Gwella/Building Capacity Wales Glyndwr University Robert Stockton, Head of IT Services Clive...

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Gwella/Building Capacity Wales Glyndwr University Robert Stockton, Head of IT Services Clive Buckley, Principal Lecturer Health & Medical Sciences 1 Slide 2 Gwella and Building Capacity complemented each other at Glyndwr VLE Migration Use of TEL Gwella, Building Capacity and the Future 2 Slide 3 Glyndwr University-Enhancement Project Decided to migrated VLE from BB to Moodle Process brought several organisational issues to front Staff development requirements VLE structure and organisation Level of take up of technology across the University The VLE project acted as catalyst to improve many areas of our working including Content standards and layout Team work, bringing together academics Awareness of Technology available Formation of a Moodle champions group Slide 4 New Learning and Teaching Strategy, Enhanced Future Staff development Building Capacity Wales Gwella 4 Slide 5 Gwella Outputs Benefits being seen Improved structure Integration with new tools SMS txt, Mahara e-portfolios, Turnitin Plagiarism tools Content standards and layout Greater collaboration Integrated Intranet and VLE providing students with a central portal Addressing areas of weakness through staff development Created a Learning Technologies Team to assist staff development Greater awareness technology enhanced learning at the top 5 Slide 6 Lessons Learnt It takes time to win hearts and minds and to affect a culture shift in working practices. Staff development works best when it is mandatory or necessary. For example, in 2010 over 70% of academic staff received Moodle training as it was a necessity due to the migration from Blackboard. Uptake for the more general technology enhanced learning has not been as well attended due to the fact it was not necessary. However, if you can demonstrate the possibilities and advantages that TEL can bring to staff, then it is easier to bring about change Catherine Wasiuk, VLE technologist Glyndwr University 6 Slide 7 Understand your Carrots and Sticks +Use a little Crises Moodle migration Staff engagement level 97% attended training Need to find the new Carrots/Sticks Engineer Crises points 7 Slide 8 Technology enhanced Learning Current projects Electronic submission of assignments Feedback (Audio and Video) Moodle Online demos (quick video how to do) Staff Development (making it happen) 8 Slide 9 Building Capacity Wales Provided some time to see what is available and a modest resource to take some actions Key areas of work Communication and collaboration tools E-assessment and e-portfolios Using Audio for feedback Adobe Connect Web 2.0 Digital Literacies Plagiarism (Turnitin working group setup ) 9 Slide 10 Building Capacity 10 Slide 11 BCW Outputs A range of toolkits, studies and findings An appreciation of the range and depth of JISC outputs Use of Video and Audio for feedback Guides Guidance on use of Web 2.0 E-assessment techniques A new hill to climb, but maybe with a better path 11 Slide 12 Top down or Bottom up 12 Get the big fish to lead? Get the small fish to take lots of bites? We needed both Slide 13 Going forward Key messages for the sector Targeted resources are required A platform shift can stimulate a new way of thinking and open new opportunities to motivate staff Driving through one project with many benefits is easier to sell than many small projects with intangible benefits Think strategy Re-thinking products in use can free up revenue to assist new developments Staff development and awareness are key, dont drop the training budget. Producing documents is not enough. 13 Slide 14 The next continuing steps Revised Learning and Teaching Strategy due November 2011. Continuing with TEL Developing culture of CPD/Engaging Staff Proving the advantages of TEL to win hearts and minds Ensuring developments have value for Students and the business. Learning and Teaching Strategy Efficiencies in the workplace + Value are key. 14 Slide 15 End and Questions 15