GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The...

Page 1 of 12 GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 181 st WESTERN PACIFIC REGIONAL FISHERY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL MEETING ISLAND REPORT SHORE-BASED FISHERIES Report Period: October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Table 1 shows the top 5 shore based species harvested between October 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019 in terms of total actual weight. Selar crumenophthalmus was the top shore based species harvested followed by Caranx sexfasciatus, Caranx melampygus, Acanthurus xanthopterus, and Naso lituratus. Commonly encountered methods include; Hook and line with 124 fishers and 139 gear, talaya with 20 fishers and 20 gear, gill net with 18 fishers and 14 gear, snorkel spearfishing with 17 fishers and 17 gear, and SCUBA spear with 5 fishers and 5 gear (Table 2). The total number of fishermen and gears observed was 185 and 196, respectively. Species Total weight (actual) (kg) Selar crumenophthalmus 67.17 kg. Caranx sexfasciatus 24.29 kg. Caranx melampygus 20.61 kg. Acanthurus xanthopterus 12.159 kg. Naso lituratus 10.53 kg. Table 1. Top five species caught, by weight, during the shore-based fishery during the period October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Method Number of Fishers Number of Gear Hook and Line 124 139 Throw net (Talaya) 20 20 Gill net (Tekin) 18 14 Surround net 0 0 Snorkel spear 17 17 SCUBA spear 5 5 Hooks and Gaffs 0 0 Other methods 1 1 Drag Net 0 0 Total 185 196 Table 2. Methods with numbers of fishers and numbers of gear counted during participation surveys in the period October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Transcript of GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The...

Page 1: GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The MOU Merizo P the Meriz Dock B. T ject in the a Dock B so al boaters a Dock B, up

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MANAGEMENT COUNCIL MEETING ISLAND REPORT SHORE-BASED FISHERIES Report Period: October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Table 1 shows the top 5 shore based species harvested between October 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019 in terms of total actual weight. Selar crumenophthalmus was the top shore based species harvested followed by Caranx sexfasciatus, Caranx melampygus, Acanthurus xanthopterus, and Naso lituratus. Commonly encountered methods include; Hook and line with 124 fishers and 139 gear, talaya with 20 fishers and 20 gear, gill net with 18 fishers and 14 gear, snorkel spearfishing with 17 fishers and 17 gear, and SCUBA spear with 5 fishers and 5 gear (Table 2). The total number of fishermen and gears observed was 185 and 196, respectively.

Species Total weight (actual) (kg)

Selar crumenophthalmus 67.17 kg.

Caranx sexfasciatus 24.29 kg. Caranx melampygus 20.61 kg. Acanthurus xanthopterus 12.159 kg. Naso lituratus 10.53 kg.

Table 1. Top five species caught, by weight, during the shore-based fishery during the

period October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

Method Number of Fishers Number of Gear Hook and Line 124 139 Throw net (Talaya) 20 20 Gill net (Tekin) 18 14 Surround net 0 0 Snorkel spear 17 17 SCUBA spear 5 5 Hooks and Gaffs 0 0 Other methods 1 1 Drag Net 0 0 Total 185 196

Table 2. Methods with numbers of fishers and numbers of gear counted during

participation surveys in the period October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

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Page 2: GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The MOU Merizo P the Meriz Dock B. T ject in the a Dock B so al boaters a Dock B, up

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BOAT-BASED FISHERIES Report Period: October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. For boat-based surveys, approximately 42.1 metric tons was harvested in the time period (see Table 3). The method with the most landings for the last half of 2019 was trolling, which comprised 88% of the total boat-based landings for the quarter, followed by bottom fishing (8%), SCUBA spearing (2%), snorkel spearing (2%). Atulai night-light jigging and gillnetting were absent from the creel survey, and jigging comprised less than 1% of total catch. The majority of trolling participation, catch, and effort continue to be from the fleet of 19-foot boats that are manned by two fishers using hand lines and targeting schools of skipjack and yellowfin tuna that are sold for local consumption. Activity at the Agat Marina and the Agana Boat Basin were normal, with activity increasing during the weekends and calm periods. Boat-based fishing activity at the Merizo Pier continues and remains to be significantly low.

Boat-Based Method

Total landings (metric tons)

Total Persons Total Hours Total Trips Average CPUE (kg/gr-hr)

Trolling 37.0 5,524 10,331 2,114 1.0 Bottom fishing 3.2 1,431 2,678 580 0.4 SCUBA spearing 0.8 141 121 37 1.6 Snorkel spearing 1.0 499 534 154 0.7 Jigging >1% 37 34 14 0.7 TOTAL 42.1 7,632 13,698 2,899

Table 3: Total Expanded Boat-based Landings, Participation, Effort, and CPUE values

for the top five (5) boat-based methods between October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.

Four of the top five species caught by weight (see Table 4) were caught by trolling. These were skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, 24.2 mt), mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus, 4.3 mt), wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri, 4.0 mt), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, 3.3 mt). The top four species comprised 97% of total troll catch and 85% of total boat-based catch. The fifth top species, the yellowtail kali (Pristipomoides auricilla, 0.9 mt), was caught deep bottomfishing. Deep bottomfish species catch have been exceeding shallow bottomfish species catch in recent years.

Table 4: Total Expanded Boat-based Landings, Participation, Effort, and CPUE values for period between October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. BOATING ACCESS PROGRAM:




(skipjack tuna) 24,202 24,202 Coryphaena hippurus

(mahi mahi) 4,291 4,291 Acanthocybium solandri

(wahoo) 4,021 4,021 Thunnus albacares

(yellowfin tuna) 3,325 3,325 Pristipomoides auricilla

(yellowtail kali) 930 930

Page 3: GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The MOU Merizo P the Meriz Dock B. T ject in the a Dock B so al boaters a Dock B, up

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Page 4: GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The MOU Merizo P the Meriz Dock B. T ject in the a Dock B so al boaters a Dock B, up

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Page 5: GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The MOU Merizo P the Meriz Dock B. T ject in the a Dock B so al boaters a Dock B, up

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Page 6: GUAM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE · 2020-03-04 · The desi (phase 1 The cons attaching Update: The MOU Merizo P the Meriz Dock B. T ject in the a Dock B so al boaters a Dock B, up

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Introduced Bills • Bill 53-35 – Prohibition of fishing with the use of a self-contained underwater breathing

apparatus (scuba) and similar devices in the waters of Guam or in any vessel in the waters of Guam. Update: Public hearing was held on November 13, 2019. Individuals from the public testified both in favor and not in favor of the bill. The Department of Agriculture provided testimony and recommended amendments to the bill such as a temporary moratorium on night-time snorkel spearfishing.

Guam Fishing Licenses DAWR met with the Department of Agriculture (DOAG) Director and Deputy Director

and reviewed and partially revised the proposed fishing licenses in February 2020. The Department will continue the review once DAWR researches the data needed to be reported. Public Law 33-144 still needs to be repealed to allow DOAG to move forward with the regulations.

Special permits still continue to be issued for the seasonal take of: • Atulai (Big Eye Scads), • l'e' (Juvenile Jacks) • Ti'ao (Juvenile Goat Fish) • Manahak (Juvenile Rabbitfish)

Marine Conservation Plan DOAG held meetings with the community on September 25, 2019 at the Sinajana Resource Center, October 3, 2019 at the Inarajan Community Center, and October 4, 2019 at the Dededo Senior Center to obtain input and comments for Guam’s next 3-year Marine Conservation Plan. Good discussions occurred during the meetings with some project ideas and comments provided to DOAG. A draft was completed and sent to the Governor of Guam for review and action. Paseo de Susana Fishing Platform DOAG, and DAWR’s Wildlife and Sport Fish Program (WSFR) federal grantor met with the Lt. Governor and staff in January 2020 to potentially discuss further extending the length of the platform. The Lt. Governor also expressed a what if scenario of converting the platform to a multi-use facility. The WSFR grantor comments were 1) based on the lack of demonstrated use by the public for recreational fishing, and the unlikely permitting of an extension closer to the waters (into channel) by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACOE, WSFR does not see a current need or justification for approving further requests for SFR funding for an extension. If DAWR, GovGuam, or the WESPAC council finds alternative funding sources then the decision is theirs to extend, provided intended uses are consistent with original purpose of the facility; and 2) any decision to convert the use of the platform for activities other than funded purpose should be communicated to WSFR in advance of an implementation action so appropriate disposition guidance compliant with program regulations can be provided. Informally, disposal can be a) reimbursement of the program for a determined value of the facility, or b) an offer of a facility or asset of similar value and utility (as the one being disposed of) in lieu.

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ONLINE: GPS Coordinates

Number 5 (Unconfirmed) 13’44.7N/144’48.4E

Number 6 (Pati)


Facpi 13’ 20.4 N/144’36.5E

Umatac 13’17.0N/144’37.0E

Cocos 13’12.0N/144’41.7E

Agat 13’ 23.3 N/144’ 33.9E

Number 2 (Haputo)

13’ 35.6 N/144’ 45.6E

OFFLINE: GPS Coordinates

Number 1 (Adelup)


Number 3 (Urunao)


Number 4 13’43.3N/144’43.3E

Ledge 13’35.8N/144’40.4E

Facpi 2 13’19.6N/144’33.3E

9 Mile 13’ 15.1N/144’ 28.7E

Old NOAA 13’ 43.5 N/144’ 40.8E

Table 5. Current status of FADS online and offline while Figure 6 shows the FAD sites.

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No. Site Name Coordinates Depth (ft) 1. Double Reef #1         13’36.219N / 144’50.105E   33 

2. Double Reef #2  13’35.713N / 144’49.988E  39 

3. Hilaan                      x  13’33.763N / 144’48.985E  45 

4. Gun Beach              x  13’31.470N / 144’48.068E  20 

5. Tumon #1  13’31.032N / 144’47.162E  30 

6. Tumon #2  13’30.641N / 144’47.162E  45 

7. Alupat Island   13’21.608N / 144’46.026E  47 

8. East Agana             x  13’29.337N / 144’45.873E  35 

9. West Agana           x  13’29.046N / 144’44.008E  48 

10. Asan  13’28.646N / 144’42.780E  49 

11. Piti  13’28.602N / 144’41.833E  49 

12. Amphitheater  13’27.914N / 144’40.549E  57 

13. Luminao Reef  13’28.070N / 144’39.366E  45 

14. Blue Hole              x  13’26.177N / 144’37.589E  50 

15. Sharks Pit             x  13’25.260N / 144’38.372E  56 

16. Rizal  13’24.666N / 144’38.953E  46 

17. Haps Reef  13’23.678N / 144’39.196E  50 

18. Alutom Island     x  13’23.072N / 144’38.763E  53 

19. Bangi Piont          x  13’22.373N / 144’38.528E  50 

20. Anae Island  13’21.380N / 144’38.240E  20 

21. Pete’s Reef          x  13’20.652N / 144’38.265E  55 

22. Sella Bay              x  13’19.361N / 144’39.100E  16 

23. Cetti Bay  13’18.932N / 144’39.188E  35 

24. Tuguan Bay        x  13’17.003N / 144’39.665E  37 

25. Bile Bay  13’16.600N / 144’39.700E  48 

26. Cocos #1             x  13’15.900N / 144’39.258E  46 

27. Cocos #2             x  13’15.061N / 144’38.715E  36 

28. Navy Channel  13’14.485N / 144’38.375E  37 

29. Cocos Wall  13’14.250N / 144’39.552E  45 

30. Cocos #3             x  13’14.249N / 144’40.019E  55 

31. Jade Shoals  13’27.189N / 144’39.720E  45 

32. Western Shoals x  13’27.020N / 144’29.230E  20 

33. Gabgab #1          x  13’26.694N / 144’38.729E  20 

34. Gabgab #2          x  13’26.706N / 144’38.655E  60   

Table 6. Current status of SWMs online and offline.

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Sea TurtStrandingTotal of 2



Figure 8

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Man-o-Wars and Box Jellyfish Traditionally, the summer months are when the majority of jellyfish stings occur, with a peak in July. Man-o-Wars were first reported around Christmas 2019 and have been seen consistently since. DAWR is not aware of any Box Jellyfish sightings during the last quarter of 2019 but observed Box Jellyfishes in February 2020. False Killer Whale A False Killer Whale was stranded on the beach at Guam Wildlife Refuge in Ritidian on January 9, 2020 and pushed back into the ocean.
