H CONSUMPTION. eioom^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1883-03... · Wtt^'lwi: :ti^^liK$X...

Wtt^'lwi: :ti^^liK$X TSS& •*H«r jsattSPESfbEH* JPRSSS:,- *s -' -rimoHgr other great and notable etettgfisjwbieJi'faftva taken, pliw&jti this bfluitry daring the last few years' ^ there isikme move important of wov- ^.o "'•'<: -•'•• r f-..= "• ' " '•.".': v " •-;-."' ' . " ; tky of noticethanthat whichth» pah- .^?Wte ; ^ v e ) E ^ ^ a B ^ 3 S 0 B t ' i B * j a ^ . ^ B uBder<?b.ietoxWcdnnee: , : ,fe isJfiQugris'that &&y» .S3le.yelfta<i' ••. :V.S&8LBS3?SEET'B- ektilfeHeS -put- "tft& 5 .csttoti bropef I?i-3' a* la Jfj^OO^atea ':.. •"' "£c \'.' KASCKKSTAI.-;:.; aVnti-Wqn'o.poly -)<^ayeatiottiae^led- i6s Jttfy-itMy at. •• A. BB£3i ." ,3lneH<JJ%.":-the'".- -Htate :.^nstat«ti©BVsoe-as'to... -py&imkr- p&; ,;. .iK'SiigoarreBt'r^'T'fc at Wash- isgtc^ #at' Seaafei" Wisdom witi be Iriydtejlfe®s"-Seeireiiryi%i ot J* 16 : Ifireasufy-at •rjhe.^6s#Ea&ia';,o|--Ms ..'Josser : '.to-: ta&e-' Atic>ioey-Seae^tt:i ':. -- ,THE~assits3ia%.of. ---i+^.PsveaapB; ; |$3t «a?y lEOPsr •$;jj^s-»l : *^..mlsp1st > #5f :«ca?fideBcSi. \T&ff e l d » # g b : e f , h p h e r ; •: a^tig^IMe*seeB^'.Krit-t©feiijgoi<d, ,'lif' i&ong-tJie/d^ndjirttsiotM Star- :. 3JabH'a ; fdjf ,aS5as,tipiir i-m. ; ; * 7i»V*«ti- seiottshbsa.' of-. j»al|t•;• I'sriy' -nof ajKct thetti* biit t h e ^pjp4¥5.H*,iMott-.Qf toKT^g" •-;'- Hy^^&WMi ilneir \ i i j i ^ t y f i?tla»%s: : ; soferiety pf/ibpisduef arid a.KesBz'uff .-' sense of eoTajB|*-e:&pi&t4q&;;.v :< -:_• -•'.*; - : "=. trfrided fiie'state riaee'rfsilj offlip Y». >I •: <Q«;JLi &i^fmlmig-k : t&Sf'-v?ee& thsHt'.in.. :-»hy. previous-year;' ..^he'"" 'ro^r!;ag "•p^flf rri#re tteHi-" asw.d; i»terHn r SM4 . iattag to v a?snelat|«a,v ¥ ^ ^ . ^ i i | \ ; r i o - 4ea&t'i8"sa1± vi Qjtmty- &<Mvi'iy. snd "moteefflcieatweffe *feyi,f&;ff ^Jl'-a'ft: assosiafiorfe &4Saffeat'Gie'.eiaiev ". i?M«4.^^ teP ^1 Big Moia*u>'t tit'P. ..-' of ta8'gae3fi£m;.^Mcb' 1 wn^tiW ': to feos^e^ ^p^ted.-xea6ra£t;n.*. ; n^r- ga^ng'tiis^avatabr 'kpGojjgiexiPtli^r liegi^ttaTOft' spselaf ssssfoxi for' flift -.vfinspose, M; fectlfying': ihfy &xsms" mi& : •"• 4:»?eidei.' reMerM;.'.'. t h e ; .jProhi^jfeory /liim&atoe^'iaQP&rafere; ; Tlie- irate: ': sfe'ed-^&i /Inv fay^&if; 'of iiEctmedLate a e - -%/--^Jte'MC^pfi^:'JaRfcKrd«.d-# e x - ^ o v - :' '_- *irai)TSt. Johtf 66 fc.'s^S^tesfi ttij>- is : ; :a~a e^teeotc8,-if atfyfw%s tie^deCtbat ;'- "isei?ea3eaad iiri;9633ff ft. !,,.TM3'.s?i3 ^: ttesptoBStrat^ la-mcli. of jbass^eril' : - r j d t s ^ a i a ; Peniigyivi'ttia,, .• -at"-0;>Qj3ier;. ; tT^ovLtMsw-liot^i^y &p&&i]p1$i<itl ,•'; -feffta l^ew^'iaJg.ftd." ^se to -.ibei. 'eSfeafr: •" : tii<st MAJBoafeii'/re^^I'Qa' of tKar S2~P' : "w^afifsad ©.yafiqai..• ' ' TCHa-• fethe /fe-3iagSQ3aii<iw y^Meli-• d^ratldi.' -.-to; . &?ifttei.ie- eaiSHi^B'd^- '•. • ' ' ••' • •" •'< ' v;'AteaMotf ofjpim se&e&m'&gpQS. thfig- - 1 ;;." .'• /Ised,:^ f^ajsjcaoiai^ ; -ftie-yoij^ ~77~~^^^f*mitlf'"tes?i-' -. -. iCSsiesikte : ftavft —-^•-fC : JWt-sasBfcr jfifefSlSXaSkat w We : Sad ,"• - ; ticttetife%sestiia£'. ipeac yBclf^nttra^fe", ••• - ; «tbtBen in. .afeadyi; aiid-:tba6.'two,.or : .'. ; tbree dri^eni SriS.fee .fer.*liead;j.bat '-..'_'-' to^tMerj wotoeil"iay#a^^QiF ajVsi'- '•" T&^esaaltoiretlietfikef..|e3gl|3:t^lisfar': "'•":'. viave^By^^;r^iHi:a4 tfae^iiGStaaagdtae' '-j.;•': iio^6S of'lb.^feieHds©f<;p-^uc*t3oil.' s . i .-.;;:'• IfE.(^a-aflbicdtobaye|6e'tepaMi- ..'"-:? ^ s n ' p a r i y . ' g a i o - # i e ^ ; t t . t h a f e i s Ms. ', •'. dfHfeejaie"y^sli, jberaiusejfie'piece*' ";-'-'- ;^ilVbe ; pat:tggetiiie?r kgrnri m:& better ;>.^^ Baodopdlisla.:' ^^..js^befr : itfad"-^'' •' : "-: ,yiier t ^M^#etii^ : a i d - 3 a r e " i o dwV.vyfijr ~: tti&^4"-ofll3)^/t8ffi«Flxy ^sgtidei* ?'""";-':3^"K^^^aoSaas;day,' fotifc&#daethiiig-we . ;•;.'; caaaafi^".kS^rd'Isto : %a>4ipjiiidrK of' ,. ypjfiTdre^ea^ win'igpo?to*6e« Tfee : . .peratl^e gariBfet.^ljieh. ; cbttipefeo?H', ; ; \;.' p.duihs atTan'y i a e r f t e s i ^$$1 ;}igtzara.3 ; ,' ; j"'.-; ».o know tyiwte readaod(w'ritft > B is" ; ^ . ©arMpiftms bi^Hi6S3.t&dsKmTifl ib!a^ ; ;'.. iade&j_-jtojt i e o r s |or {ij6 sake otl thwe ' -'7 ..T^te_bM»dbii^^ sake and fo^ the i^oteetiott'MjtnTS Hi-' :.v":.'etltalioasi%lhe'fa^e;^^©-^ = ;•.' Therevwaa a t i e i e wh**a ao o^«?sp,*per was ?uppnaeti' to h a v e 'inffriPiiw* or gfeoaage #dJes»- it wa^thfi '-trfeaQ of saax0 po!ia<fjl .pariy, wi^e irstvEsslsi "if was \yij)tfe# to-servp, and wh'oBepe- cuila'r '<im?iims, smtL- pfioiji.plp^ it-^pft* exp^'fetifeadvae.it&ftn#tpaoh'. There ;v?e?eftw rattepetiideht n^wspap^rs is. thfi coastry" their, aiid the fewtfeat d i d ' ^ s j were hut,p0orly.si,TSfeiQ.ed. •Withsuehastelettyypar.tfeaa.pre?at% "p^ty.^iri%Beee^'jfUy'isiu.h%h,.^Ha th^,.strife .bstweeti;.poii.tio.al partjes ti>as oft^B SQI bitter-as it© ttistarb tlie Rpaee and h-trToaay of society and affect the ofherwise pleassitft refat.iofs •erisflttg bstweea; nei^hhars and friafMs. iatih«weolsvysit waseouated &. dfegraeefdl act. to 'repadiate- the nofeJibeespf one's own party, no mat- tf»i 'ftow-QHftt.Gr- UHWiMhy^be capdi-^ dktej ifll^ht h'ft whife fc vote for their ."dpporieats Qtt the., ^t her tiefot was an ii^\jpse"not-sbb»'tq:be.fi^ With theiaeteased^^ growth and wide-spread teffriertge ;o£ tbe-iVrdei^hdeHt' ps<?s^, lwvKrever, att-'-tfeis has be&a changed. P.^trticTatiHH^ye no-fearer. .b«6h able tocdhtrQl the• ptjptjiar vbtf, ahd. diar- fjnrgr t h e p a s t few-yeara-havefiftea baen ..sraVpris^d "afe.the feauits of the efse- £iphsi fa this: stud other; states. -,- Before r;th^"'war,[..'"and; 'ev^n .'later, ' Hiiraee ^Jcfieley ^as : woat to- estimate ;b<rteft_elfefehs".-' 8bef msjnrity. wh£eh sith&r-party. was.;litte|y to giye- inahy statpj-aad-. hig estimates usaaUy 'srere ^4fte. correct. In iieceht year.? sueb ea- ;tiHP»t««! Jx%ye baisa so often, dM'proy^d >y.fe.AMts'rh.at pflople,' and e^en : poii-. tiefcjR-s^hAve ef>.aie'ti>.S.titkch' bsj.t, littl^ iito.pbrtan'^'tay them r and^?;eeotifiicler- ed abojQt as relia'tiie"«s Vrtijn'or'a.p.rei^' .diettorrs-. Qf'grfat" "storiiis-tor :ocedr in e^rtaja loe.di'ttra. at! certain; 'timre ; -'•Ptd5;a0e^Ffaipf.'^t&. 't!onHjs''k>yffisc; to the-large ihd^pea- ft&at vritfi? w n f ? h haa bad a eorrespoh-. dm'g growth with the, "indsp.eQdeat press,; and ; '..\^hit?b, to-diy . holds -.the hnJa'aue of 'po.wer ia this country, s*^ Wtiflg' frora:"' either parly the .eandir d ^ f e m«st- w"prEhy,'aad©fectfeg them to fee' sffiees for 'whi<jh'tiey' w^re hatoedi .'.• .'.'. " ; - . " , ; , . : ;•? Iff esamipfng the. •standard, news- .pap;pr;direete3*y'.of 18SS, ..w^'ftadtBat, : feki"B3:tha'co.aatfy a.hd'city press to-- gfsthar, thei'e' ar/e more', infiependerit BBWspapsrspublfefted in New' York today tftaa' either repholieaa or deoaobrat-ie, while' the a^bi-age cireu- ;ii>^oaofthe.'Mdi?peh;3^itt neitt3pa'pra> ^eseeed by isaany hapdrects the av^r- sge eirealMion of the p^rty. press.' In this ntiinfrer are iaftlsidwd mms of'thp .eaos^ able- ahd influential, journal* published rh.the State, which being co'ntrolipd by ad oarty and owned by hft Cflqae' are not restrained by parti saaor other' motives from (Iteeus^tets- fairly add honestly, qabstions of pub- lic, interest \M Ihey ar|ae- between .parties. b.ftaEispreseBifed :for the '.ebn- siderailoii. of the ; pebpie.. '.. .. ^jaheiieveih anindepeDdent presa, ific'epshdeiit bat^ aot nentra'L. and' free, to eipbse eyil : and ..HQeoyer •wroags-whereyef they exist, no raaf- ;t9r-wMea party or what men -stifle? . frbip sank - eipo^arev so long m th*- :.prrae%le- gre.;res.oIateiy''aiid .'firnilj: -of ; the.par£y, pressare^^-MMngitfus-po- si&n.|b. that the fia|Sibeg.bi it^epfij . .depSiaewspapers .is^baStent^y iacr»*s.- ing whife.tB. ; is'e of a s!x«*Iy pirti-; >r. •:eharaeter.-tff« . g p ^ i a s . it-.w.r > •'[•>• ^evlry '.p^I-j^^ar.',. We_haiJU^U— J-Tty -Mm change in tise uharaeter *# •^odrpabficpifs^.fer we'fiatl . Ja.it'ii.;- spi-ratiba for our -hoses and caqse ffti : inereMed jCpiifldeRce- in the stabiltt? iwi perpetajf y of par free histitatiop- tthder ohr choaeri andpopuiar form «' ; gfwer.naaeal;.. .Xhat none of our reasi- CT^.masf mistaksoarown position w« «fiirni. in this ..etmneottorx what wt •fiaW iritim^tM. Qaite Often bbfvire thatthb .Tuiis i3 t T»btapartv. ovgcin fete jqi;iadpp>jMBrit newapap'T^ndus sarij. will Gontraue.to support and en- ,.eb"arage th?; riijht while itfa.irlp«ly '.•iarjKMit-h'fWy oppo^bt a.nd..cfm'!efan .the •wirjTig'. :P*i'fi;"ii-..piirties.lo a gov ,erjj«iegt.{iljepor^-are-a.nece^ity, f<>•" peoplb.w|1ihefU-yH.{?»d pn^^q^tiongof \ p'nbHbinterest,. i*at. "when' parties or' •Aseh fese sighs of irreai pntseipiesaQd (**tttend!f>ijiy-fiir spoiis ami. powei t'hat they.tBaj.' ti*a them" wf -•jelh-'h ptirpfjs^ there Is abed, of ania'depe 1 '- •fhmf press whivh.shall speal; for tbe y?h©ie people, a n d h o t for. one party .albhe^.'-expb-iiT.^ tbe-.eVJas that '..Hi? : threatened -&'pi:Hyentto|?the ceasapj raatlOH of V-pm-jjoses .that-arb 'wtoi*? artiigin-cb.there rs.sneh'adeed'wecoi-' A^semblvman Roose^?e^t h^s intro- duced'ia the iifw Yorfc li'-'gialfttare. & Mil providing thit woiaen and. child besiJi-rs rth H, dp '» convietioa.^ be given adtwe of th«ir own medicine, or, in other words, tfe-tt .infamous . cjf'irftesUait be visited with infahaoas punishbient.- There.is a. class .of brates itihuOTarx. form who. ar>not deferred by/ esi.^ting; penalffos from •fthn^iTJ* the weak and helpless; and for sh'*h the -Delaware system' seems the onTyadt'Ciuate one.. ; '• ' .. Mr. Boosey^lt maynothegustained "in his eff> >rt : to seoure the passage of thiss hill, for the oa^th'od of punish' meat it proposes is ' believed, to be- the relJet of a barbarous age, an* yet who shad; say it 3s inore hamiiiafihg or severe tbensuch.Qrrm.es deserved A persbhso inhuman, as to cruelly Whip.and.unmefeifbny beat defensbr less/tromen-and ehiWren. deserves- the same kind of treatment --rid *be pnnisbment-is bBmane when compar- ed with the crime for which it is in- flicted. We hope Mr, Boosevelt's bill will bpcombalaw. . WOMAN'S TKMPE(U«?CE COLUMN/ EDU0ATION4L DEPARTMENT. -. - ,-ttJM. 'C. '«.. sv 1 . .. 1. . JM'VVEU', . ,,,_.„,,,_. ., ,. H ^OI-FttH. ._ THE 'E'tiur-Mile L»W» (no liquor shops within.four miles of a school) has been of great' benefit jto.'temper*, anee in those-parfeof Teaneaee. where it has been in oper'atio??, andtiquor'-. men n<*w greatly desire its repeal. nnisraY c. iroRTH-ut, sBxrOB. .A •i.A'fEvelitor: in^Philadelphia said, ^Cloae alrthe grog shops i~i t|ie United: 'States, and a'! the'.'poverty could be relieved by- fhe'preseti'6 bS- is'-ing prixf-afe enaraties,' and' in this RAp'jbUe there need not ha an alms- house," ' . . . . . '' . ; ; .'.".-' Co nocuous. In the educational column of Feb- ruary lo in tho column of cities the figure one should be uppoaile Broome county justem* ot AlJe^batiy, and opposite OoW go, instead of Orleans county. Ln Iheculum'i, Feb. 23, u*ider the thetopic '"IIou-,e')t II>pifysnlativeN" : read '-They are olected every even year" ttc. '.grafaytej'rhe ".people- of- .the JQ'japire ' -4 *t#"liiri'i of thw great Stewwtbih!' in ." ^Dh^ ekeise.bill-:.which- !g .-now- al- ;moBt- ber^airt -ib ; ;^^bec0me.;.s.]aw-wai" -^med ehGrely to fiefieftt .thb.iii^uo^ .-'; ife-ilers. , Jt; makes seye'rM ihsporJbsHJt :: f;hangesyjri/the1a-w Qtimgl) : :and"re- ; jas-.7yes' ; ;tho^ restrfeHons' to''^h|ch- \,, jney hatyb. lo^aof-ietedj sad/.^jttiek- :'.fe«ittld - : ia. -'aiiy . svl% -.•"':-ia,teTfSrb •-' wifh ,£!ie. traj6Sb-'[ -/Wtteri' fit«t iiitetidtieftd. ' -le.iWa^/'made: to app|y/i>rrly to ^the "'iifites -fii^ew-"^ork,' : .and..BrooSlyrii. -^ :butit.bas%Seaiar|irexided iji the'Afeemi Mym:0i£> bbyersBV'ffie:#ie ; bi;fe'the ./S^afe / /Itf^^pr^feetl'f&biqaor' ; iteeb^satffy ^tr^^ami : tletm;ffifi ? : •..- .*• ^".pj^-'SBiisiii.-^sBefitibpp;- •; '.';•'/:. --. to" grant^^licen^.roi'tbV.sM&^UStt^-.'tP fe straai: oittlie pvamifes" -TpEiettiei- •tiu><i»-{ie'.6r' : pvsotimikjiiatels or taiferass, -/'.Aipr^stiit- . the.licetJ'ged. jplttefeiaxtktcfttttoln. kisdotamo(i&- ytinmjbr'ixiiv^i^m'&iii'tixpii bmssts;; -...- . ".v" '$%•. 7&&M tb» -Hemmmm.e}i : tot&S-.HtiosDr- ' '• -ittorei-foSjfe*!; j&3&*Mme,mitik\ a w c'va -'ra- :, jHfflsfa-filspiae&ef jij»!'ae3A.:a»y^bte''wltte4 : ,- •". Tt%^"i«?lsa'tettEia"pf.tiio" pdmtal$Bi(aiefa with- ..>on6:?TOa«^'s.t^..IiofeM& '. '•.:•-*'-"•,/ ." r ' : : .'-": f W. l^4&i^^^^<Te:vialaiion6ir'm»i&w :. 6t&8rwitg«/]!!ba.-! . a p a s a,"irarKir«at: i ..''6Stf^p(i*fir'' '.'twesatibe a&B.i5-i>f i o'otook itiji&AmotnfyXg. . »o«aao'al''3eSc. »t»to^lit- oBSokdaysvV- E'pes .' ;! thpu'ix^-^ioiii&m-a.^'bsi'fe Hken; to- .the: .: jft&*Bnc?4g i&a-p'Brifftf jBialEirtgt.to urr«<3'fc. '."/.- •"••' ^4 t .i*«Tt^.ilia£ito8«.ca*lei'* , 't&cEW-&e'i- . "«Janse?rtf ttira iiv'r iff iSKf s&wifldt"':agptj£uj-, .. ditesUcsvirij* a papt^^*»'frf;.^re"tJSiaa 3i'0,- .' See^'.I&e iif:ii'.'-seqilfflS- yeps-slk -"ibukjiistrfeBt: '.; ActC;*na. ifiesfjEtlt/orders ^jsbsniaw' isiitntfir ..\la;to-liPBi"ediatfr.' l Ha"ect. -" '"'-;• -• . ' : :" ! - - """ great Kepub: ^bMiI: w» fiya .oit/fh» feet, tiidl m- have such- a. pr«s a&d.ihat Jt' Is st-rong aridaMb;eriough.tbdo. i i^fe,.worli:, ' /••Aaf^TftBs:' si^-i>.'#i , sjEi'C;'i9L--;; ]''"; •'/.:'_"..'."'at-j&jt^-' ."_, ;'•; . ;.. . '$lie-Aar«>«ii" «»f Esia-ftp- SiitKcs O v e r i 709,06© ofm FHU«S ia S|sp<?ralaf iaiti. : JfBW.Yop y E' i :'E>4&. '25.^A heavy df-- '£*'aikfQ : fqiniHft>-..lityhf ..tO-day. :Th' culprit is. tTjlbert.i/, .Grbweli, presi- dent of. the -Empire 5Jiain]S eompany ? :5ai!arilt eoattty,; tTtafr... -Crbwell in -jgfT.was giye?i fhe.»g:&n.cy" of WW- iP'itte'statbj.^wifh.pawerof attpfaey The ownersare Mrs. O'tfReUa Atwetl awlhersfoter Catherine. Talman arid! . b ' e r a i ^ j CatQl-ineSfttmaik; la. ffl?^ Urowett; Wefiybf o' th& .'Eaipire rbifj^ "ingscheriie;stfrd^bQUffetlai i gely' ; piite' .8tocte'./ ; :l3>ettiJibe. has hied"ifailuK \' «nvl-tKe.^e'%sijienfa. idefeasedo-uhtil .-anally .'0iwt;d''abMra-cted'. i3flt' - b{j&-.»'vf : the- Tafmah trust faitds^. Besides this, hb borrowed .r£om- (JAroline' 'falsnini .m :«&. -iife the U$' fhreft ybirli he spbkt $?7Af!0{j.":" Ih.Md'ttioa -he owes : ^S,O0^.''33a thbd2th.'f0st;. '.he. .rhade aoassighrdent. -' Bfe-'e«fetecojisis'*sof •*eai esfeite yaiaea-M N -$i'07.;fiOO, mtin- gaf*ed: alm.fwt" t o i t s Mi; -v^lab - s-ad abphtdfSjO© siiares'«yt'' iBfn.m? stneJj Hbis slbS at.'iriin^Jon,'N', I.:' It is fhbdgM MiaMSs .Talmfns will m*t ' "agai-n.^ hlrrt.- •"..'-. -••--•--• •. •;M 3BfIu|sW*."^tttt Kefased » atiirje"|fis$i ;. -A- ..I^ehJftsfes' 5lerfyBiaa'-- : rwIi<>- •;"- -SfGaldift accept iwftiallops.of is'hig^ : ;key for mawyiag a; cbdpib' -bad to- goj ;^tkb^i;mt$ : fi&:':M. ' : $&r' B«i-^ '.': preferred.'if..; ii.Q' Skew a idonatibaf ; -0ti$ - ; iyassolhg' tov&woep.do.wft- oh Mm the n»-xr, ; weefe, -;. sbd.-.they'd he of. 'Oamhridjie,' •wights' - all'. Ottholfe ;cfif.M«?h -to".-attend' the". paro.thW PchoofSi. "If tfeeih- pareB's^ive -them Bitttfesir Bitters;'£hey: -wilS' have it)sy cheeks and.hb strong and. healthy. See' another'column. "•' * - "S6w2. A P a r t i s a n «^<>I>ftt« on (lie Biennial ' S salens;. K1U-. Albany^ Feb. 2C—debate on the bi- ennial .session . resolution ' to-night took a partisan turn. The wars of the revolution,, of 1812,. and 18(50 w e r e fought oyer. Jefferson and BLarailtbn were dissected as to their political doctrines. '';Mt. Koosevelt, who aus- taipffi the reso»ution,was attacked on alt sMe«:by the : demQcratsafter.h.e.had; ..afflrmfd t h a t J- S^rs m was the lineal predecessor of Jefferson ©avis, as fai? .a«. t'he. dbctrJbe. of seeeswum was eon- cir-hed^', At the.. close of the defeate, the reotion to disbharffe the.commit- ft-e of. the 'whole and' order the reso- lution to a third reading was lost' for. lack <f t«o"or three votes.. Fbllow- iiMr arfesomeof the votes ^repablicafas ifi italics ;) ' " . . Aye^AUanpqn, Oneida;. -Bm;#, Chenango; Smit \, fierkitner; Par' rar, <Ja'oBda^%; JS'wjjfvihdTThbmps.oh, Jefferson ; Ehoiiu St. Lawrence; tyjteit. Franklin ; Xlelm^ O.s.wea'o.. 'NOPS—Townsend, Oneida; Benja- min, Madison;. N^hon and Ely, Otr segi; Beercwilh,Si, 3jiwrenee. . .Thf* resolution is.still in committee of/the" - whole to be acted on or left alohe hereafter. The vote was non- partisan. ..".-.." , . !!••• ••••• •••*_•• lli.l. I illl (Prom oter Speoial Pori-asii'Mnifftit.) • - NEW YORK, FEB. 24,1833, Just'about shisxItsM of year people •ijre Inofciag ground for their summer quarters, it may seem rather ear?y to do so r while the wetther i* so eild •kmi the snow stilt on th«-<?roun<l, but it i-? impos-iib'e to secure r Toms at ^ood hot»ls in desirable re^ifM uu- Ifss negotiations are b<^^ m in Feb-. ruary. This is not true of th"! lir<re resortsiifee Newport, Biratoiji, and L-in^" Bi'iiiiDh. It istm» ofstnill places which are. visited annually by acsffeain safc;qf mee people and which can only accommodate a e^H.dh nuna- bei'i' T h e r e a r e f?i»nerrtliy t w o or three, old fashioned hotels which, have'en- tertained the same people for success- ive years, and whieh reserve rooms for th m. These regular* g-a«st3 often •lesire to bring Mends,, and an oiitsl-. I^r has to feitee an early start to get tte'vi.. .of thwia, • TPhey are rtwrffV* .'-fhere'fiaxiHieo?o .to- pas^s the. whole •surniaer. The prices are not low, but nm stttt Ie% than {he prices of th*' l^njerp'kw^-Vr 1 **^ srei na^-fiy 'rf th*->se '^•{rnru a rmi»• pe*orf^ :ll »t ( L )a* Islaod. -J,.. ,:i t h e AHsiOtJC O.-.tit Tf !t v«l- •tk-b ap!ac« he ii s».ib-b*d s\>i"h>r- 'Uftly that he in sflal to set away: Ualess introduced 'by an old timw, a tew comer is geriorally left to his > wh devices and h is a very dull tv-ne. ' "' •"•'•'• The annual f ; »sfive b^tl of the Arioo ^'icibty. of N ' w Y/rfetrxfc pl->ce' Wednesday nieht .at the >Udism. ^quWGvrdah for which §3'«0.0 rant •Arm pWi.fbr the ocbwon. : . It is esti~ >wted tbtt durit? the n'ght th» G sr- lon -was visit*"! by at least" S'fi/too- •e'spie. The'b>3cis,.'30't i n n u n b r, •sp*re all sold .and oce^pled, ari 1 tha uroox^tiHide• WAS packed.' The festi- v" it w a s f i r m d l y ih'-iU^ux'ateil- ab')ut 10 o'clock by a procession, the- partic- ip-4 vts in 'which wr^ ''os^u-ned S la invmde Gama. O'he'tofid Ejrmtcf, Precd^d 1-jy ,"t h-tn-i, "Ph - com-nitfpes a5?^b?t Q d Cilumbine, borne on sturdy •^hoailers of "si-? in*«-%t>wn% and pissed in rbvi''w before Prince. Ow- 'aiwflj. who sat oa his thf one a* th« : eastern end of-the garden, fL'\rl a - ij,ain a , pierrot-*, puichinffros and o'th^ -r pr.rfcssiona!'• f iHlg danced .and' f s- bbrted the. jfrtnd marshal' and the mwter ofe'^reaaonies around the en- tire S vw, and than after mubh mock f>rm.*md eere'aony, ;xan^ed the'tt- selvbs near tho Prince'antl Pnncesv Carriiyil. Dihcin? m^antim" was in -5bey;iu.Ge,bijt.'soon t h e r l >or Was pack- 'ed.witji- naerry maskers,' who galloped and wait2"d and polked and ta;-iz«rk : ed and % head and qn i t r 11 teil to their heart's content, ©srly in the morn- iugthe wine-rooni y/as tranSferrefl to the. boxes. -, and the har-roo m Was one'feni?. gnrffla. Politicians of al grades were. p,onsp!cu'»us in everv dbparthient,.. Masks were multithr, -dinaus, but- aot. noyei., and eo^tara-ea : were.plentifuU• but not remarkable. -Tbe""Hnrald- estitoatei- the expenses ineupre'd by the society and. its guests »t-$Si9.,50tt. ... •'.. -.-,; --. . •' ' "••'• ... - ,3ihe average New-York clerks born here, bred here and..' whose aneestbrs ^worked here as fflerks for .ffanerations. p&StiS':.a' euribus creature. He. is abwnt.ftyft feethigrh, of slim, ftervous bdd.d,; a.«?d ' tisrht, delicate ie-rthres. H ? wefaiba s »methi'ng over, onehundr red pounds,. and. most of that is «h'< a ek'-noti'always insolent' cheek-^ biita eool assurance'that tides him. oyer'itroubkS'Xhie sttuations,aad oyefr throws higger m.t*n. He is a, plucky, little fellow and tries to rsakb up in fury what he lacks, in . weight. = He- knowsit atlrfrom the Bowery, dive to;the gildfid gaoiiMing palace, aud he is always ready to paradetheeleohsjot- far the benefit-of the horny handed- e.oa»tryraHii.whois wiliinsr to-pay the b.iils,. .•He-iS; j a'GF.e.atore. of «1J' "eha'rae;.. ters.'. He. .is koud, had, iiulilrV'rent .: T H E l7idepehMent says :'• Thb Cfctis- timn 'Advocate't'egrStS to -see.1hAt the Woman's National Christian. Tem- perance Union favorsfemale suffrage. iBut we have seen the editor of the Cltristiari Advocate and the President of that dolichonymous Union stand together on the same platform and spesk on the paxne public topic; and the woman did not suffer in compar- a&poxXloa ^ by vtonpeai&xinMCB****- json.with the asps famous and agile .instruction ou nr .iwow t*e t^-.u^iti 4ny or THE teachers are training- the future •eiUz-iiis of tins grand old Republic. AIltlCLIJ 1, C E UUJGII OJ>, i 5. Tne moneys raisei oy siaig uir., or ljiirro^eJ as af jfu.iitid. to supply a. tlefioieUcx thereof, and suchport cm ot"t'iiei'neotneo£.tii;e 0jjti<;slStates ijBijosiiinail as sUaU.bo appro-.. prlatecl, ana Uu3tii6!.'3ii.^dt'tlie <XH&JIIG.:>. >oaqol. lu id, *liau tt>e same are ai)i>r >p"r;tit(«l to ttie support of the omamon'sph'ools^'oDSHiu' <j tUs s.taie scHo:>l monajfs.aml sbah p.i 'di-t'ulsfl&nj. debater, in the Methodist church. We could notsee Why sheshoidd not vote, .' "• •'"''. - The "itajne Law," prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicatln<>' liquors, passed the legislature (if tha+ state May 31st, 1S57, Ky'a vote of-86 t o <£Qin the H. >use of B-'presehtatiyes. On February 8th, ISS^, the .constifca- tionaf amahdmeat -prohibltrng 'the. manufacture'and sale was passed .by /a vote of in| to 37. '-..'"No'tiee- .the' fact- that-the .people of Maine^.have tried the policy of prohibition ibr'twehty- fi^ve yearSf jnearlya whole geperafipn, and are.sb welt satisfied with it. that to-day no oppositioa can be prgaaized to ebusiTtatiqnal prohibition. ... Th.e results are .satisfactory,, whateyer is said to the contrary. ..TUB "Bed pragon" by T.-.D > Wi4t Talmage, is the title, of a sermoh frocu Bev... l^:h #hap. 31 and -4ih verses. Five cents will purchase one and one dollar will, send a strong,. invincible, . forcible, sermon into twenty homes to enlighten and in- spire .to work. -...•. . THTJE . "Physiology of Alcohbiics" by-Wno. B. Carpenter, M.D., treats upon, the eff-fets of .aleo.h'ot upon the system by one whOs bas made this a life work. This book should be put- in'the hands of every^ physician, in fact in the hands of every man and woinan who can read. Only 10Vent-*. Address Inr either of the above J. K. Stearns, 53 Reads atr«et, New York city.' . ' ' ' The New Jersey ii-jnate has passed a fr'dl ivhieh. .provides for.submittiu? to a'vote of- t h e people an aroerub me it-to the en lstitaHon pr >hi'>i-Hng the manufacture and sale of li'qfior and intoxieatinar- bavsrages. If ir fill to pass the assembly the temper- ance Deople will r-dly to the support of Mr. Parson's License bill, whieb is the mo3tsweeping eyer proposed. It proposes to exi,et from alt-saloon keepers bonds: for good character in the sum of S2:0!10, and to raise fh^ It-ense fees, mikiaar them froca $15fl t»«25D for beer m i from $350 to $o0« for liquor and bjer'.. The effect would b<j to rodu;e by thfee-t surths the •mmber of saloons io the cities of Jauuajy In each, yeav ajf followsi..- and alt money-- so aBpor4,'lon«cl. exiepb tlie litipary moDeys.sUaU- be. appHt;£l''exol.uslrtjty. to'the piiymwntof tB'aohers'-;wages'-.' '•"-. ; ' " QcEipy.—#bere- jds* t'vuVtess ..get- aatjiority far appropriating Ehe.,pub- lic school moneys (that have .been sacredly aetapart by law.tor,ie.ibher3'-. wagessj.tothe' pufehasboffael s repairs. on school house, and otter incidental, expenses? .;. ; ^. •'"'•.-. Shonld &efe4P^w-fee-Tespictad or .not-?;'.- , : ," ,,'.5'..v '- : . '...• . . •;• •". _. '" '; . .soEto'Jti'.Ho'aaES. .• ';West Martiasbiirgh'.is to haye a .new .schoolhouse,. .'"•" .''.'. Clayton is to hayb ah : ad'dhion at a cost of. iS-,000. -'. ''.'.. .' Norwood will.' byijld' a. new school boude costing". 11.0,000«- '," ". ;' .' '•-' ., Johostb'svu'is to have.a new: one costing. $1,5,01)0, -•'•'."'.'.• Oarth^e . wili have an addition costing $2,500.' '.._'.; ..''. '"'•'. " • ' ' • . Verily, t.heoutsida vyorld is mov- ing. . . . - . . ." .' 'Quest ion in " II IstQrjr Ariswerpd - . The first ''Otntineatal Gonstress" in which all'.the coiooies were represent-' ed assembled September. a, 1-75-i, in Carpenter's flail,. Philadelphia. . It was com posed of fifty-three members t«jd jisaon* them we»--i the following : s&^titm-Washte^fab,. Patrick Seary. Bic-hard Herirj' ti>8, Edward and J m v Eutleflge.-Ch.ristophet (x-4'Jsden, Sisuael. AdAins, .E lij-ar- S h e r m a n , Phil'p liivtnj^ston, AYiIjiam.Livings- t'»t> and John Jay. .'.*' ' The.debate on the .-second day was opened by Pa+ri<--k fT'"nry in a speech of syrp-issin^ eioq4eu.ee,-. wh > said amou^ other things, "British oppres- sion fans"ff ic-^d the banji'diries of the several c-ilonies; the distinctions tie- tween Virginians, . Pennsylvanians. Nesv Yorkers, and N-^w B tfflandc.r-- areuomore. I am not a Virginian but an A me.riAcm.'" by a viva voce vole of p->eb metn- ner pr«^nt »n P».» s <> >B<i Tu 'sd>iy after th- 3 rae^tia^ ?nd or»:-in]zi-\tion thereof, n-une a p^r-. «.T for S nator. Ill Cn* two Etotw- shall rn-et in jolnf ib-f'iTibly, t'i > d ty following, and it the -, line p"rso>i h is received a inaptly of ill vh> vjies ja-.t in e i f, h llnus" ( K qu »ru a b^-ng pi--seat) he shall '^e d<->ei i^ed In y elected ti3a- ai^r oi th" UmUd S'd*es. IV. H'io p"i->on ba^ received such .uqnity, t'i »n th.- j unt a a 8embly snali pi.ni> d b> xuij v iw, v ire to elect i S^UMO'-, md coa^inie to vote at h 3"-t onc» eti h H y . during tne ses- sion, or until a S3ri*t>r has been alccti'd. For uiinu"r >f viva voce voUiiiiStv pi«j^ ,">L Q, H >w v,"re the B^nitois class- ified acoor ling- to the €on-,litution y at the rirsL meeting ? I. Thnewere only mn^en S»ni- cors present . ai tn>-i o p e n i n g . ; tne namesof sis were.pat into.on'*.class, sev«n, ia'o anoiher, ami six, into another.- • " . - . - ' \' : - ,.'.' •'..•": ''' - II. Nb two Senators'' names from .the.. S.MW.-&tite were out into one cla-s;' • '-"; . : ' ; - - "' '. - J-XL, T h r e e R-ip"r.s- of eqwal size numbered one, tw.y, and'-three.,, were. rolled-up ap^ p«r< intoya box, ^and. drawn by-: a cbm'yiittee of fhreaper^. 3mschosen for this purpose in, bbh'atf >f,the r^-.p>v-ti/.e «l i-s'sas. i'u' which each of. fhbm was placed, • •••-. VIV, Senators o f th* fi>st cla*« were fe vacate their seats in-two years;- of, the second.ia four years; of the third, inrsix'years,-;. . : • . - •-•'•. .: '. -„ . ;V. Byaresgiutioa of 0ongrel3 i n ; KS9t -it- was d ^eid v'd .-.that- when' gena-- tors tak&'.th M .tr«3its -from'State's that: •ha*e not'•-before appointed- Sen- ators,, they shjdl- .ba pi iced by Mt in-' the for*oiog'cliSSes in. such a manner as-shall' keep the classes as nearly•' eqiiil asra-*-y--'»ein numbers^ ; VI. ^mym-fimv ybars will inter- ,'yeae .between two sueesssiye expira^- tioris of Senatorial ' terms in any -State.' : " • ' ELieXBiaTTY. ''•'•• Q. Wbafc 'sp'Cial qu'aiifie'ati'ons mtwta Senator possess? . I. He must be' thirty years of flgb, ah. inhabitant of the State in which elected, and nine y ear s a'citizen.'of the Unitisd States;. . II. Be must be free from' the re-' stribtiohs ixi regard to' hbiding office heretofore given for' Representatives,. Q, What are they ?'' . '• - yAGAN.eiES.' • ". -' ." Q. Sow are vacancies in t h i s office mi.a? ..'-..;•'•.:.. ... •.. I, Ifayaeaney occurs during.tae re>-e!-s of the Legislature of any State, the Governoitof su-.-h State rjaay.oiake a temporary, appomtuaeht which will expire at the meeting of the Legisla- ture. . '' -.' II. If th» Legislature of a State- he in r -e3"»iyn at the time a yacaney - •ccir-j,. the -IjcgMsf-ure -will proceed :tb fid such yk-c-iuisy ' by voting as in i h .*" c-iJH^ of a {ulfc< term. III. The person elected to' fill, a vacancy shaij serve only for-the un- expired- te>'r«C. * ...... . ;''•'-..' BR. RUSH'S SPECIFIC -FOR— Who said and under what cireum- s*aaces fhe foliofiagf- "D m't give up the shin.". , Answer next week. P r a c t i c a l fforlt on Giril «o*Jra«»artt. •' '-^Ehe-gpdd'holisefke&per may he a vi^er^IJuit she eaaaol:;'feealtogether. .^adij ";> -,''. : ;" ; ' /••'"• "••- • : ' .-• . Ifypii fe'yeTumor(orturnoraymp- =i-"i-• •-•*-•• t-'- -----£.-- -if--: -----*•-• -i- ?««>•*,} C-rt<.tvr.(f*r'' c^iee'r H.ymptoihs,,) fewl eirooa&sybri'i. white--if :ttey famfiS SeRi&ia,ErrsipeJas,H-,d»-i-hi'U'ri,gs?iii littasr;#Mle.iQ6HQgshe ao^ae^t^iey , d; JBIofehes, Dr;Mlmer.'s Female Berne- .;'*»$, $&.dfQaiE.^b*y^d saektfie. en-;dy to.wattauled to cute. Ettaggists tie© ?cemum«*-&0.*tw- Fast* :\.am%i, '-$i> . ' . T H E exjiiilleat Union Signal',- the eaisilidated orgitt of the Woman's Ohrisriaa' Te'itiwraivie tluion tbtt-s tU * 'Jeff p-tftia^iit si-iry ho'W th't HO- "tent E.'y.".' ,! ^f^,.i*'.»riiHgto.Ptodor- •JL% h i d a .Iwen-ie s> ; s:;;itsi'. for. theft and thiev'S, La ier-itittdi«g that theft cptiid not be entirely suppress ed the.Egyptians, had I theft licen- sihg buresiu, wiih its aeored- ited heid. All Wi i widied-to en- gage in the f h'evin > business report - <H-1 t.hem-i..-l\:es and werb. enrolled by th-'h^Ad-sf the b'i ,- eAit, their nibi^s and address . .bMag taken, down, iYhatevep they.stole \yas'.r«ported"b > \ th«m to the bureau; Then those from wtom the jowls hit been stolen ap- plied, to the burem to recover th^ir goo-Ti and rec Ttved t h e p back ua.'ui ji.rfeil,')a p r/oa «it of \ fourth pr theif VAiue, which went, to the thief, with a proper <i">duati(>a, by wiy of liceasf t'-> the bureau and the. g">yfirntjaen;. Of course no one could; steal' except thys-j thus lieense 1; and it w fo> th*. iatHr '.st of th > licensed-thieves t.> suppress all who were, unlicensed Thus a skillful add efficient body of thieves Was tr^to«d : md' a c mslder- able revenue accrued to the govern-' meat. -'•-.':'• ^iex^clmC"'' TSse- E"lr"!t Cninet of?Ste ^'eac. v A iittie, before s^vsa o'clock on Friday eyening last, while' Prof, Lewis Swift, Director of the Warner Qbservutiiry,. E 'schester, 1ST. Y, vya* scanning the western sky, lie discov- ered a hrilfiapt eoiuei located in th* G'>hs»ellatidn of Pegasus,' near the Star Beta. The new comet is moving eastward and is very bright. This i 1 - the first comet discovered .during *h» present year and also the first discov ery made by nae-sns of the new tel- <<se'>pe.'of the- Warner .tWj.^r'ya'ory, a'hich is- the. lai'gast private tehMbbpi.; in ihe.world. •••''-...'. Take a young, man, a'iallyoung matt,, with a small hat, a long face, a iengthy neck^ a ihort body, a pair of long and slim legs, .with arms tt>. raafch, and "both artpsand legs larg- est at the; extremities.;. put hiba into a Seymour,coat, encase his legs ihee'-. skin panraioonsj .withsnfflcient bow in the legs. to. give p-tssiag glimpse- bet Ween them-of the mashed .and as- tonished woiid that lies ahead him', when he walks; cram his fl.it Teet in topotiite*Lsho.es; tie an.eye-gktsstu his iapttel; glvo. him a delic'ite, mus- tache to play with—ami if there be a grander sight ubdvr the canopy <ui Btaveriv *e haven't rime to thiuk Si' up. Perhaps a m>>ukey withi* tit' Sail comes nearest to the "•phauorae* uoa.-^M'anfcfiii- Pvees- T H B stsfgbdri nf. the._Jfa«f HaypP: Register *»ys thi* when' "Dr,' Bl'i-' an iniideloi" a Christwn, a, Hebrew, J ^ m : elMri! j A ,ied, his. miprf*ifoV or a Qentile, hut all alike possess th« t bonxoion traits I have dea.r.ibe'd.. Ho iss.nali because bis race has been, atanl.ed by confinement, at. sedeataiy workyau'd- by'a tack ot exercise..-'. ftis hrAin ts-ii**t..lafgi", hut very. active, and he often tri.'jkes.k successful bW ,ines-$ m»n« Ete rarely. makes his "•as Slow, his pulwe rapid., and hi- pus cuvity dist«!id"d with bile.". I.AWI.^S'. '1-01H'(<0' . THBfiREAT PtSMAUK HjSMBOY 5- pi>ep*red' by .the WaitKJs^s M : KD.ICA.I. IjfHTjVOTK OF JUTpFAt;'*,' iSf,' Y.,' »r.»V . i^lheir favoritepri'sc'riptioiifi.ir'iadie-- mark in Pter-uure, or in the arts, as \yho are suft'ering from any weakue-4- th*'. .wou'dbe e».tir-lyoutofhisi neof,' or coinplAiats common to their sex' trairiirc?. H-« runs in a groove, and i I t i,s sold by druggists at $1.00 p". if he has no bad habits he dies in the bottle. Ladies cap obtain advicO o u d a inspected citizen. ., F^KK. Send stamp for niimes of those AUQTOi' J who h^ve been cured. 80—tf, Q- H >w ar "'yicaBcib-ija this e.fBce 'fiUf.'1-i? ' ' . ' : I. Pry appeal f5ri«iion hi t h ^ disfcri.-'t' in which, thf vacuuey. exists; sut'h pie.-f ion being ordered, by .'tee Gdvetr- nor of theStitta.. '... II. The person elected at such special election serves only for the unexpired tend. "'••'•-• Q, What are:s)m2 of the duties of Rbpreseniatives? . - .-. i. To ts.ke tho.®;tth o.f office. (See piige'129.,)'.. .. .•;..;• , ' . JI, Tap. oath fs-admiaisfered to the ihembers bi'for-j taking, their .seats, by the last. Clerk of the JHouse of Representatives, whose i-xty it is to- act as pr-'Hiding offioerttritrl a Spsak- . er shall WeieHpd, .."^^ . I f I. T i elect' from •".t«@K' number a presiding ojaicer who is called ••Speaker.'.' . , '..'-.'". • - -'-'-. iV. To ele^t-other offi.c»rs ;. as CierkiSa-jeant-at-Arni', Dvirke-per and Pb-itHidsteEf -. Thes'* 'jgh: : rs. are not hietabersof the Hou^e of Ileprf- SenHtiyes. -, V. r A msjnrity shall constitute a quoruui for-dniag bii-iitiess; shall judge of the elections,.- return,, and' quahfteationa of its o^'n m'-mbers ;, c.impel..-the .attendance of. absent m'irnliers.;; ietermins its own rules of or iceediags;. pdfiish •raeia , 'ar>! for Usorderlv; bdhivior; and 'bxpei a niain.ter by a two-thirds':'Vote; ; ;/<' VI. They may not ailj.mra for •Bore than three days, .or to any other pkcathaa: iMfcin^rhich the' Senaje also |s : sitting, syithout -the consent of -the. Senate. T h e ' .s*m'.e rule a rtplies to Senators. VIL To h».va .jj-ordi'iHfe .jurislic- fion with the Senate iu enacting I.--1.WS. • '., - ' - .' -VIII,. -t'U; Jivtye. fhe Kate- p.ower'.of; ..irigid.-itlrig' impij.-tahta'r.BHj. " An im- p-««jfam->'i.- r-i f«. Boei'j d-i a^cusAtion . ig-ainst a pahiip oil 'br cht'trying h.irn y i t h a c f J c a e w iais>l«'a'*:a4<>i'. (and is. rathe f<»r, u of aa ibdlctm«nt) sufS- ciotit to pat- the; acbusej on triafav the bar of the S^jwte. When a*rnij'«'-' ity ef the p:ous'e has impeached, m bfft'-ei^ itapppints a coibnait'tee to'lay the" whole m4tt%- before.-. the Senate,. and' to rep'resb'at th-«i Hohse ia- i£< : proseeKi.ra. The.duties•.oftth'- House ©f- Reprb?entefivesen.d.hefe. IX. A.11 bfHs'fprreyeiiuemus f orig- inate in the Hou^e of teipresenta- '.(styes, hdV'th.eSefl^tb J»ay'pfpptis«,oi-. concur in amendments as in other hilis.' . ..'.-:.•••-=..•.•.-•.'., X. To.select- a; Prasidenfc of the, Uui'--d Siat«s, when the electors ikil to et'et one. .(8.:b'r> ; -iS e '.90.). Tnis has occurred twice. '• Thomas J >tft'3)n was elected in -.1801;,'- and J-fhn-Qiincy Adains in is'25, (See pajfefjS,).-. ; ;- ' . ': •.••...•' ...'''' . KBTjEGATEg^ •'' •: - ; ... •- ' . , Q. ifew-'areterrttoriesrepresehted?' I. Eiieh te.rrKbry-isetit-itied'to. : one delegate, who : has the privilege of preseutmg the claims of his territory; but has ho vote. ' II. Tli ^ sn{ary of delegates' is five, thousand dollarVand mileage. - .--' . TH.12 SENATE* •'. . Q, H iw are the United States Seii- *tors.fiu)ttd ?••''.." I. By the L'lgistatures of the sever-- ai S' t •», for a t e r m o l S-iX Y e a r s , II. (ff'i.ni ii abator is to he elect- ed.i) «ach body of a I*9gftetetare sliaU Has "decided''claims tip&tittiepuWie. This. ; is posUiveij' iifoyeii by file .immense good it ' lias doiie to those %\Iio have been cured of fliscasc-s from v;Mcli tltc-v tjave suffwd In- tejisplj. f<jr yi':tn*,!fcS wiiiiwi Uvllie PttWWe .eil i.cHt.iitu.'niais-, e-veacs ens of .wltl^b is a lies- ,'.-.- - ' CfOttj-Eh, yr-„ Friv.24,187?.'. . StjKSR».C. I.iJouu'i: Co;, lcnvt'11, Siass.: Tliecth tla-y -of'last - June 1 was Ktbetf sfek - 'Willi a; RW-CIHUK i'U lr.> ijgl.tfuta.audwitli.aa . ' iiwftil j>ain: 'Hie.sweltSns wi-nt all over lite. ' Sly feet- was s.WHMt So-lliat 1 CoflW With dif- ' '-tit-uit v swo mrt ol my cjvs. imd 1 broke out' m t t ilie wliulij Mulaee. i>t-ih}-.ln J dy; mv riplit fout up'to iiiy liiii-e \%as cue raw, jtcliiiig inassv aii(!-nij f - aulUe. and toot so lame alia .sore 1 could.iHit step on it, "aljil It would iiift •s='o as to"wet a irftodage tlU'Oasil), in an' lioiit lnUiiseondltwn.-Mr. W. F-Bogdi.of the firm ol A. H. Hood- & S'mi, druggists.of tliis'toWn>, . taudia lue a bottle, of 1UHJ1>"S. S-Mt&APAEIL- i. \,g.v.il 1'iUl n:e to fake it. 1 did MI. and by ' .- tlie iiirie-i .had tttk^iiolie bottle I found iliatr it.was doinc rae.aood. 1 have sinc-e tuiten five bottlo-iiitore. After I had taken tlu-ee- bottles my soreness, bepan to leave me. and . 1 ha-ve been pw.'tne better, every «Jay. so that to-day I.can walk witiRmt goius lame.. I ha\enosoreue?s in niv ahEle and it has healed all tip, and direstipt rail at all. 1 owe mv* rei-ovei-v .to uiur sarsaj'arilla.. I write tills th let you know tlj'atl thlulsltaesen^s -tlie. confidence of the ptiMie, especially those . wlio'-are troubled, w itb Utwiofs. •.".'• . • Yoftrs most truly. ' - ,- '••••'• / ,1'OSI'iiH fTTKTN." •. P, S. -Eyeryperson-tliat saw me said tiiat. I ue\er.woiild s.-t ot.er lu-ylanieuess without having a vimriiiicc sore oil my aakle: fiat thank-eodlKave. .. J. f. . ; KooflierSMsasarillahassuehiashai'pening. effect upon -the appetite. No otjier' pvepii _> 3ratiun tones and strengthens th^ digestive organs 1fl«:'-Hooi>'s SAHSAfAEitLA: •" . I y rie.e one. dollar,' or sis liotti<?s for Sve dot- . lavs. rivi'iU'ed,ow.]y>y CL'ttOOB &..CO«. Altotheiaries, J.ow.ell. Mass.' "• '• •" : PTTS TR ^O'HRRS! ?H«', er m'o- ' MlJ li otli. .«.'•»<U-y «aipt.oynjHi.it •In.hig spruiK Slct'awty ii <'". 'i sniit'mpr. A'hlress JI C. , Phi'Siif-fihia, Pa.-. ' • .- . TH* MARKETS. Corrected and R.'vised Weekly. . - Lo<nr\ij:Li!, JSOT. 16tn. '" .' .... ' ... Bt'-TTEB,. . ' . - . Crea m.s ry, ,„-' I . ».-.— ***.-.. ..2H@30 Chotee-.—.. '. '..^..-.L..^.; ,-2S@2S t?ii'ii'to'Gooa^^.-_ „J^.-—;;.i,„:.. _iis<a>% CONSUMPTION. A P031 r riVE CU-&-D TTOK roMSUVIPriOV IN &.V, STAGES. FOB BLEEDING \ T I HE T.tfM5a tOLBS. eoutia-s CUOCP B»'OVHIMS nsT.i,Tj- VXZ*L. Asuiii \. a n d -.ill ArE">c- 1IOKS OI 1 H 1 LLi.e'j II HAS NO FQtrAr. »r ltu>5i? s specific Tor Con 'unm JOII IK re.omtiip de.l bv i'l the lp,i<Hn" pliyMeUus WHO ate^u cuminted wan its u> e, Pnop T^arae size - - «i (,0 Pric snidll si^e, - at) So dlipdiug«LaL<'oveiywhere Dr Wi'lon^'iby theatteidms Physician at the tsters Umpital a id one t>( BuQotltrsinoiil ^proI)^-.elll Vnembers of the piofessioii, .has used It for years, and says : ' - Btti'jPiLi.o, Aug. ij., mt. '. X>f, gusli's Medical Association;. . . . ~ PEa.R.poero&s^--I i!une-i''r.&frngry 1 -a-a&--niy OJitoo to me lou« ust Oi regu aj pr'AetlfSoners wtio hn.v« rteom-mended our •s.-Jpei.fBo Tor Ooatiuiaptl -a.".— l-..tuvv« nwfd.lt f.jr--»itny. yeai'sln tnyjimotioe fora,li-pnlri}tinary'af&o.' .uon.",-.aid -Ha^e al *.ays.:D--.err irrnre cuau SHtls- fled with the results I consider If. t&siest oainpuuud: known Xorati lnng.-tliseases;" ..- -" .-... ..Yours, .' :' .' •. - : " '• ... -'. - . M.'.WII.T,(D12rG--SBY, I f c b . . . Pr. Howard, Professor . of. Anatomy, Dol- tetrenf Bhj'stci-ans. auri Snr'eoss -BuSVo. ST. -?.,'says:. , ' ' I>ri £>utfi's : Medical .association -•'• '• •': '' '," •BSA.E OooioEa'^X itVlyd iisel yf>i.jr Fjppjiho for GiBi>.um^l>Qn in.iQjr.'- 'ifae-jtle'e "fyj* .-\,6ai's with, the t>e-t. r.-snl-ts t «onsMerlt a.'.s»-re cnre.f jr-«onsaniptlon', If taken-'aoeordlng to dlreetiojis. . •- . ; '•.'., ' .-. •.'..;.' fontsteuly, .' -.- .".-.'.• ' .';";••. .' %. P . HG.WABB. M, t>. -BM'S -FQB^- Haa^i , t"• s* A a.US'15 CUKE FOB AL.U B'XSEASES. OF .'"... . .'. THk HEART. S9r.' ;l|asli'*!'- 4< 5ejegtttato.i*'?. has never laiied to gtya relief. ' It.-lias iie^o nsed sueceasfully for years, in ifnb'dvHng t a e m b s t stuo&oriicases of aeaM diffloulties, . ... . IArge siie. . - -. - •*':•» Small .size, .' -. .- ..- Sqldbydrngirists every w.here.. '.*l-.6Q- = -".50- * Wm...G; O^goodby. the well-ftnown safe, m'ami-me.tufcer. of. •-BoHXio-;.- Phlladelpnla,,. s'itts'bOTgti, Efew-a'rlT.ai-.a.Atlanfa, Ga;;,, s a y s ; OFF1CJ6 OP OgiSOODB-y^S J,iPKOVEI)SA:FBS,7 . •- .'.'. IT- S. Briiitd- Street, '- > ATLANTA; Ga., Oct. ITtn, 1881, ) Dr.-Hush's Medical Association:: OMK Dor-roRS—Tbe tbrep bottles' of "Br, Ru-b'.s IlegulMtoVr" £ ordered w^rerecefyed by express last Wi>efe., I h-.v-e, tafeea nearly one •bot.ie.and.am thorOnKhly.satisfie'd witta tlie re*u-'.t, I'Vr over two yejirs 1 aave been trojl&- led -o-itb siT«rp p.alu at myiieart. ' My physt- olan, upoi examinMtion.-.prjno.uneed it en- largement of. tbe aeart,' and wai ti'nauie. to give me an v relief. The trouble srew.vyorse,; u'nttl I u -d be Q-ineconvlncedttiatlconldnot e cored'. Whiitj r.n' New YorX-Uity last iveei I c 1,'le-i <).n one o£. t-ie best ptivsiclahs there, wtto ebarged itie S25 for an examination and then.lecanmended sour • RcsgufaJtor," EhoV-" in* you to b-e a te a « ar. iIe*il(Hl Aisoeiatloa,. afld not a pectsnt me&Lcijie scheme. 1 ordered -the three Buuies. 1 hav.ts tujt'.ieeniroub'a'dgiuce ,1 lotninenced t^klna It, out shall conurina and taketJiH eniir-- t:iiee.bottles'&oas to-ctb- tain. a permanent cure; Yo'u haveniy sincere -tliaitftSi -I.a.'m, gen-wemea, . . . . . . :;- ."'- •', .Yeryresfiectfu-ilyi '.''• '•'•'•'*: .'_ •'.-".• -. .'#M.G.Q8G0 , ODBt.-. 3NT ES X^T eioom^ ! NEW GOODS! JUST ARRIVE ! Thetride ofl,owviUe and vie'nify have alwajs wilted in eignr expect iney loi theai ri aiof Avate.rS & Co.'s-. New. Goods. TM§ ye-.f thpy visi'^d the fnajrktit early "fii o'der xi> make pe>soos.l-se>.ot.lons before *Ue-est. pat- •ters's were piebs-d' out b'v tba ei^ trade,' aria ;na- e made- un'n'saal "fforts Id- landMrt Lffw- -*BIeshe'finest;1afeorfcttteni-:6r ' •'. .-.; : - '_ C^a'i'.^et? kapt ilsicas ; . «ver.sho.wn'fo't : i6treus|om.eK.;.- ' " , V- •Bo-fty.BBtrss'BtLS," •' -" ' " - ,V' : .'"'."'..•' ' . .. . iA'yESTKy.-BiuJssElS',' ; -'- .."'•• •.'., ' ;.'IKeBaXiSi OAtSPETS; . . •' - _ . "-•'.' ;.. . . -'«TiXB:OABFETS;.' .•ViaNEjaQijf JCAzepiszs, • -:'. . ••. --•.' '.- -;. '"SE5fp-0a3£PB*s -."'-.' ..'-•'•''."-.-•-'".• :•-- - - '..MOftn.E-rT.E.iBETJSSEL^ErjSS;. -" '•- •!-.-". VXZHiS. OIIJ-OLOSHS, ;lkQB^AT.y'AaiETY-DF'pA3rrEa$fS '."' :-'•- "..-:..••'• •KTyb-Vi'iUfBXii-QS. '•'-. v-"-- ' Towels, Tfa^I^ l^Ijiess,. TS&pfef a«r ' We ca?)' s : Ue'iy- say thai thils.is'tlie.liaii'ner ye-.r.'Jn linens. -Never lia-ve. .tttev totea so <'li-e^p 1 a.'>d:.'.ftyei."' have ''e.bee'nsftfdrth,na,te- mfifieuringthe: patterns and.flinlsll.o'f-these' gctids,.^., tMj'y.ea.r^ '. ' ',-'... .TIN'S, wi'te handsome b'amask'«t,§6c.; 62c., •S7o,. 51.S0; £1,25 an.4. §!.§«,. in slirijie^ figures,- lern-. /spot, a>odatt otU a r.pattern ; i.-ir-ablS!i.Gb..-- edtttbietrnena nl 2*4- 25. SO,- ifi and 4pc.-- teed b-o'dere'dj'baL-BsJ'ey' and erea,nj .dannsls:; s'o:" anri-S:U)i . A'large lot-of T.oEliey''xfia da'maste in -HoieepaKeras and eolorliigs .at 43, Si, 62, 'Tfe.anajLUtljieryard..: ; •; ';.. .".;. •.; •. •• ' 'raEBV8<5ATT?S.-^We Tiavie a large Jtot'W B'iraaste' Towels., bleu-he'a-^,n-d-b.nbiea.ched,.- .tiaud-'onxe patiteras, hackahacfc-aHd. Honey: <>i%nb » e e - s ;\Sl lo Bes&la at'tBe loW price ot 25cents..each. ..'.-..'... --'• ,. .' -. _;•.;- •'.,,., ' OTJB, purchase of guilt's of .tii'e inaniifaetux- .ers ii,i.s b«ea very iwcsi'. -We hay«.«lgli:t- difi- ft-rert qaalitiex, wjslch i-n fl'jtsh-..t>iti-ri)aiia"- .'qniyjw j.f yarn IS imt'eiiial'led. "'Fa'ev '-•wfll-.'-ee S«W. quififc .at -75e.. Si.Uii, §1,25, ,$1.*50,. 32.00, S2.50, S3.W and 5S.5Q. .. '' '...-.' - L.ACB CDB^AINS lix patterns. o'f."D,y-the. yard,'fi'om 12tofee. "Oretonnes,-double faced ptnsh^-'aind Wia44Jr''B;ona;nds,- -'..'. .""• . '-. •'-'.. T^E'best'NapfeHs'atSl'ieBa dozen la Ani-6r- ioi. , Our iiapljltis-«l; 51-25 : Si.vO and-sf.75 we- kno^vare. v'^ry cheap, while-our napfsdnsa* ""e.w- litnyhaniton Clly, V. T. Tm-covEBEit -or I^E^CBIDTTI The preatSpeciflc and Positive Cure for Heart iud Girculstion Di^eas"s, H»jrt-WeaVnoe8, Hesrt- Palpifcation, Ilcart-InflammtUon, HeartEnenm*- tism, OiLart P-ins, Heart PropBy(w»ter«ronndth« lieirt) Hisnt-irrvousnn«> Ifoart-NetiMlgm.Anghi* Pectins, Heart IntTmittanco finreputar brnknffi, Hea' t-Ealar 1 jemeat,H'''art Valvnlar Diseases, BuBh of Blot-d to the He->d Knmbnsa, TrembHng Apoplexy, Baralj-qstralsy dangers), renevei «nd cures cliiomc c i»^s, rrevents and conquers every attack It proves of gieat vjlnB ln case* of ll)Uoi)sy orritB It has a recognized merit ova all -other preparations because it contuag no chloral, moiplnap, ojram, cHorpfonn, or other hurtf al ana usurious dru^s Eie agnal uncces* attonOmgitsusomBr. Kilmer's extensive prac- tice foryMid, has inaucefflnm to pntilisli BOHW- nccoimt ofita uonacrful tnres, Ana to oflerit for the benefits the affliotea Kola vuhgt: ofxmpFr* ,grea«jiitasfi:pai-veget!ira& prodnct,' Tfttch *rn1r ' and^qurlsh.^thuisfghiofujinosteveryeafectt'. '- -'^-AUgennine lave Br^Eilmer'ip likenasj OIL -' tSiJaiaja'.-wiaEpei. ,-'. .'--:=C :-- :.-••• •~f'.- ':--• '^' :,«oWl»y?l»rtiggi^g, '•&&;&,,.., .;--, - : .„-^W ai Sd-- 0 ^Fanths'BahoraJory.olI>r.Eamer's '- . BiB"pensary,'Binghamton,.:N'..y;': -,-.: /r™'" 1 ' |8^^a^^-felliI3t«fr: -haStaJfenMisrooTiis-: JftteLv Sccttpi«tl ; bx'.Mniv GeoValorrowr,- for the-purpORe waresgATOSlc-. Ingi and. ro»Sp E «tr&iy\ solicits - .putroiiagt Blesses afnl. wraps for fcotb/l^dieg&navjoalwes. yfia43'eMttjectan.d.ina-aein-fiio: -.--.- • ;=•" .-'.'• --: on- short notice xor ladies from thfe cbiinitry- w-rJjil I intt -t»r J-»TTT'V» " •m'ti^f Vrt nir. TAnlsiiiih. ^f\ Jin "tint! irati _..-,_.^S>£26 <&& Fre"-h, iiew,ln jius '• ; RgKJS. ' "- Fresh, (cash prio^) .„,—„ ..... ,,.^. BETA IB' PRlb-' eHHKKNT. .- FBOtHt TjCssali'/ilcw'process, persaok,-—.— H2 10 -Paxlry,ex.tra.iyiii.t' wftaiit, ^o.—^ ,, ... 1 7S •jFo. i 3 p r - i n g - ™ - ™ = - — ^ - . ' — » . — — - . - - J- «0 ' ' " ' -; 'SITGILE.^ '''".'. Cofree, '-'A", standard...„.—1 ,™~.:. 11 White extra "C" •." ^~,-.--r- — W. Granulat-ed ...^.'._-... ...—<._,—,. Mapie sugar. ._ . ._ - .;... .'...: ' BIJITEB,. -. •• Sntt'ei',-^..^; : .-;.^_:_r.~.^ _„. . " ' ; : . . . (.•H.t'KSE. '. ••• Cheese ^ .-!--- ^ ; *_ VEUfcriVBljiSS. . Potatoes..—-.- —.;—,—-, - • • -- PORK. - ij-gi .... —. —'—:-'-, : -~^ Korte, clear,, bbl..^—. , ...... Pork, retail. *-,— .-- ' ' " -WO'OL. Wool , -~»—-- -...—• •'-.-•• ••' KEROsE^r'a. : ; Kerosene oil—«-—:~-.--^—^.-- •'-— . '" ' WOOB. . .. .V4 feet.^. ;.-;- ^-^.: S'tov^—.^.-~—- : —'--.-— ' HTB:ES A"vr>'PEr-.T!S. Oxnnd cow hides ii'ia, trimtned biriPB r «>., ii-lrmriPd .^'Je. . 1 ' 1-VS ..^6 t o 10 .;..-;..; 80 ;. 18 . -...-...-•60 9 nnRito oo ^'2S.OO «>-.-16 _^.„ sap-as .»..^-_ 15 S3 R6® . . .-1 5U@1 73 fij-ic. Boll ' " K'NAi'P—PI.IJJT—At the 'Jf. -B 'Pai'-Sonage, .Wa»™n.; Feb.'Miss'3. h v Ri>v.T ,r. 0 Wofoo. Mr. Otfiye-teH. )vnnppofCroghan v andMlss. ."-.arnli K Pi'iH-J'f WiVtson.' riWirrl-.R^SBuri—\f. t-hfl :H. KV p'irr son- go. Wats-on Peh.'TZ. lSS3.'by«py; T J, O. Warren, M-.w «.«mi'h and Miss Bucv ii. Dunbar,-bulb, at Wa**on. v ' . . - 'GATE«-JOB'NSO!Sr.-A* tlj-e M "E.-parRon- n-gn. We-t M "'tlnslmraU l-'eb. Sl'.'lSSS. )«• «ey P. « Rtanforl. Mr.He-M-y W..G a tes of <sii--. ttinarcanfl Miss Levl.ua- E.. Jolinsoti, of Mar- tlnsbxirirh..., • ' .- . .- . " . BA-NE-VPITC-HEB-^.A.* the ivnidonce of :tbe hflrip's pn'rents Mr andWxs.'Hfir.'ev plfher .Feb 2'M, ISs-s,' by..R»v.-.li Jenlrt-ns;'Mr'. Em- m'Ot.t'D..'Bfi'.'^finfl ^).5K ABie-rr.' Pftchw'iho'th of .Marti'.sijoi'feli E.«wiscmnty-,N,"V. . . . . "iVGKBSOLI.—IC^APH-Xt the' Meth- od st En.iscopal-P'»''S-n twe, MnrUnsbnrtth, Vf. Y-,: Feb. 21.- is»3 I tiy-Rev.- 1. Jenkins'- ii<rf, -Hen'ryf nsersull and Mis') PfwriceBiKuapp boi h of-Cjreii:, Bewis county, NY. IfNiGHT-CBO-snY.-At the resiilRnco of Mr," P S. B'oinih, Marl-inshttrgh, N. Y,. >Vb. ?7. IHS^,. bv- Key 1 .lenltinK, Mr. B-iBhard Kn'ightWest MartMiKhu.^ii and Bliss AmatWa E, i rcvHby; Martinsburschi, K Y;. ..' . jnKf.is^.piTGHK;P;-At. t.h.-'residence of the h-'lde-'s-pArent^. Mr.a»d Mrs.Ij„ A Pitcijt=r.. Felv3S..l?S^,'by B v .1 JsnlfH-.s. Mr. Will JM i Jones Hud .M'lss (Snrie J, .Plli'liei', in.m of JfaHlnslnii-fh.^.y. . ."' PEiUl. 'V-'iX.K.IS-'P, NIXON-In Greia Pell .33 M-s. Pheobe Nixon,aged 61 years? month and 18 days. GLADWYfT—In this place Friday Fehruary 23d, 1S8», Gliai-lotte widow of the late William (Kadwyata tueWttt year offcerBge* - & GI'V.ES JStJlieiJlATF BELIEF IN'ALL ' ..XA.Wt9 OP. . ' . " . ' Xe.'jraigia, S.-iati-ca, Liiuibago;, Bacic- ach'\ Sorjjassss "'ef the Chest, Gout, - Quinsy, ao'e Tnroaf,-,Swell-. . ings and Sprains, Burns. - arid Scalds, General •Bodily Pains; .Tooth, Ear ^nd. Headache, .Frosted Feet . and Ears, aui all other. Pains and . Aches. H>r. f&usia's ' 151-bo.d 'fl&ot. Oil lias uoe.jixai in th» won.I as a ti.oi.ui-ent of. 'ofl. It is ii cheap, safe: simple- an-d sure extern hat remedy lor n u n or b.=j.-t. it pat up in two wizes.' Prrce 25 and 50 eehts.- .BOM by drnggista every where. .' .. : . CEss-.e^ <sf- Rli'eH ; M»atisasa 2a. TPtvo" . . ; Bri;'FALo.>. Y,,.3iay.?,18S2. . Dr. ifitsh's Jfcilical Association.: GESTLBSEX-I have heeu-' .troubled with rhvumatiKMi fir two years. I tried «-itthe best advertised o.il«-and ltni.menl*',and'ma'i.y firsts class ]>.b siclaus witttout relief; The last <h c- tt>r I visited recomniFn-ided BB BUSH'S "BLoor? Roor OIL," I purchased a.larg« bot- tle tor fifty cents, and aoplMi it. In two horn's X was relieved,-and- n w am ehtirei'c welt. Its effects are w.indernil, ".mj X believe It-the oh.lv thing in the world which will cure rheu- matism. - . Truly-Yours-, :''"'. '•.•'' ' • • ' SQim HBTCHiSSON., ."' mBrle St.; Buffalo,' H.-'T. WXI& w* 'Mm s -^AKB- *JUUtJUS. Prpvent anil Cure f*onstii a! ion and PHe's". \ sate reme'dv fo.i'.RiWo.usness.Tra'phlity of Ilie Liyer.JauM.'ce and all BlverCQinplstnfs.. ft -rives Stiimeainte Relief 'la Web' 9Sii-S<r- "onsi : Hi-a-tnehe. Thev- 'cleanse th<* s'tomaeh .and tuus remove alt b»»^ .taK-iefrom-.themouth and .make the-b«ealh pure and awe't Remove ail-Xinpurifies a na sallowiT-ss from the com- 'pl*s3on •' Ple.a«a«'t.io. take'and agreeable in thf-lr' aetlon. Entirely nnlt*e ,'otiier'Pills, Purely v.egetah'e. Prise; i!5 cents. - , - SOLD BY-ABL BBt'G.GJStS. . ThP:ahove pi'-eparations.a-re prepared hy Br, Bash's jMedicat As^fi c;M iimr.-'i -' which Di'; Bus \is ansociated witrt the most proislaejit st.eclii.hst of borlj Europe and Amefica.«pec- .ial.t.TeTf-merrt-e.-vn be.olitaiu9df.1r any disease Tln-i-e medicines are the j-egutai' prp-.crlpt ohs Jor thedlseas^omen.t'o.ned:.'»h'd never fall to' glyereliaf . 'They, can bei ohtrifh'd'to Bow- VtHejat l)oth"W.ho'e..s\l'e and. B r a i l , .Of Bo1g. Bros., Munison & ' Moore, or Horace Bctsli, Brhsgis's iSijkts< street., and any druggist will. gl«UHy <..btafu ibem for j o u upon sippfl<Bitlo'Hj ur'th'-'y eaa be-obtainedwf us direct, Address,' SEBIOA.ASSOCMQE". . -i3?»B?f , ii.0 4: afi-"'jr;,.« r i'S»A# •' We wHl sen J. free uv mail a-.sainple set'of ntir Iai-ge- German, French and American Chr.ttno fafds, on lintel and gold grounds,. with a price list of. over ^00 dilTereut liesigHM^ on rec»ipt of'tt Ktamp f<»r- posthge. We will also send- fre a hy mail as samples, ten of our b»auli'j£:l ch'unios ou receipt <>f-Wic. to pay for packing and postasej.a.lso inclose aronflden- ttal p v lC" listof our birgi*«il c'U.roni.)s'i Agents wanted. Address-F.-Gteasoh & Uo„ d8 sum- mer St;,-Boston'. M'*ss.'. ' . r ladies' ! ned'-- cticpBr th-'n yru. .ever' saw them Tostarii H.emstit oh. vef y fine .aua T it>va<*'15-'^0'ano: 55o. ; A larae yariet.y of he.ustit"ft.- fancy borrlers,- aU Uneri,at2je. Ohildfeii's, fanov bordei at luq, X^aiiey colored cotton handk'c'f?,3and5e, . tifEW EMBaOiDBRTES. Swiss trlmm.itigs,- White goods, -ainso-iko, Tncfeings. Puffings, Kins Trimmings, Irish XrimioiCngs.. Corsets;. 45 7oc.n,-id§l00i'. A j.lb' I-oc .of. corsets. 25e, JE)r. Warner's OofaPne and F exiblB.H>n 1 G-6-y.e. Filling, and 500 Boti'e .Corsets Bveryl«dy shontil, try., our He.-U.tO' Prfsei'vlng fSorsets, made' with wire springs; -Panniers, Hoop Skirts, GcHUais a n d -CAffSjSetae T.wixte, .eto. . •.- /. •"•-. - - . - . - . - ' • ' ."/ ^1- ,: : -'-- IMiSEBKSEqiwnlitres of pretty Cambrics, ••ftlo'tnie 1 c'otha, Sper-8'tic6rerSj.Fbtt , ard?, i>ing-, h^.ms Calic'-ies, Bit-«ch«ri and Brnwtf Sheet- ings. Piilrtw-Oase rofl.on'^.?SHeeti!le..M,"9'4 i^nii 10^TwiiihES, Cottoa Waips, Yarns'and. Batts... : ' : , . '- . • -. . •' ' :... -. .- :_:. -. ;-.• : .' *K hays the.!greatest -bargains 'ra-.Wacl: Ca^hnieres and Biaek' SBksv 'Pt«t!ch.faih.r' meres at SO. 60 and'7ie, -ljyons'Silk at'81.00,. $B-2o a'.d-Sl'50. .Cacti-mere' Stolifne.SiiSsat 'si,7si,an(i;a|uo.,"•".' ..'•".••• "-•••" -'••'.'..."/' ": These prices are for new.gobris, bo('6t£ Our .purchases were unusually large. Our prices' jfeeidediy lost.. Ourteade/Vlyeiyt and "we..are •tSoroitehiy: prepared = tD- stioJiy *ur customers 4c"sto l£ .Wefi worth hearing about.; dodhfy ••STbrt'a looking at, and tfehly. worth baying. > .:..'.;.."-. -" ;wATEasi.eb-'. .- : - -1 '• •••- .&&$<biJ'&V3£ur: -5'' ' : -.vi\ ...-•:.-' . -' 'i'niii-arpsT '.' '.:/-.'"' -'" ''"- •Wonderful and "Biberal'O^er ilver-MadB;'--.- The Famous O'd. Origin?,!, and BeBable JJaw ori.teFinallyp'lbe'r, •, .' ."..;..•.., ", THE-STAB s-PAFdiiBp. BAifsr-Ea,- v • Establisbetd: lseVbeg'au iWlstyeai^" .Xan.' 1S83V It is a Varge-e'sht-pase, forty- , '.o1uTirkn B i n s - ' trated Paper, sze.of I.'eriger. Every-number, contains eharining stories. Tales, .Sk'etohes. P enis, Wit,. Sunlor- ami:JS'.un. ; j Illustrated B^bus;' Nutne v 'ous EngrayB{gs. 'Slsp'tohes.-.-. eoems. ; etc.;.-.5no j-rtly 'good -laughs j.«rtgo!*b.e.• "Roeue's C<irn«'." know-u.-ttie- world oVerfor. its.exposnre,of-Frfluds-'S-iy.lndlers.,ah.d Hum--• hqgs We desire to dou'>le our.' cireiilati-in arirf to do so we hive secured a special ^difon" of iheendre.iv new..7011-page.A-merisan JJic-. tiohary, com.p3(ife and- unab'ria-.ed. '• It'cbn--. tiinsas mivli m i atte.r-.as.attiy..8lBicfcionary, and is^esactly as represented, - [.; :• .... '.. ' ;,. ; 'l^9; : B : .^^;^Ofii6t»-J; ; -' : -;' ; .eHSA»EST{]LATfeT'!'!BE.ST,ll!: . ' ~. The New Ameri-enn Oiamona. Bictionary' illustrated, is r hec7ief -d'muvre .of brink niak- inir- * ii elega-nlfboon of-nve- 7fil) T>ages; Be» fines aad .ptohDunoesovev SOtiBO words .Et Is, ".'up to the times''- ahdi«. based.upon -tBe v best' Atii«;c.'ui.andSu.glisiia : Hthovities - l r 4(io c.it-. umnsof deanitliiiis With nuttierdns fln°eS-: .grisvings, A-iJerfeet Vada '*recum.-7-a,-b<KiK-: for ail. Besides a >ompie*e dictionary it afs > eontams.aB 'the- usual--table.s;fotfcy-columns. <.f .Abnreviatipns, Php.;ses, etc, Aroertcan. .Geogr<'pbical N"»m»s .w-'ith deflnitioiTs'-and. .sia^ificfttion, Borular 'S'a.mjS.bf stat^S-and '•ities.'-AlibTeVl'it-iiOtis n s e l in wi«ti«g; ana print iag Tables of the varions -lianguagea, Langu ges and Aipha-bets of the World Fa"Ss mjegu-rd to Slin; Tanies showing power, of. Mali. H.»rse, etc.. Statistics of Lieut. SotJ'i.d,. ele.. Pooutation of the Wo-lrJ Betrgions-of-ali- CountrieS' l-n.terest...rabl<»s. 4 "to 20.percent,. the Metric System. T.ango."2e. and T-,e3jieo- gra.phvr. < , ompl»Sion of the Huninri Race', the Ocean and much nt'ier yalu-ableahd, insfenic-r' .live matter. '-B,eme.mBer£hlsisl3ot'3 jrasbj' •imported book, but is n\new.fresh'anid perfect Birtidnn-ry- printed from new type :on-'fine .pape". witb pew engravings, cph-jabilng over Ve%Tfi liuudrea pages, superbly bonnd In "fine cl.''th.-embossed'*fcSes. with ! uU gilt back 1 and Htle,: Every -st'nBeut,' fe^.oher,':ev>-ry laiaH,. ivomah'and- chBdneeiisibi's-mvaluable stand- ard wofJ?.... . ; . .-.. • •. . ,.-• "' ... B a«'v>"iw lf?*srl Theabdye Blctio»afy. Sar iU miag, —the. best 4 . cbe->p.esi.,- most valuable.twirtviesiraWe bdote ever.piilit^ e.l—is'seut prepaid as «. Free Gift witjilotir lareeeiffht'pagelllu'.ttat-ed Bedger sizeFam;. ily P per for a whole year, and all foroniy 83 cents iri pos'age stamps.oash o» money-prder. - Neve-is the Time,.-. - ., , • . . =. ./ ..'.';. T "f,i„V rnHJ Av,.t Tbougb^ortb'douMe' KWK S33.0. « Gb tbe pribe, yet w« r-ifer. bur l.,rge. re fable,- aiid'p.'-pul.aT. national -pa'- nc»i> lor'only-. 50. Cents' 'a.'y.ea;f; and-toat' on.ee- see'nre'.50.UBO new subscribers, we nbwofter this ne% and elegant 7(W.-page .Bloti-maTy in' substantiaic otti-gilt. MnditigflS.a freptift'to all,who send' 60 .c'e-'te'for-'the-.B.amer.ojie year.s-iid 18'cents to.part-'•pavac'Uaicbst-pT. posEage^etc.,.tipda.tihBBl'ctio^i , .v'-.,,:. • •-.- ... -. .rbat w;e mean -s*bat.iye _ ^ __ say t ha-v^f -50.0W Blctlon-. ai'les-confMctid tori Kit our/paper is' worth. Si a y.ear 1 and Oief.iOLnarv contains a*much as. any <me snjd at §11 that.-you :c n.'bav6--boib'. bf return Biall.;'.<nd that .we.guarlatee satis- •Jactbirii-n eyeryiase. . -. . •'.••'. ;-•-. - ry,_ i." f%„i. This offer, and" ecc'ose. 21 green." V/llr. UUh stamps If "oiaeltffutea, you •Can ha"e vour money back, elub ot Sye,- :^i-75j.'ten,'S5. .,.'. .j- •-...•,'".' I- •'• , THXNIC-Of a.700-page liBfeolumrtiCldth-gBt Dictionary, and * standard.family pa^er all' fi'ee-for a p.altry-63 ceB,ts. Sead..u?.w.- - •-. . -;. -:.'' '.Address.. "Banner Publishing CO.. . •50 e,Yen-'eo5v-10t. ' -:Hinsdai-e.'N..H;,. \Sx A. pseriess:ienl«a5r 1&r "Serbfula, "W/BJtei:g#«lfc' iigSyOancerj EryMpelaBifion^ Ghrobie Sores, Syphilis,; T'uto^rs»parbtiac^ MWlari%;.finioiis GfJmpiatats, atfd Sll iSeBSef - mdicRtingan±i^pfii«;eoridif ipnoftlieBlDpai Iiiver, Stoinach, ; KidxieS8, Bdyfpis-, Skltt;*AS Tnis Grand.Bsrkedy is a.Cbmp.Onidof yege^*. -tabie'esltracts, the ohifitof vrhlclt.Aie.Sa^ft- : - paraBa and.stiilingla;' 'Tlie,.-cures e|Eectexl By: e>Dyllrs'Bloeri.an'dBiy^'syrnp ^spljita, arid ffieii- iecord^s undilsfigyrei bir'fidtlii»B.'-' Fofrsalelbyap drugg'isfe..; . '. '.:."." " "C "^2-•.-/ WiiaiQilDf^^di^ "When-fbe "Weary^beels Were- AXmoit ">i . Still,-';A'.Lnc-Sgr Acfeident Bey - • •" :'. -•"-.-' :yeal"stbeBosl;Ei§'. -• - ; -. •." ."Twenty .fiveyears'*' - '.•"•'.' . '-'•;. '•;'.-. .'-'- "W'batl -9. bad-eouabi'-wlta oeeastpn»l atr._ teeks^t -hBuiHvage^. lor -'Byeniy.-ay*' y««r*?- Wr>y, ; maa',. it-s'a -«eroj- . a a t ±ber6'#:a d«^*n, ,;: •pou-nas lefr..of;j--ou'"."- •-•>•,•' ii-.'.-•• v- '*,-•''- Abrafiahi'0rn*r/iftIisbspirer.B a ypb.mfikJ.i . Pa.- ifc-ticife: to Ms ^tatemenC aiid trtjeiJ..14(l..'. exc1amaVtwri".o^-.w'ondeir-qeaeed;he.adSeds•• •: -.-:-.",- ' Jt Eia".fiyi.: "You'reright.- Itfe-a,:m«>'cy,.Bn;fr;,. the faeat*»t,merov'ofatV.iS.fiat.-.beror&raltt-.-'•'; 'uan'y; cougb>d "tavselS.o'ut -bf e^iR'tenftevl-gc* . ; -. bold'of Parker'sGibgerToniOi.ind a.few bot-., ?:, tl'eyof'ltcur-.a.'ne..",. .-.-., ;'.•..'.;-.'. -'•.•'.' •-Cnrfed ybu5'S»Ueyedy<>n:-you.meaii?" .. "T mean what T say; it cured me,"-said Mr»;- Orn'pr'iimply. "T-feel llkea"n0thi?i'ma!ri.?'^ - .-., Please-fafe"- esp<wlaaiuoticejiPgrker's Ginger' •" - Tonfr Is not a mpre .essenisp of ginger-;. not * - • *-ere stomacbio '• The ordinary preparation.B -.--- of stnije-^re"beneficial-' for transient Abbes, butaStbat..p>ljr!;-aieir -yaltre^nds,. Par*ef» . GtesprTonieco-v^rsa far. w-ldfe' .abd.totsH* diffei'6'nt-fleld.. It*itan*saAddissipate*^" ': Jcafa.Tid'ijbroriie dis'eftseij. of tbeI.n.ps5S,3Cif-T -..; ii*=ys I j ver a-trd jOrerv^s-. It is .as de'iolttus to, th"naJatflas-itis-.tftompfa-nd eff:(511*8-10op*.--.; wataon\ Gins: i r'= .'is QAlf 'Stie^atnoi'* maby . - poiy-'-TfUl curatives whicb.*^ftTrti«c- ; hold« m -.;, combination. T^st its, virmefor tba,' conght .. of y o n ^ o r fornn^-of tb'S-Bls "ivbtob.req.qlr8-" aain-vliiorani'fot-tBeiWib.oVrsv^temV: -.. -. :• - .-". - ' AfidahftTa'afl-.'d 1 i.not i p-=i' , riityOur?eirtob.e . -nliwfBd- Parser's-Ging«r Tonic staeds »io.a«».' N-stbiiia ; ''-pK<'- Is" "'fast the samg." or "Just *»; : ' gb^d.'' Pr!'eeS-'59.eenl#and ?l..-E bnbmyin , ; biiving the large*" Size.:. 3Eascpx=* Cb.i.NeW' York; . - ' - >:'=•".• i;"-'•". '-.';-•".? ''•'•;'-- GteMpyftfiffpr ftetieMMelws miff* -PiSSA-©i'ftjta'-Sfi'.Sfegn>&»rit -.r.a*B*0OJl > ••1*^9- m.fm 6* case;.eleganttyBnlsb;*« 3isti'IbgS, E1-3 ;'0.cfcaVo's; fall patent cancanto agfafl^s, bur-.nwsr patent o-'erstr«ng. icaW, beantlfuldarveditegs ab'd'lyre.'heayy'Rerpen>". '.Hue '-and r -large fancy moutdtng, futt Iron- ii'atn'e,.'FrefiBb Grand Aotiota:.GTaixdHam*, mers.'infact,-every ffaprbvement. wbioh^can-. -in any; was- • tend -to. tbe perfection oftbie 4n-- str.ument;iias-be'enad<ied-.-:K .;- ':"'."'-' 'j,' «^0dt".price for this instruTtenfi boxed anol .fiellvsTed on bostrd'.cats-atvBrewYoik. witb iffne-pi3nb-Obyer,.stoolabdbooKoniy:i*<M,K' .Just reduced frotft'ourlatewboiesate, ipa?*'' factory- price, -8292;; for 60 davsoulj;. TWis !»:• jibw.bVfar;-ttte" greatest -bargain mex'oWm^ tbe musicalpbft'tic TJnipreeedented -snecesiit; ^XVeinenaonsdcbiand r for the styled Sendin, -yojaf oidera.tbn"ce. Bonbtlosefibis rarepbr •pOrtuEdty. •-••". :-. •'•-""." '•'•.•' '.'. '-•':'.' . -This.Plano-willbe^etit^on lo'daSstest^triaK Plesse'send referent^ if ybudbnb^end nion-: ey .with b'd"!. .6a«h.sent *itb .ordeirwlllbo reiundedTand freigbt' cbargespaidby .Us botfi -wayS-lf Piabb iS-TiotrJus't a«:i'ep.resentea..Sey:-r.; era! other speciat bargains^; Pianos^ljSi) np. ; Qvbr ioOOO in -use, and ii<it one dissatisfied:: purchaser.'^- B'on't faii'to.*tlte: usbefbre^biiy- ibg; Biandsome UlustralBd. Piano: eatalbgue - fnalledttee, .giving 4b.e^ bigbest testimonial*-; •e'verawardedanypianb.'mabdraetuxer^yeiy- piaijo-fdMy warranted for 5"years." ;. . - '•;.• ' Sfieetmrisicut onertblrd price,' -OateTolrue'. of $.000 efiolee" pieces of populax .mnslc#en •; forSostaibn,-•'-. ••. -'•;- .;•'•- ;...„.: •- ' - .- Ml3S3a>EBSSOB?HPXA?S"0 GOi> ; . - -. •, •.'•-'• .' "Wew-YorXclfy..: P. 0;'Bo5:m5S..' . ; ly...6rS"'82.'.1550-.l;br«J5>i"' . . % . ... . -"Wrecked b'y-bi ir ttttiempeTed Anibltion-^ ..-. "A Bigbthouse on tbeSbbals. " -.;. da a;nv.t_„„, _. ,-. - ... —but who .Bint wrheil ambition and .the. chance-of' jhaking,mon*y spurs him.,bn? J . onlv. bobe I siuiU get.-weltenpugbto^lgest another square b.t*:rt some time mttotit axe-. - betBon.in.my:'sLf>machV'- : .• .;'.'. ..-- ., -.-.." The'speakerwvLS oieof tBe-best.fcnoWn.oly?!" 11 engineers,.and .minibg^Sp^rts-in tbisiooutt'r, . try ,'b'ardyby na&u'eaK&buffalq, hut broken down by-fiard study-an* the- mexb'i.esslaah:^ : liig a-im-inlsteted tb-Ms- minrl imS body-by bl«: ownikand.-iinriBsr .tb.e.earB r p-irtbfniseai •: "xeer." •Ata/tv.he.lspi'e-n'iitttireiygnsy, benttn form a n d disptrHKl'.- Dyspepsia-.dfd.dfeHByS.- ; peiisia,-(aie.sel£»infl>eted -curse-of.iiiB^.tneriT-.. Cbiinty -IS. Y.;;an-. bad s.ufJered.f)-bm dyspeb-;- sia.-f-»x -fate'en"years*.. .Tried-jeyerytbfiJg;- At: laSt-ia\'e'Parke) v fs Gmgex T^bicffi^iance to , sJioOTTvKn't if eonl*do for .nxe, ItbrovedIts. abflify by curing, hie.- .1 reoommandlt lo all Wb'» are'sufferibg from ttols dieadfniaiseasft,^' Mr. G, a. eo.e'.aruggtxt; bf Ca*nial,.Sr, Y.,cer- tiftes'to the trptb of.'Mx; Watts'.'statettient. Gloom, despbndency,. hbpeihassngs. disgg|; =wttb' all" labor. SlEFpiessniess.-bprriaS i^U lai~, iender the bed-dme 'like the .bour'-bf ^iecu-f. tlori to a cxifflir&tstheseaifrsomebfBySpepsIa-. -foot-prints. Tfie-,0^sp»piie ktf>*s what Cot-;- .eridgeiVMaant-whebbesa'idt. "Kigbf is... my - bell:" PSrfi?ei''s GingeiTbtJiccui^sByspepstai nuri'fles the Biooa.bisperses Sneurnatism.'and; 'aU.ebrbn'iiaiBneniis.. -Price, 59.blyitsand' St :abbtUe..:B:-isa-,'?.*• toWFeV.'.Ybrfc",.'.' .;.;Eefe ••*B:o'ito.;fi: ! s.'Bi.it{5ry. nfs«y Ybtkst.itt.er'.His*' t - i r ^ disfeyiftttiiil and, s'tntisttcsfittbd'citiw, towns; .virtages,'-industries,', and Snbimer' Resorts of the Stafe. Tvifb complete list of - post ojHeeS, .cbuniiesr con,ntv ! tbwiiB, laKes,. ; risers. rall*oad«^e*b.. 30a.:cd.rpec!t-.and'elega,n1i- iBustratio'ns; Ptint^dbtttoyjedpapaf;- Hie- -saniryb-ia->d, Giltedges.- P'.'tee.*!.*. Sells"• fast! Everv N#W Yorker wabts-.lt -Favorable!;: termsi> ageh.es; :B:; iKbUbcfc, PdbUsber.;23; JesesSl,JSL%: : - . '_'-:•;.•:;-.. ] r-'.,••->32^85-'-. ••-•:•.- ' ' " .Bealersjn . ••'••. FLCUR, '-. ' - "- - : - ""'"' .' r ' -- - • FORK,- : . .--.-.". JBTXTXMB,:- -• . LAJSDi . ...".;.•' . - " .• '. : '."•;•-. ..; -B.&Qsr and all kinds.oi provisiansjindgraceriesv Fresh goods- always, on hand and" prlijeaas . . „iio«a;s#.e Co-svest..,•..-•. •-- 'Weoffs'reslii'it : b'arL r *i"Sln-';'- : -"••-.•.-. ." ' TEAKCOFFEmAirD^SPleMS,; All eoorls- warrante}. -Stor.e; in:'jn&Ifforse bloekrnes.t(iom'tblve'lpr'alwrpftsssbop. ; -M-ila Street,"•IiO'WVIWJB;-^",-'•?•--.•- iSS^jUl.fiei'S'.ins indebted, to.fche-late-luim aie 'l will baye iBr saletbis^ltalibjlt^a amp.-: henof. : ... .._- -•.-•-.-;".;-.- ..'"••:":'.'-- ; -- - ;•:••'. '"'•• M^^-#lpiE>s-'V : j'\ •- All Warranted ti'dB'-id "name.,'Eariy-.€>rd«rk -. '-.:,'"-' Seevfxe,first choice.- - ..-'...',. I aim agentforthe foUowtng •MobtblyPbulf''' i try.magaianesi.j3oste^j'4ld-,at!fiho-f'ollb'wmg.' ^pricesj' '. ;; -.-.' '•••-•''. • .•_•, -.;• - : .- ."•' •'•'•• ^iieAJnericaB Poulfji - Jbnrnal,! •TUB .Poultry. 'Wbria;. ,51.25. : The Poult* Mob tb'.y-1'ii—... The P'oiUtry. SlbpltOr—-ii. •TSiePovfltey KaSoni. :„i-.;"1^5' _i_^,i5do- : ,.SI!I"d.75 tod a^weeldy.newspaper,., '•' 7 The American. -Peultry Yard-;-;--_i, Sih3 . Bti C..BEQNA^B,;EO*W3CLBE,,IT. Y, ,l i brl)i».3rfin.«t.iA' r e«)JBoojfel i p A S S W T t t K StiA'-Oy JiAN .1.50" ift.- _ _ ._ _ afl . 1:. .•'.) ft psiuvo 1.-1 ft-, v : ;*"» r.'..,nT dlv-v ''ylta' w^a ilittusimda of cusus ^f ..... worst Jtl.iid tin., .'long f ; '.Ql,m)lvfic'n,'rl Jn '^••il.poetrtiotr^ ;m faltfi 1-. :™ erKiiev. tuat I willccr.d '-.so .UOTT.Ll.^-ji'lclI.F.. to- t .on..i lU-SALlABllSaWATiSiStiiMI-.tJ Utt'Mv.W uas-euHo-'??. .Olve-Expross and-K G. address. JB, i','A) |T,DOriHjHiI'oa.rtS.t,,H»wTor% Relieved and cured by Dr J. A. Sherman's method, without regard to age" br dptst'oabt tfeo ; afflcHon' or the'i'ni«"rv''trnssecinflrct;6Vblndran'ce'fi'r4& Jaborbnd W.iths ctti4iy-i*.nasteaijir = en at-ion^'of wbich*'aecordin*to statistics,-hot less tb.an'atti ; so.d-red'dWing.tlie-p-..-st y*iv. -1*0,. onf»'i«i«a&> wi'P.lwsa mo'tnreand depends ujion atruss^rbotb •><»•»»to , slca,t.ar;d mtaf'W.taxi - brl""on kWin-y. b'add i-.n-iwi other organlc.yipeafies. wbi»>liafE><}' geb;fal" bea-lt'J Uft>»« tlma ape-Tr 'ahnt' IsesldPsK&c'iug.manhoodtlad^ '. • Pa* ! i>r>"ti<. from ant"*"* canreoeive.treatrnent«hd leftve-forbotne-Siambday.--- ..-Dv,-.Sberraa,tt*»' book, with pbotoffrapbio likeness of badeases bef.«? an4 stfte*! care, and :indpr«e:^a.>ut*3»i: . PhTsiclans Merobant', Far-mersand others .who bity« been ^aredibiaBe'ifftfiO'?, PHtrcip*!- offl'ce. .Si Bradwav, N. Y.« 'lays of .eousultationr. : each, veeekv Hobdays, laesdays ttdd. papas' -. aass, Braftou office, «:M»« si., Boat«uii«yp!anB(irlfty)i Tb,iif«aayg> JlrWW*." "• 3^38 • . & & ' •M-m

Transcript of H CONSUMPTION. eioom^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1883-03... · Wtt^'lwi: :ti^^liK$X...

Wtt^'lwi: : t i^^liK$X TSS&

•*H«r jsattSPESfbEH* JPRSSS:,-


-' -rimoHgr other great and notable etettgfisjwbieJi'faftva taken, pliw&jti this bfluitry daring the last few years'

^ there isikme move important of wov-.o"'•'<:-•'••rf-..= "•'" '•.".':v " •-;-."' ' . " ;tky of noticethanthat whichth» pah-

. ^ ? W t e ; ^ v e ) E ^ ^ a B ^ 3 S 0 B t ' i B * j a ^ . ^ B uBder<?b.ie to xWcdnnee:

,: ,fe isJfiQugris'that &&y» .S3le.yelfta<i'

••. :V.S&8LBS3?SEET'B- ektilfeHeS -put- "tft&5

.csttoti bropef I?i-3' a* la Jfj^OO^atea

':.. •"' "£c \'.' KASCKKSTAI.-;:.; aVnti-Wqn'o.poly - )<^ayeat io t t iae^ led- i6s Jttfy-itMy at.

•• A . BB£3i ." ,3lneH<JJ%.":-the'".- -Htate :.^nstat«ti©BVsoe-as'to... -py&imkr- p&;

,;. . i K ' S i i g o a r r e B t ' r ^ ' T ' f c a t W a s h -• i s g t c ^ # a t ' Seaafei" W i s d o m witi be Ir iydte j l fe®s"-Seei re i i ry i%i ot J*16: Ifireasufy-at •rjhe.^6s#Ea&ia';,o|--Ms

..'Josser : '.to-: ta&e-' Atic>ioey-Seae^tt:i

':. -- ,THE~assits3ia%.of. - - - i+^ .PsveaapB;

; |$3t «a?y lEOPsr •$;jj^s-»l:*^..mlsp1st>#5f :«ca?fideBcSi. \T&ff e l d » # g b : e f , h p h e r ;

•: a^tig^IMe*seeB^'.Krit-t©feiijgoi<d,

,'lif' i & o n g - t J i e / d ^ n d j i r t t s i o t M Star-

:. 3JabH'a;fdjf ,aS5as,tipiir i-m.;; * 7i»V*«ti-• seiottshbsa.' of-. j»al|t•;• I'sriy' -nof ajKct

thetti* biit t h e ^pjp4¥5.H*,iMott-.Qf toKT^g" •-;'- Hy^^&WMi ilneir \ i i j i ^ t y f i?tla»%s: : ;soferiety pf/ibpisduef arid a.KesBz'uff .-' sense of eoTajB|*-e:&pi&t4q&;;.v:<-:_• -•'.*;-:"=.

trfrided fiie'state riaee'rfsilj offl ip Y». > I •: <Q«;JLi &i^fmlmig-k: t&Sf'-v?ee& thsHt'.in.. :-»hy. previous-year ; ' ..^he'"" ' ro^r!;ag "•p^flf rri#re tteHi-" asw.d; i»terHn r SM4

. i a t t ag t o va?snelat|«a,v ¥ ^ ^ . ^ i i | \ ; r i o -4ea&t'i8"sa1±vi Qjtmty- &<Mvi'iy. snd "moteefflcieatweffe * fey i,f&;ff ^Jl'-a'ft: assosiafiorfe &4Saffeat'Gie'.eiaiev ".

i ? M « 4 . ^ ^ teP ^1 Big Moia*u>'t tit'P.

..-' of ta8'gae3fi£m;.^Mcb' 1 w n ^ t i W ' : t o feos^e^ ^p^ted.-xea6ra£t;n.*. ;n^r-• g a ^ n g ' t i i s ^ a v a t a b r 'kpGojjgiexiPtli^r • l iegi^ t taTOft ' spselaf ssssfoxi for' flift

-.vfinspose, M; fectlfying': ihfy &xsms" mi&

: •"• 4:»?eidei.' reMerM;.'.'. t h e ; .jProhi^jfeory / l i im&atoe^ ' iaQP&rafere ; ;Tlie- irate: ': sfe'ed-^&i /Inv fay^&if;'of iiEctmedLate ae-

-%/--^Jte'MC^pfi^:'JaRfcKrd«.d-# e x - ^ o v -:''_- *irai)TSt. Johtf 6 6 fc.'s^S^tesfi ttij>- is :; :a~a e teeotc8,-if atfyfw%s tie^deCtbat

;'- "isei?ea3eaad iiri;9633ff ft. !,,.TM3'.s?i3 : ttesptoBStrat^ l a -mcl i . of j b a s s ^ e r i l '

:-r j d t s ^ a i a ; Peniigyivi'ttia,, .• -at"-0;>Qj3ier;. ; tT^ovLtMsw-liot^i^y &p&&i]p1$i<itl

,•'; -feffta l^ew^'iaJg.ftd." ^ s e to -.ibei. 'eSfeafr: •": tii<st MAJBoafeii'/re^^I'Qa' of tKar S2~P' : " w ^ a f i f s a d • ©.yafiqai..• ' ' TCHa-• fethe /fe-3iagSQ3aii<iw y^Meli-• d^ratldi. ' -.-to;

. &?ifttei.ie- eaiSHi^B'd^- '•. • ' ' ••' • •" •'<

' v;'AteaMotf ofjpim se&e&m'&gpQS. t h f ig -

-1;;." .'• / I s e d , : ^ f ^ a j s j c a o i a i ^ ; - f t i e - y o i j ^

~77~~^^^f*mitlf'"tes?i-' -. -. iCSsiesikte :ftavft

—-^•-fC:JWt-sasBfcr jfifefSlSXaSkat w W e : S a d ,"• • - ;ticttetife%sestiia£'.ipeac yBclf^nttra^fe",

••• - ; «tbtBen in. .afeadyi; aiid-:tba6.'two,.or : .'. ; tbree d r i ^ e n i SriS.fee .fer.*liead;j.bat

'-..'_'-' to^ tMer j w o t o e i l " i a y # a ^ ^ Q i F ajVsi'-

'•" T&^esaaltoiretlietfikef..|e3gl|3:t^lisfar': "'•":'. viave^By^^;r^iHi:a4 tfae^iiGStaaagdtae' '-j.;•': iio^6S of'lb.^feieHds©f<;p-^uc*t3oil.'s.

i.-.;;: '• I fE . (^a -a f lb i cd tobaye |6e ' t epaMi-..'"-:? ^sn 'par iy . ' g a i o - # i e ^ ; t t . t h a f e i s Ms. ', •'. dfHfeejaie"y^sli, jberaiusejfie'piece*' ";-'-'- ;^ilVbe ;pat:tggetiiie?r kgrnri m:& better

;>.^ Baodopdlisla.:' ^ . . j s ^ b e f r :itfad"-^'' •':"-: ,y i i e r t ^M^#et i i^ : a id -3are" io dwV.vyfijr

• ~: t t i&^4"-ofl l3)^/ t8ff i«Flxy ^sgtidei* ?'""";-':3^"K^^^aoSaas;day,' • fotifc & # d a e t h i i i g - w e . ;•;.'; caaaafi^".kS^rd'Isto :%a>4ipjiiidrK of' , . y p j f i T d r e ^ e a ^ win'igpo?to*6e« T f e e :

. . pe ra t l^e gariBfet.^ljieh.;cbttipefeo?H', ; ;\;.' •p.duihs atTan'y i a e r f t e s i ^ $ $ 1 ;}igtzara.3;,' ; j " ' . - ; ».o know tyiwte readaod(w'ritft > B is" ; • . ©arMpif tms bi^Hi6S3.t&dsKmTifl ib!a^

; ; ' . . iade&j_-jtojt i eo r s |o r {ij6 sake otl thwe ' -'7 ..T^te_bM»dbii^^ • • • s a k e and fo^ t h e i^oteetiott'MjtnTS Hi- ' : . v " : . ' e t l t a l i o a s i % l h e ' f a ^ e ; ^ ^ © - ^ = ;•.'

Therevwaa a t ie ie wh**a ao o^«?sp,*per was ?uppnaeti' to have 'inffriPiiw* or g f e o a a g e #dJes»- i t wa^thfi '-trfeaQ of saax0 po!ia<fjl .pariy, w i ^ e irstvEsslsi "if was \yij)tfe# to-servp, and wh'oBepe-cuila'r '<im?iims, smtL- pfioiji.plp^ it-^pft* exp^'fetifeadvae.it&ftn#tpaoh'. There ;v?e?eftw rattepetiideht n^wspap^rs i s . thfi c o a s t r y " their, aiid t h e fewtfeat d i d ' ^ s j were hut,p0orly.si,TSfeiQ.ed. •Withsuehastelettyypar.tfeaa.pre?at% "p^ty.^iri%Beee^'jfUy'isiu.h%h,.^Ha th^,.strife .bstweeti;.poii.tio.al partjes ti>as oft^B SQI bi t ter-as it© ttistarb tlie Rpaee and h-trToaay of society and affect the ofherwise pleassitft refat.iofs •erisflttg bstweea; nei^hhars and friafMs. iatih«weolsvysit waseouated &. dfegraeefdl act. to ' repadiate- t h e nofeJibeespf one's own party, no ma t -tf»i 'ftow-QHftt.Gr- UHWiMhy^be capdi-^ dkte j ifll^ht h'ft whife fc vote for their ."dpporieats Qtt the., ^t her tiefot was an ii^\jpse"not-sbb»'tq:be.fi^ With theiaeteased^^ growth and wide-spread teffriertge ;o£ tbe-iVrdei^hdeHt' ps<?s , lwvKrever, att-'-tfeis has be&a changed. P.^trticTatiHH^ye no-fearer. .b«6h able tocdhtrQl the• ptjptjiar vbtf, ahd. diar-fjnrgr the past few-yeara-havefiftea baen

..sraVpris^d "afe.the feauits of t h e efse-£iphsi fa this: stud other; states. -,- Before r;th^"'war,[..'"and; 'ev^n .'later,

' Hiiraee ^Jcfieley ^ a s : woat to- estimate ;b<rteft_elfefehs".-' 8bef msjnrity. wh£eh sith&r-party. was.;litte|y to giye- i n a h y statpj-aad-. hig estimates usaaUy 'srere

^4f te . correct. I n iieceht year.? sueb ea-;tiHP»t««! Jx%ye baisa so often, dM'proy^d >y.fe.AMts'rh.at pflople,' and e^en :poii-. tiefcjR-s^hAve ef>.aie'ti>.S.titkch' bsj.t, littl^ iito.pbrtan'^'taythemr and^?;eeotifiicler-ed abojQt as relia'tiie"«s Vrtijn'or'a.p.rei^' .diettorrs-. Qf'grfat" "storiiis-tor :ocedr in e^rtaja loe.di'ttra. at! certain; ' t imre ;

-'•Ptd5;a0e^Ffaipf.'^t&. 't!onHjs''k>yffisc; to the-large ihd^pea-ft&at vritfi? wnf?h haa bad a eorrespoh-. dm'g g r o w t h w i th the, "indsp.eQdeat press,; and;'..\^hit?b, to-diy . holds -.the hnJa'aue of 'po.wer i a this country, s*^ Wtiflg' f rora:"' ei ther parly t h e .eandir d ^ f e m«st- w"prEhy,'aad©fectfeg them t o fee' sffiees for 'whi<jh'tiey' w^re hatoedi .'.• .'.'. " ; - . " , ; , . :

;•? Iff esamipfng the. •standard, news-.pap;pr;direete3*y'.of 18SS, ..w^'ftadtBat, :feki"B3:tha'co.aatfy a.hd'city press to--gfsthar, thei 'e ' ar/e more', infiependerit BBWspapsrspublfefted in N e w ' York t o d a y t f taa ' either repholieaa or deoaobrat-ie, while' t h e a^bi-age cireu-;ii>^oaofthe.'Mdi?peh;3^itt neitt3pa'pra> ^eseeed b y isaany hapdrects t h e av^r-s g e eirealMion of t h e p^rty. press . ' In th i s ntiinfrer are iaftlsidwd mms of'thp .eaos^ able- ahd • influential, journal* published rh.the State, which being co'ntrolipd by a d oar ty and owned b y hft Cflqae' are not restrained by par t i s a a o r o ther ' motives from (Iteeus^tets-fairly add honestly, qabstions of pub­lic, interest \M I h e y ar|ae- between .parties. b.ftaEispreseBifed :for the '.ebn-siderailoii. of the ;pebpie . . '.. .. ^ j ahe i i eve ih anindepeDdent presa,

ific'epshdeiit bat^ a o t • nentra'L. and' free, t o e ipbse ey i l : a n d ..HQeoyer •wroags-whereyef they exist, no raaf-

;t9r-wMea p a r t y or what men -stifle? . frbip sank - e ipo^arev so long m th*-

:.prrae%le- gre.;res.oIateiy''aiid .'firnilj:

-of ;the.par£y, pressare^^-MMngitfus-po-s i & n . | b . t ha t t h e fia|Sibeg.bi i t^epf i j

. .depSiaewspapers .is^baStent^y iacr»*s.-ing whife.tB.;is'e of a s!x«*Iy pirti-; >r. •:eharaeter.-tff« . g p ^ i a s . it-.w.r >•'[•>• ^evlry ' . p ^ I - j ^ ^ a r . ' , . We_haiJU^U— J-Tty -Mm change in tise uharaeter *# •^odrpabficpifs^.fer we'fiatl . Ja.it'ii.;-spi-ratiba for our -hoses and caqse ffti

: inereMed jCpiifldeRce- in the stabiltt? iwi perpetajf y of pa r free hist i tat iop-tthder ohr choaeri andpopu ia r form «'

; gfwer.naaeal;.. .Xhat none of our reasi-CT^.masf m i s t a k s o a r o w n position w« «fiirni. i n this ..etmneottorx what wt

•fiaW i r i t im^tM. Qaite Often bbfvire t h a t t h b . T u i i s i3 tT»btapartv. ovgcin fete jqi;iadpp>jMBrit newapap 'T^ndus sarij. will Gontraue.to support and en-

,.eb"arage th?; riijht while i tfa. ir lp«ly '.•iarjKMit-h'fWy oppo^bt a.nd..cfm'!efan .the •wirjTig'. :P*i'fi;"ii-..piirties.lo a gov ,erjj«iegt.{iljepor^-are-a.nece^ity, f<>•" peoplb.w|1ihefU-yH.{?»d pn^^q^tiongof

\ p'nbHbinterest,. i*at. "when' parties or' •Aseh fese sighs of irreai pntseipiesaQd (**tttend!f>ijiy-fiir spoiis ami . powei t'hat they.tBaj.' ti*a them" wf -•jelh-'h p t i rpf js^ there Is abed, of ania 'depe1 ' -•fhmf press whivh.shall speal; for tbe y?h©ie people, a n d hot for. one party .albhe^.'-expb-iiT.^ tbe-.eVJas that '..Hi? : threatened -&'pi:Hyentto|?the ceasapj raatlOH of V-pm-jjoses .that-arb 'wtoi*? artiigin-cb.there rs .sneh 'adeed 'wecoi- '

A^semblvman Roose^?e^t h^s intro­duced' ia t h e iifw Yorfc li'-'gialfttare. & Mil providing t h i t woiaen and. child besiJi-rs rth H, dp '» convietioa.^ be given ad twe of th«ir own medicine, or, in other words, tfe-tt .infamous

. cjf'irftesUait be visited with infahaoas punishbient.- T h e r e . i s a . class .of brates itihuOTarx. form who. a r > n o t deferred by/ esi.^ting; penalffos from •fthn^iTJ* the weak and helpless; and for sh'*h the -Delaware system' seems the onTyadt'Ciuate one.. ; '• ' .. Mr. Boosey^lt maynothegus ta ined "in his eff> >rt: to seoure the passage of thiss hill, for the oa^th'od of punish ' m e a t i t proposes is ' believed, to be-the relJet of a barbarous age, a n * yet w h o shad; say it 3s inore hamiiiafihg o r severe tbensuch.Qrrm.es deserved A persbhso inhuman, a s to cruelly Whip.and.unmefeifbny beat defensbr l e s s / t r o m e n - a n d ehiWren. deserves-t h e same kind of treatment --rid *be pnnisbment-is bBmane when compar­ed wi th the cr ime for which it is in­flicted. W e hope Mr, Boosevelt 's bill will b p c o m b a l a w . . •

W O M A N ' S T K M P E ( U « ? C E C O L U M N / EDU0ATION4L D E P A R T M E N T .

-. -,-ttJM. 'C. '«.. sv

1 . . . 1 . .

J M ' V V E U ' ,


,,,_.„,,,_. ., ,.H

^ O I - F t t H .

._ T H E 'E'tiur-Mile L » W » (no l iquor

shops within.four miles of a school) h a s been of great' benefit jto.'temper*, anee in those-parfeof Teaneaee. w h e r e i t has been i n oper'atio??, andtiquor'-. men n<*w greatly desire its repeal.

nnisraY c. iroRTH-ut, sBxrOB.

• .A •i.A'fEvelitor: i n^Ph i l ade lph ia said, ^Cloae a l r t h e grog shops i~i t | ie • United: 'States, and a ' ! the'. 'poverty could be relieved by- fhe'preseti'6 bS-is'-ing prixf-afe enaraties, ' and' in this RAp'jbUe there need not ha a n alms­house," '. . . . .'' . ; ; .'.".-'

Co n o c u o u s .

I n the educational column of F e b ­rua ry lo in tho column of cities the figure one should be uppoaile Broome county justem* ot AlJe^batiy, and opposite OoW go, instead of Orleans county.

Ln Iheculum' i , Feb. 23, u*ider t h e thetopic '"IIou-,e')t II>pifysnlativeN" :read '-They are olected every even year" t t c .

'.grafaytej'rhe ".people- of- .the JQ'japire ' -4 *t#"liiri'i of t hw great Stewwtbih!' in

." ^Dh^ ekeise.bill-:.which- !g .-now- a l -;moBt- ber^airt -ib;;^^bec0me.;.s.]aw-wai" - ^ m e d ehGrely t o fiefieftt .thb.iii^uo^

.-'; ife-ilers. , Jt; makes seye'rM ihsporJbsHJt :: f;hangesyjri/the1a-w Qtimgl)::and"re-

;jas-.7yes';;tho^ restrfeHons' t o ' ' ^ h | c h -\,, j ney hatyb. l o^ao f - i e t ed j sad/.^jttiek-:'.fe«ittld -:ia. -'aiiy . svl% -.•"':-ia,teTfSrb •-' wifh ,£!ie. traj6Sb-'[ -/Wtteri' fit«t iiitetidtieftd.

' -le.iWa^/'made: t o app|y/i>rrly to ^the "'iifites -fii^ew-"^ork,':.and..BrooSlyrii. - :butit.bas%Seaiar|irexided iji the 'Afeemi

Mym:0i£> bbyersBV'ffie:#ie;bi;fe'the ./S^afe / /Itf^^pr^feetl 'f&biqaor'

; iteeb^satffy tr^^ami:tletm;ffifi?: •..-.*• ^".pj^-'SBiisiii.-^sBefitibpp;- •; '.';•'/:. --.

to" grant^^licen^.roi'tbV.sM&^UStt^-.'tP fe straai: oittlie pvamifes" -TpEiettiei- •tiu><i»-{ie'.6r'

: pvsotimikjiiatels or taiferass, -/ ' .Aipr^stiit-. the.licetJ'ged. jplttefeiaxtktcfttttoln. kisdotamo(i&-ytinmjbr'ixiiv^i^m'&iii'tixpii bmssts;; -...- . ".v" '$%•. 7&&M tb» -Hemmmm.e}i: tot&S-.HtiosDr-' '• -ittorei-foSjfe*!; j&3&*Mme,mitik\ a w c'va -'ra-:, jHfflsfa-filspiae&ef jij»!'ae3A.:a»y^bte''wltte4:,-•". Tt%^"i«?lsa'tettEia"pf.tiio" pdmtal$Bi(aiefa with-..>on6:?TOa«^'s.t^..IiofeM& '. '•.:•-*'-"•,/ . " r ' :

: .'-": fW. l^4&i^^^^<Te:vialaiion6ir'm»i&w :. 6t&8rwitg«/]!!ba.-! .apas a,"irarKir«at:i..''6Stf^p(i*fir'' '.'twesatibe a&B.i5-i>f i o'otook itiji&AmotnfyXg. . »o«aao'al''3eSc. »t»to^lit- oBSokdaysvV- E'pes .' ;! thpu'ix^-^ioiii&m-a.^'bsi'fe Hken; to- .the: .: jft&*Bnc?4g i&a-p'Brifftf jBialEirtgt.to urr«<3'fc. '."/.-•"••'' ^4 t.i*«Tt^.ilia£ito8«.ca*lei'* , 't&cEW-&e'i-. "«Janse?rtf ttira iiv'r iff iSKf s&wifldt"':agptj£uj-, .. ditesUcsvirij* a papt^^*»'frf;.^re"tJSiaa 3i'0,-

.' See^'.I&e iif:ii'.'-seqilfflS- yeps-slk -"ibukjiistrfeBt: '.; ActC;*na. ifiesfjEtlt/orders ^jsbsniaw' isiitntfir ..\la;to-liPBi"ediatfr.'lHa"ect. -" '"'-;• -• . ' ::"!- - """

great Kepub: ^bMiI: w» fiya .oit/fh» feet, tiidl m-have such- a. p r « s a&d.ihat Jt ' Is st-rong aridaMb;eriough.tbdo. ii^fe,.worli:, '

/••Aaf^TftBs:' si^-i>.'#i,sjEi'C;'i9L--;; ]''"; •'/.:'_"..'."'at-j&jt^-' ."_, ; ' • ; . ;.. .

'$lie-Aar«>«ii" «»f a « Esia-ftp- SiitKcs O v e r i 709,06© o f m F H U « S i a S|sp<?ralaf iaiti.

: JfBW.YopyE'i:'E>4&. '25.^A heavy df--' £* ' a ik fQ : fqiniH ft>- ..lityhf ..tO-day. :Th ' culpri t i s . tTjlbert.i/, .Grbweli, presi­d e n t of. t h e -Empire 5Jiain]S eompany ?

:5ai!arilt eoattty,; tTtafr... -Crbwell in -jgfT.was giye?i fhe.»g:&n.cy" of W W -iP'itte'statbj.^wifh.pawerof attpfaey T h e o w n e r s a r e Mrs. O'tfReUa Atwetl awlhers fo te r Catherine. Talman arid! . b ' e r a i ^ j CatQl-ineSfttmaik; la. ffl?^ Urowett; Wefiybf o'th& . 'Eaipire rbifj^

"ingscheriie;stfrd^bQUffetlaiigely';piite' .8tocte'./;:l3>ettiJibe. has hied"ifai luK \' «nvl-tKe.^e'%sijienfa. idefeasedo-uhtil

.-anally .'0iwt;d''abMra-cted'. i3flt'-b{j&-.»'vf •: the- Tafmah trust • faitds^. Besides this, hb borrowed .r£om- (JAroline' 'falsnini .m :«&. -iife the U$' fhreft ybirli • he spbkt $?7Af!0{j.":" Ih.Md'ttioa • -he owes

:^S,O0^.' '33a thbd2th.'f0st;. '.he. .rhade aoassighrdent . -' Bfe-'e«fetecojisis'*sof

•*eai esfeite yaiaea-MN-$i'07.;fiOO, mtin-gaf*ed: alm.fwt" t o i t s M i ; -v^lab - s-ad abphtdfSjO© siiares'«yt'' iBfn.m? stneJj H b i s slbS a t . ' i r i in^Jon, 'N ' , I . : ' I t is fhbdgM MiaMSs .Talmfns will m*t

' "agai-n.^ hlrrt.- •"..'-. -••--•--• •.

•;M 3BfIu|sW*."^tttt Kefased » atiirje"|fis$i

;. -A- ..I^ehJftsfes' 5lerfyBiaa'--:rwIi<>-•;"- -SfGaldif t accept iwftiallops.of is'hig^ : ;key for mawyiag a; cbdpib' -bad to- goj

;^tkb^i;mt$:fi&:':M. ':$&r' B « i - ^ '.': preferred.'if..; ii.Q' Skew a idonatibaf ; - 0 t i $ -;iyassolhg' tov&woep.do.wft- oh

Mm the n»-xr,; weefe, -;. sbd.-.they'd he

of. 'Oamhridjie,' •wights' - all'. Ottholfe ;cfif.M«?h -to".-attend' the". paro.thW PchoofSi. "If tfeeih- pareB ' s^ ive - them Bitttfesir Bitters;'£hey: -wilS' have it)sy cheeks and.hb strong and. hea l thy . See' another 'column. "•' * - " S 6 w 2 .

A P a r t i s a n « <>I>ftt« o n (l ie B i e n n i a l ' S salens;. K1U-.

Albany^ Feb. 2C—debate on the bi­ennial .session . resolution ' to-n ight took a partisan tu rn . The wars of the revolution,, of 1812,. and 18(50 were fought oyer. Jefferson a n d BLarailtbn were dissected as to their political doctrines. '';Mt. Koosevelt, who aus-taipffi the reso»ution,was attacked on alt sMe«:by the:demQcratsafter.h.e.had; ..afflrmfd tha t J- S^rs m was the lineal predecessor of Jefferson ©avis, • as fai? .a«. t'he. dbctrJbe. of seeeswum was eon-cir-hed^', A t the.. close of the defeate, the reotion to disbharffe the.commit-ft-e of. the 'whole and' order t h e reso­lution to a th i rd reading was lost' for. lack <f t«o"or three votes.. Fbllow-iiMr arfesomeof the votes ^repablicafas ifi italics ;) ' " .

. A y e ^ A U a n p q n , Oneida; . -Bm;#, Chenango; Smit \, f i e rk i tner ; Par' rar, <Ja'oBda^%; JS'wjjfvihdTThbmps.oh, Jefferson ; Ehoiiu St. L a w r e n c e ; tyjteit. Franklin ; Xlelm^ O.s.wea'o.. 'NOPS—Townsend, One ida ; Benja­

min, Madison;. N^hon and Ely , Otr s e g i ; Beercwilh,Si, 3j iwrenee. . .Thf* resolution is.still in commit tee of/the" -whole to be acted on or left alohe hereafter. The vote was non­partisan. . . " . - . . "

, . ! ! • • • • • • • • •••*_•• l l i . l . I i l l l

(Prom oter Speoial Pori-asii'Mnifftit.)

• • - N E W Y O R K , F E B . 24,1833, Just 'about shisxItsM of year people

•ijre Inofciag ground for their summer quarters, i t may seem ra ther ear?y to do so r while the wet ther i* so ei ld •kmi the snow stilt on th«-<?roun<l, but it i-? impos-iib'e to secure r Toms at ^ood hot»ls in desirable re^ifM uu-Ifss negotiations are b<^ m in Feb- . ruary. This is not t rue of th"! lir<re resortsiifee Newport , Biratoiji , and L-in^" Bi'iiiiDh. I t i s t m » o f s t n i l l places which are. visited annual ly by acsffeain safc;qf mee people and which can only accommodate a e^H.dh nuna-bei'i' There a r e f?i»nerrtliy two or three, old fashioned hotels which, have'en­tertained the same people for success­ive years, and whieh reserve rooms for th m. These regular* g-a«st3 often •lesire to bring Mends,, and an oiitsl-. I^r has to feitee an early s tar t to get tte'vi.. .of thwia, • TPhey are rtwrffV*

.'-fhere'fiaxiHieo?o .to- pas^s the. whole •surniaer. The prices are not low, but nm stttt Ie% than {he prices of th*' l^njerp'kw^-Vr1**^ s r e i na^-fiy 'rf th*->se '^•{rnruarmi»• pe*orf^ :ll »t ( L ) a * Is laod. -J,.. ,:i t h e AHsiOtJC O.-.tit Tf ! t v « l -

•tk-b ap!ac« he i i s».ib-b*d s\>i"h>r-'Uftly that he in sflal to set away:

Ualess introduced 'by an old t i m w , a tew comer is geriorally left to his > wh devices and h is a very dull t v - n e . ' " ' • " • ' • ' •

The annual f;»sfive b^tl of the Arioo ^'icibty. of N ' w Y / r f e t r x f c pl->ce' Wednesday n i eh t . a t the >Udism.

^ q u W G v r d a h for which §3'«0.0 rant •Arm pWi.fbr the ocbwon. : . I t is esti~ >wted t b t t d u r i t ? the n 'ght th» G sr-lon -was visit*"! by at least" S'fi/too-•e'spie. The'b>3cis,.'30't i n n u n b r, •sp*re all sold .and oce^pled, ari 1 tha uroox^tiHide• WAS packed. ' The festi-v" it was f i r m d l y ih'-iU^ux'ateil- ab')ut 10 o'clock by a procession, the- partic-ip-4 vts in 'which w r ^ ''os^u-ned S la invmde Gama. O'he'tofid Ejrmtcf, Precd^d 1-jy ,"t h-tn-i, "Ph - com-nitfpes a5?^b?tQd Cilumbine, borne on sturdy •^hoailers of "si-? in*«-%t>wn% and pissed in rbvi' 'w before Prince. O w -'aiwflj. who sat oa his thf one a* th«

:eastern end o f - t h e garden, fL'\rla-ij,aina, pierrot-*, puichinffros and o'th^ - r pr.rfcssiona!'• f iHlg danced .and' f s-bbrted the. jfrtnd marshal ' and the m w t e r ofe'^reaaonies around the en­tire S vw, and than • after mubh mock f>rm.*md eere 'aony, ;xan^ed the ' t t -selvbs near tho Pr ince 'an t l Pnncesv Carriiyil. D i h c i n ? m^an t im" was in -5bey;iu.Ge,bijt.'soon the r l >or Was pack-'ed.witji- naerry maskers,' who galloped and wait2"d and polked and ta;-iz«rk:

ed and % head and qn i t r 11 teil to their heart 's content, ©srly in the morn-i u g t h e wine-rooni y/as tranSferrefl to the. boxes. -, and the har-roo m Was one 'feni?. gnrffla. Politicians of al grades w e r e . p,onsp!cu'»us in everv dbparthient,.. Masks were multithr, -dinaus, but- aot. noyei., and eo tara-ea :were.plentifuU• but • not remarkable. -Tbe""Hnrald- estitoatei- the expenses ineupre'd by the society and . its guests »t-$Si9.,50tt. ... •'.. -.-,; --. . •' ' "••'• ...

- ,3ihe average New-York clerks born here, bred here and..' whose aneestbrs

^worked here as fflerks for .ffanerations. p&StiS':.a' euribus creature. He. is abwnt.ftyft feethigrh, of s l im, ftervous bdd.d,; a.«?d ' tisrht, delicate ie-rthres. H ? wefaiba s »methi'ng over, o n e h u n d r red pounds , . and. most of tha t is «h'<aek'-noti'always insolent' cheek-^ b i i t a eool assurance ' tha t tides him. oyer'itroubkS'Xhie sttuations,aad oyefr throws higger m.t*n. H e is a, plucky, l i t t le fellow and tries to rsakb up in fury what he lacks, in . weight. = He -k n o w s i t atlrfrom t h e Bowery, d ive to;the gildfid gaoiiMing palace, aud he is a lways ready to paradetheeleohsjot-far t h e benefit-of the horny handed-e.oa»tryraHii.whois wiliinsr to-pay the b.iils,. .•He-iS;ja'GF.e.atore. of «1J' "eha'rae;.. t e r s . ' . He. .is koud, had, iiulilrV'rent

.: T H E l7idepehMent says :'• Thb Cfctis-timn 'Advocate't'egrStS to -see.1hAt the Woman ' s National Christian. Tem­perance Union favorsfemale suffrage. iBut we have seen the editor of t h e Cltristiari Advocate and the President of tha t dolichonymous Union stand together on the same platform and spesk on the paxne public top ic ; and

t h e woman d i d no t suffer in compar- a&poxXloa^ b y vtonpeai&xinMCB****-json.with the asps famous and agile .instruction ou nr .iwow t*e t^-.u^iti 4ny or

T H E teachers are training- the future •eiUz-iiis of tins grand old Republic.

A I l t l C L I J 1, C E UUJGII OJ>,

i 5. Tne moneys raisei oy siaig uir., or ljiirro^eJ as af jfu.iitid. to supply a. tlefioieUcx thereof, and suchport cm ot"t'iiei'neotneo£.tii;e 0jjti<;slStates ijBijosiiinail as sUaU.bo appro-.. prlatecl, ana Uu3tii6!.'3ii.^dt'tlie <XH&JIIG.:>. >oaqol. lu id, *liau tt>e same are ai)i>r >p"r;tit(«l to ttie support of the omamon'sph'ools^'oDSHiu' <j tUs s.taie scHo:>l monajfs.aml sbah p.i 'di-t'ulsfl&nj.

debater, in the Methodist church. We could n o t s e e Why shesho idd not v o t e , . ' "• • ' " ' ' .

- The " i t a j n e L a w , " prohibit ing the manufacture and sale of intoxicatln<>' liquors, passed the legislature (if tha+ state May 31st, 1S57, Ky'a vote of-86 to <£Qin the H. >use of B-'presehtatiyes. On February 8th, ISS^, t h e .constifca-tionaf amahdmea t -prohibltrng ' t he . manufacture 'and sale was passed .by /a vote of i n | to 37. '-..'"No'tiee- . the' fact-that- the .people of Maine^.have t r ied the policy of prohibition ib r ' twehty-fi^ve yearSf jnearlya whole geperafipn, and are.sb welt satisfied w i t h i t . t ha t to-day no oppositioa can be prgaaized to ebusiTtatiqnal prohibit ion. ... Th.e results are .satisfactory,, whateyer is said to the contrary.

..TUB "Bed pragon" by T.-.D > Wi4t Talmage, is the title, of a • sermoh frocu Bev... l^:h #hap. 31 and -4ih verses. F i v e cents will purchase one and one dollar will, send a strong,. invincible, . forcible, sermon in to twenty homes to enlighten and in­spire .to work. - . . . • . .

THTJE . "Physio logy of Alcohbiics" by-Wno. B. Carpenter, M . D . , treats upon, the eff-fets of .aleo.h'ot upon the system by one whOs bas made th is a life work. This book should be put-in ' the hands of every^ physician, in fact in the hands of every man and woinan who can read. Only 10Vent-*. Address Inr either of the above J. K. Stearns, 53 Reads atr«et, New York c i ty . ' . ' ' '

The New Jersey ii-jnate h a s passed a fr'dl ivhieh. .provides for.submittiu? to a'vote of- the people an aroerub me it-to the en lstitaHon pr >hi'>i-Hng the manufacture and sale of li'qfior and intoxieatinar- bavsrages. I f ir fill to pass the assembly the t emper ­ance Deople will r-dly to the support of Mr. Parson's License bill, whieb is the mo3tsweeping eyer proposed. I t proposes to exi,et from alt-saloon keepers bonds: for good character in the sum of S2:0!10, and to raise fh^ It-ense fees, mikiaar them froca $15fl t»«25D for beer m i from $350 to $o0« for liquor and bjer'.. T h e effect would b<j to rodu;e by thfee-t surths the •mmber of saloons io t h e cities of

Jauuajy In each, yeav ajf followsi..- and alt money-- so aBpor4,'lon«cl. exiepb tlie litipary moDeys.sUaU- be. appHt;£l''exol.uslrtjty. to'the piiymwntof tB'aohers'-;wages'-.' ' • " - . ;' • " QcEipy .—#bere - jds* t'vuVtess ..get-aatjiority far appropriat ing Ehe.,pub-lic school moneys ( that have .been sacredly ae tapar t by law.tor,ie.ibher3'-. wagessj.tothe' pufehasboffael s repairs. on school house, and o t t e r incidental, expenses? • . ; . ; ^ . •'"'•.-.

Shonld &efe4P^w-fee-Tespictad or .not-?;'.- , :," ,,'.5'..v • '-:. '...• . . •;• •".

_. '" ' ; . .soEto'Jti'.Ho'aaES. .• ' ; W e s t Martiasbiirgh' . is to haye a .new .schoolhouse,. . ' " • " . ' ' . ' .

Clayton is to hayb ah :ad'dhion at a cost of. iS-,000. -'. ' ' . ' . . .'

Norwood will.' byijld' a. new school boude costing". 11.0,000«- '," ". ;' .' '•-' . , • Johostb'svu'is to h a v e . a new: one costing. $1,5,01)0, - • ' • ' . " ' . ' . •

O a r t h ^ e . wili have an addi t ion costing $2,500.' '.._'.; ..''. '"'•'. " • ' ' • .

Veri ly , t.heoutsida vyorld is mov­ing. . . . - . . ." .'

'Quest ion i n " II IstQrjr Ariswerpd

- . The first ' 'Otnt ineatal Gonstress" i n which all'.the coiooies were represent-' ed assembled September. a, 1-75-i, in Carpenter's flail,. Philadelphia. . I t was com posed of fifty-three members t«jd jisaon* them we»--i the following : s&^titm-Washte^fab,. Patr ick S e a r y . Bic-hard Herirj ' ti>8, Edward and J m v Eutleflge.-Ch.ristophet (x-4'Jsden, Sisuael. AdAins, .E lij-ar- Sherman, Phi l 'p liivtnj^ston, AYiIjiam.Livings-t'»t> and John J a y . . ' . * ' ' The.debate on the .-second day was

opened by Pa+ri<--k fT'"nry in a speech of syrp-issin^ eioq4eu.ee,-. wh > said a m o u ^ other things, "Br i t i sh oppres­sion fans"ff ic-^d the banji'diries of the several c-ilonies; the distinctions tie-tween Virginians, . Pennsylvanians. Nesv Yorkers, and N-^w B tfflandc.r--a r e u o m o r e . I am not a Virginian but an A me.riAcm.'"

by a viva voce vole of p->eb metn-ner p r « ^ n t »n P».» s <> >B<i Tu 'sd>iy after th-3 rae^tia^ ?nd or»:-in]zi-\tion thereof, n-une a p^r-. «.T for S nator.

I l l Cn* two Etotw- shall rn-et in jolnf ib-f'iTibly, t'i > d ty following, and it the -, line p"rso>i h is received a i n a p t l y of ill vh> vj ies ja-.t in e if,h l lnus" ( K qu »ru a b^-ng pi--seat) he shall '^e d<->ei i^ed In y elected ti3a-ai^r oi t h" UmUd S'd*es.

I V . H ' i o p"i->on ba^ received such . u q n i t y , t'i »n th.- j unt aa8embly snali pi.ni> d b> xuij v iw, v ire to elect i S^UMO'-, m d coa^in ie to vote at h 3"-t onc» eti h H y . dur ing tne ses­sion, or until a S3ri*t>r has been alccti'd. For ui inu"r • >f viva voce voUi i i iS tv pi«j^ ,">L

Q, H >w v,"re the B^nitois class­ified acoor ling- to the €on-,litutiony at the rirsL meeting ?

I . T h n e w e r e only m n ^ e n S»ni-cors present . a i tn>-i opening. ; tne namesof s i s were.pat into.on'*.class, sev«n, i a 'o anoiher, ami s i x , in to another .- • " . - . - ' \ ' : - ,.'.' •'..•": ' ' ' - I I . Nb two Senators'' names from .the.. S.MW.-&tite were out into one cla-s;' • '-"; . : ' ; - - "' '. - J-XL, Three R-ip"r.s- of eqwal size

numbered one, tw.y, and'-three.,, were. ro l led-up ap^ p«r< intoya box, ^and. drawn by-: a cbm'yiittee of fhreaper^. 3mschosen for this purpose in, bbh'atf >f,the r^-.p>v-ti/.e «l i-s'sas. i'u' which

each of. fhbm was placed, • •••-. VIV, Senators o f t h * fi>st cla*« w e r e

fe vacate their seats i n - t w o years;- of, the second.ia four years; of the third, inrsix'years,-;. . : • . - •-•'•. .: ' . -„ . ;V. B y a r e s g i u t i o a of 0ongrel3 in ; KS9t -it- was d eid v'd .-.that- when' gena--tors tak&'.thM.tr«3its -from'State's t h a t : •ha*e • not'•-before appointed- Sen­ators,, they shjdl- .ba pi iced by Mt in-' the for*oiog'cliSSes in. such a manner as-shal l ' keep the classes a s nearly•' eqii i l as ra-*-y--'»e in numbers^

;VI. ^mym-fimv ybars will inter-,'yeae .between two sueesssiye expira -tioris of Senatorial ' terms in any -State.' : " •

' E L i e X B i a T T Y . ''•'••

Q. Wbafc ' sp 'Cial qu'aiifie'ati'ons m t w t a Senator possess?

. I . He must be' th i r ty years of flgb, ah. inhabi tant of the S ta te in which elected, and nine y e a r s a'citizen.'of the Unitisd States; . . • I I . Be m u s t be free from' the re- ' stribtiohs ixi regard t o ' hbiding office heretofore given for' Representatives, .

Q, W h a t are t h e y ? ' ' . '•

- yAGAN.eiES.' • • ". -' ."

Q . S o w are vacancies in th i s office m i . a ? . . ' - . . ; • ' • . : . . . . . •..

I, I f a y a e a n e y occurs dur ing . tae re>-e!-s of the Legislature of any State, the Governoitof su-.-h State rjaay.oiake a temporary, appomtuaeht which will expire at the meeting of the Legisla­ture. . ''

-.' I I . If th» Legislature of a State- he in r-e3"»iyn a t the t ime a yacaney - •ccir-j,. the -IjcgMsf-ure -will proceed :tb fid such yk-c-iuisy ' by vot ing as i n i h .*" c-iJH of a {ulfc< t e rm.

I I I . The person elected to ' fill, a vacancy shaij serve only for-the un­expired- te>'r«C. * . . . . . . . ; ' ' • ' - . . '


Who said and under wha t cireum-s*aaces fhe foliofiagf- " D m ' t give u p the shin.". ,

Answer next week.

P r a c t i c a l fforlt o n Gir i l « o * J r a « » a r t t .

• ' '-^Ehe-gpdd'holisefke&per m a y he a vi^er^IJuit she • eaaaol:;' fee altogether.

. ^ a d i j ";> - , ' ' . : ; " ; ' / • • ' " • "••- • : ' .-•

. Ifypii fe'yeTumor(orturnoraymp-=i-"i-• •-•*-•• t-'- -----£.-- -if--: -----*•-• -i- ?««>•*,} C-rt<.tvr.(f*r'' c^iee'r H.ymptoihs,,) fewl eirooa&sybri'i. white--if : t tey famfiS SeRi&ia,ErrsipeJas,H-,d»-i-hi'U'ri,gs?iii littasr;#Mle.iQ6HQgshe ao^ae^t^iey ,d; JBIofehes, Dr ;Mlmer . ' s Female Berne-.;'*»$, $&.dfQaiE.^b*y^d saektfie. en-;dy to.wattauled to cute. Ettaggists tie© ?cemum«*-&0.*tw- Fast* :\.am%i, '-$i> . '

. T H E exjiiilleat Union Signal',- the ea is i l ida ted orgitt of the Woman ' s Ohrisriaa' Te'itiwraivie t l u ion tbtt-s tU * 'Jeff p-tftia^iit si-iry ho'W th ' t HO-"tent E.'y.".' , !^f^,.i*'.»riiHgto.Ptodor-•JL% h i d a .Iwen-ie s>;s:;;itsi'. for. theft and thiev 'S, L a ier-itittdi«g that theft cptiid not be entirely suppress ed the .Egypt ians , had I theft licen-sihg buresiu, wi ih i ts aeored-ited heid . All Wi i widied-to en­gage in the f h 'evin > business report -<H-1 t.hem-i..-l\:es and werb. enrolled by th-'h^Ad-sf the b'i,-eAit, the i r nibi^s and address . .bMag taken, down, iYhatevep they.stole \yas'.r«ported"b>\ th«m to t h e bureau; Then those from w t o m the jowls h i t been stolen ap­plied, to the b u r e m to recover th^ir goo-Ti and rec Ttved t h e p back ua.'ui ji.rfeil,')a p r/oa «it of \ fourth p r theif VAiue, wh ich went, to the thief, with a proper <i">duati(>a, by wiy of liceasf t'-> the bureau and the. g">yfirntjaen;. Of course no one could; steal ' except thys-j t h u s lieense 1; and it w fo> th*. iatHr '.st of th > licensed-thieves t.> suppress all who were, unlicensed Thus a skillful add efficient body of thieves Was tr^to«d : md' a c mslder-able revenue accrued to the govern-' mea t .

-'•-.':'• ^iex^clmC"''

TSse- E"lr"!t Cninet of?Ste ^ ' eac . v

• A iittie, before s^vsa o'clock on Fr iday eyening last, while ' Prof, Lewis Swift, Director of the Warner Qbservutiiry,. E 'schester, 1ST. Y, vya* scanning the western sky, lie discov­ered a hrilfiapt eoiuei located in th* G'>hs»ellatidn of Pegasus,' near the Star Beta. The new comet is moving eastward and is very bright . This i1-the first comet discovered .during *h» present year and also the first discov ery made by nae-sns of the new tel-<<se'>pe.'of the- Warner .tWj.^r'ya'ory, a'hich is- the. lai'gast private tehMbbpi.; in ihe.world. • • • ' ' - . . . ' .

Take a young, man, a ' i a l l y o u n g matt,, wi th a small hat , a long face, a iengthy neck^ a ihor t body, a pair of long and s l i m legs, .with a rms tt>. raafch, and "both a r t p s a n d legs la rg­est a t the; extremities.;. put hiba into a Seymour,coat, encase his legs ihee ' - . skin panraioonsj .withsnfflcient bow in the legs. to. give p-tssiag glimpse-bet Ween them-of the mashed .and as­tonished woiid tha t lies ahead Q£ him', when he w a l k s ; cram his fl.it Teet in topotiite*Lsho.es; tie an.eye-gktsstu his iapttel; glvo. h im a delic'ite, mus­tache to p lay with—ami if there be a grander sight ubdvr t he canopy <ui Btaveriv *e haven' t r ime to th iuk Si' up. Perhaps a m>>ukey withi* tit' Sail comes nearest to the "•phauorae* uoa.-^M'anfcfiii- Pvees-

• T H B stsfgbdri nf. the._Jfa«f HaypP: Register *»ys th i* when' "Dr,' Bl'i-'

an iniideloi" a Christwn, a, Hebrew, J m : e lMr i !jA , ied, h i s . miprf*ifoV or a Qentile, hut all alike possess th« t bonxoion traits I have dea.r.ibe'd.. H o i s s . n a l i because bis race has been, atanl.ed by confinement, a t . sedea ta iy workyau'd- by'a tack ot exercise..-'. ftis hrAin ts-ii**t..lafgi", hut ve ry . active, and he often tri.'jkes.k successful b W ,ines-$ m»n« Ete rare ly . makes h i s

"•as Slow, his pulwe rapid., and hi-pus cuvity dist«!id"d with bile.".

I . A W I . ^ S ' . '1-01H'(<0' .

THBfiREAT PtSMAUK HjSMBOY 5-pi>ep*red' by .the WaitKJs^s M:KD.ICA.I. IjfHTjVOTK OF JUTpFAt;'*,' iSf,' Y.,' »r.»V

. i^lheir favoritepri'sc'riptioiifi.ir'iadie--mark in Pter-uure, or in the arts , as • \yho are suft'ering from any weakue-4-th*'. .wou'dbe e». t i r- lyoutofhisi neof,' or coinplAiats common to the i r sex' trairiirc?. H-« runs in a groove, and i I t i,s sold by druggists at $1.00 p". if he has no bad habits he dies in the bottle. Ladies cap obtain advicO o u d a inspected citizen. ., F ^ K K . Send s tamp for niimes of those

AUQTOi' J who h^ve been cured. 80—tf,

Q- H >w ar "'yicaBcib-ija this e.fBce ' f i U f . ' 1 - i ? ' • • ' . • • • • ' : • •

I. Pry appeal f5ri«iion hi th^ disfcri.-'t' in which, th f vacuuey. ex is t s ; sut'h pie.-f ion being ordered, by .'tee Gdvetr-nor of theStitta..'...

II. The person elected at such special election serves only for the unexpired tend . " ' • • ' • - •

Q, What are:s)m2 of the duties of Rbpreseniatives? . - .-.

i . To ts.ke tho.®;tth o.f office. (See p i i g e ' 1 2 9 . , ) ' . . . . . • ; . . ; • , ' •

. J I , Tap. oath fs-admiaisfered to the ihembers bi'for-j taking, the i r .seats, by the las t . Clerk of the JHouse of Representatives, whose i-xty i t is to-act as pr-'Hiding offioerttritrl a Spsak-

. er shal l WeieHpd, . . " ^ ^ . I f I . T i elect' from •".t«@K' number

a presiding ojaicer who is called ••Speaker.'.' . , '.. '-. '". • - -'-'-.

i V . To ele^t -o ther offi.c»rs ;. as CierkiSa- jeant-a t -Arni ' , Dvirke-per and Pb-itHidsteEf -. Thes'* 'jgh: : rs . are not hie tabersof the Hou^e of Ileprf-

• SenHtiyes. -, V. r A msjnrity shall constitute a

quoruui fo r -dn iag bii-iitiess; shall judge of the elections,.- re turn , , and' quahfteationa of i ts o^'n m'-mbers ;, c.impel..-the .a t tendance of. absent m'irnliers.;; ietermins its own rules of or iceediags;. pdfiish •raeia,'ar>! for Usorderlv; bdhiv ior ; and 'bxpei a niain.ter by a two-thirds':'Vote; ; ;/<'

V I . They may not ailj.mra for •Bore than three days, .or to a n y other p k c a t h a a : i M f c i n ^ r h i c h the' Senaje also | s : sitting, syithout -the consent of -the. Senate. • The ' .s*m'.e rule a rtplies to Senators.

V I L To h».va .jj-ordi'iHfe . jurislic-fion with the Senate iu enacting I . - - 1 . W S . • ' . , - ' - .'

• • -VIII,. -t'U; Jivtye. fhe Kate- p.ower'.of; ..irigid.-itlrig' impij.-tahta'r.BHj. " An i m -p-««jfam->'i.- r-i f«. Boei'j d-i a^cusAtion . ig-ainst a pahiip o i l 'br cht'trying h.irn yith a c f J c a e w iais>l«'a'*:a4<>i'. (and is. rathe f<»r,u of aa ibdlctm«nt) sufS-ciotit to pat- the; acbusej on t r ia fav t h e bar of the S^jwte. When a*rnij'«'-' i ty ef the p:ous'e has impeached, m bfft'-ei^ i t apppin ts a coibnait'tee to ' lay the" whole m4tt%- before.-. the Senate,. and' to rep'resb'at th-«i Hohse ia- i£<:

proseeKi.ra. • The.duties•.oftth'- House ©f- Reprb?entefivesen.d.hefe.

I X . A.11 bfHs'fprreyeiiuemus f orig­inate in the Hou^e of teipresenta-'.(styes, hdV'th.eSefl^tb J»ay'pfpptis«,oi-. concur in amendments as in other h i l i s . ' . . . ' . - : . • • • - = . . • . • . - • . ' . ,

• X . To.select- a; Prasidenfc of t he , Uui'--d Siat«s, when the electors ikil to e t ' e t one. .(8.:b'r>;-iSe'.90.).

Tnis has occurred twice. '• Thomas J >tft'3)n was elected in -.1801;,'- and J-fhn-Qiincy Adains in is'25, (See pajfefjS,).-. ; ; - ' . ': •.••...•'

. . . ' ' ' ' . KBTjEGATEg^ •'' •: -; ... •- ' . , Q. ifew-'areterrttoriesrepresehted?' I . Eiieh te.rrKbry-isetit-itied'to. :one

delegate, who : has the privilege of preseutmg the claims of his te r r i tory ; but has ho vote . '

I I . Tli ^ sn{ary of delegates' i s five, thousand dollarVand mileage.

- .--' . TH.12 SENATE* •'. •

. Q, H iw are the United States Seii-*tors.fiu)ttd ? • • ' ' . . "

I . By the L'lgistatures of the sever--ai S' t •», for a t e rmo l S-iX Years,

I I . (ff'i.ni ii a b a t o r is to he elect-ed.i) «ach body of a I*9gftetetare sliaU

Has "decided''claims tip&tittiepuWie. This. ; is posUiveij' iifoyeii by file .immense good i t

' lias doiie to those %\Iio have been cured of fliscasc-s from v;Mcli tltc-v tjave suffwd In-tejisplj. f<jr yi':tn*,!fcS wiiiiwi Uvllie PttWWe .eil i.cHt.iitu.'niais-, e-veacs ens of .wltl^b is a lies-

,'.-.- - ' CfOttj-Eh, yr-„ Friv.24,187?.'. . StjKSR».C. I.iJouu'i: Co;, lcnvt'11, Siass.:

Tliecth tla-y -of'last - June 1 was Ktbetf sfek -'Willi a; RW-CIHUK i'U lr.> ijgl.tfuta.audwitli.aa .

' iiwftil j>ain: 'Hie.sweltSns wi-nt all over lite. ' Sly feet- was s.WHMt So-lliat 1 CoflW With dif- ' '-tit-uit v swo mrt ol my cjvs. imd 1 broke ou t ' m t t ilie wliulij Mulaee. i>t-ih}-.lnJdy; mv riplit fout up'to iiiy liiii-e \%as cue raw, jtcliiiig inassv aii(!-nijf- aulUe. and toot so lame alia .sore 1 could.iHit step on it, "aljil It would iiift •s='o as to"wet a irftodage tlU'Oasil), in an' lioiit lnUiiseondltwn.-Mr. W. F-Bogdi.of the firm ol A. H. Hood- & S'mi, druggists.of tliis'toWn>,

. taudia lue a bottle, of 1UHJ1>"S. S-Mt&APAEIL-i. \,g.v.il 1'iUl n:e to fake it. 1 did MI. and by '

.- tlie iiirie-i .had tttk^iiolie bottle I found iliatr it.was doinc rae.aood. 1 have sinc-e tuiten five bottlo-iiitore. After I had taken tlu-ee-bottles my soreness, bepan to leave me. and . 1 ha-ve been pw.'tne better, every «Jay. so that to-day I.can walk witiRmt goius lame.. I ha\enosoreue?s in niv ahEle and it has healed all tip, and direstipt rail at all. 1 owe mv* rei-ovei-v .to uiur sarsaj'arilla.. I write tills th let you know tlj'atl thlulsltaesen^s

-tlie. confidence of the ptiMie, especially those . wlio'-are troubled, w itb Utwiofs.

• . " . ' • . • Yoftrs most truly. ' - ,-' • • • • ' • / ,1'OSI'iiH fTTKTN."

•. P, S. -Eyeryperson-tliat saw me said tiiat. I ue\er.woiild s.-t ot.er lu-ylanieuess without having a vimriiiicc sore oil my aakle: fiat thank-eodlKave. .. J. f. .

; KooflierSMsasarillahassuehiashai'pening. effect upon -the appetite. No otjier' pvepii _> 3ratiun tones and strengthens th^ digestive organs 1fl«:'-Hooi>'s SAHSAfAEitLA: •" . Iyrie.e one. dollar,' or sis liotti<?s for Sve dot-

. lavs. rivi'iU'ed,ow.]y>y CL'ttOOB &..CO«. Altotheiaries, J.ow.ell. Mass.' "• '• •"

: P T T S T R ^O'HRRS! ?H«', er m'o-' MlJ l iotli. .«.''•»<U-y «aipt.oynjHi.it

•In.hig spruiK S l c t ' a w t y ii <'".

'i sniit'mpr. A'hlress JI C. , P h i ' S i i f - f i h i a , Pa . - . ' • .- .

T H * M A R K E T S .

Corrected and R.'vised Weekly. . - Lo<nr\ij:Li!, JSOT. 16tn. '"

. ' . . . . ' . . . Bt'-TTEB,. . ' . - . Crea m.s ry, ,„-' I . ».-.— ***.-.. ..2H@30 Chotee-.—.. '. ' . . ^ . . - .L . . ^ . ; ,-2S@2S t?ii'ii'to'Gooa^^.-_ „J^.-— ; ; . i , „ : . . _iis<a>%



F O B B L E E D I N G \ T I HE T.tfM5a t O L B S . e o u t i a - s C U O C P B » ' O V H I M S nsT.i,Tj-

VXZ*L. A s u i i i \. a n d -.ill A r E " > c -1 IOKS OI 1 H 1 L L i . e ' j I I


» r l tu>5i? s s p e c i f i c Tor C o n ' u n m J O I I IK r e . o m t i i p de . l bv i ' l t h e lp , i<Hn" pliyMeUus WHO ate^u cuminted w a n its u> e,

Pnop T^arae size - - «i (,0 P r i c snidll si^e, - at)

So dlipdiug«LaL<'oveiywhere

Dr Wi'lon^'iby t hea t t e idms Physician a t the tsters Umpital a id one t>( BuQotltrsinoiil ^proI)^-.elll Vnembers of the piofessioii, .has used It for years, and says :

' - Btti'jPiLi.o, Aug. ij., mt. '. X>f, gusli's Medical Association;. . . . ~

PEa.R.poero&s^--I i!une-i''r.&frngry1-a-a&--niy OJitoo to me lou« ust Oi regu aj pr'AetlfSoners wtio hn.v« rteom-mended our •s.-Jpei.fBo Tor Ooatiuiaptl -a.".— l-..tuvv« nwfd.lt f.jr--»itny. yeai'sln tnyjimotioe fora,li-pnlri}tinary'af&o.' .uon.",-.aid -Ha^e al *.ays.:D--.err irrnre cuau SHtls-fled with the results I consider If. t&siest oainpuuud: known Xorati lnng.-tliseases;" ..- -"

.-... ..Yours, . ' :' . ' •. -:" '• ... - ' .

- . M.'.WII.T,(D12rG--SBY, I fcb . .

. Pr . Howard, Professor . of. Anatomy, Dol-tetrenf Bhj'stci-ans. auri Snr ' eoss -BuSVo. ST. -?.,'says:. , ' '

I>ri £>utfi's:Medical .association -•'• '• •': ' ' '," •BSA.E OooioEa'^X itVlyd iisel yf>i.jr Fjppjiho

for GiBi>.um l>Qn in.iQjr.'- 'ifae-jtle'e "fyj* .-\,6ai's with, the t>e-t. r.-snl-ts t «onsMerlt a.'.s»-re cnre.f jr-«onsaniptlon', If taken-'aoeordlng to dlreetiojis. . •- . ; ' • . ' . , ' .-. • . ' . . ; . ' fonts teuly, . ' -.- .".-.'.• '

. ' ; " ; • • . .' • %. P . H G . W A B B . M, t>.


- F Q B ^ -

Haa^i,t"• s* A a.US'15 CUKE FOB AL.U B'XSEASES. OF

. ' " . . . . . ' . T H k HEART.

S9r.' ;l|asli'*!'-4<5ejegtttato.i*'?. has never laiied to gtya relief. ' It.-lias iie^o nsed sueceasfully for years, in ifnb'dvHng taembs t stuo&oriicases of aeaM diffloulties, . ...

. IArge si ie. . - -. - •*':•» Small .size, .' -. .- ..-

• Sqldbydrngirists every w.here..

'.*l-.6Q- = - " . 5 0 -

* Wm...G; O^goodby. the well-ftnown safe, m'ami-me.tufcer. of. •-BoHXio-;.- Phlladelpnla,,. s'itts'bOTgti, Efew-a'rlT.ai-.a.Atlanfa, Ga;;,, s a y s ;

OFF1CJ6 OP OgiSOODB-y S J,iPKOVEI)SA:FBS,7 . •- .'.'. IT- S. Briiitd- Street, '- >

ATLANTA; Ga., Oct. ITtn, 1881, ) Dr.-Hush's Medical Association::

OMK Dor-roRS—Tbe tbrep bottles' of "Br, Ru-b'.s IlegulMtoVr" £ ordered w^rerecefyed by express last Wi>efe., I h-.v-e, tafeea nearly one •bot.ie.and.am thorOnKhly.satisfie'd witta tlie re*u-'.t, I'Vr over two yejirs 1 aave been trojl&-led -o-itb siT«rp p.alu a t myiieart . ' My physt-olan, upoi examinMtion.-.prjno.uneed it en­largement of. tbe aeart,' and wai ti'nauie. to give me an v relief. The trouble srew.vyorse,; u'nttl I u -d be Q-ineconvlncedttiatlconldnot

e cored'. Whiitj r.n' New YorX-Uity last iveei I c 1,'le-i <).n one o£. t-ie best ptivsiclahs there, wtto ebarged itie S25 for an examination and then.lecanmended sour • RcsgufaJtor," EhoV-" in* you to b-e a tea« ar . iIe*il(Hl Aisoeiatloa,. afld not a pectsnt me&Lcijie scheme. 1 ordered -the three Buuies. 1 hav.ts tujt'.ieeniroub'a'dgiuce ,1 lotninenced t^klna It, out shall conurina and taketJiH eniir-- t:iiee.bottles'&oas to-ctb-tain. a permanent cure; Yo'u haveniy sincere -tliaitftSi -I.a.'m, gen-wemea, • . . . . . . :;- ."'-

•', .Yeryresfiectfu-ilyi '.''• '•'•'•'*: .'_ • ' . - " . • -. . ' # M . G . Q 8 G 0 , O D B t . - .

3NT ES X ^ T

eioom^ ! NEW GOODS!


The t r i de ofl,owviUe and vie'nify have alwajs wilted in eignr expect iney loi theai ri aiof Avate.rS & Co.'s-. New. Goods. TM§ ye-.f thpy visi'^d the fnajrktit early "fii o'der xi> make pe>soos.l-se>.ot.lons before *Ue-est. pat-•ters's were piebs-d' out b'v tba e i ^ trade,' aria ;na- e made- un'n'saal "fforts Id- landMrt Lffw--*BIeshe'finest;1afeorfcttteni-:6r ' • ' . .-.;:-

''_ C^a'i'.^et? kapt i l s i c a s ; .

« v e r . s h o . w n ' f o ' t : i 6 t r e u s | o m . e K . ; . - ' " , V-

•Bo-fty.BBtrss'BtLS," •' -" ' " - ,V ' : . ' " ' . " ' . . • ' ' . .. . i A ' y E S T K y . - B i u J s s E l S ' , ' ;-'- .."'•• • . ' . ,

' ; . ' IKeBaXiSi OAtSPETS; . . •' -_ . "-•'.' ;.. . . - '«TiXB:OABFETS;. ' .•ViaNEjaQijf JCAzepiszs, • - : ' . • . ••. --•.' '.-

- ; . ' " S E 5 f p - 0 a 3 £ P B * s - . " ' - . ' .. '-•'•' ' ."-.-•-'".• :•--- - ' . .MOftn.E-rT.E.iBETJSSEL^ErjSS;. - "

• '•- • ! - . - " . VXZHiS. O I I J - O L O S H S , ; l k Q B ^ A T . y ' A a i E T Y - D F ' p A 3 r r E a $ f S ' ."'

:-'•- " . . - : . . • • ' • •KTyb-Vi'iUfBXii-QS. ' • ' - . v-"-- '

T o w e l s , T fa^ I^ l^Ijiess,. TS&pfef a« r

' We ca?)' s:Ue'iy- say thai thils.is'tlie.liaii'ner ye-.r.'Jn linens. -Never lia-ve. .tttev totea so <'li-e^p1a.'>d:.'.ftyei."' have ''e.bee'nsftfdrth,na,te-mfifieuringthe: patterns and.flinlsll.o'f-these' gctids,.^., tMj'y.ea.r^ '. ' ' , - ' . . .

.TIN'S, wi ' te handsome b'amask'«t,§6c.; 62c., •S7o,. 51.S0; £1,25 an.4. §!.§«,. in slirijie^ figures,-lern-. /spot, a>odatt otUar.pattern;i.-ir-ablS!i.Gb..--edtttbietrnena nl 2*4- 25. SO,- ifi and 4pc.-- teed b-o'dere'dj'baL-BsJ'ey' and erea,nj .dannsls:; s'o:" anri-S:U)i . A'large lot-of T.oEliey''xfia da'maste in -HoieepaKeras and eolorliigs .at 43, Si, 62, 'Tfe.anajLUtljieryard..: ; •; ' ; . . .".;. •.; •. ••

' 'raEBV8<5ATT?S.-^We Tiavie a large Jtot'W B'iraaste' Towels., bleu-he'a-^,n-d-b.nbiea.ched,.-.tiaud-'onxe patiteras, hackahacfc-aHd. Honey: <>i%nb » e e - s ;\Sl lo Bes&la at 'tBe loW price ot 25cents..each. ..'.-..'... --'• ,. . ' -. _;•.;- •'.,,.,

' OTJB, purchase of guilt's of .tii'e inaniifaetux-.ers ii,i.s b«ea very iwcsi'. -We hay«.«lgli:t- difi-ft-rert qaalitiex, wjslch i-n fl'jtsh-..t>iti-ri)aiia"-.'qniyjw j.f yarn IS imt'eiiial'led. "'Fa'ev '-•wfll-.'-ee S«W. quififc .at -75e.. Si.Uii, §1,25, ,$1.*50,. 32.00, S2.50, S3.W and 5S.5Q. . . '' ' . . . - . '

- L.ACB CDB^AINS lix patterns. o'f."D,y-the. yard,'fi'om 12tofee. "Oretonnes,-double faced ptnsh^-'aind Wia44Jr''B;ona;nds,- -'..'. .""• . '-. •'-'..

T^E'best'NapfeHs'atSl'ieBa dozen l a Ani-6r-io i . , Our iiapljltis-«l; 51-25:Si.vO and-sf.75 we-kno^vare. v'^ry cheap, while-our napfsdnsa*


litnyhaniton Clly, V. T. Tm-covEBEit -or

I ^ E ^ C B I D T T I T h e p rea tSpec i f l c a n d Pos i t ive C u r e for H e a r t

i u d Gi rcu ls t ion Di^eas"s, H»jrt-WeaVnoe8, H e s r t -Palpifcation, I l ca r t - In f l ammtUon , H e a r t E n e n m * -t i s m , OiLart P - i n s , H e a r t P r o p B y ( w » t e r « r o n n d t h « l ie i r t ) H i sn t - i r rvousnn«> Ifoar t-Net iMlgm.Anghi* P e c t i n s , Hea r t I n t T m i t t a n c o f inreputar brnknffi, Hea' t -Ealar 1 jemeat ,H' ' 'ar t Va lvn la r Diseases, BuBh of Blot-d to t h e He->d K n m b n s a , T rembHng Apoplexy, B a r a l j - q s t r a l s y dangers) , r e n e v e i « n d c u r e s c l i i omc c i»^s, r r e v e n t s a n d c o n q u e r s eve ry a t tack I t p roves of g i e a t v j lnB l n case* of ll)Uoi)sy o r r i t B I t h a s a recognized m e r i t ova a l l -other p r e p a r a t i o n s because i t c o n t u a g no chlora l , m o i p l n a p , o j r a m , c H o r p f o n n , o r o t h e r h u r t f a l a n a u s u r i o u s d r u ^ s E i e a g n a l uncces* a t t o n O m g i t s u s o m B r . K i l m e r ' s extensive p rac ­t i ce f o r y M i d , h a s i n a u c e f f l n m t o pnt i l is l i BOHW-nccoimt o f i t a u o n a c r f u l t n r e s , Ana t o o f l e r i t for t h e b e n e f i t s t h e affliotea Kola vuhgt: ofxmpFr*

,grea«jii tasfi :pai-veget!ira& prodnct , ' T f t t c h * r n 1 r ' • a n d ^ q u r l s h . ^ t h u i s f g h i o f u j i n o s t e v e r y e a f e c t t ' . '-

- ' ^ - A U g e n n i n e l a v e B r ^ E i l m e r ' i p l ikenas j OIL -' tSiJaiaja'.-wiaEpei. , - ' . . ' - - :=C : - - :.-••• •~f'.-':--• ' ^ ' : , « o W l » y ? l » r t i g g i ^ g , '•&&;&,,.., . ; - - , - : . „ - ^ W a i S d - - 0 ^ F a n t h s ' B a h o r a J o r y . o l I > r . E a m e r ' s '-. BiB"pensary,'Binghamton,.:N'..y;': -,-.: / r ™ ' " 1 ' •

|8^^a^^-felliI3t«fr: -haStaJfenMisrooTiis-: JftteLv Sccttpi«tl; bx'.Mniv GeoValorrowr,- for the-purpORe waresgATOSlc-. Ingi and. ro»SpE«tr&iy\ solicits - .putroiiagt Blesses afnl. wraps for fcotb/l^dieg&navjoalwes. yfia43'eMttjectan.d.ina-aein-fiio: -.--.- • ;=•" .-'.'• --:

on- short notice xor ladies from thfe cbiinitry-w-rJjil I intt -t»r •J-»TTT'V» " •m'ti^f Vrt nir. TAnlsiiiih. ^f\ Jin "tint!


_. . - ,_ .^S>£26


Fre"-h, iiew,ln jius • '• ; RgKJS. ' "-

Fresh, (cash prio^) . „ , — „ . . . . . , , . ^ . BETA IB' PRlb- ' eHHKKNT.

.- FBOtHt TjCssali'/ilcw'process, persaok,-—.— H2 10 -Paxlry,ex.tra.iyiii.t' wftaiit, ^o.—^ ,, ... 1 7S •jFo. i3pr-ing-™-™=-—^-. '—».——-.-- J- «0

• ' ' " ' - ; 'SITGILE.^ ' ' ' " . ' . Cofree, '-'A", s tandard. . .„ .—1 ,™~.: . 11 White extra "C" •." ^~,-.--r- — W. Granulat-ed ...^.'._-... ...—<._,—,. Mapie s u g a r . ._ • . ._ - . ; . . .

. ' . . . : ' BIJ ITEB, . -. •• Sntt'ei ' ,-^..^; : .-;.^_:_r.~.^ _ „ . . " ' ; : . . . (.•H.t'KSE. '. ••• Cheese ^ . - ! - - - ^ ; *_

VEUfcriVBljiSS. . Potatoes..—-.- —.;—,—-,

- • • -- P O R K . -i j - g i . . . . — . —'—:-'-, : — - ~ ^ Korte, clear,, b b l . . ^ — . , ... . . . P o r k , r e t a i l . *-,— .--

' ' " -WO'OL. Wool , -~»—-- -...—• •'-.-•• • ••' K E R O s E ^ r ' a . : ;

Kerosene oil—«-—:~-.--^—^.--• '-— . '" ' WOOB. . ..

.V4 feet.^. ;.-;- ^-^.: — S'tov^—.^.-~—- : — —'--.-—

' HTB:ES A"vr>'PEr-.T!S. O x n n d cow hides i i ' i a , t r i m t n e d biriPB r«>., ii-lrmriPd .^'Je.

. 1'1-VS ..^6 t o 10

. ; . . - ; . . ; 80

; . 18

. - . . . - . . . - •60

9 nnRito oo '2S.OO


_ .„ sap-as

. » . . ^ - _ 15

S3 R6® . . .-1 5U@1 73

fij-ic. Bo l l

• ' "

K'NAi'P—PI.IJJT—At the 'Jf. -B 'Pai'-Sonage, .Wa»™n.; Feb.'Miss'3. hv Ri>v.T ,r. 0 Wofoo. Mr. Otfiye-teH. )vnnppofCroghanvandMlss.

."-.arnli K Pi'iH-J'f WiVtson.' riWirrl-.R^SBuri—\f. t-hfl :H. KV p'irr

son- go. Wats-on Peh.'TZ. lSS3.'by«py; T J, O. Warren, M - . w « .«mi 'h and Miss Bucv i i . Dunbar,-bulb, at Wa**on. v ' . .

- 'GATE«-JOB'NSO!Sr.-A* tlj-e M "E.-parRon-n-gn. We-t M "'tlnslmraU l-'eb. Sl'.'lSSS. )«• «ey P. « Rtanforl. Mr.He-M-y W..Gates of <sii--. ttinarcanfl Miss Levl.ua- E.. Jolinsoti, of Mar-tlnsbxirirh..., • ' .- . .- . " . BA-NE-VPITC-HEB- .A.* the ivnidonce of :tbe hflrip's pn'rents Mr andWxs.'Hfir.'ev p l f h e r

.Feb 2'M, ISs-s,' by..R»v.-.li Jenlrt-ns;'Mr'. Em- • m'Ot.t'D..'Bfi'.'^finfl ^).5K ABie-rr.' Pftchw'iho'th of .Marti'.sijoi'feli E.«wiscmnty-,N,"V. . . . . "iVGKBSOLI.—IC^APH-Xt t h e ' Meth­od st En.iscopal-P'»''S-n twe, MnrUnsbnrtth, Vf. Y-,: Feb. 21.- is»3 I tiy-Rev.- 1. Jenkins'- ii<rf,

-Hen'ryf nsersull and Mis') PfwriceBiKuapp boi h of-Cjreii:, Bewis county, N Y .

IfNiGHT-CBO-snY.-At the resiilRnco of Mr," P S. B'oinih, Marl-inshttrgh, N. Y,. >Vb. ?7. IHS ,. bv- Key 1 .lenltinK, Mr. B-iBhard Kn'ightWest MartMiKhu.^ii and Bliss AmatWa E, i rcvHby; Martinsburschi, K Y;. ..' .

jnKf.is^.piTGHK;P;-At. t.h.-'residence of the h-'lde-'s-pArent^. Mr.a»d Mrs.Ij„ A Pitcijt=r.. Felv3S..l?S^,'by B v .1 JsnlfH-.s. Mr. Will JM i Jones Hud .M'lss (Snrie J , .Plli'liei', in.m of JfaHlnslnii-fh.^.y. . ."'

P E i U l . 'V-'iX.K.IS-'P,

N I X O N - I n G r e i a P e l l .33 M - s . P h e o b e

Nixon,aged 61 years? month and 18 days. GLADWYfT—In this place Friday Fehruary

23d, 1S8», Gliai-lotte widow of the late William (Kadwyata tueWttt year of fcer Bge*

- • &

GI'V.ES JStJ l ie iJ lATF B E L I E F I N ' A L L ' ..XA.Wt9 O P . . ' . • " . ' •

Xe.'jraigia, S.-iati-ca, Liiuibago;, Bacic-ach'\ Sorjjassss "'ef the Chest, Gout, -

Quinsy, a o ' e Tnroaf,-,Swell-. . ings and Sprains, Burns. - arid Scalds, General •

•Bodily Pains;

.Tooth, Ear nd. Headache, .Frosted Feet . and Ears, a u i all other.

Pains and . Aches.

• H>r. f&usia's ' 151-bo.d 'fl&ot. O i l lias uoe.jixai in th» won.I as a ti.oi.ui-ent of. 'ofl. It is ii cheap, safe: simple- an-d sure extern hat remedy lor n u n or b.=j.-t. i t i» pat up in two wizes.' Prrce 25 and • 50 eehts.- .BOM by drnggista every where. .' .. : .

CEss-.e^ <sf- Rli'eH;M»atisasa 2a. TPtvo"

. . ; Bri;'FALo.>. Y,,.3iay.?,18S2. . Dr. ifitsh's Jfcilical Association.:

G E S T L B S E X - I have heeu-' .troubled with rhvumatiKMi fir two years. I tried «-itthe best advertised o.il«-and ltni.menl*',and'ma'i.y firsts class ]>.b siclaus witttout relief; The last <h c-tt>r I visited recomniFn-ided B B BUSH'S "BLoor? Roor O I L , " I purchased a.larg« bot­tle tor fifty cents, and aoplMi it. I n two horn's X was relieved,-and- n w am ehtirei'c welt. Its effects are w.indernil, ".mj X believe I t - the oh.lv thing in the world which will cure rheu­matism. - .

Truly-Yours-, : ' ' " ' . '•.•'' • ' • • ' SQim HBTCHiSSON., . " '

• m B r l e St.; Buffalo,' H . - 'T .

WXI& w* 'Mm s

- ^ A K B -


P r p v e n t a n i l C u r e f*ons t i i a! i o n a n d PHe's". \ sate reme'dv fo.i'.RiWo.usness.Tra'phlity of Ilie Liyer.JauM.'ce and all BlverCQinplstnfs.. f t - r i v e s S t i i m e a i n t e R e l i e f ' l a W e b ' 9 S i i - S < r -"onsi :Hi-a-tnehe. Thev- 'cleanse th<* s'tomaeh .and tuus remove alt b»» .taK-iefrom-.themouth and .make the-b«ealh pure and awe't Remove ail-Xinpurifies a n a sallowiT-ss from the com-'pl*s3on •' Ple.a«a«'t.io. take'and agreeable in thf-lr' aetlon. Entirely nnlt*e ,'otiier'Pills, Purely v.egetah'e. Prise; i!5 cents. - , -


. ThP:ahove pi'-eparations.a-re prepared hy Br, Bash's jMedicat As fi c;M iimr.-'i -' which Di'; Bus \ i s ansociated witrt the most proislaejit st.eclii.hst of borlj Europe and Amefica.«pec-.ial.t.TeTf-merrt-e.-vn be.olitaiu9df.1r any disease Tln-i-e medicines are the j-egutai' prp-.crlpt ohs Jor thedlseas^omen.t'o.ned:.'»h'd never fall to' glyereliaf . 'They, can bei ohtrifh'd'to Bow-VtHejat l)oth"W.ho'e..s\l'e and. Bra i l , .Of Bo1g. Bros., Munison & ' Moore, or Horace Bctsli, Brhsgis's iSijkts< street., and any druggist will. gl«UHy <..btafu ibem for jou upon sippfl<Bitlo'Hj • ur'th'-'y eaa be-obtainedwf us direct, Address,'

SEBIOA.ASSOCMQE". . • -i3?»B?f ,ii.04:afi-"'jr;,.«ri'S»A# •'

We wHl sen J. free uv mail a-.sainple set'of ntir Iai-ge- German, French and American Chr.ttno fafds, on l intel and gold grounds,. with a price list of. over ^00 dilTereut liesigHM^ on rec»ipt of'tt Ktamp • f<»r- posthge. We will also send- frea hy mail as samples, ten of our b»auli'j£:l ch'unios ou receipt <>f-Wic. to pay for packing and postasej.a.lso inclose aronflden-ttal pvlC" listof our birgi*«il c'U.roni.)s'i Agents wanted. Address-F.-Gteasoh & Uo„ d8 sum­mer St;,-Boston'. M'*ss.'. ' .r

ladies' !ned'--cticpBr th-'n yru. .ever' saw them Tostarii H.emstit oh. vef y fine .auaTit>va<*'15-' 0'ano: 55o.;

A larae yariet.y of he.ustit"ft.- fancy borrlers,-aU Uneri,at2je. Ohildfeii's, fanov bordei a t luq, X^aiiey colored cotton handk'c'f?,3and5e, . tifEW EMBaOiDBRTES. Swiss trlmm.itigs,-White goods, -ainso-iko, Tncfeings. Puffings, Kins Trimmings, Irish XrimioiCngs.. Corsets;. 45 7oc.n,-id§l00i'. A j.lb' I-oc .of. corsets. 25e, JE)r. Warner's OofaPne and F exiblB.H>n1G-6-y.e. Filling, and 500 • Boti'e .Corsets Bveryl«dy shontil, try., our He.-U.tO' Prfsei'vlng fSorsets, made' with wire springs; -Panniers, Hoop Skirts, GcHUais and -CAffSjSetae T.wixte, .eto. . • . - / . •"•-. - - . - . - . - ' • ' ."/ ^ 1 - , : : - ' - -

IMiSEBKSEqiwnlitres of pretty Cambrics, ••ftlo'tnie1 c'otha, Sper-8'tic6rerSj.Fbtt,ard?, i>ing-, h^.ms Calic'-ies, Bit-«ch«ri and Brnwtf Sheet­ings. Piilrtw-Oase rofl.on'^.?SHeeti!le..M,"9'4 i^nii 10^TwiiihES, Cottoa Waips, Yarns 'and. Batts... : '

: , . '- . • -. . •' ' : . . . -. .- :_:. -. ;-.• :.' * K hays the.!greatest -bargains 'ra-.Wacl: Ca^hnieres and Biaek' SBksv 'Pt«t!ch.faih.r' meres a t SO. 60 and'7ie, -ljyons'Silk at'81.00,. $B-2o a'.d-Sl'50. .Cacti-mere' Stolifne.SiiSsat 'si ,7si,an(i;a|uo.,"•". ' ..'•".••• "-•••" -'••'.'..."/'

": These prices are for new.gobris, bo( '6 t£ Our .purchases were unusually large. Our prices' jfeeidediy lost.. Ourteade/Vlyeiyt and "we..are •tSoroitehiy: prepared =tD- stioJiy *ur customers 4c"sto l£ .Wefi worth hearing about.; dodhfy ••STbrt'a looking at, and tfehly. worth baying. >

. : . . ' . ; . . " - . -" ;wATEasi.eb-'. .-

: - -1 '• •••- .&&$<biJ'&V3£ur: - 5 ' ' ':-.vi\ . . . - • : . - ' . - ' 'i'niii-arpsT '.' ' . : /-. '" ' -'" ''"-

•Wonderful and "Biberal'O^er ilver-MadB;'--.-The Famous O'd. Origin?,!, and BeBable JJaw

ori.teFinallyp'lbe'r, •, .' ."..;..•.., ", THE-STAB s-PAFdiiBp. BAifsr-Ea,- v •

Establisbetd: lseVbeg'au iWlstyeai^" .Xan.' 1S83V It is a Varge-e'sht-pase, forty-,'.o1uTirkn Bins- '

trated Paper, sze.of I.'eriger. Every-number, contains eharining stories. Tales, .Sk'etohes. P enis, Wit,. Sunlor- ami:JS'.un.;j Illustrated B^bus;' Nutnev'ous EngrayB{gs. 'Slsp'tohes.-.-. eoems.;etc.;.-.5no j-rtly 'good -laughs j.«rtgo!*b.e.• "Roeue's C<irn«'." know-u.-ttie- world oVerfor. its.exposnre,of-Frfluds-'S-iy.lndlers.,ah.d Hum--• hqgs We desire to dou'>le our.' cireiilati-in arirf to do so we h ive secured a special ^difon" of iheendre.iv new..7011-page.A-merisan JJic-. tiohary, com.p3(ife and- unab'ria-.ed. '• It'cbn--. t i i n sas mivl i miatte.r-.as.attiy..8lBicfcionary, and is^esactly as represented, - [.; :• . . . . ' . .

' ;,.;'l^9;:B:.^^;^Ofii6t»-J;;-':-;'; .eHSA»EST{]LATfeT'!'!BE.ST,ll!: . ' ~.

The New Ameri-enn Oiamona. Bictionary' illustrated, is rhec7ief -d'muvre .of brink niak-inir- * ii elega-nlfboon of-nve- 7fil) T>ages; Be» fines aad .ptohDunoesovev SOtiBO words • .Et Is, ".'up to the times''- ahdi«. based.upon -tBevbest' Atii«;c.'ui.andSu.glisiia:Hthovities - lr4(io c.it-. umnsof deanitliiiis With nuttierdns fln°eS-: .grisvings, A-iJerfeet Vada '*recum.-7-a,-b<KiK-: for ail. Besides a >ompie*e dictionary it afs > eontams.aB 'the- usual--table.s;fotfcy-columns. <.f .Abnreviatipns, Php.;ses, e tc , Aroertcan. .Geogr<'pbical N"»m»s .w-'ith deflnitioiTs'-and. .sia^ificfttion, Borular 'S'a.mjS.bf stat^S-and '•ities.'-AlibTeVl'it-iiOtis nsel in wi«ti«g; ana print iag Tables of the varions -lianguagea, Langu ges and Aipha-bets of the World Fa"Ss mjegu-rd to Slin; Tanies showing power, of. Mali. H.»rse, etc.. Statistics of Lieut. SotJ'i.d,. ele.. Pooutation of the Wo-lrJ Betrgions-of-ali-CountrieS' l-n.terest...rabl<»s. 4 "to 20.percent,. the Metric System. T.ango."2e. and T-,e3jieo-gra.phvr. <,ompl»Sion of the Huninri Race', the Ocean and much nt'ier yalu-ableahd, insfenic-r' .live matter. '-B,eme.mBer£hlsisl3ot'3 jrasbj ' •imported book, but is n\new.fresh'anid perfect Birtidnn-ry- printed from new type :on-'fine .pape". witb pew engravings, cph-jabilng over Ve%Tfi liuudrea pages, superbly bonnd In "fine cl.''th.-embossed'*fcSes. with !uU gilt back1 and Htle,: Every -st'nBeut,' fe^.oher,':ev>-ry laiaH,. ivomah'and- chBdneeiisibi's-mvaluable stand­ard wofJ?.... . ; . .-.. • •. . ,.-• " ' ...

Ba«'v>"iw l f ? * s r l Theabdye Blctio»afy. S a r i U m i a g , —the. best4. cbe->p.esi.,-

most valuable.twirtviesiraWe bdote ever.piilit^ e.l—is'seut prepaid as «. Free • Gift witjilotir lareeeiffht'pagelllu'.ttat-ed Bedger s izeFam;. ily P per for a whole year, and all foroniy 83 cents iri pos'age stamps.oash o» money-prder. -Neve-is the Time,.-. - ., , • . . =. ./ ..'.';. •

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.rbat w;e mean -s*bat.iye _ ^ __ say t ha-v f -50.0W Blctlon-.

ai'les-confMctid tori K i t our/paper is' worth. Si a y.ear1and Oief.iOLnarv contains a*much as. any <me snjd at §11 that.-you :c n.'bav6--boib'. b f return Biall.;'.<nd that .we.guarlatee satis- • •Jactbirii-n eyeryiase. . -. . •'.••'. ;-•-. -ry,_ i." f%„i. This offer, and" ecc'ose. 21 green." V/llr. U U h stamps If "oiaeltffutea, you •Can ha"e vour money back, elub ot Sye,-:^i-75j.'ten,'S5. .,. '. . j - • - . . . • , ' " . ' I- • •'• ,

THXNIC-Of a.700-page liBfeolumrtiCldth-gBt Dictionary, and * standard .family pa^er a l l ' fi'ee-for a p.altry-63 ceB,ts. Sead..u?.w.- - •-. . -;. -:.''

' .Address.. "Banner Publishing CO.. . •50 e,Yen-'eo5v-10t. ' -:Hinsdai-e.'N..H;,.


A. pseriess:ienl«a5r 1&r "Serbfula, "W/BJtei:g#«lfc' iigSyOancerj EryMpelaBifion^ Ghrobie Sores, Syphilis,; T'uto^rs»parbtiac^ MWlari%;.finioiis GfJmpiatats, atfd Sll iSeBSef -mdicRtingan±i^pfii«;eoridif ipnoftlieBlDpai Iiiver, Stoinach, ;KidxieS8, Bdyfpis-, Skltt;*AS Tnis Grand.Bsrkedy i s a.Cbmp.Onidof yege^*. -tabie'esltracts, the ohifitof vrhlclt.Aie.Sa^ft- :

- paraBa and.stiilingla;' 'Tlie,.-cures e|Eectexl By : e>Dyllrs'Bloeri.an'dBiy^'syrnp ^spl j i ta , arid ffieii- iecord^s undilsfigyrei bir'fidtlii»B.'-' Fofrsalelbyap drugg'isfe..; . '. '.:."." " "C "^2-•.-/

WiiaiQilDf^^di^ "When-fbe "Weary^beels Were- AXmoit ">i . Still,-';A'.Lnc-Sgr Acfeident Bey - • •" : ' . -•"-.-' :yeal"stbeBosl;Ei§'. -• - ; -. •."

."Twenty .fiveyears'*' - '.•"•'.' . '-'•;. • '•;'.-. • .'-'-• "W'batl -9. bad-eouabi'-wlta oeeastpn»l atr._ teeks^t -hBuiHvage^. lor -'Byeniy.-ay*' y««r*?-Wr>y,;maa',. it-s'a -«eroj- . a a t ±ber6'#:a d«^*n, ,;: •pou-nas lefr..of;j--ou'"."- •-•>•,•' ii-.'.-•• v - '*,-•''-• Abrafiahi'0rn*r/iftIisbspirer.Baypb.mfikJ.i . Pa.- ifc-ticife: to Ms tatemenC aiid trtjeiJ..14(l..'. exc1amaVtwri".o^-.w'ondeir-qeaeed;he.adSeds•• •: -.-:-.",-' JtEia".fiyi.: "You'reright.- Itfe-a,:m«>'cy,.Bn;fr;,. the faeat*»t,merov'ofatV.iS.fiat.-.beror&raltt-.-'•'; 'uan'y; cougb>d "tavselS.o'ut -bf e^iR'tenftevl-gc* .; -. bold'of Parker'sGibgerToniOi.ind a.few bot-., ?:, tl'eyof'ltcur-.a.'ne..",. .-.-., ; ' .• . . ' . ;- . ' . - ' • . • ' . '

•-Cnrfed ybu5'S»Ueyedy<>n:-you.meaii?" . . "T mean what T say; i t cured me,"-said Mr»;-

Orn'pr'iimply. "T-feel llkea"n0thi?i'ma!ri.?'^ - .-., Please-fafe"- esp<wlaaiuoticejiPgrker's Ginger' •" -

Tonfr Is not a mpre .essenisp of ginger-;. not * - • *-ere stomacbio '• The ordinary preparation.B -.---of stnije-^re"beneficial-' for transient Abbes, butaStbat..p>ljr!;-aieir -yaltre^nds,. Par*ef» . GtesprTonieco-v^rsa far. w-ldfe' .abd.totsH* diffei'6'nt-fleld.. I t * i t an*saAdd i s s ipa t e*^" ': Jcafa.Tid'ijbroriie dis'eftseij. of tbeI.n.ps5S,3Cif-T -..; ii*=ys I j ver a-trd jOrerv^s-. I t is .as de'iolttus t o , th"naJatflas-itis-.tftompfa-nd eff:(511*8-10op*.--.; wataon\ Gins:ir'= .'is QAlf 'Stie^atnoi'* maby . -poiy-'-TfUl curatives whicb.*^ftTrti«c-;hold« m -.;, combination. T^st i ts , virmefor tba,' conght .. of y o n ^ o r fornn^-of tb'S-Bls "ivbtob.req.qlr8-" aain-vliiorani'fot-tBeiWib.oVrsv^temV: -.. -. :• - .-". -' AfidahftTa'afl-.'d1i.notip-=i',riityOur?eirtob.e . -nliwfBd- Parser's-Ging«r Tonic staeds »io.a«».' N-stbiiia;''-pK<'- Is" "'fast the samg." o r "Just *»; : ' • gb^d.'' Pr!'eeS-'59.eenl#and ?l. .-E bnbmyin , ; biiving the large*" Size.:. 3Eascpx=* Cb.i.NeW' Y o r k ; . - ' - >:'=•".• i;"-'•". ' - . ' ; - • " . ? ''•'•;'--

GteMpyftfiffpr ftetieMMelws miff*

-PiSSA-©i'ftjta'-Sfi'.Sfegn>&»rit -.r.a*B*0OJl > • • 1 * ^ 9 - m.fm 6* case;.eleganttyBnlsb;*« 3isti'IbgS, E1-3 ;'0.cfcaVo's; fall patent cancanto agfafl^s, bur-.nwsr patent o-'erstr«ng. icaW, beantlfuldarveditegs ab'd'lyre.'heayy'Rerpen>". '.Hue '-andr-large fancy moutdtng, futt Iron-ii'atn'e,.'FrefiBb Grand Aotiota:.GTaixdHam*, mers.'infact,-every ffaprbvement. wbioh^can-. -in any; was- • tend -to. tbe perfection oftbie 4n--str.ument;iias-be'enad<ied-.-:K .;- ':" ' ." '- ' ' j , ' • «^0dt".price for this instruTtenfi boxed anol

.fiellvsTed on bostrd'.cats-atvBrewYoik. w i t b • iffne-pi3nb-Obyer,.stoolabdbooKoniy:i*<M,K' .Just reduced frotft'ourlatewboiesate, i p a ? * ' ' factory- price, -8292;; for 60 davsoulj;. TWis !»:• jibw.bVfar;-ttte" greatest -bargain mex'oWm^ tbe musicalpbft'tic TJnipreeedented -snecesiit; ^XVeinenaonsdcbiandrfor the styled Sendin, -yojaf oidera.tbn"ce. Bonbtlosefibis rarepbr • p O r t u E d t y . •-••". :-. • ' • - " " . " '•'•.•' '.'. '-•':'.' .

-This.Plano-willbe^etit^on lo'daSstest^triaK Plesse'send referent^ if y b u d b n b ^ e n d nion-: ey .with b'd"!. .6a«h.sent * i t b .ordeirwlllbo reiundedTand freigbt' cbargespaidby .Us botfi -wayS-lf Piabb iS-TiotrJus't a«:i'ep.resentea..Sey:-r.; era! other speciat bargains^; Pianos^ljSi) n p . ;Qvbr ioOOO in -use, and ii<it one dissatisfied:: purchaser.'^- B'on't faii'to.*tlte: usbefbre^biiy-ibg; Biandsome UlustralBd. Piano: eatalbgue -fnalledttee, .giving 4b.e bigbest testimonial*-; •e'verawardedanypianb.'mabdraetuxer^yeiy-piaijo-fdMy warranted for 5"years." ;. . - '•;.• ' Sfieetmrisicut onertblrd price,' -OateTolrue'. of $.000 efiolee" pieces of populax .mnslc#en •; forSostaibn,-•'-. ••. -'•;- .;•'•- ; . . . „ . : • •- ' - .- Ml3S3a>EBSSOB?HPXA?S"0 GOi> ;. • - -. •, • . ' • - ' • . ' "Wew-YorXclfy..:

P . 0;'Bo5:m5S..' .;ly...6rS"'82.'.1550-.l;br«J5>i"'

. . % . ... . -"Wrecked b'y-bi ir ttttiempeTed Anibltion-^

..-. " A Bigbthouse on tbeSbbals. " -.;. •

da a;nv.t_„„, _ . ,-. - . . . —but who .Bint wrheil ambition and .the. chance-of' jhaking,mon*y spurs him.,bn? J . onlv. bobe I siuiU get.-weltenpugbto^lgest another square b.t*:rt some time m t t o t i t axe-. -betBon.in.my:'sLf>machV'- : .• . ; ' . ' . ..-- ., -.-.."

The'speakerwvLS oieof tBe-best.fcnoWn.oly?!" 11 engineers,.and .minibg^Sp^rts-in tbisiooutt'r, . try , 'b'ardyby na&u'eaK&buffalq, hut broken down by-fiard s tudy-an* the- mexb'i.esslaah:^ : liig a-im-inlsteted tb-Ms- minrl imS body-by bl«: ownikand.-iinriBsr .tb.e.earB r p-ir tbfniseai •: "xeer." •Ata/tv.he.lspi'e-n'iitttireiygnsy, ben t t n • form and disptrHKl'.- Dyspepsia-.dfd.dfeHByS.- ; peiisia,-(aie.sel£»infl>eted -curse-of.iiiB^.tneriT-..

Cbiinty -IS. Y.;;an-. bad s.ufJered.f)-bm dyspeb-;-sia.-f-»x -fate'en"years*.. .Tried-jeyerytbfiJg;- At : laSt-ia\'e'Parke)vfs Gmgex T^bicffi^iance to , sJioOTTvKn't if eonl*do for .nxe, I tbrovedIts . • abflify by curing, hie.- .1 reoommandlt l o a l l Wb'» are'sufferibg from ttols dieadfniaiseasft,^' Mr. G, a . eo.e'.aruggtxt; bf Ca*nial,.Sr, Y.,cer-tiftes'to t h e trptb of.'Mx; Watts'.'statettient.

Gloom, despbndency,. hbpeihassngs. disgg|; =wttb' all" labor. SlEFpiessniess.-bprriaS i U lai~, iender the bed-dme 'like the .bour'-bf ^iecu-f. tlori to a cxifflir&tstheseaifrsomebfBySpepsIa-. -foot-prints. Tfie-,0^sp»piie ktf>*s what Cot-;-.eridgeiVMaant-whebbesa'idt. "Kigbf is... my -bell:" PSrfi?ei''s GingeiTbtJiccui^sByspepstai nuri'fles t he Biooa.bisperses Sneurnatism.'and; 'aU.ebrbn'iiaiBneniis.. -Price, 59.blyitsand' St :abbtUe..:B:-isa-,'?.*• toWFeV.'.Ybrfc",.'.' .;.;Eefe

••*B:o'ito.;fi:!s.'Bi.it{5ry. n f s « y Ybtkst.itt.er'.His*' t - i r^ disfeyiftttiiil and, s'tntisttcsfittbd'citiw, towns; .virtages,'-industries,', and Snbimer' Resorts of the Stafe. Tvifb complete l ist of -post ojHeeS, .cbuniiesr con,ntv! tbwiiB, laKes,.; risers. rall*oad«^e*b.. 30a.:cd.rpec!t-.and'elega,n1i-iBustratio'ns; Ptint^dbtttoyjedpapaf;- Hie--saniryb-ia->d, Giltedges.- P'.'tee.*!.*. Sells"• fast! Everv N#W Yorker wabts-.lt -Favorable!;: termsi> ageh.es; :B:; iKbUbcfc, PdbUsber.;23; JesesSl,JSL%::- . '_'-:•;.•:;-.. ] r-'.,••->32^85-'-. •

• • - • : • . - ' ' " .Bealersjn . ••'••. FLCUR, „ '-. ' - "- - : - ""'"' .' r ' - - - • FORK,- : • . . - - . - . " .


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_ _ ._ _ a f l . 1:. .•'.) ft p s i u v o 1.-1 ft-, v : ;*"» r.'..,nT dlv-v • ' 'yl ta '

w a ilittusimda of cusus ^f ..... worst Jtl.iid tin., . ' long f ; ' .Q l ,m) lv f ic 'n , ' r l Jn '^••il.poetrtiotr^ ;m faltfi 1-. :™ erKiiev. tuat I willccr.d ' - . so .UOTT.Ll.^-ji'lclI.F.. to-t . on . . i lU-SALlABllSaWATiSiStiiMI-.tJ Utt'Mv.W uas-euHo-'??. .Olve-Expross and-K G. address. „

J B , i ' , 'A ) |T,DOriHjHiI'oa.rtS.t, ,H»wTor%

Relieved and cured by Dr J . A. Sherman's method, without regard to age" b r dp t s t ' oab t tfeo ; afflcHon' or the'i'ni«"rv''trnssecinflrct;6Vblndran'ce'fi'r4& Jaborbnd W.iths ctti4iy-i*.nasteaijir = en at-ion^'of wbich*'aecordin*to statistics,-hot less tb.an'atti;so.d-red'dWing.tlie-p-..-st y*iv. -1*0,. onf»'i«i«a&> wi'P.lwsa mo'tnreand depends ujion atruss^rbotb •><»•»»to,slca,t.ar;d mtaf'W.taxi -br l""on kWin-y. b'add i-.n-iwi other organlc.yipeafies. wbi»>liafE><}' geb;fal" bea-lt'J Uft>»« tlma ape-Tr 'ahnt' IsesldPsK&c'iug.manhoodtlad^ ' . •

Pa* !i>r>"ti<. from ant"*"* canreoeive.treatrnent«hd leftve-forbotne-Siambday.--- ..-Dv,-.Sberraa,tt*»' book, with pbotoffrapbio likeness of badeases bef.«? a n 4 stfte*! care, and :indpr«e:^a.>ut*3»i: . PhTsiclans Merobant', Far-mersand others .who bity« been ^aredibiaBe'ifftfiO'?, PHtrcip*!-offl'ce. .Si Bradwav, N. Y.« 'lays of .eousultationr.:each, veeekv Hobdays, laesdays ttdd. papas' -. aass, • Braftou office, « : M » « si., Boat«uii«yp!anB(irlfty)i Tb,iif«aayg> JlrWW*." • "• 3^38 • .

& & • • • • ' •
