Guide to supporting the #iwill ·...


Transcript of Guide to supporting the #iwill ·...

  • Guide to supporting the #iwill campaign

  • This is the #iwill campaign!

  • It’s about empowering more young people to play their part…

    More than ever before young people are ready to take anactive part in improving their communities.

    By doing so they can help those around them at the sametime as developing skills for life

    The #iwill campaign vision is tomake social action the norm among10-20 year-olds, whatever theirbackground.

  • And creating a step-change in young people contributing tosociety

    Our collective goal is to increase by 50% thenumber of 10 – 20 year olds taking part in

    meaningful social action by 2020

    Youth social action is young people takingpractical action in the service of others tocreate positive change

  • The campaign is led by organisations from across society…

    * This slide shows pledges from year oneof the campaign.

  • Pledging support in our 2014 – 15 priority areas…

  • Across our key sectors: Education…

    Showcase youryouth social

    action in awards,annual reporting,communicationwith parents &

    inspectionsIntegrate youth

    social actioninto your vision,

    values, ethos andstrategic planning

    Communicatewhat works well

    – share yourresources,

    facilities, expertiseand enthusiasm

    Inspire students to

    learn theirsubject in the

    context ofsocial action

    Connectstudents tohigh quality

    opportunitiesthat will challenge

    them to leadmeaningful change

    Help youngpeople reflect

    on what they’veachieved throughyouth social actionand how it links to

    their next steps

  • Employment…

    Recognise theskills and value ofyouth social action

    in recruitmentpractices

    Develop youngemployeesthrough youthsocial actionPromote and

    measure adultvolunteering to

    support youthsocial action

    Invest to enablemore qualityopportunities

    Influenceeducators and

    young people torecognise theimportance of

    youth social action

    Promote thebenefits through

    your network

  • The voluntary sector and public services…

    Recognise theskills and value ofyouth social action

    in recruitmentpractices

    Contribute to the

    evidence baseof the double


    Increase the scaleand reach of youryouth social action


    Open upopportunities for

    young people totake part as well as


    Integrate the 6quality

    principles intoyouth social action


    Spread theword about thedouble benefit of

    youth social action

  • And funders of youth social action

    Integrate the 6quality

    principles intofunding

    requirementsContribute to the

    evidence baseof the double


    Increaseinvestment in

    high quality youthsocial action

    Contribute to

    other pieces ofwork in support of

    the strategy

    Spread theword about thedouble benefit of

    youth social action

  • But it needs your leadership!

    Our aim is to create real and sustained societal change throughgalvanising cross-sector support from leaders in our society.

    Over 100 organisations from the business, education, faith and voluntarysectors have already made substantial pledges towards the campaign’sgoal.

    Will YOU join them?

  • You can lead the way by…

    Spreading the word about thebenefits of youth social action

    Embedding social action in thejourney of 10 to 20 year olds

    Creating opportunities for high qualityyouth social action

  • Spreading the word…

    How can you encourage more young people to take part in social action? How can you raisethe profile of youth social action? How can you demonstrate the double benefit of youthsocial action?

    O2*We will as a channel topromote the benefits of socialaction to our 0.5 million uniqueusers, and work with UK businesspartners to promote the linksbetween social action andemployability.

    O2 will host an annual celebrationof youth social action at The O2Arena to recognise and rewardyoung people’s contributionsthrough social action.

    Cabinet Office*We will help the Campaignmeasure participation in socialaction for 10-20 year olds.

    We will share with the Campaigndata from projects funded via theYouth Social Action Funds, whichare investing up to £21m in youthsocial action.

    The Jubilee Centre for Characterand Virtues*We will research the developmentof character values and virtues inyoung people who take part inyouth social action programmes.The research will enable a greaterunderstanding of the impact ofyouth social action on characterand its potential double benefit.

    We will supply a research fellow tolead the research.

    Here are some examples of greatpledges from our first year in action:

    *For full pledgessee:

  • Embedding in education and employment…

    What can you do to integrate youth social action into your policies and practices sothat it becomes part of young people’s lives wherever they are? How can you useyour influence to lead changes in your sector’s approach to youth social action?

    Sir Michael Wilshaw, HMCI*Ofsted will ensure our guidance forinspectors and schools andcolleges emphasises theimportance of young people havingthe opportunity to serve others intheir community.

    Mulberry School for Girls*All pupils in Years 7 - 11 at MulberrySchool must fulfil the MulberryPledge to undertake a Citizenshipproject, a fund-raising activity, andvoluntary service for the community.

    Wellington College*Wellington College commits tointegrating service learning acrossthe curriculum over the next threeyears. Service learning is a new,integrated approach to learning thatinvites pupils to learn theirmainstream subject content in thecontext of social change and socialaction.

    British Gas*Aim to treble the number ofvolunteering days taken byemployees and focus those days onproviding opportunities to help allyoung people to have everyopportunity to serve others.

    National Grid*We will use our recruitmentprocesses to recognise the skillsdeveloped through social action byincluding a question about socialaction in our application andinterview processes and advocatingsocial action in our recruitment.

    *For full pledgessee:

  • Or creating opportunities

    What can you do to open up more high quality youth social action opportunities?Could you provide funding or in-kind support to create more youth social actionopportunities?

    NCVO*We will pilot greater opportunitiesfor young people to engage involunteering relationships andactivities with older residents incare homes, through theVolunteering in Care HomesProject.We will develop good practiceguidance that will supportorganisations to engage youngpeople.

    City Year*We will expand to serve 5 cities by2020, with 1,000 full time, yearlong corps members serving70,000 children across 100schools. Our corps members willengage the children they serve insocial action across theirlocal communities.

    Pears Foundation*We will invest an additional£500,000 into this sector in orderto give more young people theopportunity to access high qualityprogrammes.

    Girlguiding UK*We will:• Engage over 50,000 more girlsaged 10 to 20 as a powerful forcefor good in their communities by2020.

    • Engage more volunteers toenable more girls to join.

    • Engage more girls in social actionin their local community throughthe guiding programme.

    • Engage more girls as advocatesfor change.

    *For full pledgessee:

  • How can I make my pledge meaningful? Askthese questions:

    • Is your pledge measurable and are you clearabout what’s needed to achieve your aims?

    • Is your pledge relevant to the strategy andthe six principles of high quality socialaction?

    • How will you show progress by November 2015and annually through to 2020?

    • If you operate across the UK, how canyou make an impact across the fournations?

  • So, where can you make your pledge?

    Check out some of our otherpledges by following the links below:




    Funders &Research




  • And what happens next?

    Thank you for pledging support to the campaign!

    To track the development of thecampaign, we’ll ask you to tell usabout the progress you’re making onyour pledge every six months.

    We will then use this data to publisha report each year as part of ourNovember celebrations, showcasingthe impact of the campaign andhighlighting the great work of ourleaders.

  • For more information

    [email protected]


    Slide Number 1Guide to supporting the #iwill campaignThis is the #iwill campaign!It’s about empowering more young people to play their part…And creating a step-change in young people contributing to societyThe campaign is led by organisations from across society…Pledging support in our 2014 – 15 priority areas…Across our key sectors: Education…Employment…The voluntary sector and public services…And funders of youth social actionBut it needs your leadership!You can lead the way by…Spreading the word…Embedding in education and employment…Or creating opportunitiesHow can I make my pledge meaningful? Ask these questions:So, where can you make your pledge?And what happens next?For more information