Well, you know, the most powerful argument or statement I

could say is what are their experiences. I know that to be true and when you felt something - I could have read a thousand studies. But it’s what I’ve experienced. So, I’m speaking from that place. And so, I know that everybody is not going to believe Lloyd, and quite rightly so. And then I’ll say, “Look, there are studies. And not only are there studies, there are thousands of studies. Not only are there thousands of studies, there are thousands of peer-reviewed studies.”

We’re talking gold standard studies. The best standard and quality of study we can have is these peer-reviewed studies. And this goes back decades, back to the 18th century - okay, there wasn’t peer-reviewed studies then, but 1891, French physicist and physician, D’Arsonval, did studies on electricity and he found that this adversely impacted breathing, respiration, and body weight. And then, really, a lot of studies done by the military, particularly after the Second World War, and also a lot done by the Nazis, incidentally, in Germany. A lot done on the radar operators because this is the first time this became fairly widespread. And studies also when the radio came in – Marconi - in the 1930s. And then if we fast-forward to more recently, 2007 BioInitiative Report, 14 crème de la crème independent scientists, researchers, and public policy makers all came together to review over 2,000 peer-reviewed studies. What did they say? That the safety standards - there are safety standards - were wholly inadequate. So basically, the safety standards for electromagnetic fields were worthless. That was 2007. In 2012, they issued another report and they looked at the 1800 studies in the intervening periods between 2007 and 2012. When they did the 2012 report, you can see how many studies there are, that gives you an idea. These studies, we’re talking peer-reviewed studies and it’s like, every day we have studies coming out. Practically every day on this

subject. That’s how many subjects there are. And again, if you fast-forward to today or this year or more recently, we’ve got the National Toxicology Program in the U.S., $25 million federal study, first publication 2016 - a little bit of controversy over that, which we go into during the summit. But what they came out and said was cell phone radiation is very clearly linked to brain tumors, malignant gliomas, and schwannomas - tumors of the heart. Very clear evidence of this. So, the studies are there. The links to the disease are there. People say, “There are studies but what does that mean?” Well, the links to disease are very clear. We’re talking cancer. That is like the concern of today. Who doesn’t know somebody who’s been affected by cancer? Cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s. Very clear study on Alzheimer’s by Professor Olle Johansson – who’s also on this summit. Autism, obesity, diabetes, infertility, the list goes on. Honestly, you think of a disease and there is - not always but often - a study which is linking EMF to the disease. And if there isn’t, it’s just not been done yet. So, it is really very clear when you start to look at the studies. And just a few other points, what people don’t get is EMFs affect everyone. So, you might think, “Okay, I can’t feel it so I’m okay.” That’s not what the studies are saying. Second point is the effects are cumulative. So, it builds over time. Another reason to get on board and do something about this now, not wait until your health

is impacted and you can feel these symptoms. The third thing is again, we’re being told it’s these manmade devices, cell phones and so on, it’s all too low level. There’s not enough power to affect our health and our bodies. But it’s not about the power. There are studies indicating that these low-level constant exposures may be worse than powerful exposures. So, there’s a lot of evidence out there and the dangers are very clear.

Dr. Eva: And you know, to your point, I think pretty much most people

are aware these days that we are electromagnetic beings. So, instinctively, how could this not affect us, right? But then you’re talking about studies that imply causation and in case of some diseases, you can already see that. But even if they don’t imply direct causative link, then we need to understand that a lot of chronic diseases are complex. And there are a lot of elements that need to come together in order to produce that diseased state. EMFs are one of the major contributing factors in fact. So, even if your disease state may not have been caused by EMFs alone, then you need to consider that this is contributing to the diseased state in one way or another. So, your slide, by the way, is excellent. It’s always good to have that visual because it’s not actually an easy concept for people to wrap their brain around, particularly when

we’re talking about 60 times per second, or millions, whatever number you were saying. So that was very helpful. And at the bottom of your slide, you had some of the common sources and exposures. But perhaps, you can go over, for an average person, what are the typical sources of EMF exposure.

Lloyd: Yes. So, I guess the most obvious ones are cell phones

because everybody’s got a cell phone and it is a growing awareness of cell phone radiation. People are beginning to talk about it a bit more. And it’s certainly being talked about in the mainstream media a bit. Sometimes, this is being talked about in the wrong way, that it’s perfectly harmless and sometimes, we’re actually talking about the studies which are mentioned earlier. So that is the most typical. The one that most people know. And then smart meters are, typically, wireless utility meters. Before, we used to have the utility guy which came around and read your gas meter, read your electricity meter, your water meter. Now we’re moving into a world where we’ve got smart meters which communicate this information back either wirelessly or through the electrical wire. By the way, it’s another form of electropollution. And thirdly, it’s just the WiFi because the WiFi is like ubiquitous, everywhere. And everybody loves WiFi because isn’t it great? You can sit out in your garden

and surf the internet or walk down the street and surf the internet. So those are really the three most obvious that people know, but not necessarily thinking that it’s EMFs. But those are kind of the obvious ones.

Dr. Eva: That’s interesting. I’m a little bit like you but I still have my

mobile phone, but always keep it at the other side of the house. It’s never close to me. My family is always moaning that they can never get a hold of me. But I just refused to be glued to my phone. I just refuse to do it. It’s not worth taking that risk. So as for the smart meters, I don’t know if you’re aware of this but currently in the U.K., there’s a conversation around the scheme that they rolled out nationwide that was supposed to save people money. Now they’re saying it’s actually not doing what they said it would in terms of economy. But nobody’s even mentioned what that’s actually doing to human health. All they’re focusing is now that they’ve rolled it out, it turns out it’s not actually going to save people money after all. But what’s interesting is that not a single person in all of those reports and conversation actually said, “Right, so now we have no economical advantage and on top of that we’re actually doing a lot of damage to human health.” So that’s interesting. It’s not as mainstream as it should be, that information. So, what about maybe some less obvious sources that people may not sort of immediately think about?

Lloyd: Yes. Just smart devices generally, because again, we’re

moving into this smart world. So, we’ve got the smart meter and what connects to smart meters? Pretty much everything you can imagine that’s electrical, unfortunately. And what we mean by that, what I mean by that is that if you go into your kitchen and look at any device, then now - already, perhaps, or in a very short time - all those devices will have the capability of communicating among themselves and with the smart meter. Which is pretty scary because this makes the kitchen an absolute hotbed for electromagnetic fields, a complete no-go area for some people. But it’s not just the kitchen. It’s all over the house. And literally, it’s even articles of clothing, it’s really anything, diapers apparently. And now we’re getting equipped with things you buy for kids and pets, just anything you can imagine is going smart, which is not smart. It’s a bit of clever marketing, calling it smart. But it’s not smart. Second thing is your electrical wiring. Who could imagine that your electrical wiring could actually be dangerous in any way because it’s in the wires. So how can that be dangerous? Well, the electric in the wire doesn’t stay in the wire. It permeates out into a room and because we’ve got all these modern devices, which are smart, which are energy-saving, we’ve got just a myriad of frequencies which are piggy-backing on

top of these 60Hz frequencies which should be there. That’s all it should be. In the U.S., it’s 60Hz, if you’re in U.K. or other parts of Europe, it’s 50Hz. But that’s not only what’s on there. So instead of having this nice, clean sine wave, we’ve got all these other frequencies on there, which we call dirty electricity. So, we’ve got these four categories of electromagnetic fields. Electric fields, magnetic fields, and dirty electricity. Already, those three categories are all on your house wiring. Sadly, they don’t stay on your house wiring. The fourth one is radio frequency radiation. And that just doesn’t communicate from your cell phone or whatever, or from the smart devices to whatever. It all sort of works together in ways we’re only beginning to understand. And it creates these frequencies which again, even though most people can’t feel it, have adverse biological effects. So, non-typical sources, those are perhaps, the two main ones in terms of general exposures.

Dr. Eva: Yes. This is important for people to know, but in the end, I

know that your objective is far from wanting to scare people. And certainly, this would never be mine. We will now move perhaps to the empowerment stage of this conversation and perhaps, you can share some simple solutions. There literally are things that people can do straight away to reduce their exposures. Of course,

there can be more advanced strategies also. But can you just share some of the solutions, so people feel sort of more empowered here?

Lloyd: Yes. So, there are various steps to empowerment and

the first step is to understand. That’s why we’re having this conversation, so that people can understand. You know you’re not going to take action unless you begin to understand what the dangers are. I’m talking about it but again, that’s the whole idea behind the summit, is to bring together all these authorities on it, honestly, to talk about this so that you can get the information directly from the horse’s mouth. You don’t have to believe Lloyd. Thirty top experts explaining this in great detail. So, once you’ve understood, then you want to take action. What action you want to take? Well, you actually want to measure these exposures. There are lots of things you can do without doing that. But what I’m saying is - there are tips which are given but I don’t want to go into those, particularly. But I want to give you this overview. And that is to firstly understand, secondly, to measure, and thirdly to mitigate. So, when I say measure, what I mean is there are some rather inexpensive devices out there called EMF meters which can actually measure these frequencies. So, a very important part of the process is

understanding what your exposures are. I’ve got a couple of meters with me. One of them I’ve got here is this, which is a Trifield meter. I’ve got two meters I’m going to show you today. I’m not saying that these are the best meters. This is always a very loaded question because it’s best what for, and for who. Well, what are you actually interested in measuring and what is your personal situation? What are your priorities? So, I’m giving some very general advice. This Trifield meter, which is a new meter which is out this year, what I like about it is it’s very simple to operate. There are just three settings you can see, hopefully, on the screen: magnetic, electric, and RF. There are actually two ways to measure, standard and weighted. Don’t worry about that. We’re looking at very simple things today. So, put it on the weighted, and magnetic. And perhaps if I move this around, it’s got an audio function on it. So, I’m moving it next to my computer. I don’t know if you can hear that. But it’s a bit like a Geiger counter. It’s going crazy when I put it over my keyboard because there are magnetic fields. So, I’ve got it on the magnetic setting and there are magnetic fields there. It’s giving a reading like 40 milligauss, about 2 inches. Just to give you some context: from a 2 milligauss and above, we’ve got adverse health effects with links to leukemia. So, 40 milligauss there. I’m not sleeping there. I’m not there. I’m here. So that’s magnetic fields. Electric fields, same thing. It measures electric fields in V/m, and already, you can hear - I can’t

see it, you can. We’ve got a reading on there. Lastly, radio frequency radiation which there’s very little of here. It’s not picking up anything at the moment. So that’s from cell phones, cell towers, and so on. So, having a great, little meter like this which you can carry around with you, you point and shoot basically. It’s got sound, it’s got a light, inexpensive, under $200. You might think, “Oh, that’s a lot of money!” but what price is your health? We’re not looking for cheap. We’re looking for value for money and that is value for money. Here is another meter which is also value for money. And it’s a Graham Stetzer Stetzerizer meter. This meter measures dirty electricity. So, just with these two meters already we’ve measured those four different categories of electromagnetic fields which we need to measure. So, as I said, the three points were: the understanding, secondly was the measuring, and the third one was the mitigation. So how do we mitigate? There are three ways of doing that. First thing is you turn the thing off. Whatever it is in your environment - that’s the most important thing, your immediate environment - you turn that thing off. You’ve got the meter and it will pinpoint. You walk around with your meter and this thing will pinpoint where things are. It’s a consumer meter so it’s got its limitations. But you are going to get a lot of information from a meter like this. So yes, how to mitigate: firstly, turn the thing off. Secondly, to increase your distance. This is something which is

a bit of a key point here, distance is your friend. In fact, it’s not only your friend but your best friend in terms of these exposures. You were saying to keep that cell phone away from you as much as possible, particularly when it’s actually in wireless mode, when it’s emitting and receiving signals – which is all the time unless you’ve gone into the menu and deactivated it. The third way to mitigate is to shield. Something to put on here is to say that shielding is always a last resort. So, you do those others steps first. Don’t wake up one day and say, “Oh, there’s a cell tower outside my front door. I’ve got to shield everywhere.” No. My approach is a natural approach and no amount of shielding you can buy - which is wonderful technology that you can buy - is not natural. It’s introducing non-natural materials into your living environment which is to be avoided, if you can. So, you’re shielding and what are you shielding? It’s one of two things or both. So, you’re either shielding yourself, so wearing garments, shielded garments. Or shielding the source of the device, for instance, a WiFi router, you can actually buy shields for those. Smart meters, you can buy shields for those. So those are my three plus three steps in terms of solutions of how to deal with these different exposures.

Dr. Eva:

Brilliant. Excellent. And you know, I agree with you. It’s worth the investment. Most people are sourcing the meters, perhaps in the sort of short term, if they feel that this may be actually affecting them, what about just making sure that where you spend the most time in the house is as EMF-free as possible. So i.e. your bedroom in the first instance of course. I know people who still do this, people still sleep with the phones next to their head on their little bedside cabinet. At least, that is something that you can just get rid of straight away. Get an old-fashioned alarm clock, right? That’s where you spend the most of your time. So that’s where you’re going to create the most of your problem.

Lloyd: Absolutely. And when you begin to understand the dangers,

then a lot of it is common sense. It really is. But I say go beyond that and that is why I wanted to put that out there today. Even if you don’t do it today, that’s what you’re aiming for, is that really, everybody has an EMF meter. It’s as important piece of equipment in your home as having that screwdriver or having that spanner or wrench as we call it in the U.S. So, this is basic equipment. Everybody should have this because we’re in a wireless world and the only way, really, to know what’s going on is for you to measure it. You can bring somebody in if you want to go to the next step. But you can do this. It is not rocket science.

Dr. Eva: Great. That’s reassuring for people to know that they don’t

have to spend thousands and thousands on building specialists and stuff like that. So, what are your actual tips, top tips on overcoming electrical sensitivity?

Lloyd: So, what I’ve just mentioned, what I talked about there. But

it’s taking it to another level, what I call direct EMF protection. But it needs to be very rigorous. You need to do all that, but you need to have the right meter. Perhaps you need to look into what meters you need because if you’re e electrically hypersensitive, you need the best meter you can buy. You need just the best meters, without spending thousands either. You can get some very good meters now which can give you some very accurate information about your environment. So, there is that aspect. And then there is what I call the indirect EMF protection. So, what I mean by this is it’s a holistic approach to health. But it puts EMFs at the center. Why? Because whether you like it or not, when you’re electrically hypersensitive, EMFs are at the center of your world. So, we’re in a wireless world so we need to really focus on these issues. So, it’s centered on this question of EMF exposures and what to do about them. So, here’s the irony. People who get sick, most people out there

have no notion about the dangers of EMFs. And they’re going to see all these different doctors, specialists or so on. Never is the question of EMFs brought into the equation for a whole load of reasons. But many doctors unfortunately, know nothing about this. And then on the other side, we’ve got people that are hypersensitive. That is all they think about, these EMFs and what they can do to reduce them and deal with them and shield and reduce this to micro amounts. And for those people, then we need to look outside the box. We need to have this holistic, all-inclusive approach, looking at our health on all these different levels. So yes, on the physical level, the nutrition is important, detox is important, exercise is important. But not only on that level, but also mental, emotional, spiritual, all these different levels because it’s how you’re thinking about this and also what you’re feeling. Even these thoughts and feelings have an electromagnetic energy. And indeed, everything you can look at through this lens because everything is energy and energy is everything. So even when you’re talking about food, everything has a vibration. You, me, everything, this table, everything. We are subtle energy beings. So, these vibrations are actually impacting us to a lesser or greater degree. What I would say is to people that are struggling, again, with this question of EHS, what I would say is: there are people who have overcome it and that’s where you need to be looking. To learn from them. It is looking at

these wider questions. I would say the most important thing - and it sounds kind of obvious, but it has to be said, and you’ve probably heard it before - is to listen to your body. And maybe at the beginning, you can’t do this yourself. Maybe you need a coach, counselor, doctor, functional medicine doctor for instance, somebody who’s got a deep understanding, who can help you, who can hold your hand. And maybe you do like I did, is you figure this out yourself. Maybe through books and internet and studies and so on. But you need to listen to your body. You need some way of tapping into this feedback loop. This is the best information you can get. It’s what your body is giving you. So, if you go to see a functional medicine doctor and he’s doing all these tests, he’s just giving you feedback for you to work on. So, it’s all about you and it’s all about you being in your power, ultimately. This is all about empowerment, actually, dealing with this as dealing with any challenge. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity for growth. That’s one of the things I learned, that actually, this has been the biggest opportunity for me for growth, is overcoming this challenge. So that’s what I encourage you to do. And don’t get downtrodden by this.

Dr. Eva:

I’m completely echoing of what you’re saying. People do tend to fall into the two extreme camps. In the end, you’re right and I encourage people to do exactly the same. To take responsibility for your own healing and to have a balanced approach. As a physiologist, I can tell you this. If you have foods that you’re reactive to, perhaps that you’re eating that you might not even know, if you have emotional toxicity, emotional stress in your life, if you have co-infections, parasites, various things like that, if you have toxins in your body like heavy metals and other things like glyphosate, plastics, whatever that accumulates in the tissues, and if you a have messed up microbiome, leaky gut, all of these things will make the system more susceptible to the negative effects of EMFs. So, what we need to be looking at, we need to have a balanced, more holistic approach. And we need to create a strong organism and if you tick all of those boxes and you make yourself stronger, both physically, mentally, emotionally, then you’ll be stronger energetically. And of course, that means that you will be far, far better equipped. You will have better tolerance for those things that we are bombarded with. You’ll never be able to completely eliminate them out of your life. So that, I just wanted to echo what you said and just at that from myself. So, a great conversation. You’ve shared fantastic, super-valuable content as you always do, my friend. So, I just wanted to ask if you have any final closing words?

Lloyd: Well, my closing words are to say, again, don’t believe

what Lloyd said. The information is there now on the summit for you. It’s all free. Just go and watch these presentations. Over 30 experts looking at every conceivable angle of this EMF question. So, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that this has been done. And share this information also because if you’ve got somebody near and dear who’s struggling with health problems, then perhaps this can be the game-changer for them. So yes, that’s it. Go and share it and use it, enjoy this information and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Dr. Eva: Fantastic. Well, I had a great time talking to you, as ever. I’m

positive that everybody else watching got a lot out of this. So, thank you, thank you very much for sharing.

Lloyd: Well, thank you Dr. Eva. Thanks for interacting with me

today. Thanks for agreeing to do this and I look forward to interviewing you on the summit.

Dr. Eva:

Yes, I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to sharing

this event with my own audience because I think it’s just wonderful, what you’re doing. It’s great information. Everybody needs to know about it. So, I will be spreading the word for sure.

Lloyd: Thank you so much. Thank you. Have a great day, bye-bye.

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