H Fuyana_Research Presantation 2015

Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Department of … / CITSI 1 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Department of … / CITSI WATER INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA: THE CASE OF HARDING Author: Hlosokuhle Fuyana Supervisor: Prof G. Ochieng Co-supervisor: Dr J. Snyman

Transcript of H Fuyana_Research Presantation 2015

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Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentDepartment of … / CITSI



Author: Hlosokuhle Fuyana

Supervisor: Prof G. OchiengCo-supervisor: Dr J. Snyman

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• Globally, the water sector faces noteworthy challenges in maintaining reliable service provision, amidst varying challenges such as ageing infrastructure, growing demands, meeting increasing complexity and skills shortages.

• As part of the on-going efforts to address these challenges, this research has been undertaken to facilitate the dissemination of technological innovations within the field of water infrastructure management.

• These innovations entail the integration of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and a hydraulic modelling software with water Infrastructure Asset Management (IAM).

• Using a GIS geodatabase, an Asset Register was developed; from which a failure risk scoring of each feature classes i.e. level of deterioration was undertaken. The risk scoring aided in the development of an Infrastructure Replacement Plan (IRP) with associated cost estimates.

• The research was based on the Ugu District Municipality (UDM) town, Harding, Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN).

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PROBLEM STATEMENT• South Africa is facing grim challenges with regards to the dispersion of

sustainable basic services such as water, its quality and management, as well its efficient use (van Zyl, Manus and Pensulo, 2008:3).

• The trials faced in the country emanate from ineffective IAM and maintenance and very notably poor planning for new infrastructure or life cycle management (van Zyl, Manus and Pensulo, 2008:3).

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RESEARCH OBJECTIVESThe purpose of the research is to develop an integrated GIS geodatabase, hydraulic model and IRP for the water IAM of Harding, with the following specific objectives;

• Map the water infrastructure of Harding to aid in its IAM.• Develop an Asset Register for the town's water network, including a failure risk

assessment for its assets (feature classes).• Develop an operational hydraulic model for the network to enable system

modelling and analysis.• Formulate an IRP with estimated costs for infrastructure replacement.

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LITERATURE REVIEWTo fulfil the objectives it was necessary to review research and case studies of water IAM not only in South Africa, but globally. The literature review covered the following sub-headings;• Infrastructure Asset Management (IAM). This section touched on the key

concepts of water infrastructure management, national and international government policies and regulations and the needs for effective water IAM.

• Literature on the IAM challenges such as Ageing infrastructure, Increasing complexity, Growing demands, among others; both globally and in South Africa was also reviewed.

• GIS and hydraulic modelling developments in recent years and an evaluation of the most effective software package to use in aiding WSA in South Africa better manage their water infrastructure.

• Water infrastructure replacement literature and research case studies were also reviewed. This assisted in developing the methodology for Asset register development, Risk management criteria formulation, Condition assessment strategies and the drafting of an IRP.

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PHASE 1: Data collection• Interviews of the various level UDM staff were conducted to assess the WSA’s

needs and gather crucial information on the town’s water network. The interviews formed part of a Water Needs Assessment for the municipality town.

• Mapping water infrastructure using GIS was conducted once the municipality’s needs were established. ArcGIS 10.1 was utilized for the mapping of the water infrastructure. This stage of the research entailed the following;– Collecting as-built drawings and reference data (Cadastral data and aerial

photographs),– Data extraction and conversion, entailing the scanning hardcopy as-built

drawings and then “georeferencing” them using aerial photographs, cadastral data and field GPS coordinates. Georeferencing enabled the as-built infrastructure data to be assigned its correct “real life” geographical locations within a GIS system.

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– Geodatabase design Prior to capturing the water infrastructure in the georeferenced as-built drawings, there was a need to determine which attributes or information of the water infrastructure features was to be captured. The feature class attributes contained in the geodatabase are summarised in the table below;

Feature class

Attribute data

Description Data type

Pipe Material Type of material from which the feature class is manufactured

Text string

Size Diameter of pipe section (mm) Integer

Age Current age of feature class and year of installation


Pipe class Pipe diameter (mm) Integer

Scheme name

Water scheme or project under which feature class was installed

Text string

Condition Current condition of feature class as determined by a field verification

Text string

Element TypeNaming Convention

Pipe HAR-W-P-

Junction HAR-W-J-

Hydrant HAR-W-H-

Tank HAR-W-T-

Reservoir HAR-W-R-

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– Digitizing The last step in this exercise was the digitization of water infrastructure which is the process of converting the geographic features on a hardcopy map into digital format using a GIS software package. This was done by tracing features, for example water reticulation pipes, bulk mains and other water network features (reservoirs, isolation valves and hydrants) from the scanned and georeferenced CAD drawings.

• Direct field observations One week was spent with the operations and maintenance plumbers, observing their maintenance practices, processes and data collection. The information gathered during this time included pipe burst frequency, replacement practices, and system information tracking i.e. logging the location and occurrence types of incidents.

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PHASE 2: Asset Register development• Formulation of an AR To better manage Harding’s water network, the extent,

boundaries and quantity of its components had to be determined e.g. number of reservoirs and the total length of pipes etc.

• Failure risk management A failure risk management score (criticality analysis) ranging from 1-5 was assigned to the water network features as agreed with UDM during the needs assessment. A score of ‘5’ represents a high feature class risk, whereas a ‘0’ represents no risk.

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PHASE 3: Hydraulic model development•Hydraulic model The following scenarios were run on in the hydraulic model to

compare its current performance against design standards:

– Scenario 1: Average water demand Single Period Analysis,

– Scenario 2: Peak water demand Single Period Analysis,

– Scenario 3: Pipe velocity demand + Fire flow Single Period Analysis, and

– Scenario 4: Extended period simulation.• Condition Assessment The field verification or condition assessment was

deemed appropriate to confirm the accuracy of the data captured from scanned and georeferenced CAD drawings.

• Development of an IAMP An IAMP is typically based on existing infrastructure data and information, a main component of which should be derived from the Asset Register. In this study the IAMP was limited to the development of an IRP with associated costs, as an initial step in managing Harding’s water infrastructure.

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RESULTSMapped water infrastructure model

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Pipe distribution by material Pipe distribution by size

Pipe distribution by age

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Comparison of system pressures with normal standards






















Min allowable pressure = 245.1 kPa

Max allowable pressure = 343.1kPa

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Comparison of system velocities with normal standards











Max allowable velocity = 2.5m/s

Min allowable velocity = 0.7m/s

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• Development of an IAMP

Existing pipe diameter and material

Existing pipe age and length (m)

Existing pipe to be replaced (m)

Assumed replacement pipe diameter and material

300mm AC > 30yrs = 1600m 1600m 315 uPVC

250mm AC > 30yrs = 50m 50m 315 uPVC

200mm AC > 30yrs = 700m 700m 200 uPVC

150mm AC > 30yrs = 1800m 1800m 160 uPVC

100mm AC > 30yrs = 1200m 1200m 110 uPVC

40mm to 63mm CI > 30yrs = 1200m 1200m 63 HDPE

40mm to 63mm GI > 30yrs = 2000m 2000m 63 HDPE

Proposed replacement pipes

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Proposed infrastructure replacement cost estimates

Assumed replacement pipe diameter and material Unit Quantity Rate (m) Amount (R)

315mm uPVC m 1650 1,865.361 3,077,844.00

200mm uPVC m 700 564.031 394,821.00

160mm uPVC m 1800 361.601 650,880.00

110mm uPVC m 1200 73.731 208,476.00

63mm HDPE m 3200 70.90 226,880.00

Supply and Installation of pipe fittings Sum 1 200,000.002 200,000.00

Allow for transfer of house connections Sum 1 500,000.002 500,000.00

Isolation valves No. 57 1,108.28 63,171.96

Hydrants No. 52 5,000.002 260,000.00

Subtotal 5,582,072.96

Add: 14% Value Added Tax 781,490.21

Total 6,363,563.17

NB:1 the pipe rate is based on a class 16 pressure pipe2 these are estimated provisional sums and rates based on quotations received from suppliers. An exact figure will be arrived at after a detailed field verification has been undertaken

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CONCLUSIONS• Integration of computer technology such as GIS and hydraulic modelling with

water IAM, as discussed in this study, is a proven valuable solution for WSA to meet their mandated responsibilities. This is especially true in South Africa’s municipalities, which like many other developing countries, face a number of challenges in effective water infrastructure management.

• The use of technology allows for the improvement of a number of these challenges as outlined in the research. For example, automated infrastructure mapping allows for better maintenance and lifecycle management, which in turn allow WSA to plan adequately for their aging infrastructure.

• Once WSA are capable of monitoring and planning for its infrastructure effectively, potential foreign investors can be more confident in investing in water infrastructure. This will aid in alleviating challenges related to inadequate funding and ease the burdens of poor revenue collection.

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