Guitar Chords

Guitar Chords: The Building Blocks of the Guitarman No guitarist ever became proficient without learning how to play guitar chords . Chords are where all things guitar playing-related begin. You see, they are the basics, the essentials, the building blocks of the art of playing the guitar. If you want to be a competent guitarist, you must know how to correctly play your chords. From this skill, you can progress to more technical stuff. As well, reading and writing your songs will be easier if you have a strong background of your chords, both minor and major. Playing them will also significantly help in developing the strength and dexterity of your fingers, which always come in handy when you play. Just in case you do not know, a chord is a combination of at least two notes being played at the same time. Commonly, chords entail three notes being played simultaneously, but then others may require even more. The technique used in playing guitar chords is called strumming, which may see you tinkering with multiple strings all together.


No guitarist ever became proficient without learning how to play guitar chords.

Transcript of Guitar Chords

Page 1: Guitar Chords

Guitar Chords: The Building Blocks of the Guitarman

No guitarist ever became proficient without learning how to play guitar chords. Chords are where all things guitar playing-related begin. You see, they are the basics, the essentials, the building blocks of the art of playing the guitar.

If you want to be a competent guitarist, you must know how to correctly play your chords. From this skill, you can progress to more technical stuff. As well, reading and writing your songs will be easier if you have a strong background of your chords, both minor and major. Playing them will also significantly help in developing the strength and dexterity of your fingers, which always come in handy when you play.

Just in case you do not know, a chord is a combination of at least two notes being played at the same time. Commonly, chords entail three notes being played simultaneously, but then others may require even more. The technique used in playing guitar chords is called strumming, which may see you tinkering with multiple strings all together.

Hitting chords may be a very basic skill, but if you are a starting guitarist, it can be a bit of a challenge. Especially if we take into account playing correctly and expressively in the most relaxed way possible. You see, eliminating tension is, in fact, an important consideration when you play not just the chords but all other things you can using your guitar: scales, arpeggios, and even solos. Also, the correct fingering practice is just as important.

Page 2: Guitar Chords

Chords are grouped into two: minor and major chords. However, what you need to familiarize yourself the most lies in the acronym CAGED. These are the five major chord patterns: C, A, G, E, and D. If you master these patterns, it will be easier for you to progress to more materials to play. Too, mastery of the CAGED system will help you in improvising and when the time comes that you are called for to be more explorative with your playing.

Now if you want to learn how to play chords and sharpen your knowledge about the CAGED system, you have a surefire option to do just that: sign up for guitar lessons. If you enroll in a guitar class, you will have a focused time in studying chords and all other topics linked to playing the guitar. You can perfect your chords in no time since there will be a professional teacher to guide you. This mentor will also be the one to correct the technique you employ in your playing.

So from guitar chords to chart-topping hits, push your musical goals to the limit. Apply in guitar lessons as early as now so that you can have more time to perfect the craft. You can be a deft guitarist if you concentrate and practice. Of course, do not forget to build up on your skill by acquainting yourself with guitar playing's "building blocks." Start your chord education now and reap the fruits of your labor soon--maybe in your city's most famous bar, in an out-of-town gig, or in Woodstock, who knows.