Guia de bibliografia de las Elites.pdf

VERY BRIEF USER GUIDE FOR BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR ELITE STUDIES, 1995, FIRST EDITION, DEPOSITED WITH THE ESRC DATA ARCHIVE AT ESSEX UNIVERSITY. This bibliography consists of a variety of references that are useful when one is engaged with elite studies. The references have been divided into sixteen sections labelled; Aristocracy, Civil Service, Directors, Education, Elite Theory, Ethnicity, Forces, Judges, Lords, Parliament, Pluralist Theory, Police, Royalty, Ruling Class, Secret Services, Women. The lists are not exhaustive so the bibliography will be up-dated with further references and sections. Nirmal Puwar UK Data Archive Study Number 3453 - Bibliography for Elite Studies, 1995

Transcript of Guia de bibliografia de las Elites.pdf


    This bibliography consists of a variety of references that are useful when one is engaged with elite studies. The references have been divided into sixteen sections labelled; Aristocracy, Civil Service, Directors, Education, Elite Theory, Ethnicity, Forces, Judges, Lords, Parliament, Pluralist Theory, Police, Royalty, Ruling Class, Secret Services, Women. The lists are not exhaustive so the bibliography will be up-dated with further references and sections.

    Nirmal Puwar

    UK Data Archive Study Number 3453 - Bibliography for Elite Studies, 1995


    Abir, M. (1987). The Consolidation of the Ruling Class and the New Elites in Saudi Arabia. Middle Eastern Studies; 1987, 23, 2, Apr, 150 171 :

    Adonis, A. (1993). Making aristocracy work: the peerage and the political system in Britain, 1884-1914. Oxford, Clarendon Press New York: Oxford University Press.

    Aguila, J. C. (1972). Traditional Elites, Power and Development in Argentina; "Elites" Tradicionales, Poder y Desarrollo en Argentina. Revista Espanola de la Opinion Publica; 1972, 29, Jul Sep, 183 225 :

    Ashton, R. and W. J. Baumol (1969 1993). The Aristocracy in Transition Entrepreneurship, management, and the structure of payoffs. Economic History Review, Second Series; 22(2), Aug. 1969, pages 308 22 Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 1993, pages xi, 311 :

    Atienza Hernandez, I. (1989). Women and Ideology: An Emic Vision of the Role of the Aristocratic Woman in the Seventeenth Century; Mujer e ideologia: una vision "EMIC" del papel de la mujer artistocrata en el siglo XVII. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1989, 47, 3, July Sept, 317 337 :

    Atienza Hernandez, I. and M. Simon Lopez (1987). Royal Patronage, Income, Inheritance, and Nobility in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Some Notes for a Political and Socioeconomic Analysis; Patronazgo real, rentas, patrimonio y nobleza en los siglos XVI y XVII: algunas notas para un analisis politico y socioeconomico. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1987, 45, 1, Jan Mar, 25 75 :

    Baechler, J. (1980). The Origins of Greek Democracy; Les Origines de la democratie grecque. Archives Europeennes de Sociologie; 1980, 21, 2, 223 284 :

    Baechler, J. (1986). On the Origins of Modernity, Castes, and Feudality: Europe, India, Japan; Aux origines de la modernite, castes et feodalites: Europe, Inde, Japon. Archives Europeennes de Sociologie; 1986, 27, 1, 31 57 :

    Baldus, B. (1977). Social Control in Capitalist Societies: An Examination of the "Problem of Order" in Liberal Democracies. Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie; 1977, 2, 3, summer, 247 262 :

    Baltzell, E. D. (1976). The Protestant Establishment Revisited. American Scholar; 1976, 45, 4, Aut, 449 518 :

  • Baltzell, E. D. (1987). The Protestant establishment: aristocracy & caste in America. New Haven London, Yale University Press.

    Baltzell, E. D. and H. G. Schneiderman (1991). From Rags to Robes: The Horatio Alger Myth and the Supreme Court. Society; 1991, 28, 4(192), May June, 45 54 :

    Barbalet, J. M. (1987). The "Labor Aristocracy' in Context. Science and Society; 51(2), Summer 1987, pages 133 53 :

    Beitscher, J. K. and E. K. Hunt (1976). Insights into the Dissolution of the Feudal Mode of Production: A Case Study of the Limousin. Science and Society; 1976, 40, 1, Spr, 57 71 :

    Bellaby, P. (1987). The Peculiarities of the English Revisited: The Historical Formation of State, Class and Culture in England. Sociological Review; 1987, 35, 4, Nov, 829 839 :

    Berdahl, R. M. (1976). Prussian Aristocracy and Conservative Ideology: A Methodological Examination. Social Science Information / Information sur les Sciences Sociales; 1976, 15, 4 5, 583 599 :

    Berman, M. (1972). The Early Years of the Royal Institution 1799-1810: A Re-Evaluation. Science Studies; 1972, 2, 3, Jul, 205 240 :

    Beum, R. (1975). The Old Regimes and the Technological Society. Journal of Politics; 1975, 37, 4, Nov, 937 954 :

    Bohanan, D. (1986). Matrimonial Strategies among Nobles of Seventeenth-Century Aix-en-Provence. Journal of Social History; 1986, 19, 3, spring, 503 510 :

    Boime, A. and C. Charle (1979). Entrepreneurial Patronage in Nineteenth-Century France; Les Hommes d'affaires et les arts en France au 19e siecle. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales; 1979, 28, June, 57 75 :

    Boney, F. N. (1974). The Southern Aristocrat. Midwest Quarterly; 1974, 15, 3, Apr, 215 230 :

    Bourgeot, A. (1990). Tuareg Identity: From the Aristocracy to the Revolution; Identite touaregue: de l'aristocratie a la revolution. Etudes rurales; 1990, 120, Oct Dec, 129 162 :

    Branner, F. (1981). Class and Corporate Elements in Habsburg Lima's Elite Circulation. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1981, 39, 40, Oct Dec, 507 522 :

    Bruin, K. (1981). The Question of Ennoblement in the Patriciate of Amsterdam in the Nineteenth Century; Kwesties van stand. Over de opname in de adelstand van Amsterdamse patriciers in de 19de eeuw. Sociologische Gids; 1981, 28, 2, Mar Apr, 110 139 :

  • Bruin, K. (1992). Nobility in the Netherlands. Notes on Recent Developments; Adelsbeleid in Nederland. Notities bij recente ontwikkelingen. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift; 1992, 18, 4, Feb, 119 133 :

    Brustein, W. (1989). Peasants and Kings: The Limits of the Conventional Wisdom. Peasant Studies; 1989, 16, 2, winter, 123 131 :

    Buchner, P. (1984). The Meaning of Cultural Hegemony for the Educational Aristocracy: On the Developmental Dynamics and Forms of Reproduction of Expectation toward Higher Education through the Example of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1945; Die Bedeutung kultureller Hegemonie fur den Bildungsadel. Uber Entwicklungsdynamik und Reproduktionsformen hoherer Bildungsanspruche am Beispiel der BRD. Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Soziologie; 1984, 9, 3, 54 60 :

    Cannadine, D. (1977). Lords and Landlords. New Society; 1977, 39, 757, 7 Apr, 7 9 :

    Cannadine, D. (1980). Lords and landlords: the aristocracy and the towns, 1774-1967. Leicester, Leicester University Press.

    Cassis, Y. and S. D. Chapman (1988). Merchant Bankers and City Aristocracy. British Journal of Sociology; 1988, 39, 1, Mar, 114 120 :

    CASTLES, F. G. (1973). BARRINGTON MOORE'S THESIS AND SWEDISH POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT. Government and Opposition; 1973, 8, 3, SUM, 313 331 :

    Cestaro, A. (1983). Southern Italy and Social Classes; Mezzogiorno e classi sociali. Sociologia; 1983, 17, 2, May Aug, 3 29 :

    Chalasinski, J. (1976). Jan Stanislaw Bystron: Historian of Culture, Ethnographer, Sociologist [1892-1964]; Jan Stanislaw Bystron: historyk kultury, enthograf, socjolog (1892-1964). Przeglad Socjologiczny; 1976, 28, 205 216 :

    Chapman, S. D. (1986). Aristocracy and Meritocracy in Merchant Banking. British Journal of Sociology; 1986, 37, 2, June, 180 193 :

    Chevalier, M. (1976). Concerning Some Recent Works on the French Nobility; A Propos de Quelques Ouvrages Recents sur la Noblesse Francaise. Ethnopsychologie; 1976, 31, 1, Jun, 21 29 :

    Clark, S. (1978). The Importance of Agrarian Classes: Agrarian Class Structure and Collective Action in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. British Journal of Sociology; 1978, 29, 1, Mar, 22 40 :

  • Clarke, P. (1992). Margaret Thatcher's Leadership in Historical Perspective. Parliamentary Affairs; 1992, 45, 1, Jan, 1 17 :

    Coen, A. (1991). Italian Public Administration toward the European Community; La pubblica amministrazione italiana verso la Comunita Europea. Critica Sociologica; 1991 1992, 100 101, Jan Mar, 27 43 :

    Cowan, A. F. (1986). The urban patriciate: L|beck and Venice, 1580-1700. Kvln, Bvhlau.

    Crossick, G. (1976). An Artisan Elite in Victorian England. New Society; 1976, 38, 742 743, 23 30 Dec, 610 613 :

    Davies, E. J. (1985). The anthracite aristocracy: leadership and social change in the hard coal regions of northeastern Pennsylvania, 1800-1930. DeKalb, Ill, Northern Illinois University Press.

    de Saint Martin, M. (1985). Matrimonial Strategies among the Aristocracy. Preliminary Notes; Les Strategies matrimoniales dans l'aristocratie. Notes provisoires. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales; 1985, 59, Sept, 74 77 :

    De Saint Martin, M. (1989). The Structure of Capital, Differentiation According to Sex and Intellectual "Vocation"; Structure du capital, differenciation selon les sexes et "vocation" intellectuelle. Sociologie et Societes; 1989, 21, 2, Oct, 9 25 :

    Deme, L. (1988). From Nation to Class: The Changing Social Role of the Hungarian Nobility. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society; 1988, 1, 4, summer, 568 584 :

    Derman, P. J. (1977). Stock and Aristocracy: The Political Implications of Swazi Marriage. African Studies; 1977, 36, 2, 119 129 :

    Dow, G. (1984). Viewpoint: Sponsored and Contest Mobility Revisited: Tensions for Teachers. Sociological Review; 1984, 32, 2, May, 349 366 :

    Drysdale, A. (1981). The Syrian Political Elite, 1966-1976: A Spatial and Social Analysis. Middle Eastern Studies; 1981, 17, 1, Jan, 3 30 :

    Duindam, J. (1990). Hierarchy and Conflict at the French Court during the Last Decades of Louis XIV; Hiearchie en conflict: aan het Franse hof in de laatste decennia van de regering van Lodewijk XIV. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift; 1990, 17, 3, Dec, 101 127 :

    Eisenstadt, S. N. (1985). Comment on John Kautsky's The Politics of Aristocratic Empires. Comparative Studies in Society and

  • History; 1985, 27, 1, Jan, 135 137 :

    Ellin, N. (1991). Constructing the Middle Class. History of European Ideas; 1991, 13, 6, 817 824 :

    Evergates, T. (1974). The Aristocracy of Champagne in the Mid-Thirteenth Century: A Quantitative Description. Journal of Interdisciplinary History; 1974, 5, 1, Sum, 1 18 :

    Faguer, J. P. (1991). The Effects of a "Total Education": A Jesuit College, 1960; Les Effets d'une "education totale": un college jesuite, 1960. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales; 1991, 86 87, Mar, 25 43 :

    FELD, M. D. (1975). MIDDLE CLASS SOCIETY AND THE RISE OF MILITARY PROFESSIONALISM, THE DUTCH ARMY 1589-1609. Armed Forces and Society; 1975, 1, 4, SUM, 419 442 :

    Ford, F. L. (. L. (1953). Robe and sword: the regrouping of the French aristocracy after Louis XIV. New York, Harper and Row.

    Furet, F. and M. Ozouf (1979). Two Ways of Legitimizing French Society in the 18th Century: Mably and Boulainvilliers; Deux legitimations historiques de la societe francaise au XVIII3 siecle: Mably et Boulainvilliers. Annales; 1979, 34, 3, May June, 438 450 :

    Germain, A. (1992). Will Montreal Survive the Decline of Its Large Anglo-Protestant Bourgeoisie?; Montreal survivra-t-elle au declin de sa grande bourgeoisie anglo-protestante? Recherches Sociographiques; 1992, 33, 1, Jan Apr, 103 110 :

    Ghetti, F. M. A. (1988). The Roman Type of Rural Merchants: Notes and Recollections by a Roman; Il romano ceto dei mercanti di campagna: appunti e reminiscenze di un romano. Critica Sociologica; 1988, 86 87, July Dec, 32 43 :

    Gibson, R. and M. Blinkhorn, Ed. (1991). Landownership and power in modern Europe. London, HarperCollins Academic.

    Giddens, A. (1976). The Rich. New Society; 1976, 38, 732, 14 Oct, 63 66 :

    Goodwin, A., Ed. (1953). The European Nobility in the 18th Century.

    Gray, R. (1976). The labour aristocracy in Victorian Edinburgh. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

    Groshens, M. C. (1977). On the Transmission of Patrimony: A Tentative Typology of Rural Dwelling in Alsatia; Transmission du patrimoine et typologie de l'habitat rural alsacien. Etudes rurales; 1977, 65, Jan Mar, 15 30 :

  • Guilleman, A. (1985). Rent, Family, Innovation: A Contribution to the Sociology of the Aristocratic Estate in the Nineteenth Century; Rente, famille, innovation. Contribution a la sociologie du grand domaine noble au XIXe siecle. Annales; 1985, 40, 1, Jan Feb, 54 70 :

    Guillemin, A. (1982). Aristocrats, Landowners, and Graduates: The Struggle for Local Power in La Manche, 1830-1875; Aristocrates, proprietaires et diplomes: la lutte pour le pouvoir local dans le departement de la Manche, 1830-1875. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales; 1982, 42, Apr, 33 60 :

    Habakkuk, H. J. and F. M. L. Thompson, Ed. (1994). Landowners, capitalists, and entrepreneurs: essays for Sir John Habakkuk. Oxford, Clarendon Press New York: Oxford University Press.

    Halkier, H. (1990). The Harder They Come: 1789 as a Challenge to Marxism. Science and Society; 1990, 54, 3, fall, 321 350 :

    Hamilton, A. (1987). Equal to Whom? Visions of Destiny and the Aboriginal Aristocracy. Mankind; 1987, 17, 2, Aug, 129 139 :

    Hanagan, M. (1990). Ruling Families and Dominant Classes in Modern European History. Sociological Forum; 1990, 5, 3, Sept, 503 509 :

    Hayes, P. (1993). Marx's Analysis of the French Class Structure. Theory and Society; 1993, 22, 1, Feb, 99 123 :

    Heier, E. (1970). Religious schism in the Russian aristocracy.

    Henley, J. S. and W. J. House (1978). The Changing Fortunes of an Aristocracy: Determinants of Wages and. World Development; 6(1), Jan. 1978, pages 83 95 :

    Hirschman, E. C. and W. Roszkowski (1988 1991). Upper Class WASPS as Consumers: A Humanist Inquiry Landowners in Poland, 1918-1939. Hirschman, Elizabeth, ed; Sheth, Jagdish N., ed. Research in consumer East European Monographs, no. 299, Boulder: East European Monographs.

    Houdaille, J. (1974). The Descendants of the Grand Dignitaries of the First Empire in the 19th Century; Les Descendants des Grands Dignitaires du ler Empire au XIXe Siecle. Population; 1974, 29, 2, Mar Apr, 263 274 :

    Hurwich, J. J. (1989). Lineage and Kin in the Sixteenth-Century Aristocracy: Some Comparative. Beier, A. L.; Cannadine, David; Rosenheim, James M., eds. The first modern.

    Izard, M. (1973). The Spear and the Rags; La Lance et les Guenilles. Homme; 1973, 13, 3, Jul Sep, 139 149 :

  • Jago, C. (1973). The Influence of Debt on the Relations between Crown and Aristocracy in. Economic History Review, Second Series; 26(2), May 1973, pages 218 36 :

    Jamal, V. (1989). The Demise of the Labor Aristocracy in Africa: Structural Adjustment in. Weeks, John F., ed. Debt disaster? Banks, governments, and.

    Jenks, C. (1977). T. H. Green, the Oxford Philosophy of Duty and the English Middle Class. British Journal of Sociology; 1977, 28, 4, Dec, 481 497 :

    Johnson, R. (1976). Barrington Moore, Perry Anderson and English Social Development. Working Papers in Cultural Studies; 1976, 9, spring, 7 28 :

    Johnson, R. W. (1974). The Political Elite. New Society; 1974, 27, 590, Jan 24, 188 191 :

    Kakh, J. (1985). Typological-Regional Differences in the Development of Productive Forces and Demographic Processes in the Course of the Transformation of European Society. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung; 1985, 33, Jan, 11 24 :

    Kalberg, S. (1992). The German Sonderweg De-Mystified: A Sociological Biography of a Nation. Theory, Culture and Society; 1992, 9, 3, Aug, 111 124 :

    Kammen, M. G., Ed. (1967). Politics and society in colonial America: democracy or deference ? American problem studies. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

    Kantrow, L. (1980). Philadelphia Gentry: Fertility and Family Limitation among an American Aristocracy. Population Studies; 1980, 34, 1, Mar, 21 30 :

    Kautsky, J. H. (1982). The politics of aristocratic empires. Chapel Hill, N.C, University of North Carolina Press.

    Kautsky, J. H. (1983). The Politics of Traditional Aristocratic Empires and Their Legacy. International Journal of Comparative Sociology; 1983, 24, 1 2, Jan Apr, 47 60 :

    Khusar, T. (1980). The Intelligentsia of the Hungarian People's Republic; Intelligentsiya vengerskoy narodnoy respubliki. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya; 1980, 7, 3, July Aug, 201 205 :

    Kingsley, J. D. (1944). Representative Democracy. :

    Lachmann, R. (1989). Elite Conflict and State Formation in 16th- and 17th-Century England and France. American Sociological Review; 1989, 54, 2, Apr, 141 162 :

  • Lambert, A. (1984). Unquiet Souls: the Indian summer of the British aristocracy, 1880-1918. London, Macmillan.

    Larner, C. (1977). The Diplomat as Peacock. New Society; 1977, 41, 774, Aug 4, 277 228 :

    Lebra, T. S. (1990). The Socialization of Aristocratic Children by Commoners: Recalled Experiences of the Hereditary Elite in Modern Japan. Cultural Anthropology; 1990, 5, 1, Feb, 78 100 :

    Lefort, C. (1974). What Is Bureaucracy? Telos; 1974 75, 22, Win, 31 65 :

    Lisle Williams, M. (1984). Merchant Banking Dynasties in the English Class Structure: Ownership, Solidarity and Kinship in the City of London, 1850-1960. British Journal of Sociology; 1984, 35, 3, Sept, 333 362 :

    Lummis, T. (1994). The labour aristocracy, 1851-1914. Aldershot, Hants, England, Scolar Press Brookfield, Vt: Ashgate Pub, c.

    Macry, P. (1988). Ottocento: famiglia, elites e patrimoni a Napoli. Turin, Einaudi.

    Makela, K. (1985). Social Structure of Cultural Variation in Finland; Kulttuurisen muuntelun yhteisollinen rakenne Suomessa. Sosiologia; 1985, 22, 4, 247 260 :

    Marc, E. (1971). Social Classes and Psychological Types; Classes Sociales et Types Psychologiques. Ethnopsychologie; 1971, 26, 2 3, Sep, 229 244 :

    Markey, R. (1988). The Aristocracy of Labour and Productivity Re-organization in NSW, c. Australian Economic History Review; 28(1), March 1988, pages 43 59 :

    Martins, J. d. S. (1981). Italian-Born Entrepreneurs and Workers in the Industrial Development of Brazil between 1880 and 1914: The Case of Sao Paulo; Empresarios e trabalhadores de origem italiana no desenvolvimento industrial brasileiro entre 1880 e 1914: o caso de Sao Paulo. Dados; 1981, 24, 2, 237 264 :

    Mata Olmo, R. (1987). The Ruin of the Nobles and Bourgeois Enrichment. New Data on the Bankruptcy of the House of Osuna; Ruina nobiliaria y enriquecimiento burgues. Nuevos datos sobre la quiebra de la Casa de Osuna. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1987, 45, 1, Jan Mar, 149 177 :

    Matsumura, T. (1983). The labour aristocracy revisited: the Victorian flint glass makers 1850-80. Manchester, Manchester University Press, c.

    Meehan-Waters, B. (1982). Autocracy and aristocracy, the Russian service elite of 1730. New Brunswick, N.J, Rutgers University

  • Press.

    Menache, S. (1980). Hebrews of the Seventeenth Century: The Shaping of National Stereotypes in France and England; Les Hebreux du XIVme siecle: la formation des stereotypes nationaux en France et en Angleterre. Ethnopsychologie; 1980, 35, 1, Jan Mar, 55 65 :

    Merllie, D. and J. Y. Cousquer (1980). Marriage and Family Relations among the Rural Aristocracy: Two Interviews; Mariage et relations familiales dans l'aristocratie rurale: deux entretiens. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales; 1980, 31, Jan, 22 34 :

    Metraux, R. (1978). Aristocracy and Meritocracy: Leadership among the Eastern Iatmul. Anthropological Quarterly; 1978, 51, 1, Jan, 47 58 :

    Miles, A. and D. Vincent (1991). A Land of "Boundless Opportunity"?: Mobility and Stability in Nineteenth-Century England. Sociological Review Monograph; 1991, 37, 43 72 :

    Mitzman, A. (1981). Flaubert and Weber: Post-Heroic Consciousness in France and Germany. Theory and Society; 1981, 10, 1, Jan, 81 102 :


    Morales Moya, A. (1984). Social Mobility in Spain in the Eighteenth Century: Sociological and Juridical Aspects in the Granting of Aristocratic Titles; Movilidad social en la Espana del siglo XVIII: aspectos sociologicos y juridicos de la concesion de titulos nobiliarios. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1984, 42, 50, Apr June, 463 489 :

    Nashif, T. (1977). Palestinian Arab and Jewish Leadership in the Mandate Period. Journal of Palestine Studies; 1977, 6, 4, summer, 113 121 :

    Nicholas, S. and P. R. Shergold (1988). A Labour Aristocracy in Chains. Nicholas, Stephen, ed. Convict workers: Reinterpreting Australia's past.

    Norrie, A. and S. Adelman (1989). 'Consensual Authoritarianism' and Criminal Justice in Thatcher's Britain. Journal of Law and Society; 1989, 16, 1, spring, 112 128 :

    Novatscheck, E. (1985). Is Capitalism an Achievement-Based Society? On the Disputed Thesis That Capitalism Is an Achievement-Based Society; Ist der Kapitalismus eine Leistungsgesellschaft? Zur Auseinandersetzung mit der These von Kapitalismus als Leistungsgesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Padagogischen Hochschule Karl Liebknecht Potsdam; 1985, 29, 4, 606 613 :

  • Oakley, J. W. (1991). The Rhetoric of Reform: Edward Bulwer and Aristocratic Representation in the Social Order, 1828-41. Vol. 1: Recreation of Honour; Vol. 2: Estate as Narrative. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences; 1991, 51, 9, Mar, 3248 A.

    Parpart, J. L. (1984). The "Labor Aristocracy" Debate in Africa: The Copperbelt Case, 1924-1967. African Economic History; 0(13), 1984, pages 171 91 :

    Pedko, E. (1978). The Rock Aristocracy; Rok-aristokratiya. Literaturnaya Gazeta; 1978, 50, 7, Feb 15, 15 :

    Peritore, N. P. (1987). Feudalism-Critique of a Model of Society and Political Economy. Alternatives; 1987, 12, 1, Jan, 61 81 :

    Pico, J. (1975). The Valencian Bourgeoisie in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century; La Burguesia valenciana en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1975, 33, 15 16, July Dec, 105 118 :

    Pilling, A. R. (1989). Yurok Aristocracy and "Great Houses". American Indian Quarterly; 1989, 13, 4, fall, 421 436 :

    Reuter, T., Ed. (1978). The Medieval nobility: studies on the ruling classes of France and Germany from the sixth to the twelfth century. Europe in the Middle Ages; v.14. Amsterdam, North-Holland, c.

    Richardson, W. D. and L. G. Nigro (1991). The Constitution and Administrative Ethics in America. Administration and Society; 1991, 23, 3, Nov, 275 287 :

    Robinson, R. J. (1987). The Civilizing Process: Some Remarks on Elias's Social History. Sociology; 1987, 21, 1, Feb, 1 17 :

    Robledo, R. (1987). A Grandee of Spain Short of Money. The Income of the Marquis of Cerralbo in 1840; Un grande de Espana en apuros. Las rentas del Marques de Cerralbo en 1840. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1987, 45, 1, Jan Mar, 105 123 :

    Rosenthal, J. T. (1972). The purchase of paradise: gift giving and the aristocracy, 1307-1485. London, Routledge and K. Paul.

    Saint Martin, M. d. (1989). The Aristocracy and the Aristocratic "Sports"; La Noblesse et les "sports" nobles. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales; 1989, 80, Nov, 22 32 :

    Saint Martin, M. d. and J. Wilke (1991). Construction of the Noble Identity; Die Konstruktion der adligen Identitat. Berliner Journal fur Sociologie; 1991, 1, 4, 527 539 :

    Schulz Buschhaus, U. (1979). Forms of Aristocratic and Bourgeois

  • Literature; Formen aristokratischer und burgerlicher Literatur. Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie; 1979, 31, 3, Sept, 507 526 :

    Schwartzman, K. C. (1985). Unleavened Democracy: The Bourgeoisie That Never Rose. Contemporary Sociology; 1985, 14, 5, Sept, 575 578 :

    Seneviratne, H. L. (1976). Aristocrats and Rituals in Contemporary Ceylon. Journal of Asian and African Studies; 1976, 11, 1 2, Jan Apr, 97 101 :

    Shankar, K. (1987). Rural Rich and Rural Transformation. Man and Development; 1987, 9, 3, Sept, 30 36 :

    Shanks, A. N. (1988). Rural aristocracy in Northern Ireland. Aldershot, Avebury.

    Shklar, J. N. (1978). Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Equality. Daedalus; 1978, 107, 3, summer, 13 25 :

    Sicard, E. (1978). Critique of the Concept of "Proletariat" as a Social Class; Critica del concepto "proletariado" como clase social. Revista de Ciencias Sociales; 1978, 20, 2, Sept, 197 217 :

    Siegel, P. N. (1978). Monarchy, Aristocracy and Bourgeoisie in Shakespeare's History Plays. Science and Society; 1978 79, 42, 4, winter, 478 482 :

    Simmel, G. and C. Doucet (1989). The Secret Society [Excerpts]; La Societe secrete (extraits). Societes; 1989, 24, July, 4 7 :

    Smith, R. M. (1979). Some Reflections on the Evidence for the Origins of the 'European Marriage Pattern' in England. Sociological Review Monograph; 1979, 28, June, 74 112 :

    SPODEK, H. (1974). RULERS, MERCHANTS AND OTHER GROUPS IN THE CITY-STATES OF SAURASHTRA, INDIA, AROUND 1800. Comparative Studies in Society and History; 1974, 16, 4, SEP, 448 470 :

    Stone, L. (1972). The Aristocracy in Transition: A Reply to Dr. Woolf. Economic History Review, Second Series; 25(1), Feb. 1972, pages 114 16 :

    Story, R. (1980). The forging of an aristocracy: Harvard & the Boston upper class, 1800-1870. Middletown, Conn, Wesleyan University Press Irvington, N.Y.: distributed by Columbia University Press, c.

    Topolski, J. (1985). The Structure of the Polish Nobility in the 16th and the 17th Century: Some New Findings and Reflections. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung; 1985, 33, Jan, 60 70 :

  • Tumin, J., T. Zwaan, et al. (1982). The Theory of Democratic Development: A Critical Revision. Theory and Society; 1982, 11, 2, Mar, 143 164 :

    Turberville, A. S. (1958). The House of Lords in the Age of Reform, 1784-1837: with an epilogue on aristocracy and the advent of democracy, 1837-1867. London, Faber and Faber.

    Turberville, A. S. (1974). The House of Lords in the Age of Reform, 1784-1837: with an epilogue on aristocracy and the advent of democracy, 1837-1867. Westport, Conn, Greenwood Press.

    Valle, I. M. (1974). The Crisis in Traditions in Ancient Greece and the Diverse Concepts of the State; Las crisis de las tradiciones en la antiqua Grecia y las diversas concepciones del Estado. Revista Internacional de Sociologia; 1974, 32, 9 10, Jan June, 77 102 :

    Verhulst, A. (1991). Review Article: The Decline of Slavery and the Economic Expansion of the Early Middle Ages. Past and Present; 1991, 133, Nov, 195 203 :

    Vujovic, S. (1976). Traditional Concepts of Elite and Masses in the Works of De Maistre and De Bonald; De Mestrovo i de Bonalovo tradicionalisticko shvatanje elite i Mase. Sociologija; 1976, 18, 1 2, 201 213 :

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