Guided Reading Where is Italy located in Europe and what is it considered to be in geographic terms...

Guided Reading Where is Italy located in Europe and what is it considered to be in geographic terms Why was Rome built on top of a hill What river was Rome built near How did the climate positively affect the growth of Rome Who was Aeneas and where did he come from

Transcript of Guided Reading Where is Italy located in Europe and what is it considered to be in geographic terms...

Guided Reading

Where is Italy located in Europe and what is it considered to be in geographic terms

Why was Rome built on top of a hill

What river was Rome built near

How did the climate positively affect the growth of Rome

Who was Aeneas and where did he come from

Guided Reading

According to legend how did Rome get its name

Rome’s last three kings were not Roman. They were what group of people

What were some contributions to the Roman by the Etruscans kings

What type of government did the Romans create in 509BC

What happens in a republic government

Guided Reading

Why were elected officials only allowed to hold office for one year

What group with in Rome held all the power and why

What was the purpose of choosing a dictator to lead the city

Why was Cincinnatus seen as such a good leader by the people

Guided Reading

What was the issue between the plebeians and patricians

What did the plebeians do to fight back

What is a tripartite government

What were the three parts of the tripartite government

Why did the government have two consuls and not one

Guided Reading

What was the primary job of the Roman Senate

How did the senators time in officer differ from magistrates

What group became so powerful they overshadowed the magistrates and took control of Rome’s finances

What was the primary job of the assemblies and tribunes

Bell Ringer

How were magistrates and Romans who took part in assemblies similar

Why did most Romans participate in government

What was the purpose of Rome incorporating checks and balances into their government

What was the issue with Rome’s first laws not being written down

What was known as Rome’s center of life and public meeting place

Guided Reading

How are the Law of the Twelve Tables similar and different from our laws today

Why did the Romans display the Law of the Twelve Tables in a public place

What made the Forum so important

Who were the Gauls

How did the Romans get the Gauls to leave their city

Guided Reading

What was the significance of Roman soldiers being organized into legions

How was farming affected by the expansion of Rome throughout the Italian Peninsula

How was trade affected by the expansion of Rome throughout the Italian Peninsula

How did near by countries feel about Rome’s expansion and how did they react

Guided Reading

What were the Punic Wars and who fought in them

What famous general attacked Rome in 218BC and where was he from

What four areas did Rome gain during the Punic Wars

What was different and unorthodox about the Roman take over of Greece

Guided Reading

Why did Tiberius want to create farms for poor Romans

Who was Gaius and what happened to him

How did the violent deaths of the Gracchus brothers change the way people looked at politics

Who was Gaius Marius and what did he do

What was the result of Marius allowing poor and unemployed people to join the Roman army

Guided Reading

Who was Lucius Cornelius Sulla

After Sulla was victorious during the civil war what did he name himself

Why did thousands of slaves follow Spartacus in a rebellion against Rome

What was the final result of the rebellion once Spartacus was killed

Guided Reading 11

Who was Cicero

How did Cicero propose to fix the Roman Republic

Why did the people and soldiers respect and love Caesar

What was Caesar’s great accomplishment between 58BC and 50BC

Why do you think Caesar wrote about himself in third person

Guided Reading

How did Caesar being an excellent speaker help him gain support

Why did Caesar’s allies become jealous of him and what did they demand he do

What was Caesar’s response to Pompey

What did Caesar do to Pompey upon arriving in Rome

What did Caesar do upon returning to Rome in 45BC

Guided Reading

Why was Caesar killed

After Caesar’s assassination what two great leaders emerged to control Roman politics

What was their primary goal

How did most Romans feel about the death of Caesar

What happened to Caesar’s killer after the assassination

Guided Reading

What was the cause of the battle of Actium

Why did Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide

How did the Roman Republic become an empire

How were the first 200 years of the Roman Empire described

How did Rome’s territorial expansion affect trade

What type of approach did the Romans take in their studies of science and engineering

Guided Reading

Why was cement such a useful material

What do you think the primary purpose of Roman roads were (map page 352-353)

How were the Romans able to increase the size of their buildings

What was the significance of Romans using arches

What architectural features did the Romans copy from the Greeks

Guided Reading

What is Civil Law

What kind of religion did Romans practice

From what peoples did Romans adopt some gods

How did the Romans keep from offending gods

Why did some Romans think that Judaism was a political problem

How did Jews feel about Judea being under Roman rule and what did the Jews do

Guided Reading

What was the relationship like between Jews and Romans by the early 100’s BC

What did emperor Hadrian believe would happen if he banned certain Jewish rituals

What was the result of the ban

What is Christianity based on

Why did many Jews follow Mosaic Laws so closely

Guided Reading

Why were Jews waiting for the Messiah to arrive

Why is the New Testament sacred to Christians

According to Christian, who was Jesus’s father

Why did many people become followers of Jesus

Why was Jesus arrested

Two rules Jesus taught that were part of Judaism were what

Guided Reading

Why have so many denominations developed since the death of Jesus

What are the Gospels and why are they important

How did Paul help spread Christianity

Why was it important for the Christian Church to break away from Judaism

Why might persecution have made Christianity stronger

Guided Reading

Who was the first bishop of Rome

Land conquered by the Roman army was given up around 200 AD because

Why was it a mistake to invite Germanic farmers to farm Roman land

What problems did Rome face in the 100’s and 200’s AD

What was the Roman capital called to the east

Guided Reading

Why did the Goths flee into Roman territory

Why did the Romans pay the Goths

Why did military leaders take power away from the emperors

What marks the end of the Western Roman Empire

What were the main factors of Rome’s fall

What did Justinian’s Code help guarantee

Guided Reading

Who was Theodora and how did she help her husband Justinian