GTC WEST -… · GTC...

GTC WEST THE CALIFORNIA DIGITAL GOVERNMENT SUMMIT May 11 & 12, 2010 Sacramento Convention Center Sacramento, CA REGISTER TODAY! 916.932.1317

Transcript of GTC WEST -… · GTC...


May 11 & 12, 2010

Sacramento Convention Center

Sacramento, CA




PK AGARWALDirectorCA Office of Technology Services

ANdREW ARmANIDeputy SecretaryCA State and Consumer Services Agency

ANN BARSOTTIChief Information Officer and Agency Information OfficerDepartment of Transportation and Department of Business, Transportation and HousingState of California

JERRY BECKERDirector, Information Systems DivisionCounty of San Joaquin

PAuL BENEdETTODirectorCA Office of Systems Integration

TERI BENNETTAssistant Executive OfficerCalPERSState of California

CHRISTIE BORCHINChief Information OfficerCalifornia Department of Insurance

REGGIE CHAPPELLEChiefInformation Management DivisionCalifornia Highway Patrol

SAvITA CHAudHARYIT Information Technology Division ManagerCity of Vacaville

GARY COOKChief Information OfficerCity of Modesto

CHRIS CRuzAgency Information OfficerDepartment of Food and AgricultureState of California

NABIL FARESActing Chief Information OfficerDepartment of Public Health - CDPHState of California

AdRIAN FARLEYChief Deputy Director, Policy and ProgramsState of California

TRACY FONGDeputy DirectorLegislative Data CenterState of California

TIm GARzAChief Information Officer and Agency Information OfficerDepartment of Water Resources and Resources AgencyState of California

RICHARd GILLIHANChief of IT Operations and ConsultingDepartment of FinanceState of California

dEBRA GONzALESDeputy Agency Information OfficerCA State and Consumer Services Agency

dALE JABLONSKYChief Information OfficerEmployment Development DepartmentState of California

TOm JONESChief Information OfficerDepartment of General ServicesState of California

RANdI LEvINGeneral Manager & CTOInformation Technology AgencyCity of Los Angeles

mICHAEL LIANGChief Information OfficerOffice of Systems IntegrationState of California

dAvE mACdONALdInformation Technology DirectorCounty of Alameda

KEvIN mATSuOChief Information OfficerDepartment of EducationState of California

PATRICK mCGuIREDeputy Chief Information Security OfficerCalifornia Office of Information SecurityState of California

STEPHEN mONAGHANChief Information OfficerCounty of Nevada

mIKE NGuYENChief Information OfficerDepartment of Health Care ServicesState of California

EvERT PALmERAssistant City ManagerCity of Folsom

JOE PANORAAgency Information OfficerCA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

GREG PARKInformation Technology DirectorCity of Livermore Police Department

LAuRA PEABOdYChief Information OfficerCity of Walnut Creek

RICHARd SANCHEzChief Information OfficerCounty of Los Angeles

BERNARd SORIANOChief Information OfficerDepartment of Motor VehiclesState of California

TERI TAKAIState Chief Information OfficerState of California

CHRIS vEINChief Information OfficerCity/County of San Francisco

dAvId vILLANuEvAChief Information OfficerCounty of Sacramento

mARK WEATHERFORdExecutive OfficerCalifornia Office of Information SecurityState of California


dENNIS ALBYClient PrincipalHP

JEFFREY J. BALdOState of California Team LeadEMC Corporation

TERRY BEAudOINClient ExecutiveState of CaliforniaSprint

BRENdA L. BERANEKBusiness Development DirectorAccenture

JuNE BIvINSTechnology Sales Manager Oracle


GREGG dESCHEEmAEKERBusiness Development Director –Western USAIntel

CINdY EdWARdSStrategic Account ManagerCisco Systems


KATHRYN HIRST-WANSERMarketing ManagerVerizon Business

TERRY JOSLINPresidentWestern Blue Corporation

Ed mOSBAuGHRegional Vice President – GEM State of CAAT&T

CRISTIN PRENEzSenior Account ManagerTandberg

mARY LOu PREvOSTDirector, State & Local GovernmentCA, Inc.

KELLI PRImAvERAAccount ManagerMicrosoft

JAmES SEILERAccount ExecutiveCDWG

� GTC West: The California digital Government Summit

AdvISORY BOARdAssembled by and for government, this Advisory Board is made up of key state and local government executives, technologists and industry specialists from throughout California. These key executives planned and developed this custom educational program designed to address the most important policy, management and technology issues surrounding the future of digital government in California.


GTC West has been recreated for 2010 by the Government and Industry Advisory Board. While this year’s Summit has many

similarities to previous GTC’s, it is also different in important ways — most notably the addition of 2 full days of concurrent

seminars and the Best of California Awards Ceremony and Reception.


Option 1 - Summit Registration Only

$99 Early / $149 Regular – Individual Registration

This plan includes Keynotes, all Concurrent Sessions, Exhibit area, Government Solutions Center and the Best of California

Awards Ceremony and Reception. (Open to Government Employees Only)

Option � – FREE Summit Registration with Purchase of Paid Training Class(es).

This plan includes the Summit Registration Plan above plus training classes of your choice. There is an associated

registration fee for training classes. (Open to Government Employees Only).

Option 3-Registering a Large Group?

The “Conference Pass” site license provides summit-registration for an entire organization for a one time flat fee.

Please contact us for pricing and availability details.

Please register to receive your badge in advance of the conference. Paid training classes run prior to and concurrent with

the Summit. Take advantage of the Early Bird discount and register on or before April 16, �010.

On behalf of myself and the 2010 Advisory Board we hope you will enjoy GTC and encourage you to take advantage of all

of the professional development opportunities provided.


David Florence

Western States Conference Director

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 3

4 GTC West: The California digital Government Summit


TuESdAY, mAY 119:15 Ammichael Abrashoff, Former Navy Commander and Author, It’s Your Ship

Leading an unprecedented turnaround story, D. Michael Abrashoff took command of the worst performing ship in the fleet and made it #1 by changing the culture — not the crew.


8:45 AmTeri Takai, Chief Information Officer, State of California

9:15 AmWoody Norris, Inventor and Futurist

Woody Norris is a visionary. He looks into the future, gathers insights into how life could be improved, and applies what he finds to the problems of today.

BEST OF CALIFORNIA AWARdS �010CEREmONY ANd RECEPTIONTuESdAY, mAY 114:35 Pm Sacramento Convention Center

Please join us in applauding the winners of the annual Best of California Awards and a special reception to congratulate the winners and celebrate their accomplishments.

TuESdAY, mAY 11

8:00 am Registration and morning Refreshments

9:00 am Welcome and Opening RemarksTeri Takai, Chief Information Officer, State of California

9:15 am Opening Keynote

It’s Your Ship

michael Abrashoff, Former Navy Commander and Author of It’s Your Ship

Organizations perform at their best when people feel safe and confident about their ability to navigate troubled times. In Navy terms, combat readiness is a matter of life and death — every crewmember’s contribution matters. Mike Abrashoff tells the inspiring story of how the USS Benfold was transformed into the best ship in the Navy by empowering the crew to take ownership and improve every aspect of the way things were done. As Abrashoff shares the methods he used to create successful change within the confines of strict military regulations, audiences come away with dozens of practical and actionable ideas to make a difference in their own organizations. This first-hand account of the journey to organizational excellence is as invaluable as it will be memorable.

10:15 am morning Break and Refreshments

10:45 am Concurrent Sessions

under One Roof - data Center Consolidation As budget constrictions continue to squeeze jurisdictions and agencies, many are turning to data center consolidation as a way of decreasing expenses and improving efficiencies. Data center consolidation can be a daunting undertaking, yet it holds the promise of streamlined support, reduced redundant technologies, and improved overall services. In this session, you will hear case studies from large, enterprise consolidation projects. You will learn what worked and, just as importantly, what didn’t in these consolidation efforts. Examples may come from both public sector and private sector organizations.

Thin is In — desktop virtualizationDesktop virtualization offers promise as a way to simplify desktop management, cut costs and provide better service. However, there are also potential drawbacks to a virtualized desktop environment, including complexity of deployment and loss of user

autonomy. Come hear the real world lessons from organizations that are implementing desktop virtualization, both the advantages they have realized, and the pitfalls you should avoid.

Protecting Privacy — data Loss PreventionThe digital age has brought about a level of convenience and access to services that were never before imagined. It has also ushered in a whole new set of challenges in privacy and confidentiality. Whether it’s through e-health records or online applications for services, governments are collecting and storing ever-increasing amounts of data. What are the critical steps to protecting this data, and ultimately, the privacy of citizens? This session discusses strategies and technologies critical to protecting confidential data.

Technology as a Tool for InnovationIn tight budget times, technology can be used to help an organization meet its mission. State and local government technology leaders can become advocates for innovation, helping agencies deliver services in new and creative ways. This discussion will provide ideas and examples of how innovation occurs, and the opportunities presented by tough times to fundamentally change how government operates.

1�:00 pm Lunch Options

Industry Trend Luncheons: A series of special briefings presented by private sector thought leaders on key areas of technology for a state and local government audience.

market Briefing: A briefing for the industry attendees by the Center for Digital Government addressing the key trends in state and local government with a special focus on California issues.

1:15 pm Break

1:35 pm Concurrent Sessions

using Technology to Build a Sustainable GovernmentTechnology holds the promise of helping to create a more sustainable government and community. In fact, advances like smart buildings, smart grids and intelligent transportation may be the best solutions to sustainability. In this session you will learn what is being done both in California and across the nation to create a greener government.

Is There a Business Case for Social media in Government?It seems that everyone - from the newest movie star to political candidates to your grocery store — is inviting you to follow them on Twitter or friend them on Facebook. Jurisdictions

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 5

are increasingly creating Facebook accounts, Tweeting and developing Wikis. But the questions remain — Is there a business case? Will social media change how we govern or is it a fad? Should agencies develop policies around privacy, security and public records or wait it out? In this session, you will hear about organizations who are using social media tools today and what they have learned.

The Ties That Bind – Enterprise NetworksThe ties that bindNow you can’t break the ties that bind“The Ties That Bind, Bruce Springsteen”Networks are, in the technology infrastructure world, the “tie that binds” — connecting campuses, mobile workers and remote facilities to critical enterprise information and tools. Advances in network technologies can bring about increased economies of scale and help government move to a nimble architecture supporting government functions that can be delivered by the most efficient and flexible means available. How can an organization take advantage of the new technologies to create an enterprise network? What must be done to ensure network reliability and security? In this session, industry leaders will review case studies; lessons learned and best practices from both the public and private sectors.

eGads! eRecords, ediscovery and eGovernmentDigital data is growing at a rate faster than ever before as electronic records have become standard practice in government. This session will look at the challenges and opportunities in this new digital reality, including document management, digital preservation, identity management and eDiscovery issues. It will examine the opportunity to build cooperative relationships between IT Managers, Records Managers, Legal Councils and State Archivists.

�:50 pm Afternoon Break and Refreshments

3:�0 pm Concurrent Sessions

CA Broadband updateIn 2006, Governor Schwarzenegger formed the California Broadband Task Force to bring together business leaders, academics, engineers and public policy experts to develop goals and create an action plan for implementing broadband across the state. Recently, the California Recovery Task Force — responsible for assisting in grant applications — announced the seven Recovery Round One recipients of Broadband Recovery Act funding. The awards total more than $24 million in investments to help bring broadband to some of California’s underserved regions. In this session, you will hear an overview

of these projects and the broadband opportunities at the state and municipal levels that will help prepare California for a bright, prosperous future.

doing the Right Things — data-driven decisionsPrivate industry has long used business intelligence and performance indicators to ensure they are doing the right things to increase efficiency and improve productivity. Government organizations are increasingly using dashboards and other performance measurement tools to help improve operations. This session will cover some of the tools and methods that can be used successfully in the government sector to track, measure and manage key processes and performance.

Solving Server Sprawl - Server virtualization and Consolidation Suffering from server sprawl? Server virtualization may be the answer. By consolidating server operating systems onto one physical box, hardware expenses and operating costs can be significantly reduced. But server consolidation can impact operations, applications, data and security if not properly planned and implemented. Come hear case studies from both the public and private sector that illustrate the benefits, tools and strategies for a successful consolidation project.

4:35 pm Best of California Awards Ceremony and Reception Please join us in applauding the winners of the annual Best of California Awards and a special reception to congratulate the winners and celebrate their accomplishments.

6 GTC West: The California digital Government Summit


8:00 am Registration and morning Refreshments

8:30 am Opening Remarks

8:45 am Opening Keynote Teri Takai, Chief Information Officer, State of California

9:15 amKeynote

Inventor of the Year

Woody Norris, Inventor and Futurist

Woody Norris is a visionary. He looks into the future, gathers insights into how life could be improved, and applies what he finds to the problems of today. In the world of invention, only one in 2,000 patent applications actually issues as a patent, the rest are rejected. Yet Woody holds more than 50 U.S. patents and 300 around the world — and the number grows each year. He has won numerous awards including the prestigious $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize, which is the inventor’s equivalent to an Academy Award. He is perpetually in the midst of multiple wide-ranging projects, all of which involve technology. Early poverty and the lack of a college education were never barriers to Woody. He has always found ways to innovate by using technology to “do more with less.” In this fascinating keynote, he will describe why he is convinced that the future holds unimaginable wonders in store for us. His enthusiasm is infectious, and as he often says, “It’s a great time to be alive!”

10:15 am morning Break and Refreshments

10:45 am Concurrent Sessions Cloudy Skies Ahead? A Practical discussion of Cloud Computing in GovernmentPart 1 – The Internal OptionCloud computing and the possibilities for government have been talked about for several years now. Many have questioned whether the model would work for government, with the myriad of regulatory and legal requirements for issues such as data protection, data sharing, transparency, security and retention. In this session you will hear what it takes to build an internal cloud – the challenges and benefits of creating an internal cloud computing solution.

Getting What You Need — Shared Services and Other Strategies for Lean Times Shared services give organizations the opportunity to shift budget from administrative IT activities to front-line, citizen-facing services, helping to drive significant cost savings while improving government services. This session will provide insights on current trends and focus on what the challenges are as well as the opportunities public service leaders face when launching and leading a shared services enterprise.

Who Are You? Identity management in GovernmentUnwanted intruders. Hackers. Employee turnover. Over-eager staff. All of these present risks to your systems. You have to know exactly who is entering your systems in order to control what they can and cannot do once they are in. You also need to authenticate constituents in a common way across government agencies and departments. This session discusses some of the approaches and solutions that are being used successfully in the public and private sectors.

Enterprise StorageFrom Kilo-bytes to Terra-byte, you’ve come a long way, baby. Storage may not be the most fascinating subject in the data center but it is an important component of an enterprise consolidation plan. Technology advances in recent years, such as SANs and the use of fiber technology, have added to the options available. Where is data center storage headed? How should you plan for the future? This session is designed to shed some light on the road ahead through case studies, best practices and lessons learned.

1�:00 pm Lunch on Your Own

1:30 pm Afternoon Break and Refreshments

�:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

motivating People in Tough TimesEven in the midst of layoffs, furloughs and budget slashing, there is still work to be done. Constituents rely on government in the hard times perhaps more than ever. The challenge for leaders is to motivate their teams in the midst of the turmoil. In this timely session, you will hear about some proven tools and techniques to motivate your team, learn how to apply these in your environment and hear from front line managers on what has — and has not — worked for them.

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit �

modernization: myths, Facts and StrategiesA Policy and Strategy Discussion Legacy System modernization has been talked about for years. Organizations have laid out multi-year plans to recode or replace hundreds of thousands of lines of COBOL code, or replace mainframe computers with smaller application servers. Huge projects to completely gut mission-critical systems are often started, but seldom completed. Are there successful strategies to modernization? Is there an alternative to complete system replacement? This session offers ideas and real-world examples of modernization strategies, explores policy issues, and helps separate some of the myths from the facts.

Cloudy Skies Ahead? A Practical discussion of Cloud Computing in GovernmentPart 2 – The External OptionCloud computing and the possibilities for government have been talked about for several years now. Many have questioned whether the model would work for government, with the myriad of regulatory and legal requirements for issues such as data protection, data sharing, transparency, security and retention. In this session you will hear how the city of Los Angeles made the decision to use cloud computing, what it took to build consensus, and how the city addressed the political, policy and legal issues involved in implementing cloud computing.

3:15 pm End of Program

8 GTC West: The California digital Government Summit

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 9

mONdAY 5/39:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

WEdNESdAY 5/59:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

THuRSdAY 5/69:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

TuESdAY 5/49:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm





C2 Aligning Expectations: Effective Project Planning and Estimating

C7 Leading Organizational Change

C1 Introduction to Project Management – Project Management Discovery

C8 Win-Win Negotiation for Project Managers

C3 Managing Risk C4 Portfolio Management

C6 Leading Productive Project Meetings

C10 Getting What You Need – Writing a Quality SOW

C15 Acceptance Testing – What Customers Need to Know

C16 Web Content Design

C12 High Performance Customer Service

C19 Business Analysis

C20 Managing Business RequirementsDay 2

C20 Managing Business RequirementsDay 1

C18 Building Secure Applications

C25 ITIL Awareness

C21 .NET Programming 1Day 1

mONdAY 4/�69:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

TuESdAY 4/��9:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

WEdNESdAY 4/�89:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

THuRSdAY 4/�99:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

C21 .NET Programming 1Day 2

C22 XML Programming 1Day 1

C24 Java Programming 1Day 1

C22 XML Programming 1Day 2

C24 Java Programming 1Day 2

PRECONFERENCE CLASSESAll classes are 1 day except where noted.


10 GTC West: The California digital Government Summit

TRAINING CLASSESAll classes are 1 day except where noted.

C11 Principles of Effective Communication

C17 Rapid Application DevelopmentDay 1

C17 Rapid Application DevelopmentDay 2

C23 Data Modeling for Business Intelligence

C26 Security Threat Update – The Newest Threats and How to Protect Against Them

C27 Wireshark 101 – Protecting your Network

C28 Rootkits – The Current State of the Net

C13 Building High Performance Teams

C14 Business Intelligence (BI): Hands-on Workshop

mONdAY 5/109:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

WEdNESdAY 5/1�10:30 Am

TO 5:00 Pm

TuESdAY 5/1110:30 Am

TO 5:00 Pm





C9 Vendor Performance Management

C29 Systems Testing for Application DevelopmentDay 1

mONdAY 5/1�9:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

TuESdAY 5/189:00 Am

TO 4:00 Pm

C29 Systems Testing for Application DevelopmentDay 2TECHNOLOGY

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 11


C1 Introduction to Project management – Project management discovery$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARTuESdAY, mAY 49:00 Am – 4:00 Pm NON-TECHNICALThis course is designed for those newer to project management as well as those who have worked on projects for years but want to learn a better way. It will provide a solid understanding of project management methods, tools, and suggested best practices. Through exercises, gain practical experience in project management techniques and discover valuable tools that you can use immediately. You will learn to manage each stage of the project life cycle, work within organizational and cost constraints, set expectations, define scope, document appropriately, communicate effectively and get the most from your project management team. The course includes exercises, templates and examples for immediate use in your projects. CONTENT SUPPORTS CA PMM CALQ STANDARDS. THIS CLASS PROVIDES 6 PDUS

Vicki Wrona, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC

C� Aligning Expectations: Effective Project Planning and Estimating$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARmONdAY, mAY 39:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALA project’s success is often measured by the team’s ability to deliver a defined set of outcomes on time, on budget and on specification. More importantly, however, is the team’s ability to successfully manage the expectations of the groups and individuals who have a vested interest in the outcome of the project. In simpler terms, this means that the project team must effectively align the project delivery with expectations of key stakeholders.

Aligning Expectations: Effective Project Planning and Estimating is a one-day training session designed to provide project team members and participants with better ways to successfully define, deliver, and control the schedule and cost factors of a project with more precision.CONTENT IS CONSISTENT WITH CA PMM CALQ STANDARDSTHIS CLASS PROVIDES 6 PDUS

Bruce Beer, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC

C3 managing Risk$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARWEdNESdAY, mAY 59:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALThe Project Risk Management course describes and details the processes needed to effectively manage project risks. The course is organized around the six-step risk management process described in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®), 3rd Edition. Understanding is deepened through instruction and hands-on practice. This class will provide attendees with an understanding of project risk management and how to apply risk management processes in the workplace. Each attendee will:

Gain a sound understanding of the nature of project risk and the project risk management process;Learn how to lay out a plan for managing risk;Learn a number of ways to identify risk;Learn how to use a “risk register” to document what is learned about risk throughout the project life cycle;Learn how to do “qualitative risk analysis” to identify the risks that pose the highest threats to the project, or the greatest opportunities; Gain general knowledge about several types of “quantitative risk analysis” techniques that are available to probe more deeply into specific risks; and learn the specifics of two of these techniques for later use on the job;Learn how to develop proactive responses to the risks that you identify.


Proactive responses include: avoidance, mitigation, and transference; andLearn how to monitor and control risks throughout the lifetime of a project.


Donna Medina, Vice President, Center for Project Management

C4 Portfolio management$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARTHuRSdAY, mAY 69:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALThis practical seminar focuses on the key functions of project portfolio management, and offers a broad range of best practices, including evaluation and prioritization of projects, resource allocation, project portfolio balancing and ongoing management. Attendees will:

Learn the terms project portfolio and project portfolio management;Understand to align projects and programs with the strategic initiatives and strategic business goals of the organization;Learn the tools and techniques to identify, select, prioritize, govern and monitor projects within a portfolio;Understand how project management processes provide executives with a high level view of projects allowing for visibility to redundancies, collaboration opportunities and potential risks to the portfolio; Learn to allocate resource across projects;Understand the benefits of continuous progress monitoring;Understand how to determine portfolio metrics; Identify major components required on a portfolio status report/dashboard; andGaining organizational buy in.


Donna Medina, Vice President, Center for Project Management

C6 Leading Productive Project meetings$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARTHuRSdAY, mAY 69:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICAL If you’re leading a project or a member of a project team, you know how many meetings projects involve: kick off meetings, design sessions, status meetings, executive sponsor meetings, and the list goes on. Yet, how often have you wasted time sitting through meetings where nothing was accomplished? If you want to improve your skills in leading productive, efficient meetings, this class is for you! The class will emphasize hands-on exercises where you can practice communicating and facilitating meetings. Topics will include:

The facilitator’s role;Facilitator’s authority and power styles;Planning the meeting;Creating your script;Problem solving techniques and exercises;Unlocking creativity;Active listening;Managing conflict; andProviding effective feedback.


Vicki Wrona, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC

C� Leading Organizational Change$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARmONdAY, mAY 39:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALThis workshop offers Project Managers the tools and skills they need to be effective change leaders. Project Managers will learn how to redirect and coach team members when changes to project priorities, specifications, timelines, and/or resources occur. The workshop provides a model for thinking strategically and tactically about change and its implications, as well as equipping Project Managers to handle



the “human side” of changes in a project environment. CONTENT SUPPORTS CA PMM CALQ STANDARDSTHIS CLASS PROVIDES 6 PDUS

Donna Medina, Vice President, Center for Project Management

C8 Win-Win Negotiation for Project managers$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARTuESdAY, mAY 49:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICAL This workshop provides a foundation in the process, skills and tools of successful negotiation in a project context. The win-win negotiation approach is especially important and applicable in a project environment where ongoing relationships must remain strong to keep the project deliverables and timelines on track. The workshop is extremely hands-on, with many project-related practice opportunities, as well as practical take-aways such as tools, job aids and specific project negotiation tactics. Participants receive real-time feedback about their skill level in simulated project negotiation scenarios. In addition, participants self-assess on a specific inventory of key behaviors/practices to identify personal improvement actions.CONTENT SUPPORTS CA PMM CALQ STANDARDSTHIS CLASS PROVIDES 6 PDUS

Donna Medina, Vice President, Center for Project Management


C9 vendor Performance management $345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARmONdAY, mAY 109:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALThis course focuses on the phases of vendor management. It covers key considerations and pitfalls to avoid at all stages of the process, with an emphasis on building solid ongoing relationships

with selected vendors. The course will cover:

Developing a vendor management plan;Identifying performance measurements; and Understanding the impact of the various contract types.

At the conclusion of this session the participants will be able to:

Develop clear, concise, and measurable requirements;Understand the appropriate legal and professional relationships between government agencies and vendors;Create a plan for evaluating vendor performance;Create a plan for effective and appropriate government and vendor communications;Identify and plan for effective contract management activities; andDevelop a plan for contract closing activities.

THIS CLASS PROVIDES 6 PDUSVicki Wrona, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC

C10 Getting What You Need – Writing a Quality SOW$345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARTuESdAY, mAY 49:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALWhether part of an RFP or written against a master contract, the SOW is the most important document of the procurement process. If the requirements aren’t accurate, the vendor will have delivered exactly what you asked for, but not everything you really needed, leaving the organization with solutions that don’t fit, services that aren’t what you needed or systems that don’t work properly. This often results in change orders, additional costs, delays, or sometimes, abandoned projects. Translating the business requirements from disparate user groups into an SOW that meets policy, budget and legal constraints is extremely challenging. In this class, you will learn how to create an effective SOW and avoid common pitfalls. The class will cover:

1� GTC West: The California digital Government Summit

The components of an SOW;How to state requirements in plain English;The role of performance-based SOW; andHow to measure success.

THIS CLASS PROVIDES 6 PDUSBruce Beer, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC


C11 Principles of Effective Communication$345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARTuESdAY, mAY 1110:30 Am – 5:00 PmNON-TECHNICALCommunication skills can be some of the most challenging for a manager at any level to master. It is something we all do regularly but few do well. The challenge is to send and receive messages that are understood and acted on. This full day course explains and illustrates the most important principles and practices of successful verbal and written communication. Verbal Communications:You will be introduced to key communications skills - active listening, empathy and body language. The course objective is to illustrate how to formulate and deliver messages that are correctly understood and appropriately acted on.In addition, you will be introduced to:

Communications quality standardsCommunications as negotiationsInterpersonal communications modelHow to uncover hidden meanings in conversationFundamentals of effective presentations

Written Communication:Many government agencies and departments require a business case document or presentation for a project. This document can be extremely important in determining whether your project is funded and the visibility and priority given to it. This course explores



what it takes to write an effective and targeted business case. Career success comes from being able to communicate in writing, in a succinct and persuasive way. This course outlines strategies that will make your writing cleaner, crisper and more effective. THIS CLASS PROVIDES 5 PDUS

Vicki Wrona, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC

C1� High Performance Customer Service$345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARWEdNESdAY, mAY 59:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALCustomers...who needs them! Not only do we need them...we want them! Customer Service is essential to not only getting customers but KEEPING customers. The goal of this workshop is to help busy professionals appreciate and put into practice High Performance Customer Service. In this workshop you will learn:

Who your real customers are (“near” and “far”)The “secret” formula for high performance customer serviceHow to deal with what you may think are difficult people as part of high performance customer serviceHow to help others have a good experience even when there is bad newsHow to create a “win-win-win” situationHow to disarm an upset customer

THIS CLASS OFFERS 6 PDUSVicki Wrona, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC

C13 Building High Performance Teams$345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARWEdNESdAY, mAY 1�10:30 Am – 5:00 PmNON-TECHNICALThe difference between a high performance team and an average team is enormous. Average teams struggle to get through a meeting. High performance

teams work well together to maximize energy, resources, and creativity, resulting in amazing things. This course will give you the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to build high performance teams. In addition to interactive exercises and videos, this class includes how to:

Apply key ingredients for effective teamsRecognize and appreciate stages of team development Promote trust by exploring different behavioral tendenciesOvercome barriers to move an ineffective team to a high powered teamIdentify styles for managing conflict

THIS CLASS PROVIDES 5 PDUSVicki Wrona, PMP, Forward Momentum, LLC

C14 Business Intelligence (BI): Hands-on Workshop $345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARmONdAY mAY 109:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICALJoin us for a CA State Government Focused – Introduction to Business Intelligence (BI), Workshop:Join us at this BI Workshop and learn how business intelligence (BI) can be used for operational monitoring, analysis, reporting, dash-boarding, and proactive information delivery in public sector organizations. This hands-on workshop is designed to show how BI can help drive operational efficiency & effectiveness for those with or without any BI experience.Specifically at this workshop, you will learn how to:Morning Session: Use the BI Foundation:

Create and build custom web-based dashboards and information portals.Perform exploratory analysis and interact with the data by pivoting, drilling, and filtering ad-hoc queriesAdd threshold-based alerts and discuss the delivery of information to multiple platforms, including mobile devices.

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 13

Create reports that bring in data from multiple data sources.

Afternoon Session: Run a Live Use-Case – Analytics of State IT Spend

Run a live use-case of Analytics using the IT Spend Data on Contracts from the site: live how-to more effectively manage multiple spreadsheets See live how-to quickly create Analytics of Spreadsheet and then easily model reports and analysis

Who Should Attend?Business Analysts and Report Developers responsible for Management Reporting, Operational Reporting and/or Financial Reporting.Users who spend a large proportion of time producing and delivering Excel spreadsheets and reports to business users.Project & Program Managers, Resource Planners and anyone interested in measuring by Metrics.

C15 Acceptance Testing – What Customers Need to Know$345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARmONdAY, mAY 39:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICAL (SUITED FOR TECHNICAL AND NON TECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS WITH TESTING RESPONSIBILITY) This workshop is aimed at the business professional who is asked to conduct acceptance testing and needs to understand the basics of testing. It will give you an overview of the acronyms and common terms, and help you understand requirements documents. You will learn what traceability is, why you care, and how to ensure that it exists. You will also learn how to create acceptance criteria, develop and run tests, and decide whether a system should be accepted.

Laura Faulkner, Research Scientist, The University of Texas at Austin and Consultant, FalconDay

Consulting – Presented through the Software Quality Institute – The Center for Lifelong Engineering Education at the University of Texas at Austin

C16 Web Content design$345 EARLY BIRd / $395 REGuLARTuESdAY, mAY 49:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALThe web has become one of the most important communications tools for government. But how do you know if your message is getting to your audience in a way that is clear and understandable? How do you organize information so users can find it? In this class, you will learn some of the key considerations for web writing; best practices for structuring and presenting your information; and presentation considerations for ADA and language translation.


C1� Rapid Application development $6�5 EARLY BIRd / $��5 REGuLAR � dAYSmONdAY, mAY 10, 9:00 Am – 4:00 Pm ANd TuESdAY, mAY 11, 10:30 Am – 5:00 PmTECHNICALIn today’s fast-paced environment, developers need tools and techniques to quickly respond to new requests and accelerate delivery without adding costs. This course takes a practical approach to Rapid Application Development (RAD) and focuses on methods that can be applied in any environment. You will learn how RAD techniques can be used to help identify and analyze requirements, validate solutions, and rapidly deploy solutions. It uses practical, concrete examples to illustrate how to select the best features of multiple RAD methodologies — including AGILE — to deliver high-quality, accurate solutions quickly.The course will also cover:

The underlying concepts of real-world •

rapid development; Various methods of prototyping requirements and software solutions; Processes for effectively using prototypes; and A comparison of the various methods for delivering software at high speed. In addition, attendees will hear about risk management and mitigation; change control; and development lifecycle options, in a rapid development environment.

This class offers 13.34 hours that can be applied towards a Science and Technology Degree at the University of Phoenix

Devan Shepherd, CEO & Chief Technology Officer, XMaLpha Technologies, LLC

C18 Building Secure Applications $3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARTHuRSdAY, mAY 69:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICALIn this fast-paced course you will learn how to build more secure applications using simple, repeatable steps. The focus will be on network level security exposures and appropriate counter-measures. Beginning with cryptographic tools, we will explore the nature and strength of various security algorithms available for the encryption of sensitive data. User authentication and intrusion detection will be discussed from an overriding organizational level, while the top 10 software attacks listed by the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) will be examined in more detail. For instance, the workshop will include discussion of key attacks, provide instruction on how to protect against these attacks, and provide solid countermeasures that any development team can use. You will also learn how to secure your applications to protect your organization’s IT infrastructure, and how to address industry best practice human factors to increase security

14 GTC West: The California digital Government Summit

awareness. This course is appropriate for application developers, business analysts and application development project managers with some technical background.This class offers 6.67 hours that can be applied towards a Science and Technology Degree at the University of Phoenix

Devan Shepherd, CEO & Chief Technology Officer, XMaLpha Technologies, LLC

C19 Business Analysis$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLAR mONdAY, mAY 39:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICAL (SUITED FOR BUSINESS ANALYSTS, SYSTEMS ANALYSTS AND OTHERS WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR GATHERING AND ANALYzING REQUIREMENTS)In this course, you will learn essential business analysis techniques to bridge the gap between the “as is” system and the solution your customers need. It offers an overview of business analysis, with an emphasis on the role that well-defined requirements play in successful projects. You will learn to establish a shared understanding of “the product” with a project’s stakeholders. The course will explain the importance of a vision, glossary, a risk mitigation plan, and explore a variety of ways to elicit accurate requirements. You will also discover examples of sure-fire analysis tools that can be used to bridge the gap between current “as is” systems and anticipated “to be” solutions. Learners will:

Analyze requirements;Set priorities;Establish representative models for key system components; and Explore various ways to create representative use cases and map requirements back to known Enterprise Policies, objectives, and business rules.

This class offers 6.67 hours that can


be applied towards a Science and Technology Degree at the University of Phoenix

Devan Shepherd, CEO & Chief Technology Officer, XMaLpha Technologies, LLC

C�0 managing Business Requirements$6�5 EARLY BIRd / $��5 REGuLAR� dAYSTuESdAY, mAY 4 – WEdNESdAY, mAY 59:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICALThis course builds on the concepts explored in Business Analysis. A basic understanding of business analysis is required for this course. Learners discover how to document business requirements clearly and accurately, and develop use cases and test scripts based on requirements. This course provides an engineering approach to requirements development and management, presenting more than fifty best practices, which encompass all of the activities and deliverables associated with defining comprehensive, solution-based, requirements. Topics include:

The requirements process; Problem analysis and description; Types of requirements;Requirements validation and documentation;The language used to express requirements; High level process maps; andUse case workflow and design criteria.

Learners evaluate the value of establishing a shared understanding of “the product” with the project stakeholders, and gain experience building a vision, glossary, and risk mitigation plan to streamline requirement elicitation. Exercises include the use of effective techniques for eliciting software requirements, analyzing requirements, setting priorities, and establishing representative models for key system components. Practice with the authoring



of representative use cases will also be provided.During this course, workshops will include a representative project that will be developed from inception, through requirements gathering, and subsequent analysis in order to integrate individual concepts. A mock JAD (Joint Application Design/Development) session will be conducted as part of this course.This class offers 13.34 hours that can be applied towards a Science and Technology Degree at the University of Phoenix

Devan Shepherd, CEO & Chief Technology Officer, XMaLpha Technologies, LLC

C�1 .NET Programming 1$6�5 EARLY BIRd / $��5 REGuLAR � dAYSmONdAY, APRIL �6 – TuESdAY, APRIL ��9:00 Am – 4:00 Pm TECHNICAL This class will be held at IS,Inc., 2553 Millcreek Drive, Sacramento, CA 95833This class provides students with an introduction to the technologies that comprise the Microsoft .NET strategy. This course is a high-level overview of multiple aspects of .NET, and will serve as a starting point for developers to begin implementing .NET tools and technologies. In this course, learners will use Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and Microsoft ASP .NET to build Web sites. Learners will explore the requirements to build sites that access databases and process data using dynamic, server-side programming. Learners will also be exposed to C#.NET and other enterprise capable programming options in the .NET family.

Dr. Sam Gill, Senior Development Trainer/Consultant, IS,Inc.

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 15

C�� xmL Programming 1$6�5 EARLY BIRd / $��5 REGuLAR� dAYSWEdNESdAY, APRIL �8 – THuRSdAY, APRIL �99:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICALThis class will be held at IS,Inc., 2553 Millcreek Drive, Sacramento, CA 95833 This class provides a comprehensive introduction to the major topic areas in XML technology and provides an introduction to Advanced XML. Learn what all the fuss is about and how to jump immediately onto the fast-track for XML development.

James Holden, Senior Development Trainer/Consultant, IS,Inc.

C�3 data modeling for Business Intelligence $3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARWEdNESdAY, mAY 1�10:30 Am – 5:00 PmTECHNICALStructuring data for business intelligence requires a new way of thinking about data and database structures. In this class you will learn:

Pros and cons of various development and implementation methodologies, including: Waterfall vs. Iterative, Kimball vs. Inman, and some common business intelligence mistakes to avoid;Identifying and locating technical data types such as operational and historical data; Selecting the technical architecture, including considerations for right-sizing, the SOA impact, the necessary technical skills and the hardware components; andContinuous improvement and post implementation support.This class offers 6.67 hours that can be applied towards a Science and Technology Degree at the University of Phoenix.

Devan Shepherd, CEO & Chief Technology Officer, XMaLpha Technologies, LLC

C�4 Java Programming 1$6�5 EARLY BIRd / $��5 REGuLAR� dAYSWEdNESdAY, APRIL �8 – THuRSdAY, APRIL �99:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICALThis class will be held at IS,Inc., 2553 Millcreek Drive, Sacramento, CA 95833 This hands-on technical course teaches the basics of Java programming. It is recommended for programmers who wish to learn the basics of software development using Java. This course briefly covers the Java standard language fundamentals of keywords, operators, and control flow. It then moves into the basics of object-oriented programming with classes, inheritance, and interfaces. The course ends with a brief look at next steps. PREREQUISITES: Students should have some background in programming, preferably in a higher-level language.

Dr. Sam Gill, Senior Development Trainer/Consultant, IS,Inc.

C�5 ITIL Awareness $3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARTHuRSdAY, mAY 69:00 Am – 4:00 PmNON-TECHNICALThis class provides an overview of the key concepts and terminology of ITIL. It will provide an overview of what ITIL is and what it can do for your organization. You will learn the ITIL approach of applying lifecycle principles to IT about the lifecycle principles to IT services and making continual service improvement an integral part of business day to day. This class will touch on the five core volumes of ITIL:

Service Strategy;Service Design;Service Transition;Service Operation; andContinual Service Improvement.


C�6 Security Threat update – The Newest Threats and How to Protect Against Them$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARmONdAY, mAY 109:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICALToday’s systems are more connected than ever. Desktops, laptops, web apps, mobile apps, virtual machines, networked printers, and other devices all play a significant part in technology infrastructures. This connectivity gives hackers and members of the DarkWeb more opportunities to do harm. What are the threats and risks that you should focus on and make a priority? What are the latest threats and what do you need to do to protect against them? In this fast-paced class, you will learn about the top 10 biggest threats that you should focus on. You will also learn how to apply proven, standards-based techniques and new protection strategies to protect systems and data from these threats.

Rick Dakin, President and Co-Founder, Coalfire

C�� Wireshark 101 – Protecting your Network$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARTuESdAY, mAY 1110:30 Am – 5:00 PmTECHNICALWireshark is fast becoming a vital tool for security professionals. In this fast-paced class, attendees will learn the essentials of using the open source tool Wireshark to troubleshoot network problems and understand network communications. You will learn where and how to look to find what is on your network. This class is for all levels of network and system administrators, and will include lecture and group discussion to help you learn to get the most from this free tool.

Dr. Michael J. Staggs, Ph.D., Senior Forensic Engineer, AccessData, Inc.

16 GTC West: The California digital Government Summit

GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 1�

C�8 Rootkits – The Current State of the Net$3�5 EARLY BIRd / $4�5 REGuLARWEdNESdAY, mAY 1�10:30 Am – 5:00 PmTECHNICALSome claim that the current state of the net is chaos, where rootkits and hackers abound. This class will explore real world examples of rootkits, including the code, propagation and metastatis. Detection methods will also be explained, both from the network packet level perspective and from the OS detection perspective. The class will provide essential information for security professionals, network and systems administrators and technology supervisors, on the threats from rootkits and what needs to be done now to protect against them.

Dr. Michael J. Staggs, Ph.D., Senior Forensic Engineer, AccessData, Inc.

C�9 Systems Testing for Application development$6�5 EARLY BIRd / $��5 REGuLAR� dAYSmONdAY, mAY 1� – TuESdAY, mAY 189:00 Am – 4:00 PmTECHNICALThis course provides an introduction to various software testing techniques, with an emphasis on their application to legacy system application development and maintenance. Experience (and statistics) demonstrate that projects starting from well-defined and analyzed requirements are more apt to succeed. In this course, learners will explore the merits for requirements-based testing; the relationship between use-cases and test-cases; the role of organizational testing standardization; and the value of continuous integration with customers (end-users) during the testing process. In addition, a thorough exploration will be undertaken of the typical phases of testing in application development,

including: unit testing; integration testing; system testing; regression testing; and acceptance testing. Testing terminology is demystified and defined, along with best practices for generating test scripts, preparing test plans, and organizing test scenarios in batch and live environments. Test management is described in terms of the decisions to be made in order to choose types of testing, what to test, and how best to measure the success, efficiency, and costs of a test regime. Emphasis is placed on designing standardized tests which maximize coverage for the fewest number of test steps and iterations, in a consistent, repeatable, and measurable manner. This course is appropriate for systems analysts, application developers and managers who need a better understanding of the testing lifecycle and process.

Devan Shepherd, CEO & Chief Technology Officer, XMaLpha Technologies, LLC


Absolute Software Inc.AccentureAT&TAttachmateBMC SoftwareBrother International CorporationCA Inc.Canon Inc.CDWGCharter BusinessCisco Systems Inc.CommVaultComputer Sciences CorporationCúram Software Inc.Deloitte & Touche USA LLPEMC CorporationESRIGood TechnologyGovConnection Inc.IBMInsightIS,Inc.IVCi LLCLexmark International Inc.MicrosoftNational UniversityNetwork Appliance Inc.OraclePolycomQuantumSmile Business Products Inc.SoftChoiceSprint Nextel CorporationTANDBERGTCPNVerizon Western Blue Corporation

Sponsor listing as of 4/1/10.

18 GTC West: The California digital Government Summit

REGISTRATIONThis year you will have two options for registration:

Option 1 - Summit Registration Only $99 Early / $149 Regular - Individual Registration

Summit Registration Plan includes Keynotes, all Concurrent Sessions, Exhibit area, Government Solutions Center and Best of California Awards Ceremony and Reception. The Summit is open to government employees only.

Option � - GTC Training Classes (includes FREE Summit Registration) $345 and up

Paid Training Registration Plan includes the training class(es) of your choice plus FREE registration for the Summit. There is an associated registration fee for each training class.

Registering a large group?

A “Conference Pass” Site License covers Summit Registration for an entire agency or division for one flat fee. Please contact us for information on pricing and availability.

Please register to receive your badge in advance of the conference.

Paid training classes run prior to and concurrent with the Summit. Take advantage of the Early Bird discount and register on or before April 16, �010.

For up-to-date program and training schedule, please visit our

website at�010


Registrations received/postmarked by April 16, �010 will receive their conference badge in advance of the conference.

Registrations received/postmarked between April 1� and may � will receive written confirmation and conference badge on-site.

After may � you must register on-site.

ON-SITE REGISTRATION HOuRS:Tuesday-Wednesday, May 11 & 12, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

FOR mORE INFORmATION CONTACT:David Florence, Western States Conference Director

GTC West: The California Digital Government Summit

[email protected]

Office: 916.932.1357

1. Online:

�. Fax the attached registration form to: 916.932.0727

3. mail the attached registration form to:

GTC West: The California Digital Government Summit 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630


GTC West: The California digital Government Summit 19

1. I wish to receive free subscriptions to GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY ® magazine❑ YES ❑ NO❑ Please renew my subscription

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�. Please indicate your Branch of Government or Business Activity (check one only)

❑ A State Government❑ B County Government❑ C Municipal Government❑ D Federal Gov’t. (non-military/ military)❑ E Special District, Public Utility❑ F Government Association❑ W Other Government ❑ Y Private Sector – System/ Software/Network Integrator❑ z Private Sector – Suppliers to Government❑ X Other ________________________ (specify)

3. Which category BEST describes your job function/ classification? (check one only)❑ A Administrative/Policy Management or Supervision❑ B Elected Official❑ C Financial/Procurement Management or Supervision❑ D Information Systems/ Technical Management or Supervision❑ E Operations/Project Management or Supervision❑ F Professional Management or Supervision❑ G Consultant Management or Supervision❑ H Marketing/Sales Management or Supervision❑ J Law Enforcement❑ z Other ________________________ (specify)

How did you hear about GTC?(check all that apply)❑ Brochure❑ Email from GTC ❑ GTC Web Page❑ Phone call from GTC ❑ Memo from Management ❑ Regional Director❑ Staff meeting ❑ User Group/Assn. ❑ Training Office ❑ Other ________________________ (specify)

4. What is the primary FuNCTION of your AGENCY/dEPARTmENT? (check one only) ❑ 01 Administrative/Business & Consumer Affairs❑ 02 Records Mgmt/Archives❑ 03 Justice Judicial/Courts/Prosecution/ Defense/Corrections❑ 04 Law Enforcement/Public Safety/ Fire/ Emergency Services/911❑ 05 DP/Telecom or Information Services❑ 06 Education (K-12)❑ 07 Education (Higher Ed)❑ 08 Elected Official - Legislative/ Admin/Staff❑ 09 Finance/Revenue/Accounting/Audit❑ 10 Forestry/Land Mgmt/Parks & Recreation/Agriculture❑ 11 Health, Welfare & Social Services, Housing & Community Development❑ 12 Library❑ 13 Personnel/Human Resources/Training❑ 14 Public Works/Engineering/Public Utility/Transportation❑ 15 Purchasing/General Services❑ 16 Regulatory/Licensing❑ 17 Wastewater/Sanitation/Environment❑ 18 zoning/Land Use/Planning❑ 19 Printing/Publishing❑ 20 Consulting/Marketing/Research❑ Other ________________________ (specify)

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Please complete this form and mail or fax it to GTC West: The California Digital Government Summit100 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA 95630, FAX 916.932.0727. For more information please call 916.932.1317.



❑ Check Enclosed. Make check payable to GTC West 2010 ❑ Government Purchase Order enclosed. (P.O.# )❑ Voucher or letter of intent enclosed.

To be billed, a physical copy of purchase order is necessary. If using a purchase order or credit card, registration may be faxed to 916.932.0727. Interest at 1.5% per month will be charged on all unpaid balances over 30 days after the event.

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Card #


Name on card Exp. date

Address to e-mail credit card confirmation to:

FEDERAL ID # 68-002-0714


Credit Card Users please note: Government Technology Conference is a subsidiary of e.Republic, Inc. Your credit card statement will reference e.Republic, Inc.

Cancellations: Cancellations must be submitted in writing. Cancellations post-marked prior to April 16, 2010 will receive a full refund (less a $25 processing fee). No refund for cancellations postmarked April 17, 2010 or later, and/or for registrants who do not cancel or attend.


Make photocopies for additional


C1 Introduction to Project Management - Project Management DiscoveryC2 Aligning Expectations: Effective Project Planning and EstimatingC3 Managing RiskC4 Portfolio ManagementC6 Leading Productive Project MeetingsC7 Leading Organizational ChangeC8 Win-Win Negotiation for Project ManagersC9 Vendor Performance ManagementC10 Getting What You Need – Writing a Quality SOWC11 Principles of Effective CommunicationC12 High Performance Customer Service C13 Building High Performance TeamsC14 Business Intelligence (BI): Hands-on Workshop C15 Acceptance Testing – What Customers Need to KnowC16 Web Content DesignC17 Rapid Application DevelopmentC18 Building Secure ApplicationsC19 Business AnalysisC20 Managing Business RequirementsC21 .NET Programming 1C22 XML Programming 1C23 Data Modeling for Business Intelligence C24 Java Programming 1C25 ITIL AwarenessC26 Security Threat Update – The Newest Threats and How to Protect Against ThemC27 Wireshark 101 – Protecting your NetworkC28 Rootkits – The Current State of the NetC29 Systems Testing for Application Development



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Government Technology Executive Events is a division of e.Republic, Inc.100 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA