Guest t3 B$, - Compelling Copy NOW...Armed with this ou )or, r..,!the Core Buying...

Armed with this knowledge. how ou )or, r..,! the Core Buying Complex to move him into a buying moodl You use empathy. Through the power of words that correctly convcy empathy you can bond even quick- cr and lasier with your prospcct - when you know his "language!" After your prospect has read your promo- tion's headline (or email subject lines) - he is norv piqued rvitlt itttcrest (realizing what's in it for him). Now, they arc on to thc second most important parl ol' your letter,'offer * your lead. This is where you havr: to get them hooked, start hitting hot buttons ( from their Core ttuying L()mpL'x) antl make thcttt yotrr ully up liont. So whcn the timc comes * and the offer is made - they immediately resplnd to your call-to-action. One Ptent power play to ac- complish this is with qmpathy. Guest Feature Move Your Prospect to Boy Fasterwith EMPATHY! EMPATIIY: lmaginutiw ltrrlection o.l' ona'.s o$'n rroll.trioll.vtess inlo uttother heing. Webster's Ncw International Dictionary Beginning marketers (and that goes for inftr marketers as welll somehow think their prod- uct or serrice is the most important aspcct of their business. Actually the most vital cog in the markcting rnachinc is your PROSPECT. And according to Master Marketer Jay Abra- ham, in thc beginning your prospect is really not a prospect (yet)"- no, he is "suspecl." You see, dcep down yottr prospect knows You lr*ant to seParatc him fronr his Inoney - s0 he's on guard" So what is the bcst way to bond, to reach him on a deeper lev- cl. to movc your pros- pect to take action with your offer'l Well. ture strategy is ttr creatc a Core Buy- ing Complex ol'what your prospcct is rcal- ly all about. According to my mentor, master copy- rvriter/markctcr Mark Ford. a core complcx will tcll you A LOT ahout your customer and rvhat kcr:ps hirn up at night. Il's a mattcr of identitying three important attributes of your pr0spect: Beliefs: What do your prospects hold near and dear to their hearts'l (Used a lot in fund- raising and political contributiott uutttputgtts) Feelings: What arc their fcclings. rvhat rcally hits thcm in thc gut? Desires: What do they really, really want? (seetr in car commercials. niche markets etc.) Once you take thesc three elements and-com' please note; To practice empathy is nor to f"cl H-]* tr No me-n with the same backgrounds binc ticm. you can creatc a picrure of vour i;;;;;iie; per*n. but to actu"' i ; :::g ;:l ,il"J.nltt};:ll1"th$: "r'#r?fi: prospect\ buying attitude. person. when you elfectively use cmpathy ffi;;; tt J-p-r"ria*, subscribed to the ,i ) I ;TF I t3 B$, Gopywriting BY PETER J. FOGEL in r .:rles lcrter. (e-mail, direct nuil, landiur- page))uLi \r - -.,. nection w ith your pJnip"Ii]'t t'y o h'prt'uuct or service is what the customer wants' then he probably wants to do business with you' Of coursc, you havc to prove you're trust- worthy and present him with strong evidence that you'll solve his problem- Remember: People hu1'Jbr cmotittnol rcilsons andiustifi' their purchase vt'ith logic. How to ApPlr- E,mPathY No.l - THE STORY Stories have been around since the dawn of time. They draw us to the person rveaving the tale. inviting us to put ourselves in thc protagonist's shows. An exdellent cxamPlc is the classic "Two Young Men" lefter for the lfall Street Jaurnal. Since it be- gan running in 1974, it has produced more than $l billion in sales. It starts Dear Rcader, "On q heautifitl lute spring rlfiernoon, t*'enty-five vears ago. /lr'o .l'offflIi men graclttated .lrom the sume college'. Thet'*'ere terv mut'h alike' these tv,o loung firen".." 'Ihe copywriter, Martin Conroy' goes on to tell how these two young men' childhood tiiends, start out on thcir juurney through litb on similar paths. But something happcncd that changed their destinations. Both landcd at the'same company. Onc friend ran a small department at this company. His buddy ended up president of the compafiy. ..1- 18 l wHERE ENTREPRENEURS Goro succEED GKIC.COM

Transcript of Guest t3 B$, - Compelling Copy NOW...Armed with this ou )or, r..,!the Core Buying...

Page 1: Guest t3 B$, - Compelling Copy NOW...Armed with this ou )or, r..,!the Core Buying Complex to move him intoa buying moodlYou use empathy.Through the power of words that

Armed with this knowledge. how ou )or, r..,!

the Core Buying Complex to move him intoa buying moodl

You use empathy.

Through the power of words that correctlyconvcy empathy you can bond even quick-cr and lasier with your prospcct - when you

know his "language!"

After your prospect has read your promo-

tion's headline (or email subject lines) - he

is norv piqued rvitlt itttcrest (realizing what's

in it for him). Now, they arc on to thc second

most important parl ol' your letter,'offer *your lead.

This is where you havr: to get them hooked,

start hitting hot buttons ( from their Corettuying L()mpL'x) antl make thcttt yotrr ullyup liont.

So whcn the timc comes * and the offer ismade - they immediately resplnd to your

call-to-action. One Ptent power play to ac-

complish this is with qmpathy.

Guest Feature

Move Your Prospect to BoyFasterwith EMPATHY!

EMPATIIY: lmaginutiw ltrrlection o.l' ona'.s

o$'n rroll.trioll.vtess inlo uttother heing.

Webster's Ncw International Dictionary

Beginning marketers (and that goes for inftrmarketers as welll somehow think their prod-

uct or serrice is the most important aspcct oftheir business. Actually the most vital cog in

the markcting rnachinc is your PROSPECT.

And according to Master Marketer Jay Abra-

ham, in thc beginning your prospect is reallynot a prospect (yet)"- no, he is "suspecl." You

see, dcep down yottr

prospect knows Youlr*ant to seParatc himfronr his Inoney - s0

he's on guard"

So what is the bcstway to bond, to reach

him on a deeper lev-

cl. to movc your pros-

pect to take actionwith your offer'l

Well. ture strategy is

ttr creatc a Core Buy-ing Complex ol'whatyour prospcct is rcal-ly all about.

According to mymentor, master copy-rvriter/markctcr MarkFord. a core complcxwill tcll you A LOT ahout your customer and

rvhat kcr:ps hirn up at night. Il's a mattcr ofidentitying three important attributes of yourpr0spect:

Beliefs: What do your prospects hold near

and dear to their hearts'l (Used a lot in fund-

raising and political contributiott uutttputgtts)

Feelings: What arc their fcclings. rvhat rcally

hits thcm in thc gut?

Desires: What do they really, really want?

(seetr in car commercials. niche markets etc.)

Once you take thesc three elements and-com' please note; To practice empathy is nor to f"cl H-]* tr No me-n with the same backgrounds

binc ticm. you can creatc a picrure of vour i;;;;;iie; per*n. but to actu"' i ; :::g ;:l ,il"J.nltt};:ll1"th$: "r'#r?fi:prospect\ buying attitude. person. when you elfectively use cmpathy ffi;;; tt J-p-r"ria*, subscribed to the

,i )



t3 B$,Gopywriting

BY PETER J. FOGELin r .:rles lcrter. (e-mail, direct nuil, landiur-page))uLi \r - -.,.nection w ith your pJnip"Ii]'t t'y o h'prt'uuct or

service is what the customer wants' then he

probably wants to do business with you'

Of coursc, you havc to prove you're trust-

worthy and present him with strong evidence

that you'll solve his problem- Remember:

People hu1'Jbr cmotittnol rcilsons andiustifi'their purchase vt'ith logic.

How to ApPlr- E,mPathY


Stories have been

around since the dawn

of time. They draw us

to the person rveaving

the tale. inviting us toput ourselves in thc

protagonist's shows.

An exdellent cxamPlc

is the classic "Two

Young Men" lefter

for the lfall Street

Jaurnal. Since it be-

gan running in 1974,

it has produced morethan $l billion in

sales. It starts

Dear Rcader,

"On q heautifitl lute

spring rlfiernoon, t*'enty-five vears ago.

/lr'o .l'offflIi men graclttated .lrom the sume

college'. Thet'*'ere terv mut'h alike' these

tv,o loung firen".."

'Ihe copywriter, Martin Conroy' goes on totell how these two young men' childhood

tiiends, start out on thcir juurney through litbon similar paths. But something happcncd

that changed their destinations. Both landcdat the'same company. Onc friend ran a smalldepartment at this company. His buddy ended

up president of the compafiy.



Page 2: Guest t3 B$, - Compelling Copy NOW...Armed with this ou )or, r..,!the Core Buying Complex to move him intoa buying moodlYou use empathy.Through the power of words that

${:;:*ii' "*rgr+ Ju}$rr*{r'# 1l*}t}rtl,*6}:l th* [et**r fieu*r$iltjg $r] tiir*tti3'I atrqj *i*t:e *\'t1rt'tx'l* *t'Rvt$

s*$t*its, tt:ltx strirl*S.3' htlil*is tlttlp,rttfuSi iirr t$r*

t*xs *ri*,r:**sful ,fii**tt *l*xtg wi*t t$*tr Fl*gr* t:{'

S t **u*,irt111th*: rtt{}r* xftLr*r*sflnl n**st-

$n$**t*r d)*6ry-rv:ritxl h"{ia}l**l h:{**s--t*rx** fu**

{:$$t.t* L}F .vil}r tl:r*s *:th*r Yui**\'$ f* *h*:lw,'sr*'Fx**

th.t' tk*t ***qr bre xscd q*it* *lt*s:t,iv*l-lt ixl 5r*.+uu

*e,q{ rti.rx*t r:n*i{ gli***e^ The *rxl- uhir:h is *:.ulr

ser:clrrd applitan*r** isr

,Vrs" } nlfo.-*$ -,\'# XSFIHS ?ffi{;t$'dl#.,{sff*

Th* **l-r,r.*,e is th* tlv*t $urrx*n nmd $**x isl*

s***r,iqr rlr $:l*ruli: r.\-x*kttgx+*s. It's lss*t* *II t$:l*

timle Ltr x**i{'*ilt*pr*:le'yrrl*trt &"q}{rfiis$* l*'*ig}rrix*t r**: t i t ut rili d h*xr*- bers.';rr$ k rr s l*e*x *$* rs,

I *s*ti it i,* * h*sNx*xt${*-}'*$t*rr$,* - i} it}ist} i$t*rllittg t$tu. r**d*r hc$v trt*r {hunr* w*strttrt s*dr*$,f-tv*rrtlr fk*rm trris r$*ler *sr*sr" ht';t it ll.ncl*"[

rtlway* h**n" iil*x tllxf fitr $rir:r. T** s**. h*lirru,ttt*t" fu* wr*a x{rs*k rn * d*****e,uri bxxi*l*.*ti.

"'J l+xvs "rxi"tri*g"{J$ dx rax&lc**tf*srrx,*tvx f,J *q"rxs

r:r grul'r** J n,*s.,* ir.rdl*$le#-dilrlt*x: gr# g&grqi*:**fu

{,ti}{:C n$}J $r*s{,S l+''$.$ *:#fd,ng r$*r:^ t{*$'$ Jlittitr tr}t*l

Ji*$r:.r'.-; I r:tlroji. $f i.J,,$5.di{}^". "

J"tre *'lotrr: "frrxt

lik* y*{i'- e{r}tr}*,t}r_v ,*l**w.* {h*to ih* fettur's *utlrrlr is u cexl hc$tue{r h*i*lg wittlfi grn:hle,rxs itmd i*s*+uritr** * rlx?*ii jrrst ille th*

utrri*,*,r'llllig&th* *npmair*r*i*S, f,{H}. }t *tr * p*fst*l* 1w*grerrt i* x ;t*gr*ri+r per**ti*lr. Th+" suthclrlius,*tt up. n*el th***et **,w llr*rlse,l,*srrr t* $rirm. N*:,st l:r.t hti*,$:*r*rlos *ixt i,r:

,\i,y, ..{ * *}*X Sf,}ff,S fif.d$.r$ I}$# "t"*,SfSSi\'*",tS!"*

Fkiltlr * P*klixlring'"s $$${rrlti*{f v*r *ul*$i+in*rv hi t* p* p*r' -il'{*.t{ir:;rl}3,

Frq:rr.qr* k:?ir*r;}*r* * t'fi*u}i*g;*' u**s hi* tol'p* *f*rtrglmthr.*.'fh* r$i$lli *t-e rehrrl *{**t*rr pui:rq:r** f!:ri *p,rlr'i$k }ti* *nv*n lerti*,ti irsr ni:$ i strtel,t*rtt ;

Aii\ij:3...$&I#$;S*l-i C,$}.?iX3fH"1:". "J$ .s:qfir,

*:iirmaxxJlJ $lit::tsrs *:c$rd;x'"f&rxl{}f,#nu,#o' *r3l $&xl

i*{::.{*'f ,,ir*-:{$-r$*rs*x&J-iEfrr**rvt$".,{s.$$*lSf"},4*w*rli *rrg*u.u*ar," srt*t*f$t,dlr*:,t (TJt:t r:t}$e;:*tr+s*:*{

Ift*r*'e $rsdlrt lrsJi#{}rf{}r*$ {:ff r";$r..s {d€t$s } o"t"grt $. d*,:sxr.


l,rr+s {,1}?*lrle:r*g.rtli,*'**t,tr,,*::exr Sq.v*, a,i#i f&s,i.y. f.,}.sfc:

r:it*:neru:*st. #r f*:r f*a:wr ')-rsuls{rr"#&r'* .!'*:s*T{l :- $

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i"$") /s:lsi $isf"$ ,6+rtrfsY.," rxnd fiu:r

xnt.$x llr:rr**rf,f{trr "

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&ur*fw,*$"S"r*g ertl*ty-r+xni*r*. " Ntit ,th*s *i*ltl r. ir, tfu+xgh.

}.i.u. i$ ir trlr*r *,i*xrnpitut ri} t*:*, [itx.k, 6u-1r.. . p,*ia"

$r[s r*e,r,rt*n

ftr:,*nding r"t*t ktt*:futlili"s list t*:

.&p. d*J#f,+I ruf*. {.?{j#

Nr*l q.*sr*: w:&*if$ t,* {.:* *r* *nssi*}*r, ***i *v*rr.'r,+:t,r.l*

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*n [:* e rn*r,xb*,r trf" Ih,* "'{-1$*b," p*,*pl* r+.slxt

t.*_i*$*, ${uffirtn r}*&ir:*, sirr** tl'r* h*gi*rti*g *;rrt

iir"ms, ra,ill *r$trx.\us tw ttrr* ,r*xm*. I]r*rp,ic, {y.rrurs-

$l*c'$;$'] rwil3 ;**ltw,Vn ws*lx ltlurt *l *y r:.**:l't k*rr*.s.\*ul rve x* dr;xp*r*tely-:*'un{ x*: Lr*;* pr*rt cd trrmlat* *e:,r* gr,**p"

"' tr"#{.X",'f "\:$}#J{

A,V $f.* SS'.

..-$ ilsrr $*r*.1s. "$r*J*trrr*" .,.$ +# {.{tll,l*f*'.,1*

ile*;.r $"eJ*t: l+',"$ ru$f*rq

Ifr*ri"rr lr ,"S**rr *u,*s*gl" fTt*rl"*r "ii ./i.tfr+ru^q. .,,3**il

rfnrr:r f,Js*t*l s -f,f;u ,f*&]ng" . " r*,,fxrd $,*r,{:crr fr"*rt'*,',r

$$i{f &{.rs" *'f ,S ru*fnlq5, e"1fl *s ;*r*$eq &*xf Ss'**rw.**

re,+ Sis$,*x"**et* Jixr & is f, rs rrrr'l,,:*y' ftra*,*,f, rl:r:*f!d*i# "*s*+i

q-41' f&*r rn*- irr esr$ri$r*Jtr -f,irrut*,r *$'" $**x*r*r*fr: *l***x:$

F.t{-r$rg.,. J +x* rfi*:. r,{f#{}r {':lJ'f''iy /';},1?'$'filf. d;.{:\ri

J- is*r S{:} S&:r'l f }'el*,*t*l f i {,tr:u;,{CI l,}'*1,, .

&*glrt sr{t tfue tmt, *il* lvritrv l*r*s r}r*. Frft$:F*,s,f

in **iih "hi**. I**gu*ug*. $f ,v.*u'r* *.n *r*g.I*r,.r,

p,r:uor* thinkil*.$, '*"{h.i$ &r}y k*{*tvs *hc}r*'*nt$kir g q*st*l *h*t *lr*:x'r:gt*re* t*: *;,*lu:himgi

$,*I li* gri){}g- .}3*,** *rk*p nrie txurk.'"** bar{t"

t*tix srritsr dxngtrex -ttry'

tt*ker*rtxcr"" fu*xr:i{'tts

thnrrrglt*ut $h* (:rlpy *I-1er.r lr,*rk twltr*tit?r$Iyr

Lxst hur {*r}t: c rfx}iil}r,' }**sst. xrxl r:** *f: rny, {t^r'*rrll*t\ei{}.:$l*-1f............31}i,}'*-rmlpitlhrai*lvit}.t,".

"r!* S* ff{.'S,{SJf

ttrl*t*rr it {l'i*:,k5' i$ ctir*c{ {*:ip{t:$* if vc}l}$ gx-

;l{*$'}** $t:ws F,i{-}'Y kn*:.1'1, ys,{r },{in. ":{1w truti:ll

$fl y*u *,r*r* n r+t*ri*$$*irr fu*:nt r:rt $rkixrg {}r} *1}e

ex$lh'trt hln*xt * $xli$. p*w Li-k*:: bi*xxing .{*}t-i$xu}"rr$HI{_ I*}fi, {i{.}1ra:H.}is.$ir; T, *gfiPI*rtR$:t. .., **<1

"Vq}* "$,}}-Ir,!rr'" t$r* l*hslJr*tit_!: err

trt*-r, *1" k*w th*:_r rvrxk .-- lllt*f 3r*rwr u*di***:rr$$sp{t${*s. th** hp ;+3 I r:****s,gir..f*,* ;,;,t

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dl$l fl{tt.

fi*lrtt**ti+tt"t"; h-$',*trx ,**rrlr.$l*il u{}Ltr. {}f&:f t.t: {r

**icl iist avlt,eS tj$*.sn"t lffe{-"}w ,v** {,r:xt} thu: [.]l-r**t }?.esp**tx* grx*x lu,itr{ pxr#*hly trk*rxrt rsgu.ul

thi* l*'*h.r:rigr**r: lrult'lrir is u tr:ick,v tlrirtu r**nsf*s

slr*t*gi*rx ;r*d ***srr'i *Iq+.*5u g*1. * g,*mr{ ru-$tr1(}n$*-

ffirrl ther* it}",* *xs{rF.}$ rr}u }i t i1 rJ v irryr. r* tr;'. { { mr}+qlf'

xltct$I{t*t"t ls*, tt*.*:*l t*} $ih41x\, 'lallil lq,'r{[^,u * *r]p]'*w'vitr*:r,imarh{1t*f }:{;rr} i}r*. ip},*11*# I*.rir'* lhar trsr

t$r* S'{*r**ii(irl $r-'9" ltg***i*sl} Irr*t*xc*" i* g*irilttg* trf h$Hlslr ir rvlr*r + 6mh \r{}\}r }}:ri}s-

'r is . .} I ilLnfi{]t { itt'l1]{lt}{}il t{il*llq} iX{ fllll h;}{tt(' 1l}}tt} n{}r":l!$"

i*x ** |:ix *er:*iu.

r\t*r,ket r" "{*$ ,[]nl:] *tert ,kur*trr rrery: $l"?*dr{r$x-

$'r.rlly' i* t:ir sxi** priuc* {irurtd r::r'l th* turck +l'?&iaa,.i-v hr;uirr*,rs *piwrtur*itp, nrlel g*xix**.'lh*r*rej'tl tt*l* lti*,* lalils::

"f"trdrw tr $:grtr S.*.{:l${} x tr-}a-L' ,$iltit:p1 iLt fu'{,1.'

K it{:hr,x "i'x hl e trir,h,{y t,l rrri,*xrq **r t "

'Ihs $lu*=tr*[i$dr .-*t{i$}$ 5.+x luitit lts ltrmtr.l rv<.rrd

pri*{xrr*" $3ur lt S,$s* $+*F*r, \:'r"rit'$,ii}trt tc.} klii.*tr*qrr* lt[-'r*t**. hi:r,qr x]:]i* grr3. r-ttxk*lrx $4.{}*{x * l**1'"

+r.*'tll*: tts?&1.r l**t+"-'i$g $r*.l,rw,*r,, "i:'tlis l *lrti*p& c*i'{trrrr

""L.*#3 h,tra.n'g \\,*ny txl {t i*rit**$u" l**ra*til ir** tirir'}i{:t$

i {s trlue-**l tru r *r*rjli*lt*e 1l*r' I*r:t t 1,.

X$';rr+l alt*.t pt*ee*,*.{,nirt$giis" *}x tu*$ ti{ t .rt'x:ti:rrk l;

*{xr+*t tris fiv$fier *rr*Bl*1,*r- { *r.rn:*:f.hi*g 13ti*:[r.-

rr*r* {tritik* *fur:*|. hut Firr*l $d,"}-s it 3!:r {:ir*r ril

tlxe **rp"y.'R.r*:r*:*nrty*r:,r\ ir+.'r*y* ii l. th* ri y,Ir l [.l lrr-

&tElr i.ll the rigl-tt $rqld*et {}r $*iftii*{,..

S.ix*$ 'X"$r*r*ght*

'k$ix xr.rt m*{*h q$ifibrsxt tyXr** +fl *{r}}}*l}:}-y{ilr 'tilla xr{.r*t *,i:t#,{:tir'* t:l*sstrgl*.. ,1\t $yrit$t*r:

tvmr"kg{.rrt: []*:nn3. ]*al*h s*vl- "{ rrrsr$+,i'jtr:l'r

a*Stl "t:+:*,r"*l*J d'rl dlgr c,$trr:f*-altg{tJ f *1+:l Jd*,r,:

egvlrldl{},*}{# c,f#rl'J.c^ ,\,$lt, ,ft'rr,it, r:Jr}' i'dJlj$rr{tJJ -

$rttfu*r* 3.-*r* h*t'e,ir,

'lRKil &\&r+\Y: &g*li*, k**al. yrr*r" 1:r*sgr**r's

**r* tru3'i*g i*t'llrtpi*x *"tllr** uxr: *rn}:*,$h,v {drl}-p[y'ing g.ns*:i+ll* n*d rir:lt*tir:*$ h* rsl$lrs {{i!t,{} s:-}slt}*:*t !q,,itl'} t'lifrl *ri t* +l**p*r ler.r:i" $rilrr:It$x pr+rh}*rms i:'r it st**h ;* ll*i-T g.}1;s1 h* ku*nr$

,t{r$ {r+.tiv x*st*i"strnx{.{ hiu"r. \\ii^**lr u,{}$ {*{} rhr$"

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