Guava and its prouduction technology


Transcript of Guava and its prouduction technology

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Page 2: Guava and its prouduction technology

Production technology of guava

Presented to:

DR. M. Arshad

Presented by:

Shahzad Ali

Roll no:BAGF11M104

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Common name:


Botanical name:

Psidium guajava L



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Growing areas in Pakistan

In Pakistan, it is grown in all the provinces. The major guava growing areas in the

Punjab.Shariqpur, Kasur, Lahore, Sheikhupora, Sangla Hills, Gujranwala.

North West Frontier Province.Kohat, Haripur and Bannu

Sindh.Larkana and Hyderabad

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Guava production in Pakistan

In Pakistan, it is grown in all the provinces over an area.

58.5 thousand hectares

with production of 468.3 thousand tones.

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Typicalguava fruit and flower

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Cultural requirements

Guava grown under tropical and subtropical climatic zones.

young plants are susceptible to drought and cold conditions.

The guava does equally well on heavy clay, to light sandy.

It tolrates a pH range from 4.5 to 9.4.

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Guava is propagated generally through:


Air layering



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Commercial Varieties

Safeda Allahabad

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Karela Seed less

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Red fleshed Apple color

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Production Technology

Guava trees are planted at a distance of 5-6 meters.

Trees grow rapidly and fruit in 2-4 years.They live 30-40 years but productivity declines

after the 15th year.Guava some time suffers from deficiency of zinc

and iron.Spraying the trees with 7.0 gm per litter of

ZnSo4 and 46.5 gm of FeSo4 improves yield and quality.

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Pruning and Blossoming

Light annual pruning is necessary after every harvest.

Guava flowers twice a year:

1st in March to April for summer crop.

2nd in August to September for winter.

. Blooming period varies from 25-45 days.

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Winter crop is usually preferred as it yields higher with fruit of better quality.

Some of the growers adopt the practice of having a good winter crop by with holding water during summer.

Guava fruit takes about 125 days to reach maturity after setting.

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At maturity fruit turns from green to oil green and at ripening creamy in colour.

Hand picking of ripened fruits two to three times a week is suggested.

The harvesting season many last 8-10 weeks.

Fruit is highly perishable, it should be immediately marketed after harvest.

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Common Pests and Diseases

Rust (Puccinia psidii)Orange to red pustules appearing on leaves, young shoots,

flowers and/or fruit; leaves distorted; defoliation of tree; reduced growth; circular lesions on fully expanded leaves with dark borders and yellow halos

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Primary method of controlling disease is usually the application of appropriate fungicides.

Cultural practices that may reduce the incidence of the disease.

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The primary method of controlling the disease is to plant resistant guava cultivars.

Both systemic and non-systemic fungicides are effective at controlling the disease.

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Algal leaf spot (Cephaleuros virescens)

Orange, rust-colored, dense, silky tufts on both upper and lower surfaces of leaves which turn reddish-purple in color as they mature.

if tufts are scraped away, a thin gray-white or dark-colored necrotic spot remains on the leaf

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Ensure trees receive adequate fertilization, irrigation and and are properly pruned to avoid stress on the plants and promote air circulation through the canopy.

periodic applications of a copper based fungicide is usually enough to control the disease

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Guava fruits may be eaten fresh or processed to produce paste, jellies or preserves.

Dehydrated fruit is used to make guava powder.

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