Guidelines On Good Field Collection...

Guidelines On Good Field Collection Practices For Indian Medicinal Plants Guidelines On Good Field Collection Practices For Indian Medicinal Plants National Medicinal Plants Board Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India WHO Country Office for India, New Delhi In Collaboration with 2009

Transcript of Guidelines On Good Field Collection...

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Guidelines On

Good Field Collection PracticesFor Indian Medicinal Plants

Guidelines On

Good Field Collection PracticesFor Indian Medicinal Plants

National Medicinal Plants BoardDepartment of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family WelfareGovt. of India

WHO Country Office for India, New Delhi

In Collaboration with


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Good Field Collection PracticesFor Indian Medicinal Plants

National Medicinal Plants BoardDepartment of AYUSH,

Ministry of Health and Family WelfareGovt. of India

In collaboration with

WHO Country Office for India, New Delhi


Government of India

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Page 4: Guidelines On Good Field Collection · Guidelines On Good Field Collection Practices ... (Traditional

© Family Welfare, Government of India, 2009.

ISBN No- 978-81-909121-1-2

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the National Medicinal Plants Board, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Published by:- Sun OffsetB-62/2 Naraina Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi 110028.Tel. No. 91 11 25891279, 25791489Fax No. 91 11 2591279E-mail. [email protected]

Design & Printed by :- Sun Offset : B-62/2 Naraina Industrial Area,Phase II, New Delhi 110028.

Disclaimer:The information provided in this document is for guidance purpose and does not purport any legal significance. Stakeholder are responsible for compliance to any local, national and international laws and regulations that are relevant to their businesses.

National Medicinal Plants Board, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and

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The world is witnessing a change in the health seeking behavior as more and more people world over are seeking health remedies through the use of traditional and herbal medicines. There is an increasing use of the natural products even in the developed world. This is leading to unsustainable collections from natural forests resulting in uncertain availability of a large number of medicinal plants species and their decline in the wild.

It is well known that India has an age-old tradition of plant based health-care in the form of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani (ASU) systems of medicine. More than 90% of the formulations under these systems are plant based with a very small percentage of formulations having minerals, metals and animal products as ingredients. Almost 90 percent of the raw materials of medicinal plants used by the ASU manufacturing units are sourced from natural forests, often with little regard to environmental and social considerations, often resulting in harvest much in excess of sustainable limits. The Department of AYUSH has taken a number of policy initiatives for quality and standardization of ASU drugs to improve the outreach and acceptability of Indian systems of medicine. Compliance to Good Manufacturing Practices under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and financial assistance to ASU manufacturing units to adopt the standards laid down in pharmacopeias are some of the initiatives in this direction. The quality of the finished products, however to a large extent, depends upon the quality of the raw material and it is for this reason that development of Good Field Collection Practices for medicinal plants will go a long way in improving the quality of the ASU products.

I am confident that these guidelines will be widely disseminated and go a long way in incorporating quality ethos in the manufacture of AYUSH products and thereby help improve the outreach of the Indian systems of medicine, both nationally and globally.

(S. Jalaja)Secretary to the Government of India

Department of AYUSH


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There is a global upsurge in the use of traditional and complementary systems of medicine along with changes in health seeking behavior. India has well documented traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha with a high degree of societal demand. The dependence of these systems on medicinal plants necessitates the formulation of guidelines and their wide dissemination so as to promote appropriate harvesting. This would contribute to improved quality and sustainable management of medicinal plants resources.

The undertaking of National Medicinal Plants Board in the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy to develop Good Field Collection Practices for Indian medicinal plants, which are mainly collected from the wild, is a praiseworthy effort in this direction. These guidelines, which should be backed up by capacity building and independent certification, would contribute to alleviating harvesting and quality issues of plant raw materials used in the manufacture of traditional and herbal medicines.

We hope this document will prove useful to the medicinal plants cultivators, collectors and other stakeholders.

Dr. S.J. Habayeb WHO Representative to India

Country Office for India

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed Good Agricultural & Collection Practices (GACPs) for medicinal plants. The present guidelines draw upon the WHO guidelines, International Standards for Sustainable Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP) and other such guidelines for sustainable collection of medicinal plants. These guidelines on Good Field Collection Practices (GFCPs) for wild medicinal plants have been developed through a consultative process among the various experts, Ministries, Departments and Research Councils dealing with medicinal plants.

The National Medicinal Plants Board expresses its gratitude for the financial assistance and collaborative support provided by the World Health Organizations for the development and publication of these guidelines.

Special thanks are due to the WHO-India Office, the Ministries of Environment and Forest, Agriculture, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Indian Council of Medical Research, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Central Council of Unani Medicine, Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Indian Institute of Forest Management, and other experts who participated in the meeting of the expert committees and provided their valuable inputs on the draft text, which went through several stages of refinements and improvements.

NMPB acknowledges the most valuable contribution by Dr. Rajendra Dobriyal of Hindustan Unilever who prepared the original text of the guidelines and, thereafter, incorporated all the suggestions and comments received from the various experts, organizations and individuals. Without the untiring and willing support and cooperation of Dr. Dobriyal it would not have been possible to bring out the document in its present form.

We greatly acknowledge the guidance received from Dr. D.C. Katoch, National Consultant (Traditional Medicine & Homeopathy), WHO Country Office for India, right from conceptualization of the project till finalization of the guidelines. The contributions made by Dr. Joseph Brinkmann, Dr. G.S. Rawat, Dr. R.B.S. Rawat,


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Dr. Rajendra Gupta and Dr. Giridhar Kinhal who went over the draft critically and made extremely valuable changes are also gratefully acknowledged. NMPB wishes to place on record the guidance and encouragement received from Mrs. Anita Das, former Secretary, Department of AYUSH and the present Secretary of the Department Mrs. S. Jalaja for development of the Good Field Collection Practices (GFCPs).

Finally, NMPB would like to place on record its appreciation of the work done by the team consisting of Mr. T.U. Haqqi, Dr. O.P. Mishra, Mr. Parhlad Rai,Dr. S. Bhandarkar, Dr. N. Padmakumar, Dr. Kavita Tyagi, Dr. Sadia Ayub andDr. M. S. Rawat in the National Medicinal Plants Board.

(B.S. Sajwan)Chief Executive Officer

National Medicinal Plants Board

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Foreword from Secretary (AYUSH) i

Foreword from WHO Representative in India ii

Acknowledgements iii

Contents v

Index of Abbreviations vii

1. General Introduction 1

Background 3

Objectives 3

Scope and Structure 3

Definitions of the terms used 4

2. Compliance to Regulatory Requirements 6

International regulation and guidelines 6

National Regulations 6

Local Regulations 6

Permission for collections 7

3. Harvesting of Medicinal Plant Produce 8

Quality Considerations 8

Environmental Considerations 10

Social Considerations 11

4. Post Harvest Management 13

Primary Processing 13

Drying 13

5. Packaging and Storage 15

Packaging of medicinal plant produce 15

Storage of medicinal plant Produce 15

6. Guidelines for collection and post harvest management of

various categories of medicinal plant produce


Underground parts 17

Annual herbs/ Whole plants 17

Stem Bark 18

Stem or wood 18

Leaves 19

Flower and floral parts 20

Fruits and seeds 20

Gums and resins 21

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Baseline assessment and monitoring 23

Appendix I

Recommended Packaging for medicinal produce


Appendix II

Information on container label


Appendix III

Passport data sheet for medicinal plant produce


Appendix IV

Harvesting time of selected medicinal plants


References 34

Appendix V

List of Participants in the WHO Consultation....


Others 21

7. Documentation 22

8. Training and Monitoring

Training and capacity building 23


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ASU : Ayurveda, Siddha & Unani

AYUSH : Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy

BFN : Bundesamt fur Naturschutz

BSI : Botanical Survey of India

CBD : Convention on Biological Diversity

CITES : Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and


DFO : Divisional Forest Officer

FRI : Forest Research Institute (Dehradun)

GACP : Good Agriculture and Collection Practices

ISSC-MAP : International Standards for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic


IUCN : The World Conservation Union

(Formerly International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources)

MOEF : Ministry of Environment and Forests

NMPB : National Medicinal Plants Board

RET : Rare, Endangered and Threatened (Species)

SOP : Standard Operating Procedures

TRAFFIC : Trade Record Analysis of Fauna and Flora in Commerce

WHO : World Health Organization

WWF : World Wild Fund for Nature

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1. Introduction

In recent decades there has been a consistent rise in demand for plant-based medicines and

healthcare products worldwide. However, the quality systems and validation procedures governing

the sector are not commensurate with such growth. The most frequently encountered criticism about

the herbal medicines and allied healthcare products relates to consistency of products in terms of

quality, efficacy and safety, which can be summed-up as “minimum therapeutic guarantee”. This

concern is genuine as the very purpose of any healthcare product is centered on an ethical assurance

to the end-user. There have been many reported instances of sub-quality herbal formulations being

marketed, due to non-compliance of even the available requirements of minimum therapeutic

guarantee. Lack of appropriate knowledge about the natural resources being used and techno-

cultural variance in harvesting and post harvest practices - is one of major contributory factors for such

poor quality medicinal produce.

The Government of India recognizes, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy and

Homeopathy (AYUSH), besides, Allopathy as the official systems of medicine. Use of medicinal plants

for food and medicine has been an integral part of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani (ASU) systems.

However, historically, the physician or the traditional healer was known to manage the whole supply

chain, right from collection of herbs up to preparation and dispensing of the medicine. To meet the

burgeoning demand, the supply chain of medicinal plants has, however, become a multi-stakeholders

activity. In the process, the principles of sustainability, which were an intrinsic part of traditional

systems, got compromised. This has resulted in over-exploitation, habitat loss, threat to plant species

and even local extinction in a few cases. At the same time, the demand-supply disparity has resulted in

the supply of sub-standard medicinal plant produce. All these factors contributed to the need for

conservation and sustainable use of wild medicinal plants on the one hand and achieving the optimum

quality of produce on the other.

As per recent estimates worked out by Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions

(FRLHT), Bangalore, under the aegis of National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), New Delhi, 1286

trade entities of crude herbal drugs representing 960 plant species are being sold in the Indian market.

Cumulatively, these materials amount to 137,000 MT per annum. However, only 178 species are

significant in terms of annual consumption volumes (exceeding 100 MT per annum (1).

Contrary to common perceptions, scientific cultivation of medicinal plants is not a panacea to

address all the maladies of quality and sustainability. For a variety of scientific, ethical and commercial

reasons; mankind will continue its dependence on wild sources for supply of medicinal plants.

1 that 'crude herbal drugs' is synonymous with 'medicinal plant produce' – The European Pharmacopoeia

provides an official definition for the term “Herbal Drugs” as follows: Mainly whole, fragmented, or cut plants, parts of plants, algae, fungi or lichen, in an unprocessed state, usually in dried form but sometimes fresh. Certain exudates that have not been subjected to a specific treatment are also considered to be herbal drugs



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A few of such

6Traditional systems of medicine emphasize the chemical complexity of the botanicals. Such

chemical complexity of species is the outcome of biotic and abiotic stresses the plant

undergoes in a competitive environment prevailing in the wild. Such factors are difficult to

mimic in the farming conditions. As a result, it would be practically difficult to ascertain the

qualitative variance between forest and farm produce.

6 The optimal conditions governing different stages of growth are not very well documented in

case of many medicinal plant species.

6 The natural survival and multiplication of many herbaceous species in forest scenario is linked

to the associated flora and fauna. Opting for farming of these species is not always

scientifically feasible.

6 In Indian scenario, the collection of forest produce for medicinal purposes is estimated to

generate over 6 million man-days of employment to communities living in or near the forests

particularly during the non- agricultural season. Moving these species to pure farming sector,

would invoke ethical issues, especially because the dependent stakeholders are different.

6 Diversion of fertile agricultural lands for non-food crops like medicinal plants can adversely

impact food security, besides being a land use issue.

6 Going by the current market trends, a large of number of species are used by traditional

pharmacies in smaller volumes. Obviously, these species offer little economic incentive to

initiate farming.

6 Promotion of plantations of tree species for eventual medicinal purpose on commercial scale

appears a difficult proposition, particularly, when the end use involves destructive harvesting


For sustainable harvest and long term conservation of wild medicinal plants, best strategy

appears to be the following “three-pronged but inter-dependent approach”.

6 Skill up-gradation of collectors.

6 Opportunities for fair trade through established forward linkages.

6 Continued focus on assisted natural regeneration.

This document provides guidelines on “Good field collection practices for Indian medicinal

Plants” evolved through a consultative process by a team of experts in the field of conservation,

management and processing of medicinal plants in India.

reasons are enumerated hereunder:


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1.1. Background:

The WHO guidelines on Good Agriculture and Collection Practices (GACPs) recommend that

individual countries should develop their own national guidelines for collection of medicinal

plants (2). So far only European Union and a few other countries such as China and Japan have

developed region specific guidelines for good collection practices. The Good field collection

practices for Indian medicinal plants intend to provide India specific guidelines for sustainable

collection of wild medicinal plants. Stakeholders are encouraged to adopt these guidelines in

order to improve the quality, efficacy and safety of the finished ASU and herbal products as well

as to suitably address the socio-economic and environmental issues related to medicinal plants.

The ASU and herbal industries should also promote use of produce, which has been collected

and processed as per good field collection practices.

1.2. Objectives:

The objectives of these guidelines are to -

1.2.1. Encourage and support conservation and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants for

inter generational equity.

1.2.2. Ensure consistency in the quality of raw medicinal plants which have a bearing upon the

safety and efficacy of herbal formulations.

1.2.3. Ensure that medicinal plants produce is free from any extraneous contaminants and toxic


1.2.4. Minimize direct and indirect negative impact on environment due to collection of

medicinal plants from the wild .

1.2.5. Promote community involvement in management of medicinal plant resource including

its quality and sustainability.

1.2.6. Encourage training and benefit sharing to optimize the returns to the collectors, and other


1.2.7. Encourage documentation of required information related to medicinal plant produce.

1.2.8. Ensure equitable returns to collectors and other stakeholders.

1.3. Scope and Structure:

1.3.1. The document, “Guidelines on good field collection practices for Indian medicinal plants”,

is primarily meant for medicinal plant produce collected from the wild and seeks to

address issues associated with harvesting and post harvest management. The guidelines

will be useful for stakeholders dealing with harvesting, primary processing, drying,

packing, storage and transportation of medicinal plant produce of wild origin.


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Nonetheless, most of the recommendations contained in the document are valid for

cultivated medicinal plant species as well.

1.3.2. This document is structured in eight sections. General introduction gives a brief

background, objective and scope of the guidelines including the explanation of the terms

used in the document. Section 2 deals with regulatory requirements for sustainable

harvesting of medicinal plants from wild, while sections 3 and 4 contain guidelines on

harvesting and post harvest management. Section 5 deals with the right packaging and

storage requirement for dried medicinal plant produce. The section also recommends the

minimum requirement for packaging various categories of medicinal plant produce.

Specific needs regarding harvesting and post harvest management of various categories

of medicinal plant produce are explained in section 6. The last two sections deal with

documentation requirements, training and monitoring.

1.3.3. This document attempts to provide technical guidance for harvesting and post harvest

management of medicinal plants. Long-established empirical knowledge and techniques

of collection and post harvest processes, if any, may be continued. However, such

empirical methods should be restricted to medicinal plant produce, which is used by the

collectors themselves and is not meant for trade.

1.3.4. These guidelines should be considered in conjunction with the existing documents

relating to quality of medicinal produce, for example, the “Good Manufacturing Practices

(GMPs) for Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Medicines” published in Schedule 'T' of the Drugs and Cosmetic Act and Rules (3).

1.4. Definitions of the terms used:

The terms used in this document are defined below. Some of the terms and their definitions have been adopted from widely used authentic documents. The number at the end of the definition

denotes the reference number listed at the end of the document, from which the definition has been adopted. In some cases the definition has been modified slightly to make it more relevant for the current document.

Collector: Any person who harvests the medicinal plant produce from any live or dead medicinal

plant species as part of his livelihood or for trade.

Contamination: The undesired inclusion of impurities of biological or non-biological origin into or onto medicinal plant produces during harvesting, processing, drying, packaging, storage or

transport (4).

Cross-contamination: Contamination of medicinal plant produce with any other produce during harvesting, processing, drying, packaging, storage or transport.


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Herbal Drug Preparation as: Obtained by subjecting Herbal Drugs to treatments suchas extraction, disti l lat ion, expression, fractionation, purif ication, concentration orfermentat ion. These include comminuted or powdered herbal drugs, t inctures,extracts, essential oils, expressed juices and processed exudates.



Foreign Matter: Any matter found with medicinal plant produce, other than the medicinal plant

produce itself. This also includes parts of the same medicinal plant other than the officially

accepted plant part or parts.

Herbal Formulation : Herbal preparation obtained by subjecting the medicinal plants produce

to treatments like – extraction, distillation, fractionation, purification, concentration, fermentation

and blending. These include comminuted or powdered herbal drugs, tinctures, extracts,

essential oils, expressed juices and processed exudates. Herbal formulation may be food,

dietary supplement, medicine or a cosmetic preparation.

Manufacturer: A company or individual producing herbal formulations or extracts or active

compounds using medicinal plant produce as the source material for such products.

Medicinal Plant: Any plant species including fungi, algae, lichen, fern, which is entirely or partly

used, either alone or in combination, for therapeutic benefit or maintenance of health in humans,

animals or both.

Medicinal Plant Produce: Any plant material - whole, fragmented or cut, usually dried but rarely

fresh, obtained from a medicinal plant species, used for further preparation of products or sold

commercially. This includes but is not restricted to – whole plant, root, leaves, stem, wood, bark,

fruit, seeds, flower, floral parts, exudates, gum and resin. In this document, unless otherwise

mentioned, medicinal plant produce means produce that is obtained from wild medicinal plants.

The “Medicinal plant produce” is also interchangeably used as “Plant Produce” or “Produce” in

this document.

Phenological Stage: Various phases of growth and development of plant in relation to season

and microclimate of the habitat.

Post-harvest Management: Handling of the medicinal plant produce after it has been

harvested from the mother plant until it is ready for the sale or further use.

Primary Processing: Washing, cutting, sorting, peeling, squeezing, brushing, drying and

grading or any other such activity performed in making the medicinal plant produce usable.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): A written document having instructions for performing

any operation.

Sustainable Utilization of Medicinal Plants: The use of wild medicinal plants, in a way and at a

rate that does not lead to the long-term decline of the species, thereby maintaining its potential to

meet the needs and aspirations of present as well as the future generations (5).

Sustainable Harvesting: The use of plant resources at such levels of harvesting and in such

ways that the plants are able to continue to supply the desired produce in perpetuity(6).

Wild Medicinal Plant: Any medicinal plant growing in wild either on its own or as part of

systematic propagation and any other resource management interventions.


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2. Compliance to Regulatory Requirement

The collection, processing, storage and sale of medicinal plant produce must be carried out in

accordance with the existing laws. Being a concurrent subject, forests in India are regulated by both

Central as well as State Governments, concurrently. This needs compliance to laws enacted by both

Central and local Governments. Further, India being a signatory to various international treaties and

conventions related to conservation of biodiversity, provisions laid down in such and other regulations

applicable from time to time must be respected while collecting any medicinal plant produce from the


2.1. International regulation and guidelines:

Provisions laid down in the CITES regulations must be adhered to while collecting any

medicinal plant produce from the wild. In case the medicinal plant produce is meant for export,

existing laws of the importing country must be honoured. Besides the regulatory authorities in

the country of import, local secretariats of CITES, IUCN and TRAFFIC International may be

consulted for such laws and regulations.

2.2. National regulations:

Government of India, from time to time, has enacted various Acts to ensure conservation and

sustainable use of wild resources including medicinal plants. Indian Forest Act 1927, The

Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, The Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, The Biological Diversity

Act 2002, The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest-Dwellers (Recognition of Forest

Rights) Act 2006 contain provisions related to collection, transit and trade of medicinal plant

produce. Collectors and collection managers must keep themselves updated about the

provisions in such Acts, Rules and amendments made from time to time and must abide by the

conditions laid down in them. In addition to the Acts and Rules, collectors should also be aware

about Export-import policy and the negative list of export, brought out from time to time by

Govt. of India in order to comply with the provisions laid down in such policy documents.

2.3. Local regulations:

Majority of the States in India have additional laws enacted and enforced for regulating

removal and use forest resources. Some of the examples are – The Madhya Pradesh

Sustainable Harvesting Act 2005, The Andhra Pradesh Red Sanders Wood Possession Rules

1989, The HP Forest Produce Transit (Land Routes) Rules, 1977, The Tamil Nadu

Sandalwood Transit Rules, 1967, and The Maharashtra Forest Produce (Regulation of Trade)

Act, 1969.


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regional intricacies and necessities of conservation and utilization of wild resources.

Collectors/collection managers should be aware of such regulation governing the collection,

transit and sale of the medicinal plant produce applicable at the time of such activity in the

given area and should abide by the rules therein.

2.4. Permission for collections:

Wherever the provision requires, collectors/collection managers should take prior written

permission from the authorized agency for collection, possession, transit and sale of the

medicinal plant produce. The documentary proof of such permissions must be kept in safe

custody. Such medicinal plant produce, when traded, must be accompanied by appropriate

documentation in accordance with the laws.

Further, most of the States in India have modified Indian Forest Act 1927, to accommodate the


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3. Harvesting of Medicinal Plant Produce

Medicinal plants should be harvested in such ways and at such rates that the species perpetuates

indefinitely in its natural habits. Collectors should adopt such practices that do not merely fulfill their

commercial needs but also ensure that the produce the quality. Collectors/collection managers should

adopt following guidelines for harvesting the medicinal plants produce.

3.1. Quality Considerations:

3.1.1. Botanical authenticity of species:

Botanical identity must be established before a plant species is collected from the wild. The

comprehensive identity of the plant from which the produce is being collected should be

verified and recorded. The information sought should include - genus, species, sub-species,

if any, along with author citation. The species collected should be same as described in

Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (7), Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (8), Siddha

Pharmacopoeia of India (9) Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (10), Indian Pharmacopoeia (11),

Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia (12) or any recognized reference books like ICMR

Monographs (13) or Major Herbs of Ayurveda (14). If a new medicinal plant species is being

collected, which does not have any monographs in any of the pharmacopoeias or reference

books, its identity should be established in consultation with BSI or FRI or any recognized

national or regional herbaria.

3.1.2. Collection of healthy plants:

Only healthy individuals of desired plant species should be harvested. Plants, which are

infested with insects, pests, fungi, bacteria or virus, should be avoided (unless the medicinal

value of the species comes from such associations as in the case of insect galls, agar wood

and specified parts developed due to pathogens) as such infested plant produce may

deteriorate the whole lot.

3.1.3. Harvesting at right phenological stage:

The concentration of biologically active substances varies with the stages of growth and

development of plant. In order to ensure optimum quantity of biologically active substances

in the medicinal plant produce, the harvesting should be done at appropriate developmental

stage. For those species where right stage of collection is not known, collection managers

may seek guidance from the responsible person of the finished product manufacturers for

such medicinal species for herbal formulations. The collection time in terms of phenological

stage of plant species along with dates and months for each medicinal plant must be



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3.1.4. Weather conditions for collection:

Harvesting should not be done during rain, mist or exceptionally high humid conditions as

this would encourage fungal attack. If harvesting in wet conditions becomes inevitable,

provisions should be made to dry the water content as soon as possible from the produce.

Wet plant material may be dried in intermittent light and shade. Collection should not be done

during early hours to avoid dew, unless it is a specific need for any produce (e.g. floral parts

like stigmas and anthers are better harvested under dew).

3.1.5. Right places for collection:

Collection of medicinal plant produce should be done only from places, which are clean and

free from any possible exposure to insects, chemicals, toxic gases, sewage, automobiles

etc. Collection from or near anthills, industrial areas, sewage lines, crematoria, hospitals,

mining sites, public utilities, automobile workshops and any other places, which are likely to

contaminate the medicinal plant produce, should never be done. Medicinal plant produce

should not be harvested from plants close to roadside as perpetual exposure to vehicular

exhaust might have rendered the plant and its produce unsuitable for human consumption.

3.1.6. Sorting of produce:

The medicinal plant produce should be sorted out from any immature or over matured

produce, which may downgrade the overall quality of the lot. Where trading of different

grades of produce is in vogue, grading should also be done in accordance with established

parameters. The basis of such grade-wise sorting should be defined objectively (e.g.

diameter of roots, size or weight of the fruit etc.) Sorting for various grades may be done

either immediately after the harvesting or after drying of the produce depending upon the

ease of sorting.

3.1.7. Foreign matter:

Care should be taken to avoid any accidental mixing of foreign matter with medicinal plant

produce. There is high probability of soil particles, organic matters like leaves, stems, wood

pieces or food articles being inadvertently mixed with the medicinal plant produce during the

harvesting and post harvest management. Collectors should be vigilant to avoid such

mixing. Cross-contamination with other medicinal plant produce being harvested or

processed simultaneously should also be avoided.

3.1.8. Mixing of Toxic weeds:

In nature, the desired medicinal plant may be growing in close vicinity with some toxic weed.

While harvesting the produce, care should be taken to ensure that no such toxic weeds get

mixed with medicinal plant produce.


For example, there are AGMARK grading rules for Khadira, the dried pieces of heart-wood ofAcacia catechu:



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3.2. Environmental Considerations:

The collection of medicinal plants from wild may threaten the ecosystem in more than one

ways in the absence of adequate pre-emptive measures. The consequences of

unsustainable harvesting of many plant species are evident at global scale (15). The over

exploitation of any plant species may threaten the existence of the species in natural habitat.

Ignorance of the adverse environmental impact of over- exploitation may affect the

ecological balance and loss of genetic diversity of the surrounding habitats.

The presence of collectors within the ecosystems, be it forests, grasslands or any other, is

bound to influence the species of flora and fauna of the surroundings. Collection practices

should ensure the long- term survival of wild populations and their associated natural

habitats. Before collection of plant materials, collectors may consult the local resource

managers or botanists well conversant with the local ecosystem. Application of the

Principles and Criteria of the International Standard for Sustainable Collection of wild

medicinal plants (ISSC – MAP) developed by the IUCN/WWF/BfN through an intensive

consultation of various stakeholders. This application can be ensured through different

paths such as a scientific resource management regime, legal and regulatory adherence or

through a certification process. (16)

3.2.1. Conservation status of species:

Regulators (e.g. forest and wild life field officials) as well as the collectors must be

aware of the current conservation status of the desired plant species. The RET status

of the plant species in the respective areas should be known and any existing

regulation applicable in the area of collection to conserve such species should be

adhered to.

3.2.2. Sensitive species:

Collection managers should be aware of endemic plant species available in the areas

of collection and should adhere to the existing legal and ecological prescriptions to

ensure that the species is not subjected to an increased threat.

3.2.3. Distribution of species:

The quantity of collection of any plant species should be commensurate with the

distribution of the species in the area of collection, including their geographic domain.

Collection of a species should only be done from areas where its frequency of

occurrence is sustainable.

3.2.4. Regeneration of species:

Medicinal plant species should be harvested within the limits of their capacity for

regeneration. In any given population certain percentage of the population should be

left as such so as to allow the natural regeneration. The population size to be left may


Page 26: Guidelines On Good Field Collection · Guidelines On Good Field Collection Practices ... (Traditional

vary from species to species, depending on the habit and intrinsic regenerative

capability of the species.

3.2.5. Frequency of collection:

Irrespective of the demand of any medicinal plant produce, its collection cycle should

synchronize with the regeneration cycle of the plant species or the produce,

whichever is the case. Enough gaps should be given for the plant to recoup the

harvested parts.

3.2.6. Minimizing the harm to source plant:

While collecting the desired plant parts such as leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds etc.

efforts should be made to minimize harm to the plant from which these parts are being

harvested. Cutting the branches to ease collection of its bearings (fruits, leaves,

flowers etc.) should not be attempted.

3.2.7. Habitat management:

While harvesting the desired species, collectors should ensure that the damage to

habitat of the species is minimized to ensure its sustainability. It is especially

important where roots or other underground parts are to be harvested but result in

uprooting of the associated species, which are otherwise of no interest to the

collector. Climbers and twiners should be harvested in a way so as to cause least

disturbance to associated plant species. Certain species only occur in specialized

habitats (e.g. Acorus calamus in waterlogged areas or Bergenia ciliata syn. Bergenia

ligulata on rock crevices). Due care should be taken to avoid destruction of such

specialized habitats in wild while collecting produce from such plant species.

3.2.8. Equipments for collection:

Equipment used for digging, cutting, sorting, peeling and any other activity must be

suitable for the purpose they are used. Equipment should be made of a non-toxic

material and should be maintained in proper working condition. It is particularly

important to ensure that parts of the equipment, which come in direct contact with the

produce, are clean and free from any potential contaminant like paint, lubricant etc.

Tools that are used for activities like cutting, shearing, spilling or peeling must be

thoroughly cleaned after use to avoid cross contamination with the remaining


3.3. Social Considerations:

The social impact of large-scale collection from wild on local communities should be

observed to ensure that negative impact on their livelihoods is avoided. In case of organized

large-scale collection, care should be taken that local inhabitants get the equitable

employment opportunities and wages.


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3.3.1. Local use of the species:

In India, local people enjoy certain bonafide rights over the wild resources for food,

fodder, fuel wood, medicines, wild craft, agricultural implements etc. Further, local

healers in India collect medicinal plant produce for use as raw materials for their

medicinal recipes from forests. The organized collection of medicinal plant produce

from the wild should not affect the availability of species for use by local people.

(ISSC-MAP Criterion 4.1: Traditional use, access rights, and cultural heritage)

3.3.2. Fair Pricing:

The collectors of medicinal plant produce often do not get returns, which

commensurate with their efforts under current supply chain mechanism in India (17).

Provisions should be laid down for a fair price mechanism for all the species that are


3.3.3. Benefit Sharing:

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 of India has the provision of benefit sharing for

medicinal plant resources and the associated knowledge. Mechanism for a fair and

equitable benefit sharing should be evolved and adhered to by all the stakeholders of

medicinal plant produce.

3.3.4. Health Status of Collectors:

Persons having allergies to natural ingredients such as pollens, plant exudates,

aromas should avoid collection from the wild. Those with open wounds,

inflammations and skin infections should keep away from the areas, where primary

processing is taking place. Collectors should consider wearing appropriate personal

protective equipments like safety shoes, gloves, and eye and nose protection while

collecting produce from wild habitats.

3.3.5. Cultural Considerations:

The harvesting as well as the post-harvest management of medicinal plant produce

must be carried out in accordance with ethical codes and norms of local community

and the region in which the activities take place. Various plant species in India are

attached with some social and religious values. Plants like Tulsi (Ocimum spp.),

Doorba (Cynodon dactylon), Bael (Aegle marmelos), Peepal (Ficus religiosa),

Mango (Mangifera indica) etc. are considered holy in certain communities and

selected individual or population of such species may not be allowed to be harvested

by the society. Further certain acts (e.g. touching the holy species with feet) may be

considered inauspicious in some communities. Due respect should be given to such

values during harvesting and post harvest management of medicinal plant produce.


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4. Post Harvest Management

4.1. Primary Processing:Timely and right processing of medicinal plant produce after it has been harvested is

imperative to preserve the quality and enhance shelf life of the produce. After harvesting, the

produce should be separated from any organic or inorganic matter stuck to it. Any part of the

mother plant, that does not constitute official medicinal plant produce. (e. g. immature lateral

roots where taproot is the officially recognized produce), should be removed. If the soil is

attached to the harvested produce, which is common with the underground parts, it should

be washed with potable water. In some cases, the harvested produce may need to be

scraped, peeled or brushed. Such processed produce should be washed with potable water

before drying the same.

4.2. Drying:The medicinal plant produce should be properly dried before it is packed for shipping

or storage. Information on the optimum moisture content of particular produce may be

obtained from national pharmacopoeias and other monographs (7-13). Medicinal plant

produce such as rhizomes, fleshy roots, fleshy stem (Cissus), fleshy leaves (Aloe), pulpy

fruits, woody parts, fleshy petals and those containing polysaccharides need more attention

to ensure proper drying. The following points may be useful to achieve better processing

and drying of medicinal plant produce:

4.2.1. In case the harvested produce is morphologically thick, fleshy or of bigger size, it

should be cut or sliced into small/ thin pieces to ensure proper drying of the produce.

The produce should be cut into pieces in a manner that enhances the drying while

retaining the visual appearance of the produce.

4.2.2. Where the delicate plant parts and aromatic parts constitute the produce, these

should be dried only under shade. If a medicinal plant produce, which needs to be

dried in shade, is in wet condition, it may be dried under sunlight initially to get rid of

external moisture, before being transferred to shade. Collectors should seek

guidance from the buyers of the produce to choose sun drying, air-drying, shade

drying or combinations on a case-to-case basis.

4.2.3. In case of open sun or air-drying, the medicinal plant produce must be spread out in a

thinlayer on a drying frame. In absence of drying frame a sheet of cloth or tarpaulin

can be used to spread the produce. Spreading the produce directly on the ground

should be avoided. The produce should be stirred up or turned upside down at

frequent intervals to allow even and complete drying.


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4.2.4. During drying cycles (sun drying or shade drying), care should be taken that, the

materials are moved into covered/ partially covered spaces during evening hours.

This practice prevents undesirable exposure to night fog, unforeseen night drizzles


4.2.5. Artificial means of drying like oven or hot air may also be used. However, such

procedures must be standardized and validated for their overall effect on the quality

of medicinal plant produce before introduction at field level. The temperature range

and time duration in such drying should be recorded and documented.

4.2.6. The quality and safety risk of sun drying, if not done with sufficient protection (for

example the potential for salmonella spot contamination from bird excreta) must be

given due importance.


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5. Packaging and Storage

5.1. Packaging of Medicinal Plant Produce: The storage containers of medicinal plant produce must provide protection from heat,

humidity and temperature and at the same time should not contaminate the produce. Each

category of produce requires specific packaging needs. Appendix 1 enlists a few packaging

options for Indian medicinal plant produce, which can be adopted. In no circumstance,

previously used bags for food articles, construction articles such as cement, sand or that of

fertilizers or other chemicals should be used for packing medicinal produce. The containers

of the medicinal plant produce should not be cross-used, though the containers of same

species and produce may be used.

While handling material in bulk (like Shankhapushpi, Bhringaraj, Bhumyamlaki etc), effort

should be made for “compaction” using, manually/ mechanically operated compactors

(termed as “bale-packing” like the ones use for packing cotton). This practice helps the

communities in minimizing the storage area requirements and for primary transport


Each container of medicinal plant produce should be labeled properly. The label should

contain all the required information of medicinal plant produce. A prototype label is given

as Appendix II.

5.2. Storage of Medicinal Plant Produce: Storage of produce is of utmost importance as inappropriate storage conditions may render

the produce unusable, no matter with what care it has been harvested and processed.

Following storage recommendations may be adopted, which will help protect the quality of

the medicinal plant produce during storage:

5.2.1. Medicinal plant produce should be stored in a dedicated storehouse, constructed in

such away as to avoid entry of rodents, birds and other animals and should be free

from dampness, dirt and dust. Medicinal plant produce should never be stored in

open areas and in or near cattle sheds.

5.2.2. The storehouse should have provision for keeping approved, rejected and untested

lots separately with appropriate signboards.

5.2.3. Properly sealed and labeled containers of medicinal plant produce should be kept

preferably on wooden pallets, at cool and dry places. Never stack the containers,

especially gunny bags, jute bags, woven sacks, corrugated box etc. directly on the


5.2.4. Dedicated areas for each species should be clearly earmarked and enough space

should be left between two species and different parts of same species to ensure

smooth movement of persons and machine and to avoid any cross-contamination.

Containers of two or more medicinal plant produces should never be stacked one


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above the other.

5.2.5. Each lot of the produce should have its shelf life clearly marked on its label and the

produce should be used within the valid shelf life period. In case of traders, the

supplies of the produce should be done in a way so as to allow enough shelf life period

to the manufacturers. To the greatest possible extent, the medicinal plant produce

should be supplied/consumed on FIFO (First in first out) basis to minimize storage of

old stock. FIFO system allows sequential use of produce, in order of the arrivals in the

storehouse. Documentation of produce coming in and going out should be displayed

at an appropriate place to know the exact availability of the medicinal plant produce in


5.2.6. There should be provision for separate climate (temperature and humidity) controlled

facility to store hygroscopic material and volatile material.

5.2.7. Inflammable produce like resins, gum-resins, oils etc. should be stored at isolated

place in closed containers (flammable materials should be clearly labeled as such on

each container).


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6. Guidelines for collection and post-harvest management of various

Categories of Medicinal Plant Produce

The whole plant is used as a medicinal plant produce only in a few cases. Often it is one or more

part like root, bark, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds of the species which constitute the officially

accepted produce. While the general guidelines for harvesting and post-harvest management are

applicable to any collected part, the specific plant parts need additional care, Appendix III.

Ancient science, like Ayurveda, recommends collecting different parts of the plants in different

seasons. This was perhaps done keeping in view the optimum activity of herbs when harvested at a

specific season. Further, collecting the parts from the plant at a season when it causes the minimum

harm to the plant is also important.

It is recommended that a detailed SOP should be written for each category of produce in order to

minimize the harm to nature and to optimize the quality of the produce. Some of the important points,

which need to be taken care of while harvesting various categories, are given below.

6.1. Underground parts:6.1.1.The roots of annual plants must be dug when the plants are well developed and mature.

6.1.2. Roots of perennials should be harvested late in the fall or early in the spring. Roots of

biennial should be collected in either the fall of the first year or spring of the second year.

6.1.3. The root material that is rich in essential oils should be handled carefully to prevent

bruising of the epidermis, where the oils typically reside, which could result in loss of

essential oil or its degradation.

6.1.4. Unless otherwise required for any specific species, underground parts like roots and

rhizomes should be collected only after the seed shedding. It also facilitates

regeneration of species.

6.1.5. Where taproot is the desired produce and needs to be uprooted, harm to other plant

species in the vicinity should be minimized. Underground parts should be collected with

minimum possible digging by using appropriate tools.

6.1.6. When roots of species that are propagated vegetatively in nature are collected, enough

underground part should be left at site to allow regeneration.

6.1.7. It must be ensured that underground parts are thoroughly washed and thereafter dried

to reduce the moisture content before packing the produce.

6.2. Annual herbs/ Whole plants:

6.2.1. When collecting whole herbaceous plant, or its aerial parts, the harvesting should be

done at flower bud or flowering stage but prior to any visual decline in any of the plant



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should be left in nature for regeneration to facilitate future collections.

6.2.3. Use of mathematical procedures including computer softwares to estimate collection of

individuals from a population may be resorted when target area is large to ensure even

harvesting throughout the habitat.

6.2.4. Annuals, especially small herbs, creepers, grasses are more prone to contamination as

well as ross-contamination. It is easier to sort the annuals immediately after the

collection rather than after drying.

6.2.5. Aromatic plants and delicate parts like pistils or stamens of the other plants should not

be dried in direct sunlight. If these are collected in wet conditions, they should be shifted

to the shade as soon as the external moisture has been removed.

6.3. Stem Bark:

6.3.1. Stem bark should not be harvested when the tree is under new growth (like spring


6.3.2. As far as possible, the bark should be collected from mature branches of the trees

leaving the main trunk intact. Bark from entire branch or trunk should not be taken at one


6.3.3. Girdling of trees or branches by removing the bark all the way around should not be

done, unless the tree is to be felled for other purposes like, timber. Bark should be

stripped longitudinally (partially along the length of the stem) to allow smooth conduction

of water and nutrients.

6.3.4. Stem bark should not be collected again from same tree unless adequate time has been

allowed for it to be reformed completely. It should not be collected from immature trees

or branches.

6.3.5. The rhytidome (outer dead bark) should be removed except where it is the usable part of

the produce.

6.3.6. The bark should be split in pieces of appropriate size to ensure complete drying.

6.3.7. Unless otherwise required in specific cases, barks should be dried in direct sunlight

6.4. Stem or wood:

6.4.1. Only select mature branches of a tree or shrub should be harvested at a time. The

branches from the same plant should not be harvested every year. Where the trunk is

used as medicinal produce, the main axis should be harvested.

6.4.2. The produce should be cut in smaller pieces to facilitate faster drying, packaging and

6.2.2. Whole population in a given area should never be harvested. Adequate population


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storage of the produce. In case of wood, the material can be made into small chips or

shavings to facilitate drying and packaging.

6.4.3. Unless otherwise required in specific cases, stems and woods should be dried in direct


6.5. Leaves:

6.5.1. The leaves of herbaceous plants should be collected before their flowering, unless

otherwise specified. As far as possible, leaves should be collected from mature trees.

Where bio-active contents in the leaves do not fluctuate with age, the collection could be

extended to later stage also.

6.5.2. The source plant should not be ripped off the leaves completely. Certain percentage of

leaves should be left to ensure normal physiological processes of the plant.

6.5.3. Trees, shrubs or their branches should not be chopped to facilitate the collection o

otherwise inaccessible leaves.

6.5.4. Tender leaves should not be harvested unless they constitute the officially recognized

produce. Leaves turned pale, those infected, deficient and unhealthy should be


6.5.5. Generally leaves should not be dried in direct sunlight, unless they have external

moisture, in which case they may initially be dried in direct sunlight for some time and be

shifted to shade or indirect sunlight as soon as the external moisture is wiped dry. The

produce should be turned periodically while drying to facilitate faster and even drying.

6.5.6. Packing of the leaves should be done after ensuring the complete drying. Even a small

amount of moisture present in some leaves, may invite fungal contamination and

spoilage of whole lot.

6.5.7. Leaf material rich in essential oil must be handled carefully to avoid bruising of the

leaves that could result in loss of essential oil or its degradation.

6.5.8. The leaves should be harvested during the season when growth and leaf production is

the highest.

6.5.9. When environmental conditions are stressful for the plants leaf harvesting should be

postponed or should be harvested in less quantity.

6.5.10. If the leaf size is decreasing the rate of harvest should be lowered as it indicates stressful


6.5.11. If the plant size in a population appears to be decreasing, even if vegetative sprouting is

increasing (i.e. the population is becoming dense), the rate of harvest should be


6.5.12. The rate of harvest should be decreased if there is heavy pressure from grazing, fire or

other incidents that may negatively affect the plants.


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6.6. Flower and floral parts:

6.6.1. Flowers must be harvested (or if specified, flowering tops) when they have just opened

or shortly afterwards to capture its aroma.

6.6.2. The flower buds must be collected before the buds open and in early morning hours. In

this case the departure of insects must be encouraged by shaking the materials.

6.6.3. The flowers rich in essential oils must be handled carefully to prevent bruising that could

result in essential oil degradation.

6.6.4. All the flowers from perennials like shrubs, trees and climbers should not be harvested

completely. Similarly, flowers from a complete population of annual plants should not be

collected at a time. Enough flowers must be left over the plants to allow the natural

process of pollination, fertilization, fruit/seed formation and dispersal.

6.6.5. Floral parts like stigma, anthers, petals etc should be collected at appropriate time of

their maturity to ensure the availability of desired active substance.

6.6.6. The delicate flowers and floral parts should not be dried in direct sun light. Flowers that

are fleshy (like Madhuca indica) may be initially dried in sun to get rid of surface moisture

and shifted to shade or indirect sunlight afterward.

6.6.7. Medicinal plant produce consisting of flowers and floral parts should be packed in

moisture resistant well-protected containers, away from direct sun light.

6.7. Fruits and seeds:

6.7.1. Fruits and seeds should be collected only on maturity unless immature ones constitute

the medicinal produce (e.g. Emblica officinalis, Aegle marmelos) except the fruit of

family Apiaceae that dehisce on drying should also be collected before maturation .

6.7.2. In case of shrubs and trees, all the fruits from individual plant should not be collected at a

time leaving behind a few healthy ones for further multiplication of the species. Similarly,

the whole population of annuals should not be ripped off all the fruits and seeds at a time.

6.7.3. Trees, shrubs or their branches should not be cut for ease of collection of fruits and


6.7.4. Immature, infected and deformed fruits should be separated and discarded


6.7.5. If the medicinal plant produce consists of fresh fruits (e.g. Phyllanthus emblica) the

same should be transported to cold storage or pulping units immediately after


6.7.6. Wherever required, seeds should be removed completely from the fruit rind before they

are traded.

6.7.7. As per the need of the produce, fruits may be split or cut into small pieces to facilitate

drying and packaging.

6.7.8. Complete drying of fruits should be ensured before they are packed. Randomly

selected individuals fruits should be dissected to ensure that there is no inherent

moisture left.


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6.8. Gums and resins:

6.8.1. Collectors/collection managers should ensure minimum harm to the mother plant while

collecting the exudates. Only a few small longitudinal incisions should be made to collect

the exudates and the exposed parts should be treated appropriately to avoid any fungal

or bacterial infestation after the exudates has been collected.

6.8.2. Incisions, too close to the ground, easily approachable by the cattle and wild animals,

should be avoided. The collection container should be designed in a way to prevent rain,

bird droppings and any other such possible contaminations.

6.8.3. Where there is a likelihood of some foreign matter being mixed with the collect gums and

` resins, it should be carefully removed.

6.8.4. Source tree or shrub should be allowed appropriate recovery period before collecting

the exudates again from them.

6.8.5. Most of the gums and resins, being inflammable, should be packed in appropriate

containers and stored at isolated places. The containers of resins like Damar (Shorea

robusta) and Saral (Pinus longifolia) should be labeled as “Inflammable Material”, while

on transit and storage.

6.8.6. No fire should be ignited near the base of the tree to increase gum/resin flow.

6.8.7. Younger trees should not be tapped. The girth of the trees has to be decided below

which tapping of gum/resin will not be allowed.

6.8.8. Flow of gum is more in hot weather. Therefore, tapping in such species, should be done

between June-October.

6.8.9. Long sharp cut blazes are best as they give pure resin/gum and the bark heals faster.

Irregular cuts add impurities to the resin. Long cuts are better as they provide more area

for exudation and heal faster. Square and round cuts take longer time to heal as the

distance between the two walls is more.

6.8.10. Sharp knives or chisels can be used to make blazes.

6.8.11. Instead of letting the gum or resin solidify on the bark, it is better to fix a collection trough

e.g. coconut shell, hollow bamboo etc.

6.8.12. On the same tree more than one blaze is made, these should be staggered for optimum

exudation. After 3 years of tapping, sufficient rest should be given to the tree to

rejuvenate from the injury.

6.9. Others (Galls, Lac etc.):

6.9.1. Galls should be collected only from stipulated species (Karkatshringi from Pistacia


6.9.2. Collectors must ensure that no live insects are present inside the galls.

6.9.3. Post harvest management of galls should be done at an isolated place and the content

should be packed and stored appropriately so as to avoid possible infestation of other



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7. Documentation

The documentation of essential information related to collection of medicinal plant produce carries two distinct advantages. Firstly, it allows smooth tracing of history and quality of produce. Secondly, it facilitates in drawing all tactical plans related to the collection activity. To the extent possible, therefore, collectors, supervisors or mangers should ensure that maximum information is recorded during the collection of the produce. Observations like phenological stage vis-à-vis the quality of the produce may help plan future collection of the species at right season. Following information may be recorded during harvesting and post harvest management of medicinal plant produce:

7.1. The basic information about the plant species, area of collection, time of collection, regulatory

information etc. must be captured. All the medicinal plant produce in trade should accompany a

document containing information, enough to trace its identity, history, habitat, time of collection,

grade etc. An outline for recording such passport data is given as Appendix -III, which collectors

can adopt. This may be modified to suit the species from case to case basis. The passport data

sheet should go to all buyers till the produce is finally processed to make the ASU or the herbal


7.2. The phenological stage of species at the time of collection.

7.3. All processes or events that could affect the quality of the produce. Extra-ordinary circumstances,

which could influence the content of the produce such as extreme conditions (e.g. drought) during

the harvest time.

7.4. All agreements between collectors (e.g. co-operative society, village Panchayat etc.) with traders

and manufacturers.

7.5. The drying conditions and temperature range, if artificial drying has been employed.

7.6. Wherever the collectors have taken the permission for harvesting, processing or storage of plant

produce, proper records of such permits should be maintained. All the permits obtained from the

authorities, should be kept in safe custody and should be available for verification by regulators,

traders and manufactures. A copy of such permits should accompany the produce in trade up to

the point of use.


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8. Training and Monitoring

8.1. Training and capacity building:Proper training for ensuring the collection of quality produce without any negative impact on

the environment should be imparted to the collectors. Provision should be made to train the

collectors about the recommendations made in this document.

Collectors should have received adequate botanical training on areas like – identification of

species and their produce, understanding of phenological stages of plant, broad internal (e.g.

heart wood and sap wood) and external structures (e.g. rhytidome) along with some

appreciation of natural processes like pollination, regeneration etc, which occur in nature.

Collectors should also be in a position to discriminate the morphologically similar looking but

botanically different species in the nature to avoid collection from wrong plant species.

The collection managers and collectors should also be imparted adequate training on

regulatory requirements for collection from specific sites and the procedures to fulfill such

requirements. Collectors should be made aware of various situations of collections, which

can be detrimental to the habitat and environment. They should be instructed on all the

issues related to protection of environment and conservation of plant species.

The Table at Appendix IV gives the most appropriate seasons for collection of plant parts of

different medicinal plant species. The collection season may, however, vary from region to

region depending on climatic differences. The actual season for harvest be, however

finalized in consultation with the local Forest Department, the industry and the trade.

Collectors should be aware of the need of maintaining better personal hygiene as well as their

personal safety at collection sites.

8.2. Baseline Assessment and Monitoring: Demand and supply mismatch is the primary reason for unsustainable harvesting and quality

degradation. Baseline assessment of availability of medicinal plant produce in wild should be

done adopting mathematical approaches (18) including computer softwares. The assessment

should also be done for sustainable level of harvesting for each species at least for those likely to

be threatened in short durations. Once the baseline data is available, the regular monitoring

should be carried out as a part of routine management plan. Wherever it is not possible to arrive

at sustainable level of harvest, it can be carried out with reference to supply (for example setting

of extraction quotas) or with reference to both supply and demand (determine whether supplies

from a particular area will be sufficient for a given purpose) (18) including computer softwares.

The assessment should also be done for sustainable level of harvesting for each species at

least for those likely to be threatened in short durations. Once the baseline data is available,

the regular monitoring should be carried out as a part of routine management plan.

Wherever it is not possible to arrive at sustainable level of harvesting, it can be carried out

with reference to supply (for example setting of extraction quotas) or with reference to both

supply and demand (determine whether supplies from a particular area will be sufficient for a

given purpose) (18)


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Appendix I

Recommended packaging for Medicinal Produce


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Appendix II


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Appendix III


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Appendix IV