Guided exploratory approach

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  • 1. GGuuiiddeedd EExxpplloorraattoorryyAApppprrooaacchhReport by:Mark Anthony Castro

2. Guided Exploratory ApproachProcess-Oriented Method step-by-stepacquisition of knowledge and skills.3 major Considerations:a. The process emphasizes how to learn andnot to learn.b. It stresses the need for functional/relevanttransfer of knowledge.c. It is concerned with the development of theintellect. 3. InductiveA method which from the specific before arrivingat a generation.Steps of the inductive methoda. Preparationb. Presentationc. Comparison and abstractiond. Generalizatione. Application 4. Inquiry TeachingDiscovery Teaching and Discovery LearningCommonly used in higher level thinking.This method helps the students to learn how toask questions, seek answers or solutions toproblems. 5. Laboratory MethodA kind of teaching procedure that deals withinvestigation and experimentation and whichnormally involves firsthand experiences concerningmaterials and facts obtained.A. Experimental emphasizes discovery of asolution to a problem either by problem solving oracquisition of information.B. Observational focuses on the acquisition offacts. 6. Steps of the laboratory methoda. Orientation and motivationb. Work Periodc. Culminating activities 7. Problem SolvingThis is a teaching method that uses thescientific method in searching for informationand for improving the reasoning process.Also referred to as reflective thinkingconsidered as to be model as the 1990s up to50s.Effective however, in teaching non-sciencesubjects. 8. Steps in Problem Solvinga. Sensing and Defining the Problemb. Formulating the Hypotheses.c. Testing for the Hypotheses.d. Analysise. Formulating Conclusion 9. How effective is the problem-solvingmethod?Critical thinkingIndependence of mindOpen mindednessSense of responsibility 10. Guidelines for an effectiveproblem-solving1. Problem must be clear and concise.2. Problem is adapted to the age, interest, skillsof the students.3. Use cooperative learning to ensure a moreactive participation of group members.4. Furnish leading questions at every step tomonitor progress of the undertaking.5. Prepare supplementary materials to substitutefor materials that are not available. 11. 6. See to it that the process or procedure is donecorrectly and well.7. Set criteria for evaluation.Project MethodRequires the students to construct projectsas a result of the study/research done.Self-directed individual's effort 12. Effectiveness of Project Method1. Project is reflective of the amount ofunderstanding the students have for the conceptdeveloped.2. It provides avenues for self-expression andcreativity.3. It develops desirable attitudes.4. Group projects enhance cooperation andsharing of ideas. 13. Guidelines of the Project Method1. Set clear objectives for evaluation.2. Encourage use of available local materials.3. Assign projects according to the interest andability of the students.4. Provide minimal supervision to set directions andmonitor progress.5. Projects must not be duplications of previouslydone output of the students. 14. Steps of the Project Method1. Purposing2. Planning3. Executing4. Evaluating