GYF13 Acad AR Globlised Fulture v1.0 June23 YS

Globalized Future Key Learning Points By the end of this section, delegates should:  Understand what is a globalised future  Understand what “Global Village” and “Global theatre” are and their relationship   Understand the concept of “Regionalism”   Understand the progression from regionalism to globalization  Understand the debate as a result of conflicting regionalism and globalization views A Globalised future:  A globalise d future, in other w ords, re fers to a future impa cted by globaliz ation. In t his segment, we will be focusing on the term “Global village”, coined by a great man, Marshall McLuhan. The concepts behind these simple terms can lead up to numerous heated arguments and debates, and that will be something we are going to explore. Global Village Global Village is a term closely associated with Marshall McLuhan, popularized in his books The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) and Understanding Media (1964). McLuhan described how the globe has been contracted into a village by electric technology and the instantaneous movement of information from every quarter to every point at the same time. In bringing all social and political functions together in a sudden implosion, electric speed heightened human awareness of responsibility to an intense degree.   An intere sting poi nt to note would be that Marshall McLuhan had pred icted the Internet as an "extension of consciousness" in The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man 30 years before its commercialization. Today, the term "Global Village" can be used to describe the Internet and World Wide Web. On the Internet, physical distance is even less of a hindrance to the real-time

Transcript of GYF13 Acad AR Globlised Fulture v1.0 June23 YS

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communicative activities of people, and therefore social spheres are greatly expanded by

the openness of the web and the ease at which people can search for online communities

and interact with others who share the same interests and concerns.

Therefore, this technology fosters the idea of a conglomerate yet unified global

community. According to McLuhan, the enhanced "electric speed in bringing all social and

political functions together in a sudden implosion has heightened human awareness of

responsibility to an intense degree." Increased speed of communication and the ability of

people to read, spread, and react to global news quickly, forces us to become more

involved with one another from various social groups and countries around the world and

to be more aware of our global responsibilities. Similarly, web-connected computers enable

people to link their web sites together. This new reality has implications for forming new

sociological structures within the context of culture.

From Global Village to Global Theatre

 After the publication of Understanding Media, McLuhan starts to use the term Global Thea-

ter to emphasise the changeover from consumer to producer, from acquisition to involve-

ment, from job holding to role playing, stressing that there is no more community to clothethe naked specialist.

No chapter in Understanding Media or any of the later books contains the idea that the

Global Village and the electronic media create unified communities. In fact, in an interview

with Gerald Stearn, McLuhan says that it never occurred to him that uniformity and tran-

quillity were the properties of the Global Village. McLuhan argued that the Global Village

ensures maximal disagreement on all points because it creates more discontinuity and di-

vision and diversity under the increase of the village conditions. The Global Village, in hiswords, is far more diverse.

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In international relations, regionalism is the expression of a common sense of identity and

purpose combined with the creation and implementation of institutions that express a par-

ticular identity and shape collective action within a geographical region. Regionalism is one

of the three constituents of the international commercial system (along with multilateral-

ism and unilateralism).

The first coherent regional initiatives began in the 1950s and 1960, but they accomplished

little, except in Western Europe with the establishment of the European Community. Some

analysts call these initiatives "old regionalism".In the late 1980s, a new bout of regional in-

tegration (also called "new regionalism") began and continues still . A new wave of political

initiatives prompting regional integration took place worldwide during the last two decades.

Regional and bilateral trade deals have also mushroomed after the failure of the Doha

round .

The European Union can be classified as a result of regionalism. The idea that lies behind

this increased regional identity is that as a region becomes more economically integrated,

it will necessarily become politically integrated as well. The European example is especial-

ly valid in this light, as the European Union as a political body grew out of more than 40

years of economic integration within Europe. The precursor to the EU, the European Eco-

nomic Community (EEC) was entirely an economic entity.

Regionalism and Globalization

Globalism can be defined as programmatic globalization, the vision of a borderless world. I

see globalization as a qualitatively new phenomenon. If globalization implies a tendency

towards a global social system, its origins may be traced far back in history, but one could

also argue that the process reached a new stage in the post-Second World War era. The

subjective sense of geographical distance is dramatically changed, some even speak of

"the end of geography". Also in ecological terms the world is experienced as one. Econom-

ic interdependence was made possible by the political stability of the American world order,

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which lasted from the end of the Second World War until the late '60s or early '70s. Basi-

cally, globalization indicates a qualitative deepening of the internationalization process,

strengthening the functional and weakening the territorial dimension of development.

Globalism thus implies the growth of a world market, increasingly penetrating and dominat-

ing the "national" economies, which in the process are bound to lose some of their "nation-

ness". This means dominance of the world market over structures of local production, as

well as the increasing prevalence of Western-type consumerism. From this, there may

emerge a political will to halt or to reverse the process of globalization, in order to safe-

guard some degree of territorial control and cultural diversity. One way of achieving such a

change could be through the New Regionalism.

The two processes of globalization and regionalization are articulated within the same

larger process of global structural transformation, the outcome of which depends on a dia-

lectical rather than linear development. It can therefore not be readily extrapolated or easily

foreseen. But rather it expresses the relative strength of contending social forces involved

in the two processes. They deeply affect the stability of the Westphalian state system; and

therefore they at the same time contribute to both disorder and, possibly, a future world or-


There is an intricate relationship between regionalization and globalization. Compared to

"regionalism", with an impressive theoretical tradition behind it, "globalism" is a more re-

cent concept in social science. Whether its consequences are seen as catastrophic or as

the ultimate unification of the world, the concept of globalization is often used in a rather

loose and ideological sense.

Regionalism vs. Globalization

So the question right now is, does regionalism challenge globalization, or does it build up-

on globalization?

 As retrieved from the paper, Is regionalism a stumbling block or a stepping stone in the

 process of globalisation by Mr Rudi Guraziu, “Since the end of the Cold War, there has

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been a resurgence of regionalism across the globe. The number and salience of Regional

Trade Agreements (RTAs) have grown significantly. As of July 2007, 380 RTAs have been

notified to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Of these 205 RTAs were in force at that

same date. The process of regionalism „appears irreversible, no longer to be dismissed by

critics as a mere fad‟. 

However, this trend has raised controversial issues such as whether regionalism is

becoming a stumbling block or a stepping-stone toward the processes of globalisation.

Some see regionalist projects as an obstacle to economic globalisation -- others as a way

toward multilateralism. Hettne argues that new regionalism „cannot simply be a “stepping 

stone” in a linear process, but this does not necessarily mean that it constitutes a  

“stumbling block” either‟” 

There are many ends to this same spectrum, so it really depends on how you view the dif-

ferent concepts.