GTM - Games, Tech & Marketing Ltd.

Company Profile


Company Profile

Transcript of GTM - Games, Tech & Marketing Ltd.

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Company Profile

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While the Leisure and Entertainment Industry explores new business opportunities in developed markets – the potential of emerging markets has not yet received the full attention of leading industry protagonists. A global comparison of consumer spending for gaming reveals that emerging markets offer considerable revenue potentials. Looking at examples of well-funded and well-managed gaming investments in regions like Africa, Asia and Latin America not only proves that emerging markets offer unexploited potentials - it also shows that gaming investments in emerging markets can produce higher growth rates than in any developed market. While leisure, entertainment and gaming offerings in emerging markets meet unsatisfied public demand – investments in gaming also delivers significant contributions to the economic growth of its target community through expenditure for local infrastructure and commodities, employment of personnel, distributors and suppliers, public revenue from gaming tax and general taxation, as well as charitable contributions. GTM is set to manage gaming investments in emerging markets and to deliver sustainable benefits to all stakeholders. GTM encompasses a unique combination of expertise: Multi-Channel Gaming Technology, Lottery & Sports Betting Products, Retail Network and Remote Customer Operations, as well as Capital Management Solutions.

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GTM supplies customized Gaming Systems – for Lottery, Sports Betting and Server Based Game Applications – with full integration of Retail Terminal Networks and Internet / Mobile Operations – containing advanced management tools (adaptable customer, retailer and franchise solutions), 360° business insights (state-of-the-art report implementation) and competitive (modular expandable) game / product offerings.


GTM provides advanced management services for private and public Gaming Operators – ranging from fully adaptable and, therefore, cost effective Technology Solutions – proven and, consequently, predictable Game / Product Concepts – to quantifiable Sales and Marketing Methodologies for multi-channel distribution – to comprehensive Performance Analysis; in line with transparent and secure Financial Transaction Procedures.

Games / Marketing

GTM operates Lotteries, Sports Betting and Server Based Games on behalf private and public Organizations – in line with national and international, brand building Marketing and Communication Campaigns.

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GTM is managing capital solutions for prosperous Gaming Operators and investment opportunities for private and public Investors.


GTM is focused on deploying its resources in relation to the modernization, expansion and start-up of Gaming Operations – particularly in emerging territories – Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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Per Berggren (Chairman) Entrepreneur and successful Lead Investor with track-record of prosperous start-up’s in Emerging Markets (specifically Nigeria and West Africa), across different industries (oil / gas, information technology, hospitality …). Swedish citizen.

Sebastian Hybbinette (Managing Director) Entrepreneur and proven Investment Expert with more than 9 years’ leadership experience. Sebastian previously worked with recognized Financial Institutions (such as Deutsche Bank and Heptagon Capital) and was a Director of Boparan Ventures Ltd. Master’s degree from the Stockholm School of Economics. Swedish citizen.

Oliver Grave (Director) Recognized Gaming / Gambling and Retail Expert, with more than 7 years’ extensive Lottery and Sports Betting experience across more than 20 African jurisdictions (former Corporate Development Director of EDITEC Group – 21 National Operations, 45,000 Point-of-Sales / Terminals and 2 billion transactions per annum). German citizen.

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Andrew Marsden (Operations Manager) Operations Expert, with more than 12 years’ on-line gambling, digital-payments, fraud-prevention and operations experience (former Payment Solutions Manager at Ladbrokes PLC with responsibility for business processes and systems services – accumulating over 1.7 billion USD per year in on-line customer transactions). British citizen.

Ilona Mackevica (User Experience Manager) Digital Marketing Expert, certified by Chartered Institute of Marketing, specialized in Customer Acquisition and CRM (Customer Relations Management), including Digital Promotions and Loyalty Programs. Ilona has on-line gambling experience from leading Gaming Companies such as and Ladbrokes where she managed a large active customer / player community as well as key development strategies. Latvian citizen.

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WLA - World Lottery Association ALA - Association des loteries d'Afrique APLA - Asia Pacific Lottery Association CIBALE - La Corporación Iberoamericana de Loterías y Apuestas de Estado

Virtual / Video Lotto Games  

IOC - International Olympic Committee FIFA - The Fédération Internationale de Football Association  

Virtual / Video Sports Games  

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Central System

On-line Retail Terminal Platform (Game Centers, Betting Shops, Vending Points, Mobile Vendors …) Remote Gaming Platform (Internet / Mobile) Game Processing Platform (Lotteries, Sports Betting, SBG Server Based Games)

Data Communication Network Solutions (Off-line, Store and Forward, On-line / Real Time

Games (Data and Draw) Management (Lotteries, Sports Betting, SBG Server Based Games) Retail Sales Management (Vendor Commissions and Franchise Solutions) CRM Remote Customer Management Finance and Account Management (Vendor Credit, Payments and Cash Management, Cost Centers and Account Management …) Report Management (Performance Analysis and Control)

Integrated Gaming Systems  

Back Office Systems

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Support Systems

Customer / Retailer Hotline CRM Data Management (Loyalty and Bonus Systems) Broadcasting Systems (Communication Solutions for Analog and Digital Marketing Campaigns)

IT-Platform Configuration and Maintenance Retail Terminals and Maintenance Retail Terminal Commodities (Thermal Paper …)

Integrated Gaming Systems  

Hardware Equipment

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• Fixed Odds Games, with customized prize / draw parameters (fixed pay-out of 55 to 65 per-cent) • Pari-mutuel / Jackpot Games, with customized prize / draw parameters (pay-out of 55 to 65 per-cent)

Virtual / Video Lotto Games, with customized prize parameters and draw formats (fixed pay-out of 65 to 80 per-cent)  

GTM operates Lotteries, Sports Betting and server based games on behalf of private and public organizations – in line with national and international, brand building marketing and communication campaigns.  

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• 1 X 2 Football Fixtures in various market / entry formats – customized odds compilation and calculation • Live / In-Play Football Fixtures in various market / entry formats – customized odds compilation and calculation • Different Football Fixtures in various market / entry formats – customized odds compilation and calculation • Different Sports Fixtures in various market / entry formats – customized odds compilation and calculation

Virtual / Video Sports Games, with customized prize parameters and draw formats (fixed pay-out of 65 to 80 per-cent)  

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Technical Management

System and Infrastructure Configuration, on-going Maintenance

Games Management

Conception, Implementation, Support

GTM provides advanced management services for private and public Gaming Operators – ranging from fully adaptable and, therefore, cost effective Technology Solutions – proven and, consequently, predictable Game / Product Concepts – to quantifiable Sales and Marketing Methodologies for multi-channel distribution – to comprehensive Performance Analysis; in line with transparent and secure Financial Transaction Procedures.  

Retail Management

Network Configuration, POS Point-of-Sales - Property Acquisition and Fitting, on-going Maintenance

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Retail Sales Management

Vendor Recruitment, Training, Supervision and Support Services – Network Expansion Programs

Player / Customer Management

Player Recruitment – Loyalty / Bonus, Incentive Programs – Customer Hotline Services

Finance Management

Customer Payments – Vendor Credits, Payments and Cash Management – Cost Centers and Account Management

Performance Analysis and Control

On-going surveillance of KPI’s in line with managerial advice

Marketing Management

Conception and Implementation of cost effective Communication / Broadcasting Tools and Promotion Programs

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GTM develops and manages bespoke investment structures, optimising the returns for investors as well as for other stakeholders, including employees, consumers and the public.  

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GTM - GAMES TECH & MARKETING LTD. 63 Brook Street, Mayfair, London W1K 4HS, United Kingdom +44 203 752 4500 [email protected]