GV guideline for IDG and Trainee


Transcript of GV guideline for IDG and Trainee

General Information

PlaceCalligraphy Greenway, Taichung City

DateFebruary 4th, 2015

PeopleLocal delegates of wNCFInternational Delegates of wNCFTrainee in TaiwanTaichung citizens

What is Kadashide?

It means “work hard” in Taiwanese, and contains the spirit that we achieve our

dreams step by step.

By this GV, we present several kinds of dream and offer an opportunity to experience the joy of chasing it. At the same

time, we wish that everyone should not forget their own dreams and never give up.

AgendaTime Content Description

13:00-13:30 Opening Explain the rules of Dream competition and illustrate the sprit of chasing dream by playing video.

13:30-15:30 Dream competition

Each team will represent a dream, introduce a achiever of it and design related games to interact with participants.For trainees and returnees, each team will represent their countries or which they visited during GCDP program. Every teams need to introduce the country and design related games as well.

15:30-16:30 Closing Team which earn the most point will be the winner and win the opportunity to release balloons in the end

Dream CompetitionEach team can earn points by break through the barrier activities and stand decoration. Team which win the most points can get the right to release balloons as symbol of achieving their dreams

Stand Decoration

• Each team represent a country and need to decorate the stand based on the country

• OC team and MC team will score stands by decoration and design and give points according to the rank

Break Through The Barrier

• AIESECer will be separated by their hometown and prepare a game which relates to a dream. Everyone will have a dream bank book to store points they get when passing barriers.

• Returnees will be separate by countries they exchange

• Trainees will be separate by their nationalities


A. Country based themeB. Come up with stand

name by country, culture or game content

C. Flag (painted, printed or a real one)

D. A country symbol as stand LOGO

Prepare a game which is related to the country

Use ppt or video with brief talk to introduce country

A. International position: influence of economy and politic to the world and important development trend

B. Population and industryC. Culture: food, music,

festival, costume, building and so on

Stand Decoration Dream Fair Dream Competition


To register for the tour, please visit this link and submit your application.


AttentionThe registration is due on Jan. 10th 23:59


Christine [email protected]

Mia [email protected]

Feel free to contact us if you have any concern