>3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

>3 _ Ready Doctor: O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO THE HUMAN BODY. So that every Person may, with Eafe, Find a CURE, and Depend upon it: Being moft SAFE and SURE. Gl ^ n .? * ^ ^ n , d •particular Account of the many - u , e i that Men and VV on,en are iiable to undergo with different Cures for each Diftemper Explained in an Eafy Manner, being fitted for People of nil Ranks. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A TREA IISE on BLEEDING. By PE TER TAYLER, a. M. Tenui labor ac Tenuis non Gloria. FALKIRK: Printed by Patrick Mair for the Aj^**r—~ M.DCC.LXXXV. '•OF SCOTLA^V^

Transcript of >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

Page 1: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


_ Ready Doctor:

O R,


Suitable for moft Diftempers,



So that every Person may, with Eafe,

Find a CURE, and Depend upon it:

Being moft SAFE and SURE.

Gl^n.? * ^ ^n,d •particular Account of the many

- u ,eithat Men and VV on,en are iiable to undergo with different Cures for each Diftemper Explained in an Eafy Manner, being fitted for People of nil Ranks.




/« Tenui labor ac Tenuis non Gloria.

FALKIRK: Printed by Patrick Mair for the Aj^**r—~


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Page 3: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


The Right Honourable





Are Humbly Dedicated,


Moll Obedient Servant,


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Page 5: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


DIVINITY and Physic, being my chief Study for1

fo;ne years bypaft, I have endeavoured, undei'j God, to be ufeful in relieving the Sick, by the frequent ufe of Herbs, in which I have had an abundant fuccefs This, numbers can well atteft, by the benefit they re !j ceived from my Herbacious Medicines. Alfio, by the | fkill of Blood, and Art of Bleeding, I have removed ; j deal of Diforders, and Diitempers Now, for the gooe | of mankind in general, and fympathy 1 have toward | thofe who groan under pain, I here publilh the following! Receipts, (that every Reader may find the benefit, i my earned; with,) for by this Book people may Cure themfelves with very finall expence : As many People are not able to pay Dear Doilors, this will be theii;; Cheap Phylician : Eefldes, in fome places, a DoHor wel ikilled, is not eafy to be found ; for he may be at a grea diftance, when this Humble Doctor will lodge in thi meaneft Cottage

The Patients who perufe this Work, needs be at n< lofs to underhand the w'hole body thereof; for, witl great labour and pains, 1 have explained every difficul 1 Word and Termination. Thofe Druggs, Herbs, Flower and Difeafes that bears certain names unknown to man’ people, they will no doubt be a little lurpriled to fe< here how fimple they are, in their own language, an] how eafily they may be attained, as oftentimes prefentin] themfelves at their doors, and yet lightly eiteemed. '

I conclude, wilhing that the Lord may fend his blefF ing with every honeft endeavour, that Men and Womei on this earth may fee the love I bear to my fellov creatures ; and numbers yet unborn atteft the good o thefe fimple Cures: For this is the intent and well meant purpofe of


From my Study at EDINBURGH, Auguft 23d. t0 March 23d. 1785.

A 3 l

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Epiftle to the Reader

COURTEOUS Patient, when this you react, J Fly to my Sayings with all your Ipeed ; iieve me, they will prove a Cure, ith fmall expence, and very fure. trough all this Book, a word call’d Juice, aften mark’d, but very nice : ; meaning I will tell to you, from our Fathers at firlt grew, e juice of any herb that’s nam’d, tell, and will not be alham’d.

It’s humbly meant that you will boil-

ofe Herbs in Water, without toil, til their ftrength you fully have, d ufe them as this W ork doth irave. erefore it needs not puzzle you, - it is plain and fin pie too, ieing my intention, ery trouble to mention, d Cures adapted thereunto, I lhall in a little {how.

Mow, the middle of the matter,, tell the truth, arid not flatter,

ne may be apt to fay with fpite, at thefe Receipts I did not dite : liers may fay, I borrow ’d all, at I might not ftumbte nor fall; t with freedom, and without fears, is was my ftudy for fo e years, hough the fame may mockers grieve, te truth I tell, you may believe.

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The Epiftle to the Reader.

Now, to put an end to jarring, bid to every lawlefs waring, To hate all vice Jet’s be inclin’d, 5ut not the Souls which are entwin’d t hat makes men’s bodies for to move Thefe are the objects we Jhould love.>

I w iih a bleiTing God may give Vith thefe Receipts to all that live :■ tnd may they long enjoy the fame, o here 1 do fubfcribe my name.

Sic Subfcribitur, PETRUS TAYLER,

/larch 23d. 1785.


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Difficult Words Explained.


A STHMA, Aches,

Apoftumes, jVpoplex,


:holer, Condyloma, Carbuncles, atharrs, or Catharts,

EPILEPSY, •Empyema,

FISTULAS, iFellons, ^Frenzie,

HUMOURS, IHepiala, iHemorrhoitls,

1INFLUENZA, [jlmpoftumes,

LEPROSY, k Lethargy,

MEGRIM, Morpheu,

P L O R A, ' Polipus,

jQUINSEY or Squimnnce,

A S E S.

A Shortnefs of Breath. Severe Pains. Hot hard Swellings. A kind of Palfy.

Stomach Difordered.

Cold Humors. Wrong Fundament. Peltilential Swellings. Humors falling from the

Head to the Breait.

A kind of Falling-ficknels. Another ditto.

Scabious Ulcers & Scruffs, Smiting hard Swellings. Giddinefs.

Slimey corruptions. Fever hot and cold. Hemrod Flux.

Peft Fevers. Hard Bealings.

Scruphlous Humors. Sleepinefs.

Head Difordered. A kind of Scurvy.

A Wild Scab. A Bubly Nofe.

The Throat Swelled, and very Sore.

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Difficult Words Explained.


SCIATIC, Sneezing,

TETTERS, and Ring- W orms, »

\ Tympany, i Tumors,


A S E S.

Bones Pained. A Neellng Fit.

The Skin very Foul, and' Spotted.

A kind of Dropfy. Wild Fire.

Blood Difordered..

! W E N N S, Arfe Cockles, . Wheafing, Lungs Difcrdered,


Herbs, Flowers, and Druggs.


Anthos, Auramionum,

, Alumen, i A obergreafe,

A(Ta Fcrdita, Artemariae,

; Adianthi, Arpleni, Ammeos, Abrotoui,

1 B E L I D I S, Bardanae,

1 Burfae Partoris,

I CARR IOPHI LOR, , Cardaminis, Cochleor, Cicutre,


Wild Pepper. Garlic. Rofemary. Oranges. Allum. A Bitumen of the Se*» Devils Tongue. Mugu'orths. Maidens ! !air. Splenwort. Bilhopfweed. Suthernwood.

Daileys. Burdock. Shepherds PutTe,

C’oves. Cuckow Flower, Scurvy Grafs. Hemlock. Marygold.

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Cantharides, Creta, Croci, Camphor ice,


ELGILI, Euphrafice, Erigeri,

FENUGREEK, Fleaoane,

GUM ARABICK, Geritoe, Glycyerhizce,

Spanilh Flies. Chalk. Saffron. Camphire.

Ouick Grafs.

Dwarf Elder. Eyebright. Groundfel.

Greek ^lay. Flee Wort.

Binding Beantree. Broom. Liquorace.

Neefewort. Liverwort. Turnfole. Rupterwort. - Rott Coll.

HELEB ORE (vel) Elebore Hepaticae, Heliotrophium, Henriaricac, Helena Herba,



LI LI ORIS, Limaces, Lavendulce, Lillii Convalii, MATRICARI/E, Ivlolochia, Mandrake, Margaret, Meliue, Matilis, 3Millefolium,



Whjte Lillies. Snails. Lavender. Lillies of the Val

Feverfew, jews Mallows. Witchgrafs. Pearls. Balm. Navelwort. Y arrow. ■ -

Page 12: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

NAUSTURTII, Nicotianae, Nunmullar,

P O LI P O D I S, Porii, Parietarise, Plantaginis, Pimento, Papilaris, Petrolium, ( vel ) Oleum

Petre, Pulagii, Pulmonariae, Polygnatiae, Primuleveris,

Water Crefles. Tobacco Moneywort,

Polipody. Leeks Pellitory Plantain. Jamaica Pepper. Nipplewort

Oil of Peter.

Penny Royal. Lungwort. Solomon’s Seal. Primrofes.

RAMNI RACC/E, Rut;e, Ru fcii, Rofa Maria,

Buckthorn Berries.^ Rue Boutchers Broom. Rofemary Velanthos.

S O U L L I Saxifragae, Sal Nitri, Semper Vivi, Sea Spike, Sinapios, Scalopendrii,

i Starnutu nenttim, Sefillium Motus,

TAN ACE r I, Tamarindi, Thorny Apple, Tutias, Tuflilago, Treefo.l,


Sea Onions. Saxifrage. Salt Peter Houfe Leeks, Sea Fike. Muftard. Splenwort. Snuff Paddock Pipes.

Tanfey. Tamarinds- Night Shade. Tatty, or Txthy. Coltfoot Grafs. Buckbean

Swallow VvTort. Meadow Sweet,

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T A Y L E R’s


Foi- an A S T H M A.

^ I ''HOSE who do not know this Diforder by the ^ name here given, let them look backward to

an Explanation of Difficult Names, and there they will find that it fignifies a fitortnefs of l?reath ; and this muft be done, in like manner, witli every Dif- order, Herb, Drug or Flower, that bears uncommon Names. I have with great care arrainged them in an Alphabetical order, fo whatever any word begins with, for inftance for an Afthma, -leek the letter A, and lb of any other.

For an Allhma, firft Blifler behind the Neck, be- twixt the ihoulders: Then boil i lib. weight of

TTuffilago in Port Wine and Water, about a Chopin, hr Enghfh Quart of each ; take 3 Glafs fulls of this

'er day5 one in the morning, one about mid-day, :uxl another at evening, till done.

B Probatum EJ},

Page 14: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

For a Quartan A G U E.

F"FAKE a Glafs full of Black Eelebore Juice, boiled in Rain Water, once a-day, for 7 days : This

cures an Old Ague. And a New Ague is cured; by taking about a Mutchkin, or Englilh Pint of Parietory Juice, in like manner, once a-day for 7 days.

N. B. If you do not underhand the word Juice, look at my Epii'le to the Reader, for I intend to avoid needlefs repetitions. Probation Eft.

Aged Per ions Comforted.

rrAKE 1 lib. of Winter Sage, 1-4 lib. of Tanzy, boil them in pure Well Water ; then take 2

.Glafs fulls thereof once a-day for 7 days. N. B. You muft take 2 Scots Pints of \Y ater, J

and let the Herbs boil into one Pint : or, you may ufe the Juice of Semper Vivi, or a Glafs of Port Wine, revives the fpirits miraculoufly.

The frji Prdatum Eft-. (

For St. Anthony’s F I Fv E.

TAKE 1-2 lib. of Doves Dung, and as much of, Lint feed Oil, 6 Glafs fulls of Semper Vivi Juice, •

pretty Prong, compound all together : apply a little; thcrept morning and evening, until you find uie benefit. N. B. If Florence Oil can be got conve- ■ niently, the 1-3 will ferve, with 2 Clal's fulls ofj p.pmper Vivi, or Mandrake Juice, anointed.

The fteft Cure Probatum Eft. ,

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TAKE 20 Drops of the Oil of R.ofes in a fpoonfui of Cold Water, or drink the Juice of Green-

Elder Leaves, for inward application. If outward, be needful, apply Olleum Petre, or make a Plaifter of Quacking Aih Leaves, Sallad Oil and Wax, about 1 Ounce of each, fo apply where needful. Or, drink the Juice of Paddock Pipes ; mean time Plaifter with Green Elder Leaves and Fre!h Butter, being firft pounded together.. Tfe Lajt Frohatum Efl.

N. B If you do not know Paddock Pipes, they grow in bogs and mires, and marihy ground, dark white to colour, about the thicknefs of a rail), empty within, and about i Inch divilion betwixt the fmall Tunicles, which are more or lefs according to the length of the Pipe : They commonly grow to i foot 1-2 long; if longer, they are too old, and unfit for fervice.

P. S. You need not think it ftrange that I approve of the laft or firft Cure for any malady, for I mention none but what may be depended upon : only, when I approve of one more then another, it is betaufe it ! has been cftener tried : 'owever, when one fails, another may be taken with fidety ; for, as Conftitu- tions and difpofitions varies, fo, what will cure one, may not cure adother: Now, as more than one is mentioned, there can bene excufe for ignorance in this matter, if neglected.

For CUTS- by AXES.

yyTUTKEPc the Gut. be old or new, it is veryj ’ ’ dangerous : if the Ax was nifty, cleanfe the i

fore often with Britkh Oil, efpecially before yowl lay on your Salve, each time. Now, to make | the Salve, take i Ounce of Tallow, 10 Drops

B z of

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i6 T A Y L E R’s

of Sallad Oil, 10 Drops of Britifii Oil, and 10 Drops of Turpentine, with 4 Drops w eight of Rofin, boil

together into a Gaily Pot upon a How fire ; then u!e a little as need require. If the Ax was clean, make an Oxicratum of Ralpberry or Strawberry Water and Turpentine, and apply a Salve of Eggs, Hue Juice and Honey. Probatum Fjt^

For a Weak Apetite.

rPAKE 3 Pills of Aloes at each diet, for 3 days ; -1 or a Glafs of Molochia Juice thrice a-clay,

for 3 days. Probatum Eft.

For a Greedy Apetite.

T)OTTAGE of Wheat, and a little Whale Oil boiled therewith : Repeat this once a-day for

three days; or, apply Gum Arabic to the Belly. If none of thefe will Cure, the Patient’s cale mult be defperate indeed. Probatum Eft.

For the APOPLEX.

1 T JSE often the Juice of Sage, and Elder Leaves ; or the boiled Juice of St. John’s Wort.

Probation Eft.


1 nPHE Leaves of the Great Burr, Dock Root, or, -*■ the Leaves of Green Elder, which of the twain

I you choofe, boiled, and hot applied; mean time, 1 drink Flea wort Juice, a good draught once a day, inwardly for 7 Days. Probatum ft.

Page 17: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For Barrennefs.

A PPLY Llmaces to the moudi of the Womb, together with the frequent ufe of Ambergreafe,

Joout as much as will ly on a Silver Sixpence, per day, taken in a Glafs full of Balm Juice. This hinders Barrennefs from a cold caufe And if Bar- rennefs proceed from a hot caufe, ufe Mugworth Juice, or eat the Seeds and Apples of Mandrake APPles- Pnbatum Efi.

• For a Moift BRAIN.

T^AKE a handful of Juniper Berries once a-day for three days, then drink the Juice of the Tnee

maue pretty ftrong, for other three days ; or anoint the head with the Tinhure of Kali. Probation Ejt.

For a Weak BRAIN.

anoint 1 ^ Convalii :

the Head with the Juice of Lillit

_ or, take tne Powder of Amber and C loves, and Iprmkle a little thereof upon the Head

* once a-day for 7 days. • E rob at urn Ejt.

For Bruiled NERVES.

J^AKE a Cataplafm of Black Snails, and there- with apply = or, the Oil of Venice Turpentine

anointed then take 8 Drops of Sallad Oil, nd a much arts-horn, into a little Cold Water- otherwife drink the Juice of Night-Shade.

® 3 Prob alum EJ},

Page 18: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

i8 T A Y L E R ’ s

For Gloated BLOOD.

r-po difpel Gloated Blood, take i ‘b. o. r gg , ^ ^ I i lib of Viniger pound theol ^f^d ’ for

about i Ounce thereof_ at once ^hr.ce a-day 3 days

Ounce thereoi ai . a-day or, drtak *e Juke of Unice

For Procuring BLOOD-

nr" AKF 2 Libs- of Lavendulae, boil the Tame in T Spring ^Weter, 3 f ^‘"“gf, elg

then take about a Gill or ^ reftraint of

rr^L&WdWine, behines incrcafe* diet. Ur> a,1, ^ probaturn EJt. Blood powerfully-


For Cleanfiug the BLOOD-

Ounces once a-day, . 3 J ttv flrono-, once a- Juice of Helioirophiunt, n- ^ea.ppoon-lulls of the

P’. of-raS once a-day for 3 days : or yearly Bleeding will do as well as any mentl°?

n^m Ejh

For a Rubly NOSE-

• T UKEWARM Water often

■ LFrO . for a Pohpus.

Page 19: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For Spitting BLOOD-

For Defludions in the Brtaft-

qpAKE a handful of Leeks, as much Sow Thiftle, J- and as much Hyfop ; boil them a little: ta.ce a

Glafs full of faid Cordial thrice a-day, for 7 days : or chew Helena Herba pretty conflant for laid time,. Otherwife, ufe a Pipe of Tobacco now and then.

P rob alum EJt.

For Wounds in the Bread Inwardly. |

IF Ulcers are dreaded in the Breaft, eat a good A quantity of Strawberries ; or take about a Ounces of Rol'a Maria Vel Anthos, with a handful or SeliUium Motus, boil them in Sweet Milk, about an Engliin Ouait • then divide it into five parts, to be taken m five days : Otherwife, eat a few Tamarinds once a-day for 3 days ; then ufe Tanacaeti Juice, about a fpoonful at once every hour of the day, which - ■ 12 hours, for two days.

N. B. If you would think this too troublefome for every hour, you may take 4 fpoonfulls at once, 4 in the morning, 4 at mid-day, and 4 at night, or about bed-time, without reftraint of diet, or any alterations.

Page 20: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

20 T A Y £ E R’s


'■'pO Shave often, and waih the Beard with the * boded Juice of Sybbous, or Scallions, will caufe

it grow very quickly : or, waih with Water, wherein rufty iron has been laid, upon the places you want Hair to grow. But, remember, thefe Cures will not anfwer the Pair of the HeAd, Cures being given, as you nay fee in this Book, quite different.

Now, to hinder a Beard to grow, or if it be too ftrong, to make it weaker : Take a handful of Euphrafiae, and as much of Water-CreHes, boil them together, and anoint therewith as occafion requires.— Othervif1, Sinye the Beard with the lip-ht of a Whale Oil Lamp, or Braland Berries, by fome called Crow Berries. Or, if you want to be free of a Beard altogether, the Blood of a Batt once applied, will do the turn. Probatum Eft.

To Sweeten the BRE ATH.

T N Primo. Ufe my Cure for a Stinking Breath ; or Wormwood and Viniger boiled together, and

a little taken at times. A]fo, to eat a few Annife Seeds now and then, are very powerful in fweatning the Breath. Probation Eft.

To Clean(e the BREAST.

TAKE 2 Ounces Fenugreek Seed, and 3 Ounces of Honey; ufe this Medicine in 7 days, dividing

it into 7 parts: Drink for laid time about a Mutchkin or Englifh Pint of Melifle Juice once a-day, otherwife ufe Sugar Liquorace in abundance.

Probaturn Eft.

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rT",AKE 20 Drops that falls from a Gla(s of Annife . Oil in a Spoonftil of Cold Water, in the Morn-

ing failing, for 7 Mornings. Or, take a handful of Crows Toes, commonly called Crowfoot, boil them ■'J an Engliih Qtiart of Water, or Scots Choppin; then drop fevenDrops of the faid Oil into a Glafs of laid juice, ufed for 7 Mornings. Prcbatum Eft.

N. B. Perhaps fome do not know what Crows Toes or Crowfoot is by this name. Therefore, I fball defcribe the lame, and make it as plain as poflible. Crows 1 oes, or Crowfoot, commonly grows upon Lee Ground, and Brae-faces : It bears a yellow Rower, on which the Bees greatly feed, having thick blades, and full of Honey. Remember it is not the Peafe coloured Knappards, nor yet the Peefe-bloom roloured Sitfafts ; its colour is, as I have laid, yellow, it grows about 7 Inches long, and is feathered \\ ith !;reen fibres from the ro;.t to the flower; and the

tjlower is what you muft ufe. Prabatum Eft.

For Broken BONES.

TTAKE 1-2 Ounce Bees Wax, 1-2 Ounce Lintfeed Oil, 1-2 Ounce Tallow, 1-4 Ounce Roftn, and

'2 Ounce Glew, compound altogether in a Gaily ot UP0!1 tiie fire ; put it upon Leather, and fo T'y. But be fure firft to clean and walh the place

, the Juice of Lilverueed or Cow knottgrafs, merwife Olleum Brittanicum, that is, Britilli C il,

Probation Eft.

Page 22: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

o T A Y L E RJs

For BONES out of Joint.

F IRST fet the Botr* or Bones ftraight : then make ' . . , r nnn 11» iVO i tec me uunr: .JI —fc,— • , r

a Catanlaim of Sheeps Dung, and bitfaits, and. o ,

applv. 1'his done for five or fix days, once a-day,' will prove lufficient. Probatum EJt.

For a Mad DOG’s Bite.

T\KE of Aih coloured Liverwort a Ounces, Black Pepper i Ounce and i Ounce of a

Pouder made of your own Blood, taken from the e ar-p any Vein; beat them altogether, then diwde it into o parts, to ferve 9 Mornings, ^ taking n: m an EmvlMi Pint of Cows Milk, new milked . other- wife, bod Vineger and Salt, and anoint thrice a-day for o days • or Bathing often in Sea- A atei. Anyf

«f 'I** Cure, afe veal, a,Kl ought to

For Pained Bov.eis.

ALM Mint, and Winter Sage, boiled together

each day, for 3 Days.


To Preferve Beauty.

•OALM, or Camphire Liquor; otherwife the Oil o B Myr;h€, rubbed on the face by tunes.^ ^

To Help Lean Bodies

IF i y„„ng. Bleed yearly , tf *>****!?*% SrSoHAstotauyrfthe^M

by eating Figs, 01 driuhing their juke, will experienc

l You8”^ ufe about . Hb. of of Fig, i 18 days. Prpbatum EJL 6 days, to be ufed

Page 23: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

For Over-grown Bodies.

MAKE a Compound of Jagged Dwarf Elder Juice, a Choppin of this to as much Viniger ; take a

•Glafs full per day, for 40 days. Probatum Eft.

To Preferve Dead Bodies.

■f ET the Body, or Bodies, be laid over with the ' Juice or Gum of Caedria, that is, Cedar : "i his

-will preferve Dead Bodies fulficiently. But obferve, it will eat away living HeOi, lb that none muft apply it on purpofe to eat awav proud flefh, until they caufe a Doctor infpe t the Sore, and prepare the Cure, ia cafe they might do more ill than good. Beiides, Affa Fcedita and Sal Nitre, will keep Flelh from corruption. Probatum Eft.


'''TAKE of Starnutumentum 1 Ounce, Wheaten -* IV ;eal 1 Ounce, and Figgs 2 Ounces, pounded

together; apply a little at once per day, till cured. Probatum Eft.

For a Loofe Belly*

rT''AKE 2 Ounces of St John’s Wort, boil it int* -* a Choppin or Enghih Pint of Ale, pretty old :

Then dri ik this all at once : Otherwife eat a good quantity of New Cheefe ; or take about a Choppm of Sweet Milk each incrning, till cured.

Probatum Eft.

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For Worms in the Belly.,

\y ORM Pouders are very good; but Steel Shavings ’ ’ i Ounce, Treakle 2 Ounces, Juice of Rue

2 Ounces, Juice of Tanzy 2 Ounces, Juice of Mint 2 Ounces, with 1 Ounce Harts-hom Drops : This Compound, by taking a little thereof falling, is moll powerful ; and young or old may take it without dread or fear, or ufe my cure for Worms in general.

Probatum EJL

For a Sore Bladder*

T~\ISSOLVE 1-2 lib. of Sugar Liquorice among ^ Water, about 1 Pint : Drink this in one day, making three divilions or intervals. Probatum EJ}.

For Pilhiur Blood.-

nr'AKE 1-2 Ounce of Nutmeg, 1 Ounce Dandellion -* R.oots, and 1 Ounce Sow i'hihle Roots: Make

all into one Ponder • then take as much of faid Pouder as will !y on a Shilling, each Morning, in a Pint of Cows Milk, that is, a Scots Mutchkin. Do this for 7 days, then by faid time. Me Pouder will be done, and you will be whole. Otherwife, take the Stones of a Hare boiled or roafted in any meat.

Probatum Efi.

For Yen mous Biidugs.

1-2 Lib. of Gar he bruifed and applied, or Olleum Petre, alias'!-etroLum ; meantime,-you mull take a little Agrimony in a god draught of ' V of any kind. P rob arum EJh •

Page 25: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For Bites of Serpents.

'T'AKE any of my Cures for a mad Dog's bite • But be fure to eat at leaft 1 lib. of Junniper

Berries, in three days, taking many or few at once as you pleafe. Indeed Junnipers are fufficient of them (elves, by eating them inwardly, and applying their fubftance outwardly. 3 “

Probattm Eft.

For Pain in tiie Back.

£)RINK the Broth of an old Cock : Meantime put a btrengthnmg Plaiftef to the place grieved •

otherwde bruife Kali, and apply it outwardly, drink- ing the boiled Juice inwardly.

Probatum eft.

For Burning.

THE Juice of Ferns and old Urine, or Leeks fodden and applied: But a little Cream, and

the yolk of an Egg, is bell for Infants.

Probatum eft.

To Loofen the Belly.

DRI1SF 3 .Sood qo^tity of Ale Wort, very new - and anoint the Belly with the Juice of Apple Hainzy, called Southemtvood : this is better than common khyfics.

^ Probatum eft.

Page 26: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

To Stop a Wound Bleeding.

1 INEN Caddife burnt and laid upon the Wound, alias-, tie up the Orrifice or Cut with a Parthing

or any piece of Copper. n Prcbatum ejr.

N. B. If the Wound be fo proud that it will not defift by Caddife, you mud take this laft remedy for refuge.

'For Hindering Bealings-

A ppi v Tutix, or Roafted Cheefe : otherwise,

the Lights of a young Lamb. Tutia does not l»t the Beafng grow too much, it being m a foftnmg nature r belfdel it will make a Bealing whole., fjppofe it were broken. pr9batwn eft.

For Bread Wounds outwardly.

* ppLY Tutiac Ointment: or a young

APMilk, of her firif Child, applied, will ,foon 1m. the Sore. Probation eft.

For Bruifes.

TAKE * ounces of Honey. -d » ™«:h ^ ^“o^I.ev.an.noVply s.Weby.i-s,

D* is beft of any Makes* ** bn"f«-

Probation eft•

Page 27: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

ready doctor* 2r

To Make a Pouder of your Blood.

DRJn V1?0n a Girdle> 0‘ ^ a Frying Pan ; keep' it k a . !mnS ab°Ut with a Knife until you think let it Sa !0n°US{lTn the fire: then tike it off,

' cold }.,/ “P- Ae Girdle °r in the Frying Pan till

th s’ ft ee^ mov,ng if abnnt : After doing n h T7?uT lt-fma11 anv wayy°up^- N. 5 rt will keep ,n a Bladder 7 year, • But let

Caret‘he B!°0d °f ^Yon wi!l be no Kood ' every °ns mul1 ufe fheir own .

Probation ej}+

T or a Stinking' Breath.

DRINK often the Juice of Flouer-de-luce, once a-day a Glafs full, for ten days at lealt • or hnV

fct’dtr y<,wmoutb ab0“l 10vi*y.

Probation eft.

Tor Strained Bones.


alone forT2 IW ’thk 1 and let i^ pftener, if need require • Orh be.^Peat

red thrItet or

MBurfePaftorisS^lnS' ^ ^ C2 Probation ej}.

Page 28: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

ag T A Y L E R’s

A Help to Keep Chafte.


tinued for J7 Day! • Of’ and •„ ,vill prove the .

l',’ Remedl for this = Meanwhile, Ramni Baccae only Kenie y addition. Juke, a Spooafal pet Uay, to prob3tim<Jl.

For the Convullion Fits-

TjIONY Root 2 Ounces, K Oil of Lintfeed, anointed outsvardly ^ ^ ^ the little Finger, left band, K

]ay ’them on the Drops come out ; tak , irni 0f poor Red Patient’s Navel then ta ^ndfnl of g. ^ Earth in a Napkin of Lmra, y p batum ,fi. let it alone for 81 Minutes.

For Coughs.

1 raw pat a little Garlic once a day, •§F the Cough ke ne , ‘ Cherry Gum drunk m i for 5 Days- K of Quaking Alh, any Wine is good . or, tn J probatum eft. and Oil of Sweet Almonds.

For the Cods and Stones Swelled.

rpAKE a han^u, of Ds^f ^ Reaves, M X them in a Bottle , _jeved: Or, take 1-2

after bruifed hot to the ft in Oil of Lintfeed, Ounce of Salt Peter, dilTolvc Pn,batum e/i. and therewith anoint.

Page 29: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For the Choleric Paffion.

nr AKE a Glafs of any Wholefome Wines, once a- -L day, for 7 Days, with a little of Rofemary Pouderi

or Hepatic^ Juice. Or, when the trouble is high, get 1 Noggin, or Gill of Peppermint Waters, a brayed Nutmeg, and 1 Grain of Orrigrum, com-

' monly called Olleum Thyme, or the Oil of Thyme, put all together, and fup it without delay.

Probatum ejl.

For a Cholic.

pEPPER 1-4 Ounce, Milk 1 Choppin, drunk.. A Or; take a living Kitten or Whelp, and lay it to the Cholic, it will draw the Diforder to itfelf, and foon die thereof: or, the burnt Hoves of a Cow, a little of the Pouder in any Liquid drunk: or a Sheep’s Skin, newly flaughterecj, put round the Body; or ufe any of my Cures for a Clio:eric Paflion.

Probclum tff.

To Exptli a Dead Child.

/VS there are a number of Herbs, .Flowers, and Drugs, for expelling Dead Children, yea, even

lome of them would expel living ones, on Lid account, for fafety to the Patient, 1 ihall menUon a deal, that men of learning ..will know by the Charac- ters given; and if any perfon need fuch, let taem apply publicly to a Phyfician. 1 (hall then iirft charadtnfe what 1 was (peaking of; then g ve you verv Editable Cures, at full length, for the expelling of Dead Children, that w ill not hurt living ones.

C 3 . The

Page 30: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

3° T A Y L E R’s

The ones, men of Phytic will know, are the G^ra Liquor, or luice of A : m : n : m : alfo of d • • alio, the Pouder of K : i: alfo of G : n : t n 1 he Tvi'ce of Mr : o : of L : p : s : of m : k : of L . . of G • P • R : and P : n : 1. Any of thefe are good-

and fufficient : But I do not chooie to ntention them at large; for many one in trying htuaoom would be apt to kill themfelves, as well as their Children If /did fo, at leaft it would be a great venture, and great wonder if they did not. But, as I t0

give you a Receipt or two, that you would under- itard fo I here perform.

1 Make a Peffaiy of White Helebore, and lay U on below the Navel ; alfo, a little n>gh Je “ ^f the Womb : at the lame time take a httk of ^ ello Gaiow-Flower Seed, put the ^eds into a Gi ft of White Wine, and drum them : °G a 1 e 7 of the fame, put them into the Matrix, and th wiU d0- ProlM eft.

For a Condyloma

r-pAKE a handfull of Groundfel Leaves brmfed, T^fn apply to the place tormented : or as much of rSifLeaves, and the Whne of an Egg, pounded together. pnbaium eft.

For the Chincough.

rp* AKE i 2 lib of the dried Roots of Jews Mallows, in the Morning with a draught o

Sweet Milk, for feveral Mdrnmgs : «r, uke o Garlic Roots i-6th of a Kb. or Daffadilhc Roots, «

Page 31: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


foT!P calls them, pon"u' them in Frelh Butter, about ,-4th of a lib. then lay a Pla iler thereof to the Soles of the Patient’s Feet. N. B. If this be done to Children, make the Compound weaker'.

Frobatum ejt.

For Carbuncles.

DRINK the boiled Juice of St John’s Wort, about a Gill or Noggin per day, for eight days: Mean-

while bruife a Field Dailey, and lay it to the place afflicted, once in the day for the above time ; then make whole with Woodbine Leaves.

Probatum pfl.

For the Cramp.

ASS A Foedita Juice applied outwardly, where moft pain is inwardly : or, Petrolium in like manner :

otherwife, boil a handful of Nettles that grows above the dead, in a Choppin of Whey ; of this take a Glafs full Morning and Evening till done.

Probatum eft.

For the Cruek and Glandules.

A Plate of Lead applied, cures the Glandules ; let it alone for 12 Hours, that is, keep it on from

I 6 in the Evening to 6 in the Morning : this muft be 1 done for 7 days. And for Cruels and Waxen Kernels, I take 1.4th lib. of Muftard Seed brayed with 1-2 lib. 1 of Hogs Lard, or Swine’s Greafe, compound both ! together, -and ufe it at your pleafure.

Vrobatum eft.

Page 32: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

32 i A Y L E K s

For G O 11 N S.

r7~'AKE i-4th Ounce of Rue Blades, 1.4th Ounce 1 of Nitre, and 1-2 Ounce Honey ; a little by times

laid to the Corns, of this Compound, is fufficient: or . as much Yerdigreafe and Copperas in like manner

ufed. V^robatum eft .

For Catharts, or Catarrahs.

rPARE 1-2 lib. pf Hynds-Tongue, x-^d lib. of -*■ Maidens Hair, boil them in a Pint of Water,

Scots Meafure, or Engliih half Gallon ; let them boil; until Ibaked into an Engliih Quart, or Scots Choppin, drink a Tea Cup full of this Juice about mid-day each day till done. Otherwife, Roaft 1-2 lib. of Dragon Roots, compound them with as much Honey, divide the Compound into 9 Parts, and take a Part about mid-day each day, lucceffively, till done.

Vrobatum eft.


npHE Juice of Sloe Tree boiled with Water, or -*■ rather loe s, if they can be got, add thereunto

a good quantity of Allum; then make a Plaifter there- of with Rye Meal, and lay a little by times to the place grieved.

Vrobatum eft.


''THOSE w ho Smoak Tobacco, needs nothing elfe ; thofe w'ho do not, mull take a little Aloes and

Manna by times, any way they think proper. 'Vrobatum eft.

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DOIT or Date Stones, a handful brayed to Ponder and drunk in Wine, is very good : But, beft ot

all, Bleed in the Legs, make a Pouder of the Biood, and drink it. You may depend upon this being a fure Remedy, if you take only a Mutchkm of Loat Whey at once, twice a-day, for Fourteen Days; add to each Draught as. much of the Blood Pouder as will ly on a Silver Sixpence,

Vrobatum ejt


TAKE of Cork Pouder 1-2 oz. Frefh Butter 1-2 oz. compound them together, and ufe as much in a

day, caufing it ferve Morning, Mid-day, and Evening: This muft be done for Nine Days running. * or an addition you may take a Glafs ol Port W ine once a- day during the time of your Cure.

i a Yrobatum ejt.


IF the Cold be new, take a Glafs full of Highland Whuky and Oat Meal, once in the Morning, and

once in the Evening, for three days. And if the cold be old, make Brochin, or Cruel, ol Oaten Meal, pretty thick, about a Choppin, add thereunto 1-2 hb. of Treakle, and drink it when going to bed : Ur Spaniih Juice, called Black Sugar Liquorace eaten and chewed, is good : And 1 oz. of Sugar-Candy brayed with 1 oz. of Pennacaeti, and eaten, nothing behind either of them. , , a

Vrobatum ejr..

Page 34: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


t , the Jurce of Nettles often : Mean

to the •' ir L'fr t NettIes and r!o"'er Me; *o the ■ ii/, bdow the Navel.

Probatum rj}.

F 'he C. L\P, or Venereal Diiorder,

JT Rad hieaie, Friars Drops, or the Vevet • ■ •'•.-.ps are very good ; and Co is the Joke 0

rvo. tm- u..:i i J . Ro. the Snr' , i Senan and

,, o > "**'• *c> me juice of Sl‘h *• y°u boil a large Quantity of

.-ock Roots in White Wine, and ’ oi each 2 libs, with 1 07, Si 1-2 of

iy'.i- wed boiled, let the poor Patient v _r ^ icw uic poor raueut , ‘k ^ ,K;r ' ;|fa P,nt at once ; then he mutt go to btn and keep warm nil he f.veat hearty ; This done four or hve times, will cure Man or Woman, let the Difeafe be of never fo long a {landing.

Vrobatum eft.


TAS/^nfdfUv! P' ed PoPP^ and as nntch of

Fn v n p- ALne b01 them ln Vinegar, about Two SSitd PjntS' 31101111 tllrke per where

Prubaium eft.

To Keep from Dreamifio*. o

TE ,a handf'«I of Annife Seeds, bind them in a - u Tat J anc Iay t^ra geRt>y to the nofc all

thereof ln d°lnS tIllS> j 0U NV;1' ^cn iirtd the gwd

Pi obatum eft.

Page 35: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

DEAD BODIES Preferved.

T AY the Body over with the Juice of St. John!* Wort, and Csedria : other wife look at the letter

B. page 23d. and take which you pleafe. Vrobatum eft.


;U S E my Cure for the Lethargy. . Frobatum efi.


Use jny Cure for a Weak Apetite. Vrobaium •


PULAOIT, et Matilis Cum Papilaris, a Handful of each, boiled altogether in a Pint of Water : i ake

a Glafs full-or two of this before Drinking. Or, as much of Wormwood, ufed in fame form, will hinder one from being too Drunk. And, if the Patient has drunk too much, let him drink about a Mutchkin or Englilh Pint of faid Juice, it will inftantly caufe him throw up, and he will foon be whole : otherwife, to make ufe of a good quantity of Butter, or fat meat before drinking, preferves one wonderfully.

Vrobatum eQ.

Page 36: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

For D E A F N E S S.

'T'HE Oil of iurpentine is good: But take i Bundle of Green Aih Branches, put them upd

a Rowling Fire, and when they begin to froth, catc all the Juice you can, put it in a Phial Glafs, the drop in each Ear 7 Drops of faid Subftance ever Morning, laying a little Caddife or Cotton above it This muft be done for 7 Days.

Yrobatum efi. '

For the DROPS Y.

T F the Dropfy comes of Cold Drink often, the Juio of Endive ard F oufe Ear or a Hares Liver driet

put into Whey, and often ufed. If it comes of Heat the Juice of Bounree, or the Berries, if they can b. got, adding to each Engliih Pint thereof, 1-2 Ounc;

hrigrum, commonly called,; the Oil of 1 hyme.

Yrubdtum eft N. B. Take a Glafs full ev'ery 6 Hours for Oner

Callender Month, if it be of long Handing : and i: not, the 1-2 of laid time will do.

For an E P I L E P S Y.

17ITHER Young or Lid, by drinking Mares Milk 'J for the fpace of 7 Days, 2 Gills in the Morning,

and as much in the Evening, will foon find the benefit : Ur, take 6 07s. of Harts-hcrn Pouder, put it into 2 Bottles of Wine, then take a C-lafs of this Thrice a-day for 7 Days : Or, make a Pouder of that which a Foal cnlteth, being new foaled, the like Weight, put in as much Vy ine^of any kind what- fomever, and ufed fame wav. J v

Vrobdtum pft.

Page 37: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For the DISEASES of the EYES. it"

T F the Eyes be fore, Conferve of Rofes, applied, is beft of any Medicine. Take about 1-2 Ounce,

put them in a Linen Cloath, a little oppofite to each 1 Eye : Let this (land all Night ; take it away in the

Morning : Then put thefe Rofes to the Eyes at Night again. This mult be done for Five or Six

r different times.

If the Eyes be Dim, blow a little of a Partridge’s Gall, or Plantain Leaf, by times, into the Eyes: The Juice of the Leaf is lafer then the Pouder of it.

If there be a Mark on the Eyes, common Whale cil> or Lintfeed Oil, put on the Eyes; or the Pouder of Tulfilago Blades blown in the Eyes, removes the Mark ahnoft in one Day ; or the Water of Honey put in the Eyes. But obferve, none of thele can be done without pain ; that is to fay, the operation can- not be performed without great pain to the afflicted Patient.

If the Eyes be Red and Watery, make a Pouder of Burnt Saughs, or Sallows, blow a little by times jn the Eyes: otherwife, Wafh the Patient’s Eyes with their own Urine now and then, once a-day, for one whole Month ; meanwhile drink a Glafs each day of the Juice of Burfas Paftoris.

-,rfLnd’ !/ Ae Eyes be very hot, put a little of the White of an Egg m the Eyes, or the Juice of Ground Ivy put in the Ears, and a little Cotton above: Then

* “nnk J*n Enghfli Pint of Pulagii Juice once a-day for r our Days. ^

D And

Page 38: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

And, for a Stroke on the Eye, or Eyes, bruife White Snails with Women’s Milk, and put them m the fold of a Linen Cloath ; then apply them to the Eyes: or, take Wormwood, and bruife the Leaves, a handful, with Honey ; fo apply in like manner.

And if a Mote has got into the. Eyes, make a Pouder of Eye-bright, and blow it into the Eyes: or, the boiled Juice thereof : otherwife, blow the Juice of Onions into the Eye the Mote is,

Toon bring it out. „ , ^ n b Vrobatwn ejt.

and it will'

For DISEASES of the EAR.S.

I F the Ears be full of pain, the Juke of Bourtne Berries, a few Drops put into each, is ludy h ffi-

cient. If the Ears ring, put a little of tne Lall ot. an Ox into.them, and a little Cotton above If dm Ears has got hurt or damage by a broke or ihok s, make a pfaifler of White Wme, Lnmi^ne, ^oney 3nd Bean Meal ; fo apply Nvhere needml. but, if

the Ears be fore by the ftroke, within, and not, the Lars l y d aro,nt v nil without, keep out the Kean i ,

Matter has got into the S

JUH dm ElrfbeVdlea, yon mult ftte « ■ Igdfei

of Church-1 aril Nettles, that grows above the Lt.! p0“d them in Vinegar, anti to apply once a-day, for 7 Days. TrobatuM ejt1{

Page 39: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For the EMPYEMA.

''PAKE x-2 lib. of Pulmonaria, and 1-2 lib. of \ _ Fenugreek, boil them in Rain Water together,

: drink about a Tea-Cup full of this each Day till* ' cured. ' _ .

[" Vrobatum eft.


TyTAKE a Decoftion of Rough Bindweed, or Wood- bine Leaves, as feme call them, the Juice of

Clnna Root, of Jagged Dwarf Elder, and Lignum Vitte, mixed together, an equal Quantity ; Drink of

| 3 hoggins, or Gills, p?r Diem, Morning, mid-day jand Evening; this mult be done 9 Days: or I Primulae Veris, and Criue, alias Cicutae, bruifed

: and Spiked. Vnbatum eft,

N. B. You mult not let Cicutae Hand at the place 1 Jove 7 Hours at once ; and, it muft be only applied ( 1 wice : If you apply it oftener, or let it Hand longer, 1 n will take away much ftrength from the Body.

For the Falling SICKNESS.

; 1F this ^i/order of the Falling Sicknefs be new, open a Vein in any of the Ears, and the Blood

' ,at PrtK£etls therefrom, give it to the Patient to

l i«i-hk "P00vvr 0,f Cok‘ WateG when the Fit is high. If the Diforder be , n . ^ oich 21 Houfe or Sand |wallowsmuft oe eaten m 7 Days, 3 each day; and,

i E> 2 if

Page 40: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

40 T A Y L E R’s

if convenient, drink a Glafs of Carnopbler Juice, after each allowance of Swallows: otherwife. the Ponder of a Dead Man’s Bones drunk in ^ me, Cures a Man ; and the Ponder of a Dead Woman s Bones Cures a Woman Take at once a Tea Spoon- ful of the Ponder m a ulafs of any ■ done Thrice a-day for 7 Days. Or, d you can

bt-'m Clover that bears White fibres betwixt me Blades, ^commonly .called F«r a Gbfs of the Juice of this once a-day for 7 Days.

Probctum EJ}.


T^OR ftaying the Fluxes of Seed, apply Camphire F to theReins and Privy Parrs ; or, Gum Arabrck

taken inwardly, i or- P'r for Flve Day

For other Fluxes, of any kind, mix Biae Berries Cream and^them ^fes

S Red and hard,’cafled B^nd Berri^ Jon

commonly among Heath, and oftentimes m W oods.

The next Cure is as follows : Eat a large Quantity of Pares Fled, twice or thrice; or a little Starch

Flower Pcmage made thereof, and taken once^a-day, for 1 hree Days.

N. B. Sup about an Lrglilh Pint, or Scots Mutchkin at once.

Page 41: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...



A ?atk<- JVine drunk is very good : but a

fromSg 'Vi“ kKP

Vrob a turn eft.

For the FRENZY.

BLi? ED U1 ,the. Forehead ; or take the Gall of a are, mix it with a (dais of any Wines divide

Morning Drtin.artSj ^ ^ 4 Mornings> ^r your

Vrobatum eft.


IJ\VineFeV m be l0ung r°rnied>take ^ Glafs of White PoJr ' ^“’LSTr ’-rth “• 0f “ at each time Fake it K 1 Wlce ^ a; ^ch ^ornmg and 3 in me Afternoon, ^fu ^ ^

«4 ^''X1?yiSx^;rdC?ld' #3>

W. .h/rt e /‘‘f.'*'- *. not, cf ,,„i; a ,

3 -boil-

Page 42: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

boiled together at once ; or, as much of Cardammis. And if there be Cold Fits in the Fever, take a good Draught of Calamint Juice and Pepper or Peeper Chewed by itfelf: otherwife, take a I andbd of Adianthi, boil it in Rain Water, and drink about a Gill or Noggin at once, once a-day, for 4 Uays.

If the Fever be Complicate, commonly called, a Semetertian, drink a Strong-Ale Glaks-hnl of Black Beer once a-day, at any Hour, for 9 Days.

If it be an Influenza, or Peft Fever look m my Alphabet for the Letter 7, and you will tmd it.

Vrobatum eft.

For a F E L L O N.

■OUT on a Plate of Lead for this Diforder about P 6 o’Clock in the Evening ; and let it alone Night : Then, in the Morning, put a little -o Leaven in its place : Do this Thrice, then HeaLvvt Tutiae Ointment.

N B Whither the Fellon be broken or not, after the tint operation, Tutty will foften, give eafe, and make whole.


A Fiftula and Fellon, to all outward views, are A'SaUke, but quite different, therefor to Fiftulas make a Plaifter of Brmfed Wild thyme Green,"mixed with Salt: otherwife, apply Milk Pottage where needful. VrQbatum eft.

Page 43: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

READ* DOC i UK.- 43

For a Fall, or Falls.

IF no Bones be broken, Bleed as foon as poiTible ; that is to fay, if you have loft no Blood by the fall,

then Drink a Cupfull or Two of Iinperatoria Tea : You mull ufe this Herb, as Tea, tor 3 Mornings.

Probatum F.Jl.

For a Sore Guts.

r“pAKE a Glafs of good Rum, Gin, or Brandy. If you do not chofe to take any of thefe, Drink a

Bowel full of Sweet Milk, and a little Pepper.

Probatum Ef}.

N. B. The Milk mull be well Warmed.

For Sore Gums.

TAKE of Plumbs 12 Ounces, of Allum 4 Ounces, Compound them together, and keep always a

little in your Mouth for 7 Days. Probatum Eft.

N. B. If it be in Winter, when Plumbs cannot be eafily got, Take a Handful of Plumb-tree Branches and 1-4th of a lib. of Allum, boil both together, and walh the Gums therewith, by working this Compound in your Mouth for 15 Minutes at once.

Page 44: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

For Grief.

|"^RINK heartily of Balm and Mint Juice ; other- wife, Plamaganis Juice drnnk with a little

Pimento therein. Probation EJi,

For the Gout.

i HPAKE of Petroleum, Sive Oleum Pctrae, 7 Drops, jl and not exceeding 1 o, m a Draught of Cold 1

Water, every Morning, for 21 Days: otherwife, 1 the Juice of Church-yard Nettles with Rum, uled in like manner.

N.B, To 3 Pints of the Juice, add 1 Pint of Rum. J * ^ I

Probation Eft.

For the Glackich. ? i THE Glackick, commonly called the Rickets, is

Cured in this manner : Make a Cataplafm of Black Snails, cover the Child’s whole Body therewith, and give him, or her, Water to drink that proceeds from an Iron Mine; alfo put Rufty Iron among Water, and make the Child’s Gruel thereof: Do this Twice per Week, for Three Weeks, and you may depend upon a noble Cure.

Probatum Ejl.

N. B. If Mandrake can be had, the Child will be ao worfe of a little once a-day during the operation.

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For Head Difeafes.

4 there be great pain in the Head, Bleeding in the | eft Arm removes it, let it be of never fo long ! inding : otherwife, make a Plaifter of Bean Meal 1 _ Sallad Oil, and apply it to the Head : or Drink 1 Juice of Matricariae now and then.

If you dread Ulcers in the Head, boil a Handful Mint in a Quart of old Urine, and anoint therewith jrke a-day, for Three Days; meanwhile Drink a

3 of Nauftarti Juice.

And, if the Head be Scabbed, boll i Handful of momile in an Englilh Pint of Vinegar, and anoint ivice per day till Cured : otherwife, ufe Fleabane f e in like way.

f it. be a real formed Headach, fnuff Milk in at Nofe, if it comes of Cold. And, if it comes of

at, anoint the Head with the Juice of Knottgrafs »v and then: or, ufe Belidis Juice inltead thereof.

Ilf the Head be troubled with a Megrim, Imell at pbergreafe by times, or ufe Herb Snulf till Neezing truly : otherwife. Bleed in the Head Vein, left :m ; or anoint the Head with the boiled Juice of rdanae.

^ ~ there be a great Pain in the Forehead, to Bath ; in Sea VVater is very good ; or, hold the Head | r a Cold Kunn.ng Water Spring, and wafh it

5 or 6-different times, once in a day, each day 1 ‘g ; that is to fay, before Breakfaft.


Page 46: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

46 T A Y L E R’s

j\j, B. There are many more .Diforcters that aft the Head, but as I run by an \lphabet, I camj fpeak of any more here. Vou will find them me turned through the vV ork, according to the Lett* they begin witli.

For Humors.

APPLY, outwardly, a Plaifter of Ambergre; and Wax.; and drink, inwardly, the Juice

Fearherfullie, or Feverfew : Befides, Aurantionu; can n is very guod, and fo is the Juice of Hyn rl ongue drunk. ,

Probation E

For Hoarfnels.

A Good Quantity of Brochin, commonly cal Watertorucl, and Treakle, taken when goS

to bed : or, i o Drops front a Phial Glafs of Lavenc Oil, taken in a Spoonful of Port Wine.

Probation E

Cures for Flair.

| F yon want the Hair of your Head to grow, trij i the Inner Bark of the Elm Tree, and mak| Decodion thereof , life this once a-day tor 14 Datjj Let the Bark iteep Se/en Days among Cold Hi Water, then ufe it at .pieafiure.

Page 47: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

And, if you have got too much Pair, the Blood of a Batt mixed with Water, is fully fuffieient : You mull not put on the Blood by itfelf, unlei's you want to be like the Wild Indians, who have little Hair, and very bad what is of it. s

OR a Pain at the Heart, the Juice of Hynd’s Tongue, or the Juice of Balm, a Glafs taken

Twice a-day for Two Days, adding 7 Drops of Hartlhorn to each Glafs.

For Heart Trembling.

,_pAKE 1-3d Ounce of Permacaeti, or, as fome call * it, Spermaceti; but 1 call it a Bitumen of the

Sea’s lu.dtance, 1-2 oz. Sugar Candy, a d 1-4111 oz. of Rhubarb Pouder, pound thele together, and drink them all at once in a Glafs of good Porter.

For the Reran Scald.

TAKE 20 Drops from a Phial Glafs of the Oil of Roles, in a i ea v^up full of Water . otherwife,

the Juice of an Orange, and a little Ginger.

Vrobatum ejl.

For Heart Pains*

Probatum Eft.

Pribatum Eft.

Probatum Eft,

Page 48: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

48 T A Y L E K7s

For the Hickup*

npKE Juice of Mint, about a Noggin, or Scots Gil!, t

^ drunk each Morning for 4 Days: othenvife, Stop both your Eingers in your Ears until you count I Fifty and Five regularly, and the Hickup will i inftantly be gone.

For the Hepatic Flux*

rT,AKE i-4th lib. of the Conferve of Rofes, and i-8th of Gum Arabick, pound thefe together,

and fo take a little each Morning, dividing it into y Parts, to ferve 7 Days.

For the Hemorrhoids.

'O Drink the Decoelion of Onions for this Di(order is good ; but if bloody, I antfeed and Plantain

Leaf, mud be applied : meanwhile, Drink inwardly the Juice of Maidens < air, about 2 Noggins, or Gills at once, once a-day, till cured.

rT'AKE 1 Pint, Englilh Mcafure, of Peppermint -* Waters, add thereto 1 07.. Olleum Thy nice, and

t lib. of Cold Water, take a Spoonful largely of this

Probatum EJ}.

Probatwn EJ}.

Probatum EJ}.

For a Hepiala.


Page 49: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


every 6 Hours, till done : but be fure to ftir it well before you take the allowance, or elfe the Oil will be all in the Spoon, it choofing to itay upwards. Or you may look at the letter F, and you will find another Cure for this Dilbrder; take which you pleafe, any of them is genuine.

Probation Eft.

For the Heartburn.

COME People may be apt to think that the Heartburn and Heartfcald are all one, but who-

ever docs fo, are grofsly miftaken : the one comes \ by reafon of Victuals that dpes not agree with the | the Bot,y; a»d the other by Colds, or Humors falling

from the Head to the Breaft. Therefore, for the Heartburn Eat a few Pickles of Pepper; roll and chew them a little in your mouth, then let them over: orherwife, take a Handful of Unice Toxicum, boil it in a Scots Choppin of Water : then take a Tea Spoonful of this once a-day for 5 Days.

Probation EJ}>

For the Fleadach.

TTARE from the Left Arm Head Vein about 5 ozc. of Blood : otherwile, ufe my Cure mentioned

in Head Difeafes,

Probatum Eft.

For Inward Bleeding.

G1^? ^ ?atiem a g00*1 Draught of the Juice 01 r teld 1 urneeps and Shepherds Purfe boiled together : tms mull be done once a-day for 7 Days.

E Probatum Eft,

Page 50: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

5° T A Y L E lx s

For the Itch.

A Mercurial Belt ufed around the Body : That is to fay, For one Perfon, take 1-2 oz. of Quick

Silver, and 1 oz. of Hog’s Lard, otherwife called White Ointment, dir thefe well together, and put faid Compound into a long Linen Rag, then put another Linen or Flanel Roond around it; few it up, and put it round the Body above the Navel: it will foon diminiih the Itch, but the remains will day in the Blood ; to prevent this, as foon as you get about the Belt, draw about 5 ozs. of Blood front any Arm, any Vein ; then take, fame day, about 1 oz. of the Cream of Tartar; and on the morrow 2 ozs. of Salts; if the perfon be under Twelve years of age, 1 oz. is very fufficient. After tliis operation, you may depend upon being throughly clean and cured.

Some people takes this to be the bed C ute, [ 1 mean a Belt,] as it is cleanly, and little trouble; they never imagine that any other thing is needful, bccanfe :- cleans the fkin ; but if you do not apply what I hat mentioned, much better to you had n^ver feen a Bek of the kind. ~ „ ,

1 liere is another Cure or two which 1 lhall here 1 mention, make a Compound of Salt Butter, and Brimdone, and fo apply outw ardly : or the juice of the Smeardock Roots and Vinegar: meantime, ufe the fame purgatives before-mentioned: otherwile, Molienewx’s Smelling Medicine, to be had at One .Shilling per Box, by holding this to the Nofe, and fmellino- at it each Morning before BreaKiad, and at Night before rairaculoully

bed-time, for 7 days, cures the

Probalum Eft


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For an Importume.

T^HE boiled Juice of Myrrhe applied now and then, is very good : oilier wife, anoint with the

• Yellow Lee of a Lobfter twice a-day, for 7 days: or I NunmuIIor Juice, ufed in hke manner, is fuppofed ^ to be as powerful.

The middle Cure Vrobaium Eft.

N. B Any of thefe Cures are good, but the mid I one is beft.

For Pain in tlie Joints and Nerves. -

XTUTMEGS taken in meat, one per Diem, for one whole Week. Otherwife, take a Handful of

inter-Sage, and as much Tanzy, boil them in a Pint of running Water : Take a Glafs full each Evening for the above faid time.

Vrobatum eft.

For Wrong Jaws.

tv|7 AT 1.4th of a lib. of Figs, inwardly, and apply their Decoction outwardly. Otherwife, anoint

with Genitoe Juice, and eat a little Croci, holding the fame a long ti ne in your mouth, and more particu-

larly, if pofiible, below your Tongue.

E 2 Probctum Eft,

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52 T A Y L E R’s

For the Jaundice. Jl

FOR the Black or Common Jaundice, take I oz. Brimftone Flower, i oz. of Earthworm Aches,

put this Compound into a Scots Choppin of Worm- wood Juice, take Two Glafs fulls thereof each day, for one whole Week.

Probatum EJr.

N.Ji. You will fee the Yellow Jaundice at the Letter Y.

For the Iliac Paflion.

T»RY a lib. of Horfe Dung with 1-2 lib. of Common r oil, make a Plaifter thereof, and apply it where

moft pain is ; then drink the Broth of an old nen, and ufe Garlic therein for Onions.

Probatum Eft.

For the Influenza.

BURN i Noggin or Gill of Holland Gin, take this early in the Morning : then, before you bed that

fame day, drink a large quantity of Ange1.^ about one Bottle ; then, take another Glafs of Gin,| unburnt: after doing this, go to bed, keep warm among the Cloaths, you lhall have a good Weai andfj be Whole in the Morning. Then Drink > Englilh Meafure, of Artemoliae Juice, and that Plague or ^eft Fever will ne\er feize you again.

probatum Eft,

Page 53: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

ready doctor. 55

For the Cut of a Knife, or Knives.

F the Knife was nifty, you muft lay a little Rofin to the Sore for a Day or two; then ufe a Healing

alve If the Knife was clean, a grain ol Snult is ■' ProbatumEfi. Lcien>.. J

► ]]' If you have Britiih Oi) by you, walh, and

lean the Sore therewith.

For the S:one in the Kidneys.

’T’HE Juice of the Sweet Grafs that grows in 1 marlhy Places, drunk. This Grafs is commonly

called Koney-grafs, upon account of its fweetnels : Take I lib. thereof, boil it among Rain Water, i-2 Pint, of its own Water, I mean the Water where it grows, i-2 Pint, add to this 1-2 lib. of i reakle ; then work it with Uilt, or Barm, as fome calls it-: Drink a Glafs-full thereof every Evening before you' go to bed, for I x Days. « Probatum Eft.

For the King’s Evil.

ICE roafted, and eaten by Children, is very good: Then, let their Heads become full of Lice, until

the Scabs appear large, fo as they may run a little. Otherwife, apply the Juice of Helena Herba, until cured. ,

E Probatum Eft.


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54 T A Y L E IVs

Tor tlie Kincough.

Kincough and Chincougii are very like a other, only, the one comes of Cold, and f

other of Keat : Some apply one Cure for both, I do not think that prudent.

For the Kincough, Drink about 2 Gills of Hei ti'ophiuin Juice once a-day for 12 days.

Probatutn Eft

For Sore Knees.

TJHE Oil of Wax anointed. Otherwife, make Compound of Whifky and Turpentine Oil; :h.

ruo before a rouling Fire where need requires : 1 be repeated till Whole.

Probatum Ejl.

For Kernels.

FAT any fort of Pepper, a few Pickles now nnj ^ then, for inward Kernels : And Turnfole See:

with Salt, applied, dilTolves outward Kernels fuddenly Probatum Ejt.

For Sore Hands, or Lins. i

T IP Salve is very good. Otherwife, take a White Hen’s Greefe, and anoint therewith as you Hand

in need. Probation Eft.


Page 55: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For Swelled Legs*

T^E Salt herrings, open them, pulling out th Back-bone, lay them to the Seles of your Feet

by doing this once per day, for 7 Days, you wi experience the benefit.

Probation Eft.

For a Long-formed Fever.

pOR 11 Days drink Splemvort, alias Arpleni, it every circumfhnce as Tea. Or, look For Fevers

m the Letter k : I ake which you pleafe.

Probat urn Eft. 1

For Confnrned Lungs.

YonngWoman’s Milk often ufed. Otherwife ' Afs-Milk m like manner: This muft be prachfed

i wice a-day for 14 Days.

Probation Eft.

For the Liver Difordered.

]F there be any dbftrutfions at the Liver, you mul dunk Bohea lea for 6 Days, about 4 Cunfu

pretty llrong, per day. If there be Cold at the Liver he Juice of Woodbine, alias Honey-Suckle, alia

•Lady s Fingers boiled and drunk, about one Choppin


Page 56: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

J6 T A Y L E R.'s

divide it into 3 P«s, » ferve 3 Days. TOs <nnft be taken Failing, that is to fay, before Breakia t. Otherwife, drink a Glafs per Diem of C^plnre and Fenugreek Juice, or 20 I->rops, at once; of their Liiftilled V/ater in a Spoonful 01 ^e_ ^ ^

For Sore Lungs-

r-t-'AKE of Hyfop Juice 1 Pint, add thereunto 1 oz. T Uouorace! and .-3 oz. of the Floor of Drink a Glafs of this every Morning and Evening till tlone. Otherwife, Erigeri Jtuce ufed in hk maimer. Probatum EJ}.

For the Lethargy.

rro firink Congo Tea is good Otherwife T Hartlhorn fnulfed in at the Nofe, or m^ce Anthos Tea, and ufe it as any Tea whatfomever until cured. Probatum Eft.

For the Leprofy.

T 'AKE of Helebore Pouder i oz. Ointment of

Tutke, i oz. and Sallad Oil 1-2 oz. Compound tan t^eiher, and apply. Or bruited the Jjiice Drawn, or fqueezed out in the folds of a Linen Cloath, and applied m like manner.

Probatum Eft.

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For Lights Inflamed.

TAKE of Honey ^ ozs. Common Tar 3 ozs. Starch Fonder 2 ozs. Make Pills thereof about

the bigneis of a large Pea : Swallow 3 at once, per Day, for 7 Days. Efl.

For the Megrim,

yjLEED in the Ranula Veins under the Tongue. JO Otherwife, ufe my Cure, mentioned in Head Difeafes, within the Letter H.

Yrobatum Ejl. •

For a Wrong Matrix.

FOMENT the Matrix with Yellow Gillow Flower, or 3 Pipe of Good Fooacco : Neverthelefs, let

the Patient drink a Glafs-full of their own Urine : or, hold Margaret, /ro tempore, below the Navel, Clofs to the Belly.

Yrobatum Eft.

For the Morphew.

ANOINT betimes with Copperas diffolved in a Spoonful of Lukewarm Water. Otherwife, the

Juice of Rott Coll ufed in like manner : meanwhile, take a Cupfull of Artimarkc Juice each Morning, •ill Cured. ^

Y rob at urn Eft.

Page 58: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

53 T A Y L E R's

For Melancholy.

'TAKE a good Draught of Balm and Mint Juice, I wice per Diern, for 2 Days, at any time before

or after Meat.

Vrobatum Eft.

For Milk Diibrdered*

TF the Milk be Cruddled, bod Parfly -with Vinegar, and anoint therewith Thrice a-day for 3 Days.

Or, take 3 sVax Pills per Day, for 3 Days : mean- time, anoint with Polygonatae Juice. Or, this juice by itielf will do.

And, if you have too much Milk, bleed in the Ancle, and that is fully fufficient Or, ufe the Juice of Ramni Baccae, 1-2 Glafs is enough for One Day : To be taken Thrice.

If you have too little Milk, drink a Choppin of Sow- (hiftle Juice at one Draught, adding thereto 30 Drops from a Phial Glafs of Annife Oil: Then drink Arpleni inftead of Tea : You will foon have Milk in abundance. Alfo, the Juice of Treefoil ufed in like manner, is fuppofed to be very fine.'

Y'robatum Eft.

for B ringing out the Meaflcs.

/"J T TE the Patient a good Draught of Whey and V hdky. Othern i't , a Handful of Figs eaten,*

brings out the Mealies alniolt in one day.

Vrob alum Eft.


Page 59: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

n £ A. D Y DOCTOR.. 59

For Mother-Fits, or a SufFocation.

VjAKE an OxkratLini of 1-2 lib. Vinegar, and as 1 1 much Water: Take this, when moft Pain abounds ; that is, before the SulFocation be truly formed, or really fettled.

Vrobaium Eft.

For the Mother Inflamed.

TyjAKE a Cataplafrn of Holy hook, fo apply. Or, 1 1 Anoint with the Juice of Sow-Thiftle : any of thefe are fpeedy Remedies. Otherwife, make a l umatory of Ramni Baccae, or Ramile.

, • Y’roiatum Eft.

For the Mother Pain’d, and Windy.

/ 'IF there be great Pain in the Mother, boil a Handful

of Lerhus in hik, and call it up in the Mother : T hen drink a Noggin, or Gill, of Sourack Juice ; or a litt:-e Agnus Callus in any Liquid w hatfomever.

If the Mother be very Windy, boil a Handful of Imperatoria Roots in any Wine, and drink it. Or, the Juice of the Boar I hiftle in Whey. Otherwife, Eat a little Alii now and then.

Prcbatv.m Eft,.

Page 60: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

6o T A Y L E R’s

For Mouth-Ulcers.

Ttt '’re of Liquorace drunk, is good ; and fo is e / .c of oouracks, if you work the Juice

back and in your Mouth. Or, hold a Guinea in yoiii' v,ji;r:s. /to tempore, by times : This may \ appear . a mil hnr/'rfque to you, but it has proved a Cure to aiaay Ulcerous Diforders, by laying the Gold upon :;.t :.

Vrobatum Eft.

I ’ Serves and Sin news.

A Good Drat ; it of Englilh Porter, once a-day, for ' 21 Days, is as good a Cure as ever was tried, i

either outwardly, or inwardly. 'Vrobatum Eft.

For Nails ill-Coloured.

TA.KC of Lintfeed ^ C7S. Honey 2 ozs and a ■ andful of Water Credes, fo Compound them

together, and apply a ft tie thereof as you iee moll proper, or as need requires.

Probation eft.

For Nits and Lice.

MIX a little Brandy and Pepper together ; there- with anoint where needful. Or, ule Nit-Salve.

But, the firit is n.o.l applicable. Probaium eft.


Page 61: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

For Nole-Bleedina;.

3 |P.late of "r Lead in the Hollow of th»

White WSB t0 fm,<r UP C°b'^ -2 wnite bugai Brayed, is very good. Other wife

lom'the Nor11^ 12 the ®lo°d that Proceeds to drink. ^ ^ ln a SPoonfuI or two of Cold Water,

l Probatum ejl.

For Sore Noftirls.

]F there he growing fikhy Flefh in the Nofe, ufe

Hai "of6^ SUS' ,'f Mh=r7fe. boil an

niXo/5p,eV?a7hefLF“^ fthrr.nr Vu ,rfew’ uPon account of the final! Tlfs i ei S ^ arilmg from root to flower • •> ins Indued is very fine fV .-UQ r • rr7.' Toxicum tiled in faLe form ’ ^ °f Urace

Probatum ejl.

For the Navel going Out.

TAK? vrC Jnice of Fieabane Seed, Oil of Rofe*.

c c tne '“loath continue for 7 Davs • fi>,r

*<Z: “ ™ i( » ^ Per % m

Probatum e/?.

Page 62: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

For Sore Nipples.

A PPLY Swines Greafe, or Hogs Lard. A Pomatum, or Tuti^, once or twtce gently rub- bed on. Ynbatum cj}.

For Pimples and Spots.

where needful, once pci y ,r w. Jr ., i Unnpv uled m hbe manner, wife AJumen and Money uicu

Probation ejh

For Pains after ChUd-beann g-

M below the Uji

a hearty Poflit of Head of it, for that is the Hrength thereof.

Probation eft

For the Great Pox-

• K Venice. 1 Vi Vinegar, together, anu -no

Page 63: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For the Small Pox.

A NGELICA {backed three days in Ale, and drunk, giving more or lefs, according to the conffitution

of the Patient. Or, drink the Juice of Adianthi by times.

Probatum efl

To Bring out the Small Pox.

TPAKE of Milk 1 Englifii Pint,' White Wine ■ -®' 1 Noggin or Gill, Virgin Honey 1 oz. Saffron 1-2 oz. Boil all thefe together: Take this, at once, if a grown perfon ; the 1-2 if young : Then keep Warm among the Cloaths, and the Pox will foon .appear.

Probatum efl.

To Hinder the Marks of the Small Pox.

^jpAKE White Wine and Frefh Butter 1-2 lib. of each, boil them together ; fo Anoint the Face

with a little of Paid Compound, Once a-day, for Fourteen Days.

Probatum efl.

For the Flora.

'OjASH Once a-c!ay in Sea-Water for 7 Days; ’ ' Meantime, ni’e Brimllone and Honey inwardly,

about a Teafpaonful per Diem : Take 1-2 lib. of * F 2 Honey

Page 64: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

T A Y L E R’s 64

Honey, and lib of Brimftone Flower; and . fuppofe this ferve longer, by taking a Tea-fpoonful, ufe no more than what is needful for 7 Days: If the Perfon be under Ten years of Age, the 1.3d. of it will ferve : But if grown, and from 10 to 50 years, they may, and muft ufe all the Compound within the fpace above fpoken.

Probation eji.

For .Expelling Poifon*

A Large Qjiantity of Sweet Pvlilk and Juniper Berries, expells Poilbn miracnloufly. And the

juice of Rough Bindweed drunk, cures Poifon, be- fore-hand, and after adminiftered. If an infant get a little of this Juice, [[when born,J no roilbn, ever after, will hurt him. Alfo, Cardaminis Seeds is good againft Poifon. Belides, Figs, Salt, Rue, and Wal- nuts, compounded and eaten. Otherwife, Olive Berries compounded with Rue. Any of thefe are very beneficial.

Trobatum ejr.

For the Palfy*

DRINK the Juice of Winter Sage, and Anoint with the Oil of Milliard : This muft be done

Twice a-day, for 5 Days together. Then Bath in the Juice of Daffadillie Roots, or Garlic, (which is the true name,) once a-day, for other 5 Days.

Frobatuni eft.

N. B. You may be apt to fay, How much of thefe fliall we take ? Reafon may teach you, when I pre.-

v ilcribCj1

Page 65: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


ftribe, what ftould be taken : As there are different Conftimtions, fame will require more, and fome lefs. However, you can do no hurt by this good 'Cure, be tile cafe as it will.

For the Plague.

OT’AKE 2 Handfulls of Water Mint, or Camphrre, ± and St. John’s Wort, boil them in a Pint, Scots

Meafure, of Old ftale Beer : Take 2 Glafs-fulls of this, for 3 Days running : Then 2 Glafs-fulls of faid Liquor at i-4th. Moon; i-3d. Moon, as much; -1-2 Moon, as much ; and full Moon, twice as much. Phe fubltance of Mandrake, ufed in like manner. Cures the Plague. Or, if you ufe Mugworths among your Broath, inftead of Greens, for one whole Month, you will experience'a moft certain Cure.

Probatum eft.

For a Polipus.

c NUFF the Juke, or Pouder of Ivy, which-ever of 1116 ^ain you think proper, for one whole Week,

as yon would do common Snuff.

Probatum efi.

For the Plewrlfy.

T'ab°ut 4 ozs- of Blood from both Arms, any

• - y,61?,5/ then ^vall°w « few Drops of Turpentine mvold Water: Afterwards, make a Pouder of the Blood, and take a Pea-fpoon-full thereof each Morn- ing, for 9 Days, in a GUI of Tuffilago Juice

F 3 Probatum Efi.

Page 66: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

66 T A Y L E R’s

For Diforders ot the Paps.

A/TAKE a Cataplafm of Bean Meal, and Sallad 0)1, M fo lay it to the place afflided. Otherwde, anoint

with the Juice of Papilaris : 1 his mnd be done when the Paps are very fore.

And if they be hard and fu elled take a Handful of Rue Colewort Roots, Karehound and Mint. I

■ von cSnot let all thefe conveniently, any two will do- Found the handful in Honey, and to apply once

per day till whole.

'if tne Nipples be flsff and fore, ufe my Cure men- « Letter N OtherwUe, Anotnt tw.ce

a-day, till whole, with Florence Cil.

If the Paps be Flabby and hangittg, b™feaWe Hemlock, and apply it to the Brea > f a h rtand *ove 7 Hours at a Row


unto, and anointed.

If the Paps be hard," an^ dead, m^a PHte^f

hand p^Pours^ach chyf'for 3 Days. 0, »

bvuifed, and ufed m like manner. Probat uni eft.

Page 67: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...


For Swallowing Pins.

rpAKE a good quantity of Fat Eroath, if Pins has 1 got over your Threat, anti large pieces cf Bread


But, if you dread the Pin, or Pins, be faftened in any of the inward parts, you mult take q. ozs. of Lintfeed, all at once, in any Liquid whatfoever- If the Pin, or rin , itill remains, repeat the Cure, and you may depend upon being cured.

Probatum eft.

For the Piles.

PILEWORT and Meadowfweet pounded with Salt Butter, and applied, is very good. Or, take

of Seatike i-qth. oz. Oil of Turpentine 1-2 oz. join thefe too-ether, and fo anoint once per-day, till cured.

* Probatum eft.

For the Quinly, or, Squinnance.

BLEED the Ranulas under the Tongue, then rub the Throat with Salt, inwardly; anti Turpentine

Oil, outwardly : This mult ye done once a-day, for 4 Days.

Probation eft.

Page 68: >3 O R, CURES Suitable for moft Diftempers, INCIDENT TO ...

T A Y L E R's ^8

For a Reumatifin*

npHE' Pouder of a Bull’s Fizzle drunk, about a Gill at once, ever, day about .velve o’clock, in the

Tinfture of Jorals, or Vater of f ar ; to this Gill, fer Diem, of Corals, cr i'ar, add x-6th. oz..of the Pouder.

Vrobatum ej}.

For Sour Rifting*

TAKE 7 Drops of Wax, and a Glafs of good Whifky. Otherwife, take a Doze of Salts : or,

ufe my Cure for the Heartburn. Prcbatwn eQ.

For the Reins Pained.

npAKE of White Carrots, commonly called Parfnips, 1.2 lib. clean them well, and boil all into a

Choppin of Ale ; the ilronger the Ale is, Hill the better : and drink this at three thimes, in one day. Otherwile, ufe the Decoction of Horfe-tail, in like manner : That is to fay, an equal quantity thereof. Or, you may boil a handful of Idee Broom Flowers in the fame quantity, and fame way ufed, all tnefe being equally good.

Probatum eft.

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For Running of the Reins.

THITHER drink the Juice of Batchelor’s Buttons, -* A 1 Gill per day : otherwife, the boiled fubftancc ®f Wild Mint, in like form, for 12 Days.

Probation eft.

N. B. Li cafe you IhouH not know what Batchelors Buttons are, here follows their Defcription. They are in no ways nice, for they grow alinoft every- where, and very commonly on the fides of Highways, or Roads, below Hedges, ar_J very plenty in lee ground : their colour is all a Pale-green, except the Seeds, or Buttons, which are Brounhh Black the Button is hard, and about the largenefs of W inchelter Prafe.

For a Rupture..

TJf ENRIARIC/E Juice, hoklen to the affixed place * by a Cloath of Linen below, and Woolen above,

is very good ; and in a few days, an alteration will- be feen : Still keep the Cloath wet with this Juice, and you may depend on a Cure in lefs than 21 Days. Otherwife, make Pottage of Bean Meal, and Wine of any kind, and fo apply it by way of Poultice to the Cods ; but fir ft wafh them well with Ais Milk, or the boiled Juice of Blue Blawarts : this will anfwer a Belly Rupture alfo.

Probatam eft.

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T vA Y L E K’s

For the Eofe.

A PPLY Lniieas Leaf, or, as fome call it, Lillies Leaves, oat ward ly, and a Glafs of Port \'/ine,

taken inwardly : ± his muft be done once per day, for 14 Days, or take Henpen, and ufe it in like manner for 3 Days, outwardly : i hen apply the June of Aleppo Galls, well boiled, till cured. Take 2 ozs. of laid Galls, put them, after well brayed, into a Pint Scots Meafure, of Water ; let them boil into i-4th. that is, an Englifh Pint, or Scots Mutchkin •, keep a Cloath ftill wet with this at the place grieved, till whole.

Probatum eft.

For Rafors Cuts.

TF the Rafor be Rudy, apply Flour Meal and Vinegar, by way of Poultis. If Clean, let the

- Blood fatten about the Cut, and that is iufficient. |. '

Vrobatum efl.

For a Stupid Perfon.

ANY who finds a Stupidnefs, and forgetfulnefs, in themfelves, they ought to drinkHyiop always

inftead of l ea, and in fo doing, by ufing it as Pea, for j 4 or 15 Days, they will iuddenly find the good thereof. „ , r

Vrobatum cjt.


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For San Burning. "

PRIMROSE Flowers boiled in Rain Water, anoint with their Juice once a-day for 11 Days Other-

wife anoint once a-day, for 3 Da> s, with the Liood of a Hhre Or, Clean and Walh the l ace with Meal of any kind, inftead of Soap. Creta alfo takes away Sun-burning, if ufed in Water lukewarm.

Probatum Eji.

For Side Sticbts.

'VTUT’MEGS, Sugar Candy, and Corriander Seed, 0f each 2 ozs. pounded together; a Fea-fpoon-full

taken at each diet, till done Otherwife, Olleum Petre, 10 Drops per day, for 7 Days.

Prohatum efi.

For Speech Hindered.

"O OIL a Handful of Lavender in Rain Water, tne * J juice thereof often drunk, and wrought back and, forward in the motlth. Otherwife, Nunmullor Juice ufed m like manner.

Probatum eft.

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For a Sore Side.

TXT-AX and Swines Greafe made Plainer-ways, and ^ applied to the Side afflicted: Then drink 5 Cups

of -Teen 1 ea, pretty iirong, and a little Pepper in ■each Cup, inftead of Sugar Otherwife, drink as much Abrotoni Juice in like way.

Prabatum eft.

For Sneezing, or Neezing.

WHITE Kelebore Pouder funded, caufeth one to Sneeze, or Neeze: And the pounded Pouder of

Starch Pops the fame, by fluffing a little thereof, let the trouble arife from any caufe whatfoever.

Probatum ejl.

For the Stomach Gnawing.

TXRINK about 2 Gills of Rofemary Juice: or, as . much of Ulmarie Juice Otherwtfe, take the

Juice of a Lemon, and a ulafs of good W hiiky.

Probatum eft. For the Splen.

CCALOPENDRII Juice, x Gill drunk twice a-day ‘ for 9 Days Or, a Glafs of Bourtree Juice, and

a little of Violets Oil, taken twice a-day for Paid time: Meanwhile, make a Plaifter of Cammoile, dry Cows -Dung, Coleworts, an Egg,.Oil of Turpentine, and Brimltone, and fa apply it to the place grieved.

Probatum eft. N. B. If you cannot get Violets Oil, ufe Pepper,

mmt Waters inltead therof, and the Splen will foon he difiblved.

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For a Spotted Fever.

I ET the Patient drink about an Englifh Pint of ' Pofiited Ale, with the Poflit-head, for that is

the ftrength thereof, once per day, for 3 Days ; I mean as much each of thefe Days. And if you can obtain Blae Berries, a Handful eaten after each Poilit, you will ftill be the better. If the Fever be in Winter, when fuch Berries are abfent, give the Patient half as many Junipers, inftead thereof.

Vrobatum eft.

For the Stone and Sand in the Reins.

FMSSOLVE 144 Black Snails in Wine, about twa ^ Bottles of Malaga : Divide this into 12 Parts, to ferve 12 Days, warming each Part well before you take it. i he Snails mull at firft be boiled among the Wine : This is the trueft method to dilTolve them.

Prob a turn Eft,

To Cherifh the Spirits.

npAKE of Orange Juice 1 Engl ill) Pint, and of Port Wine as much ; compound thefe together, and

take a GTafs thereof each day, till done. *

G Probatwn eft.

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74 T A Y L E R’s

For Wind in the Stomach.

A Little Rofe Water, and a few Drops of Annife Oil, taken by times. Or, a little Nutmeg to

every Meal, or Corriander Seeds : Othervvife, Muftard taken to your Meat.

Probatum Eft.

For a Strain, by any Way.

SITE AST Juice applied, and a Cloth full kept Wet therewith. Otlierwife, look at rny Cure lor

Strained Bones, within the compafs of the Letter B.

Frdatum Eft.

To Comfort the Stomach.

SOME mantain that Sweet-meats of various kinds, comforts the Stomach ; but I beg leave to diner,

my opinion being quite the reverie : for, it is like Poifon to Poifon, evil to evil, Malo, nuuis, cut malarn, cfficienda ft: for Sweet-meats being generally heavy, although p eaiing to the tafte, may be obnoxious to the Body ; and what may be a Dehla to the mouth, may in the belly bite like a Serpent, and tog like an Adder : 1 herefore, the beft Cure I can give you, is

• this: Take a Handful of Held Wopsiwood^fhe lame of Tuliilago Leaves, and as much Hynd’s i ongue, boil altogether, in a Scots Pint of Water into a Choppin, or thereabouts : 1 hen drink a GLiis of this

^ d°"e' Prdatum Eft.

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For Scalding.

nPHE Juice of Brakins, or Ferns, as Tome calls them, A rubbed on. Otherwife, a little Caftile Soap

dnTolved in Warm Water, applied in the Morning, and at bed-time, till Whole.

Probatum E/i.

For the Stone and Gravel.

Vjix 1-2 Pint of White Wine and Nutmeg, a Hals of Florence Gil, and a iittlc bug r, ail £••< then

Divide this into Three Parts, to Icrve 3 rliommgs.'

I'robatum eft.

For Sweating.

|F you want to Sweat, take a Bottle of Strong Ale ' a Glafs of Girf, Two Eggs, and a little Pepper^

warmed well together, before going to bed. ^ And, if you Sweat too much, drink about a Pint of

Water that comes off an Iron Mineral : Or, a Glafs of Dog-grafs Juice, once a-day, for 4 Days.

Probatum EJ}.

For the Sciatic.

gLEED the Sciatic, or Hip-Vein; then drink Cold V ater, a good Quantity Morning and Evening,

for 7 Days: Or, a Tea Spoonful of Agnus Callus drunk m a Gill of Hehotrophium Juice.

G 2 Probatum Eft.

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T A Y L E R ’ s

For Spitting Difficult.

TAKE a Gill, or Noggin, of Elacampane Juice, once a-day, for 13 Days. Or, Eat Black Sugar

in abundance. Otherwife, Pulmonaria Juice uied in like manner. _ . a Vrobatum (Jr.

For the Scurvy.

COCKLE, vet Cochleor Juice applied, is very good. Or the juice of Wheat Blades, when Green,

mixed with White Wine Vinegar, applied outwardly, and taken inwardly. If the Scurvy be White, moift and dry, this muft be done once a-day for 11 Days.

Probatum Eji.

For a Squinnance.

T OOK at my Cure for a Quinfy, and it is fufficient for this- Probation Eji.

N. B. Sea-Spike and Frelh Butter applied outwardly is alfo good.

For a Heat in the Skin.

^7 ASH vour Face and Hands often in your own W Urine5™ But firft Bleed in the Left Arm, etther Head ot- Heart Vein.. ^

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For Sickle CutSc

I F the Sickle was rufty, apply a Drawing Salve for 2 Days: Then Tutioe Ointment till whole. If the

Sickle was clean, a Blade of good Tobacco is fully fufficient. Probat urn EJ}.

For Scalding by Riding.

I> UB the Scalded places with an old Tallow Candle, ' 1 or a piece of Clean Paper, well fteeped in Old Trine : or, Elgili Juice anointed. Vrobatum eft.


For Speedy Healing of Wounds.

* or ^oc^m Roots, Rue, Suthernwood, Woodbine Leaves, and Plantain, of each a hand- ful, boiled altogether ; then take their Juice, add to that the Juice of a h mdful of Man go'ld, boiled by itfeif; then to this add 2 ozs. Maftic, 2 ozs. unwrought Wax, i oz. Rofin, a!lb unwrought, and 30 Drops

| fro n a Phial Glafs of t urpentine Oil; boil all together L in a Galiy Pot upon a flow fire. t his Compound | will keep 20 years, by letting it ftand in the Veflel

you boil it lafl: into. It will heal molt of Cuts and Sores, thereby people may depend upon it being genuine. Probation Eft.

N. B lu cafe you don’t know how to boil your Roots and Herbs: Let them Soak upon the fire till ah. oft dry ; then fqueeze the Juice through a Lmen

) Cloath, and do as above directed. G3

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78 T A Y L E IVs

For the Tefllcules Inflamed.

DAISEY Leaves, with the Blood of a Cock, once applied. Or, Pomatum and Odeum Thy mac

mixed together, and applied once a-day for 7 days.

Yrolaiwn eft. '

For a Tympany.

THE Bark of Dwarf Elder Juice often drunk. Or, take each Morning, for 17 Mornings, a Choppin

of Water that proceeds from Iron or Lead Minerals.

Prebatwn Efi.

For the Toothach.

MUSTARD and Hartfhom mixed and applied. Or. , take about 1-2 oz.Olletnn 1 hymac, Sive Oiigrnm,

Wet a little Caddice, therewith apply this to the Teeth tormented, by rubbing it backwards and forwards, ;

holding down your head, that the (limey matter may .vet vent: This will give eafe in 20 Minutes. Other- wile chew Naufturti in the Mouth, pro tempore.

Probatum Ejr.

For Tooth Disorders.

1 F the Teeth be pained, rub them with Angelica, J’ cr Raddilh Roots.

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If you want to breed new Teeth, rub Black Snails upon the Gums now and then. Or. Corriander Seed often chewed : or Adtanthi Blades in like manner.

If you want to root out broken Tooth, Crowfoot put in die Tooth all lifted, or hollow v here it is : or, Lilioris Juice applied, will foon bring it out, to your great admiration.

And, if you want the Teeth White, and firm, Rub them with a little of Thyme Oil once per day for one Week : This will Whiten them very well. Treefoil chev/ed, will make the Loofe Teeth the firmeft you have.

Pfobatum Efi.

For the Throat Sore.

-rTIE Juice of the Bramble Bufh, and Parietory, A boiled together, a Glafs taken inwardly once per

day, for 8 Days : Meantime anoint outwardly with Lintfeed Oil.

Probation EJ}.

For Furs, Thoyns, and Whins, &c.

IF you cannot get them out conveniently, you mult take a little Goofe Dung, or Swine’s Greafe, and

Rofin, mixed together : Lay this to the place tor- mented, and it will Toon bring it out

Probatum Ejh

;V. B. Whatever it is, this Cure is fufficicnt.

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8b T A Y L E R’s

For the Temples. *

IF the Temples of the Head be weak and Sore, wafli them often with Treefoil Juice, and it wall

ftrengthen them greatly. Calendula: Juice will do the fame.

Vrobatum tft.

For Tetters and Ringworms.

MAKE a Cataplafm of Wild Cucumber, Burnt Barley, and Turpentine Oil: Or, a Plaifter of

Dove’s and Sheep’s Dung, mixed together ; any of thefe muft be let ftand 13 Hours before a renewal: To be renewed 6 times.

Probalutn Eft.

For Staunching Third.

IOANNA and Lemon Juice is fully fufficient.

Probatum Eft.

For Sore Toes.

THE Juice of Indian Spinnage is good. Or, Anoint wdth Tutty Ointment till cured : This muft be

done once a-day. Probation Eft,

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For Provoking Terms.

BOIL of the Tree of Life, alias Arbor Vitae, 1-2 handful, as much Dock Roots, and a full hand-

ful of Meadowfweet, or Imperatoria : boil them all together in a Pint of Rain Water, into a Choppm : Take a Glafs-full of this precious Juice twice a-day, for 3 Days.

Probat urn EJ}.

For Tumors Hot.

THE Juice of Woodbine Leaves drunk inwardly, about i Pint, Scots Meafure, in 3 days: Mean-

while make a Salve of boiled Rue Leaves, Brimftone and Butter : apply the fame outwardly.

Vrebaium Eft.

For Tongue Diforders.

Fthe Tongue be Rough and Sore, Sugarcandy ufed is very good, by working it back and foreward in

the mouth. Alfo. W ild or Crabb Apples eaten : or., Allum diffolved in the Mouth: or, Millefolium Leaves chewed. And, if the Tongue be Smooth, and Sore, dilfolve a little Aloes, beft kind, in any Wines, applied as you fee meet.

Vrobatum Eft.

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*2 T A Y L E Il's

For Helping the Tafte.

TT AT Tome Strawberries in Summer, and drink the Juice of Won Treefoil in Winter, when you find

need requires. Vrobatum Eft.

' For Worms in the Belly.

T\RINK die Juice of Tanzy and Goofeberry Leaves, ^ dried ; both tfiefe boiled together. Or, bind a handful oi poor red Earth around the Body : this muit be done thrice, once per day, for 3 Days. Other wife ufe my Cure for Belly W orms, mentioned within die Compafs of the Letter B.

Prcbatum Eft.

For the Uvula falling.

Yl/ARM a handful of Salt, and lay it to the Neck behind; then drink an Englifii Pint of Hynd’s

Tongue Juice : or the Juice of Glyerrhizac in like manner.

Vrobatum Eft.

For the Urine flopped.

'-THE Juice of Millefolium taken in Vinegar: Or, the Juice of Broom Flowers : Or, the Juice of

Arbor Vitae, that is, the Tree of Life : To drink a Choppin of any of thefe, will caufe you void Water in lefs than j 5 Minutes.

Probation EJ}. 4

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For Scalded Urine.

A/f AKE a Syrup of Dry Rofes : Or, drink the Juice -1 of Bull’s Flower, about a Choppin per day for

3 Days : Or, Calendula; ufed in like manner.

Vrobatwn Eft.

N. D. Bull’s-Flower grows in marlhy ground and Meadows, of a dark red colour, a finall (talk, and very large blooming head, about 150 Pores within the compals of one Head.

For Ulcers in the Members.

m- ■ r I ''HE Pouder qf Southernwood, or, as Tome call

that 1 erb, Apple Rainzy, burnt to Allies, mixed 1 with Honey, and applied.

Probatum sfi.

For Ulcers in the Matrix.

' I ''AKE of Agnus Callus i-6th. oz. and 11 Drops ^ ^ of Hartfhora in a Spoonful of Cold Water ;

repeat the lame each 3 Hours, for one whole day. Otherwife, foment with Nicotianae, then ufe my Cure for a Falling Down of the Womb.

Probatum Eft.

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84 T A Y L E R’s

For Warts in the Private Members.

APPLY the Blood of a Drake, or Blood of an Eel, and you may depend upon being cured.

Probatum Eft,

For Ulcers in the Mouth.

TOBACCO fmoaked is very gobd, and will be a Cure to thofe who does not ufe to Smoak

Tobacco. Otherwife, look at my Cure within the compalsof the Letter M. for Mouth Ulcers, and that will anfwer any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever.

Frobaium Eft.

For Warts.

LOOK at my Cure for Warts and Corns : or, Anoint with a Strong Juice of Willow Leaves,

and it will loon dillolve them. Probatum Eft.

For Falling Down of the Womb.

A Piece of Wax, made round, put up in the Womb, is fufficicnt.

Prcbatum Eft.

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lx Jl. A. U I U U U 1 U IV.

For Clearing the Voice.

TV AW Eggs (wallowed, Black Sugar Eaten, or -*'L Perrnacetae, alias Spermacetae, and Sugar Candy. Otherwife, Yellow Skellocks.or Runchichs,that grows among the Cora, their Juice drunk.

Frobutum EJ}.

For the Vertigo.

f I WKE a Tea Cup full of Plantain Juice, for 3 Days, -*• Morning and Evening: Or, Eat a little Ginger

by times, taking a hearty Doze of Salts, to carry off the Humors.

Probatum Eft.

For Over-much Vomiting.

u5?,1 Mugworths. for Greens, among your Broath,

[ Days. Or, the Juice of Wormwood and Demon, a moderate Quantity ufed in like manner. Otherwife, take a draught of MelifTe and Molochia Juice, boiled together.

Pi-obatum Eft.

For Venus Games.

T F ftrength be wanted, anoint with Whin or Furr A Leaves. Otherwife, the Blood of a Fox. And, if too keen, drink the Juice of Poplar Flowers and

H Vine-

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‘jrvT t—rr—i—Ti—n—rr—”

Vinegar : alfo, apply Hemlock, but it mu ft not ftanc long, or ftrength will leave you in that way altogether

ProbtUum EJf

^N. D. Hemlock muft not (land above 7 Hours, irou make it by way of Poultice.

To Canfe one Vomit.

TNRIiVK a Mutchkin of Raddiih Juice, add about a Thimble-full of Oil thereto, and drink it. Or,

put your Finger to .your Gullet, in the Hollow of the; Thrapple, prefs it a httle, and j ou will vomit in the. twinkling of an Eye.

Fribatum Eft. \

N. B. Any of thefe are better and more harmlcG . than common Vomiters commonly ufed.

For Warts and Corns.

||5l>UISE Crowfoot, or Wart Grafs, any of the " twain you choofe, and fo apply.

P rub at urn Eft.

To Caufe one Keep Water.

A JAKE a Ponder of the Brains of a Rare, drink the x ^ fame in a Glafs of Wine: t his muft be done at I-4th h'oon, 1- yd. Moon, 1-2 Moon, and full Moon, the whole Brains at once; and Roafted Meat frequent- ly ufed ; or, the fugar of Rofes now and then.

Probidum Eft. i

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For Wens, or \\renns.

TAKE the Juice of Aleppo Gawls, mi\ this with Vinegar, Nitre, and vVine, as much, or as little

as you pleafe ; fo rub the YVenns therewith Thrice a-day till cured.

Probatum EJ}.

For Women’s Longing.

I'"' IVE a few Pomgranates to the longing Patient j or, a little Honey, and the Syrup of Rofes.

Other vife, a Glafs of Ameos Juice 7 times in one day j that is, 7 GlatTes.

Probatum efi, •

For Wheafing.

T> LISTER with Cantharides, betwixt the Shoulders, ^ then Eat 1 bzs. of the Conferve of Rofes per day, for 11 Days. Otherwife, ufe my Cures for a Shortness of Breath, and Defluctions in the Breaft.

Probatum EJ}.

For Women’s Flowers, and After-Birth.

C EE my Cures for Falling Down of the Womb, and ^ Ulcers in the Matrix: Or, make Flower Pottage ff Starch, Milk, and Vinegar, by way of Sowens, of

H 2 each

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88 T A Y L E R’s

each an equal Quantity, fup about an Englifh Pint oi this, and immediately after foment with Nicotians. "

Probalum Eft.

To Stop a Wound Bleeding.

T INEN Caddice burnt, and laid thick upon the Sore, or Wound. Otherwife, look within the

compafs of the Letter B. and you will -receive inftru&ion.

Probation ef.

For Green Wounds.

T3EECH Timber burnt to Afties, put a little of the I Pouder upon the Sore, and it will foon be w hole, i

Probation Eft. (

For a Whitlae.

IF it be grown very large, you mufi: open the place grieved w'ith a Launce, and apply my Healing Salve

mentioned within the compafs of the Letter 5. IfJ the Whitlase be but green, that is to fay, newly begun to grow, put a little of Men’s dung to the place, and it will flop it from hurting the Nail, and cure the Finger alfo. This mull be done once a-day for 5 Days.

Probation Ef .

. *

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P or Women’s Eafy Delivery.

'THE Oil, Tinchire, or Water of Yellow Oran-esf given to the Patient, about a Glafs-full, or better

And Blae Berries, in their feafon, is no worfe foi this purpofe.

Probatum Eft.

For Women’s Miscarriage.

r^. ,a HanTd/ul of Ha>-ts-Tongue, Rue, as mud Maiden s Hair, and 2 ozs. Rhubarb ; boil all

thefe together, and drink 3 Glafs-fulls per day, till done A Scot, Pint of Water, or thereabout, i< enough to bod thefe in. Or Rufcii, one handful,

orn as much, and Squills as much, boiled in the like quantity of <\ ater, and made ufe of fame way. By unng any of thefe for one whole Week, you may depend upon being cured, to your great fatisfacbon.

Probiitum ejt.

For Procuring Milk.

DRfINK AfP,eni f°r Tea, and ufb it in like mann

for 21 • >ays, (tr, * ■ 'iiaiiii a 1 ^ 1 T . ~ ' ''1 ’ Annife v ceds eaten bv time Abo the Juice of Arbor Vite a Glafs f,-u „ ^ T fnr ,. ^ J JJls'*1"' once a-d; lor 11 1 lavs: is r • _ • 1 . , ■ . - ■ ’ “ - 'aio-iun once ; n , qvs’ *s Verv Rwd, for it quickens the me or

abS;™: y’ f'aufeth to now »y

Vrabatum Eft.

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'O T A Y L E R’*

For the Yard Difordered.

■ARINK the Juice of China-Riot : or, Sup the ' Breath of an old Cock. Meantime, if difordered

utwardly, apply a large thin Slice of half boiled button once per day, till whole. \ou may depend pon this being a molt certain Cure. 1 ^ Prdatum eft.

For the Yellow Jaundice.

rAKE a few Red Nettles, Plantain and Saffron; about one handful of the Nettles, and as much

•lantain^with 2 ozs. Saffron ; boil them all togethei i a Scots Pint of Strong Ale : I hen dr ink i \ Pafs-fulU per day, till done, without reftramt of diet, yfter this. Anoint the wkole of your body v.u.i

^rPleni JUICe- Yrdaium eft.

To Gaufe one look Younger-like.

■>LF.AN your Face in Summer witlr the Juice of ^ Wild Rofes; and in Winter with your,own [ripe, or the Juice of Camphire : In doing this, you ■ill appear Ruddy, and of a goodly Complexion.

Prdatum eft.

Here ends the Defcription of different D^'ers = nroceed to give you a Dilcourle I therefore now proceed

concerning Bleeding, and its Virtues. But,

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But, in the firft place, let me obferv'e to yen, rhat all the Plants, Herbs, and Flowers, mentioned n this Book, are governed by Planets, each being inder its own Planet, in proper order It would be 00 tedious to draw out a Catalogue therof, and I fee io occalion for lb doing, as you could but reap fmall rood therefrom, unlel's well Ikilled in Phylic : and, if ’on were, you would not need them Be pieafed vith what you have got, and let this fuffiee you, that the real Cures for the different Diforders, are laid down to your view, and that without dilfimulation : For I have explained the difficult Names at the begin- ning of this Work, that are given to many Dileales, Prugsi* and Herbs, &c And as for the reit, although ten times more in number, every peribn knows them by the Names they commonly bear. Any fcrupple or doubt, you may depend upon it, I have been honeft in my explanation.


April, 4fh. 1785. ,


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4. 4-—*———

BLEEDING was at firlt invented for good ends, and falutary purpofes, although oftentimes . bnltd

and milapplied.

To Bleed in the Left Arm, removes ancient Pain, and every difordered Headach It is alfo good for Falls and Bruifes, &c.

Your firft Bleeding is good for different Diforders, and generally proves a Cure, except in fome very extraordinary cafes : and in thofe cafes Bleeding is hurtful.

• ' •* If a Woman be Pregnant, to draw a little blood

gives her eafe, good health, and a lufty Child. Bolides,

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A Treatife on Bleeding. 93

Beiides, Deeding is a moft certain Cure for no lefs than 21 Diforders, without any other outward or inward applications r And for many more, with appli- cation of I 'ruggs, Herbs, or Flowers, as lliall be found neceflary thereunto.

n hen I ana is inclinable, you may Bleed at any Four, Hay, or Night : And when declinable, you Hiuit not Bleed but in the Alorninft.

Bleeding may be performed from March oth. to Nov i9th. No Bleeding in December, January, or rebruary, unlefs a clamant occafion require I et me obferve to you, March, April, and November, a„r.e ;.he 1 hree chiefeft Months of the h ear lor Bleeding in : but it may be performed with fafety from the 9th. March, to the ,9th. November, as above (poken. Now, to prevent the prejudices-that anfeth irom Bleeding, Jet none open a Vein, but a perfon of {kill. I am furprifed to fee fo many pre- en ea Bidders, or rather Man-f!aughterers; and

more luqjriled ftill to fee people trulbng themfelves into their hands, by their whinning pretenfions; for they do not know a Diforder among a hundred except it be per chance : and, although you tell them the trouble yourlelf, they do not know what Vein to open ! Confequently, they may take a wrong, as ibon

tU a8ht e 'n I‘K,e1ed> they "id Launce the one tnat ftarts beft. And lev/ of them knows the Names

Veins bear, which fhows ignorance in its deeped dye.

T here are three forts of people you mud not let them Bleed you : The hrit are fuch as I have been fpeaking of: 1 he fecond are Irembhng Hands, whether fulled, or uhfkilled : For, when the hand tremb.es, t.ie Launce may be apt to dartle from the


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94 A Treadle on Bleeding.

Vein, by reafbn of unfteadinefs ; the Flefli then is damaged, and v ay in a!i probability beal rery much, and torment the innocent patient Iliirdly, Let no Wcrien bleed you, but thole w*io have gone through a courfe of Vlidwifry at the College ; for thofe who are unh’lled, may, through downright dupidity, cut an. Artery, to the great damage of the employer. Betides, what is ftdl worfe, thofe petty pretended Elooders, who take it up at their own hand, or fuch as themfelves, generally keep mean un-edged and ruity Launcets. Now, mean, un-edged, and ruity Launcets, would prince hurtful even in a hand of ikilh ^ Accord- ingly, you ought to be cautious m chowling your Phylician : A man of learning knows w bat Vein to oren, for fuch and fuch a diforder, or d.fbrders : . te knows how much 5/Wto take, as footi as he fees the patient; and he can give you a wholefome advice, which will tend greatly to the fatisfaftion of your mind, and health ot your body.

Bv what has been faid, you may eaftly guefs who are qualified for this important Office ; and it will prove very much to your comfort and advantage..

•Nov, 3d. 1785. PETER TAYLER.

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Concerning Mineral WELLS.

^KRISTIAN Patients, having now given you a full detail of the many Difealcs that Men and

Women are fubjected unto, with ver/ applicable Cures: I now proceed to ihow you tl^e ufes anil virtues of the molt known Mineral W ells in Great Biitam and Ireland. And, although li>me fantaltic fools may be apt to fay, 1 am now living, v ith gilded wmgs, to Geographical Eiflory, I doubt rot but vou would have found fault tvitli me, had I neglected ludi valuable oblervations.

. I ll)all begin with the many and various kinds of \ veils in •' cot land. In Ipeaking thereupon, 1 mall mention 1 hirteen.

Ihe i.rlf thereof, is Grews-Well, near the Burgh of Dimkeld. bhis Wdll of Water proceeds from Lead, ,ron, silver and Gold ; and w as, in our fore- fathers days, frequented by people of all ranks, by the forger.es and lies of the l opilh Clergy, who applied it to more ires, and made it anfwer more feemed

- h,oly ends tll-en it really did. Although this Well be tne belt in ScoiLnii, and deferves a place frfi, yet we muff not believe PopiJh fables, or elfe this Well

. would be of as much fervice as the Lord of glory1

• Ae bu.N of'Lighteoulhefs, vhich taketh away the ims of the v orld i I or, they pretend, that if a young Man or Woman, who comm itted the foul aft of fornication, &c. went to that Well, and were v afl.ed


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Mineral Wells.

therein, by the deluding Prieft, they were freed from the tin and guilt of fuch and Inch a fin, or crime, let their various aggravations be never fo many !'.! But, as wood things may be often abufed, fo was this Mmeral Wiell : For, its real Virtues were hidden by Popifh tyrants, and forged ones implanted mftead thereof I ihall begin then to defcribe its Virtues, which are as follows. If a Child, male or female, be born w ith the Glackich, or Rickets, by bathing (aid Child thrice a-day, for 3 Days r and, if it be a perfon of riper years, he or ihe muft batli as above Ipoken, and drink a Scots Pint of faid Water at each plunging, then -a fpeedy cure will loon follow. 1 his I have experienced, and known by numbers, who went thither a'flitted with faid trouble. Rut to f,y, as fome fivs, that it cures ore Legs, Sore Arms, See. is what'I will nor. And fome mantatn, as there are feveral Stones refembling the diif. rent parts of the Hu man Body about the \Ve is mouth, that if tney drink off fuch and fuch a Stone, for Inch and Inch a 1 iforder, tbev will be inftnntly cured. 1 his 1 take to be fabulous ftories, handed down to poftenty by old Matrons, profeffors of Vv eirdilm. But lure 1 am, it Cures the Rickets, as above fpokem And I believe it is alfo verv ufeful to thofe v ho are troubled wi h a Megrim, Morphew, and Melancholy : By drink g and bathing as need require.

I now come to Pitcaithley Wells near Dumbarney Phce I hele W ells proceed fro o Mime and oulphur. They are death to Come, and life .0 others. I hole of a Hot Condi'tition, t advife them to keep free of them. For It is addiiig fre to lire , W* «*, .«<

’af’dinif H‘- But thole of a Cold Condimtion may yo to them with all manner of delil-eratc freedom, forthefe .Veils have proved Cures to many of that nature, who were troubled with Scabious Ulcers,

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Scruffs, Headachs, Scurvies, ami inward Bealings. Alfo, very beneficial to thofe threatened with a Decline.

I now proceed to Moffat Wells, near the Baronny of Moffat. Thefe VVells proceed from Lead, Iron, Silver, and Cold: the very fame Metals that Crew’s Vv'ell proceeds from. Thefe Wells are now had in great efteem ; and people of all ranks pays a yearly homage thereunto, from every corner of Scotland : And, in Ihort, they are very much frequented by the Engli/h Nobility. They have not the fame Virtues that Crew’s Well has, and yet they have them all but bne; and that is, Crew’s Well Cures the Rickets, while Moffat-VVells does not. And Moffat-Wells (ns a Virtue that Crew’s Well has not; and that is, Moffat-Wells Cures a perfon troubled with the Empyema, wlikh is a Sore Diforder, as bad as the Rickets : So that, when rightly confidered, both Wells may be accounted equally equal. In fhort, if both \VeHs do not Cure a threatened Confumption, nothing elle-uieed be applied.

I now proceed to the Tide-Well near Renfrew ►vhich, although a confxderable way from the Sea* dabs and flows with the Sea ; and although Frefh Water, gives more flrength then the Sea itfelf by aathing.

I now come to the Rowting Well at Edinburgh, rhis Well Cures the Itch wonderfully. Alfo, there s a Well near faid place, called the Oily-Well, by eafon of a \ ellow Bitumen that appears upon ’the brface of the Water, this \VTater proceeds from Sulphur alone, and is very good for Curing Scabs, ■ores, and Headachs.


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IVIllTClT ic, 93

I now go to the Inch-head Well at Perth. This 1 Well proceeds from Lead and Iron, Silver and Gold,) feemingly ecjual to Crew’s Well, and Moffat Wells. 1 but very different; for I never knew this Well Cure I any Diforder but one, and that is a tieadach, by bathing the Head each Morning therewith, before Sun-riling, for one whole Week. \ou may be apt to lay, Why has not the Inch-head W ell as mud' Virtue as Grew’s ell ? 1 anfwer, At Crew’s WcL the Mountains are higher, and Valleys lower: befides I believe the Silver is more plenty than at Inch-heac Well, or at Crawfoord-Muir, where Silver and Gok could be digged in abundance, if liberty were granted.

There is a VV ell at the d own of Ballinderron, tin fame with the Oily , v-ell at Edinburgh.

And, there is a v ell, called the W hite Crofs Welt near Collace, that proceeds from Lead alone, remark able for no Cures, the people being ignorant of it Virtues. But, knowing this \V ell myfelf, to be a exeat ufe, I think it deferves a place: For it’s Water are fo cooling and refrefhing, that if any W ind b upon the Stomach, it carries it off wonderfully. Behde it is good for perfons of a weak appetite, by drinkinj a little thereof by times.

I now go to Peterhead. There is a W ell there the fame with Pitcaithly.

A1 fo, another at Aberdeen, the fame ftill; 10 neec; no further defcription „ , , . , --

I now conclude the Wells in Scotland, with King horn, and Balbriggy Wells in Fife; both of them at alike: they proceed from Iron, and Coal, with ‘-trean of Slime-done, they are good for curing Sore Ulcers, Megrims, Plora, and Influenza. 1 he e \. el were generally adorned with Noble Guefts, who wei thither for their health, although now had in htt efteem.

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Mineral Wells. 99

L f.n°w, take ,a ^ew of England. At Bath, the .Coid Bath is the fame with Pitcaithly. But the hot lone is quite different.

L At SPaw Wells in Yoridhire, the Wells are juft the | lame. J

At Dortwitch in Worchefter/hire there is a Well Ithat is juft the fame with that one at Renfrew.

< Li"c1oln

L there is a Wel] fimular to the Oily

JWell at Edmburgh. _ J

i I now pafs over to Ireland. And firft, I take a

Iw'nf Lochfa^1: h has al1 the Virtues Crew’s r Sr

has> an^ 15 a«ended with the fame properties. Alfo at Omagh there is a Well, which I have

. ^ In inert, there are many V/ells in Ireland nothine nfennr to thofe m Scotland : Bnt as few Scotfme?

fell go there for their health, the people in Ireland mows fuch Wells beft themfelves, and n hat they tre fn,table for. To tell the troth, Ireland, for he npport of human hfe, abounds with plenty, ,„d„

.(pare nothmg behtnd any of our Chrift.an Kingdom' >cmg bleffed with great abundance. L ’

S'12 kcW giTen y°U this illort Narration, which rightly obferved, may prove very ufeful; I conclude

hVw Tt °f lhf,Plahnift D-kI, and holy ob Although the troubles be many that afflicT: the luft,

yet the LordVn his S°od timeand way, Sll « 4 them out of diem all A,-, 1 nUU™ 1 n ■ uyer



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B^- 4>—4—4—~4-

^ >i0*(& ?O0*0



15 ib. 16 ib. ib. ib.

ASTHMA, Page 13 Ague Qiiartan, 14

Aged Per ions Comforted, Anthony’s St. Fire, ib. Aches, — — Axes Cyts, — — Apetite Weak, — Apetite Greedy, — Apoplex, — — Apoftames, — —

B Barren nefs, — Brain Moift, — Brain Weak, — Bruifed Nerves, — Blood Gloated, — Blood Procure, — Blood Cleanie, — Bubly Nofe, — Blood Spitting, — Breaft Dtefludtions,

ib ib ib 25

ib ib


17 ib. ib. ib. 18 ib. ib. ib.

ib ib'

*9 ib.

Brealt Wounds Inwardly, Beardinels, Breath Sweetened, Breaft Cleanfed, — Belchings, — Bones Broken,

20 ib. ib 21 ib.

Bones Disjointed,Page 22 Bites of Mad Dogs, ib Bowels Pained, — Beauty Preferred, Bodies Lean Helped, Bodies Over-grown, Bodies dead Preferred,ib Bodes, — — Belly Loofe, — Belly Worms, — Bladder Sore, — Blood Pilling, — Bitings Venernous, Bites Serpents, — Back Pained, — Burning, — — Belly Bound, — Bleeding Stoped, — Bealing Hindered, Breaft Wounds outwardl Bruifes, ■— ^ Blood Pouders made, 2 Breath Stinking, — d Bones Strained, — ^

C Chaftity Preferred, Convulfions,

2 ib

Coughs, —

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Cods and Stones Swelled, Page 28

Choleric Padlon, — 29 Cholic, — — ib. Child Dead Expelled, ib. Condyloma, — 30 ChincoLigh, — — ib. Carbuncles, — 31 Cramp, — — ib. Cruels, and Glandules, ib. Corns, — — — 32 Catharts, & Catarrahs, ib. Cancer, — — ib. Choler, and Phlegm, ib. Confumption, — 33 Choleric Colic, — ib. Colds, — — ib. Courfes Wrong, — 34 Clap Venereal, — ib Chops and Cankers, ib.

D Dreaming Hindered, ib. Dead Bod i es Prefer ved, 3 5 Drowfinefs, — ib. • Digeftion Slow, — ib. Drunkennefs, — ib. Deafnefs, — — 36 Dropfy, — — ib.

E Epilepfy, — — ib Eyes Difeafes, — 37 Ears Difeafes, — 38 Empyema, — — 39

F French Pox, — ib. Falling SickneP, — ib. Fluxes, — — 4c

Fainting, — Pagt: 41 Frenzy, — — ib. Fevers, — — ib. Fellon, — — 42 Fiftulas, — — ib. Falls, — — — 43

G Guts Sore, — — ib. Gums Sore, — — ib. Grief, — — 44 Gout, — — — ib. Glackich, or Rickets, ib.

H Head Difeafes, — 45 11 urriors, — — 46 Hoarfnefs, — — ib. Hair Cures, — ib. Heart Pains, — 47 Heart Tremblings, ib. Heart Scald, — — ib. Kickup, — — 48 Hepatic Plux, — ib. Hemorrhoids, — ib, Hepiala, — — ib. Heartburn, — — 49 Headach, — — ib.

I Inward Bleeding, — ib. Itch, — — — £0

. Impoftumes, — 51 Joints and Nerves, ib. Jaws Wrong, — ib. Jaundice, — — 52

| Iliac Paffion, — ib. Influenza, — — ib.

K I Knives Cuts,

I 3 53

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Kidnies Stone, Page 53 King’s Evil, — — ib Kincough, — — 54 Knees Sore, — — ib. Kernels, — — ib.

L Lips and Hands Sere, ib. Legs Swelled, — . 55 Long-formed Fever, ib. Lungs Confumed, — ib. Liver Diforders, — ib. Lungs Sore, — 56 Lethargy, — — ib. Leprofy, — — ib- Lights Inflamed, — 57

M Megrim, — — ib. Matrix Wrong, — ib. Morphew, — — ib. Melancholy, — 58 Milk Difordered, — ib. Meailes brought out, ib. Mother Suffocated, 59 Mother Inflamed, — >b. Mother Pained, &c. ib. Mouth Ulcers, — 60

N Nerves and Sinnews, ib. Nails Difordered, — ib. Nits and Lice, — ib. Nofe-Bleedings, — 61 Noltrils Sore, ■— ib. Navel Wrong, — ib. Nip’les Sore, — 62

Pimples and Spots, ib. Pains after Child-birth, ib.

Pox Great, - Page 62 Pox Small, — — 63 Pox Small Furthered, ib. Pox Marks Hindered, ib. Flora, — — — ib. Poifon Expelled, — 64 Palfy, — — — ib. Plague, •— —- 65 Polipus, — — ib. Plewrefy, — — ib. Paps Diforders, — 66 Pins Swallowing, — 67 Piles, — — — ib-

O Ouinfey or Squinnance,ib. 1

R Reumatifm, — —'68 Rifting Sour, — ib. Reins Pains, — — ib. Reins Running, — 69 Rupture, — — ib. Rofe, — — 7° Rafors Cuts, — ib.

S Stupidity, — — ib. Sun Burning, — 71

Side Stiches, — ib. Speecli Hindered, — ib. Sore Side, — — 72 Sneezing, orNeezing, ib. Stomach Gnawing, ib. Splen, — — jb. Spotted Fever, — 73 Stone &Sand in the Reins, Spirits Cherilhed, — ib. Stomach Wind, — 74 Strain by any way, — ib.

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Stomach Comforted, P.74 Scalding, — — 75 Stone and Gravel, ib. Sweating, — — ib. Sciatic, — — ib. Spitting Difficult, 76 Scurvy, — — ib. Squinnance, — — ib. Skin Heat, — — ib. Sickle Cuts, — — 77 Scalding by Riding, ib. Salve Speedy Healing, ib.

T Tefticules Inflamed, 78 Tympany, — — ib. Topthach, — — ib Tooth Diforders, — ib. Throat Sore, — 79 Thorns, &c. — — ib Temples Weak, &c. 80 Tetters & Ringworms, ib Thirft Staunched, — ib. Toes Sore, — — ib Terms Provoking, - 81 Tumors Hot, — ib Tongue Diforders, - ib Taite Helping, — 82

U Worms in the Belly, ib, Urula Falling, — ib

Urine Stopped, Page 82 Urine Scalded, — 83 Ulcers in the Members, ib. Ulcers in the Matrix, ib. Warts Priv. Members 84 Ulcers Mouth, — ib. Warts, — — ib. Womb Falling Down, ib. Voice Cleared, — 85 Vertigo, — — ib. Vomiting Hindered, ib. Venus Games, — ib. Vomiting Forwarded, 86 W arts and Corns, — ib. Water to Keep, — ib. Wenns, — — - 87 Women’s Longing, ib. W healing, — — ib. V\ omen’s Flowers, ib. Wounds Stopped, — 88 Wounds Green, — ib. Whirls:, — — ib. W omen’s Delivery, ib. Women’s Miftarriage, 89 — Milk Procuring, ib.


Yard Difordered, —> 90 \ ellow Jaundice, — ib , Y outh Preferred, — ib.

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I he EA.IL of BEC FIVE, 8 Copies

T ADY Abercairney, 2 Copies. Matthew Aialerfon, Farmer, Gowlin,

Robert Allifoii, Far tier, Meckven. Mr Adamfon. School.nailer, Rhynd. David Anderson, Boatmafter, In'hyra. James Andrew, fenior, Stenhoufe-Muir. James Andrew, junior, Stenhoufe-Muir. John Anderfo i,/Baker, London. Peter Ackworth. Gardener, London.

B Mr John Boyd of Velvethall. Gideon Bell, Toll-mailer, Cleekhimin. Robert Birrel, Tavlor, Foxton. Alexander Birrel, Baker, Auchtermuchty. Mr James Barnet, Schoolmaller, Edinburgh. John Brand, Gardener, Bowhill. James Brown, Farmer, Carlefgall. .David Balfour, Fordel. Robert Bell, Wright, Coledie. Samuel Baxter, Correndall. James Bannerman, Smith, Philadelphia. Patrick Burges, Vintner, London. Torrence Brodie, Merchant, Edinburgh.

C Sir William Cunnynghame, Capringtone. James Correy, Merchant, Dromore. James Clandinning, Mariner, Holywood. V\ illiam Cairns, W right, Eddleilon. Thomas Chrichton, Gardener, Dalkeith. David Collier,^ W eaver, Auchtermuchty. John Cunnynghame, Rofs-houie. John Clark, Edmonftone.

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Tames Cockburn, Weaver, Paithead. David Caird, Bridgend of Doumemill. Andrew' Crkhtoi), ferrv-partoncraigs, 3 Copes. Lawrence Cook, 'V right, London. Nathaniel Cruickllianks, Dublin. Andrew Campbell, Domantyvaig. Donald Cameron, Achnacliray. Peter Crooks, i aylor, Dublin. Daniel Campbell, Philadelphia.


Mr Patrick Donelly, Merchant, Omagh, ^ Copies. William Dickfen, Fewer, Coldftream. James Dowglafs, Innkeeper, Haddington. William Dickfon, Joiner, Cokhtream. Peter Duncan, Taylor, Dunboig. Tames Duncan, Merchant, Auchtermuchty. John Duncan, Stone-ware Merchant, Auchtermucnty. lames Do.v, Cooper, Dunkeld. James Duncanfon, Schoolmalter, Fordel. John Davidfon, Baker, Galaton. Thomas Dunn, Farmer, Fairburn-mill Alexander Duncan, Weaver, Ferry-partoncraigs. William Dutch, Ferry-partoncraigs. Andrew Dryfdale, Merchant, Dunfermline.

E Walter Eliott, Henderfon’s-knows. Robert Eafton, Fordel. John Edgar, Currier, Dublin. William Emerfon, Coulter’s-hill. Jacob Eliott, Barnetfiekl.

Robert Forgan, Farmer, Lithons. Charles Forrefter, Cordiner, Edinburgh, James Fleeming, Weaver, Auchtermuchty. John Ferrier, Gardener, Eddlelton. VV illiam FarquhaHon, Baker, Ediiiour;_h. James Finih, Baker, Dublin. Thomas Fordayce, Edmortdhill.

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G James Gray, Wookomber, Linlithg o\v Robert Gordon, Vintner, Minnvhive. Walter Grieve, Tennant, Coulters-cleuo-h. W illiam Gardener, Stenhoule-muir ° Mr John Grant, Earl of Elgin’s Fatter, Charlefton. Gilbert Gardener, Birk-hill. Peter Gardener, Inchdarbert.

Honourable Charles Hope, Efq; Advocate. John Hay, Efq; of Leys. Revd James Hull, Bangor. Mr George Home, Coldinghame. Robert Hart, Innkeeper, Newhoufe. V. illiam Herknefs, i aylor, Langholm. James Hyilop, Fewer, Howndflow. W ilham Hall, Baker to the Duke of Athole. 1 ho-nas Henderfon, Fordel.

I M. James Johnflon ot Lonerigg. William Ja.nieion. Appingfoord. Patiick Jordan, Malon, Dublin.

K Mr John Knight, Dublin. Mr William Kirkland, Dublin. John Kinghorn, Weaver, Dunlhelt, James Kettle, Tennant, Fowlis.

L Mr Peter Lawfon, London. Revd. James Lifter, Auclitermuchty. W iliam L.fw, Panmu r houle. W'l'iain L ' d iy, C'-acbmin Ralth. Thomas LiIluit-, Weaver. Au. termuchty. John Lapfl Shoemaker, Pa kflook. William Lmvbe t, Malim. Damhall. John Lamg, A eave; Lit fheit James Low, W eaver, N .whurgh, 2 Cop'es. John Latta, Fordel r

Thomas La:dlavv, Farmer. Falna/Ti. Catherine Lyell Glenfoot, Aberneathy. Mr George Lumlden, Merchant, Falkland.

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M Alexander Murray, Efq; Blaekbarrony. Col. Murray, Eiq ; of Criugalty. Revd. Boyle Moody, Newry, 5 Copies. Revd. William Moore, Moneymore. Jameb Millar, Ear ner, Cargen, ^ Copies. William M'Doual, Merchant, Diomore. Jol'ep'n Mi!n, Threedmaker, Aberdeen. William M‘Phearfon, Haddington. John M:Gill, Biewer, Kmrol’s. James Millar, Weaver, Dunflielt. Mr George Murdoch, Schoolmafter, Newm lns. William M'Corruick, Holywood. George Murray, Coldftream. John M'Kinnon, Hadduigton, Peter Martin, Biidge of Allan. George Millar, Smith, Auchtermuchty. Alexander M‘Lean, Mafon, Perth. Powlet Malcolm, Rols-houfe. John Marfhall, Weaver, Craigrothy. James Muir, Fordel. Jean Menzies, Aytone-houfe. John Mudie Carpenter, Bains-foord. Lawrence Muir, Newton.

N James Noble, Labourer, Dublin.

O Walter O'iver, Tennant, Curnony. Thomas Oliphaut, London. Mr William Oliphant, Vintner, Kelfo.

P Mr David Peter, Merchant, Perth, 2 Copies, George Potts, Fewer of R gg- Peter Proudfoot, Mafon, Dunkeld. James Paton, Fordel. John Paxton, Ackley.

O Thomas Quanier, Lincolnfield.

R Major Rubertfon, Efq; Lawres. Capt Robertlbn, Efq; Edinburgh. Mr John Ritchie of Newfyminpton. Alexander Robertfon, Hatton-houfe.

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Andrew Rictianffon, Shoemaker, Colch'lrefrtr. James Rutherfoo-d, Weaver, Perth. Alexander Tlobertfon, Rols-houle. • Jame- Rankeiller, Sntlth Fordtl. John Rtithie, Farmer, Bale’anc^ahail.

S D. Smyth, E'q ; of Met liven. Lady Stewart, of Grindtully. Mr Robert Stewart. Stewart hall. Revd. William Spratt, Rallydutf. Robert Swan. Pitiiadelpbia. (ieorge Archibald Sample, R( ffm Cattle*. John Swan, Mafon, Ktiknird. Mr Dom’d Stalker, Fewer, Grief. Mr John Scott, Moirpaui. Andrew Stalker, Weaver, Meckver. James Scott, Fcndel • Wilt lam Smith, Stenhoulemuir.

T William Tayler, Ilfq; London. Peter Taylor, Gardener, London. Peter Tavlet, Wtaier, Down. La wrence Tayler. Weaver. Perth. William Tay:cr, Cl'tk.vmc-re. Matibew Tay-ler, Cooper, Dublin. Thoiras 'Tayler, Tea dealer, London. Andrew Themfon, Mefli nyer. Strati aveu. Robert T-Fes. Smi'h, Rai h. Robert, i'homfbn, Wright. Clonfoords. James riiorburn, Mei'kicdarny.

W Alexander Wedderburn. E'q ; Advocate, Birkbill.

Mr John Walktr, Carronny. Mr Da 'id Walker, Caanonny. (jeorge W’ kie. Shoemaker, Auchtenr.tichtv. James W'Uo * Brewer. Ediubundi. Robe’ t Wallace,- Gardener Mutthley. John W’lkie. Farmer F >rdel. Thomas Williamfon, Waik-boat.

Y John Young, Fewer, Coldftream.