Gut · towards normal gut microbial flora, leading to an uncontrolled immune response to one or a...

Characterisation of mucosal lymphoid aggregates in ulcerative colitis: immune cell phenotype and TcR-ª expression M M-W Yeung, S Melgar, V Baranov, Å Öberg, Å Danielsson, S Hammarström, M-L Hammarström Abstract Background and aims—A histopatho- logical feature considered indicative of ulcerative colitis (UC) is the so-called basal lymphoid aggregates. Their rele- vance in the pathogenesis of UC is, however, unknown. We have performed a comprehensive analysis of the immune cells in these aggregates most likely corre- sponding to the lymphoid follicular hyper- plasia also described in other colitides. Methods—Resection specimens of UC and normal colon were analysed by immu- nomorphometry, immunoflow cytometry, and immunoelectron microscopy, using a large panel of monoclonal antibodies. Results—(1) In all cases of UC, colonic lamina propria contained numerous basal aggregates composed of lymphocytes, fol- licular dendritic cells, and CD80/B7.1 positive dendritic cells. (2) CD4 + CD28 - Æ T cells and B cells were the dominant cell types in the aggregates. (3) The aggregates contained a large fraction of cells that are normally associated with the epithelium: that is, ª T cells (11 (7)%) and Æ E 7 + cells (26 (13)%). The ª T cells used V1 and were CD4 - CD8 - . Immunoelectron micro- scopy analysis demonstrated TcR-ª in- ternalisation and surface downregulation, indicating that the ª T cells were acti- vated and engaged in the disease process. (4) One third of cells in the aggregates expressed the antiapoptotic protein bcl-2. Conclusions—Basal lymphoid aggregates in UC colon are a consequence of anoma- lous lymphoid follicular hyperplasia, characterised by abnormal follicular ar- chitecture and unusual cell immunophe- notypes. The aggregates increase in size with severity of disease, and contain large numbers of apoptosis resistant cells and activated mucosal ª T cells. The latter probably colonise the aggregates as an immunoregulatory response to stressed lymphocytes or as a substitute for defec- tive T helper cells in B cell activation. ª T cells in the aggregates may be characteris- tic of UC. (Gut 2000;47:215–227) Keywords: basal lymphoid aggregates; ulcerative colitis; T cell receptor ª; immunomorphology Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a large intestine restricted, chronic inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology and pathogenesis. How- ever, there are indications that immune mecha- nisms play an important role in the patho- genesis of the disease, for example immunosuppressive drugs have therapeutic eVects. 1–3 It has been suggested that UC is caused by failure to maintain homeostasis towards normal gut microbial flora, leading to an uncontrolled immune response to one or a few normally occurring gut constituents. 45 The inflammation may be perpetuated by an autoimmune response against colonic antigens initiated by cross reactive luminal antigens. Indeed, in 1959 it was shown that autoantibod- ies directed against colonic components were present in the serum of UC patients. 6 Later, immunological cross reactivity between certain microbial antigens and colonic tissue antigens was demonstrated using UC patient sera. 7 Recently, Duchmann and colleagues 8 demon- strated that tolerance exists towards resident intestinal flora but is broken in active inflam- matory bowel disease (IBD). Moreover, it was shown that autoantibodies of immunoglobulin G (IgG) directed against intracellular compo- nents of epithelial cells, 9 10 antineutrophil cyto- plasmic antibodies, 11 as well as antibodies directed against intestinal bacteria 12 are pro- duced in the colonic tissue of UC patients. Halstensen and colleagues 13 noted deposition of IgG1 and complement factors on the apical surface of epithelial cells in areas of UC colon with active disease. A role for T lymphocytes in IBD became apparent through work with genetically ma- nipulated mice. T cell receptor Æ (TcR-Æ) chain and TcR- chain deficient mice lacking the majority of mature Æ T cells develop an IBD-like disease. 14 Similarly, mice with aber- rant thymus selection processes (for example, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II gene deficient mice 14 and transgenic mice with human cluster of diVerentiation 3 (CD3) chain transplanted with normal F1 bone marrow cells 15 ) also develop IBD-like symptoms. Disruption of certain cytokine genes, such as interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-10, and occasionally transforming growth factor , 16–18 as well as of the signal protein G subunit Abbreviations used in this paper: UC, ulcerative colitis; Ig, immunoglobulin; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; TcR, T cell receptor; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; IL, interleukin; mAb, monoclonal antibody; PBS, phosphate buVered saline; BSA, bovine serum albumin; FDC, follicular dendritic cells; IEL, intraepithelial lymphocytes; LPL, lamina propria leucocytes. Gut 2000;47:215–227 215 Department of Immunology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden M M-W Yeung S Melgar V Baranov S Hammarström M-L Hammarström Department of Surgery, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden Å Öberg Department of Medicine, Section for Gastroenterology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden Å Danielsson N N-W Yeung and S Melgar contributed equally. Correspondence to: Dr M-L Hammarström, Department of Immunology, Umeå University, S-901 85 Umeå, Sweden. Email: Marie-Louise.Hammarstrom@ Accepted for publication 8 February 2000 on 3 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright. Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.47.2.215 on 1 August 2000. Downloaded from

Transcript of Gut · towards normal gut microbial flora, leading to an uncontrolled immune response to one or a...

Characterisation of mucosal lymphoid aggregatesin ulcerative colitis: immune cell phenotype andTcR-ãä expression

M M-W Yeung, S Melgar, V Baranov, Å Öberg, Å Danielsson, S Hammarström,M-L Hammarström

AbstractBackground and aims—A histopatho-logical feature considered indicative ofulcerative colitis (UC) is the so-calledbasal lymphoid aggregates. Their rele-vance in the pathogenesis of UC is,however, unknown. We have performed acomprehensive analysis of the immunecells in these aggregates most likely corre-sponding to the lymphoid follicular hyper-plasia also described in other colitides.Methods—Resection specimens of UC andnormal colon were analysed by immu-nomorphometry, immunoflow cytometry,and immunoelectron microscopy, using alarge panel of monoclonal antibodies.Results—(1) In all cases of UC, coloniclamina propria contained numerous basalaggregates composed of lymphocytes, fol-licular dendritic cells, and CD80/B7.1positive dendritic cells. (2) CD4+CD28− áâT cells and B cells were the dominant celltypes in the aggregates. (3) The aggregatescontained a large fraction of cells that arenormally associated with the epithelium:that is, ãä T cells (11 (7)%) and áEâ7

+ cells(26 (13)%). The ãä T cells used Vä1 andwere CD4−CD8−. Immunoelectron micro-scopy analysis demonstrated TcR-ãä in-ternalisation and surface downregulation,indicating that the ãä T cells were acti-vated and engaged in the disease process.(4) One third of cells in the aggregatesexpressed the antiapoptotic protein bcl-2.Conclusions—Basal lymphoid aggregatesin UC colon are a consequence of anoma-lous lymphoid follicular hyperplasia,characterised by abnormal follicular ar-chitecture and unusual cell immunophe-notypes. The aggregates increase in sizewith severity of disease, and contain largenumbers of apoptosis resistant cells andactivated mucosal ãä T cells. The latterprobably colonise the aggregates as animmunoregulatory response to stressedlymphocytes or as a substitute for defec-tive T helper cells in B cell activation. ãä Tcells in the aggregates may be characteris-tic of UC.(Gut 2000;47:215–227)

Keywords: basal lymphoid aggregates; ulcerativecolitis; T cell receptor ãä; immunomorphology

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a large intestinerestricted, chronic inflammatory disease of

unknown aetiology and pathogenesis. How-ever, there are indications that immune mecha-nisms play an important role in the patho-genesis of the disease, for exampleimmunosuppressive drugs have therapeuticeVects.1–3 It has been suggested that UC iscaused by failure to maintain homeostasistowards normal gut microbial flora, leading toan uncontrolled immune response to one or afew normally occurring gut constituents.4 5 Theinflammation may be perpetuated by anautoimmune response against colonic antigensinitiated by cross reactive luminal antigens.Indeed, in 1959 it was shown that autoantibod-ies directed against colonic components werepresent in the serum of UC patients.6 Later,immunological cross reactivity between certainmicrobial antigens and colonic tissue antigenswas demonstrated using UC patient sera.7

Recently, Duchmann and colleagues8 demon-strated that tolerance exists towards residentintestinal flora but is broken in active inflam-matory bowel disease (IBD). Moreover, it wasshown that autoantibodies of immunoglobulinG (IgG) directed against intracellular compo-nents of epithelial cells,9 10 antineutrophil cyto-plasmic antibodies,11 as well as antibodiesdirected against intestinal bacteria12 are pro-duced in the colonic tissue of UC patients.Halstensen and colleagues13 noted depositionof IgG1 and complement factors on the apicalsurface of epithelial cells in areas of UC colonwith active disease.

A role for T lymphocytes in IBD becameapparent through work with genetically ma-nipulated mice. T cell receptor á (TcR-á)chain and TcR-â chain deficient mice lackingthe majority of mature áâ T cells develop anIBD-like disease.14 Similarly, mice with aber-rant thymus selection processes (for example,major histocompatibility complex (MHC)class II gene deficient mice14 and transgenicmice with human cluster of diVerentiation 3(CD3) å chain transplanted with normal F1bone marrow cells15) also develop IBD-likesymptoms. Disruption of certain cytokinegenes, such as interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-10, andoccasionally transforming growth factor â,16–18

as well as of the signal protein G subunit

Abbreviations used in this paper: UC, ulcerativecolitis; Ig, immunoglobulin; IBD, inflammatory boweldisease; TcR, T cell receptor; MHC, majorhistocompatibility complex; IL, interleukin; mAb,monoclonal antibody; PBS, phosphate buVered saline;BSA, bovine serum albumin; FDC, follicular dendriticcells; IEL, intraepithelial lymphocytes; LPL, laminapropria leucocytes.

Gut 2000;47:215–227 215

Department ofImmunology, UmeåUniversity, Umeå,SwedenM M-W YeungS MelgarV BaranovS HammarströmM-L Hammarström

Department ofSurgery, UmeåUniversity, Umeå,SwedenÅ Öberg

Department ofMedicine, Section forGastroenterology,Umeå University,Umeå, SwedenÅ Danielsson

N N-W Yeung and S Melgarcontributed equally.

Correspondence to:Dr M-L Hammarström,Department of Immunology,Umeå University, S-901 85Umeå, Sweden. Email:[email protected].

Accepted for publication8 February 2000

on 3 February 2019 by guest. P

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ugust 2000. Dow

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Gái2,19 also causes inflammation of the gut. Inall of these animal models T cell dependentregulatory systems are disrupted. The diseasein IL-2 deficient mice was limited to the colonand in this respect resembled human UC. Mostinterestingly, IL-2 deficient mice did notdevelop colonic inflammation when kept undergerm free conditions.16 Thus failure to main-tain homeostasis with the gut flora due to mal-functioning T cells is an important componentfor onset of disease in these mice.

Therapeutic eVects are achieved in cortico-steroid resistant UC patients by cyclosporin, adrug considered to act selectively on T helperfunction,3 suggesting that T cells also contrib-ute to the disease process in UC in humans.

Previous reports, based on colonic biopsies,have described several histopathological fea-tures highly characteristic of IBD, particularlyUC and Crohn’s disease.20–22 One of these fea-tures is the so-called basal lymphoid aggregateswhich represent large confluent nodular clus-ters of lymphocytes located between the basesof the crypts and the submucosa. These struc-tures were suggested to be significant discrimi-nators of UC.20–22 It seems likely that the aggre-gates histologically correspond to lymphoidfollicular hyperplasia described originally inulcerative proctitis and later in a variety ofinflammatory colitides such as diversion colitis,lymphoid follicular proctitis, Crohn’s colitis,diverticulitis, and adjacent to colon cancer.23

We argued that analysis of the immune cells inthe aggregates in UC might shed light on thepathogenesis of the disease and perhaps alsoprovide useful information that may help in thediVerential diagnosis of IBD in the future.

Surprisingly, there are no previous studiesdescribing the immune cells in the basallymphoid aggregates of UC patients using wellcharacterised monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)directed against leucocyte and activation mark-ers. Hence we performed an in depth analysisof the distribution and frequency of leucocytepopulations and lymphocyte subpopulations inthe aggregates of resected colonic samples fromUC patients in comparison with normalmucosal lymphoid follicles of colon frompatients with no history of IBD.


Sigmoid colon specimens were obtained frompatients undergoing bowel resection for UC(n=15; three analysed only by flow cytometry).Table 1 gives the clinical characteristics of theUC patients. Control samples were obtainedfrom 10 male and five female patients aged58–81 years (median 69) with colon cancer(n=12), severe constipation (n=1), diverticulo-sis (n=1), and rectal prolapse (n=1). Intestinalcontrol samples were taken distant to any mac-roscopically detectable lesion. All patientsreceived a single intravenous dose of antibioticstwo hours before surgery. None of the controlpatients was or had been subjected to radio-therapy or chemotherapy, longstanding anti-biotic medication, or steroid treatment.


Characteristics of mAbs used are listed intable 2.



Lamina propria leucocytes (LPL) were isolatedusing the following procedure: firstly, intraepi-thelial lymphocytes (IEL) were removed ac-cording to a procedure established previouslyfor isolation of IEL from normal intestine.24

LPL were obtained from IEL depleted tissuepieces by treatment with 72.5 U/ml ofcollagenase type IV (Worthington, Freehold,New Jersey, USA) in neat, heat inactivatedhuman AB+ serum with vigorous shaking at37°C for 30 minutes followed by passagethrough a stainless steel sieve. Cells were there-after suspended in 66.7% Percoll (Pharmacia,Uppsala, Sweden), overlaid with a gradient of50%, 44%, and 20% Percoll and Tris buVeredHank’s balanced salt solution and centrifuged.Leucocytes were enriched in the interfacesbetween 66.7% and 50% Percoll (high densityleucocytes) and between 50% and 44% Percoll(low density leucocytes). Contaminating epi-thelial cells were removed by incubation withgoat antimouse IgG coupled magnetic beads(Dynabeads M-450, Dynal, Norway) chargedwith mAb BerEP4 followed by separation witha magnet. High density leucocytes constituted

Table 1 Clinical data of ulcerative colitis patients in the study

Patient ID Sex Age (y)Duration ofdisease (y) Extent of disease Treatment during 4 weeks prior to colectomy

Severely diseased colonic tissueUC 50 M 65 24 Total colitis NoneUC64 M 31 18 Total colitis Prednisolone 20 mg daily, metronidazole 800 mg dailyUC 68 M 30 2 Total colitis Prednisolone 20 mg daily, 5-ASAUC 69 F 45 0.2 Total colitis Prednisolone 30 mg daily, 5-ASAUC 72 M 22 1.5 Total colitis Prednisolone iv, azathioprin 100 mg dailyUC 83 F 27 0.3 Total colitis Prednisolone ivUC94 F 40 5 Total colitis Prednisolone 10 mg dailyUC105 F 19 7 Total colitis Prednisolone 20 mg daily, azathioprin 100 mg daily, 5-ASAUC117 M 32 18 Total colitis Prednisolone 40 mg daily, 5-ASAUC143 M 81 8 Total colitis Prednisolone 40 mg daily, 5-ASAUC152 M 38 0.5 Left sided colitis Prednisolone 20 mg daily, azathioprin 100 mg daily, 5-ASAModerately diseased colonic tissueUC 55 F 30 4 Total colitis NoneUC 82 M 27 5 Severe left sided colitis Prednisolone 15 mg daily, 5-ASAUC86 M 29 2.8 Total colitis Prednisolone ivUC89 F 21 7 Total colitis Prednisolone 15 mg daily, azathioprin 100 mg daily

M, male; F, female.

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68 (10)% of all CD45+ cells in the preparationsand low density leucocytes 32 (10)% (n=4).High and low density leucocytes were analysedseparately by immunoflow cytometry. CD19/20/CD22+ cells and CD4+TcR-áâ+ cells consti-tuted the majority of cells in the low densityfraction while all lymphocyte subpopulationswere present in the high density fraction. Thecomposition of the total LPL was calculated onthe basis of cell yields and the proportion ofsurface marker expressing cells in both frac-tions. With the exception of fig 4, all resultsfrom the immunoflow cytometry analysis aregiven as calculated percentage of marker posi-tive cells in the total LPL preparation.


Single and two colour staining of isolated cellswere performed as described previously.25


Fresh tissue samples were rinsed with coldphosphate buVered saline (PBS), snap frozenin isopentane precooled in liquid nitrogen, andstored at −70°C. Thick cryosections (5–7 µm)were stained by one of the following fiveimmunohistochemical methods.

For immunoperoxidase staining of most sur-face markers the sections were fixed for fiveminutes in acetone at −20°C, air dried for 15minutes, and blocked for endogenous peroxi-dase activity by incubation in PBS (pH 7.2)containing 0.03% H2O2 and 2 mM NaN3 at

37°C for 60 minutes. Thereafter the sectionswere incubated with 0.2% bovine serum albu-min (BSA) in PBS, followed by incubation withmAb for 60 minutes at room temperature, andfinally were incubated with horseradish peroxi-dase conjugated F(ab')2 fragments of sheepantimouse Ig (Amersham, Buckinghamshire,UK) for 60 minutes at room temperature. Sec-tions were developed with 0.05% 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride and0.03% H2O2 in 0.05 M Tris HCl buVer (pH7.6) and counterstained with Mayer’s haema-toxylin or methyl green.

In accordance with our previous studies,unfixed tissue was used to make visible TcR-ãäcells.25 26 Immunoperoxidase staining of ãä Tcells was performed on unfixed sectionsfollowed by blocking with PBS containing0.2% BSA. Cells were then incubated withmAb, diluted in PBS containing 0.05% sa-ponin for 60 minutes at room temperature,washed and fixed for 10 minutes in 1%paraformaldehyde at room temperature.Thereafter the sections were blocked forendogenous peroxidase activity, incubated withantimouse Ig conjugate, and developed asdescribed above.

For immunoperoxidase staining of immu-noglobulin isotypes, sections were fixed for 30seconds in acetone at −20°C, incubated withPBS containing 0.2% BSA and 0.0005%saponin, washed and incubated with mAb in

Table 2 Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) used in this study

Marker mAb/clone Isotype Main reactivity Source

TcR-áâ âF1/8A3 IgG1 Monomorphic determinant of the â chain of TcR-áâ T cell Diagnostics, Cambridge, MA, USATcR-áâ áF1/3A8 IgG2a Monomorphic determinant of the á chain of TcR-áâ T cell DiagnosticsTcR-áâ BMA031 IgG2b Monomorphic determinant on the TcR-áâ complex T cell DiagnosticsTcR-ãä TCRä1/5.A6.E9 IgG1 Monomorphic determinant of the ä chain of TcR-ãä T cell DiagnosticsTcR-ãä Immu510 IgG1 Monomorphic determinant of the ä chain of TcR-ãä Immunotech, Marseilles, FranceTcR-ãä äTCS1/TS-1 IgG1 Vä1-Jä1/Jä2 encoded determinant T cell DiagnosticsTcR-ãä äV1(a)/TS8 IgG1 Vä1 encoded determinant T cell DiagnosticsTcR-ãä 15D IgG1 Vä2 encoded determinant T cell DiagnosticsTcR-ãä P11.5B IgG1 Vä3 encoded determinant ImmunotechCD3 UCHT1 IgG1 T cells and subsets of thymocytes Dakopatts, Glostrup, DenmarkCD3 SK7 IgG1 T cells and subsets of thymocytes Becton-Dickinson, Mountain View, CA, USACD4 MT310 IgG1 MHC class II restricted T cells DakopattsCD8 DK25 IgG1 MHC class I restricted T cells DakopattsCD19 HD37 IgG1 B cells DakopattsCD20 L-26 IgG2a B cells DakopattsCD22 4KB128 IgG2b B cells DakopattsCD14 MÖP6 IgG2b Monocytes/macrophages Becton-DickinsonCD15 C3D-1 IgM Granulocytes DakopattsCD68 EBM11 IgG1 Tissue macrophages, cytolytic lymphocytes DakopattsCD57 NC-1 IgM NK cells and subsets of T cells ImmunotechCD1a NA1/34 IgG2a Thymocytes, Langerhans cells, interdigitating cells DakopattsCD45 2B11 and PD7/26 IgG1 Leucocytes DakopattsCD45RO UCHL-1 IgG2a Activated and primed T cells, thymocytes DakopattsCD45RA L28 IgG1 Resting and naive T cells Becton-DickinsonCD103 HML-1/2G51 IgG2a á chain of the áEâ7 integrin, mucosal lymphocytes ImmunotechCD28 CD28.2 IgG1 Subpopulations of T cells ImmunotechCD80 BB-1 IgM Antigen presenting cells Serotec, Oxford, UKHLA-DR DK22 IgG2a Monomorphic determinant of HLA-DR DakopattsHLA-DQ SPVL3 IgG2a Monomorphic determinant of HLA-DQ ImmunotechIgM R1/69 IgG1 Human IgM DakopattsIgG TM15 IgG1 Human IgG The Binding site, Birmingham, UKIgA 6E2C1 IgG1 Human IgA Dakopattsbcl-2 124 IgG1 Antiapoptosis protein DakopattsEpithelial antigen BerEP4 IgG1 Human epithelial cells DakopattsFollicular dendritic

cellsKi-M4 IgG2a Follicular dendritic cells (accesory B cell macrophages) in

lymphoid organsBMA Biomedicals AG, Augst, Switzerland

Follicular dendriticcells

CNA.42 IgM Non-lineage restricted antigen expressed on folliculardendritic cells


Follicular dendriticcells

R4/23 (DRC-1) IgM Dendritic reticulum cells present in lymphoid follicles Dakopatts

Negative control DAK-G01 IgG1 A niger glucose oxidase DakopattsNegative control DAK-G05 IgG2a A niger glucose oxidase DakopattsNegative control DAK-G09 IgG2b A niger glucose oxidase DakopattsNegative control DAK-G08 IgM A niger glucose oxidase Dakopatts

Characterisation of mucosal lymphoid aggregates in UC 217

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the presence of 0.0005% saponin for 60minutes at room temperature. Finally, the sec-tions were fixed for four minutes in acetone at−20°C, blocked for endogenous peroxidaseactivity, incubated with antimouse Ig conju-gate, and developed as described above.

Expression of bcl-2 was analysed in parafor-maldehyde fixed tissue using an immunoper-oxidase technique described by Pileri andcolleagues.27 The sections were developed asdescribed above and counterstained withmethyl green.

Expression of TcR-ãä, TcR-áâ, CD3, CD4,CD8, CD19/20/22, CD80, and CD45 was alsoanalysed by immunofluorescence. Unfixedsections were blocked with PBS containing0.2% BSA, incubated with mAb for 60 minutesat room temperature, washed, fixed for fiveminutes in acetone at room temperature, andincubated with fluorescein isothiocyanate con-jugated F(ab')2 fragments of goat antimouseIgG and IgM (Jackson Immunoresearch Labo-ratories, West Grove, Pennsylvania, USA).Thereafter the sections were counterstainedwith Evan’s blue and mounted in 90% glycerolin PBS (pH 8.0) containing 1 mg/mlo-phenyldiamine as antifading agent.

The final concentration for optimal detec-tion of markers ranged from 2.5 to 30 µg/ml fordiVerent mAbs. Sections incubated with iso-type and concentration matched irrelevantmAbs served as negative controls, and humanpalatine tonsils were used as positive controls.


The total number of aggregates per section,total area of lamina propria, and the area occu-pied by the aggregates were determined inanti-CD45 stained sections using a 4× objec-tive and the Leica Q500MC computer imageanalysis system.


Morphometry analysis of cells in lymphoidaggregates, solitary follicles, lamina propriaoutside aggregates/follicles, and the submucosawas performed according to Weibel andcolleagues.28 A square lattice grid with 121coarse points was superimposed on the sectionsusing a 40× objective for immunoperoxidaseand a 50× objective for immunofluorescencestained sections. Positive cells located in thecoarse points were counted and expressed as apercentage of the total number of coarse points.Coarse points in empty spaces or outside thecompartment under investigation were ex-cluded. Eight to 15 ocular fields were countedfor each marker and sample. In the case of thelower number of ocular fields it correspondedto all aggregates in the section. Immunoperoxi-dase staining was used for all markers exceptTcR-ãä. Immunofluorescence gave optimaldetection of cells stained by the pan-ä-chainmAb TCRä1 and was therefore used inmorphometric analyses of TcR-ãä+ cells.26

Figure 1 Immunoperoxidase (A, B, C, D, F) and immunofluorescence (E) staining of basal lymphoid aggregates in ulcerative colitis colon. (A) Sectionstained with anti-CD45 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Three aggregates (“A”) can be seen in the enlarged lamina propria (LP) in close proximity to thesubmucosa (SM). Large numbers of scattered CD45+ cells can also be seen in the lamina propria outside the aggregates. Several deep crypts (“C”) extendinto the lamina propria. The number of goblet cells is significantly reduced in cryptal and luminal epithelia (“E”) (×18). (B) Section stained with amixture of anti-pan TcR-ãä mAbs (TCRä1, äTCS1, and Vä1) showing several ãä T cells scattered throughout the aggregate. Inset: One ãä T cell withcytoplasmic staining and single cells with dotted staining (arrowhead) (×55, inset ×220). (C) Aggregate (“A”) in a section stained with anti-áE/CD103mAb. Cells with membrane staining are frequent. Arrows indicate strongly stained cells (×220). (D) Section stained with anti-CD28 mAb. CD28expressing cells cannot be detected in the aggregates (“A”) but are frequent in lamina propria (LP) outside the aggregates (arrows). Intraepithelial CD28+

cells are scarce (×32). (E) Section stained with anti-CD80 (B7.1) mAb. A dendritic cell network of CD80 positive cells in an aggregate (“A”) is seen(×160). (F) Aggregate (“A”) in a section stained with anti-bcl-2 mAb. A high proportion of the cells show cytoplasmic staining for the bcl-2 protein.Arrows indicate typical stained cells (×320). A, aggregate; C, crypt; E, luminal epithelium; LP, lamina propria; MM, muscularis mucosae; SM, submucosa.

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Colonic mucosa was fixed in 4% paraformalde-hyde in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buVer (pH7.3) for four hours on ice. The fixed specimenswere washed in the same buVer containing3.5% sucrose and 0.05% saponin at 4°C over-night, frozen, cut into 15 µm thick cryosec-tions, and collected on poly-L-lysine coatedThermanox coverslips (NUNC, Roskilde,Denmark). Thereafter the sections were incu-bated with a mixture of mAbs TCRä1, Vä1,and äTCS1 diluted in PBS containing 0.05%saponin for 12 hours at 4°C, washed, and sub-sequently incubated with biotinylated F(ab')2

fragments of sheep antimouse Ig (Amersham)for five hours at room temperature. Endog-enous peroxidase activity was blocked by incu-bation in 0.02 M PBS containing 2 mM NaN3

and 0.03% H2O2 for one hour at 37°C. Finally,the sections were incubated with peroxidaseconjugated streptavidin (Jackson Immunore-search Lab.) at 4°C overnight and developed asdescribed above. The sections were then fixedwith 1.33% OsO4 (Sigma) for one hour, dehy-drated in acetone, and flat embedded in a mix-ture of Epon and Araldite (Fluka, Buchs, Swit-zerland). Ultrathin sections were examinedunder a Zeiss EM 900 electron microscope.Sections incubated with irrelevant mouse IgG1mAb or with PBS served as specificity controls.Three UC colon samples and two normalcolon samples were analysed.


Values of marker positive cells are expressed asmean (SD). Statistical analyses of diVerencesbetween UC and normal colon were performedusing a two tailed Student’s t test assumingunequal variance in the groups. A p value<0.05 was regarded as statistically significant.





Twelve samples of inflamed sigmoid colonfrom UC patients and 15 samples of apparently

normal sigmoid colon from patients with nohistory of IBD were subjected to phenotypicanalysis by immunohistochemistry. Nine ofthese UC samples were classified as severelydiseased. In these the epithelium was flattenedwith reduced numbers of goblet cells, branchedcrypts, and occasional ulcerations. Crypt ab-scesses were common. The lamina propriacontained numerous scattered leucocytes aswell as basal lymphoid aggregates (fig 1A).Three UC specimens were classified as moder-ately diseased. In all the epithelium was intactwith slightly reduced numbers of goblet cellsand no/few branched crypts. The laminapropria contained increased numbers of leuco-cytes and lymphoid aggregates were present.The morphometric analysis was focused on theaggregates.

The aggregates comprised nodular mergingclusters of lymphocytes without typical reactivecentres. They were located between the basesof the crypts and the submucosa withoutapparent contact with the luminal epithelium(fig 1A). However, close proximity betweencells in the aggregates and crypt epithelium wasoften noted (fig 1A, D). The frequency ofaggregates (number/area) was similar in mod-erately and severely diseased tissue, rangingfrom 1.3 to 4.9 aggregates per mm2 of laminapropria (table 3). However, the area of thelamina propria occupied by the aggregatesincreased with the severity of the disease andconstituted as much as 45% of the lamina pro-pria in severely diseased colon from somepatients (table 3). Normal solitary follicles incontrol colon were infrequent (less than 0.1follicle/mm2 of lamina propria, n=8).

Approximately 75% of cells in the aggregateswere leucocytes (74 (7)% CD45+ cells (n = 9)).The proportion of leucocytes in solitarylymphoid follicles was also high (67 (6)%CD45+ cells (n=8)). Both values may beunderestimates as staining with anti-CD45mAb was heterogeneous. This heterogeneousstaining may be explained, at least in part, bydecreased expression of CD45 on activated Bcells.

The number of leucocytes both in the laminapropria outside the aggregates (26 (7)%CD45+ cells (n=4)) and in the submucosa (8(2)% CD45+ cells (n=4)) was increased in UCcolon compared with normal colon (15 (2)%CD45+ cells in the lamina propria outside thefollicles and 4 (2)% CD45+ cells in the submu-cosa (n=4)).

Intraepithelial leucocytes were present inlower frequencies in UC colon compared withnormal colon: 28 (7) CD45+ cells/1000 epithe-lial cells in severely diseased colonic tissue(n=4) compared with 66 (26) CD45+ cells/1000 epithelial cells in controls (n=4, p=0.03).IEL were mainly detected within the cryptalepithelium in UC colon, partly due to erosionsof the luminal surface epithelium. In normalcolon, >60% of IEL were located in theluminal epithelium. Thus as the density of IELis lower in cryptal than in luminal epithelium innormal colon the lower frequency of IEL inUC colon may be explained by the fact that UCcolon contains mainly cryptal epithelium.

Table 3 Frequency and area of basal lymphoid aggregates in the colonic mucosa ofulcerative colitis patients

Sample IDDiseaseclassification#

Frequency ofaggregates(No/mm2)*

Mean area ofaggregates(mm2)†

% of lamina propriaoccupied byaggregates‡

UC50 Severe 1.4 0.07 17UC68 Severe 4.9 0.03 20UC69 Severe 1.8 0.08 18UC72 Severe 1.5 0.14 30UC83 Severe 2.5 0.14 45UC94 Severe 2.2 0.28 43Mean (SD) 2.4 (1.3) 0.12 (0.09) 29 (13)UC55 Moderate 1.3 0.13 17UC82 Moderate 3.8 0.04 21UC89 Moderate 1.8 0.03 7Mean (SD) 2.3 (1.3) 0.07 (0.05) 15 (7)

#Severely diseased tissue: samples had flattened epithelium with low numbers of goblet cells,branched crypts and occasional disruptions. Lamina propria was enlarged and contained numer-ous leucocytes. Crypt abscesses were often seen. Submucosa was enlarged and contained elevatedlevels of leucocytes. Moderately diseased tissue: samples had intact epithelium with slightlyreduced numbers of goblet cells and no branched crypts. Lamina propria contained increasednumbers of leucocytes.*Number of aggregates was counted in an anti-CD45 stained section and the total area of laminapropria in the section was determined by morphometry.†The area of individual aggregates was determined by morphometry in anti-CD45 stained sections.‡(Total area occupied by aggregates/total area of lamina propria)×100.

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Aggregates were analysed for the presence ofthe three major types of lymphocytes: T cells(anti-CD3 mAb), B cells (a mixture ofanti-CD19, anti-CD20, and anti-CD22mAbs), and NK cells. For analysis of NK cells,anti-CD57 mAb was chosen as we have previ-ously shown that áâ and ãä T cells expressingthe classical NK cell marker CD56 are presentin human gut.25 Anti-CD15 was used to detectgranulocytes, anti-CD14 for blood monocytes/recently recruited macrophages, and anti-CD68 for tissue macrophages. To detectfollicular dendritic cells (FDC), three diVerentmAbs were used (table 2). Anti-CD80/B7.1was used to detect cells with antigen presentingfunction and anti-CD1a was used as anadditional marker for dendritic/Langerhanscells. The results of the immunomorphometricanalysis are summarised in fig 3. The twomajor cell types were T and B cells and the sumof CD3+ cells and CD19/20/22+ cells equalledthe number of CD45+ cells in most samples (77(12)% compared with 74 (7)% CD45+ cells(n=9)). T and B cells constituted equally largeproportions of the cells in the aggregates. Theaggregates contained large T cell areas with noB cells and reciprocal areas dominated by Bcells with only a few scattered T cells (fig 2A,B). Most aggregates consisted of denselypacked cells but in some instances limited areasof more loosely packed cells were detected inthe B cell zone. The proportion of B cells wassignificantly higher in aggregates of severelydiseased UC colon compared with moderatelydiseased tissue (43 (8) v 30 (6); p=0.03), sug-gesting increased importance of B cells in

severe forms of the disease. Solitary follicles innormal colon had a slightly diVerent appear-ance. The centre of the follicle containedloosely packed large B cells with few if any Tcells, surrounded by a zone of both B and Tcells and areas in the periphery which con-tained T cells only (fig 2D, E).

Follicular dendritic cells were detected inseven of nine UC samples using three diVerentanti-FDC mAbs. No diVerence in staining pat-terns was seen between the three mAbs. Thepositively stained follicular dendritic cellsformed a network that was located in the B cellarea of the aggregates (fig 2B, C). Althoughevery aggregate contained at least one B cellarea, only about 40% contained an FDCnetwork. FDC networks were never seen in Tcell areas. In normal colon every folliclecontained an FDC network which was con-fined to the B cell area (fig 2E, F). CD80/B7.1+

dendritic cells were also present in theaggregates of UC colon. They were most com-monly seen as single dendritic cells surroundedby small CD80+ dots between lymphocytes,presumably cross sections of dendritic protru-sions. Occasionally a complete network ofCD80+ cells could be seen (fig 1E). Thisnetwork was located in a T cell area. No CD1a+

cells with a dendritic morphology were de-tected in the aggregates.

Although the proportion of granulocytes,CD15+ cells, was elevated in most UC samples,such cells were generally located outside theaggregates (fig 3). Numerous tissue macro-phages, CD68+ cells, were present in thelamina propria outside the aggregates. In theaggregates they were scarce and located in theouter rim (fig 3). In normal colon, most CD68+

cells were localised in the proximity of the

Figure 2 Immunoperoxidase staining of sequential sections of basal lymphoid aggregates in ulcerative colitis colon (A, B, C) and of solitary follicles innormal colon (D, E, F). (A) Section stained with anti-CD3 mAb showing an aggregate with numerous positive cells concentrated in two main areas and afew scattered cells in the reciprocal B cell area. (B) The same aggregate as in (A) stained with a mixture of anti-CD19 mAb, anti-CD20 mAb, andanti-CD22 mAb. Positive cells are localised in the area with only a few scattered CD3+ cells. (C) The same aggregate as in (A) stained with anti-FDCmAb Ki-M4 showing a follicular dendritic cell network localised to the B cell area. (D) Section of a normal solitary follicle stained with anti-CD3 mAb.CD3+ cells are mainly found in three clusters localised in the outer rim of the follicle. (E) The same follicle as in (D) stained with a mixture of anti-CD19mAb, anti-CD20 mAb, and anti-CD22 mAb. Positive cells are localised in the centre of the follicle. Note a central zone of large loosely packed positive cellssurrounded by more tightly packed small positive cells. (F) The same follicle as in (D) stained with anti-FDC mAb Ki-M4 showing the follicular dendriticcell network localised to the centre of the B cell area. Original magnifications, A–F, ×55.

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luminal epithelium.29 Aggregates with signifi-cant numbers of CD14+ cells were seen in onlytwo samples. These samples also had a highfrequency of CD14+ cells in the submucosa(that is, ≈3.5% CD14+ cells compared with≈1% CD14+ cells in other UC colon samplesand control colon). Furthermore, CD14+ cellswere concentrated near blood vessels, suggest-ing ongoing invasion of monocytes. There wasno obvious clinical parameter that couldexplain why monocyte invasion had occurred,particularly in these two samples. NK cells,CD57+ cells, were rare both in UC and normalcolon tissue and were only occasionally de-tected in aggregates (fig 3).

The lymphoid aggregates in UC colon didnot diVer significantly from solitary follicles innormal colon with respect to numbers of Tcells, B cells, macrophages/monocytes, granu-locytes, and NK cells (fig 3). Moreover, anFDC network located in the B cell zone was

seen in both types of structures. However, theaggregates lacked a typical germinal centre-likeB cell zone with loosely packed B cells which isseen in normal solitary follicles. Moreover, theaggregates in UC colon occupied up to 45% ofthe lamina propria.



A surprisingly large number of the cells in theaggregates were ãä T cells (11 (7%) TcR-ãä+

cells (n=9)) (fig 1B, 3). In contrast, almost noãä T cells were detected in follicles of normalcolon (0.3 (0.3)% TcR-ãä+ cells (n=8)(p<0.001)) (fig 3). The number of TcR-ãä+

cells in the aggregates increased with the sever-ity of the disease. The ratio of TcR-áâ+ cells toTcR-ãä+ cells in the aggregates was 2.4 (0.9) inseverely diseased UC samples (n=6) but variedfrom 1.3 to 42 in moderately diseased samples(n=3) and was >300 in normal colon follicles.In five samples the frequencies of ãä T cellsboth in aggregates and in lamina propriaoutside the aggregates were determined. In theaggregates, the frequency of TcR-ãä+ cells was3.9 (2.5) times higher than outside theaggregates. TcR-ãä+ cells in the aggregatesmainly expressed Vä1 while most cells usingVä2 were found outside the aggregates. Thetotal LPL fraction was analysed for Vä geneusage by immunoflow cytometry on isolatedcells. In agreement with the immunohisto-chemical results, 86 (10)% of the TcR-ãä+ cellsexpressed Vä1 while the remaining cellsexpressed Vä2 (table 4). In line with theultrastructural analysis of ãä+ T cells (seebelow), staining of TcR-ãä+cells often showed apatchy or spotted appearance on immunohisto-chemistry (fig 1B, inset) and displayed arelatively low fluorescence intensity in im-munoflow cytometry (fig 4). Because of theheterogeneous staining pattern for TcR-ãä, thenumber of ãä+ T cells may be an underesti-mate. Two colour immunoflow cytometryanalysis of isolated LPL showed that almost allãä+ T cells expressed CD45R0. Up to 15% ofthe ãä+ T cells expressed CD8 but most ãä+ Tcells were CD4/CD8 double negative.



The majority of T cells in the aggregatesexpressed TcR-áâ and the proportion of CD4+

cells was higher than the proportion of CD8+

cells (fig 3) with an average CD4/CD8 ratio of1.7 (0.7) (n=8). The dominance of CD4+ cellswas even more pronounced when isolated LPLwere analysed (fig 4). Two colour immunoflowcytometry analysis of LPL showed that almostall CD4+ cells expressed TcR-áâ (data notshown). CD8+ cells were found only in the Tcell area of the aggregates while CD4+ cellswere present both in the T cell area andscattered in the B cell area. In several samplesthe sum of CD4+ and CD8+ cells exceeded thenumber of CD3+ cells and/or TcR+ cells. Thisprobably reflects underestimation of T cellsbecause of the low level expression of the CD3/TcR complex rather than the presence ofCD4/CD8 double positive cells as only 2.4

Figure 3 Immunomorphometric analysis of basallymphoid aggregates in ulcerative colitis (UC) colon andsolitary follicles in control colon. Bars represent mean (SD)per cent positive cells of all cells in the aggregate/follicle, asdetermined by morphometric counting ofimmunohistochemically stained cryosections. Nine UCcolon samples (six severe, three moderate) were counted.Solitary follicles in 6–8 control colon samples were analysedfor all markers except CD68, in which case n=2. Anindirect immunoperoxidase technique was used for stainingwith anti-CD3, anti-TcR-áâ, anti-CD4, anti-CD8,anti-CD19/CD20/CD22, anti-CD57, anti-CD15,anti-CD14, and anti-CD68 monoclonal antibodies (mAb).Indirect immunofluorescence was used for staining withanti-TcR-ãä mAb. ***p<0.001, aggregates in UCcompared with solitary follicles in control colon.

Ulcerative colitisControl








% M


r p



























Table 4 Vä gene usage of TcR-ãä+ cells in lamina propria leucocytes isolated from thecolon of ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, as determined by immunoflow cytometry

Specificity of mAb

UC patient*

UC83 UC86 UC94 UC105

Vä1-Jä1/Jä2a 71b 92 93 87Vä2 27 8 7 8Vä3 2 0 0 5

*Details for individual patients are given in table 1.aIsolated lamina propria leucocytes were analysed by indirect immunoflow cytometry using amonoclonal antibody (mAb) with the indicated specificity. For details of mAbs see table 2.bPer cent cells stained by mAb with the indicated Vä gene specificity of all TcR-ãä+ cells in the cellpreparation.

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(1.3)% (n=4) of the total LPL were doublepositive in immunoflow cytometry analysis (fig4). Although numerous cells expressing the Tcell co-receptor CD28 were scattered in laminapropria outside the aggregates (13 (2)%CD28+ cells (n=3)) no CD28+ cells weredetected in the aggregates (table 5; fig 1D).

There were no significant diVerences in thefrequencies and phenotypes of áâ T cellsubsets between aggregates in UC colon andsolitary follicles in control colon (fig 3).



The majority of cells in the B cell area ofaggregates showed staining by anti-IgM mAb(42 (5)% IgM+ cells (n=4)) corresponding to95 (7)% of the CD19/20/22+ cells. However, noless than 19 (2)% of the cells in the aggregatesexpressed IgA and a small fraction of IgG+ cells(3.3 (0.4)% (n=4)) were also detected. Thesedata suggest that B cells in the aggregatesexpress more than one immunoglobulin iso-type and may recently have undergone classswitching. No Ig+ cells showed cytoplasmicstaining, indicating that plasma cells were notpresent in the aggregates. In contrast, plasmacells were found outside the aggregates.

IgM+ cells (28 (2)% (n=4)) outnumberedIgA+ cells (14 (1)% (n=4)) and IgG+ cells (2.2(0.4)% (n=4)) in the follicles of control colon.However, the sum of Ig+ cells equalled thenumber of CD19/20/22+ cells in individualsamples. More interestingly, although therewas no significant diVerence in the number ofB cells in follicles compared with aggregates(fig 3), the proportion of surface IgM+ cells,surface IgA+ cells, and surface IgG+ cells wassignificantly higher in aggregates of UC colonthan in follicles of control colon (p<0.01 for allthree isotypes).




Approximately 50% of cells in the lymphoidaggregates expressed the memory/activationmarker CD45R0 (table 5). Moreover, analysisof isolated LPL showed that CD45R0 andCD45RA expressing cells each constitutedapproximately 50% of the population (n=4).The majority of CD3+ cells expressed CD45R0but a significant fraction of CD45RA express-ing CD3+ cells were also present (fig 4). Themajority of CD45R0 expressing cells were Tcells and 20–40% of the CD45R0+ cells were Bcells. In two samples the sum of CD45R0 andCD45RA expressing cells exceeded 100% sug-gesting that cells expressing both splice variantscan be present simultaneously.

The majority of MHC class II expressingcells were located in the B cell area butscattered MHC class II positive cells were seenin the T cell area (data not shown). Theproportion of cells expressing HLA-DR wasapproximately 50% (table 5). In five samplesthe number of HLA-DR+ cells exceeded thenumber of B cells, indicating that some T cellsin the aggregates (31–89% of the CD3+ cells inthese individual samples) also express HLA-DR. Similar results were obtained with threesamples analysed for HLA-DQ expression(table 5).

Interestingly, the integrin áEâ7, which ispresent on a large number of IEL in normalgut, was expressed on 26 (13)% of cells in theaggregates (fig 1C, table 5). Positive cells

Figure 4 Flow cytometry analysis of high density lamina propria leucocytes isolated fromone ulcerative colitis (UC) colon sample. Cells were stained with phycoerythrin labelledanti-pan-TcR-áâ monoclonal antibody (mAb) (BMA031) and with anti-Vä1 mAb(äTCS1) for indirect immunofluorescence. The shaded histograms superimposed on thegraphs show the negative controls. Expression of CD45R0 and CD45RA by T cells wasassayed using PerCP labelled anti-CD3 mAb (SK7) and FITC labelled anti-CD45RAmAb (L28), and anti-CD45R0 mAb (UCHL-1), respectively. CD4 and CD8 positivecells were determined by two colour immunoflow cytometry using FITC labelled anti-CD4mAb (MT310) and phycoerythrin labelled anti-CD8 mAb (DK25). Cells incubated withirrelevant fluorochrome conjugated mAbs served as negative controls and were used todetermine the position of quadrant regions.







0100 101 102 103 104








































101 102 103 104

100 101 102 103 104

100 101 102 103 104

100 101 102 103 104





39% 13%

30% 15%14%






Table 5 Frequency of subtype non-specific markers inbasal lymphoid aggregates of ulcerative colitis colon

Markera Positive cells (%)b nc

CD45R0 52 (11) 4HLA-DR 46 (20) 8HLA-DQ 58 (6) 3áEâ7 (CD103) 26 (13) 8CD28 0.1 (0.1) 7bcl-2 28 (2) 6

aThe monoclonal antibodies used in the study are shown intable 2.bLymphocytes present in basal lymphoid aggregates wereanalysed by immunoperoxidase staining and the percentage ofpositive cells was determined by morphometric analysis accord-ing to Weibel and colleagues.28

cn, number of samples.

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showed a heterogeneous distribution, withsome areas with many positive cells and otherareas with few positive cells. The áE expressingcells showed variation in the intensity of stain-ing (fig 1C).

One third of lymphocytes in the aggregatesexpressed the antiapoptotic protein bcl-2 (fig1F, table 5). Bcl-2 expressing cells werescattered over the entire aggregate. In normalsolitary follicles about 10% of bcl-2 positivecells were seen. They were all located in the Bcell zone.




The immunoelectron microscopy investigationwas focused on ãä T cells in UC colon. Forcomparative purposes we also analysed ãä Tcells in normal colonic mucosa. TcR-ãä wasdetected as deposits of the electron dense reac-tion product.

In normal colon, the reaction product washomogeneously distributed on the cell surfaceof all ãä T cells found, both on those located inthe lamina propria (fig 5A) and on theintraepithelial ãä T cells (fig 5B).

In contrast, ãä T cells in UC colon exhibitedextreme variability in distribution of thereaction product from cell surface to cyto-plasm. We identified five types of staining pat-terns (five morphotypes). ãä T cells of the firsttype (fig 6A) showed a heterogeneous distribu-tion of the reaction product on the cell surface.Some exhibited single positively stained multi-vesicular bodies. In ãä T cells of the secondtype, the reaction product was seen as scarcelinear clusters more or less randomly distrib-uted over the cell surface (fig 6B). In addition,some clustered deposits were localised over andwithin surface invaginations that varied fromshallow pits to deeper flask-shaped invagina-tions (fig 6B, inset). It was not possible to useadditional counterstaining. Thus althoughsome of the surface invaginations resembledcoated pits, we could not determine whether ornot these invaginations were coated. In ãä Tcells of the third type the reaction product was

located as cell surface clusters, and also incytoplasmic vacuoles with morphological char-acteristics of endosomes (fig 6C). In ãä T cellsof the fourth type the reaction product wasabundantly present in the cytoplasm but barelydetectable on the cell surface (fig 6D, E, F).The reaction product stained numerous cyto-plasmic vesicles and vacuoles near the cellmembrane and also deep in the cells close tothe nucleus. Positively stained vesicles weresometimes seen in continuity with the plasmamembrane and resembled coated vesicles (fig6E). Numerous multivesicular bodies consist-ing of tightly packed microvesicles were alsostained (fig 6F). ãä T cells of the fifth type wererare (fig 6G, H). This morphotype usuallyshowed strong positive staining of the plasmamembrane and perinuclear space. Sometimesthe reaction product stained diverse cytoplas-mic vacuoles of diVerent sizes and shapes. Noobvious diVerence between individual UCcolon samples studied was seen.

In summary, the majority of ãä T cells (mor-photypes 1–4) in UC colon exhibited cellularlocalisation of the reaction product most prob-ably reflecting the diVerent consecutive steps ofTcR internalisation: forming of clusters, coatedpits, coated vesicles, endosomes, and multive-sicular bodies.30 A small number of cells (mor-photype 5) showed active synthesis of TcR-ãämolecules.

DiscussionOur results showed that the lamina propria inUC colon tissue was characterised by a 10–50-fold increase in leucocytes compared with nor-mal colon. More than 85% of leucocytes werelymphocytes and the majority of these lym-phocytes were located in the basal lymphoidaggregates consisting of hundreds of denselypacked T and B cells. In previous studies of UCcolon, surprisingly little attention has beenpaid to lymphocyte phenotypes in these promi-nent aggregates.4 5 31–34 Two intriguing T cellsubsets were present in the aggregates: (i) acti-vated ãä T cells using Vä1 and (ii) activatedCD4+ áâ T cells lacking the co-stimulatoryreceptor CD28.

Figure 5 Immunoelectron micrographs of ãä T lymphocytes in normal colon. (A) A characteristic lamina propria ãä Tcell showing homogeneous surface staining (arrows). (B) An intraepithelial ãä T cell showing diVuse surface staining(arrows). EC, epithelial cell. All ultrathin sections were examined without additional staining. Original magnification:A ×12 000; B ×11 500.

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Approximately 25% of lymphocytes in theaggregates expressed the integrin/mucosa lym-phocyte marker áEâ7, suggesting a mucosal ori-

gin of a substantial fraction of the T cells in theaggregates.25 35 Furthermore, the majority of ãäT cells in the aggregates used Vä1, a featuretypical of intraepithelial ãä T cells in normal

Figure 6 Immunoelectron micrographs of lamina propria (A–G) and intraepithelial (H) ãä T cells in ulcerative colitiscolon. (A) Low power micrograph of a ãä T lymphocyte with numerous surface processes which are distinctly stained by thereaction product and concentrated at one pole of the cell (arrows). The rest of the cell surface is weakly stained. Inset: Highmagnification of the positively stained multivesicular body indicated by the arrowhead. (B) A ãä T cell showing the surfacedepositions of the reaction product which have the appearance of scarce clusters (arrows). One of the clusters is located overthe surface flask-shaped invagination (arrowhead and in the inset at higher magnification). (C) A ãä T cell displaying theclustered reaction product on the cell surface (arrows) and numerous positively stained cytoplasmic vacuoles near the cellmembrane (arrowheads). (D) A ãä T cell showing only numerous cytoplasmic vesicles and vacuoles of diverse sizes nearthe cell membrane and deep in the cell. The lumen of these structures exhibit variable intense staining by the reactionproduct (arrowheads). (E) A portion of the ãä T cell cytoplasm showing cytoplasmic vesicles that are connected with theplasma membrane and contain the reaction product (arrows). In addition, the cytoplasm contains numerous positivelystained vacuoles (arrowheads). (F) A portion of the ãä T cell cytoplasm showing numerous multivesicular bodies mainlyconsisting of tightly packed positively stained microvesicles (arrowheads). Arrow depicts a small cluster of the reactionproduct on the cell surface. (G) A ãä T lymphocyte showing a strong positive staining of the cell surface (arrows) and theperinuclear space (large arrowheads). Small arrowheads indicate the positive staining of single cytoplasmic vacuoles. (H) Aãä T lymphocyte showing the positive staining of the cell surface (arrows) and perinuclear space (small arrowheads). Largearrowheads indicate the positively stained cisternal structure in the cytoplasm. EC, epithelial cell. All ultrathin sections wereexamined without additional staining. Original magnification: A ×8600, inset ×25 000; B ×9000, inset ×20 000; C ×8000;D ×9500; E ×29 500; F ×31 000; G ×10 000; H ×12 500.

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colon,25 36 further indicating an intestinal originof the lymphocytes in the aggregates.

No CD28 positive cells were present in theaggregates. This implies that none of the T cellsubpopulations present (that is, CD4+ áâ Tcells, CD8+ áâ T cells, and ãä T cells) expressesthis co-stimulatory molecule. These findingsare unexpected as dendritic cells expressingCD80/B7.1 are present in aggregates (thisstudy and Rugtveit and colleagues34) and inter-actions between CD28 and CD80/B7.1 areconsidered essential for induction of T celldependent immune responses.37 A large frac-tion of intraepithelial CD8+ áâ T cells inhuman small intestine do not express CD28,25

and intraepithelial CD8áá+ and CD4/CD8double positive áâ T cells in mice include cellsthat lack CD28.38 Thus it is possible thatCD28− CD8+ áâ T cells in aggregates originatefrom intestinal IEL. It is also likely that CD28−

ãä T cells in aggregates are of intestinal originas intraepithelial ãä T cells in normal humanintestine do not express CD28.25 The origin ofthe CD28− CD4+ áâ T cells in the aggregates,and how they acquired this unusual phenotype,are still unknown. It is interesting to note, how-ever, that CD4+ T cells have proved to beimportant for establishment of colitis in animalmodels.15 17 39–42

Histologically, the basal lymphoid aggregatesin UC colon resemble the lymphoid follicularhyperplasia described in other types ofcolitides23 and it has been hypothesised thatlymphoid follicular hyperplasia is a result ofabnormal increases in both the number andsize of solitary lymphoid follicles.43 Our obser-vations that the basal lymphoid aggregates (i)harbour ãä T cells which solitary follicles donot, (ii) have bcl-2 expressing cells scatteredthroughout, (iii) increase in size but not innumber with the severity of disease, (iv) seemto lack true germinal centres with large looselypacked B cells, and (v) contain many áEâ7 posi-tive cells do not support this hypothesis in thecase of UC. The finding that FDC networkswere seen in the majority of the UC aggregatesis interesting and may be seen as an indicationof the similarity between the solitary follicleand UC aggregates. However, it should benoted that many B cell areas in aggregateslacked FDC networks. Considering all of thesefindings together we may perhaps best describethe aggregates in UC colon as a consequence ofanomalous lymphoid follicular hyperplasiaresulting from uncontrolled accumulation of,frequently apoptosis resistant,44 mucosal lym-phoid cells. Whether they originate frompre-existing follicles or can arise spontaneouslyanywhere in the lamina propria is still unclear.



Firstly, almost all ãä T cells and the majority ofáâ T cells expressed the activation/memory cellmarker CD45R0. In addition, a significantfraction of the B cells also expressed CD45R0.This supports the findings of Yacyshyn45 whoreported the presence of activated CD45R0expressing B cells in UC colon. Secondly, ãä Tcells, and some áâ T cells, had low surface

expression of the CD3/TcR complex. Theimmunoelectron microscopy analysis revealedthat most ãä T cells exhibited features sugges-tive of ligand induced TcR-ãä downregulationand endocytosis of the CD3/TcR complex,phenomena considered essential in T cellactivation.46 Thirdly, approximately one thirdof lymphocytes had a low density suggestingthat they were blasted.47 The lymphoblast frac-tion comprised B cells and CD4+ áâ T cells,indicating ongoing T cell dependent B cellactivation. The low density lymphocyte frac-tion is lost in standard procedures for isolationof human intestinal lymphocytes and wastherefore not reported in previous studies onisolated intestinal lymphocytes in IBD. Finally,a significant fraction of T cells seemed toexpress HLA-DR, suggesting activation in-duced MHC class II expression.



COLON?We found that TcR-ãä is actively internalisedby ãä T cells in UC colon and that thisinternalisation involves a mechanism termedreceptor mediated endocytosis.30 We alsoshowed that internalisation induced loss of thecell surface TcR-ãä molecules and accumula-tion of TcR-ãä in the cytoplasmic compart-ment (that is, downregulation of surface TcR-ãä).

Previous ex vivo experiments demonstratedthat TcR á and/or â chains are continuouslyinternalised and recycled back to the cellsurface. However, T cell stimulation by peptideantigens, superantigens, or anti-TcR antibod-ies leads to rapid downregulation of surfaceTcR. TcR downregulation is caused, at least inpart, by increased receptor internalisation viathe endocytotic pathway, followed by degrada-tion in lysosomes.48 49 To our knowledge,surface downregulation of TcR-ãä caused byits internalisation has not previously beendocumented in vivo.

Whether TcR internalisation and concomi-tant surface TcR downregulation per se arerequired for T cell activation remains to beelucidated. Recent reports provided impressiveevidence that T cell activation is correlatedwith the degree of TcR downregulation andthat rapid internalisation of the TcR after con-tact with antigen is a device to remove triggeredTcR molecules from the cell surface.46 50 Violaand Lanzavecchia50 demonstrated that T cells“count” the number of triggered TcR andcommit themselves to activation only when thisnumber reaches an appropriate threshold.Naturally, the capacity to reach the activationthreshold becomes a problem for a cell that hasonly a few TcR on the surface. Another possi-bility is that TcR downregulation does notnecessarily lead to T cell activation but is a keymechanism involved in tuning T cell functionfor extinction and calibration of TcRsignalling.51 52 As TcR downregulation is mostprominent with high aYnity agonistic ligands,internalisation of TcR could be a protectivemeasure to control the extent of T cellactivation.48

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The biological consequences of surfaceTcR-ãä downregulation may be both physi-ological and pathological. On the one hand, ãäT cells with selective downregulation of surfaceTcR have been described in human pregnancydecidua.53 54 In this case, downregulation ofTcR-ãä may contribute towards creation oftransient unresponsiveness to paternal antigensand to a successful outcome of pregnancy.Interestingly, decidual ãä T cells did not showactive internalisation of TcR indicating thatinternalisation is not the only mechanism ofTcR downregulation.

On the other hand, recent experiments haveshown that altered peptides (partial agonistic/antagonistic) also trigger TcR internalisation,and alter diVerentiation and eVector functionsof the responding T lymphocytes.55 Thus it ispossible that in UC colon a few, possiblyaltered, peptides permanently engage anddownregulate the number of TcR-ãä, dramati-cally reducing the number of TcR that areavailable for physiological agonistic ligands.This could result in alterations of the immu-noregulatory functions of ãä T cells and,consequently, an abnormal mucosal immuneresponse to enteric antigens.


In contrast with the normal colon, numerousãä T cells were present mainly in the laminapropria in the lymphoid aggregates but also asscattered single cells in the lamina propria out-side the aggregates and in the submucosa. ãä Tcells in UC colon have been observedpreviously31 but that study focused on scatteredãä T cells with strong surface staining (mor-photype 5) which constitute only a small cellpopulation. Increased numbers of ãä T cells inperipheral blood from IBD patients has alsobeen reported.56

Previous studies have suggested a role forVä1+ cells in the pathogenesis of inflammatorydiseases. Vä1+ cells were reported to bepresent in the intestinal mucosa of IBDpatients,57–59 the synovial tissue of patients withrheumatoid arthritis,60 and the epithelium ofchronically inflamed parodontitis gingiva.26

The number of intraepithelial Vä1+ cells iselevated in active coeliac disease.61 Similarly,Vä1+ cells agglomerate in skin lesions ofpatients with leprosy and leishmaniasis.62 63

Vä1+ cells can be cytotoxic against tumourcells of epithelial origin,64 and can recognisestress induced molecules.65 Aberrant immuneresponses causing formation of aggregateswith stressed B and áâ T cells could beresponsible for the observed increase in num-bers of Vä1+ cells in UC colon.

Stressed malfunctioning áâ T cells are likelyto develop during chronic inflammation. In thiscase they may be replaced by ãä T cells. ãä Tcells can act as T helper cells to supportantibody production and in the formation ofgerminal centres in áâ T cell deficient mice.66

However, these áâ T cell deficient mice havehigh levels of autoreactive IgG antibodies.66 67

Mice with Listeria monocytogenes infected kid-neys develop an inflammatory disease withautoimmune traits.68 In these mice ãä T cells

are recruited to the site of inflammation subse-quent to áâ T cells. It is possible, therefore, thatãä T cells target the aggregates of UC colon asa response to the presence of stressed lym-phocytes initially activated by infection in thecolonic mucosa. Once in the aggregate, the ãäT cells may influence the development of Bcells and in this way be responsible for theincreased production of autoantibodies notedin UC colon.7 10 11 13

This work was supported by grants from the Swedish NaturalScience Research Council (grant No B-AA/BU 11234–300,M-LH), the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant No 19x-11240, ÅD; K200-71, SH), the Swedish Cancer Foundation(SH) the County of Västerbotten (SH and ÅD), Bengt IhreísFoundation (ÅD), and the Swedish Labour Market InsuranceCompany, AFA (SH). The skilful technical assistance of Elisa-beth Granström and Marianne Sjöstedt is gratefully acknowl-edged.

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